July 2013 - Great Plains Region PCA
July 2013 - Great Plains Region PCA
PCA July 2013 Der Skooner Great Plains Region / Porsche Club of America Volume 48 Issue 6 2013 Great Plains Carrera GT Motorsports Park Hastings Photo courtesy of Eric Elliott The Starting Line The Great Plains Carrera GT was once again a success, even if I say so myself. However, judging from the number of positive responses I got after the event, it is apparent that most had a great time. We now just need to get the word out further how great this venue is. We did have some competitors from as far away as Austin, Texas and Conway, Arkansas. As usual, we had great support from the Rocky Mountain Region and Nord Stern Region plus many old friends from the Cimarron Region. What really made this year a success was the excellent support we had from our Club Race Sponsors that you will find listed elsewhere in this issue. Be sure to thank them for their support when you see them at an event, or shop at their business. July is going to be a busy month. First there is the annual club picnic on July 13th at Riverside Lakes, followed by the monthly club breakfast on July 20th at Heartland Café in By Tom Cooper Elkhorn with a fun run after breakfast, and topped of by the Summer interlude at Mid America Motorsports on July 27th and 28th. Actually all three events are of the don’t miss variety. The picnic is a time to relax and enjoy the company of other Porsche enthusiasts, the breakfast and the fun run will be a opportunity to get you Porsche out and enjoy a pleasant drive at a leisurely pace and the DE at MAM will be a great time to see what your car will do on the track. start planning for next year now. Part of that planning is a new Club Race Chairman. This needs to be someone with a fresh approach to the event and some innovative ideas on how to expand attendance. When looking at the volunteers for this years event, all but three were current board members. There needs to be a greater representation from the general membership if this event is to continue to be the great attraction that it is. There is also an opening for a full time registrar. The current registrar is just getting too old and cranky and the board thinks we should replace him or maybe outsource the function to India. I would rather see someone from the general membership take the position. I am sure I can talk the current registrar into assisting in the transition to make a smooth and seamless change, just let me know if you are interested. Porsche Parade kicks off this weekend in Traverse City Michigan. I had originally planned on making this one since it’s as close as a Parade will be for a few years, but plans had to change and we’ll sit this one out. Kurt Halvorson and Joe Chambers are still planning on making the trip, and we can expect a full report in the Der Skooner next month. While the Club Race was a success this year, we need to Tom In The Garage Interiors for the GARAGE enthusiast 17607 Gold Plaza Suite 105 Omaha, NE 402-934-7696 Bob Diers Curt Westlund 4820 South 61st Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68117 Garage Flooring - several options Neon Signs Metal & stainless steel cabinets Gas pumps/Coke machines Griot’s car care products Zymol car care products (402) 734-7575 STOP IN TO SEE ONE OF OUR SALES ASSOCIATES TODAY 2 2013 Great Plains Carrera GT Red Sprint - Saturday Driver Class Club Sprint Race 2 - Sunday Driver Class Club Rick Polk Tommy Dean Steven Sabers John Marchant Joe Bank Roland Manarin Michael Sabers Gennie Hewingway Jack Baker James Lillegaard Rick Polk Tommy Dean Steven Sabers John Marchant Joe Bank Michael Sabers Alexandra Sabados Chad Cox Roland Manarin Luke Oxner Sandy Steckman Jack Baker Chris Blazer Dan Mayer James Lillegaard Jay Burr Gennie Hewingway GT3R GTC4 GTC3 GTB1 GTC2 K G GT4S J SP3 GT3R GTC4 GTC3 GTB1 GTC2 G GT4R E K SPB D J SP1 SP2 SP3 GT5S GT4S Blue Sprint - Saturday Driver Nord Stern Rocky Mountain Nord Stern Great Plains Rocky Mountain Great Plains Nord Stern Rocky Mountain Great Plains Dakota Club Sprint Race 3 - Sunday Driver Class Club Rick Polk Steven Sabers Joe Bank John Marchant Roland Manarin Chad Cox Luke Oxner Sandy Steckman Jack Baker Chris Blazer Dan Mayer James Lillegaard Jay Burr Nord Stern Rocky Mountain Nord Stern Great Plains Rocky Mountain Nord Stern Rocky Mountain Rocky Mountain Great Plains Ozark Great Plains Great Plains Kansas City Rocky Mountain Dakota Great Plains Rocky Mountain NOT AGAIN! Eric Elliott, Robin Elliott and Russ Standage wondering if they’ll ever lose the hats and coats and