Fairness - Quigley`s Village
Fairness - Quigley`s Village
Fairness Main Concepts: Although life is not always fair and we do not always get what we want, we can trust God to be fair. Summar y of Today ’s Session: • To learn that life is not always fair • To learn that some circumstances can be hard to understand • To learn that privileges increase as you grow up, even though it is hard to be patient Scripture Verse: “Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares for you.” I Peter 5:7 (NLT) Fairness 1 Preparation: 1. Gather Materials You will need the following materials: • Make copies of Activity Sheets Fairness #5 & Fairness #6 • Make copies of Parent Guide for Fairness • Quigley’s Village DVD on Fairness - “The Wacky Watermelon Break-In” • Color pencils or crayons • Craft Preparation: You will need a variety of seeds (rice, wheat, coffee beans, peas, corn, watermelon, pinecones, sunflowers, grass seeds, and others); liquid glue; one piece of cardboard for each child; a place to wash hands. 2. Prepare the Lesson: Matthew 20:1-16: Parable of the Landowner This parable is about the owner of the vineyard. He hires workers in the morning and agrees to pay them a day’s wage for the day’s work. Later in the day he hires some additional workers and agrees to pay them a day’s wage for their work. An hour before the end of the day he hires a few more workers and agrees to give them a day’s wage for their work. The morning workers complain to the vineyard owner that he was not being fair. The vineyard owner explained that he kept his promise to pay them according to the terms that they agreed to…even though later they thought it was unfair. Often, life seems unfair in our eyes, but God is fair. 3. Watch Video: “The Wacky Watermelon Break-In” There are three story lines in the program. Here is an overview: • Lemon wants to be more grown up - she thinks it is not fair that she’s so young. Older friends get to have certain privileges. They say that she is too little to participate in some activities and she feels left out. Lemon finds that she really is not ready for those privileges, such as skipping nap. • Parable of the landowner - The parable is told in a more modern version in a song about painting a fence. The message is the same as Matthew 20:1-16 • Harvesting the watermelon - In this story, Spike, Danny and Bubba have finally come to the big day when they get to harvest the watermelon that they grew themselves. Disaster strikes when they discover that mice have eaten the insides of the watermelon. Mr. Quigley explains that although things in life sometimes aren’t fair, we can always count on God to be fair. 4. Bible Verse: I Peter 5:7 Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares for you. (NLT) 5. Pray for the children and the lesson Fairness 2 Session Schedule & Class Outline SeSSion GoalS for Today • To learn although life is not always fair and we do not always get what we want, we can trust God to be fair Step #1: Arrival to Learning Centers Welcome the children as they come in. Tell 00013 them that today we will be 97293 talking about fairness. Give them ActivityBreak-In Sheet Fairness The Wacky Watermelon #5, God cares. Ask them to look for hidden Welcome to Quigley’s Village—a delightful place where Christian values. This award-winning series there pictureschildren andlearn color them. Tell them that provides the very best in entertainment with important is a bird,lessons theto sun, two two children, help children learnbunnies, and grow! Spike, Danny, and Bubba let their imagination run wild as clouds,twoflowersandmore. they become space farmers. All summer long they’ve 0 Fairness 8 tended to their “space garden” eagerly anticipating the harvest of a select, very large watermelon. As Mr. Quigley begins to slice open the watermelon, they are shocked and disappointed to discover someone has made a home out of their garden delight. The Wacky Watermelon Break-In Teaches values to kids Call all the children together. Tell them again how glad you are to see them today. Play “Captivating and very entertaining. Young children know it is for them. Conveys a strong sense“name of moral and spiritual values.”by asking them to say their the game” – Ben Carson, M.D. Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery, Hopkins University name and the Johns name of the person on their “Every church should have Quigley’s Village in the church library. right. Then them say their name and I can’t think of a better tool forhave building moral and spiritual values into young lives.” of and the person on their left. When –the Warrenname W. Wiersbe, Author Speaker “Grandpa and I take our two grandkids (2 and 4) a new Quigley's Village DVD each you have completed the game tell them that week. It is exciting to watch the programs with them and see how engaged they are with the stories and songs....and we clap and sing along with them......midweek we get we will be watching a DVD. a call, Grandma, hurry with the next Quigley.” – Judy Squier, Speaker, Author, and Grandma Ages Step #2: Quigley’s Village Video The Quigley's Village series includes 22 DVDs on values such as responsibility, telling the truth, sharing, courage, thankfulness, forgiveness, kindness and more. Learn More at: www.quigleysvillage.com 2-7 “The Wacky Watermelon Break-In” (27 min.) Have the children sit where they each can see the video comfortably. Explain to the children that you will be showing them a video about fairness. Ask them to listen carefully because you will be asking them some questions later. Running time - 30 minutes HOME USE ONLY Produced and distributed by CORNERSTONE VIDEO 1-800-338-6040 © 2004 Stonebrook Ventures 13 Step #3: Snack and Conversation Starters Do a quick recap for the children. (Summary is in the preparation section) Conversation starters - get to know your children on a more personal basis. • How do you think Spike, Danny, and Bubba felt when they could not eat their watermelon? How would you have felt? • What are some things that have happened to you that you did not think were fair? Why do they seem not fair? Fairness 3 Session Schedule & Class Outline • Are there some things your siblings or friends are allowed to do that you are not? How does that feel? Step #4: Songs Do some action songs with the children (See Song Section): • “If You’re Happy and You Know It” • “Stand Up and Shout It If You Love My Jesus” • “Shake a Friend’s Hand” Step #5: Memory Verse I Peter 5:7: “Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares for you.” (NLT) Explain to the children the meaning of the verse. Explain “worries” and “cares.” Have the children repeat the verse together twice. Have the girls repeat it. Have the boys repeat it. Have all of them repeat the verse again twice. Note: If the children in your group can read, use a white board with the verse written out. Let the kids take turns erasing one word with each repetition. Step #6: Seed Collage Materials needed: variety of seeds (rice, wheat, coffee beans, beans, peas, corn, watermelon,pinecones,sunflowers,grassseeds,andothers);liquidglue;onepieceof cardboard for each child; a place to wash hands. Give each child a piece of cardboard and some glue and let them be creative by making designs with the seeds. Step #7: Activity Sheet Pass out Activity Sheet Fairness #6: the heart shaped activity sheet has pictures of things that God cares for. Have the kids color the activity sheet and draw a line between two pictures that are the same. Step #8: Closing Thank the children for coming today and pray for them. Remind them that God is always fair. Step #9: Parent Pick-Up Thank their parents for bringing them and give the parents the Parent Guide about Fairness. Fairness 4
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