May 2013 - National Library Board
May 2013 - National Library Board
May 2013 arts p. read p. business p. wellness p. other happenings p. exhibition p. calendar listings p. book review p. nl presents p. 04 p. 08 12 18 20 26 27 p. 19 30 FUNdaMENTALs Reading Club Learn how to improve your language through a poignant book and make new friends along this way. This book club aims to encourage the confident use of English among adults in their day–to–day usage. From Leaf to Life: unlock the secrets to true health Join us in this workshop and listen to Sebastian Liew as he shares his knowledge and findings on how to attain holistic health through natural remedies. 37 p. may 2013 // 08 44 The Rare Materials Collection Check out these collection at the Lee Kong Chian Reference Library. editor’s note Dear Readers, The greatest gifts that one can ever wish for is to be of good health. This means maintaining a healthy lifestyle by eating the right food, exercise at least three times a week and embracing positive work–life balance. With heavy work commitments with day–to–day pressures often leave us exhausted each working day, this is perhaps easier said than done. So take the opportunity to learn how you can reduce tension through our Heartlands Wellness series. Check out traditional moves combined with modern knowledge in Tai Chi Health talk & demonstration and discover the underlying causes of body pain in Neck, Shoulder, Back and Leg Pain Management. Both programmes are held at Programme Zone, Woodlands Regional Library. To know more about the programme or the speaker, please refer to page 18. You will agree that we spend a big part of our lives managing our finances. Now you can get useful information through programmes and workshops conducted by Moneysense – Singapore Polytechnic Institute for Finance Literacy (Page 17). This session is divided into modules and will cover topics such as “Are you Borrowing Too Much” or ”Do I Need Every Type of Insurance?” At the same time, do check out SGX Investment Knowledge Gateway located at the Business and Reference Rooms, Tampines Regional Library. Quoting from Earl Nightingale, “As in all successful ventures, the foundation of a good retirement is planning.” Learn how to invest and be financially ready. Need some humour and laughter? Drop by Queenstown Public Library for their monthly movie screenings of Liar Liar (page 20) and Patch Adams (Page 21). Finally, end your day with a good read! Flip to pages 7 and 30–36 for ideas then visit the 25 public libraries to discover more of our wide–ranging collection of different genres. Quoting from Laura Bush, “Libraries allow children to ask questions about the world and find the answers. And the wonderful thing is that once a child learns to use a library, the doors to learning are always open.” Have you visited your Library today? EDITOR Zainap Osman contributors Averil Tan, Angela Chen Xin Yun, Agnes Ang, Ashley Leong, Chen Wanying, Eunice Chen Lizhen, Felix Cher, January Yeo, Joanna Zhang, Johan A Rahman, Joti Omprakash, Lee Meiyu, Lim Lee Ping, Mardhiah Mahamood, N. Nirmala, Pearlyn Ma, Sakina Mohamed Ali, Selene Yap, Stephanie Tan Designed by : Artnexus Design Pte Ltd Scan this to visit GO Library may 2013 // p. 4 Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring. – Marilyn Monroe sat 04 Tips for Parents, Chinese for Children 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm Auditorium, Woodlands Regional Library One of the greatest challenges parents faced is getting their children to be proficient and passionate readers. The solution to conquering the reading challenge is surprisingly simple. “Tips for Parents, Chinese for Children” is a talk catered specially to English–speaking parents. As all children love storytelling, their interest should be cultivated from young. During this talk, parents will learn how to choose storybooks and use these books to draw out their interest in learning the Chinese language. Hear from a panel of speakers – an educator, author and a parent – as they discuss innovative strategies to promote children’s reading practice. Registration is required via eKiosks or website aspx. About the speakers Dr Connie Lum is currently a Principal Curriculum Specialist with My First Skool as well as the Dean of Pre-school Department at the Singapore Centre for Chinese language. She leads a group of Chinese curriculum specialists and works closely with pre-school principals and teachers in the design, development and implementation of the curriculum. Her repertoire extends overseas where she has led training workshops for early childhood educators. Dr Petunia Lee authored the book Internal Drive Theory®: Motivate Your Child to WANT to Study. She used the strategies in her book to motivate her son to willingly memorize, recite and write from memory 2000 word Chinese compositions. Mdm Ng Lay Hoon, a mother of three children and a former teacher who had stopped working since her first child was born. With her passion in educating the young, she continued to engage through volunteering in schools and doing freelancing work for the Ministry of Education. With a decade of experience in parenting, Mdm Ng has discovered a selection of materials and teaching aids that has proven successful in cultivating her children’s interest in reading Chinese storybooks. sun 05 绘画本(孝经)新书分享会 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm Programme Zone, library@chinatown (孝经)据说是中国伟大思想家孔子写的。书中提出:孝是最基本、最重要的品德,从孝可以扩展到其他的 品德。正值五月母亲节及六月父亲节,亚太图书出版的绘画本《孝经》通过对经典的诠释及东西方文化中 孝道的故事,让你进一步体会“孝”的真谛。 插图作者简介:陈国胜,马来西亚漫画家,曾于1999年荣 获亚洲漫画高峰会议文化 薪传奖。其作品还包括:蒙学经 典《弟子规》、(三字经)等。 凡要出席这个讲座的公众,可在 sg/programme/Arts.aspx报名或者您也可以在各图书馆 的电子服务站(eKiosks)报名。 may 2013 // 插图作者简介: 陈国胜,马来西亚漫画家,曾于 1999年荣获亚洲漫画高峰会议文 化薪传奖。其作品还包括:蒙学 经典(弟子规)、(三字经)等。 p. 5 旅游散文创作分享 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm Programme Zone, library@chinatown 一座山,一条河,一个城,一群人。旅行, 让我们去看世界,世界在你的眼里?还是在 你的心里?一样的旅行,不一样的风景,尤 其是纸上风景,讲座将以丰富图片展示的方 式分享旅游文学创作的点点滴滴。 凡要出席这个讲座的公众,可在http:// aspx报名或者您也可以在各图书馆的电子服 务站(eKiosks)报名。 11 sat sat 11 K ‘Now’ Dance 1.00 pm – 4.00 pm The Plaza, National Library Building Join us for the International Dance Day where you will get to watch Singaporean dancers and dance groups from different genres. With the aim to make dance accessible to the public, commentaries on the various genres of dance will be interspersed with dance performances throughout the programme. 讲者简介: 邹璐,满族,祖籍辽宁,生长于江 南水乡,现定居新加坡。2006年 开始写作,陆续在新加坡及海内外 报章杂志上发表各类文章。已出版 诗集以及文集等共九本。2006年 和多位定居新加坡的中国朋友创办 建设新加坡首个华文文化网站随笔 南洋网(http://www.sgwritings. com/ <http://www.sgwritings. com/>)。现为自由写作人,历史 研究者。 sat 25 中华文化系列讲座–“文史讲堂” 未讲完的故事:牛车水与新加坡早期名人 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm Programme Zone, library@chinatown 水洗铅华,牛车水见证了无数名人的悲喜与沉浮,想了解毕麒麟、冼星海、李大傻、胡载坤、颜永成等 人,探究那些不为人知的故事,让韩山元老师给你一一道来。 凡要出席这个讲座的公众,可在 报名或者您也可以 在各图书馆的电子服务站(eKiosks)报名。 may 2013 // p. 6 Kisah Pulau (island Tales) By Crescent Girls’ School Malay Language Society jun 01 sat 25 Kisah Terpendam Pulau Kusu (Kusu Island – The Untold Story) Pulau Dua Saudara Perempuan: Air Dicincang Tidak Akan Putus (Sisters’ Islands Ties That Bind) 2.30 pm – 3.30 pm Auditorium, Woodlands Regional Library 2.30 pm – 3.30 pm Auditorium, Tampines Regional Library A special treat for young readers and families, presented by the CrescentGirls’ School Malay Language Society. Kisah Pulau (Island Tales) features twoplays based on the legends of Kusu Islandand Sisters’ Islands. These stories toucheson how important our family and friendsare in our lives. Presented in Malay with English subtitles,the plays will also feature traditional Malayperformances, such as Dikir Barat (ChoraleSinging) and Tarian (Malay Dance) as well as an interactive cultural component for our young readers. Travel back in time with us and explore the history of Kusu Island & Sisters’ Islands! The programme is free however registration is required at eKiosks or website Sebuah pementasan khas untuk sekeluarga, yang dibentangkan oleh Persatuan Bahasa Melayu Crescent. Kisah Pulau (Island Tales) adalah dua pementasan berdasarkan Lagenda Singapura: Pulau Kusu dan Pulau Dua Saudara Perempuan (Sisters’ Islands). Cerita-cerita ini menyentuh tentang betapa pentingnya keluarga dan kawan-kawan kita di dalam hidup kita. Dibentangkan dalam Bahasa Melayu dengan sarikata Bahasa Inggeris, pementasan ini juga akan menampilkan persembahan tradisional Melayu, seperti Dikir Barat dan Tarian, serta komponen interaktif budaya untuk pembaca muda kita. Marilah kembali ke masa lalu dengan kami dan meneroka sejarah Pulau Kusu dan Pulau Dua Saudara Perempuan (Sisters’ Islands). Kemasukan adalah percuma! Tempat duduk adalah terhad, sila mendaftar di eKiosk perpustakaan atau di lelaman may 2013 // p. 7 Capturing Travel Tales by Selene Yap Travel and photography lovers basked in the romance of travel as they spent an evening sharing and exchanging globe-trotting adventures and photography tips at the official launch of the Insight Guides ‘Let’s Take Flight’ travel photography competition. Presenting a showcase of stunning images from his recent trip to Hanoi, local professional photographer, Benny Ang, shared personal anecdotes and practical insights on the beauty of travel photography. In addition, APA Publications’ Insight Guides revealed the latest travel tips and trends of the season. Beyond capturing Participants decorating and filling up their travelogue with memories. memories through the lens, each participant had a chance to preserve them in the handcrafted visual travelogue workshop where they took home personalised notebooks filled with their favourite travel memorabilia. All 80 participants certainly had a fun time kickstarting their competition submission through the series of fringe activities held at the Central Public Library. Curious to know which photographs won the judges over? Head down to Bishan Public Library from 3 May to 29 May 2013 to check out the exhibition showcasing the winning photographs! An excited participant showing off her completed handcrafted visual travelogue Local photographer, Benny Ang, sharing travel photography tips with readers Recommended titles: Travel photography: How to take striking images Publisher Call Number Singapore: APA Publications, 2010. English 778.9991 TP –[ART] Travel Photography: How to take striking images is a comprehensive guide for all keen travelling photographers on the various techniques of capturing moments of experience and translating them into pictures. Using lavishly illustrated examples, the book is a hallmark of Insight Guides’ use of strong visual images to communicate the atmosphere of destinations. Viewfinder: 100 top locations for great travel photography Publisher Call Number Mies, Switzerland: Rotovision, c2004. English 778.9991 WIL -[ART] ViewFinder features 100 of the most inspirational locations for that ultimate postcard-perfect travel shot. Be brought on a visual adventure of stunning images featuring iconic locations and some of the world’s less publicized wonders for the more intrepid explorer. Each shot is accompanied with an anecdotal run-down of how the photographer achieved the shot; covering equipment, lighting and travel notes. may 2013 // p. 8 The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work. – Emile Zola wed 15 sat 04 与周粲面对面 交流点读书会 (Interacting@BPPL) 11.00 am – 12.30 pm The Pod, Level 16, National Library Building 1.00 pm – 3.00 pm Activity Room, Bukit Panjang Public Library 资深作家周粲是1990年的文化奖得主,也是第二 届新华文学奖得奖人。