fffc-i i - MIMS Riggers and Machinery Movers of Connecticut
fffc-i i - MIMS Riggers and Machinery Movers of Connecticut
*_ fffc-i i-mimsriggers.com MIMS Machinery :-.J;i /I Movers -J@#l -_---_ \I :JJ I (i,I:i /.L-- ,i Beaut) OPERATORS INSTRUCTION BOOK I(CUT MASTER,, TYPE V ERTICAL URRET - ATHE a I HE BULLARD COMPANY for siatq lyearS has PrOgreSSivdy areated and plclced in prachcalky drl indrstries of the wcyrld, machine loafs which hone Zed, the way to more econowical a;nd acouifale prodrchon. Chchges in the prodrcts of indrstryl rLow methods) now) materials, and, coutinmed inprovenends in cutting toads cck for design adeonces in machine toalsl aulOmchCdrky making Previous machine toads obsalcte. Consistent with this demand and, in canit-once of kts general pchey) The Dullard Company has d,evalaped the Cwl Master type Vertical Turret Lathe,. This dS a machinebased On the i:undCrmental primctples of a,estgn ondJ inCorPorarwhg theresults of Oun. acquiredhaOwledge the.ough research over the past sinty years. Furthermore, this experience is ougmwled, by outstanding engineering developments of the present day,_ which mchefor increased, prodrchon, acouraey) smooth runqing) d,eoreased malndenance costl and, ease of handling. i The above factorsl PZus a H. P. rating and ra;nee of feeds and spe_eds_ capede of using to the fwhest advcwhage c[ny culling toad now haowrll Zeqd us to make the statenerlt that the Cut Master is mob only a mach;ire for ll Cwthng Tine on Cuts" , but also for « Cutting Time Between Cuts" ® THE BUIJI,ARD COMPANY BRIDGEPORT 2. CONNECTICUT Eii= CMT-Inot. 34-5O Printed in U. S. A. I.i I i `+. I I- MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com |- "CUT MASTER" VERTICAL TURRET LATHE "CUT MASTER" VERTICAL TURRET LATHE OPERATORS INSTRUCTION BOOK PAGE INDEX Page Andeist-.cutting without T. D. A. 3l Angular Turning with T. D. A. I 337 Unit.. Assembling the Machine.. BallTypeShifter Lever.. BraLCket-Feed.. .l2 and 18 10 'Capacities-Cutting Lubricant.. Th 23 Chart-Cutting Speed.. ''chart-Lubricaltion.. Chuck Operator-Hydraulic 13 10 23 (Optional). ?i?d4 l3 ll BraLke-Spindle-adjustment of.. Capacities-Oil Reservoir.. + Cleaning the machine.. Clutch-Spindle 7 Drive-adjust- 8: mentof. , i:;;`r;:;I Clutch-Traverse-adjustmenI of-. Dials-Micrometer.. Drum Scoringwith T. D. A. Unit.. Feed Bracket.. Feed Nut-Vertical adjustment of :; Feed Sa.fety Coupling..... Feed Stops-adjustment automatic Feed, Traverse and Rail Raising :i Safety Couplings.. . Foundation-machine.. 7 rwlachine Foundation.. 5 M:cclinnee Lnesvteallilna:ion Machine Operations.. Machine-Setting in position... Machine-Starting.. Machine-Weights.. Headstock.. Head-Swiveling of Rail. Hydraulic Chuck Operator ; 6! (Optional). Installing the machine.. Installation-preparing for-. 23 7 7 r J Tacking and Rolling on Skids. ± Jogging the Spindle.. m 7 Leveling machine... . I2 and 20 13 5 . 8, 9and lO lO Lubrication-Suggested Maintenance J!; 4 Machining Angles without T. D. A. a a 5 .n Unit.. Main Turret Head.. Maintenance suggestions..-. Micrometer Dials.....-. Nut-Vertical 8! | i U _ F;ed, ,-adjustHlent of.. ; o2 oil Reservoir Capacities..3..'. Stop Switches... Operation of Machine.. Preparing for Installation.. Rail Leveling adjustment.. Rail Raising aLnd Lowering ,. Ra.il Raising Safety Coupling... Raising and Lowering Frail. Receiving your machine.. Reservoir Capacities.. Safety Couplings.. Setting machine in position.. Shifter Lever-Ball type.. Head-Main Turret.. Head-Side.. Lubrication.. Lubrication Chart.. ( 7 Operating - Pendant and Star't- i Cutting Lubricant System.. Cutting Lubrica.nt Reservoir Capacities.. Cutting Speed Chart.. Leveling Rail adjustment.. Lever-Ball Type Shift'er.. Lifting with Crane.. Machine as-sembling. I Machine-cleaningof.. Io : ::: 2 an a Shipping.. Side Head.. Spindle CIutch and BraLke a_djuStment. . Startingthemachine.. .t`_, - I,_ Stops-Automatic Feed.. Stops-use of automatic Feed.. Swiveling the Rail Heads.. T. D.A.Unit.. Thread Cutting wit-th T. D. A. Unit.. Traverse Clutch Adjustment.. Traverse Safetv Coupling.. Unloading machine from car.. Use of Automatic Feed Stops.. Vertical Feed Nut Adjustment.. Weights of machines.. 2: ¬!! 4 land MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com OPERATORS INSTRUCTION BOOK "CUT MASTERw VERTICAL TURRET LATHE OPERATORS INSTRUCTION BOOK I LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Fig.No. I-A I-B 2-A Slinging the30w and 36w CutMaster.. Slinging the 42//. 54/y and 64// Cut Master.. Genera.I Front View of the 42/' Cut MaLSter.. 6 2-B General RearView of the 42" Cut Master.. 3 Cross Section through Cut Master Spindle (Typical). 4 Cutting Speed Chart.. 5 Turret Head Automatic Feed Stops.. 6 Main HeaLd Swivel lVorm and GeaLr.. 7 Side Head Automatic Feed Stops.. 8 Clutch Case Unit. -. 9 F:edJtworks indlTra.verse Clutches. lO 1I I2 ¢ 8; Rail Raising Bracket.. Feed.Traverse and Rail Raising Safety Couplings.. Section Through Vertical Head Feed Nut. 13 Cutting Lubricant System.. I4 Typical liydraulic Chuck Operator as Optional Equipment 15 j;i Pendan(tF:rOnwlraOclh?nWeistCwhitahndclSuotlcehnoj:afir-csuj;t.ch. a.o.;t;;i) I6 SpindleSpeedChart.... 17 Pendant Control Switch and Solenoid Circuit.. (For Machines with Stop Start I)ush Butt;i:)I l8 Spindle Speed Chart... 19 Typical Cut Ma.ster Wiring Diagram.. (For Machines with Clutch Brak: 'Swiit'ch' C'o'rit'r:I) Typical Cut Master Wiring Diagram.. 20 2l-A 2l-B 22 E= (For Machines with Stop Start PL:h'bLt:6ri:) Angula.I,Turning Formula ,,,Without T. D. A. Unit). (For Angles between 45o and 60o) Angular Turning Formula ,.Without T. D. A. Unit). (For Angles between 30o -and 45o) Threa.a Cutting' Drum Scoring and Angular Turning Unit.. 23 English Threa_a Cutting Gear Chart.. 24 Metric Thread Cutting Gear Chart.. 25 English Drum Scoring Gear Chart (Special Headstock Ratio 1 :I) 26 Metric Drum Scoring Gear Chart.. 27 English Drum Scoring Gear Chart. 28 Angular Turning Gear Chart.. :: ;: ;: ; [3] "li I.I MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com ucuT MASTER,H VERTICAIJ TURRET I'AT-qE 30 and 36 Inch Machines Fig. 1-A 42, 54 and 64 Inch Machines Fig. I-B Shtprme7'! amd Trcmsc't. Before shipment from the Factory) this machine was given a fun-load running test for several hours at au speeds and feeds) and every machine element was in correct adjustment and alignment at the conclusion of the test) at which time all oil was drawn from lubrication reservoirs. When placed on the car, the machine was properly skidded and blocked, and all bright parts heavily coated with slushing compound, and the entire machin-e enveloped in a waterproof cover intended to protect it from the elements as well as from cinders arid dirt. While in transit the machine has been subjected to conditions beyond our control; the covering may have been removed or torn) thus allowing cinders and dirt to.lodge in and around the machine; or the car may have been roughly handled in switching) and if so, the machine may have been subjected to injurious jolts and strains which may affect its alignment and operation. RECEIVING YOUR MACHINE AND UNLOADING FROM CAR Remoare C/oarer. Remove the shipping cover on this machine in such a manner that any accumulation of grit and cinders on the outside shall not fall onto the ma-chine. Prey Up BZocfoc'7,g. To remove from car) pry up the blocking with pinch bars before attempting to move the machine. Approatmate Net Wctghts of Base Machine Wi,thout Motors- ; -il:I :,) ::=gieettee :vitthh klaainn aanndd sSiiddee HHeeaaddss without heads without heads without heads ;i : c:!t :s§e; without heads 26)500 pounds 29)100 pounds 25,209 pounds 32)9co pounds 42)800 pounds 52)000 pounds MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com OPERATORS INSTRUCTION BOOK The 42") 54,,) 64' and 74/, sizes have various head ct)mbinations. Therefore) on 42~) 54~) 64~ and 74" machines only; add to the weights of the base machine) the head weights as follows: Add for Side Head complete with Feedworks Add for Turret Head complete with Feedworks Add for Ram Head complete with Feedworks 6,800 pounds 3,700 pounds 3,300 pounds r----- Lo/!¢'7'g t#¢th C/rcl7}e. The Cut |Iaster Vertical Turret Lathes are provided with four holes for lifting bars) two holes in the front of the machine and two in the back. Four lifting bars 17" long are shipped with each machine, not boxed but plainly marked and placed on the car floor. Insert these in.the four holes provided in the bed. Make sure that the steel slings are of sufficient strength and of the proper length in order to have the machine raised in a level position. ThThere the slings come in contact with the bed casting) place wooden blocks to protect the inachine. 