Jun 20, 2016 - Watertown, SD
Jun 20, 2016 - Watertown, SD
PROPOSED AGENDA CITY COUNCIL ADJOURNED MEETING CITY HALL 23 2ND ST NE WATERTOWN, SOUTH DAKOTA Monday, June 20th, 2016 Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call 7:00 PM 1. Approval of consent agenda a. Approval of the minutes of the Council meetings held on June 6, 2016 Supporting Documentation b. Authorization to declare an old police vehicle in the Street Department as surplus and donate to the LATI Law Enforcement Program c. Authorization for Finance Office to disburse funds to BZ-Sandland Welding for work Supporting Documentation completed at the Zoo in the amount of $18,363.30 d. Summary of the surplus property sale breakdown Supporting Documentation e. Approval of business license for Midwest Grease as a Liquid Waste Hauler ($100) f. Approval of list of Camp Chance Volunteers for Workers Compensation coverage Supporting Document Supporting Documents 2. Approval of agenda 3. Renewal of a retail (on-off sale) malt beverage license to Mario Santos Guzman, d/b/a San Miguel Ristorante, 715 9th Ave. SE for the period of July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 Supporting Documentation a. Public hearing b. Council action 4. Vacation of a portion of Public Right of Way adjacent to South Lake Drive (Resolution No. Supporting Documentation 16-22) a. Public hearing b. Council action 5. Ordinance No. 16-08 amending Section 3.0109(3) regulating the keeping of certain animals Supporting Documentation within and for the City of Watertown a. Second reading b. Council action 6. Ordinance No. 16-11 amending Section 6.0501 of the revised ordinances of the City of Supporting Documentation Watertown regarding Veteran’s Burial Plots within Mount Hope Cemetery a. Second reading b. Council action 7. First reading of Ordinance No. 16-10 amending zoning district boundaries by rezoning property from PUD Planned Unit Development, Single Family Attached Residential District, Supporting Documentation and I-1 Light Industrial to A-1 Agricultural District 8. Consideration of amendment to the Development Agreement for the Kampeska Dunes 2nd Supporting Documentation Addition 9. Consideration of Change Order No. 1 to the contract with Bates Construction Company Inc. for the Watertown Regional Landfill Cell #6 Construction project increasing the contract Supporting Documentation amount by $3,000 10. Old Business Back To Top 11. New Business 12. Liaison member reports 13. Executive Session pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2 14. Motion to adjourn Rochelle M. Ebbers, CPA Finance Officer The City of Watertown, South Dakota does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services. ADA Compliance: The City of Watertown fully subscribes to the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you desire to attend this public meeting and are in need of special accommodations, please notify the City Finance Office 24 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate auxiliary aids and services are available. Back To Top Item #1a- June 6, 2016 Council Meeting Minutes OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF WATERTOWN, SOUTH DAKOTA June 6, 2016 The City Council met in regular session at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 23 2nd Street NE. Mayor Steve Thorson presiding. Present upon roll call: Aldermen Solum, Thorson, Danforth, Roby, Rieffenberger, Buhler, Tupper, Vilhauer, Albertsen and Alderwoman Mantey. Motion by Mantey, seconded by Roby, to approve the following item on the consent agenda: minutes of the Council Meeting held on May 16, 2016; approval to write‐off uncollectible ambulance accounts receivable in the amount of $8,498.63 and approval of bills & payroll and authorization to pay. Motion carried. BILLS: A & B BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, A‐OX WELDING CO, INC. A1 CLEANING AND RESTORATIO AASON ENGINEERING, INC. ACTIVE HEATING, INC. ADAM HEINRICH ADELINE EGERSETT ADVANCE AUTO PARTS ADVANTAGE RV'S AND CONVERS AIRGAS USA, LLC ALEX AIR APPARATUS, INC. ALLEGIANT EMERGENCY SERVIC ALTERATIONS BY CARLA AMAZON.COM AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTI AMERICAN FENCE COMPANY, IN AMERICAN LEGION STATE HEAD AMERICAN RED CROSS ANDOR INC. ANDREW SEBEK ANNE RYLANCE AP AUTO PROS, INC. APPLIED INDUSTRIAL TECHNOL ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES, ARROW INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATED SUPPLY COMPANY AT&T MOBILITY AUSTREIM LANDSCAPING AUTO BODY SPECIALTIES, INC BAKER & TAYLOR BATTERIES UNLIMITED, INC. BEV MOORE BOLDT CONSTRUCTION BOOKPAGE BORNS GROUP BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC BOW WOW PET WASTE PRODUCTS BOWIE INDUSTRIES, INC. BRAD MILES BRIAN MAROTZ BRIAN WILSON BRIAN'S GLASS INC. BROTHERHOOD ARMS BRYAN WIENTJES BULLET SPORTSWEAR AND GRAP BUREAU OF ADMINISTRATION BUTLER MACHINERY CO INC. CADILLAC JACKS GAMING RESO CAL CAROL VEACH CARQUEST AUTO PARTS CARRICO LAW PROF. LLC CARTNEY BEARING CORPORATIO CASHWAY LUMBER INC. CENTER POINT LARGE PRINT CENTRAL PARTS WAREHOUSE CENTURION TECHNOLOGIES, IN EQUIP SUPPLIES SERVICE CONSTR SERVICE TRAVEL SERVICE SUPPLIES PARTS SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES FEES SERVICE TRAVEL REIMB SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE PARTS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES PARTS SERVICE SERVICE SUBSCR SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES TRAVEL REIMB REIMB SERVICE SUPPLIES REIMB SUPPLIES SERVICE PARTS TRAVEL DUES REIMB PARTS SERVICE PARTS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES PART SERVICE 2,559.53 718.09 887.00 7,189.00 316.00 241.00 55.05 53.43 80.00 63.00 1,305.00 8,708.51 41.00 116.61 2,184.50 1,165.77 48.00 650.00 4,178.91 77.00 102.00 4,442.76 136.47 95.62 612.47 17,255.34 44.85 51.90 158.20 6,907.39 105.00 61.74 1,904.00 60.00 3,060.00 3,966.33 336.00 111.45 26.00 1,000.00 35.79 40.00 153.88 50.00 170.00 230.22 130.23 228.00 189.00 169.00 957.14 8,000.00 200.88 229.03 107.25 401.54 1,071.00 JOHN SMALL JOHNSON CONTROLS, INC. JOSHUA CRANCE JRM, INC. JUSTIN PIETZ KAESER AND BLAIR INC. KAMPESKA LODGE KATHY FELTCH KATIE MOES KATIE ZABEL KEITH MILLER KEN BUCHOLZ KIM WEBER KIRK ELLIS KIWANIS CLUB KIXX KPHR KXLG KYLE STEFFENSEN LACAL EQUIPMENT INC. LAFRAMBOISE CONSTRUCTION LAKE AREA / BIT LAKE AREA VETERINARY CLINI LAKE AREA ZOOLOGICAL SOCIE LAKE CITY FIRE EQUIPMENT, LARRY KAASA LARRY'S LUMBER, INC. LAWCHEK, LTD LEGGETTE BRASHEARS & GRAHA LES MILLS US TRADING, INC. LIQUID RING SERVICE & REPA LISA SAYEGH LOCATORS & SUPPLIES, INC. LORI