他将分享的作品是《两口箱 子》及其创作经历。 喝茶,聊天,分享书籍及课题。我们邀请你来参加我们 的分享活动并借此提升我们对书籍的认知及课题的 了解。活动不需报名,入场免费。 thu 16 sat 04 Book Lovers’ Club Malay in Minutes! 3.00 pm – 6.00 pm Multipurpose Room, Central Public Library 6.30 pm – 7.30 pm Activity Room, Geylang East Public Library For singles, this monthly book club focus on relationships and inspirational stories. A different book is discussed for each session. Would you like to converse in Malay with your friends and neighbours? Malay in Minutes! is a bookclub for adults whereby simple Malay books are used as learning tools to assist participants to converse in Malay. wed wed 08 22 FUNdaMENTALs Reading Club 10.00 am – 11.30am Amazon Room, Woodlands Regional Library Learn how to improve your language through a poignant book and make new friends along this way. This book club aims to encourage the confident use of English among adults in their day–to–day usage. may 2013 // 18 sat For registration, please email name and contact number to [email protected]. Délicatesse Book Club 11.00 am – 12.30 pm Activity Room, Pasir Ris Public Library Join us for a discussion on “Mastering the Art of French Cooking”, the two-volume cookbook that made Julia Child famous and inspired the feature film Julie & Julia. Délicatesse is a book club for people who love to talk about cookbook recipes and share their personal culinary experiences. p. 9 fri 31 sat 18 Pseudo Book Club Heartlands Book Club 3.00 pm – 4.30 pm Verging All Teens (VAT), Jurong Regional Library 5.00 pm – 6.30 pm Activity Room, Bukit Batok Public Library Calling all young adults aged 13–19. Learn facilitation skills and make new friends with like– minded people! A book club facilitated by young adults, for young adults. It is highly recommended for student librarians and those who enjoy reading. This monthly book club will discuss Katherine Boo’s Behind Beautiful Forevers that tells the story of Annawadi – a settlement in the shadow of luxury hotels near the Mumbai airport. As India starts to prosper, Annawadians are filled with hope. Abdul, a reflective and enterprising Muslim teenager, sees “a fortune beyond counting” in the recyclable garbage that richer people throw away. But then Abdul is falsely accused in a shocking tragedy; terror and a global recession rock the city; and suppressed tensions over religion, caste, sex, power and economic envy turn brutal. sat 25 IngREADients The CookBook Club 3.00 pm – 5.00 pm Activity Room, Geylang East Public Library Go on a coffee adventure with us and our special guests from Starbucks Coffee Singapore! Experience an eye opening session where you will learn how to distinguish the nuances of different coffee beans, and coffee roasting and brewing methods. We will also be discussing Nahguib Mahfouz’s novel Karnak Cafe, and will be sharing our favourite coffee recipes during the session. This is definitely a book club session that you don’t want to miss if you are a coffee addict! fri 31 AfterWords by Ethos Book Club 7.30 pm – 9.00 pm Activity Room, Marine Parade Public Library Leonard Ng, a Singaporean poet and writer who had his first collection of poems This Mortal World shortlisted for the 2012 Singapore Literature Prize, will be sharing his thoughts at this month’s Afterwords session. Join us as we aspire to link the public with the literary industry, encouraging good reading habits and thought-provoking discussions amongst members of the community. This initiative is supported by Ethos Book Club. may 2013 // Meet-the-author: Paddy Hirsch Author of Book: “MAN VS. MARKETS” Photo credit to Paddy Hirsch Thursday, 16 May 2013 7.00 pm – 8.30 pm Multipurpose Room, Central Public Library With a winning combination of acquired wisdom, common sense, market savvy, and an outrageous sense of humor, Hirsch clearly explains and defines the instruments that power our financial system and very nearly caused its demise. Clever, insightful, hugely educational, and always entertaining, Man vs. Markets translates the often confusing language of finance, enabling every one of us to truly comprehend what makes the markets tick. Paddy Hirsch is a senior producer at American Public Media’s business radio program, Marketplace. He is the creator of the acclaimed and popular Marketplace Whiteboard, which was a Webby honoree in 2009, and has been featured on network and public broadcast television. He recently completed a Knight Fellowship in Journalism at Stanford University. Hirsch lives in Los Angeles, California. Registration for this programme can be done via the e-kiosks at any Public Library and also online at Business.aspx p. 12 Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. – Albert Einstein sat 18 Dollars and Sense Learning Community 11.00 am – 12.30 pm Programme Zone, Jurong Regional Library Financial literacy is a critical life skill that helps you make informed, long-term decisions on your financial well-being. The Dollars and Sense Learning Community (LC) focuses on sharing key financial literacy topics such as retirement planning, basic investing, savings and budgeting. sat 25 Life-wise 1.00 pm – 2.00 pm Changi/Simei Room, Tampines Regional Library Want to connect better with your colleagues? Master the elusive art of work-life balance? Inject new meaning and value into your work? Learn how you can manage your time, your career, and even your life at our monthly book club meetings where career experts and life coaches will share tips from both personal experience and books. Life-wise is open to both current and prospective employees, and registration is required at our e-kiosks and website, may 2013 // &"'(#)'' !"#$% &*+ PROGRAMME SERIES Friday, 31 May, 12.30 pm - 1.30 pm, Multipurpose Room, Central Public Library Entrepreneurship and innovation complement businesses naturally, requiring creative thinking and a desire to take risks. When combined, businesses have a great potential to expand, even in a competitive market. Join some of the entrepreneurs profiled in the book - The Audacity to Dream, in this monthly series to find out how each entrepreneur started their dream journey and overcame their challenges through business innovation. FEATURED ENTREPRENEURS: Violet Lim is the co-founder of Lunch Actually, Asia’s first lunch dating company. The birth of Lunch Actually came about simply because Violet noticed many of her friends and colleagues were single and had no time to date. When she came across a lunch dating idea, she thought that would be the perfect solution for them. That was when she turned her idea into reality and revolutionalised the entire dating industry. Ewen Chia is a pioneer when he first explored the then-novel concept of Internet marketing back in 1997. Today, he is one of the world ’s most eminent and respected Internet marketing experts, and is recognised as “The World ’s #1 Super Affiliate ”. A love for the Internet and a simple desire to promote his self-composed music to share with the world started him on this journey. He is credited with creating many techniques and strategies that today, are used by many people around the world, to find success in the cyber world. Registration is required at under ‘Business’ or register via our e-Kiosks at all libraries. Seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Light refreshments will also be provided. Pick up a bag (or two or more), borrow the mystery books hidden in these bags and immerse yourself in these great thematic Business reads specially selected from Central Public Library. Simply return these books in the bags to share your discovery with the next book enthusiast. Organised By About The Institute for Financial Literacy The institute is a collaboration between MoneySENSE, (a national financial education programme spearheaded by the public-sector Financial Education Steering Committee (FESC)) and Singapore Polytechnic to provide free financial education programmes to the public. We are not tied to any financial institution and do not sell any financial products. Find out the different types of loans, your ability to borrow and the available alternatives to borrowing. You will also be able to understand the implications of borrowing and how to resolve debt issues. MAY TUE Talk MAY SAT Workshop MAY TUE Talk MAY Understand various types of insurance and how the basic insurance schemes provided by CPF Board protect you. You will also be able to assess if you need more insurance coverage, and be able to select an insurance plan suitable for yourself and your dependants. SAT Workshop These sessions are free and registration is required at and surf on to 'Business' or via our eKiosks available at all libraries. Please note that due to limited space, seating arrangements are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Light refreshments will be provided for lunchtime talk only. For more enquiries on modules, please call 68708383 or visit http// SGX Investment Knowledge Gateway Business and Reference Room, Level 2 Tampines Regional Library This document has been published for general circulation only. It is not an offer or solicitation to buy or sell, nor financial advice or recommendation in relation to, any investment product. Advice should be sought from a financial adviser regarding the suitability of any investment product before investing or adopting any investment strategies. Further information on this investment product may be obtained from #inspiread Inspira(on can come in many forms, and in many different types of books. Inspira(onal stories may mo(vate you to change your life – travel more, learn something new, spend more (me with your family, or all of the above. Which books made a difference in your life? What are you inspired by? Share them on TwiBer or Instagram with the #inspiread tag. Lauren Macdonald, “inspiration”, December 5, 2011, Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-ShareAlike. For more details, visit us at: h"p:// @PublicLibrarySG @PublicLibrarySG p. 18 Ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you. – Oscar Wilde Wellness Talks in the Heartlands fri 10 fri 10 Tai Chi Health Talk and Demo Neck, Shoulder, Back and Leg Pain Management 10.00 am – 12.00 pm Programme Zone, Woodlands Regional Library Scientific studies have shown that Tai Chi improves health, quality of life and balance. Join us in this talk and demonstration combining traditional Tai Chi with modern knowledge. Learn more about these health programmes that are easy–to–learn, safe and effective. This programme is conducted in English and Mandarin. Content Breakdown 1. What is Tai Chi? 2. What are the Tai Chi for Health Programs? 