'M.ilX3] ,5`C:RH TIE|T .SL::.:,=S `J-,. -_':r)I 31|3 )N LE'iERS. SHAFTS. OR |xy SE;PiI.EMEX=l3-i =+3=S` ,ST:CH IS r=Zi) 3Rl(::rETS OR COt]NTERwErenT BR=±CXET`-S` :I-i::DTT:±==_L=` `JR i:=:::a. Take up strain with crane) test slings) and pry skids loose from the car floor. D'o not raise.'higher than necessary to swing clear and for proper handling. Trmcfea.grg. T\Then lashing to truck' make lines fast to main bed casting or eye bolt. Do not fasten to shafts) pulleys) or other operating parts. protect machine dy the insertion of wood blocks where cables bear on machine. JACKING AND ROLLING ON SKIDS J-'-,-If he-6essary to jack and roll on skids from the car, use jacks only in openings of bed casting provided for this purpose. cases 6r pulleys. Do not jack against ed!50.e Of table Or On Projecting gear Pry skids loose from floor of car at same time jack is operating. Remove spikes from skids... S_]ed bolt heads are countersunk. The machine will) therefore) roll without ti'ouble,, "J Use.care in placing rolls and do not allow the machine to tip; the Side Head side is iheavier..- A-heavy jar under these conditions may seriously affect the alignment of working parts.-- 'Se!!frog , t7' Pos¢t¢'oro. }Iachines are set in final location by removing from skids and placing in position. The foundation is discussed in a later paragraph. If a cutting lubricant s]-stem is purchased with a machine) the water pan must be placed in position before installing the machine. Be sure that the water pan is resting on a.Solid f.oundation and is approximately level. Complete assembly drawings are shipp-ed with each machine to facilitate the erection of the water pan. Jl4ocho'7?a Fat,7?dCl!t'O7?. The 30") 36" and ±2" Cut Masters are self cont,aimed and require nc;,.Special foundation. _i solid floor of ri[jvid const,ruction will meet every need. Machine sizes 54", 64" and 74" however require an excavated pit for the lower spindle bearing and therefore a foundation drawing for these machines is furnished. A -. The 30#) 36J and 42y Cut Master Vertical Turret Lathes are provided with four 13{" tapped holes in the bed for leveling- purposes. The larger size machines have six such holes. A busting is inserted in each hole before shipment through which the machine is bolted to the skids. After the skids have been removed. the bushings should be replaced by the 1?i" x 4# leveling screws which are shipped with the machine. (See machine leveling instructions, page I.) [5] 2;-),-;-/:fQ3 a i,.jL) J MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com "CUT MASTER" VERTICAL TURRET LATHE Rear View Fig. 2-B Ei !l_ MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com OPERATORS INSTRUCTION BOOK INSTALLING MACHINE a/!ea7} the JWoc^t7te. -liter the machine iS located in position, clean it thoroughly. Remove all slush and dirt with kerosene or coal oil. from the sliding bearings on rails and slides. Prepclro'7}g /Or J7'SfOZZcl!t'o7'. Be sure that all slush is removed If machine has been partly disassembled for shipment) it will be found convenient to place where crane service is easily available for assembling before setting in final location. The Sol, SOY, 42w and 54v machines are shipped completely assembled with the following exceptions: (1) The Side Head Counterweights have been disconnected from the Side Head and blocked up inside the bed. (2) The motor, motor bracket,' belts and belt guards have been removed. (3) The water pan) if one is purchased with the machine, is removed completely. (4) For shipment a Silica Gel cartridge was inst.ailed in place of the Oil Filler Cap on each Feed Bracket. Remove and discard this cartridge and replace with the breather type Oil Filler Cap provided. In addition to the above) the counterweight pulley brackets on the top of the 64' machine are also removed before shipment. Let)e!c.7lg jl4achrfue. This machine must be set level. When in its final position, place an accurate spirit level across the center of the table and parallel to the face of the cross rail. - Rest the level on paper strips. _Adjust the leveling screws around the base until the bubble shows the machine to be level in one direction. Reverse the level and observe.for error in the instrument. Revolve the table bv hand so that the level is at right angles to the cross rail and level the machine again in th-e second position. Prove correct setting of quachine by placing instrument in radial position on table and while revolving the table slowly) take level readings at each one quarter turn. After.the machine has been leveled as described above) hard wood wedges should be inserted Completely around the machine between the floor and the bed. Care must be take_il ,that these wedges are inserted evenly so that the levelness of the machine is not disturbed nor undue strains set up in it. If desired) a permanent setting on concrete floor or foirndation may be made by grouting with deep cemem. This, however) must be kept.wet for several days while setting. i \q Assenbhimg Mach;ire. 1. I I Install Motor) Motor Bracket, and Belt Guards. 2.,. connectside Head Counterweights. Remove access cover in back of bed and remove wood blocking from around counterweights. rift counterweights to top of bed bv means of the counterweight cable and a crane. BE SURE TH_iT COUh-TTT.JRWEIGfiT CABLE IS HOT BENT SHARPLY IN DOING THIS. Block counterweights securely in high position by means of wood block resting on bed ribbin-cr. [7] I MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com "cur MASTERH VERTICAL TURRET IJATIIE Release counterweight cables from crane, and reeve Cables OVer PuueyS and through holes in cross rail. Raise side head by means of hand wheel and connect cOunterWeight cables to side head by means of screw bushings on end of cable. on the 64" machines, the counterweight pulley brackets must be mounted On the top of machine. I cross section Through Spindle (T)xpicai) Fig.3 LUBRICATION The hfe and good service of a machine tool depends upon its proper lubrication, and special attention has been given to this important fuhction in the design of the cut Master Vertical Turret Lathes. I Table spindle bearings, spindle gear and pinion, headstock clutch and-,brake) gear shift mechanism) and all brackets on the top of the machine with the exception of the rail raising brackets are lubricated by means of a constant speed) positive displacement pump located in the bottom of the clutch case bracket. The oil is drawn from--the base of the machine through a filter, and is then pumped under pressure to the poirits ndentioned above from which it returns by gravity to the base. A pressure gauge and switch are mounted on the rLcrht-hand side of the bed connected in the main high pressure s3rvice line insuring constantlv maintained oil presstire. If an abnormal drop in pressure occurs) the main power units ;ease to function. The feed brackets, rail raising brackets) and the gear trains within 'the various heads are lubricated independentlv from their own reservoirs in which the oil level must be maintained. All slide bearings and feed screws are arranged for independent pump gun I.ubrication. 1 MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com OPERATORS INSTRUCTION BOOK LUBRICANT SPECIFICATIONS Continuous, long-te-) trouble-free operation of modern Machine Tools can only be achieved if proper lubrication controls are estabtished and maintained. Fundamentafly) successful control must include : (A) Careful and wise purchasing of the most suitable lubricating and hydraulic oils to specifications. (B) (C) Cleanliness in installation and application of lubricants. A simple but positive test at regular periods to deterlnine COnditiOnS Of Oils. A high-quality "turbine type " lubricant conforming to the following specifications should be used for all Main Reservoirs) Bases and Feed Brackets. Visc9Sity..... ..140-160 SSU at 100o F. Viscositv Index.. pour po`int.. I. 100 approximate FlashPoint.... .. Neutralization i-`c).. I. Additives.. . 20o F. maximum .375o F. minimum ..0.10 maximum ..Rust and oxidation inhibitors are fo Z)e a.7}corporated by the Lwhricand ManAIfacturer. Any of the reputable oil companies can supply an appropriate oil to these specifications. _i high grade. s_|E $50 oil (viscosity range of 80 to 105 seconds (Saybolt) at 210o F.) should be used f.or Rail Raising Brackets,, Rail Turret Heads) Rail Ram Heads, Side Heads) Feed screvlES) Ways and Slides. INSTALLING THE LUBRICANT care and ale,auliness must b_e exercised at all times. The initial charging of a new machine will have much to do with its future successful operation. Make sure of cleanliness of drums, containers and transfer pumps. Wipe out any dirt left from inst.allation. L7se O72Z?J I,inf-Free Rczgs,. -Vet,,er Lrse Waste. Condensation, if readily apparent) should be eliminated before charging the lubricant. _i new machine should have a complete oil change after o7te 77lO7?!h Of OPeratiOn. TESTING CONDITION OF OILS "A lubricant should be removed from a machine before it has deteriorated sufficiently to have formed sludges and acids or increased in viscositv enough to endanger machine operation. -in indication of oil oxidat,ion is a rancid odor. contributing to short oil life are hi[5Crh OPeratincJO. t.emPeratureS; moisture in System; COntaminatiOn from dirt) COOlant, industrial and humid atmospheres; churning and foaming. C`hcl7lge O¬Z t4,hC,7) Nett!rczZ?'zc!z,,a'o7I IV?