LEE LYLE SIGNS, INC. MAC'S INC. MACKSTEEL WAREHOUSE INC. MAHOWALD'S HARDWARE & RENT MARIA GRUENER MARY REDLIN MATHESON TRI‐GAS, INC. MATT SCHELL MEAD & HUNT, INC. MENARD'S MICHAEL SACKMANN MICHELLE JENSEN MICRO MARKETING ASSOCIATE MIDCONTINENT COMMUNICATIO MIDWEST ALARM COMPANY, INC MIDWEST TAPE MIDWEST TURF & IRRIGATION MIKE BOERGER MILBANK COMMUNICATIONS, IN MILBANK HOUSE MOVERS, INC. MILLER ELECTRIC, INC. MN BUREAU OF CRIMINAL APPR MOE OIL CO, INC. REIMB SERVICE TRAVEL SUPPLIES RIEMB SUPPLIES SUPPLIES REIMB REIMB REIMB REIMB TRAVEL REIMB REIMB DUES ADV ADV ADV TRAVEL PARTS CONSTR SERVICE SERVICE REIMB SERVICE REIMB SUPPLIES DUES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REIMB SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES TRAVEL RENT SUPPLIES TRAVEL SERVICE SUPPLIES REIMB TRAVEL SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES TRAVEL PART SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES 31.57 205.34 420.00 620.54 1,000.00 144.71 279.80 1,000.00 44.52 40.00 149.60 28.00 146.10 120.44 147.00 350.00 150.00 550.00 286.20 164.34 6,990.00 93.94 863.84 6,572.54 166.81 32.00 184.10 250.00 576.30 994.00 7,121.01 20.00 253.38 12.00 410.13 466.90 324.06 238.91 1,401.22 699.98 100.45 241.00 5,370.00 4,529.54 1,000.00 64.00 960.48 1,327.08 83.01 595.82 231.78 26.00 429.51 19,387.79 2,093.16 7.38 1,510.40 Back To Top CENTURY BUSINESS PRODUCTS CENTURYLINK CENTURYLINK CENTURYLINK CENTURYLINK CENTURYLINK CHAD FOUST CHAD STAHL CHAMPION LIGHTING & SUPPLI CHERYL WETZEL CHIEF SUPPLY CORPORATION CHRIS MIKKELSEN CHRIS PREMUS CHUCK'S LOCK & KEYS CINDY THORSON CITY DIRECTORIES CLARKE MOSQUITO CONTROL PR CLUBHOUSE HOTEL & SUITES ‐ COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY CODE 2 K‐9 SERVICES, LLC CODINGTON CLARK ELECTRIC C CODINGTON CO CLERK OF COUR CODINGTON CO REGISTER OF D CODINGTON COUNTY CARES FOU COLLISION FORENSIC SOLUTIO CONCRETE DAKOTA REDIMIX, I CONNECTING POINT, INC. CONNIE CUTLER COUNTY FAIR FOODS COWBOY COUNTRY STORE CRAIG MITCHELL CREATIVE REWARDS & SPECIAL CRESENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY, C CRESTONE BUILDERS CRITTER MART & MORE CUES CULLIGAN CW ASSOCIATES DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY DAGWOOD'S SUBS DAHLE TIRE COMPANY DAKOTA ELECTRONICS DAKOTA OIL DAKOTA PORTABLE TOILETS, I DAKOTA PUMP & CONTROL, INC DAKOTA RIGGERS, INC. DAKOTA TUBE DARWIN BRINKMAN DATA TRUCK, LLC DAVIS & STANTON DEIRDRE WHITMAN DEMCO, INC. DENR DEPENDABLE SANITATION INC. DEREK LANDEEN DEROSSETT CO. DEUTSCH EXCAVATING DIAMOND VOGEL PAINT CENTER DIANE'S ENGRAVING & SIGNS DIESEL MACHINERY INC. DIGITAL ALLY, INC. DK DIESEL INJECTION SERVIC DON ROWLAND DONNA PAULI DORSEY & WHITNEY LLP DOUG KRANZ DUGANS SALES & SERVICE INC DUININCK, INC DUNN PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS EILEEN ROSE CROOKS ELECTRIC MOTORS & MOORE IN ELITE SIGNS AND GRAPHIX, L ELIVATE EMEDCO INC. ENDRES CONSTRUCTION SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE GOTV TRAVEL PART REIMB SUPPLIES REIMB SERVICE SUPPLIES REIMB SERVICE PART TRAVEL SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE FEES SERVICE SUPPLIES PART SERVICE SUPPLIES TRAVEL SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES FOOD SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES RENT PART PARTS CONSTR SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES TRAVEL SUPPLIES FEES SERVICE TRAVEL PART CONSTR SUPPLIES SERVICE EQUIP SERVICE SERVICE TRAVEL SERVICE FEES TRAVEL EQUIP CONSTR SUPPLIES REIMB SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES CONSTR 294.28 1,726.93 516.74 121.94 115.13 1,350.99 900.00 75.00 13.00 675.00 117.24 24.00 241.00 22.75 345.54 830.00 87.50 876.00 226.40 250.00 737.12 27.76 390.00 600.00 90.00 300.25 16,202.00 64.00 643.04 119.99 232.46 20.00 412.97 1,440.00 62.79 45.32 288.75 48.50 102.36 64.99 1,444.00 17.50 427.25 1,025.00 195.00 260.80 14,000.00 90.00 390.00 393.00 33.40 537.56 850.00 4,166.66 77.00 254.68 3,200.00 2,098.05 13.00 77,500.00 119.00 6,342.40 1,297.84 146.10 9,500.00 1,087.00 139.95 78,335.16 391.00 94.50 473.00 40.00 379.91 168.35 790.00 MONICA JURGENS MTI DISTRIBUTING MUNICIPAL UTILITIES MUTH ELECTRIC, INC. NADAGUIDES NATIONAL FIRE SPRINKLER AS NEAL CONTRUCTION INC. NETWORKFLEET, INC. NICHOLAS AHMANN NIHCA NORTH CENTRAL LABORATORIES NPC INTERNATIONAL, INC. OCLC INC, OFFICE OF WEIGHTS & MEASUR OFFICE PEEPS, INC. ONE SOURCE ORA OVERDRIVE, INC. OVERHEAD DOOR CO INC. PEAK SOFTWARE SYSTEMS, INC PEARSON GOLF MANAGEMENT,LL PEPSI PICTOMETRY INTERNATIONAL C PIONEER MANUFACTURING COMP PIPE MASTERS PIZZA RANCH POLICE BUY FUND POLICE PETTY CASH FUND POSTMASTER POWER PLAN OIB PRAIRIE LAKES HEALTHCARE PRESTIGE FLAGS PRINT EM NOW PRO LINE, INC. PRODUCTIVITY PLUS ACCOUNT PUETZ CORPORATION RADWELL INTERNATIONAL, INC RAMADA RAMADA INN HOTEL & SUITES RAMKOTA HOTEL RANDALL STANLEY ARCHITECTS RC TECHNOLOGIES, INC RECREATION SUPPLY CO. REDLINGER BROS INC. RIVARD'S TURF & FORAGE ROB'S AUTO REPAIR ROGER FOOTE ROLAND MCGURK RON'S SAW SHOP ROY'S SPORT SHOP INC. RSH, LLC RUNNINGS FARM AND FLEET SANFORD HEALTH OCCUPATIONA SANFORD USD MEDICAL CENTER SANITATION PRODUCTS INC. SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL SCHUNEMAN EQUIPMENT CO. SCOTT JONGBLOED SCOTT MCMAHON SD DEPT OF MOTOR VEHICLES SD DEPT OF REVENUE SD GOVERNMENTAL HUMAN RE SDN COMMUNICATIONS SEBCO BOOKS SERVICE PLUS INC. SERVICEMASTER OF WATERTOWN SHARP AUTOMOTIVE, INC SHEEHAN MACK SALES AND EQU SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP. SHIRLEY NESS SHIRTS IN THE WORKS INC SHOPKO STORES OPERATING CO SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON, SHRED‐IT USA ‐ SIOUX FALLS SIGMA‐ALDRICH REIMB SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE CONSTR SERVICE TRAVEL DUES SUPPLIES SERVICE SUBSCR SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES PARTS SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE FOOD FEES CASH RENT PART SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES PART REPAIR CONSTR SERVICE TRAVEL TRAVEL TRAVEL SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE REIMB SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE PARTS SUPPLIES PARTS REIMB REIMB FEES SUPPLIES DUES SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE PART EQUIP SERVICE REIMB SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES 322.33 1,628.46 124,052.88 165.00 82.00 85.00 28,674.80 75.80 107.00 99.00 1,117.26 53.46 289.95 103.00 3,314.29 79.00 492.85 14.99 19.90 2,750.00 11,012.38 754.20 29,452.50 56.45 95.00 154.13 500.00 206.39 818.00 1,866.00 318.87 578.86 2,541.16 114.85 