the September-December 2016 brochure
the September-December 2016 brochure
What’s happening at St Martin-in-the-Fields September | October | November | December 2016 Exhibitions The Christmas Appeal Monday 5 August – Tuesday 27 September Foyer Exhibition Sunday 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 10.00am Parish Eucharist 1.00pm Service in Mandarin 2.15pm Service in Cantonese 5.00pm Choral Evensong 7.00pm Sacred Space (1st and 3rd Sundays of the month) Compline with A Time To Heal (2nd Sunday of the month) The Connection Art Group Exhibition The Connection at St Martin’s is London’s busiest homelessness day centre supporting people away from the streets. As well as practical advice and support there is a wide range of activities including an Art Group. The group’s work will be on display and for sale during the summer. For more information visit Monday 8.30am Morning Prayer 1.15pm Holy Communion (DSC) 4.30pm Choral Evensong (DSC) Monday 5 September – Sunday 30 October Outside in the Courtyard Build Hope in the City – Concern Worldwide and Panos Pictures Exhibition Welcome to St Martin’s Front cover: In the Beginning Sculpture in Portland stone by Mike Chapman Photograph by Liam Bailey The Apse is located in the Crypt and is available for private dining. Email café for details. St Martin-in-the-Fields is a unique configuration of commercial, cultural and charitable initiatives rooted in a vibrant congregational life. Our vision statement is, ‘At the heart. On the edge.’ This autumn we are looking into perhaps the most pressing international issue of our time with our Autumn Lecture Series entitled Who is my Neighbour? The Ethics of Global Relationships. We have an outstanding line-up of speakers this year. For the fifth year we are hosting the only national conference in which people with lived experience take the lead in articulating theological perspectives on disability. This year’s conference is entitled Prophets and Seers: Calling from the Edge. Our whole community is galvanised each year by the BBC Radio 4 Christmas Appeal with St Martinin-the-Fields. This year marks the 90th appeal, which will be broadcast on 4 December. Christmas is coming. You will want to book early for our many Christmas concerts to ensure you get a seat and make a note of the dates of our Advent and Christmas carol services. The Christmas Shop in the Foyer, with many charity Christmas cards and other delights, opens on 1 October and Christmas cards are available from 17 September. Join us for a warm welcome in the Café in the Crypt – and consider our spaces for event hire at Christmas and all the year round. Paper from responsible sources C115465 This publication was produced to ISO 14001-2004 Environmental Management Standards and 95% of the waste created during the process is recycled. The material used includes vegetable oil inks, elemental chlorine-free pulp and fibre made from FSC managed forests. 2 St Martin’s is an experiment in hope that strives to embody goodness, truth and beauty in central London. We welcome you to the heart of our life. Revd Dr Sam Wells, Vicar Visit our website | Box Office 020 7766 1100 | All profits support the work of St Martin’s This photographic exhibition produced by overseas aid agency, Concern Worldwide, together with Panos Pictures, documents the reality of urban life for some of the world’s poorest communities living in Nairobi, Port au Prince and Dhaka. The exhibition is part of Concern’s Build Hope in the City appeal which is raising funds to help families struggling to survive in overcrowded and unsafe cities to transform their lives. Find out more at Thursday 29 September – Monday 31 October Foyer Exhibition Strength for life – an Age International Exhibition An exhibition depicting the strength and dignity of older people from around the world, featuring photographs from award-winning amateur and professional photographers. Age International is the only UK charity focusing on the rights and needs of older people in developing countries. For further information please visit Weekly Worship Together for 90 Years This year marks 90 years that people have have been coming together to support the BBC Radio 4 Christmas Appeal with St Martin-in-the-Fields. Thanks to the generosity of donors, the 2015 Christmas Appeal reached its highest ever total of £2.5m and continues to support homeless and vulnerable people at times of crisis, both here in London and across the UK through The Connection at St Martin’s and the Vicar’s Relief Fund. Manu was supported by The Connection and told us: “Without The Connection I haven’t got a clue where I’d be… They’re trying to help me. You have to lead by example. If it wasn’t for The Connection – I don’t know. To me it’s home.” Donors, beneficiaries, members of the congregation – the whole St Martin’s community and the BBC – have helped people take positive steps forward and move on with their lives. We hope you can tune in to hear the 90th appeal on Sunday 4 December. From late November, you can also visit our exhibition in the Foyer. To find out more about supporting and volunteering for the Appeal visit get-involved/. Tuesday 8.30am Morning Prayer 1.15pm Holy Communion (DSC) 6.00pm Evening Prayer (DSC) Wednesday 8.30am Morning Prayer 1.00pm Choral Eucharist 6.30pm Bread For the World Thursday 8.30am Morning Prayer 1.00pm Great Sacred Music 6.00pm Evening Prayer (DSC) Friday 8.30am Morning Prayer 1.15pm Holy Communion (DSC) 6.00pm Evening Prayer (DSC) Saturday 9.00am Morning Prayer As well as our regular daily service times, the Dick Sheppard Chapel (DSC), at the far end of the lower crypt, is available for prayer throughout the week. During Advent there is no 5.00pm Choral Evensong on Sunday and no midweek Evening Prayer. Wednesday Choral Eucharist at 1.00pm continues. There is also no Monday Choral Evensong or Wednesday Bread For The World. Visit our website | Box Office 020 7766 1100 | All profits support the work of St Martin’s 3 Autumn Lecture Series Events at St Martin’s Who Is My Neighbour? The Ethics of Global Relationships Marksteen Adamson © 2016 With the UK voting to leave the European Union, and with increasing division, xenophobia and confusion over future national and international relationships, St Martin-in-the-Fields’ Autumn Lecture Series examines the crucial question: Who is my Neighbour? What does the Christian commandment to love one’s neighbour as oneself actually mean for us today? Lectures by renowned theologians and practitioners will reflect on this subject in relation to issues of ecology, immigration, fear and discrimination, the present political climate in the UK, Europe and the USA and how the lives of our poorest neighbours may in fact be God’s gift to us as a church and as a nation. Rowan Williams, who gives the first lecture in this series, says: The way that our world works, as many people have said in recent years, seems to be a way in which the boundaries and barriers are rising higher between different parts of the human race. It is a world in which very few voices are saying that the death of a child in Africa or the suffering of a woman in Syria, diminishes the reality of the child or woman in Britain, or the other way round. And if the church is not saying that, God forgive us, and God help us. This is our calling, to let the Son of God be revealed in us, to be a sign of a unity that brings alive that deep sense of connectedness in the human world.... Each person is diminished by the pain of another and each person is enriched by the holiness of another. Monday 19 September, 7.00pm Rowan Williams: Who is my neighbour? The Ethics of Global Relationships Rowan Williams was Archbishop of Canterbury from 2002-2012 and has been Master at Magdalene College Cambridge since January 2013. Worldrenowned as a theologian, writer, teacher, thinker, and for his deep wisdom, spiritual leadership and grace, we are deeply honoured that he has agreed to give the first lecture in this Autumn Series. Monday 3 October, 7.00pm Michael Northcott: My neighbour and the ecological crisis Michael Northcott is an Anglican priest and Professor of Ethics at New College in the University of Edinburgh where he leads a large Arts and Humanities Research Council project on Ancestral Time and Scottish Ecocongregations. He has written 12 books, mainly in the area of religious ethics and nature conservation. The series is open to all. Free tickets are available via Questions and answers will follow each talk and a retiring collection will be taken to help cover costs. 4 Monday 17 October, 7.00pm Sarah Teather: My neighbour the refugee Sarah Teather is Director of Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) UK. In her previous role as an MP for London, Sarah served as Minister of State for Children and Families and chaired two cross party inquiries, one on support for children in the asylum system and another high profile inquiry into the uses of immigration detention. Saturday 17 September, 10.00am – 4.00pm Open House London St Martin’s takes part in this city-wide celebration of the buildings, places and neighbourhoods where we live and work. Tours of the church and bellringing demonstrations will be held during the day. See for more details. Monday 24 October, 7.00pm Tuesday 27 September, 7.00pm – 9.00pm St Martin’s Hall Sarah Coakley is Norris-Hulse Professor of Divinity at the University of Cambridge. She is a leading scholar in the fields of Philosophy of Religion and Theological Ethics and has wide interdisciplinary interests. Sarah is an Anglican priest of the diocese of Ely and a minor canon of Ely Cathedral. We explore, in our continuing series, what it means to become a more dementia-friendly church and what the experience of dementia might teach us about God, with input from those with lived experience, healthcare professionals and theological reflection. All are welcome. Free tickets via Sarah Coakley: My neighbour beyond fear and discrimination Monday 31 October, 7.00pm Stanley Hauerwas: My neighbour, my nation and the presidential election Stanley Hauerwas is the Gilbert T. Rowe Emeritus Professor of Divinity and Law at Duke University, North Carolina. His work has been to show that theological convictions make no sense unless they are actually embodied in our lives. He also works in medical ethics, issues of war and peace, and intellectual disability. Monday 14 November, 7.00pm Sam Wells: My neighbour, God’s gift Revd Dr Sam Wells is the Vicar of St Martin’s and a widely-known preacher, pastor, writer, broadcaster, and theologian. Sam is currently Visiting Professor of Christian Ethics at King’s College, London and has published 25 books on Christian ethics, social mission, intercessory prayer and Anglican faith. Visit our website | Telephone 020 7766 1100 | All profits support the work of St Martin’s End of Life With Dementia Regular Services All are welcome on Sunday in church at 10.00am for a Eucharist and healing service for St Luke’s Day. The service reflects on the themes of the weekend and includes the laying on of hands and anointing with oil, accompanied by prayers for healing. No tickets are required for the service. Later on Sunday in St Martin’s Hall from 2.00pm – 4.30pm there is a screening of the acclaimed documentary film Notes on Blindness. The film is based on John Hull’s audio diaries, as he reflected on his journey into blindness. Joining us for the screening are the filmmakers and Marilyn Hull. To book your free film ticket, please go to Sunday 23 October, 7.00pm St Martin-in-the Fields International Group host Woven Gold Wednesdays at 6.30pm Bread for the World A weekly informal Eucharist on Wednesdays to deepen the life of the St Martin’s community, through prayer, music, word and reflection. Followed by fellowship. Thursdays at 1.00pm Great Sacred Music Revd Dr Sam Wells explores through word and song, reading and prayer, the great classical music of our religious heritage with St Martin’s Voices. See concert pages for details. Sundays at 7.00pm Sacred Space 4, 18 September; 2, 16 October; 6, 20 November Saturday 1 October, 12.00noon Gandhi Foundation Annual Lecture Empathy, ethics and peacemaking: reflections on preserving our humanity Rowan Williams will deliver the Annual Lecture for the