NEWS 2015 - VFW Wisconsin


NEWS 2015 - VFW Wisconsin
Page 5
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Page 22-23
VFW Membership
Stolen Valor Law
Resolution 302
Vol. 33 no. 1
flying high for veterans
july / august, 2015
Borg Team
Takes Office
For the second time in Department history, a husband-and-wife team hold the
highest elective offices of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars and its Ladies Auxiliary.
Michael L. Borg was elected the
VFW’s 94th State Commander at the
conclusion of the 2015 State Convention in Wausau on June 6. Judy Borg
was selected as the 91st Department of
Wisconsin Ladies Auxiliary President on
June 5, after completing 5 years in the
progression of Auxiliary Line Officer
positions. The first married couple to
hold the top VFW/VFWA State offices
together was Phil Jasinski and Lucetta
Jasinski in 2006-2007. [Interesting fun
fact: Also back in 2006-07, Chris and
Carol Kanios were WI Grand Commander and Grand Auxiliary President
of the Military Order of the Cootie and
its Auxiliary; this year, Pat and Linda
Moran are serving in those offices!]
Editor: Marla J. Morgan
Phone: (715) 384-2500
E-mail: [email protected]
VFW Department Headquarters
Phone: (608) 221-5276
Fax: (608) 221-5277
E-mail: [email protected]
Auxiliary President Judy Borg (at right) looks on as husband Mike Borg and other elected and appointed VFW
Officers take the oath of office from PCIC Wally Hogan (not pictured). A complete listing of the 2015 – 2016 VFW
Officers may be found on the back page with additional photos. Honor Guard Colonel Matt Mayer and Major Lenore Otto look on behind the Commander.
State Commander Mike Borg and
Department Auxiliary President
Judy Borg.
The newly-installed VFW Commander
and Auxiliary President have selected
a joint theme and pin for their term of
office. As pictured above, the beautiful
hexagonal pin features their theme “Flying High for Veterans” with elements
paying tribute to Mike’s service in the
United States Air Force and Judy’s love
of butterflies.
Serving as Installing Officers for the
Joint Installation were Past Commanderin-Chief Walter G. “Wally” Hogan for the
VFW Commander Mike Borg (at left) stands next to wife Judy Borg
as she and other elected and appointed Ladies Auxiliary Officers prepare to take their oath of office from PDP Linda Moran (not pictured).
A complete listing of the 2015 – 2016 Auxiliary Officers may be found
on the back page with additional photos. Honor Guard Colonel Matt
Mayer (at left) and Major Lenore Otto (at right) await further escorting instructions.
VFW Officers and Past Department Presi- both thanked the membership for the condent Linda Moran for the Auxiliary. The fidence placed in them by their elections
State Honor Guard provided the escort for and pledged to serve to the best of their
both the VFW and Auxiliary participants, abilities in their respective offices.
with a good turnout of members from both
Congratulations to the entire Borg Team,
organizations in attendance.
both VFW and Auxiliary, and best wishes
“Flying High for Veterans” represents for a productive, successful year for the
the dedication and compassion for our Department of Wisconsin.
Veterans that both Commander Mike and
President Judy have demonstrated in their
Photos by Richard Meyer; see the back
service to our organizations to date. In page of this paper for more Installation
their remarks following the Installations, moments and information.
Visit for additional news.
thank you for Supporting our vfw raffles
Page 2
july/aug. 2015
Wisconsin Veterans
of Foreign Wars News
I hope everyone had a great time at this
year’s convention. It is always such great
fun for our membership to come together
Mike Borg
for this special event.
I want to take this opportunity to say State Commander
thank you comrades! It is a great feeling
to be able to help our Department, Districts, County Councils, Posts, and most [email protected]
important, our membership. It has been
a great pleasure to serve the Department
and our State Commander John Giese this
past year. Thanks John for all your help. I
also want to thank another member of John’s administration, that being Chief of Staff
Phil Allen. These two individuals were so helpful especially during their busy year with
advance information in reference to my future year as your Commander. Once, again
thank you both.
The State Convention delegates gave me another opportunity to serve our state membership and its Council of Administration officers. This opportunity is my fourteenth
year as an elected officer of our Department. Thank you for electing me as your 20152016 State Commander.
It’s also been a pleasure working with our headquarters staff this year. They were as
helpful in my year as the Department Sr. Vice Commander and especially to my appointed select committee members.
Our newly elected Jr. Vice Commander John Schultz who has been the office manager
for our Milwaukee Service Office these past couple years has accomplished many of
the goals he set forward when accepting his position. Our Past State Commander Renee
Simpson and her Veterans Service Committee was responsible in selecting John. I was
the State Jr Vice Commander and a member of her committee doing the interviews
– Great job Renee!
The Milwaukee Service Office - I am really looking forward to working with Dan
Driscoll, our newly appointed Service Officer. He has made such an impact to this office in a short period.
Before I became your newly elected State Commander, I was given the opportunity
to finish my training as the Department Sr. Vice Commander at Kansas City, National
Headquarters. I am a part of a special group of National Sr. Vice Commander-in-Chief
John Biedrzycki’s “All Stars” Commanders. But more important is that our class has
seven (7) special female veterans that are state commanders for 2015-2016 membership year. They are: Amber Putnam of the State of Florida, Rose Clark of the Dist. of
Columbia, Nancy Cowan of Missouri, Donna Barnett of Nevada, Marlene Roll of New
York, Betty Hilliard of South Carolina and Cheryl Shannon of Wyoming. Comrades, as
a seventy (70) year old Vietnam Veteran, I am so proud of this group of female veterans
and what they had to accomplish to be elected as their state commander. They did their
duty and deserve that respect as a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars at all levels.
They are an untapped resource to the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
For this reason – our female veterans are welcome in my administration for 2015-2016.
I look forward to your participation in this Department and its activities. Please come
forward and be a major part of our Department success. This is the time to step forward
and be that example not only to your fellow female veterans, but to the Veterans of
Foreign Wars membership. You have earned that right to be a member of the Veterans
of Foreign Wars. Welcome!
Things to look forward to:
1. See our fellow female veterans stepping forward and becoming a major element to
our Veterans of Foreign Wars organization. As I said before, they are our organization’s
untapped resource. Make them a part of our Posts, County Council, Department and
National levels.
2. A different approach to our membership programs: such as a full page of graphic
designed membership contests.
Our 2015-2016 Program Manual has been developed and will be distributed to each
Post Commander and Quartermaster, District Commanders, and finally to our Department
Line Officers & Committee Chairmen. Please make good use of this manual.
3. Our approach to this 2015-2016 Ways & Means Committee will be handled by Sr.
Vice Commander Michael Eggleston of Hartford VFW Post 8834, cell phone # 414651-0875 and his emails of [email protected] or mbeggleston9@gmail.
com. He is asking for each and every member to assist with developing ideas to raise
Department revenue through that committee.
Our own State Judge Advocate Bill Knudson was the designer of this committee. His
thought was that the Ways and Means Committee has to be a continuing yearly program
and not just a one-time annual fund raiser. This committee is charged with developing
many different ideas throughout the year to benefit the Department budget. Bill, thanks
for that creative design.
4. Change our approach of the 2016 Raffle Calendars that have been distributed to
all Districts. Before you complain you have to sell calendars again, please try a different approach: “Would you be interested in purchasing a raffle ticket that is good for
366 drawings next year with all proceeds going to support Veterans programs for the
VFW and its Ladies Auxiliary here in the state of Wisconsin?” Attached to the ticket is
a beautiful 2016 calendar listing the daily prizes for all 366 drawings and your ticket.
If drawn for a prize, the ticket is put right back into the bin for all remaining drawings.
Only 20,000 calendars were printed this year, so get your $20 dollar raffle ticket now!”
Where else can you get a raffle ticket for 366 drawings with a minimum $50.00 dollar
prize for only $20.00 dollars.
As your State Commander, my door is always open. Please contact me anytime you
have a need to discuss something I can help with.
Congratulations to all the new leadership
around the state, from the Post Officers and
Tom Heath
District Officers to the new State Officers.
I thank you sincerely for re-electing me as
your State Quartermaster and will continue
to strive to serve with a high standard.
As we kick off this new fiscal year,
the best way to get your Post pointed in [email protected]
the right direction is to go over the new
Program Book with your Post leadership.
Each Post Commander and Post Quartermaster will receive one of these shortly.
As always, if you need help from our Department Headquarters don’t hesitate to call
at (608)-221-5276 or e-mail me at [email protected]. Thank you for your
continued support.
state officers
Greetings to All Comrades:
As your newly elected Sr. Vice ComMike
mander I would first like to once again thank
all those who showed their confidence and
support to me during my campaign. It will
State Sr. Vice
be my honor to serve the members of the
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the State of
Wisconsin. Congratulations to all the VFW
comrades that were elected for the 2015-2016 [email protected]
term and the Auxiliary officers as well.
I am looking forward to working with
Commander Borg. Every elected Officer
and appointed Chairperson is committed to the success of the State, District and Posts,
our TEAM is everyone in this great organization. I am looking forward to attending the
District meetings and I urge every Post to try to get at least one Officer or member of
their Post to make your District meetings and let us help you in whatever function of your
Post is needed. Remember, “There are no problems in the VFW, just opportunities”.
Please believe that you are not alone out there, we want to help. A winning TEAM of
the Veterans of Foreign Wars State of Wisconsin. It all starts at the Post level, you are
the base of the team. From your monthly meetings to organizational and community
projects, and of course reporting your activities on line. If you are not able to work on
line let another Post know that does and they can help. Let’s all do our part to keep the
VFW of Wisconsin strong.
Did you know? The Department has a way that you, your family and friends can generate funds to the VFW Foundation when shopping online. By using AmazonSmile, tens of
millions of products on AmazonSmile are eligible for donations and they will be marked
“eligible for AmazonSmile donation” on their product detail pages. What’s even better is
you can use your existing Amazon account. Your shopping cart, wedding or baby registry, and other account settings remain the same. When you select “charitable donations”
Amazon Smile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to the VFW Foundation.
Pass this info on to everyone you talk with because you do not need to be a member to
participate. We will continue to get the word out on this program. Thanks Steve Pepper
for doing all the leg work on getting this info, shown elsewhere on this page.
AmazonSmile: You shop. Amazon gives.
The Department of Wisconsin VFW has an opportunity to generate
funds from anyone who shops on Amazon. There is a program associated
with Amazon called AmazonSmile and it’s a simple and automatic way
for the VFW to receive
donations through its
Tens of millions of
products on AmazonSmile are eligible for donations – they are marked
“Eligible for AmazonSmile donation” on their
product detail pages. The
AmazonSmile Foundation
will donate 0.5% of the
purchase price from your
eligible AmazonSmile
purchases. The donation
is calculated from the
amount paid for the item, minus any rebates, shipping & handling, gift-wrapping
fees, taxes, or service charges. From time to time, Amazon may also offer special, limited time promotions that increase the donation amount on one or more
products or services, resulting in additional donations to the Foundation.
Participating in AmazonSmile is easy - you can use your existing Amazon
account. Your shopping cart, Wish List, wedding or baby registry, and other
account settings all remain the same.
On your first visit to AmazonSmile ( - before you
begin shopping - you’ll need to select the Wisconsin VFW Foundation as
your charitable organization, which is the eligible 501(c)(3) for the Department. After that, every eligible purchase you make at
will result in a donation.
The next time you log in to shop on Amazon, please select the Wisconsin VFW Foundation as your AmazonSmile donation recipient. Tell your
friends and family too!
Note: Donations are made by the AmazonSmile Foundation, therefore they
are not tax deductible by you.
Greetings Comrades,
I want to thank you for electing me as
Phil Allen
your State Chaplain for the year 2015-2016.
I look forward to serving the Department of
State Chaplain
Wisconsin and am available to assist all of
my comrades this coming year.
We are living in some very difficult
[email protected]
times now as we deal with violence in our
country and terrorism around the world. It
is important for us to keep each other in
our thoughts and prayers. We can comfort
one another during these times through the
grace of God.
As we work through this year to accomplish our goals it is very important to work
together in a civilized manner to achieve the tasks ahead. We must give our current
Officers our full support so they can meet the goals they have established for us. A successful organization starts with its people.
2nd Corinthians 9:6-8 reads, “Remember this: the person who sows sparingly will also
reap sparingly, and the person who sows generously will reap generously. Each person
should do as he has decided in his/her heart - not reluctantly or out of necessity, for God
loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make every grace overflow to you, so that in
every way, always having everything you need, you may excel in every good work.”
So we all should give our all to the VFW Dept. of WI to make it stronger.
Have a great summer!
state officers
Is your Post a success or a successful
Post? Do you have a schedule or plan for
your Post’s future events or are you just
John Schultz
waiting for the normal turn of events and let
State Jr. Vice
them take place like they always do, year
after year. After all, when we do something
once, it becomes tradition. Right?
But, we can always make our routine [email protected]
events more successful by just doing a
little more forward planning. I have heard
so many times that “we tried it once and
it did not work.” Well, maybe it did not
work due to lack of prior planning. Or the other age old adage, “That is not the way we
do it here. We have always done it this way.” Well, if we don’t think ahead, plan and
grasp changes, we will not be the success that we could be. If we kept on doing things
the same old way we would have been using flintlocks in Viet Nam.
Create a success story in your community with your Post and Ladies Auxiliary. Think
ahead, and look through the Department Commander’s Program Book, and use the
program outlines to set your Post’s sights and goals a little higher than last year’s end
of year achievements.
Don’t just be a Color Guard in the parade; be the leader of the parade. Don’t just
offer Friday night fish fries; have the darnn best fish fries in town, and do it all with
a smile and build a better relationship with all residents of the community. Advertise
your achievements and let them know who won your Patriot’s Pen, your Post’s Voice
of Democracy, and your Post’s Teacher of the Year.
Let the community know when you are going to distribute our VFW Poppies and make
a big day of it. Challenge different stores in your community to help raise money via
donations to your Poppy Distribution Drive. Place donation cans whereever you can.
Don’t just count on the same members to stand in front of the same old stores, handing
out poppies. Get their families involved. Spread the word.
Contact your local City Hall and find out how you can adopt a portion of a road to
roadside clean up twice a year. Then get the younger veterans and their families to help.
That creates ownership within the Post and a goal for all the members. Plan ahead and
have an “after clean up party” to go with it, even if it is a small potluck gathering. Who
has a “small” potluck gathering in Wisconsin anyhow?
Embrace technology. Ask a younger member to do the Online Community Service
Reporting. Create that Facebook account for the Post. Get on the blogs and have a
younger member look at the Dept. Website for current calendar and event information.
Post your own Post’s upcoming events on the Dept. website calendar.
Look ahead and plan ahead. Make this upcoming program year the best and most
successful year your Post and Ladies Auxiliary has ever had. Use the Commander’s
Program Book as a guide and lead your Post to be a community “success” story, and
one that the community and Veterans look up to and want to be a part of.
Plan ahead and grow within your community.
Greetings Comrades,
I am Norbert Lee from Stratford Memorial VFW Post 6352, the new appointed
Norbert Lee
State Inspector for this year.
State Inspector
As we go into the new year, let us
remember that the audits should be sent
into Department Headquarters in a timely
[email protected]
manner. Last year there were 100 Posts
that were not eligible to vote at the State
Convention. My intention this year is to
improve that number down to ZERO.
Just because your Post is not present at
the Convention does not mean you do not have to get your audits in on time. As last
year’s State Inspector, Bruce Sorensen, would say, “Stay off my radar!” The same thing
goes for all of your reports. This will help out a lot to make the Department run smoothly.
The more we work together, the more we can help our Veterans.
Wisconsin VFW News
Wisconsin Veterans of Foreign Wars
News is published six times per year by the
Department of Wisconsin Veterans of Foreign
Wars of the United States, P.O. Box 6128,
Monona, WI 53716-0128.
Periodical Postage Paid at Madison, WI
and additional office: Stevens Point, WI.
Subscription rates $6.00 per year for nonmembers. $.60 per year membership dues is
for the official publication Wisconsin Veterans
of Foreign Wars News.
Postmaster: Send address changes to:
V.F.W. Circulation Department, 406 West
34th Street, Kansas City, MO 64111.
I.S.S.N. #1061-4591 U.S.P.S. #007787
Wisconsin Veterans of Foreign Wars
Joel Walker, PSC, Chairman
Jr. Vice Cdr. John Schultz, Member
Patrick Wollenzien, Member
Russ Iwen, Member
Bill Backes, Member, PSC
Bill “Knoot” Knudson
VFW Ad Manager
[email protected]
editor VFW:
Marla J. Morgan
P.O. Box 223, Marshfield, WI 54449
Phone: 715-384-2500
[email protected]
Michele Patterson
(715) 785-7555
Our Troops
Month • Issue Vol./No. Deadline to Editor
September • Vol. 33, No. 2 Sept. 1, 2015
November • Vol. 33, No. 3 Oct. 26, 2015
Dec. 14, 2015
January • Vol. 33, No. 4
Mid-Winter • February 19-20, 2016
March • Vol. 33, No. 5
March 1, 2016
April 15, 2016
May • Vol. 33, No. 6
Convention • June 8-11, 2016
Wisconsin Veterans
of Foreign Wars News
Page 3
july/aug. 2015
Congratulations to John Giese on your elecAllen
tion to fill our Wisconsin’s National Council
Of Administration seat. John will be installed Kochenderfer
at the end of the National Convention in PittsWisconsin
burgh on 22 July.
National Council
I need to take this final opportunity to talk
about the “State of our VFW.” In recent years
we have declined from over 11,000 Posts to
about 7,000 along with a decline in [email protected]
ship from 2.1 million to 1.2 million! These
facts are the 600 pound gorilla in the room
whenever we meet at any level. Is this the
death knell for us? NO! However, our survival does depend on YOUR attitude, dedication,
passion and just plain love and understanding of certain basic facts about us. Before you sell
that first brat or beer you must first man or woman your Post to 100% strength; nothing else
matters if you don’t do that first! There are over 2.5 million eligible Iraq/Afghanistan Vets: these
are America’s 21st century warriors. This is a greater number than the WWII Vets still with us.
The math tells us that we have a bright future; we just need to pass our beloved organization
on to these young warriors!
We are a band of brothers, a band of warriors, a multigenerational band that have all shared
the same life altering experiences of going into harm’s way. We are 4 generations of warriors
banded together for the good of all. We all have the absolute responsibility to do whatever is
necessary to insure the other generations are cared for. The huge number of Vietnam Vets have
caused the US Congress to fund the VA health care system to not only provide excellent health
care for them but for our older WWII and Korean Vets as well as America’s younger warriors.
It will soon be time for these younger warriors, America’s 21st century warriors to step up, join
the VFW and continue to deal with Congress and cause them to provide the care needed for all
generations of Veterans. And so the challenge is out there for all of us to make that happen.
