RR-Eurocamp 2016 |1 - Literatura Royal Rangers


RR-Eurocamp 2016 |1 - Literatura Royal Rangers
RR-Eurocamp 2016 1
Theme : «Kingdom, now but not yet!»
Dates : 31.07.2016 – 05.08.2016 (Sunday night to Friday morning)
Camp fee : 160€ early bird price
Localization : Wroclaw
Information can be found on Royal Rangers Eurocamp website
Responsibilites Eurocampteam
Dates / Camp ground
Registration guidelines
Camp life
Material supplies
Camp facilities
Camp rules and regulations
2 | Camp Manual
page 3
page 6
page 8
page 13
page 16
page 17
page 20
page 21
page 24
page 30
page 32
Jean-Paul Maroni (FR) - Eurocamp Coordinator
Jan Zajac (PL) - Camp Commander
Przemek Janiszewski (PL) - Camp Commander Assistant
Stephan Hörtig (CH) - Spiritual Leader
Angelika Dengler (DE)
Daniel Bergfors (SE)
Edyta Zajac (PL)
Markus Hediger (CH)
Nelson Hogg (UK)
[email protected]
RR-Eurocamp 2016 3
To All ELC National Directors, Staffs and Leaders
Dear Royal Rangers Leaders,
Once again the highlight of our Ranger family life is not that far away,
Eurocamp 2016. The planning and organisation has been ongoing for
some 2 years, but from now on everything begins to speed up and
many more people become involved, especially around the nations,
the districts, right down to the boys and girls in the individual outposts, everyone important to the fruitfulness of the camp.
Our theme, « The Kingdom , now but not yet », I am sure will intrigue
many. Of course this will be developed and explained during camp
and we trust that the Holy Spirit will use this to evangelise, equip and
empower our rangers.
How well I remember my first big camp in 1990 in the USA. They
held the International Camporama with representatives from around
the world, and it was my privilege to lead a group from UK of some 25
boys and leaders. The lasting memory is of 5000 rangers, worshiping,
serving, praising and having a great time. Also seeing young boys
praying for each other and receiving their baptisms in the Holy Spirit,
several of them now with their own families and serving in various
ministries. I remember praying Lord, bless us like this in Europe. In
Le Havre as we looked out from the stage in the marquee, the Lord
reminded me of my prayer ! Tears of joy could not be withheld. We are
going to see it again in Wroclaw. I believe we cannot underestimate
the impact of the Big camp on our boys and girls and leaders lives, and
what God will do.
The Eurocamp Team and the Royal Rangers Poland, are working very
hard on our behalf, in spite of all the challenges that there are. I am
sure you will uphold them in prayer as they work to complete the task
and reach the goal, to evangelise, equip, and empower young people,
men and women. Let us all come prepared and READY for a blessed
camp and spiritual impact upon all our lives in our Royal Ranger family.
Have a great Eurocamp.
Nelson Hogg
Chairman of Royal Rangers Europe
4 | Camp Manual
Eurocamp site
Road from
Road from
Road from
Dresden or
Road from
RR-Eurocamp 2016 5
Some highways in Poland are chargeing highway toll for all vehicles
(up to 3,5t).
Drivers of vehicle-trailer combinations with a gross vehicle weight
more thant 3,5t (vehicule trailer and busses) have to pay attention, that
the toll will be charged through the Via Toll system.
Information at http://www.via-toll.pl . There you will find a toll rate
calculator, the list of toll sections and more necessary and helpfull
To receive the Via Box at the distributing points at the border a deposit
is required. The Via Box will be registered on your name and the toll
will be charged via a prepaid system.
A little hint: it is compulsory to use dipped headlights or daytime running lights.
6 | Camp Manual
1. Dates
- Delegations arrive: 29.07.2016, 15:00 (earliest)
- Scheduled: 31.7 - 05.08.2016
- Post camp: 5.8 - 06.08.2016 (last departure Saturday, 16:00)
2. Camp Ground
a. Directions
The camp is located in the South-Western part of Poland, near the city
of Wroclaw (10 km from the city center). The camp area belongs to
General Tadeusz Kosciuszko Military Academy of Land Forces and is
in close proximity to the university Equestrian Center.