Gandhi Foundation which strives to promote the continuing relevance of Gandhi’s insights and actions today. The lecture takes place in church, is free and open to all. Saturday 15 October and Sunday 16 October St Martin’s Hall Prophets & Seers 5th Annual Conference on Disability and Church, in partnership with Inclusive Church The conference is organised by and for disabled people, supporters and people with an interest in these issues. On Saturday join us in St Martin's Hall from 10.30am-4.30pm for speakers, small group discussions, a marketplace and silent space. Tickets are £20, £10 concessions and are available from or complete the form in church. Woven Gold, a choir of refugees, is part of the Creative Arts Programme at the Helen Bamber Foundation, a human rights charity working with survivors of cruelty, which believes that working together creatively can help rebuild broken lives. Woven Gold performs a passionate mix of songs and music, written by themselves or traditional songs from their own countries, arranged by the group and sung in the original language. They are led by professional UK musicians. This is an evening not to be missed. Their music is deeply moving and inspiring. All are welcome. There will be a retiring collection divided between Woven Gold and St Martin-inthe-Fields Sunday International Group, which provides hospitality and welcome to refugees facing destitution in London. On Sundays at 7.00pm twice a month we invite you to Sacred Space, a time of silence, reflection, music and prayer to draw close to God and experience stillness and peace at the heart of this city. With the prayers of the Taizé community. Compline followed by A Time To Heal 11 September and 9 October The Choir of St Martin-in-the-Fields sings the beautiful night prayer of the church, a perfect end to the day. Compline is followed by Time To Heal for those who wish to stay to receive the laying on of hands and anointing with oil in the healing ministry of the church. Visit our website | Box Office 020 7766 1100 | All profits support the work of St Martin’s 5 Worship for Autumn Worship for Advent and Christmas Sunday 2 October, 10.00am Neighbours In Creation In our harvest thanksgiving service, we give thanks to God who sustains us through the life of creation and see how to show that same generosity for our global neighbours. Preacher: Revd Katherine Hedderly Sunday 27 November Advent Sunday 3.00pm Pearly Kings and Queens Harvest Festival Sunday 16 October, 10.00am St Luke’s Day – Calling to the Heart This Eucharist with the ministry of healing is part of our Prophets & Seers conference. See page 5. Sunday 30 October, 10.00am and 5.00pm A Commemoration of All Saints and All Souls In our 10.00am Parish Eucharist we give thanks for the lives of the Saints. The preacher will be Revd Richard Carter. The Choir of St Martin-in-the-Fields sing Fauré’s Requiem at our evening All Souls Choral Eucharist at 5.00pm, The preacher will be Revd Katherine Hedderly. Thursday 10 November, 11.00am Annual Service of Commemoration We remember those who have been homeless who have died in the last year. With Streetwise Opera, The Choir with No Name, The Connection and Housing Justice. Sunday 13 November, 10.00am Remembrance Sunday and Patronal Festival Join us at our Parish Eucharist at 10.00am on this Remembrance Sunday. At 5.00pm we celebrate our Patronal Festival The Art of Being Church and mark the 1700th anniversary of the birth of St Martin of Tours, 800 years of there being a church of St Martin on this site, and the climax of our 15-year programme. Led by Revd Dr Sam Wells. Followed by celebrations in St Martin’s Hall. Wednesday 23 November Just This Day A day to share in meditations and discussion. All events are free to attend. 6 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 10.00am Eucharist The first Advent Candle is lit. Preacher: Revd Katherine Hedderly 1.00pm Service in Mandarin 2.15pm Service in Cantonese 5.00pm Advent Carol Service In words and music we explore our theme for Advent At the heart. On the edge. With the Choir of St Martin-in-theFields. Preacher Revd Dr Sam Wells. Doors open 4.15pm. No tickets required but the church is often full and you are advised to arrive in plenty of time to be certain of a seat. Tuesday 29 November Sunday 4 December Advent 2 7.55am BBC Radio 4 Christmas Appeal with St Martin-in-the-Fields On behalf of those who are homeless. 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 10.00am Eucharist The second Advent Candle is lit. Preacher: Revd Dr Sam Wells 1.00pm Service in Mandarin (St Martin’s Hall) 2.15pm Service in Cantonese (St Martin’s Hall) 2.30pm Salvation Army Carol Service 5.30pm Blessing of the Crib in Trafalgar Square 6.30pm Shelter Carol Service Tickets on the door if available. Thursday 1 December 6.00pm Lighting of the Christmas Tree in Trafalgar Square Gather at the heart of this world famous square to hear the Christmas story told in words and music. Meet on the church steps at 5.20pm for a torch-lit procession to Trafalgar Square led by the Salvation Army Band with the Choir and Clergy of St Martin-in-the-Fields. 7.00pm Sacred Space for Advent A reflective service using chants from the Taizé community focusing on the themes for Advent. Officiant: Revd Richard Carter Tuesday 6 December From 6.00pm come and join the Choir of St Martin-in-the-Fields to sing carols around the tree, the gift to London from the Norwegian people. 7.00pm Transport for London Festival of Carols Admission by souvenir programme available on the door. Saturday 10 December 11.00am Annual Memorial Service For those bereaved through homicide. Sunday 11 December Advent 3 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 6.30pm Ronald McDonald House Charities Carols Tickets available from For any queries please contact [email protected] or call 07753 429463. Visit our website | Box Office 020 7766 1100 | All profits support the work of St Martin’s Wednesday 14 December 6.30pm Peabody Trust Carols Tickets on the door if available. Sunday 18 December Advent 4 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 10.00am Eucharist The fourth Advent Candle is lit. Preacher: Revd Dr Sam Wells 5.00pm Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols 10.00am Eucharist The third Advent Candle is lit. Preacher: Revd Richard Carter 1.00pm Service in Mandarin 2.15pm Service in Cantonese 5.00pm Carol Service 6.30pm Christmas Inspire: Share the Light Carol Service Free tickets are available on Eventbrite or [email protected] Wednesday 30 November Wednesday 7 December With the Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-the-Fields. Monday 12 December 6.30pm Missing People Charity Carol Service A service to remember all those who are missing and their families at Christmas. Tickets available from and on the door if available. Tuesday 13 December 7.00pm Livability Carols Tickets available from and on the door if available. The story of the birth of Jesus is told in this service of readings and music. Traditional carols are mixed with a variety of choir pieces as we explore the significance of the Christian story for us and what it means for us to welcome God who comes to us in the child of Bethlehem. Led by Revd Dr Sam Wells and the Choir of St Martin-in-the-Fields. Doors open 4.15pm. No tickets required but the church is often full and you are advised to arrive in plenty of time to be certain of a seat. Tuesday 20 December 6.30pm Community Carols Join us for this joyous celebration of the Christmas season, featuring well-known carols specially chosen by those who work around Trafalgar Square. The service is led by Revd Dr Sam Wells with the Choral Scholars, Occasional Singers and Children’s Voices of St Martinin-the-Fields. Doors open 5.45pm. All are welcome. No tickets required but come early to be certain of a seat. Saturday 24 December, Christmas Eve 1.30pm Crib Family Service Led by the Clergy of St Martin-in-theFields. A lively service of readings and carols particularly suitable for younger members of the family and including the Blessing of the Crib. Doors open at 1.30pm. No tickets required. 4.30pm Parish Carol Service & 7.00pm A beautiful candlelit celebration of the Christmas story led by the Clergy of St Martin-in the-Fields with St Martin’s Voices (4.30pm) and Choir of St Martin-in the-Fields (7.00pm). Preacher: Revd Dr Sam Wells No tickets required. You are advised to arrive early to be certain of a seat. Doors open at 3.45pm and at 6.15pm. 11.00pm Midnight Mass The climax of all our Advent preparation and Christmas worship as we light the Christmas candle and welcome the Christ child. Led by the Clergy and Choir of St Martin-in the-Fields. No tickets required. Preacher: Revd Richard Carter Sunday 25 December, Christmas Day 10.30am Eucharist Service Join us as we celebrate Christmas with our combined English and Chinese speaking congregations. Preacher: Revd Jonathan Evens Sunday 1 January 2017 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 10.00am Epiphany Eucharist 5.00pm Evening Prayer with hymns Sunday 8 January 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 10.00am Eucharist 5.00pm Epiphany Carol Service with the Choir of St Martin-in-the-Fields With reflections led by Revd Dr Alastair McKay. Visit our website | Box Office 020 7766 1100 | All profits support the work of St Martin’s 7 Thursday 1 September 7.30pm Glory of the Baroque Vivaldi – Concerto for Strings in C minor Vivaldi – ‘Summer’ from Four Seasons Boyce – Symphony No 2 in A Bach – Harpsichord Concerto in F minor Handel – Concerto for Two Oboes and Strings Thames Chamber Orchestra Keith Marshall Conductor Tickets: £24 £20 £16 £13 £9 Friday 2 September 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Prokofiev arr. Borisovsky – ‘Dance of the Knights’ from Romeo and Juliet Clarke – Morpheus Brahms – Sonata in F minor Mark Gibbs Viola Chris Atkinson Piano 7.30pm Sound of St Martin’s Choral Series Vivaldi Gloria by Candlelight Concerts, Choral Services and Jazz at St Martin’s Thursday 1 September @smitf_london 1.00pm Great Sacred Music Zadok the Priest A selection of well-known works by George Frederic Handel, written when he lived in London, including the Coronation Anthem Zadok the Priest and extracts from the Utrecht Te Deum. Led by Revd Dr Sam Wells St Martin’s Voices Andrew Earis Director Thursday 1 September 3.00pm Voices in the Crypt Afternoon Concert Series in the Crypt A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square A 45-minute concert of light-hearted vocal music on the theme of birds and birdsong in the beautiful Crypt of St Martin-in-the-Fields, including Stanford’s Blue Bird, Gilbert and Sullivan’s Tit-Willow (from The Mikado) and A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square. Monteverdi – Beatus vir Scarlatti – Iste confessor Cavalli – Magnificat Vivaldi – Introduczione al Gloria ‘Ostro picta’ Vivaldi – Gloria Hilary Cronin Soprano St Martin’s Voices Brandenburg Sinfonia Andrew Earis Conductor Tickets: £26 £22 £18 £15 £9 Monday 5 September 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert de Falla arr. Graciano Tarrago – The Three Cornered Hat Boccherini – Introduction and Fandango Paulo Bellinati – Jongo Nigel Westlake – Songs from the Forest de Falla arr. E. Pujol – La vida breve Roth Guitar Duo Representing the Royal Northern College of Music 4.30pm Choral Evensong 8 All are welcome to this church service. Tuesday 6 September 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Beethoven – Sonata in A Op 47 ‘Kreutzer’ Kreisler – Rondino on a Theme by Beethoven Julian Jacobson – Eva’s Waltz Yuka Matsumoto Violin Julian Jacobson Piano Representing the Beethoven Piano Society of Europe Wednesday 7 September 8.00pm Swing Out 7.30pm Vivaldi Four Seasons by Candlelight Vivaldi – Concerto for Two Violins in A minor Mozart – Divertimento No 3 in F Pachelbel – Canon and Gigue in D Bach – Concerto for Two Violins in D minor Vivaldi – Four Seasons Tickets: £10 £5 (unreserved) Visit our website | Telephone 020 7766 1100 | All profits support the work of St Martin’s Festive Orchestra of London Sarah Moffatt Violin Miki Takahashi Violin/Director Tickets: £28 £24 £20 £15 £9 Voices in the Crypt is an exciting new concert series combining choral music and