Fact Pack 2015-16
Fact Pack 2015-16
Faculty of Law Master of Laws (LLM) at Ghent University Fact Pack 2015-2016 Welcome to the LLM-Programmes of Ghent University Law School! In this booklet you will find important information which will help you prepare for your departure and begin your stay in Ghent. Please read it carefully and follow the instructions. We have tried to anticipate the practical questions prospective LLM students typically have. For further inquiries you may have, please feel free to contact Ms. Svitlana Berezhna at the International Relations Office. Remember to bring this booklet with you to Belgium. It contains valuable information for your stay here. We look forward to seeing you in Ghent! Prof. Dr. Marc De Vos Prof. Dr. Hans De Wulf Director of LLM in International and European Law Director of LLM in International Business Law Prof. Dr. Inge Govaere Director of LLM in European Union Law Ms. Svitlana Berezhna Mr. Ruben Van Bogaert LLM Programmes Officer Marketing and PR Officer International Relations Officer TABLE OF CONTENTS COST OF STUDYING AND LIVING IN GHENT ................................................................................ 1 HOUSING ................................................................................................................................ 2 1. 2. Student residences ..................................................................................................................... 2 Private market ............................................................................................................................ 3 INSURANCES ........................................................................................................................... 4 1. Insurance information for all non-Belgian LLM-candidates ........................................................ 4 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 2. Health care insurance for LLM-candidates from the E.E.A and Switzerland ............................. 5 2.1. 3. 4. Automatic insurance .......................................................................................................................... 4 Optional additional insurance: Third party liability - private life .......................................................... 4 Optional additional insurance: repatriation ......................................................................................... 5 European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland ............................................................................. 5 Health care insurance for other foreign LLM-candidates ........................................................... 6 Insurances for Belgian LLM-candidates ..................................................................................... 6 MEDICAL ASSISTANCE IN GHENT .............................................................................................. 7 ARRIVAL IN GHENT .................................................................................................................. 8 1. Arriving in Ghent - Some Directions ........................................................................................... 8 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 2. First Step: Accommodation ........................................................................................................ 9 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Students arriving by plane at Zaventem / Brussels Airport ................................................................ 8 Students arriving by train ................................................................................................................... 8 Maps .................................................................................................................................................. 9 University Residence ......................................................................................................................... 9 Private Room ..................................................................................................................................... 9 Contact Information ........................................................................................................................... 9 Second Step: Announce yourself to Ms. Svitlana Berezhna ...................................................... 9 Third Step: Registration at Ghent University .............................................................................. 9 Fourth Step: Registration at the City of Ghent ......................................................................... 10 Fifth step: the Orientation Programme ..................................................................................... 