All Souls Church
All Souls Church
A ll S ou ls Sundays at 11:15 a.m. Summer Worship Series in Reidy Friendship Hall From the Minister of Music Dear Friends, I am overwhelmed by the very touching remarks regarding my work at All Souls as your Minister of Music for 38 years. The hundreds of notes, cards, letters, emails and personal conversations with so many of you make it impossible for me to thank each of you personally. And, I am humbled and grateful for the incredible parties, dinners, tributes and gifts these past 17 months. I also wish to express my gratitude for the artistic environment created for me by the three senior ministers during my tenure - Walter Kring, Forrest Church and, of course, Galen Guengerich. The confidence in my work by the ministers and the members of this great congregation has allowed me to build 2 choirs, our highly acclaimed Music Viva choral/orchestral concert series, exciting Easter and Christmas Eve services, recitals on our marvelous Holtkamp organ, and special music services on particular Sunday mornings. The range of music opportunities has been extraordinary. From the loft, the front of the sanctuary, and even “surround sound” placements our choirs have sung music of the great historic choral traditions, and exquisite arrangements of folk songs, African/American spirituals, Revivalist tunes, and Shaker music. (see page 3 for details) July 6 Lissa Anne Gundlach July 13 Lissa Anne Gundlach July 20 Pamela Patton July 27 The Hub August 3 Blanca Rodriguez August 10 Lissa Anne Gundlach August 17 Lissa Anne Gundlach August 24 David McClean August 31 Daniel Gregoire My thanks and love to to all of you - the congregation, the ministers, the staff and choirs of All Souls. What a marvelous 38 years it has been! These meditations are a daily spiritual practice to help spark our moral imagination and set our moral compass as individuals (Emerson called it “provocative reading”). It can also help establish a common spiritual conversation that will further unite us as a community of faith. Sign up at www. to receive these meditations by email. With love and gratitude, Walter Klauss Minister of Music S u m m e r Stay Connected This Summer Sign Up To Receive A Common Meditation for All Souls 2 0 1 4 B u l l e t i n A l l S o u l s Board of Trustees From the Executive Director E ach July, after the church year ends and the fiscal year comes to a close, it can mean time for some relaxing sunny days. For some of us at All Souls it also means something else… it is time to be audited by the external firm that the Auditing Committee engages. Dear Friends, At our June 8 finance dialogue, the congregation affirmed through a show of hands our 2014-15 preliminary budget of $2.85 million which the board approved in May. Some key highlights are: • For the third consecutive year, we are projecting to raise $1.35 million through our church stewardship efforts. • Borrowings for capital expenditures are projected to be $0.39 million, which will increase the total outstanding loan from our endowment to a hefty $0.87 million. • We will be increasing our UUA fair share contribution by 25%. To undergo our audit, we must ensure our financial and personnel records are accurate; our finances are in good order; and that we are maintaining appropriate fiscal controls. The auditing firm provides us with an exhaustive list of documentation we must make available, sets up shop in our offices for at least a week to randomly review our files, and interviews essential staff. While the process is time-consuming and in some senses invasive, undergoing an external audit is an important component to ensuring that we as a church are being proper stewards of the congregation’s assets. The board would like to thank our fellow Finance Committee members for all their dedication and hard work: Eric Lamm, Chair; Marilyn Collins; Paige Daly; Heidi DuBois; Ricardo Mestres; Melanie Niemiec; Larry Reina; Olumide Wilkey; Elizabeth Wahab as Treasurer; Galen Guengerich as Senior Minister; and Susan Lambiase as Executive Director. Summer is also the time that church staff takes stock of the needs of our physical space to freshen up and make repairs as needed. For those of you who are away in summer, you may or may not notice the difference in All Souls when you return in September, but rest assured that staff is taking care of business to ensure your return is as welcoming as possible. You will be hearing more soon from the Stewardship Steering Committee about making - and, if possible, increasing - your upcoming pledge to All Souls, as we hope to exceed our $1.35 million fundraising goal this coming year. Additionally, the board is in the initial stages of planning a capital campaign that is essential to repay the $0.87 million loan from our endowment, to undertake necessary improvements to our building, and to ensure All Souls remains financially healthy. So fundraising will be a frequent topic in the year ahead! Your generosity is truly appreciated. We all share the responsibility of ensuring our home is in good financial shape. I would like to take a moment to publicly thank all our staff, who day in and day out to make All Souls run well and who do all they can to quietly and professionally meet the many and varied needs of our congregation. We have an amazing and dedicated team and I am grateful every day for everyone’s significant contributions. Have you thanked a staff member recently? At the monthly board meeting in June, the board reviewed two new policies required by New York State: a Whistleblower Policy and a Conflict of Interest Policy. The final versions of the policies will be available soon in the Member Materials section of All Souls’ website. Wishing you many relaxing sunny days! Peace, The board would like to give special thanks to Winifred Olsen, Board Secretary, and Erika Mikkelsen Halford, Assistant Board Secretary. Their volunteer service plays a crucial role in the board’s work. The minutes of board meetings they produce are available in the Member Materials section of the website and are posted monthly in Reidy Friendship Hall. Susan Lambiase Executive Director Our next board meeting is Tuesday, July 8th, at 7 p.m. with discussion continuing on the board’s governance and oversight roles. Everyone is invited to attend! Have a splendid summer! Victor Fidel President of the Board of Trustees S u m m e r 2 September Bulletin Deadline: August 20 Please send submissions to [email protected]. 