spoken word in the atmospheric setting of the Crypt. Join our very own St Martin’s Voices and guests on selected Thursdays at 3.00pm in August, September and October to explore a themed selection of words, poetry and music. The concerts last around 45 minutes. Highlights include A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square, a light-hearted sequence of music on the theme of birds and birdsong on Thursday 1 September and When I am laid in earth, a sequence of music by Henry Purcell, on Thursday 6 October. Saturday 3 September Jo Harrop Sarah Moffatt St Martin’s Voices Thursday 25 August Thursday 1 September Thursday 8 September Thursday 29 September Thursday 6 October Introit: Schubert – The Lord’s my Shepherd Responses: Sumsion Psalm 28 Canticles: Sumsion in A Anthem: Schubert – Benedictus from Mass in G St Martin’s Quartet Great Sacred Music is FREE and all are welcome. Please note the following listings contain highlights. For details of every piece for each concert visit Voices in the Crypt Afternoon Concert Series in the Crypt Inspired by the joyful playfulness of Ella Fitzgerald and the bluesy tones of Billy Holiday, Jo Harrop’s vocals ensure an evening of swinging and heartfelt jazz. Tickets: £15 £12 £8 Visit our website | Box Office 020 7766 1100 | All profits support the work of St Martin’s 9 Brandenburg Choral Festival Autumn Series Thursday 8 September 1.00pm Great Sacred Music 9/11 Marking the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States of America, we explore music written in response to tragedy, including Howells’ Take him, earth, for cherishing and MacMillan’s A Child’s Prayer. Led by Revd Dr Sam Wells St Martin’s Voices Andrew Earis Director Friday 9 September 7.30pm Bach Brandenburg Concertos by Candlelight Bach – Brandenburg Concerto No 5 Vivaldi – Concerto for Sopranino Recorder in C Telemann – Recorder Concerto in F Vivaldi – Concerto for Cello in B minor Bach – Brandenburg Concerto No 4 Great Sacred Music is FREE and all are welcome. The Autumn Series of the Brandenburg Choral Festival features some of the highest-quality amateur choirs in the UK, giving them valuable opportunities to perform in central London. Traditionally, the Festival opens with a performance of Messiah in December, but hopefully their performances in September will whet your appetites! On Saturday 10 September, Pegasus Choir will present a programme of beautiful a capella works including Mozart’s Ave verum corpus and Brahms’ Geistliches Lied and Bach’s sublime Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring. The Addison Chamber Choir and Brandenburg Baroque Soloists will perform Vivaldi’s rousing Gloria on Thursday 15 September, followed by a late-night concert of Rachmaninov’s Vespers by Wimbledon Choral Society. On 29 September, join the Choir of Royal Holloway and Brandenburg Sinfonia for Mozart’s dramatic Requiem, followed by a later performance of Tallis’s epic 40-voice motet, Spem in alium by Vivamus. 3.00pm Voices in the Crypt Afternoon Concert Series in the Crypt Over the Rainbow A 45-minute concert of light-hearted vocal music on the theme of the sky in the beautiful Crypt of St Martin-in-the-Fields, including Sullivan’s The Long Day Closes, and popular songs Fly me to the Moon and Over the Rainbow. St Martin’s Voices Tickets: £10 £5 (unreserved) 7.30pm Vivaldi Concertos Vivaldi – Concerto for Two Violins in A minor Bach – Concerto for Two Violins C.P.E. Bach – Keyboard Concerto Vivaldi – ‘Autumn’ and ‘Winter’ from Four Seasons London Concertante David Gordon Harpsichord Ben Norris Director/Violin Tickets: £24 £20 £16 £13 £9 Friday 9 September 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Grieg – Sechs Lieder Schumann – Gedichte der Königin Maria Stuart de Falla – Siete canciones populares espaņolas Copland – Old American Songs Emma Stannard Mezzo Soprano Keval Shah Piano Christopher Suckling Pegasus Choir Feinstein Ensemble Martin Feinstein Director/Flute/Recorder Catherine Manson Violin Christopher Suckling Cello Nicholas Parle Harpsichord 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Organ Recital Series A recital of popular works for organ including Reger’s Toccata and Fugue and Franck’s Prelude, Fugue and Variation. Andrew Earis Organ 4.30pm Choral Evensong Introit: Wood – Oculi omnium Responses: Matthew Wood Psalm 85 Canticles: Dyson in F Anthem: Bach – O Jesu Christ, meins Lebens Licht St Martin’s Quartet All are welcome to this church service. Tuesday 13 September 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Bartók – Suite Op 14 Brahms – Intermezzi Op 117 Enescu – Suite in G minor Tickets: £25 £22 £18 £13 £9 6.00-7.00pm Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring by Candlelight Bach – Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring Brahms – Geistliches Lied Mozart – Laudate dominum Mozart – Ave verum corpus Rheinberger – Abendlied Pegasus Choir Matthew Altham Conductor Tickets: £14 (unreserved) Visit our website | Box Office 020 7766 1100 | All profits support the work of St Martin’s 1.00pm Great Sacred Music Bring us, O Lord God An exploration of the life and work of metaphysical poet John Donne, with choral works including Harris’s Bring us, O Lord God, and Parry’s At the round earth’s imagined corners. Led by Revd Dr Sam Wells St Martin’s Voices Jeremy Cole Director Alexandra Vaduva Piano Representing the Royal Academy of Music Wednesday 14 September 8.00pm Heads South Cuban and Latin rhythms and distinctive melodies are dynamically combined in original and classic tunes. Tickets: £15 £12 £8 Jazz and Live Music in the Crypt September Great Sacred Music is FREE and all are welcome. 7.00pm Vivaldi Gloria by Candlelight Bach – Concerto for Violin in E Bach – Brandenburg Concerto No 3 Vivaldi – Gloria Addison Chamber Choir Brandenburg Baroque Soloists David Wordsworth Conductor Tickets: £29 (premium) £25 £22 £18 £13 £9 9.30-10.30pm Rachmaninov Vespers by Candlelight Rachmaninov – Vespers (selected movements) Gorecki – Totus Tuus Wood – Hail, Gladdening Light Wimbledon Choral Society Neil Ferris Conductor Friday 16 September 8.00pm Mozart Requiem by Candlelight Mozart – Adagio and Fugue in C minor Mozart – Marriage of Figaro Divertimento Mozart – Requiem Brandenburg Singers Brandenburg Sinfonia Robert Porter Conductor Thursday 15 September Tickets: £14 (unreserved) Saturday 10 September Tickets: £33 (premium) £29 £25 £22 £16 £9 10 Monday 12 September 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert C.P.E. Bach – Sonata ‘Hamburger’ Bartók – Suite Paysanne Hongroise Ian Clarke – Great Train Race Widor – Suite for Flute and Piano Charlotte Ashton Flute Representing Making Music 7.30pm Bach, Handel and Vivaldi by Candlelight Handel – Arrival of the Queen of Sheba Vivaldi – ‘Spring’ from Four Seasons Handel – Concerto Grosso Op 6 No 3 Vivaldi – Concerto for Four Violins No 10 Bach – Violin Concerto in E Trafalgar Sinfonia Ivor Setterfield Conductor Tickets: £25 £22 £18 £13 £9 Miss Hoodoo and the Delta Boys Wednesday 7 September Swing Out London-based jazz singer Jo Harrop is a velvety-voiced songstress with a vast repertoire of classic jazz from the likes of Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald and Billy Holiday. Tickets: £15 £12 £8 Wednesday 14 September Heads South Heads South combine emphatic Cuban and Latin rhythms with tuneful melodies. The five-piece band features piano, trumpet, Cuban percussion, drums and bass. Tickets: £15 £12 £8 Wednesday 21 September The Red Stripe Band Red Stripe sets the scene for a raucous night out with their boogie-woogie rhythms, infectious energy and perfect comedy timing. Tickets: £15 £12 £8 Wednesday 28 September Miss Hoodoo and the Delta Boys Featuring the inspirational vocals of Bridgett Amofah, heavy-weight horns and a tight rhythm section, Miss Hoodoo and the Delta Boys evoke the bluesy soul of Aretha Franklin and Ray Charles. Tickets: £15 £12 £8 Visit our website | Box Office 020 7766 1100 | All profits support the work of St Martin’s 11 Monthly throughout the year Saturday 17 September 6.00-7.00pm Allegri Miserere by Candlelight Allegri – Miserere Byrd – Agnus Dei from Mass in Four Parts John Sheppard – Libera Nos 1 and 2 Tallis – Lamentations of Jeremiah (Part 2) John Taverner – Dum transisset sabbatum Tuesday 20 September 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert St Martin’s Embassy and Cultural Institute Series A programme of songs by Handel, Mallotte, Schubert, Purcell, Andrew Lloyd-Webber and a special composition by the performer. Rishida Excelicia Cunville Soprano Representing the Nehru Centre and High Commission of India English Chamber Choir Guy Protheroe Conductor St Martin’s Embassy and Cultural Institute Series exists to create a platform for international artists in the cultural heart of London, that will increase cross-cultural appreciation and understanding, through the medium of music. One such performer is the Indian singer Rishida Excelicia Cunville who performs on behalf of the Nehru Centre and High Commission of India on Tuesday 20 September. Ms Cunville hails from an illustrious Khasi family in Shillong, one of the smallest states in India. Ms Cunville has an extraordinary singing range, which she has used to great acclaim in performances throughout India, Thailand, the UK and the Netherlands. St Martin’s Embassy and Cultural Institute is proud to work in partnership with Tickets: £14 (unreserved) 8.00pm Vivaldi Four Seasons by Candlelight Vivaldi – Concerto for Two Violins in A minor Mozart – Salzburg Symphony No 2 Purcell – Chaconne Bach – Air ‘on the G String’ Mozart – Church Sonata in D Belmont Ensemble of London Helen Davies Violin Peter G Dyson Conductor Tickets: £28 £24 £20 £15 £9 Monday 19 September 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert A concert to mark the 350th anniversary of the Great Fire of London, featuring music by Lawes, Purcell, Blow and Humphrey with readings from the diaries of Samuel Pepys and John Evelyn. Ceruleo Representing Guildhall School of Music and Drama 4.30pm Choral Evensong Introit: Batten – O Praise the Lord Responses: Ayleward Psalm 72 Canticles: Ayleward Short Service Anthem: Palestrina – Sicut cervus St Martin’s Quartet All are welcome to this church service. 12 Guy Protheroe 7.30pm Fauré Requiem by Candlelight Fauré – Requiem Fauré – Cantique de Jean Racine Bruckner – Motets Tavener – Song for Athene Purcell – Hear my Prayer, O Lord New London Singers Ivor Setterfield Conductor Friday 23 September 7.30pm Mozart and Moonlight by Candlelight Beethoven – Sonata for Piano in C sharp minor ‘Moonlight’ Bach – Air ‘on the G String’ Mozart – Salzburg Symphony No 2 Mozart – Piano Concerto No 14 in E flat Mozart – Divertimento in D 8.00pm The Red Stripe Band Thursday 22 September 1.00pm Great Sacred Music I Love my Love An exploration in words and music of the English composer Gustav Holst, including a performance of his sublime Nunc Dimittis. Led and directed by Jeremy Cole St Martin’s Voices Great Sacred Music is FREE and all are welcome. 