gloves this season! Class Chad Cox Keith Fritze Sandy Steckman Chris Blazer Dan Mayer Jay Burr E SPB D SP1 SP2 GT5S GT3R GTC3 GTC2 GTB1 K E SPB D J SP1 SP2 SP3 GT5S Rocky Mountain Nord Stern Great Plains Kansas City Rocky Mountain Great Plains Nord Stern Nord Stern Rocky Mountain Great Plains Great Plains Rocky Mountain Ozark Great Plains Great Plains Kansas City Rocky Mountain Dakota Great Plains Terry is performing some wheel and tire maintenance on his Porsche. Are the others watching, helping or advising? Once again Sandy Steckman assisting a fellow Club member. But, what is IN that wheel well? 3 Nebraska Air National Guard Tour Friday June 7th a number of club members were treated to a most inspirational and educational event; a tour of the Nebraska Air National Guard facility at the Lincoln Municipal Airport. Inspirational because we were honored to meet and spend time with some of the folks that have make a commitment to protect our freedoms and educational because they shared their knowledge AND answered EVERY question we posed. Major Wade Holen (pilot), Master Sergeant Michael Mayfield (boom operator), and Major Nancy Curtis, (Executive Officer) conducted the tour of a Boeing KC-135R - a Boeing 707 - with significant modification. While a tanker, it was equipped with about 40 canvas seats that neither reclined nor offered a drop-down table. We spent time in the cockpit and in the boom operators man cave. It takes a real skill set to operate this machine! Major Wade Holen is flanked by Major Nancy Curtis (right) and Sergeant Michael Mayfield (left) and Club Members in front of #1 engine. Note the engine inlet cover. Go Huskers! The “business” end of the KC-135R. The operator literally flies the boom into the receptacle of the aircraft being The Nebraska Air National Guard is headquartered on the Lincoln Air National Guard Base in Lincoln, Neb., the capital of the state. The base, which is co-located with the Lincoln Municipal Airport, consists of 189.3 acres of land owned and leased by the National Guard. Our 155th Air Refueling Wing mission is to deliver fuel, cargo, and people world-wide. The Nebraska Air National Guard employs the Boeing KC-135R Stratotanker aircraft for both air-to-air refueling and transportation of passengers and cargo. The KC-135R can hold up to 35,000 gallons of fuel and can fly at speeds up to 600 miles per hour. Beginning in 1995, the base underwent a massive building effort as part of the unit’s conversion from the RF-4C “Phantom II” mission to the KC-135R “Stratotanker” mission. More than $58 million was spent remodeling numerous existing buildings and building a number of facilities including a new fuel cell hangar, base dining facility, composite support facility and fire department. The building boom ended in September 2000 with the completion of the new $2.7 million Joint Use Medical Facility, one of the only such buildings in the National Guard. What sign do you see when going to work every day? The KC-135R flight crew sees this upon entering the cockpit.They install these barriers on the cockpit windows should they enter an area of known or suspected radiation. No guarantee they will survive. 4 We noticed this bird nest on the top of the right front tire of a Ford Explorer in the Air National Guard parking lot. How long has the owner of this vehicle been deployed and away from family? June Events Photo Collage So...how fast is this GMC taking turn 11 at MPH? Who are those guys? Kathy Tessman, Kim, Roland and Brian having a blast at the “Tessman Garage”. Diet coke in that Red Solo cup? I gotta change the tires! I gotta change the tires! Right front? Right rear? Where’s Sandy when I need him? Probably in some wheel well. Now that’s an instrument panel. KC135R. The Heartland Cafe Saturday Breakfast gathering is very popular. Everyone was wondering where you were. We told ‘em you’ll make it next time. Our hosts, (l-r) Sergeant Michael Mayfield, Major Wade Holen and Major Nancy Curtis surrounded by a bunch of us in front of the KC-135R 5 Mark your calendar July 13th - Club Picnic - details to follow 15th-16th - Driver Education, Road America, Elkhart Lake, WI 20th - Breakfast at The Heartland Cafe. 2615 North Main Street Elkhorn, NE. 8:30a. Please RSVP to [email protected]. Saturday Strauss Scenic Sightseeing Spree is tentatively scheduled 26th-28th - PCA Club Race and DE, Brainerd International Raceway 27th-28th - Driver Education at Mid America Motorplex. Pacific Junction, IA. August 3rd - Autocross, Marshalltown, IA 10th - Breakfast at The Heartland Cafe. 2615 North Main