Team Jolokia


Team Jolokia
On board, twenty people from different walks of life —
seniors, young people, women and men, disabled
or able-bodied, from all social backgrounds, Team
Jolokia lines up at the start of the most prestigious
races, on a sixty foot Volvo Ocean yacht,
a powerful craft built for the extreme.
The objective:
A unique crew in yacht racing, whose aim
is to demonstrate that diversity is wealth.
Each year, the team recruits twenty new
members. Each brings particular potential and
skills, as well as different abilities which enrich
the team. Whether beginner or certified skipper,
disabled person, a senior citizen or foreign
national, everyone has the chance to embark
on this great human adventure.
In 2013, the crew, unique in this type of
competition and this type of vessel, held its
own against the best professional teams, and
caused a few upsets to the diversity
and performance form books.
Tour de Belle-Île - La Trinité-sur-mer
ArMen Race - La Trinité-sur-mer
Tour d’Irlande - Wiklow
Cowes Week - Isle of Wight, England
Middle Sea Race - Malta
Races in France
Odyssée des épices - Lorient to Mauritius
Rolex Sydney-Hobart
Races in France
Québec-Saint-Malo transatlantic race
Some results from the 2013 season*
ArMen Race: 3rd of 18
SNSM Record: 1st of 10
The Rolex Fastnet Race: 8th of 16
* real-time
Team Jolokia — on the starting
line of the most prestigious
offshore races in France and
around the world.
The Volvo Ocean yacht, VO’60, is designed
for extreme conditions in the Volvo Ocean
Race, a highly demanding round-the-world
With spartan comfort, the boat is powerful
and demanding, and is also a veritable human
"I could not have asked for a better
future for this boat!"
– Knut Frostad,
current director of the Volvo Ocean Race and skipper
of the VO’60 under its former name, Djuice.
Vessel specifications
Length: 19.50 m (64 feet)
Max. width: 5.25 m (17 feet)
Max. sail area, upwind: 200 m2
(2150 sq. ft.)
Max. sail area, downwind: 500 m2
(5380 sq. ft.)
Diversity is richer than uniformity
Integrating diversity — living together,
in other terms — has become one of the major
challenges of the modern world. The more it is
open and in constant motion, the more society
becomes a social mosaic. Societal changes can
cause misunderstanding, a sense of chaos and
Nevertheless formidable challenges, such as
world peace, the protection of the environment
and the sharing of resources, face us implacably,
as we journey into the twenty-first century.
Such difficulties will require ever greater
collaboration between people, however
different they may be. It has become urgent
to learn how to take a positive view of diversity
in order to understand ourselves.
In this regard, the goal of Team Jolokia is to
show that diversity, if well-integrated upstream,
can be a major lever for progress, which can
push a team to motivate itself, to innovate and
to excel.
The sea has the power to strengthen or break
the cohesion of a group. Far from the mundane,
life aboard a racing craft inevitably and
rapidly shows the way to the heart of all
human problems.
What are the keys to
living together?
How to can this diversity
be brought together?
How can it be a factor
in performance?
Where it should enrich
our lives, difference
too often promotes fear
Researchers and experts study the different
aspects of the adventure.
The goal is to transfer the experience of the
team to companies, institutions and other
organizations in order to provide them with
keys to the integration of diversity.
Videos, articles, and interviews are made
available to all those willing to work in a
new way, especially in business.
Key participants
The laboratory is under the patronage of
Jean-Paul Delevoye, president of the Social
and Environmental Council.
The Academy of Rennes (for the National
Education system)
AFMD (French Association of Diversity Managers)
Michel Bazile, Educator at the National School
of Nautical Sports
Cité de la Voile Éric Tabarly
Laurence Cornu, Philosopher, Professor at
the University of Tours
Human Resources Department of
the French Navy
Pete Stone, Diversity Consultant
Working together at sea
and in business
External and internal communication tools :
- a series of video documentaries, a film and a book
- conferences
- thematic round tables
- training for human resources
- sailing aboard Team Jolokia
- a boat and infrastructure, available year-round for
company events
- a website and active social networks
- a sub-team within Team Jolokia dedicated to
- a bank of images for photo exhibitions
- race tracking: photos, videos and audio clips every day
A single communication point
- a demanding project of citizenship
- a project combining teamwork and performance
- positive communication to unite teams and
rethink their organization
- a dynamic link for partnerships with universities
- a partnership developed closely with
businesses, adhering to their strategy
- an excellent investment and
communication opportunity
Major support
Associated supports
Institutional supports
Union Nationale des Aveugles et Déficients Visuels
Medias supports
Technical supports
Le support médical de l'aventure
Gonzague de Blignières, president of Raise
investment, chairman of the supervisory
committee of Equistone:
“ Integrating the difference in life is a challenge
for the future of the company and for our
society. It may be a rocky road but it will be so
very profitable for all concerned. Team Jolokia
brings us the great experience of disparate
teams, drawing their strength from diversity.