3. Comparing the benefits of an exercise and Tai Chi 4. Sharing with participants the Studies and Report of the Tai Chi for Health Programme 5. Why is it safe for people with chronic conditions, etc 1.00 pm – 2.30 pm Programme Zone, Woodlands Regional Library Do you experience body pain? Understand the underlying causes of such pain and common symptoms. At the same time, get tips on prevention and treatment of pain management. This programme is conducted in Mandarin. This programme is free however registration is required via eKiosks and website 6. Tai Chi principles, etc This programme is free, however registration is required via eKiosks and website About the speaker Dr Paul Lam is an Australian family physician and Tai Chi expert. A world leader in the field of Tai Chi for Health, he has authored several books on Tai Chi and produced best-selling instructional Tai Chi DVDs. His Tai Chi programmes have improved the health and wellness of millions worldwide and is one of the most sought after Tai Chi teachers. About the speaker Mr. Li Hai Xin, Physician and physiotherapist, is an expert in Orthopedics and Tuina. He has a TCM Degree from Tianjin Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Teachers Qualification Certificate of Higher Education, China. He is also an Assistant Doctor in Charge at Tianjin University of TCM and a lecturer in Orthopedics at the Singapore TCM College. Geylang East Public Library will turn 25 this July! Get creative and take part in our “Design A Birthday Card” contest. Attractive prizes to be won! Contest starts from 18th May till 16th June ’13 for children aged 5-8 yrs (Category A) and 9-12 yrs (Category B). To participate, simply produce a loan receipt of 6 items (dated 1st May to 16th June) and redeem a birthday card template. Card designs must be original (non-computer aided). Participants will also receive a special anniversary gift from us. For more details, please approach our Customer Service Counter. may 2013 // p. 19 sun 19 sat 11 Home Sweet Home (Aromatherapy) Talk From Leaf to Life: Unlock the Secrets to True Health 5.00 pm – 6.00 pm Programme Zone, Queenstown Public Library 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm Activity Room, Marine Parade Public Library Sebastian will be sharing tips on aromatheraphy and the application of essential oils to treat and prevent various common ailments. Participants will be taught as well on how to use aromatheraphy safely in the home. Attaining true health and well being in a modern society I’m not sick but I’m not well’. Does this sound familiar? Sebastian Liew, knows many people who are on a litany of medications and perpetual health screenings. Yet they are still not functional: they lack energy and passion as well as the optimal physiological functioning for them to lead purposeful and loving lives. In other words, most people are not happy in body, mind and spirit. Sebastian will share his knowledge and findings on how to attain holistic health through natural remedies, herbs, natural diet and lifestyle as published in his new book ‘From Leaf to Life’. 25 sat Essential oils are volatile oils in plants, which are responsible for taste, aroma and medicinal action. Many have antibacteria, antispasmodic, sedative, expectorant, antiseptic and antiinflammatory properties. Phytotherapy for Family Health Talk 5.00 pm – 6.00 pm Programme Zone, Queenstown Public Library Come and listen to Sebastian as he shares how phytotherapy or herbal medicine can be curative, healing, safe and cost effective in the treatment or prevention of common ailments and chronic diseases. Participants will also explore how to use common kitchen herbs in their daily diet for health preservation and first aid application. About the Speaker Sebastian Liew is a qualified and registered medical herbalist with clinical experiences in traditional naturopathy, clinical aromatherapy, holistic massage, Kneipp’s hydrotherapy and natural aesthetic therapy. He is the first Singaporean medical herbalist accredited by the National Herbalists Association of Australia. Registration is required for the above programmes via eKiosks and website may 2013 // p. 20 It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. – André Gide, Autumn Leaves Face Painting 1.00 pm – 3.00 pm Borrow 12 items and get a chance to enjoy a face painting session done by our Librarian. Badge Making 1.00 pm – 4.00 pm Badge-making is easy and fun! Ever thought of creating your own badge? Borrow 12 items and get a chance to learn how to make your own badge! Have Fun with Henna! 1.00 pm – 4.00 pm Borrow 12 items and get a Henna done! Memory Wire Bracelet 1.00 pm – 4.00 pm Borrow 12 items and learn how to make the memory wire bracelet. Nail Art 1.00 pm – 4.00 pm Borrow 12 items and get your nails done by our Librarian. Tokens Giveaway 1.00 pm – 4.00 pm Borrow 12 items and redeem our special token. While stocks last sat Movie Screening - Liar Liar 4.00 pm – 6.00 pm Programme Zone, Queenstown Public Library When Max’s father, a successful lawyer who lies a lot, misses Max’s birthday again, Max makes a very special birthday wish; a wish that will change their lives completely. This is a comedy that will be excitingly fun for the whole family! This film is rated PG. Although the programme is free, the screening is limited to the first 50 participants. Please take note that no food and drinks are allowed during the screening. 09 thu Foyer, Sengkang Public Library 04 Artist Trading Cards (ATC) Club 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm Programme Zone, Bishan Public Library Learn to create Artist Trading Cards and let your creative juices flow! Artist Trading Cards are miniature art creations measuring 2.5” by 3.5”, and all forms of art can be used. Get to know how to create different types of ATCs and pick up tips on art! Observers are welcome. 14 tue sat 04 Creative Crew 6.45 pm – 8.45 pm Programme Zone, Ang Mo Kio Public Library Be inspired and learn from industry experts who will be sharing their unique experiences on topics such as Photography, Print Design, Video, Web and much more. Get to know the latest trends out there as well as useful tips and tricks. may 2013 // p. 21 sun 26 sat 18 Movie Screening - Patch Adams Origami Workshop 4.00 pm – 6.00 pm Multipurpose Room, Queenstown Public Library 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm Programme Zone, Toa Payoh Public Library Patch Adams is determined to become a medical doctor because he enjoys helping people. Unfortunately, the medical and scientific community does not appreciate his methods of healing the sick, while the patients, medical professors, and hospital nurses all appreciate the work he can do, because they are unable to do it. Come find out how Patch Adams uses humour to cure his patients! This film is rated PG. Although the programme is free, the screening is limited to the first 50 participants. Please take note that no food and drinks are allowed during the screening Come join us to learn about and fold the different types of origami including the traditional, modular and representational forms. Different themes and models will be explored each month. The session will be facilitated by Origami Singapore. mon 20 Stargazing in Singapore 7.00 pm – 8.30 pm Programme Zone, Toa Payoh Public Library Learn how to observe the sun, moon, planets, galaxies, star clusters, comets and meteor showers right here in Singapore! Held on the third Monday of every month at Toa Payoh Public Library, the topic for this session is ‘Comet Hunting in Singapore’. You will learn how to read simple star charts, handle a telescope, observe various celestial objects and be informed about upcoming astronomical events. Admission is free and no pre-registration is required. About the Speaker Mr Gary Chee is an experienced amateur astronomer who has conducted numerous free public stargazing sessions for many years at various locations in Singapore. He has a knack for explaining complex astronomical concepts using simple words and entertaining analogies. So bring your family and friends along and discover the wonders of the Universe! 选择快乐 - 50岁及以上人士情绪管理 工作坊 14, 21, and 28 May and 4 June 2013 2.00 pm – 4.00pm Multipurpose Room, Bedok Public Library, Level 3 This programme is free however registration is required. 生活中总是有各种挑战,您是否担心自己的退休安 排周全吗?随着岁月的增长,健康活力不比从前; 与家人朋友之间的人际关系也可能带来各种烦恼。 让我们一起来学习如何调整心态,乐观面对,选择 拥有真正快乐的乐龄! 此工作坊由专业辅导员带领,每个星期一次,连续 四个星期每次两个小时的活动,通过实例分享讨 论、角色扮演等方式,提升生活技巧,帮助大家更 有效地面对处理情绪。 参加者须要出席全部4次的工作坊。 主讲者:王劲, 资深辅导员/培训师 拥有心理学学士学位,及劳动力发展局认可 的培训高级证书。同时在辅导专业领域接 受萨维雅系统辅导模式培训。拥有多年的辅 导,家庭生活教育和培训经验。曾应多个学 校、社会团体、国家图书馆等机构的邀请, 主讲过各种类型的讲座及工作坊,内容包括 亲子沟通、青少年问题、情绪管理、压力处 理、自我成长、婚姻关系、悲伤处理等;并 曾多次接受电视、电台及报章的访问,讨论 有关辅导方面的课题。 may 2013 // May 2013 Computer Courses 五月份电脑班课程表 Register at our library ekiosks today! You can also visit and key in “SIJ” for more details. 现在就通过图书馆内的电子服务站报名吧! 您也可浏览, 输入“SIJ”以搜寻更多详情。 Basic Computer (2-session course) Part 1 of 2: 09/05/13 (Thu) Part 2 of 2: 10/05/13 (Fri) 2.00 pm - 5.30 pm Fees:$20 Learn how to use the computer in this introductory course. Participants will learn about the different parts of a computer, how to use the mouse and keyboard, as well as the basics of the Windows 7 operating system. Introduction to Social Networking 13/05/13 (Mon) 2.00 pm – 5.30 pm Fees: $10 Learn about Facebook, a popular social media platform. Participants will learn how to create a Facebook account and communicate with family and friends through Facebook. You will also learn tips on how to keep your personal information safe and private. (Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of the internet) 基本汉语拼音输入法 15/05/13 (星期三) 2.00 pm – 5.30 pm 收费:$10 汉语拼音输入法是本地最普遍的中文输入方式。您想了解汉语拼音是如何用英文 字母拼出中文发音吗? 英文键盘又如何能打出中文字和中文标点符号呢? 参加这 项课程将让您更好地掌握汉语拼音输入法。(学员须具备基本电脑知识。) 社交网站需知 17/05/13 (星期五) 2.00 pm – 5.30 pm 收费:$10 Facebook 是时下最受欢迎的社交网站之一,能开拓您与亲友之间沟通的新桥梁。 此课程除了教您如何创建个人账户和使用 Facebook,也教您在使用时如何保护您 的隐私。(学员须具备基本电脑知识、上网的经验及拥有电邮账户。) Basic Internet 20/05/13 (Mon) 2.00 pm – 5.30 pm Fees: $10 Learn how to use the internet in this introductory course. Participants will learn how to access the internet and use it to search for text, pictures and videos. (Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of the computer) Introduction to NLB E-Resources (2-session course) Part 1 of 2: 22/05/13 (Wed) Part 2 of 2: 23/05/13 (Thu) 2.00 pm – 5.30 pm Fees: $20 Learn how to use NLB’s website to find eBooks and eNewspapers. Participants will learn how to access different digital information, from books and magazines to local and international news in this step by step course. (Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of the internet) NLB 中文电子书和电子报刊 (共两堂课) 第 1 堂课: 29/05/13 (星期三) 第 2 堂课: 30/05/13 (星期四) 2.00 pm - 5.30 pm 收费:$20 电子书和电子报刊的日益普及,为读者们提供了许多的便利。读者们可随时随地 通过网络借书、还书和阅读各类书刊。 NLB 的中文电子书和电子报刊内容包罗 万象,是个阅读宝库。您可通过本课程了解其内容,学习如何查阅 NLB 中文电子 书和电子报刊。(学员须具备基本电脑知识。) Registration closes 2 days before the day of the course. You must read and agree to the following Terms and Conditions before registering for a course. 