As you can logically see, it is up to us present members to perpetuate, to continue to keep our
VFW “relevant,” and relevant we must be to uphold our absolute and undeniable responsibilities
to all generations of our fellow Veterans, our sacred “band of brothers.” I ask you, I implore
you to do an attitude check at the beginning of our new membership year and find that passion
and love of your VFW and your fellow Veteran and do what is necessary to keep it strong and
“relevant” for future generations of America’s warriors.
I thank you for the opportunity these past 4 years to serve as your National Councilman and
simply take care of business at the National level. I will always cherish the memories and the
satisfaction that together we have kept our VFW strong and “relevant.” May God continue to
bless America and her Veterans.
Greetings Comrades, by the time this article
hits the paper and you, the Department C of
Bruce A.
A meeting will be completed and the National
Convention will be right around the corner.
Remember Commanders, to place your orChief of Staff
der for the new podium edition of the VFW
Congressional Charter, By-Laws and Manual
of Procedure for your Posts and Districts [email protected]
lowing the National Convention. You should
always have the latest edition to refer to.
I thank Commander Borg for the appointment and look forward to serving him and the
Comrades of the Department of Wisconsin to the best of my ability as Chief of Staff. I also
extend congratulations and a big thank you to all the elected and appointed officers that have
accepted a position for the 2015-2016 VFW year. You are appreciated!
The following priorities should be the focus of all leaders at Post, District and Department
levels as we move through this VFW year:
• Seek out and sign up new and recovered members.
• Having our current continuous members pay their dues before they become members
needing to be recovered.
• Valuing, mentoring and empowering the younger members and the female members in
our midst. That includes connecting with the student veterans groups in your communities that
have universities or colleges.
• Participating in the priority programs for this VFW year.
• Ensuring all Post and District audits, 990s, bonds, and other required reports are completed
accurately and turned in on time.
• All Comrades should take action to become “Veterans Advocates” to help ensure that the
legislative priority goals of our organization are focused on and approved by our members of
Please refer to the 2015-2016 Commander’s Manual/Program Book for the guides and tools
available for your use as soon as you receive it.
Please comrades, if your Post is fortunate to have a Ladies Auxiliary, they are a very important and valuable asset to you. They are willing to help and support you as long as you include
them and keep the communication lines open. Remember also to support their initiatives as
that reinforces good relations.
Working together, demonstrating your “Loyalty, Honor and Service” to our organization,
our Veterans, and the Ladies Auxiliary will show we are “Flying High for Veterans” and will
lead us to realize nothing but success.
Planning for Upcoming Meetings
2016 Department Mid-Winter Conference
Fri. - Sat., February 19-20, 2016 DATE CHANGE!
Fox Hills Resort, Mishicot,WI • $62 + tax
2016 Department Convention
Wed. - Sat., June 8-11, 2016
Radisson Paper Valley Hotel, Appleton, WI
$95 + tax, single and double
2017 Department Mid-Winter Conference
Fri. - Sat., February 17-18, 2017 DATE CHANGE!
Radisson Green Bay (at Oneida Casino) • $99 + tax
2017 Department Convention
Wed. - Sat., June 14-17, 2017
Oshkosh Hilton Convention Ctr. • $100 + tax
Page 4
july/aug. 2015
Wisconsin Veterans
of Foreign Wars News
The VFW Post Service Officer of the
Year, 2014-2015 is Mr. Keith Bullion from
Dan Driscoll
VFW Post 7898 in District Ten. Ken’s
State Veterans
commitment and dedication to his fellow
Service Officer
Veterans throughout the past year follows
an equally impressive effort by Mr. Al
Winter from VFW Post 10301 in District
One and VFW Post Service Officer of the
Year, 2013-2014. Veterans in Wisconsin
are fortunate to have the efforts of Keith
Bullion, Al Winter and all of our VFW Post
Service Officers providing much needed
access to federal benefits. The VFW Service Office needs to do more in recognizing our
Post Service Officers and provide the necessary training and resources for their efforts. I
also want to leverage the knowledge and expertise of our Post Service Officers to make
positive gains in the next twelve months.
An area where Post Service Officers can realize positive gains for Wisconsin’s Veterans is implementation of the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014,
more commonly known as the Choice Program. The Service Office has received several
reports from across Wisconsin, especially in the northern counties of District Ten, suggesting inconsistencies in implementation of the Choice Program.
The Choice Program requires the VA to offer an authorization to receive non-VA care
to any Veteran who is enrolled in the VA health care system as of August 1, 2014, or
who is a newly discharged combat Veteran, if such Veteran is unable to secure an appointment at a VA medical facility within 30 days or resides more than 40 miles from
the nearest VA medical facility. VFW surveys of Veterans were completed earlier this
year and show less than half of eligible Veterans were familiar with the Choice Program. The surveys also suggest inconsistencies in implementing the Choice Program,
especially in rural communities.
I am asking Post Service Officers to survey their fellow Post members and provide
examples, both good and bad, when using the Choice Program in their local areas. A
list of issues with the Choice Program, provided from Posts through Districts to the Department, will accurately portray how the Choice Program is working in Wisconsin and
point toward areas needing improvement. The goal is for Post Service Officers to take
a leading role in painting an accurate picture of the Choice Program within Wisconsin
that can be delivered to VA Hospital Administrators. The issues will also be provided
to the VFW National Service Office to assist in their efforts in holding the VA accountable at a national level and ensuring Veterans receive all of the entitlements they have
earned. I am planning to collect first-hand observations of the Choice Program from Post
Service Officers as I visit throughout Wisconsin. I am scheduling Service Office visits
prior to the Mid-Winter Convention and already have commitments to visit Sheboygan,
La Crosse, Eau Claire and Baraboo in the coming months.
My request to Post Service Officers to help survey our members and improve the
Choice Program is the first step toward a proactive, goal-oriented Service Office, and
promises to lead to efforts in other needed areas. We need to do more in helping homeless Veterans, ensuring education benefits are received, and assisting Veterans shackled
with medical bills that the VA will not pay. My motivation is the result of learning about
the persistence, dedication, and commitment shown by Keith Bullion and Al Winter in
their respective Posts and Districts. So once again, all Post Service Officers are asked
to survey their fellow Post members and provide examples, both good and bad, on use
of the Choice Program in their local areas. Like Keith and Al, we can do some good for
our fellow Veterans.
We live in an age of replacement parts.
No, I don’t mean your car. I am talking
about our bodies, to be more specific, our
joints. Over 50 years ago if your joints beMetz
came arthritic, you lived with it and tried to
control the pain. But you had no active life.
Around 100 years ago, people that could
not walk or be very active died at a young
[email protected]
age. So here we are in the 21st century and
now when your discs tear or disappear and
arthritis sets in, you can replace those joints
so that you are free of pain. The following
information comes from the website set up by the American Academy of Orthopedic
This article is mainly for the baby boomers. Yes, we are getting older and our joints
are wearing out. But that does not mean if you are younger or older that you cannot
need a hip or knee replacement. We need to try and ensure that we have strong bones.
If your family has a history of osteoporosis, then you need to work with your doctor
on how to try and keep your bones strong. Walking for exercise will help to keep your
bones stronger, but it may not do the trick alone.
According to the OrthoInfo website, the following is a list of joints that can be replaced:
1. Shoulder & Elbow – Reverse Total Shoulder Replacements, Shoulder Joint Replacement, Total Elbow Replacement
2. Hand & Wrist – Wrist Joint Replacement (Wrist Arthroplasty)
3. Hip & Thigh – Total Hip Replacement
4. Knee & Lower Leg – Total Knee Replacement
When the pain in one of your joints becomes so bad that you cannot sleep or even do
simple tasks as walking or sitting down, then it is time to consult an orthopedic surgeon.
Depending on your insurance, you may have to have a referral or you may be able to
just call an orthopedic doctor yourself. I would always check with your primary care
doctor as to who they would recommend.
Once it is identified that you need a replacement part, listen to what they have to tell
you. If they tell you to do certain exercises ahead of the surgery, do them. This will
help you recover faster by getting those muscles stronger. Anytime you have surgery,
there is a recovery period. Anesthesia can also be difficult for anyone but especially as
we get older. Some orthopedic procedures can now be done using a caudal or epidural
anesthetic agent in conjunction with reduced general anesthesia as it promotes a faster
recovery and is considered to be generally safer for the patient. The muscles surrounding
the joint being replaced will be cut and by getting them stronger ahead of time you will
be able to do more things faster than if you are sedentary before the surgery. No surgery
is without pain. You will need to manage your pain so that you can recover faster. This
is done through medicine, resting, icing the incision area, and just listening to your body.
Your body will tell you when it is time to relax and take things easy.
After the operation, it is critical that the prescribed physical therapy program is followed
to the letter or one may regret having the procedure done and wind up worse than before. As
in anything, talk to your doctor and follow their guidance and the physical therapy plan.
state officers
I hope everyone is getting acclimated to
their new positions as we begin another
year. As of this writing we still have apJoe Hines
proximately 22 Posts that have not turned
State Adjutant
in their 2016 Election Reports. Approximately 92% of Posts have submitted and I
want to thank all those who have completed
[email protected]
this process.
For those who haven’t submitted, this is
very important work and should be your
first order of business as a Post. Not only
is it a requirement, but identifying your
leadership is the first important step in establishing who you are and where you are going. Imagine going out on a patrol, a cruise, or onto the flight deck without first knowing
who was leading the mission. We have all been in environments where leadership was
essential in order to get things accomplished efficiently and effectively.
Some Posts may have completed their elections but may not have the means to submit
their Election Reports into Online Membership System (OMS). Others may have simply
forgotten to submit as members get busy this time of year with graduations, weddings,
vacations and VFW activities. If you know your Post has not completed an Election
Report, remind leadership of this requirement and ask if you can help. Assist with
computer access if you have it available. Submission is easy and can be done online by
logging into the National VFW website.
The National and State VFW websites have some very good tools for Post Quartermasters that are often not fully utilized. Although there is a learning curve when using
the tools initially, use of these websites can make many leadership tasks much easier.
One of the most satisfying aspects of my job is familiarizing Quartermasters with the
State and National Websites. Once online, I can often talk a Quartermaster through the
websites over the phone. I am not always able to come up with a solution immediately.
In these cases I will call personnel at National and Department level and try to come up
with a solution to work you through these difficulties. Once you are able to navigate the
Department and National websites, administrative tasks such as Quarterly Audits, Buddy
Poppy Reports, Community Service Reports and Deceased Member Reports can be done
more quickly and easily while saving money on postage by using the internet.
As a last resort, you may send your Election Reports to me at Department Headquarters
and I may be able to input it for you. However, if you can take this opportunity to learn
to navigate the websites, things will be significantly easier as we move forward.
If you were Judge Advocate, how would
you handle these cases?
Case One: A District Officer received
an anonymous letter recently. It questioned
the eligibility of a member of the writer’s
Post, and alleged that a Post Commander
(now deceased) had proposed this member
originally and with full knowledge of the
[email protected]
ineligibility, and that no subsequent Post
Commanders ever challenged this person’s
VFW membership. The anonymous
complainant suggests that the District or
Department should take action.
How would you respond?
Case Two: A member of another Post called me directly with similar allegations
about an ineligible member of his Post who was allegedly a crony of corrupt leadership
“destroying” the mission of his Post in service to Veterans. He wanted “you guys from
State” to come in and straighten out the mess and throw out the ineligible member.
How would you respond?
Central to both cases is the question of a member’s eligibility for membership in
the VFW. Seeing them as a Judge Advocate, however, the approach to each is somewhat different, but the final resolution should be the same if we follow the bylaws and
Case One is unique because it is an unsigned, anonymous complaint. An anonymous
complaint is a rumor with no credibility, and thus does not present an actionable inquiry.
Anonymity is a cowardly assault and cannot be used as evidence of wrongdoing. Therefore, the recipient of the complaint has been advised to write to the Post Commander
specifically asking that his response be read aloud at the next meeting. That response,
without identifying either the accused nor even the allegations, will simply state that any
complaint against members, living or dead, must be voiced appropriately at a meeting
of the Post and become a part of the minutes. It will go on to stipulate that “anonymous
letters” are not respected up the chain of command. Further, Post’s members will be
advised that any challenges regarding the qualifications or practices of any other member are to be properly aired at a regular meeting (or a meeting specially called for that
purpose) where a motion to address the problems should be made, seconded, discussed
and then voted upon by the members present at the meeting.
Case Two is free of the taint of anonymity, but still addresses a member eligibility
question that rightfully should be addressed in the open at a meeting of the Post. The
“State guys” can’t just come into a Post and start booting people out!
The central problem of both cases comes down to eligibility for membership, and how
to effectively address and manage the question all along the whole process of inducting
and following-up with new members.
Challenging membership eligibility is covered under Article I, section 108 (Manual
of Procedure). If you have a reasonable belief that a comrade is not eligible, it is up to
you to raise this issue on the floor as a motion to challenge that person’s eligibility. If the
Members present vote to challenge, then the challenged member is obliged to provide
proof of eligibility within a given length of time. Failure to do so results in the Department Commander asking the Commander-in-Chief to revoke that membership. The
Commander-in-Chief, if satisfied that no proof of eligibility exists, can and will revoke
the member’s membership. The subject member will have an opportunity to appeal the
decision. (See Section 109).
Having said all that, what’s the alternative if your Post votes against the eligibility
challenge? You still have an option, by documenting your efforts and the Post’s response,
to submit a reasoned letter to the State Commander requesting that he (or she) personally
take up the challenge of that member’s eligibility. The State Commander would then
ask the Commander-in-Chief to directly challenge the eligibility.
If you think recruiting members is tough, remember that challenging ineligibles and
getting them out is perhaps even tougher, and with good reason. Bottom line is that no,
the “State guys” just can’t come in and boot people out of your Post. But you have all
the tools necessary if you simply consult the current edition of the National Bylaws and
follow the rules. Just don’t expect to get any traction acting “anonymously.”
“There is power in numbers and there is
power in unity.”
— Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
“The strength of a team is each individual member. The strength of each member
is the team.”
— Phil Jackson
july/aug. 2015
Final Membership Totals by District
Bruce A.
State Membership
[email protected]
While the quotations above have been
attributed to a famous civil rights leader
and professional basketball coach, these
two statements undoubtedly hold just as true when spoken about the Veterans of Foreign
Wars. No matter which community we call our home, from the smallest municipality to
the largest of cities, we are just that--a team. And teams that diligently work together toward a common cause, as we’ve seen in all walks of life, are destined for great things.
As proud members of the Wisconsin Veterans of Foreign Wars, we understand that there
indeed is power in numbers, and the importance of not only maintaining but increasing
those numbers to our highest potential cannot be overstated. Quite simply, higher numbers
mean a better future for the Badger State’s veterans of today and those of the future.
As such, I put out the challenge for all VFW members statewide to join forces in the effort
to strengthen our statewide team as we look ahead to another highly important membership
drive. Our membership team is very excited to present this year’s programs, so prepare to
take off, climb to new heights and even take home some cash prizes for your efforts.
For this year’s membership contest, Comrades and Sisters, our Commander and
President have selected “Flying High for Veterans” as its theme. With this in mind, the
membership team went about designing the following programs.
1. State District Commander’s Membership Flight Plan: “Prepare to take off”
Each of our Districts has its own “airplane” which represents that District’s corresponding membership numbers. Every District’s airplane will be on the flight line waiting for
the required percentage enabling them to be fueled and take off into the blue skies. Once a
District has obtained 48% membership, the plane will take flight and strive for even greater
heights. Through teamwork, it’s our goal to see each District’s plane flying alongside each
other, having reached or exceeded the 100% goal. So, let the race begin!
The membership team of Bruce Sorensen and Tim Agoudemos will be charting the
progress of each District, with membership tallies updated and displayed regularly in our
award-winning state publication, The VFW News. Membership figures will be broken down
to reflect New Members; Recovered (reinstated) Members, and New Life Members.
2. The Growth Tree: “Climb to New Heights”
This Growth Tree contest will call upon Posts to set their sights on bringing about
fall colors early this year. We know with a little extra work, every Post can earn its own
gold leaf and our 100% plus goal will be achieved.
Each Post’s starting point is determined by its percentage in membership as of the
September newspaper printing date. The Post number, percentage and listing of its
New, Recovered (re-instated) and New Life Members will be printed on the proper
leaf color associated with that membership level. There is a key which determines how
many recruited members are required to move to the next colored leaf. Watch our tree
change colors as you climb toward the top. Let’s work together to make sure that tree
is top-heavy with gold leaves!
3. Our New “Flying High For Veterans” Membership Drawing Contest: “I Got My One”
This year’s membership team is determined to be successful and this contest is designed
to simply accomplish that goal.
It’s commonly stated that if every member recruited just one more, our problems would
be solved. Here is your chance to be rewarded and showcase your commitment to adding
to the VFW’s numbers. Those who successfully recruit one member will receive a pin
paying tribute to that achievement. Additional pins will be awarded to those who recruit
at least three, five, ten and fifteen members, and those who reach those benchmarks will
be entered into a drawing for cash prizes. Wear those pins with pride knowing that you
played an important role in strengthening our team.
4. Our State Commander’s “Team” Membership Contest:
A “Recruiting Team” will consist of a VFW Post Comrade and a Ladies Auxiliary Member.
The Team Goal is to recruit VFW or the Ladies Auxiliary members. A minimum requirement of 20 recruited members must be reached by May 21, 2016 for a qualifying entry. The
winning recruiting team will share a $600 prize, while the second and third place teams
will take home $400 and $300, respectively. The top-finishing team members will also be
guests at the 2016 State Convention Banquet, where these awards will be presented.
5. Post Commanders, Post Quartermasters and Top Post Members Mid-Winter Conference Red Carpet Contest:
The top six Post Commanders and Quartermasters who lead their division, have attained the minimum division quota, and have the required number of new and recovered members will qualify. We will allow the Post Commanders and Quartermasters
Editor’s note: Please see the updated final Wisconsin Membership totals above.
Page 5
Wisconsin Veterans
of Foreign Wars News
New Reinstate Continuous
2014-15 Adjusted
Prior Year Percent
At Large
Recruiter Stats
Recruiters signing one (1) Member
Recruiters signing two (2) Members
Recruiters signing three (3) Members
Recruiters signing four (4) Members
Recruiters signing five (5) Members
Recruiters signing six (6) Members
Recruiters signing seven (7) Members
Recruiters signing eight (8) Members
Recruiters signing nine (9) Members
Recruiters signing ten (10) Members
Recruiters signing twelve (12) Members
Recruiters signing fifteen (15) Members
Recruiters signing seventeen (17) Members
Recruiters signing eighteen (18) Members
Recruiters signing twenty one (21) Members
Recruiters signing twenty two (22) Members
Recruiters signing twenty six (26) Members
Posts that did not recruit any members 97
Note: Continuous Renewals are not a part of these statistics. This table tallies New Life,
Reinstated and New Members. Numbers through 5/27/15.
to qualify separately if so. Contest deadline is December 31, 2015. The Post members
with the most new and recovered recruits by December 31, 2015 will be selected by the
membership chairman.
