Port Hardy - A Slice of BC`s Grandeur
Port Hardy - A Slice of BC`s Grandeur
Story& Photo.s B1t:Barb Roy p r e v i o u s N W D N s l o r i e s "I m e n t i o n e d fn I h o w m a n y d i r e r s a r e o p t i n gt o e x p l o r e local sites with family and friends to deal with currenteconomictimes.Port Hardy,in BritishColumbia.is onesuchdestination. Not only is PortHardythe gatewayto the Queen CharlotteStraitit providesaccessto areason thenorlheastem sideofVancouverIslandfor excellent.prime diving. As a photographeq this hasalwaysbeena favoriteareaof mine becausethe activitiesare so bountiful and wildlile-viewingopportunities areendless. Within these nutrient rich waters an array of vibrant colored invertebrates reside,includingnudibranchs,basketstars, anemonesand soft corals.Lush kelp forests provide shelterfor giant Pacific octopus, lingcod, wolf eels,rockfish and numerous othermarinecritters. For wreck enthusiasts, the SS lftenls is a naturalwreck,sinkingin 1906afterhitting Crocker Rock. After e.nduringnumerous storms,the wreckageranges in depth from 60 to 90 feet. Photographers are sureto find pink and white soft corals,pastelcolored spongeandhugeleth'argic PugetSoundking crabs.Watchfor octopusandwolf eelsunder decking and hull pieces.Mottled yellow and black China rockfishand strippedtiger rockfishare also herewith a beautifulthick forestofkelp surroundingthe site. photographers Naturalistandunderwater will alwaysenjoySevenTreeIsland.On one sideis a deepwall coveredin whiteanemones with pink and red soft coral clustersevery 12 inchesor so. Betweenflexible finger spongeshide shy decoratedwarbonnetsand red Irish lordstrying to becomeinvisible. fryffi '-._.il11 infir:ft R*r.lJ+i .,,* YOUR tOCAt SPORTS APPARET TEADEB! ;,ii,{$*iii i$tiL{-,iffiifiI{iil*:* t #ffi, Let us,arrangethe wildernessexperienceof a lifetime, grizzlybeartours, fromwhalewatching, salmon{ishing, ecotours,diving, or hikingto beaches. oristine Callus! i:i ii-tlfi ii*r''i:,ti fxiiZ#,kl 6555HardyBayRd.Port HardyBCVON2P0 www. nwd ivenews.com N o r t h w e s t D i v e N e w s J U L Y2 0 0 9 1 NoRIHWF-Sr DlvENEWS Lacy-lookingbasketstarsextendbranch_like rayswhile gatheringfood.The island'sother sideis shalloweqwith orangeseapensin the sand.Multi-coloredbroodinganernones are comrnonlyfound at the baseof kelp stalks i n t h es h a l l o w s . If weatherand currentspermit. dive operators mighttraver.se theStraltto Se),rnour Inlet and SlingsbyChannelto dive iurret Rock. This currentswept site lies in the middleof NakwaktoRapidsandis hometo coloniesof subtidalred-lippedgooseneck barnacles. Also seenherearewhitesix_rayed seasrars.hugepurpleplumedlearher_duiter w o r m s , g r e e n l i n g s .s p o n g e sa n d m o r e anemones. (This site is recommended for advanceddiversonlv). BetweenMarch-andNovembergroups d e p a r t P o r t H a r d y f o r m u l t i _ d a vO i u . excursionw s i t h s e v e r ad l ive operators p r o v i d i n gp l . o f e s s i o nbaol a t c h a r t e r st o BrowningPass,the DeserterIslands,God,s PockelProvincialMarine park and manv others. T h e M u m n t i s a l i v e - a _ b o a rd i v e v e s s e l o f f - e r i n gm u l t i _ d a y a d v e n t u r e s . accomrnodating groupsof six. "When referringto my port Hardytrips . ... I like to sayPort Hardy and Beyond,';states DanFerris,ownerandCaptainofthe Mamro. "Because we arefreeto go anylvhere andstay wttefe\,er we choose_" Dan was certilied in 1993and started diving in Port Hardy in 1994.He and his wife Debboughtthe54-footwoodedmother ship Mamro in 2000. They use a 30_foot aluminumskiff to takediversout and serve a plentifulsupplyof wholesome food. "Wj , _r. starling to stay in Hardy partly throughNovembernow,',continuis^Oan. ''l lovc springin porr Hardy.Everythingis new and alive. Betweentrips, Deb and igo for