The entrance to the camp is located 8 km from the motorway bypass
of Wroclaw : Rakow, Kryniczno, Wisznia Mała, Poland.
Route: A8 - S5 - Exit Wroclaw North - national road No. 5 (to Psary) - in Psary we turn right into Parkowa street, then we turn left in the Główna Street.
GPS coordinates for entry into the camp: 51.198960, 17.082046.
b. Localization
The camp area is a part of the old military airport, it’s approximately
30 hectares. The meadows are flat and they have solid ground.
Access roads are asphalt. Car parks, inside the camp ground, are with
concrete for buses and cars. The camp area will be closed and guarded.
c. Delegation area (Measurements & Site Division)
The Eurocamp staff members will divide and assign space after receiving all registration forms. For the delegations who need to be together due to shared material..., will need to specify that on the delegation online form.
Actually, we plan to have 20m2 per person so you have enough space
to set up cafetarias, worshops, meeting places, tents, eating places,
special buildings... An entrance gate for each delegation village would
be appreciated.
RR-Eurocamp 2016 7
1. Age of Participants
Royal Rangers who participate in the EUROCAMP 2016 are required
to be born in 2004 or earlier. However, delegations may bring participants younger than that at their own risk, but they must not be younger
than 9 years old in order to be a participant.
The nations might define more restrictive age boundaries.
2. Royal Rangers Leaders
A Royal Rangers leader must have reached the age of 18 before the
camp starts. Otherwise that person is not considered as a leader, but as
a participant.
3. Relatives
Spouses and children of Royal Rangers leaders are welcome. They
may stay on the campgrounds. Family members may participate in all
the camp activities except the official competitions.
Children under the age of 9 years must be accompanied by their
parent(s) at all times.
4. Registration of all single participants
The personal registration by name of each Eurocamp member will
start at 15.11.2015. For this we will provide a special registration
software, where every single participant can be registered in, all registration must be done online.
These participants shall be registered until 31.03.2016, further registrations can be submitted until 31.05.2016. The data of all registered
persons can be accessed and modified until 31.05.2016.
From the begining of September, the registration form for single registration will be ready and can be downloaded and printed out. For
the Eurocamp participant´s registration only this formular has to be
used and filled in by every single participant, including signatures.
The delegation has to hold on to these documents and bring them to
the EUROCAMP, they should be available at the delegation leader
during the Camp.
8 | Camp Manual
5. Registration of the delegations
All delegation relevant data (workshop, responsabilities, wood and
pre-registration number) will be registered on the homepage. There
are different deadlines for different data:
Until 15.11.2015
• Pre-Registration number
Only those who register until 15.11.2015 will have the lowest camp
fee (Early bird: 160€).
Address for registration: http://royalrangerseurocamp2016.net
Every delegation leader is getting an account for this registration
homepage before 01.09.2015.
A bill for the pre-registration fee (50€ / per person) has to be paid at
latest 15.12.2015. This will be invoiced from the delegations by RR
Europe Office.
Please note: the pre-registration fee is non-refundable and not transferable to another delegation.
• Translation
Please fill in the estimated number of headsets needed by delegation
members here, also the required languages. Please note: you should
bring the interpretor with you.
Please use the possibility of headsets, that the surrounding people are
not disturbed by translation during the service.
Until 28.02.2016
• Wood request
Building timber, Firewood, Chopping blocks
Until 31.03.2016
• Registration
Only those who register until 31.03.2016 will have the normal camp
fee (Normal bird: 180€).
A bill for the registration fee and wood has to be paid at latest
30.04.2016. This will be invoiced from the delegations by the RR
Europe Office.
RR-Eurocamp 2016 9
Until 31.05.2016
• Report parking demand
• Report first aid contact
• Report Guard contact
• Report workshops and cafeterias
• Report sport
• Number of required Headsets
6. Late registration
There is a possibility to register after 31.03.2016.
However, the camp fee is much higher for those registering late :
amount 230€.
We cannot guarantee that those participants registering late will receive T-shirt and Camp book.
A bill for the late registration fee has to be paid at latest 30.06.2016.
This will be invoiced from the delegations by the RR Europe Office.