11,085.28 762,652.44 1,174.02 57.88 320.35 91.00 800.00 134.90 103.22 1,171.61 447.78 136.33 110.00 342.56 414.59 2,936.47 38.01 1,472.16 195.00 900.00 749.28 99.99 391.51 2,263.60 159.83 43.60 1,103.10 50.00 1,071.20 1,469.51 393.43 4,416.12 123.40 1,232.06 989.55 543.92 375.00 198.82 954.08 79.26 149.09 Back To Top ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES AS EVENTBRITE, INC. EVOLUTION POWERSPORTS F J MC LAUGHLIN INC. FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS FASTENAL COMPANY FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516 FILTRA ‐ SYSTEMS COMPANY FIRST CHOICE SEWER & SEPTI FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN SIO FIRST PREMIER BANK FLEXIBLE PIPE TOOL COMPANY FREMONT INDUSTRIES, INC. FRONTIER PRECISION INC. G & K SERVICES, INC. GALE AND DOROTHY SMALL GALL'S INC. GCR TIRES & SERVICE GLASS PRODUCTS INC. GLENDALE PARADE STORE, LLC GOLDEN RULE CREATIONS GRAINGER GRAY CONSTRUCTION GREAT NORTHERN ENVIRONMENT GRUBCO INC. GUMDROP BOOKS HACH COMPANY HEATH SWEEZY HEEMEYER ELECTRIC HELMS & ASSOCIATES HENRY JOHNSON HILLYARD / SIOUX FALLS HOLIDAY INN HOME FEDERAL BANK HOME OASIS, LLC HOUSTON ENGINEERING, INC. HP INC. HR GREEN, INC. HUMAN SERVICE AGENCY HURKES IMPLEMENT CO., INC. HY VEE FOOD STORE IDEXX DISTRIBUTION, INC. INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIES OF ITC J & B SCREEN PRINTING INC. J H LARSON ELECTRICAL CO. JACKIE BENTZEN JACOB JORGENSON JAIME STRICKER JAMI GRANGAARD JAN MULLIN JESSICA KARPINSKE JIM COLEMAN, LTD. JIM'S EXCAVATING JLG ARCHITECTS JOE DAME JOHN GILMAN SUPPLIES FEES PART CONSTR PARTS SUPPLIES REIMB SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES FEES LOAN PART SUPPLIES PART SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES CONSTR PART SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE CONSTR REIMB SUPPLIES TRAVEL FEES SUPPLIES CONSTR EQUIP CONSTR SERVICE PART SUPPLIES SUPPLIES FEES SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES REIMB TRAVEL TRAVEL REIMB REIMB FEES SUPPLIES SERVICE CONSTR TRAVEL REIMB 59.89 29.90 31.74 2,113.66 882.41 466.93 4,534.21 443.46 730.00 8,434.54 6,276.82 10,000.00 290.25 2,622.60 268.64 87.77 90.63 4,985.48 1,272.17 96.85 81.95 412.93 288.09 1,210,804.48 495.97 192.38 1,657.21 83.28 125.00 437.73 79,299.84 832.39 894.26 110.00 25.00 239.96 5,551.67 3,546.99 17,190.61 50.00 753.37 723.34 863.64 85.00 387.83 376.50 596.08 38.14 420.00 21.00 137.70 68.77 140.00 374.68 2,655.38 8,873.80 26.00 133.49 SIOUX FALLS TWO WAY RADIO, SIOUX RURAL WATER SYSTEM SIOUX VALLEY COOP SODAK PEST CONTROL STAN HOUSTON EQUIPMENT INC STAR LAUNDRY & CLEANERS, I STEIN'S INC. STERLING COMPUTER PRODUCTS STEVE RHODY SERVICES STEVE'S WORLD INC. STIMSON AUTO TOWING & RECO STIMSON CONSTRUCTION STRIDER SPORTS INT'L INC. STURDEVANT'S AUTO PARTS IN SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY GROUP, TEAM ELECTRONICS TECHNICOLOR SCREEN PRINTIN THE LODGE AT DEADWOOD THE MAINTENANCE SHOP THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR CORP TLC MARINE/OUTDOOR POWER TODD WALKER TONY AAS TOOL TIME RENT ALL TRAFFIC SOLUTIONS INC. TRANSUNION RISK AND ALTERN TRAV'S OUTFITTER, INC. TREE FARM TYLER MCELHANY TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. TYLOHELO UPS STORE VANCO SERVICES,LLC VAST BROADBAND VEEDERS COLLISION CENTER VEOLIA ES TECHNICAL SOLUTI VERIZON WIRELESS WAL‐MART COMMUNITY BRC WATERTOWN AREA CHAMBER OF WATERTOWN BOYS AND GIRLS O WATERTOWN BUSINESS DISTRIC WATERTOWN CONVENTION & VIS WATERTOWN COOP ELEVATOR AS WATERTOWN FLOWERS, INC. WATERTOWN FORD WATERTOWN HIGH SCHOOL WATERTOWN MUNICIPAL BAND WATERTOWN PUBLIC OPINION WATERTOWN WHOLESALE WATERTOWN WINNELSON CO. WATERTOWN'S FIRST CHOICE T WEISMANTEL RENT ALL WESTMAN FREIGHTLINER WHEELCO TRUCK & TRAILER PA WW TIRE SERVICE INC. YAMAHA MOTOR CORPORATION, ZACH ORDAL ZIMCO SUPPLY CO. EQUIP SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES PARTS SUBSCR SUPPLIES SUPPLIES TRAVEL SERVICE SERVICE PART TRAVEL REIMB RENT SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES DUES SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SUBSIDY SUBSIDY SUBSIDY SUBSIDY SUPPLIES SERVICE EQUIP ADV SUBSIDY SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES TRAVEL SUPPLIES PARTS PARTS SERVICE LEASE REIMB SUPPLIES 1,805.10 102.00 24,604.74 80.00 488.16 577.06 519.32 192.93 307.00 675.00 2,778.56 2,016.00 99.00 1,239.55 875.00 179.95 6,842.58 409.00 1,085.86 183.31 24.99 273.00 25.00 159.00 1,562.00 30.25 1,080.00 155.25 75.00 968.90 304.02 42.45 6.75 304.65 250.00 11,763.04 557.28 101.94 35,000.00 17,037.50 16,131.06 22,700.00 1,010.88 62.00 30,163.11 25.00 6,000.00 5,989.74 114.30 681.14 568.70 240.32 62.08 443.55 80.00 4,079.58 334.22 3,575.00 PAYROLL: Sal SS Pen Ins Mayor/CC 17,005.49 1,244.38 499.03 1,149.63 Attorney 1,720.53 122.38 103.23 268.21 Finance 32,351.81 2,309.27 1,938.10 5,134.94 Sal SS Pen Ins Forestry 10,515.83 744.74 569.56 1,858.55 Library 41,336.10 2,660.11 2,069.49 5,134.94 Building Serv. 17,147.55 1,256.14 969.46 2,490.68 Info Tech 12,944.38 905.48 772.46 2,299.26 Park & Rec. 125,570.31 9,096.31 6,610.55 18,371.45 Engineer 29,549.88 2,158.23 1,766.39 3,908.52 WRC 42,842.99 3,176.22 1,824.92 4,444.94 Police 176,207.89 12,671.13 13,609.64 30,430.24 43,465.33 3,118.15 2,446.66 7,472.04 Fire 184,405.01 2,779.51 14,643.86 26,629.20 E‐911 Upper Big Sioux 7,353.38 508.52 414.77 881.42 53,180.12 3,887.21 3,048.19 7,817.04 Sewer 68,315.49 4,994.51 4,059.14 10,840.88 9,663.43 691.37 503.11 1,417.84 Landfill 66,611.65 4,781.81 3,838.30 10,729.52 Street Cemetery Back To Top Animal Cntrl 3,797.21 279.19 226.63 536.42 Airport 14,837.50 1,084.68 812.89 1,954.26 Add'l 5.25 long New Hires P&R New Hires P&R New Hires Police Sal Inc P&R D. Kranz (Fire), P. Herting (Library), J. Steiner (Bld. Serv.), T. Beutow (E‐911), R. Foote (UBSW), L. Howard (Sewer), J. Simonton (Landfill) C. Stromseth & C. Weeks (8.55/hr), C. Fransen (8.75/hr), K. Jenc, S. Ceballos, J. Peterson, S. Rasmussen (9.00/hr), N. Gottsleben, J. Ries, M. Ries (10.00/hr) D. Woods, R. Beynon, R. Shuller, E. Kloss (9.50/hr), New Hires WCRC M. Berglund & B. Heathcote (9.00/hr), J. Bentzen (3,179.00/mo) A. Buysse & K. Lingen (3,468.00/mo), New Hire Eng H. Pederson (12.50/hr), New Hire Sewer J. Kampen (9.50/hr) E. Johnson (9.00/hr), R. Nichols (9.50/hr), N. Danforth & A. Struwe (10.00/hr), J. Pike (10.50/hr), J. Killoran (11.00/hr), M. Tschakert (11.50/hr), L. Kludt (12.00/hr) Sal Inc WCRC M. Werner (10.00/hr), A. Czech (14.00/hr) Mayor Thorson added the approval of the Strong Towns agreement to the agenda. Motion by Tupper, seconded