/,/7Zber reC!Cfie8 (a..5). Neutralization Number is the index of acidity of oils. It is obtained by i.ollowing the procedures set forth in A.S.T.M. .. Spec. D663 or D664 of the _American Society for Testing Materials. Durintjcr use of machimes) organic acids are I'ormed in the lubricating oils. lhThen an oil has become con- taminated with organic acids to the point where its Neutralization Number equals or exceeds (0.5), oxidation can increase at a very rapid rate) resulting in attack on the machine members and causing their malfunctioning. Badly contaminated machines require very frequent oil changes to thorou_a.hly clean their systems. The use of the Neutralization test) plus an exami-tion of the ch'#ere7?Ce in appearance and odor of new and used oils, will tell a user when to change oils. Complete tests should :; be made if a slight rancid odor is noted at any time. Copies of testmethodsmaybe obtained I'rom the American Society for Testing Materials, 1916 Race Street', Philadelphia 3) Pennsylvania. Test can be performed bv the user if simple facilities are available or by any commercial laboratory at a nominal.charge. lL\®- a RE MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com ocuT MASTERw VERTICAI, TURRET IJATHE {| CAPACITIES LUBRICATING OIL RES AppRExim Oil Reservoir irL.. 30"a. M. i25gals. Base Feed Brackets Rail Raising Bracket,s 18 gals. 36"C. M. volume R!quired ft'42,, C. } T40gals., 18 gals. 64"a. M. 54"C. M. t50gals. 18 gals. 74"C.M. ifeOgals. +70t3O.alS. 18gals. 18 t5O`alS. 18 gals. 2 qts. 2 ats. 2 qts. 2 qts. 2 qts. 1 E>O.a1. 1 gal. 1 gal. 1 gal. 1 gal. 1 gal. 1 gal. 1 gal. 1 gral. 1 gal. 1 gal. Side Head 5 qts. 5 qts. 6 qts. 6 qts. 6 qts. 6 qts. Feed Screws and \Vt\ys Hand Hand Hancl Hand Hand Hand oiled. oiled. oiled. oiled. 2 qts. Rail Turret Head 1 gal. Rail Ram Head oiled. oiled. _ Tit-l1'T:_:=r\,uir -,oluneS isceC1 _nClut;e.,he.CLiO..r`^ng.,:'uJn!iC:I. -`I jll.(i.'iC ;1`'.::l.I. trOunu ,,ne Ji)mtllc. ;a, ,:_`j .)6+ C_`.1 ! `JJ.is. +I, /I:,1- i i=nis' 3 I-`TJis. 5±' ,--:'I 31, C:'l :-r`.I-ars. _i.3 rJ9,is. T1_, lJ_`JI .37 ,/:.I,iS / . "J_LT_-I:I__,.}'': ±l±|1,.r\J.1rle _S lob CCIC. =1'_ /i. uiCl The _.ii '.e`.-e1 ..:i -,he r|JICJ|ine re±ei.I..IJir :Iluuid.:,a =_r}eL.led .Vie-rl I.JhL. f1-I-Tlnmg |1u SnOIIll1 lever 3XCeed -,he lei/Z1|: 1e|e+mln'el.i I)T -)he I)ii leTei -,eSC -Jhe (3i`l _eTei '3e 3XCee.i.eu. :3:;ti=::i:;ii::::i;i:=::ff=::::i=l:#:I:i::cl:¬' ri'-i,3a1 :n .he 5Oier1_Old housing )rlrLO :he 3XCeSSry'e ,Ill Y[]iCfl T`-OulCl ,`)i. oie c.ieeds 3rf |r-Cl snor+u clrcui1; I,he soienoids SUGGESTED I:UBRICATION MAINTENANCE SYSTEM The Bullard plant has practiced the following hit,a.hly successful lubrication control system for the past five years. It has been applied to all types of -\Iachin6 Tools which have been produced by over thirty different -\Iachine Tool Builders and has proven to be economical in every respect.. 1. _ill lubricants are bought to specification and laborator]. acceptance tests are made. Instr2riclil.nnd1:V:d.uk:1acnadrdl:stairneg mmaeea.odut.ffo.:1ienag:ht,I,np:a;hinleuTr:cs:nng, i:do¥hteiro:ufbrroiFa,:nh: information. 3. Laboratory test; are made on samples from main reservoirs for ,important oil characteristics. i Laboratory reports are used as a basis for determining sampling and change periods. 5. h-ew machines have oil chang.ed after one month of operation. 6. Initially, a check period of every foul. months is employed) but the final check period will be determined by experience. 7. We Cha,nge Otl When the Nentralizckon N"mbe1. ReaiI..es 0.5 (Mithgrorms of KOH per Gra,m of Oil) Regard1,ess of lay Other Consideraiton_ 8. When changing oil, we clean all filters and lnOP Out Sumps tO remove any accumulated sludge and dirt. 9. tl We lubricate T\_ays and Feed LScrews (Zerk Fittings) once each shift. I- 10. Small reservoirs, under 5 gals. capacity, containing heavy oil, can be changed more cheaply than the a.ost of tests to determine the condition of the oil. We change them,every six months as a routine proposition. I i MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com OPERATORS INSTRUCTION BOOK \ TO START MACHINE 1. Start the main drive motor by pressing the start-button located at the right-hand side of the machine. The start-button must be held in t,he depressed position for a few seconds to allow the oil lubrication pump to build up a sufficient pressure to operate a pressure switch which in turn holds the circuit for the main drive motor. 2. Move the Clutch Brake switch lever on the Pendant type control to the Brake position which releases the mechanical interlock holding the speed selector dial. 3. Set the speed dial to the slowest spindle speed. 4. Move the Glut.ch Brake lever on the Pendant to the Clutch position. 5. To start the spindle in motion; the machine is equipped with conveniently located start and stop switches) one for each head on the machine, which are wired in series with the Pendant. With this arrangement the spindle will not start until one of these Start switches fL1.e energized. The spindle may be stopped by either energizing one of the Stop buttons or by switching the Clutch Brake switch on the Pendant to the Brake position. There are many cases which require jogging of the table for positioning and indicating purposes. This is very easily accomplished through the use of the Start-Stop switches. By alternately pressing the Start and Stop buttons the Table can be jogged to any desired position or any fraction of a revolution. For very sensitive jogging control) hold the Stop-Button in the depressed position while operating the Start Button for jogging. l1'UI. _\J.rill.!1ineS.,Vi[l| iJrJl-,-_ `. I;C =hiF.- i.-(,.+i.. -J1.,Jl_.t.e,I +a.'OiluW_+ : 1. Start the main dril-e m-o-tor by pressing -the start button located at the right-hand I.ear of the machine. 2. Allowi the motor to run several minutes before starting the Spindle. This will permit the lubricating oil to circulate throughout the machine. It is advisable to turn each of the three filter cleaner handles) located in the rear base of the machine) one complete turn in a clockwise direction (Fig. 2B). 3. With the Clutch Levermoved to the extreme right, set shifter levers "A" and "B" for the slowest Table speed as charted on Speed Chart) Fig. 4) page 13. 4. Move the Clutch lever to the extreme left) and the Spindle will assume its predetermined speed. on the machines without a Ram He-ad there is only one Clutch Lever located at the right side above the Side Head. However, machines with a Ram Head are also provided with a Clutch IJeVer On the left Side Of the machine. OPERATION Feed BrclcL.e!s. The operation of all head movements is controlled by the feedworks on which are mounted: Hammer hand wheels for horizontal and vertical motion. Feed and traverse clutch handles. Feed change levers. Micrometer dials graduated to.001/. Before placing any of the heads in motion. make sure that all,binders are free. Turret Head Slide Binder "M" Ram Head Saddle Binder "Pw Side Head Saddle Binder "E9 Ram Head Slide Binder "Q" Side Head Ram Binder "F9 Turret Head Saddle Binder "JH alwa;sheinditrhe:tidoinreocftiomnotti:anto¬htehehehaadniswthoee!se a=!vfeed¥ and traverse clutch-handles is The traverse clutches are engaged by pulling the feed and traverse Clutch handles "s" and "T out (towards front of machine), and then moving them in the direction Of desired traverse. _.+ po?1Ltion. \Then the handle is released, spring tension pulls it back into the feed -I MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com HCUT MASTERM VERTICAL TURRET LATHE The feed clutches are engaged by moving the feed and traverse clutch handles in the direction of desired feed. The construction of the feed and traverse clutch mechanism has the following advantages: 1. Hand wheels are not driven while head is being traversed, thereby safeguarding the operator. 2. The feed and traverse clutches can not be engaged simultaneously in the same or opposite directions. 