10 Sixth step: Language Courses ................................................................................................. 11 Seventh step: most importantly: enjoy your stay in Ghent! ...................................................... 11 ORIENTATION.........................................................................................................................12 LLM PROGRAMME STAFF & CONTACT INFORMATION................................................................13 DOCUMENTS TO BRING TO GHENT ...........................................................................................13 TENTATIVE ACADEMIC CALENDAR ...........................................................................................14 COST OF STUDYING AND LIVING IN GHENT The table hereunder gives an indicative estimation of the cost of living and studying in Ghent. Although experience shows that thrifty students can manage with less, this estimation can serve as a benchmark for your budget calculations. Do not forget that your participation in the LLM-programme will require you to purchase books and other course material. Cost of studying and living in Ghent Academic year 2015-2016 LLM Tuition Fee : Non-reimbursable Fee (after admission) : Monthly costs 1. Accommodation 2. Course material & books 3. Food & drinks 4. Mobility (bicycle rental, public transport, etc.) 5. Insurance (health, accidents, ...) 6. Leisure activities & recreation 7. Other (clothing, furniture, medical costs, ...) Total Monthly costs € 4.500,00 € 300,00 Minimum EURO € 285,00 € 150,00 € 110,00 € 20,00 € 18,00 € 25,00 € 15,00 € 623,00 Maximum EURO € 500,00 € 250,00 € 225,00 € 50,00 € 25,00 € 50,00 € 50,00 € 1150,00 1 HOUSING With its University and other institutes of higher learning, the city of Ghent harbours a student population of over 60.000. The housing market is therefore understandably stretched. For incoming foreign students finding suitable accommodation is perfectly doable but may require some effort and flexibility, especially for those who wish to rent on the private market. You find a brief description of the available housing options hereunder. 1. Student residences Ghent University in general, and the Law School in particular, have no real on campus housing facilities. However, the University has several student residences throughout the city. They are especially popular with foreign students since they offer cheap and safe housing in a community atmosphere. The LLM Programme has managed to reserve a contingent of rooms for LLM students in the student residences: Home Groningen (Voetweg 64 & Stalhof 43), Home Uppsala (Stalhof 47), Home Göttingen (Stalhof 49) and Home Canterbury (Stalhof 51). The residences offer co-ed dormitory housing. All rooms are furnished (sheets and blankets included), heated and have a refrigerator, warm and cold water and sanitary facilities (toilets and showers). There are common kitchens in the dormitories. The residence has a place for bike storage, public phones and a common lounge. Pictures of typical university accommodation are posted on the LLM website. Monthly rent is between 376-407 euro, to be paid in terms by monthly bank transfers. As you will arrive in Ghent in September, full payment for September will be due. Rent is all in, and includes heating, water, electricity, internet and linen. Additionally, you will also be asked to pay a deposit of about 160 euro. The deposit is reimbursed at the end of the academic year, if and when the student leaves his/her room in a satisfactory condition. Payment has to be arranged after arrival by bank instalment. University housing is not a three star hotel but a practical and affordable way of addressing housing needs. Moreover, living in a co-ed community of students has its disadvantages as well as its advantages. Although the private market may offer more privacy, choice or quality depending on the price you are ready to pay, most students typically appreciate the convenience of university housing. In case you wish to reserve a room in one of the student dorms, the following website and online registration platform is operational from May onwards. Please consult the pages for LLM: http://www.ugent.be/en/facilities/housing/accomodation/degree.htm. Details on university housing can be found on our website at http://www.law.ugent.be/llm/universityhousing or at the housing department's website at http://www.ugent.be/en/facilities/housing. If you opt for university housing, rooms will be made available from September 16 onwards. You can request accommodation in the university residences after your admission to the LLM programme. Paying your Non-reimbursable Application Fee after admission to the programme gives the housing department the possibility to approve your accommodation in the University residences. However, only a number of rooms are reserved for LLM students and are rented in the order of the request and payment made. Please note that the LLM programme is not involved in the university housing. University housing is under the full and independent authority of the university’s housing department. Once in Belgium and during their stay, LLM students will have to address the University’s housing department solely and directly for any questions or problems they may have. Students with a family or who need special facilities should check availability of adapted student residences with Ms. Van Den Branden at the housing department [email protected]. 