The online registration ends 30.05.2016.
After this date, the registration must take place directly at the camp
office before the camp starts.
We cannot guarantee that those participants registering late, will receive T-shirt and Camp book
The camp fee for late registration is due at the camp office before the
camp starts, paid in cash (Euro) and is 250€.
7. Registration on camp site
At the arrival of a delegation. The delegation leader has to register his
delegation at the Camp office.
The delegation leaders will get a written overview of the registered
participants of their delegations. This overview has to be checked :
- If a participant is not appearing, see annulation conditions (point 8).
- Change of participants is just possible in the same category and the
registration form of the new participant has to be brought.
- Late registration need to be done upon arrival
All changes and belated registrations will need to be settled before
departure for the camp.
10 | Camp Manual
8. Annulation conditions
In all cases, the 50€ will not be refunded.
For the cancelation after 31.03.2016,
- just in case of personnal medical problem or close family sickness
or death (paper to prove), we will refund after the camp the difference
between the fee paied (160€ or 180€) and the 50€,
- for others case, we will refund 60€.
9. Camp Fee (overview)
9years and up
Family members 6-8 years
Family members 0-5 years
Pre-Registration until
Registration until
Late Registration until
late until
Free of charge
Included in the fee:
• Overnight stay
• Meals
• Participation in the camp program (including workshops)
• T-shirt
• Camp patch
• Camp book
• Support of nations with low income
A possible camp surplus will be used for future RRs activities in Europe .
RR-Eurocamp 2016 11
10. Discount for the family-members
The family discount is considered for participants paying the full camp
fee and being at the age of 9-17 years. (Relatives, 0-8 years and 18+
years are excluded. The family discount will be registered at the registration program of the concerning participant.)
Family members*
Camp fee
(up to 9 years)
Full price
every extra brother or sister
*Family members are sisters and brothers at the age 9-17 years
I.e : 1st child 160€, 2nd 150€, 3rd 140€, 4th 130€, 5th 130€...
11. Caravans and Mobile homes for family members, other accommodations
Caravans and mobile homes are allowed und will be located at the family camp. They can not be moved during the camp. Access to power
is not yet clarified. Information about other accommodation possibilities on one´s own account are provided on: [email protected]. A shuttle to and from the hotels cannot be provided.
Please register your caravans and family tents for the family camp in
the delegation registration in the category «family camp».
Family camp members need to be register as usual participant to require food, t-shirt...
Participants sleeping outside the campground cannot receive any refunding.
External people, like bus driver, accomodated in the hotel or personal accomodation, need to be registered by the link provided by ECT
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/15nF-Zrc5RF44PxQrVC8_zUI0xtcUQZCJaub0eGxhR3E/viewform?usp=send_form . The cost for them
will be 50€. We will not provide for t-shirt, campbook...
12 | Camp Manual
12. International Health Insurance
All participants must have adequate health insurance. The insurance
must include repatriation home in severe circumstances.
This must be confirmed on the registration form.
13. Camp Rules
Each delegation leader will receive a list of rules and regulations with
his / her registration documents. Each participant agrees to accept all
rules and regulations by handing in his / her registration.
A violation of the rules and regulations can (in severe cases) end in
expulsion. In such a case, parents must pay for their child’s transportation home.
Camp rules are found in one chapter of this camp manual on page 2829.
14. Size of the Groups
Recommended size of the groups are eight children with one leader
but must not exceed twelve per leader.
15. Due diligence
Every delegation is responsible for the due diligence of their leaders
and volunteers according to their countries’ law.
RR-Eurocamp 2016 13
1. Official Camp Language
The official camp language will be English.
2. Camp Villages
The entire camp will be divided into 9 villages. A village size is about
900 participants.
3. Provisions
a. Meals
Meals are served in portions of 10, 20 or 50 participiants at the collecting point, one per village, to be eaten within the delegation.
- Breakfast
08:00 (collection time 07:30)
- Lunch (cold or hot) 12:30 (collection time 12:00)
- Supper (hot)
18:00 (collection time 17:30)
Special diet menues for allergy sufferers (vegetarian meal, glutenfree,
lactose free or diet free from: soybeans, egg, nuts, mil, gluten and
mustard) will be available. Meals are served in one portion for them.