3. Both horizontal and vertical feeds may be engaged simultaneously, which makes possible 45 degree angular cutting in any direction without swiveling the head and without the use of special attachments. The feed change levers are located at the outer end o1' each feed bracket. The rate of feed is selected bv moving the feed change handles inward and outward and rotating them so that the loco-tions of the small pins in back of the handles correspond to the desired rate of feed as shown on the feed rate plate. feed _-aces Can =Ot 'Je.,3hanT,a.ed.mde-r Lea-,-:,. -,UCS viCin1,-.u-I -irSC ,riSengaging -uhe :'eed clutch :ever, 3,1though.1nder iOir,ru 3u-uS it :S =erm_lSSaDle :a iO SO. ::I -Jhe.'able.:S =eVOiVing a,I.,,err --1ign SPeedS. it iS ICi.Visa-Die :O Slot+- -Wine -.a51e -Jel'Ore ShlI-ulng_feeds in Prder -.O a.VOid clasdin-a -,he :teed gears. .l¢jf L EL behi#c'1g.am#:sDd;'aGIZ.c.:s:sc,hs.hfa:wd,.wphaere[1s,i:neeq.uf!p,,pf1!ChWiisthfixae#:a-.:rtOh=6l#..idi#e#rse::lfi and always moves in direct relation to- the head. On this member al:e clips which may be set to reproduce required dimensions. :aon:Eg#:djkunsi:,be': The front portion of the- dial is secured to trt:,.alfvtienrgp,ohretiforn.nbtydiFla:::SeP,fhteF)difencut:lens thulnb Screws Which may be loosened tO Permit It will be found that the use of the front dial will greatly facihtate the setting of the clips, since the dial may be loosened and the zero reading put on the fixed reSstry mark before moving the head a required distance. I i Ega7"PZe.. If the main turret head is to be moved downward.183,,lid,os:n thumb !huh£ib:nnduaTsc?.v::ath:fcsit:a.boklr:gllieatldO:rO::o:.ira.etnt%e:til:I;era::tSirte'r-;-Fqmad;I:'dslSOdP.sp;3pi.ic:::Js8frpa#rtehveoTvteighhat:3 1 move If the main turret head is to be moved upwarcl.214w. loosen thumb_nuts adjustable dial so that fixed registry mark is opposite zero/ allCl then tighten th +I b nuts. Then in order to move the head the required distance) simply revolve ha`nd riphd#n clockwise direction until registry mark is opposite 21i ",a It will be found that the use of these dials in the manner described; abolre and in conjunction with the indicator clips will greatly facilitate set-ups) and the reproduction work, and will eliminate much calculating which T\-Ould Ordinarily have tO be done With dials which are always in fixed relation to the hand wheels. i It should be noted that all dials and scales on the Cut -\Iaster are so designed that when Sin:ylecteotnoh,'eeirsig:olT.iefndgtifgsfpr:dnndilhesec.:Tie:rtr:e:alifhgeosffa:r!eeess.?ia:,h!e::irbnld:o.I¬:-:o:#nntgo,?mag;edrtish#-caaeny:ffrilf readings, H In other T\-OrdS, if a Piece Of Work iS tO be made Smaller either i_n#,height or diameter, the dial readings to do the work win likewise be less. `p:a Heac!s!ocA;.. The shifting of speeds on the Cut llaster Vertical Turret lathe is by means of hardened positive tooth clutches. All I,a.ears are in constant mesh and are never shifted. It is, therefore) impossible to damage gears while changing speeds. For machines with ball-shift type change, the speeds are selected by means of the primary and secondary shift levers located adajcent to the side head. The outer lever is ll MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com OPERATORS INSTRUCTION BOOK used for shifting the primary speeds and the inner lever for shifting the secondary speeds. In order to shift these speeds, determine the speed desired from the speed chart mounted on the side head and apply the brake. When t,he spindle has stopped, move the primary or secondary lever to its new position. If the lever can not be fully engaged) it indicates that the clutches have landed tooth on tooth, and no amount of pressure on the lever will engage the clutches. When this occurs] the easiest method to engage the clutches is to simply maintain a constant pressure on the gear shift lever while slowly engaging the clutch. It will be found that in this way very little effort is needed) and shifts may be made very quickly and easily. C/t,#trog SpeecZ Chclr!. (Fig. 4.) A cutting speed chart is supplied with each Cut Master and is mounted directly in front of the operator on the side head. The purpose of the chart is to provide a quick and easy method for quickly determining the cutting feet per minute. For machines with ball-type shift speed change levers, the chart gives the position of the levers) as well as RPM of table and cutting feet per minute. The cutting feet per minute plate shown without the red figures is for pendant-type control. The red figures are inserted as a reference for machines vvith ball-type lever speed change. For Bail-Type Shift IJeVer. Ezc!77?P!e I.. If a cylinder 25y in diameter is to be turned at 150 ft. per minute) the proper table speed and the headstock shift lever positions are detemlined aS follows: Follow the horizontal line opposite "25" in the "Di- ameter of Work in Inches" column, found on the lefthand side of the chart) to the right until it intersects the vertical Hne directly below "150" in the "Feet per Minute" column found at the top ofthechart. The intersection of these two lines falls on a diagonal line. By following this diagonal line upwards to the right, it will be found that the proper headstock gear CUTTING SPEED CHART Fig. 4 shift leverposition is ((C w-2, and the spindle speed is 22.5 R.P.M. MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com "CUT MASTER" VERTICAL TURRET LATHE Ezomp!e 2.. If a cut is being taken on a 35# diameter with the headstock shift levers in position "B-1 H) the feet per minute at the tool may be dete-ined as follows: Follow the diagonal line opposite "B-1H dovmward to the left until it crosses the horizontal line opposite "35u found in the "Diameter of Work in Inches" column on the left-hand side of the chart. It will be noted that the intersection of these two lines is approximately halfway between the vertical lines which are directly under "70w and "100w in the "Feet per Minute" column at the top of the chart. The approximate feet per minute at the tool, therefore, is half way between 70 and 100 feet per minute or about 85 feet per minute. It will be found that after a little practice the use of the chart is very simple and will greatly facilitate obtaining the maximum efficiency from the tools at all times. Z3an's¢'7}g O7'C! I,owem'7}g !he a+ass Z3¢¢'Z. To raise the cross rail, loosen the four rail binder nuts, two of which are located on the back of each end of the cross rail) and move the rail raising lever "Rw (Fig. 2A), mounted on the left-hand side of the bed, to the right (in a counter-clockwise direction). To lower the cross rail,, proceed as above, but move the rail raising lever to the left (in a clockwise direction). The rail binder nuts serve not only to bind the cross rail to the bed, but also lock the rail raising lever so that if any rail binder is tight) the lever can not be moved. The purpose of this construction is to prevent moving the rail while it is bound. In general it will not be found necessary to bind the cross rail to the bed) since the cross rail is securely gibbed to the machine. However, for very heavy cuts) tightening the cross rail binder nuts will result in increased cutting rigidity. VThen the cross rail reaches its extreme upper or lower limits or approaches too closely to the side head) the rail raising lever is automatically cammed to a neutral position, which, however) does not prevent the cross rail from being moved in the opposite direction. If the rail raising lever is cammed to a neutral position by the rail approaching the side head too closely) the raft may be lowered further after the side head has been lowered. ;` Adjt,s!abZe At,fo77?Cl!?'C Feed Slops. Adjustable feed stops and automatic kickouts for safe maximum stroke are provided for each head. The feed stops consist of adjustable dogs which may be set at any desired point. TThen contacted by the moving head) they actuate a movable bar which trips a fixed switch. These switches) one for vertical and one for horizontal movement) close a circuit to actuate a solenoid and valve which in turn controls a piston unit and disengages the feed mechanism. These stops are set when the first piece of a n.n of work is machined and will stop feeding of the head within close limits on all subsequent pieces. These are not supposed to be micrometer stops. They facilitate the duplication of dimensions and are part of the safety stop system) and they should not be used for finishing cuts too extremely close. lhThere such critical dimensions must be maintainell) the stops should be set to kickout a little beforehand and final size attained by using the hammer action of the handwheels in conjunction with the settings of the micrometer dials. J14o67' Towrre! Head. Figure 5 shows the operation of these stops in the Main Turret Head. On the main head the vertical motion of the slide in feed may be automatically controlled by the settings of the dogs "AH and WBw on the slideable plate "C». These dogs are contacted by the Potable dog "DH mounted on the sbaftiWEWin the down slide. The positions shown on the drawing) the dog "Dw will contact neither the dogs "A" or "B" so that the operation of the automatic feed stops is disconnected. By moving the dog "D" in a counter-clockwise direction) the dogs.,,I"A" will be contacted, while moving the dog "Du in a clockwise direction will crfuse the dog "Bw to be contacted. The shaft "Ew is moved inward and outward to register over each of the five dog slots when the turret is indexed. Consequently) the head magivbe automatically stopped in any number of different positions vertically, dependin'g tifon the face of the turret being used and the setting of the dog.''D". After the dog i(/B9,#fias contacted :I: atoogp,(aBq) tthoeitfseendeuhtarsalb;eo:it::iOa=stiCoa:lnVod:Stehnegadgread+1its;So:e=S:::tyh:3::eeiatdheurpr:ta:ans slightly by hand before either the feed or traverse can be reengaged.- -If two or more i_ lt`_ ll;il 1!J MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com OPERATORS INSTRUCTION BOOK ',:/® i I uI (i II-IJIIIIIIIIIE- IIIIiliii- SECTION X-X -.. 