2 2. Private market The other possibility is to rent a room on the private market. Prices vary roughly between 285 euro and 500 euro per month. Remember that you will have to pay a security deposit which will be returned to you at the end of your contract. You should always emphasize the fact that you’ll be studying for a complete academic year at Ghent University, i.e. as a regular student of the University, not as an exchange student. Exchange students are only in Belgium for a semester. For that reason they have a difficult time finding accommodation on the private market. While you are still abroad, you can ask the Foreign Students Adviser to provide you with an updated list of vacant rooms. The person to contact is Ms. Myriam Van den Branden ([email protected]) or Ms. Nathalie Geeraerts ([email protected]). You can also consult the web page: http://www.ugent.be/en/facilities/housing/overview.htm Renting a room on the private market will often require personal contact with the landlord. It is therefore advisable to come to Ghent beforehand and look for a room yourself. Perhaps, you can stay in the Youth Hostel for those few days: Jeugdherberg De Draecke (near the Castle of the Counts), Sint-Widostraat 11, B-9000 Ghent; Tel. +32 9 233 70 50; Fax +32 9 233 80 01. Website: http://www.youthhostels.be. You can also book a room in one of the hotels in Ghent: http://www.visitgent.be/. For Bed and Breakfast: http://www.bedandbreakfast-gent.be/. Regarding private market accommodation, we have also learned of the following possibilities (these may include apartments, studios, flats, student homes etc.). Please note that you need to make reservations in such accommodation individually; the university cannot provide assistance in assuring your reservation in these. Beware of the landlords who are not located in Belgium. Some students have been cheated in the past by people from abroad who post cheap housing offers on Internet and then ask you to transfer an amount to their account in their country or via Western Union etc. whereas those properties actually do not exist. There are some student rooms provided by “Bouw en Immobiliën Maes” which are situated about 10 minutes walking distance from the faculty, and close by the city centre. We understand that rooms have their own sinks but toilets and showers are shared. Rent per month is about 300 euro (including water/electricity). For pictures, you can have a look at http://www.alides.be/ (click ‘residential’ and then ‘te huur’, and you will see several available options for Gent). Contact details: Toemaattragel 1, 9000 Gent; [email protected]; Tel: + 32 9 240 01 10; Fax: + 32 9 240 01 19. Another possibility that we know of is through Estia Real Estate. Here, you have possibilities in finding flats and studios, throughout and around the city. You may want to make sure that you are not too far out from the city centre, or have the possibility to catch a tram/bus easily from the suggested places of accommodation. When clicking on flats/studios, different areas of the city are suggested. The ones closest to the faculty and at prices around 300-500 euro per month are: - Residence Campus. - Residence Helios. You will find that there are many other possibilities in the city, though prices will vary. For sight of their webpages, please consult their website at: http://www.oge.be/en/for-rent/ (Use these options : Type: Studio or apartment, Woning: Te huur, Prijs=Price, Stad=City and then click on ‘zoeken’). Contact details: Wilderoosstraat 24, B-9000 Ghent, Tel: +32 9 244 66 99; Fax: +32 9 245 54 50. You can also consult these web pages: The Kot@Gent database: http://www.kotatgent.be Immoweb-database: http://www.immoweb.be Once you’re here you can again contact Ms. Myriam Van den Branden for information on available housing: Home Vermeylen, Stalhof 6, 9000 Ghent, Tel. +32 9 264 71 09, Fax +32 9 264 72 96. 