Just one possibility of meal is possible. The type of food (normal or
diet menu) cannot be changed during the camp and has to be taken the
whole duration of the camp.
The delegation should be prepared to cook hot water for tea and coffee
or to heat up milk.
b. Dishwashing
At the distribution tent for food, disposal dishes will be offered offered.
They can be used for the precamp, postcamp and during the camp.
But for decreasing the quantity of waste, we recommend to use own
reusable dishes.
In this case please make sure that you have the possibility to wash your
dishes at your delegation after every meal with hot water for hygienically reasons. Generally please make sure that your handling of food
with food is always hygienic.
Showers cannot be used for dishwashing.
14 | Camp Manual
c. Meals pre and post camp
First meal served, included in the camp fee, will be on Sunday
31.07.2016. The last will be a picnic for lunch on Friday 05.08.2016.
For pre and post camp, meals are available but need to be ordered on
the delegation registration.
Breakfast: 1.50 €
Lunch ( hot): 4.00 €
Dinner (hot): 4.00 €
4. Waste Disposal
All waste is to be left at the garbage containers at the places shown.
5. Water
Drinkable water is provided in the water posts. It’s recomanded that
delegations bring canisters and a trolley cart for easier transport of
More details will be given later.
6. Electricity
Electricity is not provided for the camp village.
Power generators are allowed on the campsite only during times of
cafeteria and marketplace.
7. Cell Phones
Only delegationleaders and outpostleaders are allowed to use cell
phones during the camp.
Cellphones of delegation and outpostleader can be charged in the office.
8. Sanitary
There are washbasins, showers and toilets available for everybody at
different locations. You are not allowed to go into the surrouding area
for that purpose.
9. Parking Places
- There is a parking area on the campground for cars, trailers and buses.
RR-Eurocamp 2016 15
Parking will be guarded during the Eurocamp.
- It is allowed to drive on the campground during set-up and clean-up
times. During the official camp no cars may enter the campground.:
Set-up ends: 31.07.2016 18:00
Clean-up starts: 05.08.2011 07:00
- Parking places may not be used for caravans nor camping cars. Nobody is allowed to be in their cars except in the case of emergency.
- No forklifts for loading and unloading are available.
- Heavy long vehicles are allowed to go on the camp site.
10. Open Fire
It’s allowed to use open fire on fire tables.
11. Caravans and Campers
Caravans and campers must be parked on the family camp. These
vehicles must stay in the family camp for the duration of the camp.
12. Pets and other animals
Animals are not allowed on the campsite and family camp except
guide dogs.
16 | Camp Manual
1. Wood Used for Buildings, firewood, chopping blocks
For each participant there will be one piece of timber rods (3,5 m
length) included in the camp fee and belong to Eurocamp after the
Every additional wood, needed for all kinds of buildings, shall be
ordered by the delegation and belong to the delegation if they want
to take it with them at the end of the camp. Every wood left behind
belongs automaticly to the Eurocamp.
Final Deadline for wood orders is 28.02.2016.
Price for additional timber rods:
Timber rod: 3,5 m
3€ per piece
9 -12 cm diameter
Timber rod: 5 m
4€50 per piece
9 -15 cm diameter
(and not 5€)
Timber rod: 8 m
8€ per piece
15 -20 cm diameter
50€ per m3
Chopping blocks
6€ per piece
diameter 40 cm, size 50 cm
2. Tools
Each delegation is responsible for bringing necessary tools.
Saws and axes may not be taken outside the camp village.
3. Materials
Tables and benches might be rented on the registration website. A set,
1 table and 2 benches, cost 10€.
In case of damage or no return a fee of 45 € / set will be charged.
RR-Eurocamp 2016 17
1. Main Office
Each delegation will receive at the camp office:
- Camp ID, T-shirts, patches, camp books
- Location of the delegation on the campsite
If anyone has any questions, problems, or other needs one may ask for
help at the main office.
Opening hours:
15:00 – 23:00 Friday,
07:00 – 23:00 Saturday,
07:00 – 18:00 Sunday.
During Camp: 08:00 – 18:00.