1) Participants must be a Singapore citizen or Permanent Resident. 5) Fees paid are non-refundable unless course is cancelled by NLB. 2) Participants must be 50 years old and above. 6) Once registration is confirmed, registrants cannot cancel the course but 3) Maximum intake for each class is 10 participants. they can replace it with another course of equivalent price. 7) NLB reserves the right to postpone the courses. 4) Registration is only confirmed upon payment of the full course fee. World Book & Copyright Day The UNESCO World Book & Copyright Day falls on 23rd April this year, and we’ve lined up a whole slew of events to celebrate from 23rd April to 18th May! Here are the programmes going on this May: sat 04 Fabulous Felted Fiction! 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm Programme Zone, Queenstown Public Library Immortalize your favourite storybook creature in felt! This programme will introduce needle felting which you could use for creating your favourite storybook character! The programme is limited to 20 children aged 8–12. Although this programme is planned for free admission, registration is still required. Please register at library eKiosks or website http:// Should the programme be fully registered and you would like to be placed on the waiting list, please email your name and contact number to [email protected] with the subject title “Felting”. Children’s Book Illustration Series Sunday, 5 May, 12 May, 19 May, 26 May, Sunday, 2 June, 9 June, 16 June and 23 June 1.30 pm – 4.30 pm Programme Zone, Bedok Public Library The series of 8 sessions will unlock the secrets behind illustrations in children’s books. Participants will be shown how illustration style is matched to text. Come and experience firsthand, various media and techniques that are used in illustrating children’s books. Get to know children’s book illustrators that use the various mediums in their work such as Quentin Blake, Michael Foreman, Lucy Cousins and Patrick Yee. The first seven sessions will each touch upon a different media or technique such as chalk pastel, batik ink and media food colour. In the final session, participants will get a chance to create a dummy book using a media or technique of their choice, which the instructor will critique. To attend the last session 23 June, participants must have at least attended 2 other sessions from the Children’s Book Illustration Series. The workshop is free however registration is required via eKiosks and website The series of workshops are for adults. Should the programme be fully registered and you would like to be placed on the waiting list, please email your name and contact number to [email protected] with the subject title ‘Children’s Book Illustration Series: Session Number’. The Splendor of the Letter: A Western Calligraphy Workshop Saturday, 11 May 3.00 pm – 5.30 pm Programme Zone, Serangoon Public Library Saturday, 18 May 3.00 pm – 5.30 pm Programme Zone, Bedok Public Library Ever wanted to learn how to write beautifully? This workshop introduces you to the elegant yet simple Italic calligraphy style, which dates back to the 16th century. We’ll look at how to hold a pen, make basic shapes with it, and move on to combining these shapes into letters and numerals. You’ll discover that calligraphy is both art and science, a combination of aesthetics and logic! The programme is limited to 25 participants aged 15 and up. Although this programme is planned for free admission, registration is still required. Please register at library e-kioks or website http:// Should the programme be fully registered and you would like to be placed on the waiting list, please email your name and contact number to [email protected] with the subject title “Western Calligraphy”. may 2013 // World Book & Copyright Day Malay Programmes sat 11 sat 11 Bengkel & Ceramah Penulisan Skrip Teater Bual Buku ‘Jom Buat Bisnes!’ dengan Aida Atan 10.00 am – 4.00 pm Merpati Hall, Geylang East Public Library Jika anda ingin belajar menulis skrip teater dan bercita-cita untuk melihat skrip anda dilakonkan suatu hari, kami mengajak anda untuk menyertai Bengkel dan Ceramah Penulisan Skrip Teater menggunakan bahasa Melayu lama, peribahasa dan sastera. Kami mengundang mahasiswa dan aktivis Bahasa Melayu untuk menghadiri bengkel dan sesi perkongsian tentang menulis skrip teater Melayu ini. Penyertaan adalah percuma dan terbuka kepada orang ramai. Program ini memerlukan pendaftaran di eKiosk di perpustakaan atau dengan mengklik ‘Add to cart’ di laman web Go Library. Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi Syikin di talian 6346 2214. 2.00 pm – 3.00 pm Programme Zone, Jurong Regional Library Jom Buat Bisnes!! – Cerita pasal Bisnes merupakan subuah buku yang diilhamkan dari kisah-kisah benar yang pernah berlaku sepanjang penglibatan Aida Atan dalam bidang hartanah komersial dan konsultansi bisnes. Beliau akan berkongsi 2 cerita dari bukunya dan menghuraikan sedikit pesanan untuk memulakan perniagaan dengan perlesenan yang betul. Jika anda berminat untuk memulakan bisnes ataupun sekadar untuk menimba ilmu, hadirilah sesi kongsi ini. Penyertaan adalah percuma dan terbuka kepada orang ramai. Program ini memerlukan pendaftaran di e-kiosk di perpustakaan atau dengan mengklik ‘Add to cart’ di laman web Go Library. Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi Syikin di talian 6346 2214. Profil Organisasi Program ini dianjurkan oleh Variasi Performing Art, sebuah organisasi yang tidak mengambil keuntungan. Profil Penulis Aida Atan ialah seorang jurulatih di AA World Academy dan pemilik perniagaan. Beliau juga memberi seminar dan bengkel sejak 6 tahun yang lalu, dan pernah terlibat dalam pemasaran kompleks membeli-belah Vivocity. Kepakaran beliau adalah dalam bidang hartanah dan juga dalam perihal perlesenan bisnes. Chinese Programmes The Chinese programmes in honour of World Book Day are published in a separate Chinese World Book Day brochure. Please see the brochure for more details. may 2013 // World Book & Copyright Day tamil Programmes Exhibition Area, Central Public Library English Storytelling by Neil Humphreys Saturday, 18 May 11.00 am – 12.30 pm sat 18 Book Exchange 2013 (General public. No registration needed) 8.30 am – 6.00 pm, National Library Plaza Get ready for the grand finale to the World Book & Copyright Day Celebrations! Take part in Book Exchange 2013: share a book, and share your story! Just 3 easy steps to exchange your books for new reads: 1.Bring your used books* to any NLB Public Library (except library@chinatown) from 27 April to 12 May, 11.00am to 8.00pm. From 12 May to 18 May, used books will be accepted at the Central Public Library only. 2.Drop off your used books* and get a book exchange coupon indicating a one-for-one exchange for each of the books accepted. In the meantime, you can share your stories about books & reading at 3.Bring your coupons to The Plaza, National Library Building, on 18 May to redeem other books. * Used books for exchange should be in good condition. Adult and children’s fiction and non-fiction books (e.g. cookbooks, travel guides and romance novels) in the four official languages are eligible for exchange. Used library books bought from NLB Library Book Sales are also eligible for exchange. Textbooks, magazines and audio-visual materials will not be eligible for exchange. Each person can exchange up to 50 books. For enquiries, please call NLB Helpdesk at 6332 3255 or email [email protected] Reading Ambassador for NLB World Book Day 13, author Neil Humphreys and daughter Abbie Rose will be conducting Meet-the-Author session cum storytelling session on his latest two books- “The Day a Panda really saved my life” and “Abbie Rose and The Magic Suitcase: I Trapped a Dolphin but I REALLY Didn’t Mean It.” Chinese Storytelling by teachers from Eduplus Language Centre Saturday, 18 May 3.00 pm – 4.30 pm Eva Chang Mei Hsiang, Principal of Eduplus Language Centre will give an opening speech and then introduce her teachers who will be telling stories to the children. The programme will be conducted in Chinese. may 2013 // p. 26 Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. – Mark Twain Sumbangsih MAS: a Muhammad Ariff Ahmad exhibition 08 April – 05 May, Woodlands Regional Library “Sumbangsih MAS” honours the life and works of Singapore’s literary pioneer, Muhammad Ariff Ahmad. Affectionately known by his pen name, MAS, award-winning writer, poet and novelist Muhammad Ariff Ahmad has made significant contributions to the development of the Malay literature, language and culture in Singapore and the region. This exhibition will also showcase, for the first time, some of his earlier writings and manuscripts, for example, Taman Puspa, written in 1947 and his correspondences with other prominent writers. “Sumbangsih MAS” menyorot kehidupan dan menampilkan karya-karya tulisan Muhammad Ariff Ahmad, salah seorang sasterawan perintis Singapura. Beliau yang juga dikenali dengan nama penanya, MAS, telah membuat sumbangan yang amat besar dalam perkembangan sastera, bahasa dan budaya Melayu di Singapura dan rantau ini. Pameran ini akan memaparkan buat pertama kali tulisan-tulisan awal MAS dan manuskrip Taman Puspa yang ditulis pada tahun 1947 serta beberapa poskad dan surat yang ditulis oleh sasterawan tersohor. Resilience Through Heritage: Bukit Ho Swee Fire 30 April – 30 May, Jurong West Public Library As part of the National Heritage Board’s “Resilience Through Heritage” series, this exhibition on the Bukit Ho Swee Fire of 1961 will outline the details of the fire, the scale of destruction, the fire-fighting and relief efforts of the agencies involved, the aid rendered by the community, as well as the resettlement and redevelopment efforts undertaken by the government. The exhibition features equipments used by the fire service, as well as information panels, photographs and multimedia stations showing video clips of the fire. STC125 31 May – 20 June, Jurong Regional Library The Straits Trading Company Limited (STC) is one of the oldest public-listed companies in Singapore, founded in 1887, when Singapore was part of the Straits Settlements under British Colonial rule. Founded upon tin mining and smelting, it was a major economic contributor to the growth and prosperity of Singapore in the early 19th century. This exhibition will showcase the illustrious history of STC and provide members of the public with a glimpse into the heritage and transformation of one of Singapore’s most iconic companies, whose growth and evolution is closely intertwined with the development and rise of modern Singapore. Insight Guides “Let’s Take Flight” Travel Photography Exhibition 3 May – 29 May, Bishan Public Library 30 May – 29 June, Woodlands Regional Library Calling all travel and photography lovers! Travel is best captured through the lens of a camera. Be it a candid portrait or a picturesque panoramic landscape, travel photography enables one to capture fleeting moments of people and places, and build a library of memories. The exhibition will showcase selected winning photographs from the “Let’s Take Flight” travel photography competition, allowing winners to reminisce and share their personal travel experiences with audiences. Let yourself be swept away on a journey of mesmerising scenes from around the world and be inspired to document your own travel tales! This exhibition is jointly presented by APA Publications, Fujifilm and National Library Board. may 2013 // p. 27 sat 04 与周粲面对面 11.00 am – 12.30 pm The Pod, Level 16, National Library Building Tips for Parents, Chinese for Children 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm Auditorium, Woodlands Regional Library MYSTERY ONE: Did Admiral Zheng He Ever Sail Past Singapore? 