7.30pm Baroque Masterpieces by Candlelight Vivaldi – Concerto for Flute in D ‘Il gardellino’ Bach – Brandenburg Concerto No 5 Telemann – Concerto for Recorder in C Vivaldi – Concerto for Cello in C minor Vivaldi – Concerto for Sopranino Recorder in C Feinstein Ensemble Martin Feinstein Director/Flute/Recorder Christopher Suckling Cello Tickets: £24 £20 £16 £13 £9 Visit our website | Box Office 020 7766 1100 | All profits support the work of St Martin’s Beethoven – An die ferne Geliebte Schumann – Dichterliebe Peter Aisher Tenor Lucy Colquhoun Piano Representing Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance Wednesday 21 September Tickets: £15 £12 £8 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Berio – Les mots sont allés... Brahms – Sonata for Cello in F de Falla – Suite populaire espagnole Urška Horvat Cello Francesca Fierro Piano Tickets: £22 £18 £14 Red Stripe’s brassy sound, hilarious high jinks and infectious boogie-woogie make for a great night out. Monday 26 September 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Belmont Ensemble of London Costas Fotopoulos Piano Peter G Dyson Conductor Costas Fotopoulos St Martin’s Embassy and Cultural Institute Series Tickets: £25 £22 £18 £13 £9 Saturday 24 September 4.30-5.30pm Mini Maestro Family Concert: ‘Spring’ and ‘Summer’ from Four Seasons Café in the Courtyard Representing the Royal College of Music 4.30pm Choral Evensong Introit: Tallis – A New Commandment Responses: Ayleward Psalm 47 Canticles: Weelkes – Short Service Anthem: Tallis – If Ye Love Me St Martin’s Quartet All are welcome to this church service Tuesday 27 September 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Winners of EPTA UK 20th Piano Competition 2016 Join the winners of the European Piano Teachers’ Association UK competition for a special showcase performance. Charlotte Kwok Piano Lauren Zhang Piano Manu Hasan Piano David Gibson Piano Representing the European Piano Teachers Association Wednesday 28 September 8.00pm Miss Hoodoo and the Delta Boys Come on an exciting journey through ‘Spring’ and ‘Summer’ from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, with barking dogs, chattering birds, raging storms and all the glories of nature. London Musical Arts John Landor Conductor Don’t miss out on a last chance to come along to the Café in the Courtyard before it closes on 31 October. Located behind the church this seasonal outdoor café has an area for takeaway as well as a covered seating area making it perfect whether you are rushing back to the office or you have some time to sit back and watch the world go by. New to the menu are tasty paninis, mussels and hearty platters to share. Special Offer: Platter for two and a bottle of house wine for £29.95 Tickets: £10 (adults) £8 (under 16) 7.30pm Vivaldi Four Seasons by Candlelight Mozart – Divertimento in D Pachelbel – Canon Bach – Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring Bach – Concerto for Two Violins in D minor Vivaldi – Four Seasons London Musical Arts John Landor Conductor Tickets: £28 £24 £20 £15 £9 Café in the Courtyard Opening Times Take in rare and well-known blues and jazz gems delivered by hard-hitting vocals, heavyweight horns and a tight rhythm section. Tickets: £15 £12 £8 September Monday – Wednesday Thursday – Friday Saturday Sunday 8.00am – 7.00pm 8.00am – 9.00pm 10.00am – 9.00pm 11.00am – 6.00pm During the month of October the Café in the Courtyard closes daily at 5.00pm Visit our website | Box Office 020 7766 1100 | All profits support the work of St Martin’s 13 October Thursday 29 September 1.00pm Great Sacred Music A Sequence for St Michael A celebration of the feast day of St Michael the Archangel, including Howells’ A Sequence for St Michael and Dering’s Factum est silentium. Led by Revd Dr Sam Wells St Martin’s Voices Andrew Earis Director Great Sacred Music is FREE and all are welcome. 3.00pm Voices in the Crypt Afternoon Concert Series in the Crypt Handel and Vivaldi Jazz Mondays Wednesday 5 October John Donegan Pianist John Donegan performs traditional and modern jazz with a hint of soul and folk. Tickets: £15 £12 £8 Wednesday 12 October Jazz Mondays This London-based band features powerful saxophones and a tight rhythm section and performs everything from jazz to soul, ska to funk. Tickets: £15 £12 £8 Wednesday 19 October Mississippi Swamp Dogs The Mississippi Swamp Dogs’ tuneful, high-energy show fuses funk, Cajun, soul and rock & roll with spicy Latin rhythms. Tickets: £15 £12 £8 A concert of beautiful works for soprano and mezzo soprano including Vivaldi’s Laudamus te from Gloria, and Handel’s He shall feed his flock from Messiah. Rebecca Hardwick Soprano Judy Brown Mezzo soprano Andrew Earis Harpsichord Tickets: £10 £5 (unreserved) 7.00pm Mozart Requiem by Candlelight Mozart – Serenade in D major ‘Serenata notturna’ Mozart – Ave verum corpus Mozart – Sancta Maria, mater Dei Mozart – Requiem Choir of Royal Holloway Brandenburg Sinfonia Rupert Gough Conductor Tickets: £29 (premium) £25 £22 £18 £13 £9 9.30-10.30pm Spem in alium by Candlelight Tallis – Canon Vaughan Williams – Te Deum in G Byrd – Mass for five voices Tallis – Spem in alium Tickets: £15 £12 £8 14 Rufus Frowde Dynamic diva Marion Joseph’s powerful voice moves effortlessly from Motown classics to soul and disco anthems and the latest chart hits. 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Pianists of the World Series Chopin – Waltz in A flat Szymanowski – Variations in B flat minor Schumann – Romance F sharp Chopin – Polonaise in A flat Liszt – Hungarian Rhapsody No 6 Artur Haftman Piano 7.30pm Mozart and Handel by Candlelight Handel – Overture and Pastoral Symphony from Messiah Handel – Concerto Grosso ‘Alexander’s Feast’ Mozart – Divertimento in D Mozart – Divertimento in F Mozart – Eine kleine Nachtmusik London Musical Arts John Landor Conductor Tickets: £25 £22 £18 £13 £9 Saturday 1 October 7.30pm Sound of St Martin’s Series Brahms Requiem by Candlelight Beethoven – Finale from Choral Fantasy Brahms – Geistliches Lied Beethoven – Allegro con brio from Symphony No 5 (chamber arrangement) Brahms – Requiem St Martin’s Chorus Jeremy Cole Piano St Martin’s Consort Andrew Earis Conductor Tickets: £29 £25 £22 £16 £9 Monday 3 October 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Join rising classical stars from Romania, in celebration of our 12 year partnership with the Romanian Cultural Institute, London. 4.30pm Choral Evensong Wednesday 26 October The Fabulations Friday 30 September Vivamus Rufus Frowde Conductor Tickets: £14 (unreserved) Introit: Pitoni – Cantate domino Responses: Ayleward Psalm 105 Canticles: Stanford in C Anthem: Ives – The Canticle of Brother Sun Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-the-Fields All are welcome to this church service Visit our website | Box Office 020 7766 1100 | All profits support the work of St Martin’s Tuesday 4 October 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Handel – Hornpipe from Water Music Kodály – Intermezzo for String Trio Beethoven – Serenade for String Trio in D Rogeri String Trio Wednesday 5 October 8.00pm John Donegan Pianist John Donegan infuses Latin rhythms and soulful bebop with traditional and modern jazz. Tickets: £15 £12 £8 Thursday 6 October 1.00pm Great Sacred Music Hymn Writers 1: Isaac Watts An exploration of the life and work of eighteenth century English Christian minister, hymn writer and theologian Isaac Watts. Including settings of When I survey the wondrous cross, Jesus shall reign where’er the sun and Give us the wings of faith. Led by Revd Dr Sam Wells St Martin’s Voices Andrew Earis Director Great Sacred Music is FREE and all are welcome. 3.00pm Voices in the Crypt Afternoon Concert Series in the Crypt When I am laid in earth Well-known choruses and arias by Henry Purcell, including movements from his operas Dido and Aeneas and The Fairy-Queen. St Martin’s Voices Andrew Earis Continuo Tickets: £10 £5 (unreserved) 7.30pm Bach Masterpieces by Candlelight Bach – Art of Fugue Bach – Brandenburg Concerto No 5 Bach – Concerto for Flute in A Vivaldi – Concerto for Flute in D ‘Il gardellino’ Mozart – Andante for Flute and Orchestra Telemann – Concerto for Recorder in C Feinstein Ensemble Martin Feinstein Director/Flute/Recorder Miki Takahashi Violin Robin Bigwood Harpsichord Tickets: £24 £20 £16 £13 £9 Friday 7 October 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert A concert given by students of the Purcell School. As Britain’s oldest specialist school for talented young musicians, it holds the UNESCO Mozart Gold Medal in recognition of its unique contribution to music, education and international culture. Students of the Purcell School 7.30pm Sound of St Martin’s Series A Celebration of Handel Book your Christmas party at St Martin’s now Handel – Let Thy Hand be Strengthened Handel – Suite from Water Music Bach – Himmelskonig, sei willkommen Handel – Dixit Dominus St Martin’s Voices St Martin’s Baroque Players Andrew Earis Conductor Tickets: £26 £22 £18 £15 £9 Saturday 8 October 6.00-7.00pm Fauré Requiem by Candlelight Fauré – Requiem The programme will also feature much-loved choral masterpieces. Barts Chamber Choir Ivor Setterfield Conductor Tickets: £14 (unreserved) 8.00pm Vivaldi Four Seasons by Candlelight Bach – Brandenburg Concerto No 3 Pachelbel – Canon Bach – Air ‘on the G String’ Vivaldi – Concerto No 1 in B flat ‘La stravaganza’ Vivaldi – Four Seasons St Martin’s has eight attractive and flexible event spaces to hire for parties, conferences, meetings dinners and receptions. To find out more email [email protected]. Ivor Setterfield Jazz and Live Music in the Crypt Trafalgar Sinfonia Ivor Setterfield Conductor Tickets: £28 £24 £20 £15 £9 Visit our website | Box Office 020 7766 1100 | All profits support the work of St Martin’s 15 Brass Rubbing Monday 10 October 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert d’Anglebert – Unmeasured Prelude in G minor Jacquet de la Guerre – Unmeasured Prelude in A minor Royer – L’aimable Messiaen – La fauvette passerinette Dutilleux – Piano Sonata Op 1 Alexander Soares Piano Representing the Royal Over-Seas League 4.30pm Choral Evensong Introit: Shepherd – I Give You a New Commandment Responses: Sumsion Psalm 127 Canticles: Noble in B minor Anthem: Balfour Gardiner – Evening Hymn Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-the-Fields All are welcome to this church service Tuesday 11 October 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Bruch – Selections from Eight Pieces for Clarinet, Cello and Piano Brahms – Trio for Clarinet, Cello and Piano in A minor Masumi Ogura Clarinet Janet Coles Cello Nadia Lasserson Piano Representing the European Piano Teachers Association Using specialist paper and metallic waxes you can create your own masterpiece. Choose from St Martin’s superb selection of replica brasses including medieval knights in armour, fabulous costumed ladies, St George and the Dragon, William Shakespeare and many more. Prices for brass rubbing start at £4.50. The last brass rubbing takes place one hour before the Shop closes. Wednesday 12 October 8.00pm Jazz Mondays Thursday 13 October 1.00pm Great Sacred Music Hymn Writers 2: Catherine Winkworth An exploration of the life and work of Catherine Winkworth. She is best known for bringing the German chorale tradition to England through her numerous translations of church hymns, including Lift up your heads, eternal gates, Now thank we all our God and Praise to the Lord, the almighty, the King of creation. Led and directed by Andrew Earis St Martin’s Voices Great Sacred Music is FREE and all are welcome. 7.30pm Bach Violin Concertos by Candlelight Mozart – Divertimento in F Albinoni – Concerto for Oboe in D Bach – Concerto for Violin in A Mozart – Oboe Quartet in F Bach – Concerto for Violin and Oboe London Concertante Ben Norris Director/ Violin Daniel Bates Oboe Tickets: £24 £20 £16 £13 £9 Friday 14 October 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Walton – Three songs Poulenc – Fiançailles pour rire Schumann – Lied der Suleika Schubert – Suleika I and Suleika II Joanna Songi Soprano Matthew Fletcher Piano Representing Making Music 7.30pm Vivaldi Four Seasons by Candlelight A wall of saxophones (from soprano to baritone), a tight four piece rhythm section and an extraordinary vocalist. Handel – Arrival of the Queen of Sheba Geminani – Concerto Grosso ‘La folia’ Handel – Largo Bach – Concerto for Two Violins in D minor Vivaldi – Four Seasons London Octave Lorraine McAslan Violin Gillian Findlay Violin Dietrich Bethge Conductor Tickets: £25 £22 £18 £13 £9 Tickets: £15 £12 £8 16 Visit our website | Box Office 020 7766 1100 | All profits support the work of St Martin’s Saturday 15 October 7.30pm Mozart Requiem by Candlelight Mozart – Requiem Handel – Zadok the Priest Haydn – Nelson Mass Arne – Rule Britannia English Chamber Choir Belmont Ensemble of London Peter G Dyson Conductor Tickets: £29 £25 £22 £16 £9 Monday 17 October 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert A programme of English and Welsh Songs from the winner of the Ian Stoutzker Prize 2016. Emyr Wyn Jones Baritone Representing the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama 4.30pm Choral Evensong Introit: Hurford – Litany to the Holy Spirit Responses: Ben Parry Psalm 33 Canticles: Ben Parry in G Anthem: Harris – Strengthen Ye the Weak Hands Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-the-Fields All are welcome to this church service Tuesday 18 October 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert St Martin’s Embassy and Cultural Institute Series Works by Paderewski, Chopin, Nowowiejski, and Górecki. Łukasz Filipczak Piano Piotr Gach Cello Górecki Chamber Orchestra Representing the Polish Cultural Institute In partnership with EUNIC London 7.30pm Moonlight Sonata by Candlelight Beethoven – Sonata for Piano in C sharp minor ‘Moonlight’ Liszt – Hungarian Rhapsody No 2 Debussy – Clair de Lune Rachmaninov – Prelude in G minor Gershwin – Rhapsody in Blue Warren Mailley-Smith Piano Tickets: £20 £16 £13 Wednesday 19 October 8.00pm Mississippi Swamp Dogs Take in some hot New Orleans grooves and blistering blues inspired by Fats Domino, the Neville Brothers and the great Louis Armstrong. Tickets: £15 £12 £8 Artist Spotlight: Warren Mailley-Smith Tuesday 18 October, 7.30pm Thursday 20 October 1.00pm Great Sacred Music Hymn Writers 3: William Blake An exploration of the life and work of English poet, painter, and printmaker William Blake, best known for his hymn Jerusalem. Led and directed by Andrew Earis St Martin’s Voices Great Sacred Music is FREE and all are welcome. 