EP Caliber M24
EP Caliber M24
R ead thes e ins truc tions c arefully before s tarting as s embly and flight. E P C aliber M24 S c hweizer 300C Ins truc tion Manual Mode 2 R THE F INE S T R A DIO C O NT R O L MO DE L S Index 1. S afety P rec autions 2. S et C ontents 3.Items R equired for As s embly, F light and Maintenance 4.G los s ary of Items & F eatures 5.P reparing for F light 6.Us ing the R adio C ontrol S ys tem 7.T ime for T akeoff 8.T ips for G ood F lying 9.Maintenance and R eplacement of P arts 10.Adjus tments 11.P arts Lis t 12.E xploded V iew Illus tration 13.S pare P arts 14.Optional P arts *T roubles hooting 1~3 4 4 5 6~10 11 12~15 16 17~24 25~26 27 28~30 31~32 32 33 S A F E T Y P R E C A UT IONS T his radio c ontrol model is not a toy! á T his is a high performance model. F irs t time builders s hould s eek advice from experienced modelers before as s embly, or if they do not fully unders tand any part of the cons truction. á Only as s emble this model in a place out of children's reach. á T ake s ufficient s afety precautions . Y ou are res pons ible for the as s embly and s afe operation. á T his model is des igned for people over 14 years of age. It is not a toy. Ni-MH *T he product you have purchas ed is powered by a rechargeable battery. T he battery is recyclable. At the end of its us eful life, under various national / s tate and local laws , it may be illegal to dis pos e of this battery into the municipal was te s tream. C heck with your local s olid was te officials for details in your area for recycling options or proper dis pos al. *S pecifications are s ubject to be changed without notice. © 2004 K Y OS HO C OR P OR AT ION No.20920 1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Read this before assembly and operation CAUTION This symbol indicates possible risk of injury or death. STOP This symbol indicates actions you should stop to avoid damage. Use goggles for safety. High speed spinning rotors are very dangerous if close to the face. As the product includes small and sharp parts, only operate and store out of reach of children. Handle cutters, nippers and screwdrivers with care as they can cause injury. Do not store in high temperature or humidity for extended periods as this may damage or deform the model. When not in use or after use, always switch power OFF, then disconnect and remove batteries. This will stop batteries from leaking or overheating. Only use the specified batteries. Do not insert batteries in wrong polarity or modify batteries as this may cause overheating or damage. Do not get too close to spinning rotor as this can result in serious injury. Always keep a distance of at least 5 meters. 5m 2 1 K eep fingers and hands away from rotating gears to avoid injury. B atteries and motor become hot during and after flight. Allow time to cool down before touching. Antenna point can caus e injury. K eep antenna away from people's faces and do not wave antenna around. Do not operate your model on the s ame band (frequency) as other models clos e by. T his will caus e los s of control. Do not operate model near traffic, young children or crowds . T his may caus e accident or injury. Do not operate in s andy, dus ty or wet conditions . T his may caus e damage. Do NOT us e non-genuine s pare or option parts , and do not modify the des ign of the model. T his may caus e damage. T o clean body, s imply wipe down with a cloth. Do NOT us e water, alcohol or thinner to was h the body. Alcohol T hinner 3 2 S E T C ONT E NT S S ide C anopy B ody & F us elage T rans mitter V is or C harger (AC ) B attery (9.6V Nickel Metal Hydride B attery) Decal T raining G ear S et 2.6 x 8mmT P (bind) O-R ing (s mall) O-R ing (large) 3 ITE MS R E QUIR E D FOR AS S E MB LY, FLIGHT AND MAINTE NANCE S crewdriver (s mall) C A G lue S crew Lock á Loctite No. 94402 Medium S trength C utter AA-S ize B atteries (for T rans mitter) Loctite S ide C utters Do not us e damaged batteries or mix battery varieties . 