2 0 1 4 B u l l e t i n A l l S o u l s 3 WORSHIP AND MUSIC Join us for Summer Worship Series at All Souls Sundays at 11:15 am in Reidy Friendship Hall From June 22nd through Labor Day, join us for our Summer Worship Series, featuring uplifting messages and music led by our dynamic team of All Souls ministers, staff, guests and Lay Worship Associates. Come for the moving messages and the uplifting music from our Musica Viva choir soloists. See you in church this summer! For questions about summer worship, please email Rev. Lissa Anne Gundlach at [email protected] or call 212-535-5530 July 20: Stand Still w/ Pamela Patton, 2013-14 student minister “Stand Still.” The phrase evokes many possible meanings. We stand still perhaps because we hope to go unnoticed. Or because we hope to stop time. On the other hand, we may stand still because we hope to find peace by fully embracing the present. My sermon will relate the interpretations of standing still to the fears that can inhibit our spirituality. I will include a guided meditation to illustrate the power of being present. July 27: The Hub: (My) Sacred Space with the Hub Team The Hub hopes to create a place for deeper spiritual and social connections through music, storytelling and conversation. Join the Hub team for a Sundaymorning installment of this monthly lay-led worship series, exploring the experience of sacred space in our lives. Send an email to [email protected] to receive monthly invitations. Read biographies of our summer worship leaders and guest musicians at S u m m e r 2 0 1 4 August 3: Toward a Theology of Migration Rights: Incarnational Siding With the Strangers In Our Midst with Blanca Rodriguez In this sermon I will explore how we stand with the undocumented migrant as countercultural witnesses to such harmful dominant ideologies as that of cultural superiority, racism, and law and order. I will examine a global neoliberal capitalism that elevates above all the right of the free flow across borders of cheaply made products at maximum profit for corporate entities and yet denies the basic human right to migrate in order to fulfill the duty to feed one’s family and survive with basic security, self-worth and dignity. August 24: Why We Need a “Theialogy” of Magnanimity, Now with David McClean Many Unitarian Universalists seem stuck in some decades-old debates concerning “big picture” matters. Even when unspoken, the debates remain in the backs of our minds. This has, to some degree, hampered our growth, has truncated discourse, and has contributed to corrosive tensions among Unitarian Universalists themselves. There is a way out, and it is rooted in the best thinking in ethics and the religious traditions that inform our movement. The answer is not settling the debates in favor of one side or the other, but rather it entails transcending those debates. This can be done by adopting a Theology of Magnanimity, by moving beyond binary thinking (GodNo God; Naturalism-Transcendence; Progress-Tradition; Inwardness-Action, etc.), and by moving beyond the notion that our efforts are best expressed by the appellation “liberal religion.” August 31: “Choosing the Impossible” A personal reflection on Gratitude in the midst of life’s challenges and opportunities with Daniel Gregoire I will be marking a very important birthday in the coming days and I want to share with you the insights gleaned from navigating difficult anniversaries. We have all had experiences that challenge us and the approach we choose makes all the difference. B u l l e t i n A l l S o u l s Summer Music Dear Friends, Adult Education Thursdays, July 10, 17 and 24 in the Forrest Church Gallery at 7:30 p.m. All Souls: In the Beginning... with Mary-Ella Holst I am honored to be serving as the Interim Music Director for All Souls. We have an exciting year ahead and I look forward to a dialogue with the congregation as we continue the wonderful musical legacy of Walter Klauss who has inspired us all on so many levels. As the 2019 200th Bicentennial of this congregation approaches we will look at New York City in the early 19th century, the issues of the day, and three of our earliest members, all of whom would become important literary figures. If you have ever wondered about the experience of singing in a choir at All Souls, I invite you to join us on August 3rd for a Community Choir Sunday. No prior experience is necessary, and everyone is welcome to the 10am rehearsal that morning when we will work on an anthem for the 11:15 service. After the service we’ll meet to discuss plans for the coming year. We have a full slate of vocal soloists and pianists for our summer services, and being downstairs in Reidy Friendship Hall gives us a chance to interact with congregants and present varied repertoire. You’ll be hearing much more about our plans, but as always the All Souls choir will return in September for Sunday worship services. Musica Viva will present a full season of concerts: three choral concerts from the perspective of Women of Note, and an organ recital by Wally Klauss. The Children’s and Youth Choir will continue to grow under the direction of Alden Gatt, and we’ll again have special services with instruments for Christmas Eve and Easter. July 10: Rev. William Ware: first minister of the congregation, who moved on to become a popular novelist. July 17: Catherine Maria Sedgwick: acknowledged as the first woman to become a leading novelist of her generation. July 24: William Cullen Bryant, earliest American to be recognized as an historically important poet as well as publisher of the influential New York Post for 40 years. Mary-Ella Holst is Director of Religious Education emerita at All Souls, as well as a poet and historical scholar. A frequent contributor to the Adult Education program, she has conducted series the previous four summers; exploring the writings of Virginia Woolf and Elizabeth Gaskell, and the Unitarian Universalist roles in responding to the Holocaust and leading the women’s rights movement. A founder of the All Souls Historical Society, she is the author of a biography of Walter Klauss, written in honor of his 25th anniversary as Minister of Music (available at the All Souls book table during Sunday coffee hour), and of a volume of poetry, Beyond Dreams of Rescue. Wally is leaving big shoes to fill, but luckily there will be a multitude of us standing together in those shoes! I am grateful to the choir members who are a most wonderful family, the clergy and staff including Music Department Administrator Julie Brannan, and especially the congregation of this amazing church. Thank you, Misa Iwama Interim Music