'ii R* \ +? J I x\ 4 I S /I .I S + (?r9 i¬ IiI Ii II I III x!,rB llll Il I r I I 1 III ¢ © I / r\L I , \ -1' _ SECTION Y-Y Turret Head Automatic Feed St,ops " -,. Ir+(`lLl Fig. 5 stopping positions are required while using the same face of the turret, the proper dog "Aw should be set for the uppermost stopping position and the corresponding dog ''B" set for the lower stopping position. Then after the head has stopped in accordance with the setting of the dog "Aw, the rotable dog "Dw may be tuned in a clockwise direction so that the head will continue down until dog "D,, contacts dog "Bw. The operation of all other stops is similar to that described above. The horizontal motion of the main head is controlled by the settings of the dogs "Fw, wGw, and wHw, all of which are of different heights. These dogs are contacted by the pin "I" which is located directly under main Saddle. This pin has four positions inwardly and outwardly; the one shown on the drawing being the extreme outward position in which no dogs are contacted. - By pushing the pin to its extreme inward position, the dogs "F" wiu be conti6ted. In its next outward position, the dogs "G" will be contacted, and in its third position) '`I'8 J [15] MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com "CUT MASTER" VERTICAL TURRET LATHE Main Head Swivel Won and Gear Fig. 6 dogs "Hw will be contacted. Both the slideable plates "Cw and wJw are designed for an over-travel of approximately %'; therefore, after the feed has been automatically disconnected, the head may be brought to its final exact setting by hand without disengaging the dog "D)) or the pin "I". If the 94, over-travel is exceeded, the shafts "EM or "KM will rotate, thereby automatically throwing the stop dogs out of position. The shafts "Ew and wKw must be retumed to their normal positions before using them further. Under no circumstances can over-travel damage the stopping mechanism. Sdde Head. The operation of the adjustable automatic feed stops on the side head is shovm Qn Fig. 7. The operation of these stops is very similar to that on the main head. In this case) h-owever) the handle "Aw may be rotated in four positions in order to select which of the dogs-" B", "C») or "D" will be contacted. The fourth posttion of the lever "A" is neutral in which no dog is contacted. Dogs "E,I, "F", andPod3; mounted on the right-hand side of the bed towards the back are used for automatically disengaging the vertical feed on the side head. The selector plunger "Hw is moved inwardly and outwardly to select the proper dog. The side head stops like the main head stops are designed to provide for over-travel) and excessive over-travel can in no way damage the mechanism. The plunger "I" mounted on the top of the side head is for the purpose of disengaging the feed automatically should the side head be unintentionally fed into the cross rail, in which case the plunger "r will contact the cam "I" mounted on the cross rail and thereby disengage the feed. Use a/ Stops. In general it will be found that the use of the stops will greatly increase production) especially where a number of similar pieces are to be made. It is generally advisable to set the stops somewhat ahead of the extreme position of the tool and bring the head to its final position by hand. However, careful adjustment of the stops after making several pieces will eliminate the necessity of moving the head to its final position by hand. For Ea;ample.. If after roughly setting the stops it is found that the head fails to reach its final position by.018") the stop itself may be moved.018|, in which case the size may be quite accurately held without bringing the head to its final position by hand. sti)tuez?ng a/ R¢tZ Heeds. (Fig. 6, as shown above). The Cut Master +ertical Turret Lathe is provided with a vernier to accurately swivel the head to any required amount up to 30 degrees. At the top of each swivel behind the dovm slideis located a worm "A" which operates in the worm gear segment "B" secured to the saddle.., Mounted on the worm shaft "c" is an adjustable dial "D" secured to the shaft by pears of a set screw ''EJ). U \ -, [l6] ji MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com OPERATORS INSTRUCTION BOOK -HI - --=----I--_- =====+ I \ \u -----#1!------i-I Sic.TI I .I \B =iII ¥J`..` A-,` fRONT SIDE VIEW HEAD OF SLIDE ? iif"i! - : T, ":; ':_ a ti _I: :::: I,.-.; EI! fi,,I/. "J In addition the front side of the saddle is marked in 2 degree increnentS from Zero to 30 degrees in each direction) and a registry line is clearly stamped on the Swivel. To ¬swivel.the head in either direction, proceed as follows: I 1. Use the ratchet wrench supplied with each machine and before loosening the six binder bolts in the swivel, take up on the backlash in the worm. Be sure thatmthaeyrebEsigv:aeb(;Fl;,oisse=p#htee ts:: szcerreowHp,eE:: the dial "D9. If it is notl the r1 MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com "CUT MASTER" VERTICAL TURRET LATHE 2. Loosen the saddle binder bolts and rotate the head the required number of degrees and minutes. The wo- "AH is of such a pitch that one revolution of the wormn shaft) (shaft "C") causes rotation of two degrees. The dial "D" is marked in five minute intervals up to two degrees. 3. ThThen the head has been moved to its approximate position, take up the binder bolts slightly and move the head slowly to its final position, being sure that the LE backlash in the wo- is taken up in the same direction as in the original setting. 4. Clamp the binder bolts securely. The head may be moved back to its vertical position in the same manner and if care is used in properly aligning the dial "D" with the registry line "F") it will be found that the head may be retumed to an exactly vertical position without difficulty. Note: A very slight misalignment of the main head will cause taper turning. Therefore) it is very importanc that before moving the head from its original setting as the machine is received, the above steps be carefully understood and followed. MAINTENANCE SUGGESTIONS Spi,ndZe Cbwlch and Brake Adjustment ("g. -- _-i---- - 8). To adjust the clutch or brake, remove the cover on either side of the clutch case housing. The clutch may be tightened by forcing in detent pin "B" and tuming nut wAw one.or two notches in a cloclrmrise direction il_ when looking toward the the machine. The brake is tightened by forcing in detent pin ({D" and revolving nut "Cw one or two notches in a clockwise direction when looking towardthe front of the machine| After adjusting the clutch) caution must be taken to examine two positions of the Toggle Rolls in relation to the Toggle Cam. 1. OIL RESERvoIR SHOULD NEvE a ExcEED Tt|ls LE.VEL The Toggle Rolls must have at least J2tr Clearance from the back wan of the Toggle Can 2. i:;I when ]`n the engaged position. The Toggle Rolls must always be on the flat surface of the Toggle Can when in the engaged position. Clutch Case Unit Fig. 8 i MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com OPERATORS INSTRUCTION BOOK If the clutch is not adjusted to conform to these two settings, the Clutch Fork Shoes will be subjected to the full thrust of the clutch throw during the entire clutch engagement period, for which they are not intended. Therefore, it is advisable after a clutch adjustr ment to engage the clutch and while in this position shut off the main motor; then wiggle the Clutch Fork to make sure there is a slight amount of play between the Clutch Fork Shoes and their contact surfaces, also the Fulcrum Pin of the Clutch Fork and the Fork Operating Link. From numerous clutch and brake adjustments) the Toggle Rolls may be found riding against the lead radius instead of the flat surface of the Toggle Cam. This condition indicates that the Clutch or Brake Plates are worn and should be replaced. GASHET-k.` TF?AYE F3 5 GEAR-A GC)VER--a TRAVERSE GEAF{-''E)I DOG POINT set SCF? EW-"F S=.PE\/ RETAINEF? sNAF= Fi:NG-.G' TFZ4'/i i?.SE TF)AVERSE GEAF?-t GEAFi-D' Ii covER-t' GASKET- ''Y\ ADJUSTING WFiE.NCt|-I.L-I Feed VIrorks and Traverse Clutches Fig.9 Tra)erer8e CZt,!ch Adjt,s!mero! (Fig. 9). The traverse clutches are adjusted by drain- ing the off from the feed bracket and removing the outside rear cover. The clutch which needs adjustment may then be tightened by lifting the retainer snap ring "Gu out off the dog point set screw "Fw and backing out the set screw approximately )4"; then insert adjusting wrench "Lw, which is shipped with each machine, in the two ke]ways provided for it in the intemal hushing as shown on the drawing. Then, while holding the wrench stationary, revolve the main pulley by hand so that the traverse gear "Aw is brought toward the friction cone. The traverse clutch adjustment is correct when there is between.050# to.075~ motion from the neutral position of the friction cone to its extreme position. After the clutches have worn to an extent where the motion exceeds %", it must be readjusted. ¬ MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com "CUT MASTERH VERTICAL TURRET LATHE ADJuSTlrlG THRUST SCRE\^/- a A[:u:T"u-SN:UITN-GC\ /aoTyL::K-=ASHEa. F '``````\`\ \ .^`` _. :` . I ',%;//22, Ir| LJ LL7l r| I I//,%%,1I I ///,..:,.