4 4 GLOSSARY OF ITEMS & FEATURES Transmitter Antenna Transmitter Sends out radio signal. Throttle Trim Elevator Trim Adjusts the neutral position of the throttle. Adjusts neutral position of the elevator. Throttle / Rudder Stick Elevator / Aileron Stick Throttle : Ascend / Descend Rudder : Nose Left / Right Elevator : Forward / Backwards (Nose Down / Up) Aileron : Tilt Left / Right Rudder Trim Aileron Trim Adjust neutral position of the rudder. Adjusts neutral position of the aileron. Transmitter Crystal Trainer Jack Change the crystal to change to a different band (frequency). Plug into your personal computer. Battery Charge Indicator Displays battery power level when power is ON. Power Switch Switches power On or OFF. Upon opening the box, make sure the Stabilizer Bar is not bent and the Stabilizer Blade angles are aligned. (Refer P.23) Fuselage Stabilizer Blade Flight Control Unit Main Rotor Blade Tail Rotor Blade Stabilizer Bar Power Switch Power Lamp Rotor Head Body Start Button Tail Motor Tail Motor Connector Tail Boom Main Motor Connector Receiver Antenna Landing Gear 5 Main Motor Blade 5 PREPARING FOR FLIGHT Charging the Nickel Metal Hydride Battery (Ni-MH) Charging time is about 10 hours. As this charger does not have an automatic cut off function, do not charge for more than 15 hours. (Charging for more than 12 hours is dangerous). A fully charged battery will produce about 5 minutes of flight time. An Ni-MH battery is subject to wear & tear. Flight times may vary depending on battery charge, battery age and external temperature. If flight times become very short, change to a new Ni-MH battery. 1 2 Connect the connector Plug into AC power socket AC Power Socket Charger Battery Charger á Use the specially designed charger for this model. á If connectors are dirty, charging may not be possible. Wipe clean with a dry cloth. á Do not short circuit the charger terminals. á Operate the charger in normal temperatures (about 23¼C) as much as possible. á Keep away from vibration while charging. Charging may not be possible with poor contact. á If battery becomes hot while charging, unplug the charger from the power socket. Assembling the Training Gear 1 Assemble as per diagram. 2 Attach as per diagram. Align the point of the screw with the center of the Main Shaft. Main Shaft 2.6X8 TP CA Glue Screw CA Glue 1 O-Ring (large) O-Ring (small) 1 2 2.6 x 8mm Put O-Ring on first O-Ring (small) Training Gear prevents model from flipping over, but also reduces flight time and motor life. Remove Training Gear once familiarity and confidence has been gained with controls. 6 5 B ody A s s embly 1 2 R emove B ody. 2 Apply Decals 6 7 1 4 ( 5 ) Number s hown ins ide brackets is decal for oppos ite s ide. 3 G lue on plas tic parts V is or C A G lue R ight S ide C A G lue C A G lue S ide C anopy Attach S ide C anopy if des ired. 4 Left S ide Attach B ody 1 2 Illus tration s hows body attached 7 5 PREPARING FOR FLIGHT Inserting Batteries Transmitter Insert new batteries, switch the Transmitter power ON, and red and green indicator lamps light up. If batteries are inserted incorrectly or terminals not connected properly, the indicator lamps will not light up, or only the red indicator lamp will light up. If this occurs, insert the batteries again. AA-batteries x 8 When to Change Batteries Power Level Indicators Change batteries when only red indicator is still showing. red green Running out of transmitter battery power results in loss of control and is very dangerous. Fuselage 1 2 2 Remove Body Remove Battery Cap. 1 Battery Cap 8 5 3 4 Ins ert charged battery. 