Grocery List_Spanish (4x6) - The Breast Cancer Charities of America
Grocery List_Spanish (4x6) - The Breast Cancer Charities of America
LISTA DE PROVISION PESCADO, CARNE & HUEVOS Bacalao/Platija/Eglefino Pescado de Talapia/Mahi Salmon Lata de Tuna Trucha LEGUMBRES PAN DE TRIGO & PAN INTEGRALE Avena Cebada Arroz Integrado Linaza Trigo Trigo Deletreado Mijo Amaranto Pan de Pita Germen de Trigo ACEITES PARA COCINAR Aceite de Olivo-Extra Virgen Aceite de Sesamo Aceite Vegetal Sin Grasa FRUTAS Jaiba Azul/Camaron Sardinas Pechuga de Pavo (sin pellejo) Pechuga de Pollo (sin pellojo) Huevos Frijol Negro Garbanzos Frijol Rojo Frijo Blanco Frijo Pinto Lentejas Chicharos BREAST THE PRODUCTOS LACTEOS SIN GRASA Brocal Repollo Pimientos Tomate Zanahoria Hoja de Lechuga iGO P Yogur Requeson Leche de Soja OTHER VEGETALES CANCERCHARITIES OF AMERICA Chabacan Melon Kiwi Peras Uvas Rojas Sandia Bayas Naranjas Pomelo Rojo Mango Manzanas Cerezas Colifor Cebolla Betabel Esparrago Calabazas Ajo Jengibre Canela Pimenton Asucar Stevia Te Verde Curry NK Healthy Recipe Directions: Watermelon Tomato Salad Ingredients: · 3 cups watermelon, freshly chopped into cubes · 2 cups cherry tomatoes, yellow or orange color and sliced into halves · ½ cup red onion, thinly sliced · 6 fresh basil leaves · ¼ cup balsamic vinegar · ⅛ cup olive oil · Sea salt · Black pepper 1. In a large mixing bowl, add watermelon, tomatoes, and red onion together. 2. In a small bowl, add and stir together balsamic vinegar and olive oil. 3. Add dressing mix to ingredients in large bowl and stir together. 4. Break basil leaves up into small pieces and add to large bowl. 5. Add salt and pepper to large bowl (to taste). 6. Mix ingredients all together. 7. Chill in fridge (up to a few hours) until ready to plate and serve.