Welcome to JFK Frequently Asked Questions


Welcome to JFK Frequently Asked Questions
to JFK
Directorio Escolar
218 0075
School Directory
Servicios Médicos
en Querétaro
(únicamente para efectos informativos)
Pre School
Miss Debra Cortney
Marta Gil
Mr. Mark Dunn
Gabriela García
Mr. Robert Callahan
Myrna González
High School
Miss Georgina Frías
Blanca Huezzo
Dirección General
General Direction
Mr. Adrian Leece
Carla Mier
Dirección Administrativa
Administrative Direction
C.P. Josefina Morgan Beltrán
Graciela Ugalde
Athletic Department
Arturo Bustamante
Miriam Álvarez
Stefanie Albrand
Marketing y Comunicación
Desarrollo Institucional
Institutional Development
Medical Services
in Querétaro
(only for your information)
Jorge Aguilar
Hospital Ángeles
192 3070
Eduardo Arias
Neurlogo Pediatra
Pediatric Neurologist
234 0084
Cristhian Arreola
Hospital Ángeles
Ginecología y Obstetricia
Gynecology and Obstetrics
192 3076
Juan Manuel Fraga
Plaza Jurica
Médico General y Emergencias
General Medical and Emergencies
218 4424
Carlos Arroyave
Alergología e Inmunología
Allergy and Immunology
234 0084
Esmeralda Altamirano
Hospital Ángeles
192 3027
Mónica Duarte
Damián Castro
Hospital Ángeles
Traumatología y Ortopedia
Traumatology and Orthopedics
192 3060
Cristina Durango
215 1281
Gabriela Platas
Laura Chavoya
Las Campanas
Lilí Dorantes
214 3525
Martín Gallegos
Col. Cimatario
Patricia Müller
Cirujano General
General Surgeon
192 3069
Mario García
Hospital Ángeles
Patricia Gasca
Médica Tec 100
Ginecología y Obstetricia
Gynecology and Obstetrics
312 0675
Extended Learning
Daniel Vázquez
Roberto Matabuena
Hospital Ángeles
Cirujano Plástico
Plastic Surgeon
192 3021
Héctor Mayorga
Hospital Ángeles
192 3073
Ricardo Ortega
234 0084
Luis Ostos
Hospital Ángeles
192 3071
Ana Patricia Smith M.
Oídos, nariz y garganta
Ears, Nose, Throat
341 7451
Patricia Suchil
Clínica Santiago
212 2128
César Martínez Garza
Hospital Starmedica
218 3015
Nicol Block
Hospital Starmedica
218 3015
Teléfonos de emergencia
Emergency phones
Emergencies (like 911 in US)
(Tránsito Municipal, Guardia
Municipal y Protección Civil)
Bomberos Centro
Firemen Downtown
(442) 2120 627, 212 3939
Bomberos Jurica
Firemen in Jurica
(442) 2181 300, 218 0300
CFE Comisión Federal
de Electricidad
Problems with Electricity at home
Cruz Roja Mexicana
Delegación Querétaro
Red Cross for medical
(442) 2290 669, 2290 505, 066
Fugas de Agua
Water leaks, burst pipes etc.
(442) 2161 523
Fugas de Gas
Gas leaks, etc.
(442) 2170 862, 210 1616
Hospital General Regional
No. 1 Querétaro
General Public Hospital
(442) 2112 346 211 2325
Alas Rojas
‘Red Wings’
Emergency mechanical
service for Freeways
Hospital Ángeles
Consultorios, Hospital,
Sala de Emergencias
Medical Service, Hospital,
Emergency Room
Teléfono/phone 192 3000
Médica Tec 100
Consultorios, Hospital,
Sala de Emergencias
Medical Service, Hospital,
Emergency Room
Teléfono/phone 477 2222
Hospital San José
Consultorios, Hospital,
Sala de Emergencias
Medical Service, Hospital,
Emergency Room
Teléfono/phone 211 0080
Hospital de la Santa Cruz
Teléfono/phone 213 6511
Hospital Starmédica
Teléfono/phone 427 8000
Sabinos No. 272, Jurica.
Querétaro, Querétaro.
76100, Mexico
T. +52 (442) 218 0075
To facilitate the balanced development of our
students; with commitment and respect for
the local community and a multicultural world.