5 Attach B attery C ap. Attach connectors . B attery B attery C ap P ower ON 1 C onnectors A lways s witc h the T rans mitter power ON firs t! 1 2 E xtend antenna 2 S witch trans mitter ON 3 T urn F .C .U s witch ON Move throttle s tick down P ower lamp flas hes quickly 4 L amp flas hes quickly (every 0.5 s ec) Wait for the power lamp to flas h s lowly (every 2 s econds ). Q uick flas hing of power lamp means rudder's neutral pos ition has been detected. T ry not to move the controls unneces s arily. L amp flas hes s lowly Lamp flas hes s lowly S low flas hing of the power lamp means the s afety mechanis m is working. Movement of the throttle s tick will not rotate main rotor. At this point, check the movement of the elevator and aileron. If power lamp flas hes as s hown below, battery power is low. R ec harge the battery or ins ert c harged battery. (F las hes twice) 9 5 P R E P A R ING F OR F L IG HT C hec king E levator and A ileron Movement Aileron C onfirm each part res ponds according to control inputs . E levator E levator S tick Aileron S tick S tart 1 Move T hrottle S tick all the way to the bottom B efore pus hing S tart B utton, move T hrottle S tic k all the way to the bottom. If T hrottle S tic k is up, main rotor c an rotate unexpec tedly. T hrottle S tick 2 3 P us h S tart B utton Attach B ody P ower Lamp s tays lit. 1 2 S tart B utton Onc e S tart B utton is pus hed, the rotor res ponds to T hrottle S tic k c ontrol. Us e c aution. A lways turn power OF F on the fus elage firs t. If T hrottle S tick is not fully lowered, the s afety mechanis m will not dis engage, and the lamp continues to flas h. If this happens , move the T hrottle S tick all the way down, and pus h the S tart B utton again. 10 6 USING THE RADIO CONTROL SYSTEM (MODE 2) Before flying, understand how the model will respond to control inputs from transmitter. Also, a high degree of skill is needed in controlling this model. Faster main rotor speed for ascending. Throttle high high low low Slower main rotor speed for descending. left Rudder left right Nose Turns Left Rudder is set up for gradual movement Nose Turns Right right Aileron Tilt Right right left Move Right right Tilt Left Move Left Elevator left down Nose Down down Forward up up Nose Up Backward 11 7 TIME FOR TAKEOFF Tracking can slip even after being shipped from the factory. Always follow these steps in the following order. Pre-Flight Checks and Adjustment (every flight) 1 Keep elbows down and extend the antenna. 2 Move Throttle Stick up slowly and hold at the point where the model just lifts off, and confirm tracking is in line. 5m Move UP slowly. Normal Tracking is Off Line If Main Rotor looks like diagram below, refer to P. 26 and adjust tracking. If there is no improvement, refer to P. 23 and check Silicone Tube Damper and Stabilizer Blades. Main rotor looks like a straight line Two Main Rotors can be seen view view at least 5m at least 5m If unusual noise, smell or smoke is noticed, stop flying and investigate the cause. If tracking is off line, flight performance and model's ability to ascend are affected, and main rotor and tail rotor life can be shortened. 12 7 F light is not pos s ible in more than light breeze. T aking Off 1 2 K eep elbows down and extend the antenna. F ace the model into the wind. wind 5m 3 F ocus on the nos e when controlling. F or R eferenc e If model moves in wrong directions , refer to P .14 and adjus t trims . It's pos s ible that adjus ting the trims will be required each time, according to changes in flight conditions . 4 Move T hrottle S tick s lowly upwards until the model ris es 5~10cm off the ground. T hen, s lowly move the T hrottle S tick down and land. P ractice this until familiar and confident. 