chapter 4: description of the natura physical environment
chapter 4: description of the natura physical environment
CHAPTER 4: DESCRIPTION OF THE NATURAL PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT EIA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT LAS PLACETAS TABLE OF CONTENTS 4.1 GEOLOGY, GEOMORPHOLOGY AND TECTONICS 11 4.1.1 INTRODUCTION 11 4.1.2 METHODOLOGY 11 4.1.3 REGIONAL GEOLOGY AND DETAILS OF THE PROJECT 12 Stratigraphy 13 The Superior Jurassic Duarte Complex – Cretaceous inferior (J3 –K1) 13 The Superior Tireo Cretaceous Formation (K2) 14 Tavera’s Group Magua Paleocene Formation: Paleocene–Eocene (P1-2) 15 Quaternary 15 Holocene, Rain water deposits and valley depths, Gravel and sand. 15 Sabaneta Reservoir 16 Reservoir Los Limones 19 Tunnel Connection Sabaneta Reservoir – Los Limones Reservoir 21 Uploading Tunnel between Los Limones - Casa de Máquinas 22 Discharge Tunnel Casa de Máquinas – Bao River 23 High Voltage Line of 138 kV 26 138 kV high voltage line Casa de Máquinas in El Higűero – Sabaneta reservoir. 26 138 kV high voltage line Casa de Máquinas in El Higűero – Taveras reservoir. 27 Conclusions 27 4.1.4 LAND 28 Introduction 28 Rugged Mountain Terrain (104-105) 30 The Baiguate Group – Hondo Auyamas – Jimenoa (29-27-26-31) 31 Palma Group (10) 33 Gurabo Group – Guatapanal (112-114) 34 Conclusions 34 4.1.5 PERMEABILITY OF THE MATERIAL 34 4.1.6 STABILITY OF THE SLOPES 39 COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 1 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Corrosion Potential 43 4.1.7 46 SEISMIC ACTIVITY Preliminary Evaluation of Seismic Threat 46 Identification of the sources of seismic generators (tectonic aspects) 47 Determination of the Seismic Potential 50 Collect and Interpret Historical Earthquake Data and Reoccurrences. 51 Seismic-Tectonic Zoning 52 Estimated Maximum Accelerations for the Area 54 Map of Seismic Vulnerability 57 Conclusions 58 4.1.8 59 EROSION PROCESSES, SEDIMENTATION AND LANDSLIDES Threats associated with erosion processes 59 First Step – Elaboration of the Map of Erosion Potential 59 Second Step - Elaboration of a Map of Analysis of Erosion 61 Activity associated with slope movement 65 Stability of the Slopes 69 Conclusions 69 4.1.9 SAMPLING METHODOLOGY AND TESTS 69 4.1.10 Estimates of quantities, depths, area and type of soil to move during a construction. 70 Mechanics of Structural Foundations 72 4.1.11 74 STRATIFICATION, FOLIATION, CRACKS, FAULTS. Foliation 74 Tectonics 76 Faults 77 Alignments 78 4.2 CLIMATOLOGY 82 4.2.1 INTRODUCTION 82 4.2.2 GENERAL CLIMATOLOGY IN STUDY AREA 83 4.2.3 DIRECT AND INDIRECT AREA OF INFLUENCE DETERMINATION 85 4.2.4 AVAILABLE CLIMATOLOGICAL INFORMATION 86 Existing Metrological Stations 87 4.2.5 PRECIPITATION (SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION: ISOHYETS AND SEASONAL: MONTHLY) 88 4.2.6 MAXIMUM RAIN IN 24 HOURS 95 4.2.7 TEMPERATURE 96 COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 2 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA 4.2.8 WIND (DIRECTION AND SPEED) 98 4.2.9 RELATIVE HUMIDITY 99 4.2.10 BAROMETRIC PRESSURE 99 4.2.11 SOLAR OR ISOLATION RADIATION 100 4.2.12 EVAPORATION 100 4.2.13 HYDRIC BALANCE 101 4.3 SURFACE AND SUBTERRANEAN HYDROLOGY 105 4.3.1 SURFACE WATER COURSE IDENTIFICATION, CHARACTERIZATION AND MAPPING 105 4.3.2 MEAN FLOW – PRESENT REGIMEN (ORIGINAL REPORT ELABORATED BY EDH, S.A.) 108 4.3.3 MODIFIED REGIME ZONE PROJECT INFLUENCE 115 Tributaries Flow Calculus 115 Spas Flow Calculations (Original Report issues by EDH, S.A.) 117 Ecological Flow 120 Maximum and Minimum Flows (Original Report completed by EDH, S.A.) 123 4.4 HYDROGEOLOGY 129 4.5 FLORA AND VEGETATION 132 4.5.1 INTRODUCTION 132 4.5.2 THE STUDY AREA 133 4.5.3 METHODS 136 4.5.4 COMPOSION OF FLORA 137 Biological Types 138 Biogeografic Status 139 Level of Presence or Degree of Abundance 140 Treathened and Protected Plants 141 Environmental Description. Types of Environments of Vegetatative Associations. 145 4.6 FAUNA 172 4.6.1 INTRODUCTION 172 4.6.2 THE OBJECTIVES 172 4.6.3 METHODS 173 4.6.4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 174 Sabaneta Dam and its influence area 174 Los Limones Dam and its influence area 175 Las Placetas 175 Spa Bao River and its area of influence 175 COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 3 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Agua Caliente Bao River (Spa) Bridge 176 Transmission Line 176 4.6.5 AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES 176 4.6.6 RESULTS BY AREAS 180 Amphibians and Reptiles 180 Sabaneta Dam and its influence area 181 Los Limones Dam and its area of influence 182 Las Placetas / El Higüero 183 Spa Bao River and its influence area 184 Aguas Calientes Bao River (Spa) Bridge 184 Transmission Line 185 4.7 BIRDS 185 4.7.1 STUDIED AREAS 188 Sabaneta Dam and surrounding areas 188 Los Limones Dam 189 Las Placetas 189 Spa Bao and area of influence 189 Area called Aguas Calientes 190 Transmision Line 190 4.7.2 FRAGIL ENVIRONMENTS 190 4.8 ICHTYOFAUNA 191 4.8.1 INTRODUCTION 191 4.8.2 METHODS 191 4.8.3 BIOTIC DESCRIPTION 194 Physical Framework 194 Distribution of the ichtyofauna 194 4.9 MAMMALS 198 4.9.1 INTRODUCTION 198 4.9.2 METHODOLOGY 199 4.9.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 200 4.9.4 LOS LIMONES DAM AND ITS AREA OF INFLUENCE 205 4.10 LANDSCAPE 210 4.10.1 METHODOLOGY 210 4.10.2 CARTOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS 210 COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 4 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Phase No. 1 Development of the Landscape Units Map 211 4.10.3 UNIT I: CONIFERS, HARDWOOD, AND AGROFOREST FOREST 215 4.10.4 UNIT II: SCRUBLAND AND PASTURES 216 4.10.5 UNIT III: COMBINED AGRICULTURE 216 4.10.6 UNIT IV: SCANT VEGETATION 217 4.10.7 PHASE NO. 2: DEVELOPMENT OF THE LANDSCAPE POTENTIAL MAP 217 4.10.8 ARMANDO BERMÚDEZ NATIONAL PARK 218 4.10.9 ALTO BAO FOREST RESERVATION 218 4.10.10 PHASE NO. 3: DEVELOPMENT OF LANDSCAPE FRAGILITY MAP 222 4.10.11 PHASE NO. 4: DEVELOPMENT OF LANDSCAPE FRAGILITY MAP 223 4.10.12 PHASE NO. 5 DEVELOPMENT OF MAP OF INFRASTRUCTURE ACCEPTABILITY 225 4.10.13 CONCLUSIONS 228 LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1: Summary of the Principal Geological Formations...................................................................... 23 Table 4.2: Classification of solid rock as function of permeability ............................................................. 35 Table 4.3: Measurement SPL01........................................................................................................................ 35 Table 4.4: Measurement SPL02........................................................................................................................ 36 Table 4.5: Measurement SPL04....................................................................................................................... 36 Table 4.6: Measurement SPL05........................................................................................................................ 36 Table 4.7: SPS – 1 ............................................................................................................................................... 37 Table 4.8: SPS – 2 ............................................................................................................................................... 38 Table 4.9: SPS – 3 ............................................................................................................................................... 38 Table 4.10: Stability of the Slopes.................................................................................................................... 39 Table 4.11: Stability of Slope ............................................................................................................................ 42 Table 4.12: Evaluation of the Slope vs. Lithology......................................................................................... 43 Table 4.13: Relation Magnitude – Period of Reoccurrence .......................................................................... 54 Table 4.14: Interval of Magnitude ................................................................................................................... 57 Table 4.15: Intervals used................................................................................................................................. 60 Table 4.16: Intervals of the Slopes................................................................................................................... 60 Tabla 4.17 : Values used in the intersection and categorization ................................................................. 61 Table 4.18 : Types of Lithology........................................................................................................................ 62 Table 4.19: Analysis of Erosion ....................................................................................................................... 62 Table 4.20: Volumes of Materials to Remove ................................................................................................ 71 Table 4.21: Analysis of Alignments ................................................................................................................ 79 Table 4.22: Hydric Climatic Information ....................................................................................................... 87 Table 4.23: Average Precipitation in the Project Surrounding Stations..................................................... 89 Table 4.24: Relative Monthly Precipitation Percentages.............................................................................. 92 Table 4.25: Monthly Average Rainy Days in Project nearby Stations........................................................ 94 Table 4.26: Maximum Precipitation in 24 hours for Different Return Periods ......................................... 95 Table 4.27 : Normal Wind Speed in km/h (3 m draft head ) ...................................................................... 98 Table 4.28: Relative Humidity Monthly Average in % ................................................................................ 99 COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 5 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Table 4.29: Sun Hours Monthly Daily Average .......................................................................................... 100 Table 4.30: Global Radiation Jarabacoa Station........................................................................................... 100 Table 4.31: Evaporation Media Monthly Average...................................................................................... 101 Table 4.32 : Maximal Monthly Evaporation ................................................................................................ 101 Table 4.33: Minimal Monthly Evaporation.................................................................................................. 101 Table 4.34: Tavera Station Hydric Balance .................................................................................................. 101 Table 4.35: Mata Grande Station Hydric Balance ....................................................................................... 103 Table 4.36: Jarabacoa Station Hydric Balance.............................................................................................. 104 Table 4.37: San José de Las Matas Station Hydric Balance ....................................................................... 105 Table 4.38: Hydrometrics Stations Network ............................................................................................... 108 Table 4.39: Daily Mean Flow Observed in Sabaneta’s Bao Station ......................................................... 109 Table 4.40: Daily Mean Flow Observed in Higüero’s Jagua Station ....................................................... 109 Table 4.41: Daily Mean Flow Observed in Agua Caliente’s Bao Station (suspended) .......................... 110 Table 4.42: Flow Duration Table for Reservoirs and Recreacional Spas Sites ........................................ 114 Table 4.43: Caudales Medios Estimados de los Tributarios del Río Jagua del Tramo Afectado.......... 116 Table 4.44: Caudales Medios Estimados de los Tributarios del Río Bao del Tramo Afectado ............. 116 Table 4.45: Current and Modified Average Flows for the Different Spas ............................................... 119 Table 4.46: Resultant Minimum Ecological Flow ....................................................................................... 123 Table 4.47: Maximum Annual Flows Observad on Bao and Jagua Rivers.............................................. 124 Table 4.48: Maximum Flows Registered on Bao in Aguas Calientes and Jagua in the Higuero.......... 124 Table 4.49: Comparison of Maximu Annual Flows Bao Wiver in Sabaneta (m3/s) ............................. 125 Table 4.50: Measurement of Electrical Conductivity (EC), pH and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) ...... 127 Table 4.51: Water Sample Analyses Laboratory Results............................................................................ 127 Table 4.52. Treathened and/or Protected Species in the Area of the Project.......................................... 144 Table 4.53: List of amphibians and reptiles species at the Project area.................................................... 177 Table 4.54: List of amphibian species and reptiles, by areas of the Project ............................................. 180 Table 4.55: Birds by Areas, Las Placetas Project.......................................................................................... 185 Table 4.56: Ichtyofauna Sampling Stations.................................................................................................. 192 Table 4.57: List of Freshwater Fish Species.................................................................................................. 195 Table 4.58: Mammals species present in the Mata Grande Río Bao Project area and its surroundings ................................................................................................................................................... 200 Table 4.59: Species by authors and threat category.................................................................................... 203 Table 4.60: Mammals species present in the Project area (Los Limones Dam in Río Jagua and surroundings) .................................................................................................................................................. 206 Table 4.61: Species by authors and threat category in El Limón ............................................................. 207 Table 4.62: Decision Matrix – Use of Soil & Slopes..................................................................................... 211 Table 4.63: Surfaces and its Corresponding Percentages........................................................................... 213 Table 4.64: Landscape Units & Protected Areas ......................................................................................... 219 Table 4.65: Characterization of the Landscape Fragility, Population Concentration and Length of Roads ................................................................................................................................................................ 222 Table 4.66: Landscape Fragility and Landscape Units............................................................................... 223 Table 4.67: Landscaping Potential and Landscape Fragility. .................................................................... 226 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 4.1: Map of the Land Association ....................................................................................................... 29 Figure 4.2: Measurements in the area of Los Limones reservoir ................................................................ 37 Figure 4.3: Measurements at the Area of the Sabaneta Reservoir .............................................................. 38 Figure 4.4: Flow diagram of how we obtained the map of slope stability ................................................ 42 Figure 4.5: Geotectonic Situation of the Caribbean Plaque (Mann et al., 1990-1998)............................... 48 COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 6 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Figure 4.6: Map of the Principal Faults of DR. HFZ (Hispaniola Fault Zone) GFZ (Guácara Fault Zone)................................................................................................................................................................... 49 Figure 4.7: Map of Seismic Influence.............................................................................................................. 51 Figure 4.8: Map of epicenters and faults considering the 50 km radius of influence for the project..... 52 Figure 4.9: Map of Seismic-Tectonic Zoning ................................................................................................. 53 Figure 4.10: Map of Hispaniola corresponding to the Iso-acceleration Curves with 10% of exceedance in 5 years........................................................................................................................................ 56 Figure 4.11: Map of Hispaniola corresponding to the Iso-acceleration Curves with 2% of exceedance in 50 years...................................................................................................................................... 56 Figure 4.12: Map of Seismic Vulnerability for the area of the project........................................................ 58 Figure 4.13: Flow-diagram to obtain the map of erosion............................................................................. 59 Figure 4. 14. Map of the tectonic terrains of La Hispaniola. A red circle marks the location of the project. Taken from the Geological Risks and Prevention Project (Seísmic Risks). ................................ 77 Figure 4.15. Map of the alignments taken from the Geological Risk and Prevention Project (see Annex of Maps) ................................................................................................................................................. 78 Figure 4.16. Alignments in the Duarte Tectonic Terrain ............................................................................. 79 Figure 4.17: Linear Elements (cracks and faults) .......................................................................................... 80 Figure 4.18: Climatic Classification of Las Placetas Project Influence Area.............................................. 84 Figure 4.19: Isohyets Map ................................................................................................................................ 89 Figure 4.20: Rain Events in Cuenca Media y Baja Río Bao Stations ........................................................... 90 Figure 4.21: Rain Events at Cuenca Media and Alta Río Bao Stations....................................................... 91 Figure 4.22: Total Relative Annual Precipitation Events in % .................................................................... 94 Figure 4.23: Monthly Average Rainy Days.................................................................................................... 95 Figure 4.24: Surrounding Isotherms.............................................................................................................. 96 Figure 4.25: Temperature Media Average in ºC ........................................................................................... 97 Figure 4.26: Monthly Average Minimum Temperature (ºC) ...................................................................... 97 Figure 4.27: Monthly Average Maximum Temperature (ºC)...................................................................... 98 Figure 4.28: Tavera Station Hydric Balance................................................................................................. 102 Figure 4.29: Mata Grande Station Hydric Balance ..................................................................................... 103 Figure 4.30: Jarabacoa Station Hydric Balance Graphic Representation ................................................. 104 Figure 4.31: San José de las Matas Station Hydric Balance ....................................................................... 105 Figure 4.32: Contributing River and Basin Map Las Placetas Project...................................................... 106 Figure 4.33: Draining Pattern Las Placetas Project ..................................................................................... 107 Figure 4.34: Seasonal Development Daily Mean Flow for the Measuring Points .................................. 111 Figure 4.35: Monthly Mean Flow Comparison ........................................................................................... 112 Figure 4.36: Flow Duration Curve for Bao River ........................................................................................ 113 Figure 4.37: Flow Duration Curve Río Jagua in Los Limones................................................................... 113 Figure 4.38: Bao River Tributaries Network................................................................................................ 117 Figure 4.39: Jagua River Tributaries Network ............................................................................................ 117 Figure 4.40: Extract of Hydrogeological Map (1:250,000 Scale) ................................................................ 131 Figure 4.41: Flora List ..................................................................................................................................... 138 Figure 4.42: Biological Types of Species Reported ..................................................................................... 139 Figure 4.43: Biogeografic Status of the Species ........................................................................................... 140 Figure 4.44: Level of Presence of the Species............................................................................................... 141 Figure 4.45: Location of the Ichtyofauna sampling stations...................................................................... 192 Figure 4.46: Digital Tridimensional Topographic Model of the Project Region..................................... 195 Figure 4.47: Landscape Units Map - development diagram ..................................................................... 211 Figure 4.48: Landscape Units Map ............................................................................................................... 214 Figure 4.49: Landscape Potential .................................................................................................................. 219 Figure 4.50: Landscaping Potentiality .......................................................................................................... 221 COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 7 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Figure 4.51: Preliminary Fragility Map Diagram........................................................................................ 222 Figure 4.52: Diagram of Map of Preliminary Landscape Fragility........................................................... 223 Figure 4.53: Landscape Fragility Map .......................................................................................................... 224 Figure 4.54: Diagram of Map of Acceptability ............................................................................................ 225 Figure 4.55: Map showing Acceptabity of the Infrastructure on the Landscape ................................... 227 LIST OF PHOTOS Photo 4.1: A lode in pathway between the brooks Matica de Plátano and Antón Sape Bueno ............. 16 Photo 4.2: Lode on the road between the brook’s Matica de Plátanos and Antón Sape Bueno. Coordinates 290,458 E 2, 123,574 N ................................................................................................................ 17 Photo 4.3: Brook Antón Sape Bueno. Coordinates 289, 751 E 2, 124, 169 N.............................................. 17 Photo 4.4: A lode on the road to the brook Antón Sape Bueno. Coordinates 289,914 E 2, 123,975 N .......................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Photo 4.5: A lode at the brook Matica de Plátano. Coordinates 291,017 E 2,124,686 N........................ 19 Photo 4.6: Flooded plains at the river Jagua. Coordinates 302,282 E 2,121,363 N ................................ 20 Photo 4.7: Terrace in the middle of the river Jagua. Coordinates 302,282 E 2,121,363 N ....................... 20 Photo 4.8: A tonalite lode by the road to Los Limones towards Las Placetas Arriba. Coordenadas: 301,391 E 2, 121,756 N..................................................................................................................................... 21 Photo 4.9: A rock lode at the edge of the river Jagua, next to the road to Loma Pico. Coordinates: 302,313 E 2,121,376 N...................................................................................................................................... 21 Photo 4.10: Lode by the road to Las Carreras towards El Manaclar. Coordinates: 302,481 E 2,126,979 N ......................................................................................................................................................... 24 Photo 4.11: Foliated tonalite LODE at the stress zone on a side detour road to Bao reservoir. Coordinates: 309,886 E 2,134,189 N ............................................................................................................... 25 Photo 4.12: Panoramic view from the road to Los Asientos. Coordinates: 311,688 E 2,134,745 N....... 25 Photo 4.13: On the road past the crossing of the Jamamú River. Coordinates: 296,817 E 2,123,517 N .......................................................................................................................................................................... 26 Photo 4.14 Road to the brook Antón Sape Bueno. Coordinates 290,458 E 2,123,574 N ......................... 30 Photo 4.15: Lode on the road to the brook Antón Sape Bueno. Coordinates 290,123 E 2,123,840 N ..... 31 Photo 4.16: Panoramic view from above on the way down to the Bao River. Coordinates 290,529 E 2, 123,560 N ........................................................................................................................................................ 32 Photo 4.17: Bean planting on the slopes of the mountain on the road from Jamamú. Below the crossing to the Jamamú River. Coordinates 296,735 E 2,124,249 N........................................................... 33 Photo 4.18: Lode of Laterite on the road towards the brook Hondo. Coordinates 290,824 E 2,124,012 N ......................................................................................................................................................... 40 Photo 4.19: Lode of laterite on the road towards the brook Hondo. Coordinates 303,502 E 2,127,161 N ......................................................................................................................................................... 40 Photo 4.20: Lode of Laterite on the road through to the brook Hondo Coordinates 291,244 E 2,123,508 N ......................................................................................................................................................... 41 Photo 4.21: Lode of Laterite on the road through the brook Hondo. Coordinates 291,753 E 2,124,185 N ......................................................................................................................................................... 41 Photo 4.22: Lode of clayish material arcilloso in the process of laterite formation, on the road to the brook Antón Sape Bueno,. Coordinates 290,123 E 2,123,840 N.......................................................... 44 Photo 4.23: Lode of lateritic material on the road towards the brook Antón Sape Bueno...................... 45 Photo 4.24: Lode of lateritic material on the road towards the brook Hondo. Coordinates 299,744 E 2,125,971 N..................................................................................................................................................... 45 Photo 4.25: Lode of lateritic material through a short-cut on the road to Calimetal. Coordinates 295,347 E 2,122,077 N....................................................................................................................................... 46 COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 8 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.26. Erosion process manifested in this caviture of the terrain on the road towards Aguas Calientes. Coordinates 300,606 E 2, 127,944 N .............................................................................................. 63 Photo 4.27. Intense erosion process shown in the veins of Quartz uncovered by the road closet to Aguas Calientes. Coordenadas 299,928 E 2, 128,805 N................................................................................ 63 Photo 4.28. Section of Bao River. Coordinates 290,529E 2,123,560 N......................................................... 64 Photo 4.29. Collapses located on the path to the brook Antón Sape Bueno. Coordinates 289,930 E 2,123,959 N ......................................................................................................................................................... 65 Photo 4.30. By the path towards the crossing of the brook Matica de Plátano, landslide. Ready to advance. Coordinates 291,017 E 2,124,686 N................................................................................................ 66 Photo 4.31. Collapses are observe don the path to the Los Limones reservoir. Coordinates 299,928 E 2,128,805 N..................................................................................................................................................... 66 Photo 4.32. Collapses observed by the road towards the area of Los Limones reservoir. Coordinates 300,606 E 2,127,944 N ................................................................................................................ 67 Photo 4.33. On the path pass the crossing of the brook Matica de Plátano, landslide in preparation. Coordinates 290,748 E 2,124,330 N.......................................................................................... 67 Photo 4.34. Crumple at the Río Jamamú crossing. Coordinates 297,034 E 2,124,524 N ......................... 68 Photo 4.35. On a stop at Los Corrales scares of incipient breaks. Coordinates 305,176 E 2,130,350 N .......................................................................................................................................................................... 69 Photo 4.36: Lode of amphibolites subjected to foliation, on the path to the brook Antón Sape Bueno, Coordinates X:290,824 E Y: 2,124,012 ............................................................................................... 75 Photo 4.37. Lode showing the tendencies to foiliate on the road towards the Brooke Antón Sape Bueno. Coordinates X:290,458 E Y: 2,123,574 ................................................................................................ 75 Photo 4.38. Lode of schist. Coordinates X: 290,702 E Y: 2, 123,203........................................................... 76 Photo 4.39. Lode with cracks from foliation in the Jagua River. Coordinates X:305,463 E Y: 2,125,066 ............................................................................................................................................................. 76 Photo 4.40. Lode with cracks in the terrace Alta Llanura from flooding Jagua River. Coordinates X:305,463 E y Y: 2,125,066............................................................................................................................... 81 Photo 4.41. Lode with cracks on the road to the Bao Reservoir. Coordinates X:309,886 E: 2,134,189 ... 81 Photo 4.42: General View of La Sierra.......................................................................................................... 133 Photo 4.43. View of Ruggedness in La Sierra.............................................................................................. 134 Photo 4.44. Syzygium jambos, dominates the riparian vegetation of the zone ...................................... 135 Photo 4.45: Maguey, Agave antillarum, protected species .......................................................................... 142 Photo 4.46. Royal Palms, Roystonea hispaniolana, protected species ........................................................ 143 Photo 4.47. A pine, Pinus occidentalis, protected species............................................................................ 143 Photo 4.48. An example of a palmetto palm, Sabal domingensis, protected species................................ 144 Photo 4.49. RiparianVegetation of Bao River in Mata Grande.................................................................. 146 Photo 4.50. Confluence of Antón Sape Bueno Creek with Bao River ...................................................... 147 Photo 4.51. Plaintain Cultivation, Musa x paradisiaca ................................................................................. 148 Photo 4.52. Riparian Vegetation of Bao River ............................................................................................. 148 Photo 4.53. Partial View of a bend of Bao River ......................................................................................... 149 Photo 4.54. View of grassland where the Tunnel will pass....................................................................... 150 Photo 4.55: Agricultural crops can be observed surrounded by pinewoods.......................................... 151 Photo 4.56: General View of Pinewoods in Elevations next to Bao River ............................................... 151 Photo 4.57: View Riparian Vegetation if Jagua River................................................................................. 152 Photo 4.58: Riparian Vegetation on the Dam Site of Los Limones ........................................................... 153 Photo 4.59: General View of Pinewoods near Jagua River........................................................................ 154 Photo 4.60: Grassland with scattered pine trees ......................................................................................... 155 Photo 4.61: Forestal Plantation of Pinus occidentalis................................................................................. 155 Photo 4.62: Grassland with scattered trees in Section VI........................................................................... 156 Photo 4.63: Grasslands with planted pines.................................................................................................. 156 COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 9 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.64: View of the vegetation in Section VII; dam trail of Bao River to the foreground .............. 157 Photo 4.65: Jánico Town Spa on Bao River .................................................................................................. 157 Photo 4.66: Riparian Vegetation of Bao River, near to the Spa of Jánico................................................. 158 Photo 4.67: Riparian Vegetation of Bao River, near the Spa of Jánico ..................................................... 159 Photo 4.68: Aguas Calientes Spa on the Bao River ..................................................................................... 160 Photo 4.69: Riparian Vegetation of Bao River on the Aguas Calientes Spa ............................................ 160 Photo 4.70: Higüero Spa, West of the bridge............................................................................................... 161 Photo 4.71: Higüero Spa, East of the bridge ................................................................................................ 162 Photo 4.72: Panoramic View of Jagua River, in Higüero ........................................................................... 163 Photo 4.73: Riparian Vegetation on Los Plátano River .............................................................................. 163 Photo 4.74: Higüero River enters Jagua River to the right ........................................................................ 164 Photo 4.75: Powerhouse Area, in the Higüero ............................................................................................ 165 Photo 4.76: Riparian Vegetation on Jagua River......................................................................................... 165 Photo 4.77: View from above of work camp area, in Higüero.................................................................. 166 Photo 4.78: Grassland in the Area of Construction of the Powerhouse................................................... 166 Photo 4.79: Grasslands with Trees on the Powerhouse Area.................................................................... 167 Photo 4.80: Typical Vegetation if the Powerhouse Area............................................................................ 168 Photo 4.81: Riparian Vegetation and Grassland on Los Plátanos River .................................................. 168 Photo 4.82: Small Crops in the Powerhouse Area ...................................................................................... 169 Photo 4.83: Panoramic View of the place of water return on the Bao River. .......................................... 170 Photo 4.84: Area of Influence of water return on the Bao River ............................................................... 170 Photo 4.85: Cercanía de la dam trail en el área de influencia del desfogue, Río Bao............................. 171 Photo 4.86: Common lizard (Anolis distichus) ........................................................................................... 178 Photo 4.87: Hispaniolan Common Treefrog (Osteopilus dominicensis) ................................................. 179 Photo 4.88: Lizard “Anole” (Anolis christophei) characteristic of this environment ............................... 183 Photo 4.89: Pumpwood Fruits (eats palmchat).............................................................................................. 188 Photo 4.90: Fruits of the guarana .................................................................................................................. 189 Photo 4.91: Bao River...................................................................................................................................... 191 Photo 4.92: Bat trapped in net ....................................................................................................................... 199 Photo 4.93: Artibeus jamaicensis...................................................................................................................... 202 Photo 4.94: Haitian fruit eater bat, Phyllops haitiensis.................................................................................... 202 Photo 4.95: Hispaniolan solenodon, Solenodon paradoxus (Source: Periódico El Nacional) .......................... 205 Photo 4.96: Forest Type 1 Photo 4.97: Forest Type 2 ............................................................................................................................... 215 Photo 4.98: Pastures ........................................................................................................................................ 216 Photo 4.99: Beans and pigeon beans crop Photo 4.100: Plantain Crop............................................................................................................................. 217 Photo 4.101: Section of a Slope with Scant Vegetation............................................................................... 