Our mission at the John F. Kennedy,
The American School of Querétaro,
is to provide the whole individual an
opportunity for high quality U.S. type,
bilingual education that recognizes
individual talents
and encourages lifelong
learning. This education,
which takes place
in a safe, respectful
environment, will provide
the knowledge, skills
and values necessary
for success and
global awareness that
transcends the classroom
and prepares for
the future.
1beenIf myenrolled,
child has already
will it be
necessary that I go to the
Admissions Office to submit
official documents and
make sure that his/her file
is complete?
We kindly ask you to come to the
Admission Office as soon as possible in
case you need to submit official paperwork such as:
• Revalidation document
• SEP certificates
• Original Report Cards
• Birth Certificates
• Photos, etc.
It is very important that every student’s
file is complete because, despite being
enrolled at the JFK School, it is compulsory to have every official document
before completing their registry with
the Mexican Education Authorities.
Please take this into consideration in
order to avoid future difficulties.
Who needs a
Revalidation Document and
where should I process it?
Foreign families whose children will
be enrolling on any school grade
from 7th grade and up, must do their
corresponding paperwork revalidation
on time. The documents you will need
to present are birth certificates, school
transcripts to the USEBEQ offices or the
Education Department, as to validate
the documents before the SEP.
Students who are entering to 7th, 8th,
9th or 10th grade, must go directly to
the USEBEQ offices to do the revalidation procedure. For more information
you can contact USEBEQ (Calle del
Magisterio No. 1000, 2do piso,
Col. Cimatario, Querétaro, Qro.
Tel. (442) 238 6000).
Students entering 11th and 12th grade
must go to the Education Department
to do the revalidation paperwork. For
information, please contact the Education Department (Blvd. Centro Sur No.
75, Col. Cimatario, Querétaro, Qro. Tel.
(442) 262 0083, (442) 262 0208
y (442) 262 0243).
Where should I go
in case I need to update
my contact information?
If you need to modify your personal
and contact information, please go to
the Student Records Office and fill the
necessary forms.
Please make sure that all of your
personal and contact information are
updated, including telephones, address
and emergency contacts. Remember
that this information is handled with
extreme care and confidentiality. Also,
this information helps us keep good
communication channels among parents and school personnel.
Frequently Asked Questions · 3
Whom should I inform
in case my child will not
continue at JFK for the
following school year?
If a student is no longer going to
continue for the next school year, or if
they are leaving before the school year
ends, their parents must fill out and sign
the corresponding form at the Students
Records Department, at least five days
before leaving school. Students must
give back any material they may have
borrowed from the School, pay any
school debts. The original documents
will be given until the process
is completed.
If a new student has already made
all the corresponding payments and
decides before the school year starts,
not to enter, they will have to notify the
Student Records Department and give
a letter to the Cashier explaining their
situation. The original documents will
be given until the process is completed.
Refund policies may apply depending
on the date.
is the schedule for
School Section and at
what time should students
arrive to school if they need
to come early?
8:00 - 13:00 hrs
8:00 - 12:45 hrs
Children must not arrive before 7:30 am
and should not be picked up after 13:15
4 · Welcome to JFK
hrs. Monday through Friday and 13:00
on Friday.
Monday - Friday
8:00 - 14:30 hrs.
Students must not arrive before 7:30
am and should not be picked up after
2:45 pm.
Middle School
Monday - Friday
8:00 - 14:30 hrs.
High School
Monday - Friday
7:10 - 14:20 hrs
What is the school policy
and tolerance for tardiness?
Students who arrive after 8:00 am and
before 8:30 should enter through the
Main Access located in Sabinos. Their
name will be registered. Each student
will be allowed to be late only 3 times
during each semester.
High School students will be given a
5 minute tolerance at the beginning of
each class. They will not be allowed to
enter their classroom if they are more
than 5 minutes late. Thus, they will be
marked as absent for that class period.
families in JFK who require additional
information and help regarding the
registration process, please visit our
Athletic Department located at the Auditorium on August 29th, from 8:00 am
to 4:00 pm. It is mandatory for students
from 4th to 10th grade to register for a
sport; this may be within the JFK Sports
Program, or at another institution.