\` I I II . '' I..',I.I i.A IRAILRAISINGl !i : SCREW-A I : : III Rail Raising Bracket Fig. 10 Rcl¢'Z I,eue!¢'7tg Adjco8Ime7L! (Fig. 10). The rail is supported on both sides by a raft raising screw "A". If for any reason it is found that the rail is no longer level) it may be adjusted by means of the adjusting lock nuts "B» and "Cw in the rail raising brackets mounted on each side of the machine. It will be found necessary to support one side of the rail in order to take the load off the rail raising screw before attempting to adjust the nuts "Bw and "C». AIter the adjusting nuts "Bw and "Cw have been moved, the thrust screw "Dw should be set down lightly against the top of the rail raising screw "-i". MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com OPERATORS INSTRUCTION BOOK FEED DRIVE SHAF'T- H I(/ TFiAVEFiSE. AND FiAIL RAISING li.;;: DFUVE Sl+AFT-I COUPLING- a TRAVERSE SHAFT SAFETY WET PART NO.73I43 FEED SHAF'T BACK OF COVER-H SAFETY Y<EY-A PART NO.586Oe) RETAINEFi WIRE-C DOG POINT SET SCFiEW-a DRIVE SHAFT (sHOFiT) - E: / / / Nut- I. BINDER 5CFiEw- a ./...,.,,I ,,; LN|lT- F LBINDEFR SCREW-a Feed Traverse and Rail Raising Safety Couphings Fig. ll Feed, Fraarerse, a7'd Ran'Z R¢dswig Sa/edy a/ot4PZo'rogs (Fig. ll). In order to thoroughly safeguard the machine against damage due to overloads in the feed) traverse, or rail raising drives, safety keys are provided for both members. In the event that the keys become sheared due to some overload, they may be easily replaced through the cover "Hw located on the back of the machine. Traarerse So/e!gr Kegr. The Safety Key for the Traverse Drive Shaft "I" is made of cast iron which is the only material that should ever be used for replacement. Part No. 73143 should be used if replacement is ordered from The Bullard Company. Feed So/e!gr Kegr. If ordering a Safety Key for the Feed Drive Shaft WKH order Part No. 58608 which is made of SAE-1045 steel for Feed Drive Shaft use only. *'uey i i ," ? _,i i MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com Section Through Vertical Hen(I Feed Nut \ `- - Fig. |2 ADJUSTMENT OF VERTICAL FEED NUT The vertical feed of the slides on the cross rail is by means of a feed screw and nut. The construction of the nut is such that by proper adjustment all backlash and looseness can be eliminated. If the nut becomes loose through wear, it may be tightened as follows: 1. Loosen binder screw "Bw. 2. Tighten slide binder and slightly move head downward by hand in order to relieve pressure on the vertical feed nut. 3. Move feed screw take-up nut "Aw in a clockwise direction until looseness in the feed nut has been eliminated. 4. Tighten binder screw "Bw. Befol.e operating machine) test action of vertical feed by hand to be sure_that proper adjustment has been obtained. MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com OPERATORS INSTRUCTION BOOK The Cut Master Cutting Lubricant System consists of a steel pan over which the machine may be easily set; also floor plates) splash guards) adjustable lubricant conductors) and an electrically driven centrifugal pump of large capacity. The individual sliding guards are so de- signed that they may be raised or lowered in a few seconds) thus reducing the splash to a minimum and at the same time permitting easy access to the table when chucking work. The approximate reservoir volumes for all sizes of Cut Master Cutting Lubricant Systems is as follows : 3i; i: ::!'! i i; Fig. 13-Cintting Lubricant System Three chuck pre ranges, heavy) me and light duty) are derived from the use of ;`c:i the dual piston design. Changing from one range to another is accomplished by the omission or addition of one piston. Care must be taken) however) that cylinder port openings are plugged when a piston is removed and that plugs are removed when a piston is added. The pressure within each range is adjustable by a pressurereducing valve located directly below the chuck operating control at the front of the machine. ::i-: Fig. 14-Typical Hydraulic Chuck Operator as Optional Equipment !l. MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com ãýŒŒ Œ .''} MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com I The Pendant Control Switch and Solenoid Circuit (Fig. 15) and the corresponding Spindle Speed CIlart (Fig. 16) pertaill tO the following Machine Serial Numbers: 54' Machines-up to and including Serial No. 25426 SOY Machines-up to zLnd iI)eluding Serial No, 25449 64' Machines-up to and including Serial No. 25459 36ff Machines-up to and including Serial No. 25444 74' Machines-up to and including Serial No. 25423 42w Machines-up to and including Serial No. 25429 (except Serial No. 25413, 25406, 25407 and 25408) I|CUT MASTER" TABLE SPEEDS 30 INCH 42 INCH 36 INCH 54 INCH 64 INCII Std. AC I High 74 INCH Std. I High 1.. AC2... AC3... 5:: i §!oi ADa A i3 A:::D: 4 1.. 23 4 1.... 2: :i:i:i-: 1.. 2 : DD E i; E;I3£f : 1... E2... E3... E4.... El__=-f El=:-El__=f Fig. |6-SPINDLE SPEED CIIAIIT f§I=ff ==: re=cghesspf::i?u Sizes Of Cut Master Vertical Turret Lathes. It also hsts the solen:ihij:asnpdnsdlw?tghp=edwhci:hartar:set8netrh#r% :8#ain rang:oh:;ool::o:¥ch&1PndeSsWhiotuClhdeSf:::!roOphi:::£hteh8e#no=#nTinittchhe:ef#t:tnidngc:Luesmens;fe#s=hayautbes:otchaadifaanpdo#i:cnk:i.a 8Ef#r fro:!e:nmf;:!iing!tttbhfimf.i3.n:ao:n'iydf8e:aF:d!bftElijispfe:wTh,:t'¬seih;f.o::e!rf.:oiii.n,f:ee:ciiydrfe:a::f:ebrs:gig.ietr:craEE::ourfiei:fgfoncs:a:i:old:hpi3h:8e::tionW£Sec!ahigPf:Ittioipo::nd3eaacnoh! MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com i|*|c\YJO|t]I|N\I (\I II II/I I/ ll I I IO?I Ie t I 9 6 \\"l9 i9LL\\\\\luSV\\82CJ^/YN%J_ II I-=_ I iiiiiii =± :-.`- \ I eyl %,¥la "j MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com 9. The Pendant control switch and solenoid circuit (Fig. 17) and the corresponding Spindle Speed Chat.t (Fig. 18) pertain to the following Machine Serial Numbers: 30v Machines-Serial No. 25450 and after 547 Machines-Serial No. 25427 and after 36~ h4achines-Serial No. 25445 and after 64t Machines-Serial No. 25460 and after 42AI Machines-Serial No. 25430 and after 74® Machines-Serial No. 25424 and after (also including Serial Nos. 25413, 25406, 25407 and 25408) "CUT MASTER" TABLE SPEEDS 8ii Fig. 18-SPINDIJE SPEED CHART solen:¥ss asnpinsd:eitgEeesedwhCi:£rtarleiset:etrhglezt±r:: £:gnreaancghe8spf:#u Sizes Of- Cut Master Vertical run.et Lathes. It also lists the rangeT.h: ;o.I::oi¥chTndesswhituclhdesf£::!r.o;H::ag,ten,ehsepse.¥e8n.air&lf!#s'Lni,tchheief#t:tnidngc:Luesmensgfeetdhis£ha;r!es:.tchaa,teifaanpdorcti:cnkoei.a sff,* :oe:te:nFiigli:glittt!Ssem:Olv3in:!£sefntontdE8=WtEiiE;esae:TH!tihCsehh:Cf.SIC:I:I.Elih:infaeenciey!diss,o::eeuFccfs&fx::et:a,I:3.Fur:einagTii:g.ic!,o7:its.T:hp'far8eahti.nW:Sect,ahigPiiS_:ttiO:ndpO::nd3eaacn.h! the machine bed for any possible loose wires, loose solenoid securing screws or a burnt out solenoid unit. __ ___+i_____ MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com P(ND^NT SWITCH I__II,.a-ELtli IIIII=-I II I I I I I "F;i-L.I--fifiC.1 lO®*^XE i--HlI LOW II I C I A I Lldr|T " IIii= TZ TEf}WIN^L -P-.i"flD,I L>tt I|III BOX tI|a ITIT|Ij[1"a O1 O| lO Sl C II a O ( O a I O O i a O ) O a 'O .I sa sa s4 t I I I I lO II la "Hoooooooo I HE^DSTOCk L| I Tu||tT W(^El Auto L1L| Stops Typical Cut Master V. T. L. Wiring Diagram SID( rlE^D Auto STOra |^u W(^O ^uTO Sro|I (For Re/ereaece Om!ev) Refer to Pendant Circuit Fig. |5 ira.EEife-ffiffifihaEIlffiuffiEEqifeiifeifEPff±:fi:irfulEfr¥m=ha-rd-i-- MIMS Machinery Movers i~.+, mimsriggers.com jt ." ,lj 'Lul Typical Cut Master V. T. L. Wiring Diagram (For Re/ereace OroZgr) Refer to Pendant Circuit Fig. 17 Fig.20 fS- -_ _------ MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com -FOFiMuLA- ANG|E IA"=exe-9O. EXAMPLEB= 5eO \\\Aft THEREF.ORE EI 5G50="2O MINuS 9OI)ESIREOANGLE'A=Ei,NOTETHEAt5OVEFOf?MulsF.ORANGLES(aGREATERTHAN4ANDNOTMORETHIGO F. 3OMVEF?Tl.t\I- - -Ll . I The angular set,ting of the head determined by the fomlula, and tlle engagerncnt of both horizontal and down feed will result in a.utting the required angle. I I- ---1 I- I( ¥,/---------- ==-I--_i_-===i\-ii I - -FOFtMuLAANGILE''A'= eo.