Proceeding - Program Pascasarjana
Proceeding - Program Pascasarjana
Jadwal Presentasi International Interdisciplinary Studies Seminar Program Pascasarjana Universitas Brawijaya Applied Mathematics (AM) 13 April 2016 No Penulis Judul Hari- Tgl Pukul Ruang Moderator Rabu, 13 April 2016 Rabu, 13 April 2016 12.4513.05 WIB 13.0513.25 WIB Application New class of p-Supremum Bounded Variation Double Sequences Rabu, 13 April 2016 13.2513.35 WIB R.2.01 Dr. Abdul Rouf AlGhifari, MS Stability of almost surjective -isometries of Banach spaces Rabu, 13 April 2016 13.3513.45 WIB R.2.01 Dr. Abdul Rouf AlGhifari, MS Sa’adatul Fitri Campanato Type Estimates for Solutions of an Elliptic Systems Class Rabu, 13 April 2016 13.4513.55 WIB R.2.01 Dr. Abdul Rouf AlGhifari, MS 6 Syaiful Anam Particle Swarm Optimization with Mutation and Crossover Operator for Global Optimization Rabu, 13 April 2016 13.5514.05 WIB R.2.01 Dr. Abdul Rouf AlGhifari, MS 7 Vira Hari Krisnawati Konstruksi Large Set Dari Finite Projective Plane Order 3 Rabu, 13 April 2016 14.0514.15 WIB R.2.01 Dr. Abdul Rouf AlGhifari, MS 8 Nur Syazana Anuar Norfifah Bachock Some Further Results on Blasius and Sakiadis Problems in Nanofluids Using Buongiorno Model and Thermophysical Properties of Nanoliquids Rabu, 13 April 2016 14.1514.25 WIB R.2.01 Dr. Abdul Rouf AlGhifari, MS Muhammad Rezal Kamel Ariffin On The Security of RSA Key Equation Rabu, 13 April 2016 14.2514.35 WIB R.2.01 Dr. Abdul Rouf AlGhifari, MS Mai Zurwatul Ahlam Mohd Jaafar A Note on Apical Single Swelling Rabu, 13 April 2016 14.3514.45 WIB R.2.01 Dr. Abdul Rouf AlGhifari, MS 1 Siti Hasanah Invited Speaker 2 Norfifah Invited Speaker 3 Moch. Aruman Imron 4 Minanur Rohman 5 Nurul Nur Hanisah Adenan Siti Hajar 10 Mas’oad 9 Ratno Bagus Edy Wibowo Marjono R.2.01 R.2.01 Dr. Abdul Rouf AlGhifari, MS Dr. Abdul Rouf AlGhifari, MS 11 Nurnazhifa Ab. Rahman Sharifah Kartini Said Husain On Central Extension of Leibniz Algebras Rabu, 13 April 2016 14.4514.55 WIB R.2.01 Dr. Abdul Rouf AlGhifari, MS 12 Nur Atikah Jalal Sharifah Kartini Said Husain Centroids and Derivations of Leibniz Algebras Rabu, 13 April 2016 14.5515.05 WIB R.2.01 Dr. Abdul Rouf AlGhifari, MS 13 Mohd Luqman Mat Rofa Ismail Hakim Rosli Sumbangan Jamshid Al-Kasyi Dalam Matematik dan Perbandingan Dengan Penemuan Tokoh Barat Rabu, 13 April 2016 15.0515.15 WIB R.2.01 Dr. Abdul Rouf AlGhifari, MS 14 Norlida Md Noor Nazihah Mohamed Ali Comparing Three Homogeneity of Variance Tests: Levene’s Test, Bartlett’s Test and O’brien’s Test Rabu, 13 April 2016 15.4515.55 WIB R.2.01 Dr. Abdul Rouf AlGhifari, MS 15 Siti Khadijah Abd Majid MD Sohel Rana Determine the Desire for Children: Evidence from Bdhs Data by Using Multinomial Logistic Regression Approach Rabu, 13 April 2016 15.5516.05 WIB R.2.01 Dr. Abdul Rouf AlGhifari, MS Jadwal Presentasi International Interdisciplinary Studies Seminar Program Pascasarjana Universitas Brawijaya Biodiversity Management 13 April 2016 No Penulis Judul Pukul Ruang Moderator Rabu, 13 April 2016 12.4513.00 WIB R.3.03 Dr. Bagyo Yanuwiadi Soil Characteristic of Land Suitability for Smallholder’s Oil Rabu, 13 April Palm in Seruyan Regency, Central Kalimantan 2016 13.0013.15 WIB R.3.03 Dr. Bagyo Yanuwiadi Interactions among Diversity of Arthropods in Areas with Mahogany (Swietania macrophylla ) in Purwodadi Botanical Garden, Pasuruan, East Java, Indonesia Rabu, 13 April 2016 13.1513.30 WIB R.3.03 Dr. Bagyo Yanuwiadi 1 Puspita Ayuningtyas Prawesti 2 Hafiizh Prasetia Soemarno Abdul Wahib Muhaimin 3 Henri Restu Nugraha Endang Arisoesilaningsih 4 Shinta Hiflina Yuniari Asus Maizar Yuni Kilawati Suryanto Hertika Density and Intensity Metallothionein Expressed in Interior Cavity Crasostrea cucullata on The Prenduan Beach, Sumenep District, East Java Rabu, 13 April 2016 13.3013.45 WIB R.3.03 Dr. Bagyo Yanuwiadi 5 Nuddin Harahab Erlinda Indrayani Bioeconomic Analysis Tuna Fish In East Java Rabu, 13 April 2016 13.4514.00 WIB R.3.03 Dr. Bagyo Yanuwiadi 6 Muhammad Afnan Nazmi Abd Rahman Mansor Monsi Modifications of Interval Single-Step Procedure for Rabu, 13 April Simultaneous Bounding Real Zeroes of A Polynomial With 2016 Halley Correction 14.1514.30 WIB R.3.03 Dr. Bagyo Yanuwiadi 7 Nur Fazlin Razali Nor Aliza Abd Rahmin Scheduling on Nurse Rostering Problem by Using Simple Heuristic Rabu, 13 April 2016 14.3014.45 WIB R.3.03 Dr. Bagyo Yanuwiadi 8 Nurfarah Alya Ab Latif Fudziah Ismail Solving Fuzzy Differential Equations (Fdes) by Using Predictor-Corrector (Pc) Method Rabu, 13 April 2016 15.0015.15 WIB R.3.03 Dr. Bagyo Yanuwiadi 9 Setyono Yudo Tyasmoro Anna Satyana Karyawati The Determination of N, P And K Fertilizer On Wet Land Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Varieties Ciherang Based On Omission Plot Method Rabu, 13 April 2016 15.4516.00 WIB R.3.03 Dr. Bagyo Yanuwiadi Antibacterial Effect Exploratian of Holothuria scabra Againts Aeromonas hidrophyla Bacteria Rabu, 13 April 2016 16.0016.15 WIB R.3.03 Dr. Bagyo Yanuwiadi 10 Maftuch The Effect of Unsustainable Behaviours on the Occurrence of Forest Fires in Indonesia (an Overview of The Villages’ Potency Census 2014) Hari- Tgl Aris Rusyiana Hanikatus Sholihah Ariffin Jadwal Presentasi International Interdisciplinary Studies Seminar Program Pascasarjana Universitas Brawijaya Environmental Policy 13 April 2016 No Penulis Judul Pukul Ruang Moderator Rabu, 13 April 2016 12.4513.00 WIB R.3.04 Wike, S.Sos.,M.Si.,Ph.D Meta-Analysis of Dietary Exogenous Enzymes Supplementation on Crude Protein Digestibility of Rabu, 13 April Broiler: A Statistical Approach toward Environmentally- 2016 Friendly Broiler Production 13.0013.15 WIB R.3.04 Wike, S.Sos.,M.Si.,Ph.D Human Activities and Implications Pollution on The Prenduan Coastal, Sumenep, East Java Indicators: Expression of Metallothionein (Mt) In Gills Oyster (Crassostrea cuccullata ) Hari- Tgl 1 Dyah Ayu Wijayanti 2 Faizal Andri 3 Febi Wahyu Sulistyadi Change Landscape Residential Area and Vegetation Around the Military Airbase Abdul Rachman Saleh with Mapping Method Rabu, 13 April 2016 13.1513.30 WIB R.3.04 Wike, S.Sos.,M.Si.,Ph.D 4 Hendri Prananta Perangin Angina Washing Coal Use The Chance Cone Rabu, 13 April 2016 13.3013.45 WIB R.3.04 Wike, S.Sos.,M.Si.,Ph.D 5 Maftuch Eksplorasi Efek Antibakteri Holothuria scabra Terhadap Rabu, 13 April Bakteri Aeromonas hidrophyla 2016 13.4514.00 WIB R.3.04 Wike, S.Sos.,M.Si.,Ph.D 6 Purnomo Ethnobotany of Plants Custom Javanese Wedding Ceremonies: Plants As A Symbol of Hope and The Doctrine of Life Rabu, 13 April 2016 14.1514.30 WIB R.3.04 Wike, S.Sos.,M.Si.,Ph.D 7 Sri Sudaryanti Soemarno Marsoedi Bagyo Yanuwiadi The Use of Multivariate Analyses to Assess The Health of The Upper Brantas Catchment Using Macroinvertebrate Communities Rabu, 13 April 2016 14.3014.45 WIB R.3.04 Wike, S.Sos.,M.Si.,Ph.D 8 Sumardi M. Bisri Soemarno A. Munawir Beton Hibrida Berpenguat Kaca: Sebuah Solusi Pemanfaatan Limbah Rabu, 13 April 2016 15.0015.15 WIB R.3.04 Wike, S.Sos.,M.Si.,Ph.D 9 Harsuko Riniwati, Nuddin Harahab Analysis of Public Perception of Fish Frozen Productin Malang City with Gesca Method Rabu, 13 April 2016 15.4516.00 WIB R.3.04 Wike, S.Sos.,M.Si.,Ph.D The Effect of Food Security to Human Resources Tough of Airborne Infantry Batallion 502/18/2 Army Strategic Reserve Command In Jabung Malang City With GeSCA Method Rabu, 13 April 2016 16.0016.15 WIB R.3.04 Wike, S.Sos.,M.Si.,Ph.D Boussinesq’s Method For Propagation And Run Up of Tsunami Wave Rabu, 13 April 2016 16.1516.30 WIB R.3.04 Wike, S.Sos.,M.Si.,Ph.D Eko Widodo 10 Zaenal Fanani Mohamad 11 Faiz Zil Ikram Mahmud, Chen Chuei Yee Application New class of p-Supremum Bounded Variation Double Sequences Moch. Aruman Imron Department of Math, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Brawijaya,Malang. Abstract The classical theorem on the uniform convergence of sine series with monotone decreasing coefficients have been proved by Chaundy and Jollife in 1916. Recently, the monotone decreasing coefficiets has been generalized by classes supremum bounded variation sequence and p-supremum bounded variation sequences. In two variables, class of supremum bounded variation double sequences and p-supremum bounded variation double sequences were studied under the uniform convergence of double sine series. This class has generalizedto new class of psupremum bounded variation double sequences. Futhermore, we discuss an application of class of p -supremum bounded variation double sequences Keywords::Bounded variation, Double sequence, application INTRODUCTION The classical theorem on the uniform convergence of sine series with monotone decreasing coefficients have been proved by Chaundy and Jollife (1916) and Zygmund (1959) as stated in Theorem 1. Theorem 1. Suppose that {𝑎𝑘 } ⊂ [0,∞) is decreasing tending to zero. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the uniform convergence of the series ∞ ∑ 𝑎𝑘 sin 𝑘𝑥 (1) 𝑘=1 is lim 𝑘 𝑎𝑘 = 0. 𝑘→∞ As the single sine series (1) we discuss double sine series of two variables. Let 𝑎 = {𝑎𝑗𝑘 } ⊆ ℂ and consider the double sine series of the form 𝑚 𝑛 ∑ ∑ 𝑎𝑗𝑘 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝑗𝑥 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑘𝑦 (2) 𝑗=1 𝑘=1 As an idea in one variable, to investigate the uniform convergence of double sine series, the coefficients of the series in Korus(2011) are supposed to be member of class of general monotone double sequences. In two variables, Supremum Bounded Variation Double Sequences of first type (SBVSDS1) and Supremum Bounded Variation Double Sequences of second type (SBVSDS2) have been introduced by Korus (2011). Furthermore, Imronet. al. (2013b) defined class of p-Supremum Bounded Variation single Sequences single inImron et. all. (2013b)and double sequences in Imron et. all. (2013c). Futhermore those classes have been generalized to the new classes in imron (2013d) as follows Definition 1. Let 𝑎 = {𝑎𝑘 } and 𝛽 = {𝛽𝑘 } be two sequences of complex and positive numbers, respectively. A couple (𝑎, 𝛽) is said to be class of p-Supremum Bounded Variation Sequences second type of 𝜆 written (𝑎, 𝛽) ∈ 𝒮ℬ𝒱𝒮1𝑝𝜆 , if there exists C > 0 and integer 𝜆 ≥ 1 and {𝑏(𝑙)},, converges to infinity depend only {𝑎𝑘 } such that 1 1/𝑝 2𝑛−1 2𝑚 𝐶 ≤ sup ∑ 𝛽𝑘 , 𝑛 ≥ 𝜆,, 𝑛 𝑚≥𝑏(𝑛) ( ∑ |Δ𝑎𝑘 |𝑝 ) 𝑘=𝑛 𝑘=𝑚 for 1 ≤ 𝑝 < ∞. Definition 2. Let 𝑎 = {𝑎𝑗𝑘 } and 𝛽 = {𝛽𝑗𝑘 } be two double sequences of complex and positive numbers, respectively. A couple (𝑎, 𝛽) is said to be class of p-Supremum Bounded Variation Double Sequencessecond type of 𝜆 written (𝑎, 𝛽) ∈ 𝒮ℬ𝒱𝒟𝒮2𝑝𝜆 , if there exists C > 0 and integer 𝜆 ≥ 1 and {𝑏(𝑙)}, converging to infinity, depending only {𝑎𝑗𝑘 } such that 𝑝 1/𝑝 (i) (∑2𝑚−1 𝑗=𝑚 |Δ10 𝑎𝑗𝑛 | ) 𝐶 ≤ 𝑚 sup ∑2𝑀 𝑗=𝑀 𝛽𝑗𝑛 , 𝑚 ≥ 𝜆, 𝑛 ≥ 𝜆,, 𝑀≥𝑏(𝑚) 𝐶 𝑝 1/𝑝 (ii) (∑2𝑛−1 ≤ 𝑛 sup ∑2𝑁 𝑘=𝑛 |Δ01 𝑎𝑚𝑘 | ) 𝑘=𝑁 𝛽𝑚𝑘 , 𝑚 ≥ 𝜆, , 𝑛 ≥ 𝜆, (iii) 𝑁≥𝑏(𝑛) 𝑝 1/𝑝 𝐶 2𝑚−1 ∑2𝑛−1 ∑2𝑀 ∑2𝑁 𝛽 (∑𝑗=𝑚 𝑘=𝑛 |Δ11 𝑎𝑗𝑘 | ) ≤ sup 𝑚𝑛 𝑀+𝑁≥𝑏(𝑚+𝑛) 𝑗=𝑀 𝑘=𝑁 𝑗𝑘 , 𝑚, 𝑛 ≥ 𝜆, for 1 ≤ 𝑝 < ∞. In the present paper, we will discuss an application of new classes of p-supremum bounded variation double sequences of first type(𝒮ℬ𝒱𝒟𝒮1𝑝 ) and p-supremum bounded variation double sequences of seconnd type (𝒮ℬ𝒱𝒟𝒮2𝑝 ). METHODS This research was doneby study of literature , books and the supporting scientific journals to get a well understanding , then develop resultsrelated to the research that has been published in the journal. The results ofthis research are communicated in a seminar.In summary the method of the research isapplying the new class of p-supremum bounded variation double sequences of seconnd type . RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In this section we study the uniform convergence of double sine series (2) with coefficients of the class of p-Supremum Bounded Variation Double Sequences second type of 𝜆. Let(𝑎, 𝛽) ∈ 𝒮ℬ𝒱𝒟𝒮2𝑝𝜆 , 1 ≤ 𝑝 < ∞. Theorem3. 1 1− 𝑝 sequence{(𝑚𝑛) sup 𝑀+𝑁≥𝑏𝑚+𝑛 If 2𝑁 ∑2𝑀 𝑗=𝑀 ∑𝑘=𝑁 𝛽𝑗𝑘 }converges to 0, for𝑚 + 𝑛 → ∞, thenthe series(2)uniformly convergence at𝐷 = {(𝑥, 𝑦): 0 ≤ 𝑥, 𝑦 ≤ 𝜋}. Proof.To prove the uniformly regularly convergent of double sine series (1.2), first by letting the single sine series with coefficients of double sequence {𝑎𝑗𝑘 } ∞ ∑ 𝑎𝑗𝑛 sin 𝑗𝑥, 𝑛 = 1, 2, 3, …, (3) 𝑗=1 ∞ ∑ 𝑎𝑚𝑘 sin 𝑘𝑦, 𝑚 = 1, 2, 3, … . (4) 𝑘=1 1 𝑝 1− Furthermore, by the condition {(𝑚𝑛) sup 𝑀+𝑁≥𝑏𝑚+𝑛 2𝑁 ∑2𝑀 𝑗=𝑀 ∑𝑘=𝑁 𝛽𝑗𝑘 }converges to 0, for𝑚 + 𝑛 → ∞,it can ∞ 𝜆 𝜆 be proved that for any 𝑚 ≥ 𝜆, ({𝑎𝑚𝑘 }∞ 𝑘=1 , 𝛽 ) ∈ 𝒮ℬ𝒱𝒮2𝑝 and for any 𝑛 ≥ 𝜆, ({𝑎𝑗𝑛 }𝑛=1 , 𝛽) ∈ 𝒮ℬ𝒱𝒮2𝑝. Hence by condition of this Theorem and according toTheorem 3.1. shown by Imron et. al (2013a) implies the uniform convergence of the series (3) and (4). The second, we show that the double series (2) is convergence at (x,y) for all 0 ≤ 𝑥, 𝑦 ≤ 𝜋. (i) Following an idea from Moricz [2], for (𝑥, 𝑦) ≠ (0, 0 we represent the rectangular partial sums 2 𝑚 𝑛 𝑆𝑚𝑛 (𝑥, 𝑦) = ∑ ∑ 𝑎𝑗𝑘 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑗𝑥 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑘𝑥 , 𝑚, 𝑛 ≥ 𝜆, 𝑗=𝜆 𝑘=𝜆 of series (2) to perform a double summation by part yields 𝑚 𝑛 𝑚 ∑ ∑ 𝐷𝑗∗ (𝑥 )𝐷𝑘∗ (𝑦)∆11 𝑎𝑗𝑘 𝜆=1 𝑘=𝜆 𝑛 𝑆𝑚𝑛 (𝑥, 𝑦) = + ∑ 𝐷𝑗∗ (𝑥 )𝐷𝑛∗ (𝑦)∆10 𝑎𝑗,𝑛+1 ) 𝑗=𝜆 ∗ ( ) ∗( ) ∗ + ∑ 𝐷𝑚 𝑥 𝐷𝑘 𝑦 ∆01 𝑎𝑚+1,𝑘 + 𝑎𝑚+1,𝑛+1 𝐷𝑚 (𝑥)𝐷𝑛∗ (𝑦) (5) 𝑘=𝜆 where 𝐷𝑛∗ conjugate Dirichlet kernel defined as 𝑛 𝑐𝑜𝑠 12𝑥 − 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝑛 + 12)𝑥 𝐷𝑛∗ (𝑥 ) = ∑ sin 𝑘𝑥 = ,𝑛 ≥ 𝜆 2𝑠𝑖𝑛12𝑥 𝑘=𝜆 and |𝐷𝑛∗ (𝑥)| ≤ 𝜋𝑥 for 𝑥 ∈ (0, 𝜋]. Given condition in this theorem, by Lemma 2.13 in Imron et. all. (2013c), we obtained ∞ ∞ ∑ ∑|∆11 𝑎𝑗𝑘 | < ∞ 𝑗=𝜆 𝑘=1 thus ∞ ∞ ∑ ∑|𝐷𝑗∗ (𝑥)𝐷𝑘∗ (𝑦)∆11 𝑎𝑗𝑘 | < ∞ (6) 𝑗=𝜆 𝑘=1 Given condition of this theorem, by Lemmma 2.12 in Imron et. Al. (2013c), |𝑎𝑗𝑘 | → 0, for 𝑗 + 𝑘 → ∞ and from ∞ (7) ∞ ∆10𝑎𝑚𝑛 = ∑ ∆11 𝑎𝑚𝑘 , ∆01 𝑎𝑚𝑛 = ∑ ∆11 𝑎𝑗𝑛, 𝑘=𝑛 𝑗=𝑚 we have ∞ ∆10 𝑎𝑗,𝑛+1 = ∑ ∆11 𝑎𝑗𝑘 . 𝑘=𝑛+1 Further ∞ ∞ ∞ ∑|∆10 𝑎𝑗,𝑛+1 | ≤ ∑ ∑ |∆11 𝑎𝑗𝑘 | → 0 as 𝑛 → ∞. 𝑗=𝜆 𝑗=1 𝑘=𝑛+1 This implies that, for all 0 < 𝑥, 𝑦 ≤ 𝜋 𝑚 ∑ 𝐷𝑗∗ (𝑥 )𝐷𝑛∗ (𝑦)∆10 𝑎𝑗,𝑛+1 → 0 as 𝑛 → ∞, (8) 𝑗=𝜆 uniformly in m. Similarly, for all 0 < 𝑥, 𝑦 ≤ 𝜋 𝑛 ∗ ( ) ∗( ) ∑ 𝐷𝑚 𝑥 𝐷𝑘 𝑦 ∆01 𝑎𝑚+1,𝑘 → 0 as 𝑚 → ∞, (9) 𝑘=𝜆 uniformly in n. By (7) ∗ ( ) ∗( ) 𝑎𝑚+1,𝑛+1 𝐷𝑚 𝑥 𝐷𝑛 𝑦 → 0 as 𝑚 + 𝑛 → ∞. (10) Consequently by (5), (6), (8), (9) and (10) (ii) 𝑆𝑚𝑛 (𝑥, 𝑦) → 0, as 𝑚 + 𝑛 → ∞. ∞ ∑∞ ( ) ∑ For 𝑥, 𝑦 = (0, 0), 𝑗=𝜆 𝑘=𝜆 𝑎𝑗𝑘 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑗𝑥 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑘𝑥 = 0. 3 From the first and second part of this proof it can be concluded that series (2) convergence is uniformly at (x,y) for all 0 ≤ 𝑥, 𝑦 ≤ 𝜋. The proof is complete. ∎ 2𝑟 ) EXAMPLE 4. Set 𝑚𝑟 = 2(2 for 𝑟 = 1, 2, 3, … and 0 𝑗 −2 0 𝑎𝑗1 = 𝑗 −2 { 0 if 1 ≤ 𝑗 < 𝑚1 , if 𝑗 = 𝑚𝑟 , if𝑛𝑗 < 𝑗 < 𝑚𝑟2 , if𝑚𝑟2 ≤ 𝑗 < 2𝑚𝑟2 , if2𝑚𝑟2 ≤ 𝑗 < 𝑚𝑟+1. We define the sequence {𝛽𝑗1 }, where 𝛽𝑗1 = 𝑎𝑗1 , for every j. By Theorem 2.1. in Korus (2011) 𝑗 ({𝑎𝑗1 }, {𝛽𝑗1 }) ∈ 𝒮ℬ𝒱𝒟𝒮𝑝 with constant 𝐶 = 4 and 𝑏(𝑗) = [ ]. 2 The second example 0 if 1 ≤ 𝑗 < 𝑚1 , −2 𝑚𝑟 if 𝑗 = 𝑚𝑟 0 if𝑚𝑟 < 𝑗 < 𝑚𝑟2 , −3/2 𝑚𝑟+1 if𝑚𝑗2 ≤ 𝑗 ≤ 2𝑚𝑗2 𝑎𝑗2 = { if2𝑚𝑟2 < 𝑗 < 𝑚𝑟+1. 0 We define the sequence {𝛽𝑗2 }, where 𝛽𝑗2 = 𝑎𝑗2 , for every j. By Theorem 2.4. In Imron et. All. (2013b), ({𝑎𝑗2 }, {𝛽𝑗2 }) ∈ 𝒮ℬ𝒱𝒟𝒮2𝑝 with constant 𝐶 = 2 and 𝑏(𝑗) = 𝑗1/2 . Finally, we define ({𝑎𝑗𝑘 }, {𝛽𝑗𝑘 }) ∈ 𝒮ℬ𝒱𝒟𝒮2𝑝 . Thus 𝑎𝑗𝑘 = 0 for 𝑗 ≥ 1, 𝑘 ≥ 3. Futhermore the second and third condition of Definition 1.4 are satiesfied for 𝐶 = 4 and 𝑏 (𝑙 ) = 𝑙1/2, this means ({𝑎𝑗𝑛 }, {𝛽𝑗𝑛 }) ∈ 𝒮ℬ𝒱𝒟𝒮2𝑝 . Thus by Definition 2, (𝑎, 𝛽) ∈ 𝒮ℬ𝒱𝒟𝒮2𝑝𝜆 . It can be proved that the series (2) uniform convergence. 1 𝑝 1− Proof. It will be proved that sequence{(𝑚𝑛) sup 𝑀+𝑁≥𝑏𝑚+𝑛 2𝑁 ∑2𝑀 𝑗=𝑀 ∑𝑘=𝑁 𝛽𝑗𝑘 }converges to 0, for𝑚 + 𝑛 → ∞. Example For𝑝 = 1. For 𝑘 = 1, 2𝑀 2𝑀 ∑ 𝛽𝑗𝑘 = ∑ 𝑗 −2 𝑗=𝑀 𝑗=𝑀 −2 It can be proved that ∑2𝑀 converge to 0 and the same way for𝑘 = 2 . By Theorem 3, the series (2) 𝑗=𝑀 𝑗 converges uniformly atat (x,y) for all 0 ≤ 𝑥, 𝑦 ≤ 𝜋. ∎ CONCLUSIONS In this paper we have introduced the application of class 𝒮ℬ𝒱𝒟𝒮2𝑝𝜆. We have investigated that (i) (ii) 1 𝑝 1− If sequence{(𝑚𝑛) sup 𝑀+𝑁≥𝑏𝑚+𝑛 2𝑁 ∑2𝑀 𝑗=𝑀 ∑𝑘=𝑁 𝛽𝑗𝑘 }converges to 0, for𝑚 + 𝑛 → ∞, thenthe series (2) uniformly convergence at𝐷 = {(𝑥, 𝑦): 0 ≤ 𝑥, 𝑦 ≤ 𝜋} For example of class of class of 𝒮ℬ𝒱𝒟𝒮2𝑝𝜆in example 4. 4 ACKNOWLDGEMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences University of Brawijaya andthe Graduate School University of Brawijaya . REFERENCES Chaundy, T. W., and Jollife, A. E., 1916, The Uniform Convergence of Certain class Trigonometric Series, Proc. London Soc. 15 , 214-116. 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Hungar, 63, 205-214. Zygmund, A., 1959, Trigonometric Series, Vol I, II, Second ed. Cambridge Univ. Press. 5 Stability of almost surjective 𝜺-isometries of Banach spaces Minanur Rohman1*, Ratno Bagus Edy Wibowo2, Marjono3 1Departement of Mathematics, University of Brawijaya of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Brawijaya 3Departement of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Brawijaya 2Departement Abstract Assume that X and Y are real Banach spaces that strictly convex and T : X →Y bean almost surjective 𝜀-isometry which satisfies sup lim inf 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡(𝑡𝑦, 𝑇𝑥)/|𝑡|< ½, 𝑦∈𝑆𝑌 |𝑡|→∞ Then there exists an affine surjective isometry V : X →Y such that ‖𝑇𝑥 − 𝑈𝑥‖≤ 2𝜀 for all 𝑥 ∈X. Keywords: almost surjective, 𝜀-isometry Introduction A mapping from a Banach space X to another Banach space Y , T : X →Y, is said to be an 𝜀-isometry provided there exists 𝜀≥ 0 such that |‖𝑇𝑥 − 𝑇𝑦‖ − ‖𝑥 − 𝑦‖|≤𝜀 for all 𝑥, 𝑦 ∈X. In another hand, a mapping U : X →Yis called to be an isometry if the following equality is hold, ‖𝑇𝑥 − 𝑇𝑦‖ = ‖𝑥 − 𝑦‖ for all 𝑥, 𝑦 ∈X. Now, assume that there is a mapping T : X →Y where T be an 𝜀-isometries. Then, the problem to find a mapping U : X →Ywhich is an (true) isometry is called as Hyers-Ulam problem. In 1945, Hyers and Ulam proposed the following question : Wheter for every surjective 𝜀-isometry Twith T(0) = 0, there exist a surjective (true) isometry U : X → Y and K(X,Y)>0 such that ‖𝑇𝑥 − 𝑈𝑥 ‖≤ K(X,Y)𝜀 for all 𝑥 ∈X. Hyers-Ulam have proved that for a mapping for every surjective 𝜀-isometry T: X →Y (X and Y are Euclidean spaces), then there is an (true) isometry U : X →Y where U is defined below U(𝑥) = lim 𝑛→∞ T(2𝑛 𝑥) 2𝑛 for all 𝑥 ∈X. Further, they also proved that there is a constant K(X,Y) = 10 such that ‖𝑇𝑥 − 𝑈𝑥 ‖≤10𝜀. A year later, Bourgin (1946) also study about Hyers-Ulam problem in 𝐿𝑝 spaces and he found that the constant K(X,Y) is 12. In 1983, after many partial results extending over almost four decades, Gevirtz extended the theorems of Hyers-Ulam and D. G. Bourgin to arbitrary Banach spaces X and Y with better estimate 5𝜀. For more detail 6 explanations, see J. Gevirtz (1983). Finally, Omladič and Šemrl showed that 2𝜀 is a sharp constant K(X,Y) for general Banach spaces. See Omladič and Šemrl (1995). In the real-world, it is very difficult to find and make measurements of a surjective mapping. Thus, it is natural to ask if a mapping, which only nearly preserves distances and only almost covers the target space, can be well approximated by a surjective isometry.The surjectivity assumption of mapping T as an 𝜀isometry is relaxed by Šemrl and Väisälä (2003), that is a mapping T must not be surjective, but almost surjective. Let T: X →Y be a map, 𝑌1 a closed subspace of Y, and 𝛿 a nonnegative real number. Then, T maps X𝛿 – onto (almost surjective for about 𝛿) 𝑌1 if for every 𝑦 ∈ 𝑌1 there is 𝑥 ∈ 𝑋 with ‖𝑇𝑥 − 𝑦‖≤𝛿, and for for every 𝑢 ∈ 𝑋 there is 𝑣 ∈ 𝑌1 there is with ‖𝑇𝑢 − 𝑣‖≤𝛿. Our aim is to present that for every 𝜀-isometry T, then there is an (true) isometry V if the inequality sup lim inf 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡(𝑡𝑦, 𝑇(𝑋))/|𝑡|< ½. 𝑦∈𝑆𝑌 |𝑡|→∞ is satisfied. Note 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡(𝑡𝑦, 𝑇(𝑋)) = ‖𝑡𝑦 − 𝑇(𝑋)‖ show that it is a metric induced by norm. We also write 𝑇𝑥 instead of 𝑇(𝑥 ); this simplification is standard in functional analysis. Stability of almost surjective 𝜺-isometry of Banach spaces. We use a proposition and a theorem of previous studies which is not proved here. Proposition 1. Let X is a Banach space and Y is uniformly convex Banach space. Let T : X→Y be an 𝜀-isometry with T(0) = 0. If there is a surjective linear isometry U : X→Y such that ‖𝑇𝑥 − 𝑈𝑥 ‖= o(‖𝑥 ‖) as ‖𝑥 ‖ → ∞, then ‖𝑇𝑥 − 𝑈𝑥 ‖≤ 2𝜀 for all 𝑥 ∈ 𝑋. Proof. See Igor. A. Vestfrid (2004) The definition below is needed in discussing the last two theorem. Definition 2. i. C(T) denote the convex Hull that cover (𝑇𝑥 ∪ −𝑇𝑥). ii. The functional in Y* which is bounded by 𝛽𝜀 for 𝛽> 0 on C(T) is denoted by 𝑀𝜀 , that is 𝑀𝜀 = { 𝜙 ∈Y* is bounded by 𝛽𝜀 on C(T) for some 𝛽> 0 } iii. Annihilator of 𝑀𝜀 , E = 𝑀𝜀 ⊥, is a set such that ⟨𝜙, 𝑓⟩ = 0, for every 𝜙 ∈ 𝑀𝜀 and 𝑓 ∈ 𝐸, E = 𝑀𝜀 ⊥ = { 𝑓 ∈ 𝐸 : ⟨𝜙, 𝑓⟩ = 0 for every 𝜙 ∈ 𝑀𝜀 } iv. 𝑆𝑌 denote the unit sphere of space Y. 7 v. Let 𝛼 ≥ 0. A closed subspace M⊆ X is said to be 𝛼-complemented provided there exist a closed subspace N⊆ X with 𝑀 ∩ 𝑁 = {0} and a projecton P : X→M along N such that X = 𝑀 + 𝑁and ‖𝑃‖ ≤ 𝛼. Theorem 3. Let T : X→Y be an 𝜀-isometry with T(0) = 0. Let E be 𝛼-complemented in Y and P be a projection P : X →M along N such that X = 𝑀 + 𝑁and ‖𝑃‖ ≤ 𝛼. Let co(𝑇𝑥 ∪ −𝑇𝑥) ⊂E + B for some bounded set B⊂Y. Then there is a surjective norm-one linear operator U : E→X such that ‖𝑈𝑃𝑇𝑥 − 𝑥 ‖≤ 4𝜀 Proof. See Igor Vestfrid (2015, theorem 4) Theorem 4 (main theorem). Let T : X→Y be an 𝜀-isometry with T(0) = 0. i. If sup lim inf 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡(𝑡𝑦,co(𝑇𝑥 ∪ −𝑇𝑥))/|𝑡|< 1, then there is a surjective norm-one linear operator 𝑦∈𝑆𝑌 |𝑡|→∞ U : Y→X such that ‖𝑈𝑇𝑥 − 𝑥 ‖≤ 4𝜀, 𝑥ϵX. ii. If lim inf 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡 (𝑡𝑦, 𝑇𝑥)/|𝑡|< ½ for every 𝑦 ∈ 𝑆𝑌 , then U is injective. We denote its inverse by V := iii. 𝑈−1 :X →Y. If sup lim inf 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡(𝑡𝑦, 𝑇𝑥)/|𝑡|< ½, the V is a surjective linear isometry satisfying |𝑡|→∞ 𝑦∈𝑆𝑌 |𝑡|→∞ ‖𝑇𝑥 − 𝑉𝑥 ‖≤ 2𝜀, 𝑥ϵX. proof. To abbreviate the notions, following Väisälä (2001),we set: a. 𝜏(𝐶 (𝑇)) = sup lim inf 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡(𝑡𝑦,co(𝑇𝑥 ∪ −𝑇𝑥))/|𝑡| 𝑦∈𝑆𝑌 |𝑡|→∞ b. 𝜚(𝑦, 𝑇) = lim inf 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡 (𝑡𝑦, 𝑇𝑥)/|𝑡| |𝑡|→∞ c. 𝜏(𝑇) = sup lim inf 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡(𝑡𝑦, 𝑇𝑥)/|𝑡| 𝑦∈𝑆𝑌 |𝑡|→∞ i. Choose 𝜏(𝐶 (𝑇))< q’ < q” < 1. Suppose that there is a norm-one 𝜑 ∈ 𝑀𝜀 . Then there is 𝑦 ∈ 𝑆𝑌 such that (4.1) ⟨𝜑, 𝑦⟩> q”. By the definition of 𝑀𝜀 , there is r> 0 such that (4.2) |⟨𝜑, 𝑢⟩| <r for all 𝑢 ∈ 𝐶(𝑇). Since 𝜏(𝐶 (𝑇))< q’, there are sequences {𝑡𝑛 } ⊂ ℝ and {𝑢𝑛 } ⊂ 𝐶(𝑇) such that (4.3) |𝑡𝑛 | → ∞ and ‖𝑦 − 𝑢𝑛 /𝑡𝑛 ‖< q’ for all 𝑛. 8 Since ‖𝜑‖ = 1 and |𝑡𝑛 | → ∞, it follows that (4.3) become q‘ >‖𝑦 − 𝑢𝑛 /𝑡𝑛 ‖ ≥‖𝑦‖ - ‖𝑢𝑛 /𝑡𝑛 ‖ = ‖𝜑‖‖𝑦‖ - ‖𝜑‖‖𝑢𝑛 /𝑡𝑛 ‖ ≥ |⟨𝜑, 𝑦⟩| - |⟨𝜑, 𝑢𝑛 /𝑡𝑛 ⟩| > q” - |⟨𝜑, 𝑢𝑛 ⟩|/|𝑡𝑛 | > q” - r/|𝑡𝑛 | = q” (from 4.1) (from 4.2) which implies q’ > q”, a contradiction with our assumption. Since 0 ≤|⟨𝜑, 𝑦⟩|< q’ < 1 and q’ is arbitrary, then ⟨𝜑, 𝑦⟩ = 0. If 𝑦 ≠ 0, then clearly 0 = 𝜑 ∈ 𝑀𝜀 , or 𝑀𝜀 = {0}. Consequently, 𝑀𝜀 ⊥ = E = Y. from the Theorem 3, since E = Y, then B = ∅. On the other hands, since 𝑀𝜀 ⊥ = Y, then P in the Theorem 3is an identity mapping 𝐼 with ‖𝐼 ‖≤ 𝛼. It implies that there is a linear surjective operator norm-one U : X→Y such that ‖𝑈𝑇𝑥 − 𝑥 ‖≤ 4𝜀. ii. Let 𝑦 ∈ 𝑆𝑌 . We show that ‖𝑈𝑦‖ ≥ 1 - 2 𝜚(𝑦, 𝑇) which implies injectivity of U. Let 𝜚(𝑦, 𝑇)< q’ < ½. Then there are sequences {𝑡𝑛 } ⊂ ℝ and {𝑥𝑛 } ⊂ 𝑋 such that for |𝑡𝑛 | → ∞, we have ‖𝑦 − 𝑇𝑥𝑛 /𝑡𝑛 ‖ ≤ lim inf {‖𝑡𝑛 𝑦 − 𝑇𝑥𝑛 ‖/|𝑡𝑛 |} |𝑡|→∞ = 𝜚(𝑦, 𝑇)< q’ for all 𝑛. The above inequality could be expressed as ‖𝑡𝑛 𝑦 − 𝑇𝑥𝑛 ‖ ≤ |𝑡𝑛 |(lim inf {‖𝑡𝑛 𝑦 − 𝑇𝑥𝑛 ‖/|𝑡𝑛 | }) |𝑡|→∞ (4.4) < q’ |𝑡𝑛 | Since 𝑦 ∈ 𝑆𝑌 , then ‖𝑦‖= 1, which implies (4.4) become |𝑡𝑛 | − ‖𝑇𝑥𝑛 ‖ ≤ ‖𝑡𝑛 − 𝑇𝑥𝑛 ‖ ≤ q’ |𝑡𝑛 | or ‖𝑇𝑥𝑛 ‖ ≥ (1 – q’) |𝑡𝑛 |. Since T is an 𝜀-isometry, then (4.5) ‖𝑥𝑛 ‖ ≥ ‖𝑇𝑥𝑛 ‖ - 𝜀 ≥ (1 – q’) |𝑡𝑛 | - 𝜀. On the other hand, by (i) and ‖𝑈‖ ≤ 1, clearly q’ |𝑡𝑛 | >‖𝑡𝑛 𝑦 − 𝑇𝑥𝑛 ‖ ≥ ‖𝑡𝑛 𝑈𝑦 − 𝑈𝑇𝑥𝑛 ‖ ≥ ‖𝑥𝑛 ‖ − |𝑡𝑛 | ‖𝑈𝑦‖ − ‖𝑈𝑇𝑥𝑛 − 𝑥𝑛 ‖ ≥ ‖𝑥𝑛 ‖ − |𝑡𝑛 | ‖𝑈𝑦‖ − 4𝜀, 9 which implies (4.6) ‖𝑥𝑛 ‖< q’ |𝑡𝑛 |+|𝑡𝑛 | ‖𝑈𝑦‖+ 4𝜀 = (q’ + ‖𝑈𝑦‖) |𝑡𝑛 | + 4𝜀. Substitute (4.5) into (4.6), we get (1 – q’) |𝑡𝑛 | - 𝜀< (q’ + ‖𝑈𝑦‖) |𝑡𝑛 | + 4𝜀. Divide by |𝑡𝑛 |, then for |𝑡𝑛 | → ∞ we have ‖𝑈𝑦‖> 1 – 2q’. Since q’ was arbitrary in interval (𝜚(𝑦, 𝑇),1/2), then 𝜚(𝑦, 𝑇)< ½ and ‖𝑈𝑦‖ ≥ 1 - 2 𝜚(𝑦, 𝑇). iii. We know that 𝜏(𝑇)<𝜚(𝑦, 𝑇) which implies ‖𝑈𝑦‖ ≥ 1 - 2𝜏(𝑇) in (ii). By combining (i) and (ii), we also have U is bijective. Hence, its inverse is bijective and bounded with ‖𝑉 ‖ ≤ 1 . 1 - 2𝜏(𝑇) By (i), for every t> 0, (4.7) ‖𝑡𝑉𝑥 − 𝑇(𝑡𝑥)‖ ≤‖𝑉 ‖‖𝑡𝑥 − 𝑈𝑇(𝑡𝑥)‖ 4𝜀 ≤ 1 - 2𝜏(𝑇) for every 𝑥 ∈ 𝑋. Since T is an 𝜀-isometry and from (4.6), then 4𝜀 𝑡‖𝑉𝑥 ‖ ≤ ‖𝑇(𝑡𝑥)‖+ 1 - 2𝜏(𝑇) 4𝜀 ≤ t ‖𝑥 ‖+ 𝜀 + 1 - 2𝜏(𝑇) ≤ t ‖𝑥 ‖+ (1 + 4 1 - 2𝜏(𝑇) )𝜀 for every 𝑥 ∈ 𝑋. Divide above inequality by t and since 𝜀> 0 was arbitrary, for t → ∞ we have ‖𝑉𝑥 ‖ ≤ ‖𝑥 ‖. Since U : Y →X with ‖𝑈𝑦‖ ≤ 1, then ‖𝑥 ‖ ≤ 1, which implies ‖𝑉𝑥 ‖ ≤ 1. Hence U(𝑦) and V(𝑥) are (true) isometri. By Proposition 1, we have ‖𝑇𝑥 − 𝑉𝑥 ‖≤ 2𝜀. ∎ 10 Summary Our conclusion is if there is an 𝜀-isometry with T(0) = 0, then there is an (true) isometry if satisfy sup lim inf 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡(𝑡𝑦, 𝑇(𝑋))/|𝑡|< ½. 𝑦∈𝑆𝑌 |𝑡|→∞ Acknowledgment We express our gratitude to Igor A. Vestfrid that explain some notion of his theorems. 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INTRODUCTION The aim of this paper is to present the Hölder regularity of weak solutions to linear elliptic partial differential equations of second order n − ∑ Di (aij (x)Dj u) = f + div g (E) { in Ω i,j=1 u=0 on ∂Ω considered in a bounded open set Ω ⊂ ℝ𝑛 , with a smooth boundary 𝜕Ω, where the coefficients aij (x); i, j = 1,2, … , n are assumed to be continuous in Ω and suppose that ∃μ1 > 0, μ2 > 0 such that n |2 μ1 |γ ≤ ∑ aij (x)γi γj ≤ μ2 |γ|2 ; ∀x ∈ Ω, ∀γ = (γi ) ∈ ℝn . i,j=1 Domain Ω is bounded domain in ℝn and u = u(x): Ω → ℝ is the unknown. Let f: Ω → ℝ and g: Ω → ℝn are given integrable functions such that f, g ∈ L2 (Ω). Let X = W01,2 (Ω) is a Hilbert space with an inner product and a norm are defined to be n 〈u, v〉 = ∫ ∑ aij Di u Dj v dx Ω i,j=1 ‖u‖ = 〈u, u〉1/2 , for all u, v ∈ X. We also denote the inner product in L2 (Ω) by (u, v) = ∫Ω u v dx ; ∀u, v ∈ L2 (Ω). Definition 1. (a weak solution) (1) The bilinear form B[u, φ] is defined to be n B[u, φ] = ∫ ∑ aij Di u Dj φ dx Ω i,j=1 for u, φ ∈ X Sa’adatul Fitri [email protected] Departement of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University, Jl. Veteran Malang 65145 Indonesia 12 (2) We say a function u ∈ X is a weak solution of (E) provided B[u, φ] = (f + div g , φ) ; ∀φ ∈ X where ( , ) denote the inner product in L2 (Ω). Definition 2. (Hölder regularity) ̅ Ω, there is c > 0 and 0 < 𝛽 < 1 such that u is Hölder regularity if for any open subset B Ω such that B |u(x) − u(y)| ≤ c|x − y|β , ∀x, y ∈ B. Denotes, u ∈ β (Ω). Cloc Definition 3. (Campanato Space) Let Ω ℝn be a bounded domain and > 0, 𝑢 ∈ ℒ 2, (Ω) : Campanato space iff u ∈ L2 (Ω), [u]ℒ2 2, (Ω) = sup x0 ∈Ω 0<𝜌<𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑚(Ω) 2 ρ− ∫ |u − u̅Ω∩Bρ(x0) | dx < +∞ Ω∩Bρ(x0 ) Theorem 1. (Characterization Campanato) If 0 < 𝛼 < 1 then ̅ ) ≅ ℒ 2,n+2α (Ω). C 0,α (Ω There is equivalence between Campanato Space and Hölder regularity. So, the author utilizes it to prove the Hölder regularity of weak solutions of (E). We use some techniques to get the Campanato estimate. METHODS Before getting the main result, we consider the existence of a weak solution of (E). We use the Riesz representation theorem to prove it. After that, we use Campanato type estimates to prove the Hölder regularity in the interior the domain. Some techniques used are, 1. Comparison step 2. Iteration step 3. Hölder regularity step. RESULT AND DISCUSSION In the following we use the Riesz representation theorem to prove the existence of weak solution of (E). Theorem 2. ∃1 𝑢 ∈ 𝑊01,2 (Ω) a weak solution of (E). Proof. Since 𝑋 = 𝑊01,2 (Ω) is a Hilbert space with inner product and norm n 〈u, v〉 = ∫ ∑ aij Di u Dj v dx Ω i,j=1 ‖u‖ = 〈u, u〉1/2 . For any 𝜑𝜖𝑋 B[u, φ] = (f + div g , φ), that is n ∫ ∑ aij Di u Dj φ dx = ∫ f φ dx − ∫ g Dφ dx. Ω i,j=1 Ω Ω 13 We define an operator T = T(φ) by T(φ) = ∫ f φ − g Dφ dx , φ ∈ X. Ω We claim that T(φ) is linear, bounded and continuous. In fact, the followings are shown. Let λ1 , λ2 ∈ ℝ and φ1 , φ2 ∈ X. T(λ1 φ1 + λ2 φ2 ) = ∫ f (λ1 φ1 + λ2 φ2 ) − g D(λ1 φ1 + λ2 φ2 ) dx Ω = ∫ (λ1 f φ1 + λ2 f φ2 ) − (λ1 g Dφ1 + λ2 g Dφ2 ) dx Ω = λ1 (∫ f φ1 − g Dφ1 dx) + λ2 (∫ f φ2 − g Dφ2 dx) Ω |T(φ)| ≤ Ω ∫ |f ||φ| dx − ∫ |g| |Dφ| dx Ω Ω 1 2 ≤ 1 2 1 2 (∫ |f |2 dx) (∫ |φ |2 dx) + (∫ |g |2 dx) (∫ |Dφ|2 dx) Ω ≤ 1 2 Ω Ω Ω C(‖f‖L2(Ω) +‖g‖L2 (Ω) )‖φ‖ Therefore the Riesz representation theorem yields there exist a unique element u ∈ X such that 〈u, φ〉 = T(φ), for all φ ∈ X, that is n ∫ ∑ aij Di u Dj φ dx = ∫ f φ dx − ∫ g Dφ dx Ω i,j=1 Ω ∀φ ∈ X. Ω This is the definition of a weak solution. ■ The following is the main results. We divide the proof into three steps. 𝑛 𝑞 Theorem 3. Let 𝑢 ∈ 𝑊01,2 (Ω) be a weak solution of (E), where we assume that 𝑓 ∈ 𝐿𝑙𝑜𝑐 (Ω), 𝑞 > , dan g∈ 2 𝐿𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑐 (Ω), 𝑠 > 𝑛. Then u is locally Hölder continuous with some positive exponent 𝛽 < 1. Proof: Step 1. Comparison Let B3R0 (x̅0 ) Ω with x̅0 ∈ Ω and R 0 > 0 . Let x0 ∈ BR0 (x̅0 ) and 0 < 𝑟 < 𝑅 ≤ 2R 0 . We work on Br (x0 ) BR (x0 ) B3R0 (x̅0 ). Figure 1. Any ball 𝐵𝑟 in Ω 14 We now suppose that the coefficients aij (x) are continuous. That is, their oscillation 𝜔(𝑟) ≔ max [ sup aij (x) − inf aij (x)], BR(x0 ) i,j=1,…,n BR(x0 ) becomes small if r is small. We consider the boundary-value problem (G1) { − ∑ Di (aij (x0 )Dj v) = 0 in BR (x0 ) v=u on ∂BR (x0 ) with the constant coefficients aij (x0 ). We find from the standard theory the unique existence of weak solution v ∈ W1,2 (BR (x0 )) of (G1) and satisfy the gradient L∞ -estimate 1 ∫|Dv|2 dx sup |Dv|2 ≤ c ( B BR(x0 ) R x0 ) 2 (1) Now we will prove the following estimate. Lemma 1. (Comparison estimate) ∃𝑐, 𝛿 > 0 such that 𝑟 𝑛 ∫ |Du|2 dx ≤ 𝑐 (( ) + δ) 𝑅 Br (x0 ) s−n 2q−n where β = min { s , q ∫ |Du|2 dx + 𝑐R2β+n−2 BR(x0 ) }. For the proof of Lemma 1, we make a gradient 𝐿2 -estimate for a solution 𝑢. 𝑟 𝑛 ∫ |Du|2 dx ≤ 𝑐1 ( ) 𝑅 BR(x0 ) ∫ |Du|2 dx + 𝑐2 BR (x0 ) ∫ |Dv − Du|2 dx BR(x0 ) (2) Then, subtracting (E) from (G1) and multiply by test function = v − u to have ∫ |Dv − Du|2 dx ≤ δ BR (x0 ) ∫ |Du|2 dx + cR2β+n−2 (‖g‖2Ls(BR (x0)) + ‖f‖2Lq (BR(x0)) ) BR (x0 ) (3) s−n 2q−n where β = min { s , q }. Finally, we combine (1), (2), and (3) to get Lemma 1. Step 2. Iteration Lemma 2. ∃c1 , c2 > 0 such that ∫ |Du|2 dx ≤ c1 ( Br(x0 ) 𝑟 𝐵 ) 𝑅0 ∫ |Du|2 dx + c2 𝑅0 B , 0 <∀ r ≤ 𝑅0 B𝑅0 (x0 ) where c1 = (A−ε )−1 , c2 = c−2B 1 − A−B−ε 15 For the proof of Lemma 2, let φ(r) = ∫ |Du|2 dx ≥ 0 Br (x0 ) which is non decreasing and A = n ; B = 2β + n − 2 Then by Lemma 1 in step 1 we have, for all 0 < 𝑟 < 𝑅 ≤ R 0 r A φ(r) ≤ 𝑐 (( ) + δ) φ(R) + cRB R r A For 𝛿 > 0 choose 𝑐̃ > 0 such that 𝛿 < 𝑐̃ (R) and we have φ ( r ) ≤ c0 ( r A ) φ(R 0 ) + cr B R0 where c0 = c(1 + 𝑐̃ ). Suppose that A ≥ B without loss of generality. Set R i = i R 0 , 0 < < 1. Then R i+1 = i+1 R 0 = R i , 0 < R i+1 < R i , and so, i−1 φ ( R i ) ≤ ( c0 A )i φ(R 0 ) + c ∑(c0 A )j (R (i−1)−j ) B j=0 Choose ε > 0 such that ε < 𝐴 − 𝐵 and c0 𝐴 ≤ 𝐴−𝜀 , where we use that c0 > 0 is large. Then we have φ(R i ) ≤ (A−ε )i φ(R 0 ) + c (i−1 R 0 )B . 1 − A−B−ε For any positive r < 𝑅, we choose i0 ∈ ℕ such that R i0+1 < 𝑟 ≤ R i0 . Then φ(r) ≤ φ(R i0 ) c (i0−1 R 0 )B 1 − A−B−ε r B c−2B < (A−ε )−1 ( ) φ(R 0 ) + rB R0 1 − A−B−ε ≤ (A−ε )i0 φ(R 0 ) + Thus there are c1 , c2 > 0 such that φ(r) < c1 ( r B ) φ(R 0 ) + c2 r B , R0 0 <∀ r ≤ 𝑅0 where c1 = (A−ε )−1 ; c2 = c−2B 1 − A−B−ε 16 Step 3. Hölder regularity By Poincare’s inequality and Lemma 2 we have 2 ∫ |u − u̅Br(x0) | dx 𝑐̂ 𝑟 2 ≤ ∫ |𝐷𝑢|2 𝑑𝑥 𝐵𝑅 (𝑥0 ) ⏟ Br (x0 ) =𝜑(𝑟) r B ĉr 2 c1 ( ) φ(R 0 ) + c2 r B R0 1 B = ĉ (c1 ( ) φ(R 0 ) + c2 ) r B+2 = Cr B+2 R0 < Consequently we see that 2 ∫ |u − u̅Br (x0) | dx ≤ C r n+2β Br (x0 ) s−n 2q−n holds for all x0 ∈ BR0 (x̅0 ) and 0 < 𝑟 < 2R 0 , where β = min { if β = if β = s−n s 2q−n q then 𝑛 + 2 ( s−n then 𝑛 + 2 ( s , q } and ) > 𝑛 ↔ s > 𝑛, s 2q−n q n ) > 𝑛 ↔ s > 2. We invoke the characterization of Hölder continuous functions due to Campanato, which implies that, for B = BR0 (x̅0 ) u ∈ L2 (B) and sup x0 ∈B 0<𝑟<𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑚(B)=2R0 r −(n+2β) ∫B 2 r(x0 )∩B |u − u̅Br(x0)∩B | dx ≤ C is equivalent to u ∈ C β (B). β (Ω). Since B = B3R0 (x̅0 ) Ω is arbitrary, we find that u ∈ Cloc ■ CONCLUSION The Hölder regularity of a weak solution of (E) can be shown by using Campanato estimates. We use gradient 𝐿2 -estimate for solutions and combine with Poincare’s inequality to get Campanato estimates. Finally, we use equivalence between Campanato Space and Hölder regularity. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This paper could not be written to its fullest without Prof. Masashi Misawa from Department of Mathematics University of Kumamoto, who is my thesis supervisor. I thank him. I also wish to thank the Indonesian government who has provided financial support. REFERENCES L. C. Evans. 1998. Partial Differential Equations. American Mathematical Society. Giaquinta, M. 1993. Introduction to Regularity Theory for Nonlinear Elliptic Systems. Birkhauser Verlag. Basel-Switzerland. 17 Konstruksi Large Set dari Finite Projective Plane Order 3 Vira Hari Krisnawati Jurusan Matematika, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Brawijaya Email: [email protected] Abstrak Large set merupakan suatu koleksi dari himpunan semua k-subset atas v-set ke dalam sejumlah tertentu sistem Steiner S(t, k, v) yang saling lepas (mutually disjoint). Untuk finite projective planes order q, atau disebut juga sistem Steiner S(2, q 1 , q2 q 1 ), large set dari projective planes order 3 atau sistem Steiner S(2, 4, 13) merupakan satusatunya yang eksis, sedangkan large set dari projective planes order 2 tidak eksis, dan order 4 masih belum diketahui keeksisannya. Konstruksi dari suatu projective planes order 3 tergantung dari 6 buah garis generator sedemikian sehingga garis lainnya dapat ditentukan secara tunggal. Serta, koleksi dari himpunan semua 4-subset atas 13-set dapat didekomposisi menjadi suatu projective planes order 3 yang tetap, himpunan dari 2 titik kolinear, dan 3 titik kolinear. Dengan menggunakan beberapa kondisi ini dilakukan beberapa pendekatan untuk menganalisis konstruksi large set dari finite projective planes order 3. Kata kunci: sistem Steiner, finite projective planes, large set. Abstract A large set is a partition of the set of all k-subsets over v-set into a number of mutually disjoint Steiner systems S(t, k, v). For finite projective planes of order q which is called a Steiner system S(2, q 1 , q2 q 1 ), there is only known a large set of projective planes of order 3, while a large set of projective planes of order 2 do not exist and the existence of large set of projective planes of order 4 is still unsettled problem. The construction of projective planes of order 3 depends on the six important lines such that other lines can be determined uniquely. And, the collection of all 4-subsets over 13-set can be decomposed as a fix projective planes of order 3, the set of 2 collinear points, and the set of 3 collinear points. By using these conditions, we do some approaches to analyse the construction of large set of finite projective planes of order 3. Keywords: Steiner systems, finite projective planes, large set. PENDAHULUAN Finite projective planes merupakan suatu konstruksi geometri yang merupakan perluasan dari konsep bidang, yang terdiri dari himpunan titik dan garis bersama dengan suatu relasi yang didefinisikan di dalamnya dengan order 2 sebagai order terkecil. Dalam kombinatorial matematika, sistem Steiner merupakan suatu tipe blok desain. Secara spesifik, sistem Steiner S(t, k, v) adalah suatu himpunan titik sebanyak v elemen dan blok sebanyak k elemen yang memenuhi suatu ketentuan bahwa setiap subset dari himpunan titik yang memuat t elemen hanya muncul dalam blok yang tunggal. Finite projective planes ini merupakan salah satu contoh dari sistem Steiner dengan t = 2, yaitu finite projective planes berorder q yang dinotasikan sebagai PG(2, q) dapat dinyatakan sebagai suatu sistem Steiner S(2, q + 1, q2 + q + 1). Suatu large set merupakan koleksi dari himpunan semua k-subset atas v-set ke dalam sejumlah tertentu sistem Steiner S(t, k, v) yang saling lepas. Banyak ilmuwan mengembangkan beberapa teori tentang large set dalam suatu konstruksi pengulangan (recursive). Metode recursive membutuhkan suatu koleksi awal (basic) dari large set untuk memulainya. Menentukan large set memang agak sulit karena hal ini memerlukan suatu metode yang tepat dan efektif. Menurut Magliveras, 2009, large set dari projective plane order 3 atau sistem Steiner S(2,4,13) merupakan satu-satunya yang eksis, sedangkan large set dari projective planes order 2 atau sistem Steiner S(2,3,7) tidak eksis dan order 4 atau sistem Steiner S(2,5,21) masih belum diketahui keeksisannya. Dalam literatur Chouinard II, 1983, keeksisan large set ini ditentukan berdasarkan metode pencarian lucky komputer sesuai dengan finite group yang tepat sedemikian sehingga diperoleh 15 kelas non isomorfik large set. Berdasarkan Krisnawati, 2012, konstruksi dari suatu projective planes order 3 tergantung dari 6 buah garis generator sedemikian sehingga garis lainnya dapat ditentukan secara tunggal. Serta, koleksi dari himpunan semua 4-subset atas 13-set dapat didekomposisi menjadi suatu projective planes order 3 yang 18 tetap, himpunan dari 2 titik kolinear, dan himpunan dari 3 titik kolinear. Oleh karena itu, dengan menggunakan beberapa kondisi ini dalam penelitian ini dilakukan beberapa pendekatan untuk menganalisis konstruksi large set dari finite projective planes order 3. Untuk mengamati dan menguji beberapa kondisi tertentu, digunakan software matematika yang berkaitan dengan teori grup yaitu GAP (Group, Algorithms, and Programming). METODE PENELITIAN Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi literatur dan analisis penentuan sifat-sifat yang terkait. Langkah-langkah yang diperlukan adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Menganalisis metode konstruksi large set dari finite projective planes order 3 atau sistem Steiner S(2, 4, 13), yaitu LS[55](2, 4, 13) berdasarkan Chouinard II. 2. Melakukan rekonstruksi large set dari finite projective planes order 3. Menurut Chouinard II, 1983, terdapat 15 non isomorfik kelas dari large set LS[55](2, 4, 13). Order dari elemen-elemen dalam setiap kelas tersebut masih acak dan sebagian besar ordernya lebih dari 6, maka ditentukan elemen-elemen yang setara atau ekuivalen dengan cara memilih order terkecil yang seragam. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan menentukan double koset atas grup automorfisma finite projective planes order 3. 3. Melakukan dekomposisi dari semua himpunan 4-subset atas 13-set menjadi suatu projective planes order 3 yang tetap, himpunan dari 2 titik kolinear, dan 3 titik kolinear. Kemudian, menganalisa sifat dekomposisi tersebut sedemikian sehingga dapat membentuk large set. 4. Mengkaji konstruksi finite projective planes order 3 yaitu untuk membentuk projective planes order 3 tergantung dari 6 buah garis generator sehingga sisa garis lainnya dapat ditentukan secara tunggal. Kemudian, dilakukan analisis keterkaitan dengan konstruksi large set-nya. Untuk mengamati dan menguji beberapa kondisi pada langkah 2 dan 3 digunakan software matematika yang berkaitan dengan teori grup yaitu GAP (Group, Algorithms, and Programming). HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Menurut Chouinard II, 1983 konstruksi large set dari finite projective planes order 3 menggunakan grup siklik berorder 11. Hal ini didasarkan pada suatu Lemma yang menyatakan bahwa salah satu elemen dalam 13 grup simetri S13 yang menetapkan partisi ke dalam projective planes order 3 adalah elemen berorder 4 11. Adapun metode yang dilakukan oleh Chouinard II, 1983 yaitu: 1. Misal adalah finite projective planes order 3 dan L adalah himpunan garis dari dimana 6 buah garis generatornya yaitu: {1,2,4,12}, {1,3,5,11}, {1,6,7,13}, {2,3,9,13}, {2,5,7,10}, dan {3,4,6,10}; atau secara detail L terdiri dari: l1 1, 2, 4,12 l2 1, 3, 5,11 l3 1, 6, 7,13 l4 1, 8, 9,10 l5 2, 3, 9,13 l6 2, 5, 7,10 l7 2, 6, 8,11 l8 3, 4, 6,10 l9 3, 7, 8,12 l10 4, 5, 8,13 2. Bentuk grup siklik beroder 11, yaitu H (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) l11 4, 7, 9,11 l12 5, 6, 9,12 l13 10,11,12,13 sedemikian sehingga │L (L ) │= 0 untuk setiap h H \ e . Kemudian {(L ) h H } menghasilkan 11 buah finite projective plane order 3 yang saling lepas (mutually disjoint). 3. Bentuk himpunan bagian dari grup simetri S13 , yaitu A ak S13 k 1, , 5 sedemikian sehingga { h h 5 a L k a k A } adalah himpunan dari 5 buah finite projective plane order 3 yang saling lepas dari k 1 orbit yang berbeda. 4. Tentukan semua orbit dari L ak untuk setiap ak A atas H, yaitu (L ak )H = { (L ak )h h H }. Jadi large set dari finite projective planes order 3 dapat dibentuk oleh: 19 5 a ( L k )H = LS[55](2,4,13). k 1 Berdasarkan Chouinard II, 1983 telah diperoleh 15 kelas non isomorfik large set dari atas himpunan A yang terdiri dari 5 buah elemen yang masih dalam bentuk cycle type dengan order berbeda dan tidak teratur. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan pengamatan terhadap semua kemungkinan elemen dari A dengan menggunakan double koset atas G (grup automorfisma ), yaitu Gak H untuk setiap ak A dalam 15 kelas non isomorfik tersebut. Hal ini dikarenakan G adalah grup automorfisma sehingga diperoleh: 5 ( L G k 1 ) ak H 5 = L ak H k 1 = LS[55](2,4,13). Dengan menggunakan GAP, dihitung Gak H ga k h h H untuk setiap ak A sedemikian sehingga diambil A yang terdiri dari elemen-elemen yang mempunyai order terkecil. Tabel 1. Rewrite Daftar Elemen dari Grup Simetri S13 Pembentuk Large Set. Elemen a k S13 Kelas a2 a3 a4 a1 1 (1,4) (1,6) (2,4) (4,11) (6,8) (9,10) (1,3) (4,7) (5,10) (8,13) (10,11) (6,13) (8,9) a5 (1,3) (2,10)(5,8) (7,12) (9,11) 2 e (1,4)(2,5) (3,12) (6,11)(8,10) (1,12) (2,6) (7,13) (9,11) (1,13)(3,7)(11,12) (1,3) (5,6) (812) (9,13) (10,11) 3 e (1,5) (2,9) (3,6) (4,13) (7,10) (1,7) (3,8) (5,11) (10,13) (1,5) (2,4) (3,7) (6,12) (8,10) (3,12) (4,11) (6,8) (7,13) 4 (1,10) (3,7) (5,12) (6,13) (1,2)(3,4) (7,10) 6 (1,6) (3,8) (1,8) (2,9) (7,10) (11,12) (1,6) (2,13) (7,12) (10,11) (1,3) (4,11) (5,9) (6,8) (1,2) (3,11) (5,6) (8,10) (2,10) (5,6) (8,9) (12,13) (1,4)(2,12) (3,11) (9,13) (1,11) (2,7) (3,12) (6,10) (2,6) (3,10) 5 (1,11) (3,13) (9,12) (1,6) (3,8) 7 (1,3)(4,5)(8,9) (10,11)(12,13) (1,11)(2,6)(8,13) (1,7) (3,9) (4,10) (6,12) (2,5) (3,6) (7,12) (9,11) 8 (1,4) (2,9) (5,8) (11,12) (1,6) (2,5) (11,13) (3,8) (7,9) (10,12)(11,13) (1,7)(3,6)(4,9)(5, 13) (8,11) (10,12) (1,2)(3,8)(4,5) (10,13) (6,13) (7,9) (10,12) (1,4) (2,5) (3,8) (1,2) (3,8) (4,12) (7,13) (9,10) (2,9) (7,13) (10,12) (1,6) (2,9) (3,5) (4,10) (12,13) (1,4) (7,9) (8,12) (11,13) (1,2) (3,6) (5,8) (7,10) (11,12) (1,2)(3,12) (5,6) (8,9) (1,7) (3,6) (5,13) (9,10) (1,9) (2,6) (3,4) (5,12) (7,8) (1,5)(4,11) (6,9) (7,10) (8,13) (1,12) (2,7) (3,9) (10,13) (1,2) (3,6) (4,12) (8,10) (9,11) (1,7) (4,13) (6,9) (8,11) (1,13) (2,11) (3,9) (10,12) (1,5) (7,13) (1,8)(2,4)(3,10) (7,12)(9,11) (1,5) (2,3) (4,6) (8,11) (10,13) (1,2) (5,12) (6,8) (9,10) (1,7) (2,3) (4,6) (5,9)(8,11)(10,13) (1,2) (4,7) (6,13) (8,12) (10,11) (1,6) (3,9) (5,11) (7,10) (5,13) (6,7) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 (1,5) (2,3) (4,11) (6,9) (10,13) (1,8,7) (3,13,11) (4,10,6) (1,10) (2,3) (6,11) (8,13) (1,4) (2,3) (5,11) (6,13)(7,12) (1,3) (2,10) (6,13) (7,12) (1,5) (2,12) (3,13) (6,7) (9,11) (1,4) (3,5) (6,11) (7,13) (1,8) (2,12) (5,7) (6,9) (1,2)(3,12) (4,7) (5,11)(9,13) (1,3)(4,9) (7,11) (1,4) (2,13)(5,9) (1,6) (2,7) (4,5) (8,10) (11,12) (1,7)(2,8) (3,10) (4,11) (5,8) (7,10) (1,12) (4,6) (5,11) (8,9) Berdasarkan Tabel 1 tersebut terlihat sebagian besar setiap elemen dari A berorder 2, tetapi tidak dapat ditemukan dalam bentuk cycle type yang sama. Pada kelas 2 dan 3, A dapat memuat elemen identitas; serta pada kelas 5 dan 6, A dapat memuat elemen yang sama. Namun pada kelas 14, double koset Ga3 H tidak memuat elemen berorder 2, sehingga diambil suatu elemen berorder 3. Oleh karena itu, dengan menggunakan elemen-elemen yang sebagian besar berorder 2 ini dapat dilakukan rekonstruksi large set dari finite projective plane order 3. 20 Untuk menganalisa konstruksi large set ini, dilakukan dekomposisi dari semua himpunan 4-subet atas 13-set setelah ditetapkan , suatu finite projective planes order 3. Misal didefinisikan: X : { S P S 4 , 2 titik dari S adalah kolinear}, Y : { S P S 4 , 3 titik dari S adalah kolinear}, selanjutnya X dan Y masing-masing dapat dinotasikan sebagai X dan Y , sedemikian sehingga dapat dinyatakan dekomposisi dari semua himpunan 4-subset atas 13-set menjadi: 13 L X Y . 4 Kemudian, dianalisa beberapa sifat dari dekomposisi tersebut. Misal adalah suatu PG(2,3) yang tetap. Secara general dapat dimisalkan L l1 , l2 ,, l13 dimana l1 a, b, c, d l2 a, e, f , g l3 a, h, i, j l4 a, k, l, m l5 b, e, h, k l6 b, f , i, l l7 b, g, j, m l8 c, e, i, m l9 c, f , j, k l10 c, g, h, l l11 d , e, j, l l12 d , f , h, m l13 d , g, i, k (1) Adapun beberapa lemma dan teorema yang terkait dengan dekomposisi X dan Y tersebut adalah sebagai berikut. Lemma 1. Untuk setiap S X , S dapat dinyatakan sebagai suatu kombinasi linear dari 4 garis tertentu atau komplemen dari 4 garis tersebut dalam L. Bukti. Ambil sebarang S X . Misal S a, b, e, i , maka terdapat 6 garis di L yaitu l1, l2 , l3 , l5 , l6 , dan l8 yang masing-masing memuat 2-subset dari S. Dan terdapat garis lain yang tunggal yaitu l4 , l7 , l11, dan l13 yang masing-masing memuat satu titik dari S. Karena setiap 2 garis dari l4 , l7 , l11, dan l13 beririsan di satu titik, setiap titik dalam (l4 l7 l11 l13 ) \ S terletak dalam 2 garis tersebut, maka S l4 l7 l11 l13 . Jadi, S dapat dinyatakan sebagai kombinasi linear dari 4 garis tertentu dimana masing-masing garis memuat satu titik di S. Dan karena ∑ l k L l k Ø dan S = S + Ø, maka S dapat dinyatakan sebagai jumlah dari komplemen 4 garis tersebut di L. Misal S R R' dimana R a, b dan R' e, i . Maka terdapat 2 garis di L yaitu l1 dan l8 yang masing-masing memuat R dan R' , sehingga S l1 l8 d , m dimana d l1 dan m l8 . Karena d , m l12 dan l12 \ {d , m} { f , h} , maka l12 lr lt l12 P l12 { f } P l12 {h} l12 { f , h} {d , m} . r 12 f lr sehingga t 12 hlt S l1 l8 l12 l r lt r 12 f lr t 12 hlt l1 l8 l12 l 2 l 6 l9 l3 l5 l10 . Dengan demikian, S juga dapat dinyatakan sebagai kombinasi linear dari 9 garis yang sesuai atau komplemen dari 4 garis di atas. ■ Lemma 2. Untuk setiap S Y , S dapat dinyatakan sebagai suatu kombinasi linear dari 5 garis tertentu atau komplemen dari 5 garis tersebut dalam L. Bukti. 21 Ambil sebarang S Y . Misal S a, b, c, e , maka terdapat 3 garis di L yaitu l 2 , l5 , dan l8 yang masingmasing memuat {a, e},{b, e}, dan {c, e} . Kemudian harus dihilangkan titik yang termuat di dalam l2 l5 l8 \ S dengan menentukan garis yang tidak memuat sebarang titik di S yaitu l12 dan l13 , maka S l2 l5 l8 l12 l13 . Jadi, S dapat dinyatakan sebagai kombinasi linear dari 5 garis tertentu yang tepat. Dan karena ∑ l k L l k Ø dan S = S + Ø, maka S dapat dinyatakan sebagai jumlah dari komplemen 5 garis tersebut di L. Untuk S a, b, c, e , terdapat garis yang tunggal l1 L sedemikian sehingga l1 S 3 dan l1 S {d , e} dimana d l1 dan e S , serta terdapat garis l11 L sedemikian sehingga d , e l11 . Karena l1 l11 {d} dan { j, l} l11 , S l1 l11 { j, l} . Dengan cara bukti yang sama dengan Lemma 1, { j, l} dapat dinyatakan sebagai jumlah dari beberapa garis di L, yaitu lr lt { j, l} . r 11 jlr sehingga t 11 llt S l1 l11 l11 lt r 11 jlr t 11 hlt l1 l11 l3 l7 l9 l 4 l6 l10 . Dengan demikian, S juga dapat dinyatakan sebagai kombinasi linear dari 8 garis yang sesuai atau komplemen dari 5 garis di atas. ■ Lemma 3. Banyaknya elemen dalam X dan Y, yaitu X 234 dan Y 468 . Bukti. Ambil sebarang S X , yang berarti 2 titik dari S kolinear. Pertama, pilih 2 titik di P, misal a, b l1 . Kemudian pilih satu titik dari 9 titik di P \ l1 , misal e. Maka terdapat garis l 2 dan l5 yang masing-masing memuat {a, e} dan {b, e} . Selanjutnya untuk melengkapi titik yang lain di S, pilih titik dari 4 titik di P \ l1 l2 l5 sehingga dapat ditentukan 13 13 4 4 2 2 3 33 13 X 2 3 2 13 234. 2 4 2 3 2 2 Sekarang ambil sebarang S Y , yang berarti 2 titik dari S collinear atau terdapat dengan tunggal l L sedemikian sehingga l S 3 . Untuk membentuk S Y , pilih 3 titik pada setiap garis di l L dan satu titik yang lain di P \ l sehingga dapat ditentukan 4 Y 13 13 4 2 2 3 2 13 468. 3 ■ Seperti yang telah diketahui X dan Y dapat ditentukan secara tunggal setelah ditetapkan , suatu finite projective plane order 3. Dengan menggunakan GAP, dapat ditentukan grup automorfisma X dan Y yaitu: Aut X Aut Y Aut G PSL3,3. Jadi, grup automorfisma X dan Y masing-masing sama dengan grup automorfisma yaitu isomorfik dengan Projective Special Linear Group, PSL(3,3). Selanjutnya dilakukan analisa terhadap konstruksi finite projective plane order 3 dalam X dan Y . Teorema 4. Misal adalah finite projective plane order 3 yang tetap. Maka tidak ada finite projective plane order 3, ' dalam Y . Bukti. 22 Misal L adalah himpunan garis dari seperti yang diasumsikan pada (1). Andaikan terdapat finite projective plane order 3, ' dalam Y . Misal L’ adalah himpunan garis dari ' . Berdasarkan definisi himpunan Y dan karena dalam projective plane setiap 2 titik terletak dalam satu garis, maka untuk setiap li ' L’ terdapat dengan tunggal li L sedemikian sehingga li ' li 3 . Oleh karena itu, dapat didefinisikan relasi korespondensi antara l i dan li ' . Kemudian, konstruksi ' dengan mengamati kemungkinan korespondensi garis dalam L’ dan mengecek pasangan titik dalam garis tersebut untuk menentukan kemungkinan 3 titik kolinear dari garis yang lain. Secara umum, metode pembuktian ini dilakukan dengan memilih titik yang sesuai dan garis yang tepat sehingga dapat terjadi kontradiksi dengan pengandaian. Misal l1 a, b, c, d l1 ' a, b, c, e . Karena a, e l1 ' , kemungkinan 3 titik kolinear untuk l2 a, e, f , g dibagi 2 kasus, yaitu: (i) Kasus 1. Misal l2 ' a, f , g, dimana d , h, i, j, k , l, atau m. Sebagai contoh asumsikan l2 ' a, d , f , g dan ambil l3 ' a, h, i, l l3 {a, h, i, j} sehingga dapat ditentukan secara tunggal garis Kemudian bentuk l4 ' a, h, i, l l4 {a, k, l, m} . l5 ' {b, d , h, k} l5 b, e, h, k . Karena d , f l2 ' dan d , h l5 ' maka d l12 ' yang berarti l12 d , f , h, m l12 ' f , h, m,* . Karena 3 titik kolinear dari l12 ' telah beririsan di satu titik dengan beberapa garis yang telah ditentukan kecuali l1 ' dan titik a telah muncul dalam 4 garis serta b, h l5 ' maka * c atau e. Misal l12 ' c, f , h, m . Karena c, f l12 ' dan j, k l 4 ' , maka tidak dapat dibentuk 3 titik kolinear dari garis l9 c, f , j, k sehingga terjadi kontradiksi dengan pengandaian. Misal l12 ' e, f , h, m. Karena titik h telah muncul dalam 3 garis di atas, maka dapat diperoleh secara tunggal l10 ' {c, g, h, j} l10 c, g, h, l. Serta karena c, e l1 ' dan e, m l12 ' , maka e l8 ' yang berarti l8 c, e, i, m l8 ' c, i, m,* . Dari 3 titik kolinear l8 ' telah beririsan di satu titik dengan beberapa garis yang telah ditentukan kecuali l2 ' dan l5 ' , tetapi l2 'l5 ' d yang berarti l8 ' c, d , i, m . Karena titik d telah muncul dalam 3 garis di atas, maka dapat ditentukan secara tunggal l10 ' {c, g, h, j} l12 c, g, h, l sehingga merupakan suatu kontradiksi. (ii) Kasus 2. Misal l2 ' e, f , g, dimana d , h, i, j, k , l, atau m. Sebagai contoh asumsikan l2 ' d , e, f , g. Berdasarkan kemungkinan dari 3 titik kolinear l12 ' yang belum beririsan satu titik dengan l1 ' tetapi d , e, f l 2 ' maka dapat dibentuk l12 ' b, f , h, m . Karena b, e l12 ' dan b, h l12 ' maka b l5 ' yang berarti l5 b, e, h, k l5 ' {e, h, k,*} . Dan karena 3 titik kolinear dari l 5 ' telah beririsan di satu titik dengan semua garis yang telah ditentukan tersebut maka * P \ l1 ' l2 ' l12 ' l5 ' i, j atau l. Ambil l5 ' e, h, i, k . Tetapi karena d , g l5 ' dan i, k l5 ' , maka tidak dapat dibentuk 3 titik kolinear dari garis l13 d , g, i, k sehingga terjadi kontradiksi dengan pengandaian. Ambil l5 ' e, h, j, k . Karena titik e telah muncul dalam 3 garis tersebut maka dapat diperoleh secara tunggal garis l8 ' {e, i, l, m} l8 c, e, i, m . Serta karena b, f l12 ' dan i, l l8 ' , maka tidak dapat dibentuk 3 titik kolinear dari garis l6 b, f , i, l sehingga terjadi kontradiksi dengan pengandaian. Ambil l5 ' e, h, k , l . Karena titik e telah muncul dalam 3 garis di atas, maka dapat diperoleh secara tunggal l8 ' {e, i, j, m} l8 c, e, i, m . Serta karena d , e l 2 ' dan e, j l8 ' sehingga e l11' yang berarti l11 d , e, j, l l11' d , j, l,*. Dari 3 titik kolinear l11 ' telah beririsan di satu titik dengan beberapa garis yang telah ditentukan kecuali l1 ' dan l12 ' , tetapi l1 'l12 ' b yang berarti l11' b, d , j, l. Tetapi karena b, j l11 ' dan j, m l8 ' serta b, m l12 ' , maka tidak 23 dapat dibentuk 3 titik kolinear dari garis l7 b, g, j, m sehingga terjadi kontradiksi dengan pengandaian. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan cara yang sama untuk setiap kemungkinan sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada finite projective plane order 3 dalam Y . ■ Berdasarkan bukti Teorema 4 yang berkaitan dengan distribusi Y dan dengan memperhatikan sifat X, maka dapat dibentuk konstruksi PG(2,3) yang berkaitan dengan dekomposisi garis dalam X dan Y, yaitu: Misal adalah suatu PG(2,3) yang memuat himpunan garis L l1 , l2 ,, l13 seperti yang telah ditetapkan pada (1). Maka, 1. Terdapat ' sedemikian sehingga memuat 12 garis dalam Y dan 1 garis dalam L. Sebagai contoh: l7 ' b, g, l, m l4 ' a, j, k , m l10 ' c, g, h, j l1 ' a, b, c, e l2 ' a, d , f , g l5 ' b, d , h, k l8 ' c, d , i, m l12 ' e, f , h, m l6 ' b, f , i, j l9 ' c, f , k , l l13 ' e, g, i, k l3 ' a, h, i, l sehingga dapat ditentukan secara tunggal garis l11' d , e, j, l l11 L. 2. Terdapat ' sedemikian sehingga memuat 12 garis dalam Y dan 1 garis dalam X. Sebagai contoh: l5 ' b, d , e, k l8 ' c, d , i, m l1 ' a, b, c, j l11' e, j, l, m l12 ' d , f , h, j l2 ' a, e, f , i l9 ' c, f , k , l l6 ' b, h, i, l l7 ' b, f , g, m l13 ' g, i, j, k l10 ' c, e, g, h l4 ' a, h, k , m sehingga dapat ditentukan secara tunggal garis l3 ' a, d , g, l X . 3. Terdapat ' dalam X. Sebagai contoh: l5 ' b, c, k , m l1 ' a, b, e, i l11' e, f , j, m l8 ' c, d , e, h l6 ' b, d , f , g l12 ' e, g, k , l l2 ' a, c, f , l l9 ' c, g, i, j l3 ' a, d , j, k l13 ' f , h, i, k . l10 ' d , i, l, m l7 ' b, h, j, l l4 ' a, g, h, m Dengan demikan setelah ditetapkan PG(2,3) , maka untuk sembarang PG(2,3) ' , dimana ' di dalam large set memuat beberapa garis di X dan Y, serta dapat dikonstruksi beberapa ' di X. KESIMPULAN Suatu large set merupakan koleksi dari himpunan semua k-subset atas v-set ke dalam sejumlah tertentu sistem Steiner S(t, k, v) yang saling lepas. Large set dari finite projective planes order 3 merupakan satusatunya yang eksis, sehingga dalam penelitian ini dilakukan beberapa pendekatan untuk menganalisis konstruksi large set tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan, dapat diperoleh beberapa ketentuan antara lain: 1. Dalam 15 kelas non isomorfik large set dari atas suatu himpunan yang terdiri dari 5 buah elemen masih dalam bentuk cycle type dengan order berbeda dan tidak teratur. Kemudian dengan menggunakan GAP, dilakukan pendekatan isomorfik rekonstruksinya sedemikian sehingga diperoleh sebagian besar setiap elemen dari himpunan tersebut berorder 2, tetapi tidak dapat ditemukan dalam bentuk cycle type yang sama. 2. Koleksi dari himpunan semua 4-subset atas 13-set sama dengan gabungan dari finite projective planes order 3 yang tetap, himpunan 2 titik kolinear (X), dan himpunan 3 titik kolinear (Y). Dan juga, tidak terdapat PG(2,3) dalam Y dan terdapat PG(2,3) dalam X. UCAPAN TERIMA KASIH Penulis mengucapkan terima kasih atas bantuan dana penelitian DPP/SPP FMIPA Universitas Brawijaya sehingga dapat terselesaikan penelitian ini dengan baik. Serta terima kasih kepada teman-teman sejawat di Jurusan Matematika Universitas Brawijaya atas dukungan moril untuk menekuni bidang penelitian ini. DAFTAR PUSTAKA Chouinard II, Leo G. 1983. Partitions of the 4 Subsets of a 13-Set Into Disjoint Projective Planes. Discrete Mathematics. 297 - 300. Hughes, D.R. and F.C. Piper. 1973. Projective Planes, Springer. New York. Heidelberg. Berlin. 24 Krisnawati, Vira Hari; Karim, Corina dan Endang Wahyu. 2012. Analisis Beberapa Karakteristik dari Konstruksi Finite Projective Plane Order 2 dan 3. DPP/SPP FMIPA Universitas Brawijaya. Magliveras, Spyro S. 2009. Large sets of t-designs from groups, Math. Slovaca 59, No.1, 19 – 38. 25 The Effect of Unsustainable Behaviours on the Occurrence of Forest Fires in Indonesia Puspita Ayuningtyas Prawesti1, Aris Rusyiana and Romy Hermawan Faculty of Administrative Science, Brawijaya University Abstract This paper is aimed at divulging the effect of unsustainable behaviours of citizens on the occurrence of forest fires in Indonesia. The selection of Indonesia in this paper is under the consideration that Indonesia has the third largest area of tropical forests in the world that plays very important roles in global environmental issues. To achieve the objective, the writersapply quantitative methodology by using categorical regression model. The data of this paper is taken from that of The Villages’ PotencyCensuses in Indonesia conducted by Central Statistics Board in 2014. From the data analysis, it is found that (1). The occurrence of forest fires are not influenced by the major occupations of the Indonesian citizens in agriculture, (2). However, the happening of forest fires in this country is triggered by the unsustainable planting pattern of the citizens that is by burning fields before planting, (3). In fact, the occurrence of forest fires in Indonesia is also generated by the unsustainable waste management by the citizens. From these results, the writers give recommendations for policy makers to raise the awareness of the society about the importance of sustainable behaviours for the successful implementation of sustainable forest management. Keywords: forest fire, planting pattern, sustainable behaviour, sustainable forest management, waste management INTRODUCTION One of the most important concerns in the environmental management field is the prevention of the occurrence of forest fires. Since, as per the expression from Tietenberg (1998), forest fires are able to intensify global warming, decrease biodiversity, cause the decline in agricultural productivity, increase soil erosion and desertification as well as precipitate the decrease of traditional cultures of people indigenous to the forests. In addition, according toTacconi (2003), fores fires can generate the following negative impacts such as: smoke haze pollution, increased carbon emission, forest degradation, forest deforestation, loss of products and services as well as loss in rural sectors.In fact, forest fires are viewed as serious threats on sustainable development due to its direct effect on the ecosystem (United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, 2002). Considering these very undesirable effects of forest fires on environment, it is imperative that the occurrences of forest fire be prevented. The endeavours to prevent forest fires have been intensified by scientific community and global society after the 1997/1998 El Nino Southern Oscillation whereby fire affected up to 25 million hectares of land in the world (Rowell and Moore, 2001). In regional level, South East Asia community has been aware of the potential threats of forest fires as manifested in the signing of the Agreement on Trans boundary Haze Pollution in June 2002 by all members of ASEAN organization. In national level, Indonesia has strengthened the policies to prevent the forest fires after the most severe forest fire in 1997/1998 that Glover (2001) described the event as one of the worst environmental disaster in the century due to its impacts on forests and the large amount of carbon that is emitted during the event. One of the ways to prevent the happening of forest fire is the implementation of sustainable forest management. According to United Nation (2008), sustainable forest management refers to a vigorous and growing concept aimed at maintaining and improving the economic, social and environmental values of all kinds of forests for the advantages for present and future generations. FAO/ITTO/INAB (2003) further expressed 1 Writer’s Address of Correspondence: PuspitaAyuningtyasPrawesti Email : [email protected] Address : Magister of Administrative Science, Faculty of Administrative Science, Brawijaya University Jl. M.T. Haryono 163 Malang 65145 25 that sustainable forest management is typified by several elements as follows: extent of forest resources, forest biological diversity, forest health and vitality, productive functions of forest resources, protective functions of forest resources, socio-economic functions of forest resources as well as legal, policy and institutional framework. In addition, Toman and Ashton (1996) uttered that the sustainable forest management must consider the following basic issues, namely: intergenerational responsibility, resource substitutability and a special status for ecological asset as well as implications for sustainable forest ecosystem and management. The concept of sustainable forest management has generated numerous initiatives and changes at various levels led to the amendment in forest policies and regulations that has been followed by local, national, regional and international forestry organizations.As FAO (2003) stated, if the concept of sustainable forest management is transferred into action, it will result to the following actions: participatory/community forestry, integrated and participatory forest fire management, landscape restoration, protected area management, integrated and participatory watershed management, in situ conservation of biological diversity, forest auditing and certification and so forth. If we consider the statement from FAO, we can conclude that the sustainable forest management cannot be implemented without the sustainable behaviours of the citizens to protect their forests since FAO emphasized the importance of participatory and/or community actions in the implementation of sustainable forest management. Furthermore, Skutsch, et. al., (2009) argued that the involvement of community in the implementation of forest management has 2 (two) advantages such as: it is cheaper and it is able to create greater impacts. The importance of participation from the citizens in the implementation of sustainable forest management has made the government in United Kingdom formulate numerous programs and interventions on influencing the behaviour change of its citizens for forest sustainability (Morris, et. al., 2012). In addition, Morris et. al. (2012) divided the interventions to influence people to implement sustainable forest management into 3 (three) parts, first, the interventions targeting behaviours to sustainable forest management that is termed by ‘input’ behaviour. Second, the interventions targeting on behaviours leading to well-being benefits by assisting and encouraging engagement with trees, woods and forest that termed by ‘outcome’ behaviors. Third, the interventions targeting at both sustainable forest management and well-being termed by ‘input-outcome’ behaviour. The instances of ‘input’ behaviours are tree-planting, woodland management for biodiversity, the examples of ‘outcome’ behaviours include education and learning, while the instances of ‘input-outcome’ behaviours are environmental volunteering. There are several theories underlining the behaviour and behavioural change, as follows: a. The Theory of Planned Behaviour and Theory of Reasoned Action The theory of planned behaviour (hereinafter referred as TPB) is one that is the most widely used in behavioural studies. The theory of planned behaviour (Ajzen and Madden, 1986) developed from theory of reasoned action (Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975) postulating intentions to act as the best behavioural predictors. Intention refers to a result of the attitude combination towards particular behaviour. That is the evaluation of positive or negative behaviour, its expected outcome as well as subjective norms, that are the social pressures exercised on an individual as an outcome from his perceptions of what other people think they should do and their tendency to comply with these thoughts. b. The Theory of Health Belief Model The theory of health belief model (Rosenstock, 1966; Sharma and Romas, 2012) is a model using cognitive approach theorizing that behaviour is determined by a set of beliefs about threats to individual’s well-being and the effectiveness as well as the outcomes of particular behaviours. c. Stages of Change The stages of change (or sometimes is also termed by the Transtheoretical Model) (Prochaska and DiClemente, 1983; Prochaska, et. al., 1992) is an applied cognitive model sub-dividing individuals into 5 (five) groups representing different level of motivational readiness (Heimlich and Ardoin, 2008). The stages manifesting level of motivational readiness are as follows: pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance. 26 d. Social and Technological Theories of Behaviour and Behaviour Change 1. Social practice theory postulates that the recognition that an individual practices (such as: ways of conducting, habits, routinized behaviours) are arrangements from numerous inter-conncted elements such as: norms, physical and mental activities, meanings, knowledge deriving from his behaviours or actions as part of his everyday lives (Reckwitz, 2002). 2. Diffusion of Innovation Theory Diffusion of innovation theory postulates that innovation as an agent of behavioural change with the term of innovation is defined as an idea, object, practice perceived as new (Rogers, 2013). e. Integrated Tools and Frameworks of Behaviour and Behavioural Change This theory proposes that changing people behaviour is such a complex duty;thus, it needs more complex tools and framework (Jackson, 2005). Nevertheless, Jackson explained that complex framework may be good in conceptual understanding but poor in empirical quantification and vice versa for simple framework. These theories must be converted into actions, policies and programs that are aimed at influencing people to act sustainable behaviours to support the implementation of sustainable forest management. Morris (2012) explained that the most successful programs on influencing the citizens’ behaviours in United Kingdom to implement sustainable forest management are as follows: a. The programs that are based on good comprehension of individuals’ and groups’ motivations, values and perceptions; b. The programs targeting wider social environment of individuals; c. The programs applying multi-faceted strategy; d. The programs assisting active engagement of participants in project delivery and designs. On the other hand, the programs attempting to influence the citizens’ behaviours that do not follow the above points turned out to be less effective or failed. This finding depicts that influencing citizens’ behaviours to support the implementation of sustainable forest management is not an easy task to do. Considering the difficult tasks of the government to influence the citizens’ behaviours to implement sustainable forest management even in developed countries like United Kingdom that has more abundant of resources and has implemented that concept in longer period of time, the tasks will be more difficult if they are applied in developing countries like Indonesia. Forest fire in Indonesia is a serious problem not only in national level but also in global scale. Since, Indonesia has the third largest area of tropical forests in the world that plays very important roles in global environmental issues. In national level, the occurrence of forest fire Indonesia can cause the destruction of some of the last intact lowland rain forests, the death of a large percentage of wild orang-utans and any other wild animals as well as the degradation of water quality of rivers, lake and near shore ocean water (Schweithelm and Glover, 1999). In global level, forest fires in Indonesia can cause air pollution and thick haze to neighbouring countries resulting in people who suffer chronic respiratory, skin and eye ailments as well as increase the level of carbon dioxide emission contributing to the more severe global warming (Dennis, 1999). To overcome the issues of forest fires in Indonesia, we must address the main causes of the occurrences of forest fires in this country. Harrison, et. al. (2009) argued that main cause of forest fire in Indonesia is the unsustainable behaviours by the citizens such as: land clearance by burning, use of fire as a weapon in land dispute, use of fire for resource extraction, use of fire for burning waste and so forth. Therefore, this study would like to test the argumentation of Harrison, et. al whether unsustainable behaviours of citizens have a significant effect on the occurrences of forest fires in Indonesia. Of this objective, the writers propose 3 (three) hypotheses, as follows: Hypothesis 1. Major occupations of Indonesian Citizens in agriculture influences the occurrence of forest fire, Hypothesis 2.The happening of forest fires in this country is triggered by the unsustainable planting pattern of the citizens that is by burning fields before planting Hypothesis 3.The occurrence of forest fires in Indonesia is also generated by the unsustainable waste management by the citizens. 27 By the findings of this study, the writers will give recommendations for policy makers to change the behaviours of citizens to implement sustainable forest management by applying the above theories of behaviour and behavioural change. In addition, the findings of this paper are expected to enrich the literatures on the behaviour interventions on the effectiveness of the implementation of sustainable forest management. On the other hand, there have been numerous researches studying the forest fire in Indonesia (Gellert, 1998; Tacconi, 2003; Vayda, 2010; Bizard, 2011).The findings of these studies showed that the causes of forest fires in Indonesia are the impact of logging, the weak policy of preventing forest fires from the government, financial crisis as occurred in 1997 as well as low level awareness of the society. However, none of the studies above that directly relate the occurrence of forest fire with unsustainable behaviour of citizens. Additionally, those studies were only conducted in some areas of Indonesia, this study attempts to analyse the occurrence of forest fires caused by unsustainable behaviours of citizens in all areas in Indonesia. Thus, this study will close some research gaps left by prior studies concerning Indonesian forest fires. RESEARCH METHOD To achieve the objective of this study, the writer applies quantitative method. The distinction between quantitative and qualitative methods lies on the fact that qualitative method expresses phenomena through descriptive words, while quantitative method expresses then through numbers. (Duffy and Chenail, 2008). Qualitative study elaborates about experiences, views and feelings of individual and generates subjective data and therefore, it can be seen as an inductive view in the linkage between theory and research (Brymann and Bell, 2007). On the other hand, quantitative study is a research method that uses natural science and positivist approach to social phenomena (McGovern, 2009). Therefore, quantitative uses deductive view to link theory and research (Horn, 2009).Positivists state the strength of the quantitative method is the objectivity because it maintains the distance between the observer and the observed (McGovern, 2009). Since this study applied positivistic view and deductive approach, quantitative methodology is considered best suited. Saunders, et. al (2009) said that positivism approach believes that only observable phenomena can provide credible facts and data. They further stated that positivism uses theory to develop hypotheses that will be tested and therefore, confirmed or rebutted and will result in more development of that theory while deduction approach has 5 (five) phases as follows: deduce a hypothesis, state the hypothesis in operational terms, test the hypothesis, examine the outcome and modify the theory from the findings. In addition, quantitative method was chosen for following reasons: a. Previous researches – numerous studies on forest fires were conducted by using qualitative approaches. Using quantitative approach, this study is aimed at completing the findings of previous researches as well as presenting different point of view in the domain of Indonesian forest fires. b. Time constraint – qualitative approach generally time consuming as the researcher only had a limited time to conduct this research. c. Objectivity – Quantitative research is widely known for its objectivity because the researcher does not influence the study with his views and perceptions (Horn, 2009). DATA COLLECTION TECHNIQUE This study uses the data from the villages’ potency censuses (PODES) conducted by Central Board of Statistics in 2014. The PODES is a longstanding tradition of data collection at the lowest administrative tier of local governments concerning small area estimation (SAE). The PODES consists of more than 82,000 villages (desa) and urban neighborhoods (kelurahan) across all 511 districts in Indonesia. The census is conducted every 3 (three) years by the Indonesian Central Board of Statistic (BadanPusatStatistik) since 1983. Detail information is gathered on a range of characteristics- ranging from public infrastructures and village finance to crime and disaster information. Information is gathered by conducting interviews with the key informants such 28 as:kepaladesa (rural village heads) and lurah (urban neighborhood heads) and/or other credible informants as well as some field observation (BPS, 2014). To analyse the data, writers use logit regression method. Considering a village or neighbourhood as a sample unit j, the model is : Ei∗ = β0+∑ βiWi +∈i With: Ei∗ = Logit P (Ei∗ = 1) Wi is a set of districts characteristics (i.e solid waste mismanagement of villagers, landfiring for agriculture, and main income of villagers at agricultural sector). ∈i is normally distributed with zero and variance σ2 This one level logit regression model is estimated with STATA command ver 11.00. This model also reflects determinants and definition of variable which are used in this paper (Table 1). Table 1 also shows source of datasets which are used in this quantitative approach academic paper. Table 1. Determinants, definition and data sources Determinants Definition Fire Forest Total number of fire forest within a village/neighbourhood in Indonesia in the last 3 years near 2014 Waste Mismanagement The location of households’ solid waste by throwing into the hole and firing it Agriculture Land Firing The density of inhabitans habitual behaviour for preparing agricultural land by firing Agricultural as main income The main income of villagers as farmers Sources BPS Podes 2014 BPS Podes 2014 BPS Podes 2014 BPS Podes 2014 Sources: Defined by authors from PODES 2014 DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS This section presents the results from the data analysis commenced by presenting the results of one level logit regression. Table 2 below shows logit association of forest fire with three determinant factors. In addition, table 2 shows that waste mismanagement of villagers, main occupation of villagers in agriculture and land firing before farming are three determinants of fire forest in rural area in Indonesia. Table 2.Logit Regression results of forest fire in Indonesia 2014 Waste mismanagement (by fire) Agriculture as main income Agriculture Land Firing Pseudo R Square Coef SE P> |z| .1178745** .0021904 1.350555** 4,2% .0610684 1100859 .0596594 0.054 0.984 0.000 ** reported at p-value < 0.05 Source: Calculated by authors from PODES 2014 The coefficient of logit shows that the first determinant of forest fire which is represented by the unsustainable behaviours of households at the villages that throw the waste by digging hole and/or firing the solid waste have positive correlation with forest fire. It means that the third hypothesis is proven. 