Clean-up: 07:00 - 19:00
a. Central Telephone Number
A central telephone number will be available during the entire time,
from set-up to clean up, for the leaders.
Delegation leaders make sure that the parents of their kids have
the phone numbers of the delegation leader.
b. Money Exchange
During the camp the Euro (€) is the only acceptable currency.
The Camp Office doesn’t exchange any currency.
c. Lost and Found
One may ask about lost property at the main office.
2. Travel Agency
Each delegation must contact travel agencies by themselves if needed.
On our website you will find some tourism information: http://www.
Tourism Office of Wroclaw : http://www.wroclaw.pl/ or
Dropbox RR Eurocamp/Tourism Poland : https://www.dropbox.com/
18 | Camp Manual
3. Kiosks
Lemonade, fruit juice, ice cream, sweets, coffee and tea are sold in
somes tents.
4. Shopping Area
This is the area in which each nation will be able to sell its own products except any uniform items. The Royal Rangers logo may be used.
Only the Eurocampteam will sell EUROCAMP 2016 material and
extra camp T-Shirts and patches as long as available.
5. First Aid
a. Order of first aid supply
Details will be given later.
b. Infirmary (medical place)
The Eurocamp will have doctors and assistants full time on the camp.
The infirmary is equipped to carry out small operations, like cutting
injuries. We need voluntary first aid people from the delegations to
support the infirmary.
c. Delegation First Aid
Each delegation is responsible to have a leader being in charge of first
aid. Those leaders should run a small first aid station for smaller issues.
6. Guard Duty
We keep the campgrounds as well as the parking lots under guard 24
hours a day.
The guard will be present for the entire camp time.
Each delegation must appoint few persons of at least 18 years old
speaking fluently English to act as guard assistants.
Each camp village must appoint a person to be in charge for appointing the village guard assistants.
7. Stage
Gifts and talents performances will take place on the open-air stage in
the main area.
RR-Eurocamp 2016 19
8. Interpretation
However, the main services, without the worship, will be held in English and German. If translation is needed the delegations must ask for
it from the delegation area on the website. We will provide systems for
groups with at least 20 people.
Every delegation is in charge of its own interpretor. The camp organisation provides a interpretation system (included in the campfee). The
interpretors will be located in special cabins provided for that purpose
and the participants will get a headset.
If the headset is damaged or lost by a participant, he/she is to pay the
actual cost.
9. Supply of Information
Basic information is found in the campbook.
In the leader’s meeting every morning updated information will be
A large information board will be located at the meeting tent and the
office. All news and camp information will be displayed here.
In case of an emergency the delegations are going to be informed by
10. Volunteers
For the time during the Eurocamp an amount of volunteers are needed : officework, cleaning and other services. Volunteers may register
themselves in the eurocamp website : http://royalrangerseurocamp.
If you want to serve in Officework, Cleaning, Groundkeeping, Guard
assistance and other services then click on the link below for your
Please fill in the required personal information, your abilities and the
time volume you want to invest.
One of our Volunteers Coordinator will contact you.
Requirements: Royal Ranger, more than 16 years old, english speaking and ready to serve in the time volume they want to serve, recommendation of his / her outpostleader.
20 | Camp Manual
1. Guest Area
There will be no guest area but international guests are very welcome.
Delegations will host their guests and register the guests together with
their participants.
Other guests register please register other guests through the Eurocampteam. [email protected]
The guest fee will be the same price as the regular Eurocamp fee.
For guests not staying at the campground will be the possibility to
accommodate at Jacek Hotel beside the campground at one´s own
expense. Price can be inquired at [email protected]
No shuttle from and to this hotel can be provided.
2. Visitors
Visitors day: Wednesday 03.05.2016 10:00 to 18:00
Visitors fee: 5€
No food will be provided for visitors.
Visitors have to register at the camp office and will receive a visitor’s
pass. Before leaving the campground the visitors have to return their
visitor´s pass.
RR-Eurocamp 2016 21
1. Daily overview
Meeting, prayer and worship for Eurocampteam,
Eurocampstaff, delegation leaders and leaders who
Leadermeeare able and interested to attend.