3 INSURANCES As you prepare for a year’s study at Ghent University Law School, it is important to be familiar with the insurance implications of your stay in Belgium. This section offers a basic insurance guide for incoming LLM-candidates. It strives to outline the basic insurance requirements and options, to indicate the corresponding costs, and to identify the insurance documents you may have or need to bring with you to Belgium. More detailed information will be given during the Orientation Programme at the beginning of the academic year. Those of you who need additional information before coming to Belgium, may consult the insurance guide at http://www.ugent.be/en/administration/insurances/students.htm, or contact Ghent University’s Legal Department: Ms. Kristin Van der Straeten Tel. + 32 9 264 31 40 – fax. + 32 9 264 42 98 Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 25 - 9000 GENT [email protected] 1. Insurance information for all non-Belgian LLM-candidates 1.1. Automatic insurance Registration as a regular student of Ghent University automatically provides cover under two insurance policies free of charge: • a policy for “personal physical accidents of students” (covering cases where students themselves became victims of a personal physical accident within the framework of university activities, after partial reimbursement by the health care insurance); • a policy for “general civil liability” (covering cases where students cause damage to third parties whilst engaged in university activities). This insurance is effective from the start of the academic year. For those students who can only be formally registered at a later date, the insurance will apply retroactively, from the start of the academic year onwards. Any interstitial expenses will thus be reimbursed retroactively, subject to submission of the appropriate documents. When reporting a case of damage students must be able to prove: • that they are legally registered at the Ghent University (e.g., copy of student card); • that the accident occurred during university activities. Further information on this will be provided during the Orientation Programme. 1.2. Optional additional insurance: Third party liability - private life It is advisable to take an additional insurance for “civil liability private life” (only if you did not subscribe for the “all-in” insurance). This is the so-called “family insurance” for activities during private time, at weekends, in the evenings etc. (e.g., for damage caused as a pedestrian or cyclist to third parties in traffic, damage caused to third parties whilst relaxing). It should be noted that this insurance does not apply outside Belgium. For this insurance students may approach an insurer of their choice. The estimated monthly cost of the insurance is approximately 3,00 euro. Students may also elect to take this insurance out via the Legal Department of the Ghent University, at a monthly cost of approximately 2,67 euro. See for the form and the price at http://www.ugent.be/en/prospectstud/insurances/comingtoGhent/forms.htm/privatelife.pdf 4 1.3. Optional additional insurance: repatriation Students who wish to be insured in the event of emergency repatriation may approach an insurer of their choice (only if you did not subscribe for the “all-in” insurance). However, the University of Ghent offers the opportunity to register under its collective policy, which also covers the insurance for civil liability private life. The total cost of that policy is variable but is estimated at approximately 95 euro for a year. For the form and the prices see: http://www.ugent.be/en/prospectstud/insurances/comingtoGhent/students.htm 2. Health care insurance for LLM-candidates from the E.E.A and Switzerland 2.1. European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland Students from the EU member states and Iceland, Norway, and Lichtenstein (EEA member states) plus those from Switzerland, who have healthcare insurance in their own country, must apply in their country of insurance for a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). A holder of an EHIC is entitled to medical care in Belgium during his/her stay under the same conditions as provided under Belgian legislation for an “insured” person. A holder of an EHIC will receive in Belgium a (partial) reimbursement of costs for any necessary medical care. Obtaining the EHIC may require proof of your participation in a degree programme. Your letter of admission to the LLM Programme should suffice for this purpose. Please contact your home country insurer as soon as possible to obtain the necessary information. Students in this category, who are unable to obtain the EHIC for whatever reason, must take the compulsory health care insurance like non-EU candidates - they will have to approach a health fund immediately upon arrival in Belgium, in order to obtain insurance cover. Such students will have to provide a health fund with a certificate that shows