29 Furthermore, the villages/neighbourhoods with high density of inhabitans’ unsustainable behavior for preparing their agricultural land by firing uphave potential risks to the occurrence of forest fires. This finding supports the second hypothesis. Likewise, the risk of agricultural sector as a main income of households at villages/neighbourhood shows positive association with the occurrence of forest fires. Nonetheless, this factor turns out to be insignificant, meaning that the main occupation of villagers in agricultural sector in Indonesia does not significantly trigger the happening of forest fires within villages/neighbourhoods in Indonesia. It means that the first hypothesis is rejected. These findings represents that unsustainable behaviours of citizens trigger the occurrence of forest fire in Indonesia. Therefore, the writers give recommendations for policy makers in Indonesia to raise the level of awareness of the citizens about the importance in applying sustainable behaviours as an important part of the implementation of sustainable forest management. To successfully change the behaviours of citizens, the writers suggest the government to formulate comprehensive strategies to change the citizen behaviours for successful implementation of sustainable forest management, as follows: a. Provide training, socialization and campaign about the importance of sustainability in forest management Providing the citizens with adequate information and knowledge is important in the efforts of changing their behaviours. As stated by Morris (2012), the programs that are based on good comprehension of individuals’ and groups’ motivations, values and perceptions turns out to be more effective than the programs that are run without their understandings. b. Use the education to raise awareness of the society about the importance of the pursuit of sustainability, particularly in forest management Borrowing the opinions from Timmeret. al. (2009) and Lebel and Lorek (2008) in the area of sustainable consumption and production, the key obstacle in the implementation of sustainable consumption and behaviour is the difficulty in changing the behavior of people to implement sustainable consumption and production. In their opinions, campaigns and socialization turned out to be less effective since information may be easily forgotten. This point of view can also be applied in the field of sustainable forest management. Since, the writer believes that education can lay foundations in the minds of young generation to save their forests and hence, to apply sustainable forest management in their daily practices. In addition, education can grow beliefs in the community that sustainable forest management is important and it is their duties to implement it. Since, according to the theory of Health Belief Model,beliefs is effective to change people’s behaviors and actions. c. Activate the participation of society in the implementation of sustainable forest management. As have been explained earlier by FAO (2003), sustainable forest management is less effective without the community participation. Government cannot stand alone to assist the citizens to change. Community can be more effective in raising the awareness of the people of other community as well as the people inside the community itself. Stimulating citizen participation can be achieved by building supportive communities, providing meaningful works, conducting forest competitions and contests, acknowledging the achievement of citizens, discussing with the citizens about their hopes towards their forests and so forth. The writers believe that these strategies can motivate the citizens to implement sustainable forest management in their daily lives. Since, citizens are the highest modals and resources to the successful implementation of sustainability in the processes of forest management. d. Use multi-faceted approaches As have been explained by Morris (2012), multi-faceted approaches turn out to be more effective than single-faceted approaches. To formulate multi-faceted approaches, the writers adopt the concept of ‘4E’ proposed by Jackson (2005). Jackson theorized that to generate behavioural changes, it needs four strategies, such as: enable, encourage, engage and exemplify. The concept of ‘4E’ of Jackson can be viewed in the following table: 30 Table 3. The Implementation of Multi-Faceted Approach by Using ‘4E’ proposed by Jackson (2005) Enable Remove Barriers Give information Encourage Tax system Expenditure-grants Engage Community action Co-production Provide facilities Provide variable alternatives Educate/train/provide skills Reward schemes Recognition / social pressures Penalties, fines and other enforcement action Deliberative fora Personal contacts / Enthusiasm Media campaign Provide capacity Exemplify Leading by example Achieving consistency policies. in Use network Multi-faceted approaches will result greater impacts on changing the citizen behaviour than singlefaceted approaches. In addition, changing the citizen behaviour is not an easy duty to do by the government, the government needs to implement multi-faceted approach. CONCLUSION This paper is aimed at divulging the effect of unsustainable behaviours of citizens on the occurrence of forest fires in Indonesia. From the data analysis, it is found that (1). The occurrence of forest fires are not influenced by the major occupations of the Indonesian citizens in agriculture, (2). However, the happening of forest fires in this country is triggered by the unsustainable planting pattern of the citizens that is by burning fields before planting, (3). In fact, the occurrence of forest fires in Indonesia is also generated by the unsustainable waste management by the citizens. By these results, the writers propose recommendations for policy makers to formulate comprehensive strategies to change the citizen behaviour to implement sustainable forest management. The recommendations are as follows: provide training, socialization and campaign, provide education, activate the citizen participation as well as use multi-faceted approaches. The major limitation of this study lies on the fact that it only uses the censuses of the villages’ potency conducted by Indonesian Central Board of Statistics in single year (2014) and single level. 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Lanham: AltaMira Press 32 Soil Characteristic of Land Suitability for Smallholder’s Oil Palm in Seruyan Regency, Central Kalimantan Hafiizh Prasetia1, Soemarno2, Abdul Wahib Muhaimin3, Ariffin4, Nova Annisa5 1 Graduate Program, Environmental Science, University of Brawijaya 2 Department of Soil Science, University of Brawijaya 3 Department of Agribusiness, University of Brawijaya 4 Department of Agricultural Cultivation, University of Brawijaya 5 Department of Environmental Engineering, University of Lambung Mangkurat Abstract The oil palm plantation is influenced by soil quality. The objective of the research is to determine soil characteristics for oil palm plantation in Seruyan Regency, Central Kalimantan. Research was done by soil survey on land unit area and laboratory analysis. Location of research include Tabiku Village, Sembuluh I Village, and Pembuang Hulu I Village. The soil pH were raanging from 5.04 to 6.43. The organic carbon were ranging from 0.77 to 1.49 %. The nitrogen contents were low (0.06 – 0.13 ppm). Phosphor was calculated about 3.85 to 48.14 ppm. Potassium was calculated about 8.86 to 45.31 ppm. Agronomic action used farmer and plantation industry very variance, so characteristic and climate quality, land, agronomic, post harvest wil can level of agronomic compound of oil palm in tide land wich better for produce, efficiency, and green environment. Seruyan regency is a potential area for oil palm plantation development. Keywords: soil characteristics, land suitability, oil palm. INTRODUCTION The rapid development of oil palm plantation in Seruyan Regency, Central Kalimantan needs the proper management of land. It is particularly important due to lands has numerous physical, chemical biological properties which are important to support oil palm productivity. Chemical properties of soil affect the productivity of oil palm crops. The deficiency of soils mineral has been reported widely contributes to the decrease of oil palm crop production. Soil biodiversity, for example, offered particular promise as soil health indicators. The chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of soil provided opportunities for sustainable oil palm plantation management (Bindraban, et al., 2000; Fageria, et al., 2002). Sustainable oil palm plantation argues that land management is important. Principally, the argument centered on the fact soils is media for oil palm plants to grow. Many studies have examined the effect of soil nutrients deficiency on oil palm plant performance. Soil ecologist and agriculturist are particularly interested on how plants utilize nutrients that are distributed in soils. Plants growth is affected by the chemical makeup of the soil. Scholars point out that the success sustainable agricultural practices is often considered to be limited by the availability of nutrient in soil. Other factors ch as soil salinity, humidity and alkalinity also play an important role in crop production. Brady (2004) found that the conserved lands provide opportunities for sustainable agriculture practices. The sustainable production of oil palm involves many considerations of land selection, planting materials, technical and administrative management, labour availability, harvesting efficiency and environmental conditions. The cost of producing economically sustainable yields will depend largely on the nature of the land and soils on which the palms are grown. The nature of the land and soil will, to a large extent, determine the appropriate management practices to be employed and the yield potential. The oil palm has a relatively shallow, coarse and inefficient root system, with most of the active roots found in the upper 30 cm of the soil (Gray 1969; Tinker 1976). Therefore, to maintain an adequate nutrient supply to the palm, the nutrient concentration in the soil must be higher than that required for most crops. The objective of this paper is to review the soil properties and their effect on oil palm management and yield. Other characteristics of the land, such as the climate, topography, elevation and drainage, also play Address Correspondence Writer: Hafiizh Prasetia Email : [email protected] Address : MT Haryono Street No.169, Ketawanggede, Lowokwaru Regency, Malang City, East Java, Indonesia 33 an important role in determining the management and yield of oil palm. It is, however, important to remember that interactions between the various characteristics are common. METHODS Soil characteristics and soil suitability were examined using selected parameter given by Djaenudin, et al., (2003) and Hardjowigeno, and Widiatmaka (2011). Land suitability classes were classified into four categories following Djaenudin, et al., (2003) (Table 1). Table 1. Land Suitability Class Class 1 2 3 4 Symbols S1 S2 S3 S4 Land suitability Very suitable Moderate Marginal not suitable Notes Land suitability notes. Land with medium barrier. High barrier factor. High barrier factor, impossible for cultivation. Data Collection Soil sample were collected from 3 land unit soil area. Location of research include Tabiku Village (Code T1), Sembuluh I Village (Code T2), and Pembuang Hulu I Village (Code T3). In each land unit, soil was taken from 0-20 cm depth. The sample was taken by a drill and made into composite. About 2 kg soil sample was collected from each land unit. Soil sample were collected in plastic bag, labeled and transferred to laboratory for further soil’s physical and chemical analysis. In laboratory, Soil sample were prepared and airdried in room temperature at 6-10 days. Soil sample were sifted using 0.5 sifters for soil texture analyses, chemical and physical characteristics. Chemical properties of soils ere examined in Soil Laboratory of Faculty of Agriculture, Lambung Mangkurat University. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Seruyan Regency is a division regency from Kotawaringin Timur. Total Area of Seruyan Regency is 16,404 Km2. Seruyan regency is located between 00 77’ South latitude and 30 56’ South latitude and between 1110 49’ and 1120 84’ East longitude so this regency has a tropical condition. In terms of geographic position, Seruyan has boundaries as follows: North : Melawi Regency in Kalimantan Barat Province; South : Jawa Sea; East : Kotawaringin Timur and Katingan Regency; and West : Kotawaringin Barat and Lamandau Regency (BPS, 2015). Soils texture is an important factor and influence the physical and chemical properties of soil, particularly in water percolation. Soils particles have identified vary greatly in size. Grandy (2009) found that particle size of soil is the physical factor which is affect water percolation. Based on its size, soils particle are classified into sand, silt and clay. This particle plays an important role in soil formation, soil drainage and water movement in soils. The soil structure of Seruyan Regency was given in Table 2. Table 2. Soil Structure Of Seruyan Regency Land Unit Texture (%) Sand Silt Clay T1 21.75 42.07 36.17 T2 23.91 42.12 33.96 T3 45.77 16.89 37.34 The soil pH were ranging from 5.04 to 6.43. These crops are suitable to grows in soil with pH ranging from 5.0 - 8.2 (Handayanto, et al., 2011). pH has significant contribution in plant grows, development and production (Falkengren-Grerup and Tyler, 1993). Organic carbon is important component in soil health. Organic carbon comes through the decomposition of organic matter (i.e. plants and animals residue). Organic Carbon is important in nutrient availability through mineralization (Marsh and Dozier, 1981). Organic carbon in important in soil water 34 conservation due to its ability to store water and release it when needed. Organic carbon in soil contributes to chemical properties of soil such as pH, Cation exchange capacity (CEC) (Nugroho, 2009). The organic carbon were ranging from 0.77 to 1.49 %. Nitrogen very important during vegetative grows. Nitrogen is required in amino acid anabolism. Amino acid is important component as a building block for enzymes and proteins. Nitrogen contributes to the development of chlorophyll, a key plant cell organelles for photosynthesis. The Nitrogen deficiency therefore contributes to crop productivity. The nitrogen contents were low (0.06 – 0.13 ppm). Phosphor was calculated about 3.85 to 48.14 ppm. Phosphor is a major nutrient for plant growth (Fuhrman, et al., 2005). Phosphor is the crucial component of DNA. Phosphor deficiency in soil will lead low crop productivity. Phosphor deficency disturb root, steam and leave development. Leave was disturbed and cause crop productivity (Taiz and Zeiger, 2002). Potassium was calculated about 8.86 to 45.31 ppm. Pottasium deficiency potentially leads to plant abnormality. Chlorosis and defoliation in plants are the impact of Pottasium deficiency. Physiologically, Potassium is considered important in photosynthesis reaction, protein synthesis, starch synthesis, and osmoregulation. Scholar point out that potassium is important in plant respond to drought (Taiz and Zeiger, 2002). Soil chemical properties from Seruyan Regency was given in Table 3. Table 3. Soil Chemical Properties Of Seruyan Regency Soil Chemical Land Unit T1 T2 T3 pH 5.04 6.43 5.53 C-org 1.49 0.77 0.83 N-Total 0,06 0,13 0,1 P2O5 3,85 48,14 43,32 K2O 8,86 10,65 45,31 The objective of this paper is to review the soil properties and their effect on oil palm management and yield. Other characteristics of the land, such as the climate, topography, elevation and drainage, also play an important role in determining the management and yield of oil palm (Table 4). Based on the evaluation, the moderate land for oil palm plantation in Seruyan Regency, Central Kalimantan. Table 4. Soil Properties Characteristic Land Unit T1 T2 T3 Mean annual temp. (°C) 24 - 29 24 - 29 24 - 29 Annual rainfall (mm) 1686,6 1686,6 1831 Dry season (months) 0 Well and somewhat excessive 0 Well and somewhat excessive 0 Well and somewhat excessive Drainage class Depth (cm) 50 50 50 pH H2O 5,04 6,43 5,53 C-Organik 1,49 0,77 0,83 Slope (%) <3 <3 <3 very low very low very low F1 F1 F1 Moderate Moderate Moderate Erosion (eh) Flooding Land Suitability 35 Figure 1 explain the condition existing in Seruyan Regency. Figure 1. Condition in Seruyan Regency CONCLUSION The understanding of land characteristics is important for oil palm plantation practices. The suitability of land leads to the proper land management to increase crop production. Seruyan regency is a potential area for oil palm plantation development. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are delighted to thank to Afirus Febian, S.Si, M.Pd and Tirsa Neyatri Bandrang, MEP the head of study program of Agribusiness of Darwan Ali University, and Dr. Bagyo Yanuwiadi from Post Graduate Department of Brawijaya University for inspiring, giving we are challenges and give scientific critics. REFERENCES Bindraban, P., S. Stoorvogel, J.J. Jansen, D.M. Vlaming, and J.J.R. Groot. 2000. Land Quality Indicators for Sustainable Land Management: Proposed Method for Yield Gap and Soil Nutrient Balance. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 81(2): 103-112. BPS. 2015. Seruyan in 2014. Figures BPS Seruyan. Seruyan. Brady, N.C. 2004. The Nature and Properties of Soil. John Wiley and Sons. New York. Djaenudin, D., M. Hendrtsman, H.Subagyo, A. Muyani and N. Suhara. 2003. Kesesuaian Lahan Untuk Komoditas Pertanian. Versi 4. Balai Penelitian Tanah Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan Agroklimal Bogor. Fageria, N.K., V.C. Baligar and R.B. Clark. 2002. Micronutrients in crop production. Advances in Agronomy. 77: 185-268. Falkengren-Grerup, U., and G. Tyler. 1993. The Importance Of Soil Acidity, Moisture, Exchangeable Cation Pools And Organic Matter Solubility To The Cationic Composition Of Beech Forest (Fagus sylvatice L.) Soil Sbluticti. Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenemahrung Und Bodenkunde. 156 (4), 365-370. 36 Fuhrman, J.K., H. Zhang, J.L. Schroder, R.L. Davis, and M.E. Payton. 2005. Water-Soluble Phosphorus As Affected By Sod To Extractant Ratios, Extraction Times And Electrolyte. Communications In Soil Science And Plant Analysis. 36: 925-935. Grandy, A.S., M.S. Strickland, C.L. Lauber, M.A. Bradford and N. Fierer. 2009. The Influence of Microbial Communities, Management, and Soil Texture On Soil Organic Matter Chemistry. Geoderma Journal. 150:278-286. Gray B.S. 1969. 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Pp. 165–181. 37 Interactions among Diversity of Arthropods in Areas with Mahogany (Swietania macrophylla) in Purwodadi Botanical Garden, Pasuruan, East Java, Indonesia Henri1,2*, Restu Nugraha2, Endang Arisoesilaningsih3 1Department of Biology, University of Bangka Belitung, Bangka, 33172, Bangka Belitung, Indonesia Student Department of Biology, University of Brawijaya, Malang, 65145, East Java, Indonesia 3Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, University of Brawijaya, Malang, 65145, East Java, Indonesia 2Postgraduate Abstract Purwodadi Botanical Garden has several subareas of invasive exotic species, such as Swietania macrophylla. This species reduces endemic species and disturbs the biodiversity integrity of an ecosystem, including arthropods. This study tries to identify any interaction between the diversity of arthropods and the invasive species of S. macrophylla. The observed areas were VII C, VII E, and VIII A. The methods are measuring physical and chemical factors and procuring samples of arthropods through pitfall trap and yellow pan trap. The data analysis included Important Value Index, Shannon-Wiener diversity index, evenness index, richness index, and dominance index. Analysis of Bray-Curtis similarity index using software PAST was also carried out to identify the similarity of the three areas, the habitat used in this research. The pitfall trap obtained 78 individuals from 7 taxon, and the yellow pan obtained 61 individuals from 8 taxon. Formicidae has the highest Important Value Index, and it is the most dominating. The Shannon-Wiener diversity index on the three subareas is even around 1,5 to 1,9, and the ecosystem is quite good. The Bray-Curtis indices in subarea VIII A and VII C concluded acidity of above 75%. The diversity of arthropods can be affected by the vegetation above them, the percentage of green matters, soli organic matters, and soil moisture. Keywords: Swietania macrophylla, arthropods, pitfall trap, yellow pan trap INTRODUCTION Purwodadi Botanical Garden is a conservation area for various plants, collecting 10.605 species. Besides its role as an ex-situ conservation area, it is also used as a place for research, education, and tourism. One of its collections is mahogany (Swietania macrophylla) (Damayanti et al., 2012). Purwodadi Botanical Garden has several heterogeneous subareas, especially area VII and VIII as the greening area (Arisoesilaningsih and Soejono, 2001). The structure of the vegetation in area VII, especially in VII C and VII E, is dominated by S. macrophylla with its low diversity index. On the contrary, in subarea VIII A, there is a co-dominance of endemic-exotic species with high diversity index (Yusuf et al., 2009). Introduction of exotic species S. macrophylla will reduce the diversity of certain kinds, so it will reduce the productivity of the ecosystem. It is because the plant can suppress the diversity of original species since it is invasive in nature. Therefore, the growth of intolerant plants will be hampered (UNEP, 2011; Kepel and Watling, 2001). The loss of biodiversity due to spatial competition will also reduce the abundance, and it will create ecosystem disturbance for original flora and fauna (Charles and Dukes, 2006). It enables biodiversity to create stability in the ecosystem through different response of species on the fluctuation of the environment (Mazancourt et al., 2013). The ecosystem quality of an environment can be measured if the diversity of its fauna is high, one of which is using arthropods. Arthropods play an important role in ecology for their numbers and diversity. They also take part on decomposition of organic matters in soil to provide nutrients (Paoletti, 1999). Considering the importance of stability of any ecosystem, a research on the relation between the habitat of S. macrophylla and the diversity of arthropods in Purwodadi Botanical Garden is needed. From this study, the influence of invasive species on the diversity of arthropods living near the plant can be identified. Corresponding author: Henri Email : [email protected] Address : Department of Biology, University of Brawijaya, Jl. Veteran, Malang, 65145 38 MATERIAL AND METHODS Study Site Purwodadi Botanical Garden is located at 7°47’ LS and 112°41’ BT in the regency of Pasuruan in East Java, on the foot of Baung Mountain. It lies 300 meter above sea level, from flat to contour lines. The rainfall is 2.372 mm per year with 140 days of rain, and the wet months are from November to March. The humidity is 79%, and the average temperature is 22-23 °C (Arisoesilaningsih and Soejono, 2001). The research was conducted in two areas, VII and VIII, of greening. Subarea VII C (0,5 ha), subarea VII E (0,62 ha), and subarea VIII A (0.48 ha) (see Fig. 1). (a) (b) (c) Figure 2. (a) Subarea VII C, (b) Subarea VII E and (c) subarea VIII A Physical and chemical factors The measurement included air temperature humidity, soil acidity and organic matters, soil moisture, and elevation. Secondary data of mahogany vegetation analysis was also conducted. The data supports the result of the research. Arthropods sampling The samples were obtained from to methods, i.e. pitfall trap and yellow pan trap. The former was intended to trap surface or ground arthropods (Pekar, 2002; Phillips and Cobb, 2005) by using plastic glasses with the diameter ±7 cm and the height ± 10 cm, containing 25 mL of soap water as the distractor. The traps were set for 24 hours in every 20 m in each observation line. The latter method was set especially for canopy arthropods (Jumiatin et al., 2013), where yellow pans, 25 cm in diameter and 15 cm in height, were put on the height of more than 2 m above the ground. The pans, containing water, detergent, and alcohol as preservatives, were set on randomly selected trees. The samples were then analyzed. Data analysis The results were analyzed using several indices such as important value index, Shannon-Wiener diversity index, evenness index, richness index, and dominance index. In addition, the Bray-Curtis similarity analysis using software PAST was also carried out to identify the similarity of the three subareas, which were the habitat used in this research. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Arthropod sampling results obtained as much 78 individuals from 7 taxon were obtained from pitfall trap, while other 61 individuals from 8 taxon were from the yellow pan trap. Fig. 2 shows the Important Value Index of arthropods. 39 (a) (b) Figure 2. (a) Fitfall Trap methods, and (b) Yellow Pan Trap methods Pitfall trap method targeted arthropods living on the surface. The results show that Formicidae has the highest Important Value Index in all observed subareas (Fig. 2a). Important Value Iindex is the quantitative parameter to express the dominance level of a species in a community (Mukrimin, 2011). The high Important Value Index of formicidae is caused by the niche of these insects in the nature, where this group live in colony (Cheli et al., 2010). Their roles as predator, organic decomposer, pest control, and pollination helper are the reason why this species can be found easily. Another reason of the high presence of Formicidae is the ability of these arthropods to walk trailing its kind. This trailing ability is because of a hormone of guiding pheromone. Several species of Formicidae, such as Selonopsis sp. and Dolichoderus sp., have the ability of following the trail left by their kinds (Riyanto, 2007). The pheromone from these insects is used to leave mark to guide their kinds in finding food source (Borror et al., 2005; Elzinga, 1987). The yellow pan method shows a similar result (Fig. 2b). Formicidae dominates with the highest Important Value Index in subareas of VII E and VIII A. Meanwhile, in subarea of VII C, the protura has the highest Important Value Index, followed by formicidae. Protura becomes an important species in subarea VII C because they live under tree barks and around moist areas. However, Formicidae still plays an important role due to its high Important Value Index. The trapped arthropods are mostly predators and bugs. There were arthropods that act as vectors, such as Culidae. The rest were Vespidae, the pollinator arthropods. Table 1. Dominance index (C), Diversity index (H’), Richness index (R), and Evennes index (E) in subarea VII C, subarea VII E, and subarea VIII A Methods Pitfall Trap Yellow Pan Trap Subareas C H' R E VII C 157 1.81 6.52 1.5 VII E 91 1.83 5.1 1.46 VIII A 224 1.48 5.83 1.15 VII C 51 1.82 3.18 1.5 VII E 80 1.57 3.46 1.05 VIII A 120 1.88 5.52 1.33 The arthropod analysis shows that subarea VIII A has a higher dominance value, from either pitfall trap or yellow pan trap method, compared to two other subareas (Table 1). This indicates imbalances of arthropods abundance. Furthermore, it was identified that subarea VIII A has a bad arthropod diversity. The dominance index was used as a parameter in identifying how far a species or taxon dominates other species (Santosa et al., 2008). In general, the Shannon-Wiener diversity index showed that the three subareas has even arthropod diversity index ranging from 1,5 -1,9. This means that the three subareas has medium diversity (1,5≤H’≥3,5). This condition indicates balanced ecosystem and medium ecological pressure, if based on the calculation of Shannon-Wiener diversity index. The nature of dominance of a family will affect the Shannon-Wiener diversity index (Nolan et al., 2005). 40 The highest species richness index in pitfall trap in subarea VII C is 6,52, while the same index in yellow pan trap in subarea VIII A is 5,52 (Table 1). The richness index is used to identify the richness of a species in a certain community. This index is the simplest biodiversity measurement method because it only calculates the difference in number of a species in a certain area (Mukrimin, 2011). Subarea VII C was identified of having the highest evenness index in both methods, which is around 1,5. There is a slight difference between subarea VII E and VIII A, which is 1,05 to 1,46. According to Santosa et al. (2008), an index can be calculated from one to ten in range, where the score of one indicates no domination in the habitat. However, in this research, the evenness index is relatively low, which is caused by dominating species of formicidae. According to Mahrub (1997), the presence of dominating taxon can bring an adverse effect on predator insect on the next generation because it creates competition among its kinds. Thus, a population will fall dramatically if it is short in prey for quite a long time . Figure 3. (a) Index Bray-Curtis similarity habitat, and (b) Biplot analysis of the relationship between several factors with a density of Arthropods. The Bray-Curtis index (Fig. 3a) was used to identify similarity of habitats. Based on the analysis, subarea of VIII A and VII C has the similarity index of above 75%, and subarea VII E has the similarity index of around 70%. This similarity index shows that, among the three subareas, a small gap in the abundance of observed arthropods exists. The result of the biplot analysis (Fig. 3b) shows that subarea VII E has the highest mahogany density compared to two other subareas. Subarea VIII A has the highest arthropod density. The abundance of arthropod relies heavily on the vegetation above them. The dominating S. macrophylla in the observation areas can be used as a comparative analysis for greening model in subarea VII and VIII of Purwodadi Botanical Garden (Yusuf, 2011). The vegetation will produce useful green matters as the main diet of ground arthropods. The abundance of food and shelter will become an important factor for arthropods’ abundance and reproduction (Halaj et al., 1997). The important finding of this research is that the percentage of soil’s organic matters and soil moisture is inversely proportional to the diversity of arthropods, even though the effect is not direct. The result of this research also shows that the higher the percentage of organic matter and soil moisture, the lower the number of obtained arthropods. 41 CONCLUSIONS The sample of arthropods obtained from pitfall trap is 78 individuals from 7 taxon, while the one obtained from yellow pan trap is 61 individuals from 8 taxon. The highest IVI is Formicidae, in which this taxon dominates the three subareas of study. The Bray-Curtis similarity index shows that subarea VIII A and VII C has the similarity of above 75%. The high percentage of soil’s organic matter and moisture can affect the low number of arthropods. REFERENCES Arisoesilaningsih, E dan Soejono. 2001. Kebun Raya Purwodadi adalah Hortus Iklim Kering? Dalam Arisoesilaningsih dkk. (ed.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Konservasi dan Pendayagunaan Keanekaragaman Tumbuhan Lahan Kering. LIPI-Kebun Raya Purwodadi dan MIPA Universitas Brawijaya. Borror, D.,J., Triplehorn, C..A., and Johnson, N..F. 2005. 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Universitas Brawijaya. 43 DENSITY AND INTENSITY METALLOTHIONEIN EXPRESSED IN INTERIOR CAVITY Crasostrea cucullata ON THE PRENDUAN BEACH, SUMENEP DISTRICT, EAST JAVA Shinta Hiflina Yuniari1,Asus Maizar Suryanto Hertika2, Yuni Kilawati3 1 Mahasiswa Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Lingkungan dan Pembangunan Dosen jurusan Menejemen Sumberdaya Perairan , Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Brawijaya 3 Dosen jurusan Menejemen Sumberdaya Perairan , Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Brawijaya 2 Abstract This study was conducted in November 2014-January 2015 and aims to determine the relation of (density and intensity) Metallothionein, oyster’s length and heavy metals (Pb, Cd and Hg) were expressed in interior cavity of Crasostrea cucullata in Prenduan beach. The method is a survey with descriptive explanations through the determination of several sampling points from three stations in Prenduan beach with different characteristics. C. cucullata oyster samples taken at each station and analyzed the density and intensity of Metallothionein with immunohistochemical techniques, other than that carried out the analysis of Pb, Cd and Hg as well as physical and chemical conditions of the water. Metallothionein density ranged from 5.16 x 10-3 MT / μm2 - 22.73 x 10-3 MT / μm2 and Metallothionein intensity ranges from 3057-59935 pixels. The results of multiple regression analysis showed an increase in density and the average intensity of MT in accordance with the increase in the concentration of heavy metals and long oysters. Therefore, the existence of heavy metals which already exceeds the threshold can be used as a monitoring tool in the early detection and management of Prenduan region, Sumenep, East Java. Keywords : Metallothionein, Heavy metals, Crassostrea, Coast of Prenduan INTRODUCTION1 Heavy metals in aquatic will be responded by elevated levels of the metal-binding protein Metallothionein (MT) as the body of organisms like oysters that live in around of waters. The presence of MT protein that is believed to be biological markers (biomarkers) of heavy metal pollution can be studied with semi-quantitative methods (immunohistochemistry). One way that can be used to monitor level of water pollution is used bio-indicator. One of potential aquatic organisms used as indicators of water pollution is a member of the class bivalves (Mollusc) (Fuller, 1974). Mollusc on Prenduan beach namely oysters (Crasostrea cuculata). According Santosa (2010), the oyster is a mollusc of the class Bivalvia group, who live in marine or brackish water habitat. One oyster species found in Indonesian waters is Crasostrea cuculata. A heavy metal that enters the body of animals generally are not issued anymore. Therefore, heavy metals tend to accumulate in the body. As a result of the heavy metals will continue to exist along the food chain. Metals can accumulate in the tissues, especially in the liver and kidneys. Metal ions into the tissue of living creatures bound with chemicals creatures tissue forming complex compounds of organic protein called Metallothionein (Nurtoni et al., 1984). Therefore we need information about the density and intensity of Metallothionein in the interior cavity oysters (Crasostrea cuculata) in Prenduan beach, Sumenep. RESEARCH METHODS Data collection method in this research is descriptive method that is observing the expression of the density and intensity of Metallothionein in the interior cavity Crasostrea cucullata oysters of several stations in Prenduan beach. Besides analysis of physical and chemical quality of waters associated with oyster ecology including levels of heavy metals Hg, Cd and Pb. SHINTA HIFLINA YUNIARI Email : [email protected] Alamat : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Brawijaya, Jl. M.T. Haryono No.169,Lowokwaru, Malang. 44 1. Measurement of Hg, Cd, Pb Oysters Levels of heavy metals Hg, Cd and Pb in Crassostrea cucullata oyster analyzed by the following procedure: 1) Considering each solid sample ± 15 g with Sartorius scales 2) Heat up solid sample at a temperature of 105 ° C ± for 3-5 minutes 3) Considering the constant weight scales Sartorius as dry weight. 4) Insert the sample was dried in a 100 ml glass beaker. 5) Add HNO3 with a ratio of 1: 1 (HNO3: HCl) as much as ± 10-15 ml. 6) Heat up over the hot plate in the room up to ± 3 ml of acid. 7) Filtering with filter paper into a 50 ml flask. 8) Repeat the screening process to mark boundaries flask by first adding 15 ml of distilled water into a beaker glass 9) Analyze the samples using Atomic Absorbstion Spectrophotometer engine (AAS) at a wavelength of 283.3 nm. 10) Prepare a standard solution. 11) Analyze the standard solution by AAS machine 2. Immunohistochemistry procedure 1) Preparation of tissue sections 2) Surgery interior cavity oysters preservation using formalin 10% 3) The observation of histopathology - interior cavity has been fixed with formalin 10% - Cutting network Makros - The process of dehydration - The process of vacuum - Blocking - Cutting with a microtome 4) Staining Immunohistochemistry 5) Scan the dot microscope slide 3. Calculation of Density and Intensity of Metallothionein Analysis density of Metallothionein procedure can be performed using software olyvia and ImageJ. Olyvia is a drawing application that is used to view the images that have been scanned through a microscope, which is obtained from: https: // ga/olyvia/. For calculating the density of Metallothionein using ImageJ application. ImageJ is a Java-based application for analyzing the images obtained from: http: //imagej.en.softonic. com /. 4. Analysis of Data Analysis of data in this study using regression analysis correlates with multiple linear regression model in SPSS software version 16.0. The regression model was used to determine the relation of the density and intensity of Metallothionein which is the dependent variable (Y) interior cavity oyster Crasostrea cucullata to the length of the oyster which is the independent variable (X 1) and the levels of heavy metals Pb, Cd and Hg which is the independent variable (X2). METHOD OF COLLECTING DATA Data collection method in this research is descriptive method. According Surakhmad (1998), descriptive method is a method of describing the circumstances or events in a particular area. Implementation method of describing the circumstances or events in a particular area. Implementation descriptive method is not limited to the collection and compilation of data, but includes the analysis and discussion of the data, which is expected to provide an overview and discussion of the data, which is expected to give a general overview, systematic, current and valid on the facts and the properties the population of the area. 45 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1. General Situation Research Area According to the Government of Sumenep (2014), Prenduan is located in Pragaan district, Sumenep regency. Prenduan village itself is a village located on the outskirts of the provincial road connecting shaft Pamekasan and Sumenep. Prenduan is a village on the southern coast of Madura island, approximately 30 km west of the town of Sumenep and 22 km east of the town of Pamekasan. Sumenep regency is located at the eastern end of Madura Island geographical location between 113º 32 '- 116º 16' east longitude and 4º 55 '- 7º 24' South Latitude. Sumenep regency is generally located at an altitude between 0-500 meters above sea level. 