Please take some time to review these contests and make plans to participate. If you
have questions about any of them, please contact Bruce Sorensen or Tim Agoudemos.
Let’s have fun this year attaining our goals!
Special Note: There is a sixth Special Membership Recruiter Contest that is in its
final stages of design and will be presented in the September newspaper. Thank you
and good luck!
bad. Having said that, I fully believe that Commander Borg does
deserve to have his opportunity and that we should support him.
I am personally interested in seeing this year’s result as you will
see my reasoning below. I ask that each Post and District put in
As of June 8, 2015, as we approach the close of the VFW year, at Recovery Chairman
the effort for a successful campaign.
the time of this writing, the VFW as a whole is sitting at 1,273,772
Now my opinion is that both the National and State Programs are
total members, which is down 3.57%. That means we lost 47,028
very generous this year. The percentage requirements for All-State
members from last year.
and All-American, any Post, are set at 100%. So if your Post is all Life
The Department of Wisconsin as of this writing is at 31,427
Members and you are sitting at 100% Membership in August, you
members down by 4.16% compared to last year. This means our
already have a foot in the game for All-American and All-State.
Department lost 1,364 members. All districts within the DepartThe remainder of the effort roughly speaking, consists of Posts
ment of Wisconsin lost members from last year. While our Dept
doing what is mandatory. The biggest challenge might be the rehas lost 1,234 comrades from those who have passed away, our Department has gained quirement of the respective Post Commander and Post Quartermaster having to recruit
425 new members as well as reinstated 114 members. This means, that our Department 2 new or 3 reinstatement members. Division 1-9 in the VFW will get 35 All-American
has lost about 669 members due to transferring out of the Department or not renew- Awards each (possible 315 All-American awards this year). There is no limit on the
ing their membership. Our current list of members whose membership has lapsed is possible All-State awards. Technically speaking, all Posts within the Dept of WI could
composed of 2076 comrades; this is a multi-year list. Yes Comrades… our Department be All-State this year. District awards are similar in generosity as well.
currently has 2076 recruitment opportunities!!! That number will only go up unless our
On that note, I want to thank everyone for their hard work on the State Convention Posts, under the guidance of their respective Districts, start stepping-up their game with organizing and attending. It was a good time with comrades [even though the hotel was
putting in the effort to win back those members!!!
very disappointing and overpriced. I would have gladly paid $20 more a night to have
Having said that, let’s talk briefly about 2015-2016. This year, my station has been changed a hotel room with working amenities, clean beds, and environmental controls]. I would
and I have been asked to be Commander Borg’s Recovery [you know, that new high-speed also like to thank one of my mentors, our new National Council Representative John
word for Retention] Chairman, and since you are reading this, I am sure you have figured out Giese, for the opportunity to serve as his Membership Chairman this past year. While
that I have accepted the appointment. I will continue to write articles for the paper. My door it was not as successful of a campaign as I had hoped, I knew that there were many
is always open to Comrades in need, so if you have questions—I am there for you!
challenges similar to what many Departments faced. I also welcome the opportunity to
With that, the 2015-2016 National and State Membership Programs are not of my be Commander Borg’s Recovery Chairman this year and look forward to working with
design. Many of us will have their opinion, which I also have my own, both good and his Membership Chairman this year. ATW!
Page 6
july/aug. 2015
Wisconsin Veterans
of Foreign Wars News
Cootie Corner
Supreme Jr. Vice to be 2015-16 Commander
Cootie Corner
Listen Cooties,
The Grand Convention has been done
for a couple of months, the Supreme
8th District get together is over and the
Supreme Convention is on tap for later
this month. It has been a hectic but fun
couple of months.
We are in the process of closing
one Pup Tent but have leads on possibly starting one and maybe two
new Pup Tents. If the bylaws are
accepted it will be easier to start a
new Pup Tent as it will only take 12
members to start a new one. Please
Pat Moran, Commander
contact Dale Hundt for further
Linda Moran, President
Hope everyone had a lousy 4th and
hope to see some of you at the Supreme Convention. Until next time “Keep them
smiling in beds of white”.
Pat Moran
2015-16 WI Grand Commander
[email protected]
MOCA Sisters:
Loyalty Day, VFW/LAVFW Dept. Convention, Flag Day in Waubeka and 8th
District Convention in McHenry, Illinois have come and gone. I was glad to represent the Grand at these events. Thank you to all who attended these events.
The beginning of another year means that it is time to pay your VFW Auxiliary
Dues and then pay your MOCA Dues. In addition, some of our favorite summer
events are coming up fast. First is the Supreme Convention in Pittsburgh from
July 22 -26th. King Day falls on August 15th, which is always a super fun event
at the Veterans Home at King. Help is needed with food serving in the park and
at the ice cream and soda stands staffed by the MOC.
August will be the start of inspections—Hope to see you all before the snow
falls. Tomah Day will be September – more info will be coming concerning this
Thank you for all you continue to do for our Veterans, especially those who are
hospitalized. Until next time a couple thoughts to dwell upon—
No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted.—Aesop.
“Everyone wants happiness. No one wants pain. But you can’t have a rainbow
without a little rain.”
God Bless Everyone and God Bless
“Working Together for our
Linda Moran
2015-16 MOCA Grand President
[email protected]
Word has reached us that Wisconsin’s own Don Lynch, shown at left
in this 2014 photo, will be moving from Supreme Jr. Vice Commander to
2015-16 Supreme Commander due to the untimely death of this year’s Sr.
Vice Commander, Charles Young (at right). The thoughts and prayers of
the Grand of Wisconsin are with the family of Cootie Young in their loss.
Best wishes to Don as he becomes Supreme Commander later this month
in Pittsburgh. Stay tuned for more info in future papers as plans are formulated for the traditional homecoming for the Supreme Commander.
State Officer Couples Observe Flag Day
Dates to Remember
July 9
July 10
July 11
July 12
July 20
July 24
July 27
July 28
August 1
August 2
August 4
August 6
August 7 August 7 August 8
August 9
August 14
August 14
August 16
August 19
August 26
September 1
September 2
September 8
September 10
September 11
September 14
September 14
September 17
September 18
September 19
The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (Due process and equal
protection under the law) ratified in 1868.
Allied invasion of Italy begins with attack on Sicily in 1943.
United States Air Force Academy dedicated in 1955.
Congress authorizes the Medal of Honor in 1862.
U.S. Astronaut Neil Armstrong walks on the moon in 1969.
Potsdam Conference ends in Germany in 1945 with demand for unconditional Japanese surrender.
National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day – Korean War ended in 1953.
World War I began in 1914.
Air Force Day
Persian Gulf War began in 1990.
U.S. Coast Guard established in 1790.
United States drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan in 1945
Purple Heart Day – Purple Heart Medal established in 1782 by George Washington.
United States entered the Vietnam War in 1964, authorized by
the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.
United States troops invaded Guadalcanal in 1942.
United States drops atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan in 1945
Unconditional surrender of Japan in 1945, ending WWII.
National Navajo Code Talkers Day
National Airborne Day
National Aviation Day
Women’s Equality Day
Labor Day (First Monday in September)
V-J Day: Japan signed formal surrender aboard the U.S.S. Missouri in 1945.
Italy surrendered unconditionally to the Allied powers during World War II in 1943.
U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps incorporated in 1962.
Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance, commemorating the attacks upon the United States in 2001.
“Star Spangled Banner” written by Francis Scott Key in 1814.
Ladies Auxiliary VFW organized in 1914.
Constitution and Citizenship Day - U.S. Constitution approved in 1787.
U.S. Air Force established in 1947.
POW/MIA Recognition Day (Third Friday in September)
This year, the top leadership positions for both the State Veterans
of Foreign Wars and the Grand of the Military Order of the Cootie and
their respective Auxiliaries are held by two married couples. Above,
VFW State Auxiliary President and Commander Judy Borg and Mike
Borg pause for a photo at the 2015 Flag Day Celebration in Waubeka, Wisconsin, the birthplace of Flag Day. Installed in office just one
week earlier, the Borg Team was joined by MOCA Grand President
Linda Moran and MOC Grand Commander Pat Moran (below) who
took office in April of this year. Note the flamingos in the Morans’
pockets. (See Cootie Corner in the May 2015 Wisconsin VFW NEWS.)
Photos submitted by Pat and Linda Moran, MOC and MOCA Grand Commander and President.
Page 7
Wisconsin Veterans
of Foreign Wars News
july/aug. 2015
TAPS TAPS TAPs taps taps TAPS taps
Edwin F. Jeffries
Otis R. Williams
Royal J. Lunde
Clarence Ahrens
Lawrence A. DeLisle
Russell F. Dean
Elmer M. Dellenbach
Louis S. Depa
Reinhard A. Draeger
Clifford J. Edelburg
Hubert J. Franck
Wilbert A. Goetsch
James E. Henderson
Henry F. Laska
Mark H. Magnuson
Mertz L. Peterson
S. R. Schillinger
Phillip M. Schoenfeldt
Stanley C. Seefeld
Duane A. Smith
Duane M. Smith
Robert E. Tierney
Victor J. Tranetzke
Harry S. Trez
Roger E. Trotzer
Donald C. Wunsch
Calvin A. Stein
Robert W. Stevens
Owen W. Williams
Robert N. Olson
Bruce C. Wallace
Jim L. Wareham
Thomas R. White
John R. Higgins
Robert C. Pommerville
Charles E. Wessberg
Francis R. Lyons
Mark R. Lyons
William E. Mosuch
Gerald J. Axel
Daniel M. Kokott
John P. Kosel
Clarence F. Olson
John H. Sheskey
August J. Troia
William A. Wilson
Robert W. Haschek
Jack E. Newton
Marvin S. Sorensen
Howard O. Kirchner
Edward P. Lehmann
Joseph E. Drexler, Jr.
Dennison Hess
Ibeco R V. Amador
William A. Baier
B. W. Ellingsworth
Herbert E. Gundlach
Edwin J. Helgerson
Myron Helgerson, Sr.
James J. Inda
Michael W. Kactro
Richard F. Siegle
Parnell W. Bowman
Arlis Buroker
John W. Codman
Donald S. Davis
Glen R. Garey
Donald W. Hurst
Norbert S. Jaka
Robert S. Karstetter
Floyd Kowal
Robert F. Lowry
Kenneth M. Wixom
Earl W. Dove
Harold A. Fell
Ron Beaulier
Joseph H. Eckert
James G. Wolfgram
Thomas M. Meulemans
Ronald H. Davis
Stanley J. Fisher
Nathan N. Paulos
Carleton C. Schmidt
Gilbert E. Isham
Eugene P. Galewski
Eau Claire, WI
La Farge, WI
Stoughton, WI
Wausau, WI
Wausau, WI
Wausau, WI
Oregon, WI
Thorp, WI
Marathon, WI
Marathon, WI
Niagara, WI
Wausau, WI
Spencer, WI
Wausau, WI
Wausau, WI
Wausau, WI
Wausau, WI
Wausau, WI
Wausau, WI
Wausau, WI
Wausau, WI
Wausau, WI
Wausau, WI
Ethel, WA
Leesburg, FL
Wausau, WI
Green Bay, WI
Manitowoc, WI
Mukwonago, WI
Ashland, WI
Baraboo, WI
Baraboo, WI
Baraboo, WI
Franklin, NC
Hermantown, MN
Hermantown, MN
Two Rivers, WI
Wellington, OH
Two Rivers, WI
Wallingford, PA
Madison, WI
Fitchburg, WI
Madison, WI
Madison, WI
Milwaukee, WI
Madison, WI
Tomah, WI
Hartley, IA
Racine, WI
Kewaskum, WI
West Bend, WI
King, WI
King, WI
La Crosse, WI
La Crosse, WI
La Crosse, WI
La Crosse, WI
La Crosse, WI
La Crosse, WI
La Crosse, WI
Dubuque, IA
Onalaska, WI
Ironwood, MI
Janesville, WI
Janesville, WI
Waupun, WI
Janesville, WI
Janesville, WI
Schaumburg, IL
Beloit, WI
Janesville, WI
Janesville, WI
Peyton, CO
Milwaukee, WI
Menomonee Falls, WI
Kenosha, WI
Kenosha, WI
Fort Atkinson, WI
Fond du Lac, WI
Oshkosh, WI
Oshkosh, WI
Oshkosh, WI
Oshkosh, WI
New London, WI
Arcadia, WI
Conrad A. Steinweg
Reedsburg, WI
Raymond A. Thering
Reedsburg, WI
Arthur R. Heglund
Milwaukee, WI
Albert Kraft
Strasburg, ND
Stanley Snow
Milwaukee, WI
Terry E. Coniff
Green Bay, WI
Ralph R. Giese
Saint Marys, GA
James E. Madigan
Green Bay, WI
Edwin W. Neveu
Green Bay, WI
Kenneth J. Culver
Bourbonnais, IL
Harvey D. Dashner
De Pere, WI
Sylvan B. Heinemeyer
Suamico, WI
Lester A. Krug
De Pere, WI
Fred F. Schils
Green Bay, WI
Peter M. Conway
La Valle, WI
L. D. Docken
Woodbury, MN
Albert J. Thron
New Richmond, WI
Wilbert Padgett
Townsend, WI
Lester Arnold
Rice Lake, WI
Charles G. Jachim
Rice Lake, WI
Thomas F. Penzkover
Rice Lake, WI
James Sanders
Rice Lake, WI
Lawrence Jacobi
Medford, WI
Chester Chelminiak
Oconomowoc, WI
Darrell L. Hurdle
Oconomowoc, WI
Justin B. Kysely
Okauchee, WI
Robert E. Zillmer
Oconomowoc, WI
Nathan N. Allbaugh
Oconomowoc, WI
Vernon Homb, Sr.
Richland Center, WI
Robert R. Richardson
Richland Center, WI
William H. Boje
Milwaukee, WI
Richard R. Broadhead
Milwaukee, WI
Robert J. Fick
Burlington, NC
Donald O. Kilbourn
Milwaukee, WI
Andrew Kubash
Milwaukee, WI
Thomas C. Leas
King, WI
Leonard Pesch
Franklin, WI
Herbert R. Thomas
Milwaukee, WI
Edward Zarzynski
Milwaukee, WI
Beloit, WI
Gilman A. Skogen
Enoch E. Huston
Monroe, WI
Morlin L. Zimmerman
Monroe, WI
John L. Sorrell
Milwaukee, WI
Robert A. Hansen
Lake Geneva, WI
Theodore E. Duchnowski
Ladysmith, WI
Ervin R. Kroening
Ladysmith, WI
James A. Ashbeck
Junction City, WI
John E. Brandt
Sarona, WI
Donald E. Bredlow
Port Edwards, WI
Ralph E. Reed
Wisconsin Rapids, WI
Edward E. Slattery
Junction City, WI
Gordon J. Hitz
Antigo, WI
Arthur Kjome
Antigo, WI
Albert V. Smith
Antigo, WI
Eugene H. Gryskiewicz
Merrill, WI
Donald W. Kuehling
Tomahawk, WI
James E. Truman
King, WI
Edward A. Giwojna
Cornell, WI
Clarence J. Seidling
Boyd, WI
Paul E. Bartelt
Lake City, SC
Joseph M. Kaufman
Greenville, WI
Richard G. Puffer
Appleton, WI
Claude A. Seif
Appleton, WI
Frank R. Hetzel
Tucson, AZ
Cyril Szofer
Milwaukee, WI
Kenneth J. Thomas
Berlin, WI
Julias W. Griesbach
Westboro, WI
John H. Hink
Sheldon, WI
Waylen O. Holtet
Westby, WI
Richard Reed
Viroqua, WI
Harold R. Wolf
Sturgeon Bay, WI
Stanley I. Bradley
Rhinelander, WI
Wilfred E. Powers
Kaukauna, WI
Harold B. Vandenberg
Kaukauna, WI
Gerald H. Berg
Kewaunee, WI
James G. Tischler
Kewaunee, WI
Gerhart Manke
Jefferson, WI
Ralph Day
Platteville, WI
Herbert G. Osterholz
Belmont, WI
Willard Scheil
Platteville, WI
James C. Barclay
Fond Du Lac, WI
Harold Sabel
Ripon, WI
Marvin A. Stark
Ripon, WI
George J. Johannes
Fond du Lac, WI
Fred J. Breul
Milwaukee, WI
Donald L. Zenz
New Berlin, WI
Marten O. Cook
Sawyer, ND
Willis J. Peaslee
Nekoosa, WI
Roger L. Frost
Plainfield, WI
Earl J. Mc Carthy
Manitowoc, WI
Herbert J. Bohm
Wisconsin Rapids, WI
Teddy A. Walker
Edgar, WI
Joseph T. Weiler
Junction City, WI
Lester T. Braun
Menomonee Falls, WI
Lawrence D. Delany
Cudahy, WI
Robert E. Friedrich
Chicago, IL
Robert C. George
Sussex, WI
Clarence W. Hayes
Oconomowoc, WI
Merlin E. Hilbert
Oconto, WI
Odd I. Johnson
Richfield, WI
Torris E. Lambrecht
Milwaukee, WI
Peter H. Laskoski
Greendale, WI
Richard H. Lipski
Oak Creek, WI
Roosevelt L. Nelson, Sr.
Milwaukee, WI
Angel Y. Puga
Milwaukee, WI
David A. Purdy
Sussex, WI
Frederick Rasmussen
Franklin, WI
Al Renzaglia
Milwaukee, WI
Severn Schoenborn
Milwaukee, WI
Peter J. Spera
Milwaukee, WI
Casey Szulc
Milwaukee, WI
Henry G. Wallenkamp
Hubertus, WI
Henry W. Westerman
Germantown, WI
Denzel K. Woodward
Pewaukee, WI
Jerome J. Zaborowski
West Bend, WI
Christian E. Spangberg
Wausau, WI
Joseph Leo Eiring
Kiel, WI
Ronald A. Loebe
Germantown, WI
Clifford C. Teletzke
Waupun, WI
Ronald C. Odegard
Mondovi, WI
Gerald A. Landru
Bloomfield, MO
John A. Michlig
Laona, WI
Edward J. Penasa
Laona, WI
Robert J. Voit
Laona, WI
Arlin O. Nyborg
Monroe, WI
Russell A. Cantrall
Port Washington, WI
Donald L. Aldworth
Eau Claire, WI
Novak Bayo
Hobart, IN
Lawrence E. Godlewski
Eau Claire, WI
Alvin A. Holstein
Eau Claire, WI
Armand J. Lee
Eau Claire, WI
Edward B. Mizer
Fall Creek, WI
Bernard L. Peterson
Cadott, WI
Charles D. Parker
Hayward, WI
John R. Jenista
Valrico, FL
Raymond E. Brennan
Dodgeville, WI
William G. Klug
Milwaukee, WI
Wallace E. Markestad
East Troy, WI
Edward A. Gagan
Green Bay, WI
James T. Crary
Peoria, AZ
James H. Fish
McFarland, WI
Gene W. Giese
Madison, WI
Russell D. Topper
Monona, WI
George E. Watson
Monona, WI
George Young, Jr.