- a * J6\\\\ i EXAapC=rf=__i= THEREFORE 9O® MINuS e*SSO¬7O. oeslREO ANGLE 'lA"-- i5i;. I NO|E' I THE Ae)OVE F'ORMuLA ls FOR ANGLES (''B') GReATER THAN eOO AND NOTMORE |HAN 45O F.ROW VERTICAL LINE. =t - --------- =-I-==-i - - -=i-I----:-- - _c_ MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com OPERATORS INSTRUCTION BOOK HOW TO MACHINE ANGLES 30 DEGREES TO 60 DEGREES FROM THE \ITRTICAL WITIIOUT TIIE USE OF SPECIAL ATTACHMENTS In order to machine angles greater than 30 degrees and less than 60 degrees from the vertical) both horizontal and vertical feeds may be engaged simultaneously) in addition l to swiveling the head. The angle to which the head must be swiveled is detemnined as fouows: 1. For andes between 30.degrees and 45 degrees) head is swiveled in opposite direction to angle being tuned. (Fig. 9-B). Then- ANGIJE A-goo-2Bo 2. For angles greater than 45 degrees and not more than 60 degrees, head is swiveled in Same direction aS angle being turned. (Fig. 9-A). Then- ANGIJE A-2Bo-goo n T. D. A. UNIT The T. D. A. Unit for Cut Master Vertical Turret Lathes provides for any of three fduen#;¥7-iF:euat:s,a:,!,ti:rg,siddF3 i:oriZ:ngta:I..anv#::oralt.urT,¥gTt£aos:lyal:papnngelasa,doa¥, ,t=: directly on the end of any of the feedworks so that any or all of the heads can be completely and individually equipped for this type of work. Furthermore, since all feed units are the same, this unit is interchangeable for all heads on all sizes of machines. In the Illustration, next page, Fig. 22 the hinged door has been removed for clear views of the change gears and the movable quadrant. This unit comes with a full complement of gears for English or Metric threads only. For dnlm SCOring Or angle tuning, One Set Of gears for One specified Pitch Or One SPeCified angle are furnished. Additional gears for other pitches or angles are obtaimble by order. Operate.o7l-Threcld Cholto'mg. For cutting all standard pitehes of EngHsh threads, suitable gears may be placed in the T. D. A. LTnit by simply opening the swinctng hinged cover "A». Proper gears for each position are shown on the chart which is shipped with each machine equipped with a T. D. A. Unit. Shift the feed levers "Bu and wC» to give 34' feed per revolution. Place clutch lever "Du in its neutral or upright position and traverse head to its proper position for starting thread cutting. Tighten vertical friction cone clutch "Ew and be sure that horizontal friction cone clutch "Fw is disengaged. A spanner wrench for tightening these clutches is shipped with each T. D. A. Unit. /thts~ -, -`ir:.-*.,a.=.J=£LL:I MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com wcuT MASTERM VERTICAL TURRET LATHE T. D. A. UNIT HORIZONTAL HAND WHEEL Engage main clutch and when spindle revolving at proper speed, engage clutch lever "Dw which operates a single tooth clutch. VIThen the tool has reached the eh,d of its first threading cut, back the head out 'of the thread by means of the horizontal hand wheel. Neutralize the clutch lever "Dw and return the head to its starting position by means of power traverse lever "S-1H. The head may then be moved in a little further to take the second threading cut and the clutch lever "DH once more engaged. Because of the design of the clutch which is operated by the clutch lever "D),, the thread chaser always picks up the oriSnal thread without any danger of splitting the thread. Cowf¢'on.. Neverengage clutch and traverse handles "T-1" or "S-1W in their feed positions Fig. 22 when cutting threads. If it is necessary to pick up a thread at a given position or to recut an old thread, the thread chaser may be accurately positioned in the cut by first engaging the clutch lever ''Dl, with the vertical friction clutch "E" disengaged, nlnning the spindle One Or more 12/O6/O2 MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com FBI 14:2S Fan 86O 582 1894 MAL MACHINERY SAIfS INC !l;::,.:.. CLLITCH AND BRAl(I ADJuSTAAENT The Clutch and Brake is operated by a piston in the Hyd_rau|ic Speed Snifter Unit- Cc)nstant pressure on the inner side ol the piston applies the Clutch. Working pressure on the outer side of the piston applies the Brake. |n the Brake pc)sition)the piston bottoms in the cylinder,. in the Clutch position, the Outer end o£ the piston hits a Stop Screw. This Stop Screw is set at the factory for the proper Clutch-BI.ike throw and Should notbe a1tered. To adjust the Clutch or Brake)remove from the Clutch Case Housing the Cover having the oil filler spout, and proceed as follows: CLUTCH ADJUSTMENT: Depress the detent pin in the Toggle Ring and turn the(Clutch)Toggle Ring Nut one or t\x,o notches in a clockwise di=.ec:tion whenlookingtowardthe back I)i the machine. Each notch o£ adjustment represents approxirr}ately .OO3 of an inch of take-up. BRAKE ADJUSTMENT: Depress the detent pin in the Toggle Ring and turn the(Bral<e)Toggle Ring Nut one or two notches in a clockwise direction when|ookingtowardthe front ol the machine. Each notch of adjustment represents approximately .OO3 o£ an inch of take-up. After a Clutch oI. Brake adjustment it iS advisable to check the posttion o£ the Toggle Rolls as follows: I.) Re-ove the Link Pin in the Clutch-Brake Operating Rod. Z.) Using a prybar againstthe Clutch Fork, force the Toggle Cainto engage-eat and thereby check the position ol the Toggle Rolls to be sure thatthey are at rest onthe flat surface onthe inside o£ the Toggle Ca-. Pclge 34 J3(-,- 6-02 | SAT 3:32 PM 86C 582 1894 l\/ MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com When the Clutch or Brake is adjusted tc)a tight|y}the Toggle. Ro11swil| ride on the lead radius o£ the Toggle Ca- or Spool- insteado£therest or flat surface inside the Toggle Cam. If this condition exists, the Clutch Fork Shoes will be subjected to the full thrust o£ the Clutch thrc)w during the entire Clutch engage-eat period, for whic:h they are nc)i intended, Therefore it is essential after a Clutch or Brake adjust-ent) to check [or a slight a -ot-I o£ play I)et`Ireen the Clutch Fork Shoes and their contact surfaces on the Toggle Ca-,also the Fu|cr`l- Pin of the Clutch Fork andthe Fork Operating Lick. CAUTION When checking -for pla:, `3etWeen th-e Clutch Fork Shoes and thai--con=ac:I surI-aces C)a the Toggle Carn, +_he main motor rtl.ust.oe --unning in order to engage the Clttch c)I Brake. Thereto_-e, extreme care r.ust be exercised because o£ the I.Otating Parts. After nu-erous clutch and Brake adjust-eats, it will be found that the Toggle Rolls will be coming to rest near the lead radius o£ the Toggle ca-. This condition indicates that the clutch or Brake Plates are wornand should be replac:ed. CAUTION If the Clutch or Brake should suddenly fail to operate)and theadjuStment is.found correct, check t+-e £ollc)wing points.. I.) check the rnacriine hydraulic operating pressure_ Z.) Check the.Clutc`-r1-Brake Solenoid. J3'(:,- e-o2 SAT 3:e,_ P),,I 8E,I 582 1894 rf E]qu MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com !l)i ® : / MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com OPERATORS INSTRUCTION BOOT{ revolutions to take the backlash out of the T. D. A. Unit, and then positioning the chaser accurately in the thread with the spindle stopped. Then by tightelring the Vertical friction clutch "E w) the head will automatically follow the original thread. Opercl!¢.oro-A71gt,Zar Tt4r7".7)g. The principal of turning angles with the T. D. A. Unit is to simultaneously drive the horizontal feed screw in a fixed relation to the vertical feed screw. In order to do this, it is necessary that the clutch lever "Dw be constantly engaged and that either the horizontal feed lever "T-1 " and the vertical friction clutch "E" be engaged simultaneously, or that the vertical feed lever "S-1 w and the horizontal friction clutch "F» be engaged simultaneously. EirampZe I.. To cut an angle of 30 degrees from the horizontal) with tool starting at the O. D. and moving upwards and inwards. -::!l +£fff )I J`J-J Select the proper gears for the T. D. A. Unit as shown on drawing shipped with each machine equipped with the T. D. A. Unit and place them on the proper studs. Move the head to the proper starting position for the cut, but slightly away from the work, and engage the clutch lever "D" by moving it to the right in the position marked wup or out». Then engage the feed lever "T-1" by moving it downward. Tighten the friction clutch "E". Start the main spindle, and the head will move along the desired path. If the depth of the cut is not deep enough or too deep) release the friction clutch "Ew and adjust the vertical position of the head to the desired depth by means of the vertical hand wheel. Retighten the friction clutch "E", set cups on both the horizontal and vertical micrometer dials so that the same relative position can be duplicated. Engage the main clutch and take the cut. When the cut is completed) disengage both the vertical friction clutch wEu, and the horizontal clutch lever "T-1 " and return the head once more to starting position again sHghtly away from the work. Engage the horizontal feed lever "T-1" and revolve the spindle until the micrometer dial is in exactly the same starting position as for the first cut. Stop the spindle at this point. Move the vertical hand wheel to its original starting position and then move it slightly further) depending on the depth of the cut which is to be ,taken. Then re-engage the.vertical friction clutch "EH once more and proceed as before. Couffom.. Never engage the vertical clutch lever "Sl w while the vertical friction clutch wEM is engaged. 