1.1 Observation Station 1 Station 1 located in mangrove areas near human excreta disposal site, which is at 7˚06'33.32"7˚06'33.67" south latitude and 113˚40'39.17 "- 113˚40'36.88" East Longitude. At this station found many mangrove trees that have a very important function. Station 1 can be seen in Figure 1. Figure 1. Station 1 1.2 Observation Station 2 Station 2 is located around settlements and parts used as a berthing port fishing boats, which is at 7˚06'32.67 "- 7˚06'33.79" LS and 113˚40'39.11 "- 113˚40'39.09" BT . At the station is used for ship berthing area after landing catches and close to population centers. Station 2 is shown in Figure 2. Figure 2. Station 2 46 1.3 Observation Station 3 Station 3 is located in an area around the top of its waters are a chicken farms, which is located on 7˚06'32.77 "- 7˚06'33.44" south latitude and 113˚40'41.33 "- 113˚40'41.23" East Longitude. At this station is near the chicken farm, but it is also a lot of local fishing boats were leaning close to this station. At this station also dirty because many domestic waste is disposed of in this area. Basic conditions or substrate in this station dominant mud. Station 3 is shown in Figure 3. Figure 3. Station 3 2. Distribution of sample size Sample size distribution obtained at the time of the research that is by measuring the length, width and height of oyster shells Crasostrea cucullata for 3 repetitions in each station. The average size of the sample oysters Crasostrea cucullata obtained at each station is different. The oyster size data, obtained from the sample oysters in each plot. At the station 1, the average length of the oyster that is 2.992 cm, an average width of 1.656 cm oysters and oyster average of 0.845 cm high. At the second station, the average length of the oyster that is 3,315 cm, average width of oysters 2.035 cm and an average height of 0.92 cm oysters. At the third station, the average length of the oyster that is 3,022 cm, average width of oysters 1.818 cm and the average height of 0.905 cm oysters. 3. Analysis Heavy Metals in Interior Cavity The average concentration of heavy metals Pb in interior cavity of Crasostrea cucullata oyster at station 1 is 1.103 ppm, at station 2 is 1,172 ppm and at the third station is 1,058 ppm. The average concentration of heavy metals Cd in interior cavity of Crasostrea cucullata oyster at station 1 is 0.935 ppm, at station 2 is 1,004 ppm and at stations 3 is 0.980 ppm. The average concentration of heavy metals Hg interior cavity of Crasostrea cucullata oyster at the station 1 is 0,085 ppm, the second station is 0,243 ppm and at stations 3 is 0.190 ppm. Graph levels of heavy metals on interior cavity of Crasostrea cucullata oyster shown in Figure 4. According to ISO (2009) in Mugilaksani (2013), the maximum levels of heavy metals in food, for Hg 0.5 mg /l, Cd 0.03 mg /l and 0.5 mg Pb /l. So it can be said that the heavy metals Pb and Cd in Interior Cavity of Crassostrea cucullata oyster in Prenduan beach has exceeded threshold. According Fitriyah (2007), heavy metals (Hg, Cd, Pb) in oysters mainly from food and feeding habit. Of these three metals, Pb is a heavy metal that is most accumulated by oysters. Accumulation factor of heavy metals include oyster biology (age and physiological), physical and chemical properties of water, sewage inputs (Wulandari, 2010), heavy metal types, types of organisms, as well as the duration of exposure (Dianti, 2007). 47 KADAR LOGAM BERAT (ppm) 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Pb Cd Hg I II III Pb 1.103 1.1722 1.058 Cd 0.935 1.0043 0.98 Hg 0.085 0.243 0.19 STASIUN Figure 4. Heavy Metal in Interior Cavity of Crasostrea cucullata Oyster 4. Expression of Metallothionein Metallothionein expression in interior cavity of Crassostrea cucullata with immunohistochemical techniques that are on the three stations with different pollution sources indicate that Metallothionein expressed in the image in the form of blocks of brown. Irvan (2007) in Hertika et al., (2014), that immunohistochemical methods are also used for detecting or measuring the content of Metallothionein as measured by checking the intensity of the color produced. The intensity emitted from the reaction is divided into three classes, the positive reaction robust indicated by the color of dark brown to blackish brown (+ + +), positive being shown by ranges from dark brown to light brown (+ +), and positive weak indicated by the reddish brown (+). Metallothionein expression shown in Figure 5. Figure 5. Expression of metallothionein 5. 5.1 Analysis of Density and Intensity of Metallothionein in Interior Cavity Crasostrea cuculata oysters Results of Analysis Density Metallothionein Density of Metallothionein is a biophysical quantity that relates directly to the determination of the vast number of Metallothionein per visual field. From the research, it was found that the density of Metallothionein in the station 1 ranged from 6.74 x 10-3 MT / μm2 - 17.43 x 10-3 MT / μm2, station 2 ranged between 9.38 x 10-3 MT / μm2 - 19.72 x 10-3 MT / μm2 and station 3 ranged between 5.16 x 10-3 MT / μm2 - 22.73 x 10-3 MT / μm2. Metallothionein density results in accordance with interior cavity oysters response to the absorption of heavy metals showed levels of heavy metals in interior cavity of Crasostrea cuculata oyster highest in station 2 which is 48 Densitas (MT/µm2 ) the area around the houses, where the processing and washing of the catch. It is obvious from the graph the average density of Metallothionein presented in Figure 6. According Hertika et al. (2014), the density of Metallothionein is a biophysical quantity that has a direct relation with the determination of the number MT per width of coverage. Research results show that MT is expressed by the appearance of a block of chocolate in the gills and interior cavity tissue gravestones Taiwan. Brightness or darkness of the chocolate block shows the level of viscosity MT. This level is useful for measuring the density and intensity of chocolate blocks. The study concluded that the density and intensity MT taiwan mussels served in the hollow interior of which is higher than the gills. The average density of MT and intensity increases with increasing dose exposure. The highest increase was found in PbNO 3 exposure dose of 30 ppm, but decreased in a dose of 40 ppm. 0.03 Plot 1 0.025 0.02 Plot 2 0.015 0.01 Plot 3 0.005 0 I II III Plot 1 0.00782 0.01236 0.00807 Plot 2 0.01257 0.01972 0.01743 Plot 3 0.01248 0.01909 0.01216 Stasiun Figure 6. Density of Metallothionein Intensity of Metallothionein Metallothionein intensity determined by using the software ImageJ on the area 112 with a width of 12 and 12. The high intensity of Metallothionein in the first station pixel range between 3057 – 19.176 pixels, station 2 ranged between 7101 pixels - 59 935 pixels and at stations 3 range between 3754 pixels 19633 pixels , Metallothionein color intensity vary at each station depending on the level of heavy metal absorption by the body of the oyster. Graph of the average intensity of Metallothionein can be seen in Figure 7. INTENSITAS (pixel) 5.2 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 PLOT 1 PLOT 2 PLOT 3 I II III PLOT 1 13178 12203 13073 PLOT 2 11897 13355 8892 PLOT 3 7439 11292 11436 STASIUN Figure 7. The intensity of metallothionein 49 Pixel units to the intensity of metallothionein described by Cregger et al., (2006), that pixel is the basic unit of comparative quantitative analysis of protein expression in the use imunoflourescent for recognizing and distinguishing dark colors for Metallothionein. This algorithm is used to measure the expression of important marker than through the cellular and sub-cellular. 5. Analysis of Relation Density Metallothionein, Long oysters and Heavy Metals in Interior cavity Oyster The results of multiple linear regression analysis showed the amount of heavy metals that are exposed to interior cavity oysters Metallothionein affects the amount of content that exist in interior cavity of oysters. Metallothionein density will continue to increase in accordance with increase in the concentration of heavy metals in interior cavity of oysters and also the increase of the length of the oyster itself. This is evidenced by the results of the correlation between heavy metals (Pb, Cd and Hg), the length of the oysters and metallothionein density of 0.793 to 0.804. According Sarwono (2006), that the level of correlation as very strong, if included in the value interval 0.75 - 0.99. 6. Analysis of Relation Intensity metallothionein, Long oysters and Heavy Metals in Interior cavity Oyster The results of multiple linear regression analysis showed the amount of heavy metals that are exposed to to interior cavity oysters Metallothionein affects the amount of content that exist in interior cavity of oysters. Metallothionein intensity will continue to increase in accordance with increase in the concentration of heavy metals in interior cavity of oysters and also the increase of the length of the oyster itself. This is evidenced by the results of the correlation between heavy metals (Pb, Cd and Hg), oysters length and intensity of 0.825 to 0.962 MT. According Sarwono (2006), that the level of correlation as very strong, if included in the value interval 0.75 - 0.99. 7. Water Quality Analysis The results of the analysis of water quality (Temperature, Acidity, Dissolved Oxygen, Salinity, Total Organic Matter and Heavy Metals in water) in Prenduan beach presented in Table 1 below: Table 1. Results of Water Quality Analysis Water Quality Analysis Station I II III Standart Temperature (˚) Acidity DO (pp) Salinity (ppt) TOM (mg/l) 34 35 35 30-38* 9 9 9 7-8,5* 7,6 6,1 8,7 >5* 30 30 30 27-33* 32,86 50,56 25,28 >20** The results of water quality analysis showed that the Prenduan beach have good or normal condition, and still support life Crassostrea cuculata oyster. The rate of metabolism is a factor that is influenced by physical and chemical quality of the water, which in turn can affect the levels of metallothionein (MT) (Pedersen et al., 1997 in Amiard et al., 2006). Heavy metal Pb content at the station 1, 2 and 3 higher compared with Cd or Hg. levels of heavy metals Pb in Prenduan beach at station 1 is 0.023 ppm, at station 2 is 0,034 ppm and at stations 3 is 0,031 ppm. Levels of heavy metals Cd in Prenduan beach at station 1 is 0.009 ppm, at station 2 is 0,013 ppm and at stations 3 is 0.01 ppm. Levels of heavy metals Hg in Prenduan beach at station 1 is 0.07 ppm, at station 2 is 0.08 ppm and at stations 3 is 0.08 ppm. 50 CONCLUSION Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the results of multiple linear regression analysis showed a large increase in density and the average intensity of Metallothionein in accordance with the increase in the concentration of heavy metals and long oyster Crasostrea cucullata. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the results of multiple linear regression analysis showed a large increase in density and the average intensity of Metallothionein in accordance with the increase in the concentration of heavy metals and long oyster Crasostrea cucullata. Based of results the study, the presence of heavy metals which already exceed the quality standards due to the contribution of community wastewater and industry are discarded every day. Hopefully, this study can be used as an early detection tool for monitoring and management of Prenduan beach, Sumenep, East Java. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Greetings and a prayer to Allah SWT always give grace for us and trust as a caliph in the earth, and sholawat and greetings to the Prophet Muhammad that have provided the perfect role model for the people in the world. Gratitude deepest, authors convey to Allah who has given the health and smoothness. My Mom (Ria rahayu), My Dad (Drs. Muksin), My Sister Sherlina Oktaviola and My Brother Agus Fani Faisal, S.Pi who gave me all the support, encouragement and prayer, Dr. Asus Maizar S.H, S.Pi, MP and Dr. Yuni Kilawati, S.Pi., M.Si which has provided systematic guidance in completing the report with a good, patient and sincere. BIBLIOGRAPHY Amiard, J. C., C. Amiard, T., S. Barka, J. Pellerin, and P. S. Rainbow. 2006. MT in Aquatic Invertebrates: Their Role in Metal Detoxification and Their Use as Biomarkers. 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Penelitian Mutu kerang hijau rebus yang disimpan pada suhu rendah. Laporan penelitian teknologi perikanan. Balai penelitian teknologi perikanan : Jakarta. Pemerintah Kabupaten Sumenep. 2014. Monografi Kabupaten. Madura. Santosa, S. 2003. Peran Metallothionein pada Autisme. Fakultas Kedokteran. Universitas Kristen Maranatha. JKM. Vol 2(2): 23-30. Sarwono, J., 2006. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif. Penerbit Rineka Cipta. Jakarta Wulandari, E. 2010. Analisis Kandungan Logam Berat Timbal (Pb) dan Karakteristik Haemocyte Tiram (Saccostrea glomerata) dari Perairan Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Prigi Trenggalek Jawa Timur. UB Malang. 51 The Determination of N, P And K Fertilizer On Wet Land Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Varieties Ciherang Based On Omission Plot Method. Setyono Yudo Tyasmoro, and Hanikatus Sholihah Agrotechnology Department, Agriculture Faculty of Brawijaya University Abstract Rice is important cereal crops and used as the staple food of one third world population. In Indonesia rice is strategic food commodities which take important role in economic aspect and national tenacity food, and it becomes the main basis in the future of agriculture revitalization, moreover it get big interest of government. One of vital role medium production to support the increasing of rice productivity is fertilizer, especially N, P, and K. Until now fertilizer recommendation to wet land rice still general, so the fertilization is not rational and efficient. Some farmers use fertilizer in over dosage and part of them use lower dosage, so the production of rice is not optimal and efficient. It is influenced global warming from the production of N2O gases by volatilization process of fertilizer residue. Now, fertilizer becomes problem of farmers because it is scarce and expensive, so it needs efforts to get the efficience dosade The objective of this research is to study the effects of N, P and K fertilizer on growth and yield of rice, to get efficient proportion of N, P, and K fertilizer based on omission plot. This research had been conducted in Desa Sawentar, Kec. Kanigoro, Kab. Blitar. The altitude 134 m asl. with precipitation 2000 mm/year, since November 2008 until March 2009. This research used Randomize Block Design (RDB) with six treatments and four replication. The treatments were P1 = 300 kg Urea/ha + 100 kg SP36/ha + 100 kg KCl/ha (control), P2 = 270 kg Urea/ha + 90 kg SP36/ha + 90 kg KCl/ha, P3 = 240 kg Urea/ha + 80 kg SP36/ha + 80 kg KCl/ha, P4= 210 kg Urea/ha + 70 kg SP36/ha + 70 kg KCl/ha, P5= 180 kg Urea/ha + 60 kg SP36/ha + 60 kg KCl/ha, P6= 150 kg Urea/ha + 50 kg SP36/ha + 50 kg KCl/ha. The result of this research and the analysis shows that in the plant growth variable, the rice height is not significant affected by NPK fertilizing treatment at various age observations. At the number of tiller per clump is significa nt affected by NPK fertilizing treatment at age 34, 64 and 74 dap observation. At age 14 and 24 dap, the number of tiller per clump is not significant different. The observation result at persentage of filled seed, weight of 1000 filled seed is not significant different affected by NPK fertilizing treatment. Fertilization NPK is significant different affected to the number of tiller per clump, number of grain per tiller, Grilled Dry Seed (GKG) with water percent 14%. The growth phase of rice is significant affected by NPK fertilizing treatment. Fertilization of NPK under standard fertilization is not affect in decreasing yield of plant significantly so, with in less fertilizer without decreasing yield crop of rice is one of farm efficiency. Introduction One of the means of production are very vital role in supporting efforts to increase national rice production is fertilizer, especially N, P and K. High yielding varieties that dominate the national rice areas are generally responsive to macro fertilizer. However, the efficiency and effectiveness depend on the type of land and local management. Fertilizer recommendation for rice crops still to this day is still general, so that fertilization is not rational and efficient. Some farmers use fertilizers with excessive dosing, and others with a lower dose so that rice production is not optimal and less efficient. This affects the evaporation of fertilizer that has potential as a greenhouse gas, but it also adds expense to farmers because of high fertilizer prices. Fertilizer for food crops should be given appropriately, effectively and efficiently and does not pollute the environment. One of the factors that determine the effort to increase rice production is the proper use of fertilizers. Fertilization is one important way that is most often used because it is closely related to the provision of plant nutrients. Nutrition with a composition and appropriate dose can spur the growth and development of the quantity and quality of the rice plant. Judging from the level of productivity of paddy fields during this time, appear to have pelandaian results. Extra input farming unbalanced outputs produced, an indication that the fertilizer efficiency has decreased. The use of less fertilizer without a decrease in crop yields is something favorable efficiency. To that end, the fertilizer should be saved rationally based on scientific calculations. Fertilization of paddy familiar terms such as balanced fertilization, fertilizing specific locations, and site-specific nutrient management which is essentially identical to each other. But a balanced fertilizer is often misunderstood as a complete fertilizer (N, P, K and micro fertilizer) and is identified with the use of compound fertilizer (Anonymous, 2006a). Makarim (2005) describes a balanced fertilizer is addressing the needs of plant nutrients in order to achieve optimal results (without excess / deficiency of nutrients) through the provision of fertilizer by considering the amount of nutrients already available in the soil. The principle of balanced fertilizer is presented in stages as follows: 1) The growth rate and the level of results achieved are the result of interaction between the nature of varieties, growing environment, and the way it is managed. 2) To a certain level of results, plants require a certain amount of nutrients in amounts and certain comparisons. 3) For a level higher yields, plants need all the nutrients in greater amounts, the ratio remains proportional. 4) Without fertilizer, plants obtain nutrients from the soil, the amount depending on the 52 nutrient availability in the soil, as well as the ability of plants to absorb it. 5) The difference between nutrients needed by plants (Item 2 and 3) and nutrients that can be absorbed by plants from the soil (Item 4), needs to be met through the provision of fertilizer. 6) Some nutrients from fertilizer is lost because of washed, fixed, or unreachable roots. Soil conditions and fertilizer often determine the amount of the loss. So fertilizer will need to be more than just meet the difference described in Item 5. 7) The amount of fertilizer (N, P, K, etc.) Are given in the manner described in Item 6, a balanced fertilizer. 8) In practice, the number and proportion of fertilizers supplied can not be exactly the above calculations, but need rounding-rounding (Makarim, 2005). The availability of nutrients in the soil depends on the nature of the soil, so fertilizer is needed is also very specific. Value soil nutrient status obtained through analysis or soil test can be used as the basis for determining the dose of fertilizer purposes faster and specific. (Makarim, 2005). Nutrient concentrations (% N,% P and% K) optimum and critical in rice plant (grain or straw) depending on climatic conditions and crop varieties. Another influential soil conditions include a C-organic and CEC, varieties, and the season (Balasubramanian et al., 1999). The concept of site-specific nutrient management (SSNM) have been developed extensively in various rice producing countries and is proven to increase grain yield per unit of fertilizer used. Omission plot approach is designed to ensure and enhance the existing dosage recommendations based on soil nutrient status, taking into account other factors that affect the availability of nutrients naturally. Material and Methods Research determination was implemented in November 2008 to March 2009 in the village of Sawentar, Kanigoro district, Blitar, East Java, with a height of 134 m above sea level and rainfall of 2000 mm / year. The tools used in this study is a hoe, a cultivator, plow / tractor, a ruler, cameras, scales, hedgehog (rotary weeder), and sprayer. While the materials used are seeds of rice (Oryza sativa L.) Var. Ciherang, Urea, SP-36, KCl, pesticides.The experiment was conducted using a randomized block design (RAK), with 6 treatments and repeated 4 times. Dosage recommendations based on balanced fertilization. Fertilizer per hectare can be used as follows: P1 = 300 kg Urea/ha + 100 kg SP36/ha + 100 kg KCl/ha (control) P2 = 270 kg Urea/ha + 90 kg SP36/ha + 90 kg KCl/ha P3 = 240 kg Urea/ha + 80 kg SP36/ha + 80 kg KCl/ha P4= 210 kg Urea/ha + 70 kg SP36/ha + 70 kg KCl/ha P5= 180 kg Urea/ha + 60 kg SP36/ha + 60 kg KCl/ha P6= 150 kg Urea/ha + 50 kg SP36/ha + 50 kg KCl/ha Urea fertilizer is given three times, the first at 7 DAT, second during active tillering (21HST), and third at the time of flower primordia (42 HST). DESCRIPTION more are presented in Table 1. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance F test at level (α = 0.05). If the test results show a real difference, then followed by LSD test at the level (α = 0.05). Fertilizer treatment First fertilization (7 HST) P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 Urea 0,25 0,225 0,2 0,175 0,15 0,125 SP36 0,25 0,225 0,2 0,175 0,15 0,125 KCl 0,125 0,1125 0,1 0,0875 0,075 0,0625 Second fertilization (21 HST) Urea 0,25 0,225 0,2 0,175 0,15 0,125 Third fertilization (42 HST) Urea 0,25 0,225 0,2 0,175 0,15 0,125 KCl 0,125 0,1125 0,1 0,0875 0,075 0,0625 Result and Discusion Plant height and number of tillers The average plant height due to NPK fertilization treatment methods based on omission plot is presented in Table 2. According to Table 2 for N, P, and K in rice no real effect on the high-growth lowland rice at various ages observations. The observation of the average number of tillers / hill are presented in Table 3 . Based on Table 3 the number of pups at the age of 14, 24, and 54 days after planting were not significantly different. Number of tillers provide highly significant effect at age 31 HST on the treatment of 300 kg urea / ha + 100 kg 53 SP36 / ha + 100 kg KCl / ha higher than other treatments, but not significantly different from the treatment of 270 kg urea / ha + 90 kg SP36 / ha + 90 kg KCl / ha, 240 kg urea / ha + 80 kg SP36 / ha + 80 kg KCl / ha, and the treatment of 210 kg urea / ha + 70 kg SP36 / ha + 70 kg KCl / ha. In the treatment of 150 kg urea / ha + 50 kg SP36 / ha + 50 kg KCl / ha tiller number is lower than other treatments, but not significantly different from the treatment of 170 kg urea / ha + 60 kg SP36 / ha + 60 kg KCl / Ha. At the age of 64 and 74 HST treatment of 300 kg urea / ha + 100 kg SP36 / ha + 100 kg KCl / ha higher than other treatments, but not significantly different from the treatment of 270 kg urea / ha + 90 kg SP36 / ha + 90 kg KCl / ha, and the treatment of 240 kg urea / ha + 80 kg SP36 / ha + 80 kg KCl / ha. And in the treatment of 150 kg urea / ha + 50 kg SP36 / ha + 50 kg KCl / ha tiller number is lower than other treatments, but not significantly different from the treatment of 210 kg urea / ha + 70 kg SP36 / ha + 70 kg KCl / ha and 170 kg Urea treatment / ha + 60 kg SP36 / ha + 60 kg KCl / ha. Phase rice growthRice growth phase due to NPK fertilization treatment methods based on omission plot is presented in Table 2. Table 2. Phase rice growth due to NPK fertilization treatment methods based on omission plot Treatment (day after planting) Urea : SP-36 : KCl (kg/ha) Growth phase 300 : 100 : 270 : 90 : 240 : 80 : 80 210 : 70 : 70 180 : 60 : 60 150 : 50 : 50 100 90 Tillering 21-45 21-45 21-45 21-41 21-41 21-41 Reproductive 46-70 46-70 46-70 42-65 42-65 42-65 Grain filling 70-100 70-100 70-100 65-95 65-95 65-95 N, P, and K affect the rice crop growth stages. At tillering active treatment 300 kg Urea / ha + 100 kg SP36 / ha + 100 kg KCl / ha, 270 kg Urea / ha + 90 kg SP36 / ha + 90 kg KCl / ha, and the treatment of 240 kg Urea / ha + 80 SP36 kg / ha + 80 kg KCl / ha occurs when the plant was 21 HST until the age of 45 HST. While on treatment of 210 kg Urea / ha + 70 kg SP36 / ha + 70 kg KCl / ha, 180 kg Urea / ha + 60 kg SP36 / ha + 60 kg KCl / ha and 150 kg Urea / ha + 50 kg SP36 / ha + 50 kg KCl / ha occurred at the age of 21-41 days after planting. In the reproductive phase (formation panicle and panicle) treatment of 300 kg Urea / ha + 100 kg SP36 / ha + 100 kg KCl / ha, 270 kg Urea / ha + 90 kg SP36 / ha + 90 kg KCl / ha, 240 kg Urea / ha + 80 kg SP36 / ha + 80 kg KCl / ha occurred at the age of 46-70 days after planting, flower started out evenly at the age of 65 HST. While the treatment of 210 kg Urea / ha + 70 kg SP36 / ha + 70 kg KCl / ha, 180 kg Urea / ha + 60 kg SP36 / ha + 60 kg KCl / ha and 150 kg Urea / ha + 50 kg SP36 / ha + 50 kg KCl / ha occurred at the age of 42-65 days after planting, but the flowers come out in unison. Phase ripening treatment of 300 kg Urea / ha + 100 kg SP36 / ha + 100 kg KCl / ha, 270 kg Urea / ha + 90 kg SP36 / ha + 90 kg KCl / ha, 240 kg Urea / ha + 80 kg SP36 / ha + 80 kg KCl / ha takes longer than the treatment of 210 kg Urea / ha + 70 kg SP36 / ha + 70 kg KCl / ha, 180 kg Urea / ha + 60 kg SP36 / ha + 60 kg KCl / ha and 150 kg Urea / ha + 50 kg SP36 / ha + 50 kg KCl / ha, ie at the age of 100 days after planting. While the treatment of 210 kg Urea / ha + 70 kg SP36 / ha + 70 kg KCl / ha, 180 kg Urea / ha + 60 kg SP36 / ha + 60 kg KCl / ha and 150 kg Urea / ha + 50 kg SP36 / ha + 50 kg KCl / ha at age 95 HST already shown a yellow panicles. Components results The average number of panicles / hill, number of grain / panicle, weight MPD (ton/ha) due to NPK fertilizer based method omission plot is presented in (Figure 1) below. Number of panicle 20 Number of grain /panicle 18.88 16.13 15.88 15 200 13 13.25 13.5 150 10 100 5 50 0 166.54 173 164.25 152.25 138.5 123.88 0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 54 Note : Dosage of Urea : SP-36 : KCl (kg/ha) Weigth of grain (ton/ha) 8 7.49 6.75 6.91 7.23 6.27 6.01 P1 = 300 : 100 : 100 6 P2 = 270 : 90 : 90 4 P3 = 240 : 80 : 80 2 P4 = 210 : 70 : 70 0 P5 = 180 : 60 : 60 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 = 150 : 50 : 50 P6 Figure 1. Average yield components due to NPK fertilization treatment methods based on omission plot Fertilization combination of N, P and K in rice significantly affect the increase of dry unhusked rice at 14% moisture content, number of panicles / hill, and the number of grain / panicle.Based on (Figure 1) in the number of panicles per clump treatment of 300 kg urea / ha + 100 kg SP36 / ha + 100 kg KCl / ha higher than other treatments, but not significantly different from the treatment of 270 kg urea / ha + 90 kg SP36 / ha + 90 kg KCl / ha. While the number of panicles per hill at 210 kg urea / ha + 70 kg SP36 / ha + 70 kg KCl / ha lower than other treatments, but not significantly different from 170 kg urea / ha + 60 kg SP36 / ha + 60 kg KCl / ha and 150 kg urea / ha + 50 kg SP36 / ha + 50 kg KCl / ha. Table 5. Average percentage of filled grain (%), the percentage of hollow grain (%), 1000 grains weight (g) due to NPK fertilization treatment methods based on omission plot. Treatments Urea : SP-36 : KCl (kg/ha) Persentage of filled grain (%) Persentage of hollow grain (%) Weight of 1000 grains (g) 300 : 100 : 100 93.08 a 6.50 a 25.5 270: 90 : 90 95.34 a 4.78 a 24.05 a 240 : 80 : 80 91.77 a 8.24 a 24.90 a 210 : 70 : 70 95.66 a 4.19 a 25.23 a 180 : 60 : 60 95.26 a 4.74 a 24.60 a 150 : 50 : 50 94.32 a 5.79 a 24.18 a a BNT 5% tn tn tn Description: Numbers are accompanied by the same letter on the age of the same observations showed no significant difference based on the LSD 5%, dap = days after planting, transplanting, tn = not significant. On the number of grains per panicle in the treatment of 270 kg urea / ha + 90 kg SP36 / ha + 90 kg KCl / ha higher than other treatments, but not significantly different from the treatment of 300 kg urea / ha + 100 kg SP36 / ha + 100 kg KCl / ha, 240 kg urea / ha + 80 kg SP36 / ha + 80 kg KCl / ha and 210 kg urea / ha + 70 kg SP36 / ha + 70 kg KCl / ha. While the treatment of 150 kg urea / ha + 50 kg SP36 / ha + 50 kg KCl / ha lower than other treatments, but not significantly different from the treatment of 170 kg urea / ha + 60 kg SP36 / ha + 60 kg KCl / ha. In the dry milled grain with moisture content of 14%, the treatment of 300 kg urea / ha + 100 kg SP36 / ha + 100 kg KCl / ha higher than other treatments, but did not differ by treatment with 270 kg urea / ha + 90 kg SP36 / ha + 90 kg KCl / ha, 240 kg urea / ha + 80 kg SP36 / ha + 80 kg KCl / ha and 210 kg urea / ha + 70 kg SP36 / ha + 70 kg KCl / ha, whereas treatment of 150 kg urea / ha + 50 kg SP36 / ha + 50 kg KCl / ha lower than other treatments, but not significantly different from the treatment of 170 kg urea / ha + 60 kg SP36 / ha + 60 kg KCl / ha. While in 1000 grain grain weight, percentage of filled grain, and the percentage of empty grain rice plant does not provide any real effect (Table 5). Conclusion 55 The results of research determining NPK fertilizer recommendations in rice varieties Ciherang (Oryza sativa L.) based method concluded that the omission plot; fertilization of 180 kg urea / ha + 60 kg SP36 / ha + 60 kg KCl / ha and 150 kg urea / ha + 50 kg SP36 / ha + 50 kg KCl / ha, yield and performance of components of rice yields decreased sharply compared to 300 kg Urea / ha + 100 kg SP36 / ha + 100 kg KCl / ha, 270 kg urea / ha + 90 kg SP36 / ha + 90 kg KCl / ha, 240 kg urea / ha + 80 kg SP36 / ha + 80 kg KCl / ha, and N 210 kg urea / ha + 70 kg SP36 / ha + 70 kg KCl / ha. Fertilization with 270 kg urea / ha + 90 kg SP36 / ha + 90 kg KCl / ha grain yield obtained at 6.75 ton/ha. Fertilization 240 kg urea / ha + 80 kg SP36 / ha + 80 kg KCl / ha obtained yield was 6.91 tonnes ha-1. And a dose of 210 kg urea / ha + 70 kg SP36 / ha + 70 kg KCl / ha results obtained 7:23 ton/ ha and was not significantly different from the treatment of 300 kg urea / ha + 100 kg SP36 / ha of K 100 kg KCl / ha with the result 7:49 ton/ ha (control). So at a dose of 270 kg urea / ha + 90 kg SP36 / ha + 90 kg KCl / ha, 240 kg urea / ha + 80 kg SP36 / ha + 80 kg KCl / ha and 210 kg urea / ha + 70 kg SP36 / ha + 70 kg KCl / ha is sufficient to produce the same high grain involves the 300 kg urea / ha + 100 kg SP36 / ha of K 100 kg KCl / ha. Based on the analysis of farmspecific fertilization is obtained dose efficient for the Village area Sawentar Kanigoro Subdistrict namely 210 kg Urea / ha + 70 kg SP36 / ha + 70 kg KCl / ha with a B / C ratio of 4:36. The dose of fertilizer in rice is more efficient than other treatments 56 ANTIBACTERIAL EFFECT EXPLORATIAN OF Holothuriascabra AGAINTS Aeromonas hydrophila BACTERIA Maftuch1 Lecturer of Fisheries and Marine Science University of Brawijaya Abstract This research was conducted to study the effect of Holothuriascabra antibacterial againstA. hydrophila bacteria. The Holothuriascabra antibacterial was extracted with Metanol 97% and followed by rotary evaporator and water bath until become gel extract. Based on phithochamical test, Holothuriascabracontains saponin and triterpenoid. The method used in this research was the separation of Holothuriascabra fractions using column chromatography obtained seven fractions. Three fractions resulted best inhibition test were EtilAsetat :Cloroform (5,53 mm); Etilasetat : Metanol (4,8 mm); EtilAsetat : Metanol (4,54 mm). The following tested to detect each wave lenght by UV VIS were resulted 200-250 nm. Keywords: Antibacterial, Holothuriascabra, Ahydrophila. INTRODUCTION The using chemicals compounds and antibiotics caused new problem of its residue in environment (Rairakhwada et al.,2007). The residue is also acumulated in fish tissue. The higher acumulation of antibiotics afect fish growth, resistance to fish medicine and immunosupretion (Maqsood et al.,2009). The alternative solution use natural compounds from sea animal and plant. Several explorative research used Holothuriascabra contained bioactive. Tian et al., (2007) showed that bioactive Holothuriascabracontained Lectin, Steroid, saponin/ triterpin glikosida. Other researcher talked that contained mineral, polifenol, flavonoid and total phenol (Almeida, et al., 2011). Dubber and Harder (2008) conducted explorative research used metanol and hexane as eluent extract towards several mikroalgae gave a strong antibacterial activity against 16 bacterial pathogens. Preliminary study Holothuriascabra crude extract against A.hydrophila resulted inhibition zone was 9 mm (Akbar, 2014). So that, in this research was followed to know pure extract via column chromatografi and tested its inhibition zone. Pure extract also will confirm its molecule via UV Vis method. MATERIALS AND RESEARCH METHOD Extraction Holothuriascabrawas obtained from catching area in Bangkalan Madura, East Java, Indonesia. Extraction was done by using Velmuruganet al. (2012) method which had been modified. Extraction used maceration method with methanol solvent during 2x24 hours, then it was filtered using Whatman paper and evaporated using a rotary evaporator . Holothuriascabrafraction separation using Column Chromatography Separation fraction was performed by using column chromatography (Velmuruganet al., 2012) which has been modified with a stationary phase of silica gel 70-230 mesh and mobile phase of methanol: ethyl acetate at the ratio of 20:0 ,18:2 ,16:4, 14:6, 12:8, 10:10, 8:12, 6:14, 4:16, 2:18 and 0:20. Anti-bacterial activity against A. hydrophilla bacteria was tested based on the fraction obtained. Phytochemical Screening Phytochemical screening was aimed to perceive the type of active compound contained in the fraction using various reagents. Phytochemical analysis which have been done were test of lectins, flavonoids, phenolics, steroids, terpenoids and saponins. The reagents used were Mayer for alkaloid, sulfuric acid for flavonoid, FeCl3 for phenolic, Libermann - Buchard for steroids and HCl + Aq for the saponinsand terpenoids(Chatterjeeet al.,2011). Spectrophotometer Ultraviolet UV - Vis spectrum measurement was performed at a wavelength of 200-800 nm. A total of 1 mg from the best fraction was dissolved in 100 ml of methanol then it was measured its wavelength. Spectrophotometer used was Shimadzu UV- 1601 PC with a medium scan speed and the sampling interval of 0.5 seconds (Chatterjeeet al., 2011) . [email protected] dan [email protected] 57 Antibacterial Test Antibacterial activity was observed using agar diffusion method. The method used was the result of a modification of Genovese et al., (2012) method. Pure cultures of A.Hydrophilla, V.harveyi, V.algynoliticus, P.eruginosa, P.putida bacteria were taken from the Laboratory of Microbiology Laboratory in Faculty of Medicine, University of Brawijaya, Malang. Furthermore, the cultures were grown in liquid media Nutrient broth( NB ) and incubated at 35oC for 3 hours so that it could form the same turbidity with McFarland standard solution (107 cells / ml), then the suspension was cultured using TSA media . Fraction was dissolved with DMSO 10 %, then the paper disc was placed on TSA media containing the bacteria that have been tested previously. Petridish was incubated for 24 hours at a temperature of 30oC. Zone diameter of inhibition was measured. Zone of inhibition was seen from the amount of clear zone formed. Inhibition zone with diameter >15 mm had strong inhibitory activity, diameter 9-14 mm had moderate inhibitory activity and diameter < 8 mm had weak inhibitory activity (Genovese et al., 2012) . RESULT AND DISCUSSION The results of phytochemical screening of Holothuriascabracrude extract can be seen in Table 1. From this resulted, we want to get pure extract of Holothuriascabra via column chromatografi, and so that we continued to spectrophotometer UV Vis method to define wave lenght (nm) every fraction.The results of phytochemical screening of Holothuriascabrafraction could be seen in Table 1. Tabel1. Results of phytochemical screening of Holothuriascabra Compund Result Lectin Flavonoid Phenolic Steroids Saponins Terpenoids Negative (-) Negative (-) Negative (-) Negative (-) Positive (+) Positive (+) Source: Dewi, WIC. (2014) Compared by several reverence, based our method used Etil Acetat : Chloroform and Etil acetat : Metanol for column chromatografi eluent, so we get only two substance saponins and terpenoids. Before verifying used spectrophotometer UV Vis, firstly was tested inhibition zone against A. hydrophila and got 3 fractian of high inhibition zone. The Inhibition zone could be seen in Table 2. Table 2.Holothuriascabrafraction inhibition zone against A. hydrophila Eluent Comparison Fraction Inhibition Zone (mm) 1 2 3 2:1(Etil Acetat:Chloroform) 12:8 (Etil Acetat:Metanol) 6:14 (Etil Acetat:Metanol) 5,53 4,80 4,54 Table 2 above showed that Holothuriascabrafraction inhibition zone against A. hydrophilawere started from the smallest; 4,54 mm, 4,80 mm, 5,53 mm. Inhibition zone with diameter >15 mm has strong inhibitory activity, diameter 9-14 mm has moderate inhibitory activity and diameter < 8 mm has weak inhibitory activity (Genovese et al., 2012). Based on the value of inhibition zone, it could be seen that the fraction of Holothuriascabrahad weak antibacterial activity against A.hydrophila. The research was followed To verify the compounds contained, then the test was continued by using a spectrophotometri UV. The following spectrfotometri FTIR and LC-MS method To verify the compounds contained under investigation. The result of three spectrophotometri UVcould be seen in Figure 1-3. 