Street Elkhorn, NE. 8:30a. Please RSVP to [email protected] 17th - Sonic Show ‘N Shine. Lincoln, NE The car truly is the star as the Great Plains Region’s longest continously running summer social blast from the past, Show N' Shine Cruise Nites, return for its 19th year! Where else can you see the newest 911s and the classic 356s and everything in between in the same place. One part Porsche, then blend in one part Ferrari, Mercedes, Lotus, BMW, Audi, Lamborghini, Jaguar, Maserati, VW and Aston Martin (shaken not stirred), and you have all the ingredients for an "automobile enthusiasts dream." You never know what will show up but you can bet there will be at least 100 cars! Just like the good old "Happy Days" of cruising, carhops, jukeboxes and drivein movies, we will be hanging out under the glow of neon and listening to the oldies at America"s drivein "Sonic" at South 48th and Highway 2 in south Lincoln. Mark your calendar now for Saturday nites August 17th. Hour are from 6 to 9:00 but you can come and go as you like. Its a cheap date with half price food for everyone. So grab you best ride, your best girl and your Beach Boys tape with "I Get Around." Cruise on out and share the unique SSCN experience. I'll be there early and save a spot for you. 17th-18th - Grand-Am Race, Kansas Motor Speedway, Kansas City, KS. 22nd-25th - Run for the Hills 11, Black Hills, SD September 8th - Salsbury House Concours D’ Elegance, Des Moines, IA 15th - Autocross at Road Yoder, Wichita, KS. 21st-22nd - Last Fling Driver Education, Brainerd International Raceway, Brainerd, MN 22nd - Autocross , Ameristar Casino, Kansas City, MO 28th-29th - Driver Education at Mid America Motorplex, Pacific Junction, IA. 29th- Autocross at Road Yoder, Wichita, KS October 4th-6th- Octoberfast Club Race and DE, Hallett Motor Racing Circuit, Hallet, OK 20th- Autocross at Road Yoder, Wichita, KS. 24th-27th - ESCAPE to LA TBD - Driver Education at Mid-America Motorplex, Pacific Junction, IA November TBD - 991 Turbo Launch Party, Aristrocrat Porsche,Shawnee Mission, KS Please visit the respective Region’s website or the PCA National site at www.pca.org. should you seek additional information about the non-GPR events noted in Mark Your Calendar above. Central Iowa Region: www.cia.pca.org Dakotas Region: dak.pca.org Schönesland Region: www.schonesland.org St. Louis Region: www.stlpca.org Wichita Region: wic.pca.org Ozark Lakes Region: olk.pca.org Red River Region: www.RedRiverPCA.org Kansas City Region: www.kcrpca.org Nord Stern Region: www.nordstern.org 6 7 Guest Contribution What Porsche Would Gatsby Drive? You thought I meant Jesus? No, no, that’s too easy. JC would be wearing his “True Religion” jeans and his “Members Only” jacket, and he’d saunter into a perfectly maintained 550 RSK, silver, with a red Pegasus decal on the side. Jay Gatsby is much more complicated. To start, the book The Great Gatsby, which many consider the one true Great American Novel, takes place in 1922. And, in the book, Jay drives a Rolls Royce big enough to carry great gobs of partiers to West Egg from Manhattan, every weekend. But, in the latest remake of the movie, he drives one of Fred and Augie’s greatest creations, a Duesenberg Model J. Which is fine... except for the fact that the Model J is from 1929. Such is poetic license on the big screen, I guess. So let’s stretch our own willing suspension of disbelief to the present day. In the book we learn Gatsby made his money bootlegging. Today he’d... import illegal agricultural substances? I’d prefer running a Ponzi scheme of a hedge fund. But I could be swayed. And that would lead to mega wealth in today’s dollars... from a residential standpoint, no Mc-manse on the North Shore of Long Island, like the book and movies. Heaven forbid. Would someone with virtually unlimited means put up with the Long Island Expressway, euphemistically called “the longest parking lot in the world”? Hardly. In today’s world, Gatsby would sleep in an apartment on Fifth Avenue, or maybe 15 Central Park West. And he’d spend weekends on Further Lane in Southampton. And his Sikorsky would take him 20 minutes to get to East Hampton Airport. He’d be quarreling with the town elders about a heliport on his property. Of course he’d have a Panamera Turbo in the garage in Manhattan. But it would get very little use. Maybe jaunts up the Taconic Parkway to visit Ralph, that Ralph, in Bedford. Or out to Teterboro to board the Gulfstream. In the Hamptons, it would be a different story. You’d need something funky, something slightly shabby, Richard D.Badler