Director Visit All Souls on the web at S u m m e r 4 2 0 1 4 B u l l e t i n A l l S o u l s Stewardship A t the time of this writing, we don’t know the final stewardship numbers, but my fingers are crossed that we’ll reach our $1,350,000 goal. Although I can’t speak yet to how we did financially, I can speak to how well we did coming together as a community on our fundraising. As of June 23rd, 839 individuals and families participated in this effort. We did great! Here’s why: • A New Comfort Level. As a congregation, we’re talking more about money. We’re also talking more about why we love All Souls and why we give. We’re appreciating our personal ownership of this church and developing a culture of generosity in response. • Fabulous Volunteers. During the fall 2013 and spring 2014 about 60 volunteers reached out to members and friends of the congregation asking them for a contribution. Volunteers were touched by your stories of what All Souls means to you and your generous responses. • A Matching Gift Challenge. Anonymous donors created a fundraising challenge that pulled us together to reach a common goal. First-time givers joined existing donors – many of whom gave again – to enthusiastically rise to the challenge and earn the full $100,000 grant by the end of May. And it was fun! • Staff Work to Reach out to Members. There was a concerted effort to reach out to members in our database who have not contributed recently to confirm their All Souls status. We got many responses to our request for updated information. In addition, tailored stewardship emails were sent to special segments of our All Souls community. Through all of these efforts we have demonstrated how much we can accomplish as a loving, nurturing All Souls community. Our 2014-15 stewardship campaign begins soon. We hope to exceed our $1,350,000 fundraising goal next year with your help. Have a very happy summer, and thanks to each of you for what you bring to All Souls. Marilyn Collins, Stewardship Chair, Stewardship Steering Committee S u m m e r 5 Gifts were given this year in memory of Cecelia Eisenberg by Joan Eisenberg Dorothea Hazard by Carolyn Warner Linda Lake by her son, Christopher Lake Winifred & David Mackil by Alina Larson Betsy Means by David and Jana Strauss Kleiser Jodi McQueen by her husband, Angus McQueen Hector Phelps, Jr. by Marilynn Scott Murphy David Pomrinse by his wife, Kay Pomrinse Francener Johnson Sanders by Lynne Murphy-Rivera Eugene Staples by Judith Staples C. Garrick Utley by his wife, Gertje Utley Eleanore and John Zeltin by their son, John Zeltin in bequest by Louis W. Bowen Jane S. Hart Gifford Phillips Eleanor S. Wallstein Lynn Darsh Marybeth Bass Lareau Marion J. Stano and in honor of David Beckett by Donna Drewes Adelaide Joyce Benadaret by Malou Babilonia William George Berna by Benjamin Berna Catherine Eaks by Leah Wilson Galen Guengerich by Patricia Main; Charlotte Porter; Kathy Szaj; Joan Rollins Tropp; and Antoinette LaBelle Guillermo Gutierrez by his mother, Suzie Syta Gutierrez Dave & Priscilla Holbrook by Jack Koch Marion C. Kehoe by Jane Kehoe Higgins The Kimble Family by Elizabeth Fey Walter Klauss by Katherine Redd; by Alice Jackson Claire Rousseau by her daughter, Linda Rousseau Peter Oppenheimer by his father, Michael Oppenheimer Richard A. Stuart by Preston Stuart All Souls Board Trustees by Victor Fidel Friday Soup by Judith A. Whitbeck Sundown by Judith McCathern Young Adults by Caroline Erickson, William Bailey, and Kelly Schaffer and in thanks for hosting the youth of the UU-UNO Spring Seminar by Nicole Tiedeman We also thank and acknowledge the volunteers caring for our grounds and buildings: C. William Bechman for his care of the AIDS Memorial Garden Alfred & Deborah Buresh Jackson for their care of the front garden Alice Jackson for her maintenance of the sanctuary pews Chris Lockwood for the flower arrangements at the back of the sanctuary Monday Night Hospitality & George Collins for the new stove in the kitchen 2 0 1 4 B u l l e t i n A l l S o u l s 6 All Souls’ Fiscal Year 2013-14 Stewards All Souls expresses our sincere gratitude to our members and friends who contributed to the financial well-being of the church this year.* *(as of June 15, 2014) Andrew Abrams Nancy and Anthony Accetta Susan Ackerman Margot Adler Sylvia and Edward Agostini Sarah Ahearn Liliane Akyali Sabrina Alano Phyllis Albritton Robert & Amanda M. Allan Lorraine Allen Mariette Pathy Allen Mark Allen Jane Michel Alwais Elisabeth Ames Damon Anderson Paul Annacone Anonymous Andrea Arevalo Heidi Armbruster Jennifer Arnold John and Mary Arnold Khalilah Fatima Arrington Holly Atkinson & Galen Guengerich Nina Augello & Steven Miller Beverly Awbrey Malou Babilonia Nancy Bacher & Dewitte Kersh James Backmon Martha and Robert Badger William and Jill Bailey David Baker & Lois Gaeta Mila and Clarence Baker Maria Baldo Townsend and Amanda Baldwin Mia Banner Thurstan Bannister Maureen Barrera W. Scott Bartlett Arlene Bartlow Theresa Bartol Brad Bateman Janice Bayer C. William Bechman Linda and Jeremy Beck Melinda and Peter Beck Eugene Becker & Mary Ellen Bowles Linda Becker Christina Bellamy M. Lou Benard Marianne Benjamin Alan H. Bennett Christine Berger Benjamin and Jamie Berna Daniel and Barbara Beshers Ellen Biancaniello Cynthia Bianchi & Bill Wenkert Irene Bick & Ted Kister Kevin Billet Christina Black Evalyn Bladstrom Walter C. Bladstrom Emily Blake Peggy and David Block Thomas & Heli R.F. Blum Holly Bodman Renee Boicourt Valerie Bonanno Robin Bossert Michelle Boston Miriam and Michael Boublik Stacey Bowen Lisa Bowers John Bowman & Sandra Robishaw Sara Bracken Anne S. Bradley Matt Brandenburgh Catherine and Robert Brawer Laura Breslaw & David Kochanowsky Anne Brewer Louise and Mark Brockett Lois Broderick Teresa Brooks Nora Brossard Anthony Brown & Dallas Miller Deborah Brown Joan C. Brown Stillman Brown & Meg Raftis Thomas Brown Valerie Brown Willard Brown Kathy and Dean Bryan Kristine Bryan Jennie Bucove & Timothy Bartley Patrick Burke Jack Burkhalter & Larry Chanen Brigitte Buss James Buttenwieser Kim Calder Barbara and Robert Callahan Serena Canin Natalia and Robert Carin Robert & Jennifer Rogers Carlock Eleanor Carothers Julie and John Casesa Kathryn & Gideon Cashman Peter Casperson Tim Castle Joanne Ceraso & Jon Steinlauf Jane Chang & Jeffrey Kvaal Judy Chang Anna Chapin Miles Chapin Wid Chapman Ravi Chawla Shu-Wie Chen Arlene Cherry Annie R. Childs Judith Cholst Andrea Christensen Sandra & Thomas Christie Ismael & Carol Ciancutti-Leyva Jean Clarkson & Jonathan Stutz