2.30 pm – 3.30 pm Possibility Room, Level 5 National Library Board MYSTERY TWO: Did Cao Yazhi, The Legendary Carpenter of Raffles, Really Exist? 3.45 pm – 5.00 pm Possibility Room, Level 5 National Library Board Face Painting sun 05, 12, 19, 26 Children’s Book Illustration Series 1.30 pm – 4.30 pm Programme Zone, Bedok Public Library sun 05 绘画本(孝经)新书分享会 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm Programme Zone, library@chinatown wed 08 FUNdaMENTALs Reading Club 10.00 am – 11.30am Amazon Room, Woodlands Regional Library thu 09 1.00 pm – 3.00 pm Foyer, Sengkang Public Library Artist Trading Cards (ATC) Club Badge Making Have Fun with Henna! Memory Wire Bracelet Nail Art Tokens Giveaway 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm Programme Zone, Bishan Public Library 1.00 pm – 4.00 pm Foyer, Sengkang Public Library 7.00 pm – 8.30 pm Multipurpose Room, Central Public Library Fabulous Felted Fiction! 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm Programme Zone, Queenstown Public Library Book Lover’s Club Meet the Author: Gerry Robert fri 10 Tai Chi Health Talk and Demo 3.00 pm – 6.00 pm Multipurpose Room, Central Public Library 10.00 am – 12.00 pm Programme Zone, Woodlands Regional Library Movie Screening - Liar Liar Neck, Shoulder, Back and Leg Pain Management (In Mandarin) 4.00 pm – 6.00 pm Programme Zone, Queenstown Public Library sat 11 Bengkel & Ceramah Penulisan Skrip Teater 10.00 am – 4.00 pm Merpati Hall, Geylang East Public Library K ‘Now’ Dance 1.00 pm – 4.00 pm The Plaza, National Library Building 旅游散文创作分享 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm Programme Zone, library@chinatown Bual Buku ‘Jom Buat Bisnes!’ Dengan Aida Atan 2.00 pm – 3.00 pm Programme Zone, Jurong Regional Library Campaign City: Guided Tour 2.00 pm – 3.00 pm Meeting point: Promenade, Level 11, National Library Building MYSTERY THREE: Where Exactly in Singapore was the House of Siam? 2.30 pm – 3.30 pm Possibility Room, Level 5 National Library Board The Splendour of the Letter: A Western Calligraphy Workshop 3.00 pm – 5.30 pm Programme Zone, Serangoon Public Library MYSTERY FOUR: What Secrets Do Inscriptions on Old Tombstones in Singapore Reveal? 3.45 pm – 5.00 pm Possibility Room, Level 5 National Library Board 1.00 pm – 2.30 pm Programme Zone, Woodlands Regional Library Scan this to visit GO Library may 2013 // p. 28 sat 11 Home Sweet Home (Aromatherapy) talk. 5.00 pm – 6.00 pm Programme Zone, Queenstown Public Library Meet and Greet: Peter Lerangis 6.00 pm – 7.00 pm Programme Zone, Woodlands Regional Library tue 14 Are You Borrowing Too Much? 12.30 pm – 1.30 pm Programme Zone, Toa Payoh Public Library 选择快乐 - 50岁及以上人士情绪 管理工作坊 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm Programme Zone, Bedok Public Library Creative Crew 6.45 pm – 8.45 pm Programme Zone, Ang Mo Kio Public Library wed 15 交流点读书会 (Interacting@BPPL) 1.00 pm – 3.00 pm Activity Room, Bukit Panjang Public Library thu 16 Malay in Minutes! 6.30 pm – 7.30 pm Activity Room, Geylang East Public Library Meet the Author: Paddy Hirsch 7.00 pm – 8.30 pm Multipurpose Room, Central Public Library Campaign City: Artist Workshop 7.00 pm – 9.00 pm Possibility Room, Level 5, National Library Building may 2013 // sat 18 Book Exchange 2013 8.30 am – 6.00 pm National Library Plaza English Storytelling by Neil Humphreys 11.00 am – 12.30 pm Exhibition Area, Central Public Library Dollars and Sense Learning Community 11.00 am – 12.30 pm Programme Zone, Jurong Regional Library Do I Need Every Type of Insurance 11.00 am – 1.00 pm Multipurpose Room, Toa Payoh Public Library Delicatesse Book Club 11.00 am – 12.30 pm Activity Room, Pasir Ris Public Library Chinese Storytelling by Teachers from Eduplus Language Centre 3.00 pm – 4.30 pm Exhibition Area, Central Public Library Sacred Sirih: Traditions and Symbolism in the Malay World 3.00 pm – 5.00 pm Possibility Room, Level 5, National Library Building The Splendour of the Letter: A Western Calligraphy Workshop 3.00 pm – 5.30 pm Programme Zone, Bedok Public Library Pseudo Book Club 3.00 pm – 4.30 pm Verging All Teens (VAT), Jurong Regional Library Movie Screening - Patch Adams 4.00 pm – 6.00 pm Multipurpose Room, Queenstown Public Library sun 19 From Leaf to Life: Unlock the Secrets to True Health 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm Activity Room, Marine Parade Public Library mon 20 Stargazing in Singapore 7.00 pm – 8.30 pm Programme Zone, Toa Payoh Public Library tue 21 Are You Borrowing Too Much? 12.30 pm – 1.30 pm Programme Zone, Bishan Public Library 选择快乐 - 50岁及以上人士情绪 管理工作坊 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm Multipurpose Room, Bedok Public Library wed 22 FUNdaMENTALs Reading Club 10.00 am – 11.30am Amazon Room, Woodlands Regional Library sat 25 Do I Need Every Type of Insurance 11.00 am – 1.00 pm Programme Zone, Bishan Public Library Life-wise 1.00 pm – 2.00 pm Changi/Simei Room, Tampines Regional Library 中华文化系列讲座–“文史讲堂” 未讲完的故事:牛车水与新加坡早 期名人 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm Programme Zone, library@chinatown p. 29 Campaign City: Guided Tour 2.00 pm – 3.00 pm Meeting point: Promenade, National Library Building sun fri 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm Programme Zone, Toa Payoh Public Library Kusu Island - The Untold Story 2.30 pm – 3.30 pm Auditorium, Woodlands Regional Library 26 Origami Workshop tue IngREADients The CookBook Club 3.00 pm – 5.00 pm Activity Room, Geylang East Public Library 28 12.30 pm – 1.30 pm Mutlipurpose Room, Central Public Library Heartlands Book Club 选择快乐 - 50岁及以上人士情绪 管理工作坊 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm Mutlipurpose Room, Bedok Public Library Phytotherapy for Family Health Talk 31 Lunch box Business Programme 5.00 pm – 6.30 pm Activity Room, Bukit Batok Public Library AfterWords by Ethos Book Club 7.30 pm – 9.00 pm Activity Room, Marine Parade Public Library 5.00 pm – 6.00 pm Programme Zone, Queenstown Public Library exhibitions 30 April – 30 May Resilience Through Heritage: Bukit Ho Swee Fire Jurong West Public Library 08 April – 05 May Sumbangsih MAS: a Muhammad Ariff Ahmad exhibition Woodlands Regional Library 3 May – 29 May 30 May – 29 June Insight Guides “Let’s Take Flight” Travel Photography Exhibition Bishan Public Library Woodlands Regional Library 31 May – 20 June STC125 Jurong Regional Library 9 January – 7 July Campaign City: Life in Posters 30 March – 12 May Yang Menulis (They Who Write) Level 7, Promenade, National Library Building 5 March – 6 June Every Child A Gift Level 9, Promenade, National Library Building Ongoing From Books to Bytes: The Story of the National Library Promenade, Level 5, National Library Building Ongoing The Donors Gallery Lee Kong Chian Reference Library, Level 10, National Library Building Ongoing Singapore Literary Pioneers Promenade, Level 11, National Library Building Level 11, National Library Building Scan this to visit GO Library may 2013 // E-mail etiquette: a fresh look at dealing effectively with e-mail, developing great style, and writing clear, concise messages Shirley Taylor, Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Business, ©2009. English 651.79 TAY - [BIZ] It is easy to forget that the e-mail is a letter written and despatched in the electronic form. The ease in writing and sending an e-mail has increased the rate of our writing letters. In many instances, it has also replaced the telephone call. Yet when we look at the way we write a letter and the way we write an e-mail we are likely to think that they were written by two different people. “E-mail Etiquette”, although written primarily for businessmen, serves as a useful reminder for all e-mail users that an email differs from a letter in some ways (we can edit and prioritise what we want to say far more easily with an e-mail) and at the same time, there are many similarities that we ought not to forget. The e-mail fits perfectly with the modern fastpaced life and we are apt to use it in a way expressing our fast-paced, often oppressive attitude to our readers. We are also writing more to and in response to people we do not know well or at all. Taylor begins with a brief discussion as to what we love and dislike about the e-mail, and the general problems with it. She includes a short account of the dangers and problems of the e-mail, such as the problem of spam and viruses. She then quickly proceeds to the essence of the book (172 pages of useful advice) by telling us when we should not be using an e-mail. As a rule, indiscreet messages should never be sent; and so too messages which are better expressed or communicated through the telephone or with a meeting. The next important step is to learn how to manage our time with e-mail communication. If we receive e-mail frequently in the course of the day, reading and answering them constantly may disrupt our work. Taylor thus identifies a number of bad e-mail management practices and suggested remedies for them. There is advice on how to create and use folders and using filters to manage one’s e-mail efficiently. The next major segment of the book addresses the issue of what good writing should be in respect of the e-mail. For a start, Taylor suggests that we pay attention to smart subject lines and to help us along she uses the acronym SMART to represent subject lines that are specific (avoiding unhelpful titles such as “Enquiry”), meaningful (not unhelpful titles like “Help Needed”), appropriate (short and professional), relevant (direct on the point) and thoughtful (about 35 to 40 characters). She advises that, contrary to popular practice, one ought to type in the subject line after the main text is done and not vice versa. In this way the subject line will more likely be relevant to the text. Taylor spends a large part of the book on the craft of good writing, using two acronyms as guides – ABC and KISS. The first stands for “Accurate, brief, and clear”, the second for “Keep it short and simple”. For example, writing “My flight BA 123 arrives at 1330 on Monday 7 October” instead of “Flight arrives at 1.30.” From here, she continues with advice on how an e-mail may be written in a way that fosters good relationship between writer and recipient. In this regard, she advises against the use of jargon and formal language