something you don’t mind getting sand in, to slink to the beach. Like a Carrera Cab, red, which Jay would have held onto since his business school days, for sentimental reasons. It would have been a gift from his parents. bulkhead crept toward Mach 2. But evenings in the Hamptons would be a different story. That’s when it’s time for a dramatic entrance, which can only call for a Carrera GT. Black. At the other end, it’s, what, an hour by private charter from De Gaulle to Nice Airport and a short drive on the A8 to St. Tropez. Or to Monaco. Or Cannes. For the race. For the film festival. For both. But he’d have a 918 on order. Also black. Would he drive it? Would he drive either? Well, I have it on good authority that Oracle gazillionaire Larry Ellison bought a McLaren F1 in the ‘90s, and was actually fitted for his seat at the factory... and never came back to pick up the car. As Hemingway said, “The rich are different from you and me.” To which Scott Fitzgerald allegedly said, “Yes, they have more money.” Which would lead the Gulfstream to Holiday flights to the ski house on Red Mountain in Aspen. Where a Cayenne Turbo would be waiting to whisk Gatsby and his entourage to a waiting table at the Caribou Club, in all types of weather. Or Holiday visits to Anguilla or St. Barts. Where they’d be picked up by more Cayenne Turbos, with blacked out windows, of course. What about Palm Beach, you say? Now, sport, that’s for retirees. Retirees who stay put. Jay’s crowd would also make it to La La Land. For business. Yeah, for the export/import business. Or to find investors in the latest fund. You could spot them at the Four Seasons... they’d be the only ones lounging beside the pool in January. But the party would be at the house on Carbon Beach in Malibu. From which Jay would willingly show you the very spot on the Pacific Coast Highway where that fellow “Dietrich” split his Enzo in two. And in Europe? Ah, it’s tough. Jay would wax poetic about the era of the Concorde. When time really was of the essence, and you could grasp it as the speed meter on the 8 And he’d go on about the sight on arrival back at Kennedy, where everyone would deplane and make a beeline for the helicopter parking area. Jay’s house would be set amid the homes of the Russian Oligarchs on Cap Ferrat. And the Sunseeker would be docked below. In the garage we’d find... old, old money that would be appreciating while standing still -- a Porsche 904, with number plates, an ex-rally 911 SC, one of the Rothman’s cars, and a real 2.7 Carrera, bought new by Jay’s father... or so the story goes, old sport. Then it’s back to Paris, to the suite at Le Crillon. Or the George V. And, after a night of revelry at Le Bar, he’d start up the loaner 911 Turbo as dawn broke (when you own this many Porsches, you just call ahead and one materializes - ask Jerry Seinfeld.) And he and his pleasure dome for the evening would venture out and try to recreate the route of that nine-minute fit of cinematic debauchery, Le Rendezvous. Ah yes. It’s so, well, current... a nice life if you can get away with it, old sport. But, remember. In the novel and all the cinematic adaptations, he doesn’t get away with it. And that’s what we call poetic justice, forever more. About the writer... Dick is currently board president of Alliance Francaise de Denver, and a member of Rocky Mountain Automotive Press Association. He writes regularly for outlets that include TFLCar.com, Planet-9.com and High Gear, the publication of the Rocky Mountain Region of the Porsche Club of America. Over the years, Dick’s owned six Porsches. He still has number three, a ’78 911SC, which he bought in 1988. ...that’s what I’m talking about! The Club Race was once again successful. Tom Cooper as registrar simply does a kick a#% job. Yes, he’s doing too much and the rest of us really need to step up to the plate. Following him will be a challenge but Tom will provide training. Of course we really like MPH. George Anderson and his crew provide a first class facility and staff to match. Russ, Eric and Robin at the grid are hard to beat. Of course it means absolutely nothing without YOUR participation and the financial support of our sponsors. Can’t say THANK YOU enough for everything you do. Already looking forward to next year. Ah yes, our sponsors. They don’t fund the event for the accolades. They contribute because they find value in the event, the club and it’s members. Frankly, they simply care and that’s what makes them so special. Here’s the list and they probably would prefer that I don’t publish it - that’s