Please pick up your breakfast in packs of 10, 20 or
50 portions at the distribution tent of your camp vilBreakfast
lage and have breakfast in your delegation area.
If you do not use disposal dishes, please wash your
dishes with hot water for hygienically reasons.
This valuable time please arrange in your campvil9:30-10:30
lage with worship and a message.
Have the devotional time with the chapter of the day meeting in
of the Campbook in your teams.
camp village
The Rangers shall get an overview over the camp
/ sports activities and other delegations. The parVisit camp
ticipants may find friends, trade patches, scarves
and collect stamps of the different delegations and
nations. Monday 01.08.2015 there are no activities,
but from Tuesday until Thursday, please have your
stamp stations, workshops and activities ready.
Please pick up your lunch in packs of 10, 20 or 50
portions at the distribution tent of your camp village
and have lunch in your delegation area.
If you do not use disposal dishes, please wash your
dishes with hot water for hygienically reasons.
Your market place is open. Please prepare an attrac- 14:00-17:00
tive marketplace at your delegation representing
your nationality in style and decoration. It shall be
places at the
reachable easily from the camp roads and advertised
by signs. A combination of workshop area, stamp
station, meeting point and cafeteria (cafeteria mainly
for the evening) is recommended. ...
22 | Camp Manual
Please make sure that your Rangers have the possibility to participate in the huge variety of workshops
(location descriptions are in the camp book) or are
able to discover sports activities they might have
never done before. Additionally the Rangers can
present their gifts and talents on the smaller stage,
located near the tent of the evening service.
Please have your stamp station ready.
At the shopping tent European Nations will sell their
material or the original Eurocamp articles will be
sold there, as well as the refreshments at the kiosks.
Please pick up your supper in packs of 10, 20 or 50
portions at the distribution tent of your camp village
andhave supper in your delegation area.
If you do not use disposal dishes, please wash your
dishes with hot water for hygienically reasons.
Entrance of the evening service tent starts.
places at the
Our daily highlight, the evening service, where we
worship, listen to the message and get important
inputs for our relationship with our heavenly father.
The service will be mainly for the Rangers. Please be
ready to help with prayer, conversation and support
if required.
Be ready after the evening service for the cafeterias.
Please make sure that the Rangers will have the
possibility to go around in other camp villages as
at the delewell. Please decorate the cafeterias according to your gation areas.
national origin and offer snacks and drinks that help
to give a good atmosphere for building friendships
and have community in the campvillages.
Lights out
Recommendation: Rangers under 14 go to bed at
From 0:30 until 7:00 nighttime peace.
RR-Eurocamp 2016 23
2. Eurocamp 2016 Schedule
24 | Camp Manual
1. Market places
The market places will be the main places of public life in the delegations. They shall represent the different nationalities of the delegation
in style, building, decoration and offer.
This area should be easily accessed from the camp roads and shall be
advertised by sign posts and information signs.
The market places of the delegations should be a combination of
• Workshops
• Cafeteria/ Snacks and Bistro
• Meeting point / lounges
• Stamp Station
Opening hours:
Sunday: 22:15-00:00 (cafeteria)
Monday: 14:00-17:00 (workshops) and 22:15-00:00 (cafeterias)
Tuesday: 14:00-17:00 (workshops) and 22:15-00:00 (cafeterias)
Wednesday: 14:00-17:00 (workshops) and 22:15-00:00 (cafeterias)
Thursday: 14:00-17:00 (workshops) and 22:15-00:00 (cafeterias)
Registration deadline: 31.05.2016
Workshops will be one of our main parts of camp life. We are planning on 100 different workshops. Most of them will take place at the
delegation quarters. The camp information board shows the location
of each individual workshop. Workshops will be free of charge for all
camp participants.
Workshops shouldn’t be shorter than 15 minutes not longer than 60
Necessary for workshop registration:
• Language qualification
• Age
• Amount of participants necessary / allowed
Examples: hand crafts, painting, face painting, climbing, etc...
There are no boundaries set on creativity.
RR-Eurocamp 2016 25
Cafeteria/ Bistro:
Every delegation may present a cafeteria during the evenings after the
main service.