that the student’s insurance cover abroad has ceased to be in effect. Students who can’t obtain a EHIC and can’t get the health insurance directly with the health fund in Belgium will need to subscribe the all-in insurance policy (De Europese – Fill in the form to subscribe - It is obligatory to fill in the cost centre (SAP). The premium paid by the department can be charged to the insured), which covers as well health (sickness and disability) as civil liability in private life and travel insurance. It is not possible to subscribe to a separate health insurance, because the premium for the separate health insurance is the same as the premium for the all-in insurance. Students who consider coming to Belgium with dependent family members (spouse and/or children who will reside in Belgium at the student’s expense), should also apply for an EHIC for each of those dependant family members. Please note - Belgian health care insurance minimizes, but does not exclude, your costs for the insured medical treatment and expenses. The same applies to holders of an EHIC. For further information see: https://www.ugent.be/en/prospectstud/insurances/comingtoGhent/students.htm. 5 3. Health care insurance for other foreign LLM-candidates Upon arrival in Belgium, non-EEA and Swiss LLM-candidates must take out medical and disability insurance for themselves and their dependent family members residing in Belgium. This insurance is compulsory, and is at the student’s expense. It has to be done through a medical aid fund (“mutualiteit”) in Belgium, and will normally require no waiting period. Further information and instructions on this will be provided during the orientation programme. Since most of the LLM-candidates will have no income or only a minimal income while studying in Belgium, the cost of the insurance should be limited to the medical aid fund’s membership fee. This fee will be in the region of 50-90 euro. The insurance gives access to the full basic health care coverage in Belgium, including urgent and non-urgent medical help, hospitalisation, small medical expenses etc. Your costs with regard to the insured’s treatment and expenses are thus minimized, but not excluded. For more information about the documents, the process of registration at the medical aid fund and the fees please refer to the following page http://www.ugent.be/en/administration/insurances/students.htm. Here is a list of authorised health funds in Ghent: • Bond Moyson: Vrijdagmarkt 10, 9000 Gent, tel: 09/265 55 11, fax: 09/265 59 99, e-mail: [email protected], website: http://www.socmut.be/ • Christelijke Mutualiteit (CM): Peperstraat 6, 9000 Gent, tel: 09/224 77 11, fax: 09/223 19 45, e-mail: [email protected], website: http://www.CM.be • Euromut: Franklin Rooseveltlaan 44, 9000 Gent, tel: 09/225 93 95, fax: 09/225 53 01, e-mail: [email protected], website: http://www.euromut.be • Liberale Mutualiteit: Brabantdam 109, 9000 Gent, tel: 09/223 19 76, fax: 09/224 11 74, e-mail: [email protected], website: http://www.lmvlg.be • Partena Onafhankelijk Ziekenfonds: Coupure Links 103, 9000 Gent, tel: 09/269 85 35, fax: 09/269 85 49, e-mail : [email protected], website: http://www.partena-ozv.be • Securex: Verenigde Natieslaan 1, 9000 Gent, tel: 09/235 61 61, fax: 09/235 61 62, e-mail: [email protected], website: http://www.securex.eu/be/portal/index.html • Vlaams Neutraal Ziekenfonds: IJzerlaan 16, 9000 Gent, tel: 09/245 29 25, [email protected], website: http://www.vnz.be/index2.htm 4. Insurances for Belgian LLM-candidates There are no special requirements or implications for Belgian citizens following the LLM programme. Their status is the normal one of a Belgian student studying in Belgium (see 1.1). 6 MEDICAL ASSISTANCE IN GHENT 1. The student doctors Students Medical Service Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 25, 9000 Gent Tel. +32 9 264 70 20 (reception desk) Student doctors provide medical services for the same price as regular general practitioners. However, they are more familiar with student patients than other GPs. 2. Visit by appointment: weekdays between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM Appointments can be made by phone or through the reception desk of the Medical Service Centre. This is the normal procedure, and preferable to a visit without appointment. 3. Visit without appointment: Monday - Thursday between 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM First come first served basis. 4. House visit If you are too sick to go the Advisory Centre, call the reception desk for a house visit by the doctor. Visits are done after consultation hours. 