58 Figure 1. Spectra Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer of Fraction 1 Figure 2. Spectra Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer of Fraction2 Figure 3. Spectra Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer of Fraction 3 Figure 1-3 above showed that the 3 fraction of Holothuriascabrahad a wavelength of 200-257.5 nm. According to bawa (2009) and Rita (2010) that terpenoids has a wavelength of 242 nm - 274 nm. CONCLUSIONS Based on the characterization test using phytochemicals screening were resulted saponin and terpenoids, using inhibition test towards A. hydrophilaon three fraction were resulted 4,54 mm, 4,8 mm, 5,53 mm. Using ultraviolet spectrophotometer was resulted wavelenght 200 – 250 nm. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank Dimas, Lini, Akbar, for his technical assistance. 59 REFERENCES Akbar, A.R. 2014. Pengaruh pemberian teripang pasir Holothuriascabra terhadap daya hambat bakteri A.hydrphila. Skripsi. Universitas Brawijaya. 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Asia Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine.S812-S817. 60 HUMAN ACTIVITIES AND IMPLICATIONS POLLUTION ON THE PRENDUAN COASTAL, SUMENEP, EAST JAVA INDICATORS: EXPRESSION OF METALLOTHIONEIN (MT) IN GILLS OYSTER (Crassostrea cuccullata) Dyah Ayu Wijayanti Interdisciplinary Graduate Students Department of Environmental Resource Management and Development, Universitas Brawijaya Anatomical Pathology Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine Anatomy Physiology Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine Laboratory of Chemistry Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Laboratory Science - Aquatic Sciences of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Universitas Brawijaya Abstract The coastal is located in District Pragaan Prenduan Sumenep, East Java Province. The purpose of this study was to determine the activities of the human and its implications pollution for coastal Prenduan use indicators oyster shell length relationship with the expression of metallothionein (MT) in the gills of oysters Crassostrea cuccullata as a biomarker of pollution of Pb, Cd, Hg and the condition of the physics and chemistry of seawater. This research was conducted in October 2014. The method used is the method described in descriptive surveys, observation and interviews. Observations carried out actively include the size of oysters, metalothionein levels in the gills of oysters, heavy metals Pb, Cd and Hg, and water quality parameters (temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen and organic matter in total) as well as interviews with the surrounding community. The regression analysis correlation shows that the larger the size of the oysters, the greater the density and intensity of the results of metallothionein (MT) Crassostrea cuccullata as a biomarker of pollution of Pb, Cd, Hg. Water quality in coastal waters Prenduan can still support life aquatic Crassostrea cuccullata especially oysters. Need to do more monitoring and control of heavy metal pollution in the waters by minimizing waste and provide information related to the impact caused by waste dumped directly by the public coastal Prenduan. Keywords: metallothionein expression, heavy metal, human activity, Crassostrea cucullata, Prenduan coastal. INTRODUCTION Prenduan coastal waters Sumenep, Madura, East Java is the coastal area with the potential to be developed in various sectors such as fisheries and oyster fishing. However, of the progress made, inshore Prenduan danger of heavy metal contamination that allegedly came from community activities on land and at sea as a human activity. One major activity in coastal Prenduan as a lean ship, docked and unloading of fish or other fishery products. The activities of this makes the water environment is potential contamination. According to Law 23 of 1997 on environmental management, environmental pollution is the introduction of living creatures, substances, energy or other components into the environment by human activities so that quality decreases to a certain level which causes the environment can not function in accordance by designation. As a result of the activity of livestock and human activities that contribute heavy metals in the water. One in aquatic biota Prenduan Beach Sumenep, Madura, East Java, oysters C. cuccullata. The oysters are a group of class Bivalvia mollusks that live in marine or brackish water habitat. This oyster species of high economic value and is a filter feeder organisms that effectively reduces the concentration of heavy metals because it has the ability of these substances accumulate in the body away in the top of which is contained in the surrounding waters (Wulandari, 2011). Enter the heavy metals in the water would be in response to increased levels of metallothionein protein as a binder of heavy metals in the body of an organism. The presence of protein metallothionein is believed to be the biological markers (biomarkers) of heavy metal pollution can be learned one through Semi Quantitative methods (Immunohistochemistry). To assess the levels of metallothionein in biota, can be reviewed by knowing the density and intensity, one of the techniques that can be done is immunohistochemistry. 61 Immunohistochemistry is a technique that is performed to detect the presence of antigens in tissue by using antibodies bound to the enzyme so that precipitates were stained and the location of an antigen can be seen under a microscope (Sofian and Nugroho, 2006). RESEARCH METHODS This research was conducted in October 2014. This study used a survey method. The study starts from making oyster gills C.cuccullata of several plots in three different stations then dissected, then removed the gills of oysters and was observed by Immunohistochemistry method to determine the expression metallothioneinnya. Then measuring the levels of heavy metals Pb, Cd, Hg in water and oyster gills to determine its relationship with the density and intensity levels of metallothionein in C.cuccullata oyster gills. Besides measurement of physical and chemical parameters of seawater as a parameter supporter. Method of collecting data The method used in this research is the method described by descriptive survey, observation and interviews. Description is done by describing the situation in real research sites as it is in the field and proven through data analysis. Observations by the observations of actively include the size of oysters, heavy metals Pb, Cd, Hg in waters and gills of oysters, levels metalothionein on the gills of oysters, as well as water quality parameters include physical parameters (temperature) and chemical parameters (salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, total organic matter) and interviews conducted with the surrounding community, the oyster fishing areas, the sources of pollution and oyster season on the beach Prenduan, Sumenep. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Overview Bodies Prenduan The beach is located in the village Prenduan Prenduan, district Pragaan Sumenep regency. According to the Government of Sumenep (2014), situated at the threshold of Sumenep Regency East Madura Island, which is geographically located between 113 ° 32' 54 "- 116 ° 16' 48" E and 4 ° 55' - 7 ° 24' latitude. Prenduan beach topography sloping beach. At low tide, fishing boats docked at the edge of the coast, and at high tide, the fishermen began to busy to dispatch boats were leaning. Station 1 Station I is a mangrove area. Station 2 Station II is a residential area and a reliance ship. Station 3 Station III is the area located around the chicken farm. Levels of Heavy Metals Pb, Cd and Hg in oyster gills Crassostrea cuccullata According Ramakritinan, et al., (2012), a heavy metal that enters the water can accumulate in the body of animals. Bivalves used as a test organism due to the levels of heavy metals are filter feeders and sedentary. The result of the absorption of heavy metals by different oyster gills on each station. The average content of heavy metals Pb, Cd and Hg can be seen in Figure 1. 62 KADAR LOGAM BERAT (Ppm) 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 STASIUN STASIUN STASIUN 1 2 3 Figure 1. Graph Average - Average Heavy Metal Content of Pb, Cd and Hg in oyster gills C.cuccullata Based on Figure 1, it can be seen that the average levels of Pb, Cd and Hg contained in oyster gills C.cuccullata still below the threshold value has been set. According to ISO (2009), the maximum limit of heavy metals that may be contained in food to 1.5 ppm Pb, Cd and Hg at 1 ppm. Overall, Pb is a heavy metal that accumulates in the gills most oyster C. cuccullata compared with Cd or Hg at three stations. It shows the level expected oysters to heavy metals Pb quite high due to the nature of Pb are easy to accumulate (Rahman, 2006), in addition to the absorption of Pb in the body is also very slow, resulting in the accumulation and the basis of toxicity progressive (Sulistia, 1980 Samsundari and officers, 2011). Factors affecting the ability of the organism to accumulate heavy metals: Heavy metal types, types of organisms, duration of exposure, as well as the condition of the aquatic environment (Hutagalung, 1984). Analysis Relationship with Expression of metallothionein size oysters in oyster gills Crassostrea cuccullata According Amiard, et al., (2006), metallothionein and the concentration of heavy metals can be analyzed on the hepatopancreas and gills. Regression analysis can be used to indicate the parameters that most influence the concentration of metallothionein between the natural factors (salinity, sex, season, total protein concentration) and of factors contaminants. Oyster size can also affect the accumulation of heavy metals in the body of the oyster. According Apriadi (2005) states that there are elevated levels of heavy metals in the body of mussel size from small (<4 cm) up to a large size (> 6 cm), this is because the ability of the mussels to absorb heavy metals in aquatic environments the biota place to live. The bigger (the older) the size of the oysters, the content of heavy metals into the body will also increase. Oysters size will also affect the levels of metallothionein in oysters. Relations size oysters with metallothionein expression on C.cuccullata oyster gills can be seen in Figure 2. Based on the results of the regression analysis shown in Figure 2, the coefficient of determination (R2) between the size of the oysters with Density MT in gill C.cuccullata amounted to 0.955 with a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.98 and a functional relationship by 95%. Based on the correlation coefficient (r) of 0.98, then the relationship with the oyster size gill C.cuccullata Density MT in this study as very strong. Based on the results of the regression analysis shown in Figure 3, the coefficient of determination (R2) between the size of the oysters with intensity MT in gill C.cuccullata of 0,747 with correlation coefficients (r) of 0.86 and a functional relationship by 75%. Based on the correlation coefficient (r) of 0.86, then the relationship with the intensity of the oyster size gill MT in C.cuccullata in this study as very strong. According to Walpole (1995) which states that the level of correlation is very strong is in the interval> 0.75 to 0.99. 63 y = 1000.8x R² = 0.9553 r = 0.979 4 DENSITAS MT (MT/µm²) 3.5 3 Hubungan Panjang dengan Densitas MT 2.5 2 1.5 Linear (Hubungan Panjang dengan Densitas MT) 1 0.5 0 0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 PANJANG (cm) INTENSITASP (Pixel) Figure 2. Relationship Graph Density MT with oysters C. Long cuccullata 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 y = 0.0002x R² = 0.747 r = 0.864 Hubungan Panjang dengan Intensitas MT 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 Linear (Hubungan Panjang dengan Intensitas MT) PANJANG (CM) Figure 3. Intensity Graph metallothionein relationship with Long oysters C. cuccullata Analysis of Water Quality Parameters The results of the analysis of water quality parameters in waters Prenduan Beach can be seen in Table 1 below. Stasiun pH I II III Suhu (˚C) 34 35 35 Standar 30-38* 7-8,5* 9 9 9 Parameter Kualitas Air DO Salinitas (mg/L) (ppt) 7,6 30 6,1 30 8,7 30 >5* 27-33* TOM (mg/L) 32,86 50,56 25,28 >20** Information: * Minister of Environment No. 51, 2004 (allowed a decrease of up to <2 ° C to 5 ‰ to temperature and salinity) ** Effendi (2003). Overall, water quality in Turkish waters Prenduan still in normal condition and still support for the life of the oyster Crassostrea cuccullata. 64 CONCLUSION Based on the results, it can be concluded that the results of the correlation regression analysis shows that the larger the size of the oysters, the greater the density and intensity of the results of metallothionein (MT), which is found on the gills oyster Crassostrea cuccullata. Water quality in coastal waters Prenduan can still support life aquatic biota, especially the oyster Crassostrea cuccullata. Metallotionein expressions in oysters as a biomarker of the heavy metal pollution of Pb, Cd and Hg. In addition, it is also necessary to further scrutiny and control of heavy metal pollution in the waters or on the oysters in a way to minimize the discharge of waste containing heavy metals into the water. THANK-YOU Gratitude deepest we convey to parents, lecturers, lovers and friends have given support to complete this study. 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Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI). 2009. Batas Maksimum Cemaran Logam Berat dalam Pangan. ICS 67.220.20. Badan Standarisasi Nasional (BSN). Undang-Undang No. 23. 1997. Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup. Walpole, R. E. 1995. Pengantar Statistika. Edisi Ke-3. PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama: Jakarta. Wulandari, E. 2011. Analisis Kandungan Logam Berat Timbal (Pb) dan Karakteristik Haemocyte Tiram (Saccostrea glomerata) dari Perairan Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Prigi Trenggalek, Jawa Timur. Tesis. Fakultas Perikanan Dan Ilmu KelautanUniversitas Brawijaya:Malang. 65 Meta-Analysis of Dietary Exogenous Enzymes Supplementation on Crude Protein Digestibility of Broiler: A Statistical Approach toward Environmentally-Friendly Broiler Production Faizal Andri1 and Eko Widodo2 1Postgraduate 2Department Student, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Brawijaya, Malang-65145, Indonesia of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Brawijaya, Malang65145, Indonesia Abstract Broiler research reports around the world during the year of 2005-2015 were analyzed statistically to evaluate the effect of dietary exogenous enzymes supplementation on crude protein digestibility of broiler. Criteria for selecting research reports were: 1) pen trial, 2) written research report, 3) type and dose of enzyme mentioned, 4) control treatment stated and 5) crude protein digestibility stated. Eleven research reports were collected allowing 42 comparisons of control and dietary exogenous enzymes supplementation (100-1000 ppm). Data of crude protein digestibility was analyzed using paired t-test in Microsoft Excel 2013. Result showed that dietary exogenous enzymes supplementation improved (p<0.000) crude protein digestibility as compared with control (76.26 vs 72.52). Relative improvement of crude protein digestibility as affected by dietary exogenous enzymes compared with the control diet was 5.16%. Supplementation of dietary exogenous enzymes could reduce NH 3 emissions at the level of 13.62% as compared with control. It can be concluded that dietary exogenous enzymes supplementation could improve CP digestibility and had promising effect to reduce NH3 emission from broiler production. Keywords: Environment, N excretion, NH3 emission, Poultry, Protease INTRODUCTION Broiler production are estimated reach 9 billion birds in 2015 (National Chicken Council, 2016).Current major problem in this sector is NH3 emission which can give bad effect on environment sustainability. NH3 emission is related with crude protein (CP) digestibility. Lower CP digestibility will cause higher nitrogen excretion which further will increase NH3 emission. Dietary exogenous enzymes supplementationis the most potent way to reduce NH3 emission in broiler production due to its easy and low-cost application.The purpose of this meta-analysis was to evaluate the effect of dietary exogenous enzymes supplementation on crude protein digestibility of broiler. Then also estimated it’s consequence on NH3 emission from broiler production. MATERIALS AND METHODS Literature Preparation Indexed publication of broiler research reports on dietary exogenous enzymes supplementation were selected. Searching of publication was done online with key words in English. Criteria for selecting research reports were a) diets with dietary exogenous enzymes supplementation comparing without enzymes, b) only used broiler pen trial, no commercial field trials were used, c) written research report in English between the year of 2005-2015, d) the type and dose of enzymes should have been mentioned, e) crude protein digestibility must have been stated. After the selection of publication, data of crude protein digestibility as well as research methodology was tabulated in database for further analysis. asasasaas Data Analysis Data analysis was performed using 42 pair data of crude protein digestibility. Data was analyzed “by treatment” using paired t-test in Microsoft Excel 2013. Correspondence: Faizal Andri Email : [email protected] Alamat : Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Brawijaya, Veteran Street, Malang-65145, Indonesia RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Database Description The database composed by 90.9% of peer-reviewed journal and 9,1 % of seminar proceeding. The source of database were come from Journal of the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Pakistan Veterinary Journal, Italian Journal of Animal Science, Poultry Science, Journal of Applied Poultry Research, Journal of Poultry Science, Canadian Journal of Animal Science, South African Journal of Animal Science, PLoS ONE, Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science, and Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia. Most of the research were conducted in American (36.36%), Asian (27.27%), and European (18.18%) institution. Corn and soybean meal were the main feed ingredients (72.73%) used in broiler diet. Crude Protein Digestibility Fourty two experimental data were collected from 11 research reports during the year of 20052015. Dietary exogenous enzymes used was protease and mixture enzymes. The level of dietary exogenous enzymes supplementation was in the range of 100-1000 ppm. Result showed that average crude protein digestibility in control group was 72.52%, meanwhile in enzymes group was 76.26%. Statistical analysis showed that dietary exogenous enzymes significantly (P<0.000) have higher crude protein digestibility. Dietary exogenous enzymes improved 3.74 points of crude protein digestibility with relative improvement was 5.16% as compared with control treatment. This result may affected by improvement of protease activity in GI-tract of broiler, so broiler can breakdown higher crude protein from feed, then as a consequence crude protein digestibility will also higher. Table 1. Result of crude protein (CP) digestibility from broiler trials around the world in control and dietary exogenous enzymes supplementation Enzymes CP digestibility (%) References, year Type Dose (ppm) Control Enzymes Protease 500 76.31 80.19 Yadav and Sah, 2005 500 77.25 82.13 Yadav and Sah, 2005 750 76.31 81.53 Yadav and Sah, 2005 750 77.25 82.67 Yadav and Sah, 2005 1000 76.31 83.12 Yadav and Sah, 2005 1000 77.25 83.96 Yadav and Sah, 2005 Mixture1 500 61.50 68.10 Khan et al., 2006 Mixture2 500 61.50 68.30 Khan et al., 2006 Mixture3 500 58.10 59.30 Madrid et al., 2010 500 54.70 66.10 Madrid et al., 2010 500 81.80 81.00 Madrid et al., 2010 500 77.20 79.90 Madrid et al., 2010 100 77.90 82.60 Angel et al., 2011 200 77.90 82.60 Angel et al., 2011 400 77.90 82.70 Angel et al., 2011 800 77.90 83.00 Angel et al., 2011 200 78.90 78.90 Freitas et al., 2011 200 81.90 82.00 Freitas et al., 2011 200 82.20 83.80 Freitas et al., 2011 200 78.40 81.30 Freitas et al., 2011 200 76.90 82.80 Fru-Nji et al., 2011 200 81.80 82.90 Fru-Nji et al., 2011 500 70.00 74.00 Lu et al., 2012 500 79.00 82.00 Lu et al., 2012 Protease Protease Protease Mixture4 67 Dietary exogenous enzymes CP digestibility Type Dose (ppm) Control Enzymes 750 70.00 72.00 Lu et al., 2012 750 79.00 84.00 Lu et al., 2012 600 82.00 84.00 Bhuiyan et al., 2013 600 81.00 84.00 Bhuiyan et al., 2013 Mixture5 References, year 600 86.00 86.00 Bhuiyan et al., 2013 Mixture6 500 78.00 86.00 Murugesan et al., 2014 Mixture7 100 67.46 70.25 Tang et al., 2014 100 68.08 72.90 Tang et al., 2014 100 65.61 67.97 Tang et al., 2014 100 68.83 70.68 Tang et al., 2014 500 67.46 71.32 Tang et al., 2014 500 68.08 74.18 Tang et al., 2014 500 65.61 68.76 Tang et al., 2014 500 68.83 72.15 Tang et al., 2014 200 58.44 63.22 Kamel et al., 2015 200 58.44 58.77 Kamel et al., 2015 200 58.44 63.28 Kamel et al., 2015 200 58.44 58.68 Kamel et al., 2015 Comparisons (n =) 42 42 Mean 72.52a 76.26b Mixture8 Protease P value <0.000 Difference 3.74 Diff. from control (%) 5.16 Notes: 1Xylanase, β-glucanase and cellulose, 2Protease, amylase, xylanase, β-glucanase and cellulose, 3Protease, amylase, cellulase and other residual enzyme activities (α-galactosidase and xylanase), 4Xylanase, β -glucanase, phytase, 5500 ppm (xylanase, protease, amylase) + 100 ppm (phytase), 6Protease, phytase, 7Xylanase (20,000 U/g), protease (40,000 U/g), amylase (2,000 U/g), 8Xylanase (600 U/g), protease (8,000 U/g), amylase (800 U/g) Table 2. Estimated NH3 emission from Broiler Production as affected by average crude protein digestibility in control and dietary exogenous enzymes supplementation Variable Control Enzymes CP content in Feed, % 20.00 20.00 Feed intake1, g/bird 3320.00 3320.00 664.00 664.00 CP Intake2, CP digestibility3, g 72.52 76.26 CP excreted4, % 27.48 23.74 CP excreted5, g/bird 182.46 157.61 29.19 25.22 4.67 4.03 N excreted6, NH3 % g/bird emission7, g/bird Difference, g/bird -0.64 Diff. from control (%) -13.62 Notes: 1 Ross 308 Broiler Performance in 35 days, 2 CP content in feed x feed intake, 3 Data from Table 1, 4 100 – CP digestibility, 5 CP excreted (%) x CP Intake, 6 16% x CP excreted, 7 16% x N excreted (Velthof et al., 2012) Estimated NH3 Emission Result of estimated NH3 emission showed in Table 2. Estimated NH3 emission from broiler production without dietary enzymes treatment was 4.67 g/bird, meanwhile from broiler production with dietary enzymes treatment was 4.03 g/bird. Dietary exogenous enzyme supplementation can reduce NH 3 emission at the level of 0.64 points, with relative reduction was 13.62% as compared with control group. This result were confirmed beneficial effect of dietary exogenous enzymes supplementation to reduce NH 3 emission from broiler production. CONCLUSION It can be concluded that dietary exogenous enzymes supplementation could improve CP digestibility and had promising effect to reduce NH3 emission from broiler production. It is recommended to use dietary exogenous enzymes to achieve environmentally-friendly broiler production. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The first author acknowledge postgraduate scholarship from Indonesian Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP), Ministry of Finance, Republic of Indonesia. REFERENCES Angel C.R., Saylor W., Vieira S.L., and Ward N. 2011. Effects of A Monocomponent Protease on Performance and Protein Utilization in 7- to 22-Day-Old Broiler Chickens. Poultry Science 90 :2281–2286. BhuiyanM.M., Islam A.F.,and Iji P.A. 2013. High Levels of Maize in Broiler Diets with or without Microbial EnzymeSupplementation. South African Journal of Animal Science 2013, 43(1): 44-55. Freitas D.M., Vieira S.L., Angel C.R., Favero A., and Maiorka A. 2011. Performance and Nutrient Utilization of Broilers Fed Diets Supplemented with A NovelMono-Component Protease. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 20 :322–334. Fru-Nji F., Kluenter A., Fischer M., and Pontoppidan K. 2011. A Feed Serine Protease Improves Broiler Performance and Increase Protein and Energy Digestibility. J. Poult. Sci., 48: 239-246. Kamel N.F., Naela, Ragaa M., El-Banna R.A., and Mohamed F.F. 2015. Effects of a Monocomponent Protease on PerformanceParameters and Protein Digestibility in Broiler Chickens. Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia, 6: 216 – 225. Khan S.H., Sardar R., and Siddique B. 2006. Influence of Enzymes on Performance of Broilers FedSunflowerCorn Based Diets. Pakistan Vet. J., 26(3): 109-114. Lu H., Adedokun S.A., Preynat A., Legrand-Defretin V., Geraert P.A., Adeola O., and Ajuwon K.M. 2013. Impact of Exogenous Carbohydrases and Phytase on Growth Performance and Nutrient Digestibility in Broilers. Can. J. Anim. Sci., 93: 243-249. Madrid J., Catalá-Gregori P.,García V., and Hernández F. 2010. Effect of A Multienzyme Complex in WheatSoybeanMeal Diet on Digestibility ofBroiler Chickens UnderDifferent Rearing Conditions. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 9:1, e1. Murugesan G.R., Romero L.F., and Persia M.E. Effects of Protease, Phytase and a Bacillus sp. Direct-Fed Microbial on Nutrient and Energy Digestibility, IlealBrush Border Digestive Enzyme Activity and Cecal Short-Chain Fatty Acid Concentration in Broiler Chickens. PLoS ONE 9(7): e101888. National Chicken Council. 2016. Broiler Chicken Industry Key Facts 2016. Online. Retrieved April 12, 2016 from Tang D., Hao S., Liu G., Nian F., and Ru Y. 2014. Effects of Maize Source and Complex Enzymes on Performance andNutrient Utilization of Broilers. Asian Australas. J. Anim. Sci., 27(12) : 17551762. Yadav J.L. and Sah R.A. 2005. Supplementation of Corn-Soybean Based Broiler’s Diets with Different Levels of Acid Protease. J. Inst. Agric. Anim. Sci., 26:65-70. 69 WASHING COAL USE THE CHANCE CONE Hendri Prananta Perangin-angin Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan, Fakultas Pertambangan dan Perminyakan, Universitas Negeri Papua Jl Gunung Salju Amban Manokwari Papua Barat ABSTRAK Studi pencucian batubara ini dilakukan dengan merancang dan membuat alat chance cone ,yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan uji kinerja proses menggunakan pasir besi sebagai media pemisah. Variabel yang digunakan untuk percobaan ini adalah batubara umpan berukuran -12,5 + 5 mm ; -5 + 1,68 mm ; dan -1,68 mm + 0,85 mm, pengaduk dengan kecepatan putaran 44, 53, 72, 96, dan 120 rpm, serta densitas relative media ( suspensi air dan pasir besi ), 1,3 dan 1,4. Dari hasil uji endap-apung umpan didapatkan kadar abu awal batubara umpan masing-masing 7,91 % , 5,73 %, dan 6,76 %. Dari percobaan uji kinerja alat, efisiensi tertinggi diperoleh pada densitas relative media 1,4 sebesar 69,18 % pada putaran pengaduk 120 rpm dengan ukuran umpan -1,68 mm + 0,85 mm, dan kandungan abu 6,39 %. Kata kunci : Perolehan, abu, putaran pengaduk, densitas, ukuran umpan dan efisiensi. ABSTRACT Study of coal washing was conducted by designing and creating chance cone equipment which was then continued by process performance test using iron sand as a separator medium. The variable used for this experiment wasfeed coal with the size of -12,5 + 5 mm ; -5mm + 1,68 mm ; and -1,68 mm + 0,85 mm, a mixer with a spinning speed of 44, 53, 72, 96, and 120 rpm, and a media relative density ( suspension of water and iron sand ) of 1,3 and 1,4 . From the result of sink – float test, the initial coal ash level of 7,91 %, 5,73 %, and 6,76 % each was obtained. From the result of equipment performance test, the highest efficiency was obtained at 1,4 media relative density of 69,18 % at mixer speed of 120 rpm with bait size of -1,68 + 0,85 mm and ash content of 6,39 %. Keyword : Result, ash, mixer spin, density, feed size and efficiency INTRODUCTION Fossil oil crisis in the end of 1970s has led many countries, including Indonesia, to search for alternative energy due to the scarcity and the less evenly distribution of fossil oil reserve. Indonesia represents a country with very potential coal resource estimated as more than 65.4 millions tons (ESDM, 2015). This resource is widely spread mostly in Sumatra and Kalimantan. Coaling begins with high pressure and high temperature at very long time. Different attributes of the coal may be due to the difference of material source, precipitation environment, coaling condition, and degree of change in the diversity, quantity, and distribution of pollutants. In term of utilization, coal is used for various industries and households. To utilize coal, the users must understand their goal of utilizing coal. Some coals derive from mining, but the output may not meet environmental friendly standard. Washing the coal is then the mandatory activity to fulfill this standard. Strategic Meaning of Coal Mineable reserve of coal in Indonesia is counted for 12 millions tons (ESDM - 2015) and it is the biggest energy reserve if compared to fossil oil that only counts for 5 millions SBM and also to gas that reaches 90 TSCF (15.30 millions SBM). Although recent utilization of coal as energy source is still relatively low in Indonesia, but this coal is an important thing for primary energy source at several power plants and fuel industries. In accord with RPJMN for Period 2015 -2019, Production Plan for Year 2015 is estimated as 425 millions tons. Domestic Percentage of National Coal Production in Year 2015 is 24% and this figure is planned to increase to 60% by Year 2019. Of the total of Indonesia coal production in Year 2015, 335 millions tons or 70% are allocated for export and the remaining 30 % are used for domestic utilization. In the future, it is expected that the utilization of Indonesia coal can show sign ificant figure either as the provider of national energy, as the alternative to fossil oil and also as the substitute to charcoal that may reduce forest quality. Coal plays a strategic role because coal gives double impact on national 70 and local economics. The benefits include absorbing workforce, driving upward the economic of remote area, helping to develop the regions and communities, and improving revenue from tax, royalty, and foreign exchange for central and local governments. Chance Cone Gbr 1.Chance Cone Chance Cone is the first commercial tool for separating heavy media. Solid media is sand. Suspended sand may retain at cone due to mixing force or bottom -up water stream. Relationship between mixer and water stream depends on the expected den sity during separation. Clean coals float on media surface, whereas dirty coals (the reject) sink into cone base. Mixer rotation may cause water to move in circle which brings fractions of clean coals to go about three-fourth circumference of the batch before finally flows with discharge stream. Media is separated with spraying. In the base of the batch, there is a chamber functioned as expel the reject, and this chamber is equipped with pneumatically open -closed valve. Settling velocity of the particle in heavy media batch is considered comparable to the volume of the particle itself: Settling velocity (mg – mg) – R ………1 or Settling velocity g v ( - ) ………2 where : g = gravity velocity v = particle volume = particle relative density = media relative density R = fluid resistance If v decreases (particle shrinks), the force denoted by g v (δ - p) declines, and the rate is equivalent to R such that settling velocity is zero or very small. If R is bigger than g v (δ - p), settling velocity may be negative such that particle will float. Settling velocity is related perpendicularly to the force that drives particle. Various sizes of bait coal are used in this research such as: - 12.5 mm + 5 mm; -5 mm + 1.68 mm; and -1.68 mm + 0.85 mm. The objectives of research are: 1. To determine the yield and the theoretical ash content of bait coal; 71 2. To understand the effect of process variables, such as bait size, mixing speed and media relative density on the yield of washed coal and the ash content; an d 3. To recognize the efficiency of tool performance. METHOD OF RESEARCH Research involves two stages, such as tool engineering stage and tool performance test stage. Tool engineering stage is run with two approaches, respectively by examining the function and the structure of every tool. Tool performance test stage involves media preparation, bait preparation, settle-float test, data collection, ash content analysis, and calorific value test. Further stages of research including equipments, materia ls and work procedures, are explained. This research is done at the Laboratory of Excavation Material Processing and the Laboratory of Coal Analysis, Department of Mining, Bandung Technology Institute. Data Collection Method Several methods are used for data collection, such as: Tool engineering, which is aimed to examine function and structure of every tool. Media and bait preparations. Settle-float test against the bait and the analysis against early ash content. Process performance test for each process variable. Analysis against the data of experiment to ensure the effect of process variables on the washed coal yield and the reduction of its ash content. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Coal is washed with chance cone tool. The difference in variables such as b ait coal size, media relative density, and mixing rotation speed has been examined. Result and discussion about ash content reduction due to the washing are explained. Settle-Float Test Settle-Float Test is done against each fraction of bait coal size, including -12.5 + 5 mm; -5 + 1.68 mm and -1.68 + 0.85 mm. The testing is performed by using the solution at various relative densities, ranging from density 1.3 to 1.8. There are seven fractions f or each bait coal size. The result is similar to that of Table IV.1. Ukuran umpan (mm) Densitas relatif Individu Berat % -12.5+5 % Berat 49.54 -1.3 1.3-1.4 1.4-1.5 1.5-1.6 1.6-1.7 1.7-1.8 +1.8 -5+ 1.68 % Berat 32.11 -1.3 1.3-1.4 1.4-1.5 1.5-1.6 1.6-1.7 1-7-1.8 +1.8 - 1.68+ 0.85 % Berat 7.34 -1.3 1.3-1.4 1.4-1.5 1.5-1.6 1.6-1.7 87.61 5.01 2.35 0.42 2.00 0.88 1.73 100 86.35 7.11 1.90 0.81 0.98 0.75 2.10 100 58.36 34.48 1.49 1.06 1.06 Kumulatif Abu % Berat % Abu % 4.43 13.27 25.41 33.40 42.23 56.80 74.21 87.61 92.62 94.97 95.39 97.40 9827 100.00 4.43 4.91 5.42 5.54 6.30 6.75 7.91 2.37 8.57 24.69 33.49 43.36 50.53 72.78 86.35 93.46 95.36 96.17 97.16 97.90 100.00 2.37 2.84 3.28 3.53 3.93 4.29 5.73 2.67 4.95 22.95 32.76 41.78 58.36 92.84 94.32 95.38 96.45 2.67 3.51 3.82 4.14 4.56 72 1.7-1.8 +1.8 0.90 2.65 100 49.35 72.36 97.35 100.00 4.97 6.76 Source: Tesis Chance Cone Table IV.1 indicates that ash content of bait coal at size -12.5 + 5 mm is 7.91%; at size -5 + 1.68 mm, ash content is 5.73%; and at size -1.68 + 0.85 mm, it is 6.76%. If the coal is washed at separator relative density 1.3, the obtained washed coal (yield) is 87.61% with ash content of 4.43 % for size -12.5 + 5mm; or yield of 86.35% with ash content of 2.37% at size -5 + 1.68 mm; and yield of 58.36% with ash content of 2.67 % at size -1.68 + 0.85 mm. If the washing uses relative density 1.4, the obtained washed coal (yield) and also its ash content, in consecutive manner, are described as follows. At the size -12,5 + 5 mm, Yield is 92.62 % with ash content of 4.91%; at size -5 + 1.68 mm, Yield is 93.46% with as content of 2.84%; at size -1.68 + 0.85 mm, Yield is 92.84 % with ash content of 3.51 %. Table 4.1. Result of Settle -Float Test of Bait Coal. After settle-float test is done, it provides the estimation of washed coal yield and ash content in the reject fractions. The testing result also delivers information about fraction weight, the biggest ash content in clean coal and also the difficulty rate of separation in various separator relative densities, such as 1.3; 1.4;1.5;1.6;1,7; and 1,8 . The Effect of Mixer Rotation and Bait Coal Size on Percentage of Washed Coal (Yield), Efficiency and Ash Using various process variables, such as bait coal size, mixing speed and media relative density, therefore, process performance test is conducted and th e result is displayed on Table IV.2 and IV.3. In two relative densities of separator media, respectively 1.3 and 1.4, washed coal yield is increasing with the increase of mixing speed, but it does not mean that the higher speed of mixing rotation will give higher yield. The provision is limited only for mixing speed at range 44 120 rotations per minute. This tendency of yield increase with higher rotation speed is evident because iron sand suspension and water (the media) are more stable in the cone, and t he resultant density is approximates to relative densities 1.3 and 1.4. Table 4.2. Result of Experiment with Media Relative Density 1.3. Fraksi Putaran Batubara tercuci Cum. % Effisiensi Ukuran BB Pengaduk (mm) (rpm) -12.5+5 44 6 .45 1.31 55.20 11.69 % berat: 53 11.70 1.78 61.63 18.98 49.54 72 15.80 1.80 61.89 25.53 96 27.10 1.84 62.41 43.42 120 38 25 1.89 63.06 60.65 -5+1.68 44 7.40 1 80 88.84 8.33 % berat: 53 14.80 1.96 89.66 16.51 32.11 72 23.05 2.00 89.88 25.64 96 31.10 2.56 92.44 33.64 120 41.20 2.86 93 67 43.98 -1.68+0.85 44 17.20 2 25 87.40 19.68 % berat: 53 I 22.60 2.85 90.28 25.03 7.34 72 34.20 3.18 91.71 37.29 96 47.20 3.95 94.60 49.89 120 49.90 4.68 96.78 51.56 Float Berat % Abu % dari grafik 73 Composite 44 7.68 1.56 69.99 11.14 -12.5+0.85 53 13.72 1.93 74.11 18.59 72 19.93 1.99 74.45 26.54 96 30.20 2.27 75.9 40.43 120 40.28 2.47 76.89 53.89 Source: Tesis Chance Cone When the yield from settle-float test against the variables of mixing speed and bait coal size are compared with the expectation, it seems that washed coal yield in the experiment or settle-float test remain below the expected yield. If the ash content of washed coal is considered, the effect of mixing speed and bait coal size at media relative densities 1.3 and 1.4 is then understood. It is said that the increment of mixing speed may increase the yield of washed coal. The size of bait coal is also influential to the yield. The smoother bait size, the higher yield can get. Result of settle-float test is conversely. Under ideal condition, for example at media relative density 1.3, the material with density less than 1.3 will float as washed coal, whereas all particles with relative density more than 1.3 will sink. But, during the continuous washing of chance cone, it does not operate perfectly as expected by settle -float test, and therefore, washing yield is always poor if compared to the result of settle -float test. This is the reality that happens in the experiment. Table 4.3. Result of Experiment at Media Relative Dens ity 1.4 Fraksi Putaran Batubara tercuci Cum. % Effisiensi Ukuran BB Pengaduk (mm) (rpm) -12.5+5 44 9.20 1.37 56.00 16.42 % berat: 53 23.24 1.85 62.51 37.17 49.54 72 31.00 2.44 69.80 44.40 96 41.70 2.60 71.64 58.20 120 52.50 4.70 90.37 58.10 -5+1.68 44 14.70 2.08 90.26 16.29 % berat: 53 24.60 2.24 91.02 27.03 32.11 72 36.10 2.73 93.16 38.75 96 46.80 3.49 95.91 48.80 120 59.45 4.84 99.08 60.00 -1.68+0.85 44 36.60 2.43 88.27 41.45 % berat: 53 41.40 2.56 88.91 46.55 7.34 72 57.40 3.15 91-57 62.67 96 61.20 4.88 97.28 62.91 120 69.00 6.39 99.73 69.18 Composite 44 13.44 1.71 71.03 18.44 -12.5+0.85 53 2523 2.05 74.98 34.28 72 35.02 2.60 80.02 43.87 96 21.93 3.11 82.51 55.20 120 56.37 4.89 94.29 59.70 Float Berat % Abu % dari grafik 74 CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION Conclusion Based on the result of experiment, tool performance test, and discussion, it can be concluded that: 1. The ash content of bait coal, based on settle-float test against the size – 12.5 + 5 mm; -5 + 1.68 mm and -1.68 + 0.85 mm, can be ordered as follows: 7.91 %, 5.73 % and 6.76 %. 