Madison, WI
Bruno J. Cenite, Sr.
Mineral Point, WI
Donald E. Witt
Menasha, WI
David Frosch
Prairie Du Sac, WI
Monroe B. Haas
Sauk City, WI
Leroy B. Hovey
Oregon, WI
Leonard M. Speth
Prairie Du Sac, WI
Robert J. Mleziva
Boise, ID
Glenn A. Sebby
Sheboygan Falls, WI
Ernest A. Erlandson
Brookville, PA
Carl F. Doughty
Tomahawk, WI
Wayne A. Hartleben
Wittenberg, WI
Frank A. Kinberg
Rosholt, WI
John Schrader
Wittenberg, WI
Cornelius F. Still
Appleton, WI
Louie C. Handel
Mazomanie, WI
Leroy C. Pedracine
Madison, WI
Fred S. Stanek
Hillsboro, WI
Sam Bartus
Schofield, WI
Melvin Sovinski
Hatley, WI
Lawrence F. Parmelee
Brookfield, WI
Dennis L. Perry
Gordon, WI
Herbert G. Spears
Saint Cloud, FL
Donald W. Beckstrom
Sturgeon Bay, WI
Norman E. Carroll
Milwaukee, WI
Raymond P. Hansen
Washington Island, WI
Donald J. Voight
Ellison Bay, WI
Roy J. Woldt
Bothell, WA
Joseph Klotz
Evelyn M. Korth
Raymond A. Litza
Willard C. Fohr
Albert M. Spizziri
George Arnold
Albert J. Hinrichs
Walter M. Keippel
James W. Leonard
Charles I. Bratsven
Carl N. Schluter
Leo A. Markert
Richard L. Radish
Joe M. Twigg
Max L. Allison
Leroy F. Collar
Jerry Harvanek
William J. Kasten
Russell P. Koss
Melvin H. Dettman
Robert E. Heinz
Roland W. Neumann
Roy J. Fraundorf
Alvin E. Graski
Kenneth W. Leffin
Walter C. Siech
Hobart H. Waits
Gentle F. Parker
Robert S. Sandt
William F. Konitzer
Clayton T. Wilson
Richard H. Leonard
Arthur C. Shirk
Ardeal J. Davister
Joseph L. Wessely
Leo A. Zarnoth
Stephen J. Barszcz
Edmund J. Parchim
Sterling J. Zweifel
Donald L. Brinkman
Floyd W. Harrison
Lorin A. Schumacker
William F. Petersen
Robert W. Vernon
Chester D. Brilowski
Archie D. Pendergast
Lambert C. Platta
Lawrence E. Mandt
Roman C. Michalski
Charles H. Silbaugh
Donald T. Beyer
Sam S. Garabedian
Robert L. Kirkendoll
Joseph R. Rosplock
Clarence Servi
Gottlieb Wiegel
John W. Salzgeber
Thomas C. Kyser
Wesley J. Graham
John F. Weiske
Jimmie O. Beasley
Elmer J. Haefner
Ronald R. Corradino
Terry D. Babler
David S. Jackson
George C. Cramey
Bruce J. Bayer
Floyd C. Engebretson
Patrick E. Griffin
Ronald F. Johnson
James E. Leverty
William C. Mc Nelis
Karl W. Nelson
Lyle W. Parin
Milford D. Simonds
Fred R. Ubbelohde
Adolfo Valdez
Paul Wienke
Robert E. Williams
Henry W. Altstadt
Brian A. Cockerham
Eldon Kenworthy
Jani L. Larsen
Kenneth J. Ludwig
Robert P. Rathe
George R. Wilson
Campbellsport, WI
Columbia, MO
Hatley, WI
Burlington, WI
Lake Geneva, WI
Grafton, WI
Green Bay, WI
Cascade, WI
West Allis, WI
Fairchild, WI
Fairchild, WI
Homewood, IL
Hartford, WI
German Valley, IL
Appleton, WI
Menasha, WI
Mosinee, WI
Mosinee, WI
Mosinee, WI
Green Bay, WI
Peshtigo, WI
Saint Petersburg, FL
Hartford, WI
Withee, WI
Sheboygan Falls, WI
Sheboygan Falls, WI
Sulphur, OK
Verona, WI
Madison, WI
King, WI
Janesville, WI
Milwaukee, WI
Milwaukee, WI
Luxemburg, WI
Luxemburg, WI
Green Bay, WI
King, WI
Cedarburg, WI
Delavan, WI
Edgar, WI
Edgar, WI
Marathon, WI
Necedah, WI
La Center, WA
Stevens Point, WI
Plover, WI
Plover, WI
Edgerton, WI
Mc Farland, WI
Oregon, WI
Racine, WI
Santa Rosa, CA
Racine, WI
Racine, WI
Racine, WI
Racine, WI
Boscobel, WI
Cadott, WI
Milwaukee, WI
Fulton, MS
Marshall, WI
Madison, WI
Appleton, WI
New Glarus, WI
New Glarus, WI
Foxboro, WI
Roberts, WI
New Richmond, WI
New Richmond, WI
New Richmond, WI
Baldwin, WI
Faribault, MN
New Richmond, WI
New Richmond, WI
New Richmond, WI
Hudson, WI
Eagle Pass, TX
New Richmond, WI
Hartford, WI
Union Grove, WI
Wausau, WI
Viola, WI
Rio, WI
Union Grove, WI
Beloit, WI
Coloma, WI
Rest in Peace, Comrade Bob George
A familiar and usually smiling face has
gone from our midst to answer the final
Roll Call.
Robert C. “Bob” George, passed away
on June 20, 2015 after a brief illness, at
Zablocki VA Medical Center in Milwaukee.
He was a Life Member of Gross-Yaksh
VFW Post 6498 in Wauwatosa, joining in
1949. A Veteran of World War II, he served
as a tank driver. Bob was 88 years old.
Many will remember him as part of our
National Award-winning State Honor
Guard, of which he was a member for 25
years. He retired from the Honor Guard
two years ago but remained active in his
Post and at Conventions and Mid-Winter
Conferences. When not in his dress blues
for Honor Guard duty, at State Conventions he was dressed in khaki, serving with
Wally Hahn as a State Guard.
Bob was the cherished and loving husband of the late Shirley A. (nee Loften)
George and the dear father of Marilyn
(Tom) Gales, Dan, Jackie (Bill) Rheingans
and Eileen George. He is also survived by
6 grandchildren and 9 great-granchildren
of whom he was very proud. Additional
survivors include his sister, Kathy Abel
and brother-in-law Fred Loften, as well
as many nieces and nephews and other
relatives. He will be sorely missed by his
VFW family, especially his dear friend and
companion, LaVerne Trautmann.
Bob was dedicated to the Veterans of Foreign Wars. He loved taking part in social activities and was an enthusiastic dancer – he
and LaVerne could really “cut a rug.”
A period of visitation and a memorial
service were held at Krause Funeral home
in Milwaukee on June 25. Bob is entombed
at Graceland Cemetery in Milwaukee.
Memorial donations may be made to either the Palliative Care Unit of Zablocki
VA Medical Center or the Fischer House
Robert C. ‘Bob’ George
NOTICE: The deadline for submissions for the September 2015 issue is September 1, 2015.
Page 8
july/aug. 2015
Wisconsin Veterans
of Foreign Wars News
Flying High for Veterans . . .
Our year of “Flying High for Veterans”
Judy Borg
has begun and what a busy year it promises
to be.
Special thanks to all who attended the
Joint Installation for Commander Mike and
me and to the Honor Guard for all you did
to make the Installation so special for us.
[email protected]
Thank you PDP Linda Moran for acting as
my Installing Officer, PDP Lenore Otto and
the Honor Guard for escorting duties and
to our family and friends who were there to celebrate with us. Nothing can prepare a
person for the feeling of pride that comes with representing the Ladies Auxiliary VFW
Dept. of WI in this high position.
To my team of Officers and Chairman, I look forward to working with you and I know
together we will have a fantastic year!
Our Membership Chairman Helen has already begun her work aiming for our goal of
100%+. Look for information on special membership contests in our monthly mailing.
A special event will be held as part of Camp VA week by our Dept. Ladies Auxiliary
at the Tomah VA on Monday, August 10th. The Wisconsin Dells Lumberjack Show
will be at Tomah to perform for the Veterans in the afternoon followed by a bonfire and
ice cream social. Help will be needed to escort Veterans to the events – let’s show our
Veterans how much we care.
Our National President Francisca’s visit to Wisconsin will be August 13th–16th.
Complete information on her visit can be found elsewhere in this issue. All VFW and
Auxiliary members are encouraged to attend one or more events and make Fran’s visit
to Wisconsin one she will always remember. If your Auxiliary would like to present a
gift to Francisca, small items she can pack into her suitcase or cash are suggested by
National. Part of Francisca’s visit will be our VFW King Day at the Wisconsin Veterans
Home on August 15th. Many members are needed by 10:30 am to escort the Veterans
out to the park for the festivities. Why not come and spend the day meeting our gracious
National President and visiting with our Veterans?
Special Note to Auxiliary Treasurers: The CD which came with your Treasurer’s
packet has the incorrect amount for Department dues again this year. You will
need to recalculate our Dept. dues at $6.00 and not the $3.00 that is already programmed on the disk.
Until next time,
Judy Borg
Auxiliary 1382 Awards 70-year Pins
Auxiliary Membership Notes
No Excuse . . . Just Recruit!
Although the calendar shows it is
officially Summer, it is the time for Helen Stearns
the rebirth of Spring. Our 2015-2016
Department President Judy Borg’s
Vice President
theme is “Flying High For Veterans”
and the butterfly is her symbol. This
the perfect opportunity to begin [email protected]
anew. The goal once again is 100%
Plus. National President Francisca
Guilford and National Membership
Ambassador Joyce Bilyeu feel this is
a very attainable goal. What is needed is everyone’s help.
Recruiting begins with you. Why are you proud to be a Ladies Auxiliary member? How have you honored your Veteran today? This is not the time to sit back
and let someone else do the job that we took on when we became members of
our Auxiliary; to grow and nurture future leaders of our great organization as we
continue to help our Veterans.
The new membership year has begun. Have your sent out those dues notices?
Do it now. With the loss of over 400 Auxiliary sisters this past year it is urgent
we recruit every eligible person.
There are many National Awards available for Member, Auxiliary and Department accomplishments. Review all of them in the National Program Book.
These awards are easy to achieve. There should be “NO EXCUSE…JUST
Our Department Awards begin now. Give your Membership transmittals of
dues to your District President to be presented to the National President when
she comes to Wisconsin August 13-16. During her visit there will be a time to
make this presentation. ALWAYS PROCESS DUES NOTICES in a TIMELY
MANNER. You can also send dues transmittals to our Department Treasurer,
Lenore Otto, to be counted for this award. They must be in her office by August
17, 2015. Auxiliary with 100% will be entered in a drawing for $100. Auxiliaries
with 95% will be entered into a drawing for $50.
The awards are very inclusive. Everyone is eligible. The more people you
recruit, the more awards are available to you. Please read your monthly bulletin
to review all the awards.
Francisca Guilford once said, “The Ladies Auxiliary is the best keep secret
around.” Let’s get out there and spread the word. Be proud of who you are and
who you represent.
Let’s begin to spread those beautiful butterfly wings and soar as we increase
our membership “Flying High for Veterans.” Remembering there is “NO EXCUSE…JUST RECRUIT!”
With Much Appreciation
Earlier this year, the Ladies Auxiliary to Curtis McNutt Post 1382
in Tomah honored two members for their 70-year membership in the
Auxiliary. Both Dallas Eirschele and Bernadette Otto joined in 1945.
Shown above are (L to R): Auxiliary 1382 President Florence Popp;
Dallas Eirschele and Auxiliary Treasurer and Membership Chairman
Marian Johnson. In the photo below President Popp and Treasurer
Johnson with Bernadette Otto (center) after presenting her pin. Congratulations to all on this wonderful accomplishment!
Submitted by Nancy Kelly of Ladies Auxiliary 1382.
I want to express to you, the members of
the VFW and Ladies Auxiliary, my appreciation for the dedicated, spirited, and fun-filled
year you have given me as President. Your
support has not been passive; it has been
spontaneous, active and enthusiastic. You
have been truly unswerving in your support
of our Ladies Auxiliary programs.
A million thanks to you! You have been
dedicated volunteers with Christmas Magic
Ever Present and you have shown how important it is to help others. Thank you! Our
veterans and their families truly appreciate
you. Your dedicated efforts have touched
the hearts and lives of so many!
Thank you for giving me something that I
can treasure forever. God bless you, God Bless
America and our Service men and women!
Vicki Newbauer
2015-16 Student Essay Themes
Patriot’s Pen
“What Freedom Means to Me”
Voice of Democracy
“My Vision for America”
Student Entry Deadline to Posts
November 1, 2015
Wisconsin Veterans
of Foreign Wars News
Outfitting Our Veterans in Need
This past May, the Ladies Auxiliary to Greendale VFW Post 10519 purchased and presented 70
pairs of new men’s underwear and 64 T-shirts to the Zablocki VA Medical Center in Milwaukee,
for distribution to needy Veterans. The items were accepted by LaVerne Trautmann, our Auxiliary Veterans Administration Volunteer Services (VAVS) representative at Zablocki. Pictured are
(l-r): Jill Woznicki, Auxiliary Patriotic Instructor; Karen Janizec, Auxiliary Conductress; Nancy Ustruck, Auxiliary President and LaVerne Trautmann, Zablocki VAVS representative.
Auxiliary 8068 Donates Quilt
Page 9
july/aug. 2015
Draping of the Charter
Marilyn Birkholz*
Elaine Taylor
Carol Palas*
Therese Tanck
Alice J. Matranga
Helen L. Klosterman*
Judy Corbell*
Marion Schacht
Arlene Horwarth
Margaret Eckel*
Gladys Lee
Delores Matzahn
Donna Smith*
Bethel Green
Darlene F. Caylor*
Genevieve Rajek
Blanche Kapka*
Helen Achten*
Mary Skrzysowski*
Grace E. Meisner
Marian Cherney
Carol Jean Laundrie
Lois Horner*
Lorrine McFarlane*
Lorraine Manor
Hazel Ponto
Olga Brian*
Judy Ulm*
Laurie J. Sacho*
Jane Sheehan
Eleanor C. DeGarmo*
Mary Ellen Lansbach
Carol Harkness
Angie E. Hausaman*
Marion Julien*
Ann Uteg*
*Life Member
West Bend
West Bend
De Pere
Eau Claire
Eau Claire
New Richmond 10818
Park Falls
Land O’ Lakes
Eagle River
Eagle River
Eagle River
Post and Auxiliary 6705
Make Donation to King
The Ladies Auxiliary to Elderon Memorial VFW Post 8068 presented a homemade patriotic quilt to
the Wisconsin Veterans Home at King. Each square was created by students in Miss Lauren Cornell’s 5th Grade Class at Badger Elementary School in Appleton, Wisconsin as part of their studies
on Americanism. The quilt was sewn by Auxiliary 8068 member Christina Dockins. Miss Cornell (at
right) and her class proudly display their handiwork before the quilt is passed along to Auxiliary
Treasurer Sharon Cornell (not shown). Way to go! Submitted by Darla Opper of Auxiliary 8068.
Auxiliary 3319
Birthday Bingo
Members of Ladies Auxiliary to Electric City VFW
Post 3319 in Kaukauna assisted at the April Birthday
Bingo Party at the Wisconsin Veterans Home at King.
Standing from left are: Sandy Schuh, Auxiliary Secretary Emily Goddard and Pat
Arnoldussen; sitting in front
is Auxiliary President Sandy
Commander Alan Malewiski and Auxiliary
President Christine Schoen of Denmark Community VFW Post 6705 and its Ladies Auxiliary
recently took a truck load of items to the Wisconsin Veterans Home at King. Catholic Financial Life Insurance gave a monetary donation
toward the purchases of toiletries for use by
the Veterans. Items delivered included body
wash, tissues and shampoo. Submitted by Post
and Auxiliary 6705 with thanks to Karen Nelsen
and the Denmark News.
Page 10
july/aug. 2015
Wisconsin Veterans
of Foreign Wars News
raffle winners
Flagpole Dedicated at Dairyland Retreat
New Richmond Memorial VFW Post 10818 and its Ladies Auxiliary traveled to Dairyland, WI
in late June to help Deborah and Steve Allen dedicate a flag pole at Dairyland Outdoors Veterans Retreat (DOVR) in honor of their son USMC SGT. Chad M. Allen, KIA 2-28-2007. The flag
pole was given to the Allens from “Flags For Fallen Military” (
to honor their son. Since the family already has several flag poles in their front yard, they in
turn donated the flag pole to DOVR. David C. Larson, Founder and President of “Flags for
Fallen Military,” and his wife traveled to DOVR and personally installed the flag pole, followed
by a short ceremony conducted by Post and Auxiliary 10818 and the Allen family and their
friends. Watching as Post 10818 Commander Dave Green raises the flag on the new pole are
from left: Post Adjutant Dave Sharretts; Matt Mooi; Ron Ebert; Gary Christian; Linell Allen
(sister); Brandon Allen (brother) and Keith Langfeldt.
Submitted by Wendy Burnett, Auxiliary 10818 President.
For Sale
FOR SALE: 2009 Triton 17 Pro Bass Boat,
swing-tongue Trailer, 50 HP Mercury and
factory cover. Hardly used. Never stored
outside. All services done at dealership. Mary
Ann Christopherson 715-835-9238. 05/15
FOR SALE: 1946 Willys Jeep. Engine and
transmission rebuilt in 2011. Jeep has been
used in parades the last 20 years. Asking price
$9,500. Call John, 1-608-348-9487. 03/15
Classified Listings
Classified Listings
You get up to 25 words for $25.00 in 3
issues (over 45,000 circulation each) of
our newspaper, plus a 3 month listing on
our website
We are accepting listings for:
• For Sale – Autos, trucks, boats,
motorcycles, furniture, etc.
• Rentals – Homes, apartments,
equipment, storage, commercial, etc.
• Service – Repair, cleaning, roofing, heating/cooling, painting, etc.
• Notices – Meetings, Professional, Auctions. Travel, etc.
• Want to Buy – Merchandise, homes,
equipment, etc.
• Want to Rent – Apartments, equipment, etc.
• Employment – Help wanted, work
wanted by job type.
Sorry, no personals.