Every student from 4th to 10th grade
must participate in some afterschool
sport, inside or outside the School. For
the rest of the grade levels, enrolment
in afterschool sports is optional. For
some sport activities there is limited
with a teacher, psychologist or Principal
depending on the specific situation.
What are the High
School Interdisciplinary Trips?
As part of our Academic program, High
School students, depending the grade
they are in, will go on an interdisciplinary trip to different parts of Mexico.
They will be accompanied by school
authorities and a team of teachers
experts on the subjects dealt on each
trip. This activity has additional cost and
the locations may vary depending on
the school’s needs.
In case I need to,
how can I schedule an
appointment with one
of my child’s teacher?
If you would like to meet with one of
our teachers, please call the assistant
of the corresponding section. She will
help you schedule an appointment
School calendars for each section will
be published on our webpage at the
beginning of each school cycle. Please
check them before planning your family
vacations, as every absence will be
taken into account.
When can I register my
child to afterschool sports?
The After School Sports registration will
take place from August 30th to September 2nd, 2016 online entering our
webpage www.jfk.edu.mx under the tab
“After School Activities – Sports”. New
Frequently Asked Questions · 5
What payment
are offered
to cover School Fees?
The School offers several payment
methods such as:
• Direct payment at banking branch
(BBVA-Bancomer, Santander,
HSBC, Banorte).
• Automatic debit charges to your
check account, credit or debit card.
Please notify at the Cashier so that
you can fill out the specific form.
• Online payment through our School
website (www.jfk.edu.mx-Online
Services-Payments SESWEB)
• Direct payment at the Cashier,
with either debit or credit card.
You can print out the payment receipts
starting on August of every school
year, by entering to our School website
(www.jfk.edu.mx) or directly on the
SESWEB (www.s2.sesweb.mx) with your
username and password, which you
will be given at the Cashier.
School fees are paid every month (from
August until May) and due every last
business day of the month. If you need
to pay annually or every six month
period, please go to the Cashier
for more information.
Other payments, such as workshops,
sports activities, school trips, etc.,
must be submitted accordingly.
How and when should
I apply for Financial Aid?
For students in Preschool, Elementary and Middle School, financial aid is
given to those who have excellent academic performance and whose families
prove they are in need of economic
support to cover the school fees.
You must follow the steps and stick
to the SEP’s announcement calendar
released during May of every year.
This notice will also be published
on our School website.
For High School students, they
are granted financial aid based solely
on academic merit. Each semester
scholarships are given out automatically to the students with the highest
grades, based on their overall grades.
This scholarship is renewed every
semester, granted to the students with
the best academic performance.
1I useWhich
entrance should
and where can I park
my car?
In the morning, we suggest that families
plan their arrival to Sabinos or Pinos
Street. There are early morning peaks,
so it is best if you plan ahead and consider that it might take up to 15 minutes
to arrive to the gates once you enter
these streets.
These are the instructions for each
school section:
• We ask you to come through Pinos
and get in line so students can descend from the vehicle in an orderly
fashion. School personnel will be
there to help them get to their
• At the end of the day,
we require parents to
park their cars outside
the school premises
and enter through
the access located
in Pinos street.
• You should
pick up students
outside their
6 · Welcome to JFK
• Preschool students have a blue JFK
ID, it is mandatory that they and their
parents, show their credential as
they enter or leave our facilities.
Elementary School:
• Students can access through
any of the gates located in Sabinos
or Pinos.
• At the end of the day, they will have
the following options depending on
their JFK ID:
1. Park outside the School premises,
enter through the gate located in
Pinos and pick them up outside
their classroom (Red ID).
2.While in your vehicle, get in line
and pick up students through the
Pinos gate as School personnel
call their names (yellow ID).
3.- Allow students to go outside the
School premises and wait until you or
some family member can pick them
up (green ID).
Middle School:
• Students are allowed to enter and
leave the school exclusively through
the gates located in Sabinos Street
(the Main Access or through the
Parking lot).
• Every Middle School student will
have a green JFK ID. This means
that they will be allowed to leave
the School premises by themselves
after 2:30 pm.
High School:
• Students are allowed to enter and
leave the school exclusively through
the gates located in Sabinos Street
(the Main Access or through the
Parking lot).