2. The effect of experiment variables on washed coal yield and ash content is described as follows: The higher speed of mixer rotation (44-120 rpm), the greater yield and ash content of washed coal. 3. The highest efficiency at media relative density 1.3, at size -12.5 + 5 mm, and with mixer mixing speed at 120 rpm, is obtained for 60.65 %. Meanwhile, the highest efficiency at relative density 1.4, at size -1.68 + 0.85 mm, and with mixer rotation at 120 rpm, is attained for 69.18%. Pursuant to this conclusion, it can be said that coal washing done by chance cone tool will provide clean coal as expected by the user of clean coal, and one expectation is to avoid environmental pollution. Indeed, the way of utilization has been shifted. Natural resource has been utilized by taking account environmental priorities which involve: 1. Environmental friendly (Environmental Factor) 2. Technicality (Technological Provision) 3. Economy (Economical Factor) All three factors are integrated into one mandate for saving the earth from environmental pollution as the effect of utilizing natural resources. Suggestion The problem in experiment has induced suggestions to carry on the reparation over the tools or equipments. Main media tank must be repaired which the longitudinal section wall can be made higher than the existing metric in order to keep the media from easily expelled from media tank. Overflow channel must be equipped with strain wire at mesh smaller than media size, and therefore it is only water that can exit as overflow. Additional media pumps must be installed to the reject media tank such that media can be flown into main media tank continuously. Drain strain can be operated in vibration to facilitate the separation of media, precisely in distinguishing the clean coal from the reject, and to keep the tool operating continuously. To expel the product or washed coal yield, water spraying is given continuously to ensure the separation of the product coal from the media, especially when the product coal is flown with yield coal. For next research, the experiment may involve various media relative densities such as 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, and 1.8, to obtain greater yield from the exp . Acknowledgement 1. Bapak Drs Arianto Yudi Ponco Wardoyo M.Sc.,Ph.D 2. Dr Bagyo Yanuwiadi 3. Bapak Prof. Dr. Ir. Arief S. S. Sudarsono,M.Sc 4. Bapak Prof. Ir. Djamhur Sule, M.Sc 5. Bapak Prof. Dr. Ir. Soemarno, Ms References Adinugraha, W. 2006. “Tesis Magister”, Studi Pencucian Batubara Menggunakan Chance Cone Dengan Media Hematite. Betekhtin, A., “A Course of Mineralogy”, Peace Publisher, Moscow. 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Sudarsono, A.S. 2003. “Pengantar Preparasi dan Pencucian Batubara”, Departemen Teknik Pertambangan, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung. Sule, D. 2004 . “Materi Kuliah Perancangan Pabrik Pencucian Batubara”, Program Pascasarjana, Rekayasa Pertambangan ITB. Sule, D. 2014. “Seminar Batubara Nasional”, Departemen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral, Jakarta, 76 ETHNOBOTANY OF JAVANESE WEDDING CEREMONIES PLANTS: PLANTS AS A SYMBOL OF HOPE AND THE WAY OF LIFE Purnomo1 Environmental Resources Management Postgraduate Program Brawijaya University Abstract This research aims to determine the types and philosophical value of plants that used in traditional Javanese wedding ceremony. The research did by observe the plants that used as materials in traditional Javanese wedding ceremonies in Malang. It also conducted by literature study on plants used by society in other regions. The result is important plants that used in traditional Javanese wedding ceremony consists of 16 species and 12 families. These plants generally are plants that naturally spread in Indonesia such as Cocos nucifera, officinale Jasmine, Rose sp., Saccharum officinarum etc. These plants used as an material in traditional Javanese wedding ceremony because it is considered a symbol of hope and way of life. The use of plant as a way of life symbol generally taken from linguistics, architecture and plant function. Keywords: plant, symbol, traditional Javanese wedding ceremony Introduction Java is one of the largest ethnic group in Indonesia. Javanese has a relience system in their way of life which is called Kejawen. Kejawen is considered a holistic view in looking at the environment (Sukenti, 2002). One of way of life in kejawen is memayu hayuning bawono and sangkan paraning dumadi. Memayu hayuning bawono means to keep the world’s beauty and the contents (Suroso, 2011). The sangkan paraning dumadi has three meanings: origin, purpose and destination of humans life (Setyani, 2009). The nature in kejawen is seen as system that consists of creator, universe and supernatural realm. Humans and creatures in universe seen as part of the system or the contents, while the nature is seen as a container or place (Sukenti, 2002). Kejawen Way-of-life influenced by elements of Javanese relience including Hinduism-Buddhism (Geertz, 1983). Nevertheless this view can be accepted by majority of Javanese muslim. This caused by memayu hayuning bawono philosophy on the same line with islam mission of rahmatan lil Alamin (bring of mercy to whole of the worlds) (Purwadi, 2007). Kejawen view is relating to environment can be seen as stories or myths about nature, like the myth of natural landscape formation, mountains, seas, forests, etc. (Whitten dkk., 1999). Kejawen leads the Java community in daily behaviour. The inheritance effort of ancestor valuable noble in Kejawen to next generations contains languages of symbol. The languages of symbol are used because it’s easy to understood and applied in their daily life. The example for languages of symbol is plant used in wedding ceremonies. Marriage is a part of the cycle of human life. In Javanese tradition, the marriage is interpreted by do some kind of ceremony. In generally every ceremony uses plant as languages of symbol which contains of meaning or hope, advice, and prayer. Methodology This research was conducted by observation and interview in Malang. It was also conducted by a literature study on plants that used by people in traditional ceremonies and plants that are considered have the power to influence someone's life. The data was analyzed by descriptive methods. Results and Discussion Plants that used by Java community is rising from physical (foodstuffs, drugs, cosmetics, building materials and others) to spirit of religious nature utilization. Plants has become a symbol of hope, aspiration and prayer, besides the plant has also become a symbol of noble ancestor values in education character. The use of plants as a symbol that teachs of noble character. It would be easy to remembered by next generations as well as easy to be lived in daily rather oral or written language. In any warning cycle of human life, society manifests in the form of ritual selametan, the plant is an important element as a symbol of prayer. This prayer symbol represented by various plants as expected to be congratulated, and may differ from the ceremony with each other ceremonies. In Javanese wedding ceremony plants that serve as a means of ritual consists of 16 species and 12 families. These plants generally are plants that naturally spread in Indonesia. This plant is used as a sacred and ceremonial material because it is e-mail: [email protected] 77 considered a symbol of hope and also teachings of the good life. The use of the plant as a symbol of life doctrine is generally taken in terms of linguistics, architecture and plant use. As a symbolic language that contains the teachings of the noble life in to the householder, use this plant does not stand alone but is also associated with the traditional values of high art as a language called Kirata bahasa. Kirata bahasa itself is an art game that is commonly used by Javanese or Sundanese language (Basori, 2009). According Sukenti (2002) plant became a symbol of pray and noble teachings obtained in terms of architecture or plant form, language (linguistic plants), the form of fruit or flowers and plant function. The types of plants making up the wedding ceremony Cocos nucifera L Cocos nucifera or coconut is known as a versatile plant, including in a various customary rituals in java. This is due in this tree has noble philosophy. Coconuts called cengkir gading is a means of traditional rituals. Cengkir gading by the Javanese is seen as a plant that represents a symbol of hope the Javanese. Cengkir gading or kencenging pikir, in the Indonesian language proficiency can mean the union of thought or purpose. Literally proficiency think interpreted with determination and a strong mind in achieving life goals. Two green coconut In “siraman” (one part of wedding ceremony) included in water and sprinkled with flowers. The use of this palm as a symbol of the hope of eternal marriage until death. Young coconut leaves yellow-called janur kuning is often used as decoration or symbol in various ceremonies. In linguistics “janur kuning” word comes from the word “jan” which translates into “Jannah”. “Jannah” is the Arabic word meaning 'heaven', “nur” means 'light', and ning means “wening” or holy. Totally means yellow coconut is remind both the bride and groom to the glory who has heaven. Then (Muridan 2007) “janur kuning” also means that people in reaching a sacred cause to be intended for Allah. In the wedding ceremony yellow coconut is also used as a symbol of hope will be a wonderful housekeeping (Pringgawidagda, 2006). Yellow coconut in the wedding ceremony is usually used as a garnish and kembar Manyang (a series of palm leaf garnish), in the use of these leaves should not be cut, but quite torn. It is as a symbol and teach to the bride so that later in the menage will face various problems and trials of life, until her heart was breaking, pain as torn, but must remain steadfast and maintain the household not to break up or divorce (Muridan, 2007). Jasminum sambac L Jasminum sambac or jasmine In the wedding ceremony is defined as a plant that has meaning “melat saka njeroning ati”, the awareness that comes from the conscience. In the wedding ceremony is a marriage of jasmine flowers into ornaments worn by the bride in the form of strands. The jasmine is part of tree flowers (roses, jasmine and ylang) which is used as a means dpat repellent reinforcements (apart from danger and hexes) (Latif, 2000). Linguistically jasmine by the Java Community equated with the word “melat saka jeroning ati” or derived from the conscience which literally means human in behavior should be based on conscience. The jasmine is also considered as a flower symbolizing simplicity. This is evident from the figure that the simple jasmine plant, grow wilder and have a small flower as symbolizing simplicity. The color is white and inconspicuous, considered a symbol of purity and kindness. Jasmine fragrant soft and not offensive to give meaning and the impression of soft, comfortable and quiet. Rose sp. Rose sp. or roses in a wedding ceremony flower is fragrant flower of hope that can get into the body of the bride, and could ultimately bring the name of the bride and groom sweet in the community. Roses in Javanese philosophy is a symbol of human nature that “mawi arso” or have diverse desires of humans. Saccharum Officanarum L In the wedding ceremony cane or Saccharum officanarum used as supplementary materials “kembar manyang” and a symbol of cauples hope that family life will always tasty and sweet similary with sugar cane taste, the family who have the maturity in thinking and not easily influenced by others' bad (Adams, 2001). The use of sugar cane in the wedding ceremony is a symbol of the bride and groom that marriage is something sacred that should be kept holy. When not chew, sugar cane has a sweet taste and if eaten would be junk (pulp) that has a sense of paving. This symbolizes that the householder's life is not always sweet, but also will definitely come the difficulties and trials (Muridan, 2007). Tebu Wulung or cane is a plant that has become a symbol of willpower or determination strong. This symbol is taken from the linguistic side, namely tebu or cane same as word being said "anteping kalbu" which means the round embroidery. Literally the word 78 "anteping kalbu" can mean that in life must be based on and lived with soul and mind are unanimous. While the word wulung means maturity in thinking and acting (Adams, 2001). Musa paradisiaca L. Musa paradisiaca or banana is a plant that all parts can be used, so that each plant has its own value and function. In a ritual activity in Java, banana trees serve as one of the plants rituals. has a function as a symbol of the spirit of the high life, beneficial to the surrounding environment and can adapt to different environments. The use of banana plants in traditional ceremonies in Java as well as a symbol for man to realize its shortcomings in terms of benefit to others (Sholikhin, 2009). Pandanus amaryfolius Roxb Pandanus amaryllifolius or pandan plant is a plant that is important as the flavor of food, including a variety of foods for religious ceremonies. In the marriage of pandan leaves used as one of the plants that symbolizes tranquility. In addition the plant is widely used as a natural fragrance to the room. Pandanus plant is believed to be a symbol of sustenance fragrant (kosher) as well fragrant pandan leaves (Said, 2010). Michelia alba Blume Michelia alba or magnolia flower is a plant which symbolizes the relationship of brotherhood family. Breaking ceremony is derived linguistically, the word was also equated with gegantilaning ati or always embedded in the heart. This symbolization is also obtained from the shape or morphology of magnolia flowers that seem soft. Cananga odorata Cananga odorata or ylang is an important interest in rituals in Java .. In ylang wedding ceremony is one of the constituent oncen or decorations wedding ceremony (Tilaar, 1999). This plant is considered a symbol of peace, the symbol of man must help each other. This symbolization is obtained in terms of linguistic said ylang equated with the word that means helping “tumengo” or between the members, the symbol of man who should get what he has achieved his ancestors in the form of virtue and good manners. Folosofi is obtained, because the linguistic ylang can also be interpreted “kenengno” (get), this means literally get the man should get the sublime knowledge of previous generations. Erythrina lithospermus Miq Erythrina lithospermus or dadap srep is a plant which symbolizes coolness (beauty), peace and quiet, this is caused by linguistic said “srep” equated with “asrep” or meaning cool. Dadap srep is one of the important plants in traditional ceremonies such as wedding ceremonies. Dadap srep in the wedding ceremony is used as part of decoration kembar Mayang, with the use of this srep dadap leaf in the wedding ceremony is expected to couples after marriage to live in a tranquil setting, peaceful, and no obstacles. Ficus benjamina L. In the wedding ceremony banyan or Ficus benjamina is one of the important plants and used as an element of “kembar mayang”. The existence of a banyan in “kembar mayang” become a symbol of hope for the bride and groom in the menage living in harmony, mutual protection and creating a family atmosphere that is peaceful and able to donate labor, thoughts for the welfare of the surrounding community (Muridan, 2007), as well as be able to achieve its goals (Pringgawidagda, 2006). Besides plant banyan also become a symbol of a strong family or sturdy (Aryati, 2010). Piper betle L. Piper betle or leaf beetle or referred to in the tradition of marriage is used by the women as a symbolic language to accept or reject the person who proposed to her. At the time of marriage betel leaf is used as an ingredient in the tradition of throwing betel nut, betel made gantal (mixed gambier, lime, areca nut, and cloves then rolled tied with thread). “Sirih gantal” itself has a philosophy that was taken by the linguistic namely “legane kontal” or literally means not own again and literally means the bride and groom do not live alone anymore but are bound by marriage as husband and wife (Moeljanto and Mulyono. 2003: Tilaar, 1999). Ficus septia Burm. f. In Java Ficus septica or awar-awar is a plant that became an important means of rituals, such as weddings. The use of leaf-awar awar in wedding rituals, caused awar-awar is a symbol of hope that the future 79 bride in establishing households into family bargain or avoid things that are bad. In addition awar-awar is also believed to be used for black magic repellent. Awar-awar mystical function as repellent ugliness might be attributed to this plant functions as an antidote in the treatment of various poisons that animals (Sutomo, 2009). Cordyline fruticosa (L.) A. Chev. Cordyline fruticosa or andong in a traditional ceremony in Java are complementary kembar Mayang (Gardjito and Lilly, 2010). Andong used in this ceremony because it has leaves that are hanging, dangling leaf is used as a language of symbols for the host to greet her guests. Additionally leaves are straight, and grew steadily upwards, also symbolize a person in a menage should understand (Java: Dhong or understand) on the problems of families, communities, homeland, nation, and religion (Mistaram, 2007). Areca catechu L Areca catechu or mayang used in traditional ceremonies is a plant that symbolizes the "wong enom okeh one bawahe" or which means that young people must be active in doing something good (Suryani, 2010). In addition mayang be sibolisasi fragrant scent of life, mayang can produce sap, also interpreted the behavior of a sweet (good) (Mistaram, 2007). Imperata cylindrica (L.) P. Beauv. Imperata cylindrica or alang-alang is a plant that is considered important by the Java Community and are used in various rituals. Alang-alang is used in the ritual of marriage as a symbol of hope for the future bride and groom kept away from obstacles Desmodium pulchellum Desmodium pulchellum or opo-opo is a plant that is considered important by the Java Community and are used in various rituals. Opo-opo is used in the ritual of marriage as a symbol of hope for the future bride and groom kept away from obstacles Conclusion Traditional Javanese wedding ceremony consists of 16 species and 12 families. These plants generally are plants that naturally spread in Indonesia such as Cocos nucifera, officinale Jasmine, Rose sp., Saccharum officinarum etc. These plants used as an material in traditional Javanese wedding ceremony because it is considered a symbol of hope and way of life. The use of plant as a way of life symbol generally taken from linguistics, architecture and plant function. Bibliography Adams, R. 2001. Upacara Pernikahan di Jawa. Upacara-upacara, simbolisme dan Perbedaan Daerah Di Pulau Jawa. Fakultas FISIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Jawa Timur Aryati, L. 2010. Menjadi MC Acara Pernikahan. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta. Basori. 2009. Ragam dan Bentuk Makna Kiratabasa Dalam Masyarakat Jawa. Metalingua. Vol 7. No 1. Geertz, C. 1983. 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Jakarta. 81 The Use of Multivariate Analyses to Assess The Health of The Upper Brantas Catchment Using Macroinvertebrate Communities Sri Sudaryanti,1*, Soemarno2, Marsoedi3, Bagyo Yanuwiadi4 1Student of Post Graduate Programme of Environmental Sciences Doctoral Programme, the University of Brawijaya Malang; Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences the University of Brawijaya Malang 2Faculty of Agriculture, the University of Brawijaya Malang 3Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, the University of Brawijaya Malang 4Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, the University of Brawijaya Malang Abstract A number of 108 Indonesia’s catchments have degradated including the Brantas catchment. Consequently changes the river communities that living in river substratum, for instance, macroinvertebrate communities. The occurred macroinvertebrates may reflect the health of the catchment. The aimed of research was to ordinate the sites of the upper Brantas catchment based on macroinvertebrate communities and their environment. The research was conducted in the upper Brantas catchment in Batu city. Sampling of 109 sites was carried out from 2006 to 2015. Macroinvertebrates were sampled at each site using a D-frame kick net with 500 µm mesh. Samples were identified to family level. Analysis data used CANOCO for Window 4.5 with direct gradient analysis, Corespondence Canonical Analysisi (CCA). The environmental variables that were measured, for instance, current velocity, type of substrate, dissolved oxygen and organic matter. Direct gradient analysis, using CCA ordinates 109 sites into four groups condition, namely light degradated, moderade degradated, heavy degradated, and very heavy degradated based on different type of macroinvertebrates. Typical running waters species have a positive correlation with sites with fast current velocity and hard substratum, for instance, Glossosomatidae. Species that are typically dwelling standing water have a negative correlation with fast current velocity and soft substratum, for instance, Chironomous thummi, Thiaridae. In conclusion, CCA are applicable to assess the health of the upper Brantas catchment using macroinvertebrate communities. Keywords: Brantas catchment, Indonesia, macroinvertebrate, multivariate INTRODUCTION1 Aquatic ecosystem is an integral part of catchment and have a very strategic role in grant the services of to the survival of life, whereas on the other side ecosystem aquatic received the effects human activities on land, as a result experienced eutrophication and pollution (Sudaryanti et al., 2001; Sudaryanti, 2007; 2008). Catchment is areas in topography the waters of the river systems land to flow to the estuary of the river (Regulation of the Minister of Forestry Number 32 in 2009; Brooks et al., (2013). Arthington (2013), aquatic system affected by human activities in the catchment as deforestation, building irrigation, damming, straightening river, introduction species, as a consequence there degradation habitats, water pollution, as well as lower biodiversity. Tropical river straightening experienced the issue of the river, more arrest, and pollution facilities waste treatment plant available at least, if possible looking weak in the maintenance, the rate of deforestation forests 1,25x105 km2/year. The impact of the utilization of the river are local aquatic ecosystems but an integral part of the landscape so the impact an activity be thorough in the accumulation and and thorough in catchment. A number of 108 Indonesia’s catchments have degradated including the Brantas catchment. Consequently changes the river communities that living in river substratum, for instance, macroinvertebrate communities . The upper Brantas catchment in Batu City as the location for the study of very strategic, as it affects the condition of 15 cities and regencies in East Java which flowed by the Brantas River (River Basin Management Agency, 2010). The administration area of the city of Batu is located between 122o17' up to 122o57’ East longitude and 7o44' up to 8o26' South latitude, consisting of three regency Batu, Bumiaji and Junrejo. Batu City is an area of 19.908,7 ha, with territorial boundaries: North: a Mojokerto and Pasuruan Regency; South: Wagir Regencyt, Malang Regency; West: Pujon Regencyt, Malang Regency; Eastern: Regencys of Karangploso and Dau, Malang (Status of Environment City of Batu, 2010). Correspondence: Sri Sudaryanti Email: [email protected] Graduate Programme of Environmental Sciences Doctoral Programme, the University of Brawijaya Malang Jl Mayjen Haryono 169, Malang 65145, Indonesia 82 The condition of the catchment upper Brantas in Batu City have degradated in 2004-2007. It was reflected by the community macroinvertebrate indicators of degradation as Tubificidae, Brachiura sp., Nereidae, Syrphidae, Lymnaidae, Richarsonidae, Thiaridae, Glossiphonidae, Chironomous thummi, Physidae (Sudaryanti, 2007). The upper Brantas cacthment (238,148 ha) administratively located in the three areas of Government namely Malang Regency, Malang City and Batu City. Batu city is located on the upper area of catchment Brantas 21.166,62 ha include three districts namely Bumiaji, Junrejo and Batu (the Batu City Government, 2006). The extent of damage the sub catchments protected forest of 5.197,40 ha. However, the area is experiencing a threat over the function of the land so the Brantas upstream (sub catchment Amprong Bango) large sub category means somewhat ugly 1,9 (River Basin Management Agency, 2008). The area caused the landslide. Spatial vision of Batu City is Batu City as a tourism city and agropolitan in East Java (Government City of Batu, 2011). This has resulted in a change in the rivers of ecosystem so that this research is still very relevant to do. Various biota of the water can be used for monitoring the condition of the water of the river, such as benthic algae, macroinvertebrate and fish. Macroinvertebrate is the most frequently used biota to monitor water quality of the river's health because his life is relatively settled in the bottom waters, have a long life cycle and sampling relatively easily (Hellawel, 1986). The research of macroinvertebrate use macroinvertebrate community abroad has been widely performed, such as Chironomidae larvae, Tubificidae, Sphaeriidae, Hirudinea are tolerant of organic pollution while Isopoda, some Crustaceans, Ephemeridae, Odonata and Trichoptera whose sensitive to organic pollution (Rosenberg and Resh, 1993). Besides Norris and Norris (1995); Beauger et al., (2006); Carter et al., (2007); Perus et al., (2007); Jacobsen et al., (2008); Hoang (2009); Girgin (2010); Peterson et al., (2011); Aweng et al., (2012); and Rodil et al., (2012). The research of macroinvertebrate refers to the invertebrates that live in the bottom waters, 95 percent of the aquatic insects is composed by macroinvertebrate (Ward, 1992). Approach Indonesian researchers generally use index biota (Trihadiningrum et al., 1996; Hart et al.,2001). Sudaryanti et al., (2001) Australian River Assessment Systems (AusRivAS) predictive models using that use environment variables to find out the level of degradation of the ecosystem of the river based on the ratio of the observed macroinvertebrate and expected (O/E ratio). Research macroinvertebrate developed using multivariate approach with program CANOCO with technical Canonical Correspondence Analisys (CCA) since 1995 to present (Sudaryanti, 1995; 1997), and until now the approach has not been followed by Indonesian researchers, with the exception of the researchers who conducted the Study Programs in Aquatic Resource Management (Rahesti et al., 2007; Suripto et al.,20017; Effendi et al.,2013). Up to present the Government of Indonesia still rely on physical chemical approach to monitor river water quality. Using biological approach has a little attention (Daily Kompas, 2016). The aimed of research was to ordinate the sites of the upper Brantas catchment based on macroinvertebrate communities and their environment. RESEARCH METHODS The methods used in this research is a survey method that is not doing the research that changes to the variables examined, using a qualitative approach. The place of research in upper Brantas catchment in Batu City (see Figure 1). The variables measured in this study were the composition of macroinvertebrate and its environment factors (current velocity, the type of substrate, temperature, dissolved oxygen, total organic matter, ammonia, hardness, and pH). Macroinvertebrate data and environmental data taken during the 9 years (2006- 2015). The environment variable measured can be seen in Table 1. Table 1. Environment variables are measured and the measurement methods The environment variable Unit Method/Tool Substrate type Cm Taken from substrate Current velocity Cm/sec Modification current meters Dissolved oxygen mg/liter Winkler Organic matter mg/l Titrimetric Hardness mg/l Titrimetric Ammonia mg/l Titrimetric pH pH meter 83 Figure 1. Research location Reseach Location METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION Sampling procedure using the technique of kicking. Samples were taken at each site using a D-frame kick net with 500 µm mesh (Nederlands Normalisatie-institut, 1994; Sudaryanti et al., 2001) as follows: 1. Hold the nets held against the current direction. 2. Stir the waters with base 2 feet in the same time to release the organism from the bottom of the water. The organism will go into the nets. 3. Check the inside of the net if there is rock or twig, then washes the twigs or rocks in the mesh. 4. Take samples in the area of riffle up to total 10 meter. 5. Washable with water and organisms collected at one corner of the mesh with and hold the flush water, this is for ease of sampling from within the mesh. 6. Flip the grate outwards to move the sample into the sample container. 7. Preservation of samples with 96% alcohol. Macroinvertebrate identified up to the level of the family except for the Oligochaeta (class), Acarina (order), and Chironomidae (sub family) (Sudaryanti et al., 2001). Data analysis using CANOCO for Window Program 4.5 (ter Braak, 2002) and Canonical Correspondence Analysis technique (CCA) to create zoning rivers Brantas upstream catchment based on macroinvertebrate and its environment variable to get the status of the biological health of catchment Brantas upstream (Sudaryanti, 1995; 1997; 1998). CANOCO program designed for the analysis in the study of the ecological community. Plotted distribution of environmental factors in an ordination diagram, which describes the habitat preferred by a taxa. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 2 and Table 2 show that the site groups in the upper Brantas catchment were ordinated macroinvertebrate communities into 4 site groups (A, B, C, D). Site of group A were taken in 2015. The site is situated at Biru stream with natural forest and agricultural activity at Tulungrejo and Gunungsari Village. The type of substratum is a hard substratum and a little bit smothering, with a temperature of 16-18 oC, current velocity of 5.7-8.81 cm/sec, dissolved oxygen of 5.7-8.81mg/l, pH of 7, hardness of 24-64 mg/l, total organic matter of 6.32-26.54 mg/l, ammonia of 0.001-0.094 mg/l, percentace covering of 60-90 % and natural riparian (see Table 2). Site of group A is composed mostly of a number of species living in hard substratum, fast current velocity in streams where there is a strong current, for instance, 84 Glossosomatidae, Heptagenidae, Leptoplebidae, Leptoceridae, Lepidosmatidae, Limnephilidae, Perlodidae, Simulidae, Tabanidae, Tipulidae (see Table 2 and Figure 2). The site of group A is light degradated. Site of group B were taken in 2007, 2011 and 2014. The site is situated at Tulungrejo, Pandanrejo, Junrejo and Dadaprejo Village with land use is composed of combination bare land, rice field, vegetable and plantation. The type of substratum is a smothering with a temperature of 17-24 oC, current velocity of 20-30 cm/sec, dissolved oxygen of 5-8 mg/l, pH of 7-8, hardness of 43-106 mg/l, total organic matter of 3.16-56.88 mg/l, ammonia of 0.006-0,962 mg/l, percentace covering of 10-15 % and mixed natural and artificial riparian (see Table 2). Sites of group B is composed of a number species moderate degradated, for instance, Ceratopogonidae, Chironomini, Muscidae, Tanypodinae and Viviparidae which where occurred in from fast and very fast current velocity with low and high total organic matter (see Table 2 and Figure 2). Table 2. Site of group upper Brantas catchment Group A Station 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106 Macroinvertebrate Glossosomatidae, Heptagenidae, Leptoplebidae, Leptoceridae, Lepidosmatidae, Limnephilidae, Simulidae, Tabanidae, Tricladida Tipulidae B 46, 47, 53, 55, 72, 73,74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 84, 86, 89, 90 Ceratopogonidae, Chironomini, Tanypodinae, Viviparidae C 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 36, 48, 49, 51, 52, 54, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 77, 81, 85, 87, 107, 108, 109 Branchiura, Glossiphonidae, Hydropsychidae, Lymnaidae, Nereidae, Richardsonidae D 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 37, 38, 41, 42, 43, 44, 58, 71, 88, 91 Chironomous thummi, Naididae, Psycodidae 20, 26, 32, 39, 45, 21, 27, 33, 40, 50, Muscidae, Water Quality CV: 50-100 cm/sec Substrat : hard substratum and a little bit smoothering T :16-18 °C DO : 5,7--8,81 mg/l pH : 7 Hardness : 24-64 mg/l TOM : 6,32--26,54 mg/l Ammonia : 0,001--0,094 mg/l % Covering : 60-90 Riparian : Natural CV: 20-30 cm/ sec Substrat : smoothering T : 17-24 °C DO : 5-8 mg/l pH : 7--8 Hardness : 43-106 mg/l TOM : 3,16--56,88 mg/l Ammonia : 0,006-0,962 mg/l % Covering : 10-15 Riparian : Mixed natural and artificial CV : 10-40 cm/ sec Substrat : smoothering T : 19-29,3 °C DO : 2-7 mg/l pH : 7-8 Hardness : 36-200 mg/l TOM : 26,55-50,6 mg/l Ammonia : 0,006--0,234 mg/l % Covering : 5-15 Riparian : Mixed natural and artificial CV : 10-40 cm/ sec Substrat : smoothering T : 21-25 °C DO : 2-5 mg/l pH : 7-8 Hardness : 50-300 mg/l TOM : 18,96-60,67 mg/l Ammonia : 0,071--2,39 mg/l % Covering : 5-15 Riparian : Mixed natural and artificial Category Light Degradated Typically most running water organism with a little bit smothering Moderate Degradated Typically dwelling organism with moderate smothering Heavy Degradated Typically dwelling organism with heavy smothering Very Heavy Degradated Typically mostly dwelling organism with very heavy smothering Note :CV : Current Velocity,T :Temperature 85 D B A C Figure 2. CANOCO ordination of the upper Brantas catchment Site of group C were taken in 2006, 2007, 2011, 2013, 2014 and 2015. The site situated at Tulungrejo, Punten, Songgokerto, Temas, Torongrejo, Junrejo, Mojorejo, Pendem and Dadaprejo Village with mixed land use settlement, bare land and rainfed agriculture. The type of substratum is smothering, with a temperature of 19 oC 29.3oC, current velocity of 10-40 cm/sec, dissolved oxygen of 2-7 mg/l, pH of 7-8, hardness of 36-200 mg/l, total organic matter of 26.55-50.6 mg/l, ammonia of 0.006-0.234 mg/l, percentace covering of 5-15 %, mixed natural and artificial riparian (see Table 2). Site of group C is composed of a number species heavy degradated, for instance, Branchiura, Glossiphonidae, Lymnaidae, Nereidae, Richardsonidae and Thiaridae with tipically living in dwelling substratum with high organic content (see Table 2 and Figure 2). Site of group D were taken in 2007, 2011 and 2014. The site situated at Tulungrejo, Songgokerto, Ngaglik, Sisir, Pandanrejo, Torongrejo, Junrejo and Dadaprejo Village with mixed settlements, rainfed agricultural, bare land and rice field. The type of substratum is smothering, with a temperature of 21-25 oC, current velocity of 10-40 cm/sec, dissolved oxygen of 2-5 mg/l, pH of 7-8, hardness of 50-300 mg/l, total organic matter of 18.96-60.67 mg/l, ammonia of 0.071-2.39 mg/l, percentace covering of 5-15 % and mixed natural and artificial riparian (see Table 2). Sites of group D is composed of a number species very heavy degradated, for instance, Chironomous thummi, Naididae and Psycodidae with tipically living in dwelling substratum with high organic content see (see Table 2 and Figure 2). From the result shows that macroinvertebrate communities related to their environmetal factors, particularly the type of substratum and current velocity which becomes main habitat. The upper catchment Brantas situated at mountanenous area. The conversion of forests into other usages, for instance, agricultural and settlement of the area has changed its original macroinvertebrata habitat from a hard substratum becomes soft substratum. CONCLUSION Direct gradient analysis, using CCA ordinates 109 sites into four groups condition, namely light degradated, moderat degradated, heavy degradated, and very heavy degradated based on different type of macroinvertebrates. Typical running waters species have a positive correlation with sites with fast current 86 velocity and hard substratum, for instance, Glossosomatidae. Species that are typically dwelling standing water have a negative correlation with fast current velocity and soft substratum, for instance, Chironomous thummi and Thiaridae. In conclusion, CCA are applicable to assess the health of the upper Brantas catchment using macroinvertebrate communities ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors are grateful thanks to Mas Ayu Dewi Ratna Swari, M. 