Patricia Clary & Bernard Condon Michael Clifford & Robert Levy Sylvia and Leslie Cline Jerry & Sylvie Gillard Cohen Diana and Kenneth Cohn Regina and Derek Cohn Lois Coleman Neil and Jean Coleman Marilyn and George Collins Jane Colvin John Travis Compton James Cone Catherine Corkill Rosina Cotruzzola S u m m e r Elinor Cotts Ruth and Jonathan Cox Tom Creacy Todd Crider Lynn Crimando Diane Crothers Allison and Bill Cryer Dixie Goss & Dan Cryer Merrill Csuri Meral Cultu Helen Cunningham Lucie E. Curtiss Barbara Cutney Karen Dahle Rick and Elizabeth Daly-Torres Joan Daniels Maria Danzilo & Richard Lehv James Darby Sheila Darnborough Valorie Dawson Andre and Judith de Zanger Barbara Deakin Anne and Donald Dean Stephen & Paige Daly DeBlasi Nancy Deering Dennis DeForge & Chris Galas Olga DeGouttes David and Rebecca DeLaet Marie deLucia & Lee Solot Cynthia deLuise & Klaus Lessnau Alex Demac Amanda Devereux John Devol Lorena and Raymond Diaz Anastasia and Michael Didier Donna and Greg DiFelice Christine Dillon Paul DiMauro Sheila Dines Sandra and Rodger DiPasca Cornelia Do Lotus Do Winifred Donoghue & Milo Chan George Dorsey Robert Dottin Patricia Dougherty Sarah Dowson Anne E. Draper Robert Drescher Eleanor H. Drew Donna Drewes Heidi and Nicholas DuBois Mary Dugan Karen L Duncan Stacy and Jonathan Duquette Linda Eisen Joan Iris Eisenberg Stuart & Marilyn Hoffman Eisenkraft Sandra Ekberg Avis Ellis Desiree Elsevier Carol Emmerling John Ennis Caroline Erickson Melike and Yavuz Erkan David Erlanger & Jean Witter Jeffrey Escobar & Elizabeth Erickson Gary Essig & Denise Nassisi Mark Ewert 2 0 1 4 Randy Ezratty & JoAnn Corkran Mary Ellen Fahs Carol Farbar Nelson Farber Hanne Favelukes Brian Fechtel Margot Feely Amy Feezor Roger Feffer & Nick Abrams Brent Feigenbaum Jerald Fessenden Elizabeth Fey Heather Floyd & Victor Fidel Sandra Lotz Fisher Jessica and Winston Fisher Laurel Fitts Bernard FitzGerald, Jr. Thomas FitzGerald Bill & Tracy Fitzpatrick Dean & Alice B Fjelstul Joan Flesch Linda and Peter Floyd Sahm Forbes Nancy and Richard Ford Susan and Allan Forsyth Malinda Foy Larry and Frederica Frager Emily Jayne Frail Lillian Framulare Douglas Warner Frank Nancy Frank Linda and Paul Frank Rita Frank Laura Fratt & Michael Isby David Freiman & Ann Beirne Sarasue French Marjory and Jeffrey Friedlander Christine Jowers & Rob Friedman Carmen Cook & Peter Fusaro Dominic Gadoury & Jeffery Patterson Barbara Gallay Michael Galvin Marie Gangi Laurel Colvin & Fred Garcia Anne Garonzik Mary Geissman Lisa Gennetian & Ramsey Shehadeh Paula Gerden Jan Gero John Gibbons Nancy Gilbert & Richard Wines Susan and Andrew Gilbert Jonathan Giles Clarisse Gillcrist Elena Gillcrist Rae and Robert Gilson Evelynn Gioiella Kristina M. Gitterman Melissa Givey & Nathan Thompson Kristin Glass & Banks Pappas Samuel Gloyd Donald and Georgia Gogel Geddes & Ellen Correia Golay Robin and Stuart Goldblatt Robert Goldblum & Alynne Wesson Suzanne Goldhirsch Yvette Gonick Priscilla Gonzalez-Alicea Heather Goodell B u l l e t i n A l l S o u l s 7 All Souls’ Fiscal Year 2013-14 Stewards All Souls expresses our sincere gratitude to our members and friends who contributed to the financial well-being of the church this year.* *(as of June 15, 2014) Christine Goodwin Hugh Gordon Erin and Jennifer Gore Lorraine Gracey Kaaren Gray Lowell and Max Green Peter and Carin Zakes-Green Mary Gundermann Suzie Syta Gutierrez Eric Haas Mary Haggerty Michael & Erika Mikkelsen Halford Karis Hall Aaron & Sarah Hamburger Thomas Hamill Linda Hamilton Steven A. Hammond Leah Hanlon Kumiko and Sean Harley Gloria Harper Kelly and Franklin Harris Susan C. Harris Judith Harrison & Brian Jarvis Edward Harsh & Margaret Kampmeier Ann and Peter Harsham Amy Hart Mallory Dorn Hart Jack Hartog Iris & Crawford T. Harvie Marion and John Harwick Elizabeth A. Hauck Mary and Peter Havholm Vilia Hayes Pamela L. Healey Susan Heath Alice Heminway & Erik Resurreccion Cherie Henderson & David Poppe Vanessa Henderson Herbert Henryson Laura Hepler & Trent Tappe Jonina Herter & Norman Gay Lorraine Hiatt Kevin & Jane Kehoe Higgins Susan Hoehn Gloria and Richard Honeck Arthur Hopkirk Marcia Horenstein Benjamin Horst Barbara and Everold Hosein Phoebe Hoss Ann Hossler Kim Howie Amy Hughes Hollis Huston Elizabeth Hutchinson Mary Anne Hyde Aaron and Christina Isaksen Kathy Ishizuka & Tom Drysdale Dana Ivey Deborah and Alfred Jackson Alice Jackson Carolyn Jackson & Michael Haviken Estrella Jacobowitz Gunleif Jacobsen Nancy Jacobson Nancy Jaicks Laurie Jakobsen & Mac Randall Odette Janavel Michele Jawin Marlene Jeenel Christie Jeffers Esther & Jorgen Jensen Jamie and Paul Jensen Linda Jensen Virginia Joffe Vi and Bob Johnson Bonnie Johnson James Johnson Kerry Johnson Laura Johnson Janice Johnston Dawn and Carson Jones Cynthia and Robert Jones Beryl Jones-Woodin Katherine and Frederick Joseph Jeffrey & Sayuri Kaczynski Harold and Beverlee Kaminetzky Steve Kaminski Patricia and David Katz Theresa and Peter Kaufman Darcy Kay Rita Kay Mary Keane Timothy Kelley Joseph Kelly, Jr. Laird Kelly & Susan Lawrence Lisa and Seamus Kennedy Alice Kenner Janice Keuhnelian Ali Keyhani Virginia Kindred & Markus Kraebber Heather King Janet and Jeffrey Kinstler Justine Kirby Lynne Kirby & Neil Sieling Derek and Lisa Kirkland Richard & Carol Kirkman Berman Jana and David Kleiser Douglas and Mary Jane Knight Bruce Knotts & Isaac Humphrie Jack H Koch Steven and Melinda Koenig Orin Kotula Christie Noelle Krase Elana and Steven Krieger Ruth Kunin Elaine and Lee Kurman Yangnim and Larry Kurz Patricia Kusnick Cory Labanow Antoinette LaBelle Theresa & Stephanie Spahr LaFroscia Christopher Lake Beth Lambert Susan Lambiase Eric Lamm & Marye Elmlinger Patricia Landry & Greg Cram Mary Ann Lang Erin Langus Linda Larkin Alina Larson & Thomas Kraemer Stephen Lash Ariana French & Paul Lawrence Will & Stacey Lawrence Lee Rachel and Mackie LeFevre-Snee April Leithleiter Anca and Jeffrey Lemler Richard Leonard S u m m e r Alex Lesman & Laurel Edmundson William Lesman James and Louise Lessersohn Jane Levenson Deborah and Peter Lewine Shu Chin Li Mark Lichty John and Millie Santiago-Liebmann John Lieff Sarah Lincoln-Harrison Jessica and Michael Linderman Scott Lippstreu & Jessica Golden Susan Littlefield Chris Lockwood & John Boone Steven Loeshelle & Geri Rosenberger Heather Lindstrom & Kevin Logan Margaret Logan & Charles Coulter Susan Logan & Noel Para Karim Lopez-Maekawa Elena and Edward Lord Kathy Mulligan Lord Gregory and Caroline Lorenz Jean and Jim Lotz Christina Louis Ruth and William Lubic MaryAnn Ludwig Neora