drivesjust to namethe bears.I think oirr r e c o r di s e i g h rb l a c kb e a r si n o n en i g h t W . e had over fifty eaglesat the dock th-eother nightand I saw sevenelk down by Wossa Inonth ago." AlthoughMamr.ooifers individualspots. thcytry^1(r l'ocuson groupslrom diveshops. clubs,fih.ncrewsor fbmiliesand friendsto t I r I Eachday we scrueup lnsrcdiblc photo Ops! @ up to 4 greatdivesper day fromour comfyWilderness Resort! Vancouver's lsland diveresort intheheartoftheBarklev Sound OPENALLYEAR! Greatreefs,walls& wrecks, sixgillsharks giantoctopus, nuotDranches & muchmore. Packaqes for individuals, groups, andstores Non-divers andchildren arewelcome Calltoll frcc cno rf,ww.Ua 1 250753-375'i nGouuerl slandDivc.com N o r t h w e s tD i v e N e w s J U L y 2 0 0 9 www. nwd ivetnews.cont TorlFree:1 -877-777-9994 www.rendezvousdivin g.com i n f o@r e n d e z v o u s d i v r n o . c o m I i ! : DIVENEWS NORTHWEST createcustomitineraries.Dive rangefor the Mamro is Victoria to PrinceRupertand all stopsin between.Land excursionscan also be arranged. " M y b i g g e s tt h r i l l i s s h o w i n g m y customerswhat they want to see.There's n o t h i n g b e t t e rt h a n h a v i n g a n e w d i v e r coming up with saucereyestelling me that they saw their first wolf eel or octopus,or 26 the veteranphotographersaying I got the shot! It's pretty exciting to have the skiff anchored,watchingbubblesandhavewhales, dolphinsor sealionscomeby.You're sitting on pinsandneedleshopingyour diverslooked over their shouldersin time to seethem." Dan Ferris Another li-vea board servicingthis area is the 116-footcustom-builtocean-going www. nwd ivenews.com Nautilus Explorer, operated by Captain M ike Lever. "We ran our first Port Hardy dive charter in 1993on the old NautilusZ//," comments Mike. "I usedto dive the Gulf Islandson othel I dive charterboats like the Clavella'be,f.ore setup the Naztilus VII in 1992.Cunently we offer late May and JuneVancouverlsland circumnavigationtrips that stopat Porttlar{y Dive NewsIULY2009 Northwest N9RJIJWF-SIPIY-F}I-E"YVS. for a .coupleof days of diving as well as wonderfulit is to jump in the waterand how stay until mid to late October.After that. oropprnglntoBrowningpassandDillon Rock pnvlteged we are to be ableto visit another they.break on all of our tripsto andfrom Alaskain June, up into smallergroups(probably w^orldand forget about our topsidelives for families) and move farthir into inl"ts-ii July.andAugust.Wearealwaysinterestedin 60minutes.Maybetheintertidaizone(surface spendthe winter. Most head out to sea bv puttingtogetheranyothercustomchanersthat to 30 feet) may well be the very besipart of March or April following the herrine afte, drversmightbe interested in." Brow.ningWall. poking througirkelp'is sort theyspawn." T h e N a u t i l u s E x p l o r e r c a n e a s i l v ol ttklng walkingthrougha coastalrainforest: Browning pass Hide Away is a quaint accommodateup to 20 divers.At 27_feet nndtngone gardenafteranotherofbrilliant _ floating platform in the tranquii Clam bove, w i d e , t h e s t e e lh u l l p r o v i d e sa s m o o t h a l : T o l 9 r r e f l e c r i n gt h e s u n s h i n em i x e d with three cabinsto houseup ro ten guests. s t a b l er i d e . N i t r o x i s a v a i l a b l ea n d t h e wtrn bnghtorangeburrowingseacucumbers, This is an ideal situation fbr diveri on a Iood rsgourrnetcuisine. greensurf dwelling anemones, red soft corals. mainly focusedon diving. The food is Mike remarks on his recent dive: .,It grange cup corals and so on. I could easily 9r.lg:r, deliciousand the place is warm and drv. was my turn yesterdayto divemasterthe havespenta longtime relaxinganAwarchine "I like to refer to this area as ThL Best next_splashat the world famous Browning trtttecrabs,gobiesand sculpinin my gardei