7.00pm Vivaldi Gloria by Candlelight Bach – Brandenburg Concerto No 3 Bach – Concerto for Two Violins in D minor Vivaldi – Gloria Twickenham Choral Society Brandenburg Baroque Soloists Christopher Herrick Conductor Tickets: £29 (premium) £25 £22 £18 £13 £9 9.30-10.30pm Rachmaninov Vespers by Candlelight Rachmaninov – Vespers Skolia Choir Elizabeth de Lacey Conductor Tickets: £14 (unreserved) Friday 21 October 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Beethoven – Sonata Op 31 No 3 in E flat Franck – Prelude, Fugue and Variation in B minor Beethoven – Sonata in E flat ‘Les adieux’ Ilya Kondratiev Piano Representing the Beethoven Piano Society of Europe 7.30pm Vivaldi Concertos by Candlelight Vivaldi – ‘Spring’ from Four Seasons Bach – Air ‘on the G String’ Corelli – Concerto Grosso Op 6 No 12 Pachelbel – Canon Vivaldi – ‘Winter’ from Four Seasons Trafalgar Sinfonia Ivor Setterfield Conductor Tickets: £25 £22 £18 £13 £9 Did you always know that you wanted to be a concert pianist? “Actually – no. Playing the piano was always something that came quite naturally to me, but I ‘grew into’ the idea of becoming a concert pianist as I got older and realised how passionate I was about the instrument.” Which musicians have most influenced your performing style? “My biggest heroes are Arthur Rubenstein, for his ease, poise and class, Richter for the fresh approach he took to every score and Horowitz for his pure wizardry.” Which of the pieces in your forthcoming concert do you find the most challenging? “Parts of the Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue are certainly the most challenging but also the most fun – mainly because this version combines the orchestral parts into the piano solo so there is a lot involved to deliver everything required. Probably the best example is the fast semi-quaver coda section right at the end of the piece, where an already fiendish sequence of notes for two hands in the concerto version, is joined simultaneously with all the orchestral notes at the lower end of the keyboard with…a third hand! I have been practicing this section for years.” Visit our website | Box Office 020 7766 1100 | All profits support the work of St Martin’s 17 Tuesday 25 October, 7.30pm Saturday 22 October 4.30-5.30pm Mini Maestro Family Concert: Mozart Symphony No 40 Come on a journey through Mozart’s marvellous Symphony No 40 and hear the music and instruments tell a story. London Musical Arts John Landor Conductor Tickets: £10 (adults) £8 (under 16) 7.30pm Mozart Symphony No 40 Handel – Arrival of the Queen of Sheba Mozart – Eine kleine Nachtmusik Beethoven – Romance for Violin and Orchestra in F Handel – Selections from Water Music Mozart – Symphony No 40 in G minor Film music has become a really important to us in the last few seasons, with live orchestra screenings of Casablanca, Psycho, Charlie Chaplin’s The Gold Rush, plus our annual performances of The Snowman. It’s incredibly rewarding, and of course these classic movie scores are great fun to play. Audiences always tell me that they love attending concerts of film and TV music because, although they’ve heard the themes many times, they’ve often never heard them performed live, and watching the orchestra bringing the music to life is so interesting. We’re really looking forward to this concert, not least because we’ve programmed music from some of our own favourite films and television shows!” 18 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert A programme to celebrate two of the masters of English Church Music, William Byrd and Jonathan Harvey. Trinity Laban Chamber Choir Stephen Jackson Director Representing Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance 7.30pm Sounds from the Screen: Classical Favourites from TV and Movies John Lunn – Theme from Downton Abbey John Williams – Theme from Schindler’s List Ramin Djawadi – Game of Thrones Debussy – Clair de lune Samuel Barber – Adagio for Strings Orchestra of St Paul’s Ben Palmer Conductor Tickets: £22 £18 £14 Wednesday 26 October John Landor “In February 2017, OSP and I will celebrate ten years of working together. It’s been a pretty amazing journey – we started just putting on an occasional concert in our home venue, St Paul’s Covent Garden, and have become busier and busier. We have now performed more than 125 concerts in some of London’s best concert venues and all over the UK, toured China, and recorded several CDs. Tuesday 25 October London Musical Arts John Landor Conductor Tickets: £29 £25 £22 £16 £9 Monday 24 October 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Sound of St Martin’s Series Join St Martin’s Voices for a fun half-term concert including Captain Noah and his Floating Zoo, a light-hearted retelling of the story of Noah’s Ark, composed by Joseph Horowitz. St Martin’s Voices Jeremy Cole Piano Andrew Earis Conductor 4.30pm Choral Evensong Introit: Byrd – Teach me, O Lord Responses: Ayleward Psalm 28 Canticles: Gibbons – Short Service Anthem: Purcell – Thy word is a lantern Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-the-Fields All are welcome to this church service 8.00pm The Fabulations The powerful vocals of Marion Joseph deliver some dance-floor filling disco and the latest chart hits. Tickets: £15 £12 £8 Thursday 27 October 1.00pm Great Sacred Music Mozart Requiem Come and hear famous choruses from Mozart’s much loved choral work, the Requiem. Led by Revd Dr Sam Wells St Martin’s Voices Andrew Earis Director Great Sacred Music is FREE and all are welcome. Friday 28 October 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Liszt – Grandes études de Paganini Ivan Hovorun Piano 7.30pm Bach, Handel and Vivaldi by Candlelight Bach – Brandenburg Concerto No 3 Bach – Concerto for Oboe and Violin in D minor Handel – Arrival of the Queen of Sheba Handel – Concerto for Oboe in G Vivaldi – Concerto for Two Violins in A minor Belmont Ensemble of London Geoffrey Coates Oboe Helen Davies Violin Pippa Harris Violin Dr Michael Woods Conductor Tickets: £25 £22 £18 £13 £9 Saturday 29 October 10.15am Come-and-Sing: Choruses from Handel’s Messiah Join Andrew Earis and members of St Martin’s Voices for a morning workshop on choruses from Handel’s oratorio Messiah. 10.00am doors open 10.15am workshop 12.30pm performance Andrew Earis Director Tickets: £12 including music hire 7.30pm Vivaldi Four Seasons by Candlelight 7.30pm Bach and Vivaldi by Candlelight Vivaldi – Concerto for Flute in G minor ‘La notte’ Bach – Concerto for Violin in E Vivaldi – ‘Autumn’ from Four Seasons Bach – Concerto for Flute in D minor Vivaldi – Concerto for Sopranino Recorder in C Feinstein Ensemble Martin Feinstein Flute/Recorder/Director Catherine Manson Violin Tickets: £24 £20 £16 £13 £9 Visit our website | Box Office 020 7766 1100 | All profits support the work of St Martin’s Monday 31 October 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Haydn – Piano Trio No 39 in G ‘Gypsy’ Chopin – Piano Trio in G Argenta Trio Representing the Royal Academy of Music 4.30pm Choral Evensong Festive Orchestra of London Catherine Manson Violin/Director Martin Feinstein Recorder Miki Takahashi Violin Tickets: £28 £24 £20 £15 £9 Come-and-Sing: Choruses from Handel’s Messiah Saturday 29 October, 10.15am Introit: Harris – Holy is the True Light Responses: Sumsion Psalm 51 Canticles: Sumsion in G Anthem: MacMillan – Miserere Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-the-Fields All are welcome to this church service Tuesday 1 November 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Schumann – Fantasiestücke for Clarinet and Piano Brahms – Sonata for Clarinet and Piano in F minor Debussy – First Rhapsody for Clarinet and Piano Aljaž Beguš Clarinet Nataša Šarčević Piano Wednesday 2 November 8.00pm The Fallen Heroes Bach – Air ‘on the G String’ Pachelbel – Canon and Gigue in D Vivaldi – Concerto for Sopranino Recorder in A minor Bach – Concerto for Two Violins in D minor Vivaldi – Four Seasons Miki Takahashi Artist Spotlight: Ben Palmer and OSP Come and join our Director of Music, Andrew Earis and members of St Martin’s Voices to sing choruses from one of Handel’s most celebrated works, Messiah. During the morning you will explore many of the oratorio’s well-known choruses including And the Glory of the Lord, Glory to God and Hallelujah Chorus in a workshop setting. This is followed by an informal performance which is open to all. 10.00am doors open 10.15am workshop 12.30pm performance Tickets: £12 (including music hire). Their original and classic tunes and melodies are a cocktail of bluesy jazz and ska, rooted in the rhythms of New Orleans. Please specify your voice type when booking. The ability to read music and experience of singing in a choir is recommended. Tickets: £15 £12 £8 Visit our website | Box Office 020 7766 1100 | All profits support the work of St Martin’s 19 November Wednesday 2 November The Fallen Heroes Singer and bass player Ben Martyn, drummer Emile Martyn and trumpeter Paul Bonner play original tunes rooted in the rhythms of New Orleans. Tickets: £15 £12 £8 Wednesday 9 November Maurizio Minardi A daring combination of genres from tango to jazz, from baroque to folk, with splashes of rumba and Caribbean music. Thursday 3 November 1.00pm Great Sacred Music Composer spotlight: Will Todd An exploration of the choral music of the celebrated British composer Will Todd, including his anthems The Lord is my Shepherd, My Lord Has Come and No More Sorrow, conducted by the composer. Led by Revd Dr Sam Wells and Will Todd St Martin’s Voices Will Todd Director Great Sacred Music is FREE and all are welcome. 