by Buhler to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried. This being the time scheduled for the public hearing on a new retail (on‐ sale) malt beverage license and retail (on‐ off sale) wine license to Birong Chen, d/b/a Downtown Sushi, 18 North Broadway; Parcel I‐ The South 49 feet 4 inches of the West 2 feet of Lot 11, and the South 40 feet of Lots 13 and 14, all in Block 4, Original Plat of Watertown, Codington County, South Dakota, according to the recorded plat thereof, and Parcel II‐ The South 9.2 feet of the North 125 feet of Lots 13 and 14, in Block 4 of Watertown, Codington County, South Dakota, according to the recorded plat thereof; the Mayor called for public comment. Hearing no comment from the public, motion by Rieffenberger, seconded by Vilhauer, to approve the license as presented. Motion carried. This being the time scheduled for the public hearing on an ownership and location transfer of a retail (on‐off sale) malt beverage license from SHIV SHAKTI, LLC d/b/a Day’s Inn, 2900 9th Ave. SE, E 35’ Lot D, McAtee’s Subd & Lot 3 Blk 1 Parkview OL Subd to Harry’s Haircuts and Hot Towels, LLC, at 1522 Parkview Drive (inactive); the Mayor called for public comment. Hearing no comment from the public, motion by Albertsen seconded by Buhler, to approve the license as presented. Motion carried. This being the time scheduled for the public hearing on an ownership and location transfer of a retail (on‐off sale) malt beverage license from Golf on Kemp d/b/a Golf on Kemp (inactive), 1625 Northridge Drive, Unit 214 to Harry’s Haircuts and Hot Towels, LLC d/b/a Harry’s Haircuts and Hot Towels 16 West Kemp; Parcel I: E25' of Lot 14, Blk 8 of Wtn; & Lot 1 of Monks' Subd of Lots 12, 13 & 14, Blk 8 of Wtn. Parcel II: W25' of E50' of Lot 14, Blk 8 of Wtn & Lot 2 of Monks' Subdiv of Lots 12, 13, & 14, Blk 8 of Wtn; the Mayor called for public comment. Hearing no comment from the public, motion by Danforth, seconded by Mantey, to approve the license as presented. Motion carried. This being the time scheduled for the public hearing on a special retail (on‐off sale) wine license to Watertown Area Chamber of Commerce at 1 E Kemp Ave, Lots 18‐20 & W141’ Lots 21‐22 & N18’ E24’ Lot 21 Blk 4 Original Plat, for the period of 5:00 PM on Thursday, June 9 to 8:30 PM on Thursday, June 9, 2016, the Mayor called for public comment. Hearing no comment from the public, motion by Vilhauer, seconded by Mantey, to approve the special license as presented. Motion carried. This being the time scheduled for the public hearing on the special (on‐off sale) malt beverage and retail (on‐off sale) wine license to Watertown Area Chamber of Commerce at Stokes Thomas City Park, the portion of the north 40 rods of Government Lot 1, of Fractional Section 22‐117N‐53W, which is west of a line which begins at a point 450’ west of the northeast corner of section 22 and is on the north section line of section 22, and ends at a point 625’ west of the east section line of section 22 and is on a line which is 40 rods south of the north section line of section 22, for the period of 4:00 PM on Friday, July 15 to 10:00 PM on Saturday, July 16, 2016, the Mayor called for public comment. Hearing no comment from the public, motion by Danforth, seconded by Albertsen, to approve the special license as presented. Motion carried. This being the time for the public hearing on the lease agreement with Good Enterprises, LLC for city owned land around Casino Speedway the Mayor called for public comment. Hearing no comment from the public, motion by Solum, seconded by Danforth, to approve the lease agreement. Motion carried. Back To Top Ordinance No. 16‐08 amending Section 3.0109(3) regulating the keeping of certain animals within and for the City of Watertown was placed on its first reading and the title was read. No action was taken. Ordinance No. 16‐11 amending Section 6.0501 of the revised ordinances of the City of Watertown regarding Veteran’s Burial Plots within Mount Hope Cemetery was placed on its first reading and the title was read. No action was taken. Motion by Danforth, seconded by Mantey, to approve the application for a sidewalk café for the Watertown Brewing Company as presented. Motion carried. Motion by Tupper, seconded by Roby, authorizing the Mayor to sign a grant application for the Airport Runway project. Motion carried. Motion by Mantey, seconded by Danforth, authorizing the Airport to advertise for bids for the Runway project. Motion carried. Airport Manager Todd Syhre presented the tabulation of bids received for the heat, electrical and insulation work for the Airport shop building. Bids were opened at 10:00 AM on May 23, 2016 and are as follows: Neal Construction total bid of $29,600.00; Gray Construction total bid of $53,200.00 and Crestone Builders, Inc. total bid of $41,000.00. Motion by Albertsen, seconded by Buhler, to approve the bid of Neal Construction in the amount of $29,600.00. Motion carried. Airport Manager Todd Syhre presented the tabulation of bids received for the concrete, vestibule and excavation for the Airport shop building. Bids were opened at 10:00 AM on May 23, 2016 and are as follows: Neal Construction total bid of $36,375.00; Gray Construction total bid of $51,300.00 and Crestone Builders, Inc. total bid of $57,000.00. Motion by Solum, seconded by Thorson, to approve the bid of Neal Construction in the amount of $36,375.00. Motion carried. Motion by Tupper, seconded by Mantey, authorizing the Mayor to sign the contract with Strong Town for a presentation at the June 20, 2016 work session in the amount of $2,500 along with travel expenses. Funding will be taken from the Urban Renewal Fund. Motion carried. City Engineer Shane Waterman presented the tabulation of bids received for the South Broadway Bridge Rehabilitation Project. Bids were opened at 10:00 AM on May 26, 2016 and are as follows: Nolz Dragline & Construction, Inc. total bid of $398,914.90; Wanzek Construction, Inc. total bid of $417,023.00, Duinick Inc. total bid of $456,544.50 and AFC Civil Constructions total bid of $521,045.96. Motion by Vilhauer, seconded by Buhler, to approve the bid from Nolz Dragline & Construction, Inc. in the amount of $398,914.90. Motion carried. Motion by Tupper, seconded by Solum, to go into executive session for the purpose of discussing contract negotiations. Motion carried. Motion by Rieffenberger, seconded by Tupper, to reconvene in open session. Motion carried. Motion by Solum, seconded Danforth, to adjourn until 7:00 PM on Monday, June 20, 2016. Motion carried. The City