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Munawir4 2 1 Doctoral Student, Environmental Science, University of Brawijaya Professor, Department Of Water Resources Engineering, University of Brawijaya 3 Associate Professor, Department of Soil Science, University of Brawijaya 4 Advisor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Brawijaya Abstract The use of RAC (recycled aggregate concrete) in the field of innovation the environmental construction of civil structures have been studied and discussed, hence in a relatively short time, RAC has grown become such a building material that have been used instead of conventional concrete. Even there are significant reductions of compressive strength around 30 percent, the use of RAC has a succesful result to change construction demolition waste become something useful. However, due to numerous type of glass waste – and this is bery interfering - the usual recycling method does not cover all of the waste. Departing from a deficiency of RAC strength and the abundance of unrecyled glass waste, a hybrid concrete consisting RAC and glas waste that have higher strength than RAC itself and more environmental friendly has been proposed . The optimum value of RA (recycled aggregate) and glass waste has been investigated so the integrated value between environmental, costs and structural strength can be obtained. A new hybrid structural system of beams and columns named GLARC (Glass Reinforced Concrete) has been proposed and its development, concept, and GLARC beam structural behavior have been discussed. Keywords: hybrid concrete, GLARC structural system, glass waste INTRODUCTION Natural materials dominated the composition of substances in the form of concrete so that on use of concrete to the volume of the most remarkable mining massive rocks come to nature as a material in the form of concrete (Mulyono, 2003). This has led to the scarcity of supplies of natural stone. It is not strange if nowadays there are so many recycling company has been establish to processing objects that can be used in particular returns from natural pulp where the limited number of in nature, among others recycling of plastic and recycled paper. Waste concrete now been used as a substitute for natural aggregate commonly used in a mixture of concrete. Aggregate derived from under building and the waste of the readymix concrete is aggregate recycling, while the establishment of concrete called recycled aggregate concrete (Foster, 1986; Suharwanto, 2004; Aylie dan Nurhuda, 2005). As for waste other than aggregate under items, namely glass derived from industry or households. Glass waste capacity abounds in big amount and is a source of problems that made it difficult, for garbage and environment management. In the medium to large scale city like Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Surabaya and Malang waste glass continue to accumulate. The cause among others is public consumption to drink glasses as a packaging is increasing. Additional also from glass industry and glass store thousands of every day produce pieces of glass in moderate to small size of construction buildings. Garbage also responsible for the volume of the waste glass large enough glass. Although who have the selling price is not very cheaply as construction material, but as waste, the price is very low. According to many reliable source, waste glass with only a small part recycled, the residue are grown on the ground or even left completely lands open. Waste a glass material is actually environmentally friendly when processed back as the powder or sand glass materials can be recycled and used as another. Theoretical mechanics, waste glass has this characteristic to developed as aggregate, therefore can waste glass is added on aggregate partial sand as smooth or even replace sand. The contents of SiO2 from sand glass larger than 60%, and the residue are Al 2O3, Fe2O3 and CaO, the theory can increase concrete Address Correspondence Writer: Sumardi Email : [email protected] Address : MT Haryono Street No.169, Ketawanggede, Lowokwaru Regency, Malang City, East Java, Indonesia 89 compreesive strength potentially (Polley, et al., 1998; Meyer and Xi, 1999; Dhir, et al., 2001; Park, et al., 2004; Park and Lee, 2004). Powdered glass can be cementitious or cement substitution and can be expected to increase concrete compressive strength, due to the pores fulfillment of their very small grain in concrete (Polley, et al., 1998; Shao, et al., 2000; Setiawan, 2006). In addition the engineering and additional waste a glass as a hybrid amplifier environmentally friendly concrete will support the idea utilization of waste glass into something have economic value and high tech system. The beams and columns of GLARC (Glass Reinforced Concrete) can be expected to become such building materials that overcome environmental problems potentially. The purpose of this literature discussion as well as examine this analysis is to socialise the concept of the behavior of a new structure system called GLARC so imparts opinion on construction community to harness, apply and to develop the bridge structural technology based on cheap glass waste materials. Besides, the economical of the hybrid RAC-glass waste feasibility can improve the value added of glass waste advantage that has not been taken well. METHODS A glass hybrid structural girder with rectangular shape is investigate through a non-destructively testing with a 4 points concentrated load (with 2 point load centralized distance 0.15l = of 30 cm to keep pure bending without any shear stress in the middle) with a maximum value of 200 kN. The girder length was 1200 mm (between the foundation of is 1000 mm) high box girder was 200 mm with the width of a total of 100 mm. The geometric structural data is described in Figure 1. 0.5 m 0.5 m 200 mm 100mm 30cm Figure 1. (A) 3D Geometric Cross Section (left) (b) Cross-Section In mm (right) Assumption In order to get an accurate and representative results in this research, a stress analysis needs to be perform globally in the real condition of GLARC structural system. This structural analysis is needed to determine the parameter values, the mechanical properties, predict the range of service loads, the stress concentration within a local corresponding cross section and its failure behavior in order to predict the specimen dimensions and loading capacity of the equipment. This is related to the range of monotonic load given so that the structure remain load responsive but still gain data completion, before its collapse. Comparison done with GLARC girder FEM model with concrete as solid elements and glass strips as plate/shell elements such as a Figure 2. 90 Figure 2. Analysis of GLARC Girder using STAAD Pro v8i 2007 with Solid and Shell Elements GLARC Girder modeled with 6666 nodal points, 400 shell elements and 5400 solid elements and initial load for analysis given is 60 kN. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Forces and stresses are kind of structural responses from external loads that will be influenced by its dimensions, and not depend on material specifications. Contary with strain and deformation are kind of internal responses, hence are closely related to the material parameters that will affect the flexural capacity. For that reason, a simple 3D elastic linear isotropic analysis is enough for pre-analysis stage in order to determine and to check dimensions of a quasi static response. Figure 3 shows SXX stress analysis on the concrete and GLARC girder. a) b) Figure 3. Stresses Sxx occur at mid section of GLARC Girder: a) of 5.48 MPa and b) of 3.65 Mpa of compression and tension respectively 91 Static linear analysis given shows, based on figure 3 b), on the concentrated forces of 60 kN, GLARC girder that have 200 mm depth for 1.2 m span will be able to overcome tension normal stress of 3.65 MPa, due to its value below steel yielding stress around 240 MPa. And, in the figure 3 a), compressive normal stress particularly in the support region has value ranges 5.48 MPa also be far below RAC compressive strength that about 25 MPa. CONCLUSION The GLARC structural girder of glass waste materials that have been installed in vertical arrangement can be used as a good flexural structures, safe, cheap and relatively easy to be implemented. A national engineer should have a comprehensive knowledge to design GLARC girder well, with special attention regard to recycling treatment especially glass type, dimension of piece strips, and its volume of glass reinforcement. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are delighted to thank Dr. Bagyo Yanuwiadi from Post Graduate Department of Brawijaya University for inspiring, giving us the chance and give scientific critics. REFERENCES Aylie, H., dan I. Nurhuda. 2005. Concrete Recycling. International Seminar TPSDP Of Civil Engineering Faculty With The Theme The Role of Civil Engineering in Environmental Friendly Development, Semarang. Dhir, R. K., T. D. Dyer, dan M. C. Tang. 2001. Expansion due to Alka¬li-Silica Reaction (ASR) of Glass Cullet Used in Concrete. Proceedings of the International Symposium: Reuse of Waste Materials, London, UK, 2001, pp. 751-761. Foster, S.W. 1986. Recycled Concrete As Aggregate. Concrete International, Amerika. Meyer, C., dan Y. Xi. 1999. Use of Recycled Glass and Fly Ash for Precast Concrete. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 11(2), pp. 89-90. Mulyono, T. 2003. Technology Concrete. Publisher Andi Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta. Park, S. B., B. C. Lee dan J. H. Kim. 2004. Studies on Mechanical Properties of Concrete Containing Waste Glass Aggregate. Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 34(12), pp. 2181-2189. Park, S. B., dan B. Lee. 2004. Studies on Expansion Properties in Mortar Containing with Waste Glass and Fibers. Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 34(7), pp. 1145-1152. Polley, C., S. M.Cramer, dan R. V. Cruz. 1998. Potential for Using Waste Glass in Portland Cement Concrete. Journal of Materials in Civil Engi¬neering, ASCE, Vol. 10(4), pp. 210-219. Setiawan, B. 2006. The Aggregate Windows On The Use Of Concrete Reviewed In Terms Of Strength And Shrinkage. Engineering Faculty, University of Christian. Petra Surabaya. Shao, Y., T. Lefort., S. Moras dan D. Rodriguez. 2000. Studies on Concrete Containing Ground Waste Glass. Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 30(1), pp. 91-100. Suharwanto. 2004. Mechanical Aggregate Behavior Concrete Recycling: Material-Struktural Aspects. ITB. Bandung. 92 ANALYSIS OF PUBLIC PERCEPTION OF FISH FROZEN PRODUCTIN MALANG CITY WITH GeSCA METHODE Harsuko Riniwati 11*, Nudin Harahap 22, 1Jurusan 2 Sosial Ekonomi Perikanan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Brawijaya Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Perikanan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Brawijaya Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis persepsi masyarakat dari produk ikan beku dan Peningkatan Konsumsi ikan beku di Malang. Lokasi penelitian di Kota Malang. Jumlah responden adalah 60 orang. Data dianalisis dengan deskriptif kuantitatif model GeSCA (Generalized Structured Component Analysis). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hubungan antara persepsi individu dan keputusan untuk membeli produk ikan beku adalah positif tetapi tidak signifikan. Hubungan antara persepsi dan motivasi individu yang signifikan. Hubungan antara motivasi dan pembelian produk ikan beku adalah positif dan signifikan. Motivasi adalah variabel moderasi antara persepsi individu membeli ikan beku, sehingga meningkatkan pembelian ikan atau konsumsi ikan tidak hanya dapat membangun persepsi positif dari ikan , tetapi juga harus dilakukan dengan membangun motivasi konsumen untuk membeli ikan. Kata Kunci : Ikan Beku , persepsi , motivasi , konsumsi ikan Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyze public perception of frozen fish products and frozen fish Model Consumption Improvement in Malang. The research location in the city of Malang. The number of respondent is 60 people. Data were analyzed with descriptive quantitative of GeSCA models (Generalized Structured Component Analysis). The results of this study indicate that the relationship between the perception of the individual and the decision to buy frozen fish product is positive but not significant. The relationship between the individual's perception and motivation are significant. The relationship between motivation and the purchase of frozen fish products is positive and significant. Motivation is a moderating variable between individual's perception of buying frozen fish, thereby to increase the purchase of fish or fish consumption can not only build a positive perception of the fish, but it also has to do with building the motivation of consumers to purchase fish. Keywords : Frozen Fish, perception, motivation, fish consumption PENDAHULUAN Ikan memiliki kandungan gizi yang dibutuhkan tubuh manusia antara lain protein tinggi (20%), sedikit kolesterol, sedikit lemak. Protein dibutuhkan untuk pertumbuhan, pengganti sel-sel tubuh kita yang telah rusak, Ikan termasuk komoditi yang mudah rusak. Oleh karena itu untuk dapat mengkonsumsi ikan sepanjang hari tanpa mengenal waktu di perlukan proses pengolahan yaitu pembekuan. Pembekuan adalah proses mengawetkan produk makanan dengan cara hampir seluruh kandungan air dalam produk menjadi es. Keadaan beku menyebabkan aktivitas mikrobiologi dan enzim terhambat sehingga daya simpan produk menjadi panjang. Jenis pembekuan terbagi menjadi dua golongan yaitu pembekuan cepat (quick freezing) dan pembekuan lambat (slow freezing). Keuntungan menggunakan produk beku adalah (1) pengolahannya lebih sederhana,(2) produk sudah bersih, (3) harga juga relatif murah (4) Kualitas produk beku lebih konsisten dan keamanan makanan juga lebih terjamin karena Alamat korespondensi: Harsuko Riniwati Email : Alamat : produk ini selalu dibekukan dalam keadaan segar. Keberadaan produk ikan beku dipengaruhi oleh permintaan konsumen Namun kita perlu mengetahui bagaimana persepsi keluargakeluarga terhadap produk ikan beku, untuk mengetahui persepsi negatif, positif, buruk dan baik dari masyarakat. Informasi tersebut sangat bermanfaat bagi pelaku bisnis maupun pengambil kebijakan di bidang perikanan untuk menyusun progam dan kegiatan dalam rangka memperbaiki produk ikan beku dan edukasi kepada masyarakat jika diperlukan. Hal ini penting dilakukan untuk perbaikan dalam pengelolaan produk ikan beku. Persepsi adalah (a) proses seseorang mengetahui beberapa hal melalui panca inderanya, (b) merupakan hasil kerja otak dalam memahami atau menilai suatu hal yang terjadi di sekitarnya, (c) pengamatan tentang objek, peristiwa atau hubunganhubungan yang diperoleh dengan menyimpulkan informasi dan menafsirkan pesan, Penjelasan Persepsi yang lain adalah (1) kemampuan otak dalam menerjemahkan stimulus atau proses untuk menerjemahkan stimulus yang masuk ke dalam alat indera manusia; (2) tanggapan (penerimaan) langsung dari sesuatu, (3) Merupakan salah satu aspek psikologis yang penting bagimanusia dalam merespon kehadiran berbagai aspek dan gejala di sekitarnya, (4) merupakan suatu proses pengorganisasian, penginterpretasian terhadap stimulus yang diterima oleh organisme atau individu sehingga menjadi sesuatu yang berarti, dan merupakan aktivitas yang integrated dalam diri individu, (5) Proses seseorang mengetahui beberapa hal melaluipanca inderanya, (6) merupakan hasil kerja otak dalam memahami atau menilai suatu hal yang terjadi di sekitarnya, (7) pengamatan tentang objek, peristiwa atau hubungan-hubungan yang diperoleh dengan menyimpulkan informasi dan menafsirkan pesan, (8) suatu proses menginterpretasikan atau menafsir informasi yang diperoleh melalui sistem alat indera manusia”, (9) daya mengenal barang, kualitas atau hubungan dan perbedaan antara hal ini melalui protes mengamati, mengetahui atau mengartikan setelah pancainderanya mendapat rangsangan (Sugihartono dkk, 2007; Bimo Walgito, 2004; Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Waidi, 2006; Suharman, 2005, Rakhmat, 2007;Maramis, 1999) Sebagai bahan perbaikan dalam pengelolaan produk ikan beku salah satunya dapat diperoleh dari penelitian tentang persepsi masyarakat. Persepsi adalah (a) proses seseorang mengetahui beberapa hal melalui panca inderanya, (b) merupakan hasil kerja otak dalam memahami atau menilai suatu hal yang terjadi di sekitarnya, (c) pengamatan tentang objek, peristiwa atau hubungan-hubungan yang diperoleh dengan menyimpulkan informasi dan menafsirkan pesan, (d) suatu proses menginterpretasikan atau menafsir informasi yang diperoleh melalui sistem alat indera manusia”, (e) daya mengenal barang, kualitas atau hubungan dan perbedaan antara hal ini melalui protes mengamati, mengetahui atau mengartikan setelah pancainderanya mendapat rangsangan. (……….) METODE PENELITIAN Lokasi Penelitian ini ada di Kota Malang, Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh masyarakat Kota Malang baik pendatang maupun penduduk asli. Jumlah responden yang diambil 60 orang Responden yang di berikan kuisioner adalah konsumen yang telah sudah membeli produk ikan beku. Jenis data dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan sekunder. Sumber data diperoleh dari perpustakaan kota Malang dan konsumen produk ikan beku yang telah didatangi dan bersedia mengisi kuesioner. Analisis data Penelitian ini mempelajari serta menganalisis persepsi masyarakat kota Malang terhadap produk ikan beku dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang telah disusun terlebih dahulu yang mengarahkan persepsi terhadap produk ikan beku itu adalah posisitif, negatif, baik atau buruk. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan metode GeSCA (Generalized Structured Component Analysis). Model GeSCA berbasis teori untuk penelitian ini terdapat pada gambar 1. HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN 1. Karakteristik Responden Karakteristik responden ini merupakan gambaran mengenai identitas responden dalam penelitian ini, sebab dengan mengetahui gambaran indentitas responden maka akan dapat diketahui sejauh mana identitas responden dalam penelitian ini. Adapun gambaran untuk mengetahui karakterisitik reponden dkelompokan menjadi beberapa kelompok yakni: jenis kelamin, usia, status perkawinan, tingkat pendidikan dan pekerjaan. Dalam penelitian ini responden yang digunakan sebanyak 60 orang, adapun deskripsi karakterisitik responden dapat diuraikan sebagai berikut: a. Jenis Kelamin Tabel 3. Karakteristik Berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin Jenis Kelamin Laki-Laki Perempuan Total Jumlah (Jiwa) 10 50 60 Persentase (%) 17 83 100 Dari tabel karakteristik responden menurut jenis kelamin, maka dari 60 orang responden yang menjadi sampel dalam penelitian ini maka kelompok responden berdasarkan jenis kelamin yang terbesar dalam penelitian ini adalah Perempuan sebesar 83%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata konsumen yang banyak membeli produk ikan beku di Kota Malang didominasi oleh perempuan. b. Usia Dari tabel karakteristik responden menurut usia, maka dari 60 orang responden yang menjadi sampel dalam penelitian ini maka kelompok Malas Rajin Eksklusif Suka Prestise Semangat Kemantapan pada sebuah Produk Kepribadian Keputusan Membeli Motivasi Kebiasaan dalam membeli produk Memberikan rekomendasi pada orang lain Melakukan pembelian ulang Presepsi Individu Harga Mura h Cepat Saji Tenaga tidak Capek Gizi Tinggi Rasa Enak Nilai Tingkat Kebiasaan Budaya Kese Pendapa Makan tiaan tan Gambar 1. Model GeSCA berbasis teori responden berdasarkan usia yang terbesar dalam penelitian ini adalah responden dengan kelompok usia 41-50 tahun yakni sebesar 35%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata responden penelitian ini merupakan kelompok usia yang sudah matang. Tabel 4. Tabel Karakterisitik Responden Berdasarkan Usia No 1. 2. 3. 4. Kelompok Usia (Tahun) 21 – 30 31 – 40 41 – 50 > 50 Total Jumlah (Jiwa) 13 15 21 11 60 Persentase (%) 21 25 35 19 100 c. Status Perkawinan Tabel 5. Karakterisitik Responden Berdasarkan Status Perkawinan No 1. 2. 3. Status Perkawinan Belum Kawin Kawin Janda/Duda Total Jumlah (Jiwa) 8 48 4 60 Persentase (%) 13 80 7 100 Dari tabel karakteristik responden menurut status perkawinan, maka dari 60 orang responden yang menjadi sampel dalam penelitian ini maka kelompok responden berdasarkan status perkawinan yang terbesar dalam penelitian ini adalah responden yang sudah menikah tahun yakni sebesar 80%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata responden penelitian ini merupakan kelompok rumah tangga. d. Tingkat Pendidikan Tabel 6. Karakterisitik Responden Berdasarkan Tingkat Pendidikan No Tamatan Jumlah Persentase (%) Pendidikan (Jiwa) 1. 2. 3. SMP SMA Perguruan Tinggi Total 4 31 25 60 7 52 41 100 Dari tabel karakteristik responden menurut tingkat pendidikan, maka dari 60 orang responden yang menjadi sampel dalam penelitian ini maka kelompok responden berdasarkan tingkat pendidikan yang terbesar dalam penelitian ini adalah responden dengan tamatan pendidikan akhirnya SMA yakni sebesar 52%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata responden penelitian ini tingkat pendidikannya cukup baik. e. Pekerjaan Tabel 7. Karakterisitik Responden Berdasarkan Pekerjaan No Pekerjaan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Belum/Tidak bekerja, IRT dan Pensiun Pedagang/wiraswasta Swasta Dosen/guru PNS/BUMN Total Jumlah (Jiwa) 32 9 11 2 6 Persentase (%) 53 15 18 4 10 60 100 Dari tabel karakteristik responden menurut jenis pekerjaan, maka dari 60 orang responden yang menjadi sampel dalam penelitian ini maka kelompok responden berdasarkan tingkat pendidikan yang terbesar adalah responden yang belum/tidak, ibu rumah tangga dan pensiunan yakni sebesar 53%. 2. Distribusi Frekuensi Jawaban Responden Gambaran distribusi ini digunakan untuk mengetahui frekuensi variasi jawaban responden terhadap pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diajukan dalam kuesioner. Variabel distribusi frekuensi jawaban responden diantaranya adalah variabel presepsi individu, variabel kepribadian, variabel motivasi dan variabel keputusan membeli. Jawaban-jawaban dari kuesioner tersebut selengkapnya dapat dilihat dalam tabel berikut : Tabel 8. Variabel Presepsi Individu (X1) Item Pernyataan Jumlah Orang Presentase (%) a. Sangat Setuju 2,5 4.5 Nilai b. Setuju 18,3 30.5 Kesetiaan c. Netral 17,2 28.7 (X1.1) d. Tidak Setuju 20 33.3 e. Sangat Tidak 2,1 Setuju 35 Total 60 100 a. Sangat Setuju 2,7 4,5 b. Setuju 14 23,3 Budaya c. Netral 22,5 37,5 (X1.2) d. Tidak Setuju 18,3 30,5 e. Sangat Tidak 2,5 Setuju 4,2 Total 60 100 a. Sangat Setuju 10,6 17,7 b. Setuju 2,5 4,2 Tingkat c. Netral 13,6 22,7 Pendapata d. Tidak Setuju 10,2 17 n e. Sangat Tidak 0,6 (X1.3) Setuju 1 Total 60 100 a. Sangat Setuju 4,5 7,5 b. Setuju 15,5 25,8 Kebiasaan c. Netral 17,5 29,2 Makan d. Tidak Setuju 19,2 32 (X1.4) e. Sangat Tidak 3,3 Setuju 5,5 Total 60 100 Tabel 9. Variabel Kepribadian (X2) Item Pernyataan Orang Malas (X2.1) Rajin (X2.2) a. Sangat Setuju b. Setuju c. Netral d. Tidak Setuju e. Sangat Tidak Setuju Total a. Sangat Setuju b. Setuju c. Netral d. Tidak Setuju e. Sangat Tidak Setuju Total a. Sangat Jumlah Presentase (%) Eksklusif (X2.3) a. Suka Prestase (X2.4) 60 1,5 11,3 23,7 19,2 4,3 60 2 1,7 13,3 20 45,8 Semangat (X2.5) 7,2 100 3,4 b. c. d. e. Setuju Setuju Netral Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju Total Sangat Setuju Setuju Netral Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju Total Sangat Setuju Setuju Netral Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju Total Tabel 10. Variabel Motivasi (Y1) Item Pernyataan 19,7 17,3 15,3 5,7 60 1 8 17 22,5 11,5 60 3,5 11 20,5 22,5 Harga Murah (Y1.1) Cepat Saji (Y1.2) Tenaga Tidak Capek (Y1.3) Rasa Enak (Y1.4) Teman a. b. c. d. e. Sangat Setuju Setuju Netral Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju Total a. Sangat Setuju b. Setuju c. Netral d. Tidak Setuju e. Sangat Tidak Setuju Total a. Sangat Setuju b. Setuju c. Netral d. Tidak Setuju e. Sangat Tidak Setuju Total a. Sangat Setuju b. Setuju c. Netral d. Tidak Setuju e. Sangat Tidak Setuju Total a. Sangat Setuju b. Setuju c. Netral 32,8 28,8 25,5 9,5 100 1.7 13.3 28.3 37.5 19.2 100 5.8 18.3 34.2 37.5 2,5 60 4.2 100 Jumlah Presentase (%) 9 15 17,7 29.5 16,4 27.3 18 30 1,7 2.8 60 100 2,7 4.5 20,5 34.2 3,5 5.8 22 36.7 1,3 2.2 60 100 5 8.3 28 46.7 18 30 8 13.3 1 1.7 60 100 1 1.7 18 30 25 41.7 13 21.7 3 5 60 100 2,7 4.5 27,3 45.5 19 31.7 Orang 19,2 100 2,5 18,8 39,5 32 b. c. d. e. a. 1 8 12 27,5 11,5 b. c. d. e. (Y1.5) d. Tidak Setuju e. Sangat Tidak Setuju Total 8,7 2,3 14.5 3.8 100 60 Tabel 11. Variabel Keputusan Membeli (Y2) Item Pernyataan Jumlah Orang Presentase (%) a. Sangat Setuju 0 0 Kemantapa b. Setuju 6,7 11.2 n Pada c. Netral 23,5 39.2 Sebuah d. Tidak Setuju 26 43.3 Produk e. Sangat Tidak 3,8 (Y2.1) Setuju 6.3 Total 60 100 a. Sangat Setuju 0,7 1.2 b. Setuju 6 10 Kebiasaan c. Netral 16,7 27.8 Dalam d. Tidak Setuju 28,6 47.7 Membeli e. Sangat Tidak 8 Produk Setuju 13.3 (Y2.2) Total 60 100 a. Sangat Setuju 0 0 b. Setuju 16,7 27.8 Memberika c. Netral 24,7 41.2 n d. Tidak Setuju 16 26.7 Rekomenda e. Sangat Tidak 2,6 si Pada Setuju 4.3 Orang Lain Total 60 (Y2.3) 100 a. Sangat Setuju 0 0 b. Setuju 9 15 Melakukan c. Netral 20 33.3 Pembelian d. Tidak Setuju 27 45 Ulang e. Sangat Tidak 4 (Y2.4) Setuju 6.7 Total 60 100 3. Uji Validitas dan Reliabilitas Suatu instrument dinyatakan telah memiliki validitas (kesahihan atau ketepatan) yang baik “jika instrument tersebut benar-benar mengukur apa yang seharusnya hendak diukur”. Pengertian validitas ini tidak segera jelas bagi sebagian orang karena memang konsep validitas itu kompleks, namun sangat penting artinya dalam penelitian tingkah laku.Valid tidaknya suatu item instrumen dapat diketahui dengan membandingkan indeks korelasi product moment Pearson dengan level signifikansi 5% dengan nilai kritisnya, di mana r dapat digunakan rumus: N XY X Y rxy = N X 2 X N Y 2 Y 2 Keterangan : rxy = skor korelasi n = banyaknya sampel 2 X Y = skor item pertanyaan = skor total item Bila nilai korelasi pearson lebih besar dari 0.3 maka dinyatakan valid dan sebaliknya dinyatakan tidak valid. Instrumen reliabel adalah instrumen yang bila digunakan beberapa kali untuk mengukur objek yang sama, akan menghasilkan data yang sama.Reliabilitas adalah indek yang menunjukkan sejauh mana suatu alat pengukur dapat dipercaya atau dapat diandalkan. Untuk menguji digunakan Alpha Cronbach dengan rumus: 2 r11= k 1 b 2 t k 1 Dimana: r11 = reliabilitas instrumen (koefisien alpha cronbach) k = banyaknya butir pertanyaan atau banyaknya soal b2 = jumlah varians butir t2 = varians total Instrumen dapat dikatakan andal (reliable) bila memiliki koefisien keandalan reliabilitas sebesar 0,5 atau lebih. a. Uji Validitas dan Reliabilitas Variabel Presepsi Individu (X1) Hasil uji validitas dan reliabilitas terhadap instrumen penelitian untuk Variabel Presepsi Individu disajikan pada Tabel berikut: Tabel 12. Uji Validitas dan Reliabilitas Variabel Presepsi Individu (X1) Variabel Presepsi Individu Validitas Reliabilitas Item Pearson Keterangan Alpha Ketera Correlation Cronbach ngan X1.1.1 0.480 Valid 0.830 Reliable X1.1.2 0.628 Valid X1.1.3 0.378 Valid X1.1.4 0.232 Tidak Valid X1.1.5 0.445 Valid X1.1.6 0.464 Valid X1.1.7 0.696 Valid X1.1.8 0.667 Valid X1.2.1 0.603 Valid X1.2.2 0.622 Valid X1.2.3 0.354 Valid X1.2.4 0.341 Valid X1.3.1 0.292 Tidak Valid X1.3.2 0.422 Valid X1.3.3 0.475 Valid X1.3.4 0.474 Valid X1.3.5 0.194 Tidak Valid X1.3.6 0.563 Valid X1.4.1 0.537 Valid X1.4.2 0.537 Valid X1.4.3 0.402 Valid X1.4.4 0.522 Valid Dari Hasil uji validitas dan reliabilatas Presepsi Kepribadian dapat dilihat bahwa item pertanyaan mengenai anggota keluarga mengetahui dimana saja tempat membeli aneka produk olahan beku (food frozen) berbasis ikan (X1.1.4), pendapatan bapak/ibu sangat layak untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pokok sehari-hari keluarga (X1.3.1), dan memiliki kendaraan roda 4 (X1.3.5) tidak valid karena memiliki nilai korelasi pearson kurang dari 0.3 sehingga kurang tepat untuk menjelaskan variabel Presepsi Kepribadian, untuk itu ke empat item pertanyaan yang tidak valid tersebut tidak digunakan untuk analisis lebih lanjut dengan menggunakan GSCA. Nilai Alpha Cronbach lebih besar dari 0.5 yang berarti reliabilitas terpenuhi. b. Uji Validitas dan Reliabilitas Variabel Kepribadian (X2) Hasil uji validitas dan reliabilitas terhadap instrumen penelitian untuk Variabel kepribadian disajikan pada Tabel berikut: Tabel 13. Uji Validitas dan Reliabilitas Variabel Kepribadian (X2) Variabel Kepribadian Validitas Reliabilitas Item Pearson Keteran Alpha Keterang Correlatio gan Cronb an n ach X2.1.1 0.598 Valid 0.856 Reliable X2.1.2 0.625 Valid X2.2.1 0.520 Valid X2.2.2 0.420 Valid X2.2.3 0.666 Valid X2.2.4 0.618 Valid X2.3.1 0.767 Valid X2.3.2 0.617 Valid X2.3.3 0.727 Valid X2.4.1 0.628 Valid X2.4.2 0.585 Valid X2.5.1 0.622 Valid X2.5.2 0.461 Valid c. Uji Validitas Motivasi (Y1) dan Reliabilitas Variabel Hasil uji validitas dan reliabilitas terhadap instrumen penelitian untuk Variabel Motivasi disajikan pada Tabel berikut: Tabel 14. Uji Validitas dan Reliabilitas Variabel Motivasi (Y1) Variab Motivasi el Validitas Reliabilitas Item Pearson Keterang Alpha Keterang Correlati an Cronba an on ch Y1.1.1 0.426 Valid 0.898 Reliable Y1.1.2 Y1.1.3 Y1.2.1 Y1.2.2 Y1.2.3 Y1.2.4 Y1.3.1 Y1.3.2 Y1.4.1 Y1.4.2 Y1.5.1 Y1.5.2 Y1.5.3 0.461 0.401 0.744 0.734 0.783 0.656 0.827 0.741 0.733 0.778 0.688 0.699 0.666 Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid d. Uji Validitas dan Reliabilitas Kepuasan Pembeli (Y2) Variabel Hasil uji validitas dan reliabilitas terhadap instrumen penelitian untuk Variabel Kepuasan Pembeli disajikan pada Tabel berikut: Tabel 15. Uji Validitas dan Reliabilitas Variabel Kepuasan Pembeli (Y2) Variab Kepuasan Pembeli el Validitas Reliabilitas Item Pearson Keterang Alpha Keterang Correlati an Cronba an on ch Y2.1.1 0.564 Valid 0.919 Reliable Y.2.1.2 0.651 Valid Y2.1.3 0.747 Valid Y2.1.4 0.652 Valid Y2.2.1 0.740 Valid Y2.2.2 0.733 Valid Y2.2.3 0.529 Valid Y2.3.1 0.794 Valid Y2.3.2 0.779 Valid Y2.3.3 0.737 Valid Y.2.4.1 0.866 Valid Y2.4.2 0.604 Valid Y2.4.3 0.608 Valid Y2.4.4 0.748 Valid Dari Hasil uji validitas dan reliabilatas Kepribadian,Motivasi dan Keputusan Membeli dapat dilihat pada tabel 13,14 dan 15 bahwa semua item pertanyaan sudah valid karena memiliki nilai korelasi pearson lebih besar dari 0.3. Nilai Alpha Cronbach lebih besar dari 0.5 yang berarti reliabilitas terpenuhi, maka item dari variabel Keputusan Membeli dapat digunakan untuk analisis lebih lanjut dengan menggunakan GSCA. 4. Measurement Model Measurement model berfungsi sebagai spesifikasi hubungan antara variabel laten dengan indikatornya. Pada penelitian ini, terdapat model indikator variabel laten yang bersifat reflektif pada variabel endogen dan variabel laten bersifat formatif pada variabel ensogen. Untuk variabel laten endogen dan eksogen dapat dilihat pada tabel 16. Pada variabel persepsi individu terjadi pemotongan pada indikator tingkat pendapatan (FI3) karena nilai yang dihasilkan pada CFA tidak signifikan dan tidak dapat diteruskan olah data pada GeSCA. Nilai titik kritis (CR) yang diperoleh, indikator (FI1) nilai kesehatan mendeskripsikan variabel persepsi individu secara nyata karena nilai yang diperoleh sebesar 13.59 signifikan pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Untuk variabel kepribadian, terdapat lima indikator yang mendeskripsikan variabel kepribadian. Dilihat dari loading estimasi yang diperoleh, indikator (KP3) praktis paling dapat mendeskripsikan variabel kepribadian. Hal ini dikarenakan nilai loading faktor estimate paling besar dari pada indikator lainnya yaitu sebesar 0.787. Berdasarkan nilai titik kritis (CR) yang diperoleh, indikator (KP3) praktis mendeskripsikan variabel kepribadian secara nyata karena nilai yang diperoleh sebesar 12.77 signifikan pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Tabel 16. Variabel Persepsi Individu(X1) Variable Loading Estimate SE Weight CR FI Estimate SE SMC CR Estimate SE CR AVE = 0.585, Alpha =0.640 FI1 0.835 0.061 13.59* 0.525 0.093 5.67* 0.697 0.098 7.11* FI2 0.775 0.083 9.34* 0.417 0.058 7.21* 0.600 0.118 5.08* FI4 0.676 0.140 4.84* 0.352 0.078 4.48* 0.457 0.159 2.88* CR* = significant at .05 level Tabel 17. Variabel Kepribadian(X2) Variable Loading Estimate SE Weight CR KP Estimate SE SMC CR Estimate SE CR AVE = 0.472, Alpha =0.712 KP1 0.740 0.086 8.61* 0.310 0.051 6.01* 0.548 0.119 4.62* KP2 0.522 0.207 2.52* 0.247 0.098 2.51* 0.272 0.150 1.81 KP3 0.787 0.062 12.77* 0.335 0.041 8.1* 0.620 0.091 6.8* KP4 0.592 0.130 4.57* 0.254 0.056 4.55* 0.350 0.132 2.64* KP5 0.753 0.065 11.63* 0.302 0.049 6.2* 0.567 0.095 5.98* CR* = significant at .05 level Tabel 18. Variabel Motivasi(Y1) Variable Loading Estimate SE Weight CR MV Estimate SE SMC CR Estimate SE CR AVE = 0.000, Alpha =0.794 MV4 0 0 0 0.583 0.286 2.04* 0 0 0 MV5 0 0 0 0.515 0.281 1.83 0 0 0 CR* = significant at .05 level Tabel 19. Variabel Keputusan Membeli(Y2) Variable Loading Estimate SE Weight CR KM KM1 Estimate SMC SE CR Estimate AVE = 0.701, Alpha =0.840 0.858 0.042 20.66* 0.309 0.044 6.96* 0.736 0.071 10.39* KM2 0.817 0.051 16.01* 0.239 0.039 6.17* 0.667 0.082 8.09* KM3 0.775 0.073 10.57* 0.321 0.039 8.25* 0.601 0.109 5.54* KM4 0.894 0.025 35.43* 0.324 0.039 8.38* 0.799 0.045 17.79* CR* = significant at .05 level Pada variabel motivasi terjadi pemotongan pada indikator harga murah (MV1), cepat saji (MV2), tenaga tidak capek (MV3) karena nilai yang dihasilkan pada CFA tidak signifikan dan tidak dapat diteruskan olah data pada GeSCA. Untuk variabel motivasi, terdapat dua indikator yang mendeskripsikan variabel motivasi. Dilihat dari weight estimasi yang diperoleh, indikator (MV4) rasa enak paling dapat mendeskripsikan variabel motivasi. Hal ini dikarenakan nilai weight faktor estimate paling besar dari pada indikator lainnya yaitu sebesar 0.583. Berdasarkan nilai titik kritis (CR) yang diperoleh, indikator (MV4) rasa enak mendeskripsikan variabel motivasi secara nyata karena nilai yang diperoleh sebesar 2.04 signifikan pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Untuk variabel keputusan membeli, terdapat empat indikator yang mendeskripsikan variabel keputusan membeli. Dilihat dari loading estimasi yang diperoleh, indikator (KM4) melakukan pembelian ulang paling dapat mendeskripsikan variabel keputusan membeli. Hal ini dikarenakan nilai loading faktor estimate paling besar dari pada indikator lainnya yaitu sebesar 0.894. Berdasarkan nilai titik kritis (CR) yang diperoleh, indikator (KM4) melakukan pembelian ulang mendeskripsikan variabel keputusan membeli secara nyata karena nilai yang diperoleh sebesar 35.43 signifikan pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%. 5. Measures of Fit Measurement Model Bilamana indikator bersifat refleksif, maka diperlukan evaluasi berupa kalibrasi instrument, yaitu dengan pemerikasaan validitas dan reabilitas. a. Corvergent Validity Menurut (Chin, 1998 dalam Ghozali, 2008), convergent validity setiap indikator dalam mengukur variabel laten ditunjukkan oleh besar kecilnya loading factor. Suatu indikator dikatakan mempunyai convergent validity yang baik apabila loading bernilai lebih positif dari 0.70 dan signifikan. Untuk pengukuran Validitas, loading 0,5 sampai 0,6 dianggap cukup. Untuk convergent validity penelitian dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut: Tabel 21. convergent validity Variabel Indikator Loadin g Factor Cu t Of f 0.5 Keteranga n Nilai Kesehatan 0.835 Budaya 0.775 0.5 Kebiasaan 0.5 Makan 0.676 Malas 0.740 0.5 Rajin 0.522 0.5 Kepribadia Eksklusif 0.787 0.5 n Suka 0.5 Prestise 0.592 Semangat 0.753 0.5 Motivasi Rasa Enak 0.583 0.5 Gizi Tinggi 0.515 0.5 Kemantapa 0.5 n Pada Keputusan Sebuah Pembeli Produk 0.858 Kebiasaan 0.5 Dalam Membeli Produk 0.817 Memberika 0.5 n Rekomenda si Pada Orang Lain 0.775 Melakukan 0.5 Pembelian Ulang 0.894 Sumber: Data Primer (output GSCA online), 2015 Persepsi Individu Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Berdasarkan loading factor yang dihasilkan dapat diketahui bahwa indikator masing-masing variabel laten yaituPersepsi Individu (nilai kesehatan, budaya, dan kebiasaan makan), Kepribadian (malas, rajin, eksklusif, suka prestise, dan semangat), Motivasi (rasa enak dan gizi tinggi) dan Keputusan Pembeli (kemantapan pada sebuah produk, kebiasaan dalam membeli produk, memberikan rekomendasi pada orang lain, dan melakukan pembeli ulang) memiliki loading factor yang lebih besar dari nilai cut off nya, sebesar 0,5. Dengan demikian indikator tersebut dapat dinyatakan valid sebagai pengukur variabel latennya. Discriminant Validity Pengukuran discriminant validity dilakukan dengan cara membandingkan nilai akar kuadarat AVE (average variance extracted) setiap variabel dengan nilai korelasi antar konstruk. Jika nilai akar AVE lebih tinggi dari pada korelasi antar konstruk yang lain, maka dikatakan konstruk memiliki validitas yang baik (Solimun, 2010). Perhitungan Composite Reliability dan Average Variance dapat dilihat pada Lampiran Hasil discriminant validity dapat dilihat melalui ringkasan perhitungan dalam tabel berikut: Berdasarkan tabel di atas, dapat diketahui bahwa Composite Reliability variabel motivasi belum terpenuhi karena nilainya lebih kecil dari 0,60. Kemudian hasil analisis tersebut juga menghasilkan nilai discriminant reliability pada variabel motivasinilainya lebih kecil dari nilai cut off sebesar 0,50. Dengan demikian discriminant reliability variabel tersebut belum terpenuhi. Tabel 22. Discriminant Validity Presep si Kepribadi Individ an u Presepsi Inividu 0.658 Kepribadi an 0.658 6. Model Fit Berdasarkan output GSCA online didapat model fit seperti pada tabel berikut : Motivasi Motiva si Keputus an Pembeli 0.579 0.649 Tabel 24. Model Fit Model Fit 0.460 0.616 FIT 0.489 AFIT 0.470 NPAR 0.579 0.460 0.629 Keputusa n Pembeli 0.649 0.616 0.629 Sumber: Data Primer (output GSCA online), 2015 Hasil pada tabel diatas diketahui bahwa nilai dari akar AVE pada masing-masing konstruk lebih besarl daripada koefisien korelasi antar konstruk. Dengan demikian discriminant validity keseluruhan variabel dapat dikatakan konstruk memiliki validitas yang baik. Internal Cosistency Reability Pengukuran reliabilitas untuk GeSCA dilakukan menggunakan ukuran reliabilitas konstruk (Composite Reliability) ataupun jumlah varian keseluruhan dalam indikator yang dijelaskan oleh konstruk latent (Average Variance Extracted (AVE)) atau biasa disebut discriminant reliability. Menurut Nunnaly (1966) dalam Solimun (2010) suatu konstruk dikatakan reliabel jika nilai Composite Reliability di atas 0,60. Nilai discriminant reliability lebih besar sama dengan 0,50 maka dapat dinyatakan kontruk GeSCA telah reliabel. Pada indikator formatif ukuran validitas dievaluasi berdasarkan pada substantive contentnya, yaitu dengan melihat signifikansi dari weight, jika signifikan (p < 0,05) berarti valid. Internal consistency reability dapat dilihat tabel berikut : Tabel 23. Internal Cosistency Reability Variabel Composite Reliability Presepsi Individu 0.808 Kepribadian 0.813 Motivasi 0.463 Keputusan 0.903 Membeli Discriminant Reliability 0.585 0.686 0.302 0.700 Sumber: Data Primer (output GSCA online), 2015 31 Sumber: Data Primer (output GSCA online), 2015 FIT = 0.489 FIT menunjukkan varian total dari semua variabel yang dapat dijelaskan oleh model tertentu. Nilai FIT berkisar dari 0 sampai 1. Jadi, model yang terbentuk dapat menjelaskan semua variabel yang ada sebesar 0,489. Persepsi individu, kepribadian, motivasi, dan keputusan membeli adalah sebesar 48,9% dan sisanya (51,1%) dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel yang lain. Berarti model cukup baik untuk menjelaskan fenomena yang dikaji. - AFIT = 0.470 Adjusted dari FIT hampir sama dengan FIT. Namun, karena variabel yang mempengaruhi ketahanan pangan tidak hanya satu melainkan ada tiga variabel sehingga akan lebih baik apabila interpretasi tentang ketepatan model menggunakan FIT yang sudah terkoreksi atau menggunakan AFIT. Karena semakin banyak variabel yang mempengaruhi maka nilai FIT akan semakin besar karena proporsi keragaman juga akan meningkat sehingga untuk menyesuaikan dengan variabel yang ada dapat menggunakan FIT yang sudah terkoreksi. Jika dilihat dari nilai AFIT, persepsi individu, kepribadian, motivasi dan keputusan membeli yang dapat dijelaskan oleh model adalah sebesar 47% dan sisanya (53%) dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel yang lain. Measure of fit Structural model Goodness of Fit Model struktural diukur menggunakan FIT, yaitu setara dengan R square pada analisis regresi atau koefisien determinasi total pada analisis jalur. 