5~10cm Move s lowly UP 5 When landing, drop the nos e down. 13 7 6 TIME FOR TAKEOFF 7 Gradually increase height, and land in forward positions. Maintain mid-air position for a period of time to learn controls. This is called hovering. Increase height Adjust Trim (Mode 2) Aileron Trim If model moves in wrong directions in flight, adjust trims. It may be necessary to adjust trims before each flight according to flight conditions. Move stick to center, and slide trim to adjust. tilt right if tilting left right tilt left if tilting right left Elevator Trim left right Move stick to center, and slide trim knob to adjust. drop nose if nose rises down down if nose drops lift nose up up Rudder Trim Move stick to center, and slide trim knob to adjust. if nose points right point nose left left left right 14 if nose points left point nose right right 7 If the either of the following occurs , s witch the power OF F and unplug the connectors in the order s hown below. C hanging B attery á Ability to as cend is reduced. á Main R otor s peed drops . á R udder control becomes difficult. F or E xperienced F liers In addition to the above, if the power lamp is flas hing (every 0.5 s ec) when as cending, battery power is low. S top flying, s witch the power OF F and unplug the connectors in the order below. P ower lamp flas hes quickly (every 0.5s ec) S witc hing OF F 1 Always s witch power OF F on the fus elage firs t, then s witch trans mitter power OF F . S witch fus elage OF F 2 Dis connect C onnector 15 3 S witch T rans mitter OF F 8 1 T IP S F OR G OOD F LY ING P ractice hovering from different s tanding pos itions . 2 P ractice moving forward/backward, and left/right at s ame height. 5 Mas tering Landing T echnique 3 T urning in C ircles T ake care model does n't move too fas t. (When T urning R ight) (T o turn left, us e oppos ite aileron and rudder control) T ilt the model right by moving the aileron s tick to the right. Move E levator S tick UP and, move R udder S tick R ight. Once turn is complete, move E levator and R udder back to neutral, then move Aileron S tick to the left until model levels out. 4 F lying in F igure 8 T ake care model does n't move too fas t. Height may change under different wind directions and s peed, s o us e throttle control to maintain height. (B as ic L anding) Land into the wind. Wind Drop T hrottle S tick gradually. Move T hrottle S tick UP . Headwind High P ower Low P ower When moving at s peed, move E levator UP , and hover before landing. F ollowing Wind 16 9 MAINTE NANC E AND R E P L AC E ME NT OF P AR TS If flight times are getting s horter, battery capacity may be reduced (memory effect). R efres h the battery in the following way. B attery Dis charge 1 Hold s kids s o model does n't lift off the ground. 2 S pin the rotors until they almos t s top (about 2~3 minutes ). 3 Move T hrottle S tick to neutral pos ition When rotors have almos t s topped, lower the T hrottle S tick, and s top the dis charge. C harge the battery as per P .6. If battery is warm, allow to c ool down before rec harging. If rotors have s topped c ompletely, do not leave for long period of time. T his may c aus e the battery to over-dis c harge and make it unus able. R e f e r e n c e If a battery is not fully dis charged before it is recharged, the battery capacity is reduced. (memory effect) T o correct this condition, full dis charge of the battery is needed from time to time. Under normal conditions , a full dis charge s hould be performed after every 5 recharges . If battery s till only delivers power for a s hort time when fully charged, the battery's life is over. C hange to a new battery. C hanging C rys tals One band cannot be used by two people at the same time. Always use unique band. T ransmitter and R eceiver crystals should use the same band. (Only F utaba crys tals are s uitable) S witch power OF F when changing receiver or trans mitter crys