7.30pm Vivaldi Gloria Mozart – Concerto for Flute and Harp Mozart – Ave verum corpus Fauré – Cantique de Jean Racine Albinoni – Adagio Vivaldi – Gloria Tickets: £15 £12 £8 Urban Jazz Collective Urban Jazz Collective plays originals and covers in a combination of world music and the rhythms of contemporary dance. Tickets: £15 £12 £8 Wednesday 23 November Zena James British jazz-soul vocalist Zena James performs unforgettable and refreshingly original, groove-based jazz. Tickets: £15 £12 £8 Wednesday 30 November The Silver Ghosts This seven-piece swing ensemble evokes the hot, breathless and highspirited gigs of the 1920s, 30s and 40s. Tickets: £15 £12 £8 20 Stephen Ellery Wednesday 16 November London Chorale London Gala Orchestra Oliver Wass Harp Takeru Matsuno Flute Stephen Ellery Conductor Tickets: £24 £20 £16 £13 £9 Friday 4 November 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Brahms – Clarinet Sonata in E flat Janáĉek – Sonata for Clarinet and Piano Widor – Introduction et Rondo Op 72 Duo Brillante Representing the Royal College of Music 7.30pm Bach, Handel and Vivaldi by Candlelight Bach – Brandenburg Concerto No 3 Purcell – Chaconne Handel – Arrival of the Queen of Sheba Bach – Air ‘on the G String’ Vivaldi – Concerto for Four Violins Trafalgar Sinfonia Ivor Setterfield Conductor Tickets: £25 £22 £18 £13 £9 Saturday 5 November 7.30pm Handel Royal Fireworks Music by Candlelight Handel – Royal Fireworks Music Handel – Water Music Suite in F Bach – Orchestral Suite No 3 Vivaldi – ‘Summer’ from Four Seasons Vivaldi – Concerto for Two Trumpets Belmont Ensemble of London Richard Fomison Trumpet Richard Thomas Trumpet Helen Davies Violin Peter Dyson Conductor Tickets: £29 £25 £22 £16 £9 Monday 7 November 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Liszt – Vallée d'Obermann from Années de pèlerinage Ligeti – Études Book II Dominic Degavino Piano Tunbridge Wells International Young Artist 4.30pm Choral Evensong Introit: Augustinas – Hymne à Saint Martin Responses: Ben Parry Psalm 34 Canticles: Klatzow in D Anthem: Pärt – The Beatitudes Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-the-Fields All are welcome to this church service Tuesday 8 November 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert C.P.E. Bach – Sonata in A minor Martinů – Sonata for Flute and Piano Wil Offermans – Honami Benjamin Godard – Suite de trois morceaux Matthew Hingham Flute Tunbridge Wells International Young Artist 7.30pm Sound of St Martin’s Autumn Festival Allegri Miserere by Candlelight Allegri – Miserere Tallis – Lamentations of Jeremiah Byrd – Mass for Four Voices Ola Gjeilo – Ubi caritas MacMillan – Miserere Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-the-Fields Andrew Earis Conductor Tickets: £22 £18 £14 Visit our website | Box Office 020 7766 1100 | All profits support the work of St Martin’s Wednesday 9 November 8.00pm Maurizio Minardi Italian composer, pianist and accordionist Maurizio Minardi performs tantalising tango, baroque and folk music. Tickets: £15 £12 £8 Thursday 10 November Sound of St Martin’s Autumn Festival Saturday 12 November 7.30pm Sound of St Martin’s Autumn Festival Fauré Requiem by Candlelight Vaughan Williams – Serenade to Music Finzi – Eclogue Vaughan Williams – Five Mystical Songs Fauré – Requiem Tuesday 8 – Saturday 12 November 1.00pm Great Sacred Music At the heart. On the edge. A celebration of the 1700TH anniversary of St Martin of Tours, and what his legacy means to the present day St Martin-in-the-Fields. Including Augustinas’ Hymne a Saint Martin. Led by Revd Dr Sam Wells St Martin’s Voices Andrew Earis Director Great Sacred Music is FREE and all are welcome. 7.30pm Sound of St Martin’s Autumn Festival Britten and Purcell by Candlelight Britten – Agnus Dei from War Requiem Purcell – Funeral Sentences Britten – A Hymn to the Virgin Purcell – Hear my Prayer, O Lord Britten – Rejoice in the Lamb St Martin’s Chorus Jeremy Cole Conductor Tickets: £25 £22 £18 £13 £9 Friday 11 November 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert A programme of works for violin performed by the overall winner of the Tunbridge Wells International Young Concert Artists Competition 2016. Amalia Hall Violin Tunbridge Wells International Young Artist 7.30pm Sound of St Martin’s Autumn Festival An Evening at the Opera An evening of popular arias and choruses from great operas, presented by rising stars from the world of opera. The programme includes well-loved arias from Mozart’s Così fan tutte, Puccini’s La bohème and Bizet’s Carmen. St Martin’s Soloists Jeremy Cole Piano Andrew Earis Director Tickets: £26 £22 £18 £15 £9 St Martin’s Voices Academy of St Martin in the Fields Andrew Earis Conductor Academy of St Martin in the Fields Jazz and Live Music in the Crypt Tickets: £29 £25 £22 £16 £9 Monday 14 November 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Sound of St Martin’s Series Join the Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-theFields as they perform some of their favourite arias from operas by Handel and Mozart. Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-the-Fields Jeremy Cole Director 4.30pm Choral Evensong Introit: Gabriel Jackson – A Prayer of King Henry VI Responses: Gabriel Jackson Psalm 71 Canticles: Stanford in G Anthem: Dove – Seek Him that Maketh the Seven Stars Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-the-Fields All are welcome to this church service Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-the-Fields We are delighted to present this year’s Sound of St Martin’s Autumn Festival, a series of concerts across Remembrance-tide featuring our resident choral ensembles. The Festival begins with Allegri Miserere by Candlelight (Tuesday 8 November) performed by the Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-theFields. Other highlights include a programme of Britten and Purcell presented by St Martin’s Chorus (Thursday 10 November) and An Evening at the Opera (Friday 11 November) including arias from much-loved operas by Mozart, Puccini and Bizet sung by rising stars of the opera world. To conclude the Festival, there is a performance of Vaughan Williams Serenade to Music and Fauré Requiem (Saturday 12 November) in an exciting collaboration between our professional choir St Martin’s Voices and the Academy of St Martin in the Fields. Alongside the flagship evening concerts, there is an extensive programme of lunchtime concerts, choral services and other events. Visit our website | Box Office 020 7766 1100 | All profits support the work of St Martin’s 21 Saturday 24 September Saturday 22 October Saturday 19 November 4.30 – 5.30pm Tuesday 15 November 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert St Martin’s Embassy and Cultural Institute Series Schubert – Sonata in A No 13 Philipp Richardsen Piano Representing the Austrian Cultural Forum Wednesday 16 November 8.00pm Urban Jazz Collective Mike Hobart is a soulful saxophonist with a warm tone, fluid technique and a swinging urban twist. Tickets: £15 £12 £8 Friday 18 November 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Tchaikovsky – The Seasons Anna Schreider Piano Representing the North London Piano School 7.30pm Bach Brandenburg Concertos by Candlelight Bach – Brandenburg Concerto No 5 Bach – Brandenburg Concerto No 4 Handel – Water Music Suite No 3 in G Vivaldi – Concerto for Sopranino Recorder in C Purcell – Suite from The Fairy-Queen 1.00pm Great Sacred Music Battle of the Somme These concerts are a fantastic way to introduce children to classical music, teaching them through creativity, storytelling and fun games to understand and enjoy this magnificent art-form. On Saturday 24 September, come on an exciting journey through ‘Spring’ and ‘Summer’ from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, discovering the surprises of nature through music. Saturday 22 October will introduce you to Mozart’s epic Symphony No 40, when you can listen to the instruments and music tell a story. On Saturday 19 November, come and explore the thrill of Beethoven’s magnificent third symphony and uplifting Ode to Joy – probably the most famous tune in the world! 22 Great Sacred Music is FREE and all are welcome. 7.00pm Haydn The Creation by Candlelight Haydn – The Creation Queen’s College Choir, Cambridge Brandenburg Sinfonia Edward Reeve Conductor Tickets: £29 (premium) £25 £22 £18 £13 £9 9.30-10.30pm Spem in alium by Candlelight Tallis – Spem in alium Brahms – Geistliches Lied Bruckner – Motets Schubert – Mass in G Tickets: £25 £22 £18 £13 £9 Saturday 19 November 4.30-5.30pm Mini Maestro Family Concert: Beethoven’s ‘Heroic’ Symphony and Ode to Joy Experience Beethoven’s thrilling 3rd Symphony and find out why it is called the ‘Heroic’. You can also sing along to his upifting Ode to Joy – probably the most famous tune in the world! London Musical Arts John Landor Conductor 7.30pm Beethoven ‘Eroica’ Symphony and Ode to Joy by Candlelight Lea Singers Choir of Somerville College, Oxford Benjamin Goodson Conductor Tickets: £14 (unreserved) Feinstein Ensemble Martin Feinstein Flute/Recorder/Director Catherine Manson Violin Tickets: £10 (adults) £8 (under 16) Benjamin Goodson The Mini Maestro series was started in 2008 by John Landor, Director of London Musical Arts, building on his 10-year history of family concerts at St Martin-in-the-Fields. Marking the 100th anniversary of the end of the Battle of the Somme, in which more than one million men were killed or wounded. Led by Revd Dr Sam Wells St Martin’s Voices Andrew Earis Director Martin Feinstein Thursday 17 November Mozart – Overture to The Marriage of Figaro Schubert – Entr’acte from Rosamunde Beethoven – Romance for Violin and Orchestra in F Beethoven – Ode to Joy (orchestral arrangement) Beethoven – Symphony No 3 in E flat ‘Eroica’ London Musical Arts John Landor Conductor Tickets: £29 £25 £22 £16 £9 Visit our website | Box Office 020 7766 1100 | All profits support the work of St Martin’s Monday 21 November 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Reger – Serenade for Flute, Violin and Viola Haydn arr. Salomon – Symphony No 101 in D major ‘The Clock’ Ensemble Nova Luce Representing the Guildhall School of Music & Drama 4.30pm Choral Evensong Introit: Kelly – Rejoice, the Lord is King Responses: Sumsion Psalm 80 Canticles: Kelly in C Anthem: Leighton – Let all the world in every corner sing Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-the-Fields All are welcome to this church service Tuesday 22 November 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Gaubert – Sonata No 1 Villa-Lobos – Assobio a Jato Nikolai Kapustin – Sonata Fauré – Après un rêve Revell – Trois pensées Alyson Frazier Flute Lydia Hillerudh Cello Thomas Ang Piano 7.30pm Bach, Handel and Vivaldi by Candlelight Bach – Air ‘on the G String’ Handel – Arrival of the Queen of Sheba Handel – Concerto Grosso in A Vivaldi – ‘Summer’ and ‘Winter’ from Four Seasons Vivaldi – Concerto for Two Violins in A minor Belmont Ensemble of London Peter Dyson Conductor Tickets: £22 £18 £14 Wednesday 23 November 8.00pm Zena James Zena James’ heartfelt delivery and lustrous vocals give a fresh interpretation to soul-laden jazz. Tickets: £15 £12 £8 Thursday 24 November 1.00pm Great Sacred Music Composer spotlight: Cecilia McDowall myStMartin’s An exploration of the choral music of the wellknown British composer Cecilia McDowall, including her Magnificat written for St Martin-in-the-Fields. Led by Revd Dr Sam Wells and Cecilia McDowall St Martin’s Voices Andrew Earis Director Great Sacred Music is FREE and all are welcome. 7.30pm Mozart Requiem by Candlelight Elgar – Serenade for Strings Saint-Saëns – Ave verum Brahms – Geistliches Lied Bruckner – Christus factus est Mozart – Requiem Keith Marshall Mini Maestro Family Concerts Christ’s College Cambridge Thames Chamber Orchestra Keith Marshall Conductor David Rowland Conductor Tickets: £25 £22 £18 £13 £9 Friday 25 November 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Granados – Romanza in E flat Granados – ‘Trova’ from Elisenda Suite Granados – Trio in C Erato Piano Trio Representing the Iberian and Latin American Music Society 7.30pm Bach and Vivaldi Concertos by Candlelight Bach – Concerto for Violin in E Purcell – Rondeau from Abdelazer Vivaldi – Concerto for Two Violins in A minor Pachelbel – Canon Bach – Concerto for Two Violins in D minor London Musical Arts John Landor Conductor Tickets: £25 £22 £18 £13 £9 Looking for the perfect Christmas gift for a music lover? A subscription to myStMartin’s could be it! myStMartin’s is St Martin-in-theFields’ exclusive membership benefits programme, with a wide range of discounts and perks available throughout the year. Becoming a part of the myStMartin’s family costs just £40 per year, for which members will receive: • Priority booking for Christmas concerts • 10% Discount on all concert tickets • No booking fees when buying by telephone • 10% Discount in the Café in the Crypt • 10% Discount in the Shop at St Martin’s • Concerts brochure delivered to your door. For more information about becoming a part of the scheme, call the Box Office on 020 7766 1100 or visit us at Visit our website | Box Office 020 7766 1100 | All profits support the work of St Martin’s 23 Saturday 26 November Thursday 1 December 4.00-5.00pm Advent Carols by Candlelight A selection of music and audience carols for the time of Advent. London Concert Choir Mark Forkgen Conductor Tickets: £16 £12 £7 7.30pm English Music for the Season of Advent A selection of Advent music and audience carols, including pieces by Tallis, Purcell, Parry, Elgar, Stanford and Vaughan Williams. 