and at the same time, avoiding being too personal or in using abbreviations as people might in the use of short text messages in cell-phones. She discusses the use of cyber-grammar and punctuations, and how to be courteous while being brief. It will not surprise the reader that Taylor thinks that it is not appropriate to use emoticons in a business e-mail. Further, she is against the use of capital letters as text, and she believes in editing drafts before sending them out. She ends with a short chapter entitled “Practising Safe E-mail”, perhaps the best advice is the reminder that the email is like the postcard – it can be read by people who are not the addressees. Reviewed by The Alexandrian may 2013 // Five Star Billionaire Tash Aw, 2013 Fourth Estate This is a novel about a group of five disparate people who left Malaysia for Shanghai China in search. In search of what? No one really knows and the reader will enjoy many a moment pondering about that question – and many more – long after the last page has been turned. Phoebe went first to Guangzhou and then found herself in Shanghai with nothing more than the instructions from a book called “Secrets of a Five Star Billionaire” that she carried in her memory. She, like many girls she knew about, went looking for work. There were all sorts of work from trainee waiter to assistant fake-watch stall-holder. By chance, she found the identity card of a young woman, and by further chance, was mistaken by a spa owner for a job interviewee. She was interviewed on the spot and offered the job as an assistant in the spa. She worked her way up to be the manageress of the spa. Leong Yinghui was a woman who had matured from a girl who would be lost between the credit and debit columns of a company’s accounts to the successful businesswoman she had become. She left behind her sour memories of a famous father brought down by politics and subsequently died a broken man. Justin, the brother of her ex-boyfriend in Malaysia (CS Lim) also found his way to Shanghai, and no sooner had he arrived, he was told that his wealthy father’s business in Malaysia was collapsing. Gary was a young pop star who, like many such stars, rose out of the reach of self-control. His career transformed from pop icon to a lounge singer who received applause out of pity. The fifth character was the mysterious businessman Walter Chao who flirted with Yinghui as he dated Phoebe on the sly. Yinghui was too ambitious and eager for the business she was doing with Walter to notice Justin’s gradual warming of affection towards her. Meanwhile, in her quiet moments, Phoebe went online to chat. She soon grew to have a mutual interest with a regular – Gary. Gary was transfixed by the simple charm of a simple girl who, in an unguarded moment, revealed that she worshipped the pop star Gary. That placed Gary in a dilemma – whether to disclose his identity to her or to keep it a secret. Eventually he had to decide. The response was not what he expected. In the twisted connections of those five lives in a land far from their home, the protagonists assumed a false persona, which grows and suffocates the original one. Walter told Phoebe that he wrote “Secrets of a Five Star Billionaire”, and that he knew that she understood him because “We are very similar”. What did Walter mean by that remark? That he was as fake as she was? That in spite of being fake, they were noble? Were they all merely trying to escape their past or truly embracing their bright future? Perhaps the author is telling us that there is no future without dreams and that the greatest fear for us all is that our dreams might come true. Reviewed by The Alexandrian may 2013 // p. 32 The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is courage. – Thucydides Rawatan Penyakit Akibat Sihir: kaedah mengelak, menentang dan mengatasi sihir Penulis: Haron Din, Dato’ Penerbit: Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor: Persatuan Kebajikan dan Pengubatan Islam Malaysia & Koperasi Darussyifa’, 2011. No. Panggilan : 615.852 HAR -[HEA] Rawatan Penyakit Akibat Sihir merupakan salah satu judul yang terdapat dalam “Siri Pengajian Perubatan Islam”, karangan ulama tersohor Tuan Guru Dato’ Dr. Haron Din. Sihir, menurut penulis ialah ilmu hitam yang diamalkan oleh manusia dengan pertolongan Jin atau Syaitan. Ada terdapat beberapa jenis sihir yang sering diamalkan. Buku ini membincangkan antara lain perkara-perkara seperti asal usul sihir, amalan sihir dalam masyarakat Melayu, hukum Islam berkaitan sihir dan penglibatan Jin dalam sihir. Penulis juga menyentuh mengenai penggubalan undang-undang (di Malaysia) untuk membanteras amalan sihir. Tanda-tanda terkena sihir, kaedah rawatan dan pencegahan turut dibincangkan dalam buku ini.. Terdapat pelbagai tujuan mengapa manusia mengamalkan sihir. Ada yang bertujuan untuk menyakiti, meraih keuntungan, memikat, menundukkan pasangan dan banyak lagi. Buku ini juga menjelaskan pandangan Islam terhadap pelaku sihir. Jika pelakunya, seorang yang beragama Islam, ia akan menjadi kufur, kecuali bertaubat. Rawatan sihir di dalam buku ini berlandaskan ayat-ayat suci Al Quran dan doa-doa yang diamalkan oleh junjungan kita Nabi Muhammad saw. Salah satu bahagian yang menarik dalam buku ini tedapat dalam bab tiga. Ia mengandungi zikir dan surah-surah pilihan buat amalan. Penulis menerangkan pengamalnya akan dapat merasakan ketenangan jiwa dan tidur yang nyaman. Tulisan Dr Haron Din ini telah disemak oleh Persatuan Kebajikan dan Pengubatan Islam, Malaysia Darussyifa’. Diulas oleh Johan A Rahman 书名: 告别失眠,数羊的日子bye bye! 作者: 陈可卉 出版社与年份: 新北: 活泉书坊, 2012 索书号: 616.8498 CKH-[HEA] 不良睡眠质量甚至失眠,是许多城市人所面对的问题。睡得不好或睡得 不够将导致精神和集中力变差,也影响到生活素质与工作效率。此书共 分为四个章节,分别介绍失眠的症状、如何有系统性地找出失眠原因、 从中医角度打造优质睡眠;以轻松易解的方式测试您是否属于失眠一 族,并分析各种导致失眠的原因和解决方法。书后列出了能够帮助睡眠和提升睡眠质量的 食谱、药浴和足浴。 编写: 李梅瑜 (Lee Meiyu) may 2013 // p. 33 书名:宋美龄图传 = Soong Mayling 编著:秦风, 宛萱 出版社:杭州 : 浙江大学出版社, 2012. 索书号:951.082092 QF (宋家皇朝),一部电影,钩起了我对宋家三姐妹的兴趣。因此,当我看 到这本拥有一张张以古典趣味黑白照片的《宋美龄图传》时,我便情不 自禁地阅读了这位奇女子的生命记录。 从小就被送到美国留学的宋美龄,思想及言行都相当洋化。她的背景给 予蒋介石和新中国重要的援助。她在中国受难时,向美国国会拉拢美国人对中国的支持。 她和蒋介石也成为“革命”伴侣,不停地互相扶持。蒋夫人的影响力可以在现代中国每一 个历史的现场看见。因此,阅读宋美龄的故事等于阅读了一段缩短的中国近代史 编写: 陈欣韵 (Angela Chen Xinyun) may 2013 // p. 34 Title: Soulless (Parasol Protectorate #1) Author: Gail Carriger Publisher: New York: Orbit, 2009 Call Number: CAR -[FN] Life in Victorian London is hardly idyllic, but Alexia Tarabotti is having a particularly vexing time. During a lacklustre ball, she encounters a rude vampire who tries to bite her without even being formally introduced! Fortunately, being born without a soul means she negates supernatural beings (who are the result of an excess of soul), and so comes to little harm during this faux pas. Unfortunately, she accidently stakes the offending vampire and is drawn into the centre of a mystery: vampires of old bloodlines are disappearing, and new, unregistered ones inexplicably appear. As if that isn’t enough, she also comes under the investigation of the Bureau of Unnatural Registry (BUR), and Lord Conall Maccon, BUR investigator and Alpha werewolf of the Woolsey pack, is distracting and rather dishy… Soulless has its fingers in many fiction genre pies – steampunk, paranormal romance, comedy of manners and alternate history – but this bestseller and 2010 Alex Award winner pulls it off admirably. Recommended if you like Jane Austen, P.G. Wodehouse, and BBC period dramas. Reviewed by January Yeo Title: A Visual Celebration of Giant Pandas Author: Fanny Lai and Bjorn Olesen Publisher: Singapore: Editions Didier Millet, 2012 Call Number: English 779.329789 LAI-[ART] Can’t get enough of Jia Jia and Kai Kai at the Singapore Zoo? This 160page coffee table book offers you a visual feast! Besides many photos that readers will coo over, the book also functions as a mega factsheet about the giant panda with information about its natural habitat, life span, diet and its much-discussed mating habits. The authors offer some little known facts about the iconic animal. For example, the sons of President Theodore Roosevelt, Kermit and Theodore Jr., had the dubious honour of being the first Westerners to shoot and kill a panda in 1928. Another interesting factoid concerns the panda’s Chinese name (熊猫): “It literally means … Bear Cat, which was a mistake … journalists in those days were used to reading their newspaper headlines from left to right, whereas the interpretive in the Sichuan Museum was meant to be read from right to left.” Hence, the term 猫熊 (bear with cat-like appearance) is more appropriate. Fanny Lai (formerly CEO of Wildlife Reserves Singapore) and Bjorn Olesen are both passionate conservationists. Reviewed by Lim Lee Ping may 2013 // p. 35 Title: The Khmers: History and Treasures of an Ancient Civilization Author: Stefano Vecchia Publisher: Vercelli, Italy: White Star Publishers, 2012 Call Number: 959.602 VEC Filled with beautiful photographs of Khmer architecture and stone carvings, the book explains in detail the cultural meanings behind each one, leading us to a deeper level of understanding and appreciation of Khmer arts and their way of life. The artistic characteristics of each historical period are clearly explained, showing how each is shaped by new religions, forces of nature, and military expansion. Important kings and their legacies are highlighted, including Angkor Wat, now a UNESCO World Heritage site. Reading the book is equivalent to visiting an art gallery of Khmer architecture and stone carvings. At the end, the reader is armed with the knowledge of the arts and history of the Khmer civilization, while pondering at the same time the wonders left behind by the inhabitants of an empire that lasted more than seven centuries. Reviewed by Lee Meiyu Title: Kids, Parents and Power Struggles (Winning for a Lifetime) Author: Mary Sheedy Kurcinka Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers, 2000 Call Number: 649.1 KUR -[FAM] Internationally recognised family educator Mary Sheedy Kurcinka follows up on her book Raising Your Spirited Child with an important and essential topic: how to avoid power struggles with your children and coping with everyday challenges of disciplining them. In Kids, Parents and Power Struggles, the author provides various strategies and techniques to help parents figure out the issues behind a child’s behaviour in order to address problems at the core instead of using intimidation and authority to win the argument. Parents have to first understand their own as well as their children’s temperament, so they can identify “trigger situations” and subsequently be able to prevent “power struggles” from happening through proper communication. This book is a must-read for parents or individuals who interact with children. This book is available from OverDrive database. Reviewed by Averil Tan may 2013 // p. 36 Have respect for yourself, and patience and compassion. With these, you can handle anything. – Jack Kornfield Title: Ingredients: The Local Food Movement Takes Root Publisher: Docuramafilms: Distributed by New