5. Medical assistance outside the Student Advisory Centre’s opening hours a. Monday to Thursday, between 7:00 PM and 8:00 AM Call the central number of city of Ghent and they will provide you information about available doctors +32 9 236 50 00. b. Weekends (from Friday, 7:00 PM till Monday, 8:00 AM), Bank holidays (from evening from 7:00 PM to 8:00 AM the day after), during the week of the Ghent Festival Call +32 9 236 50 00, the GP-association’s calling centre, where you can get names and telephone numbers of doctors on duty. 6. For serious and extremely urgent medical care a. Ghent University Hospital UZ Gent, De Pintelaan 185, 9000 Gent (general telephone number: +32 9 332 21 11). Emergency Unit (in Dutch: “spoed” or “spoedgevallen”: tel. +32 9 332 50 24). b. For an ambulance Dial 100 or 112, the general number for medical emergencies. For further details see: http://www.ugent.be/en/teaching/studysupport/medical. 7 ARRIVAL IN GHENT This section sums up the basic first steps an incoming LLM-candidate has to follow upon arrival in Ghent. For more information, please contact the LLM Programmes Officer Ms. Svitlana Berezhna ([email protected]). The office phones are: +32 9 264 67 28 or +32 9 264 67 76 or +32 9 264 97 00. The office is located in the vicinity of the Law School campus at Voldersstraat 3, 9000 Ghent (First left door at the entrance). You can also check the web at: http://www.ugent.be/en/teaching/internationalisation/docs/welcomeguide.pdf 1. Arriving in Ghent - Some Directions 1.1. Students arriving by plane at Zaventem / Brussels Airport There is a railway station at the sub-level of the airport. There are plenty of indications at baggage pick up and plenty of trains to Ghent. See and check the railway timetables at: http://www.b-rail.be/. Try to fix your arrival time within this schedule, and therefore avoid night arrivals. Should your flight schedule prevent you from taking a connecting train to Ghent, please contact the International Relations Office before your departure. Get off at Gent Sint Pieters railway station. This will typically be the fourth stop, leaving from Zaventem/Brussels airport. Take a taxi outside the railway station. As the station is located near the city centre, it should only be a short and inexpensive drive to your destination. 1.2. Students arriving by train Your final destination is Gent Sint Pieters railway station. You can learn how best to arrive there by visiting the website of the Belgian railways: http://www.b-rail.be/. Take a taxi outside the Gent Sint Pieters railway station. As the station is located near the city centre, it should only be a short and inexpensive drive to your destination. Alternatively the public transport can also be used. There are several buses and trams leaving from the station to various directions. You have an information desk in front of the station to ask for the best suitable service for your destination.. In order to reach the housing facilities (the Reception of the Home Vermeylen where you can check in) you can take various buses from the Gent Sint Pieters railway station. Take bus 55 (direction Gent - Zelzate Busstation) or 58 (direction Gent - Eeklo - Brugge Station), or 71 (direction Nazareth - Gent - Oostakker), or 76 (direction De Pinte - Gent - Lochristi - Wachtebeke) till the bus stop “Heuvelpoort” (ask the driver) and walk to Stalhof 6. The tickets or a monthly subscription can be bought in a De Lijn shop at the bus-station. The tickets can also be bought from a vending machine or on bus/tram itself (more expensive). In order to reach the Faculty of Law itself you can take a tram. In front of the train station several trams go towards the “Centrum”: Tram 1 until stop "Korte Meer"; Universiteitstraat is the first street on the right. Please note that a single ticket for bus or tram will cost 3 euro and will give you the right to travel for 60 minutes (from the moment of validation of a ticket) within which you can make unlimited changes. After 60 minutes you can complete your journey, but can no longer change. Travelling by public transport in Ghent is easy and fast – you can find more information on tickets here https://www.delijn.be/en/vervoerbewijzen/ritkaarten-dagpassen/index.html and on monthly travel passes here https://www.delijn.be/en/vervoerbewijzen/abonnementen/index.html. Please keep in mind, though, that you can reach the Ghent Law School from your dormitory after a 20-minute walk. 8 Renting a Bicycle Bikes are the favourite type of transport of the Ghent students and they can be rented for 10 month for 40 euro (plus 60 euro security deposit to be returned upon your safe return of the bike). More information on where and how to preorder / rent a bike can be found on http://www.studentenmobiliteit.be/student/en/contact.php. In order to rent a bike you will need your student’s card. 1.3. Maps For a map of Ghent, visit http://www.gent.be/stadsplan/. For a map of the Law School, visit http://www.ugent.be/re/nl/contact/plattegrond/leslokalen.htm. Upon your arrival, a map of the Faculty will be provided to you by Ms. Berezhna. You can also check the map at : http://www.ugent.be/nl/univgent/contact/sites/voldersstraat.pdf. Baggage and mail should not precede your arrival in Ghent! 