7.30pm 90th Anniversary of the Christmas Appeal A gala concert marking the 90th anniversary of the BBC Radio 4 Christmas Appeal with St Martin-in-the-Fields, featuring readings by Radio 4 presenters, carols for audience and choir and a special performance by a choir made up of Radio 4 presenters, staff and St Martin’s Christmas Appeal supporters. Choir and Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-the-Fields Andrew Earis Director Tickets: £29 £25 £22 £16 £9 All proceeds go towards the 2016 Christmas Appeal. Registered Charity No 261359 Tickets: £29 £25 £22 £16 £9 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert The Royal Norwegian Embassy gives a taster of the evening concert with a rich and varied programme by the performers. Royal Norwegian Embassy 7.30pm A Norwegian Concert at Christmas Eivind Holtsmark Ringstad London Concert Choir Mark Forkgen Conductor Mark Forkgen Friday 2 December Monday 28 November 2016 is a special year for St Martin’s as we mark the 90th anniversary of the BBC Radio 4 Christmas Appeal with St Martin-in-the-Fields. What started off as a modest request for help from our then vicar Dick Sheppard has grown into an annual appeal that helps thousands of vulnerable and homeless people in London and around the UK. Our gala concert on 1 December is part of the 90th anniversary events and features readings from Radio 4 presenters and carols for audience and choir. Music will be performed by the Choir and Choral Scholars of St Martin’s as well as a Christmas Appeal choir featuring Radio 4 presenters, staff and supporters. Join us at this gala concert and all proceeds will go towards the 2016 BBC Radio 4 Christmas Appeal with St Martin-in-the-Fields. 24 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Argento – Six Elizabethan Songs Barber – Four Songs Bridge – Selected Songs Gover – Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day Sky Ingram Soprano John Paul Ekins Piano Tuesday 29 November 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert A varied programme featuring solos from senior music scholars and choral music by Paulina Voices. St Paul’s Girls’ School Wednesday 30 November 8.00pm The Silver Ghosts Full of swing and showmanship, this spirited seven-piece swing orchestra evokes the dance gigs of the 1920s, 30s and 40s. Tickets: £15 £12 £8 Celebrating the Christmas season, Norway’s leading boys’ choir Sølvguttene return for the 70th anniversary of Oslo’s gift to London, the Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square. They will be joined in this special double bill by Norwegian classical star, viola player Eivind Holtsmark Ringstad. Tickets: £29 £25 £22 £16 £9 Saturday 3 December 4.00-5.00pm Mini Maestro: Family Christmas Concert Enjoy excerpts from Handel’s Music for the Royal Fireworks, Vivaldi’s Four Seasons and Corelli’s Christmas Concerto, and sing along to popular carols with us. London Musical Arts Orchestra John Landor Conductor Tickets: £16 £12 £7 (adult) £12 £9 £5 (under 16) Visit our website | Box Office 020 7766 1100 | All profits support the work of St Martin’s Saturday 3 December 7.30pm Christmas Concert with Audience Carols Handel – Excerpts from Water Music Handel – Overture and Pastoral Symphony from Messiah Corelli – Christmas Concerto Bach – Orchestral Suite No 3 in D Plus traditional carols for audience. London Musical Arts Orchestra John Landor Conductor Tickets: £29 £25 £22 £16 £9 Monday 5 December 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Sonatas for cello and piano by Beethoven and Strauss. Daniel Benn Cello Representing Guildhall School of Music and Drama 7.30pm The Joys of Christmas Warlock – Bethlehem Down Carter – Angelus ad virginem Rutter – Star Carol Bednall – But Peaceful was the Night Plus carols for brass, organ and audience. Choir of St Martin-in-the-Fields Brandenburg Brass Tom Williams Director Tickets: £29 £25 £22 £16 £9 Tuesday 6 December 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Postgraduate pianist and Young Steinway Artist, Drew Steanson presents a programme to include works by Liszt and Rachmaninov. Drew Steanson Piano Representing Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance Wednesday 7 December 8.00pm Miss Hoodoo and the Delta Boys Ho! Ho! Ho! with the Miss Hoodoo and the Delta Boys with some bluesy vocals, heavy weight horns and a tight rhythm section. On sale from 1 October. Tickets: £15 £12 £8 Thursday 8 December 1.00pm Great Sacred Music Welcome, all Wonders in one Sight An exploration of the Christmas writings of the metaphysical poet Richard Crashaw, including Dove’s Welcome, all Wonders in One Sight!, Berkeley’s Look up, Sweet Babe and Leighton’s A Hymn of the Nativity. Led by Revd Dr Sam Wells St Martin’s Voices Andrew Earis Director Gifts that hit just the right note Great Sacred Music is FREE and all are welcome. 7.30pm The Glory of Christmas Bach – Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring Handel – Christmas Music from Messiah Handel – Hallelujah Chorus from Messiah Plus carols for choir and audience, and seasonal readings and poems. Choir of Christ’s College Cambridge Thames Chamber Orchestra David Rowland Director Keith Marshall Conductor Tickets: £29 £25 £22 £16 £9 Friday 9 December 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert The Jewel of Untold Wealth Bella Cora bring their beautiful blended harmonies to an eclectic mix of seasonal music. Bella Cora 7.30pm Bach Christmas Oratorio by Candlelight Bach – Parts 1, 2, 3 and 6 from Christmas Oratorio Faye Newton 90th Anniversary of the Christmas Appeal London Bach Singers The Feinstein Ensemble Nicholas Mulroy Evangelist (Tenor) Faye Newton Soprano Tim Travers Brown Alto Ben Davies Bass Martin Feinstein Director Does the music lover in your life have everything? Already got their musical socks? Well, they won’t have this – a wind-up Bach! Available from the Shop at St Martin’s for £26.50, this doll from Brooklyn-based The Unemployed Philosophers’ Guild plays Bach’s Minuet in G when you wind him up and is resplendent in a Baroque outfit with attention to detail worthy of the maestro himself. Also available from this company are a variety of uncannily life-like finger puppets, including Puccini, Mozart and a wild-haired Beethoven. The Shop also carries a range of CDs from our own professional choir, St Martin’s Voices, including their latest recording If Ye Love Me featuring a selection of well-known choral works on the theme of love. We also stock an extensive selection of historic recordings by the Academy of St Martin in the Fields. Tickets: £29 £25 £22 £16 £9 Visit our website | Box Office 020 7766 1100 | All profits support the work of St Martin’s 25 Tickets: £16 £12 £7 7.30pm A Festival of Carols Mississippi Swamp Dogs Wednesday 7 December Miss Hoodoo and the Delta Boys Start off the Christmas party season with some bluesy vocals, heavy-weight horns and a tight rhythm section. Tickets will be on sale from 1 October. Tickets: £15 £12 £8 Wednesday 14 December The Fabulations Dynamic disco and chart-topping hits set the scene for a festive Fabulations Christmas party. Tickets will be on sale from 1 October. Tickets: £15 £12 £8 Wednesday 28 December Mississippi Swamp Dogs The Mississippi Swamp Dogs’ tuneful, high-energy show fuses funk, Cajun, soul and rock & roll with spicy Latin rhythms. Selected favourite carols for choir, organ and audience. New London Singers Chris Lee Organ Ivor Setterfield Conductor Tickets: £29 £25 £22 £16 £9 Monday 12 December 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Organ Recital Series Let the Merry Organ Thunder: A concert of seasonal Christmas music played by Assistant Music Director, Jeremy Cole, on the magnificent organ of St Martin-in-the-Fields. Jeremy Cole Organ Tuesday 13 December 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Mozart – Sonata for Violin in E minor Elgar – Sonata for Violin in E minor Szymanowski – Three Paganini Caprices: No 24 Yume Fujise Violin Maria Tarasewicz Piano Representing the Royal College of Music A complete performance of William Lloyd Webber’s Christmas Cantata Born a King. Led by Revd Dr Sam Wells St Martin’s Voices Andrew Earis Director Great Sacred Music is FREE and all are welcome. 7.30pm The Spirit of Christmas: the Annual Celebration Bach – Jauchzet frohlocket from Christmas Oratorio Blake – Walking in the Air Handel – Zadok the Priest Traditional – The Twelve Days of Christmas Plus carols for massed choirs, audience, organ and orchestra. Locrian Singers Southend Boys’ and Girls’ Choirs Locrian Ensemble Jonathan Darbourne Conductor Roger Humphrey Conductor Justin Pearson Conductor Tickets: £29 £25 £22 £16 £9 Friday 16 December 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert A programme of works for Classical Accordian. Ghenadie Rotari Accordion Representing the Romanian Cultural Institute 7.30pm Handel Messiah by Candlelight Handel – Messiah Wednesday 14 December 8.00pm The Fabulations Tickets: £15 £12 £8 Have a Fabulations Christmas as dynamic disco and chart-topping hits get everyone onto the dancefloor. On sale from 1 October. Tickets: £15 £12 £8 26 1.00pm Great Sacred Music Born A King English Chamber Choir Belmont Ensemble of London Elizabeth Weisberg Soprano Ciara Hendrick Mezzo-soprano Peter Davoren Tenor James Gower Bass Peter G Dyson Conductor Tickets: £29 £25 £22 £16 £9 Visit our website | Box Office 020 7766 1100 | All profits support the work of St Martin’s Saturday 17 December 4.00-5.00pm Christmas with the English Chamber Choir The acclaimed English Chamber Choir presents a seasonal feast of your favourite Christmas Carols for choir, organ and audience. English Chamber Choir Guy Protheroe Conductor Tuesday 20 December 7.30pm Handel Messiah by Candlelight Handel – Messiah Friday 23 December Tickets: £16 £12 £7 English Chamber Choir Belmont Ensemble of London Elizabeth Weisberg Soprano Ciara Hendrick Mezzo-soprano Peter Davoren Tenor James Gower Bass Peter G Dyson Conductor Tickets: £29 £25 £22 £16 £9 Monday 19 December 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Programme to include masterworks for clarinet, violin and piano. Ducasse Trio William Duncombe Clarinet Charlotte Maclet Violin Fiachra Garvey Piano Representing the Concordia Foundation 7.30pm Christmas Gala by Candlelight Handel – Selection from Messiah Handel – Arrival of the Queen of Sheba Corelli – Christmas Concerto Vivaldi – ‘Autumn’ and ‘Winter’ from Four Seasons Traditional Christmas carols sung with orchestra, vocal soloists, the organ of St Martin’s and audience. Festive Orchestra of London Steven Devine Master of Ceremonies Faye Newton Soprano Giles Underwood Bass Catherine Manson Violin Andrew Earis Organ Tickets: £29 £25 £22 £16 £9 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert St Martin’s Embassy and Cultural Institute Series A festive programme of Slovakian Christmas Carols for all to enjoy. Lunchtime Concerts at St Martin’s Representing the Embassy of the Slovak Republic In partnership with EUNIC London 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert The delightful Manor House String Quartet presents a programme of favourite carols for Christmas including Silent Night, O Little Town of Bethlehem, and Carol of the Bells – all exquisitely arranged for string quartet by Vaughan Jones. Manor House String Quartet 4.00-5.00pm The Snowman A special performance of Howard Blake’s The Snowman for narrator and orchestra. The concert also includes audience carols Away in a Manger and Once in Royal David’s City. Brandenburg Sinfonia Andrew Earis Conductor Manor House String Quartet St Martin-in-the-Fields has been hosting free lunchtime concerts for 67 years, providing an ideal platform for both established performers and those breaking into the professional world. On Friday 23 December we welcome back the incredibly talented Manor House String Quartet, which returns to St Martin’s with its delightful programme of Christmas carols, arranged by violinist Vaughan Jones. The Quartet’s two CDs of Christmas music are regularly played on classical radio stations throughout the world. Tickets: £16 £12 £7 7.30pm Carols for Christmas by Candlelight The Will Todd Ensemble and St Martin's Voices perform a number of jazz carol arrangements written especially for St Martin-in-the-Fields, as well as audience carols. Though Lunchtime Concerts are free to attend, we do suggest a donation of £3.50 (or however much you can give). St Martin’s Voices Will Todd Ensemble Brandenburg Brass Andrew Earis Conductor Will Todd Take a break from your hectic schedule of Christmas shopping with an afternoon of carols and festive music in the beautiful and relaxing setting of St Martin-in-the-Fields. New London Singers Chris Lee Organ Ivor Setterfield Conductor Thursday 15 December Ciara Hendrick December Saturday 10 December 4.00-5.00pm Carols for Shoppers Elizabeth Weisberg Jazz and Live Music in the Crypt Tickets: £29 £25 £22 £16 £9 Visit our website | Box Office 020 7766 1100 | All profits support the work of St Martin’s 27 Monday 2 January 2017, 7.00pm Tuesday 27 December 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert Carlos Guastavino – Cantilenas argentinas Carlos Guastavino – Cantos populares Alberto Ginastera – Danzas argentinas Alberto Ginastera – Preludios americanos Joaquín Rodrigo – Caleseras Cristina Cavalli Piano Wednesday 28 December 8.00pm Mississippi Swamp Dogs Wesley – Rondo on a Christmas Carol Beethoven – Sonata for Piano in C sharp minor ‘Moonlight’ Chopin – Nocturne in D flat Liszt – Transcendental Étude in B flat minor ‘Chasse-Neige’ Rachmaninov – Sonata No 2 A high-energy performance of funk, soul and rock and roll blended with Latin rhythms. Tickets: £15 £12 £8 Thursday 29 December 1.00pm Great Sacred Music Christmas Choruses Great Sacred Music is FREE and all are welcome. 