Please include a phone number, ad
copy, typed or printed and a check for
$25.00 per ad and send to:
Veterans of Foreign Wars,
Department of WI
Newspaper / classifieds
P.O. Box 6128
Monona, WI 53716-6128
Remember Our
Veterans on July 4th
John A. Scocos
Each 4 th of July, we
celebrate the birth of our
great country. There are
picnics, fireworks and
parades to enjoy. It’s a
Veteran Affairs
time for friends, families
and communities to come
together and be thankful
for our freedoms.
It is also a time when we should stop and be thankful for those
men and women who are currently serving in our nation’s military
and for our veterans, who have been responsible for protecting and
preserving our democracy.
At the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs (WDVA),
under Governor Scott Walker’s leadership and with the tools he
has provided us, one way we give thanks to our state’s veterans
is to ensure that they have easy access to the benefits – health
care, education, home loans - that they have earned through their
military service. We do this not just on July 4 th, but on every day
of the year.
The WDVA operates one of the busiest claims offices in the
country. We work to help veterans establish eligibility for their
benefits and then claim those benefits. In fact, last month, the
WDVA claims office processed more claims - over 16,000 - than
any other state claims office. Since October 1, 2014, our claims office has connected veterans with $272,501,757 in benefits…again,
more than any other state claims office.
We are proud of this success, but we can always strive to do more.
Working with the veterans service organizations, we continue to
work to improve claims outcomes for our state’s veterans.
The men and women of Wisconsin have a proud history of serving
our country, starting with the Civil War and continuing through
the conflicts in the Middle East. Each of those individuals has
answered the call of duty, often in the face of danger, and when
they return home they deserve our gratitude as well as access to
programs, benefits and services that can help them be successful
civilians. The WDVA Claims Assistance Office can help.
So this year, on Independence Day, before you enjoyed that bratwurst or before you took in that baseball game, I hope you a moment
to remember all those who have served and those who have made
the ultimate sacrifice to stand up for the people of this country.
And spread the word about the WDVA Claims Assistance Office.
If there is a veteran out there who needs support, we will do all we
can to help. To reach a WDVA claims assistance team member call
(414) 902-5757. For more information visit
John A. Scocos is the Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of
Veterans Affairs. He is an Iraq War veteran.
Raffle Calendar Winners
Date: Ticket: Name:
24-Apr 28128 K. Neu
Oconomowoc, WI $50
17305 R. Kusiak
Mosinee, WI $50
5385 J. Kelly
Juda, WI $50
1474 L. Wood
Wausau, WI $50
3423 J. Litzer
W. Palm Beach, FL $50
26787 B. Peterson
Richland Ctr., WI $50
27259 M. Borg
Appleton, WI
1-May 13280 A. Propson
Chilton, WI $50
11266 M. Perlongo
Oak Creek, WI $50
21379 C. Treu
Alma, WI $50
26796 D. Nemec
Lafarge, WI $50
22701 W. Anderson
Bloomer, WI $50
10789 VFW Post 6498 Greenfield, WI $50
1928 J. Hoogland
Green Bay, WI
8-May 3859 L. Fliess
Sturtevent, WI $50
16273 T & J Beinal
Wauwatosa, WI $50
22527 S. Brantner
Eau Claire, WI $50
14618 B. Kelley
Fond du Lac, WI $50
6405 J & K Riedl
Portland, OR $50
24878 R. Rozak
Anchor Point, AK $50
26776 B. Parker
Richland Center, WI $50
15-May 883 M. Grossman
Portage, WI $50
1411 S. Oelke
West Bend, WI $50
22401 C. St. Ores
New Richmond, WI $50
19343 A. Richard
Kiel, WI $50
2976 2112 Aux
Sparta, WI $50
51 K. Johnson/Alan Kaukauna, WI $50
6116 B. Winker
Wittenburg, WI
22-May 18129 B. Clemmons
Geneva, WI $50
18344 M. Lesperance Maribel, WI $50
11138 J. Rauch
Racine, WI $50
1889 J. Jacobs
New Franken, WI $50
21846 E.C.C.H.S
Eau Clare, WI $50
449 M. Skibel
Columbus, WI $50
581 K. Harris
Lone Rock, WI
29-May 27788 L. Anschutz
Appleton, WI $2,500
5017 V. Loheehing
Janesville, WI $50
2074 S. Henkelman
Merrill, WI $50
2074 S. Cohen
Green Bay, WI $50
15439 D. Werner
Waupaca, WI $50
17080 R. Daallmeier
Kronenwetter, WI $50
22890 E. Noah
Greenwood, WI
5-Jun 8940 L. Nondorf
Richland Center, WI $50
18389 S. Propson
Denmark, WI $50
14230 D. Landen
Port Washington, WI $50
16529 S. Bouslue
Shawano, WI $50
18988 J. Koch
Kaukauna, WI $50
18973 H. McKenna
Kaukauna, WI $50
14200 R. Beimburn
Port Washington, WI $50
12-Jun 4807 L. Vahary
Bassett, WI $50
2109 F. Kunce
Hales Corners, WI $50
549 L. Labonne
Fort Atkinson, WI $50
12261 T. Sarenac
Milwaukee, WI $50
23317 K. Brown
Ladysmith, WI $50
2955 D. Juen
La Crosse, WI $50
1221 D. DeWeert
Neenah, WI
19-Jun 17322 J. Umhoefer
Minneapolis, WI $1,000
7899 Cent. Ceiling Sys. Deerfield, WI $500
26827 C. Burke
Westby, WI $50
13258 S. Plocar
Sheboygan, WI $50
4822 J. Kreider
Elkhorn, WI $50
2870 R. Byers
Cashton, WI $50
25408 K. Alt
Baraboo, WI $50
26-Jun 24561 R. Mortenson
Dresser, WI $50
19156 L. Mayer
New Berlin, WI $50
25804 M. Buncak
LaCrosse, WI $50
4535 C. Hyrkas
Elkhorn, WI $50
18512 S. Kiley
DePere, WI $50
19359 M.Morris
Fish Creek, WI $50
17528 R. Lust
Kaukauna, WI $50
NOTE: Raffle Winners are also posted on the state website, www., following the Friday drawings at State Headquarters.
Wisconsin Veterans
of Foreign Wars News
Page 11
july/aug. 2015
2015 VFW All State and Auxiliary Achievement Awards
2014-15 Dept. Achievement Awards Chairman Judy Borg (at
left) poses with 4 of the 5 Award Recipients including District 11
President Rita Byers, PDP; District 4 and Auxiliary 10519 President Nancy Ustruck; District 8 President Dolores Sorensen and
Auxiliary 7591 President Cheryl Woodards.
And because sometimes group photo taking is like
“herding cats,” here is “Take 2.” In front, Auxiliary 10544
President Karen Janssen (L to R) and 2014-15 Dept.
Achievement Awards Chairman Judy Borg. Standing (L
to R) are District 8 President Dolores Sorensen; District
4 and Auxiliary 10519 President Nancy Ustruck and District 11 President Rita Byers, PDP.
The culmination of a year of
hard work and diligent attention
to detail is shown here in this
display of the “best of the best.”
Five VFW Post Commander and
Quartermaster Teams achieved
All State honors for their outstanding efforts during the 20142015 Program Year, “Working Together.” Likewise, five
Auxiliary Achievement Award
Winners were recognized for
their extraordinary completion
of the “Christmas Magic Ever
Present Year Around” goals and
programs. Congratulations to all
award recipients – we know that
your exemplary leadership has
made life a lot better for our Veterans and Active Duty Military,
their families and our communities, both within our Department
borders and beyond. Thank you
for ALL you have done – keep
up the great work!
Post 2687 Quartermaster William Burcalow looks on (at
left) as PCIC John Moon places the White Hat on Post 2687
Commander-Elect Jerald Dvorak, representing Commander
Robert Zipp who was unable to attend the ceremony. State
Commander John Giese looks on at right.
ABOVE: This top leadership group of smiling recipients and (relieved!) Officers includes front row (L to R): 201415 Chief of Staff Phil Allen;
PCIC John E. Moon, National Representative; All State
Team Captain Paul Fredericksen, Post 7308 (Pleasant Prairie) Commander and 201415 State Commander John
Giese. Back row (L to R) are
Post 10533 (Shullsburg) Quartermaster Gerald Leahy; Post
2687 (Tomahawk) Commander-Elect Jerald Dvorak; Post
10818 (New Richmond) Quartermaster Kenneth House
and Post 8123 (DeSoto) Commander Jerry Halverson.
TOP LEFT: Patti Leahy of
Shullsburg Post 10533 looks
on (at left) as PCIC John Moon
places the White Hat on Post
10533 Quartermaster Gerald
Leahy. Gerald represented
Post Commander John Walker who could not attend. State
Commander John Giese looks
on at right.
BOTTOM LEFT: New Richmond Memorial Post 10818
Service Officer Gary Christian observes as PCIC John
Moon places the White Hat
on Post Quartermaster Ken
House. House represented
Post 10818 Commander Leroy
Meyer who was unable to attend. State Commander John
Giese looks on at right.
PCIC John Moon places the White Hat on Post 7308 Commander Paul Fredericksen, the 2014-15 All State Team Captain. State Commander John Giese looks on at right. This
is Fredericksen’s 5th consecutive All State Award, and his
second consecutive Team Captain honor. Post Quartermaster John McCoy was unable to attend.
Post 8123 Quartermaster Robert Kolsrud looks on (at left)
as PCIC John Moon places the White Hat on Post 8123 All
State Commander Jerry Halverson, with State Commander John Giese looking on at right.
Page 12
july/aug. 2015
Wisconsin Veterans
of Foreign Wars News
2015 Convention Scenes
It was a fast-paced Convention, with activities anywhere and everywhere. State Commander Giese and Department President Newbauer conducted well-run sessions with informative reports
and very positive celebrations of another successful
program year “in the books”. Both the VFW and
the Auxiliary had many new attendees, a good sign
for the years ahead.
Richard Meyer photography except where
National Representative Past Commander-in-Chief John
E. Moon applauds at left as WI Dept. of Veterans Affairs
Secretary John Scocos presents State Commander Giese
with a Certificate of Recognition for his service to Wisconsin’s Veterans.
Commander Giese and his delegation are escorted into the Auxiliary Convention by
the Auxiliary Floor team and Conductress Ann Wirth with Assistant Conductress Sophie
Wiles. Accompanying the Commander were PCIC John Moon; National Council Member
Al Kochenderfer; PSC Renee Simpson and Chief of Staff Phil Allen. An armful of beautiful flowers will usually get you admitted.
The 2015 Department of Wisconsin VFW Legislator of the
Year Award was presented to State Representative Dianne
Hesselbein of Middleton. Serving the 79th Assembly District in south-central Wisconsin, Rep. Hesselbein is a ranking member of the Committee on Veterans and Military Affairs among her other assignments. She was lauded by Legislative Chairman Jason Johns and Co-Chairman Michael
Furgal, PSC as a true friend to Veterans. Rep. Hesselbein
also visited the Auxiliary Convention and was very warmly
received, especially since she is an Auxiliary member!
The youth from Adventures in the Spirit Creative Ministry of Tomahawk, gather for a
photo after their very well-received participation in the Joint Awards/Patriotic Rally opening program. Editor photo.
VFW State Guard Walter ‘Wally’ Hahn (right) and Administrative Board Chairman Mark Reiling, Sr. of the Dept.
of Wisconsin AMVETS salute the colors as Reiling is escorted into the VFW Convention during visits by Allied
The Friday morning Presentation of Flags and Presidents conducted by Patriotic Instructor Mary Kimmel was a stirring display of red, white and blue.
Commander Giese accepts donations to the Voice of Democracy, Patriot’s Pen, Frank Brown Scholarship and the
Wisconsin VFW NEWS from Ladies Auxiliary President Vicki
Newbauer on behalf of the entire Department.
Wisconsin Veterans
of Foreign Wars News
Page 13
july/aug. 2015
2015 Convention Scenes
Past Department President Sharon Oliver (2010-2011), at
right, was recognized for her 4 years of service as a PDP on
the Council of Administration following her term of office.
Editor photo.
ABOVE: Past Commander-in-Chief
Thomas ‘Tommy T’ Tradewell addresses
the VFW Convention.
RIGHT: ‘Christmas Magic Ever Present Year Around’ was in abundance. ‘If
you don’t believe, you won’t receive!’
Editor photo.
2014 Jeanette Frank Award Recipient Agnes Gianoli (at
podium) of Auxiliary 8527 in Athens addresses the Auxiliary Convention after receiving her award. Agnes was unable
to attend the 2014 Convention but her busy, busy schedule
of bowling tournaments gave her just enough time to get to
Wausau this year! Congratulations Agnes, and thank you
for your many years of service to our Veterans and our organization! Editor photo.
Convention Banquet Mistress of Ceremonies Lenore Otto,
PDP addresses the gathering as Master of Ceremonies Randy Strickland looks on at left. Both did a wonderful job!
Past Commander-in-Chief John E. Moon
(1997-1998) of Ohio addresses the banquet
attendees following a delicious meal.
RIGHT: R e d ,
white and blue
from head-totoe on Wednesday night are
Janey Owens,
Phyllis Borgrud
and Sue Wiggen from Auxiliary 7591 Madison-Day; note
the vestiges of
patriotic gear
that still made
their way to
the Convention
meeting! Editor
Ladies Auxiliary VFW National Administrative Services Director Janice Criswell offers
her remarks at the Friday evening Convention Banquet.
Page 14
Wisconsin Veterans
of Foreign Wars News
july/aug. 2015
2014-2015 Awards and Honors
The Department of Wisconsin Veterans of Foreign
Wars and its Ladies Auxiliary honored a number of
very special achievements at their recent State Conventions in Wausau. As always, a number of incredibly talented youth displayed their talents and some
long-serving adult leaders were recognized for their
outstanding service to Veterans. We congratulate
and salute those award recipients pictured here and
thank you for your selfless contributions to making
our corner of the world a better place.
Rosemary E. Bredesen, President of Ladies Auxiliary to Adams-Friendship VFW Post 6279
(center) displays her 2015 Jeanette Frank Continuous Service
Award items flanked by Department President Vicki Newbauer
(left) and Department Awards
Chairman Annette Uhlig, PDP.
The award is in honor of Wisconsin Past Department President Jeanette Frank who served
as National Auxiliary President
in 1980-1981. Eligible nominees
are those who have been continuous or Life Members of the
Auxiliary for at least 25 years,
demonstrating exceptional service to Veterans and the organization. A Charter Member of
Aux. 6279, Rosemary was accompanied to the Joint Awards
Program by daughters Wendy Ritchie and Diane Waite
and grand-daughter Mandy
Schwabe, all members of Auxiliary 6279.
Past State Commander Al Kochenderfer (2003-2004) in
center, accepts the 2015 Past State Commander Outstanding Service Award from State Commander John Giese (at
left) and PSC William ‘Bill’ Hustad (2007-2008). Al’s counterpart, Past Department Auxiliary President Shirley Anderson, was the recipient of the PDP Continuous Service Award
for 2015, but she was unable to attend the Convention. Her
award will be presented to her in Eau Claire.
LEFT: VFW Post Service Officer of the Year
for 2014-2015 is Keith
Bullion from Lakeland
VFW Post 7898 in Woodruff in District Ten. He is
shown here (center left)
with (L to R) PSC Bill
Hustad; State Commander John Giese and VFW
Veterans Service Office
Dan Driscoll. Thank you,
Keith, for your service,
then and now.
Benjamin R. King (center left) of Stoddard, Wisconsin was
selected as the Wisconsin 2015 Scout of the Year. A member of
Troop 111 which is sponsored by Coon Creek VFW Post 10532
of Chaseburg, Benjamin is a 2015 high school graduate. He received a $450 First Place Award. With Benjamin at the 2015 State
Convention Joint Awards Ceremony are from left: Past Commander-in-Chief John E. Moon; 2014-15 State Scouting Chairman Ronald Zaleski and State Commander John Giese.
Second Place Scout of the Year recipient Jacob S. Kelley of Cottage Grove, WI was unable to attend the awards
program. Jacob is a member of Troop 145, sponsored by
the Cottage Grove Lions Club. He received a $350 award.
Also unable to attend was Christian Lepinske of Dodgeville,
WI, the recipient of the $250 Third Place Scout of the Year
award. He is a member of Troop 165 in Dodgeville which is
sponsored by Dodgeville Memorial VFW Post 7345.
Editor photo; information supplied by Scouting Chairman
LEFT: 2 0 1 5 L i l l i a n
Campbell Medical Scholarship/EMT recipient
Emma Coenen poses
with her mother (left)
and State Scholarship
Chairman Dee Dennis
following the Officers’
Luncheon. Emma received a $750 Scholarship to help her pursue
her Emergency Medical
Technician studies.
LEFT: I t i s s m i l e s
all around as Jessica
Schwabe of Stratford celebrates her Department
First Place Award in the
Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest. From left are Stratford Auxiliary 6352 President Karen Delis; mom
Judy Schwabe; Jessica; dad John Schwabe
and Auxiliary 6352 Treasurer and Scholarships
Chairman Betty Southworth. Jessica received
a $1,000 Scholarship for
her entry, which went on
to National judging, garnering a National Third
Place Prize of $2,500.
Kleinschmidt of Merrill
was named the Department Third Place Winner
of the Young American
Creative Patriotic Art
Contest. She poses here
(center) with her mother
(left) and PDP Marie Skic
of Merrill at right.
new stolen valor law
Page 15
Wisconsin Veterans
of Foreign Wars News
july/aug. 2015
Enacts Tough
New Stolen
Valor Law
We are pleased to report that
Stolen Valor laws are now part
of the Wisconsin State Statutes
and local law enforcement, as well
as state law enforcement, can now
enforce the law. Governor Walker
signed ACT 30 into law on July
1st. The VFW Department of
Wisconsin had publicly supported
this bill. Here is a summary of
the law:
Any person who falsely claims
to have been a member of the
military, or to have been awarded the Congressional Medal of
Honor, Distinguished Service
Cross, a Navy Cross, an Air Force
Cross, a Silver Star, a Bronze
Star, a Purple Heart, a CIB, CAB,
CMB, CAR, CAM, or a Special
Operations Identifier or Special
Qualification or Skill Identifier,
and receives a “tangible benefit
from such false claim” is subject
to arrest and charges under a Class
H Felony.
“Tangible benefit” is defined as:
financial remuneration; an effect
on the outcome of a criminal or
civil court proceeding; an effect
on an election; and any benefit
relating to service in the military
that is provided by a federal,
state, or local government unit
or agency.
Senate Bill 95, now ACT 30,
was co-authored by Representative David Steffen (R – Green
Bay) and Senator Roger Roth (R
– Appleton). It passed the Senate
and was concurred by the Assembly on voice votes.
Jason E. Johns, J.D. Operation
Iraqi Freedom ‘03-04, U.S. Army
WIA 26 Oct 2003.