tals . T rans mitter C rys tal T rans mitter F us elage R eceiver C rys tal 17 9 MAINTE NANC E AND R E P L AC E ME NT OF P AR TS Motor is s ubject to wear and tear. Us e following replacement time frames as a guide. C hange as per illus tration. P arts R eplacement T ime F rames ■C hanging Main Motor Main Motor about 50 F lights 3 x 5mm (bind) C hanging Motor P inion G ear 10T about 50 F lights Main Motor G ear Was her C onnector G ive gears one full rotation, and adjus t s pace s o rotation is light and s mooth. F us e T oo tight. Main Motor C hange motor when model as c ends weakly, or makes a s trange nois e. ■C hanging T ail Motor P arts R eplacement T ime F rames 1.4 x 3mm (roundhead) T ail Motor about 50 flights (E arlier change maybe needed if tail rotor hits the ground, or other flight conditions caus e extra wear). Was her T ail Motor G ear T ail Motor G ive gears one full rotation, and adjus t s pace s o rotation is light and s mooth. T oo tight. C onnector C hange if rudder control becomes uns table. If flight is continued without changing, tail control will be los t and the model will s pin around. If main rotor trac king is off line, T ail Motor durability is affec ted. A djus t trac king properly when flying. 18 9 C hange as per illus tration. C hanging Main R otor B lade 2 x10mm ( cap) Attach to Main R otor B lades moves freely front and back Main R otor B lade Note direction 2mm Was her 2mm Was her 2mm Nylon Nut Main R otor B lade Note direction B ack 2mm Nylon Nut F ront C hange landing gear if damaged. L anding G ear 1 2 R emove Antenna C hange Landing G ear 3 Attach Antenna 2.6 x 8mmT P (bind) 2 x 5mmT P (trus s ) 2mm Was her Antenna C ord R eceiver Antenna Landing G ear 19 9 MAINTE NANC E AND R E P L AC E ME NT OF P AR TS C hange as per illus tration C hanging Main S haft 1 R emove s crews 2 x 5mmT P (trus s ) 2 P ull P in out 2 x 18mm P in 3 4 R emove Y oke A Loos en S et S crews 3 x 3mm (s et s crew) 5 P ull off in direction of arrow Hiller C ontrol Lever S tabilizer B lade Do not dis as s emble. However, if S tabilizer B ar is bent or damaged, refer to P .23 and replace accordingly. 20 9 6 R emove Main G ear P ull out S nap P in 7 8 Loos en S et S crew P ull out C enter Hub As s embly C enter Hub As s embly 3 x 3mm (S et S crew) 9 e-as s emble in oppos ite 10 Rorder R emove cap s crews , and replace C enter Hub As s embly 2 x 4mm (cap) S ee-S aw 2 x 4mm (cap) 21 If S tabilizer B ar was removed, refer to P .23 for s tabilizer adjus tment, and adjus t ac c ordingly. 9 MAINTE NANC E AND R E P L AC E ME NT OF P AR TS If model is uns table or uncontrollable, the dampers may be worn or damaged. C heck and replace if required. C hanging Damper 1 R emove s crews 2 x 5mmT P (trus s ) 2 P ull P in out. 2 x18mm P in 3 4 R emove Y oke A P ull out S ilicone T ube Damper S ilicone T ube Damper 5 Ins ert new S ilicone T ube Damper Oil Ins ert s o s ame amount is expos ed on both left and right s ides . A Apply s paringly = A S ilicone T ube Damper S ilicone T ube Damper 22 9 As s emble as per illus tration As s embling S was h P late 2 x 6mmT P (R oundhead) 1 2 Hole S was h P late A S was h P late C "A" S was h P late revers e s ide Attach s o S was h P late A hole fits the grooves on S was h P late B . Us e Open B earing to remove any play. P 3 O-R ing G roove Ins ert s o this s urface touches the bearing. 2 x 4mmT P (roundhead) 8 x 14 x3.5mm Open B earing S was h P late B Loos en S et S crews and replace. C hanging S tabilizer 3 x 3mm (S et S crew) 3 x 3mm (S et S crew) S crew Lock approx. 79mm 3 x 4mm (S et S crew) 3 x 3mm (S et S crew) approx. 