7.30pm The Complete Brandenburg Concertos at Christmas With a programme including Handel’s magnificent Arrival of the Queen of Sheba, Mozart’s beautiful Eine kleine Nachtmusik, Pachelbel’s unforgettable Canon and Gigue in D, Bach’s stunning Concerto for Oboe and Violin and Vivaldi’s exhilarating Four Seasons, all directed by violinist Catherine Manson, this concert is bound to make a memorable start to the coming year – book now to avoid disappointment! 28 Bach – Brandenburg Concertos Nos 1-6 Daniel Grimwood Piano Tickets: £16 (unreserved) 7.45pm Viennese Christmas by Candlelight Strauss – Tales from the Vienna Woods Strauss – Wine, Women and Song Brahms – Hungarian Dance No 5 Tchaikovsky – Nutcracker Suite Strauss – Blue Danube Waltz London Concertante Ben Norris Guest Director/Violin Tickets: £28 £24 £20 £15 £9 Lorraine McAslan What better way to begin 2017 than with the phenomenal Festive Orchestra of London as they perform an extravaganza of Baroque music to ring in the New Year? The Bromley Boy Singers present a seasonal programme of sacred and secular songs for Christmas and New Year. Bromley Boy Singers Handel – Messiah A selection of famous Christmas choruses, including Bach’s Wachet Auf, Berlioz’s The Shepherds’ Farewell and Handel’s Glory to God and For Unto us a Child is Born from Messiah. Led by Revd Richard Carter St Martin’s Voices Andrew Earis Director Catherine Manson 1.00pm FREE Lunchtime Concert 6.30pm Messiah by Candlelight Representing the Iberian & Latin American Music Society 6.00-7.00pm Beethoven Moonlight Sonata by Candlelight Friday 30 December London Octave Lorraine McAslan Violin Neil Brough Trumpet William Bennett Flute Philip Harmer Flute Dietrich Bethge Director Tickets: £28 £24 £20 £15 £9 Visit our website | Box Office 020 7766 1100 | All profits support the work of St Martin’s Brandenburg Festival Chorus Brandenburg Sinfonia Robert Porter Conductor Tickets: £32 (premium) £29 £25 £22 £16 £9 9.30-10.30pm A Ceremony of Carols by Candlelight Poulenc – Quatre motets pour le temps de Noël Tallis – Videte miraculum Britten – Ceremony of Carols Rodolfus Choir Ralph Allwood Conductor Tickets: £14 (unreserved) Saturday 31 December 11.30am Mini Maestro Family Concert: Peter and the Wolf Prokofiev – Peter and the Wolf London Myriad Ensemble John Landor Conductor/Presenter Tickets: £10 (adults) £8 (under 16) 3.30pm New Year’s Eve Opera Matinee Join us to start off your New Year’s Eve celebrations with a glittering array of arias and scenes from favourite operas, performed by rising stars. Tickets: £24 £20 £16 £13 £9 Booking and General Information Evening concerts Doors open 30 minutes before start of concert. Concerts usually last two hours unless stated otherwise, including an interval of 20 minutes. Interval drinks can be pre-ordered from the Café in the Crypt. Admission is by ticket only. Lunchtime concerts Doors open at 12.30pm for a 1.00pm start. Lunchtime concerts are normally scheduled for Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. All our Lunchtime Concerts are free of charge – a suggested donation of £3.50 per person goes towards the work of St Martin’s. Jazz Nights in the Café in the Crypt First set: 8.00pm – 8.50pm. Second set: 9.10pm – 10.00pm. On Jazz Nights the Café is open to ticket holders only from 6.30pm. Holders of unreserved tickets are advised to arrive early to secure a seat. Food is served until 9.00pm and drinks until 10.00pm including our sizzling Jazz Meal from £11.25. Robert Porter New Year’s Extravaganza How to book Secure online booking:, booking fee applies. By telephone: 020 7766 1100 Monday – Saturday 10.00am – 5.00pm, booking fee applies. In person: Monday – Wednesday 10.00am – 5.00pm*, Thursday – Saturday 10.00am – 8.30pm. *On Jazz Nights the Box Office is open until 9.00pm. On bank holidays the Box Office opens at 12noon. Discounts Group rates apply to parties of 16 or more people. Discounts for evening concert tickets are currently only available when booking by telephone on 020 7766 1100 or in person. Concessions Available to full-time students, those over 60 and the unwaged when purchased in person (subject to availability). Children under 3 years will not be admitted. Restricted mobility Wheelchair access to the church and concerts is via a ramp on the north side of church. There is a lift between crypt and church and from street to crypt level. Two tickets for the price of one are available for people with disabilities and their enablers (subject to availability). There are four wheelchair spaces in church and in the crypt for Jazz Nights. Latecomers Latecomers will be admitted at a suitable break during the performance. Ticket Refund and Exchange Tickets are non-refundable. However, tickets may be exchanged up to 48 hours before the performance. An administration charge will apply. How to find St Martin-in-the-Fields St Martin’s is at the northeast corner of Trafalgar Square and is easily accessible by public transport. Underground: Charing Cross, Leicester Square. Train: Charing Cross. Bus: 3, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 23, 24, 29, 53, 87, 88, 91, 139, 159, 176, 453 and several night buses. Cycle: There are cycle stands in St Martin’s Place and Adelaide Street. The nearest cycle hire docking station is on William IV Street. Join our free ‘In the Pipeline’ email list For a monthly email giving advance notice of concerts, talks and exhibitions as well as other special events and news from St Martin’s, please visit myStMartin’s For information about joining our membership scheme please call the Box Office on 020 7766 1100 or visit us at We reserve the right to alter programme details and substitute artists if necessary. All information correct at time of printing. Visit our website | Box Office 020 7766 1100 | All profits support the work of St Martin’s 29 Café in the Crypt Shop at St Martin’s From 14 November 2016 – 31 January 2017 enjoy our crusty mince pies with mulled wine or mulled cider which are available from 11.00am for £4.95. Christmas dinner with all the trimmings is on the menu from 5-24 December and you can choose from a turkey dinner with mulled wine or cider for £12.95 or the vegetarian option for £11.95. Don’t forget to finish off with Christmas pudding which is available with your meal for an additional £3.50. Two key dates to remember are 17 September, when our charity Christmas cards go on sale and 1 October, when the Christmas Shop in the Foyer opens. The variety of cards this year is wider than ever and includes designs that support our own work and that of The Connection at St Martin-in-the-Fields. Christmas is coming to the Café in the Crypt Our fantastic private dining space, the Apse, is available to hire for groups of up to 16. Reservations are available in the Café in the Crypt for groups of six or more (excluding Saturdays). For more information, email café Christmas all wrapped up The Christmas Shop provides an additional space to display a unique range of nativity scenes, festive ornaments from Fair Trade sources and design-led decorations from Gisela Graham Ltd. New this year are these charming paper angels, in a set of seven, from Dutch company Zonnelijk. News from the Café in the Crypt Thanks to the fantastic feedback from our customers, the Café in the Crypt has been awarded the Certificate of Excellence from TripAdvisor. Read our reviews and share your thoughts on your experice at the Café in the Crypt. Café in the Crypt Opening Times Monday and Tuesday 8.00am – 8.00pm Wednesday 8.00am – 10.30pm (Jazz Night ticket holders only after 6.30pm) Thursday – Saturday 8.00am – 9.00pm Sunday 11.00am – 6.00pm The Café in the Crypt and Shop at St Martin’s are closed on Christmas Day, 25 December and Boxing Day, 26 December and opens at the later time of 11.00am on 1 January. Please visit our website for further details on seasonal changes to opening hours. 30 Visit our website | Box Office 020 7766 1100 | All profits support the work of St Martin’s Gifts for your loved ones As well as the more obvious church shop items – roundels, misericords, books by Revd Dr Sam Wells – we also feature gifts you might not expect, including accessories from diverse companies such as Abbeyhorn, established in Cumbria in 1749 (featured hornware bangle £23.99). We try to focus on ethically-sourced items, which are UK-made where possible. Cosmetics are always popular at this time of year. New to us this year is the award-winning ‘Bathing Beauty’, which ticks all the boxes by being vegan, cruelty-free and Welsh. Amongst items pictured are ‘Beard Oil’ (£16.99) for your favourite hipster, and the face-protector ‘Balaclava’ (£16.99) – a more glamorous alternative to the knitted variety! Shop and Brass Rubbing Opening Times Monday – Tuesday Wednesday Thursday – Saturday Sunday 10.00am – 7.00pm 10.00am – 7.45pm 10.00am – 8.45pm 11.00am – 6.00pm Please visit our website for further details on seasonal changes to opening hours. Visit our website | Box Office 020 7766 1100 | All profits support the work of St Martin’s 31 A guided tour 1. IN THE BEGINNING Sculpture in Portland stone by Mike Chapman to mark the millennium. The carved words are from St John’s Gospel, “In the beginning was the Word...” 4 11 3. MOSAICS On either side of the sanctuary are two beautiful Victorian mosaics of the annunciation, as the angel announces to Mary that she will bear the Christ Child. 4. EAST WINDOW AND ALTAR Designed by Iranian born artist Shirazeh Houshiary and architect Pip Horne. The window inspires reflection and prayer, the altar a place of transformation from death to life. 5. ROYAL COAT OF ARMS St Martin’s is the Royal Parish Church. This coat of arms is that of King George I who was the first churchwarden. Above the sanctuary beyond, the golden sunburst holds the Hebrew name for God, who rules over all. 3 5 6 2. VICTIMS OF INJUSTICE AND VIOLENCE Sculpture by Chaim Stephenson to remember all victims of injustice and violence in South Africa during the years of apartheid. Dedicated by Archbishop Desmond Tutu in 1994. 6. ST MARTIN Statue by James Butler of St Martin and the beggar. The patron saint of this church is the inspiration for our work with homeless people here in London. 7. PULPIT Originally a three decker pulpit, beautifully crafted and made by local 18th century craftsmen. A sacred monogram on one of the panels are the first three letters of the name ‘Jesus’. 7 8 10 2 9 1 11. F.E.P.O.W. MEMORIAL The Far East Prisoners of War Memorial is in memory of those who died as a result of imprisonment by the Japanese from 1941-45. 8. FONT Originally from the church previously situated on this site. A gift in 1689 from William Bridgeman, Secretary to the Admiralty Board in thanksgiving for a son. 9. ORGAN Handel played the opening recital here in 1726. The present organ was built by Walker’s in 1990. 10. PAINTINGS St Martin – Francisco Solimena, 1730 James Gibbs – Architect of this church built in 1726, by Andrea Soldi, 1800 Dick Sheppard – Vicar of St Martin’s 1914–27