how they are - but I’m going to anyway. Find a quiet time when no one is around and simply thank them for caring enough to ensure this event was there for you. Our Corporate sponsors are Woodhouse Porsche and Warren Distribution. Our Gold sponsors are Jack Baker, Henry Davis, Bob Lynch, Roland Manarin, John Marchant, Mack Truck and C.A.R.S. Denny Strauss and Kurt Halvorson are our Silver sponsors. Thought you might be interested in some excerpts from National Steward West Dillards report to National about our Club Race. His words. “Potential improvements for next year • None! It is a well-run event. • A couple of the faster drivers expressed concern about combining the groups on Sunday without a combined practice, but as in years past, we had no problems. I think the track has a number of safe passing zones and the fast cars seem to be able to work through with minimal problems. Details on Corner Workers and Rescue Crews • Control and Safety (and announcements) were run by Dusty Kohl. Dusty is just a great guy! He is easy to work with and does a fine job. He has a good team, some of which, like S/F Jimmy, have been with him for years. They have a great camaraderie. We had no issues and zero delays to run groups when towing or cleanup was needed. Weekend Review – Cold and windy on Saturday, but beautiful on Sunday. MPH is a nice track with a great gathering/viewing area. Control, grid and black flag are all close enough together to make managing the race very easy. Registration was down a bit this year, which is a shame because it is a great event! Global Warming - don’t tell that to Club Race attendees and especially Russ, Eric and Robin. Gosh it was cold and windy in Hastings Friday and Saturday and the grid crew looked like they were ready to shovel snow. The wind was a challenge for them as there was no where to hide, so to speak. We’re blessed to have Russ, Eric and Robin on our team.None finer! Thanks fella’s, we REALLY appreciate YOU and your efforts. Registrar Tom Cooper has done this for several years and he and wife, Karen really have it down. Track Manager, George Anderson, is the most accommodating track owner I have encountered. He really works hard to make sure this is a great event. The track is always in great condition. As always Grid Coordinator, Russ Standage, was very well organized and did a great job, in spite of it being so windy on Saturday that the grid numbers were blowing away. The weather was just about perfect Sunday so we’ll keep doing this DE and Club Race thing. Our very good friends Dennis and Kathy Tessman hosted the 6th annual Saturday Night BBQ at their absolutely wonderful and relaxing “gas station”. Food, beverage, entertainment and a chance to just veg with old friends and meet new friends that will be old friends next year. Six years in a row. Thank you so very much Dennis and Kathy for sharing part of your life with us. The Nebraska Air National Guard tour was pretty darn cool. The Nebraska Air Guard is the second oldest unit in the nation. How’s that for Nebraska - the 37th State in the union! Go HUSKERS! Ed. The event ran on time, and the drivers all got a lot of track time. The Saturday dinner and reception at the Tessman’s was very nice. In summary, volunteers, racers and staff all seemed to have a ball. This is a fun event! 3 years in a row for me and I would be happy to work or race it again next year”. Respectfully Submitted Weston Dillard, National Steward INVESTING for the rest of your life. Interior & Exterior Tropical Plantscape Design Holiday Design & Installation Terry Whitney Roland Manarin President and Portfolio Manager [email protected] 402.330.1166 www.manarin.com www.branchingout.com Owner/President O 402.331.4768 F 402.331.5039 8909 H Street Omaha, NE 68127 [email protected] Advisory services offered through Manarin Investment Counsel, Ltd, an SEC Manarin Securities Corporation, a registered Broker/Dealer, member FINRA/SIPC. 9 Check it out.... Man Cave for Rent: Denny Strauss is looking for two other car enthusiasts to join him in sharing a car storage facility. This is the "Bat Cave" at 13508 "C" Street. The building is approximately 2,600 square feet with an office/lounge space. There are front and rear overhead doors for easy access, heated, floor drains for washing cars, restroom, large tub sink and SEI security system. It is an ideal setup in a great location. With three partners, there is more than adequate room for 2 cars each with lots of additional storage space and room to work on a car project. If interested, please contact Denny Strauss