2. First Step: Accommodation 2.1. University Residence Go to the Housing Department, reception of Home Vermeylen (Stalhof 6, B-9000 Gent, near Overpoortstraat). Open: Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. till 12 p.m. & from 1 p.m. till 8 p.m (in September also open every Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. till 8 p.m.), to collect your key and sign your contract. Payment is to be made by bank transfer. The receptionist will also confirm in which residence your room will be. 2.2. Private Room If you have a reservation on the private market, take a taxi or use public transport to reach your destination. In order to look for a room in the private market ask Ms. Myriam Van den Branden or Ms. Nathalie Geeraerts to help you with this search and to give you a list with addresses of private rooms. Look also for posters in the city announcing “Kot te huur” or “Studentenkamer”. You can also check for private rooms on the web site of the Housing Department. 2.3. Contact Information Housing department on the web : http://www.ugent.be/en/facilities/housing. Ms. Myriam Van den Branden, Tel : +32 9 264 71 12; Fax : +32 9 264 72 96; [email protected] 3. Second Step: Announce yourself to Ms. Svitlana Berezhna Visit Ms. Berezhna at her office (open from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m.). She will register your arrival here, give you a campus and city map as well as the complete Orientation Programme Schedule, and explain some registration formalities. It is necessary to meet Ms. Berezhna before your registration at the Ghent University. 4. Third Step: Registration at Ghent University The “Central Student Administration Office” is in the UFO building, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 33, B- 9000 Gent (open on weekdays from 10:00 till 16:00 until 30 September 2015). You need to bring with you your official letter of admission, i.e. the letter from the University itself, and the documents mentioned in it. Make photocopies of your documents beforehand. If you experience any problems, please contact Ms. Berezhna. 9 Note that from 01 October onwards an authorization from the Dean of the Faculty of Law shall be needed for late-enrolment. Hence, do not forget to enrol yourself at the Central Office before 01 October in any case. Check here for more information on the opening hours of this office: http://www.ugent.be/en/education/degree/practical/studentadmin/csa 5. Fourth Step: Registration at the City of Ghent You have to register at the Foreigners Registration Office, unless you are of Belgian nationality or have a Belgian residence permit. Please check the complete procedure of the registration here: https://stad.gent/burgerzaken/niet-belgen/verblijf-inschrijving/internationale-studenten/internationalstudents-registration-city-and-application-residence-permit. Students in possession of a passport and student visa type D should report themselves online within 8 working days from their arrival date at the International Students Counter. Because of the lengthy registration procedure and since an electronic registration document (A-card) cannot be issued immediately, the students are advised to introduce their online application as soon as possible. The online declaration (Arrival Form) can be downloaded at: https://www.gent.be/burgerzaken/niet-belgen/international-students-registration-city-and-applicationresidence-permit-eng. The students have to fill in the online Arrival Form and digitally forward it to the International Student Counter ([email protected]) preferably with a scanned copy of passport and visa. For the time being, they do not need to present themselves at the Migration Counter or in the competent service centre. The students will receive a confirmation of receipt of the application. Upon completion of the first stage of the registration, the students will receive invitation for a personal appointment. The residential address of the student determines whether the application for registration is processed by the Migration Counter in the Administrative Centre Zuid or by a service centre. Students living in the city centre will then have to go to: City Administration Centre “Het Zuid”, Dienst Vreemdelingen, W. Wilsonplein (open every weekday from 8:00 till 13:00, Wednesdays also from 14:00 till 18:00 and Saturdays from 9:00 till 11:30 by appointment). Take 4 passport photographs (white background!), the Ghent University enrolment certificate which you receive after your registration from the International Admissions Desk (Third step), your passport with visa / identity card, proof of sufficient means of subsistence (student grant, sponsorship document, attestation of blocked bank account) and approximately 25 euro registration fee. 6. Fifth step: the Orientation Programme By the time of your arrival in Ghent, the LLM Programme staff will have worked out a comprehensive Orientation Programme that will typically cover the entire first two weeks of your stay in Ghent. Attend and follow this programme carefully and you’ll be both fully informed and entertained. 