217 Photo 4.102: Segment of Bao River ............................................................................................................... 220 COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 10 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA CHAPTER 4: DESCRIPTION OF THE NATURA PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT 4.1 GEOLOGY, GEOMORPHOLOGY AND TECTONICS 4.1.1 Introduction The Las Placentas Hydroelectric Project is a highly complex project; to make it function requires the construction of the following facilities: A Dam in Sabaneta A Dam in Los Limones Tunnel connecting Sabaneta - Los Limones Uploading tunnel between Los Limones - Casa de Máquinas Unloading tunnel between Casa de Máquinas - Río Bao 138kw High Voltage power line A regional description was prepared for a better understanding of the geology of the project area for each facility mentioned above. The total area of influence included a total 3km, where 1km represents the area of direct impact and the remaining 2 km represent the indirect area of influence. The rational behind choosing these influence intervals responds to the geologic-geomorphologic characteristics, as well as, the tectonics, which presents changes within the Project area that should be considered because of peculiarities in the natural environment and the location selected for each facility. 4.1.2 Methodology The following methodology was applied in order to complete an evaluation of the geological, geomorphologic, tectonic and seismic risk to the Project area: 1. Identify and review existing geological information corresponding to geological mapping and detailed studies; in this effort we can mention: a) Consulting a geological map of the DR at a 1:250,000 scale with its memory; b) Consulted the stratigraphic lexicon of the central mountain range. 2. Review of the Project K Geologic and Geometric Cartography of the DR SYSMIN I with their respective memories. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 11 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA a) Geologic map at a 1:50,000 scale, Difference Sheet 5973-1, also consulted the Sheet Jánico (in preparation) 6073-IV corresponding to the Geologic and Geometric Cartography of the DR SISMIN II. b) Geomorphologic map at a 1:100,000 scale, Arroyo Limón 5973 sheet. c) Active Geological Process map at a 1:100,000 scale, Arroyo Limón 5973 sheet. 3. Review of the Geological Risk Prevention Project (Seismic risks) a) Map of the Faults Systems at a 1:500,000 scale. b) Alignment maps at a 1:50,000 scale. c) The epicenter data base. 4. A study on the Seismic Threats to the Dominican Republic. This document reflects, in an authoritative manner, the principal behavioral aspects of the target area from a seismic point of view. 5. Review of OAS collection inventory of DR’s Natural Resources, Geomorphologic map of DR. This in order to produce a classification of the present lands and for units that will provide land preparation also for recognition of the vegetation coverage. 6. Review of aerial photography at a 1:40,000 scale, panchromatic ortho-rectified satellite images at a 1:50,000 scales and a flight over the project site at a 1:1000 scale. These images permitted the performance of a photo-evaluation with the objective of recognizing tectonic structures and lithotomic features present in the area of the Project and the zone of influence. 7. Two field trips lasting 4 days were conducted throughout the Project area where direct information was compiled and photographs of the most important geological formations were taken and of special interests to the tectonic aspects of the Project. 4.1.3 Regional Geology and Details of the Project The Project area is located entirely in the central mountain range specifically in the bulk central zone. The central mountain range is the principal mountainous system of the country and it occupies a vast portion of its central surface area. It extends in a northeast – southeast direction from the Haitian border to a point near the south coast in the proximity of Bani. The northwest portion of the range ends east of the La Guadalajara and Naviza hills (691 mi). Therein lays the most elevated peaks of the Antilles. In the western part, we have Duarte Peak, Rucilla peak (both with over 3000 m) and Yaque peak (with over 2,700 m). In the eastern part, the highest peak is El Alto de la Bandera (Height of the Flag COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 12 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA with over 2,800 m). The central mountain range essentially is formed of Cretaceous volcanic rock, rich in peridotic serpentine like formations, batholithic tonalites and green rocks. Stratigraphy The Stratigraphy of the zone is considered the most complicated of all the regions in the Republic, given that it consists of a system of complex continental marine deposits, volcanic rocks and plutonic intrusions, all this combined with an intense tectonic metamorphism. The geological formations present in the area are: The superior Jurassic Duarte complex – Cretaceous inferior (J3 –K1) The superior Tireo Cretaceous formation (K2) Tavera’s Group Magua Paleocene Formation: Paleocene – Eocene (P1-2) Quaternary Holocene (Qh) The Superior Jurassic Duarte Complex – Cretaceous inferior (J3 –K1) The Duarte complex surges from the southern part of the Project, represented by the green schist and amphibolites, within tonalite bodies embedded, from the embankments to the platens with strong internal deformations, an elongated form in a NW-SE direction and various kilometers in length. The green schist present masses of amphibolites quite possibly formed through metamorphism of contact. Considering the environment of the island, the Duarte complex is divided in two principal units: Inferior Duarte complex Superior Duarte complex Inferior Duarte complex, generally in slate green facies, of which litho-logically constitutes a group of slate and amphibolites, in general, they present a strong ductile formation accompanied by sincinematic type of metamorphism. All the rocks present a characteristic macroscopic green tone more or less darker, medium to fine grain and a slate-like penetrating plane or rarely a lineal plane. The Volcanic and molten texture are locally preserved, especially in the less deformed and metamorphosed rocks. Superior Duarte complex, facies of green sub-esquites, formed at the base by a group of metagrabros and intertwined meta-diabasic levees, which shoot upward in a sequence of slates and cherts, with very thick meta-basaltic insertions. This litho-logic group of major metamorphic proportions composed of amphibolic esquites and horblend amphibolites are joined on contact with the tonalite foliage. The majority of the rocks of COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 13 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA the Duarte complex, the inferior complex above all, present well developed shale’s, where in other places you see sheared-like shale. On a regional scale, the tonalite foliage emerges in a characteristic and exclusive body designed by the metamorphic series of the Duarte complex. They emerge in concordance with the schist of the region, meaning, in a NNW-SSE direction. The presence of foliated magma planar formations sub-vertically parallel to the touch and the deformed Xenoliths suggests that the magma intrusion was conditioned by the range of external forces to which the zone was submitted. Produced between the rocks of the Duarte complex, during the sincinematic movement, there is a cornean type recrystalization, which gives way to a mineralogical and texture change along an areola metamorphism of about 1-2 km in width. This granitite rock is very meteor-like with the tropical climate, where as fresh rock lode is scarce. The best lodes are found in the Mata Grande zone. The Duarte complex is composed of ultra-basic rocks, tonalites, magnificent levees, aplitic and quartz leucogranite. Their in the Project area, exist an indistinct intrusive body known as El Batholitic Bao, it occupies an area of about 170 km2 and it extends south to the community of Pedregal. This body is more longer (aprox. 17 km) than wide (aprox. 10 km); its elongation extends in an N-S direction. It is an equi-granular tonalite with presences of horblend, plagioclase and recent quartz and posterior plagioclase, quartz and biotitic. Amphibolites This is about amphibolites rocks and fine to medium grain dark blue-green amphibolitequartz, that has developed a manufacture-like linear-plane with milonitic characteristics, a consequence of the intense ductile formations and the regional metamorphism (see the geological map of the Project). The Superior Tireo Cretaceous Formation (K2) The Tireo formation (Fm) is one the units represented in the area, Litho-logically it is constituted of volcanic and volcanoclastic rock interweaved with sedimentary rocks, existing also with frequent sprinkles plutonic and hypabyssal rocks. Of the Tireo Fm., the touch is always tectonic surging in a SE-NW direction. This lithology is related to the Duarte complex. On one end it is limited by the amphibolites of the Duarte complex with the intrusion of the Batholite Bao. Whereas on the SW extreme, it is limited by the abundant band of green schist (see geological map of the Project). COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 14 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Tavera’s Group Magua Paleocene Formation: Paleocene–Eocene (P1-2) The Fm. Magua an outcrop from the NE region of the Project. This formation defined by Palmer (1963), extends from the Hispaniola fault zone, with a width of between 1-2 km. This group appears to be very mixed into the Hispaniola fault zone because its deposits, distribution and types of sediment or fillings are limited to this Hispaniola fault area. It’s predominance is constituted by an interweaving conglomerated sequence of sandstone, limestone, lutite and basaltic volcanic flows and openings. The Fm. Magua is not metamorphosed and seems to be placed in a discordant angle between the Duarte complex and the Tireo Fm., both metamorphosed with varying conditions of green shale facies to amphibolites. The conglomerate Magua formation includes pieces of tonalites with horblend identical in texture and composition to those in the Duarte complex. We’re dealing with basaltic gaps and coherent look of lava that also appear to form levees and small low-lying protrusions (see the geological map of the area of the Project). Quaternary These materials only reach a superficial development, very limited in the study zone, caused by the location of its drainage network, their rain water deposits are very shallow and on occasions, significantly reduced. Holocene, Rain water deposits and valley depths, Gravel and sand. Because of the intense rejuvenation of this off-set, caused in part by vulcanization and lodes, the drainage network is sparse making water deposits scarce and in many cases forming winding rivers difficult to map at our scale. This evidently is a result of, among other things, bad flow characteristics of rain water networks over tonalite materials, noticeably because of the strong superficial alterations that favor this morphology. Among the water deposits, we highlight the Bao and Jagua rivers. Their potentials are variable and difficult to evaluate, however they generally don’t exceed a depth of 2-4 meters. In the area you’ll observe a predominance of tonalite (seen in Batholite Bao), and greater heterogeneity (seen from the south) from the presence of rocks pertaining to the Duarte formation. It is comprised of sand and gravel ranging from 1-2 cm to 15-20 cm, and in extreme cases at the southern most zone, they will reach 1 or more meters in diameter. The sand proportion is greater in the northern deposits. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 15 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA The existence of an intense superficial alteration in the Batholite Bao, favor’s the development of a granite “loam” easily attacked by the flowing water and external weathering forces that favor and contribute to the deposit of fine granular sand in the reservoir zones (see geological map of the area of the Project). The following is a geological description in the order occurrence of the facilities to be constructed (see Table 4.1). Sabaneta Reservoir The Sabaneta reservoir is located in the Inferior Duarte complex proper; even though it’s contact with the Tireo formation is relatively close. It is in the domain of amphibolites, tonalites and shale, these are the formations most representative of the area in question. The presence of these rocks speaks of the metamorphism that occurred in the region, furthermore, the presence of levees and tonalites ratifies the lode found in the Duarte formation. Photo 4.1: A lode in pathway between the brooks Matica de Plátano and Antón Sape Bueno In the area you will see the facies of the foliated tonalites which litho-logically make-up a combination of the foliated tonalites in contact with the amphibolites (see photo 4.1). Here you can observe the intense sharp gradient that reflexes shale with a cutting edge. These lodes are observed from the road to the brook Antón Sape Bueno, which leads to the waters of the River Bao. In the middle of the amphibolites we find well developed aplitic levees typical of the Duarte formation (see Photo 4.2). You will find a large quantity of quartz in the aplitic levees. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 16 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA These lodes are observed from the road to the brook Antón Sape Bueno, which leads to the waters of the River Bao. Photo 4.2: Lode on the road between the brook’s Matica de Plátanos and Antón Sape Bueno. Coordinates 290,458 E 2, 123,574 N Photo 4.2 shows the brook Antón Sape Bueno that runs through the amphibolites; you can observe a pathway through the surge between two big blocks dragged during moments of high water rising in the brook. These lodes are observed from the road to the brook Antón Sape Bueno, which lead to the waters of the river Bao. Photo 4.3: Brook Antón Sape Bueno. Coordinates 289, 751 E 2, 124, 169 N COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 17 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Another important element to emphasize is that in this trajectory we observe a lateralization of the tonalites, a consequence of the weathering they undergo. They heave forward forming thick layers as observed by the clay-argillaceous type terrigenous material. The reddish argillaceous alterations are principally located above the forward rushes of the foliated tonalites. In Photo 4.4 we can observe the wide profile developed by the laterites where they join the clay and argillaceous layer forming a strong terrain covered by dense vegetation. Photo 4.4: A lode on the road to the brook Antón Sape Bueno. Coordinates 289,914 E 2, 123,975 N The aplitic levees with foliated tonalites are widely seen throughout the area. This surge (Photo 4.5) corresponds to one at the brook Matica de Plátano where the water bed has formed across the tonalites between the aplitic levees (white soften rocks) that are very abundant in the region. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 18 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.5: A lode at the brook Matica de Plátano. Coordinates 291,017 E 2,124,686 N Reservoir Los Limones The reservoir Los Limones is located specifically over the tonalites, in the intrusive body called Bao. This intrusion is characterized for not having been submitted to the process of foliation, this permits a clear distinction of the mineralization of the area. At the edges of the tonalite body you sometimes see very isolated basaltic xenoliths. Part of the water bed ecology of the river Jagua serves as a border for the development of a dam. This space is mainly occupied by the rain water flows of mentioned river, as well as the terraces formed at the expense of its evolution. In Photos 4.6 and 4.7 we observe an inflection in the river where a distinguishable flooded plane totally runs over a cluster of rock products formed from the dragging motion in moments of flooding over-run. Also observed are the large accumulations of light gray colored fine grains of sands and some clay material from the exposed weathered tonalites. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 19 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.6: Flooded plains at the river Jagua. Coordinates 302,282 E 2,121,363 N Photo 4.7: Terrace in the middle of the river Jagua. Coordinates 302,282 E 2,121,363 N Tonalites with biotite mineralization, with a quartz vein lodged in its fault. Existence of basaltic xenoliths (photo 4.8). We could consider this fault zone fragile. The fractures are filled with feldspar (plagioclase). That is, scattered with abundant material a product of weathering. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 20 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.8: A tonalite lode by the road to Los Limones towards Las Placetas Arriba. Coordenadas: 301,391 E 2, 121,756 N Lode intrusion containing maphic diorite rocks (Photo 4.9) loaded with abundant black colored pyroxenes and amphibolites. The light colored tonalites are plagioclase mineralized quartz. There is an abundant presence of joint- fractures. Photo 4.9: A rock lode at the edge of the river Jagua, next to the road to Loma Pico. Coordinates: 302,313 E 2,121,376 N Tunnel Connection Sabaneta Reservoir – Los Limones Reservoir The geological references for this part of the Project are difficult because of the lack of information on the depths of the area. We can point out that contributions from previous COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 21 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA studies performed in the area, have been based on inquiries made of the area where the reservoirs will be located and of studies of the lodes known to the region. Therefore, this description is made strictly of the characteristics of the terrains that were evaluated through the field itineraries and from consultation of the geological works performed by other authors. The tunnel will span a distance of 11 km. and connect the reservoirs going across geographic terrain described previously, corresponding to the batholite Bao. Starting at the Sabaneta reservoir, we find that inquiries performed of this area describe the occurrence of schist amphibolic rocks with a presence of levees and quartz veins. It is noticeable at the beginning of the tunnel the existence of material very foliated where you find both altered amphibolites as well as tonalites, where also, as a result of metamorphism, the rocks acquire an abundance of epidotic material, this gives it a greenish schist appearance. It is in the depths at the areas in the region of the Jamamú River that contact the batholite Bao, where the tonalite isn’t altered. Continuing the trajectory of the tunnel, we find ourselves once again with foliated tonalites. Produced as a consequence of the stress developed by intrusions during its emplacement stage; therefore you find numerous cracks and fracture whose surface expression evidence a subsurface community of these structures. Continuing through the tunnel, we come to the last section, Los Limones reservoir where the inquiries performed show the intrusive body with abundance of quartz levees and granite rock, yet we see no evidence of mineral cleavage, furthermore, we have an absence of deposits, the fact is, the reservoir is located directly above the tonalites. It’s important to highlight that in this span, independent of the rocks presenting tectonic contact, exists a strong influence of tectonic activities particularly toward the batholite; the photo-presentation shows semi-annular cracks marking where the forces originated during the intrusion. Uploading Tunnel between Los Limones - Casa de Máquinas This second tunnel will cover a 7.8 km span and will connect the reservoir Los Limones with the Casa de Máquinas. This infrastructure, rest totally on the batholite Bao. From the information obtained, consulting one of the inquiries performed on this area, it was observed that along the slice inquired of this area we were in the occurrence of tonalites, in part superficial, in the presence of sandy clay, product of the weathering occurring to COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 22 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA the batholite, and the deeper we looked, we found a medium textured fresh rock medium to light gray in color with green rocks and basaltic inclusions. Discharge Tunnel Casa de Máquinas – Bao River This section of the tunnel is located on the terrain in a SW – NE direction for a 9.2 km distance and connects to Casa de Máquina from the discharge of the Bao River across part of the batholite Bao, across the Duarte complex Superior and the Magua formation, moving us across a large lithographical variety of metamorphic rocks, meta-volcanic rocks and volcanogenic-sedimentary rocks. Table 4.1: Summary of the Principal Geological Formations Objective Sabaneta Reservoir Los Limones Reservoir Connection tunnel, Sabaneta – Los Limones Up-loading tunnel, Los Limones – Casa de Máquinas Discharge tunnel, Casa de Máquinas – Río Bao High voltage line of 138 kw Geological formation Fm Duarte Complex Duarte Inferior (J3 – K1) Fm Tireo (K2) Tonalites Batholite Bao Rain deposits (q f) Duarte Complex Inferior Tonalites Batholite Bao. Rain deposits (q f) Tonalites Batholite Bao. Rain deposits (q f) Fm Duarte Complex Duarte Superior (J3 – K1) Tonalites Batholite Bao Fm Magua (P1-2) Fm Duarte Complex Duarte Superior (J3 – K1) Fm Duarte Complex Duarte Inferior (J3 – K1) Fm Tireo (K2) Tonalites Batholite Bao Fm Magua (P1-2) The tunnel exit from Casa de Máquinas shows us that we are in the batholite with the tonalites presenting a fresh rock yet the intrusions of various levees goes from aplitic, leuco-granites to metadiabasic and quartz. Some of these levees crop out throughout the project area. In photo 4.10 you can observe basaltic levees between the foliated tonalites. Also, frequently seeing distinctions between basaltic xenoliths and meta-basaltic, this because of the metamorphism of the region. In this trajectory we find a lithographic grouping of major metamorphic grades made up of amphibolic schist and amphibolites with hornblende which are associated to foliate tonalites. In the Duarte complex Superior, you can judge an existence of a predominance of massive meta-basaltic (green sub-schist facies). COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 23 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.10: Lode by the road to Las Carreras towards El Manaclar. Coordinates: 302,481 E 2,126,979 N The group of the Superior area is very homogeneous and composed of fine grain, massive dark green basaltic. The meta-basaltic porphide (green sub-schist facies, green schist) constitute the Inferior area of the basaltic group. This strong span of coherent lava of basaltic porphide, rich in magnesium, enters in contact from the north by way of the fault with the Magua formation. This same basaltic facies, very interweaved and leafy with a green schist appearance, is also observe within the foliated tonalites. In the Photo 4.11 we can observe the condition of the foliated tonalites, where in this case, the stress zones are very important and should be considered in the analyses of the tunnel path given that these same structures are probably located below the surface. From the meta-basaltic contact, hereon we find Paleogene deposits represented by the Magua formation, which is composted of a strong conglomerated series of intercalated sands, limestone’s, lutite’s and gaps and flows of volcanic basaltic material. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 24 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.11: Foliated tonalite LODE at the stress zone on a side detour road to Bao reservoir. Coordinates: 309,886 E 2,134,189 N The discharge from the tunnel, produced by the Bao River, is channeled through the walls formed at the expense of erosion from the incision of the river. From here we follow through the conglomerates until we reach the Bao reservoir. In the photo 4.12 you can observe the Bao reservoir. Photo 4.12: Panoramic view from the road to Los Asientos. Coordinates: 311,688 E 2,134,745 N COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 25 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA High Voltage Line of 138 kV The high voltage line of 138 kV runs from Casa de Máquinas towards the Taveras reservoir, and with simple line to operate the Sabaneta and Los Limones reservoirs. For the purpose of this study we have divide the lines in stretches. 138 kV high voltage line Casa de Máquinas in El Higűero – Sabaneta reservoir. El Higűero – Los Limones reservoir Los Limones reservoir – Sabaneta reservoir 138 kV high voltage line Casa de Máquinas in El Higűero – Taveras reservoir substation. El Higűero – Los Cagűeyes Los Cagűeyes – Jánico Jánico – Taveras 138 kV high voltage line Casa de Máquinas in El Higűero – Sabaneta reservoir. This stretch geologically covers two important lithologies. Intrusive body formed by the batholitic tonalites which is a homogeneous intrusion with the difference that it presents well developed sediment coverage. The power line presence a mundane highlight even though its enclosure is within 800 to 1,200 meters (see Photo 4.13). Photo 4.13: On the road past the crossing of the Jamamú River. Coordinates: 296,817 E 2,123,517 N COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 26 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Part of the stretch covers the batholite and the Duarte complex Inferior represented by the facies of green schist formed from the amphibolites and foliated tonalites. 138 kV high voltage line Casa de Máquinas in El Higűero – Taveras reservoir. This stretch geologically covers: Intrusive body formed by the batholite Bao. Duarte complex Superior, represented by lithology of a larger metamorphic group composed of amphibolic schist and horblend amphibolites of which, join on contact with the foliated tonalites. Also cropping out are metagabros and a swarm of metadiabasic levees that make their way vertically in a sequence of slates and cherts, with thick intercalations of meta-basaltic material. Magua formation, composed of a strong conglomerate sequence, represented by lithology of a larger quantities of lodes with intercalations of sands, limestone, lutites and gaps and flows of basaltic volcanic material. This formation, given its sedentary character, is not metamorphosed. The conglomerate of the Magua formation includes pieces of tonalites with horblend identical in texture and composition to the solid masses of the Duarte complex. We are dealing with basaltic facies of coherent lava and auto-gaps, although they might seem to form levees and small shallow intrusions. Conclusions The areas of the project, as well as, the areas of influence are found within the following formations: The Duarte complex represented by metavolcanites, amphibolites, foliated tonalites, etc., of which have a great influence in the construction process because the degree of metamorphism influences the quality of the rock. Increasing, in some cases, their fragility. Another aspect is, that in the middle of this lithography we find insertions of numerous levees and veins of rock and mineralization, which on occasions, can degrade or weather to produce unstable structures. Schist has a huge tendency to degrade in the area of the Sabaneta reservoir, for that reason we find increased developed shoreline erosion, product of this process. The tunnel connection Sabaneta reservoir – Los Limones reservoir, on this stretch we find a contact between two important relevant lithological changes, we are dealing with an area with crop outs of amphibolites, tonalites and green schist with a degree of metamorphism seen through a scheme of foliation, and the contact with the batholite Bao, which has intruded into the area developing a great stress around the COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 27 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA adjacent rocks. This provokes, from a tectonic point of view, that the area of the tunnel is a sensitive area, because part of the marked lines of stress previously mentioned, cross the tunnel. The area of the batholite BAO is intruded with aplitic levees, leucogranite, metagabros, and basaltic xenoliths. The importance of these small bodies is that they induce the development of instability; they generally degrade the contacts and generate sediment between the cracks, which can favor cleavage in the area. The contact zone between the Duarte complex and the Magua formation is of tectonic in character, and represents a change in the environment, from a geological standpoint, because we change from meta-volcanic rock to sedimentary volcanogenic sequences where the physical properties of the rocks drastically change in resistance and cohesion. 4.1.4 Land Introduction The land is an element to be taken into view in the process of evaluation of this project because it is a product of the deterioration and weathering that has undergone the area and its characteristics highlight the function of morphology and climate among other factors. The physiographical units substantially influence the composition of the profile of the land, in each case adding to the relation of the climate and the flora which characterize each of the diverse areas to be occupied. Another element to be considered is the use of the land and the type of vegetation covering not only the project area but also the area of direct influence; we can establish the degree to which each will endure the effect of the introduction of the project. In general the land area of the project is located as seen in the following geomorphic units (see figure 4.1): Central Mountain Range Northern Mountain Range Western Valley of Cibao COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 28 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Figure 4.1: Map of the Land Association The land analyses were performed on a regional scale, with special emphasis on evaluation of the areas of direct impact from the project. The groups of lands with this emphasis are: The group of rugged mountain terrains (104-105), appertaining to the central mountain range. The Baiguate group – Hondo Auyamas – Jimenoa (29-27-26-31), appertaining to the central mountain range. The Palma group (10) appertaining to the northern mountain range. Gurabo group – Guatapanal (112-114), appertaining to the western valley of Cibao. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 29 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Rugged Mountain Terrain (104-105) Under this denomination we have grouped lands with very uneven topography and in general, with slopes over 100%, although composed of very different materials, varying from basic metamorphic volcanic rocks, through acid mica quartz to sedentary-volcanic rocks, with quartz, diorite and granites in the central part. To this topographic condition we add commonly, the shallow effective depth of these lands to limit their end-use as a forest or recreation utility (see photo 4.14). The most important lands, because of their extensiveness, are the non-calcareous rugged mountain terrain group (104), which has originated from igneous rocks, volcanic and metamorphosed rocks. These lands present varied characteristics depending on their material of origin, but generally are low depth, inherently low fertile strength and greatly susceptible to erosion. Generally, the lands over basaltic material are brown and very rocky; the lands from schist are shallow with a French-sandy texture and lots of gravel. Photo 4.14 Road to the brook Antón Sape Bueno. Coordinates 290,458 E 2,123,574 N In the previous photo we can observe the amount of forest in these lands. The lands developed at the expense of the quartz-diorite materials are brown or grayishbrown, reddish and with course sandy; the lands developed at the expense of andesita volcanic rocks are reddish, of great depths and clay-like texture, and the lands from serpentine are, in some cases reddish (see photo 4.15), deep, very resistant to erosion, while in others it is less deep, erosion susceptible, French-clayish material with a dark brown color. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 30 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA The use of these lands is limited to forest uses, especially with their species of pines, employing means and methods to conserve and limit exploitation. Fire control should be considered as a basic practice. Photo 4.15: Lode on the road to the brook Antón Sape Bueno. Coordinates 290,123 E 2,123,840 N The Baiguate Group – Hondo Auyamas – Jimenoa (29-27-26-31) This association groups lands with very rough topography, of volcanic origin located on the north-western end of the central mountain range. In this group we’ve joined lands with rugged topography, low depths of originating material and very specially their low level of fertility. The originating material is formed, in general, of rocks that contain quartz and feldspar in varying proportions and this gives rise to lands of similar characteristics. The shallowness of the clay material does not permit storage of sufficient humidity in the land; this is why even during seasons of rain the land show signs of scarcity of water. The superficial drainage is good to excessive and the natural vegetation is predominantly pines (see photo 4.16). The use of these lands limited to forest exploitation. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 31 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.16: Panoramic view from above on the way down to the Bao River. Coordinates 290,529 E 2, 123,560 N The average annual precipitation received by the north-western area in this group is 1,250 mm to over 2000 mm for the south-eastern portion, in the proximities of the valley of Bonao. The lands that form this group, in order of importance, are the series: Biguate (29), Hondo (27), Auyamas (28) and Jimenoa (31). The lands of the first three series are derived from igneous material with different concentrations of quartz and feldspar, and the series pertaining to Jimenoa (31) is derived from basaltic. The lands of the Biguate (29) series, that occupy principally the southern portion of the group, are formed at the expense of material similar to diorite but with a high feldspar content and less quartz making them more basic than the others. These lands are very deep with a clay texture. The basal material has been partially deteriorated and weathered to appreciable depths, but the effective depth of this land is scarce. Some of these lands are utilized for agricultural and used for sustention. These lands have a very rough topography with slopes of 50-70%. The vegetation is composed predominantly of pines and weed. The lands of the series Hondo (27) occupy, in general, the western and northern part of the group. They are shallow, generally 10 cm depth, with a franco-clay texture, very gravelliest, with a hilly topography and very low inherent fertility. The rough topography, with pronounced slopes, facilitates the drainage of rain water that also carries friable loose superficial material. On the other hand the scarce depth does not permit the soil from retaining adequate humidity. These excessive drainage conditions, moreover, don’t permit an agricultural utilization of the land in this series, for that reason it has been oriented towards forest production and in particular, pines. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 32 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA In some areas where the topography and the depth of the land permits, their have developed a basic agriculture for sustention based especially in the production by demand of beans and cassava (see photo 4.17). The lands of the series Auyamas (26) occupy the western portion of the group and it has developed at the expense of horblend tonalite. These are coarse sandy textured lands with hardly any depth, with an inherent low fertility and a hilly topography, of prominent slopes that in general are over 50%. They are very susceptible to erosion. The erosive action of the dripping water is facilitated by the texture and the friability of the land. The land in the Jimenoa (31) series has a hilly topography and it has formed at the expense of basaltic. The effective depth is shallow and the texture is franco-clayish. These lands are lateritic and soils inherently low in fertility. Photo 4.17: Bean planting on the slopes of the mountain on the road from Jamamú. Below the crossing to the Jamamú River. Coordinates 296,735 E 2,124,249 N Palma Group (10) This group is characterized, maybe, for its noticeable susceptibility to laminar erosion and it occupies, southeast of Santiago de Caballeros, an extensive zone of low lying hills and limestone, on the northwestern portion of the central mountain range. Because of the friability of the subsoil, the shallowness of the soil, topography composed of steep slopes and the intense and continuous agricultural exploitation; these lands present a high degree of erosion, possibly the area of most erosion. This association of lands is composed of only one group, the series called Palma (10). In some zones where one can observe a complete profile of the soils, we will find a fine franco-sandy soil, dark brown in color, with a thin granular structure, supported by blocks of limestone, inter-stratified with calcareous sand, both naturally very friable, In COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 33 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA actuality, the hollows only relatively progress where they have accumulated after having been dragged by the erosion of the hills. In recent years, the agricultural production of this zone has decreased considerably, without doubt, because of inadequate management, at present, there hardly exist soil. Gurabo Group – Guatapanal (112-114) In this association we have grouped lands that occupy the western portion of the valley. The topography is predominantly plain where it is closest to the river and presents small elevations and hollows on the southern half of the series, as we come closer to the low limestone hills which constitute a transition zone between the lower western valley of the Cibao and the solid igneous of the mountainous central range. The aridness of the soil is its principal characteristic, and it can only be of use at the areas where the water flows closest. The lands that form this group are generally brown, with a medium texture and good drainage. Conclusions The soils in the project area have the following characteristics: The soils have developed over a rough topography and in general, present slopes greater than 100%, therefore its major tendency towards erosion. These are soils with a noticeable susceptibility for laminar erosion, a reason why there are areas in the mountain range without vegetation. The effective shallowness of these soils and their sandy-clayish tendency limit their use to forests and recreational. Its agricultural development has been conditioned to the presence of water and the use of fertilizers. A large portion of these lands are used as pastures. 