of Watertown, South Dakota does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in employment or the provision of service. Dated at Watertown, South Dakota, the 6th day of June, 2016. ATTEST: Back To Top __________________________ Rochelle Ebbers, CPA Finance Officer __________________________ Steve Thorson Mayor Back To Top Item #1c- Special Check Request Request for City Council Action TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Finance Office MEETING DATE: June 20, 2016 SUBJECT: Authorization to distribute special check ___________________________________________________________________________________ Background: The invoice was not received by the Finance Office for payment within a reasonable amount of time. The vendor is requesting payment sooner than the normal accounts payable process. All invoices require council approval prior to payment unless they meet the special check requirements as authorized in the Council standing policies allowing the Finance Officer to approve the payment. This invoice does not meet the special check requirements, so council action is required prior to payment being issued outside of the normal payment processing date of July 5. Council Action Requested: Motion to authorize the Finance Office to distribute a special check for services. Back To Top Back To Top Item #1d- Surplus Sale Breakdown 2016 SURPLUS PROPERTY BREAKDOWN Sale - Saturday, May 14, 2016 Receipt in the Net Amounts in Bold print DEPT: ACCOUNT NUMBER POLICE 101-32100-39101 POLICE/EVD 101-32100-36909 E-911 214-32151-36909 ENGINEER 101-31960-39101 STREET 101-33120-39101 WCRC 204-35122-39101 FIRE 101-32220-39101 LANDFILL 605-33240-36401 AIRPORT 606-33500-36401 WWTP 604-33252-36401 LIBRARY 101-35500-39101 PARK 201-35121-39101 PARK-GOLF 201-35125-39101 PARK-ZOO 201-35134-39101 PARK-PARKS 201-35142-39101 BUILDING SERVICES 101-36512-39101 UTILITIES 602-39900-39100 UBSWP 273-36210-36909 EVENT CENTER 203-39000-36909 FINANCE/COMP IT 101-31530-39101 GROSS $3,308.50 $751.50 $0.00 $137.00 $3,375.00 $0.00 $630.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,519.00 $193.00 $5,978.00 $490.00 $1,557.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,136.50 TOTALS $22,076.00 BERGH/OWEN COMMISSION ADVERTISING/MISC $1,949.98 $390.14 $292.24 58.47 $66.38 13.28 $0.00 0.00 $12.10 2.42 $298.11 59.64 $0.00 0.00 $55.65 11.13 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $310.83 62.19 $17.05 3.41 $528.04 105.65 $43.28 8.66 $137.57 27.53 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $188.72 37.76 $1,949.97 $390.14 NET 2,957.79 671.84 0.00 122.48 3,017.25 0.00 563.22 0.00 0.00 3,145.98 172.54 0.00 438.06 1,392.40 5,344.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,910.01 $19,735.88 Back To Top Item #1e- Business License Application Back To Top Item #1f- Camp Chance Volunteers 2016 Camp Chance Volunteers First Name Last Name Summer Adler Anna Ammann Mattie Anderson Breanna Beebe Zachary Blumeyer Casey Boerger Lisa Brown Brian Buisker Alexis Buysse Amanda Carey Cara Christians Olivia Corey Sarah Corey Tayler Corey Brooklen Dahl Laken Dahl Laurie Danforth Ryanne Davis Elizabeth Doyle Hannah Eide Kristen Fairchild Mary Lynn Falvey Kathy Feltch Ryan Fischer Juan Flores Jennifer Hanson Merci Hanson Jamon Harberts Shane Hardie Lindsay Harkness Matthew Hegg Paul Higgins Jeana Johnson Mary Johnson Kerri Johnson Darla Kannas Michelle Kays Back To Top Kristi Koll Annie Konold Brandi Krause Carolyn Lenning Barb Lindner Dan Lindner Gavan Lindner Grayson Magee Jason Mark Shona Marshall Scott McMahon Carly McPeek Caitlynn McPeek Lee McPeek Louise McPeek Skip Meisenheimer Kathy Miller Holly Morgan Austin Nelson Evan Odle Megan Patten Casandra Pletten Scott Price Samantha Raymond Lorrie Redlin Janine Rew-Werling Anne Riley Fran Schaefer Stephanie Schaefer Jonah Schaunaman Holly Schimmel Jaici Schlosser Tiffany Schlotterbeck Ann Schmidt David Schmidt Tori Schmidt Margaret Schneider Evan Schoenefeld Andrea Schultz Back To Top Jill Slobotski Lisa Smith Steve Smith Brandi Steffensen Kyle Steffensen Lisa Stephens Deah Tekrony Michelle Theisen Austin Thompson Chris Thorson Donna Tignor Tim Toomey Cody Trumm Donna Vandepol Jodi VanMaanen Courtney Vargason Tyler Varns Jo Vitek Tony Vitek Gerald Volk Jess Waba Madison Weidner Teresa Weiss Craig Werling Alisha Wersal Herb Wiswall Cory Wohlleber Nate Yoder Back To Top Item #3- Malt Beverage Renewal Request for City Council Action TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Finance Office MEETING DATE: June 20, 2016 SUBJECT: Renewal of Malt Beverage License ___________________________________________________________________________________ Background: Malt beverage renewals are from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. State Statute allows renewals with no alcohol related violation within the last year to be approved by the governing body without a public hearing. However, the State ended their renewal period at the end of May, so any renewal requests after that date are required to go through the normal public hearing process for approval. Council Action Requested: Motion to approve the renewal for the malt beverage license. Back To Top Back To Top Back To Top Item #4- South Lake Drive Vacation Request for City Council Action TO: THROUGH: FROM: MEETING DATE: SUBJECT: City Council Steve Thorson, Mayor Luke Muller, Interim Planner June 20, 2016 18’ Vacation – South Lake Drive Adjacent to Arends Park Subdivision Petitioner: Jeff and Paula Orthaus, Dennis Murphy, Donald Roby, Alan and Michele Hendricks, Valerie Nordhus, Eric Meier, Heath and Anne Rylance, Aaron and Jody Aadland, Lois Johnson, Randall Hartley (Trustee of Randall A. Hartley Revocable Trust, Dated December 3, 2015), Barbara Naab, Ardyce and Dean Gackstetter (Trustees of Gackstetter Family Trust), Hazel Nygaard (Trustee of Hazel Nygaard Trust), and Steven and Beverly Mack (Trustees of Steve C. and Beverly A Mack Living Trust), all (15) owners of the adjacent properties Background: Petitioners request the northerly 18’ of South Lake Drive between the West edge of Lot 27, Block 2 to the midpoint of Lot 6 of Arends Park Addition (approx. 