Frequently Asked Questions · 7
• Students will be granted permission
to park their vehicles at the JFK parking lot as long as they comply with
its policies and have a valid permit or
driver’s license.
• High School students will have a
green or purple JFK ID. In both cases, they will be allowed to leave the
School premises by themselves after
2:20 pm. Additionally, those who
have a purple ID will be allowed to
leave the School during their recess,
between 11:25 am and 11:55 am.
Besides parents, who
is authorized to pick up
students after school and
what should I do in order to
give them an official JFK ID?
In case parents cannot pick up their
children at their dismissal, we ask them
to please call in advance to the ID Department and ask for a “leaving pass”,
providing the name of the person who
is authorized to pick up the student.
When this person enters the school,
they will be asked to go straight to the
ID Department and collect their pass.
This pass needs to be turned in at the
Main Entrance in order to leave with the
student from the School.
Each family can ask for a maximum of 3
additional ID’s for the people who are
authorized to pick up their children on
a daily basis. In order to process the ID:
• Fill out and submit at the ID Department a form asking for an additional
credential. You will have to provide
the name of the person who is given
permission to pick up the students
from the school, name and grade
level of the students as well as signatures from both parents.
8 · Welcome to JFK
• A copy of the authorized person’s
official ID
• The Cashier’s receipt for the amount
of 150 pesos.
• This ID has to be collected by the
student’s father or mother.
The credential will be canceled if the
person, missuses it and does not follow
the protocols and policies established
by the Security Department. If you have
any further questions, please contact
the ID Department.
If I lose my JFK ID,
where should I go to have
it replaced?
In case you lose your JFK ID, you will
be able to get another one. You will
be required to pay the amount of 150
pesos at the Cashier Office. Afterwards,
please show this receipt at the ID
Department. Your credential will be
ready after 48 hours. In the meantime,
parents will be asked to leave an
official ID at the Main Entrance
and to register their visit.
How does the Life
Insurance Policy signed at
the time of registration work
and how can I ask for an
extension in case I want
one for my spouse?
Students have a school insurance that
can cover their tuition and enrollment
payments in case one of their parents
or tutor dies. Parents must fill out the
insurance form when enrolling their
children. Also, you can ask for on your
own, for the same type of insurance
for your spouse, if you wish to do so,
please contact directly the insurance
consultant of Seguros Inbursa, Mr. José
Ramón Vela: (442) 223 34 18
or (442) 213 43 81.
Which are the
communication channels
among JFK Parents and
the School?
The School uses electronic ways
to communicate, such as the weekly
bulletin, the school website, SESWEB
and Edline to be in contact with all
the JFK families.
• The Weekly Bulletin is sent to the
parents by email every Tuesday,
except on vacations. It contains news
about each school section and other
general information.
• The School Website, here you
can find the school year calendar,
special announcements, photo
galleries, general information about
the School, School supplies lists and
instructions to submit your school
books order during the summer, and
after school activities.
• Edline allows you to follow up on
your children’s academic status on
a daily basis and detailed manner
(homework, grades, school projects,
and exams), school activities and
special events.
Frequently Asked Questions · 9
1the Where
can I buy
JFK uniform?
Once you have received your admission pass and you have completed the
enrollment process, you will be able to
buy your school uniform at the Jaguars
Shop. The Schedule is 8:00 am to 2:30
pm, Monday through Friday. The official
uniform consists of a jacket, pants, shirt
and white tennis shoes. Every piece of
the school uniform should be marked
with name and grade level of the student. Students who attend Preschool,
Elementary School and Middle School
need to wear their uniform on Mondays
(since they have Flag Ceremony) and
on the days in which they have Physical
Education class. High School students
do not wear uniforms.
Where can I buy the
school supplies and books?
On the first weeks of
June, you will receive via
email the school supplies
and books list. School supplies can be purchased at
the store of your choosing.
Books have to be ordered
online entering the Dillbook
webpage, payments can be
done at the HSBC bank.
Digital magazine
in which the whole
community participates.
It is published twice
a year.
10 · Welcome to JFK
In august, the books will be delivered
at the school. In case you enroll our
School after the beginning of the school
cycle, you can purchase your book
package at the Jaguar Store.
Where should
I look for missing items?
All lost items can be found at the “Lost
& Found” of each school section. At the
end of each school year, every unclaimed item will be donated.