2016 calendar raffle
To Get
The Word
$33,500 in prizes
2 Prizes at $2,500
8 Prizes at $1,000
6 Prizes at $500
350 Prizes at $50
If you have a business, if
you are running for a
political office, or
whatever the need may
be, you can place an ad
in our Wisconsin VFW
Bill Knudson
(715) 384-2500
[email protected]
The Wisconsin
VFW News salutes
these local
Wisconsin Posts
and thanks them
for their patronage!
Gross-Yaksh Post 6498
Home Post of Past
Tommy “T” Tradewell
& Walter G. Hogan
Junker-Ball VFW Post 1865
and Ladies Auxiliary
Supports the VFW News
The Albert H. Groska
Public Bar Opens 9 a.m.
7 Days a Week
6618 39th Avenue, Kenosha, WI
Daily Specials • Full Catering
2 Halls for Rent
Past “All-State”
VFW Post 8320
Home of the National Chaplain’s
H H Recognition Program H H
Phone: 262-652-2751
VFW Post 7232
Located on Eau Claire’s West Side
2900 W. Folsom Street
Bar Open to Public
7 Days a Week!
pewaukee memorial
post 9537
Hall Rental Available
Phone: 715-832-3528
Full Menu Daily
Meetings on the 3rd Wed. of the Month
Post is Open 4 til 8 p.m., Mon.-Fri.
home of the state honor guard
The greatest little post in the state 3/14
Page 16
july/aug. 2015
Wisconsin Veterans
of Foreign Wars News
outstanding cap cadet
Time Again for Voice of Democracy, Patriot’s Pen
I have enjoyed being your Department Chairman for the Patriot’s Pen and Voice of Democracy
Essay Contests for the last few
years and I look forward to being
your Chairman again this coming
year. Thank you, Commander
Borg, for this appointment.
During this past year 6,170
students from our State submitted
essays in the annual Patriot’s Pen
Essay Contest. That was great to
have so many students participate,
but I was curious to find out how
that total compared to the rest of
the country. I contacted National
in Kansas City and they provided
the information from every state.
To my surprise and delight, I dis-
covered that our State had the fourth
highest total in the nation. WOW;
great job! Only Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Texas had more student
essays. Thanks to all the Posts and
Auxiliaries that participated in the
program last year. Let’s do our best
to increase that total for next year.
The 2015-2016 themes have
been announced for the Patriot’s
Pen and Voice of Democracy
Essay Contests. For Patriot’s
Pen – “What Freedom Means
to Me” and for Voice of Democracy – “My Vision for America.”
Brochures are now available at the
VFW Store for both programs - the
cost is only $6 for a pack of 100.
District Commanders – please
provide as soon as possible the name,
address, phone number, and email address of your appointed chairman for
each contest. It is not too late to start
promoting for next school year. Remember, the deadline is November
1, 2015 for students in both programs
to get their essays/recordings to their
local Post or Auxiliary.
Every year, I receive calls from
individuals asking for advice on
how to get more students to participate in the contests. In many
of these calls, I hear how difficult
it is to get the public schools
involved. I know that there are
some school districts that are
not interested but let’s not forget
that there is still an abundance of
students who would participate if
they only knew about these programs. All too often I hear parents and students say – “we never
heard about these programs.”
To get more students involved:
you need to contact the Parochial
schools in your area; contact the
youth leaders at your Church;
contact the Scouts; I’m sure there
are some Home Schools in your
area. More students would be
involved at your Post if you would
only provide the information to
these other groups. Let’s get the
information out to all students.
My wife, Donna, is again the
Ladies Auxiliary Chairman for
these programs this coming year,
so please do not hesitate to contact
us if you have any questions or if
we can help in any way. Here is
our contact information:
John Kleinmaus
Patriot’s Pen/VOD Chairman
633 S. 14th Ave.
West Bend, WI 53095
(262) 334-5529
[email protected]
Donna Kleinmaus
Auxiliary National Scholarships
633 S. 14th Ave.
West Bend, WI 53095
(262) 334-5529
[email protected]
King Day
Needs YOU!
Mike Wenger, Commander of Truax-Longmire VFW Post 8483 recently presented the VFW Award for Cadet NCOs
to Kaylin Thomas (at left) of Madison’s Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Squadron 153. Commander Wenger is shown reading Kaylin’s citation at right (rear). Next to him are CAP Squadron 153 Commander Major Roger Rognrud (partially obscured in right center) and CAP Southwest Wisconsin Wing Group Commander Major Angela Thomas.
Thomas Named Outstanding CAP Cadet
The VFW recognizes excellence in CAP Cadet Non-Commissioned Officers (NCO) through an annual award to the outstanding
Cadet NCO in each CAP squadron. CAP Squadron Commanders
may nominate one Cadet NCO each year, detailing the Cadet’s
accomplishments and certifying that the Cadet NCO is in good
standing academically, is progressing satisfactorily in the CAP
Cadet program, and that they have demonstrated outstanding
achievement in community service and the Cadet program (aero-
Post 10262
Flag Day
Plover Area Memorial VFW
Post 10262 Bugler Bob Kitto plays taps after members
of the Post Rifle Squad fired
a 3-round volley rifle salute
in observance of Flag Day
at the Stevens Point Elks
Lodge on June 14th. The
Lodge’s Exalted Ruler Jason
Biggs, presented a history of
the American Flag. Stevens
Point Mayor Mike Wiza, Portage County Executive Patty Drier and Portage County Veterans Service Officer
Mike Clements also spoke
at the event.
Photo and information submitted by Debbie Manthey of
Auxiliary 10262.
space and leadership). The Cadet must also be of high moral character, demonstrate a high level of professionalism in appearance
and action and patriotism (Commander or member of color guard,
drill team, etc.), actively promote Americanism, demonstrate
growth potential (assumes higher levels of responsibility). A
Cadet may only receive this award once. Congratulations, Cadet
Kaylin Thomas!
Photo submitted by Post 8483 Commander Mike Wenger.
This year’s special day with our Veterans
at the Wisconsin Veterans Home at King on
Saturday, August 15 has an extra-special reason
for you to attend: our Auxiliary National President Francisca Guilford will be in attendance
as part of her official visit to the Department
of Wisconsin! (See details on her visit on Page
19 in this paper.)
Our VFW and Military Order of the Cootie
Hospital Volunteers are hard at work on the
final planning for the Department’s 59th Annual
Scheibe-Munro VFW/VFWA King Day. As
always, a plethora of activities is scheduled for
the day, and a delegation of volunteers is needed
to visit with and escort King Home members
and help them enjoy the day’s events. Please
see the King Day ad on page 17 for the times
and details.
Donations from Posts, Auxiliaries and
individuals wishing to help offset the cost of
King Day are always welcome. The day will
of course conclude with the Annual “Parade of
Checks.” Please make checks payable to VFW
Dept. of WI, earmarked King Picnic Account.
If you wish to donate to other activities at King,
simply earmark the check accordingly, i.e. Activities; Entertainment; Coupon Books; etc.
Can’t attend? Checks may be mailed to
King Day Chairman Richard Morey at E3742
Rocky Ridge Rd., Waupaca, WI 54981. Dick
and his team will be happy to present your gifts
that day. If you have questions, contact Dick at
715-258-7257 or Co-Chairman John Zouski at
Thank you in advance for all you continue to
do for our Veterans at the WVH at King – see
you there on August 15 – and don’t forget to
greet Francisca!
59th king day
Wisconsin Veterans
of Foreign Wars News
Page 17
july/aug. 2015
Joining Forces to Bring Veterans Cookies and Love
During the 2015 Spring Girl Scout Cookie time in Southeastern Wisconsin, eight
different groups in the Kenosha area joined
forces to bring laughter, smiles, love and
cookies to the Veterans and in some cases
their families, at the Wisconsin Veterans
Home at Union Grove, Wisconsin.
Members of Pleasant Prairie VFW Post
7308; Junker-Ball VFW Post 1865; the Navy
Club Ship 40; Pleasant Prairie INVEST Employees Group; the Kenosha Area Vietnam
Veterans; the Kenosha County Veterans Council and St. Mary’s Lutheran Church amassed
a $1,000 donation to Girl Scout Troop 7293.
The Scouts in turn purchased cases of Girl
Scout Cookies to distribute at both the WVH
- Union Grove and the Homeless Vets Center.
That is a LOT of cookies!
The guests living in the center were surprised and overjoyed to see these young
ladies come to visit and let them know that
each and everyone of them are remembered
and revered. To experience the coming together of very young people and their seniors
was a wonderful time and a great way to say
“Thanks for your service to our country!”
Submitted by Randolph Strickland, Sr.,
Editor, Post 7308 Scuttlebutt, with additional info from the Kenosha News.
Pictured in the front row are Girl Scouts Zoe, Riley, Ava, Hannah, Peyton, Christina, Cassidy and Madeline.
Adults in the back row include (L to R): Arlene Fredericksen; Post 7308 member Ken Holdorf; Troop 7293 Leaders Kristina Vedder and Karle Murawski; Post 7308 Commander Paul Fredericksen; Post 7308 Member Chris Kapsala; Judy Kapsala; Ken Nelson from St. Mary’s Lutheran Church and Troop 7293 Leader Cristi Gallagher.
Committee Report
Many of you are looking at the headline
and echoing Steve Martin in the famous
SNL sketch, “What the hell is that?”
May L. Luchsinger was a very wealthy
lady from my hometown of Monroe who left
a goodly portion of her estate in a trust for
the benefit of the residents of the Wisconsin
Veterans Home at King. Her will dictated
that the committee disbursing these funds
should consist of five members belonging to
these organizations: Women’s Relief Corps,
American Legion, Spanish American War
Veterans Auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign
Wars and an organization that no longer
exists called the Service Star Legion.
The Committee meets on the first Saturday in May to decide how the money in the
trust is to be spent. This year we had $15,800
to spend. The money will be expended on
the following items to enhance the lives of
the King Veterans Home residents: quarterly
aviary maintenance; food and entertainment
for monthly member birthday parties; entertainment in the buildings during colder
weather; and entertainment and food in the
park during June, July and August.
For the past 57 years the residents of
King have been the beneficiaries of May
L. Luchsinger’s generosity.
Recycle the Wisconsin
VFW News by passing
the edition on to others
Finished with
this newspaper?
Instead of just
adding it to the
papers in your recycling box, why
not pass it along
to someone else
who may enjoy
reading about the
Dept. of Wisconsin VFW and its
efforts for Veterans! Be sure to black
out your personal info in the mailing
box – maybe even cover it with a label
including info of where readers can get
more info about your local Post. Then,
“recycle” it at a local café, or waiting
rooms at businesses like car repair shops
or medical offices. (Be sure to get their
permission to leave the paper there.)
Thanks for spreading the word!
Page 18
july/aug. 2015
Wisconsin Veterans
of Foreign Wars News
a profound loss
Editor’s note: Terrence Sund, a Wisconsin soldier and tragic casualty in Vietnam
is entombed in a closed room, forgotten
Steve Conto
and closed to visitors. This unique situState Historian
ation came to the attention of VFW State
Historian Steve Conto, who has worked
valiantly over the years to locate the final
[email protected]
resting place of each Wisconsin casualty
of the Vietnam War.
At the recent Wisconsin VFW State Convention, Conto reported on his progress
to date, and then focused on the Terrence
Sund project. The story follows below, and now it’s your turn to help. Steve is attempting
to raise the $5,000 necessary to bring about a proper burial of this otherwise forgotten
hero. He hopes to reach his funding goal by Labor Day, but with a little effort on the
part of our Posts, maybe we can hit that goal even sooner.
Terry was just 20 years old when he drowned in a Viet Cong tunnel in Vietnam on
December 6, 1967. He was from Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, high school class of
‘65. Terrence’s remains were returned to Wisconsin in January of 1968 and interred in
the north room of Wisconsin Memorial Park Cemetery in Brookfield and there he has
been kept all these years. The north room is closed off from public viewing. The reason
for Terry being placed there is unknown.
The final resting place of one of our heroes from Wisconsin was in a locked room, unable
to be honored nor remembered. For over 47 years there has been no Flag by his grave. No
family, friend or comrade has been able to visit and pay their respects: in a sense no closure
or healing. In 2011 his mother passed and was placed in this north room also.
Recently I was able to contact his sister, Sue, after she left a remembrance for her
brother, Terry, on the website. Through corresponding with Sue, I was told the
personal reason for Terry and his mother being placed in this back room. Sue then gave
me permission to raise the necessary funds to have Terry and their mother’s cremains
moved to a niche in the Veterans section on the grounds of Wisconsin Memorial Park.
In turn, I have opened an account at Associated Bank. I’m seeking donations for
Terrence and his mother to receive a proper burial. You can make your donation at any
Associated Bank under the account - Terrence Sund Burial Fund. I want to finally bring
Terrence completely home to be next to his mother and for him to receive a formal,
military funeral ceremony that is long overdue.
With your help we can “make it right.” I thank you in advance for your assistance.
UPDATE: At press time, only $1,160 was needed to reach the $5,000 goal. Steve
Conto also shared this additional info: “Last time I talked with Terry’s sister Sue, she
really opened up to me about how much Terry’s death affected the family, heart wrenching (see ‘A Profound Loss’ below). Now more than ever I want to “make it right” for
the Sund family. I wish to thank you so much for the help. I’ve attached a picture of
the niche; it’s the second one in from the bottom right.”
Pausing for a photo following the award presentation are (L to R): Post
6709 Commander Frank Mesa, Marshall McLean and Waupun Mayor Kyle
Clark. Well done, Comrade McLean – thank you for your service!
McLean Named Waupun Vet of the Year
Marshall McLean, 81, a Life Member of
Bentley-Hull VFW Post 6709 in Waupun, was
honored as Veteran of the Year during ceremonies and a parade held on Memorial Day.
McLean joined the Air Force in 1952 and
did basic training at Lackland AFB in San Antonio, Texas. From there he was sent to France
and Germany where he served from February
1953 to April 1956. While in Germany, he met
and married his wife of 66 years. Upon returning home, he spent 16 years in the Air Force
Reserves while working at the Correctional
Institution in Waupun until he retired after
28 years. McLean and his wife, Annamarie,
have two children, three grandchildren, and
two great-grandchildren.
Photo and story submitted by Larry Duer
of Post 6709.
Post 9537, Scout Troop 13 Honor Vets
A Profound Loss
The loss of a loved one during
the Vietnam War had an enormous
impact on the families back home.
Some never were able to recover.
Terry was well liked by classmates,
his extended family and his comrades. His family could not come to
grips with his death. His cremains
and later, those of his father were
placed in a back room on a shelf
in the Wisconsin Memorial Park’s
main building. Many years later his
mother’s cremains would join them
there. A closed off room, with no
closure, no comfort, no honor.
Now, with the approval of his
sister Sue, Terry’s and his mother’s
cremains will be moved to a niche in
the Veterans Section of the grounds
and their father will be buried at the
State Veterans Cemetery in Union
Grove. Nothing can change the past
tragedy but closure and honor can
be made possible. I want Terry to be remembered, not of his loss but of how he
lived and how he was loved. May comfort now be given to Terry’s family. May
the good Lord watch over them and give them peace.
Steve Conto
The Final Bridge
Calendar of Events
July 18-22 VFW/LAVFW National Conventions – Pittsburgh, PA
July 22-26 MOC /MOCA Supreme Scratch – Pittsburgh, PA
Aug. 13-15 LAFVW National President Official Visit to Wisconsin
Aug. 15 59th Annual King Day – WI Veterans Home at King
September 1 DEADLINE for September 2015 Wisconsin VFW News
Sept. 11-13 MOC/MOCA Tomah Cookout
Oct. 16 -18 Big Ten Conference – Isle of Capri Casino Hotel, Bettendorf, Iowa
October 26 DEADLINE for November 2015 Wisconsin VFW News
December 14 DEADLINE for January 2016 Wisconsin VFW News
Boy Scouts from Troop 13 helped Pewaukee Memorial VFW Post
9537 place flags at area cemeteries for their Memorial Day Weekend
observances. Above, the Scouts get a supply of flags from Post 9537
Quartermaster John Miller. Below, the Scouts rendered honors at
each grave site after placing their flags. Thank you all for your service. Submitted by Jean Miller, Auxiliary 9537 President.
national president visit
Wisconsin Veterans
of Foreign Wars News
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july/aug. 2015
National President
Francisca Guilford’s
Visit to Wisconsin
August 13-15
Thursday, August 13
2:45 p.m. (approximate time) – Aisle of Flags in front of Radisson Paper
Valley Hotel, 333 W. College Avenue, Appleton. Come with your
flags and welcome our lovely National President Francisca. (Preferred attire – navy or black pants, white top and patriotic scarf.)
5:30 p.m. – Broasted Chicken Dinner with all the trimmings at Harvey
Pierre VFW Post 2778, 501 N. Richmond St., Appleton. All Post &
Auxiliary members are welcome to attend this dinner to meet and
greet our National President. There will also be a presentation of
transmittals and gifts at this event.
Friday, August 14
In the photo from left to right: Kaye Olson, the Eau Claire Patriotic Council; Gene Hatfield, Burger Kings of West Central Wisconsin; Dave Swanson, Swanson’s Commercial
Flooring; Leroy Jansky, the Chippewa Falls Patriotic Council; Mike DeRosa, Burger Kings
of West Central Wisconsin and John Olson, the Eau Claire Sunrise Exchange Club.
9th District Burger Kings Do It Again!
As featured in the May Wisconsin VFW NEWS,
the Burger Kings in the 9th District again went
all out to raise funds for the 9th District Unmet
Needs Fund with a special Memorial Day Weekend
event at 14 area locations. The check presentation
represents the efforts of Chippewa Falls Patriotic
Council, the Eau Claire Sunrise Exchange Club,
the Patriotic Council of Eau Claire, and the Burger
Kings of West Central Wisconsin. These organizations worked together and brought in $1500 selling
special blue Unmet Needs bracelets and American Flags during Memorial Day Weekend. The
check amount of $3000 was made possible with
a matching amount contributed by Dave Swanson
of Swanson’s Commercial Flooring. The funds
collected will go toward benefiting the Veterans
Programs of Wisconsin’s VFW District 9.
Congratulations on a job well done! Special thanks
to our Burger King partners Mike DeRosa and Gene
Hatfield for their continued support of VFW Unmet
Needs and to Dave Swanson for his very generous
matching funds. Your support of the Veterans in the
9th District is VERY much appreciated!
Photo submitted by Leroy Jansky, Past 9th District
Commander with information from Lionel Lee,
Burger King Marketing Director.
9:30 – 11:15 a.m. - Paper Discovery Center, 425 W. Water Street, Appleton.
The Paper Discovery Center is a museum/science & technology
center. Shop the gift shop, tour the museum and enjoy a hands-on
activity making your own sheet of butterfly paper to take home as a
souvenir. (
11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. - Order off the menu at our VFW Post 2778
Clubhouse. Full menu serving fish, shrimp, burgers, chicken, soups, etc.
1:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. – Little Chute Windmill – 130 W. Main St., Little
Chute. Come tour this newly opened attraction which houses
an authentic, fully functioning Dutch Windmill standing 100 feet
tall and experience some of the Valley’s Dutch heritage. (www.
2:45 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. – Butterfly Gardens of Wisconsin, N2550 State Hwy
47, Appleton. Visit the butterfly house, walk amidst the butterflies in a
2-acre butterfly prairie maze & viewing bridge, walking trails and gift
shop to experience the joy, excitement, awe, mystery and wonder of
our native butterflies. (
Dinner Friday evening will be on your own either at the Radisson Paper
Valley or in one of the many restaurants within a short walking distance
from the hotel. Perhaps you would like to spend the evening shopping at
the Fox River Mall which hosts 180+ stores and is located just off College
Avenue one mile west of the hotel or shop some of the specialty shops in
the blocks surrounding the hotel. (Because Saturday will be such a busy
day, we are allowing some time for relaxation for Francisca.)
Saturday, August 15
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Travel to Wisconsin Veteran’s Home in King for
our VFW King Day. All Post, Auxiliary members and families are
welcome to help escort and/or spend the day with some of the 700+
veterans who would like to enjoy the band concert, picnic lunch,
parade and bingo. Plan to be there by approximately 10:00 a.m.
Come join in for one or more of these events and let’s make our
National President Francisca’s visit to Wisconsin one to remember.
Please complete and return this form no later than August 3:
Name ______________________________ Post/Aux.# ____________
Phone # _____________________________
Pictured (L to R) are EMT Thomas Overocker; then VFW District 1 Commander Randy
Strickland; Post 7308 Commander Paul Fredericksen; 2014-15 Dept. of WI Chief of Staff
Phil Allen; Post 7308 Quartermaster/Adjutant Daniel McKee (incoming for 2015-16); Firefighter Justin Beach and Law Enforcement Officer William Larson. Submitted by Randy
Strickland of Post 7308.
VFW Post 7308 Recognizes Three Public
Servants from Village of Pleasant Prairie
Recently, Pleasant Prairie VFW Post 7308
Commander Paul Fredericksen, accompanied
by VFW Department of WI Chief of Staff Phil
Allen and VFW Dept. of WI District 1 Commander Randy Strickland, recognized three of
the Village of Pleasant Prairie’s finest at a Village
Board meeting. Each received a Post Citation as
well as the Public Servant Award Citation from
VFW National Headquarters. Nominations for
the National Citation are processed through our
Department Headquarters and forwarded on to
National for approval.
Event and Charge
Number of Tickets
Paper Discovery Center Tour at $4.00 per person
Little Chute Windmill Tour @ $6.00 per person
Butterfly Gardens of Wisconsin @ $5.00 per person
Broasted Chicken Dinner at VFW Club @ $10.00 each ____________
Total Cost for above tickets
I plan to attend and Order off the menu lunch Friday at VFW Yes __ No __
Make check payable to:
VFW Auxiliary #3119 and mail to Karen Johnson, 506 W. 6th Street,
Kaukauna, WI 54130 no later than August 3. Any questions, please call
Karen at 920-766-1491 or Judy at 920-739-5730.
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july/aug. 2015
first place award
Wisconsin Veterans
of Foreign Wars News
From the Editor:
Congratulations, Thanks and a Look
Marla Morgan
Congratulations to Past State ComEditor
mander John Giese and Past Department
President Vicki Newbauer on a very suc(715) 384-2500
cessful year “Working Together” with
“Christmas Magic Ever Present Year [email protected]
Around”. Your exemplary leadership and
teamwork have served the Department of
Wisconsin well – thank you for all you
have done.
My deepest gratitude to John for the appointment as Editor of the Wisconsin
VFW NEWS – make that the AWARD-WINNING Wisconsin VFW NEWS! What a
thrill to receive the First Place National Publications Award in Large Department
Publications! Your faith and confidence in me was unwavering and your respect and
support of our efforts to reach for new heights have made all the difference. Thank
you, thank you.
Extra-special thanks to the Department of Wisconsin VFW and Auxiliary members
who make this paper the best in the country. YOU make this paper happen with your
incredible achievements and activities in your Posts, Auxiliaries and communities. Every
time you share - an idea, an event, a commemoration, an honor – with your Comrades
and Sisters, and our community readers, YOU keep our organizations moving forward
and growing. PLEASE DON’T STOP!
And so it goes, we complete Volume 32 and launch the first issue of Volume 33 with
a magnificent accounting of the successes and awards of the past year. Take some time
to review and savor the accomplishments and individuals highlighted in our Convention
pages. (If you have made it this far, back to page 20, you’re doing great!) Many thanks
to Richard Meyer for your professional photography that captures so many great moments from our Conventions.
Looking forward, please be sure to absorb the messages shared in the Officers’
and Chairmen’s columns, especially the Membership Team’s information on page
5. We have our work cut out for us as you see by the numbers. But Commander
Borg and his team stand ready to offer the leadership, encouragement, support and
tools we need to get the job done. If we take advantage of the skills and knowledge,
leadership and momentum of BOTH long term members and those new to the ranks,
we WILL succeed!
I also call your attention to Resolution 302 on pages 22 – 23. YES, it is a lot to read
and digest. But it contains tangible, correct information, questions and answers on a
subject of UTMOST importance to all members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and
its Auxiliaries. Please note especially Adjutant General John Hamilton’s letter at the
beginning of the text.
Volume 33 and the 2015 – 2016 Program Year of “Flying High for Veterans” eagerly
await us. Let us continue to use our Wisconsin VFW NEWS to INFORM ... to INSPIRE
... to INVITE.
Our Veterans, our Active Duty Military, our families and our communities deserve
nothing but our VERY BEST.
2014 – 2015 Department Auxiliary President Vicki Newbauer and State
Commander John Giese pose with Wisconsin VFW NEWS Editor Marla J.
Morgan, following the awarding of the 2015 VFW National Publications
Contest First Place for Department Publications (Large).
Wisconsin VFW NEWS Editor Marla J. Morgan displays the First Place winning paper from November 2014 (Volume 32, Issue No. 3), thanking all who contribute to meeting the paper’s goals: to INFORM ... to INSPIRE ... to INVITE.
2014-15 Phase 2 Post and Aux 7534 Brat Fry
7534 Duck Creek
Membership Awards andVFWitsPost
Ladies Auxiliary volRequirements: Meet 100% Membership and 100% Retention for
the Program Year. One Award to
one Post per Division (10 possible
awards). Winners of the Red Carpet
Awards were not eligible for this
second drawing. Post Awards: $250
and Special Recognition in the VFW
Newspaper. District Awards: $500
and Special Recognition in the VFW
Post Award
There was a total of 38 eligible Posts
out of the 282 Posts in the Department
of Wisconsin. The winners are:
• Division 1 - None
• Division 2 - None
• Division 3 - Post 7308 Pleasant Prairie
• Division 4 - None
• Division 5 - Post 3153 Chilton
• Division 6 - Post 6377 Sussex
• Division 7 - Post 1915 Trempealeau
• Division 8 - Post 8337 Liberty Grove
• Division 9 - Post 9298 Montfort
• Division 10 - Post 10203 Hamburg
District Award
District 11 is the winner with 21.74%
percent of their Posts with 100% Membership and 100% Retention. The final
standings are:
• District 1, 5 of 28 = 17.86%
• District 2, 5 of 37 = 13.51%
• District 3, 2 of 17 = 11.76%
• District 4, 1 of 19 = 5.26%
• District 6, 2 of 27 = 7.41%
• District 7, 4 of 33 = 12.12%
• District 8, 5 of 33 = 15.15%
• District 9, 5 of 31 = 16.13%
• District 10, 4 of 34 = 11.76%
• District 11, 5 of 23 = 21.74%
Telemachos “Tim” Agoudemos
2014-15 Membership Chairman
“Working Together” Team
unteers had to keep the
food AND themselves warm
at the Festival Food Brat
Stand on May 10th. Proceeds
were earmarked for specific VFW Programs. And YES,
you read that right: May 10.
Looks more like November,
doesn’t it? First row left to
right are Post 7534 Commander Dave Behrend; Auxiliary Chaplain Ginny Behrend; Auxiliary President
Kathy Johnson; Post Quartermaster John Wierer and
Adjutant Bruce Sorensen.
Second row left to right are
Auxiliary Junior Vice President Samantha Wierer and
Auxiliary Treasurer Dolores
Submitted by Auxiliary Chaplain Ginny Behrend.
Dear Fisher House Wisconsin Supporters,
Happy Spring and many
thanks for your past support of
Fisher House WI through a generous sponsorship/ donation or
participation in our annual Golf
Benefit. The Fisher House Annual Golf Benefit is one of the
very few events completely coordinated and hosted by Fisher
House of WI, making it a very
important fundraiser with all
the proceeds benefiting Fisher
House WI. With your continued
support Fisher House WI will
open its doors this year!
Please join us again this year
in supporting an amazing cause.
The Fisher House of Wisconsin
is holding its Third Annual Golf
Benefit on Monday, August 24th,
2015 at the River Club of Mequon
to benefit the building, furnishing
and opening of the Fisher House
in 2015 on the Clement Zablocki
Medical Center grounds in Milwaukee. Last years’ benefit sold
out 216 golf spots with additional
dinner guests and volunteers.
In total we raised just under
$60,000! Sponsoring, donating
and participating are great ways
to support Fisher House WI and
grow awareness to a wonderful
cause. All auction donations are
fully tax deductible.
Again, thank you so much
for your past support and your
consideration of a sponsorship/
donation or participation in this
year’s Golf Benefit. If you have
questions or would like to arrange
pick up of any item or gift certifi-
cate, please contact: Cory Wycklendt at [email protected].
Thank you for your time and
consideration! You can register
and pay by credit card online at
EventBrite. Mail-in registration,
auction and raffle items can be
mailed to the address below. For
more information please visit
Fisher House WI Golf Benefit
P.O. Box 119
5000 W. National Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53295
Warmest Regards,
Cory Wycklendt
Golf Committee Chair
amplified phones for vets
Wisconsin Veterans
of Foreign Wars News
Page 21
july/aug. 2015
Students Create
Poppy Posters
Holmen VFW Post 7908 sponsored a Buddy
Poppy Poster Contest to coincide with their annual Memorial Day Weekend Poppy Drive. Seven
middle school students entered with all participants receiving a letter of appreciation and a monetary award. The first, second and third place students received $50, 30 and $20 respectively while
all others received $10. Shown here with their entries and Post Commander Tim Carrier from left
are: Kaci Schmitz; Sydney Blank; Adrian Korpal;
Sydney Jahr; Maren Handland and Aelyse Werner.
Not pictured is Natasha Komperud. Nice job!
Submitted by Tim Carrier, Post 7908 Commander.
Amplified Phones Available for Wisconsin Veterans and Seniors
Are you a veteran whose service may have exposed you
to loud sounds and left you struggling at times to hear on a
regular telephone? It is happening all the time to Wisconsin
veterans who are experiencing age-related hearing loss or
hearing loss related to prolonged exposure to loud sounds.
Communication is such an important aspect in all our lives
that this situation should not be ignored. Fortunately, the
state of Wisconsin operates the Telephone Equipment
Purchase Program (TEPP) and it’s been making a difference for thousands of people across the state.
TEPP is a Wisconsin state program that provides
vouchers to all residents with hearing loss so they can
obtain amplified phones and improve their utilization of
basic telephone services – often free of charge. TEPP is
administered through the Public Service Commission and
funded by a Wisconsin telephone user fee known as the
Universal Service Fund. Most people have probably noted
the “USF” charge on their phone bill but never knew its
purpose. In effect, this is a “pre-paid program” that people
are allowed to access if they struggle to communicate on
a normal telephone.
The TEPP program will provide vouchers for telephone
equipment given that the following applicant requirements
are met:
•Wisconsin residency.
•A voluntary declaration of hearing loss.
• No receipt of TEPP funding within the last three years.
There are no age or income restrictions and this program
is not restricted to Veterans alone. All residents who
struggle to hear on the phone are eligible.
The telephones offered are rich in features that enable
those with a hearing loss to communicate over the phone.
These features include hearing aid compatibility, amplified
volume, speaker phone capability, enriched tone controls,
extra large numbered keypads, loud ringer volume choices,
caller ID enabled, and unique speed-dialing features.
ElderCom provides individuals with hearing loss the
opportunity to enrich their personal community through
enhanced telecommunications. We help facilitate the
process by which individuals can obtain equipment and
specialize in cooperative working partnerships with Senior
and Veteran groups throughout the state of Wisconsin.
“We had Paul Klocko, from ElderCom Outreach, make
a presentation on the TEPP program at our recent VFW
District meeting,” noted District 8 Commander, Walt
Matzek. “We cannot change the fact that the majority of
our members in Wisconsin are over 65 and probably suffer
from some sort of mild to moderate hearing loss. However,
we can get them involved in this program to bolster their
personal lives and enrich the vitality of our membership
ranks by helping improve their phone communications.”
People who apply for the TEPP program can expect to
receive their equipment in approximately 5-6 weeks. No additional charges will ever appear on the individuals’ phone bill
and the amplified phone becomes their property. The vast majority of applicants qualify for the “Hard Of Hearing” disability
category where there is no equipment cost. In three years time,
TEPP participants may reapply in order to receive technologically advanced equipment to deal with additional needs.
Please contact Paul M. Klocko at ElderCom Outreach
directly at (715) 241-6940 (email: [email protected]) to
find out more information and apply for the program. His
mailing address is 3907 Pat Street,Weston, WI 54476.
Need more exercise? Like a brisk walk — summer, fall, winter and spring?
We have just what you need. No experience needed. We will train.
The State Honor Guard is recruiting NEW MEMBERS.
Practice every third Monday at Pewaukee Post, 7 p.m.
If interested, call Col. Matt Mayer, (414) 353-4655, after 3 p.m.
Page 22
july/aug. 2015
Wisconsin Veterans
of Foreign Wars News
resolution 302
Resolution 302
Comrades and Sisters:
In this week after Memorial Day, I urge every member
of the VFW and its Auxiliaries to reflect on our mission:
fighting for and protecting both the service men and
women who fought for us as well as their families.
At the 115th National Convention, delegates passed
Resolution 302 which began the transition of our Ladies
Auxiliary in finally becoming a national association that
provides equality for all Veteran’s spouses and family
members. As directed by the delegates of the convention,
I have worked together with the Ladies Auxiliary National
Secretary-Treasurer, the By-Law Study group, and staff to
develop suitable language for By-Law amendments that
will finally give spouses and families of all Veterans the
respect and equality they deserve. Soon delegates of the
Convention will be asked to consider these amendments
to our By-Laws, and I cannot stress the importance of
your vote as the very future of our organization hangs in
the balance. It is our hope with that the passing of these
proposed amendments the VFW will transition into an
organization better reflective of the families of today’s
Veterans and effectively end the gender segregation of
our Auxiliaries.
There have been concerns raised over this proposed
transition, some have even gone as far to say the transition
is unfair; however, a great deal of thought and considerable debate with those mentioned and the senior leadership
went into this language as it provides equal fairness for
all members of the VFW and our Auxiliaries. The main
point of contention has been over the issue of dual membership. As the proposed amendments stand, current VFW
members who are members in good standing of the Ladies
Auxiliary as well as members who obtain dual membership
prior to August 20, 2015 and maintain their membership in
good standing with the Auxiliary shall be able to hold dual
membership. After August 20, 2015, Auxiliary members
who later become eligible for the VFW will transition their
membership into the parent organization. As the Auxiliary
leadership adamantly contested dual membership for all
VFW members who would also be eligible for Auxiliary
membership, we felt this was a fair approach.
Finally, our national association known as the Veterans
of Foreign Wars Auxiliary will be given five years to transition all seals, emblems, badges and insignia materials
under the new Auxiliary branding. To ease the financial
burden of this transition, the Quartermaster General has
proposed discounts at the VFW Store on select items
needed for meetings at a discounted price during this five
year transition period. We feel such a concession is needed
to show our commitment to this proposed change as honoring veteran’s spouses and family members is paramount
to this organization.
In considering many options, we feel this is the best
way to work together for a common cause while providing the equality and fairness for all Veteran’s spouses and
family members as directed by the delegates who passed
Resolution 302.
Yours in Comradeship,
John E. Hamilton
Adjutant General
Article XI—Ladies Auxiliary
Frequently Asked Questions
Article XI – Ladies Auxiliary
Q. When passed by the delegates, how long before
the Auxiliary amendments take effect?
A. All By-Law and Manual of Procedure changes
take effect 30 days after adoption by the delegates of the
National Convention. However, the By-Law amendment
allows Auxiliary units approved and chartered prior to the
adoption of these provisions up to 5-years to replace the
unit’s seal, uniforms, emblems, badges, and insignia. The
VFW Store will offer select items needed for meetings at
a discounted price during the transition period.
Q. Will Men’s Auxiliary members automatically
become members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars
A. No. Each Men’s Auxiliary member will be required
to make application in accordance with Section 102 of the
Auxiliary By-laws and pay dues.
Q. Is there a change to the eligibility criteria?
A. Yes. In order to align the By-Law with the guidance
and regulations of the IRS, which requires auxiliary members to be related to members of the parent organization
within two degrees of consanguinity [kon-sang-gwin-itee]. This means that there must be a familial relationship
within two generations. This includes parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, children, and grandchildren, but
does not include nieces or nephews of the member. We
believe step, half, and adopted family members meet the
“two degrees of consanguinity” standard of the IRS. We
do not believe it is necessary to include those terms in the
eligibility criteria; those who are step, half, or adopted
are members of the immediate family. The eligibility for
“foster” relations has previously been removed from the
eligibility criteria of the Ladies Auxiliary and does not
meet the two degrees of consanguinity standard.
Q. Will VFW members (or VFW eligible veterans)
be eligible for Auxiliary membership?
A. The amendment allows those who are currently
members of the VFW and Auxiliary to retain membership
in both; after August 20, 2015, that no longer applies. It is
important to remember that the goal is to create a gender
neutral Auxiliary. In doing this, we want to ensure the
unique qualities of the Auxiliary are maintained. To that
end, all options were considered. Some have asked for a
dual membership provision which allowed for a certain
segment of members (which included current dual membership holders and future auxiliary members, who in
the future would gain VFW eligibility through their own
service). Others have asked that we allow dual membership for all eligible members. These options were fully
explored but rejected as both could and would eventually
saturate the Auxiliary with VFW members. One of the
most important contributions of the Auxiliary is the unique
perspective it brings through the diversity of its membership. That diversity, and the unique perspective, would be
lost if both organizations were filled with substantially the
same membership base. To ensure that the VFW and the
Auxiliary are complementary, but completely separate
organizations, we need to maintain that diversity. Under
the provisions of this change, future auxiliary applicants
eligible for the parent organization (VFW) will be ineligible for Auxiliary membership. Taking into consideration
current VFW members who are members in good standing of the Ladies Auxiliary, members who obtain dual
membership prior to August 20, 2015 and maintain their
membership in good standing with the Auxiliary shall be
able to hold dual membership. This is, in our view, the
best way to work together for a common cause.