4.1.5 Permeability of the Material With the objective of better assessing the Stratigraphy of the subsoil and its permeability we performed 7 polls in which we applied the Lugeon Test for soil permeability. The test is performed in the interior of the probe and permits a semi-quantitative measurement of the permeability of solid rock in any lithology or state of fracture. The unit of measure of the test is Lugeons, it corresponds to the absorption of 1 liter per meter of measurement per minute, performing the readings at 10 atmospheres during 10 minutes. One Lugeon equals a coefficient of permeability of 10-5 cm/s (U.L. =1 l/m x min = 10-5 cm/s). The results of these tests are presented as a function depth in Lugeon COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 34 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA units, or penetration in l/m x min as a function of atmospheres submitted. Herein is the table of classification that serves as an evaluation tool for the measurements performed in the project (see Table 4.2): Table 4.2: Classification of solid rock as function of permeability Type of Sample Lugeon Units Pressure (kp/cm2) Very Impermeable Practically Impermeable 0-1 1-3 10 10 3 1.5 – 6 3 6 10 5 10 5 Permeable Very Permeable *Information taken from Olalla y Sopeña, 1991. Geological Engineering. These measurements were applied to test areas corresponding to the Sabaneta and Los Limones reservoir. At the Los Limones reservoir, a priori, the permeability is low based on measurements done by Harza. The following data was derived at from the surface of the terrain: Table 4.3: Measurement SPL01 Intervals Material Values in Lugeon 0.0 m to 4.0 m 4.0 m to 15.0 m 15.0 m to 20.0 m 20.0m to 40.0 m 40.0 m to 50.0 m 50.0 m to 60.0 m Soil Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock 0 32 16 2 4 3 COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 35 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Table 4.4: Measurement SPL02 Intervals 0.0 m to 5.0 m 5.0 m to 10.0 m 10.0 m to 15.0 m 15.0m to 20.0 m 20.0 m to 25.0 m 25.0 m to 30.0 m 30.0 m to 40.0 m 40.0 m to 55.0 m Material Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Values en Lugeon 0 5 14 45 2 1 3 1 Table 4.5: Measurement SPL04 Intervalos Material Values in Lugeon 0.0 m to 4.6 m 4.6 m to 8.0 m 8.0 m to 14.0 m 14.0 m to 17.0 m 17.0 m to 23.0 m 23.0 m to 28.0 m 28.0 m to 33.0 m 33.0 m to 40.0 m Soil Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock 0 0 0 7 4 9 16 2 Table 4.6: Measurement SPL05 Intervals Material Values in Lugeon 0.0 m to 5.0 m 5.0 m to 34.0 m 34.0 m to 44.0 m 44.0 m to 50.0 m 50.0 m to 55.0 m 55.0 m to 60.0 m rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock 0 0 1 2 1 2 The measurements corresponding to the area of Los Limones reservoir (SPL) are seen in Figure 4.2. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 36 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Figure 4.2: Measurements in the area of Los Limones reservoir From the probes consulted in the area of Los Limones reservoir we can conclude that: The interval of measurement from the start of the test to 20 meters can be considered very permeable, this is manifested in the material deteriorated from weathering, the fissures and cracks observed in the rocks and on the land developed that is covering the rocks. From 20 meters down to the deepest measurements made (60 meters), we can see that the rocks go from practically impermeable to very impermeable. Therefore the contact zone between permeable rocks to impermeable rocks is in the interval of 4 – 20 meters, in a slow transition. At the Sabaneta reservoir the following data was obtained: Table 4.7: SPS – 1 Intervals 0.0 m to 4.0 m 4.6 m to 8.0 m 8.0 m toto 14.0 m 14.0 m hasta 20.0 m COR-01-EI-004-07 Material Soil Rock Rock Rock Values in Lugeon 0 0 4 2 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 37 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Table 4.8: SPS – 2 Intervals 0.0 m to 4.0 m 4.0 m to 21.0 m 21.0 m to 25.0 m 25.0 m to 30.0 m 30.0 m to 35.0 m 35.0 m to 40.0 m 40.0 m to 45.0 m 45.0 m to 55.0 m Material Soil Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Values in Lugeon 0 0 32 1 2 16 1 3 Table 4.9: SPS – 3 Intervals 0.0 m to 4.0 m 4.6 m to 15.0 m 15.0 m to 22.0 m 22.0 m to 45.0 m 45.0 m to 50.0 m 50.0 m to 55.0 m 55.0 m to 60.0 m Material Soil Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Values en Lugeon 0 0 4 1 3 9 2 The measurements corresponding to the area of Sabaneta reservoir are seen in figure 4.3. Figure 4.3: Measurements at the Area of the Sabaneta Reservoir From the probes consulted in the area of Sabaneta (SPS) reservoir we can conclude that: The interval of measurement from the start of the test to 45 meters can be considered very permeable, this is manifested in the most part by the large quantity deteriorated material caused by the weathering of the schist and the amphibolites that generate a large quantity of clay and argillite, also the fissures and cracks in this COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 38 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA area are abundant, more so from the subterranean tectonic contacts of the schist with the tonalites. From 45 meters down we observe a gradual reduction in permeability to practically impermeable. Therefore the contact zone between permeable rocks to impermeable rocks is in the greater range of 4 – 45 meters, in a slow transition. 4.1.6 Stability of the Slopes The stability of the slopes of the area of the project were analyzed in an indirect manner as we also considered this in our evaluation of the erosion processes. In this analyses we considered the following categories: Table 4.10: Stability of the Slopes Slope Category 0 – 4% 5 – 12% 13 – 25% 26 – 50% > 50% Very good VG Low L Moderate M High H Very High VH 1. Very Good: plain zones (flatlands). 2. Low: plain zones to slightly ondulating (highlights slightly ondulating). 3. Moderate: zones with low lying hills. 4. High: zones highlighted with large hills to mointains. 5. Very High: rough mountainous zones montañosas (rugged highlights). All of theses categories are seen in the project area with the peculiarity that the greater majority of the slopes are in the category of High to Very High (see photos 4.18 and 4.19). This is so, precisely because the project is located in the mountainous zone where the tectonic effects have increased the level of elevations, creating in effect an increase in slope (see map of slopes in map annex). COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 39 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.18: Lode of Laterite on the road towards the brook Hondo. Coordinates 290,824 E 2,124,012 N Photo 4.19: Lode of laterite on the road towards the brook Hondo. Coordinates 303,502 E 2,127,161 N The categories of lesser slopes correspond to zones in the rain valleys even when they tend to be narrower as we reach the mountainous zones (high range), but they widen as they become less steep (medium range, see photo 4.20) in the course of transition to the plains (lower range, see photo 4.21). COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 40 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.20: Lode of Laterite on the road through to the brook Hondo Coordinates 291,244 E 2,123,508 N Photo 4.21: Lode of Laterite on the road through the brook Hondo. Coordinates 291,753 E 2,124,185 N For the analyses of slope stability we took two factors into consideration: the type of lithology and the type of slopes, this because they are the principal causes that intervene in said processes and the natural lithology, which in itself is affected by deterioration and weathering. It is important to point out that at this time, the stability of the slopes in the project area is relative, its own condition of mountainous range produces the existence of numerous COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 41 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA landslides and collapses, which indicate that presently there are areas conditioned by other elements like tectonics and climate that induce this state of instability. Both factors intersect in a table and we established the following categories: Table 4.11: Stability of Slope Categoría Stable Moderately Stable Unstable Very Unstable S MS U VU From this we proceeded to develop an intersection between the Geological Map that contain the coded lithologics and the Map of Slopes, this in an effort to create a map of stability of slopes (Figure 4.5). Geological Map Map of Slope Stability Map of Terrain Slope Figure 4.4: Flow diagram of how we obtained the map of slope stability With the finality of facilitating the analyses we developed a table where we show an evaluation of the slopes as a function of the lithology, considering the stability from the beginning of the construction phase of the project (see Table 4.12). COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 42 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Table 4.12: Evaluation of the Slope vs. Lithology Note: The dashes correspond to lithologies that are not located in these ranges. The intersection of the lines designates a lithological behavior that is summarized below as the construction work of the facilities begins and is as follows: The lithology corresponding to sedimentary materials is relatively Stable (S) from slope ranges of 0 to 12%, however in the manner to which it increases over 13% they change to Unstable (U). The metamorphosed rocks and the intrusive rocks show a behavior of Moderately Stable (MS) for the ranges of 5 to 12%, however slopes over 13% turn to Unstable (U) reaching Very Unstable (VU) over 50%. Fluvial deposits and Quaternary deposits indifferently are Stable (S) in slopes of 0 to 4%. From 5%on they become Unstable (U), in that other conditions from other factors like precipitation can create unstable positioning at higher slopes. Therefore, from 13 to 25%auspiciates Instability and from 25%on we see increasing degrees of instabilities. Corrosion Potential In this paragraph we discuss the potential for corrosion of the laterization and argilitization processes, to which they are in large distribution throughout the area of the project, with special emphasis on the area of influence of the Sabaneta reservoir where the schist and the amphibolites have suffered the process of physical weathering and chemical deterioration with the by-products of these phenomena leaving a thick cap of COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 43 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA regolite and saprolite. We also found this process towards the proximities of the town of Las Placetas and in general over the bodies of tonalites. Lateritization You find small zones of reddish alterations of the type lateritite, principally preserved in the hollows corresponding to foliated tonalites, yet it can also be found in the amphibolites and schist. Lateritic Alterations – Red to Reddish Clay The reddish clay alterations are located principally over the SE – NW axis corresponding to the foliated tonalites. The altitudes vary from 700 m, in the valley of the Amina River, to 1,350 m in the Antón Sape Bueno – Sierresita zone (see photo 4.22). Photo 4.22: Lode of clayish material arcilloso in the process of laterite formation, on the road to the brook Antón Sape Bueno,. Coordinates 290,123 E 2,123,840 N We’re dealing with a potential covering of one meter to various meters of rock very argilitic reddish; composed of homogeneous clay, intense red, and soft with a presence of quartz. They are presented like an orange with a red argilitization, with whitened spots from the mother-rock in which you can observe remainders of the original structure. Also towards the area of the town of Las Placetas we find tonalites in the beginnings of the process. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 44 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.23: Lode of lateritic material on the road towards the brook Antón Sape Bueno. Clayish Argilitizations The red clay, a product of the argilitization process constitutes the end-result characteristic of the region, extending from the mountainous zones through to the plains (see photo 4.24). It is associated with volcanic material and sedentary cretaceous, as well as intrusive bodies, over which sands are developed. They are typical red clays of homogeneous aspects caused by a complex destruction of the original rock from the total hydrolysis of silicates, favored by the tropical environment (see photo 4.25). Photo 4.24: Lode of lateritic material on the road towards the brook Hondo. Coordinates 299,744 E 2,125,971 N COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 45 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.25: Lode of lateritic material through a short-cut on the road to Calimetal. Coordinates 295,347 E 2,122,077 N The thickness varies considerably from a few centimeters to values close to 10 meters. One other bit of information can be said of its age, yes we can say that the argilization process is on-going, yet its genesis probably started with the emersion of the region during the Tertiary period. It can be pointed out; in general, the products of chemical deterioration have made possible the development of a thick saprolite covering that has formed over the land of this region. Therefore, it is recommendable to take into consideration this aspect because these characteristics will induce from future land movements, the mobilization of large quantities of soil material. 4.1.7 Seismic Activity Preliminary Evaluation of Seismic Threat The behavior of an area of the terrestrial crust during the passing of a seismic wave represents an area of concern for said area. Ever so much, knowing if only preliminarily, that you are dealing with an area susceptible to seismic activity. This evaluation is the key that will guarantee the success and ruggedness of the forces on the project, taking into consideration the degree of uncertainty of a series of measurements. An evaluation of the seismic vulnerability to which the project Las Placetas Hydroelectric could be subjected to is of vital importance, because an estimate of the risks is a vital tool in planning and in general for the decision making process, with the objective to prevent seismic impact to the infrastructures proposed for the functionality of the project. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 46 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA We need to determine the seismic dangers in order to evaluate the seismic threat, these are based on a method of probability, and will tell us what will be the most intensive shock that a specific area can be subjected to, with a given level of probability, within a specific time frame, so we will be able to determine what will be a worst case shock in a given area. For the determination of the seismic dangers of the project it is necessary to begin with a probability analyses, these are the steps: Identify the sources of seismic generators (tectonic aspects); Determine the seismic potential; Collect and Interpret Historical Earthquake Data and Reoccurrences; Seismic-tectonic Zoning; Estimated maximum accelerations for the area; Map the Seismic Vulnerability. Continued is a description of each of the above characteristics of these aspects. Identification of the sources of seismic generators (tectonic aspects) For the identification of the most relevant tectonic aspects of the project area, we must consider the area of influence of the project at a regional scale that places force on the Caribbean Plate referring to the island of Hispaniola (Dominican Republic and Haiti), which are located on the northern border of the said plaques, the zone of contact with the North America Plate, and the way in which the zone interacts with the North America Plate (see figure 4.5) The Caribbean Plate is a relatively small plaque that originated between the superior cretaceous and the Miocene as a consequence of the expansion of the crust that separates the Plate of North America from South America, later being pushed eastward by subduction effects of the oceanic crust that composes the Cocos Plate from the western part. The north and east are limited with the North America Plate; in the south the South American Plate and in the west Cocos Plate. The northern limit is defined by a large zone of a sinestral transcurrent that extends from the Yucatan block to the Lower Antilles and passing through the island of Cuba and Hispaniola. This contact zone is characterized for its transition in type of interactions between plates; going from a subduction movement, characteristic of the eastern part, in the arc zone of the island of the Lower Antilles, to a transcurrent sinestral movement at the western part. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 47 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Figure 4.5: Geotectonic Situation of the Caribbean Plaque (Mann et al., 1990-1998) It is vital to the realization of this project that the analyses consider the area of direct influence as well as, the indirect influences, in that the structural elements of a region can affect large extensions of territories. In the area of the project, from a regional point of view, you have the Duarte tectonic, between the Hispaniola fault in the north and the Guácara in the south. Both developing sinestral transcurrent movements (see Figure 4.6). COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 48 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Figure 4.6: Map of the Principal Faults of DR. HFZ (Hispaniola Fault Zone) GFZ (Guácara Fault Zone). The Hispaniola Fault Zone (HFZ) runs in a WNW-ESE direction through the lower northern flank of the central mountainous range, close to the boundaries of the valley of Cibao. It is considered a sinestral transcurrent fault with a high angle of dip, however it is categorized as a probably inactive. Within the group of fractures, cracks and faults that accompany the Hispaniola Fault we have the Inoa Fault, which is considered of great interest to the northern part of the project, because it is located sub-parallel with respect to the western fault and can play a major role in the process of energy liberation. The Guácara Fault Zone (GFZ) runs in a WNW-ESE direction through the central mountainous range. It is considered a sinestral transcurrent fault with a high angle of dip. Field evidence show high tectonics in the adjacent rocks, as also trapezoidal facets in the slopes, suggesting a potentially active site The alignment observed in the tectonics of the Duarte terrain presents a principal E-W direction that is combined with a lesser N-S direction. The smaller alignments (less than 2 km) permit us to demonstrate three families of data: WSW-ENE (N80º), NW-SE COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 49 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA (N120º-130º) and NNW-SSE (N170º). The more important families are the WSW-ENE direction. Determination of the Seismic Potential Consulting the seismic catalog is one of the most important tools to define the potential seismic movements of the project area, in that it shows the distribution in time and space of past events in a region. Also starting with the location of the epicenters and taking into account the order of magnitude reached we can acquire a comprehension of the behavior of the energy in said region across time. From the project Seismic Threat and Prevention, we took the map of Seismic Influences based on seismic events occurring prior to 1900 (see figure 4.7), where you can observe that the project area is located in areas influenced from seismic movements corresponding to the following years: Year 1562, December 2, 1562, an earthquake occurred that destroyed the villas of Santiago and Vega, the motivated the relocation of both cities to their present location. The maximum intensity of the quake was estimated at X (ten), on the Modified Mercalli scale (MM); Year 1842, May 7, 1842, one of the strongest earthquakes to affect the island caused catastrophe throughout the entire northern zone. Creating a tidal wave that hit the north coast destroying the villas of Cabo Haitiano, Móle Saint-Nicolas and Santiago de los Caballeros; killing between 5,000 and 6,000 people. It was felt in the town of Santiago on the island of Cuba and on the island of Tortuga. The maximum intensity of the quake was estimated at X (ten); Año 1897, December 29, 1897, an earthquake is produced in the north-central zone of the Dominican Republic, affecting the towns of Altamira, Navarrete, Santiago de los Caballeros and Puerto Plata. The epicenter was estimated close to Valverde Mao (19°30’ Latitude North 71° Longitude West). The maximum intensity of the quake was estimated at IX (nine); COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 50 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Figure 4.7: Map of Seismic Influence Collect and Interpret Historical Earthquake Data and Reoccurrences. Information was collected of past events in the areas corresponding to magnitudes of 3 to 7. A buffer zone of 50 km radius around the project was taken for analysis. This distance was selected because of its relative proximity to the zone of influence of the Western Fault where exist a large volume of registers. On the other hand, we found a reduction in registers towards the solid zone of the central mountainous range. For this analysis the following information was consulted. Catalogue of the project Geological Seismic Risks and Prevention (Seismic Risks); Catalogue of the study of Seismic Threats to Dominican Republic. In Figure 4.8 we can observe the distribution of the epicenters and their relation to the faults and fractures in the area of influence selected. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 51 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Figure 4.8: Map of epicenters and faults considering the 50 km radius of influence for the project. Seismic-Tectonic Zoning From the basis of known seismic potentials recognized through the tectonic behavior and the special distribution of the seismic activity, we proceeded to analyze the map of Seismic-Tectonic zoning elaborated through the project of Geologic Seismic Risks and Prevention (Seismic Risks), it established the degree of danger in which the project could be involved. From the information collected it was determined that within the 10 zones defined in the map of Seismic Zoning, the project was located between zones 3, 5 and part of 2 (see Figure 4.9). COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 52 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Figure 4.9: Map of Seismic-Tectonic Zoning The following table show the periods of reoccurrence from which an occurrence of an event can be expected and the specific magnitude expected. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 53 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Table 4.13: Relation Magnitude – Period of Reoccurrence Estimated Maximum Accelerations for the Area The estimated maximum accelerations were taken from the Seismic Threat study where the calculations were done on the program SEISRISKIII. Designed for this study was a quadrille with coordinates assigned a spacing of 0.10 that covered the entire extension of Hispaniola with the surrounding marine zones. Three levels were calculated, as described: 10% exceedance in a period of 10 years, this equals a period of reoccurrence of approximately 50 years. These are frequent movements of which no structural damage should be suffered, more over the structure should behave in the elastic range; 10% exceedance in a period of 50 years, this equals a period of reoccurrence of approximately 500 years. This should be the level for which structures are designed of which no structural damage should be suffered, no loss of lives; COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 54 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA 2% exceedance in a period of 50 years, this equals a period of reoccurrence of approximately 2,500 years. This should be the level for which special structures are designed, and with strategic importance for the Dominican state and the Civil Society. The following maps show the iso-accelerations generated by the study (see Figues 4.11 and 4.12) which will serve as basis for the determination of the expected accelerations for the area of the project. Figure 4.10 responds to the map of Hispaniola corresponding to an iso-acceleration curve of 10% with exceedance in 5 years. Figure 4.11 responds to the map of Hispaniola corresponding to an iso-acceleration curve of 2% with exceedance in 50 years. Both curves were chosen because they reflect ideal ranges proposed for the project so that civil projects be designed with the selected values of said iso-accelerations. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 55 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Figure 4.10: Map of Hispaniola corresponding to the Iso-acceleration Curves with 10% of exceedance in 5 years Figure 4.11: Map of Hispaniola corresponding to the Iso-acceleration Curves with 2% of exceedance in 50 years COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 56 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Map of Seismic Vulnerability Determination the seismic vulnerability of the project is of vital importance, for the construction of the Las Placetas Hydroelectric project it is necessary to have a clear knowledge of the effects that can cause a seismic event of a given magnitude. For this analysis information obtained was reviewed for this task where we had a clear idea of the tectonic structures that control the region of the Hispaniola fault and the Guacara fault, taking into consideration the proximity to the Western fault. The Seismic Catalogue consultation was determinative, in that it helped develop the Seismic Vulnerability Map. The Seismic Vulnerability Map’s elaboration required interpolation of the magnitudes considering the intervals of magnitude. Table 4.14: Interval of Magnitude Intervals of Magnitude 3 – 3.8 3.9 – 4.5 4.6 – 7.0 No. of Epicentros 50 14 12 The epicenters selected for the interpolation are in a range of 50 km, this was the area considered as the area of influence for the vulnerability, from this analysis the map was obtained (see Figure 4.12). COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 57 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Figure 4.12: Map of Seismic Vulnerability for the area of the project. Conclusions The area of the project is located in an area of low vulnerability given the quantity of seismic activities considered, however, it must be taken into account that: To the south there is located an area of medium to high, that if a seismic event occurred it could effect the general area of the project, in particular the area of the reservoirs and the connection tunnel. The Casa de Máquinas and pressure tunnel are also in a low vulnerability zone. The discharge tunnel is located in two zones of low to medium, situated very close to an area of high vulnerability. Independently that the project is located in an area of low vulnerability, the occurrence of an event whose waves would cross the entire area should be considered, and therefore the accelerations, proposed in the Seismic Threat study for the design of the infrastructures to be constructed, should be evaluated. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 58 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA 4.1.8 Erosion Processes, Sedimentation and Landslides Threats associated with erosion processes For the analysis of the erosion process of the project area, a cartography analysis was performed taking into consideration the existence of various maps, whose parameters were essential in the determination of the areas under erosion-sedimentation threat, given that these formations induce instability to the slopes. It is important to clarify that there was digital information to the sub-river basin level available that was used for the intersections and development of partial maps where the sub-river basin sector threats were identified by probability of erosion. The following is a flow-diagram (see figure 4.14) that serve as the basis for the elaboration of the map: Figure 4.13: Flow-diagram to obtain the map of erosion. This analysis was performed in two steps: First step was the elaboration of the map of Erosion Potential; Second step was the elaboration of the map of Analysis of Erosion. First Step – Elaboration of the Map of Erosion Potential The cartographic analysis in this step is substantiated by the intersections of the Map of Iso-lines of Erosivity with the Map of Slopes of the terrain. The content of both maps is described below: COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 59 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Map of Lines of iso-erosivity. 1 In this map the lines permit the measurement of dragging potential of the soils from the impact of rain. It takes into account the soil coverage, the slope and hydro-balance of the soils. The intervals used are seen in the following table: Table 4.15: Intervals used Iso-erosivity Category 300 500 700 900 1100 Very Low VL Low L Moderate M High H Very High VH 1300 Extremely High EH Map of the Slope of the Terrain. Describes the inclination of the surface of the terrain which conditions the velocity of movement of the rain water. The intervals of the slope calculated in percent are shown in the following table. Table 4.16: Intervals of the Slopes Slope Category 0 – 4% 5 – 12% 13 – 25% 26 – 50% > 50% Very Low VL Low L Moderate M High H Very High VH Very Low: plain zones with good vegetation coverage, with low probabilities to generate erosion and with tendencies of sedimentation. They are generally receptors of torrential rain water flows loaded with sediment. Low: zones with some forest-like coverage, plains and belonging to river basins compacted with a low tendency for erosion. Moderate: zones with slopes between 13 and 25%, without forest coverage belonging to river basins, medium compactness, with a tendency for medium torrential rain water flows and therefore erosion. We used a study performed in 1982, which even after many years it still remains valid because its parameters have not suffered change with time. 1 COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 60 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA High: zones without forest coverage, slopes between 26 and 50% belonging to sub-river basins, severe compactness (low values), and exposed to rain that generate erosion. Very High: zones without forest coverage, slopes over 50% belonging to sub-river basins, severe compactness (low values), and exposed to rain that generate erosion. In the following table, we see the analysis performed considering the values used in the intersections, their categorization, and the Map of Potential Erosion (see map annex for more detail). Tabla 4.17 : Values used in the intersection and categorization Slope Iso-erosivity 300 500 700 900 1000 1100 0 – 4% 5 – 12% 13 – 25% 26 – 50% > 50% VL L L L M H L L L M H H M M M H H VH M H H H MH MH H H H MH MH S In slopes with values of 0 – 12% with iso-erosivity values between 300 – 900, the tendency for erosion would be Low. The categories rise from Moderate to High Only when the iso-erosivity reached values over 1000. The erosion reaches Moderate drastically at intervals of 13 – 25%, where the isoerosivity goes from 300 – 700. When it reaches 900 – 1300 it goes from High to Very High. It is important to highlight that as the slope increases from 26 to 50%, and exceeding values of over 50% we will have the tendency of High to Very High, given that the rain water flowing over the slopes intensifies process of erosion, meaning a rise in iso-erosivity. An exception is seen in slopes over 50% where this corresponds to an iso-erosivity over 1,100 this would apply to cases of Severe erosion processes and therefore the sedimentation would also in great proportions. Second Step - Elaboration of a Map of Analysis of Erosion For this second step we performed an intersection between the Map of Potential Erosion and the Geological Map. Type of lithology. We identified the lithology that corresponds to each geological formation represented in the Geological Map at a scale of 1:250,000. In a preliminary COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 61 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA manner we established an assignment of codes to each specific lithology. It’s important to mention that the selection of rocks at the project site are very abundant and they cover about 90% of the surface area of the site. The following table presents the codes assigned to the same: Table 4.18 : Types of Lithology Lithology Amphibolite, Schist and Basaltic Green Schist Tonalites Conglomerates Conglomerates, Sands y Limestone (Taveras Type) Conglomerates (Bulla Type) Limolite Fluvial Deposits Undifferentiated Quaternary Deposits Code 13 15 25 49 50 66 67 81 83 For the analysis of erosion we assumed the categories Slight (S), Moderate (M), High (H), Very High (VH) and Severe (S). The following is a Map of Analysis of Erosion (see annex of maps) showing the analysis performed. Table 4.19: Analysis of Erosion Lithology Potential of Erosion Very Low Low Moderate High Very High Severe 49 50 83 15 81 13 66 67 25 S S S M M H S S M M H H M M H MH MH S M M H MH MH S M M H MH MH S M M H MH S S M M H MH S S M M H MH S S M M H MH S S From the intersection performed we have: The erosion behavior is slight in the conglomerates when the potential for erosion is low to very low, meaning; a greater portion of these conglumerates surge in low slopes to medium slopes where the erosion is more attenuated, However when it rises the potential for erosion corresponding to that lithology will be Moderate to High. The tonalites, the schist, the amphibolites, the green schist, the limolites, the Bulla type conglomerates, as well as the quaternary fluvial deposits and the COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 62 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA undifferentiated faced with an erosion potential of Low to Very Low, tend to have a Moderate erosion, but when the erosion potential increases the tendency will be Very High to Severe. This behavior is observed in the reddish clay alterations located also on the road towards Aguas Calientes to the NW of the project area corresponding to the tonalites, which deteriorate provoking the disintegration of the rock, thus producing a thick layer of eluvies (see photo 4.26), they are composed of homogeneous clays, intense red, soft with a presence of quartz residues and white spotted clays of the mother-rock, of which you can observe rests of the original structure (see photo 4.27). Photo 4.26. Erosion process manifested in this caviture of the terrain on the road towards Aguas Calientes. Coordinates 300,606 E 2, 127,944 N Photo 4.27. Intense erosion process shown in the veins of Quartz uncovered by the road closet to Aguas Calientes. Coordenadas 299,928 E 2, 128,805 N COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 63 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA This type of threat reaches its maximum development in the mountainous zones. The principal manifestations of the erosion process is caused the drainage system located throughout the region, where rivers, brooks and channels flow actively with great frequencies and their movements develop a systematic linear incision (see photo4.28). Photo 4.28. Section of Bao River. Coordinates 290,529E 2,123,560 N The erosion here essentially a result of the high intensity of precipitation produced in the area and its effects are seen according to the coverage and slopes of the terrain in specific areas, in particular for those areas identified as not having vegetation and the mixed agricultural zones where the crop induces seasonal bareness of the land. In fact, the deforested lands and high slopes are the most inclined to erosion, especially during the passing of hurricanes. The geological aspect has an important incidence on the area of the project, in that we observe specific lithology that present a more inclined susceptibility to erosion, eroding the rocks; an example of this is the presence of argillited clay that become laterized This morphogenetic activity has a strong tie to mass movements and they share many of the causes and chain reactions factors. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 64 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Activity associated with slope movement In general the project area, being of an area in the central mountainous range, belongs to one of the areas most prone areas to landslides and laminar erosion of the Dominican Republic. We are dealing an activity that is difficult to evaluate, even with the high slope, deposits of gravitational origin are very scarce, probably so because of the rapid destruction resulting from the efficient impact of its steep slopes, from the rapid masking of the intense alterations, and the rapid growth of vegetation. The landslides are essentially related to the high intense precipitation that impacts the diverse types of coverage, of which are subject to the geology and the slopes of the terrain. This phenomenon acquires additional strength in the lands without forestation that present very steep slopes, in that they are more prone to landslides and erosion. There exist colluviums, landslides and collapses, of dimensions that only have permitted partial, very limited detection of the same. Within the area of the project you find specific sectors where this phenomenon has been identified and is manifested. Among them is an area corresponding to the Sabaneta reservoir, it runs through the path to the brook Antón Sape Bueno (see Photo 4.29), here you see an example of the high frequency of collapses. Photo 4.29. Collapses located on the path to the brook Antón Sape Bueno. Coordinates 289,930 E 2,123,959 N COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 65 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA The location tendency of the diverse landslides is associated with areas where water is diverted or its proximity to the area of diversion, and in particular the zones where their still is conserved a blanket of important alteration (alluvium-colluviums), composed of material predominantly clayish (see Photo 4.30), with a greater susceptibility towards the movements of masses. Photo 4.30. By the path towards the crossing of the brook Matica de Plátano, landslide. Ready to advance. Coordinates 291,017 E 2,124,686 N Photo 4.31. Collapses are observe don the path to the Los Limones reservoir. Coordinates 299,928 E 2,128,805 N COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 66 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.32. Collapses observed by the road towards the area of Los Limones reservoir. Coordinates 300,606 E 2,127,944 N Another important aspect that is found within the area are step-like surges formed from small escarps that are generated as the slopped side moves looking for stability of the area. In the Photo 4.33 you can observe a slope that presents this lateral step-like formation as if to form a bench. Photo 4.33. On the path pass the crossing of the brook Matica de Plátano, landslide in preparation. Coordinates 290,748 E 2,124,330 N In this area of the project where we have the high voltage line passing, we observe small collapses, each aligned in the direction of the flow of water. They are active and located COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 67 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA on the high terrace of the Jamamú River. In this case, each time water flows through the river, material is mobilized, considering that this is fluvial deposits of sandy-clayish type, resulting in a weakening as they enter in contact with the water. Photo 4.34. Crumple at the Río Jamamú crossing. Coordinates 297,034 E 2,124,524 N Their exist areas where the production of process of erosion is generating scares for the initiation of mobilization of sediments towards the slope. In Photo 4.35 you can observe how it is developing this lode. This is an area in the Duarte complex where the deteriorated basaltic have developed foliation. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 68 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.35. On a stop at Los Corrales scares of incipient breaks. Coordinates 305,176 E 2,130,350 N Stability of the Slopes The evaluation of the conditions of the slopes should be done for each of the materials involved, trying always to group when they possess similar behavior. We will always work with a minimum of horizons or material, in a manner which simplifies the project. The solid material will have to be divided by zones, as a function of judgment in good applicable geo-mechanical classification of slopes. The geological-structural and geo-mechanical model should be the principal tool in the analysis, from which dispositions should be defined, the geometrics (dimensions, inclination of the slopes, bank width), protections, treatments and contentions. The parameters to be used in this study of stabilities can be taken from similar works or the work itself. The model and the analysis of stability should subsidize the envision of possible treatment based on a cost/benefit relation, comparing the declivity of the slopes versus treatment. Conclusions The area of the project is located essentially in an enhanced mountainous range with lithological characteristics if great susceptibility towards weathering. Also, it is a region, from a climatic point of view, prone to precipitations. All of these factors, plus the actions of man, induce that this area is an area of threat to the occurrence of gravitational movements. Its distribution results a bit irregular, a dependence on lithology and its condition, from a weathered point of view. The gravitational movements that at present have manifested themselves throughout the region, are classified as landslides and collapses, highlighting the colluviums in plane development; The lithology that present a great sensibility towards erosion and therefore facilitate the deposition of large quantities of sediment are the basaltic, the tonalites, the schist and the amphibolite, and in the series of sedimentary from the Taveras group, you will find conglomerates, limolitas and sands. 4.1.9 Sampling Methodology and Tests All the jobs of readings, sampling, tests were suggested in the document Basic Design, Criteria of the Civil Defense and Electromechanic 6409g-cd-g10-001-a1 COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 69 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA 4.1.10 Estimates of quantities, depths, area and type of soil to move during a construction. On the following table we summarize the estimates performed in terms of the type of material to remove and the quantities are estimated in volume. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 70 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Table 4.20: Volumes of Materials to Remove Description Las Placetas Hydroelectric Project Volumes of Materials to Remove Unit Quantity Excavation of soil Sabaneta Reservoir m3 115,400 Los Limones Reservoir m3 146,475 Subtotal 261,875 Excavation of rock in open air Sabaneta reservoir m3 2,938 Los Limones reservoir m3 28,708 Detour Sabaneta m3 13,974 Detour Los Limones m3 27,362 Subtotal 72,982 Subterranean Excavation Tunnel detour Sabaneta m3 8,608 Tunnel detour Los Limones m3 8,697 Tunnel of connections m3 189,020 Tunnel of charge m3 107,831 Tunnel of discharge m3 140,666 Tunnel of access y cables CM m3 47,352 Auxiliary Tunnels CM m3 5,359 Subtotal 507,533 Casa de Máquinas m3 14,615 Ventilation Well m3 4,431 Subtotal Total COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media 19,046 861,436 Page 71 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Mechanics of Structural Foundations The mechanics of foundations of the diverse structural elements are defined in the function of the permanent weight and the accidentally operating. Therefore, considered will be: Permanent Weight; Hydrostatic Push; Foundation sub-pressure and concrete sections; Interstitial Pressure on the concrete; Filling Push; Hydrodynamic Actions; Actions from the wind; Accidental Actions; Refraction of concrete and effect of the variation of temperature; Seismic Actions. The following cases of weight should be considered in the study of stability and their respective calculations of internal forces (tensions) for the structures of concrete mass: Case of Normal Weight; Case of Exceptional Weight; Cases of Construction Weight. a) Case de Normal Weight - CNW This case corresponds to all the combinations of weights possible during the normal operation and maintenance, under mean hydrological conditions. It should include the following actions: Permanent weight, weights of fillings, re-fillings y banks of sands; Actions from variations of temperature and retraction; Hydrostatic Pressures from the maximum water level normal of the reservoir and the maximum water level from waters upstream, normal maximum and normal minimum; COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 72 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Sub-pressures from levels of water admitted to the reservoir and down stream with systems of operations drainage, if present; Accidental weights in unfavorable situations and distributions for each structure, under normal operation of the equipment; Actions from the wind. b) Case of Exceptional Weight – CEW This case corresponds to some combinations of weight possible to exist under exceptionable conditions, moreover with slight probability to occur during an operation and principal maintenance jobs. To be considered: Hydrostatic Pressures and sub-pressures from levels of water with the reservoir full and waters below the structure; Inoperative drainage System; Dynamic weights from the operation of permanent emergency equipment; Weights from seismic movements; Any exceptional weight or infrequent. c) Cases of Construction Weight - CCW This case corresponds to weight combinations possible from construction equipment, temporary weight to the installation and the assembly of equipment and operations of incomplete structures. In this case we pre-suppose the weight conditions previously discussed occurring under a period of function of the facility as a whole, without referring exclusively to the actual structure under construction. The specific data of construction weight conditions, for each particular structure, will be defined during the project development, as necessary elements become known of the installations to be used and the construction methods defined. The following lists of construction weight conditions are generic in character, but should be validated and completed for each specific case: Normal weight conditions of incomplete structures, conforming to each particular case as appropriate; COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 73 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Weight of construction equipment and its assembly; Weights from the anchorage equipment for lifting, transporting or collection of equipments or similar weights; Pressures from injection of cracks and coatings; Pressures from the application of concrete against structures; Weight from compaction of fillings and re-fillings; Exceptionable actions from the movements and loading of equipment; Weights from discharges from permanent equipment; Hydrostatic Pressures and sub-pressures from temporal conditions. The analysis of global security will be performed on the principal structures, structural elements, interactive systems between foundations and the structures submitted to the diverse cases of weight. It will involve the stability analysis of all the structures in contact with concrete rock, the stability analysis of levels below the foundations in relation to their geomechanical model; the analysis of tension and deformations; defining the coefficients of security and the verification of the acting tensions and the admissible tensions of the materials The identification, location with description and geo-references corresponding to Caves existing in the project area, with photos and characteristics of each. Geo-referencing the location of said caves in the Master Plan of the project. In this case this doesn’t apply, in that, the project area is placed on lands composed of volcanic rock and metamorphism which are not terrains with problems os dissolution (sinkholes). 4.1.11 Stratification, Foliation, Cracks, Faults. Foliation The phenomena of foliation is amply spread throughout the area because we are dealing with geological formations represented by intrusive bodies that have penetrated the material composed of volcanic rocks and of sedentary volcanogenic series. Under these conditions their develops, as a consequence of the stress forces in the rocks, fingerprints as evidence of the actions, generating fine laminated formations dependant on the energy liberated during the process of intrusion. Towards the SW region of the project, especially in the area of the Sabaneta reservoir their surges intensely metamorphosed schist, showing a much accented foliation. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 74 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA In Photo 4.36 you can observe this phenomena; also observe a portion of the tonalites in contact with levees of epilates (see Photo 4.37), of which show a tendency to foliate, finding angles in direction NE varying 750 – 800 and in direction SW varying 600 – 650 . Photo 4.36: Lode of amphibolites subjected to foliation, on the path to the brook Antón Sape Bueno, Coordinates X:290,824 E Y: 2,124,012 Photo 4.37. Lode showing the tendencies to foiliate on the road towards the Brooke Antón Sape Bueno. Coordinates X:290,458 E Y: 2,123,574 COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 75 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.38. Lode of schist. Coordinates X: 290,702 E Y: 2, 123,203 Photo 4.39. Lode with cracks from foliation in the Jagua River. Coordinates X:305,463 E Y: 2,125,066 Tectonics The area of the project is located in Duarte tectonic terrain (see Figure 4.14), bordered by two important fault zones corresponding to the La Hispaniola Fault and the Guácara – Bonao Fault. Both faults are of the type Sinestral Transcurrent. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 76 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA The central mountainous range is a structural elevation, that supplies the majority of the terrigenous sediment to the river basins sedimentation that has been formed in the north and south limits. Figure 4. 14. Map of the tectonic terrains of La Hispaniola. A red circle marks the location of the project. Taken from the Geological Risks and Prevention Project (Seísmic Risks). Faults Hispaniola Fault Zone (HFZ) It runs in direction WNW-ESE in the lower northern flank of the central mountainous range, close to the Cibao valley border. It is considered a sinestral transcurrent fault with a high dip angle, but has been categorized as probably inactive. Guácara Fault Zone (GFZ) It runs in direction WNW-ESE in the lower northern flank of the central mountainous range. It is considered a sinestral transcurrent fault with a high dip angle. Field evidence indicates a high degree of tectonics in adjacent rocks, as well as trapezoidal in the slopes, suggesting the potential of it being active. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 77 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Bonao Fault Zone (BFZ) It is a fault tracing a concave curve towards the east, going from the central mountain range to the Cibao valley, in the proximities of Bonao. It is considered an inverse fault because the disposition of its geological units on both of its sides (Duarte Complex and Tireo Formation). Alignments For the study of alignments in the area we considered the information taken from the Map of Alignments (see Figure 4.15), and in particular the data corresponding to Duarte terrain, for which we performed a photo-interpretation of the satellite images corresponding to a flight of the satellite Spot done in 2000. These images are panchromatic and ortorectified to a scale of 1:50,000. Figure 4.15. Map of the alignments taken from the Geological Risk and Prevention Project (see Annex of Maps) The alignments detected by this manner of analysis of the satellite images were numerous, and total a sum of 2,160 data (alignments). The data was separated into two COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 78 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA groups, one where with alignments with lengths of 2 km – 4 km, and another with lengths greater than 4 km (see Table 4.21). Table 4.21: Analysis of Alignments Terrain Duarte Duarte Duarte Number of data Principal Direction All the alignments 2160 N90º-100º Alignments with lengths over 2 km N80°-90° 499 N120°-130° Alignments with lengths over 4 km 102 N70º- 80º % Freq. Princ. % Length Princ. 19.56 19.83 12.42 12.42 20.19 17.64 21.78 The management of this data permitted the elaboration of two rose diagrams considering all the points found within the tectonic terrain. The end product was two rose diagrams (see Figure 4.16), wher one shows the rose of frquency while the other rose shows the behavior of the lengths, where one angular type is accented for its dominance, constituted by a E-W alignment (from N90º to N100º). Furthermore, we observe the presence of alignments N-S and alignments NW-SE and NE-SW. Figure 4.16. Alignments in the Duarte Tectonic Terrain Analyzing the alignments in the Duarte Tectonic Terrain we can see that the principal direction E-W is combined with a lesser N-S direction. The smaller alignments COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 79 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA (Less than 2 km), affirm three families of data: WSW-ENE (N80°), NW-SE (N120°-130°) and NNW-SSE (N170°). The most important families are the WSW-ENE direction. As support for the determinations of the most important structural elements in the area of the project, we executed a photo-interpretation of the aerial photos at a scale of 1:1000, this permitted us to stipulate two types of structures that stand out in the area: Linear Elements (cracks and faults); Contradictory Elements. The linear elements correspond to the structural alignments that can be seen independently (see Figure 4.17) with a WSW-ENE direction, which run in general, with the tendencies of the forces of the region. There is a secondary group of alignments that run WNW-ESE of a lesser size. Figure 4.17: Linear Elements (cracks and faults) Cracks are located abundantly throughout the project because of the characteristics of the media where their exist a contact between metamorphosed rocks and volcanic rocks, COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 80 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA which develop a notable stress that is transferred into the formation of cracks and faults (see Photos 4.40 y 4.41). Photo 4.40. Lode with cracks in the terrace Alta Llanura from flooding Jagua River. Coordinates X:305,463 E y Y: 2,125,066 Photo 4.41. Lode with cracks on the road to the Bao Reservoir. Coordinates X:309,886 E: 2,134,189 The neutralizing elements show the stress developed around the Batholite that permit the foliation of itself, and these are only a sample of the forces exhorted on the body of the batholite in its rise. The tendency to foliate is diminished in the manner in which the structure closes to form a ring, and in fact, these structures are concentric because of the episodes in which the movements are produced by the Batholite. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 81 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA 4.2 CLIMATOLOGY 4.2.1 Introduction The climate, vitally important factor for the life and the distribution of the plants, constitutes one of the older ecological interactions. As such, within a study where the environmental factors are analyzed, it becomes essential to describe the elements of the climate (precipitation, solar radiation, temperature, evaporation, air humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, etc.), that define the state of the atmosphere in which living creatures develop. It has a close relation with the soil, type of vegetation and the topography, reason why the climatic description of the area of study in an Evaluation of Environmental impact serves like basic information to interpret other aspects of the environmental media. The climate characteristics, partially related to each other, show spatial and temporary variations that sometimes are complex. These variations, as much in space as in the time, can be explained based on certain geographic or atmospheric characteristics, denominated climate factors. The spatial variation presents horizontal and vertical differences that are standardized by means of the taking of homological data taken from the meteorological elements, which properly divided throughout a sufficient number of years, can be considered representative of the conditions of the macroclimate (word reserved for average values of climate elements and its regular fluctuations, that characterize the state of the atmosphere’s inferior layer in each place), for radios oscillating between one or several kilometers, following the map uniformity. The seasonal variation of the climatic elements obeys two causes: Intrinsic causes (derived from the random character of proper climatic dynamics); Extrinsic causes (these are the most important and act in a determining way, generating cycles of different amplitude superposed variation: daily cycles, seasonal cycles and annual cycles). The island of the Hispaniola is located in the subtropical region of the planet, which provides a tropical climate. The tropical climate is characterized by lacking climatic winter and noticeable seasonal changes, exactly, by rain appearances, closely tied to the winds traffic conditions in the geographic strip in which it is located, to the high and constant temperatures of the surrounding seas and to its varied map relief. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 82 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA The climate of the Dominican Republic is modified internally by the abrupt surface geography, where 50% of the territory is occupied by four great mountain ranges, one of them with the major height of the Antilles; the rest of the territory is composed by four great valleys, multiple intra mountain valleys and extensive coastal plains; this varied map relief marks different regional climates from the country. 4.2.2 General Climatology in Study Area For the description of the climate elements, the analysis of the annual data series will be used (calendar year), since the annual cycles affect climate elements in major or minor proportion. In order to know the environmental media’s present state and prepare a real and objective description of the physical media, a series of recognition visits of the Project zone were accomplished, inside and outside the influence area. The visits were scheduled in the months of May and June 2007, with the goal to accomplish a complete recognition of the considered influence sections. The base for the climate description will be related to the life zones or the climatic zones of the study area, from the highest part of the river basin to the tail of the “Embalse de Bao”, or zone of volumes restitution. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 83 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Figure 4.18: Climatic Classification of Las Placetas Project Influence Area The river basin of the Bao River in its high part, occupying approximately a 8% area, has a zone of life of Montano very moist forest (vmf-M), the highest top of the island is in this zone; it receives an annual amount of rain 1.600 mm (it is confirmed by the Duarte Tip station with 1.630 mm average annual rain). It differs from the other life zones by the frosts frequencies, product of the high mountains, ascending around 2.500 and 3.300 meters over sea level. The potential evapotranspiration averages a 60% less than the annual average precipitation. In the upper middle river basin in the spurs of the Central Mountain range, where the rivers Bao and Jagua are born, up to the reservoir sites of each of the rivers mentioned, is the zone of life of Low Montano very moist forest (vmf-MB); it is the one that occupies a greater percentage of the area with 45% of the area of the river basin. The climatic conditions are characterized by the seasonal frost presence and for receiving greater amount of precipitation than bmh-M, about 1.800 to 2.000 mm, even with a similar pluviometric regime, mainly due to the orographic component. Potential evapotranspiration is around 55% less than the rain, reason why the rivers carry water throughout the year. In the North section of the Bao River, from Mata Grande to Aguas Calientes, the developed zone of life is Subtropical very moist forest (vmf-S). The precipitation in this zone presents the rain period in the months of March to November, varying in intensity according to the geographic situation. For the zone of Mata Grande, the precipitation is of approximately 1.850 mm; the temperature for the zones in the slopes falls to values of 18ºC. Potential evapotranspiration can be estimated as 60% less than the precipitation, and more than half of it is lost by runoff draining, being the source of river water throughout the year. The percentage occupied by this zone of life in the study’s river basin is of 45%. The mid river basin, dropping in the same direction of the water, is occupied in a 12% by the zone of life of moist forest Low Montano (bh-MB). Rains are irregular, but they maintain certain land humidity great part of the year. The precipitations are most intense from April to November with an annual total average of 1.800 mm. The land is abrupt with height elevations from 800 m to 2.200 m. The temperatures have low variables, they do not rise more than 30º C nor descend from -1º C (values of low temperatures appear between December and February. Evapotranspiration is of an equal percentage to the amount of total annual rain, which is why the creek channels that are born here only have water during the months of maximum precipitation. Descending towards the “Embalse de Bao” appears the zone of life Subtropical moist forest (mf-S), the basin’s second largest with rainy season corresponding to the month, COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 84 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA from April to December. The life zones rain pattern in the mid eastern area of the Bao River increases as an annual average from 1,100 to 1,600 mm. The temperature for this zone of life is variable, the average annual bio temperature is less than 20ºC ; the potential evapotranspiration may be estimated as 20% average less than the total annual average precipitation. The land of this zone of life is the most adequate for the fish farm activities development, for the optimum combination of temperature and rain. The Subtropical dry forest (df-S) of the project area, extends from the restitution river basins on the tail of the Bao Reservoir, towards Santiago in the northern slope of the central mountain range, the “Cordillera Central”; the climatic conditions are characterized by clear and sunny days in the months without rain and partially cloudy during the rainy season and the months from January to March. The precipitations reach 980 mm (as verified with the Santiago the station), the average bio temperature is of 22.5ºC and corresponds to an annual average temperature of 26ºC. Potential evapotranspiration can be estimated, in average, 60% greater than the amount of total annual rain. The rain that falls in this zone does not run through the basin, only the one that comes from higher humid places. 4.2.3 Direct and Indirect Area of Influence Determination The rivers Bao and Jagua are divided into 5 zones in relation to Las Las Placetas Project, their Hydric climatic behavior will be analyzed in relation to the implanted work and operations. Sections of interest or of direct influence will be considered in this study, those where an increase or decrease in volume as a result of the Project operations. 1. Reservoir Zones: “Embalse de Sabaneta” will be located downstream the Rio Bao and the “Arroyo Antón Sape Bueno” confluence; this reservoir is daily regulated and its dimensions are of lesser importance (see Project Description Chapter); “Embalse de Los Limones”, is of greater dimension than the previous one, as it will regulate the waters coming from the Sabaneta Reservoir, in addition to the Río Jagua basin volume where it will be located. 2. Outfall Tunnel Zone Sabaneta Reservoir - Los Limones Reservoir: This sector includes from the Sabaneta reservoir to Los Limones reservoir with a length of approximately 11 km. 3. Tunnel Zone Los Limones Reservoir – Machine House: This zone covers from Los Limones Reservoir catchment to the discharge in the Machine House. 4. Rerouting River Zones: COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 85 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Río Bao Section: from the Sabaneta Reservoir to the Machine House discharge in the restitution point (downstream the Jánico-Juncalito Road). Río Jagua Section: from the Los Limones Reservoir to the Río Bao confluence. The projected rerouting works generate volume affection in theses zones for the Bao River as for the Jagua River section. 5. Down Stream the Machine House Discharge Zone: This section includes from restitution point of the turbinate volume flow over the Bao River up to the tail of the Bao Reservoir. These zones will have an area of direct influence in the zones of the dam’s reservoirs proper and the affected basins sections. 4.2.4 Available Climatological Information With respect to the description of the climate in agreement with the definition of the same, the study of the climate can be realized through the statistics values of the meteorological parameters of the stations next to the study area. The parameters to consider in this study are the following: Precipitation (monthly and annual average, maximums and minimum and the areal and seasonal distribution analysis); Temperatures (maximum and minimum absolutes, average of maximums and minimums); Evaporation and Evapotranspiration; Humidity; Hydric balance; Winds and Climatic Classification; Atmospheric pressure; Cloudiness; Insolation, etc. The methodology used for the climate description, in agreement with the directives of the Meteorological World-wide Organization, is the evaluation of the parameters before mentioned of a registry of data of 30 years. These data are analyzed according to the seasonal orographic position correlating them with the general macroclimate circulations with the results of the regional and local climate description. The climatic characterization will be done for an area of influence of complete river basins, that is to say that the climatologic information that it appears in this report emphasizes within and around the river basin of the rivers Bao and Jagua, from its origin to Embalse de BaoThe climatic characterization will be done for an area of influence of complete river basins, that is to say that the climatologic information that it appears in this report emphasizes within and around the river basin of the rivers Bao and Jagua, from its origin to Embalse de Bao. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 86 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA For the description of the climate of the Project area, the data of the meteorological parameters that appear in this report, correspond to those of the stations shown in Table 4.22 following the pattern of the identified zones of life in Table 4.20 of the river basins of the main crossing rivers, since these zones of life bear one close relation to the patterns from surface run-off. A zone of life is defined as a natural climatic unit that groups different associations corresponding to certain scopes of related temperature, precipitation and humidity, related to the hours of sun, the direction and wind speed, the topography and, therefore, the orographic position within the island. Existing Metrological Stations The area of the region was considered as the area of the river basins of the rivers Bao and Jagua downstream the dams reservoirs of Tavera-Bao-Lopez, taking all the weather stations in a distance radius not less than 50 km. Table 4.22: Hydric Climatic Information Station Name Period Basin Institution Type Jarabacoa (401) 1968/2001 YDN INDRHI 1 YDN ONAMET 1967/2001 YDN-Bao INDRHI 1 1968/2001 Río Inoa INDRHI 1 Cagueyes (440) 1983/2001 Río Bao INDRHI 2 Tavera (402) 1968/2001 YDN INDRHI 1 Juncalito (442) 1982/2001 Río Jagua INDRHI 3 1980/2001 Río Bao INDRHI 1 INDRHI 3 INDRHI 2 2 Santiago Santiago Isa (404) S. José de las Matas (403) Mata Grande (411) Los Montazos (446) 1982/2001 Río Guanajuma Río Baiguaque Janey (438) 1981/2000 Manabao (410) 1960/2001 YDN INDRHI La Ciénaga de Manabao (434) 1975/2000 YDN INDRHI COR-01-EI-004-07 4 Lat GMS 19 07 50 Lon GMS 78 38 20 19 26 45 19 20 10 19 17 09 19 17 00 19 13 01 19 12 03 19 08 15 19 10 03 19 03 50 19 03 58 70 44 45 70 56 20 70 50 00 70 43 05 70 49 20 70 59 15 70 47 40 70 46 08 70 47 40 70 51 43 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Elev Location Map 500 282 159 6073 II 160 168 508 530 963 382 630 073 333 300 196 327 960 084 258 1000 907 247 970 112 168 760 201 140 900 113 087 1090 040 090 Page 87 6074 II 6074 III 6073 IV 6073 I 6073 IV 6073 IV 6073 III 6073 IV 6073 III 6073 III LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA 4.2.5 Precipitation (Spatial Distribution: Isohyets and Seasonal: Monthly) The precipitation patterns of the island are defined by the general distribution of the macro time and by the local circulations (circulations valley-mountain, sea to land), being the most complex the pluviometric regime of the Antilles islands because of its varied relief. The precipitations that mark the seasonal changes in the inter tropical zone have their origin because of the tropical atmospherics phenomena which generate and impel the “global circulation” system in the atmosphere, (tropical storms, convective storms, eastern storms, the tradewinds, etc.), and the movements in the lower layer of the troposphere denominated “local circulations”, as they are the winds valley-mountain and sea to land. In general terms, and summarizing the aforementioned, the origin of rains for the country obeys to three main causes: To the position of the meteorological displacement systems: intertropical system, north subtropical and tropical (better known by fronts, tradewinds, vaguadas, eastern ondas, north, hurricanes, etc.). To the orographic effects that bring the moisture air rise; To the local circulations (movements of the lower layer of the troposphere). Figure 4.19 presents the map of isohyets corresponding to the area of influence of the Project. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 88 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Figure 4.19: Isohyets Map For greater detail of this figure refer to the Maps Annex. In the study area, the spatial variation of the precipitation well is very contrasted, the climatic conditions vary due to the influences of anticyclones and the trade winds that cross the country. The annual dispersion is also well marked, the historical extreme values oscillating between 980 and 1.900 mm. The monthly variation displays a regime of bimodal type with rainy season in the spring (in general terms in the month of May) and in summerautumn (from August to November), with drought in the winter and in July. Table 4.23: Average Precipitation in the Project Surrounding Stations Station Santiago Isa(404) Santiago San José de las Matas(403) Juncalito(442) Mata Grande(411) Cagueyes(440) Jan Feb Mar Abr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Anual 53.1 53.4 44.3 43.9 61.4 64.9 122.7 121.6 136.6 149.5 63.7 68.9 50.5 46.5 70.1 68.4 84.1 83.1 114.2 111.4 105 102 69.6 67.4 973.6 981.3 43.5 96.6 76.8 73.4 61.6 80.1 112.9 198.2 204.5 239.6 88.2 107.4 46.3 93.2 76.9 79.6 117.6 161.4 143.6 175.6 125.6 149 78.1 116 1,175.6 1,569.5 80.3 77.4 61.3 81.3 118.7 90.6 205.4 163.1 289.9 169.6 196.2 77.6 108.5 51.3 142.8 65.4 195.5 122.7 211.5 129.8 154.9 105 70.0 60.6 1,835.0 1,194.8 COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 89 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Station Tavera(402) Los Montazos(446) Janey(438) La Ciénaga de Manabao(434) Manabao(410) Jan 75.7 Feb 77.3 Mar 76.9 Abr 148.6 May 175.8 Jun 72.1 Jul 63.3 Aug 86.7 Sep 109.5 Oct 130.3 Nov 118 Dec 92.5 Anual 1,203.6 84.7 106.7 113.0 94.2 111.9 134.5 209.5 238.1 296.8 308.5 150.1 122.7 65.6 76.1 86.9 92.5 175.1 172.9 220.3 199.2 197.9 214 113.4 141 1,825.2 1,900.4 75.0 60.2 81.2 67.2 98.5 91.9 173.7 140.8 274.6 245.8 172.4 134.6 105.2 71.9 152.0 112.6 182.0 170.9 216.0 180.5 164.0 155.9 85.8 97.0 1,780.4 1,529.3 250 200 150 Lluvia (mm) 100 50 0 Ene Feb Mar Abr May Jun Tiempo (meses) Santiago Isa(404) Santiago Jul Ago San Jose de las Matas(403) Sep Oct Nov Cagueyes(440) Dic Tavera(402) Figure 4.20: Rain Events in Cuenca Media y Baja Río Bao Stations Figures 4.20 and 4.21 of the rain events of the Project Las Placetas presents an irregular pattern of precipitations distribution; the monthly variation of the precipitation presents a rain regime of bimodal type with the first rainy season in the spring (from March until May where all the stations present the maximum values), and second in summerautumn (from August to November); the dry season is well defined and corresponds to the winter season and the month of July, with the minimum variables: in the stations of Janey, the Montazos Cagüeyes and Taveras the minimum value appears in summer; it is in the winter for the rest. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 90 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA 350 300 250 200 Lluvia (mm) 150 100 50 0 Ene Feb Mar Abr May Jun Tiempo (meses) Jarabacoa(401) Juncalito(442) Jul Ago Mata Grande(411) Sep Oct Nov Los Montazos(446) Dic Janey(438) Figure 4.21: Rain Events at Cuenca Media and Alta Río Bao Stations The distribution of the annual average precipitation shows the influence of the topography for the low, high and intermediate levels, with marked differences of rain because of the local circulations that occur in the lower layer of the atmosphere. Annual rain is smaller for the stations of the center of the valley (as it is possible to be appreciated in the values of the rain of the stations Santiago and Santiago Isa). In direction towards the south, the increase of rain, as they are ascending and going into inland, is well-known; when finding the Central Mountain range in its North slope and the precipitation continues increasing, where the effect of the local circulations of the strips of diurnal cloudiness with smaller evaporation is superposed. The process previously described has its explanation in the local circulations mountain-valley that bring about the air masses superposition with a well-known increase of precipitation for the located stations in mid slope, which are developed gradually throughout the year, varying its intensity with the character of the macro time. In addition, this occurs because the rain winds transport from the east to the west part of the country, and when they enter by the northeastern part of the island, they pour its rain load, which is reduced while travelling towards the west. The seasonal course of precipitations for the zones expressed in relative monthly percentage of the annual total, eliminates the local effects and allows to know the ruling COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 91 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA time regional variations (very dry, dry, dry variable, rainy variable, rainy weather forecast), correlating the operating frontal systems for every month. The relative percentage of the monthly precipitation, in the following form, defines the weather forecast (Table 4.24): 0.0 – 1.0% 1.0 – 2.5% 5.0 - 8.3% 12.0 – 15.0% Intensely Dry Very Dry Variable Dry Rainy 2.5 – 5.0% 8.3 – 12.0% 15.0 -25.0% Dry Rainy Variable Very Rainy Table 4.24: Relative Monthly Precipitation Percentages Station Santiago Isa(404) San José de las Matas(403) Juncalito(442) Mata Grande(411) Cagueyes(440) Los Montazos(446) Janey(438) Manabao(410) Media Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 5.5 4.1 6.7 12.2 15.5 6.9 4.8 7.1 8.3 11.6 10.2 7 3.8 6.3 6.0 4.3 5.3 5.2 9.5 12.4 17.7 15.5 7.4 6.7 4.0 6.0 6.7 5.2 9.9 10.1 12.4 11.4 10.5 9.4 6.8 7.5 4.5 6.6 3.1 6.2 6.6 7.7 11.0 13.5 16.1 14.5 10.5 6.4 6.0 4.4 7.9 5.6 10.5 10.1 11.7 11.1 8.3 8.7 3.9 5.2 4.7 5.7 4.0 8.3 5.7 4.6 4.0 8.3 6.2 7.2 6.1 8.3 11.3 12.3 9.1 8.3 16.6 16.5 16.4 8.3 8.1 6.4 8.7 8.3 3.7 4.1 4.8 8.3 4.8 5.0 7.5 8.3 9.5 9.0 11.0 8.3 12.3 10.7 12.0 8.3 10.7 11.1 10.0 8.3 6.3 7.6 6.5 8.3 Since the precipitation is the element where the weather forecast has more influence, the relative precipitation allows toknow its regional variations. Figure 4.22 presents the characterization of the weather forecast, differentiating the predominance from the very dry, dry, dry variable, rainy, rainy variable weather and, correlating the variation of rain with the frontal systems that act in the zone. During the month of January the weather forecast is dry for the zone of influence in the Los Montazos, San José de las Matas, Mata Grande and Manabao stations, while it is variable dry for the Juncalito, Janey y Cagüeyes stations. During the month of February, the precipitation follows the weather forecast model dry and varable dry. During the month of March, the variable dry season continues for all stations and the circulation increases. By mid April, with the subtropical north system entrance, the rainy season is initiated, when it brings moderate rain and hot air masses; strong storms are produced by the local circulation effects acquiring great development; condensation descends producing low precipitations in the interior valleys (Manabao and San José de Las Matas). COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 92 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA May is the rainiest month of all the island; this pattern is typical of the action of local circulations reinforced by flows of the east and the tails of the inter tropical system. In June, the predominant weather is the dry variable, caused by the activity of the Atlantic anticyclone, that spills winds of the east in the zone. Dry weather predominates during the month of July product of the high pressure centers of the inter tropical circulation, that explains the precipitation decrease. In August the variable dry time predominates, with high levels of condensation predominating the high pressure system; there is a temperature rise that brings about the strong heats of August. Due to the stagnation that produces the North tails of the inter tropical system (ITS) in their return to the south in the month of September, and the cyclones effects, the variable rainy season is generated increasing the precipitation of the area. In October, the variable rainy season predominates, where the instability favors the development of the local circulation. The return of the North subtropical system in November drags fresh marine masses. In December, the weather forecast is dry, the local circulation is weak, the dominant processes are stagnation and foehn 2 by the intermediate situation that brings about the encounter of the North inter tropical system, that already crossed and the coming tropical system (TS). The foehn effect owns an enormous relevance when the windward zone of the mountain range faces the dominant flow of trade winds. 2 Foehn effect: dry and warm wind descendent the downwind of a mountain range, that put under a compression process increases its temperature and reduces the relative humidity, originating precipitations in the windward side. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 93 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA 18 16 14 Lluvia Relativa (%) 12 10 8 6 4 2 San Jose de las Matas(403) Cagueyes(440) Manabao(410) D ic N ov O ct Tiempo (meses) Santiago Isa(404) Mata Grande(411) Janey(438) S ep A go Ju l Ju n M ay A br M ar Fe b E ne 0 Juncalito(442) Los Montazos(446) Media Figure 4.22: Total Relative Annual Precipitation Events in % Table 4.25 and Figure 4.23 present the average rainy days in the San José de las Matas, Los Montazos, Santiago, Jarabacoa and Manabao Stations. Table 4.25: Monthly Average Rainy Days in Project nearby Stations Station San José de las Matas Los Montazos Santiago Jarabacoa Manabao Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 9.0 7.0 9.0 11.0 15.0 10.0 7.0 8.0 9.5 11.0 10.6 9.5 8.5 9.0 8.2 8.0 9.2 9.0 7.7 9.8 12.1 10.0 10.4 11.6 13.5 14.0 14.6 16.5 8.6 8.0 8.4 12.3 7.4 10.0 9.1 9.8 7.0 11.0 9.1 11.1 COR-01-EI-004-07 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual 10.0 12.0 13.0 11.0 123.0 10.3 11.0 10.2 15.4 12.2 12.0 12.1 15.0 13.0 14.0 12.5 14.8 10.0 13.0 12.3 13.5 121.1 131.0 125.2 147.1 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 94 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Monthly Average Rainy Days 18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0 rainy days Monthly 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Time (month) San José de las Matas Santiago Jarabacoa Manabao Los Montazos Figure 4.23: Monthly Average Rainy Days 4.2.6 Maximum Rain in 24 Hours The analysis of the probability of occurrence of the values of precipitation considering the daily maximum obtained from the Baseline Report, which was performed on the basis of the registered data in the Great Bush, Janey and Manabao stations. In the referred study the precipitation values associated to different return periods for the series of measured data in the stations were determined which have incidence in the area of the studied river basins. In Table 4.26 the results of these analyses appear. Table 4.26: Maximum Precipitation in 24 hours for Different Return Periods Station Period Mata Grande Janey Manabao COR-01-EI-004-07 10 yrs (mm) 25 yrs (mm) 50 yrs (mm) 100 yrs (mm) 500 yrs (mm) 125.7 117.1 128.2 149.1 134.9 159.9 166.4 148.3 186.5 183.6 161.2 215.7 223.3 191.6 295.8 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 95 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA 4.2.7 Temperature The Island of Santo Domingo is located in the Torrid Zone with high intensity heat; warm temperatures predominate throughout the year, without real winter, with fresh temperatures in winter only in the mountainous zones as can be seen in the temperature map in Figure 4.24. Figure 4.24: Surrounding Isotherms The hottest month is August and the coldest are January and February. On a general way the temperatures are smoothed by 1.5 ºC to corresponding to the latitudes country, due to the marine influence. The average annual values for the zone in study is of 22ºC in Jarabacoa and Mata Grande, located in the river basin high part; the San Jose de Las Matas and Tavera stations both have a 24 annual average temperature of 24ºC and Santiago and Santiago Isa 25ºC and 26ºC, respectively. The temperature of the air is one of the most important effects of the solar radiation; thanks to its thermal conductivity, the air is warmed up by direct contact with the ground and, in the upper layers, by turbulent conductivity. This temperature undergoes a diurnal variation, composed of a simple oscillation, whose amplitude decreases as it the height increases. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 96 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA The extreme temperatures occur in the high zones of the central mountain range with values below 0 ºC in the Bao Valley. Temperature Media Annual Average 29 27 25 Temperature (oC) 23 21 19 17 15 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Time (month)) Jarabacoa Tavera Mata Grande Sep Oct SJ de las Matas Nov Dec Santiago Isa Santiago Figure 4.25: Temperature Media Average in ºC The daily amplitude between the coastal and the mountain fluctuates between 8ºC y 15ºC, respectively; the minimum temperatures presents during sunrise and the maximum between noon and 4:00pm. Temperatura Minima Media Mensual 28.0 26.0 Temperatura (oC) 24.0 22.0 20.0 18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 Ene Feb Mar Abr May Jun Jul Ago Tiempo (meses) Jarabacoa SJ de las Matas Santiago Sep Oct Nov Santiago Isa Dic Mata Grande Figure 4.26: Monthly Average Minimum Temperature (ºC) COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 97 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Temperatura Maxima Promedio Mensual 35 33 31 Temperatura (oC) 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 Ene Feb Mar Abr May Jun Jul Tiempo (meses) Jarabacoa Tavera Mata Grande Ago Sep Oct Nov SJ de las Matas Dic Santiago Isa Santiago Isa Figure 4.27: Monthly Average Maximum Temperature (ºC) 4.2.8 Wind (Direction and Speed) The predominant wind in the Dominican Republic is the trade winds with northeastern component, this regime being modified by the topographic conditions and the temperature differences of the land and the sea. The wind speeds have an annual average of approximately 10km/h with annual oscillations of 6.5 km/h to 18.9 km/h. The monthly averages are between 5 km/h in Quinigua and 29 km/h in Valverde during July. Table 4.27 : Normal Wind Speed in km/h (3 m draft head ) Station Santiago Santiago Isa (3m) (INDRHI) Santiago Isa (1m) (INDRHI) Jan 8.2 Feb 10.4 Mar 10.4 Apr 11.9 May 10.1 Jun 11.9 Jul 13.7 Aug 12.3 Sep 11.5 Oct 9.4 Nov 8.3 Dec 11.2 Year 10.9 8.6 8.6 10.4 10.1 10.1 12.2 13 13.3 11.2 14.1 9.4 13 11.2 3.6 4.7 4.7 4.3 4.7 5.8 6.5 6.1 4.7 4 3.3 3.3 4.6 Jarabacoa 2.2 2.5 2.9 2.5 2.5 2.9 3.2 3.6 3.2 2.5 2.2 1.8 2.5 Taveras 3.2 3.6 4.3 4 3.6 4.7 5.4 4.7 3.6 2.9 2.2 2.5 3.6 4 4.7 4.3 4 4.7 4.7 8.3 4.7 4.7 6.5 3.2 4 Matagrande Source: Plan Nacional de investigación, Aprovechamiento y Control de las Aguas Subterráneas (PLANIACAS) e INDRHI COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 98 4.7 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA 4.2.9 Relative Humidity In the island of the Hispaniola the distribution of the relative humidity is distributed showing a decrease to the west, because of the drag humidity of the trade winds and the mountains exposition. The relative humidity does not have any latitudinal or topographical relation and only depends on the content of water vapor and on the temperature. For this reason a heating or cooling and the air masses changes, the daily cycle is inverse to the temperature, and its relative course marks the difference between the dry and humid weather. Table 4.28: Relative Humidity Monthly Average in % Stations Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year Mata Grande San José de la Matas 73 73 72 75 77 74 71 70 73 75 75 73 73 79.2 79.8 76.1 74.2 79.7 78.1 74.7 75.4 77.9 81.4 86.1 84.4 78.7 Santiago 77 75 72 72 74 71 71 71 73 75 78 79 74 Values of around 83% are located in the Eastern slope of the Central Mountain range, towards the births of the rivers Bao and Yaque of the North. The annual oscillation of the average values is small, near 10%, whereas the daily oscillation of the relative humidity is significant, in the order from 20% to 40%. The daily decrease is the reflection of the temperature ascendance in the days without rain, which coincides with the dawn moment beginning and to temperature rises; the relative humidity reaches the daily minimum value between the 1:00 and 3:00 p.m. that agrees with the maximum temperature. When the temperature starts decreasing in the afternoon, the relative humidity increases to arrive at values near 100% around midnight, and lasts until shortly before the dawn. The average relative humidity for the Dominican Republic is of 78%. 4.2.10 Barometric Pressure The measurement of the atmospheric pressure is realized in the terrestrial surface, it is given by the weight from the atmospheric column on the observation place, reason why changes in the air mass vertical structure is reflected in the pressure. The daily variation of the pressure in the morning is characterized by one double wave, registering itself a maximum primary value around the 10:00am and a minimum primary value next to 4:00 p.m.; the secondary maximum and minimum respectively happen towards the 10:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m. with oscillations between 1,2 and 2,1 millibars. Annually the pressure varies with an amplitude of 4 millibars (MB), bearing one close relation to the displacement from the systems of high pressure of the North Atlantic and COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 99 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA the displacements of tropical revolving storms, easterly waves, “vaguada”, front systems, ect. The average pressure on the island is of 1.015 MB, the extreme values have appeared in the presence of cyclones, where the low pressure is almost 900 MB. 4.2.11 Solar or Isolation Radiation The practically exclusive heat source for the terrestrial atmosphere is the sun, which at a high speed broadcasts part of its mass to the space in the form of energy electromagnetic and of particles. The energy flow emitted by the sun is constant, the main causes that modify the solar energy arriving at the Earth are: different duration from the day and the night, angle of incidence variation of solar rays and the distance of the Earth to the Sun. The solar energy that receives the terrestrial surface (radiation) is a meteorological element that has much influence on the others; the atmospheric processes periods depend on the radiation. The radiation is the fundamental element of the physical climatology, and their qualitative aspects (composition), as their quantitative aspects (intensity, duration) should be considered. Table 4.29: Sun Hours Monthly Daily Average Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year Santiago Stations 7.23 7.16 7.9 7.9 7.8 8.2 8.2 8.5 7.8 7.6 7.1 6.6 7.7 Santiago Isa 7.9 8.2 8.7 8.5 8.7 9.1 9.1 9.1 8.5 8.3 8.2 7.6 8.5 Table 4.30: Global Radiation Jarabacoa Station Stations Radiación Global Jarabacoa (Cal/cm2/dia) Jan Feb Mar Apr May 517.9 595.1 651.4 709.4 736.7 Jun 745.4 Jul Aug Sep 739.4 708.2 674.0 Oct 613.2 Nov 537.1 Dec 491.6 Year 643.3 4.2.12 Evaporation In the island of Santo Domingo the distribution of the evaporation increases from east to west, opposite to the distribution of the humidity; this increase from east to west is mainly demonstrated by the trade winds protected zones. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 100 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Values superiors to 2000 mm of annual evaporation are observed in the low river basin of the Yaque River of the North (see evaporation of the Santiago station in Table 4.31); these high values concur with the larger water requirements for irrigation. Table 4.31: Evaporation Media Monthly Average Stations Jarabacoa Mata Grande SJ de las Matas Santiago Isa Tavera Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year 85.1 90.5 123.3 126.3 131.1 138.0 149.3 143.5 126.6 120.0 95.5 77.9 1407.1 114.0 120.1 137.1 130.2 118.4 135.4 157.3 158.6 134.4 120.0 109.2 108.9 1543.6 83.0 86.0 129.0 151.0 151.0 156.0 176.0 164.0 133.0 107.0 80.0 72.0 1488.0 123.0 134.9 182.2 191.1 203.5 214.6 243.2 228.3 201.1 157.5 120.9 111.4 2112.5 82.0 97.0 142.0 158.0 167.0 171.0 180.0 165.0 143.0 119.0 88.0 77.0 1589.0 In general terms, July and August are the month with higher evaporation while November and December have the lower evaporation rates. Table 4.32 : Maximal Monthly Evaporation Stations Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year Jarabacoa Mata Grande Santiago INDRHI 114.0 132.2 168.8 177.7 170.9 193.1 225.1 184.6 161.2 212.2 206.8 105.5 2052.1 142.1 148.8 176.5 178.0 156.3 167.8 181.4 193.5 167.9 129.4 156.9 161.7 1960.3 199.4 180.4 298.7 254.2 273.9 326.4 329.1 365.8 329.3 285.4 308.9 251.9 3403.4 Tavera 138.0 172.4 225.7 233.4 225.4 252.6 253.5 248.3 206.9 191.8 169.3 148.3 2465.6 The extreme maximal value is 365.8 mm during August for Santiago. Table 4.33: Minimal Monthly Evaporation Stations Jan Feb Mar Apr 79.8 May 86.5 Jun 95.0 Jul 121.4 Aug 113.4 Sep 101.2 Oct 95.4 Nov Dec 70.6 59.1 Year Jarabacoa 66.3 66.9 99.1 1054.7 Mata Grande 94.5 87.1 105.4 85.2 81.0 100.0 134.4 133.6 116.1 98.0 83.5 68.8 987.6 Santiago ISA 86.8 97.2 140.8 100.2 117.8 159.8 185.7 179.8 143.4 127.4 94.5 82.1 1515.5 Tavera (PET ) 82.6 92.7 134.9 124.4 114.6 131.4 164.3 147.2 130.7 99.9 93.0 67.2 1382.9 Nov 24.2 10.9 102 Dec 22.9 10 86.2 Total 4.2.13 Hydric Balance Table 4.34: Tavera Station Hydric Balance temp i PET w/o corr Jan 22.44 9.71 80.9 COR-01-EI-004-07 Feb 22.6 9.81 82.7 Mar 23.5 10.4 93.5 Apr 24.1 10.8 101 May 24.8 11.3 110 Jun 25.6 11.8 122 Jul 26.1 12.2 130 Aug 26.2 12.3 131 Sep 25.9 12.1 127 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Oct 25.5 11.8 120 Page 101 133.15 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA nºdays month nº hours light PET corr. P RET Deficit Available Reserve Surpluses Jan 31 7.9 55.0 75.7 55.0 0 50 20.6 Feb 28.3 8.2 53.2 77.3 53.2 0 50 24.1 Mar 31 8.7 70 76.9 70 0 50 6.86 Apr 30 8.5 71.2 149 71.2 0 50 77.4 May 31 8.7 82.3 176 82.3 0 50 93.5 Jun 30 9.1 92.2 72.1 92.2 0 29.9 0 Jul 31 9.1 102 63.3 93.2 8.55 0 0 Aug 31 9.1 103 86.7 86.7 16.1 0 0 Sep 30 8.5 89.9 110 89.9 0 19.6 0 Oct 31 8.3 86 130 86 0 50 13.9 Nov 30 8.2 70 118 70 0 50 48 Dec 31 7.6 56.4 92.5 56.4 0 50 36.1 Total Tavera Station Hydro Balance 200 150 100 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 PET corr. 7 8 P 9 10 11 12 RET Figure 4.28: Tavera Station Hydric Balance In the graph as in the Tavera station Hydric Balance Table, as can be observed, the humidity deficits occurs during the months of July and August when the potential evapotranspiration (PET) is greater than real evapotranspiration (RET) and rain, reason why the necessary humidity must be artificially replaced for the plants the growth. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 102 930.77 1226.7 906.13 24.646 320.57 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Table 4.35: Mata Grande Station Hydric Balance Mata Grande Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Nov Dec 20.5 20.6 21.6 22.1 23 23.3 23.5 23.5 24.2 23.5 23 21.5 i PET w/o corr nº days month nº hours light PET corr. P RET Deficit Available Reserve 8.4675 69.191 31 7.9 47.069 80.3 47.069 0 50 8.5301 70.08 28.25 8.2 45.094 61.3 45.094 0 50 9.16 79.4 31 8.7 59.5 119 59.5 0 50 9.49 84.3 30 8.5 59.7 205 59.7 0 50 10.1 93.6 31 8.7 70.1 290 70.1 0 50 10.3 96.8 30 9.1 73.4 196 73.4 0 50 10.4 99 31 9.1 77.6 109 77.6 0 50 10.4 99 31 9.1 77.6 143 77.6 0 50 10.9 107 30 8.5 75.7 196 59.7 0.0 50.0 10.4 99 31 8.3 70.8 212 70.1 0.0 50.0 10.1 93.6 30 8.2 63.9 155 73.4 0.0 50.0 9.1 78.4 31 7.6 51.3 70 77.6 0.0 50.0 117.31 Surpluses 33.231 16.206 59.2 146 220 123 30.9 65.2 145.7 219.8 122.8 30.9 1013.3 Temp Jan Feb Sep Oct The data presented in Table 4.35 demonstrates there are no soil humidity deficits situations at the Mata Grande Station for the zones precipitation is always higher than the plants requirements. Station Mata Grande Hydric Balance 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 PET corr. 7 8 P 9 10 11 12 RET Figure 4.29: Mata Grande Station Hydric Balance COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 103 Total 771.72 1835 771.72 0 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Table 4.36: Jarabacoa Station Hydric Balance Jarabacoa Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total temp 19.85 20.14 21.1 22 22.9 23.6 23.7 23.8 23.7 23.1 21.9 20.2 i PET sin corr nº days month nº hours light PET corr. P RET Deficit Reserve despoiled 8.0643 64.926 31 7.9 44.167 105.1 44.167 0 50 8.2434 67.371 28.25 8.2 43.351 97.1 43.351 0 50 8.83 75.6 31 8.7 56.6 101 56.6 0 50 9.4 84 30 8.5 59.5 155 59.5 0 50 10 93.9 31 8.7 70.3 202 70.3 0 50 10.5 101 30 9.1 76.5 82.5 76.5 0 50 10.5 102 31 9.1 79.8 84.1 79.8 0 50 10.6 103 31 9.1 80.9 112 80.9 0 50 10.6 102 30 8.5 72.4 116 72.4 0 43.1 10.2 96 31 8.3 68.6 148 68.6 0 50 9.35 83.2 30 8.2 56.9 185 56.9 0 50 8.29 68 31 7.6 44.5 133 44.5 0 50 114.58 Accidents 60.933 53.749 44.2 95 132 5.97 4.25 30.9 0 72.1 128 88.9 716.2 Every month the Jarabacoa station shows ground humidity surpluses year round, supplying its humidity needs for the plants growth directly by the zone’s rain. Jarabacoa Station Hydric Balance 250 200 150 100 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 PET corr. 7 8 P 9 10 11 12 RET Figure 4.30: Jarabacoa Station Hydric Balance Graphic Representation COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 104 753.58 1519.8 753.6 0.0 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Table 4.37: San José de Las Matas Station Hydric Balance SJ de las Matas temp i PET sin corr nº days month nº hours light PET corr. P ETR Deficit Reserve despoiled Accidents Jan 21.3 8.9728 70.848 31 7.9 48.196 43.5 48.196 0 45.304 0 Feb 21.2 8.9091 69.863 28.25 8.2 44.955 76.8 44.955 0 50 Mar 22.8 9.95 86.8 31 8.7 65 61.6 65 0 46.6 Apr 23.8 10.6 98.6 30 8.5 69.8 113 69.8 0 50 May 24.8 11.3 111 31 8.7 83.5 205 83.5 0 50 Jun 25.5 11.8 121 30 9.1 91.8 88.2 91.8 0 46.4 Jul 25.9 12.1 127 31 9.1 99.4 46.3 92.7 6.66 0 Aug 26.1 12.2 130 31 9.1 102 76.9 76.9 24.8 0 27.149 0 39.7 121 0 0 0 Sep 26 12.1 128 30 8.5 90.9 118 90.9 0 26.7 Oct 25.2 11.6 117 31 8.3 83.5 144 83.5 0 50 Nov 23.5 10.4 94.9 30 8.2 64.9 126 64.9 0 50 Dec 21.8 9.29 75.9 31 7.6 49.7 78.1 49.7 0 50 0 36.8 60.7 28.4 SJ de las Matas Station Hydric Balance 250 200 150 100 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 PET corr. 7 8 P 9 10 11 12 RET Figure 4.31: San José de las Matas Station Hydric Balance On the San Jose of Matas station a humidity deficit is presented for the months of July and August where the potential evapotranspiration is greater that real evapotranspiration and the precipitation; this deficit must be replaced by artificial way for the cases of agricultural uses. 4.3 SURFACE AND SUBTERRANEAN HYDROLOGY 4.3.1 Surface Water Course Identification, Characterization and Mapping The study zone includes the high river basin of the Rivers Bao and Jagua to the projected reservoir dams of Sabaneta and Los Limones, the sub river basins included from these dams to the tail of Bao Reservoir, including the sections of the Bao River and the Jagua River that will be rerouted, as presented in the following river basins map. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 105 Total 129.21 893.2 1175.6 861.8 31.4 313.8 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Figure 4.32: Contributing River and Basin Map Las Placetas Project The description of the river basins of the rivers Bao and Jagua is realized oriented of the following form: The river basin form, type and distribution of the Drainage and Run-off networks. Present Water forms that can be affected: rivers, streams, creeks, gorges and lagoons Estimation of the water volumes (collected data from hydrometric stations network and by means of empiric formulas). The birth of the Bao River is located in the North slope of the Central Mountain range, specifically in the Vallecito de Bao, on the La Pelona hill to an elevation of 2320 meters above sea level (m.a.s.l.). The Bao River, from its birth to its outfall in the Bao Reservoir crosses about 87,3 km of main channel, of which approximately about 38,8 km corresponds to the region of the project, realizing a South-North route in the first 2 kilometers, changes to the direction of the route until the site of the Sabaneta reservoir Southwestern-Northeastern until the River Jamamú confluence Figure 4.33, the following section takes almost North franc direction (10º in northeastern direction) with abundant meanders until arriving at El Palero where it takes the easterly course to join in the North Yaque in the present Bao reservoir. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 106 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA On the other hand the Jagua River has a route length of 45,1 km until its outfall in Reservoir Bao, of which 24,9 km correspond to the project space, from the construction site of Los Lemons reservoir to the present Bao storage reservoir. In the mentioned section the river practically runs parallel to the River Bao direction. As it shows in the Rivers and Creeks Map (Figure no. 4.33), from the river basin of the Bao River to the Sabaneta storage reservoir site has an oval form where the water draining first travel the secondary channels until arriving at the Bao River; this behavior produces a draining delay greater than in the river basins of extended form, as the one of the section from the reservoir site to the zone of restitution of turbinated waters, downstream the Bao Spa, in which the water practically only runs by the main channel, or in creeks and very short courses (except the Jamamú River) which cause very fast draining and instantaneous peaks. Figure 4.33: Draining Pattern Las Placetas Project The Jagua River has the same morphology as the Bao River previously described; the river basin has oval form and the channel downstream the reservoir towards the Bao River outfall has an extended form with short sections except for Arroyo Gurabo. The Bao River basin towards the Yaque del Norte River confluence in Tavera has a superficial extension of 897.3 km2, including the basins of the tributary rivers. The COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 107 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA basins slope is abrupt at its origin, with values of 21% at a distance of 2 km.; the following sections reach slopes in the order of 4.6% and 12% in longitudes 2.3 and 1.67 km. respectively portraying the flashy characteristics conditions of the mountain’s river. The Jagua River is the principal influent to the Bao River, originates in the central mountain range Cordillera Central at 1760 m.a.s.l. in the Sierra Atravesada hill; its channel length is 45 km towards the Bao River confluence. It is a torrent river typical of mountain zones of in which the slopes of the channel and the river basin in the first 3 kilometers in length (21% and 31,86% respectively) bring about drags and consequently suspended sediments in their waters. Along its pathway, within the Hydroelectric Project Las Placetas space, the Bao as well as the Jagua River receive inflow from numerous watersheds, among creeks, gorges and drains3. In sequence from the largest to the smallest height, the river basins from the Norte del Bao Watershed are: Arroyo Antonsape Bueno, Matica de Plátano, El Hoyo, La Cabirma, San Bartolo, La Pila, Bajamillo, La Vieja, Guásuma, Los Negros, Ganga and Loma Sucia. The South Bao outfall is: Loma Prieta, Sabaneta, Jamarao, Arenoso, Pocilga, Piedra Partida, Hondo, Cama, Las Carreras, Maio, Damajagua, Namiro, Palmar and Palero. Other tributaries with considerable inflow volumes are Ríos La Guacara, Los Arroyos and Jamamú, as well as Jagua River with all its tributaries. In sequence from the largest to the smallest height, the Jagua North watersheds basins are: Los Arroyos, Los Limones, Jagua, Al Medio, Plátanos, La Cabra, Ursula and Cidra. Its south watersheds are: Paria, Los Arroyos, El Peñón, Higuamo, Juncal, Niguero, Lavadero, Rucillo and Los Naranjos. These inflows gain extraordinary importance in the context of the project, as in addition to the ecological flow, supply the water to be received by Bao and Jagua River along the area between approximately 20 and 30 km long, where volume reduction will take place as a result of the dam reservoirs. The details of the Bao and Jagua rivers inflows appear in the following developed paragraph. 4.3.2 Mean Flow – Present Regimen (Original Report elaborated by EDH, S.A.) At present there are two flow measuring stations for the study’s zone: Bao in Sabaneta and Jagua in El Higüero which contain daily mean flow for the period presented in the following table, and a suspended Bao station in Agua Caliente presented in Table 4.38. Table 4.38: Hydrometrics Stations Network 3 Accoring to the informaron supplied in “ Hojas Topográficas del Instituto Cartográfico Militar”. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 108 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Station Localization Coding Register Río Bao in Sabaneta 291000E 2123500N DQ042005 Jan 1979-Jan 2007 Río Bao in Aguas Calientes 300487E 2129052N DQ042005 Mar 1979-Oct 1987 Río Jagua in Higuero 300389E 2129234N DQ042102 Dec 1980-Ene 2007 Río Jagua in Los Limones 302500E 2121250N Simulated Jan 1960-Dec 2004 The information collected in these stations is shown in the Tables 4.39, 4.40, and 4.41, and the monthly averages graphed to define the pattern of the temporary run-off regime. Table 4.39: Daily Mean Flow Observed in Sabaneta’s Bao Station Year Jan 5.92 6.07 5.72 3.9 5.59 5.96 2.96 9.02 4.45 4.13 4.94 3.75 4.63 5.16 4.11 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Average 5.09 Feb 5.85 5.53 4.17 5.22 4.34 5.29 3 9.5 5.84 3.3 3.97 3.18 4.77 4.18 4.87 Mar 5.71 4.18 3.57 3.91 4.61 4.94 3.4 4.04 5.4 3.34 3.43 2.98 6.73 4.62 4.35 Apr May 7.17 4.13 3.33 3.77 5.12 7.45 3.57 3.63 3.82 3.73 4.76 5.14 11.74 4.07 32.01 10.23 5.1 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct 5.49 10.86 12.12 6.23 6.12 5.45 3.32 11.47 12.15 18.85 11.55 19.7 16.17 7.27 17.74 8.31 8.69 11.34 6.37 7.5 4.73 9.39 18.39 13.1 7.78 16.97 7.96 7.13 6.92 7.24 4.95 4.85 11.11 6.08 4.62 7.99 6.8 6.63 4.94 12.7 6.38 6.91 6.32 6.44 5.22 3.43 6.89 7.66 3.78 5.4 6.8 5.43 4.85 9.26 6.81 6.38 14.44 8 4.57 8.16 11.86 10.61 7.98 6.43 10.25 7.3 5.42 11.22 11.18 7.44 6.3 8.39 Nov 15.56 9.22 8.6 17.86 9.6 4.15 17.8 12.26 8.97 12.59 7.18 7.74 8.14 10.29 10.71 Dec 13.42 6.4 6.9 11.71 17.17 3.63 8.91 7.83 7.24 13.65 5.15 6.01 7.04 8.08 8.8 Annual 8.09 6.84 4.51 7.06 7.73 3.22 7.15 5.34 4.67 7.29 4.51 5.34 5.25 5.02 5.86 12.70 7.49 8.70 7.92 5.85 6.73 7.83 6.47 6.04 6.22 7.38 8.30 6.33 7.44 The mean flow for the Bao River in the Sabaneta Station has been estimated for the project design in 7.50 m3/sec for the definitive selected location for the Sabaneta Reservoir (Alternative C) from where it should be transfered to Los Limones Reservoir over the Jagua River. Table 4.40: Daily Mean Flow Observed in Higüero’s Jagua Station Year 1979 1980 1981 Jan 5.04 3.89 Feb Mar 3.70 4.50 3.74 4.36 COR-01-EI-004-07 Apr 7.46 May Jun 13.11 33.09 8.10 10.10 Jul 10.12 3.32 Aug 13.7 6.49 3.53 Sep 12.99 8.83 3.31 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Oct 12.56 9.46 7.39 Nov Dec 13.88 4.39 15.55 5.3 4.57 5.2 Page 109 Annual LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Year Jan 4.58 4.27 1.93 3.59 3.24 1.47 8.51 2.11 2.46 3.43 1.82 2.66 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Average 3.5 Feb Mar Apr May Jun 4.10 2.50 2.30 3.10 3.00 1.30 8.40 3.00 2.30 2.70 1.30 3.40 1.60 3.2 2.39 1.93 1.51 3.84 2.66 1.33 3.4 2.12 2.86 2.3 1.16 8.15 3.55 3.02 2.29 1.79 1.91 4.23 8.34 2.08 3.26 1.56 3.57 3.87 4.07 13.45 2.58 4.32 13.87 11.53 2.78 6.44 16.74 7.04 5.54 5.81 3.23 6.9 7.22 14.35 6.38 10.27 12.07 11.65 11.57 5.06 6.00 7.30 7.07 5.29 2.48 4.92 9.42 10.97 4.59 7.77 Jul 3.72 4.88 3.47 3.33 3.00 3.12 7.36 2.55 2.13 3.01 3.39 4.17 2.02 3.97 Aug Sep 2.90 2.81 2.43 2.94 2.68 1.59 2.88 2.98 1.68 2.10 2.41 2.71 2.02 3.48 Oct 3.61 2.98 7.69 3.60 2.33 3.19 4.48 4.22 3.11 1.90 3.85 2.31 1.28 4.36 Nov 6.17 3.79 11.13 5.42 2.97 6.05 5.76 4.88 6.59 2.06 2.8 3.11 2.31 5.78 3.04 4.21 8.68 6.07 2.89 6.26 3.23 3.40 7.75 2.09 2.93 2.63 1.70 5.54 Dec Annual 4.88 2.31 4.56 3.85 1.78 6.56 1.59 2.42 4.88 2.01 3.08 2.19 1.47 3.63 5.30 4.55 5.00 4.29 4.63 3.94 5.12 3.36 3.59 3.11 3.62 5.84 4.89 As presented in the previous table, the daily mean flow of the Higüero’s Jagua Station is of 4,89 m3/sec increasing the average value in approximately a 50% of the value obtained by HARZA in 1985 (Qm Jagua=2.4); this increase is widely discussed in the Hydrologic Revision Hydroelectric Project Las Placetas Study - Closing report (Dic. 2007). The Aguas Calientes’ Bao Station data is next displayed, and although suspended at the moment, it shows the same distribution pattern during the year that the Sabaneta and Los Lemons stations. A maximum peak in May and a secondary one in October with average values of 14,94 of 18,37 and m3/sec respectively. Table 4.41: Daily Mean Flow Observed in Agua Caliente’s Bao Station (suspended) Year 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 Average Jan 6.67 6.85 5.95 4.17 5.76 5.54 3.14 5.44 Feb 4.05 6.36 5.83 4.05 6.29 4.22 4.97 3.18 4.87 COR-01-EI-004-07 Mar 6.42 6.34 4.14 3.24 4.19 5.97 4.41 2.82 4.69 Apr May 14.98 10.9 9.56 4.27 2.95 4.46 7.75 14.32 3.52 30.59 16.27 34.64 13.82 9.2 8.01 16.84 21.23 14.76 8.08 18.37 Jun 25.69 12.42 18.65 21.18 13.85 22.25 10.63 13.74 15.15 17.06 Jul Aug Sep Oct 5.9 20.95 9.25 10.01 7.05 8.57 7.29 5.49 13.14 11.94 6.81 8.18 7.83 6.63 7.75 4.45 16.9 9.17 7.6 8.83 18.74 8.82 6.34 11.8 20 16.38 10.18 9.66 22.21 11.99 5.45 23.65 9.31 8.34 11.03 14.94 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Nov 11.29 16.16 6.78 8.7 15.29 17.84 4.86 11.56 Dec 9.77 8.21 6.38 5.28 6.95 7.42 3.75 6.82 Page 110 Annual 13.75 8.59 7.49 10.62 9.37 8.30 10.04 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA 20 18 Caudal Medio Mensual m3/s 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Ene Feb Mar Abr May Jun Tiempo (meses) Bao e Aagua Caliente Jul Agos Sept Bao en Sabaneta Oct Nov Dic Jagua en Higuero Figure 4.34: Seasonal Development Daily Mean Flow for the Measuring Points The volume measurement stations display in their averages a regime of run-off of bimodal type with two peaks per year, one larger (main) peak in the month of May and one minor (secondary) in October, maintaining the same pattern of rain, logical situation since the run-off is an answer from the river basin to precipitations. The monthly average values do not represent the real range of the volumes since in the rivers with torrential regime as those of the study zone, the channels answers are instantaneous producing the Flash Floods (of great volume peaks) since the river basin lacks cushion capacity for great volume peaks of great given magnitude due to the small basins and the high slopes of the channels and mountains. The distribution of the mean flows throughout period 1980-1997 presents values with monthly peak in the order of 37 m3/sec during the month of May of 1981 and a mid daily peak for this rise of 170 m3/sec. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 111 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA 45 40 35 Caudal (m3/s) 30 25 20 15 10 5 19 8 0 19 80 19 80 19 80 19 81 19 81 19 81 19 81 19 82 19 82 19 82 19 82 19 83 19 83 19 83 19 83 19 84 19 84 19 84 19 84 19 85 19 85 19 85 19 85 19 86 19 86 19 86 19 86 19 87 19 87 19 87 19 87 0 Tiempo (Meses) Bao ACalientes Bao Sabaneta Jagua Higuero Source: Estudio Hidrológico Hidroeléctrica Las Placetas, EDH 2007 Figure 4.35: Monthly Mean Flow Comparison The volume flow analysis for the reservoir sites was performed by Consultora EDH Estudios y Diseños en Ingenieria Hidráulica S.A. by President Engineer Eldon García, using a recalibration of the hydrologic model simulation HSPF used in previous studies, with the objective to improve the knowledge of the rain-runoff occurrence of the watershed in study and generate a new basin volume series. The summary of this sudy is presented as follows: Bao River. The mean daily flow obtained for Bao River in the Sabaneta reservoir (267.38 km2) is 7.50 m3/sec, of 8.28 m3/sec in the Sabaneta Hydrometric station and 10.75 m3/s in the Aguas Calientes Hydrometric station. The equalized flow or overflowed 90% of the time (Q90%) for Bao River in the reservoirs site is 3.33 m3/sec. Figure 4.36 is the daily mean flow duration curve for the reservoir site. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 112 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Caudal (m3/s) Río Bao en Sitio Presa 08/1960-12/2004 60.0 57.5 55.0 52.5 50.0 47.5 45.0 42.5 40.0 37.5 35.0 32.5 30.0 27.5 25.0 22.5 20.0 17.5 15.0 12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 % Tiempo (Q>=q) Source: Estudio Hidrológico Hidroeléctrica Las Placetas, EDH, 2007 Figure 4.36: Flow Duration Curve for Bao River Jagua River. The mean daily flow obtained for Jagua River in los Limones reservoir (145.39 km2) resulted in 2.68 m3/sec and 4.52 m3/s for El Higüero Station. Los Limones value increases in 0.31 m3/sec respect to the value defined in the CDE Report 1985, of 2.35 m3/s. The equalized flow or over flow 90 % of the time (Q90%) for río Jagua in Los Limones is 1.09 m3/s. Figura 4.39 contiens the flow duration curve for Los Limones. Río Jagua en Los Limones 08/1960-12/2004 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 Caudal (m3/s) 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 % Tiempo (Q>=q) Source: Estudio Hidrológico Hidroeléctrica Las Placetas, EDH, 2007 Figure 4.37: Flow Duration Curve Río Jagua in Los Limones The durations flow table for all Bao basin sites adding the Bao recreational spa, the Bao and the Jagua River is presented in Table 4.42. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 113 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Table 4.42: Flow Duration Table for Reservoirs and Recreacional Spas Sites Rio Jagua Río Bao Los Limones El Higuero Sitio Presa Sabaneta (Estación) Aguas Calientes Balneario Bao (m3/s) Cantidad % Tiempo Cantidad % Tiempo Cantidad % Tiempo Cantidad % Tiempo Cantidad % Tiempo Cantidad % Tiempo Cantidad % Tiempo 0.10 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 0.30 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 0.50 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 0.70 16154 99.57 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 0.90 15703 96.79 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 1.20 14014 86.38 16175 99.70 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 1.40 12374 76.27 16040 98.87 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 1.60 10507 64.77 15651 96.47 16221 99.99 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 1.80 9068 55.90 15031 92.65 16209 99.91 16215 99.95 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 2.00 7632 47.04 14270 87.96 16157 99.59 16199 99.85 16222 99.99 16223 100.00 16223 100.00 2.50 5024 30.97 11523 71.03 15850 97.70 16018 98.74 16174 99.70 16203 99.88 16203 99.88 3.00 3697 22.79 9146 56.38 15210 93.76 15545 95.82 16029 98.80 16126 99.40 16131 99.43 4.00 2289 14.11 5509 33.96 13358 82.34 13999 86.29 15208 93.74 15575 96.01 15587 96.08 4.50 1893 11.67 4479 27.61 12283 75.71 13143 81.01 14561 89.76 15097 93.06 15113 93.16 5.00 1613 9.94 3783 23.32 11114 68.51 12108 74.63 13975 86.14 14518 89.49 14537 89.61 5.50 1363 8.40 3282 20.23 9858 60.77 11021 67.93 13390 82.54 13998 86.28 14032 86.49 6.00 1181 7.28 2876 17.73 8779 54.11 9862 60.79 12660 78.04 13482 83.10 13512 83.29 6.50 1005 6.19 2528 15.58 7812 48.15 8882 54.75 11834 72.95 12880 79.39 12914 79.60 7.00 866 5.34 2241 13.81 6877 42.39 7981 49.20 10931 67.38 12182 75.09 12232 75.40 7.50 751 4.63 2000 12.33 6054 37.32 7160 44.13 10023 61.78 11358 70.01 11430 70.46 8.00 645 3.98 1802 11.11 5333 32.87 6356 39.18 9242 56.97 10533 64.93 10592 65.29 8.50 557 3.43 1624 10.01 4734 29.18 5674 34.98 8497 52.38 9781 60.29 9837 60.64 9.00 488 3.01 1453 8.96 4186 25.80 5057 31.17 7797 48.06 9063 55.87 9123 56.23 9.50 427 2.63 1291 7.96 3709 22.86 4543 28.00 7183 44.28 8423 51.92 8478 52.26 10.00 374 2.31 1159 7.14 3306 20.38 4098 25.26 6565 40.47 7797 48.06 7866 48.49 11.00 289 1.78 949 5.85 2679 16.51 3315 20.43 5517 34.01 6686 41.21 6738 41.53 12.00 232 1.43 802 4.94 2205 13.59 2765 17.04 4642 28.61 5745 35.41 5796 35.73 13.00 186 1.15 658 4.06 1824 11.24 2289 14.11 3965 24.44 4901 30.21 4944 30.48 14.00 154 0.95 544 3.35 1548 9.54 1932 11.91 3440 21.20 4217 25.99 4258 26.25 15.00 127 0.78 467 2.88 1301 8.02 1654 10.20 2952 18.20 3705 22.84 3744 23.08 16.00 104 0.64 395 2.43 1100 6.78 1414 8.72 2584 15.93 3260 20.09 3286 20.26 17.00 92 0.57 326 2.01 939 5.79 1215 7.49 2257 13.91 2872 17.70 2899 17.87 18.00 78 0.48 272 1.68 794 4.89 1048 6.46 1971 12.15 2525 15.56 2552 15.73 19.00 73 0.45 244 1.50 677 4.17 914 5.63 1731 10.67 2262 13.94 2286 14.09 20.00 61 0.38 211 1.30 593 3.66 795 4.90 1542 9.51 2013 12.41 2039 12.57 21.00 56 0.35 181 1.12 524 3.23 684 4.22 1387 8.55 1779 10.97 1806 11.13 22.00 49 0.30 155 0.96 455 2.80 607 3.74 1241 7.65 1604 9.89 1625 10.02 23 00 43 0 27 131 0 81 387 2 39 538 3 32 1099 6 77 1452 8 95 1471 9 07 Caudal 24.00 25.00 26.00 27.00 28.00 29.00 30.00 32.00 34.00 36.00 38.00 40.00 42.00 44.00 46.00 48.00 50.00 55.00 60.00 65.00 70.00 75.00 80.00 85.00 90.00 95.00 100.00 120.00 140.00 160.00 180.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 500.00 38 35 33 27 23 19 19 16 13 12 10 10 7 5 3 3 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.23 0.22 0.20 0.17 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 116 106 95 80 73 65 62 53 43 35 34 30 27 21 19 16 12 9 6 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.72 0.65 0.59 0.49 0.45 0.40 0.38 0.33 0.27 0.22 0.21 0.18 0.17 0.13 0.12 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 353 322 284 257 218 192 172 141 113 100 86 75 63 57 53 42 37 27 18 15 13 10 9 8 7 5 4 3 3 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 2.18 1.98 1.75 1.58 1.34 1.18 1.06 0.87 0.70 0.62 0.53 0.46 0.39 0.35 0.33 0.26 0.23 0.17 0.11 0.09 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 474 421 368 335 303 284 257 206 162 130 115 99 87 76 70 59 53 38 29 18 16 15 11 10 10 9 7 4 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 2.92 2.60 2.27 2.06 1.87 1.75 1.58 1.27 1.00 0.80 0.71 0.61 0.54 0.47 0.43 0.36 0.33 0.23 0.18 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1003 911 826 742 671 621 563 468 390 346 308 250 211 191 164 144 115 88 72 53 39 32 26 22 18 17 13 9 4 4 3 3 2 1 1 0 0 6.18 5.62 5.09 4.57 4.14 3.83 3.47 2.88 2.40 2.13 1.90 1.54 1.30 1.18 1.01 0.89 0.71 0.54 0.44 0.33 0.24 0.20 0.16 0.14 0.11 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 1318 1196 1080 987 903 827 759 639 552 480 415 359 307 275 244 206 193 137 101 77 60 50 41 34 29 23 16 10 5 4 4 4 2 1 1 1 0 8.12 7.37 6.66 6.08 5.57 5.10 4.68 3.94 3.40 2.96 2.56 2.21 1.89 1.70 1.50 1.27 1.19 0.84 0.62 0.47 0.37 0.31 0.25 0.21 0.18 0.14 0.10 0.06 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 1329 1206 1096 997 915 838 772 646 560 483 425 361 309 278 248 214 197 142 104 77 61 51 42 35 28 24 16 11 5 4 4 4 2 1 1 1 0 8.19 7.43 6.76 6.15 5.64 5.17 4.76 3.98 3.45 2.98 2.62 2.23 1.90 1.71 1.53 1.32 1.21 0.88 0.64 0.47 0.38 0.31 0.26 0.22 0.17 0.15 0.10 0.07 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 Source: Estudio Hidrológico Hidroeléctrica Las Placetas, EDH 2007 COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 114 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA 4.3.3 Modified Regime Zone Project Influence The present regime of the rivers Bao and Jagua has been analyzed for both sites of reservoir, the four spas located in the sections of both rivers affected by the operation of the project, in particular relative to the waters impoundment and the operation of the dam Los Limones to address the demands of the power station, the ecological volume needed for the maintenance of the ecosystems of the affected sections and the outfall point of turbinated waters on the Bao River This analysis concentrates in the determination of volumes changes before and after the project. The present regime for each site is described in the previous paragraph of Mean Volumes. In order to determine the influence of works on the Rivers Bao and Jagua from the hydrologic point of view the total area can be divided in three zones shown as follows: Reservoir Zones: Embalse de Sabaneta; Embalse de Los Limones. Rerouting River Zones: Río Bao Section: From Embalse de Sabaneta to the Machine house outfall in the restitution point (downstream Bridge Road Jánico-Juncalito); Río Jagua Section: Fom Embalse Los Limones to the confluence with Bao River. Machine House Turbinated water discharge El Higüero to Río Bao Zone: This zone Includes the turbinated flow restitution point over Bao river. Tributaries Flow Calculus In the sections above defined the tributaries to the Bao River and Jagua Bao River were identified and their contributions for the most important were estimated using the rain run-off method, by empirical formulas and areas differences for the river basins without data. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 115 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Table 4.43: Caudales Medios Estimados de los Tributarios del Río Jagua del Tramo Afectado Area (km²) Basin Jan Feb Mar Apr 85.46 2.14 1.97 1.89 2.7 Arroyo Gurabo 30.73 0.72 0.66 0.64 Rio Baiguaque 72.28 1.58 1.46 Rio Guanajuma 126.1 2.76 2.54 Jagua en Limones Los May Jun Jul 6.43 4.86 2.49 0.91 2.17 1.64 1.4 2 4.76 2.44 3.49 8.3 Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Year 2.19 2.73 3.62 3.47 2.21 3.1 0.84 0.74 0.92 1.22 1.17 0.75 1.0 3.6 1.84 1.62 2.02 2.68 2.57 1.64 2.3 6.28 3.21 2.82 3.52 4.67 4.47 2.85 3.9 Source: Descripción del Ambiente Físico-Natural y Socioeconómico del Proyecto Las Placetas. Abril 2006 Table 4.44: Caudales Medios Estimados de los Tributarios del Río Bao del Tramo Afectado Basin Rio Baito Area (km²) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Year 27.06 0.47 0.45 0.4 0.47 1.03 1.03 0.68 0.58 0.77 0.99 0.81 0.54 0.7 Rio La Guacara 91.11 1.63 1.56 1.39 1.63 3.59 3.57 2.38 2.01 2.68 3.42 2.81 1.87 2.4 Rio Los Negros Chiquito 46.31 0.85 0.82 0.73 0.85 1.88 1.87 1.25 1.06 1.41 1.79 1.47 0.98 1.2 Rio Antonsape Bueno 15.33 0.31 0.29 0.26 0.31 0.68 0.68 0.45 0.38 0.51 0.65 0.53 0.35 0.5 Rio Jamamu 38.51 0.73 0.7 0.62 0.73 1.61 1.6 1.07 0.9 1.2 1.54 1.26 0.84 Source: Descripción del Ambiente Físico-Natural y Socioeconómico del Proyecto Las Placetas. Abril 2006 Figures number 4.38 y 4.39 show the tributaries for this section and the distance from the Sabaneta reservoir site downstream and to Los Limones reservoir. (see Map Annex). COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 116 1.1 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Figure 4.38: Bao River Tributaries Network Figure 4.39: Jagua River Tributaries Network Spas Flow Calculations (Original Report issues by EDH, S.A.) The consulting firm Estudios y Diseños en Ingenieria Hidráulica, S.A. (EDH, S.A.) completed an estimation of the streams that will flow to the four Spas located on the COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 117 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA main streams, downstream of the uptake sites, once the Las Placetas Hydroelectric Project starts operation. Following are the preliminary results of the simulated operation of the two water intakes planned on the Bao River in Sabaneta Jagua River in Los Limones. Metodology Natural Flow. The series of natural daily streams was obtained from the study “Revisión Hidrológica Project Hidroeléctrico Las Placetas” (Hydrological Revision, Las Placetas Hydroelectric Project) completed by Estudios y Diseños en Ingenieria Hidráulica, S.A.(EDH,S.A.), and issued in December 2007. The period of the streams is August 1960 - December 2004. Rerouting of Bao River. From the Bao river there will be a rerouting of water to the reservoir of Jagua River in Los Limones, through a tunnel with a maximum capacity of 16.00 m3/s. This rerouting will be subject to the following restrictions: Provide an ecological flow of 0.75 m³/s, equivalent to 10% of the annual mean flow obtained in the revision study. Contribute in its entirety the flow contributions by Anton Sape Bueno creek, that flows into Bao River immediatly upstream of the dam site selected alter the alternatives study was completed. (This assumption is implicit in the streams calculated in the study, since the assumed dam site was located upstream of the confluence of Bao-Anton Sape Bueno). Hence, the flow stream to the site of the dam in the study is reduce in the ecological flow (0.75 + Q Anton Sape Bueno) and the risk is assume derived into the Jagua reservoir, up to 95% of 16.00 m3/s, equivalent to 15.00 m3/s. Los caudales por encima de este último valor se consideran vertidos. Modified Flow in Bao Spas. In the hydraulic revisiopn study the average daily steams were measured in three sites on the Boa River that are currently used as Spas: Bao in Sabaneta (hydrometric station); Bao in Aguas Calientes; Bao in Spa Bao (Jánico). The matematical formula for the calculations of the streams modified by the operation was obtained as follows: Q modified = Q natural – Q dam + Q discharges, where Q modified = effluent flow after start of operation; Q natural = natural flow effluent to the Spa; COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 118 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Q dam = natural flow effluent to the dam; Q discharge = flow discharged downstream of the dam (ecological + Antonsape Bueno creek + spill) Rerouting of Jagua River. In the case of Jagua River, the effluent flow to the Los Limones reservoir was obtained as the natural contributed by the Jagua River to Los Limones, plus the contribution from Bao. These streams reach a reservoir with a useful capacity of 14 x 10 6 m3, from where it is discharged to the hydraelectric plant of Las Placetas, subjet to the following restrictions: Provide ecological flow of 0.24 m³/s, equivalent to 10% of annual mean flow obtained in the revision study. Reroute to the Las Placetas hydroelectric plant according to the following rule: Reservoir Volumen Millions m3 Derived Flow m3/s >2 >2<8 >8<13 >13 4 7 14 Modified Flow in Jagua Spa. In the hydrological revision study, the average daily streams were calculated for the site of Jagua River in the Higüero that currently is used as a Spa. For the modified flow calculation, a similar approach to Bao was used. Q modified = Q natural – Q dam + Q discharges, where Q modified = effluent flow after start of operation; Q natural = natural flow effluent to the Spa; Q dam = natural flow effluent to the dam; Q discharge = flow discharged downstream of the dam (ecological + spill) Results. The results were obtained as a series of flow daily averages flowing into every Spa site for the period of 08/1960-12/2004. In addition, average daily flow duration curves for the series of natural streams and for modified streams have been obtained. The following table summarizes the results: Table 4.45: Current and Modified Average Flows for the Different Spas Periods Bao River in Sabaneta (Station) COR-01-EI-004-07 Bao River in Aguas Calientes Bao in Spas (Janico) Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Jagua in the Higuero Page 119 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Natural Modif Natural Modifi Natural Modific Natural Modific 08-1960-12-1974 7.82 1.82 10.18 4.18 11.61 5.61 4.61 2.71 01-1975-12-1989 8.32 1.97 10.57 4.21 11.92 5.56 5.09 3.17 01-1990-12-2004 8.76 2.37 11.58 5.19 13.28 6.89 4.51 2.77 08-1960-12-1974 8.04 2.05 10.79 4.53 12.28 6.03 4.74 2.89 Source: “Revisión Hidrológica Project Hidroeléctrico Las Placetas”, Estudios y Diseños en Ingenieria Hidráulica, S.A. (EDH, S.A.), Diciembre 2007 Ecological Flow Make compatible the use of water for energy production and the use for Spas, recreation, maintaining the estethic and landscpaing characteristics of the pluvial media and the proper operation of it are part of the calculation wrok of the Ecological Flow of the Project. Proposing an ecological flow downstream of Sabaneta Dam and and Los Limones, enough for ecological maintenance pluviales sections of Jagua and y Bao rivers, is one of the requirements of all impact study, since it is required by Law No. 64-00 of Environment Protection. In the current case, the availability of water for the seasonal period or drought bases in the data of flows observed from the Bao River in Sabaneta y Jagua River in Los Limones will be evaluated, as well as the series of 99 years of data generated by Hydrocomp in 1979 for the site mentioned previously. The calculations method used in this report for the eclological streams is the Tennant Method, which consists of a desktop method, although some field information also is used to relate the eclological stremas with the piscicolas populations, the wild fauna, recreational activities and other environmental resources. This method uses 10% of the annual mean flow as survival flow. This is classified as a hydrological method, since its application consists of the calculation of foxed perecentages of the annual mean flow, which basically is hydrological method because it is based on the relation between the flow and other hydrological variables (depth, velocity and width). A preliminary inventory of tributary gorges and creeks flowing to the Bao River from the dam site in Sabaneta to the end of the Taveras Reservoir (site of restitution of streams) and the Jagua River to the end of Bao Reservoir to determine theoretically and by historical investigation the which are the contributions of these trobutaries. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 120 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA From the Hydrocomp 1978, 1979 and 1980 reports; the SINOTECH report, 1982; HARZA, LAS PLACETAS PROJEC I~III, 1985; INTECSA-JORGE MUSTONEN, The Manabao-Bejucal-Tavera Project EIA, Vol 2, 2001 and the Basdeline of the Las Placetas Project, 2006; the flow data was selected from the tributaries and streams to be regulated and this data was used to evaluate and calcutae the ecological streams. Analysing the data for: a) Average Conticio; b) Critical Periods; c) Hydraulic balance of the watershed Downstream of the dam sites. The teorethical flows required for an eclological flow study are the water demands, (consumption and non-consumption) downtream of the study site. Following is a list of water demands or flows that, in general, have to be considered for the ecological flow estimation. Downtream Demand: Q Aestethic and landscaping characteristics (Applies) Q Habitat Maintenance (Applies) Q Risk (N/A) Q Potable Water (N/A) Q Recreational (Spas) (Applies) Q Stream Stabilization (A) Q Solids Transport (N/A) Q Aquifer Recharge (N/A) Q Dilution (charge capacity) (A) The requeriments to estbaliz an ecological flow in the Boa site at Sabanetas and Jagua at Los Limones were mentioned above, this is: Q Aestethic and landscaping characteristics, Q Recreational (Spas), Q Dilution (charge capacity) and Q Habitats. The other requirements were not considered because of the geomorphological and biological conditions of the riverbed downstream. (Herrera, 2006) reports that the “local fish population has been suffering several impacts”. One of the main impacts on the dam sites and downstream of these was Hurricane David in 1979. The locals reported that before this event there was abundance of fish species, especially Mountain Mullet (Dajao). In the Harza Factibilty study (Harza , 1985, appendix D, pg. 24) it says that the force of the currents (torrencial rivers) and the rocky substrates of the riverbeds notably affect the aquatic environments, making the productivity of the rivers to be poor because of the scarcity of nutrients, that independently from the influence of the currents, it offers poor opportunity for aquatic COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 121 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA plants to grow. The same factors have influenced the aquatic fauna. From the fauna, insect larva were observed, which increments their numbers in the backwaters. Bao River in Sabaneta (area: 270 km2) The dam site in Sabaneta was located 2.3 km upstream of the confluence with Antón Sape Bueno (in the current project it is estimated that the dam site will be approximately 200 mts upstream of the confluence with Antón Sape Bueno creek). The watershed area in the first scenario is 270 km2 and the second scenario is 296 km2. There is a series of 30 years of data of flows generated (61- al 90), which includes the most critical drought period; this period includes the minimum mean annual flow (2.88 m3/seg ) from year 70 and the minimum mean monthly flow (0.83 M3/seg). In the observed data for Bao in Aguas Caliente there is an absolute minimum flow of 3.29 m3/seg in the month of April 1983. Jagua River in Los Limones (aárea: 85 km2) Six small tributaries enter the next 6 km with flows of 0.1 m³/s to the entrance of the Gurabo creek that contributes 0.6 m³/s to the Jagua River. In el Jagua River in the Higuero a minimum flow of 1.5 m3/seg was observe don Marcho of 1984. Althought the dam site of the selected alternative is downstream of the confluence, the Sabaneta Reservoir will be constructed with a device to ensure the minuimum ecologicla flow flow of 0.75 m3/s plus the total influent flow from Antón Sape Bueno and the 0.24 m3/s from the Sabaneta Dam. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 122 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Table 4.46: Resultant Minimum Ecological Flow Watershed Sabaneta Dam Los Limones Dam Area in Km2 Specific Flow Mean Annual Flow (m3/s) 271 79 0.031 0.0305 7.50 2.41 *Minimum Ecological Flow Flow (10% of mean annual flowv in m3/s) 0.75 0.24 Maximum and Minimum Flows (Original Report completed by EDH, S.A.) The maximum annual flows evaluation was part of the “Revisión Hidrológica del Project Hidroeléctrico Las Placetas” (Las Placetas Project Hydrological Revision), Dec. 2007 study mencioned before. As part of the Environmental Impact Assessment, a summary of the results with the most relevant information will be included. Metodology: With the maximum average monthly and annual flows data registered by the stations in Bao at Sabaneta, Aguas Calientes and Bao, and from Jagua River in the Higüero taken by INDRHI. The maximum annual flows in the points of interest were taken for the period of 44 years, 1961-2004, and the time of return has been calculated using the Weibull empirical distribution (details in Table 4.47). COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 123 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Table 4.47: Maximum Annual Flows Observad on Bao and Jagua Rivers Table 4.48: Maximum Flows Registered on Bao in Aguas Calientes and Jagua in the Higuero BAO IN AGUAS CALIENTES Date Q (m3/s) 08/06/80 41.82 05/23/81 46.04 06/08/82 75.90 06/13/83 58.62 09/19/84 55.68 JAGUA IN THE HIGUERO Date Q (m3/s) 08/09/80 27.13 22/05/81 162.74 12/06/82 49.79 13/06/83 56.62 23/09/84 29.26 The previous table shows that the maximum flow for this period in the hydrometric station of Bao River in Aguas Calientes is 75.90 m³/s on 06/08/82 and 162.74 m³/s on 05/22/81 for the Jagua River in the Higüero; the simulated flows fir these years are 92.15 and 298.25 m³/s, respectively as shown in the following table. With the application of the model, maximum annual flows in the points of interest were obtained for the period of 44 years, 1961-2004. The flows are detailed in Table 4.48 to which the time of return have been calculated using the Weibull empirtical distribution and have been placed in descending order. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 124 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA The evaluation of the maximum annual flows required the revision of hourly rain intensities registered in Mata Grande and Manabao. Finally, the flows obtained by substracting the daily rain from the hourly rain from patterns in stations were accepted as representative. The maximum annuasl flow with return period of 25 years, adjusted to the log-Pearson III distribution, QTr25, is 751.90 m3/s for the Bao River in the dam site and 296.69 m3/s for the Jagua River in Los Limones. The PMP was assumed as the one recommended by JLH Paulhus for the watershed of the Tavera-Bao project. It was use the hurricane model with East-West trayectory determine the temporal-space distribution of rain. In the case of Bao River in the dam site the values of PMP obtained from the model were adjusted so that the depth-areaduration curves coincide with the JLH Paulhus curve. The maximum probable precipitation o the watershed to the dam site of Bao River (segments 41 and 42) for a 48 hours duration, adjusted to the JLH Paulhus depth-areaduration curves is 954.4 mm, with maximum intensity of 116.5 mm in hour 27, for segment 41. For Jagua River watershed in Los Limones (segment 51) the total is 1021.4 mm, with a maximum intensity of 155.0 mm in hour 28. The peak of the probable maximum flow in the Sabaneta dam site is 4,703 m3/s, with a volume in 96 hours of 148.777 MMC. The Jagua in Los Limones corresponding values are 2,497.60 m3/s and 55.965 MMC. The hourly rain logs were revised in detail using a calculations program written for this purpsoe; the maximum annual hourly rains from the four (4) rain stations used were determined, extending to the period of 1961-2004. Table 4.49 summarizes the results, including the date (year, month, day and hour) in which the hourly rain of maximum annual intensity occured, calculated based on the logs received by INDRHI. The indicated return period corrresponds to the Weibull empirical distribution. Table 4.49: Comparison of Maximu Annual Flows Bao Wiver in Sabaneta (m3/s) Tr (años) 5 10 25 Hydrocomp 1978 180 210 300 Original EDH I. 1961-1986 1961-2004 301 405 484 658 830 1128 Reduced EDH I. 1961-1986 1961-2004 211 253 359 418 679 752 As shown in Table 4.49, the maximum annual flows adjusted to the log-Pearson III distribution, reduced intensity series, although superior, are closer to the ones obtained by the original intensity, especially in the período1961-1986. In this report, the peak inflow to the Bao Dam (923 km2) was estimated and Tr = 30 years, in 460 m3/s. Minimum Flows COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 125 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA The two dams in this project affect the volumes of water in the lower sections of the structures. At the time of the feasibility study the flow data was 7.5 m³/s, with a minimum flow of 0.4 m³/s; the effect of the flow reduction caused by the rerouting of Boa River in Sabaneta to Jagua River in Las Placetas is compensated from the influent flows from Antón Sape Bueno creek, which has a seasonal flow of 0.2 m³/s. These flows do not generate runoff on the riverbed, but certain inflows downstream of nine additional tributaries contribute a flow of 0.6 m³/s, plus the flow from Jamamú (dry station flow of 0.5 m³/s). Q average Bao in Sabaneta Q min Bao in Sabaneta Q min Antón Sape Bueno Q tributaries (10 Km desde presa) 9 tributaries Q min Jamamu 7.5 m3/sec 0.4 m3/sec 0.2 m3/sec 0.6 m3/sec 0.5 m3/sec Source: HARZA Estudio de Factibilidad Volumen III (Factibility Study Volume III) Jagua River has a flow of 2.4 m³/s on the dam site and a flow of 0.3 m³/s downstream. A minimum flow of 1.5 m3/sec was observed on marzo 1984 in Jagua River in the Higuero. Q average Jagua Q min Jagua Q tributary (6 tribuitaries) 6 km Q min A. Gurabo 2.4 m3/sec 0.3 m3/sec 0.1 m3/sec 0.6 m3/sec Water Quality In this section we present a clasification of the surface water quality of the different sources located around the project sections, having previously completed a sampling program of four points. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 126 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Table 4.50: Measurement of Electrical Conductivity (EC), pH and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Fuente Bao River Jagua River Antón Sape Bueno River Arenoso Creek Sampling Point Sabaneta Los Limones Base Level EC (μsiem/cm) 60 80 50 pH 6.6 6.9 7.0 TDS (ppm) 40 40 40 Base Level 160 6.6 70 Source: Estudio de Línea Base Project Hidroeléctrico Las Placetas (2006) To maintain an effective monitoring the selected points will be the same as the ones used for the baseline. These points have been sampled by INDRHI since 1989. Analysis of the new information collected For this work, samples taken from the discharge points in Bao River and Jagua River on the Higüero were analyzed. Both samples were taken the 25th of June, 2008 and were analyzed in the Instituto National de Aguas Potables y Alcantarillados (INAPA) laboratory, on June 26, 2008. The samples physical-chemical results from the INAPA laboratory are shown in the table below: Table 4.51: Water Sample Analyses Laboratory Results SOURCE STATION SAMPLING DATE ANALYSIS DATE TurbidIty Color pH Conductivity Dissolved Solids CO2 Calcium (Ca) Magnesium (Mg) Iron (Fe) Sodium (Na) Carbonates (CO3) Bicarbonates (HCO3) Sulfates (SO4) Chlorides (Cl) Fluorides (F) Total Hardness (CaCO3) Total Alcalinity Bao River Discharge Site 06/25/2008 06/26/2008 2.5 ntu 7.0 udc 8.0 95.0 µs/cm 61.0 ppm 1.0 ppm 30.0 ppm 16.0 ppm 0.0 7.0 ppm 1.0 ppm 51.0 ppm 0.0 7.0 ppm 0.4 ppm 46.0 ppm 52.0 ppm Jánico River The Higüero 06/25/2008 06/26/2008 3.98 ntu 8.0 udc 8.0 111.0 µs/cm 77.0 ppm 1.0 ppm 30.0 ppm 23.0 ppm 0.0 13.0 ppm 1.0 ppm 68.0 ppm 0.0 9.0 ppm 0.5 ppm 53.0 ppm 69.0 ppm In each of the samples from the two sources the result for the sulfate ion is zero. The classification of these are presented as a means of orientation, starting with the analyses COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 127 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA of the modified Stiff and Piper diagrams: the results obtained in these diagrams indicate that the waters from the two sources, for the dates showns, respond to the type of calcium and magnesium bicarbonates (see Piper y modified Stiff diagrams in Water Quality Appendix). It is important to clarify that a laboratory analysis of this type is not enough to classify the waters, since the pysical-chemical parameters sufer significant alterations due of several factors. The dominant presence dominante of calcium, magnesium and bicarbonate ions in these samples is related with the dilution of limestone rocks and the concentration of the rainwater. The absence of the sulfate ion sulfato could be related to the precipitation of such as calcium sulfate. As shown in the Wilcox diagram (annexed), the waters of both samples respond to the C1S1 type, which indicates that they have low salinity and low concentration of sodium ions. In conclusion it can be stated that the water samples analyzed from the sources mentioned are not enough to characterize said waters; for ir is recommended to perform a sampling and analysis schedule that include these and other sources of water arounf the project area. Estimation of the expected sediments The estimation of sediments was done by consulting company EDH, and for the purpose of this report, the conclusions of this estimation will be used for this study, which established two ranges, a general range and a probable range. General Range. It is important to say that the total sediments expected on the site of Bao River in Sabaneta will not be lower than the 1,606 m3/km2/year of sediments registered in the San Juan Sabaneta River, nor they will be higher than the 4,573 m3/km2/year of Hatillo. For the site on Jagua River in Los Limones, the values are the same as the previous case. Probable Range. Subject to more detailed evaluations, the excercise of giving weight to the characteristics of each watershed suggests that the range for Bao River in Sabaneta can be reduced to between 3,283 and 1,665 m3/km2/year. For Jagua River in the Higüero the numbers are between 3,802 and 1,780 m3/km2/year. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 128 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA The high ground of this region has been subject of intense agricultural activity that, together with an over-exploitation of its forestal resources, has left the cover of this zone in less than 30% of its total. This situation, added to the bad practices in the management of the soil resources and the physiographic characteristics of the region, have caused high levels of erosion, which affects the local population and the hydraulic works present in the area. According to bathymetric studies done on the Tavera reservoir in 1993 the volume of sediments reported was 35.9 millions cubic meters, which represents 20.7% of its storage capacity. It ss important to mention that, practically, all the high and medium ground of the region is dedicated to forest and crops, such as coffe and cocoa. On livestock, raising cattle has the most incident in the region, most specifically in the San José de las Matas and Jánico Municipalities. This activity increases the existing use conflict in the zone. Another problem in this part of the region is the large demand for wood and charcoal by the cassava and bread industry, for which currently there is no plan to provide possible alternatives to substitute this energy sources. Still, with the execution of important protection and management projects, (Sierra and Bao Plan), the region’s natural resources have suffered a continuous deterioration process, which requires that recovery activities be developed to stop and reverse the process. Motivated by the situation previously described, the Ejecutivo Power asigned the Agricultural College (Instituto Superior de Agricultura - ISA), through decee No.362 of 1994, The Safeguard and Protection Yaque del Norte River Watershed. In response to this designation, ISA developed a de Reforestation y Management of Yaque del Norte River Project, with a total budget of DR$549,814,576.61. Sai project contemplates sis subprojects: Water Quality and Quantity Management, Solid Waste Management, Forestal Development, Soil and Water Conservation, Socialeconomic Study of the Watershed and Environmental Education. 4.4 HYDROGEOLOGY The evaluated zone is located in hydrogeological zone No. 7 (Central Mountain Range – Cordillera Central), according to the Dominican territorial division from a hydrogeological point of view and its characteristics were described in the project’s part corresponding to regional geology and of details of the project. The limits selected for this evaluation comprise from the South, the strip that goes from the locality named El Cuco to the locality named Loma Pico, with an extention of approximetely fifteen kilometers; on the North it comprises the strip from Los Llanos to Jánico with an extension of approximetely twenty kilometers; on the East it comprises COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 129 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA the strip from El Cuco to Los llanos with an extension of approximetely twenty kilometers and on the West, the strip from Loma Pico to Jánico with an extension of approximetely twenty kilometers. Most of the surface of these lands is covered with magmatic-metamorfic rocks. Most of these rocks are not aquiferous and the water they contain moves through fissures and gaps or on the weathered tops. The zone’s existing poor data does not allow the link between observation points of the groundwater levels to obtain a general view in the form of isometrics maps of the groundwaters of the flow directions of these. The evaluations or studies completed previously indicate, in general terms, that this zone o mosto f it cannot be a reliable source of groundwater becuase mosto f the land surface has great elevations, the topography is rugged and the aquifer formations are almost non-existent. Other aspects that indicate the poor interest in the exploration of groundwater in the zone is the abundant availability of surface water and the low population density. As previously explained, that is to say that the poor hydrogeological information of the zone, this evaluation will be based only in describing the existing aquifer formations and its main characteristics in the lands selected. The predominant formation in the lands selected correspond to the Duarte (Kid) formation, which can be seen in the South, East and west strips and a small part of the North strip (see extract of hydrogeological map). In this case the formation is related to a local aquifer restricted to the free, fractured zones. It is composed of metamorphic rocks with very low permeability. The waters have from poor to good chemical quality and the aquifer, in general, can be clasified as of low hydrogeological importance. In the central part of the lands predominate the acidic intrusite rocks ácidas (Ia) (see extract of hydrogeological map), which represent a local aquifer restricted to the fractured zones, enlarged in some cases by systems of interconnection, free or confined. The aquifer is composed of Basic extrusive and associate intrusites. The permeability generally goes from medium to low. The waters are of good chemical quality and the aquifer can be classified as of medium to low hydrogeologocal importance. The other existing formation in the lands mentioned is the Taveras (Tigt) conglomerate andi t can be seen in the vicinity of the locality of Jánico, making contact with the Duarte COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 130 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA (Kid) formation through a nferred geological fault located to the South of Jánico (see extract from hydrogeological map). In this case, the aquifer is local and is found in fine layers or sandy lenses; it is of difficult exploration, in some cases it behaves as free and in other cases, as confined. In general terms, the aquifer is comprised of non-consolidated, clastic sediments, in the case when it behaves as a free aquifer, and by consolidated sediments when it behaves as a confined aquifer. The presence of these sediments in this zone is due mainly because of the drag or carry-over by the Jánico, Bao and Jagua Rivers. The permeability is generally low; the Chemicals quality of the waters is generally good. In general terms, the aquifer can be clasified as of low hydrogeological importance. In conclusion it can be said that the materials that compose the aquifer formations located on the selected lands for this evaluation are of low permeability and, therefore, these aquifer formations has low hydrogeological importance. Figure 4.40: Extract of Hydrogeological Map (1:250,000 Scale) COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 131 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA 4.5 FLORA AND VEGETATION 4.5.1 Introduction From the dawn of our existence, human beings have been closely related with the natural resources, and in a particular manner with plants. In its begginings the forests were pristine, robust and even impenetrable. Humans have been changing that reality in the entire World, in greater or lesser extent. Demografic growth, the large conglomerates, the growing demand for food ítems, comodities, recreation, movility, coverage and security and the need to develop water resources for human consumption, irrigation, energy production and other uses, has mean tan intensive and extensive expliotation of the natural resources and, in consequence, the alteration of the biological diversity, sometimes to alarming levels, although sometimes some of the intervations have been done in a rational way. It is logical that with the development of humanity with everyday growing demands, nature has to be intervened in some way, to some extend. Tecnology and the large equipment with capacity of large transformation have contributed much to the modification of the environments, considerably reducing forestall coverage and population of certain species to the point that these are treathened or have dissapeared. The destruction of the biological diversity, from anthropocentric positions, has created extreme positions, because trends of absolute protection have surged, which consider that nature cannot be touched. From this perspective it would seem that humans are not part of nature, but that it only includes irrational animals, the habitats and the inorganic materials. We are apart of nature and, as such, it is possible to make use of it. What need to be considered is that the resources, that we call renewables, are finite, which means, that they are exhausted and could dissapear. Then, it is necessary to take care of nature and use it in a racional and sustainable way, so that future generations and even the present generations not only do not have t olive in a hotile environment but that they can survive. The investments and the human interventions will be more sustainable and will have more security the more rationality is assumed with the natural resources that can be affected in any way. Law 64-00 about the Environment and Natural Resources in the Dominican Republic requires Studies or environmental statements, depending on the case, befote any human intervation in Nature, as to determine the quantity and the resources that will be impacted directly or indirectly. In the case of flora and vegetation, it will be determined if there are treathened or protected species, and the sensitive habitats that require special attention. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 132 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA This is the reason of this report, which has an inventory of flora, the description of the different environments, as well as the identification of the potential negative impacts and the recommendations or measures to avoid or mitigate the damaging effects. 4.5.2 The Study Area The study area, where the project named Las Placetas Hydrological Complex (“Complejo Hidroeléctrico Las Placetas”), is located in the zone corresponding to the mountainous formation known as La Sierra. It comprises the Municipalities of San José de Las Matas, including the Municipal District of Las Placetas, and Jánico, in the Santiago Province, in the Central Mountain Ridge, one of the largest geomorfological systems in the Dominican Republic (Troncoso, 1986). It is a mountainous zone with scarece inter-mountainous valleys. It constitutes the foothills of the Mountain Range to the north and descends to the Cibao Occidental Valley. The Hills and mountains are of low to moderate elevations (see Photo 4.42). Photo 4.42: General View of La Sierra According to the classification of Hartshorn et al. (1981), in the extention of the project, there are three Life Zones:, Sub-Tropical Rainforest, Very Humid Sub-Tropical Rainforest and Cloud Forest (both of pinewood and hardwoods). According to the coverage and land use map prepared by the Secretary of State of the Environment and Natural Resources (Moya P, 2004), in the zone there are: coniferous forests, hardwoods rainforests, intensive grazing and subsistence farming (see Photo 4.43). COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 133 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.43. View of Ruggedness in La Sierra The main crop is coffee, Coffea arabica, o the highlands, while at lower elevations what is cultivated is minor fruits, such as: yuca, Manihot esculenta; sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas; plantain, Musa x paradisiaca (Musa AAB); elephant ears, Xanthosoma caracu, and black malanga, Xanthosoma violaceum, for example. There is grass for cattle, with different forage species, mainly Gramineae. There also are forestal plantations, mainly of pines, Pinus occidentalis. This distribution of the zone by aridity index is reflected and evidente in the vegetative formations. The zone or sub-zone corresponding to the “semi-arid” category, near Jánico, that is, in the eastermost side of the Project zone, presents vegetation with an aspect more xerophytic than the other side, which corresponds to the category of “humid-dry”. And it not only shows in the aspect of the vegetation but also in the composition of flora. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 134 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.44. Syzygium jambos, dominates the riparian vegetation of the zone In the “semi-arid” zone there are species such as: robin tree cactus, Pilosocereus polygonus; Gumbo-limbo, Bursera simaruba; tabacuelo, Pictetia sulcata; o guano barrigón, Coccothrinax fragrans, that are not presento n the other side. Instead, in the category corresponding to “humid-dry” zone there are species that are nor presento n the other side or are scarcer, such as: cabirma, Guarea guidonia; amacey, Tetragastris balsamifera; and aguacatillo, Beilschmiedia pendula. In general terms, in the zone predominates the domesticated or man-transformed ecosystems. That is, the natural vegetation has been replaced by different human activities, mainly agriculture and livestock. The forestal coverage is basically of second growth, except decreased relicts of riparian vegetation (see Photo 4.44), since the Malay apple, Syzygium jambos, is a very aggressive invasive species and has become dominant, displacing or impeding the propagation of other species. However, in the last 3-4 years a disease is attacking the Malay Apple, for large populations have been affected and other species have been able to propagate. The protected areas closer to the zone of study are: el Armando Bermúdez National Park and the so-called “Multiple-Use Forestal Reserves” (“Reservas Forestales de Uso Múltiple”) of Alto Mao and Alto Bao, according to the protected areas system map of 2002 (Moya P., 2004). According to the map of areas of high endemismof vascular flora in the Dominican Republic, these are not found in the zone of the execution of the project (Moya P., 2004). COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 135 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA 4.5.3 Methods This study was done between the months of June and July of 2007, in the zone called La Sierra, belonging to the Central Mountain Ridge, in the North Region of the Dominican Republic, and comprises the municipalities of Jánico, including the Municipal District La Placeta, and the San José de Las Matas Municipality, in the Santiago Province. The report has been developed with primary information from field data obtained by systematic sampling. Preferencial places were selected and lineal transects, whose length could vary from about 100 metros to more than 2 kilometers, according to the fragility of the environments or the nature of theintervention in different places. For instance, increase focus was given to the dam sites, both to the extensión of the sampled area as to the intensity and thoroughness of the inventory, since these places will be flooded. (The Maps Appendix shows the areas where field work was done). Nevertheless, a comprehensive bibliographic revision sobre plant associations in the Dominican Republic was done, including studies of flora of the zone or region on the Central Mountain Range, such a: Hager & Zanoni (1993), Peguero (1999 y 2004), Guerrero et al. (2002), May & Peguero (2002), and García et al. (2000). For the inventario of flora the methods for the study of vegetation of Matteucci & Colma was used, although modified. In total, 17 sampling points were done, who were located in eight stations (sections). The places sampled were: the Mata Grande dam reservoir area, which is identified in the Project as Sabaneta Dam. Samples were taken upstream and downstream of the confluence of the Bao River with the Antón Sape Bueno Creek, in addition to observing and logging in peripheral strips. Also, of the right margin of the Bao River was sampled, from the dam site to a bridge located in a place called “La Mina de Mata Grande” (the Mata Grande Mine), which crosses to the Sabaneta community. Through this path the road that will get to the Sabaneta Dam wall will be constructed. The flora and the vegetation were studied in a strip that will remain on the axis of the Sabaneta-Presa Dam tunnel of Los Limones. The Los Limones dam site was widely travelled, as well as the axis of the tunnel to this reservoir to the “Powerhouse”, which will be located near the town of Higüero. In addition, what will be the axis of the tunnel from the “Powerhouse” of Higüero to the Bao River, next to the Jánico Spa, was studied, where the river water from the turbines will be returned. This section was divided in two sub-sections, according to the characteristics of the vegetation. The first sub-section, called section 6 (“tramo 6”), extends from Higüero to approximetely a little just befote a place called La Cejita, from COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 136 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA where the changes in vegetation are notable, with the appearance of guano palm (Coccothrinax fragrans) populations and other species from dryer places than the highlands of La Sierra. The second sub-section or section 7 (“tramo 7”), continues from here to the Bao River Spa. Section 8 (“tramo 8”) constitutes the Bao River, where two sampling upstream and downstream of the Spa were made, respectively, in the proxinmities were the water will be reintegrated. In addition to the sampling in these sections, the Spa known as “Aguas Calientes” of the Bao River was also sampled, since it could be affected by the decrease in flow. However, the use of the Spa is fundamentally in the mineral water springs. The plants were roughly identifiedon on the field based on this report’s author experience and knowledge of the zone flora. Nevertheless, for specific epithets, confirm status and for other aspects, Catazús (1977), Rodríguez, Rodríguez & Fernández (1998), and Liogier (1982, 1983, 1985, 1986, 1989, 1994, 1995, 1996 y 2000) were consulted. The common names used in this report are based on the plant names used in La Sierra and the region, according to the “Diccionario Botánico de Nombres Vulgares de La Española“ (Liogier, 2000), Peguero (1999) and Peguero, García y Jiménez (2004). To determine the treathened or protected plants in the study site, General Law for the Environment and Natural Resources (National Congress of the Dominican Republic, 2000), the collection of environmental legislation of the Dominican Republic (Russo, 1999), the List of treathened Plants of the Dominican Republic (Peguero et al., 2003), the List of the International Convention of Commerce of Fauna and Wild Flora Treathened Species-Cites (World Center for Monitoring of Conservation, 1998), and the Red List of the World Union for Nature (Walter & Gillet, 1997) were consulted. 