3f The operation of the T. D. A. Unit while cutting angles is entirely independent of both the feeds and the speeds in the feedworks or the headstock. Consequently) any rate of feed can be used while turning angles. Note that this is entirely different from the operation of the unit when cutting threads. E#c!mpZe 2.. To cut an angle of 60 degrees from horizontal (30 degrees from vertical)) with tool starting at the O. D. and moving upwards and inwards. Zi= The same gears are used for this operation as in Example 1. However) in this case since the angle is greater than 45 degrees, the vertical feed clutch lever "S-1 " is engaged and the horizontal friction clutch "FH. The clutch lever "Dw is now shifted to the left in its Down or In position. This lever of course determines the direction of motion of the feed shaft which is connected to the T. D. A. Unit. The operation of using the T. D. A. unit is identical to Example 1 except that the operation of all clutches is reversed. A careful study of the chart mentioned above will fully explain the operation of the unit. AIl angles dovm to 1 degree and 47 minutes can be turned in any direction by proper use of the various clutches involved. In case of doubt as to which clutches to use) it is best to operate the unit away from the work before taking a cut. [33] MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com "CUT MASTER" VERTICAL TURRET LATHE S\OC CLCV*+\®+\ FeONT AND PLF\r\\ seat=+CuO\JT u\C\^I tNGL\S\+ T\+RCAO C\JTT\NG Cap^- "|. |'®\ C a . -T uT`®.®~'Ftt® |-+a|^-t ®t~ r||-| Q" t) /4 eO aO lTO\ 3 5+ e;r yz| \TO\ 4 co =a y+ \TO\ S 4a aS Jr4 lTOl USE HOLE Nt. a \N Qu^OF\J\+\T ^a" FOF\ 6 OO co j,zL \T®\ a.QL\.E='. GEL+F=S±__+a-t= mS\. \ FOt=`e`e=C` 7 3e 4a \ro\ et=^aS ^S SH_a_\^r_" AeO\|t= a 9 a S6 ire j4 \TO\ as Sa \O ae \\ SO =S ®® JTz4 b \ TO\ \ro\ yL \TO\ H± Z4 4e to \TO\ la aO CO yi1 \+O\ \+ Z4 se *+ \+O\ \6 =4 ®a X+ \TO\ \e} a eO yL \TO\ SET ue +Oe n+eeJ\O CuTT\~® I/1 /3 rz| I/5 I/e I/7 I/e I/9 \y\® CBOSe FCCO SCeCW COnt=CLuICH mos__+ t\E= FF\CC ¬ CeOSS FEiCO ¬ iFSleVCF\ H^~OLE= \~ uEuTt=^L »T^LC T\wiCS ATT\T\CHmCnT F\E\/ELe S\~® |^~O+= m_u sd tom"uF>OF\O\JT" FOB -FeeO\ne he /ll Wn+ \yl¬ V\+ \/\e lv\® mLTroO-.QLCF`O OF SCF=Ewl` =L. zL_==`=` 3??z\=F-CCO eta etv =i==iEi===\TRE=i``faii=i==®^--`.. -_- -_ - Il'nglish Thread Cutting Gear Chart Fig. 23 MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com OPERATORS INSTRUCTION BOOK MEiTRIC THF\tf\O CUTT\"G CHRET |^®-*~|"-. usc-HOLC3ts \N C\u^Oe^+\T ^Rtw\ rOt\ Q''\±=t\+eELh*S L HOLE te Foe le7T =ti=_a_-_qEieS_Ls sno\^," ^t>ovt. I I.2S I_5 J| _ _= _._ "_wilicn ¬s\"e \±7TOOTH-\+a eE^e L'C-a.'OYc=nTCe Oen\e\"CC must nO E\_C LC== -^N St= ee-ee . a e ®r -|r| ®®- |*|\O --+~++-| e® 1® ZS ro 3O 7O 3S 1C> 3® GS a.S co SG I_15 a 3 4a ^e ±S *= ^S 4 ® 4£ *= =+ 4= S 6 7 6O Su\h¢ 6O \TO\ T +/it, OI//a? \TO\ H.NOLC \u NEuTF`^L AT^LL T\mCS. A++^CnmC"T t\CVEeS\u® n^~OLC \^\>S+ lt¬/|L, ec oN"OO`^n\ Oe \~` FOB FCCO"G OOWn_ I5/,27 \TO\ l7t//a7 eel/a7 - \TO\ co lro \ \ro\ \nO\ mEin+OOJ\LeF`O OF SCF=CWb- i- IO/It1 Ct\OSS FCCO SCeE\^| COnC CLunCu muSTT eE F*EtL +CeOS= FCCO tTa»VC*SC \co\ \ro\ lro\ 6O eS ¥/z7 etry£7 \-\ SET \>e roe +nee^O CuTnue || \\v-'\~-e||| \TO\ \ T®\ ^"o ®n`ue oe our.`F-O* FCCO\NG uF= ££+//z7 tS/Ia;I 7a^/ |tJ a|VI=7 i*I%_%=?S=Fe^C= FCEO eC-a-E`+ +a oEST`T`\n C ® a CH^*lG=S \F OT`+ER eC^e= aCm^\n ^= ^t=®rfe.. :i::i:i:==1?,:E::I:=E±TB¥i=f:i¥=::i:i \Ict,ric Thread Cutting Gear Chart Fig. 24 [35] MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com "CUT MASTERw VERTICAL TURRET LATHE ENGLISH DRUM SCORING CHART |E^® I~|HCHL|t| troLU CE*R CH ^~QEe SITncotoFt A a +~OT-A QE^R.ne.eOO6. I/4 ®® 4OT-A qEAFZ-eS4T9Z2-I Sz4a ®® C D §O 4Z e® I/4 SO 5O 6O I/4 3O SO 3/a !! pi:I; i: ;?zgigt-IrJIl I:Ei¥uULJNO. |^tlO ®r|H^rtJ<-+"tt lTOl I Tot S4 S4 I/4 I Tot 6O I/4 ITOI co ^O 48 6O I/4 lTOl 3O 5O 45 eO l/2\ alto I ?rfc 4O 4O 42L 9\le 51a lJle 3O 5O 5O 6O I/2 55 G® I/a 2TO I 21O I 4O 4O 36 6O I/2 ¬TO\ IA 3/+ Iarf® TJLa l+~ I I I4e lI6 \try| I I/* I 5fe 3O 50 co co 3e co 4O 4O 42_ e® co 4O 48 Ga co co 44 SS co 4O Sl GO co co 4S SO to 4O Sr| eO co co so SO co co e3 6O \ |J4zt 4O co SS 4O 4O 6e 4O co S4 lJB/l6 4C) I 3J41 lTJ<a I5J6 I ltie I9/4 co co 4O co 4O eO I/2 I/2 I/2 I/2 I/2 2TOl 2rol 2\tol a|O I r tEE ` Ant) CFLOSS i.E=EO ANT)-AVERSE HANDLE. lN NE|JTR^L POSITION ^TA|J_TIMES. ^TT^CHMErlT F{EVERSINq H^NOLE=MuST BE or` 'eowr`' oR 'l N' FOF` FEEOINq OOWr' ^r`t) oH 'uFP oF`'OuT' rOF` FEEJDINC\ uP. METl+OO-+a OBn^\N e ¢Q CHANqtLS LEAt) lr` lr`CHE-i PEt` F`EV. , lEAtl OPScaEW xg xCi5 A:a;:===:. EX.-i ;res-:XgXjg--gFur"a, g= baRATIO C --42. 2rol 2rol I/2 I/a L/t aLTO l I/2 2|t) I S® I/a eO lZ£ 4S I/2 4e I/2 SO I/2 SET |lP FOFt DtuM eCOtlr+a cROee i-FED SCftEW CONE CL|lTCH Wuer aE t>=63 2TO I 21tl 2|t) I NC)TE USE HOLE H9.a lr` Qu^Of`^NT ARM roll 2 ¢ EeLLT CE^F`. USE HOLE: N9. I FOF` fi¢SqEARS AS St+own ^E>OVEL 2|t) I 2,Tb I 2roI S4| aB I/1 2TOl 4O 4O Se co l^ alto I GS NOTE..Tt+ESE QEAFIS FOR ueEONLY IN MACHINES lrl WWICH FEELOt^KE= OFF CZARS IN HEAt}eTOCK H^VE= BEE=r* CHANqEt) TO I TO I * lNDICATE FtAC|'lC> 7 PITCH GEARS En.glish P±!=J!ggj=g Gear Chart (Special Headstcok Ratio 1 :1) Fig.25 MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com _- -`==T=,--,i+I.--_` -lJ-.-.+i.i- L--,-- --- -- i--+ - LF{T|T,=*=L. -- L=L* OPERATORS INSTRUCTION BOOK TST -l<e (<192LS-I) QucoRa~T FI®~ /<\ \ + `- sE8T:.- eP |S 1 J=c LEOO l~~/~tee ArroL" C~o~ezS \^|~t=~ scftJEW. le.cepe7: F|EV-I ng'~,~G Cfyue®LIEF\OerF*Er>PEEL=rx=z>x4fgr~F¬=r>F=Z=r>e4'~:-.-®+I-_§S J£.:£or--I,.# S=es *..oeT` ;-j¢;x .`.- =x.-#;=rJapCr. "f a.,+=7*='5 _- _ - - - - _ \~~e~ LIE:OO oF ace..I.I,.eOe+`-I^'±_='aFICT:|F=St>_-I-.,£.£O,I-*ST-er F:=lCO PEe a®,| Lg,£o=gr^ '.- -`1Tr 3 CfrIO er~S~OrTX I TO I l2 +S 52 S9 +a/|zJP 45/ Ia;P 5O/ Ia;I 55/ la:J co/ lz:n l3 Sat g6 GS/l%P I TO I l4 §® ®C I S 5S S® 1O/ la:r 75/ /Prr I TO I I TO I I® 64 36 eo/ l7|7 l7 68 8S/ /arJ I TO I I TO I /a *4 Jro so/ lgq l9 2O Sr7 5-a 5r+ I+5 loo/lrJ 2/ 49 ^ZL 22 2a 5'J I+5 6 5+` 24 5Z: aL5 JO S2 5+ 6 ^e 5* 9 +J\ 44 lO 5'O ^S I I 56 JE».-i3%=F.OCT=- ', -t TO "L& i!!SFO: ~ItHOt>- F- S\TF\*O -pet- F\Fun®rv. l~ I~CWrS £' I.I. -C~O~OCS a ® 26 27 28 .J%=SROT'O= 1SV)tn® 36 56 9S/l2:J Sr\t<\ 39 36 36 56 36 lot/ l7rfl IIO/ I2J /|I/leJJ I TO I I +a I I TO I I TO I 2TO I a-TO I 2TO I ZTO I 2TO I FTX::Te"="I~F'-.oV.E~-~S."o®_i:~er= Fort F=E=E=Ol~q IJF\ ICS/ IrJ _ I+®/ IrJ 1TO I rs®/ /rJ FIS S~O`^,~ qE\OV=- -~l=~ us,~¬ ,**T-,-P Q=®*. cfo c=~TE* ®'STFlr*Ci£ ~usT NOT ®£ LFSS T*O~ 53/., e¬T-.r O~ roll- IOr. *cFJt= a.a.a SrO11£O ®e£ Ion Metric Drum Scoring Gear Chart [37] F=OSI"O^I FIT eLL m~E:a. FE=t>l~e OO.,~ + a.I ~u.~ oFt.OPT.. ~oL= *irOe I.-i- ,+.+a iig' 26 TRFTNF=RS£ I+I+~OL= I~ ~EuTeOL 2TOI 2TOI 2TOt 2To \ '*o/ lrz |as/ J7r3 ue£ ~oL.E -5 |~ C\uOOeFI~T eR.~ FC>. a < Sat- aP. CJ=FleS. F1~t> _ must BE FFrEZ < CeOSS F£eO i &TO I NOT E`~ qE=F'.a SET UF] FOR OFeu~ SCOeI~q CeOSS FL5EO SeeE\^| eO~E= CLUTCH MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com "CUT MASTER» VERTICAL TURRET LATHE i I:NGuSH DT3ur1 5C.ORING C HAi2T - a "H Aa =^- aC I-~-C E= F= |V- co to Z® 6O S+ 3C 5:V\C co to ZS 6C) 5+ 3C a USE: tic)LE N9.5 lN quADR^r`T ^Fim FOiil D¢E= GE=^RS,a HOLE= NQ.I FC;T= J3 i a C>E=^T2S AS 5HO\~N I/+ ty\ ® ¥P 54 5+ =b i/|c 4® co co S`+ i-tr 3G® I/zL co ap 3z +a ac q"¢ ap 4o J6 4e 5+ 3co S|e ji to co FSEPnEy. = co to 4o co ~ 4o 4o +8 |V+ I+a +a 4e 48 I"L I . 4® 5e i '//® I |VIc ABOVE= |\y|| I I lt^h I I lJ® 4® 4O 56 * co se co co 4S 36 4O 4O 4O 33 -//Ib |/I 9VII \ 3+ 3e 5+ >® 3® 34 3e9l 5:Ye I//lc i¥L+ * l-~|G i/a 5+ 36I 3+ 3G 54 3C, 36 54 4e 3z S+ 5l 4O 4J3 3/a = Itt="b I Sol I 3C, I '/8 yl® SETUP FOF< I)Rur.1 SCORING CT¬OS5 F-EEL) SCREW CONE: CLUTCH rlU5T B| FREE=) ¢ CT2JOSSf=E-E=D 4 TRAVERSE= H^NDLE= lN NEUTRAL ^T ALL TlrlE5. A|TACH rlE=NT REVEn:SING H^r\DLE= rlu5T BE C)r`. Do\~l` on tr`'. i.C)P` F-I:EI)lr`.a.J>C)\+N cL oN 'uT= OR our FOFi Ft=E=Dlr|C |lFt METHOD-- CLE:^D OF SCRE=\~,1 -- J=-. i-x £x%xE-- F-E=E=D PE=T2.REV. TO OBTAlr` C¢I) CHANGES IF GE=^R=A,a,I a- F= RETIAINA5 Ae)Ova: muL-TIPL:+ REG\. i-EE=I> i,EF` REV. BY±To Equal- RATIO Of=ip EXArlPLE-i = T2EQ.FE-E=-. =>C=5=± RATIC) I ¬== cd-D OE=AT=S. El¥!i:IP=!m£s9±±g£S:I Chart (L'sing j¢I Feed) Fig.27 MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com ~G C G L^\ a |E Tr\~®ENT C|^ A t5 C O C v® . I.+7' .O3l£S oc)I O3*®S O^S®= ¬.sol5®Oo' l® ou l® ®* l® ®\ =6 \e .ob2+£ S'sol "Otla£ le Jt-OO' .O® ®®S +sol "®1t\1O \® ®®|co \® l® l® l® SroO_ l® .a-\a 8`so Cck>` . lQ®co e'giv .. .|ttr1 .l\\®| l® 7-as .|\\|| root .l+®|\ B'se .l+®^| ®-l .\E||S *so' ' \elSo le lC |\ etl| l® t| e® S| e* a ap .t| Je l® C* C* || +I e\ ®® l\"' -' \ \`|®` . . 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Hot.+.a---Cat-A-L wuC~ ut\\N® O*T ®®C^|. C+a CC~TC® O\S+^*C= !i ¬; Must `loT e. LCSS Tt`^.I +a.7ST-a. vcanc_^L. FCCO t\\+^F+ Cb"t CLUTCH FeCC vcRT\C^|_-F-I_EO LTR^VERSC H^NO|C.OO^hl \N F-|Et> HOT(..ALL. ^~®LCS |.lSTCO ^|L -`l. c-oss`rcco cTe^\reaSC .~uELE.__\~ ~Cu+eJ~L J ucT\+OO\-CONenT`NT e*¬* %`h --N. OF OCS\aCO ^neLC ~oTE- A~cl.a I.+T'O~..cH 9lOe OrVr*rlC^| A HOrlZO~t^L ^tt u~Ol)T^"^e|E Tc> Ot5T)A\IN C|C> CH^r.leES \F- eC^FLS A a I \N GeOuP 1 eEm^\~ ^S L\eTt=O= o-T\\`ecos _`.-F`A"O % T® OeT\T\\" C+a a+J\*\eCS \F ®E^eS ^eC \n ee®\IP ± Rtm^\N ^e L\STCO= ®``\\|`` ```..-t`F`+\O =o Em^TIC D+^4k^m Or\J+++ntt+I 4T^Ct+-1EkT +=_.±\ \OZ\~® +\C*~ C®~*++*|+ \| O®++\ntO_ TO Oe\T\T\\u CtO C\+^N®C= \F et=.*t ^aC _.--=i \N eBOuP - eCm^\N J\S L\erCO.. Angular Turing Gear Chart (Using 31" Feed) Fig. 28 g : ,i,..# ---_- ---_ ---__--: -_i;ZBtr: MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com n-"nh1 iEI ", * \\\:\ \\ I,,i,,\ `\ -,l! u