Luria Joanne Lyman Virginia Lyon Robert and Cassandra Lyster Margaret MacCary Carol D. Mackay Charles Mackenzie Gretchen Mackenzie Pat and Michael Magdol Patricia Main Leila Maldonado Laura Manos-Hey Michael & Aimee Mareneck Hannah and Donald Marks Carol Marquardt Edward and Hadley Marshall Sarah Marshall & Phil Triolo Corey Martin & Rocco Forgione Carlos Martinez Anne and Kresimir Marusic Maureen D. Marwick Tiha Masciulli Christine Mastro & Frank Gallipoli Maura & David May Suzanne May Angie McAllister & Austin Dacey Carolyn and Stephen McCandless Jerry McCathern Judith McCathern Janet and Morgan McClaran David and Renee McClean James & Stephania McClennen James and Pamela Greene-McClune Elizabeth McCollum Nick and Devon McConnell Ellen McDonald Lila McFarlin Tom McGanney & Millie Kalik Courtney McKee Timothy McKenna & Andrea Kassar Kevin and Barbara McLaughlin Tara McNamara Patricia McNaught Angus McQueen 2 0 1 4 Sandra and Richard Meade Marilyn Mehr Northon Melo Ricardo and Ann Mestres Steve Michelman John Miles Joanna Miller de Zwart Lamar & Deborah Fox Miller Elizabeth Miller & Alan Melting Madeline Miller Nedia Miller Sarah Mills Amy Kim & Chris Min Matthew and Maren Mitchell Benjamin Mojica Dana Monagan Richard and Jennifer Mone Marcella Montaruli Annie Montgomery Margaret Montgomery Christopher Moore Peter and Caroline Moore Frank Morgan II Patricia Morrill & Edward Riegelhaupt Leonora Morrison Christopher Morse James Moskin Linda Moskin Mitzi Moulds Isabel Mountbatten Hiltrud Mueller Jennifer Mueller & Laurence Berg David Munroe & Christine Mervart Brenda Murphy Marilynn Scott Murphy Victor and Lynne Murphy-Rivera Adrianne Navon Betty and Dan Newcomb Edward Newill Max and Rachel Nichols Nancy & George W. Niedt Melanie and David Niemiec Patrick Nolan Jan Nolte Harold Norris II Jeanne North Nancy Northup & James Johnson Tourie & Ardavan Nozari Daniel and Patrice O’Neill Anne and Gerard O’Beirne Barbara O’Connor Christopher Olsen & Kim Howie Kim and Olav Olsen Susan and Robert Olsen Winifred Olsen Marianne Olton David & Amy Koch Oman Stephanie N. O’Neill Michael Oppenheimer & Donna Tuths Jean Orapchuck Stanton Orser & Therese Joseph Neil Osborne Robert Ouimette Florence Padgett Patricia and James Palecek Maria Pannullo & Scott Brown Gilbert Parker Mark Pasmantier B u l l e t i n A l l S o u l s 8 All Souls’ Fiscal Year 2013-14 Stewards All Souls expresses our sincere gratitude to our members and friends who contributed to the financial well-being of the church this year.* *(as of June 15, 2014) Elizabeth Paterson Kristi Patterson Jeff Patton Jeffrey Patton John Patton Pamela Patton Rose and Frank Patton Norman Peck Laura Pedersen & William Pieterson Jonathan Perea Jen and Luis Perez Roswell B. Perkins Dorothy Perlman Tim O. Peterson Emily Petrie Kate Phillips Jill K. Poller Charlotte Porter Susan Porter-Tall Marcia Poston Enid and Gary Press Albert Prince Thomas Puckett Anna Purves Guy C. Quinlan & Mary-Ella Holst Tina and Robert Quirk James Ramage Rae Ramsey & John Conti Janice Randall Lynne Randall & Thomas Malone Dan Rather Marilyn Reagan Katherine and William Redd Lisa Reddig M. Neil Redford & Robin Bell Thomas and Sandra Reece Barbara Reed & Dan Schlieben Betsy Reid John Reidy Maria and Larry Reina Fritz and Ingrid Reuter Jan Reynolds & Abdul Raul Gary Rezak & Barbara Vallely Barbara Richardson Rosaleen Riordan Audra & Matthew Robb David Robb Paul Roberts Danielle Robles & Johnathan Peterson Jim Roccas Susan and David Rockefeller Joanne Rockett Gail and Bradford Rodney Blanca Rodriguez Varinia Rodriguez Geraldine Roglieri Joan Rollins Elizabeth Ronis Mary Rooney Nique and Earl Roosa Janet C. Ross Sara and Joshua Ross Kate Ross and Chris Bergson Linda Rousseau Alexandra Rowley & Stephen Wallis Francine Rowley John and Georgiana Rowley Joseph Russo Margaret Ruttenberg Richard S. Ryan Peter Ryder & Linda Albornoz Chittaranjan Sahu Wiley Saichek Judith Samuelson & Victor Henschel Sandra Sanderson Janeen Sarlin Bruce Saylor Peter Scarpa Mary Ann Schade & Dennis Dugan Isabelle & Seymour Schimel Stacy and Bob Schmetterer Carol Schneider Hanno Schop Robert Schulz & Amelie Rennolds Ann Scobie Angela and Alan Scott Pamela Scott & Phil Balshi Donna Seferian Jonna Semeiks Ruby T. Senie Pamela and Mel Shaftel Surendra Shah & Alice DeNormandie Don and Diana Freedman-Shea Kathy and Rick Sheppard Nathan Shewmaker & Alexandra Collier Stephanie Shin Jason and Emily Shu-Brezina Frederick Siegal & Carol Crigler Chelsea & Elizabeth Silvernell Howard Silverstein Sheree Silvey & Philip Paty Nancy Simmons Abigail Simonds Congdon Amy T. Singer Eric Sivin & Judith Mayberry Greg Slamowitz & Kirsten Hilleman Alison and Michael Smela Eric Smith Mary Beth and Stanton Smith Patricia Snowden Trista & Ed Soh Charles Solomon & Diane Gallagher Epp Sonin Rodney Sorensen & Keith Bishop Elizabeth and Richard Southern Erica Southward Rachel Speer Vanessa Spiegel David & Nancy Gerlach Spriggs Geraldine Staadecker & Stephen Gilbert Judith Staples Anne Stark Sydney Starr Karen Steele Pat and Kurt Steele Paula Stelzner Peggy Stern Dennis Stewart Ruth Stewart Jean and David Stiles Jenny and Jon Stillman Penny Stothers David Strachan S u m m e r Blair & Preston Stuart Robyn Stuart Pin-Pin Su Qi Sun & Feng Guo Madeleine and Robert Swain Erin Sweeney Mark Swirsky Peter Swords & Brenda Walker Ted Szatrowski & Martee L. Hensley Susan and Alan Tall Amish Talwar Wei Tang Felicity Barringer Taubman Deborah Taylor Kathleen Taylor Pat Taylor Marianne Egri & David Thomas Dennis and Kay Thread Nicole Tiedeman Constance and Michael Tierney Janet Tobias Alleyne Toppin James Treadwell Neal Treadwell Earl Tucker Alison Tung Ian Turner Suzanne Turner John Tuttle Olaf Unsoeld & Huong Hoang Katherine Uraneck Gertje Utley Jacqueline Valluzzo Frederick Van Den Abbeel William Vanden Heuvel Mary Ann VanOsdol Alexandra Gersten Vassilaros Stephen and Jennifer Vermont- Davis Maryanne Veshecco Michele and Windi Vianello Supriya Vidic Ruth Wachterman Elizabeth and Haitham Wahab Edith Wald Andrew and Anna Wall Carolyn Warner & Allan Gropper Henry & Solidelle Fortier Wasser Hanan Watson Robert and Jane Watson Janice Weaver Alison Weber Sandra and George Weiksner Madeline Wein & Jim Sidebotham Ron Weinstock & Natasha Kurchanova Ann Weir Mary Weiser Michele Weisman & Paul Freitag Melissa Borja & Greg Westin Kenneth Wheeler M. Susan Wheeler Barbara Wightman Olumide Wilkey & Erika Dilday Agnes Wilkie & Scott Rogge Rosalyn & David Will Scott Willett C. Webb and Sallie Williams Gail Williams & 2 0 1 4 B.W. Worthington, Jr Margaret