Diving in the Known (Jniverse!,'continues Wall. World famous???yup, this dir, ;iE but regrettably,my hour wai up. I lovJ cold_ John."l cameup with that descriptionfor a was voted #l in North America 3 yearsin a water scubadivingl', Captain Mike orvemagazlne row in Rodale'sScubaDiving. I wisn't sure articleon Browningpassabout watchingand paddlingaroundin a 20 years ago. I'd beenrunning lhe Ctor"tio wfat t9 expectand was pleasantlysurprised , fird Kayakare also popularsideactivitiesin and for 8 yearsandtherewas reallyno otherwav when I jumped in and looked around.'Wha-t around the Port Hardy area.John deBoeck. to describethe qualityof diving, underwater a beEutiful site! I had forgottenjust how o_wnerand operator of the Browning pass pnotography, marine biology and marine qagical Browning Wall was. We cruised H i d e A w a y o n N i g e i I s l a n d ,t , u , , i u . r u l mammalviewing potentialin the area.,' 70 feet past towering walls of giant kayaks llgp "J availableto his customers and knows explains b i l l o w i n g w h i t e p l u m o s ea n e m o n e sa n d what the first part.of one ^. {ohn most o^fthe bird species.Early morningsare of his_tripsmight be like; ..We .".t you in sodnfound ourselveson thered wall, named, for the huge sheetsofred soft coral 40 feei gold .for.vie,wingAmericanwigeoni and Port Hardy, load up and run out to th; Hide oumeheads alongtheshoreor puffinsaround Away, taking high.coveringeveryinchofavailablerock. about an hour unlesswe come the outer islands. Birds are not the only across_whalesor dolphins. Oops, there,s Couplethis with schoolsof hoveringjuvenile thingsto seethough... some.Dall's,Porpoise,over by that eagle roclcfioh.al{_9olor thepalatewith huge-basker yellow "At onepoint we hadovera hundredsea catchingthe fish... sponge.brilliantly coloredanemone-s, otters in our bay,,, John proudly exclaims. "Once you've settledinto your comfi, stArs,tunicatesand hydroidscreatingquitea "One month they were everywhereand the cottage, we get gearedup and boardthe dive sight! Therewere also loadsof nudibranchs next they had moved on. In August, the tenderfor a late afternoondive. Back for a and crabs,This was a clear reminderof how dolphins usually arrive in tu.g. g.iup. unJ hearty home-style supper,then perhapsan NorthwestDive NewsJULY2O0g www. nwd ivenews.com DIVENEW.S NORTHWEST eveningor night-dive.Later,with a wood-fire burning,you cankick back,reador download your images.Rechargebatteriesand sweet dreamsin the cozy double beds, fireplace cracklingandpeacefulsilence. "The Next morning we have toast and coffeeand a dive beforea mid-morningfulI eggs'muffins' breakfast,includingsausages, cereals,juice, fruit and coffee,then back to the passfor anothergreatslack dive. Lunch is hot homemadesoup or chowder with sandwichesand enoughtime for a paddle aroundthe cove or a bit of beachcombing beforethe next boat dive." My husbandWaYneand I have enjoYed severalvisits with John,a long time veteran diver and charteroperatorof this area,and have yet to be disappointedwith his timing for currents! God's Pocket is a land-basedresort ownedandoperatedby Bill WeeksandAnnie C e s c h iw , h o h a v et a k e nd i v e r so u t s i n c e Augustof 1998.Their dive seasonis April I throughOctober31, but will accommodate requestsfor customschedules. "We havebuilttwo new cabins,designed with winter diving in mind' They are also availableto rent out weekly for diversor non divers in ovr off season." Bill startbddiving in 1987 and Annie was certified in 2000. Bill explainswhat diversmight see;"spring is a greattime to seeall kinds of babies.It's alsothe time we see Puget Sound King Crabs in shallower water.Octopusesare in our bay more often and it's not uncommonto see them in the shallows from our sundeck.We dive with sealions and seeporpoisesall