Video, [2011] Call Number: AV English 338.1973 ING- [BIZ] An inspiring documentary that was screened during the One Earth Film Festival 2013 in March <>, Ingredients puts the food we consume in a new perspective. In a world inundated with fast food, TV dinners, news of food scares (e.g., horsemeat-masquerading-as-beef) and too-busy-to-cook adults, can we bring quality and palatable food back to our tables? The chefs in the documentary do their best to show that cooking does not need to be complicated – and by being more responsible (buying from local and sustainable sources) and making naturally-produced food more present in daily life, fresh and tasty food is easily attainable. Reviewed by Chen Wanying Title: Best Food Ever Publisher: Produced by Hoff Productions for TLC Louisville, CO: Gaiam, ©2011 Call Number: AV 641.5 BES -[COO] In the mood for food? Follow American actor John Goodman as he crosses the country in search of the finest sandwich joints, diners, bakeries, food carts, and BBQ restaurants America has to offer. Go behind the scenes at top food destinations and find out what makes them the best in their business. Ever had a $100 sandwich filled with fresh lobster and truffles or a colossal triple-decker sandwich so chock-full of meat that it can feed a family of eight? “Best Food Ever” will take you on a journey to discover monstrous 12-egg omelettes, cocktail cupcakes, and escargot lollipops. (Yes, you read that right.) Aspiring chefs can also pick up tips as they watch professional chefs as demonstrate how to select ingredients, bake, barbeque, and even decorate a life-size “zombie” cake. From the cheap and good to wallet-busting gourmet meals, there’s something to satisfy every palette. For all the foodies out there, this is truly a culinary feast for the eyes! Reviewed by Stephanie Tan Title: Fresh: New Thinking About What We’re Eating Publisher: [Milwaukee, W.I.] : Ripple Effect Productions, New York, NY : distributed by New Video Group, c2009, 2012. Call Number.: AV English 338.1973 FRE -[BIZ] Ever wondered where the different kinds of food you’re eating come from? Or how they are produced? Are you familiar with the terms “maximum short-run productive efficiency,” “specialisation,” “standardisation,” and “mono-cultures”? Presented from an American perspective where “Americans fear only one thing – inconvenience,” this documentary takes a closer look at how food is produced. Typical results are antibioticresistant “monster strains” of viruses in animals and mono-crops showing weak resistance to pests. Farmers who have abandoned “compact farming and gone back to organic farming methods” are also interviewed. For those who are curious about the origins of our food, this documentary is enlightening. An apt quote from featured agricultural economist, Professor John Ikerd, sums up the documentary: “… we can tip the balance of nature to a certain extent, but when we try to tip it too far, it creates problems … and so it’s simply a matter of time [before we have] to shift to a different kind of paradigm, a different world view, a different vision for the future.” Reviewed by Eunice Chen Lizhen may 2013 // Mysteries in Singapore History There are a number of mysteries from Singapore’s past that historians are still trying to unravel. While we await new findings to shed light on them, let’s examine what some of these mysteries are and why they intrigue us. Come join the discussions in a series of talks “Mysteries in Singapore History” organised jointly by the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations and the National Library. “新加坡历史悬案” 讲座 新加坡历史上有许多悬案,历史学者们仍在试图解开。在等待新的研究结果来揭开谜底的当儿,让我们 先来看看这些悬案是什么?为什么它们困惑着我们? 欢迎您参加由宗乡总会及国家图书馆在5月4日及11日下午2时30分,在国家图书馆5楼联办的“新加坡历 史悬案”讲座,一起探索历史背后鲜为人知的故事。 04 sat 04 sat p. 38 MYSTERY ONE: Did Admiral Zheng He Ever Sail Past Singapore? MYSTERY TWO: Did Cao Yazhi, The Legendary Carpenter of Raffles, Really Exist? 2.30 pm – 3.30 pm Possibility Room, Level 5, National Library Building 3.45 pm – 5.00 pm Possibility Room, Level 5, National Library Building Whether the fleet of Admiral Zheng’s navy came anywhere near the shores of Temasik remains a mystery due to a lack of documentary records on this point in the historic voyages. Two historians give us the historical background of the period and share their views on the question. Moderated by Teo Han Wue, art writer and former museum director. 专题一: 郑和舰队是否到过新加坡? 郑和舰队下西洋时是否到过新加坡(当时 的淡马锡),至今仍是一个争议。因为 没有文档记录证明在他航线中曾经停驻于 此。两位本地历史学者将为我们提供当时 的背景及他们对于此悬案的观点。 may 2013 // According to some Chinese accounts of early Singapore, Cao Yazhi played an important role in Raffles’ landing in Singapore by leading an advance party ashore to confirm if it was safe to land. As a reward, Raffles is said to have given him a site to build his clan association. But no records has confirmed with certainty that this actually happened. A historian, an artist who has painted this legend in his work and a legal historian who is intrigued by the artist’s interpretation, discuss the legend. Moderated by Teo Han Wue, art Writer and former Museum Director. 专题二: 新加坡开埠元勋曹亚志是否真有其人? 根据早期华人移民的传闻,曹亚志在莱佛士登陆新加 坡时,扮演先锋部队为其探路确保安全。作为答谢, 莱佛士拨了一块地让他盖了会馆,但没有记录能证明 这一段历史曾经发生过。一位历史学者,一位画家, 还有一位法学教授,将从不同角度为您解说这一段历 史悬案。 sat 11 MYSTERY THREE: Where Exactly in Singapore was the House of Siam? 2.30 pm – 3.30 pm Possibility Room, Level 5, National Library Building Tan Kim Ching, eldest son of Tan Tock Seng, was Singapore’s richest man of his time. He was a close friend of the King Mongkut and King Chulalongkorn who appointed him the first Siamese Consul in Singapore. When Chulalongkorn, the King of Siam and his queen visited Singapore, they stayed in his palatial residence known as the Siam House in North Bridge Road. Hardly anything is left of this celebrated building. A researcher will now help piece together a picture of the magnificent building it once was. Moderated by Dr Xu Liying, Member, Research Committee, Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations. 专题三: 新加坡的 “暹宫”在哪里? 陈金钟是陈笃生的长子,也曾是新加坡最富有的人。他与泰王蒙库特及泰王朱拉隆功非常要好,而被 委派担任暹罗驻新加坡首任领事。当泰王朱拉隆功与王后拜访新加坡时,就住在陈金钟位于桥北路的 洋楼,也就是所谓的 “暹宫”。目前有关这幢楼的史料很少,一位研究员将会在讲座中为大家拼凑出 这座曾经富丽堂皇的建筑的过往。 sat 11 MYSTERY FOUR: What Secrets Do Inscriptions on Old Tombstones in Singapore Reveal? 3.45 pm – 5.00 pm Possibility Room, Level 5, National Library Building There are many well-kept secrets written on the tombstones in Bukit Brown and other old cemeteries in Singapore, which might have otherwise laid buried and forgotten for good if some history and archaeology buffs among us have not endeavoured to uncover and decipher what tales they have to tell. Moderated by Dr Xu Liying, Member, Research Committee, Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations. 专题四: 古墓还有什么不为人知的秘密? 在武吉布郎山以及其他地方的墓碑上,其碑文都藏着鲜为人知的秘密。如果历史及考古爱好者没有努 力去发掘及破译其中的谜底,也许那就永埋地底而被世人所遗忘了。 Registration is required for all talks. Please register at eKiosks available at all libraries or may 2013 // p. 39 sat sat 11 25 Campaign City: Guided Tour 2.00 pm – 3.00 pm Meeting point: Promenade, Level 11, National Library Building Due to limited seats, registration is required. Please register at eKiosks available at all libraries or 16 thu p. 40 Join us for a behind-the-scenes look at Campaign City: Life In Posters through these tours led by the exhibition’s curator and artists. Learn more about the history of national campaigns in Singapore and hear from the artists as they share their inspiration and creative process. Campaign City: Artist Workshop 7.00 pm – 9.00 pm Possibility Room, Level 5, National Library Building Ever wondered how campaign posters are created? Then join us for this Campaign City artist workshop! Artists will briefly introduce the elements of poster design and share their work and inspiration. The workshop includes a hands-on session for participants to create their own campaign posters. Registration is required. Please register at eKiosks available at all libraries or sg/programme/Arts.aspx. About the artist Gilles Massot moved to Singapore in 1981 after studying architecture and photography in Marseille, France. His work establishes links among disciplines, ideas, people, history and ethnology. His photojournalistic work has been extensively published in various magazines, and his artistic work presented in more than 50 exhibitions in France and Asia. His work is part of the collection of the Singapore Art Museum and the Maison Européenne de la Photographie in Paris. In 2007, he was appointed Artist for the Buona Vista Station, Circle Line, as part of the Land Transport Authority’s Integrated Art Programme. He is the Fine Arts lecturer at LASALLE College of the Arts, a lecturer in photo history at the School of Art, Design and MediaNanyang Technological University, and a member of the Artists Village. may 2013 // sat 18 Sacred Sirih: Traditions and Symbolism in the Malay World 3.00 pm – 5.00 pm Possibility Room, Level 5, National Library Building Regional museums abound with sirih (betel) sets. We marvel at their beauty, and the considerable variation in styles and decorative forms. As we admire the loving skill of distant craftsmen, we sense that lurking beneath are interesting stories about traditions and belief systems. This talk examines the culture behind the objects. We will also trace a path through time. How did the simple practice of chewing betel leaf become a central motif of Nusantaran civilisation? While sirih chewing is generally no longer practised in urban settings, we continue to celebrate not just the ornate receptacles, but also their medicinal properties and their role in traditional wedding ceremonies. Where does the sirih culture come from? What are the beliefs associated with it? Among other things, it is considered important to foster social relationships. It was at once today’s tea and coffee, and tobacco smoking. In addition, it also functions as an aphrodisiac. It appears prominently in the language, folklore, and poetry of the region. Each ingredient in a “quid” of sirih, and every manner of its presentation signifies a message to the culturally attuned. Through learning more about this seemingly humble practice, we hope to leave with a deeper understanding of Malay culture. Registration is required. Please register at eKiosks available at all libraries or sg/programme/Heritage.aspx. About the Speaker Khir Johari is a collector and an independent researcher on the history and culture of the Malay world. He was born and grew up in Gedung Kuning, in Kampong Gelam. Khir obtained a BSc in Mathematics from the Santa Clara University and a Master in Education from Stanford University. His 7-year stint teaching mathematics in the American public education system was marked by a Teacher of the Year Award, and winning the USA National PTA Excellence in Education Partnership Award for his community/teacher support project initiatives. Khir is currently a Director at Chersonese Capital Ltd, an investment management firm. In his free time, he enjoys documenting oral history and amassing materials