S. Williamson Orin & Mark Willner Leah Wilson Marsha Wineburgh George Wing Fredric Winkowski & Sally Anderson Aracy and Klaus Winter Lynne and Rob Winter Hope Winthrop Marion S. Wise Susan Witter & Robert Gatje The Women’s Alliance Joan Wooters-Reisin Laila Worrell & Mike Hulbert James Wu Lynda and Jim Yacopino Lisa and Warren Yeh Augustus Young Scott and Rose Klein Young Li Yu Anne-Marie Yvon Allen & Heather Zachary Olivia Zakes-Green Kristina Zaremba-Higgins John Zeltin Jean Zorn Jennifer Zuch B u l l e t i n A l l S o u l s 9 Congregational Life All Souls Welcomes Our New Members (since June 1, 2013) Syrlane Albuquerque Deon Allen Malou Babilonia Maria Baldo Townsend Baldwin Amanda Baldwin Linda Becker Laurence Berg Charlotte Beshers Kevin Billet Renee Boicourt Nora Brossard Tom Brown Brigitte Buss Sandra Christie Thomas Christie Neil Coleman Allison Cryer Meral Cultu Lucie E. Curtiss Lorena Diaz Raymond Diaz Michael Didier Anastasia Didier Christine Dillon Caroline Erickson Elizabeth “Elle” Erickson Jeffrey Escobar Linda Floyd D. Mason Fogel Rocco Forgione Kristin Glass Jessica Golden Erin Gore Jennifer Gore Amy Hart Nils Hasche-Vasquez Christine Henderson Daniel Horrigan Aaron Isaksen Steve Kaminski Corey Katano Gen Katano Lynne Kirby Stephen M. Konyha Yangnim Kurz Larry Kurz Stephanie LaFroscia Theresa LaFroscia Erin Langus Jeffrey Lemler Sarah Lenzi Michael Linderman Jessica Linderman Scott Lippstreu Karim Lopez-Maekawa Edward “Neddie” Lord Elizabeth Mahon Corey Martin Hannah McIntyre John Miles Matthew Mitchell Maren Mitchell Lisa Mulleuneaux Max Nichols Banks Pappas Kristi Patterson Emily Petrie Jennifer Rearden Betsy Reid Louis “Fritz” Reuter Ingrid Reuter Heriberto “Pito” Rosario Kimberly Rossiter Jon Roussel Margaret Ruttenberg Anthony Sacchetti Chittaranjan “Justin” Sahu Noah Schaffer Neil Sieling Eduardo Silva Eric Smith Gertje Utley Mary Weiser Marion S. Wise Deepening Community H istorically, Unitarian churches have had reduced services in the summer because many ministers were university professors who took the summers off for their research and writing. As a minister at another congregation I attended used to say, “God gives Unitarian Universalists the summer off because He trusts us to come back in the fall.” It was a joke, but this sentiment unsettles me now. My desire for spirituality and community doesn’t go away over the summer, so why ignore it for two months? Here at All Souls, our ministers work through the summer and our weekly worship program remains vibrant. I encourage you to maintain your spiritual practices and service over the summer. There is a great array of preachers in the summer worship program, and an exciting variety of music with Interim Music Director Misa Iwama. Some of our congregational groups continue right through the summer, so look for something that interests you here in the Bulletin. If you serve All Souls as an usher during the year, or have always wanted to try it, we’d love your help during the summer, too. Drop by as a volunteer for Monday Night Hospitality or Friday Soup. Don’t forget your spiritual community when you’re travelling, either. Check and try a new congregation near your vacation spot. Knit or crochet a scarf for the Friday Soup program, or if you’re more accomplished, a hat or mittens for the Christmas mitten tree. Find a soup kitchen or other service opportunity near your summer home. Especially if you have children in the Religious Education program, don’t forget to collect some water from a place sacred to you for Water Communion in the fall. I look forward to hearing about your summer spiritual communities in September. Maryah Converse Membership Coordinator Learn more about this year’s new members in the All Souls Beacon at www. S u m m e r y 2 0 1 4 B u l l e t i n A l l S o u l s 1 0 Congregational Life Serve All Souls as a Summer Usher Would you like an opportunity to participate in the vibrant and varied Sunday services of our exciting summer season? Greeting and ushering is a great way to serve this community over the summer. Membership Coordinator Maryah Converse will provide simple, clear guidelines, email reminders and Sunday morning leadership. Sign up at https://www. or contact Maryah at [email protected] or (212) 535-5530. Members Needed to Count Offertory Members in good standing are needed to make a monthly committment to help Alice count the Sunday offertory. No prior experience necessary. Alice will meet you at 12:30 and walk you through step-by-step. In the summer, you’re usually finished by 1:30. Sign up at https://www. or contact Membership Coordinator Maryah Converse at Maryah@allsoulsnyc. org or (212) 535-5530. Read the All Souls Beacon The All Souls Beacon is a lay-produced electronic publication devoted to shedding light into different corners of our large congregation. Visit The latest stories up at the All Souls Beacon include: • Profiles of the newest members of All Souls and their contributions to our community. • A recounting of the Peace & Justice Task Force’s screening of the anti-fracking documentary “Groundswell Rising,” and the discussion that followed with the film’s creators Mark Lichty and Renard Cohen. Wheel of Life “Wheel of Life” is an opt-in, online program to let congregation members voluntarily communicate with each other about matters affecting their personal lives. Announcements such as births, deaths, hospitalizations, home recuperations, anniversaries, graduations, promotions, retirements, and relocations will be e-mailed to those who elect to receive them. To sign up to receive Wheel of Life, go to: To submit an announcement for Wheel of Life, email [email protected]. Please keep your announcement brief (50 words or less) and topical (about personal life transitions). Please only submit an announcement on behalf of someone else with his or her explicit permission. Subscribe to the All Souls Sermons Podcast on iTunes Inspiring sermons from Revs. Guengerich, Gundlach, and special guests, delivered in podcast form each Monday. Visit the iTunes store and search for “All Souls Unitarian Church.” S u m m e r 2 0 1 4 B u l l e t i n A l l S o u l s 1 1 Congregational Life Career Development and Life Design Group Thursday July 17, 2014, 6:45 to 9:15 p.m. in the Ware Room Life Design Clinic (by appointment only) Thursday, August 7 from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Ware Room Meeting in a Circle (like a Support Group) Whatever you really want to be doing, whether it’s for pay or not: • Figuring out what you really want to be doing - at any