1,100 feet). The request is made to make legal the existence of structures already located in the right of way and allow consideration of future construction in the area to be vacated. Facts: Petitioner was advised by the Plan Commission that the Board would not consider vacating a portion of S. Lake Drive unless ALL adjoining landowners in this area signed. S. Lake Drive is a collector street in this stretch. Right-of-way west of this stretch is 70’ wide, east of this property varies between 50’ and 88’. Vacating 18’ of Right-of-Way would leave a remaining 70’ right-of-way for S. Lake Drive and the bike trail. It has been determined some utilities and a portion of S. Lake Drive would be left on private property if all 18’ were vacated in this whole stretch. Planning Commission tabled this item until its next meeting to gather more information, it is recommended (by staff) the City Council do the same following the hearing. Action: City Council Hearing on Resolution 16-22 History: 05/02/16 Petition Received 06/09/16 Plan Commission Tabled item 06/20/16 City Council Public Hearing and action Future: Back To Top Prepared by: Engineering Department City of Watertown 23 Second Street NE P.O. Box 910 Watertown, SD 57201 (605) 882-6201 RESOLUTION 16-22 A Resolution Vacating a portion of Public Right of Way adjacent to South Lake Drive WHEREAS, Petition for Vacation of Public Right of Way, has been presented to the City Council of the City of Watertown, South Dakota. Said Public Right of Way petitioned for vacation is described as: The Northerly Eighteen Feet of South Lake Drive from the West edge of Lot 27 of Block 2 of Arends Park to the midpoint of Lot 6 of Block 2 of Arends Park WHEREAS, the following are the owners of all real property abutting the described Public Right of Way: Jeff and Paula Orthaus, Dennis Murphy, Donald Roby, Alan and Michele Hendricks, Valerie Nordhus, Eric Meier, Heath and Anne Rylance, Aaron and Jody Aadland, Lois Johnson, Randall Hartley (Trustee of Randall A. Hartley Revocable Trust, Dated December 3, 2015), Barbara Naab, Ardyce and Dean Gackstetter (Trustees of Gackstetter Family Trust), Hazel Nygaard (Trustee of Hazel Nygaard Trust), and Steven and Beverly Mack (Trustees of Steve C. and Beverly A Mack Living Trust) and have signed the Petition for Vacation indicating that they have reviewed the Petition and consent to the vacation of Public Right of Way described in the Petition; WHEREAS, the City Plan Commission of the City of Watertown, South Dakota, has by Resolution 2016-20, approved said vacation, recommending to the City Council approval thereof; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Watertown, South Dakota, that the Public Right of Way described in the Petition be, and is hereby, declared vacated, retaining a utility easement over its entirety, as recommended by the City Plan Commission. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall be published, and upon taking effect, the Finance Officer is authorized to note the vacation on the City records and record this Resolution with the office of the Register of Deeds of Codington County. Dated at Watertown, South Dakota, this ____ day of __________, 2016. The above and foregoing Resolution was moved for adoption by Alderperson _____________, seconded by Alderperson _____________, and upon the roll call motion carried, whereupon the Mayor declared the resolution to be duly passed and adopted. I hereby certify that Resolution 16-22 was published in the Watertown Public Opinion, the official newspaper of said City, on the ____ day of ___________, 2016 Rochelle M. Ebbers, CPA City of Watertown Attest: _____________________________ Rochelle M. Ebbers, CPA Finance Officer _________________________________ Steve Thorson Mayor Back To Top City Council Resolution 16-22 Vacation of North 18' of South Lake Drive / 5 ! U ! L AK ED RS 54TH ST NW Legend Proposed Vacation Private Property Right-of-Way Back To Top Back To Top Back To Top Back To Top Back To Top Back To Top Back To Top Back To Top Back To Top Back To Top Back To Top Back To Top Back To Top Back To Top Back To Top Back To Top Item #5- Ordinance 16-08 ORDINANCE NO. 16-08 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3.0109(3) REGULATING THE KEEPING OF CERTAIN ANIMALS WITHIN AND FOR THE CITY OF WATERTOWN BE IT ORDAINED by the City of Watertown that Section 3.0109(3) of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Watertown regulating the keeping of certain animals be amended as follows: 3.0109: REGULATIONS ON THE KEEPING OF CERTAIN ANIMALS OTHER THAN DOGS 3. The keeping of domestic fowl such as ducks, geese and chickens or predators such as skunks, foxes or raccoons as pets shall be by special permission of the animal control board. The keeping or harboring of dangerous animals, including, but not limited to, skunks, foxes or raccoons or other animals with a propensity for carrying or transmitting rabies or other harmful diseases, exotic mammals including nonhuman primates, and venomous reptiles is expressly prohibited within the city limits of Watertown. Any prohibited animal found within the city limits of Watertown shall be immediately impounded by proper authority and either removed from the city limits or humanely destroyed. Pursuant to the authority vested in the City of Watertown under S.D.C.L. §9-19-13; the City Council has declared this ordinance to be necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or support of the municipal government and its existing public institutions, and it shall therefore take effect immediately upon its passage on June 20th,2016. The above and foregoing Ordinance was moved for adoption by Alderperson __________, seconded by Alderperson ____________, and upon voice vote motion carried, whereupon the Mayor declared the Ordinance duly passed and adopted. I certify that Ordinance 16-08 was published in the Watertown Public Opinion, the official newspaper of said City, on the ______ day of June, 2016. Rochelle M. Ebbers, CPA First Reading: June 6th, 2016 Second Reading: June 20th, 2016 Published: June 25th, 2016 Effective: June 20th, 2016 City of Watertown Attest: _____________________________ Rochelle M. Ebbers, CPA Finance Officer __________________________ Steve Thorson Mayor Back To Top Back To Top Item #6- Mount Hope Cemetery Replat Request for City Council Action TO: THROUGH: FROM: MEETING DATE: SUBJECT: City Council Steve Thorson, Mayor Shane Waterman, City Engineer June 20, 2016 Veterans’ Burial Plot – Plat Amendment Background: March 2002 was the last time the City revised the Veterans’ Burial Plot within the Mount Hope Cemetery. Since that time the area set aside for the burial of bodies of men and women of the Armed Services has slowly been filled up. The Engineering Staff was notified the area designated for Veterans has essentially been exhausted. Therefore, we have researched the area(s) adjacent to the existing Veterans’ Plot and propose a revision to City Ordinance Chapter 