originating from Insular Southeast Asia such as old publications, artefacts, food and music. Khir also conceptualised and designed the Singapore Heritage Society’s various Historic Kampong Gelam Walking Tours. may 2013 // p. 41 –– 07 jul jan 09 Campaign City: Life In Posters Level 11, National Library Building p. 42 From Sharity Elephant to Singa Lion, Two is Enough to Clean & Green, campaigns and their mascots have become an idiosyncratic and often nostalgic part of Singapore’s national heritage. No other country has embraced campaigning as much as we have. To highlight this slice of Singapore identity to the local community, the National Library of Singapore, in partnership with independent art curator Alan Oei presents the exhibition - Campaign City: Life In Posters. This exhibition features 40 of Singapore’s leading artists, architects and designers and 10 local art students. The participants, getting inspiration may 2013 // and information from the library’s and the national archives vast collection of campaign posters and campaign heritage material, created artworks reflective of their own personal memories and/or impressions of Singapore campaigning, past and present. These artworks are exhibited along with highlights from the Library’s campaign poster collection. Selected spaces in the National Library Building will also be used in novel ways to convey the rich histories behind Singapore’s campaigns. –– 12 may mar 30 Yang Menulis (They Who Write) Level 7 Promenade, National Library Building With the advent of modern printing technology, Singapore emerged as an important centre for Malay publishing in the 19th and 20th centuries. In particular, 1917 was regarded as a watershed moment as the Nusantara experienced a boom in the production of Malay texts ranging from newspapers to commercially printed books. “They Who Write” examines the invisible role of the scribe (penyalin) and p. 43 the process of copying-by-hand as the Malay publishing industry shifted towards mass production through the use of printing presses. A joint project by the National Library Board (NLB) and Malay Heritage Centre (MHC), this exhibition features manuscripts and lithographs from NLB’s Rare Material Collection, a virtual library as well as a selection of manuscripts and lithographs from NLB’s Rare Materials Collection. NLB has also produced a publication in accompaniment to the exhibition to shed more light on the process of scribing and its impact on the Malay literary movement. Interested patrons may obtain a free copy from the LKC counters. Dengan adanya teknologi percetakan moden, Singapura muncul sebagai sebuah pusat penerbitan Melayu yang penting dalam abad ke-19 dan-20. Tahun 1917 dianggap sebagai titik permulaan pengeluaran teks-teks Melayu yang terdiri daripada suratkhabar dan buku-buku cetakan komersil di Nusantara. “Yang Menulis” meneliti peranan si penyalin yang seringkali diketepikan, dan proses penyalinan tangan dalam peralihan industri penerbitan Melayu dengan penggunaan mesin cetak. Sebuah projek bersama Lembaga Perpustakaan Negara (NLB) dan Taman Warisan Melayu (MHC), pameran ini menampilkan manuskrip dan litografi dari abad ke-19 terpilih dari Koleksi Nadir NLB. NLB juga telah menghasilkan sebuah publikasi untuk mengiringi pameran ini. Pengunjung yang berminat boleh memperoleh senaskah percuma di kaunter-kaunter LKC. –– 06 jun mar 05 Every Child A Gift Exhibition by Singapore Children’s Society Level 9 Promenade, National Library Building To commemorate its 60 years of commitment in bringing relief and happiness to children in need, Singapore Children’s Society came up with a Heritage Corner exhibit which features the history of the Society. Established in 1952, its services have evolved to meet the changing needs of children. Today, Children’s Society operates nine centres islandwide, offering services in the six categories, namely Caregiving, Preventive, Developmental, Remedial, Community and Public Education. In 2011, the Society reached out to 67,574 children, youth and families in need. A commemorative book with a similar name is available for borrowing from the libraries. It pays tribute to all its volunteers and staff, past and present. Through their voices, stories and perspectives, readers get to understand and appreciate where the Society came from and how it got here. It is also an expression of the Society’s belief that truly, every child is a gift. may 2013 // The Rare Materials Collection p. 44 The Rare Materials Collection at the Lee Kong Chian Reference Library consists of the rarest, most interesting and significant items relating to Singapore’s and Southeast Asia’s past. These items from all over the world were published as far back as the 16th century. They include rare and precious books and manuscripts and contribute to an impressive representation of the cultural heritage of Southeast Asia throughout the centuries. Title: Rhopalocera Malayana: a description of the butterflies of the Malay Peninsula: with 46 coloured plates and 129 woodcuts. Author: Distant, William Lucas, 1845-1922 Microfilm No.: NL8057 The Rhopalocera Malayana was the first book to be published on the butterflies of the Malay Peninsula and the Straits Settlements. The book provides a detailed description of 503 species of Malayan butterflies, arranged in 143 genera. Each species is represented by a coloured figure and accompanied with the details of its habits, variation and geographical distribution. The editor, William Lucas Distant, had a lifelong interest in butterflies. He became an expert on the topic, eventually becoming the Vice-President of the Entomological Society of London. During his time in the Far East, Distant not only avidly collected specimens that he catalogued for his own collection, but he also had the opportunity to examine the collections of other collectors. These became the material for his book. Page taken from Rhopalocera Malayana, p. 67. Page taken from Rhopalocera Malayana, p. 329. A colour plate depicting Malayan butterflies, from Rhopalocera Malayana, TAB II. To find out more about this book or other Rare Materials, please visit may 2013 // Ongoing From Books to Bytes: The Story of the National Library Promenade, Level 5, National Library Building “From Books to Bytes: The Story of the National Library” tells the story of the National Library of Singapore. Throughout our history, the library has been an integral part of Singapore’s cultural and social fabric as well as its residents. The exhibition traces the founding, development and growth of the National Library of Singapore from 1823 till present. Learn interesting snippets of the library’s rich history and how its function has evolved with the learning needs of the nation. The Donors Gallery Lee Kong Chian Reference Library, Level 10, National Library Building The Donors Gallery was set up to display a sample selection of items donated to the National Library with the hope of creating a sense of rootedness through the preservation of local heritage content and fulfilling the library´s function of being the national memory and repository of Singapore heritage materials in all formats. It is also hoped that more Singaporeans will be encouraged to donate their heritage collections to the National Library. Singapore Literary Pioneers Promenade, Level 11, National Library Building The gallery displays the books, letters, calligraphic works, manuscripts, photographs and portraits of Singapore’s literary pioneers. Some prominent writers have also donated their pens, typewriters and literary awards. In addition, visitors can appreciate audio and video recordings of the writers in two multimedia screens. Our lives are a sum total of the choices we have made. – Wayne Dyer AMPL Ang Mo Kio Public Library 4300 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 6, S(569842) BEPL Bedok Public Library 21 Bedok North Street 1, S(469659) BIPL Bishan Public Library 5 Bishan Place, #01-01, S(579841) BBPL Bukit Batok Public Library 1 Bukit Batok Central Link West Mall #03-01, S(658713) BMPL Bukit Merah Public Library 3779 Jalan Bukit Merah, S(159462) BPPL Bukit Panjang Public Library 1 Jelebu Road, Bukit Panjang Plaza, #04-16/17, S(677743) CTPL Central Public Library 100 Victoria Street, #B1-01, S(188064) CSPL Cheng San Public Library 90 Hougang Avenue 10, Hougang Mall, #03-11, S(689812) CCKPL Choa Chu Kang Public Library 21 Choa Chu Kang Avenue 4 Lot 1 Shoppers Mall #04-01/02, S(689812) CMPL Clementi Public Library 3155 Commonwealth Avenue West #05-13/14/15 The Clementi Mall S(129588) EPPL library@esplanade 8 Raffles Avenue, #03-01, S(039802) CNPL library@chinatown Chinatown Point, 133 New Bridge Road #04-12 Chinatown Point S(059413) GEPL Geylang East Public Library 50 Geylang East Avenue 1, S(389777) JRL Jurong Regional Library 21 Jurong East Central 1, S(609732) JWPL Jurong West Public Library 60 Jurong West Central 3, S(648346) MPPL Marine Parade Public Library 278 Marine Parade Road, #01-02 Marine Parade Community Building, S(449282) NL Building National Library Building 100 Victoria Street, S(188064) PRPL Pasir Ris Public Library 1 Pasir Ris Central St. 3, White Sands, #04-01/06, S(518457) QUPL Queenstown Public Library 53 Margaret Drive, S(149297) SBPL Sembawang Public Library 30 Sembawang Drive Sun Plaza, #03-01, S(757713) SKPL Sengkang Public Library 1 Sengkang Square Compass Point, #04-26/27, S(545078) SRPL Serangoon Public Library 23 Serangoon Central #04-82/83 NEX (Level 4R) S(556083) TRL Tampines Regional Library 31 Tampines Avenue 7, S(529620) TPPL Toa Payoh Public Library 6 Toa Payoh Central, S(319191) WRL Woodlands Regional Library 900 South Woodlands Drive, Woodlands Civic Centre, #01-03, S(730900) YIPL Yishun Public Library 930 Yishun Ave 2, Northpoint Shopping Centre, Level 4, S(769098) All Rights Reserved. The National Library Board, Singapore disclaims all liability and responsibility for any loss caused to any person by any act or omission due to the material contained herein. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, the National Library Board, Singapore. Independent advice and opinions expressed by the presenters do not denote endorsement by National Library Board (NLB), its staff associates and affiliates. NLB reserves the right to cancel or postpone any programmes without prior notice. All information is correct at the time of printing. For the latest updates, please visit For enquiries, please call 6332 3255 may 2013 // ‘Mama’ store and newsstand, late 70s Inside a hawker centre at Tras Street is this traditional ‘mama’ store and newsstand which sells newspapers, magazines and tidbits. They are typically run by Indians. Do you remember buying sweets and snacks from such a store? Share your memories with us at! Photo source: PicturesSG. Interested in old images of Singapore? Visit for old images of Singapore! Share your memories of Singapore at or via our SG Memory iPhone app! ISSN 1793-5431 (Print) ISSN 2010-0027 (Online)
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