age • Finding education and training, internship programs, job or career counseling • Becoming a consultant, freelancer, or entrepreneur, or starting or growing your practice, business, or organization • Doing volunteer consulting, board service, public service, or philanthropy • Whatever you want to be doing, making it happen identifying what you need, and getting it Want to develop a more exciting and fulfilling career, life purpose, or mission? Looking for a job, internship, volunteer work, education or training, becoming a consultant, freelancer, or entrepreneur, or growing your practice, business, or organization? Want to do volunteer consulting, board service, public service, or philanthropy? Participants and counselors are invited to share our own individual career interests, aspirations, and opportunities, say what we each want or need for our own professional growth and development, develop our own individual strategies and action plans, and participate in group brainstorming, resource sharing, and support. For more information, contact John L. German [email protected]. We’ll be happy to help you get to do it, sooner and more surely. Come as you are - whether you’re not sure you really know what you really want to be doing, or whether you know perfectly well what you really want to be doing but haven’t found it or landed it yet. Individual appointments available at 6:45 PM, 7:40 PM, and 8:30 PM - to reserve one of this Clinic’s 3 time slots, please e-mail John L. German at [email protected] by Tuesday, July 15, 2014, with your first, second, and third choices of appointment time. Walk-ins to this Clinic will be accommodated, if possible, on a space-available basis. All are welcome - first-time and returning attendees no memberships necessary, no reservations necessary. Anytbing you want us to look at, bring it - for example, résumés, cover letters, and any resources you’re using in your search. Thursday August 21, 2014, 6:45 to 9:15 p.m., in the Ware Room Life Design Clinic (by appointment only) Building on the 2-workshop series we did in 2012 on Project Happiness, let’s see whether your search strategy is still right for you – if it ever was – and whether it’s working for you. All are welcome - first-time and returning attendees - no memberships necessary. Anything you want us to look at, bring it - for example, résumés, cover letters, and any resources you’re using in your search. Relevance to jobs and careers? A Harvard Business School survey asking “Are you happy at work?” showed workers are consistently unhappy with their supervisors, apathetic about their organizations, and detached from what they do. The recent book The Progress Principle touted as its major finding: “Inner work life has a profound impact on creativity, productivity, commitment and collegiality.” Also see us when we have a table in Reidy Friendship Hall on Sundays after services, where we provide individual help; we’ll be there most Sundays this month. Homework, if you want it: You’re welcome to email your résumé, your statement of what you want to do, your search strategy, or whatever you want feedback about at the workshop, to John L. German german63@hotmail. com. Everyone who’s interested is invited to attend. S u m m e r 2 0 1 4 B u l l e t i n A l l S o u l s 1 2 Congregational Life Drawing & Arts Workshop Fridays, July 25, August 29 and September 26 from 6 - 9 p.m. in the Forrest Church Gallery The Drawing Workshop will continue to meet in the Forrest Church Gallery on the last Friday of the month during the summer. Prior art experience is not required. Materials suggested: 24”x36” newsprint pad, charcoal, Kohinoor charcoal, kneaded eraser, gum eraser. On occasion we will meet at the Metropolitan Museum and draw from the sculpture garden. We will also tour Chelsea and Mid Manhattan galleries as important exhibitions come up. You will be notified in advance by email the time and location when we will be meeting at a gallery or the Metropolitan Museum. Our scheduled workshops will meet on the last Fridays of the month. Friday Soup ATTENTION ALL KNITTERS (AND CROCHETERS) This was a really hard winter – freezing temperatures and bitter cold for days on end. But especially hard for those in need like the guests at our Friday Soup Kitchen. That’s why we’re organizing a SCARF DRIVE. We’re asking everyone to start knitting or crocheting now so we can be ready for next winter with 250 scarves – approximately one for each of our guests. Use the summer months to get started and involve everyone….children, friends, neighbors, family. Scarves are easy and fun and you can get creative with colors and patterns. Of course, if you aren’t handy with needles, you can certainly donate a purchased scarf. Please contact Theresa Bartol, MFA, facilitator, at [email protected] with any questions and to reserve an easel. Some general guidelines: • Scarves should be 5-6 inches wide and 50-60 inches long. • Pattern can be a simple knit and purl or single crochet – or as fancy as you’d like – but please keep the colors “unisex” so we can give them out to any of our guests. • Yarn can be anything you choose – just think of what you’d want on a cold winter day Here’s the pattern for a very simple scarf that even beginners can handle: Once you have completed your scarves, please drop them at the All Souls office and we will store them until the weather turns cold. Any questions, contact Carole Weiss, Director of All Souls Friday Soup Kitchen at [email protected]. S u m m e r 2 0 1 4 B u l l e t i n A l l S o u l s 1 3 Congregational Life Interweave-LGBT Thursday, July 17 at 7 p.m. in the Minot Simons Room LGBT Movie Night Stories with Soul 6:45 p.m. in the Ware Room Now in its 21st year, Stories with Soul invites you to join us for a one-hour short story reading and discussion. No prior reading necessary. “A Mecca for lovers of the short story” (Columbia Spectator) and a great way to meet people. For more information, contact Steve Michelman, Coordinator, at [email protected]. Sunday, July 20 at 1:00 p.m. LGBT Social Life and Death Cafe Thursday, July 24 at 7 p.m. in the Ware Room Thursday, August 7 at 7 p.m. in Minot Simons Reproductive Justice Task Force JULY July 2 Dennis De Forge reading The Jar by Ray Bradbury July 9 Sheila Darnborough reading A Large Bee by Maeve Brennan July 16 Melanie Niemiec reading The Landing and Eating Fish Alone, both by Lydia Davis Co-leaders: Tara McNamara ([email protected]) and Sandra Ekberg ([email protected]) July 23 Bernard FitzGerald, Jr. reading Dancing Dogs by Jon Katz