If we support such initiatives in human capital,
we will grow together! My hope is that this
approach will bring new keys, a new look, new
energy to our common future. I am proud to be
part of this epic adventure, helping us grow and
live together”.
Isabelle Autissier, professional sailor:
“ In our human world, the premier challenge is to
live together. If we can respond to this question
we will succeed in the twenty-first century.
Living together is understanding, adapting to
one another, following our consciences in the
great global puzzle. Competitors know that the
first and most essential component of victory is
a tightly-knit crew. Solidarity is a weapon in the
service of mankind and it’s what Team Jolokia
is all about”.
Franck Bruno, adventurer:
“ Noah - the man who gathered the most diverse
crew in history - the largest and the smallest,
crawlers and runners, hairy and wild aboard
his ark... an initiative that saved the inhabitants
of the world! As the centuries passed, people
became divided among themselves, creating
pigeonholes and categories... and woe unto
those who would mix them up. Team Jolokia
is the antithesis of that view, a crew where
diversity becomes a strength, in whose wake
the waves caress the shores of hope and life.
Thank you for your commitment, I will always
be there to bring whatever I can to the Team
Jolokia bridge!”
Jean-Paul Delevoye, president of the Conseil
économique, social et environnemental:
“ We currently live in a society of norms which
holds an inclusion speech whilst installing
exclusion mechanisms that look to compensate
handicaps rather than developing various
potentials. We must learn (again) to hold a
positive look upon differences and fragility
as a source of personal enrichment and
collective solidarity. I admire Team Jolokia’s
work. Seduced by its enthusiasm, I am proud to
support it”.
Knut Frostad, ceo Volvo Ocean Race:
“ Raising self awareness can change the world
we live in and there is no better place to do
that than on an offshore sailing boat. On land
we all have options when things don’t work
between us and we can choose to leave rather
than facing our differences and live with them.
Out in the ocean a crew of different people
and personalities have to make it work. Team
Jolokia is a great symbol of bringing great
personalities with many different backgrounds
together and showing everyone that it can
be done as long as you have the spirit and
Vincent Paris, managing director of Sopra:
“ Committed to Team Jolokia since November
2012, Sopra is proud of the path we
have travelled together. Team spirit, an
entrepreneurial outlook, solidarity and
adaptability are all values we both share.
Beyond the physical challenge, the success
of Team Jolokia proves that diversity is an
essential element for ensuring the success of
an organization. It is with this in mind that,
together with the association, we aim to raise
awareness among our employees and the
many students we meet regularly, especially
now, on on the occasion of the EDHEC Cup.”
Patricia Ricard, president of the Paul Ricard
Oceanographic Institute:
“ It is time to change our vision. Always wanting
more than our neighbours is getting us
nowhere. Helping others to excel will lead us
all towards a better world… a brighter and
attainable future! Team Jolokia is, without
doubt, one of the very the first groups to
take the plunge. It is with joy and hope that I
support the team”.
Nonce Paolini, ceo of TF1:
“ The TF1 group and Team Jolokia have been
associates since the creation of the latter
based on a strong conviction: that everything
is possible if you believe in it, if you put in
the necessary technological means, and
especially if you create the financial and human
conditions of collective success. During her
last challenge, this team has demonstrated
with courage, her ability to manage projects
that promote diversity. TF1 is committed with
her Foundation and AFNOR label under every
aspect, conscious of the fact that she represents
the most precious of treasures for France as
for a company or business in general. Team
Jolokia’s adventure continues, and the TF1
group will naturally be, once again, along her
Amiral Bernard Rogel, commander-in-Chief
of the French Navy:
“ The “Marine nationale” is happy to share Team
Jolokia’s spirit, this lovely human adventure,
which puts forth diversity’s strengths, tenacity,
and team spirit. To dare confronting such
challenge is already a victory, that of pushing
oneself to the limit. To live and succeed
together: is that not one of the most ambitious
challenges ever faced”.
Graphic design : Justine Gaxotte
Photos : © Martin Coudriet
15 rue Louvre
75001 Paris
association of
general interest
Not to try
is already to lose.
[email protected]
+33 6 08 89 14 57
+33 6 33 37 22 81