The purpose is to provide something unique from the area delegation
comes from (for example: Swiss- fondue). The cafeterias are open
from Monday to Thursday, and each camp village may have more than
one cafeteria. However, it is strongly recommended that delegations
give everyone an opportunity to visit other cafeterias. There is no must
to keep all the cafeterias open every evening. Please remind your participants to bring some money to spend in the cafeterias, since the
items can be sold.
Please think of places where the possibility is to sit down and talk with
each other and have lights ready to illuminate the cafeteria / bistro
Bistros and Cafeterias shall be closed at midnight.
Stamp Station:
Every delegation shall have stamps for the Campbook available.
Please position your stamp station in the marketplace area where the
Rangers can easily find them.
Registration of workshops and cafeterias:
All market places and cafeterias have to be registered on the registration page by the delegation’s responsible person until 31.5.2016.
Every delegation shall offer workshops in the ratio 1/50. (1 workshop,
if your delegation is in a size up to 50 person, and according to every
50 participants more, one workshop per 50 members, more)
We need the following data:
• Name and description of workshop(s)
• Name and description of cafeteria(s)
• Detailed explanation
• Required space
26 | Camp Manual
2. Gifts and Talents
Registration deadline: 31.5.2016
During workshops, the Gifts & Talents show will be going on on each
afternoon (apart from Wednesday). Near the arena, there will be a
stage (11 x 7m) set up where individuals/groups from delegations will
be showing their skills, various abilities, giving drama / song / dance
performances. This show/performance should display the children’s
gifts, talents, and skills in such way that it will be interesting for the
other participants to watch the child/group performing.
There will be a scheduled time during the Eurocamp for each individual/group when they will perform, therefore please send your suggestions to us by 31.05.2016. Please inform us of the type of show/
performance with short description, approximate number of participants in it, and the type of technical equipment you will need (CD/
mp3 player, loudspeakers, microphone. etc.). Any general equipment,
design aids, musical instruments, etc, which are needed for the performance, the delegation needs to bring themselves. We will inform you
at the Eurocamp of the date & time when you will be performing at
the Eurocamp.
There will be a ‘master of ceremony’ present during the whole time
of the Gifts & Talents show, who will be introducing and commenting
on the individual performances, encouraging participants and the audience and facilitating a smooth running of the Gifts & Talents show.
Time limit: between 5 - 10 minutes
3. Sports
There will be two categories of sports activities at the Eurocamp.
1. Sports just for fun
2. Competition in volleyball and football (soccer)
• Volleyball competition
Register your team through your delegation leader.
Just mixed team which consist of 8 players ( 6 at the field, and 2 substitutes). Minimum 2 female players on the field.
Volleyball will be played at the age level of:
•14-17 years
Note: To register a Volleyball team, one referee per team is needed.
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• Soccer (Football/ Fußball) competition
Register your team through your delegation leader.
Just mixed team which consist of 11 players ( 7 + 1 at the field, and 3
substitutes). Minimum 3 female players on the field.
Soccer will be played in two age levels:
•10-14 years
•15-17 years
Note: To register a Soccer team one Soccer referee is needed.
• Ringo Competition (Ringtennis/ Deck Tennis)
Register your team through your delegation leader.
Just mixed team which consist of 5 players (3 at the field, and 2 substitutes). Minimum 1 female player on the field.
Ringo will be played at the age level of:
•14-17 years
Note: Referees for Ringo will be provided by Eurocamp.
Sports T- shirts for the teams in one unitary colour is required.
Registration deadline: 31.05.2016
4. Evening services
The evening services will make up the spiritual highlights of this
camp. We want to give God room to move us and work in us. We are
awaiting God’s presence and the work of the Holy Spirit.
Rough draft
introduction – worship – praise – spiritual gifts ¾ hour
sketch – sermon – invitation – closing ¾ hour
Introduction, moderation, closing (The Eurocampteam is responsible
for these areas)
Worship, praise (German Team)
Sketches, sermon, invitation (Swiss Team)
Our job as leaders
The evening services are not for us adults, but for the children, teens,
and youth.
Try to see the situation through God’s eyes. He has something special
planned for each one of these youngsters.
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As leaders, we want to be living rivers for his love to flow through.