79mm S crew Lock A djus t S tabilizer B lade F ix S et S crews when S tabilizer B lades on both s ides and Hiller C ontrol Lever are all parallel. parallel A A S tabilizer B lade B Hiller C ontrol B Lever parallel parallel parallel C C S tabilizer B lade 23 9 MAINTE NANC E AND R E P L AC E ME NT OF P AR TS T ail S topper Hold with two fingers . T ail S topper R emoval P us h with thumb and remove. Hold with thumb. Attaching T ail S haft S topper Note direction T ail S topper top s ide bearing side P us h middle F ix as per illus tration below P os ition of T ail B oom B racket 78mm T ail B oom C lamp 67mm F in A T ail B oom F us es can blow under the conditions mentioned below. C heck the caus e and change accordingly. C hanging F us e Main rotor c an loc k (s top rotating) in a c ras h. S hort c irc uit. Motor breaks . (C arbon brus h wear & tear etc .) C onnect fus e s ecurely to connector C onnector F as ten as per illus tration. F us e Main Motor 24 10 A djus tments Adjus t as per dimens ions in illus tration. R od L ength 1 121mm T ail S upport E nd Length and Angle T ail S upport E nd F ront B ack T ail S upport R od F ront and back have different s ize s crew holes . Attach s o s ame s ize holes face in s ame direction. S crew Holes 2 R od E nd C Linkage R od 10 R od E nd B approx. 1mm 3 4 R od E nd A R od E nd A Aileron Linkage R od a rox pp 4 .1 m . 5m Linakge R od 10 R od E nd A approx. 14.5mm approx. 1.5mm R od E nd B 25 10 A DJ US T ME NT S Align pitch angles of left and right main rotor blades . T racking Adjus tment 1 P itch R od P reparation Attach red tape to rotor A when P itch R od is facing frontwards . R otor B Attach red tracking tape. (take from decal s heet) *R emove once tracking adjus tment is complete. R otor A R od E nd (P itch R od) 2 Adjus t. R otor with tracking tape G radually move T hrottle S tick UP , and view model from s ide. If both main rotors s eem to be in line as per the illus tration , tracking is correct. If 2 rotors can be s een as per illus tration adjus t as follows : Depending on whether the rotor with the tracking tape is above or below the other, adjus t as follows : If rotor with trac king tape is above: T urn R od E nd on P itch R od half a turn to the right. (s horten) view R od E nd (P itch R od) R educes angle of rotor with tracking tape. 5m at leas t If rotor with trac king tape is below: T urn R od E nd on P itch R od half a turn to the left. (lengthen) R od E nd (P itch R od) Increas es angle of rotor with tracking tape. R epeat the above adjus tment until tracking is per illus tration . (S ometimes adjus tment will not be exactly like . In this cas e, as clos e as pos s ible is s uitable.) A s main rotor is s pinning, make thes e adjus tments and fly model away from other people. S tay at leas t 5m away from model to avoid injury when c hec king adjus tments . If trac king adjus tment is not c orrec t, tail motor durability is affec ted. 26 11 K ey 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15A 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25A 26 29 30 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 48 49 50 P A R T S L IS T P art Name Main R otor B lade T ail R otor B lade S tabilizer B lade C enter Hub Landing G ear B attery Holder A B attery Holder B Y oke A Y oke B Mixing Lever Hiller C ontrol Lever S was h P late A S was h P late B S was h P late C R adius P late E levator Lever T ail R otor Holder T ail B oom E nd T ail B oom C lamp A T ail B oom C lamp B T ail S upport E nd Lower F rame S ervo F rame T ail G ear 60T Motor P inion (10T ) T ail S topper Main G ear (190T ) E levator Lever Link R od E nd A R od E nd B R od E nd C P itch R od Hiller C ontrol R od B ody V is or F in A F in B B racket (F in A) S ide C anopy L S ide C anopy R C enter Hub A (T raining G ear) Qty. K ey P art Name Qty. 