year as well as Orcas (mainly August and September). Humpbackwhalesliterally begin"sleeping" SERVING THE NORTH\.I|EST DIVER FOR OVER 40 YEARS. r (800)222-rJrYE 10803SW BarburBlvd' Portland,OR q7219 www.aquaticsports.com lvI-F10to 7 Sat9 to 5 www. nwd ivenews.com Dive NewsJULY2009 Northwest NORTHWEST DIVENEWS just outsideof our bay aroundthe middle of May. They sometimesstick aroundas late as the endof October. "If people are interestedin really big kelp forests,August and Septemberare best. During this time, our bay is teaming with hoodednudibranchs.Giant swimming nudibranchsmake their appearancein June and staythroughthe fa11." AlthoughGod'sPocketwill accommodate 12 divers on their boat, they have enough roomfor l6 people(two perroom).The extra room makesit possiblefor private rooms or to bring kids or dogs. Their aluminum42-footboathasa service speedof 20 knots, making Browning Pass l0 minutesaway,Barry Islet 35 minutesand NakwaktoRapids50 minutesaway! Bill continues,"She has an air filling stationon board,a head,two boardingladders and a platform. We have tank racks for 15 SCUBA systems.We typicallydo at least12 diveson a full 4-daycharter,which include; SevenTree Island,BrowningIslets,Browning Wall,Hunt Rock,BarryIslet,HussarPointand a sealion dive. There are three sitesfor the NakwaktoRapidsarea;OuterNarrows,Turret Rock,JohnsopPoint.We also try to include a fast current snorkel! There are many other sitesto do aswell. Oneday is left forthe group to decidewhat.they-would like to do." Bill and Annie regularly offer nature Northwest Dive NewsIULY2009 hikes and walks, and kayakingis fun to do in their bay. Bill explainswhat a typical fourday charter might be like; "Arrive God's Pocketat 6pm from Port Hardy.Have dinner, orientation and settle in. Day one through four: Breakfast,lunch,dinnerand diving. On day four you can rinse your gear,dry it out in a designateddrying room. The next day, breakfastand the 35-minute boat ride back to port Hardy, arriving by 9am." Whenaskedaboutan excitingexperience, Bill recalls; "We once had a group where two really wantedto dive in a bait ball to film birds feeding from below. Every time we saw potential, the ball would break up beforewe were ableto get closeenough.On oneoccasion,the closerwe.got,the biggerit became!It was enormous,not only that, we hadeverybird imaginableon theball; eagles, seagulls,rhinocerosauklets,pigeongillimonts aridWilson'sphalaropeson the sidelines.It was crazy! Wealsohad l0 peopleon thebow of the boat looking down on this, while the two diverswere readyto jump in. In the next moment,all of the people on the bow fell backwardsbecausea humpbackwhale came from underneaththe ball and devouredthe entirething.includinga SeagulllThe whale lunged so far out of the wateq that I could see him from r4y helm chair through the pile of peoplewho had fallen back onto the www. nwdivenews.com windshield.The two diversgot in but all they saw were fish, scalesand feathers." Talk about an unforgettablejourney! Theseare just a few of the encountersone might experiencein the PortHardyarea.Most ofthe operationssupplytanksandweightsand offer (or can arrange)rentalsandNitrox fills. Check out detailedtrip descriptionson their websites. Aboveall, hive fun!Port Hardy is located at the end of Highway 19, approximately235 miles (391 km) from Nanaimo where visitors arrive by ferry from the Mainland at the Tsawwassen andHorseshoe Bay terminals.r Travel Information: DiveIndustryAssociation ofBritishColumbia www.diveindustry bc.com BC Ferrieswww.bcferries.com Browning PassHide Away vryvw. VancouverI sIandD ive.com, l-877 7252835or 2507533751 God'sPocket www.godspocket.com t-250:949-1755 Mamro Adventuies www.mamro,com 1-250-756-8812 Nautilus Explorer www.naut i lusexpIorer.com -7614 I -888-434-8322 or 604-657