at 402-639-0921 or [email protected]. for details. FOR SALE - 992 Porsche 968. Guards red. Converted from a street car several years ago (still street legal). It has been raced in SCCA and PCA events. Full roll cage, adjustable suspension, racing seats with newer 5-point harnesses, hot lap timer, cool suit, new clutch, new torque tube, serviced at Woodhouse 2 weeks ago with oil change, brake flush/blue racing brake fluid, new battery. Two sets of wheels/tires: 17" Michelin Pilot Sport on stock wheels, 18" Hoosiers on BBS 3piece wheels. No accidents, no issues, runs great (low 1:40's at MAM (Glenwood, IA) and MPH (Hastings, NE). Car could be converted back to street version (still has carpeting, rear seats). Over $40,000 invested. Not raced yet this season. Asking $26,900 - need to see to appreciate. Call Steve @ 402-301-9013. FOR SALE - Mandrus Millineum wheels. 19” used wheels in very good condition. Two 19” x 8.5” (front) and two 19” x 9.5” (rear) wheels. Fitment: all Mercedes Benz. New retail on line is $289 each. Asking $225 each. Contact Mike Moran at 402.342.2248. “Quality Tires ... at Prices You Can Afford” Complete Line of Custom Wheels Phone (402) 553-9393 5028 Northwest Radial Hwy. BF Goodrich 10 Goodyear Omaha, Nebraska 68104 Multi-Mile GPR Board and Monthly Meeting Minutes President: Tom Cooper 635 Shorewood Lane Waterloo, NE 68069 402.779.2261 (h) [email protected] Past President: Steve Wilwerding 4811 Davenport St. Omaha, NE 68132 402.319.8623 (h) [email protected] Treasurer: Robert Lynch 6100 Northern Hills Dr. Omaha, NE 68152 402.573.1684 (h) [email protected] Secretary: Abe Schlott 727 S. 13th Street Omaha, NE 68102 402.977.5885 (h) [email protected] Membership: Sandy Bruso 2862 Duane Plz. Apt D Bellevue, NE 68123 402.612.7931 (h) [email protected] Safety: Sally Knapp 919 Bayberry Dr. Bellevue, NE 68005 402.291.9350 (h) [email protected] Social: Brian Tessman 12929 Jessie Avenue Omaha, NE 68164 402.598.4946 (h) [email protected] The Great Plains Region Porsche Club of America Minutes of June 4th, 2013 Meeting The Great Plains Region Porsche Club of America Board of Directors met May 7, 2013 at the home of Bob Lynch. Members present: Tom Cooper, Bob Lynch, Brian Tessman, Sandy Bruso, Sally Knapp, Abe Schlott, George Poullos, and Eric Elliott Secretary: The minutes from the May meeting were approved. President: Tom reported and did a Club Race recap. 33 total participants. Zero incidents. Registrar: Discussed club race awards. Need to proactively find 10-12 volunteers for the club race in 2014. Need to find a registrar and club race chair for 2014. Discussed $75 cancellation fee for entrants who don't cancel prior to 48 hours before an event. Treasurer: Bob present the monthly report. Discussed sponsorship chair for 2014. Social: Breakfast June 15 at Heartland Café, Picnic July 13, and discussed ideas on another garage tour. Membership: We have 2 new members. There are currently 123 GPR members and 235 national members who have renewed their dues this year. Safety: We have applied for insurance for our remaining two DE's. Newsletter: May newsletter is in the mail. New member brochure is being finalized. Website: The website is up to date. George is working on finalizing a print resolution quality of our logo. Past President: No report The next meeting will be July 2, 2013. Respectfully submitted, Abe Schlott Der Skooner Editor: George Poullos 6221 North 158th Avenue Circle Omaha, NE 68116-4027 402.679.4915 (m) [email protected] Web Master: Eric Elliott 736 West Godfrey Dr. Lincoln, NE 68022 402.770.7986 (h) [email protected] Web Page: http://gpl.pca.org PCA Zone 10 Rep: Kim Fritze 612.275.4891 [email protected] PCA Editorial Policy: Der Skooner is the official publication of the Great Plains Region/Porsche Club of America. Statements and opinions appearing in Der Skooner are those of the author and not necessarily those of the GPR, PCA, the Board or the Editor. The Editor reserves the right to edit all material and to publish only material that is felt to be in the best interest of GPR/PCA. Other regions are welcome to reprint Der Skooner articles provided that the source and author are credited. Address changes must be sent to both Tom Cooper, 635 Shorewood Lane, Waterloo, NE 68069 and PCA, P.O. Box 5900, Springfield, VA 22150. 11 Editor 6221 North 158th Avenue Circle Omaha, Nebraska 68116-4027 A Publication of the Great Plains Region / Porsche Club of America PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID OMAHA, NE PERMIT NO. 678
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