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 C enter Hub B (T raining G ear) S afety B ar (T raining G ear) 2X 3X 2.5mm C ollar S tabilizer W eight T ail Output S haft 1.5X 6X 5mm S topper S ee-S aw Mas t S topper T ail B oom 2X 4X 17mm S ilicone T ube Motor P inion (10T ) R od E nd P in Linkage R od 10 Aileron Linkage R od T ail S upport R od 1.5X 18mm P in 2X 10mm P in 1.5X 10mm S pring P in Main S haft 1.5X 200mm S tabilizer B ar 2X 6X 2.5mm S ealed B earing 3X 6X 2.5mm S ealed B earing 8X 14X 3.5mm Open B earing Main Motor T ail Motor P 18 (17.8X 22.6X 2.4mm) O-R ing P 6 (5.8X 9.6X 1.9mm) O-R ing Antenna Decal Landing G ear C ollar F us e (10A) S nap P in P 3 O-R ing 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 27 12 E XP L ODE D V IE W 1 C A1015 2 x 10mm (cap) 11 C A1001 66 C A1007 2 x 5mmT P (truss) C A1002 3 2 x 10mm (cap) C A1014 54 10 C A1006 39 4 2mm nylon nut 2 x 4mm (cap) C A1014 40 C A1008 C A1010 C A1005 C A1009 70 C A1002 54 C A1003 3 60 53 C A1008 17 C A1001 C A1005 C A1009 3 x 4mm (set screw) 2 x 4mm (cap ) 68 1 C A1015 C A1001 C A1001 2 x 6mmT P (roundhead) 3 x 4mm (set screw) 14 36 C A1014 63 C A1014 36 C A1014 16 C A1012B C A1012B 2 x 4mmT P (roundhead) 2 x 4mmT P (roundhead) 3 x 3mm (set screw) 3 x 3mm (set screw) C A1005 56 53 57 12 56 C A1004 C A1001 13 C A1008 C A1003 C A1013 58 73 H3040 83 15A C A1012B C A1012B 3 x 3mm (set screw) 69 (CC A1001 A1001-02) 92638 79 C A1030 C A1031 43 C A1030 82 C A1030 49 41 C A1030 48 28 C A1030 12 37 36 C A1014 64 C A1014 62 C A1014 C A1014 38 72 C A1014 26 63 C A1014 37 C A1014 62 28 B R G 007 C A1033 C A1017B 2 x 6mmT P (roundhead) 35 18 81 C A1014 C A1011 67 96632-10 2.6 x 8mmT P (bind) 74A 2 x 5mmT P (truss) 2mm (washer) 70501A C A1018 C A1018 7 25A C A1017B 30 C A1028-10 8 B R G 007 72 2.6 x 8mmT P (bind) 34 80 C A1019 80 C A1016 C A1019 2.6 x 8mmT P (bind) C A1019 6 2.6 x 8mmT P (bind) 78 C A1029 2 x 5mmT P (truss) 29 C A1011 C A1011 12 E XP L ODE D V IE W 55 2 C A1027 2 x 5mmT P (truss) 45 C A1024 29 C A1030 2 x 5mmT P (truss) C A1023 1.4 x 3mmT P (roudnhead) 71 C A1026 2 x 6mmT P (roundhead) C A1021 2 x 6mmT P (roundhead) 65 2 x 6mmT P (roundhead) 24 46 24 C A1022 71 C A1026 33 75 C A1030 61 20 70502 C A1025 70502 C A1021 C A1021 C A1021 23 2 x 4mmT P (roundhead) C A1022 22 21 59 C A1020 44 C A1030 C A1021 2 x 4mmT P (roundhead) 70502-01 3 x 15mm (bind) 50 C A1032 C A1032 76 C A1032 77 52 C A1032 52 51 C A1032 2.6 x 8mmT P (bind) 30 C A1032 13 S PAR E PAR TS P art No. C A1001 P art Name C ontents (K ey & Qty.) C enter Hub As s embly 4 11 17 60 68 69 x1 C A1001-01 C enter Hub 4 11 17 60 68 x1 C A1001-02 Main S haft 68 69 x1 C A1001-03 R adius P late 17 68 x1 C A1001-04 S ees aw Damper 60 x3 C A1002 S tabilizer B lade 3 x2 C A1003 S tabilizer W eight 54 x2 C A1004 S tabilizer B ar (1.5 X 200mm) 70 x2 C A1005 Hiller C ontrol lever 13 x1 C A1006 Y oke A 10 x1 C A1007 1.5 X 18mm P in 66 x1 C A1008 S ee-S aw 53 x2 C A1009 1.5 X 6 X 5mm S topper 56 x2 C A1010 Mixing Lever 12 x1 C A1011 E levator Lever 18 x1 C A1012B S was h P late 14 15A 16 83 x1 C A1013 Mas t S topper 58 x1 C A1014 Linkage S et 36 x3 37 38 39 40 64 x1 C A1015 Main R otor B lade 1 x2 C A1016 Main G ear (190T ) 34 x1 F rame 25A 26 x1 C A1017B 56 x2 57 x1 35 67 x2 68 x2 8 x1 C A1018 B attery Holder 7 C A1019 Landing G ear 6 x1 C A1020 T ail B oom 59 x1 C A1021 T ail B oom S upport 22 23 65 x1 C A1022 T ail G ear Holder 20 21 x1 C A1023 T ail G ear (60T ) 29 x1 31 80 x2 24 x2 62 63 x2 13 P art No. S PAR E PAR TS P art Name C ontents (K ey & Qty.) C A1024 T ail R otor B lade 2 x1 C A1025 T ail S haft S topper 33 x2 C A1026 B earing (2 X 6 X 2.5mm) 71 x2 C A1027 T ail Output S haft 55 x1 Motor P inion (10T ) 30 x2 C A1029 Antenna 78 x1 C A1030 B ody S et (S chweizer 300C ) 41 43 44 45 46 48 49 79 x1 C A1030-01 C anopy (S chweizer 300C ) 41 43 48 49 x1 C A1030-02 T ail F in (S chweizer 300C ) 44 45 46 x1 C A1031 Decal (S chweizer 300C ) 79 x1 C A1032 T raining G ear 50 51 52 x1 