6.05 to establish additional land to be set aside for the burial of Veterans. The area described in the revised ordinance includes both the existing Veterans’ Plot and the proposed addition. The new area will provide 72 burial plots within the revised Veteran’s Plot. Further, City Staff has identified the area(s) for future expansion of the Veterans’ Burial Plot. Facts: 1. Veterans’ Burial Plot: Existing plots are nearly exhausted within the area set aside in the Mount Hope Cemetery. Proposed plots are adjacent to the original plot area. Proposed area will provide 72 additional plots for Veterans. Staff has identified the area for future expansion. Recommendation: City Staff recommends approving this ordinance revision. Action: City Council action on Ordinance 16-11 Amending Section 6.0501 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Watertown. Back To Top ORDINANCE 16-11 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 6.0501 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WATERTOWN. BE IT ORDAINED by the City of Watertown, South Dakota that Section 6.0501of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Watertown as follows: Chapter 6.05 VETERANS' BURIAL PLOT Section 6.0501 6.0502 6.0503 Veterans’ Burial Plot Established No Charge for Burial Subject to all Ordinances, Etc. 6.0501: VETERANS' BURIAL PLOT ESTABLISHED The following portion of Memorial Park Addition to Mount Hope Cemetery contained within the boundaries as hereinafter stated is hereby set aside for the burial of bodies of men and women of the Armed Services of the United States and Veterans of the said Armed Services of the United States of all wars. Said tract is bounded as follows: 1. On the north by a straight line extending from the northeast corner of Lot 470 in Section I to the northeast corner of Lot 326 in Section 4; 2. On the east by a straight line extending south from the northeast corner of Lot 326 in Section 4 along the east line of said Lot 326 and the east line of Lot 325 in said section to the intersection of said line with the south line of Lot 9 in said Section 4; 3. On the west by a straight line extending south from the northeast corner of Lot 470 in Section 1 along the east line of said Lot 470 and Lot 471 in said section to the intersection of said line with the south line of Lot 11 in said Section 1; 4. On the south by a straight line between the intersections of the west boundary of said lot with the south line of Lot 11 in Section 1 and the intersection of the east boundary of said lot with the south line of Lot 9 in Section 4. (C-2321) Commencing at the northeast corner of Lot 470 in Section 1, thence east to the northwest corner of Lot 327 in Section 4, thence south to the southwest corner of Lot 329 in Section 4, thence east to the intersection of the south line of Lot 334 in Section 4 and the extension of the west lines of Lots 96-100 in Section 4, thence south to the southwest corner of Lot 100 in Section 4, thence west to the intersection of the south line of Lot 11 in the Section 1 and the extension of the east line of Lot 471 in Section 1, thence north to the point of beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 470 in Section 1. The above and foregoing Ordinance was moved for adoption by Alderperson __________, seconded by Alderperson __________, and upon voice vote motion carried, whereupon the Mayor declared the Ordinance duly passed and adopted. I certify that Ordinance 16-11 was published in the Watertown Public Opinion, the official newspaper of said City, on the ____ day of __________, 2016. Rochelle M. Ebbers, CPA Back To Top First Reading: June 6, 2016 Second Reading: June 20, 2016 Published: June 25, 2016 Effective: July 15, 2016 City of Watertown Attest: _____________________________ Rochelle M. Ebbers, CPA Finance Officer __________________________ Steve Thorson Mayor Back To Top Back To Top BackTo Top Item #7- Ordinance 16-10 Rezone Request for City Council Action TO: THROUGH: FROM: MEETING DATE: SUBJECT: City Council Steve Thorson, Mayor Shane Waterman, City Engineer June 9, 2016 City Property – Rezone Background: Lyons Park, north of the intersection of 3rd Avenue NW and 1st Avenue NW is primarily zoned PUD with some I-1 and R-2A Zoning. No PUD proposal is on file for the property, therefore no building permits can be issued for the property until a plan is updated or the property is suitably zoned. The Planning Commission initiated the rezoning of this property on April 21, 2016. Facts: 1. Adjacent Zoning Designation: A-1 Agricultural District (park) north. R-2A Single Family Attached Residential District west. A-1 Agricultural District (park); I-1 Light Industrial District east. A-1 Agricultural District (park); I-1 Light Industrial District south. 2. Minimum Lot Requirements: a. Min. Lot Area: b. Min. Lot Width: c. Min. Front Yard: d. Min. Side Yard: e. Min. Rear Yard: A-1 35 Acres 400 ft 30 ft 25 ft 40 ft Current Property >35 Acres 1,100 ft NA NA NA 3. The properties will be able to conform with the A-1 District’s lot requirements. 4. Approval of the rezoning will allow the construction of structures accessory to the park(s) located on these parcels held under contiguous ownership by the City. Action: City Council action on Ordinance 16 – 10 History: 04/21/16 06/09/16 06/20/16 07/05/16 07/09/15 07/29/15 Future: City Council Initiated the Rezone City Council Public Hearing City Council First Reading City Council Second Reading and Public Hearing Published – if Approved Effective Back To Top ORDINANCE NO. 16-10 An Ordinance Amending Zoning District Boundaries by Rezoning property from PUD Planned Unit Development, R-2A Single Family Attached Residential District, and I-1 Light Industrial to A-1 Agricultural District BE IT ORDAINED by the City of Watertown and based on the report and recommendation of the City Plan Commission in its Resolution No. 2016-19, that real property legally described as: Charles A. Todd Outlot to Watertown, South Dakota, in the Southwest Quarter of Section 30, T117N, R52W, of the Fifth P.M.; and Trail Way Addition to the City of Watertown, South Dakota; and Lots 4 & 5 of Trail Way Addition to the City of Watertown; and Block 7, The West Addition, Blocks 4 – 7, to Watertown, Dakota Territory; and Vacated Fourth Avenue North (formerly Second Avenue) lying North of Block 7, The West Addition, Blocks 4 – 7, to Watertown, Dakota Territory, from its existing designation of PUD Planned Unit Development pursuant to Watertown Revised Ordinance §21.38 to A-1 Agricultural District pursuant to Watertown Revised Ordinance §21.12 and, Block 4, The West Addition, Blocks 4 – 7, to Watertown, Dakota Territory; and Block 3, The West Addition to Watertown, Dakota Territory, less road; and Block 2, The West Addition to Watertown, Dakota Territory; and Block 1, Davis Addition to Watertown, Dakota Territory, from its existing designation of R-2A Single Family Attached Residential District pursuant to Watertown Revised Ordinance §21.18 to A-1 Agricultural District pursuant to Watertown Revised Ordinance §21.12 and, Lot A of Charles A. Todd Outlot to Watertown, South Dakota, in the Southwest Quarter of Section 30, T117N, R52W, of the Fifth P.M. from its existing designation of I-1 Light Industrial District pursuant to Watertown Revised Ordinance §21.32 to A-1 Agricultural District pursuant to Watertown Revised Ordinance §21.12. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the new zoning designation referenced above be extended and applied to the centerline of the adjacent public rights-of-ways. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the zoning map of the City of Watertown be so amended. The above and foregoing Ordinance was moved for adoption by Alderperson _____________, seconded by Alderperson _____________, and upon voice vote motion carried, whereupon the Mayor declared the Ordinance duly passed and adopted. I hereby certify that Ordinance 16-10 was published in the Watertown Public Opinion, the official newspaper of said City, on the ___ day of, _____ 2016. Rochelle M. Ebbers,CPA First Reading: June 20, 2016 Second Reading: July 5, 2016 Published: July 9, 2016 Effective: July 29, 2016 City of Watertown Attest: _____________________________ Rochelle M. Ebbers, CPA Finance Officer __________________________ Steve Thorson Mayor Back To Top / Vicinity Map Park Property Rezone 1 inch = 300 feet 7TH AVE NW SKYLINE DR 6TH AVE NW 6TH AVE NW 4TH ST NW 5TH AVE NW PE S KA BLV 9TH ST NW KA M 8TH ST NW 5TH AVE NW DN 4TH AVE NW 4TH AVE NW 9TH ST NW Legend To be rezoned from I-1 to A-1 8TH ST NW RA M 3RD AVE NW P 1S T AV E NW To be rezoned from PUD to A-1 To be rezoned from R-2A to A-1 Back To Top Item #8- Kampeska Dunes Agreement Amendment Request for City Council Action TO: THROUGH: FROM: MEETING DATE: SUBJECT: City Council Steve Thorson, Mayor Shane Waterman, City Engineer June 20, 2016 Kampeska Dunes 2nd Addition – Agreement Amendment Petitioner: Dale Christensen, DLT Development, Inc. Background: In 2006 the area known as Kampeska Dunes 2nd Addition was developed for residential lots with R-1 Zoning. The Letter of Assurance/Development Agreement approved by the City Council included the construction of a detention pond to city standards. The improvements included grading, outlet works, final vegetative stabilization, adjacent paved surface of 12th Avenue North, curb and gutter, sidewalks adjacent to 12th Avenue North and 33rd Street West, and other related appurtenances. Upon completion of these conditions the Proprietors may present to the City, for City Council acceptance, a warranty deed for Lot 1, Block 2 of Kampeska Dunes Second Addition (i.e. the lot containing the detention pond). Currently, the portion of the sidewalk requested to be constructed adjacent to the pond hasn’t been completed. The Petitioner intends to construct the sidewalk along the 12th Avenue North portion of Lot 1; however, they are requesting an amendment to the Letter of Assurance/Development Agreement to remove the requirement of sidewalk from along the 33rd Street West portion of Lot 1. This segment of walk is approximately 350 feet long. Currently, the sidewalk would not extend to developed property. The estimated cost of this portion of the walk is $9,800. Recommendation: City Staff supports deferral of the sidewalk installation until required in the future; however, if the intention of the Petitioner is to deed Lot 1 to the city, the sidewalk improvements should be completed as per Agreement or compensation for the cost of the proposed sidewalk given to the city for future construction. Action: City Council action on the Amendment of Letter of Assurance/Development Agreement (Remove the requirement of sidewalk from along the 33rd Street West portion of the Lot 1) Back To Top Back To Top Back To Top Back To Top Back To Top Back To Top Back To Top Back To Top / Kampeska Dunes 2nd Addition 1209 33 ST NW 1205 33 ST NW 95 33 99 12 33 3309 12 AVE NW AV 12 E AV NW E NW E AV 12 94 33 33RD ST NW 34TH ST NW NW 12TH AVE NW GOLF COURSE RD STR 27-117-53 0 75 150 Feet Back To Top Item #9- Landfill Cell 6 Change Order Request for Council Action TO: FROM: MEETING DATE: SUBJECT: Mayor and City Council Shane Waterman, P.E., City Engineer June 20, 2016 Change Order #1 for Landfill Cell 6 Construction Project 1605 Background: Houston Engineering Inc. (HEI) was contracted in the fall of 2013 to provide engineering services to the City of Watertown for the Landfill Site. The services included engineering design of Cells 5 and 6, support with construction solicitation, and construction management and observation. Cell 5 construction began in the summer of 2013 and concluded in the summer of 2014. Concurrent with the construction of Cell 5, design plans and a project manual were developed for Cell 6 with anticipated construction schedule in the summer of 2016. The City received bids for the project on March 23, 2016 and an Award contract of the Base Bid and Alternate #1 for Project #1605 to Bates Construction of Twin Brooks, SD in the amount of $1,142,457.83 was made on April 4, 2016. Cell 6 Construction began on June 6, 2016 and upon starting work it was noted a large area of smaller trees (3” dia.) were noted south of Cells 4-6 in the vicinity of the proposed landfill access road. The footprint of the area is approximately 2 acres. Proposed work includes the removal of trees in excess of 3-inch diameter via clearing & grubbing operations and including miscellaneous vegetation and shrubbery and placement of all spoil materials onsite at the direction of the facility manager. The cost associated with the work will be a lump sum in the amount of $3,000. Recommendation: Since the work was necessary and adequate funds are available in landfill enterprise cash reserves to supplement the original budget, approval is recommended. Council Action Requested: Motion to approve Change Order #1 to the contract with Bates Construction Company, Inc. for Landfill Cell 6 Construction Project 1605 increasing the contract amount $3,000. Back To Top Back To Top Back To Top Back To Top
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