Q. Why not allow for a dual qualified veteran to
choose between the VFW and its Auxiliary?
A. Our primary goal is to establish a gender neutral
Auxiliary. We have considered allowing members the
option to choose between the parent organization (VFW)
and its Auxiliary. However, this also would allow for
future saturation of the Auxiliary, which remains a concern for the Auxiliary. We want to be responsive to those
concerns while still presenting a solution that will ensure
the VFW’s success.
Q. Does the adoption of the proposed Article XI
amendments automatically revoke the charter of a
Post’s Men’s Auxiliary Unit?
A. No. Men’s Auxiliary units are established by the Post
and permitted to exist through Article XIII of the National
By- Laws and Manual of Procedure. An amendment to
Article XIII would need to be considered to effect such
a change, unless similar action is taken under the current
provision of Article XIII by a Department or Post. Before
any changes are made to Article XIII, we need to ensure
that Posts and Departments are given an opportunity to
establish a gender neutral Auxiliary.
Sec. 1101-Organization, Disbandment, and Transition of Auxiliaries.
The Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars of
the United States Auxiliary is an incorporated a national
association of eligible members heretofore chartered by
the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. Such
association shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the National Convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the
United States, the Commander-in-Chief and the National
Council of Administration.
The Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars
of the United States Auxiliary shall be governed by such
By-Laws, Rules and Regulations and Ritual as may be
adopted by it and by the lawful orders issued by the
National Officers of the Ladies Auxiliary, provided such
By-Laws, Rules and Regulations, Ritual and orders do not
conflict with the Congressional Charter, By-Laws, Manual
of Procedure or Ritual of the Veterans of Foreign Wars
of the United States or the lawful orders or directives of
the National Convention, the Commander-in-Chief or the
National Council of Administration of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars of the United States.
The Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars
of the United States Auxiliary may issue charters to Department, District, County Council, and Post Auxiliaries,
provided that the establishment of such Auxiliary shall
have been approved by the respective Department, District,
County Council or Post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars
of the United States and subject to its control. Formation,
control and disbandment of auxiliaries as well as suspension or cancellation of charters shall be in the manner
prescribed in the Manual of Procedure.
Auxiliary units approved and chartered prior to the
adoption of these provisions shall be entitled to retain such
unit’s seal, uniforms, emblems, badges, and insignia so
long as such seal, uniforms, emblems, badges, and insignia
are serviceable and available, for a period of up to fiveyears following the adoption of this provision.
Auxiliary officers shall make such reports as may be
required in the Manual of Procedure.
Sec. 1101—Organization and Disbandment of
Formation. Auxiliaries shall be hereafter formed and
approved in accordance with the following provisions.
These provisions shall not be retroactive and auxiliaries
Auxiliaries approved and chartered prior to the adoption
of these provisions need not be reapproved.
• By Departments. No auxiliary to a Department of the
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States shall be
formed unless approved by two-thirds vote of the delegates
assembled at an annual Department Convention. Each
Department of the Ladies Auxiliary shall be identical in
geographical limits with the respective Department of the
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and shall be
known and identified by the same name as the Department
whose name it bears.
• By Districts. No auxiliary to a District of the Veterans
of Foreign Wars of the United States shall be formed unless
approved at a regular or special meeting by two-thirds vote
of the Posts delegates assembled in such District. Notice
of the proposed formation of an auxiliary to the District
shall be given all Posts in the District in writing at least
two weeks twenty (20) days prior to any meeting during
which a vote to determine the formation of an auxiliary
to the District will be made. Each District of the Ladies
Auxiliary shall be identical in geographical limits with
the respective District of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of
the United States and shall be known and identified by the
same number as the District whose number it bears.
• By County Councils. No auxiliary to a County Council of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States
shall be formed unless approved at a regular or special
meeting by two-thirds vote of the Posts delegates assembled in such County Council. Notice of the proposed
formation of an auxiliary to the County Council shall be
given all Posts of the County Council in writing at least
two weeks twenty (20) days prior to any meeting during
which a vote to determine the formation of an auxiliary to
the County Council will be made. Each County Council
of the Ladies Auxiliary shall be identical in geographical
limits with the respective County Council of the Veterans
of Foreign Wars of the United States and shall be known
and identified by the same name as the County Council
whose name it bears.
• By Posts. No auxiliary to a Post of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars of the United States shall be formed unless
approved by a two-thirds vote of the Post membership
present at a regular or special meeting, due notice of the
proposed formation of an auxiliary having been given the
entire membership in writing at least one week twenty (20)
days prior to a regular meeting, or special meeting called
for the aforementioned purpose. Each Auxiliary shall be
assigned the name and number of the Post with which it
is affiliated.
Department Auxiliaries. Department Auxiliaries
shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Convention and
Council of Administration of the respective Department
of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States.
Department Auxiliaries shall be governed by the ByLaws, Ritual, and Rules and Regulations of the Ladies
Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United
States Auxiliary and the Department Auxiliary and lawful orders issued by their respective officers, provided
they do not conflict with the Congressional Charter,
By-Laws or Manual of Procedure of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars of the United States and By-Laws of
the Department whose name it bears or lawful orders
issued by the Commander- in-Chief, the National
Council of Administration or the Department Council
of Administration.
District, County Council and Post Auxiliaries.
The Ladies Auxiliary to a District, County Council or
resolution 302
Wisconsin Veterans
of Foreign Wars News
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Resolution 302
Post shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the respective District, County Council or Posts of the Veterans
of Foreign Wars of the United States whose name or
number it bears.
Such auxiliary shall be governed by the By-Laws,
Ritual and Rules and Regulations of the Ladies Auxiliary
to the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States
Auxiliary and the Department Auxiliary and lawful orders issued by their respective officers provided they do
not conflict with the Congressional Charter, By-Laws or
Manual of Procedure of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of
the United States, Department By-Laws or the By-Laws
of the District, County Council or Post whose name and
number it bears, or lawful orders issued by the Commander-in-Chief, the National Council of Administration,
or the Department Council of Administration.
Suspension and Discontinuance.
National. The Commander-in-Chief may suspend
the Charter of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans
of Foreign Wars of the United States Auxiliary if he
believes its conduct, or that of its officers or Council
of Administration, is determined to be detrimental to
the interests of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the
United States.
The Charter of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans
of Foreign Wars of the United States Auxiliary may not
be suspended by the Commander-in-Chief for a period
longer than thirty (30) days without the consent of the
National Council of Administration of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars of the United States. Such consent shall be
given only if a majority of the members of the Council
determines that it is in the best interest of the Veterans
of Foreign Wars of the United States to suspend the
Charter for a longer period of time.
While the Charter of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Auxiliary is
suspended, its officers shall have no authority and shall
not issue any orders other than those necessary to keep
a National Headquarters office in operation.
Departments. The Commander-in-Chief may direct the
suspension of the charter of any Department Auxiliary upon
the recommendation of the National President of the Ladies
Auxiliary or the Commander of such Department when it is
shown to the satisfaction of the Commander-in-Chief that
the conduct of such Department Auxiliary, or its officers
or Council of Administration, is detrimental to the interests
of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. A
Department Auxiliary charter may not be suspended by the
Commander-in-Chief for a period longer than thirty (30)
days without the consent of the National Council of Administration of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United
States. Such consent shall be given only if a majority of the
members of the Council determines it is in the best interest
of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States to
suspend the charter for a longer period of time.
Districts, County Councils and Posts. The Commander-in-Chief may direct the suspension of the
charter of any District, County Council or Post auxiliary
for a definite or indefinite period of time and may order
the National President to order the cancellation of the
charter of any District, County Council or Post auxiliary
if he believes the conduct of such auxiliary or its officers
is determined to be detrimental to the best interest of the
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States.
Requesting Cancellation of the Charter of an
By Departments. A Department may, by a vote of
eighty percent of the delegates assembled at an annual
Department Convention, following a printed or written
notice mailed or delivered to each Post in the Department at least ten (10) twenty (20) days before such
Convention, vote to request cancellation of the charter
of its Auxiliary. The notice must state the contemplated
action and the reason therefore. If the Department votes
to request cancellation of the charter of its Auxiliary,
the Department Commander shall certify that action
in writing and forward such certification to the Commander-in-Chief. If the Commander-in-Chief believes
determined it is in the best interest of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars of the United States to do so, he the Commander-in-Chief shall direct the National President to
cancel the charter of the Department Auxiliary.
By Districts or County Councils. A District or
County Council may, by a vote of eighty percent of
the Posts delegates assembled at a regular or special
meeting following a printed or written notice to each
Post in the District or County Council at least ten (10)
twenty (20) days before such meeting, vote to request
cancellation of the charter of its Auxiliary. The notice
must state the contemplated action and the reason
therefore. If the District or County Council votes to
request cancellation of the charter of its Auxiliary, it
shall certify the action in writing and forward same to
the Department Commander who shall forward it to the
Commander-in-Chief with his a recommendation. If the
Commander-in-Chief believes it is in the best interest
of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States to
do so, he shall direct the National President to cancel
the charter of the District or County Council Auxiliary.
After review and if the Commander-in-Chief determines
it to be in the best interest of the Veterans of Foreign
Wars of the United States to do so, the Commander-inChief shall direct the National President to cancel the
charter of the District or County Council Auxiliary.
By Posts. A Post may, by vote of eighty percent of
its members present at a meeting following a printed
or written notice mailed or delivered to each member
of the Post in good standing at least ten (10) twenty
(20) days before said meeting, vote to request cancellation of the charter of its Auxiliary. The notice must
state the contemplated action and the reason therefor.
If the Post votes to request cancellation of the charter
of its Auxiliary, it shall certify the action in writing
and forward same to the Department Commander who
shall forward it to the Commander-in-Chief with his
a recommendation. Upon a review of the matter by
the Commander-in-Chief, if he believes that it is and
believed to be in the best interest of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars of the United States to do so, the Commander-in-Chief shall direct the National President to
cancel the charter of the Post Auxiliary. After review
and if the Commander-in-Chief determines it to be in
the best interest of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the
United States to do so, the Commander-in-Chief shall
direct the National President to cancel the charter of
the Post Auxiliary.
Disposition of Property.
National. In the event of the surrender, cancellation
or forfeiture of the Charter of the Ladies Auxiliary to
the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Auxiliary, its records, monies and all other property shall
immediately become the property of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars of the United States.
Department, District, County Council and Post Auxiliaries. In the event of the surrender, cancellation or forfeiture
of the charter of the Auxiliary to a Post, County Council,
District or Department, all monies, official records and all
other property shall immediately be surrendered to such
officer or officers as may be provided by the By-Laws
and Rules and Regulations of the Ladies Auxiliary to the
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Auxiliary
for disposition in accordance with those By-Laws and
Rules and Regulations. Notice of such contemplated action shall be given to the Post, County Council, District
and Department Commander thirty (30) days prior to the
surrender or cancellation of an Auxiliary charter.
National. The National President of the Ladies Auxiliary shall, within thirty (30) days after induction into
office, submit to the Commander-in-Chief an itemized
report of the financial and membership status of the
Ladies Auxiliary to the Commander-in-Chief for his
information and for submission by him to the National
Council of Administration.
The National Treasurer of the Ladies Auxiliary shall
prepare a quarterly report for the National President and
the National Council of Administration of the Ladies
Auxiliary, and submit copies thereof to the Department
Presidents of the Ladies Auxiliary and to the Commander-in-Chief of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. She
The National Treasurer of the Auxiliary also shall prepare
for the National President, before each National Convention, a list showing the Auxiliaries in good standing and
the number of delegates to which each is entitled.
Budget. No less than ten (10) days prior to the
meeting of the National Council of Administration of
the Ladies Auxiliary at which the annual budget is adopted, the National Treasurer shall submit a proposed
budget to the National President, and each member of
the National Council of Administration of the Ladies
Auxiliary. Immediately following the adoption of the
annual budget by the National Council of Administration of the Ladies Auxiliary, she the National Treasurer
shall submit a copy of the approved budget to the
Department. The Department President of the respective Department Ladies Auxiliary shall, within
thirty (30) days after induction into office, submit to
the Department Commander an itemized report of the
financial and membership status of the Department Ladies Auxiliary for his information and for submission
by him the Department Commander to the Department
Council of Administration.
Districts, County Councils, Posts. The President
of the Ladies Auxiliary to a District, County Council
or Post shall, within thirty (30) days after induction
into office, submit to the Commander of the respective
District, County Council or Post an itemized report of
the financial and membership status of the auxiliary
over which she is presiding officer. Such reports will
be acknowledged by each respective Commander during the next regular meeting and may be read to the
members assembled.
Liaison. There is established a committee composed
of the Senior Vice Commander-in-Chief, Junior Vice
Commander-in-Chief and the Adjutant General who
shall meet with a corresponding committee composed
of the Senior Vice President, Junior Vice President and
the National Secretary of the Ladies Auxiliary. This
combined committee shall meet each year, at the call of
the Commander-in-Chief, to consider all matters affecting the welfare of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the
United States and the Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of
Foreign Wars of the United States Auxiliary. The purpose
of the committee shall be to coordinate the activities of
the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and
the activities of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of
Foreign Wars of the United States Auxiliary, and to insure
full compliance with the Congressional Charter, By-Laws
and Manual of Procedure of the Veterans of Foreign Wars
of the United States, and the mandates of the National
Convention and National Council of Administration of
the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States.
Initial language was formed after meeting between
the Adjutant General, staff, and National Secretary/
Treasurer of VFW Ladies Auxiliary; referred to the
By-Laws Study Group.
Meets the mandate set forth by Resolution 302, adopted
at the 115th National Convention, producing a By-Law
amendment supporting the transformation of our national
association, known as the Ladies Auxiliary, to make
suitable accommodations for the male spouses and male
family members of all eligible service members. Creates
an association name and protocols that are gender neutral.
A transition rule is incorporated into the By-Law change
which will allow uniforms, emblems, badges, and insignia to be used for a period of five years.
In addition, the By-Laws Study Group and staff
recommend a few minor changes in time notifications;
these modifications do not change the overall intent of
the by-law or manual of procedure.
Replacement of He, Him, and She.
Sec. 1102—Eligibility.
Membership in the Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans
of Foreign Wars of the United States shall be limited to
wives, widows, mothers, stepmothers (who have performed the duties of parent), grandmothers, daughters,
granddaughters, foster and step daughters (who attained
that status prior to age sixteen (16) and for whom the
duties of parent were performed), sisters, half-sisters,
and foster and step-sisters (who attained that status prior
to age sixteen (16) of persons who were or are eligible
for membership in the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the
United States. Members must be not less than sixteen
(16) years old. Women eligible for membership in the
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States shall be
eligible for membership in the Ladies Auxiliary.
Membership in the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the
United States Auxiliary shall be limited to spouses, parents,
grandparents, brothers, sisters, children, and grandchildren of a person who was or is eligible for membership in
the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States.
Persons eligible for membership in the Veterans of
Foreign Wars of the United States shall not be eligible
for membership in the Auxiliary; however, members
in good standing of the Auxiliary and the Veterans of
Foreign Wars of the United States prior to August 20,
2015 may retain membership in both.
Sec. 1102—Eligibility.
(See Section 1102 By-Laws)
Initial language was formed after meeting between
the Adjutant General, staff, and National Secretary/
Treasurer of VFW Ladies Auxiliary; referred to the
By-Laws Study Group.
Change reflects current IRS regulation pertaining to
auxiliary units of a 501(c)19. Meets the mandate set
forth by Resolution 302, adopted at the 115th National
Convention, producing a by-law amendment supporting
the transformation of our national association, known as
the Ladies Auxiliary, to make suitable accommodations
for the male spouses and male family members of all
eligible service members.
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Wisconsin Veterans
of Foreign Wars News
2015 – 2016 VFW State Officers
Commander Michael L. Borg
Sr. Vice Cdr. Michael Eggleston
Jr. Vice Cdr. John Schultz
Quartermaster Thomas Heath
Adjutant Joseph Hines
Judge Advocate Bill Knudson
Chaplain Phil Allen
Surgeon Gundel Metz
Chief-of-Staff Bruce Sorensen
Asst. COS Bill Murphy
Inspector Norbert Lee
Dist. 1 Cdr. Scott Bourassa
Dist. 2 Cdr. Ken Cammer
Dist. 3 Cdr. Pat Shaw
Dist. 4 Cdr. John Dahl
Dist. 6 Cdr. James Smith
Dist. 7 Cdr. Michele Rathke
Dist. 8 Cdr. Wayne Martin
Dist. 9 Cdr. Garth Johnson
Dist. 10 Cdr. Richard Elwood
Dist. 11 Cdr. Wayne Woodman
2015 – 2016 Ladies Auxiliary Department Officers
President Judy Borg
Sr. Vice Pres. Karen Johnson
Jr. Vice Pres. Helen Stearns
Secretary Jackie Gregory
Treasurer Lenore Otto
Chaplain Ann Wirth
Conductress Mary Brown
Guard Linda Schluter
Chief of Staff Karen Delis
Patriotic Instructor Mary Kimmel
Dist. 1 Pres. Agnes Wilcox
Dist. 2 Pres. Faith Elford
Dist. 3 Pres. Janice Hill
Dist. 4 Pres. Nancy Ustruck
Dist. 6 Pres. Kathleen Lendosky
Dist. 7 Pres. Carolyn Franzen
Dist. 8 Pres. Linda Moran
Dist. 9 Pres. Tia Bismonte
Dist. 10 Pres. Susan Vich
Dist. 11 Pres. Laura Coffin
Joint Installation 2015
ABOVE: VFW Installing Officer
PCIC Walter G. ‘Wally’ Hogan. RIGHT:
Reciting the Oath of their offices are
from left: Jr. Vice Commander John
Schultz; Sr. Vice Commander Mike
Eggleston and Adjutant Joe Hines.
ABOVE: Auxiliary Installing Officer PDP Linda Moran. LEFT: Praying during the Installation
Ritual are from left: Inspector Norbert Lee; Ass’t.
Chief of Staff Bill Murphy; Chief of Staff Bruce
Sorensen; Chaplain Phil Allen; Surgeon Gundel
Metz and Judge Advocate Bill Knudson.
LEFT: Newly installed Auxiliary President Judy Borg (right) receives the gavel, the emblem of authority of her office, from Installing Officer Linda
Moran, with State Commander Mike Borg looking on in the background. RIGHT: President Judy plants a little smooch on Commander Mike after he
presented her with a bouquet of flowers. The “PDA” seems to agree with him!