Save the Date – Thursday, October 23, 7-9 p.m. “Comfort Women” program July 30 Carol Emmerling reading Zeus the Lutheran by Garrison Keillor “Comfort women” will be the subject of our October program, thanks to the efforts of church members Drs. Yangnim and Larry Kurz. Do you know what the term refers to? It’s a euphemistic referral to the 200,000 women from Korea, China, the Philippines and Indonesia who were enslaved by the Japanese during WWII to provide sex for their military forces located throughout Southeast Asia. Few of these women survived the war; those who did were deeply scarred and often shunned within their own culture. While Europe’s Holocaust has been intensively discussed, the experiences of these Asian women have been largely ignored. Our event, co-sponsored by KACE, the Korean American Civic Empowerment organization, will include speakers Dr. Ok Sha Soh, president of the Coalition for Comfort Women Issues, and Dr. Arthur Flug, executive director of the Holocaust Resource Center and Archives. An exhibit of art by Steve Cavallo, who has developed his work around the subject of comfort women, will also be mounted in Reidy Friendship Hall. AUGUST August 6 Kim Calder reading TBA August 13 Suzy Lawrence reading How to Win by Rosellen Brown August 20 Erin Gore reading A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O’Connor August 27 Victor Fidel reading Reading Aloud by Marina Keegan July and August Host: Steve Michelman In Memoriam Karen DeCrow, former president of NOW, died recently at the age of 76. DeCrow was a leading voice in the 1970s for passage of the failed Equal Rights Amendment and against sex discrimination in education and sports. S u m m e r 2 0 1 4 B u l l e t i n A S l l o u l s 1 4 Congregational Life Women’s Reading Group Young Adults Tuesday, July 15 at 7:30 p.m. in the Minot Simons Room WRG Book Selection Potluck Dinner Sunday, July 6 at 1 p.m. First Sunday Brunch The Women’s Reading Group meets on the first and third Tuesday of the month and discusses one book each month. The group reads books “written by women that are available in paperback editions.” The books are nominated by a short presentation, voted upon and, those receiving the most votes chosen and a monthly calendar is created. Thursday, July 10 at 7 p.m. in the Gallery Food and Fellowship The Women’s Reading Group will hold its annual “book selection” potluck dinner on Tuesday evening July 15 at 7:30 pm in the Minot Simons Room to select titles for the September 2014 - May 2015 season. The dinner, that starts promptly at 7:30 pm, is a traditional “pot luck” to which attendees volunteer to bring the various main dishes, beverages, salads and desserts. The kitchen is open from 7 pm for set-up. If you would like more information, please contact: Mary-Ella Holst at: 1-212-861-2950. Following Coffee Hour, we will head out for a picnic-style brunch in Central Park. You’ll have time to pick up something tasty at your favorite local spot, and then we’ll walk to the east side 79th street entrance of the park and find somewhere grassy to sit. To find us, come to Coffee Hour following the service. In this Food and Fellowship Sahm Forbes will ask us to take a look at the subject of optimism versus pessimism in our culture, our liberal religion, and our own lives. Attendees will learn how optimism and pessimism operate in our minds and in turn affect our lives and community. Sahm hopes that those who attend will understand how (with practice) to become more optimistic and examine when and whether to take a pessimistic stance. He also hopes attendees will get an important new perspective on liberal religion’s outlook and values. We’ll gather for food at 7:00; the main program will start at 7:30. Come for part or all of the evening! Sunday, July 20 at 12:45 p.m. Bagel Brunch All are welcome! Following the service, we will meet for bagels, veggies, and lots of exciting mingling. A great way to meet new folks in the group. Look for us in Coffee Hour and we will head to whatever room we’re meeting in from there. Wednesday, July 23 at 7 p.m. in the Gallery Food and Fellowship All Souls Online web: Facebook: Rev. Galen’s Twitter: @RevGalen Sermon Podcast: sermons.rss - or search iTunes! Our twice-a-month dinner and discussion evening at the church, hosted by a young adult. Food at 7pm; discussion at 7:30. Sunday August 3 First Sunday brunch Thursday, August 14 Food & Fellowship Sunday, August 17 Bagel brunch Wednesday, August 27 Food & Fellowship S u m m e r 2 0 1 4 B u l l e t i n 6 o f 7 21 14 E ve n t s Monday Mondays 5 p.m. Monday Night Hospitality Cale n dar Ongoing weekly events Sunday 11:15 Lissa Anne Gundlach 1:00 Young Adults First Sunday Brunch 20 13 11:15 Lissa Anne Gundlach 11:15 Pamela Patton Fridays 12 p.m. Friday Soup Kitchen Tuesday 1 8 15 7:30 Women’s Reading Group Potluck 22 A l l Wednesday 6:45 Stories with Soul 6:45 Stories with Soul 6:45 Stories with Soul S Jul y 2 01 4 Saturday 5 Friday 3 Independence Day 4 12 All Souls Offices closed 11 10 4:30 Monday Night Hospitality Brooklyn Cyclones Game 26 19 6:00 Drawing & Arts Workshop 25 18 24 7:30 All Souls: In the Beginning... 7:00 LGBT Movie Night 6:45 Career Development and Life Design workshop 17 7:30 All Souls: In the Beginning... 7:00 Young Adults Food & Fellowship Thursday o u l S 2 9 16 23 7:00 Life and Death Cafe 31 7:30 All Souls: In the Beginning... 30 6:45 Stories with Soul 29 12:45 Young Adults Bagel Brunch 28 7:00 Young Adults Food & Fellowship 27 6:45 Stories with Soul 1:00 LGBT Social 11:15 The Hub B u l l e t i n 2 0 1 4 S u m m e r 1 5 o u l s S l l A 3 o f 4 25 18 11 E ve nt s Monday Mondays 5 p.m. Monday Night Hospitality C a l e nd a r Ongoing weekly events Sunday 11:15 Blanca Rodriguez Community Choir Sunday (10 a.m. rehearsal; all are invited) 1:00 Young Adults Brunch 10 11:15 Lissa Anne Gundlach 17 24 31 11:15 Lissa Anne Gundlach 12:45 Young Adults Brunch 11:15 David McClean 11:15 Daniel Gregoire Fridays 12 p.m. Friday Soup Kitchen Tuesday A 5 12 19 26 l l S 27 20 13 6 7:00 Life and Death Cafe 7:00 Young Adults Food & Fellowship 7 Friday August 2014 Saturday 2 16 1 15 23 9 14 22 8 21 6:45 Career Development and Life Design Group Workshop 30 28 6:00 Drawing & Arts Workshop 29 7:00 Career Development and Life Design Group Meeting in a Circle Thursday o u l S Wednesday 6:45 Stories with Soul 6:45 Stories with Soul 6:45 Stories with Soul 6:45 Stories with Soul 7:00 Young Adults Food & Fellowship B u l l e t i n 2 0 1 4 S u m m e r 1 6 o u l s S l l A
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