God wants to use these rivers to reach Royal Rangers.
Our motto: Always be willing to serve: prayer, conversations.
a. Songs
Songs can be found in the camp book.
b. Spiritual Gifts
The public use of spiritual gifts, such as revelations or speaking in
tongues must be submitted to person responsible of the meeting.
c. Prayer & Invitation
The use of video cameras and taking pictures is prohibited during
prayer and invitation.
The best way to handle the prayer is to do it through leaders right at
the seating area.
d. Seating Arrangements
There will be different types of seating arrangements for the worship
services so that everybody has the opportunity to be up to the front.
e. Worship team
The worship team will lead the entire camp for worship and prayer.
The team will lead the worship in English.
5. Ministry tent
We don’t only want to experience God during the worship services,
but also in the villages and delegations. And for the first time, we
also have the possibility to meet God in a ministry tent with 24 hours
prayer. This tent will be close to the main hall and will always be
open for those who want to meet with God. There will be different
timeframes with special activities like live worship, scripture reading, counseling, recording of testimonies, intercession for various
purposes etc. You can help to make this possible. We need people for
all the activities mentioned above. If you would like to contribute
please write an e-mail to [email protected] (May 31).
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1. Delegation Equipment
• Tents, campers, recreational vehicles for all participants
• Weather protection from sun and rain
• Lights
• First aid kits
• Fresh water canister
• Small handwagon for transporting water, garbage, etc.
• Tools
• Ropes for buildings
• Each delegation is asked to make at least one stamp that introduces the delegation to the participants. More stamps, for example
one for each region or outpost are possible. The stamp size should be
max 40mm x 40 mm.
Each nation has to provide to National Flags (1 for the big tent and
1 for the main place). The size of the flag has to be appr. 1200mm x
800mm in order to achieve a uniformed pattern. The flags must have
metal reinforced holes on the short side with a diameter of at least
10mm. The flags have to be delivered at the main office at latest at the
camp beginning.
2. Personal Equipment received from the Camp office
a. Camp Patch
b. T-shirts
c. Camp Book
The book will contain
- Daily devotion
- Details about the campgrounds and facilities
- Program
- Songs
- Place for personal notes
- Place for stamps of the different delegations
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2. Personal Equipment to bring from home clothing
one bag for dirty clothes
2 long pants
1 pair of shorts
6 pairs of socks
4 t-shirts
6 pairs of underwear
1 sweater
1 pair of sturdy shoes (hiking boots)
1 pair of sandals
1 sweat-suit or pair of pyjamas
1 pair of rubber boots
1 rain jacket or cape (poncho)
swim trunks or bathing suit
wash cloths
soap in a dish, shower gel
feminine supplies for girls
hairbrush or comb
toothbrush, tooth paste
some type of insulation for under the sleeping bag
sleeping bag and/or blanket
flashlight, small pillow, tissues
bowl, plate, cup (plastic or metal), silverware or throwaways
dishtowel, small cotton bag for dishes
Bible, pen or pencil, notebook, musical instrument
There is no liability for lost items.
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• Each participant must wear his/ her camp ID visibly at all times.
• Participation in the program is compulsory. Exceptions can be made
only by the Eurocampteam.
• Nobody may leave the campgrounds without giving notification of
this to his or her leaders.
• The entire campground is to be kept clean and free of garbage.
• There is no liability for lost or damaged items.
• All participants are subject to follow the instructions of the guard on
• Entering non-public tents (tents of teams and food distribution) is
only allowed according to prior permission.
• Bedtime is between 00:30 hours and 07:00 hours. The campgrounds
are to be kept absolutely quiet during this time.
• Participants who do not follow the rules and regulations will be corrected. If contravention should be repeated over and over again, it is
our right to exclude the participant from the camp. He/She will be sent
home at the cost of his/her parents.
• Each participant is required to have international health insurance.
This must also include transportation home in severe circumstances.
• There is an alcohol-, drugs- and smoking ban on the campground for
all participants.
• Each participant is required to have international health insurance.
Transportation home, in severe circumstances, must be also included.
Let´s practice our Golden Rule for the whole Eurocamp:
“In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.”
Matthew 7.12
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