10 7. Sixth step: Language Courses The LLM Programme is in English, and your environment will be Flemish (Dutch) for one year. For many incoming LLM-students this means adapting to two foreign languages at once. It is useful, advisable and fun to follow a Dutch language course in Ghent University’s Language Centre (“UCT” or “Talencentrum”). For LLM-candidates whose mother tongue is not English, the same goes for an English course. The first semester gets underway almost immediately after your arrival here. Experience shows that some LLM-candidates, even though they have performed well on their TOEFL or IELTS, have difficulty adapting to an educational environment where reading, lectures, class discussions and class preparations are all in English. It is therefore highly recommended to improve your English proficiency. This is an effort that always pays off, and that sometimes is absolutely necessary to keep abreast of the programme. The Talencentrum is located in the Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 133, B-9000 Gent. You can check their website at: http://www.uct.ugent.be/en. Considering the size of the foreign students’ population at Ghent University, there is always a high demand for Dutch and English courses at the Talencentrum. Students, who do not sign up early, often have to turn to more expensive solutions on the private market. 8. Seventh step: most importantly: enjoy your stay in Ghent! 11 ORIENTATION Incoming LLM-candidates are required to attend the LLM Orientation Programme, which typically covers the entire first two weeks of your stay in Ghent. The Orientation Programme offers a comprehensive introduction to Ghent, Ghent University, its law school and its facilities and regulations. It also addresses important issues such as insurance, registration, final course selection, final class schedules, exam regulations, ICT-policy, library regulations etc. Orientation furthermore introduces the LLM-candidates to each other, to their new home, and to life in Belgium. Last but not least, Orientation offers ample social activities, and is therefore great fun! A detailed Orientation schedule will be provided to you by Ms. Svitlana Berezhna in due course. 12 LLM PROGRAMME STAFF & CONTACT INFORMATION http://www.law.ugent.be/llm/llm-staff Director LLM & International relations Prof. Dr. Marc De Vos Department of Social Law Voldersstraat 3, Room 120 018, 9000 Gent Telephone: +32 9 264 68 47 Fax: +32 9 264 69 94 [email protected] LLM Programs Officer Marketing and PR Officer Svitlana Berezhna The LLM Office Voldersstraat 3, International Relations Office, 9000 Gent Telephone: +32 9 264 67 28 [email protected] DOCUMENTS TO BRING TO GHENT As you prepare for your departure to Ghent, be sure to bring with you the following documents: - Visa, if required; - Affidavit of Support, if required (see your Application Form); - Official Letter of Admission; - Insurance documents, as explained in the insurance section of this booklet; - Your housing reservation confirmation, if applicable; - Any formal identification papers you may have, such as identity card, social security card or driver’s license. 13 TENTATIVE ACADEMIC CALENDAR September 16, 2015 Start of the Orientation Programme and of the compulsory courses: “European Law: the Basics” for students who have not had an introduction to EU Law in their previous studies, and “Skills for Lawyers” - for all students. September 21, 2015 Start of the academic year November 2, 2015 Public holiday (All Souls day) November 11, 2015 Public holiday (The Day of the Armistice) November 15, 2015 Public holiday December 21, 2015 – January 2, 2016 Christmas and New Year Vacation January 4, 2016 – January 30, 2016 Exams of the first semester February 1 - 6, 2016 Inter-semestrial break February 8, 2016 Start of the second semester March 18, 2016 Dies Natalis (no classes) March 28 – April 09, 2016 Easter vacation May 1, 2016 Public holiday May 05-06, 2016 Public holiday (Ascension) May 16, 2016 Public holiday June 11, 2016 Public holiday May 23, 2016 – July 2, 2016 Exams of the second semester Graduation in the first week of July 2016! 14 15
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