Inclusion body disease (IBD) and Cryptosporidiosis in a boid snake
Inclusion body disease (IBD) and Cryptosporidiosis in a boid snake
Permission granted only for viewing on the SEVPAC website 2 year old male boa constrictor (Boa constrictor) Permission granted only for viewing on the SEVPAC website y Presented to the referring veterinarian with a history of chronic regurgitation of several months duration y Another boid in the collection was being monitored for a recurrent respiratory problem. y A python in the collection showed acute signs of neurologic disease and died after having been unable to right itself y Formalin‐fixed tissues of the boa were submitted for histologic evaluation Permission granted only for viewing on the SEVPAC website Permission granted only for viewing on the SEVPAC website Permission granted only for viewing on the SEVPAC website Permission granted only for viewing on the SEVPAC website Permission granted only for viewing on the SEVPAC website Permission granted only for viewing on the SEVPAC website Permission granted only for viewing on the SEVPAC website Permission granted only for viewing on the SEVPAC website y Proliferative gastritis, chronic, diffuse, marked, with intralesional protozoa consistent with Cryptosporidium sp. y Eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies, multifocal, severe, in the mucosal epithelium, muscularis and serosal ganglia of the stomach consistent with inclusion body disease Permission granted only for viewing on the SEVPAC website Permission granted only for viewing on the SEVPAC website Permission granted only for viewing on the SEVPAC website Permission granted only for viewing on the SEVPAC website Permission granted only for viewing on the SEVPAC website Permission granted only for viewing on the SEVPAC website Permission granted only for viewing on the SEVPAC website y Cryptosporidium is a protozoal parasite causing a self‐ limiting infection in immunocompetent mammalian hosts y Cryptosporidium serpentis is the most common pathologic species found in the snake y Proliferative gastritis in reptile hosts that is fatal y Typically progresses to an Photo Courtesy of Dr. Scott Terrell advanced disease state prior to the onset of clinical signs Permission granted only for viewing on the SEVPAC website Normal Boid Stomach y Ingested oocysts release sporozoites which invade the brush border of the gastric mucosal epithelium y Infection causes a proliferative gastritis, resulting in a decreased gastric lumen size and severe mucosal irritation Proliferative Gastritis y Affected animals may succumb to acute disease, or may progress along a clinical course of up to two years Photos Courtesy of Dr. Scott Terrell Permission granted only for viewing on the SEVPAC website y Inclusion body disease (IBD) of boid snakes has been recognized since the 1970s y Signs of infection in boas include y Central nervous system disorders y y y y Inability to control body movements Inability to right itself “Star‐gazing" Inability to strike or constrict y Gastrointestinal abnormalities y Chronic regurgitation y Extreme weight loss y Respiratory infections Photo Courtesy of Dr. Elliott Jacobson Permission granted only for viewing on the SEVPAC website y Characteristic intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies observed in: y y y y Epidermal cells Oral mucosal epithelial cells Visceral epithelial cells Neurons Photo Courtesy of Dr. Elliott Jacobson y The causative agent is currently unknown but lesions have been associated with the presence of a retrovirus Photo Courtesy of Dr. Elliott Jacobson Permission granted only for viewing on the SEVPAC website y Individually, either disease had the potential to result in chronic regurgitation and anorexia y Cryptosporidiosis y Gastric hyperplasia and intralesional protozoa y Proliferative gastritis with a decreased lumen size resulted in chronic regurgitation y Inclusion Body Disease y Inclusions within the gastric mucosal epithelium and were found within all tissues evaluated y Disseminated disease results in neurologic and cellular dysfunction manifesting as chronic regurgitation y No known treatment of either disease makes these of particular concern with management of collections Permission granted only for viewing on the SEVPAC website Permission granted only for viewing on the SEVPAC website y Schumacher, J., Jacobson, E.R.; Homer, B.L.; Gaskin, J.M. 1994. Inclusion y y y y y body disease in boid snakes. J. of Zoo and Wildlife Med. 25(4):511‐524. Douglas Mader, DVM, Reptile Medicine and Surgery second edition (2006) Saunders, Philadelphia PA. Axthelm, M.K. 1985. Viral encephalitis of boid snakes. Int. Colloq. Pathol. Reptiles Amphib. 3:25. (Abstract) IBD. Xiao, L., et. al 2004. Genetic Diversity of Cryptosporidium spp. in captive reptiles. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. Feb pp.891‐899. Fayer, R. Niorgan U, and Upjohn SJ. 2000. Epidemiology of Cryptosporidium; transmission, detection and identification. Int.J. Parasitol. 30:1305‐1322. Brownstein DG, Strandberg RJ, Montail M, Bush and Fortner J. (1977) Cryptosporidium in snakes with hypertrophic gastritis. Vet Pathol. 14:606‐ 617. Special thanks to Dr. Scott Terrell, Dr. Elliott Jacobson and Claire Caruana for providing photographs for this presentation Permission granted only for viewing on the SEVPAC website
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