C A1033 B ody Mount 28 x1 B R G 007 B earing (3 X 6 X 2.5mm) 72 x2 H3040 B earing (8 X 14 X 3.5mm) 73 x2 70501A S P OWE R M24 (Main Motor) 74A x1 70502 S P OWE R M12 (T ail Motor) 61 75 x1 T ail Motor Wire x1 71511 9.6V Ni-MH B attery T Y P E -S for S low C harge 92638 S nap P in 82 x10 F us e (10A) 81 x3 C A1028-10 70502-01 96632-10 14 P art No. C A3501 76 77 x2 OP T IONA L P A R T S P art Name C ontents (K ey & Qty.) S P Aluminium P late 32 T R OUB L E S HOOT ING C o n d i ti o n Does n't Mov e C aus e C o r r e c ti o n P o we r s witc h o n tr a n s mitte r o r fu s e la ge is n o t O N . S witc h po we r O N a s pe r P . 9 o f in s tr u c tio n ma n u a l. P o la r ity o r ba tte r y ty pe is wr o n g. C h e c k po la r ity a n d ba tte r y ty pe a s pe r P . 8 B a tte r y is n o t c h a r ge d. C h a r ge a s pe r P . 6 B a tte r ie s h a v e r u n do wn . C h e c k a n d c h a n ge ba tte r ie s a s r e qu ir e d o n P . 8 S ervo moves , but main r o to r d o e s n ' t m o v e . T h e s a fe ty me c h a n is m is O N . T h e fu s e is blo wn . P u s h S T A R T bu tto n a s s h o wn on P . 1 0 R e pla c e fu s e a s s h o wn o n P . 2 4 Model k eeps hea ding i n o n e d i r e c ti o n . R u dde r is n o t s e t pr o pe r ly . A dju s t a s pe r P . 1 4 T a il motor is worn out. R e pla c e a s pe r P . 1 8 B a tte r ie s h a v e r u n do wn C h e c k a n d r e pla c e ba tte r ie s a s r e qu ir e d o n P . 8 A n te n n a is n o t a tta c h e d o r lo o s e . A tta c h a n te n n a a s pe r P . 1 9 a n d e x te n d a n te n n a o n tr a n s mitte r . M o de l u s in g s a me ba n d ( fr e qu e n c y ) is n e a r by . M o v e to a diffe r e n t a r e a , o r c h a n ge th e c r y s ta ls fo r a diffe r e n t ba n d ( P . 1 7 ) . L a rge ro a d o r py lo n is ne a r. M o v e to a diffe r e n t a r e a . T r ims n o t a dju s te d pr o pe r ly . A dju s t a s pe r P . 1 4 B r e e z e fr o m a ir c o n ditio n e r is h ittin g mo de l. F ly in a n a r e a with n o win d. T r ims n o t a dju s te d pr o pe r ly . A dju s t a s pe r P . 1 4 B o dy is n o t a tta c h e d. A tta c h a s pe r P . 1 0 S k ids e tc . a r e da ma ge d. R e pla c e a s pe r P . 1 9 M o to r is we a r in g o u t. R e pla c e a s pe r P . 1 8 M o to r is to o h o t. C o o l mo to r do wn be fo r e fly in g. B a tte r y h a s me mo r y e ffe c t ( lo we r e d c a pa c ity ) . R e fr e s h ba tte r y a s pe r P . 1 7 B a tte r y is wo r n o u t. R e pla c e a s pe r P . 8 L os s Does o f c o n tr o l r i s e s tr a i g h t u p M o d e l m o v e s r i g h t /l e f t f r o n t /b a c k , b u t c a n n o t hover. Does n't fly high R o to r is da ma ge d. T rac king does n't line up S ilic o n e tu be da mpe r is s plit o r da ma ge d. R e pla c e a s pe r P . 1 9 A dju s t a s pe r P . 2 6 R e pla c e a s pe r P . 2 2 A dditio n a l pr o ble ms ma y a r is e fr o m th e fly in g e n v ir o n me n t, r a dio wa v e s e tc . 33 Memo 34 35 R THE F IN E S T R A D IO C ONT R OL MO D E L S http: //www.kyos ho.c o.jp/ *Hereby, K Y OS HO C OR P OR AT ION, declares that this product is in compliance with the es s ential requirements and other relevant provis ions of Directive 1999/5/E C . *Hiermit erklŠ rt die K Y OS HO C orporation, das s dies es P rodukt in †bereins timmung mit der R ichtlinie 1999/5/E C is t und ihr in allen relevanten P unkten ents pricht. *P ar la prŽ s ente, K Y OS HO C OR P OR AT ION dŽ c lare que cet quipement es t conforme aux exigences es s entielles et aux autres Ž dis pos itions de la directive 1999/5/C E qui lui s ont applicables . *P or medio de la pres ente K Y OS HO declara que es te producto cumple con los requis itos es enciales y cuales quiera otras dis pos iciones aplicables o exigibles de la Directiva 1999/5/C E . 61920411E 2-2 P R INT E D IN J AP AN