1) FIT menunjukkan varian total dari semua variabel yang dapat dijelaskan oleh model struktural. Nilai FIT berkisar dari 0 sampai 1, semakin besar nilai ini, - semakin besar proporsi varian variabel yang dapat dijelaskan oleh model. Jika nilai FIT = 1 berarti model secara sempurna dapat menjelaskan fenomena yang diselidiki. 2) AFIT (Adjusted FIT) serupa dengan R2 adjusted pada analisis regresi. AFIT dapat digunakan untuk perbandingan model. Model dengan AFIT nilai terbesar dapat dipilih antara model yang lebih baik(Solimun,2010). Hipotesis 3 yaitu : Persepsi Individu terhadap Keputusan Membeli. Pada hasil pengujian yang tertera pada tabel di atas dapat diketahui bahwa nilai t statistik antara Persepsi Individuterhadap Keputusan Membeli adalah 1.61dengan tingkat signifikasi 0,05. (T.statistik 1.61<1,67 T.tabel). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Persepsi Individu berpengaruh tidak signifikanterhadap Keputusan Membeli. 7. Pengujian Hipotesis Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan metode resampling bootstrap. Statistik uji yang digunakan adalah statistik t (statistik diperoleh dengan membagi loading factor dengan standar errornya), dengan hipotesis statistik, dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut : Hipotesis 4 yaitu : Kepribadian terhadap Keputusan Membeli. Pada hasil pengujian yang tertera pada tabel di atas dapat diketahui bahwa nilai t statistik antara Kepribadian terhadap Keputusan Membeli adalah 1,39 dengan tingkat signifikasi 0,05. (T.statistik 1.39<1,67 T.tabel). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Kepribadian berpengaruh tidak signifikanterhadap Keputusan Membeli. Tabel 25. Hipotesis statistik Variabel Estimate Effect S.E t.Statistik Persepsi 0.487 0.197 2.47 Individu>Motivasi Persepsi 0.261 0.162 1.61 Individu >Keputusan Membeli Kepribadian0.140 0.207 0.68 >Motivasi Kepribadian0.285 0.205 1.39 >Keputusan Membeli Motivasi0.347 0.105 3.3 >Keputusan Membeli Sumber: Data Primer (output GSCA online), 2015 t.Tabel 1,67 1,67 1,67 1,67 1,67 Hipotesis 1 yaitu : Persepsi Individu terhadap Motivasi. Pada hasil pengujian yang tertera pada tabel di atas dapat diketahui bahwa nilai t statistik antara Persepsi Individuterhadap Motivasi adalah 2.47dengan tingkat signifikasi 0,05. (T.statistik 2.47>1,67 T.tabel). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Persepsi Individu berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Motivasi. Hipotesis 2 yaitu : Persepsi Individuterhadap Motivasi. Pada hasil pengujian yang tertera pada tabel di atas dapat diketahui bahwa nilai t statistik antara Persepsi Individuterhadap Motivasi adalah 2.47dengan tingkat signifikasi 0,05. (T.statistik 2.47>1,67 T.tabel). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Persepsi Individu berpengaruh signifikanterhadap Motivasi. Hipotesis 5 yaitu : Motivasi terhadap Keputusan Membeli. Pada hasil pengujian yang tertera pada tabel di atas dapat diketahui bahwa nilai t statistik antara Motivasi terhadap Keputusan Membeli adalah 3.3 dengan tingkat signifikasi 0,05. (T.statistik 3.3>1,67 T.tabel). Hal ini KESIMPULAN Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah : 1. Semua indikator dalam penelitian ini valid dan reliabel 2. Hubungan antara kepribadian dan motivasi positif tetapi tidak signifikan 3. Hubungan antara kepribadian dan keputusan membeli ikan beku positif namun tidak signifikan 4. Hubungan antara persepsi individu dan keputusan membeli produk ikan beku positif namun tidak signifikan 5. Hubungan antara persepsi individu dengan motivasi adalah positif signifikan 6. Hubungan antara motivasi dan pembelian produk ikan beku adalah positif dan signifikan 7. Motivasi merupakan variabel moderating antara persepsi individu terhadap pembelian ikan beku DAFTAR PUSTAKA [1]. Adawyah, Rabiatual. 2007. Pengolahan dan Pengawetan Ikan. PT.Bumi Aksara. Jakarta. 158 hlm. [2]. Arief, Dr. Mts, 2007, Pemasaran Jasa dan Kualitas Pelayanan, Edisi Pertama, Penerbit Liberty. Yogyakarta [3]. Arikunto, Suharmini. Dr. 2006. Prosedur Penelitian (Suatu Pendekatan Praktek). Edisi Revisi. Cetakan ke sepuluh. PT. Rineka Cipta. Jakarta. [4]. Azwar, Saifuddin. MA. 1998. Metode Penelitian. Pustaka Pelajar Offset. Yogyakarta [5]. Badan Pusat Statistik kota Malang. 2007. Kota Malang Dalam Angka (Malang City in Figures) 2007. Badan Pusat Statistik kota Malang [6]. Case, Karl dan Fair 2007. Prinsip-Prinsip Ekonomi. Jilid Delapan. PT. Erlangga. Surabaya. 55 hlm. [7]. Charty. 2008. Manajemen Pemasaran. 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The Effect of Food Security to Human Resources Tough of Airborne Infantry Batallion 502/18/2 Army Strategic Reserve Command In Jabung Malang City With GeSCA Methode 1 Zaenal Fanani 1*, Abdul Hakim 2, Harsuko Riniwati 3, Mukhammad Soleh 3, 1Jurusan 2 Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Perikanan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Brawijaya Abstrak Definisi ketahanan nasional adalah ketahanan bangsa, yang meliputi (1) kondisi dinamika, (2) ketekunan, (3) ketangguhan, (4) kekuatan nasional, (5) kemampuan untuk menghadapi (a) tantangan , (b) hambatan, (c) ancaman, (d) gangguan baik yang datang dari dalam atau di luar, dan langsung atau tidak langsung, yang dapat membahayakan integritas, identitas dan kelangsungan hidup bangsa dan negara. Gangguan dan ancaman, termasuk ancaman krisis pangan yang membahayakan kelangsungan hidup bangsa. Jumlah responden adalah 60 orang. Data dianalisis dengan deskriptif kuantitatif dari GeSCA (Generalized Structured Component Analysis) hasil models. penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hubungan antara sumber daya dan keamanan pangan adalah positif yang signifikan. Hubungan antara ketahanan pangan dan sumber daya manusia yang tangguh adalah positif yang signifikan. Hubungan antara sumber daya dan sumber daya manusia yang tangguh yang positif tetapi tidak signifikan. Hal ini menunjukkan kepemilikan sumber daya untuk mempengaruhi ketahanan sumber daya manusia harus dimaksimalkan pemanfaatan sumber daya yang ada. Dengan demikian variabel ketahanan pangan adalah variabel moderasi antara sumber daya dan ketahanan sumber daya manusia Kata kunci: ketahanan pangan, sumber daya manusia, keamanan nasional dan tentara Abstract Definition of national resistance is the resistance of the nation, which includes (1) the condition of the dynamics, (2) persistence, (3) toughness, (4) a national force, (5) the ability to confront (a) challenge, (b) barriers, (c ) threat, (d) a good distraction that comes from inside or outside, and directly or indirectly, which could jeopardize the integrity, identity and survival of the nation and the state. Disruption and the threat, including the threat of a food crisis that is endangering the survival of the nation. The number of respondent is 60 people. Data were analyzed with descriptive quantitative of GeSCA (Generalized Structured Component Analysis) models.The results of this study indicate that the relationship between resources and food security is a significant positive. The relationship between food security and human resources tough is a significant positive. The relationship between resources and human resources tough are positive but not significant. This indicates ownership of resources in order to influence the resilience of the human resources should be maximized utilization of existing resources. Thus the variables of food security is a moderating variable between resources and the resilience of human resource Keywords : food security, human resources, national security and the army PENDAHULUAN Undang-undang ketahanan pangan no 18 tahun 2012 mengarahkan kerangka kebijakan ketahanan pangan nasional difokuskan pada 2 hal yaitu kedaulatan pangan dan kemandirian pangan dengan tetap memperhatikan keamanan pangan. Outcome dari kebijakan adalah masyarakat dan perseorangan yang sehat, aktif dan produktif secara berkelanjutan. Ketahanan pangan yang merupakan bagian ketahanan nasional, saat ini menurut Dr. Muhammad AS Hikam, MA (2005)[1], Indonesia dalam ancaman krisis pangan. Pengertian ketahanan nasional adalah ketahanan bangsa, yang meliputi (1) kondisi dinamika, (2) Alamat korespondensi: Email : Alamat : keuletan, (3) ketangguhan, (4) kekuatan nasional, (5) kemampuan, untuk mengahadapi (a) tantangan, (b) hambatan, (c) ancaman, (d) gangguan baik yang datang dari dalam maupun luar dan langsung maupun tidak langsung yang dapat membahayakan integritas, identitas serta kelangsungan hidup bangsa dan negara (Suhady and Sinaga, 2006)[2]. Gangguan dan ancaman tersebut termasuk ancaman krisis pangan yang membahayakan kelangsungan hidup bangsa. Dengan tugas TNI yang sangat berat tersebut, maka SDM-SDM yang bergabung dalam TNI haruslah tangguh yaitu sehat, aktif dan produktif (Badan Ketahanan Pangan Kementerian Pertanian, 2014). Pertanyaannya, faktor-faktor apa saja yang menentukan ketangguhan SDM TNI? Berdasarkan uraian yang disampaikan Badan Ketahanan Pangan Kementerian Pertanian, 2014 dalam acara Musrengbangtan Nasional tahun 2014, bahwa ketangguhan SDM (sehat, aktif, produktif) dipengaruhi oleh ketahanan pangan (ketersediaan, keterjangkauan, dan pemanfaatan sebagai konsumsi pangan dan gizi). Ketahanan pangan dipengaruhi oleh sumberdaya, dimana indikatornya adalah : lahan, air, SDM, teknologi, kelembagaan dan budaya). Bagaimanakah kondisi ketangguhan SDM di TNI AD Bataliyon Linta Udara 502/18/2 Kostrad Di Jabung Kabupaten Malang. Apa saja faktor yang mempengaruhi SDM Tangguh di TNI AD Bataliyon Linta Udara 502/18/2 Kostrad Di Jabung Kabupaten Malang. Untuk menganalisis hal tersebut, maka diperlukan penelitian tentang Pengaruh Ketahanan Pangan Terhadap Sumberdaya Manusia (SDM) yang Tangguh di Batalyon Bataliyon Linta Udara 502/18/2 Kostrad Di Jabung Kabupaten Malang. METODE PENELITIAN Tempat penelitian di Bataliyon Linta Udara 502/18/2 Kostrad Di Jabung Kabupaten Malang, responden nya adalah personil TNI AD di Bataliyon Linta Udara 502/18/2 Kostrad Di Jabung Kabupaten Malang. Jenis dan Metode Pengumpulan Data adalah data primer dan sekunder. Data primer dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner dengan menggunakan skala data ordinal yaitu semantic. Responden sebanyak lima kali jumlah indikator yaitu (5x12) = 60 orang. Analisis Data menggunakan GeSCA (Generalized Structure Component Analysis). Langkahlangkah menganalisis data dengan metode GeSCA menurut Solimun (2010)[3] dan Gozali (2008), sebagai berikut : Merancang Model Struktural (hubungan antar variabel laten) Merancang Model Pengukuran (refleksif atau formatif) Mengkonstruksi Diagram Jalur Konversi Diagram Jalur ke Sistem Persamaan Estimasi: Koef. Jalur, Loading dan Weight Evaluasi Goodness of Fit Pengujian Hipotesis (Resampling Bootstraping) Model ketahanan pangan terhadap peningkatan SDM yang tangguh di TNI AD Bataliyon Linta Udara 502/18/2 Kostrad Di Jabung Kabupaten Malangdalam merancang model strukturalnya didasarkan pada teori, hasil penelitian empirisdan adopsi, hubungan antar variabel pada bidang ilmu yanglain. Hasil penyusunan model nya seperti tampak pada gambar 1. Pada penelitian ini dalam merancang model pengukuran melalui konstruk dengan analisis komponen utama yaitu menganggap bahwa variabel latent dibentuk (formasi) dari sejumlah indikator. Dalam kasus penelitian ini dapat dikatakan 2 model pengukuran adalah reflektif dan satu model pengukuran adalah formatif. Variabel latent dalam penelitian ini adalah sumberdaya (X1), Ketahanan Pangan (Y1) dan SDM yang Tangguh (Y2). SDM yang tangguh terefleksi dalam indikator sehat, aktif dan produktif. SDM yang tangguh dipengaruhi oleh ketahanan pangan dan sumberdaya. Ketahanan pangan dibentuk oleh indikator ketersediaan, keterjangkauan dan pemanfaatan konsumsi pangan dan gizi. SDM yang tangguh terefleksi dari indikator sehat, aktif dan produktif. Ketahanan pangan dibentuk dari indikator ketersediaan, keterjangkauan, pemanfaatan konsumsi pangan dan gizi. Sumberdaya terefleksi dalam indikator lahan, air, SDM, teknologi, kelembagaan dan budaya. Masing-masing model pengukuran reflektif dan formatif dapat dilihat pada gambar dibawah ini Sehat Aktif SDM yang tangguh Lahan Air Gambar 2. Model Pengukuran Reflektif Variabel SDM Yang Tangguh Sehat SDM Tekno logi Sumber daya SDM yang tangguh Ketahanan Pangan Ketersediaan Keterjangkauan Aktif Produk tif Kelem baga an Budaya Produktif Pemanfaatan konsumsi pangan dan gizi angka uan (Y1.2) HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN 1. Distribusi Frekuensi Jawaban Responden Variabel distribusi frekuensi jawaban responden diantaranya adalah 1) variabel sumberdaya, 2) variabel ketahanan pangan, dan 3) variabel sumber daya yang tangguh. Pernyataan a. b. c. d. e. Lahan (X1) Air (X2) SDM (X.3) Teknologi (X.4) a. b. Kelembaga c. an d. (X.5) e. a. b. Budayac. (X.6) d. e. Sangat Setuju Setuju Netral Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju Total a. Sangat Setuju b. Setuju c. Netral d. Tidak Setuju e. Sangat Tidak Setuju Total a. Sangat Setuju b. Setuju c. Netral d. Tidak Setuju e. Sangat Tidak Setuju Total a. Sangat Setuju b. Setuju c. Netral d. Tidak Setuju e. Sangat Tidak Setuju Total Sangat Setuju Setuju Netral Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju Total Sangat Setuju Setuju Netral Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju Total Jumlah Present Orang ase (%) 8,3 13,8 30,7 51,1 6 10 10,3 17,3 4,7 7,8 60 19,5 36,5 2 2 0 100 32,5 60,9 3,3 3,3 0 60 6,3 18,3 14,7 19 1,7 100 10,5 30,5 24,5 31,7 2,8 60 18,5 31 8 3,5 0 100 30,8 50,1 13,3 5,8 0 60 18 34,5 4,5 3 0 60 22 31 6 1 0 60 100 30 57,5 7,5 5 0 100 36,7 51,7 10 1,8 0 100 Ketahanan Pangan (Y1) Item Keters ediaan (Y1.1) Keterj Pernyataan a. b. c. d. e. 2,4 0 4 0 60 9,3 44,4 5,3 1 0 100 15,5 74 8,8 1,7 0 60 100 SDM yang Tangguh Y2 Sumberdaya (X) Item Peman faatan (Y1.3) d. Tidak Setuju e. Sangat Tidak Setuju Total a. Sangat Setuju b. Setuju c. Netral d. Tidak Setuju e. Sangat Tidak Setuju Total Sangat Setuju Setuju Netral Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju Total a. Sangat Setuju b. Setuju c. Netral Jumlah Presentase Orang (%) 18 30 30,5 50,3 4,3 7,7 6,2 10,3 1 1,7 60 10,2 34,6 12,8 100 17 57,7 21,3 Item Sehat (Y2.1) Pernyataan a. b. c. d. e. Aktif (Y2.2) a. b. c. d. e. Produktif (Y2.3) a. b. c. d. e. Sangat Setuju Setuju Netral Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju Total Sangat Setuju Setuju Netral Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju Total Sangat Setuju Setuju Netral Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju Total Jumlah Presentase Orang (%) 15 25 34,3 57,2 6 10 4,7 7,8 0 0 60 10 45 2,5 1,5 1 100 16,7 75 4,1 2,5 1,7 60 9,5 41 9 0,5 0 100 15,8 68,3 15 0,9 0 60 100 2. Uji Validitas dan Reliabilitas Variabel Sumberdaya (X1) Hasil uji validitas dan Reliabilitas terhadap instrumen penelitian untuk Variabel Perilaku Pimpinan Hasil Uji Validitas dan Reliabilitas Variabel Sumberdaya (X1) Variabel: VariabelSumberdaya Validitas Reliabilitas Indikator Pearson Correlation Keteranga n X.1.1 0,525 Valid X.1.2 0,468 Valid X.1.3 0.464 Valid X.1.4 -0,003 Tidak Valid X.2.1 0,668 Valid X.2.2 0,589 Valid X.3.1 0,672 Valid X.3.2 0,476 Valid X.3.3 0,370 Valid X.4.1 0,656 Valid X.4.2 0,701 Valid X.5.1 0,725 Valid Alpha Cronbach 0,840 Keteranga n Reliabel X.5.2 0,448 Valid Y.1.2.1 0,772 Valid X.6.1 0,808 Valid Y1.2.2 0,703 Valid X.6.2 0,839 Valid Y1.2.3 0,563 Valid X.6.3 0,821 Valid Y1.2.4 0,521 Valid Y1.2.5 0,623 Valid Y1.3.1 0,779 Valid Y1.3.1 0,558 Valid 0,610 Valid Karena ada satu indikator yang tidak valid maka indikator X1.4 dibuang dan diuji lagi validitas dan reliabilitasnya, hasilnya tampak dalam Tabel dibawah ini: Hasil Uji Validitas dan Reliabilitas Variabel Sumberdaya (X) hasil revisi Variabel: VariabelSumberdaya Validitas Reliabilitas Indikator Pearson Correlation Keterangan X.1.1 0,492 Valid X.1.2 0,459 Valid X.1.3 0,475 Valid X.2.1 0,672 Valid X.2.2 0,617 Valid X.3.1 0,676 Valid X.3.2 0,531 Valid X.3.3 0,379 Valid X.4.1 0,650 Valid X.4.2 0,726 X.5.1 Alpha Cronbach Keterangan 0,876 Reliabel Y1.3.3 Berdasarkan tabel bahwa semua item indikator untuk variabel ketahanan pangan nilai Pearson Correlation lebih besar dari 0,3 semuanya. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan semua item indikator ketahanan instrumennya dapat digunakan mengukur apa yang seharusnya diukur. Dan nilai reliabilitas adalah nilai Alpha Cronbach nya sebesar 0,847 yang lebih besar dari 0,6. Artinya instrumen memberikan keajegan jawaban oleh responden. Hasil uji validitas dan reliabilitas variabel endogen SDM yang tangguh (Y2) dapat dilihat dalam Tabel berikut : Hasil Uji Validitas dan Reliabilitas VariabelSDM yang tangguh Variabel: Variabel Ketahanan pangan Validitas Reliabilitas Indikator Pearson Correlation Keterangan Valid Y2.1.1 0,551 Valid 0,714 Valid Y2.1.2 0,660 Valid X.5.2 0,505 Valid Y2.1.3 0,453 Valid X.6.1 0,781 Valid Y2.2.1 0,695 Valid 0,772 Valid X.6.2 0,825 Valid Y.1.2.1 X.6.3 0,802 Valid Y2.2.2 0,703 Valid Y2.3.1 0,563 Valid Y2.3.2 0,521 Valid Berdasarkan tabel dia atas bahwa semua item indikator untuk variabel sumberdaya nilai Pearson Correlation lebih besar dari 0,3 semuanya. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan semua item indikator sumberdaya instrumennya dapat digunakan mengukur apa yang seharusnya diukur. Dan nilai reliabilitas adalah nilai Alpha Cronbach nya sebesar 0,876 yang lebih besar dari 0,6. Artinya instrumen memberikan keajegan jawaban oleh responden. Hasil uji validitas dan reliabilitas variabel endogen ketahanan pangan (Y1) dapat dilihat dalam Tabel berikut : Hasil Uji Validitas dan Reliabilitas Variabel Ketahanan pangan Variabel: Variabel Ketahanan pangan Validitas Alpha Cronbach Keterangan 0,847 Reliabel Berdasarkan tabel bahwa semua item indikator untuk variabel SDM yang tangguh nilai Pearson Correlation lebih besar dari 0,3 semuanya. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan semua item indikator ketahanan pangan, instrumennya dapat digunakan mengukur apa yang seharusnya diukur. Dan nilai reliabilitas adalah nilai Alpha Cronbach nya sebesar 0,847 yang lebih besar dari 0,6. Artinya instrumen memberikan keajegan jawaban oleh responden. Pengembangan Diagram Jalur Reliabilitas Indikator Pearson Correlation Keterangan Alpha Cronbach Keterangan Y1.1.1 0,551 Valid 0,847 Reliabel Y1.1.2 0,660 Valid Y1.1.3 0,453 Valid Y1.1.4 0,695 Valid Pengembangan diagram jalur pada peneliti ini merupakan hasil output aplikasi GeSCA onlineyang berdasar pada model tructural dan model pengukuran penelitian yang diajukan. Pengembangan Diagram Jalur Pengembangan diagram jalur pada peneliti ini merupakan hasil output aplikasi GeSCA onlineyang berdasar pada model structural pengukuran penelitian yang diajukan. 1,8 model SDM yang tangguh Sumber daya 6,61 dan 2,08 * * Ketahanan Pangan Pengaruh Sumber Daya Terhadap Ketahanan Pangan Sumber daya memiliki hubungan positif dan signifikan terhadap ketahanan pangan karena nilai kritis yang diperoleh sebesar 6.61. Hal ini dikarenakan item indikator sumberdaya lahan, air, SDM, teknologi, kelembagaan dan budaya yang miliki oleh suatu wilayah semakin meningkat maka akan meningkat pula ketahanan pangan penduduk di suatu daerah tersebut dalam hal ini penduduk di wilayah kecamata Jabung Kabupaten Malang. Karena dengan tingginya sumberdaya yang dimiliki oleh wilayah Kecamatan Jabung Kabupaten Malang terkait dengan lahan, air, SDM, teknologi, kelembagaan dan budaya menyebabkan tingginya ketersediaan, keterjangkauan dan pemanfaatan konsumsi pangan dan gizi semakin tinggi pula. ketersediaan pangan, keterjangkauan untuk memperoleh pangan dan pemanfaatan konsumsi pangan dan gizi yang maksimal maka akan menyebbkan SDM-SDM yang ada di wilayah yang bersangkutan (anggota LINUD 502 Jabung Malang) akan menjadi tangguh Measurement Model Measurement model berfungsi sebagai spesifikasi hubungan antara variabel laten dengan indikatornya. Pada penelitian ini, terdapat model indikator variabel laten yang bersifat reflektif pada variabel endogen. Untuk variabel laten endogen dapat dilihat pada tabel Tabel Variabel Sumber Daya (X) Untuk variabel sumber daya terdapat enam indikator yang mendeskripsikan variabel sumber daya. Dilihat dari loading estimasi yang diperoleh, indikator (SD6) budaya paling dapat mendeskripsikan variabel sumber daya. Hal ini dikarenakan nilai loading faktor estimate paling besar dari pada indikator lainnya yaitu sebesar 0.796. Berdasarkan nilai titik kritis (CR) yang diperoleh, indikator (SD6) budaya mendeskripsikan variabel sumber daya secara nyata karena nilai yang diperoleh sebesar 11.74 signifikan pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Tabel Variabel Sumber Daya (X) Pengaruh Sumber Daya Terhadap Sumber Daya Manusia yang Tangguh Sumber daya memiliki hubungan positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap sumber daya manusia yang tangguh karena nilai kritis yang diperoleh sebesar 1.8. Hal ini dikarenakan jika hanya memiliki sumberdaya yaitu lahan, air, SDM, teknologi, kelembagaan dan budaya namun tidak dimanfaatkan secara maksimal maka akan mempengaruhi ketersediaa, keterjangkauan dan pemanfaatan konsumsi pangan dan gizi juga tidak maksimal yang akhirnya tidak menyebabkan SDM yang tangguh yaitu sehat, aktif dan produktif. Dengan demikian suatu wilayah jika mempunyai jumlah sumberdaya yang cukup diharuskan SDM nya memaksimalkan pemanfaatannya. Pengaruh Ketahanan Pangan TerhadapSumber Daya Manusia yang Tangguh Ketahanan memiliki hubungan positif dan signifikan terhadap sumber daya manusia yang tangguh karena nilai kritis yang diperoleh sebesar 2,08. Artinya semakin tinggi ketahanan pangan di suatu wilayah yang diilustrasikan melalui ketersediaan bahan pangan, keterjangkauan dalam memperoleh bahan pangan dan pemanfaatan konsumsi pangan dan gizi semakin tinggi maka semakin tinggi pula ketangguhan SDM di wilayah tersebut (dalam hal ini Kecamatan Jabung Kabupaten Malang). Hal ini dikarenakan item indikator ketahanan pangan yaitu Vari able Loading Estim ate SE Weight CR SD SD1 SD2 SD3 SD4 SD5 SD6 Esti mat e SE CR Esti ma te SE CR 0.2 83 0.5 37 0.3 56 0.6 12 0.5 78 0.6 34 0.1 23 0.1 17 0.1 00 0.0 90 0.1 02 0.1 05 2.3 AVE = 0.500, Alpha =0.792 0.1 0.13 0.532 4.2* 27 4 0.0 9.3 0.27 0.733 79 3* 3 0.0 6.5 0.21 0.596 92 1* 8 0.0 13. 0.21 0.782 59 31* 1 0.0 11. 0.32 0.760 68 18* 9 0.0 11. 0.23 0.796 68 74* 1 CR* = significant at .05 level Varia ble Loading Estim ate S E 0.04 7 0.05 6 0.03 6 0.03 8 0.03 5 0.05 5 2.8 4* 4.8 9* 6.1 1* 5.6 2* 9.4 4* 4.2 * Weight C R KP Estim ate SE * 4.5 9* 3.5 4* 6.8 1* 5.6 9* 6.0 2* SMC CR Estim ate S E C R 0 0 0 0 0 0 AVE = 0.000, Alpha =0.534 0.2 29 0.3 KP3 0 0 0 0.732 07 Tabel Variabel Ketahanan Pangan (Y1) KP1 SMC 0 0 0 0.460 2.0 1* 2.3 8* Untuk variabel ketahanan pangan, terdapat dua indikator yang mendeskripsikan variabel ketahanan pangan. Dilihat dari loading estimasi yang diperoleh, indikator (KP3) pemanfaatan paling dapat mendeskripsikan variabel ketahanan pangan. Hal ini dikarenakan nilai weight faktor estimate paling besar dari pada indikator lainnya yaitu sebesar 0.732. Berdasarkan nilai titik kritis (CR) yang diperoleh, indikator (KP3) pemanfaatan mendeskripsikan variabel ketahanan pangan secara nyata karena nilai yang diperoleh sebesar 2.38 signifikan pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Tabel Variabel SDM yang Tangguh (Y2) Vari Loading Weight SMC able Esti Esti Esti mat SE CR mat SE CR mat SE e e e SD M AVE = 0.638, Alpha =0.689 0. 0. 6. 0. SD 0.76 06 12. 0.40 06 59 0.58 08 M1 * 4 0 68* 1 1 3 7 0. 0. 5. 0. SD 0.75 08 8.7 0.35 06 14 0.56 12 M2 * 4 6 5* 4 9 9 2 0. 0. 0. SD 0.87 04 19. 0.48 05 8. 0.76 07 M3 2 5 55* 9 5 9* 0 6 CR* = significant at .05 level CR 6. 71 * 4. 67 * 9. 99 * Untuk variabel sumber daya manusia yang tangguh terdapat tiga indikator yang mendeskripsikan variabel sumber daya manusia yang tangguh. Dilihat dari loading estimasi yang diperoleh, indikator (SDM3) produktif paling dapat mendeskripsikan variabel sumber daya manusia yang tangguh. Hal ini dikarenakan nilai loading faktor estimate paling besar dari pada indikator lainnya yaitu sebesar 0.872. Berdasarkan nilai titik kritis (CR) yang diperoleh, indikator (SDM3) produktif mendeskripsikan variabel sumber daya manusia yang tangguh secara nyata karena nilai yang diperoleh sebesar 19.55 signifikan pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Struktural Model Berdasarkan hasil output GeSCA online nilai Path Coeffisien antar variabel laten dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut: Variabel Effect Direct Indirect Total Sumber Daya->Ketahanan Pangan 0.590 -0,504 0.086 Sumber Daya->SDM 0.280 -0,094 0.186 Ketahanan Pangan->SDM 0.444 -0,161 0.283 CR* = significant at .05 level Berdasarkan tabel di atas dapat diketahui bahwa hubungan variabel yang terbentuk adalah : Persamaan 1 : Sumber Daya = 0.590 Ketahanan Pangan + 0.280SDM Dari persamaan 1 dapat diinformasikan bahwa : a. Koefisien direct effect Ketahanan Pangan sebesar 0.590 menyatakan bahwa sumber daya dalam mempengaruhi ketahanan pangan adalah sebesar 59% dapat dikatakan berpengaruh positif dan secara langsung terhadap sumber daya. Hal ini berarti item indikator ketahanan pangan yaitu ketahanan pangan di suatu wilayah yang diilustrasikan melalui ketersediaan bahan pangan, keterjangkauan dalam memperoleh bahan pangan dan pemanfaatan konsumsi pangan dan gizi semakin tinggi maka semakin tinggi pula ketangguhan SDM di wilayah tersebut (dalam hal ini Kecamatan Jabung Kabupaten Malang) yaitu seht, aktif dan produktif. b. Koefisien direct effect SDM sebesar 0.280 menyatakan bahwa sumber daya dalam mempengaruhi sumber daya manusia adalah sebesar 28% dapat dikatakan berpengaruh positif dan secara langsung terhadap sumber daya. Hal ini berarti item indikator sumberdaya lahan, air, SDM, teknologi, kelembagaan dan budaya menentukan ketangguhan SDM suatu daerah tersebut dalam hal ini penduduk di wilayah kecamata Jabung Kabupaten Malang. Karena dengan tingginya sumberdaya yang dimiliki oleh wilayah Kecamatan Jabung Kabupaten Malang terkait dengan lahan, air, SDM, teknologi, kelembagaan dan budaya menyebabkan tingginya ketersediaan, keterjangkauan dan pemanfaatan konsumsi pangan dan gizi semakin tinggi pula yang pada gilrannya akan meningkatkan ketangguhan SDM Persamaan 2 : Ketahanan Pangan = 0.444 Sumber Daya Manusia Koefisien direct effect SDM sebesar 0.444 menyatakan bahwa ketahanan pangan dalam mempengaruhi ketangguhan sumber daya manusia adalah sebesar 44,4% dapat dikatakan berpengaruh positif dan secara langsung terhadap sumber daya. Hal ini berarti ketangguhan SDM suatu wilayah yaitu sehat, aktif dan produktif ditentukan oleh sumberdaya yang dimiliki oleh suatu wilayah yaitu lahan, air, SDM, teknologi, kelembagaan dan budaya namun syaratnya harus dimanfaatkan secara maksima agar ketersediaan bahan pangan banyak, keterjangkauan dalam memperoleh bahan pangan relatif dekat dan pemanfaatan konsumsi pangan dan gizi. Measures of Fit Measures of Fit Measurement Model Bilamana indikator bersifat refleksif, maka diperlukan evaluasi berupa kalibrasi instrument, yaitu dengan pemerikasaan validitas dan reabilitas. a. Corvergent Validity Menurut (Chin, 1998 dalam Ghozali, 2008)[4], convergent validity setiap indikator dalam mengukur variabel laten ditunjukkan oleh besar kecilnya loading factor. Suatu indikator dikatakan mempunyai convergent validity yang baik apabila loading bernilai lebih positif dari 0.70 dan signifikan. Untuk pengukuran Validitas, loading 0,5 sampai 0,6 dianggap cukup. Untuk convergent validity penelitian dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut. Variabel Indikator Loading Cut Factor Off Lahan 0.532 0.5 Air 0.733 0.5 Sumber SDM 0.596 0.5 Daya Teknologi 0.782 0.5 (X) Kelembagaan 0.760 0.5 Budaya 0.796 0.5 Ketahanan Ketersediaan 0.460 0.5 Pangan (Y1) Pemanfaatan 0.732 0.5 SDM yang Sehat 0.764 0.5 Tangguh Aktif 0.754 0.5 (Y2) Produktif 0.872 0.5 Sumber: Data Primer (output GSCA online), 2015 Keterangan Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Tidak Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Berdasarkan loading factor yang dihasilkan dapat diketahui bahwa indikator masing-masing variabel laten yaitu sumber daya (lahan, air, SDM, teknologi, kelembagaan, dan budaya), ketahanan pangan (pemanfaatan), dan sumber daya yang tangguh (sehat, aktif, produktif) memiliki loading factor yang lebih besar dari nilai cut off nya, sebesar 0,5. Dengan demikian indikator tersebut dapat dinyatakan valid sebagai pengukur variabel latennya, kecuali pada variabel ketahanan pangan pada indikator ketersediaan yang nilainya di bawah 0,5. Discriminant Validity Pengukuran discriminant validity dilakukan dengan cara membandingkan nilai akar kuadarat AVE (average variance extracted) setiap variabel dengan nilai korelasi antar konstruk. Jika nilai akar AVE lebih tinggi dari pada korelasi antar konstruk yang lain, maka dikatakan konstruk memiliki validitas yang baik (Solimun, 2010)[5]. Perhitungan Composite Reliability dan Average Variance dapat dilihat pada Lampiran Hasil discriminant validity dapat dilihat melalui ringkasan perhitungan dalam tabel berikut: Sumber Daya Sumber Daya Ketahanan Pangan 0.590 Sumber Daya Manusia 0.542 Ketahanan Pangan Sumber Daya Manusia 0.590 0.542 0.610 0.610 Sumber: Data Primer (output GSCA online), 2015 Hasil pada tabel diatas diketahui bahwa nilai dari akar AVE pada masing-masing konstruk lebih besarl daripada koefisien korelasi antar konstruk. Dengan demikian discriminant validity keseluruhan variabel dapat dikatakan konstruk memiliki validitas yang baik. Internal Cosistency Reability Pengukuran reliabilitas untuk GeSCA dilakukan menggunakan ukuran reliabilitas konstruk (Composite Reliability) ataupun jumlah varian keseluruhan dalam indikator yang dijelaskan oleh konstruk latent (Average Variance Extracted (AVE)) atau biasa disebut discriminant reliability. Menurut Nunnaly (1966) dalam Solimun (2010)[5] suatu konstruk dikatakan reliabel jika nilai Composite Reliability di atas 0,60. Nilai discriminant reliability lebih besar sama dengan 0,50 maka dapat dinyatakan kontruk GeSCA telah reliabel. Pada indikator formatif ukuran validitas dievaluasi berdasarkan pada substantive contentnya, yaitu dengan melihat signifikansi dari weight, jika signifikan (p < 0,05) berarti valid. Internal consistency reability dapat dilihat tabel berikut : Tabel Internal Cosistency Reability Variabel Composite Discriminant Reliability Reliability Sumber Daya 0.854 0.499 Ketahanan 0.532 0.374 Pangan Sumber Daya 0.840 0.637 Manusia Sumber: Data Primer (output GSCA online), 2015 Berdasarkan tabel di atas, dapat diketahui bahwa Composite Reliability variabel ketahanan pangan belum terpenuhi karena nilainya lebih kecil dari 0,60. Kemudian hasil analisis tersebut juga menghasilkan nilai discriminant reliability pada variabel sumber daya dan ketahanan pangan nilainya lebih kecil dari nilai cut off sebesar 0,50. Dengan demikian discriminant reliability variabel tersebut belum terpenuhi. Model Fit Berdasarkan output GSCA online didapat model fit seperti pada tabel berikut : Model Fit FIT 0.474 AFIT 0.455 NPAR 23 Sumber: Data Primer (output GSCA online), 2015 FIT = 0.474 FIT menunjukkan varian total dari semua variabel yang dapat dijelaskan oleh model tertentu. Nilai FIT berkisar dari 0 sampai 1. Jadi, model yang terbentuk dapat menjelaskan semua variabel yang ada sebesar 0,474. Sumber daya, ketahan pangan, dan sumber daya manusia yang tangguh adalah sebesar 47,4% dan - sisanya (52,6%) dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel yang lain. Berarti model cukup baik untuk menjelaskan fenomena yang dikaji. AFIT = 0.455 Adjusted dari FIT hampir sama dengan FIT. Namun, karena variabel yang mempengaruhi ketahanan pangan tidak hanya satu melainkan ada dua variabel sehingga akan lebih baik apabila interpretasi tentang ketepatan model menggunakan FIT yang sudah terkoreksi atau menggunakan AFIT. Karena semakin banyak variabel yang mempengaruhi maka nilai FIT akan semakin besar karena proporsi keragaman juga akan meningkat sehingga untuk menyesuaikan dengan variabel yang ada dapat menggunakan FIT yang sudah terkoreksi. Jika dilihat dari nilai AFIT, keragaman sumber daya, ketahanan pangan dan sumber daya manusia yang tangguh yang dapat dijelaskan oleh model adalah sebesar 45,5% dan sisanya (54,5%) dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel yang lain. - Measure of fit Structural model Goodness of Fit Model struktural diukur menggunakan FIT, yaitu setara dengan R square pada analisis regresi atau koefisien determinasi total pada analisis jalur. 1) FIT menunjukkan varian total dari semua variabel yang dapat dijelaskan oleh model struktural. Nilai FIT berkisar dari 0 sampai 1, semakin besar nilai ini, semakin besar proporsi varian variabel yang dapat dijelaskan oleh model. Jika nilai FIT = 1 berarti model secara sempurna dapat menjelaskan fenomena yang diselidiki. 2) AFIT (Adjusted FIT) serupa dengan R2 adjusted pada analisis regresi. AFIT dapat digunakan untuk perbandingan model. Model dengan AFIT nilai terbesar dapat dipilih antara model yang lebih baik(Solimun,2010)[5]. Pengujian Hipotesis Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan metode resampling bootstrap. Statistik uji yang digunakan adalah statistik t (statistik diperoleh dengan membagi loading factor dengan standar errornya), dengan hipotesis statistik, dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut Variabel Effect Estimate S.E t.Statistk Sumber Daya > Ketahanan 0.590 0.089 6.61 Pangan Sumber Daya> Sumber Daya 0.279 0.155 1.8 Manusia Ketahanan Pangan > Sumber 0.445 0.214 2.08 Daya Manusia Sumber: Data Primer (output GSCA online), 2015 t.Tabel 1,67 1,67 1,67 Hipotesis 1 yaitu : Pengaruh sumber daya terhadap ketahanan pangan. Pada hasil pengujian yang tertera pada tabel di atas dapat diketahui bahwa nilai t statistik antara sumber daya terhadap ketahanan pangnadalah 6.61 dengan tingkat signifikasi 0,05. (T.statistik 6.61>1,67 T.tabel). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa sumber dayaberpengaruh signifkanterhadap ketahanan pa Hipotesis 2 yaitu : Pengaruh sumber daya terhadap sumber daya manusia yang tangguh. Pada hasil pengujian yang tertera pada tabel di atas dapat diketahui bahwa nilai t statistik antara sumber daya terhadap sumber daya manusia yang tangguhadalah 1.8 dengan tingkat signifikasi 0,05. (T.statistik 1.8>1,67 T.tabel). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa sumber dayaberpengaruh signifkanterhadap sumber daya manusia yang tangguh. Hipotesis 3 yaitu : Pengaruh ketahanan pangan terhadap sumber daya manusia yang tangguh. Pada hasil pengujian yang tertera pada tabel di atas dapat diketahui bahwa nilai t statistik antara ketahanan pangan terhadap sumber daya manusia yang tangguhadalah 2.08 dengan tingkat signifikasi 0,05. (T.statistik 2.08>1,67 T.tabel). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ketahanan panganberpengaruh signifkanterhadap sumber daya manusia yang tangguh. KESIMPULAN Kesimpuan dari penelitian ini adalah 1. Semua indikator dari sumberdaya (lahan, air, SDM, teknologi, kelembagaan, budaya) dan ketahanan pangan (ketersediaan, keterjangkauan, pemanfaatan konsumsi pangan dan gizi) dan SDM yang tangguh (sehat, aktif dan produktif) adalah valid dan reliabel artinya instrumen penelitian yaitu kuesioner dapat digunakan untuk mengukur apa yang seharusnya diukur dan keajegan jawaban responden adalah dapat dipertanggungjawabkan 2. Hubungan antara sumberdaya dan ketahanan pangan adalah positif signifikan 3. Hubungan antara ketahanan pangan dan SDM yang tngguh adalah positif signifikan 4. Hubungan antara sumberdaya dan SDM yang tangguh adalah positf tetapi tidak signifikan. Hal ini menunjukkan kepemilikn sumberdaya agar berpengaruh terhadap ketangguhan SDM maka harus dimaksimalkan pemanfaatan sumberdaya yang ada 5. Dengan demikian variabel ketahanan pangan merupakan variabel moderating antara sumberdaya dan ketangguhan SDM DAFTAR PUSTAKA [1]. Hikam. 2014. Memperkuat Ketahanan Pangan Demi Masa Depan Indonesia 2015-2025. Badan Intelijen Negara (BIN). Jakarta [2]. Suhady and Sinaga, 2006 [3]. Solimun, 2013. Diklat Penguatan Metodologi Penelitian. Program Studi Statstika Fakultas MIPA. Universitas Brawijaya. Malang [4] Chin, 1998 dalam Ghozali, 2008 [5] Solimun, 2010. Diklat Penguatan Metodologi Penelitian. Program Studi Statstika Fakultas MIPA. Universitas Brawijaya. Malang