4.5.4 Composition of Flora The vascular flora of the places studied is composed 438 species belonging to 323 genera in 99 spermatophytes families, plus the Pteridophyta (ferns). The families that show the most richness of speceies are the following: Asteraceae with 38, Poaceae 36, Fabaceae 21, Rubiaceae 17, Euphorbiaceae 12, Meliaceae Solanaceae 10, and Bromeliaceae: 10 (see Flora List Appendix in consultant report and Figure 4.41). Asteraceae: 38 Poaceae: 36 Fabaceae: 21 Rubiaceae: 17 Euphorbiaceae: 12 COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 137 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Meliaceae: 10 Solanaceae: 10 Bromeliaceae: 10 The large number of species in these families is an indicator of the types of environments and the condition in which they are, since the families such as Asteraceae, Fabaceae and Poaceae are characteristic or have their largest populations in open, sunny and mantransformed areas. Gramineae (Poaceae) also have many species that are called “weeds” or plantas arvenses, ruderales o viales, which always accompany the different human activities done in intervened areas of Nature. Especies, 438 Generos, 323 Familia, 99 Figure 4.41: Flora List This means that despite the fact that the project will be executed in a zone next to the National Park and that these are mostly mountainous zones, their flora and vegetation have suffered significant changes, in consequence, manifesting itself in the floristic landscape. Biological Types Based on the life form, growth habit or biological type, the 438 species found in the places of the study are distributed as follows: 187 are grasses or herbaceous species, 100 arborescentes, 90 shrubby, lianas or vines (climbers and crawlers), 15 epyphtes and four estípites or palms (Figure 4.42). COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 138 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA 42 15 4 Arboles 100 Arbustos Hierbas Lianas 187 90 Epifitas Etipites Figure 4.42: Biological Types of Species Reported Here we see again manifested the condition of the type of environments that are present in the study area. The high percentage of herbaceous means that these are not closed areas where the forest covers most of it and light cannot penetrate. To the contrary, these are mostly open and sunny areas, where the heliophyte species proliferate as in the case of most of the Gramineae. Biogeografic Status Because of its original distribution or biogeografic status, the total of species reported for these palces is distributed as follows: 327 natives, of which 42 are endemic of the Hispaniola and 69 are exotic or introduced, of which 50 have been naturalized; that is, that have escaped cultivation and have been growing spontaneously, without human intervention. Instead, the remaining 19 are being cultivated (see Table 4.52 and Figure 4.43). COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 139 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA 19 42 50 Endemica Nat ivas Nat uralizadas Int roducidas Cult ivadas 327 Figure 4.43: Biogeografic Status of the Species Despite the high levels of human transformation of almost all the zone of study, it is notable that more than 70 percent of the species are autochtonous (endemic and natives). Among the Entre las endemics there are plants, as much relatively restricted distribution, like Lyonia buchii or guano palm, Coccothrinax fragrans, as well as wide distribution, such as the palmetto palm, Sabal domingensis, or the royal palm, Roystonea hispaniolana. Almost all the natives are of wide distribution. As for the exotics, many have been introduced intenionally by humans for distintos purposes: forage (guinea grass, Panicum maximum; para grass, Brachiaria mutica; star grass, Cynodon nlemfuense; elephant grass, Pennisetum purpureum and others), edibles by humans (pigeon peal, Cajanus cajan; plantain, Musa paradisiaca; banana, Musa sapientum; mango, Mangifera indica; avocado, Persea americana and different species of citruses, Citrus spp., for instance), ornamentals, forestals, and others. Level of Presence or Degree of Abundance For its level of presence or degree of abundance, the 438 species found in these places of the Las Placetas Hydroelectric Complex Project are distributed as follows: 32 are very COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 140 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA abundant, 195 are abundant, 185 are scarce and 26 are rare (Table 4.52 and Figure 4.44). However, the condition that presents each species applies to this zone only and not necessarily to the whole country or the Island. A plant that is rare in this place may be abundant in another place or region and viceversa. 32 Muy abundantes 195 Abundantes 185 Escasas 26 Raras 0 50 100 150 200 Figure 4.44: Level of Presence of the Species Among the rare plants, there are autochtonous, but also there are exotic. And on the other extreme, of the abundant and very abundant plants, there are autochtonous species, but also there are many introduced, that even have not naturalized yet, but they behave as pioners in open areas and even as invasives. Treathened and Protected Plants In the zone of direct influence and neighboring strips where the Las Placetas Hydroelectric project will be executed, 24 treathened and/or protected species were found, being that because of national legislation or by international agreements, of which the Dominican Republic is signatory. These 24 species correspond to 20 genuses in 12 families (see Table 4.52). Eight of the protected and treathened species are trees or dendriform, eight are epyphites, three are estyphytes or palms and two are herbaceous. Bacuase of their biogeografic status, they are distributed as follows: eight are endemic, 15 are natives and one is naturalized exotic. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 141 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA The fact that an introduced plant appears among the protected is becuase the Orchidaceae family, of which Oeceoclades maculata is part, is in the Cites List. Ten of these species are protected by national legislation (General Law for the Environment and Natural Resources, 2000; Peguero et al., 2003; Russo, 1999); eight are included in the International Convention of Commerce of Fauna and Wild Flora Treathened Species-Cites (World Center for Monitoring of Conservation, 1998); five are found in the Red List of the World Union for Nature (Walter & Gillet, 1997) Photo 4.45 presents a Agave, Agave antillarum. Photo 4.45: Maguey, Agave antillarum, protected species A species that is protected by national legislation, by Cites and by IUCN isSwietenia mahagoni, la famous Santo Domingo mahogany, which is the National Flower of the Dominican Republic, and it is protected because of the indiscriminate exploitation to which it is subject, since it is one of the World’s most coveted precious woods. See example of a royal palm, Roystonea hispaniolana in Photo 4.46. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 142 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.46. Royal Palms, Roystonea hispaniolana, protected species Law 64-00 for the Environment and Natural Resources, whch has integrated several laws, decrees and resolutions, protects 10 species becuase of the acelerated destruction or fragmentation of its habitats or becuase of the expliotation and irrational cropping or extraction of live individuals rom their natural environments, as it happens with the agave, Agave antillarum, with the royal palm, Roystonea hispaniolana, and with the palmetto palm, Sabal domingensis, for instance. A Pinus occidentalis is shown in the following photo (Photo 4.47) Photo 4.47. A pine, Pinus occidentalis, protected species COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 143 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA The IUCN protects the Hispaniolan pine, also called cuaba and pechipén, Pinus occidentalis; la sangre de gallo, Brunellia comocladifolia subsp. domingensis; el palo de la Reina, Lyonia buchii; la yagua, Tabebuia bullata, and the palo de yuca, Tabebuia vinosa. Pinus occidentalis, which is abundant and is found in the two largest national parks of the mountainous areas of the Dominican Republic. It was included in the Red List of IUCN when the sawmills were preying on all the pinewoods of the three mountain ranges in the country. With respect to the yagua, Tabebuia bullata; el palo de yuca, Tabebuia vinosa; la sangre de gallo, Brunellia comocladifolia, and the palo de la Reina, Lyonia buchii, they were included in the Red List of IUCN becuase of the destruction of the hardwood cloud forests where they grow. They are relatively abundant species, but the advance of the agricultural frontier has to be consider; besides, besides that they are endemic species and only grow in determined altitudes and environments that can be considered fragil. An example of a palmetto palm, Sabal domingensis, protected species, is shown in Photo 4.48. Photo 4.48. An example of a palmetto palm, Sabal domingensis, protected species Table 4.52. Treathened and/or Protected Species in the Area of the Project Scientific Name Agave antillarum Prestoea montana Roystonea hispaniolana Sabal domingensis Tabebuia bullata Tabebuia vinosa Ceiba pentandra COR-01-EI-004-07 Common Name Agave Manacla Royal palm Palmetto palm Yagua Palo de yuca Kapok Family Agavaceae Arecaceae Arecaceae Arecaceae Bignoniaceae Bignoniaceae Bombacaceae Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media BT H Et Et Et T T T S E N E E E E N PI L L L L U U L Page 144 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Scientific Name Tillandsia pruinosa Tillandsia usneoides Brunellia comocladifolia subsp. domingensis Pilosocereus polygonus Rhipsalis baccifera Lyonia buchii Cyathea arborea Cyathea furfuracea Cederla odorata Swietenia mahagoni Common Name Piñita de palo Barba de viejo, guajaca Sangre de gallo, palo de perico Robin tree cactus Fruta de culebra Palo de la reina Helecho macho Helecho macho Cedar Mahogany Family Bromeliaceae Bromeliaceae Brunelliaceae BT Ep Ep T S E N E PI L L U Cactaceae Cactaceae Ericaceae Cyatheaceae Cyatheaceae Meliaceae Meliaceae Sh Ep T Sh Sh T T N N E N N N N Dichaea glauca Dichaea hystricina Epidendrum ramosum Jacquiniella teretifolia Oeceoclades maculata Pleurothallis domingensis Pinus occidentalis Orchid Orchid Orchid Gramita de palo Lengua de suegra Orchid Hispaniolan pine Orchidaceae Orchidaceae Orchidaceae Orchidaceae Orchidaceae Orchidaceae Pinaceae Ep Ep Ep Ep H Ep T N N N N Na N N C C U L L L C,L, U C C C C C C U Leyenda: Biological Types (BT): T = tree, Sh = shrubs, Ep = epyphite, Et = estyphite, H = herbaceous (grass). Biogeografic Status (S): E = endemic, N = native, Na = naturalizide. Protection Instrument (PI): C = Cites, L = National Legislation, U = IUCN. Environmental Associations. Description. Types of Environments of Vegetatative In general, the vegetation in the study zone is pinewwods of low and medium altitute, harwoods rainforests and riparian forestss. However, the human presence in the region since hundreds of years has modified the natural environments, for there are numerous artificial environments, human-transformed or domesticated ecosystems, such as agricultural crops, grasslands for cattle and forestal farms, for instance. To this, we have to add orchards and farmyards with numerous ornamental plants. Section I What is called “Section I” in this report is the sampling station for the riparian vegetation of THE Bao River, upstream and downstream of the dam site and the confluence of this river with the Antón Sape Bueno Creek. Since the river is the limit of the protected area of the Armando Bermúdez National Park, the study covers the left margin (inside the park) and the right margin (outside the park). Riparian Vegetation COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 145 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA In general terms, the vegetation of both places sampled is riparian vegetation, which is a mixed forest of pines and hardwood species. Because the river runs through a deep depression, the trees reach great heights looking for sunshine, either on the slopes or on the narrow bottom. There are trees that reach more than 20 meters. In both sides there are relics of the original vegetation, but there was human transformation, replacing local autochtonous species for crops, as can even beseen on the protected area, where the inventory shows species such as coffee, Coffea arabica, and bitter orange (Seville Orange), Citrus aurantium, that stay as persistent after the cultivation. Photos 4.49 and 4.50 show riparian vegetation of the Bao River in Mata Grande and of the Antón Sape Bueno Creek near the confluence with the Bao River. Photo 4.49. RiparianVegetation of Bao River in Mata Grande Besides the Hispaniolan pine o cuaba, Pinus occidentalis, the royal palm, Roystonea hispaniolana, also grows and the most obsewrved dendriform hardwoods are: cigua amarilla, Ocotea leucoxylon; cigua prieta, Ocotea patens; yaya prieta, Guatteria blainii; pumpwood, Cecropia schreberiana; Ice-cream-bean, Inga vera; palo amargo, Trichilia pallida; palo blanco, Drypetes alba; corazón de paloma, Colubrina glandulosa var. antillana; yagua, Tabebuia bullata; nisperillo, Matayba domingensis; jaiquí, Pera bumelifolia; palo de yuca, Tabebuia vinosa, and many specimens of fuquete o guaraguao, Buchenavia tetraphylla, among others. It is notable to say that in this section the Malay Apple, Syzygium jambos, is very scarce. In the intermediate stata predominate shrubs and young trees. Among others, we can find: chalina, Rhytidophyllum grandiflorum; palito de leche, Tabernaemontana citrifolia; chicharrón, Clerodendrum spinosum; palo del rey, Dodonea viscosa, and azota potranca, COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 146 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Allophyllus crassinervis. The herbaceous species are scarce becuase the forest has become dense in this place. The most common are: bruja, Bryophyllum pinnatum; cortadera, Scleria lithosperma and Scleria secans; cejúa, Pilea setigera, Pilea microphylla; alcarrizo, Lasiacis divaricata and Lasiacis sorghoidea. Photo 4.50. Confluence of Antón Sape Bueno Creek with Bao River There are some lianas or woody vines of the few that can tolerate shade, such as: bejuco de costilla, Paullinia pinnata; mate colorado, Canavalia nitida; tibisí, Arthrostylidium multispicatum, and parra cimarrona, Vitis tiliifolia. In la zone closer to the water, the riparian species, which are aquatic, are: cañabrava, Gynerium sagittatum; yerba de jicotea, Polygonum hidropiperoides; junquillo, Eleocharis sp.; yerba de jicotea, Ludwigia spp. And otherss, mainly from Poaceae and Cyperaceae families. Crops In la right margin of Bao River, the zone is totaly transformed by human intervention, and there are pasture cattle as well as agricultural crops that include permanen crops such as coffe, Coffea arabica, and minor fruits, such as: common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris; coco yam, Colocasia esculenta; Banana, Musa sapientum; Plantain, Musa x paradisiaca (ver Photo 4.51), and black malanga, Xanthosoma violaceum. In this open or cultivated is notable the presence of naranjilla (“little orange”), Solanum quitoense var. septentrionale, a fruit native of Ecuador, introduced and rapidly escaped from cultivation, becoming an invasive species. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 147 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.51. Plaintain Cultivation, Musa x paradisiaca Section II It is the riparian portion of the Bao River that extends from the dam site in Mata Grande or “Sabaneta Dam” to 200 meters downstream of the bridge over the same river, on the road to the Sabaneta community (see Photos 4.52 and 4.53). In this section, on the left margin of the river are the settlements of Mata Grande and La Mina, where there predominates the cultivation in orchards and farmyards. The cultivated species, with some variations, are no different from the crops in Section I. The cultivation of limoncillo de té or citronella, Cymbopogon citratus, a commercial species for the extraction of essential oils, is very extensive. Photo 4.52. Riparian Vegetation of Bao River COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 148 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA On the right margin, although uphill there are grazing lands and orchards, on the hillsides there is a bank of autochtonous dendriform species, such as the Ice-Cream-Bean (Guama), Inga vera; pumpwood, Cecropia schreberiana; Malay Apple, Syzygium jambos; palo de burro, Dendropanax arboreus, and víbora o pinga de perro, Oreopanax capitatus. On the shores, on the flood areas there are numerous herbaceous species, including many exotic escaped from cultivation, yendo such as: yautía de puerco, Xanthosoma sp. and coco yam Colocasia esculenta. Photo 4.53. Partial View of a bend of Bao River Section III This section extends from the dam site in Mata Grande to the Los Limones reservoir, in the vicinity of Las Placetas. It is a zone widely impacted by human activities. The following environments are found there: Grasslands or Grazing lands Herbaceous species predominate, with scattered trees. The main herbaceous species are foraging Gramineae, such as yerba de guinea, Panicum maximum; yaraguá, Melinis minutiflora; sinaí or yerba de San Ramón, Brachiaria brizantha. Other herbaceous species that grow among the forages are, for instance: escoba, Sida rhombifolia; buttonweed, Spermacoce assurgens; Red Natal Grass, Melinis repens; anamu, Pavonia fruticosa; cadillo de gato, Cenchrus echinatus; cadillo de burro, Triumfetta semitriloba, and malva té, Corchorus siliquosus, among others. (Ver Photo No.4.54). COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 149 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.54. View of grassland where the Tunnel will pass Among the dendriform species there are: pine, Pinus occidentalis; pino caribe, Pinus caribaea; coffee cimarrón, Stenostomon suberanthus; palo de la Reina, Lyonia buchii; royal palm, Roystonea hispaniolana; Ice-cream-bean, Inga vera, and pumpwood, Cecropia schreberiana, among others. In addition, there are shrubs, among other species: buzunuco, Hamelia patens; guayabo, Psidium guajava; several species known as rompezaragüey, Eupatorium illitum, E. odoratum, E. gabbii and E. gibbosum. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 150 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Crops The main crops are coffee, Coffea arabica, and minor fruits, like: bananas, Musa sapientum; yautía, Colocasia esculenta; common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris; yuca, Manihot esculenta, and other species species. Photo No. 4.55 shows areas of tree fallings and readied to be cultivated. Photo 4.55: Agricultural crops can be observed surrounded by pinewoods. Patches of pines, Pinus occidentalis In these patches, next to Pinus occidentalis, other species with wide leaves grow, such as dendriform, shrubby, herbaceous and lianas (climbers y crawlers). See Photo No. 4.56. Photo 4.56: General View of Pinewoods in Elevations next to Bao River COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 151 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Riparian Vegetation On the shores of the rivers, creeks and gullies, like La jagua and others, grows a riparian vegetation basically dominated by Malay Apple, Syzygium jambos. Photo 4.57 presents a panoramic view of the riparian vegetation of the Jagua River Photo 4.57: View Riparian Vegetation if Jagua River COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 152 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Patches of manacla, Prestoea monta In elevated slopes in this section, mainly next to the place called El Peñón, there are patches of manacla, Prestoea montana. Section IV This section constitutes the dam site of Los Limones. More than two kilometers were traveled, mostly upstream, on the zone that will be flooded on Jagua River and El Peñón River, which ends in Jagua. In addition to the riparian vegetation, on the shores there are other crops. Riparian Vegetation The species that widly dominates the riparian vegetation here is the Malay Apple, Syzygium jambos, whose populations are apparently affected by fungus or a virus. Upstream of the dam site, there are several species of hardwoods, with tall specimen that grow more than 20 meters. Among the main species, there are: amacey, Tetragastris balsamifera; Ice-cream-bean, Inga vera; pumpwood, Cecropia schreberiana; cedar, Cedrela odorata; jina criolla, Inga fagifolia; several species of the Ocotea genus; palo amargo, Trichilia pallida, and mara, Calophyllum calaba, that apparently have been planted there (see Photo 4.58). Photo 4.58: Riparian Vegetation on the Dam Site of Los Limones COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 153 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Crops The main species cultivated on the shores of the Jagua and El Peñón rivers are: coffee, Coffea arabica, and banana, Musa sapientum, in addition to other minor fruits. Since coffee needs shade, which is the “typical” variety, among the plantations are well preserved trees. On the elevations next to the dam site, mainly to El Peñón, there are patches of Hispaniolan pine, Pinus occidentalis, with specimens of mostly second-generation growth, on slopes. Some hardwoods species not different from the ones mentioned before in this report are being established. In some places there are caribbean pine, Pinus caribaea (see Photo 4.59). Photo 4.59: General View of Pinewoods near Jagua River Section V This section constitutes a strip that will include the axis of the tunnel from the Los Limones Reservoir to the vicinity of Higuero. In this place the open areas predominate, especially grasslands and minor fruit crops. Grasslands with Trees The main species are forage Gramineae, together with other dendriform species, such as pine, Pinus occidentalis, as well as hardwoods: Malay Apple, Syzygium jambos; palo santo, Myrsine coriacea; caimito, Chrysophyllum oliviforme, and others. The main shrubs are: garrapatita, Miconia laevigata; pelúa; Miconia umbellata, and Miconia stenobotrys. In addition, there are numerous lianas, like: bejuco caro, Cissus verticillata; bejuco de COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 154 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA costilla, Serjania polyphylla; guatavo, Ipomoea indica, and bejuco de ratón, Cissampelos pareira. (see Photo 4.61) Photo 4.60: Grassland with scattered pine trees Section VI This section starts in Las Placetas over the strip that will include the axis of the tunnel that will return the water used in the turbines to the Bao River. It ends near the community called La Cejita. Here the dominant environments are grasslands with scattered trees. The main dendriform species are: royal palm, Roystonea hispaniolana; mango, Mangifera indica; penda, Citharexylum fruticosum; palmetto palm, Sabal domingensis; Ice-cream-bean, Inga vera, and a few specimens of lana, Ochroma pyramidale. Photos 4.62, 4.63 and 4.64 present panoramic views of Section VI. Photo 4.61: Forestal Plantation of Pinus occidentalis COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 155 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.62: Grassland with scattered trees in Section VI This section has gullies and ravines with fine banks of vegetation where water runs when it rains and is dominated by the Malay Apple, Syzygium jambos. Nearby there are forestal cultivation of Hispaniolan pine, Pinus occidentalis, and minor fruits and fruit trees, as well as ornamental species in farmyards and orchards. Photo 4.63: Grasslands with planted pines Section VII This section extends from the vicinity of La Cejita to Bao River. The environments and the floral landscape are still generally dominated by graslands with trees. But change is noticeable, since species present characteristics of zones drier than the elevations of the mountain range. More noticeable are populations of guano palm, Coccothrinax fragrans, and is more common the palmetto palm, Sabal domingensis, as well as shrubby species COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 156 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA such as: palo de cotorra or reselesuele, Randia aculeata, and even small populations of the cactus called robin tree cactus, Pilosocererus polygonus. (see Photo 4.65). Photo 4.64: View of the vegetation in Section VII; dam trail of Bao River to the foreground Section VIII Is the riparian vegetation of Bao River, upstream and downstream of the Spa of the town of Jánico. Here the riparian vegetation is composed of species different from the ones in the highlands. The forest is well preserved, mainly of the left margin. It shows xerophytic aspect, since the substrate is limestone rock with large percolation, which does not retain water and produces a por physiological drought. For this reason, are most notable species belonging to dry forests, microphyll and with thorns, suc as robin tree cactus, Pilosocereus polygonus. View of the riparian vegetation on the Bao Spa in Jánico (Photos 4.65, 4.66 and 4.67). Photo 4.65: Jánico Town Spa on Bao River COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 157 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA In general terms, this riparian vegetation can be described as a hardwood rainforest over rocky substrate, with three strata and of porte mediano, reaching the higher canopies about 10-12 meters, although there are taller specimens. The most abundant dendriform species are: Gumbo-limbo, Bursera simaruba; cuerno de buey, Exothea paniculata; palo de leche, Rauvolfia nitida; cigua blanca, Ocotea coriacea; caimitillo, Chrysophyllum oliviforme; jobobán, Trichilia hirta; caimito cimarrón, Chrysophyllum argenteum; memiso, Muntingia calabura, and many fruit trees introduced there, such as: mango, Mangifera indica, and limoncillo, Melicoccus bijugatus. Here excels the robin tree cactus, Pilosocereus polygonus. Photo 4.66: Riparian Vegetation of Bao River, near to the Spa of Jánico In the canopy or intermediate strata there are arbustivas and arbolitos, such as: palito de leche, Tabernaemontana citrifolia; escobón, Eugenia foetida; palo de cotorra, Randia aculeata; aguacero, Poitea paucifolia; tabacuelo, Pictetia sulcata; buzunuco, Hamelia patens, and mata caballo, Polygala penaea. Among the herbaceous there are: lengua de suegra, Oeceoclades maculata, as well as Cyperáceas and many Gramineae (Poaceas). The main lianas are: timacle, Chiococca alba; bejuco costilla, Serjania polyphylla, and oreja de ratón, Cissampelos pareira. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 158 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.67: Riparian Vegetation of Bao River, near the Spa of Jánico COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 159 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Riparian Vegetation Sampling was done to the riparian vegetation of Bao River, on the Spa called Aguas Calientes. The vegetation reaches a median to high growth. The main dendriform species are: jabilla, Hura crepitans; Ice-cream-bean, Inga vera; caimito cimarrón, Chrysophyllum argenteum; penda, Citharexylum fruticosum; casia amarilla, Senna siamea; guásuma, Guazuma tomentosa; palo de burro, Dendropanax arboreus, and palo amargo, Trichilia pallida. In addition, there are shrubs, lianas, herbaceous species and epífitas. (see Photos 4.69 y 4.70). Photo 4.68: Aguas Calientes Spa on the Bao River Photo 4.69: Riparian Vegetation of Bao River on the Aguas Calientes Spa Section IX (Complementary Study) COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 160 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA To continue the order of sections in which he area was divided for the field investigation, it was called “Section IX” the complementary study completed on the Higüero area, next to the Jagua River through the Jánico-Juncalito road, and it includes a Boa River section. The location of the “Powerhouse” and other conecting works as well as the new location for the return of the waters used in the turbines to the Boa River mean changes to the tunnels, relocation of the camps and open new roads. Photo 4.70: Higüero Spa, West of the bridge In the place called Higüero, west of the bridge over the Jánico-Juncalito road, and to the north of the Jagua River and its influent, called Los Plátanos, the Powerhouse wil be installed, and to the east of the bridge, near the Spa, the works camp will be established. These infrastructures will be connected through roads built parallel to the Jagua River and a section of its influent, the Los Plátanos River. On the other hand, the new place selected to return the waters to the Bao River are downstream of the Jánico Spa and the bridge on the Jánico-Los Cagüeyes road. Initailly, a place upstream of the Spa had been selected. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 161 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.71: Higüero Spa, East of the bridge Flora In this place, no species that was different to the ones in the general flora inventory of the project area was found. The flora is predominantly autochthonous (native and endemic), although there are several exotic species, both naturalized and cultivated. Types of Vegetation or or Vegetative Associations In the areas to be intervened in this place, it can be observed the following types of vegetative associations: Riparian Vegetation This type of vegetation is found on Jagua River and two of its influents: Higüeroand Los Plátanos. The first, to which the place is named, come in from the right whereas the second enters from the left and is closer to the “Powerhouse”. In general terms, the riparian vegetation does not differ much between the two river, and respect to the other similar environments described in the area of the project, there could be variations in composition due to the presence or absence of some species, but generally, they are much alike. A notable case on the Jagua River and its influents is that in this the section of its watershed the Malay Apple Syzygium jambos, is not predominant as is in Los Limones, for instance. Here it is rather scarce. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 162 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.72: Panoramic View of Jagua River, in Higüero In this type of environment several sampling and observation points were established: 306351 E / 2128967 N (proximities of the confluence of Jagua River with Higüero River); 306069 E / 2128475 (Los Plátanos River); 306447 E / 2129361 N (on the bridge over the Jagua River). Photo 4.73: Riparian Vegetation on Los Plátano River This reparian forest is of reaches a median to high growth, although there are some emerging tall specimens. The main arborescentes species: yarumal, Cecropia schreberiana; Ice-cream-bean, Inga vera; jina, Inga fagifolia; canela de la tierra, Cinnamomum grisebachianum; guázara, Eugenia domingensis; almendro, Prunus occidentalis; víbora, Oreopanax capitatus; amacey, Tetragastris balsamifera; palo amargo, Trichilia pallida; mara, COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 163 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Calophyllum calaba, and caimito cimarrón, Chrysophyllum argenteum, and palo de burro, Dendropanax arboreus. In addition, there are several specimen of mango, Mangifera indica, as a product of cultivation. Among the shrubs of the sotobosque there are: caimoní, Wallenia laurifolia; palito de leche, Tabernaemontana citrifolia; arito, Poitea galegoides; guayuyo prieto, Piper amalago; aniceto, Piper jacquemontianum; garrapatita, Miconia laevigata, and pelúa, Clidemia umbellata. Photo 4.74: Higüero River enters Jagua River to the right Among the herbaceous species there are of the most resistant to shade, such as: alcarrizo, Lasiacis divaricata y L. sorghoidea; pega-pega, Pharus lappulaceus; cejúa, Pilea setigera and some ferns like culantrillo de pozo, Adiantum pyramidale and A. tenerum. The tall Gramineae, named caña brava, Gynerium sagittatum, and other aquatic species such as yerba de jicotea, Ludwigia erecta; L. octovalvis, and cebolleta o sombrillita, Cyperus spp, grow abundantly in or near the water. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 164 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.75: Powerhouse Area, in the Higüero But on the shore grow diverse herbaceous species, mostly Gramineae that are cultivated on the surroundings, like guinea grass, Panicum maximum; yaraguá, Melinis minutiflora, and Brachiaria spp., as well as others naturalized, being forage or “weeds”, among them: celadilla, Melinis repens, and pajón haitiano or invasora, Bothriochloa pertusa. Among the climbers, one of the species most abundant is thel samo o zamo, Entada gigas; but there also are bejuco de pabellón, Trichostigma octandrum; bejuco de costilla, Paullinia pinnata, and oreja de ratón, Cissampelos pareira, among others. Photo 4.76: Riparian Vegetation on Jagua River Grasslands with trees COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 165 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.77: View from above of work camp area, in Higüero. This type of vegetative association is the predominant environment in the “Powerhouse”, and in such several sampling and observation points were established: 305096 E y 2129984; 305833 E / 2128452 N; 473127 E / 2130962 N; 472917 E / 2131588 N; 471408 E / 2134321 N, y 306046 E / 2135816 (highest area of the camp); 306352 E / 2129483 N (camp area adjacent to the Jagua River). Photo 4.78: Grassland in the Area of Construction of the Powerhouse In general terms, these grasslands or grazing lands with trees are similar to the ones described in other sections. The predominant Gramineae are: sinaí or San Ramón, Brachiaria brizantha; guinea grass, Panicum maximum, and the one called invasisve or pajón haitiano, Bothriochloa pertusa. But there are others that have been introduced as forage and that have naturalized, por instance yaraguá, Melinis minutiflora, which are COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 166 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA natives that grow wild in the zone, like pelúa, Digitaria ciliaris, or rabo de mulo, Andropogon spp. There are many other wide leave herbaceous: buttonweed, Spermacoce assurgens; verbena, Stachytarpheta jamaicensis; amor seco, Desmodium adscendens and D. incanum. Photo 4.79: Grasslands with Trees on the Powerhouse Area There are shrubs such as: buzunuco, Hamelia patens; guayuyo, Piper aduncum; guayabo, Psidium guajavo; pelúa, Clidemia umbellata; garrapatica, Miconia laevigata; rompezaragüey, Eupatorium odoratum, and doña sanica, Lantana camara. By being open and sunny places, there are numerous climbers, mainly vines such as: bejuco de caro, Cissus verticillata; bejuco de costilla, Serjania polyphylla; guatavo, Ipomoea indica; gratey, Dalechampia scandens; campanita, Turbina corymbosa, and oreja de ratón, Cissampelos pareira. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 167 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.80: Typical Vegetation if the Powerhouse Area The main arborescente species on the grasslands or potreros is the pine, Pinus occidentalis, be it becuase it has remained as relict in the areas intervened or because it has colonized after being removed from the forest. However, this is a pinewoods characteristical zone. Nevertheless, there are many hardwood trees like: Malay Apple, Syzygium jambos; caimito grande, Chrysophyllum cainito (scarce), Ice-cream-bean, Inga vera; jina, Inga fagifolia; palo santo, Myrsine coriacea, jobobán, Trichilia hirta, among others. Fruit trees considered persistent after cultivation are: mano, Mangifera indica, and avocado, Persea americana. Photo 4.81: Riparian Vegetation and Grassland on Los Plátanos River COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 168 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Crops In the neighboring areas, although mostly outside the area to be impacted directly, crops have been developed, as much for commerce as for subsistence. The main commercial crop is coffee, Coffea arabica. Other crops are, for instance: banana, Musa sapientum (Musa AAA), and plaintain, Musa x paradisiaca (Musa AAB). Most environments are located south of the Higüero and Jagua Rivers. In farmyards and orchards, there are other cultivated species, either ornamental, medicinal, for fruit, for shade, etcetera. Photo 4.82: Small Crops in the Powerhouse Area Area of Influence of Water Return on the Bao River The new place proposed for the water return (or “reintegration”) from the turbines to the Bao River is located downstream of the Jánico Spa, where the river make a tight turn and forms a “V” shape. From there on, there is a straight section with influence from the trail of the dam over the river. The high areas surrounding the river on its eastern or right side are covered mostly with grasslands with trees and the left margin, on the Boa community, villages and open environments with poor cover predominate. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 169 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.83: Panoramic View of the place of water return on the Bao River. Flora The flora in this section of the Bao River is no different from the inventory upstream where the return of the turbines water was initially established. It consists mostly of autochtonous dendriform and herbaceous species, although there are a high percentage of exotic plants, especially ruderal, vials and, or many fruit trees or shade trees, for instance. Photo 4.84: Area of Influence of water return on the Bao River COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 170 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Here two sampling and observation points were established. The first was located near the return of the waters from the turbines to the (310104 E / 2135177 N) and the other was located after a straight section, where the river has widened, forming a “lagoon”, due to the effect of the flooding (311069 E / 2135816 N). Riparian Vegetation The riparian vegetation in this section is a fine bank of trees, and in some areas it has even dissapeared due to the river flooding, mainly where it nears the dam trail, where a wide beach or “lagoon” is formed on the riverbed. The main arborescentes species are: jabilla criolla, Hura crepitans; Ice-cream-bean, Inga vera; memiso, Muntingia calabura; flamboyant, Delonix regia; caimito cimarrón, Chrysophyllum argenteum; casia amarilla, Senna siamea; guasuma, Guazuma tomentosa; palo amargo, Trichilia pallida, y jobobán, Trichilia hirta. Photo 4.85: Vicinity of la dam trail in the area of influence of discharge, Río Bao. There are many shrubs like: palito de leche, Tabernaemontana citrifolia; buzunuco, Hamelia patens; escobón, Eugenia foetida; Juanilama, Lippia alba (very abundant); palo de cotorra, Randia aculeata, and doña sanica, Lantana camara. Among the climbers there are: bejuco cascarita, Stigmaphyllon emarginatum; bejuco caro, Cissus verticillata; bejuco de costilla, Serjania polyphylla; bejuco pabellón, Trichostigma octandrum; oreja de ratón, Cissampelos pareira, and bejuco de jabón o de indio, Gouania polygama. Hay varias plantas acuáticas o palustres, sobre todo Poáceas y Cyperáceas. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 171 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA 4.6 FAUNA 4.6.1 Introduction Fauna in general, specially vartebrates as mammals, play a very important role within the ecosystems, reason by which the inventories of these, as well as the identification of the negative impacts that affect them and on the environment in general, are of vital importance, this is before, during and after the excecution of proyects that implies the construction of infrastructure works, as in the case of the Las Placetas Hydroelectric Proyect, in view of it could cause impacts, as much as to the species of the fauna as to the environment where they live. The inventories about the vertebrates fauna (amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals), imply the characterization of the species of the groups befote mentioned, that are associatedto the different existing vegetal formations within the study area. For the area of study there is general and specific information regarding the fauna and vertebrates (amphibians, reptiles and birds),among them are quoted: Plan de Manejo de la Cuenca del Río Bao, SEA (1981); Guía para la Identificación de los Anfibios y Reptiles de La Hispaniola, Schwartz & Henderson (1984); Sistema de Áreas Protegidas de la República Dominicana, Valdez y Mateo (1989); Plan de Manejo y Conservación del Parque Nacional Armando Bermúdez, HIDRÁULICA, S.A. (1997); Evaluación Ecológica Integrada del Programa de Conservación y Manejo de la Región Madres de Las Aguas, TNC (1999); Informaciones Generales de las Áreas Protegidas de la República Dominicana, SEMARN (2003); Descripción del Ambiente Físico- Natural y Socioeconómico de la Región del Proyecto Las Placetas, Hernández (2006); Los Parques Nacionales Armando Bermúdez y José del Carmen Ramírez (SEMARN, 2006). Other studies performed in the proximity of the Project area are: the studies about amphibians and reptiles of the Las Antillas, Schwartz y Henderson (1991); the investigations carried out by Wunderle & Latta (1996 and 1998); Latta & Wunderle (1998), which is related to both of the broad-billed Todys barrancolíes ecological species of the Isla Española, Wunderle (1999); Estudio de Impacto Ambiental del Proyecto Hidroeléctrico Manabao-Bejucal- Tavera, Intecsa-Inarsa, S.A. (2001). Also, throught the Isla Española such as the Dominican Republic we find La Diversidad Biológica en la República Dominicana (SEA/DVS, 1990 a y b). 4.6.2 The Objectives The objectives of this study are indicated below: COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 172 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Carry out inventories of the amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals’ species, with the purpose of making a characterization of them, and at the same time relate them with the different vegetal formations of the Project area; Identify the protected species, both at the national as well as the international scope; Verify and evaluate the possible impacts on the aforementioned fauna groups, as well as on the environment; Identify fragile or critical ecosystems, or of natural importance, as well as those protected by the national laws; Determine the possible Project damages on the fauna species and on the environment, to prevent, avoid and establish measures to mitigate the damages, through the elaboration of an environmental adaptation and management plan, for the benefit of present and future generations. 4.6.3 Methods The data on the amphibians, reptiles and birds included in the present inventory were obtained during the days 21 and 22 of June, 2007. During the inventory 19 walk trough were done including two during the night at the 17 sampling points established at the Project area and influence zones, except on point 9, which could not be sampled due to the flood of the Jagua river; in addition the existing environments were taken in consideration in each of them. The data on the mammals was collected afterwards. At each point it was registered the coordinates using the UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) system, at the begining and the end of the walk troughs performed in the Project area; also for some of the endangered species. The inventories were done following the transect method on each selected point, registering each of the species individuals observed or heard trough song, at both sides of them, which reached lengths comprised among 100 and 300 meters approximately. Concerning the amphibians and reptiles, the sampling were realizad taking in consideration the behavior and preferred environment, through active search among the vegetation found at the syudy area and influence zones, mainly at leaves, tree branches and logs, bushes and Gramineae, green fences, rotten trunks, rocks, stones and in the soil; in addition observations were made both inside and around the water bodies. Additionaly, people that live in the different communities located both inside and at the perimeter of the Project, were consulted. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 173 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Regarding birds, the counting was made through direct observations or with the use of binoculars with optics capacity of 8 x 50 millimeters. The identification of amphibians, reptiles and birds species was made by means of insitu observations or through the revision of documents and field guidances as: (Cochran, 1941; Henderson et al, 1984; Schwartz y Henderson, 1991; Raffaele, 1998; Powell et al, 1996 - 1999). The inventory of the species of the aforementioned groups was done in the period of time comprised among 8:30 am – 12:05 pm; 1:02 - 4:24 pm; 6:15 – 8:20 pm. The characterization of each sampled environment will be included in the Project’s botanical report. For the verification of the scientific names of some plants to which the fauna is associated, the “Diccionario Botánico de Nombres Vulgares de La Española” (Liogier, 2000) was consulted. 4.6.4 Results and discussion Brief description of the environments found in each of the Project areas, at which the different vertebrate fauna species (amphibians, reptiles and birds) were detected and reported, since the botanical report describes and characterizes each environment in a more detailed way. Sabaneta Dam and its influence area For the Sabaneta area and its environment, samplings were made in five (5) points, which are detailed below: 1. Dam site/ reservoir La Majagua, Mata Grande, which the Project denominates Sabaneta, located at the coordinates 290374E-2122745N. Here prevails the river bank vegetation and the hardwood forest with some pine trees; 2. Bao River y Arroyo Antón Sape Bueno confluence, downstream of the proposed reservoir lacation, located at coordinates 290762E-2123047N. Dominant environment, river bank vegetation and primary forest with hardwood some alterations; 3. Grazing land with trees at the influence area by which the tunnel that connects Mata Grande with Los Limones will cross, located at the coordinates point 291008E2123961N; 4. Mata Grande neighborhood, at the Rio Bao border, coordinates point 291594E2124328N. Altered hardwood forest, with presence of trees like malay apple, Icecream-bean, cupey, corazón de paloma and pine, among others; COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 174 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA 5. Around the bridge over the Bao River, on the way toward Sabaneta, at the place where it will be constructed the road toward reservoir La Majagua, Mata Grande, coordinates 293105E-2124753N. At this river neighborhood is the altered river bank forest, a little coffee plantation and potreros; among the common plants are Icecream-bean, guayuyo, coffee and Gramineae. Los Limones Dam and its influence area This area conform the following points: 1. Los Limones Dam site, the rivers Jagua and El Peñon confluence, it is located at the coordinates 302452E-2121581N. Here the riparian vegetationis dominated by malay apple; at the superior left margin of the Jagua River there are grazing land with trees, while at the superior right margin there are pinewoods; 2. Left margin of the Peñón River, way to the place known as Peñón, near the discharge location of the Jagua River; the point located at the coordinates 302240E-2121432N. The predominant vegetation is hardwood riparian forest, in good state of conservation; 3. Jagua River, upstream of the Los Limones reservoir and of the site denominated Dos Bocas, (two steams of the same river get together forming an islet); whose coordinates are 302240E-2121432N. This place is dominated by the hardwood riparian forest and coffee plantation with “mara” planted trees lines. Las Placetas Here a sampling point denominated point 7 was established; this point is located at the coordinate 301722E-2124586N. This point is precisely in a grazing area with wide leaves trees and pine trees. Spa Bao River and its area of influence This area conform the following points: 1. Proximity of the Bao River, in the Jánico-Juncalito, Spa ofthe community of Jánico. In this place the tunnel will reincorporate the water, after being passed through the turbines, to the Bao River; it is located at the coordinate 309274E-2135162N. In this point the riparian forest is still well conserved. 2. Bao River downstream of the tunnel discharge location and of the Spa of Jánico; it is located in the coordinates 309643E-2135236N. The dominant vegetation is the hardwood riparian forest. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 175 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Agua Caliente Bao River (Spa) Bridge This area is located at point 6, just around the mentioned river bridge, in the way towards Las Placetas community; the coordinates point is 300413E-2128555N. In all the border of the river is the riparian vagetation, followed by the hardwood forest and above grazing lands with pines and hardwood. Transmission Line It will possibly touch the following points: 1. Point located in the way of the Las Terrazas towards the Demajagua inside community, on the top of a hill known as Alto de La Manacla, whose coordinates are 302610E-2129465N. Here are grazing lands and very small patches of secondary hardwood forest; 2. Damajagua Adentro; point located at the coordinates 304311E-2129954N. 3. Hardwood riparian vegetation at a water stream; above, grazing lands with trees, also small farming and housings; 4. La Bija community, Jánico-Juncalito road, to the north of the proponed axis for the construction of the Los Limones - Bao River; it is located at the coordinates 304917E2130050N. In the area exists pine trees plantation and grasslands; 5. Point between La Bija and La Cejita communities, in the Jánico-Juncalito road, to the north of the proponed axis for the construction of the Los Limones - Bao River; coordinates 305176E-2130245N. In the area there are grazing lands with trees, forestal species crops and Patchouli plant, as well as minor fruits, and housings; 6. Las Cejitas community, around the Jánico-Juncalito road, to the north of the projected axis for the aforementioned tunnel, located at the coordinates 306533E2132757N. This area is constituted by grasslands with wide-leaves trees and palm trees. 4.6.5 Amphibians and Reptiles During the inventory realizad in the project area and its influence area 102 individuals were counted, distributed in 8 species of a total of 16 present in the study area. From these 7 correspond to the amphibians group and 9 to the reptiles (see the following table). The different species identified by the Works performed for the region of the Project by TNC (1999) and Hernández (2006), and the inventory performed by the State Secretary of Agricultura in 1981 at the Armando Bermúdez Nacional Park, could be added to the total of 16 species, which will add to the present inventory 14 more species for a total of 30 species for both groups (see list in Table 4.53). COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 176 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Table 4.53: List of amphibians and reptiles species at the Project area Groups/families Amphibians Bufonidae Hylidae Hylidae Hylidae Leptodactylidae Leptodactylidae Leptodactylidae Reptiles Anguidae Scientific Name Common Name Bufo marinus Status Geographical Distribution Total Individuals I t-am Report E t-r 2 E t-r Report E t-am 2 Cane Toad Hispaniolan green Hyla heilprini A tree frog Hispaniolan Giant Osteopilus vasta A Treefrog Osteopilus dominicensis Hispaniolan A Common Treefrog Eleutherodactylus abbotti A Abbott’s rubber frog Hispaniolan giant Eleutherodactylus inoptatus A eleuth Eleutherodactylus sp. Small frog E t-am 13 E E t-am 5 Report Celestus costatus N t-am Report E E E E N N t-am t-am t-am t-am t-am t-am Report 5 2 7 66 Report E t-am Report Polychrotidae Polychrotidae Polychrotidae Polychrotidae Polychrotidae Boidae Anolis baleatus A Anolis chlorocyanus Anolis Christopher Anolis cybotes Anolis distichus Epicrates striatus A Colubridae Antillophis parvifrons A Costate Galliwasp Dominican giant anole Blue-green anole Anole Large-headed anole Bark anole Haitian boa Hispaniolan black racer Blunt-headed green treesnaker Uromacer catesbyi A Colubridae E t-am Total 16 species Legend: Status: E= Endemic, N= Native, I= Introduced Geographical Distribution: t-am=all the Island-ample, t-r=all the Island-restricted A= Endangered Report 102 The amphibian species belong to the Anura order, Bufonidae, Hylidae and Lectodactylidae families and the Bufo, Hyla, Osteopilus and Eleutherodactylus genus, this last one represented by three (3) species. On the other hand the reptiles correspond to the Squamata, Subordenes, Lacertilia and Snakes order, Anguidae, Polychrotidae, Boidae and Colubridae families, as well as the Celestus, Anolis, Epicrates, Antillophis y Uromacer genus. Of these, the Anolis genus was the best represented, regarding the number of species, with five (5) taxon. All the amphibians species detected in the study area and its environment are endemic of the La Española island, except the “Cane Toad” (Bufo marinus), which is introduced. Regarding the reptiles, two (2) are natives and the other are endemic of the island, COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 177 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA resulting in a high number of endemic species for the first group, as well as for the second group, condition which is determined by the low dispertion capacity that the two group species possess (see Table 4.54). The local residents observed or reported amphibians as well as the reptiles species for the Project area and influence zones are widely distributed within the La Española, with the exception of the frog (Hyla heilprini y Osteopilus vasta), as well as the Dominican giant anole (Anolis baleatus) that although its distribution is ample it is restricted to the Dominican Republic. With respect to the amphibians, the species that resulted most common was the little frog (Eleutherodactylus abbotti) with 13 specimens, which is due to the fact that it does not have any particular habitat preference. Concerning reptiles, the most abundant species was the common lizard (Anolis distichus), represented by 66 individuals (Photo 4.86). Photo 4.86: Common lizard (Anolis distichus) The endangered amphibian species observed in the Project area and its influence area were the small frogs (“ranitas”) (Eleutherodactylus abbotti and Eleutherodactylus inoptatus), and the hispaniolan common treefrog (Osteopilus dominicensis) (Photo 4.87), al in the category of Lesser or Minnor Preoccupation (LC), according to the Internacional Union for the Consarvation of Nature IUCN (2006), as well as the frog (Hyla heilprini,) considered Vulnerable (VU) by the Global Amphibian Assens (2005). All located in the direct influence area of the Sabaneta Dam. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 178 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.87: Hispaniolan Common Treefrog (Osteopilus dominicensis) Other amphibians endangered species reported by different sources for the Project region are: the frog (Osteopilus vasta), the little frogs (Eleutherodactylus auriculatoides, Eleutherodactylus haitianus, Eleutherodactylus minutus, Eleutherodactylus patriciae and Eleutherodactylus pituinus), all in the category of Endangered both by the IUCN (2006) as well as by the Global Amphibian Assessment (2005), as well as the little frogs (Eleutherodactylus audanti y Eleutherodactylus weinlandi). Of these last two (2), the first one is registered as Vulnerable and the other as Lesser Proccupation (LC) according to the first organization. In the E. minutus particular case, the same is reported for the influence area of the Sabaneta Dam. Although it is true that the amphibian species mentioned in the previous paragraph were not observed in the present study, do not stop being important, not only for being endemic of the La Española, but because in addition some are also endemic of the Central Mountain range; to this it is added the endangered condittion in different categories established by the entities mentioned before. In the case of threatened reptiles, there are the Dominican giant anole (Anolis baleatus), the Haitian boa (Epicrates striatus), the Hispaniolan black racer (Antillophis parvifrons), and the blunt-headed green treesnaker (Uromacer catesbyi), all in the category of Vulnerable (VU) as per the SEA/DVS (1990 a and b) adopted criteria of the ICBP (1981). In addition, it shall be mentioned that the second species is included in the Appendix II of the Convention on Internacional Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES, 2006) (Convención Sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres). COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 179 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA The report of two (2) endemic is enphasized, which were located in the Sabaneta reservoir area and its influence area, these are Anolis etheridgei y Anolis insolitus. Consequently, almost all the amphibians and reptiles species that are identified as threatened, as a result of the loss and fragmentation of the habitats, of infrastructure developings, demographic expansion, increase of the agricultural frontiers, logging for charcoal, illegal trade of some species, among other reasons by which at the moment of the realization of a Project of this or other nature, it is of a vital importante to implement measures to prevent, avoid or mitigate the impact both to the environment as to the before mentioned species or groups. One may emphasize the value of biological controls of the amphibians and reptiles species, due to the reason that they include as their diet a great ammount of insects, many of them considered plagues that cause damage both to the men as to the national agriculture, which are constituted in controls, favoring the ecological equilibrium in the ecosystems, from there the importance from its conservation point of view. 4.6.6 Results by Areas Amphibians and Reptiles As can be observed in the following table, the environment that conform the area denominated Sabaneta Dam and its influence area contains the mayor ammount of species and individuals of amphibians and reptiles of the whole Project, followed by the Las Placetas, then the location where the transmission Line will pass, the Bao River Spa and its influence area, Los Limones Dam and finally Agua Caliente Bao River (Spa) Bridge, nevertheless, this last one holds the second position regarding the number of specimen. Those results could be influenced by different aspects, such as: type of vegetal association, soils composition, habitat of preference, disponibility of food, place for shelter, and climatic conditions, among other aspects. Table 4.54: List of amphibian species and reptiles, by areas of the Project Scientific Name Amphibian Bufo marinus Hyla heilprini Osteopilus vasta Osteopilus dominicensis Eleutherodactylus abbotti Eleutherodactylus inoptatus Eleutherodactylus sp. Reptiles COR-01-EI-004-07 I Report 2 Report 2 13 5 II Areas III Totals IV V VI Report 2 Report 2 13 5 Report Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 180 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Scientific Name Celestus sp. Anolis baleatus Anolis chlorocyanus Anolis christopher Anolis cybotes Anolis distichus Epicrates striatus Antillophis parvifrons Uromacer catesbyi Totals of species Totals of individuals Areas Totals Report Report 2 3 2 4 15 Report Report Report 14 43 6 Report 1 7 2 1 25 1 11 5 2 7 66 Report Report 3 8 6 2 3 11 2 26 2 12 102 Legend: I= Sabaneta Dam and its influence Area III= Los Limones Dam and its influence Area III= Las Placetas/El Higüero IV= Spa Bao River and its influence Area V=Aguas Calientes Bao River (Spa) Bridge VI = Transmission Line Sabaneta Dam and its influence area This area was represented by 14 species, 6 amphibian and 8 reptiles, including 7 reported by people resident in the Project area and its environment, with a total of 43 individuals registered (see Table 4.54). All the amphibian species are endemic of the La Española Island, except the cane toad (Bufo marinus) which was introduced to the island by the 1930’s, as biological control in the sugar cane plantations, which demonstrate that the large number of endemic species of that group is due to the low capacity to move from one place to another. Only the bark anole (Anolis distichus) and the Haitian boa (Epicrates striatus), among the eight (8) reptiles species, are only native non endemic of the island, which means that the large number of endemic species is due to the low dispersión capacity that the species of this group possess. The Abbott’s rubber frog (Eleutherodactylus abbotti) was constituted in the amphibian with the highest amount registered with 13 individuals. The bark anole (Anolis distichus) resulted in the highest number registered, with sixty six (66) individuals counted, but the anole (Anolis christophei) resulted in lowest registered number with two (2) individuals. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 181 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA The threatened amphibian species are the following: Hispaniolan green tree frog (Hyla heilprini), Hispaniolan Common Tree Frog (Osteopilus dominicensis), and the ranitas (Eleutherodactylus abbotti y Eleutherodactylus inoptatus); the first in the category of Vulnerable (VU) both by the Global Amphibian Assessment (2005) as well as by the IUCN (2006), and the others in Least Concern (LC) according to the IUCN (2006). The coordinate points where those species were found are indicated, by species, below: Hispaniolan green tree frog (Hyla heilprini) 291594E-2124328N at the Bao River bank; 290971E-2124922N at the border of the Matica de Plátano stream; Hispaniolan Common Treefrog (Osteopilus dominicensis) 291594E-2124328N; 291202E2124397N Mata Grande town; Abbott’s rubber frog (Eleutherodactylus abbotti) 2124753N; Hispaniolan giant eleuth (Eleutherodactylus inoptatus) 291594E-2124328N. 291594E-2124328N; 293105E- Threatened reptiles species are: dominican giant anole (Anolis baleatus), Hispaniolan black racer (Antillophis parvifrons), blunt-headed green treesnaker (Uromacer catesbyi) and the Haitian boa (Epicrates striatus), all in the category of Vulnerable (VU) according to the SEA/DVS (1990 a y b), adopted criteria of the ICBP (1981). This last one, is also regulated by the Convention CITES (2006), Appendix II. All of them were reported by the local residents of the visited communities. The amphibian species as well as the reptiles were observed, or their songs heard,int he first group case, associated to: riparian vegetation, primary hardwood forest,altered hardwood forest, cofee trees and grazing lands, basically on leaves, branches, troncos de árboles, bushes, herbs or other plants like malay apple, palm trees, pine trees, Ice-creambean, cupey, coffee tree, yautia, on green fences, on rocks, on the soil, on houses roofs, as well as in the river boddies surroundings; which means that these groups species use these environments as shelter, place to get their food, reproduction or make a diverse number of activities as lay in sun, copulate. Los Limones Dam and its area of influence Only two (2) reptiles’ species were registered in this Project area, one (1) species was reported by local residents of the zone. Of these, eight (8) individuals were detected. Among the reptiles only the anole (Anolis christophei) (Photo 4.88) is endemic of the island, whereas the Haitian boa (Epicrates striatus) and the bark anole (Anolis distichus) have been introduced in the island; in additionthis last one was the one that presented the higher registered number, with six (6) individuals. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 182 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.88: Lizard “Anole” (Anolis christophei) characteristic of this environment The only reptile species reported by the local residents, and that is threatened and included in the category of Vulnerable (VU) according toto the SEA/DVS (1990 a and b), criteria adopted from the ICBP (1981), was the Haitian boa (Epicrates striatus). Usually, the individuals of the reptiles’ species were found clinging to branches and trunks of common plants in the hardwood riparian forest, in grazing lands, pinewoods and coffee plantation with mara plantations, whose more common trees are: Ice-creambean, cabrima and malay apple. These are used by the species of this group as shelter, a way to obtain food, reproduction or to regulate their body temperature. Las Placetas / El Higüero In this Project site six (6) species are listed, of which five (5) were reported by the local residents. One of these is represented by two (2) individuals. In the case of the amphibians, only the Cane Toad (Bufo marinus) is introduced, theothers are endemic in the area of the island. They were reported by people of the different visited communities. With respect to reptiles, Anolis distichus is the only native species that is not endemic; the others are native and endemic of the island. The threatened amphibian as well as reptiles species reported by the residents in the Project zone, are the following: hispaniolan common treefrog (Osteopilus dominicensis) in Minor Preoccupation or Lesser Concern (LC) according to IUCN (2006) and the snakes COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 183 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA (Antillophis parvifrons y Uromacer catesbyi), both Vulnerable (UV) according to the SEA/DVS (1990 a and b), criteria taken from the ICBP (1981). The anoles species were observed on trunks and branches of common plants in grazing lands with pine trees and wide leaves trees, as in the case of mango tree, malay apple, palo de muñeco, etc., as well as green fences, due that these species are usually of arboreal habits. It is important to point out that this area has been heavily impacted, also some cows grazing were observed, as well as a recently elaborated coal furnace. Spa Bao River and its influence area In the mentioned Spa three reptiles species were registered represented by eleven (11) individuals, from these only the Bark anole (Anolis distichus) is native but not endemic, the others are native and endemic of the island. It was the one with the higher registered number with seven (7) individuals. This was the area where relatively less species and individuals could be observed. (see Table 4.54). Almost every species were observed clinging to branches and trees trunks as Jina, cabirma, real palm, Ice-cream-bean and jobo de puerco, common plants in the hardwood riparian forest present in the mentioned site; this indicates that these reptiles are associated with those substrates and to that kind of environment, which are used as shelter, place to get their food, reproduction or make a diverse activities as copulate, molt, and sun, among other things. Aguas Calientes Bao River (Spa) Bridge Among the different areas that conform the Project, the lower amount of species were observed in this site, two (2) in total, nevertheless is one with the higher number of individuals with 26; 25 of these corresponds to the species Anolis distichus, constituted in the most observed of that place, and the Anolis chlorocyanus the least observed with 1 individual. Relating to the status, the first species is native, whereas the second one is endemic of the island. Both species were detected on trunk trees of Ice-cream-bean, Jina, piñón cubano, cupey, pine trees, as well as on herbs, green fences, rotten wood, and on the rocks, whose trees COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 184 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA are charachteristic of the riparian vegetation, of the hardwood forest and the grazing areas. This behavior shown by those species results from the fact that they prefer this part of the trees to perch, search for food, sun or copulate. Transmission Line In this area, similar to the previous one, two (2) species of lizards were seen, represented by 12 individuals, 11 of them correspond to the bark anole (Anolis distichus) and the other to the Large-headed anole (Anolis cybotes), constituted the first one as the higher number registered. From the status point of view, the first is native and the second endemic of the La Española Island. The individuals of the species observed were seen perchados to trunk trees as pines, palo de muñeco, guarana, malay apple, Ice-cream-bean, piñón de cubano, among others, which are common in the following vegetative associations found in the study area, potreros, grasslands with hardwood trees, palm trees, secondary hardwood trees patch hardwood riparian vegetation, pines plantation, forestal species and minor fruits crops, etc. The presence of these lizards shows the dependence of them with the different environments mentioned, since they are used as hanger, shelter place, to obtain food, copulate, as well as other vital activities. 4.7 BIRDS During the walk thruoghs performed in the Project area 31 species were detected, 17 residents, 11 endemic, 1 settler, 1 migratory with resident populations, and one introduced (see Table 4.55). Table 4.55: Birds by Areas, Las Placetas Project Areas Scientific Name Egretta caerulea Bubulcus ibis Butorides virescens Buteo jamaicensis Falco sparverius Zenaida macroura COR-01-EI-004-07 Common Name Little Blue Heron Cattle Egret Green Heron Red-Tail Hawk American Kestrel Mourning Dove Status I PR C PR PR PR PR 1 3 3 II III IV V VI Totals 2 2 2 2 1 1 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 185 1 5 3 2 3 3 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Areas Scientific Name Geotrygon montana Amazona ventralis Aratinga chloroptera Saurothera longirostris Crotophaga ani Streptoprocne zonaris Tachornis phoenicobia Chlorostilbon swainsoni Mellisuga minima Priotelus roseigaster Todus angustirrostris Todus subulatus Melanerpes striatus Tyrannus dominicensis Myiarchus stolidus Contopus hispaniolensis Mimus polyglottos Dulus dominicus Myadestes genibarbis Vireo altiloquus Coereba flaveola Spindalis dominicensis Phanicophilus palmarum Passer domesticus Tiaris olivacea Total of 31 species Common Name Status Ruddy-Quail Dove Hispaniolan Parrot * (A) Hispaniolan Parakeet * (A) Hispaniolan Lizardcuckoo Smooth-Billed Ani White-Collared Swift Antillean Palm Swift Hispaniolan Emerald Hummingbird Vervain Hummingbird Hispaniolan Trogon * (A) Narrow-Billed Tody Broad-Billed Tody Hispaniolan Woodpecker Gray Kingbird Stolid Flycatcher Hispaniolan Pewee Northern Mockingbird Palmchat Jilguero * Black-Whiskered Vireo Yellow Tyrannulet Hispaniolan Spindalis Black-CrownedPalm-Tanager House Sparrow Yellow-Faced Grassquit PR E I II III IV V VI Totals * 21 21 E * E 1 M,PR PR 2 2 2 1 6 2 4 3 3 8 3 PR 5 E 2 PR 7 2 1 1 2 E 11 * E 1 E E 2 2 1 PR PR E PR 2 6 2 2 2 3 1 2 PR PR PR 2 PR E 8 1 E 1 1 1 2 2 5 5 * 2 2 22 2 2 I PR 17/61 2/6 7/12 4/11 9/19 2 3 1 2 2 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 2 11/20 129 Legend: Status: PR= permanent resident; E= endemic; C= colonizadora; M, PR = migratory resident; I= introduced Areas: I= Sabaneta Dam/ influence areas; II= Los Limones Dam; III= Las Placetas Powerhouse; IV= Spa Bao/ influence area; V= Aguas Calientes; VI= Transmission Line. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 186 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA In the countings performed a total of 129 individuals were counted at the points sampled corresponding to 31 species, being the most common: the yellow tyrannulet (Coereba flaveola) with 22 individuals, followed by the Hispanolian parrot (Amazona ventralis) with 21 individuals, then the vervain hummingbird (Mellisuga minima) with 11 individuals, the narrow-biled tody (Todus angustirrostris) with nine exemplaries and the Antelliean Plam Swift (Tachornis phoenicobia), 8 individuals. According to the literatura consulted, in the study area and adjacents zones including the Armando Bermúdez Nacional Park, 77 species have been reported, 21 of them are identified as threatened both by the SEA/DVS (1990b) as by the IUCN (2006). Among them: the Rufous-collared sparrow (Zonotrichia capensis), whose distribution is restricted to the zone; the Hispanolian quail dove (Geotrygon leucometopius), recently included in the endemic list of the island; Antillean siskin (Carduelis dominicensis); Western Chattanager (Calyptophilus tertuis); the Bicknell’s Thrush (Catharus bicknelli); palm crow (Corvus palmarum) and the Hispanollian crossbill (Loxia megaplaga), exclusive bird of the pine trees. All these endemic species of the La Española Island, except the Rufouscollared sparrow, which is native, and the Bicknell’s Thrush, hence the great importance of these areas for birds so sensitives as the aforementioned (see the list in the attachment). With respect to detected species in the present study and regulated by the Convention (CITES, 2006), these are six (6): the American kestrel (Falco sparverius), the guaraguao (Buteo jamaicensis), the hummingbirds (Mellisuga minima) and (Chlorostilbon swainsonii), the Hispanolian parrot (Amazona ventralis), and the Hispaniolan conure (Aratinga chloroptera), all included in the Appendix II of the before mentioned Convention. Concerning to the threatened species in the Project area, the following are reported: thea Hispanolian parrot (A. ventralis) and the Hispaniolan conure (Aratinga chloroptera), which are listed as Vulnerables (VU) by the (IUCN, 2006) and by the (SEA/DVS, 1990b); whereas the Hispaniolan trogon (Priotelus roseigaster) is included as Near Threatened (NT) by IUCN, (2006); this last bird and the Hispaniolan conure were reported by the inhabitants of the zone. The other species are included in the Lesser Concern (LC) category. In relation to the endemic species, the observed amount was relatively high with 11, among them are: the Hispanolian parrot (A. ventralis), the hispaniolan woodpecker (Melanerpes striatus), the palmchat (Dulus dominicus) “Our National Bird”, which was observedin several ocassions eating pumpwood fruits, one of its favorites foods (Photo 4.86), the black-crowned Palm-tanager (Phaenicophilus palmarum), all three widespread in the country and lives in several environments; whereas the hispaniolan lizard-cuckoo (Saurothera longirostris) and the broad-billed Tody (Todus subullatus), narrow-billed tody COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 187 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA (Todus angustirrostris), also widespread, but dependent of wooded areas, reason by which should be taken into account at the time of the construction works. Other reported endemic birds in the area were the Hispaniolan trogon (Priotelus roseigaster), which also prefers the forests, but the mountains ones, to carry out his activities; Hispaniolan pewee (Contopus hispaniolensis), and the Hispaniolan emerald (Chlorostilbon swainsonii), among others. Photo 4.89: Pumpwood Fruits (eats palmchat) 4.7.1 Studied Areas Sabaneta Dam and surrounding areas Regarding the distribution of the birds at the different explored areas, it can be noticed that where the the Sabaneta Dam will be constructed, and the surrounding areas, were the environments where the highest number of species and individuals were observed with 17 and 61 respectively. Among the most common are, the Hispanolian parrot (Amazona ventralis) with 21 exemplaries; this was observed at the coordinates 291594E / 2124328N and 293088E / 2124636N, the yellow tyrannulet (Coereba flaveola), 9 individuals, and the vervain hummingbird (Mellisuga minima) with 7 exemplaries. Among the environments present at these points are: Primary hardwood Fores with pines, riparian forest, potreros with trees, altered hardwood forest and coffee trees with potreros.In some of these environments plants with fruits that are consumed by the Hispanolian parrot, as the guarana (Photo 4.90), which could have influence in this bird abundance. The location of the point where these individuals were seen is indicated in the maps attachment. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 188 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.90: Fruits of the guarana Los Limones Dam In these points was where fewer amounts of species and individuals were observed with 2 and 4 respectively. The most common bird here was the yellow tyrannulet (Coereba flaveola) with 4 individuals, perhaps due this point are constituted by hardwood riparian forest, where the bird make its nest and search for flowers to suck. In addition two (2) exemplaries of the guaraguao (Buteo jamaicensis) were observed. Las Placetas During the counting made in this environment contituted by potreros with hardwood trees and housing, even though it is an impacted area, 12 exemplaries were observed pertaining to 7 species, in which the white-collard (Streptoprogne zonaris) reached the highest number with trhee (3), followed by the hispaniolan woodpecker (Melanerpes striatus), cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) and the hispaniolan lizard-cuckoo (Saurothera longirrostris) with 2 individuals by species. This last bird prefers environments like these to search for food, shelter and nesting. Spa Bao and area of influence. In this area, composed of preserved riparian harwood forests, 10 specimens were observed, distributed in 4 species. The most observed was Antillean Palm Swift (Tachornis phoenicobia) with five specimens, the second most frequent was the yellow tyrannulet (Coereba flaveola) and the gray kingbird (Tyrannus dominicensis), with 2 specimen each. A specimen of hispaniolan spindalis (Spindalis dominicensis), an endemic COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 189 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA bird of Hispaniola was found, which was observed just twice, being the riparian harwood forest one of its preffered habitats. Area called Aguas Calientes On this point, the most common bird was the yellow tyrannulet (C. flaveola), with 5 individuals, because in the riparian forest there are plants such as the Ice-cream-bean that are food and shelter. Following were the stolid flycatcher (Myiarchus stolidus), with 3 specimen, the Hispaniolan Lizard-cuckoo (Saurothera longirostris), hispaniolan woodpecker (Melanerpes striatus) and the Black-whiskered Vireo (Vireo altiloquus), Black-crowned Palm-tanager (Phaenicophilus palmarum) with 2 specimen per species; all these patronize this environment for the same reason as the yellow tyrannulet. Transmision Line Lastly, it could be observed in the area selected for the transmisión line environments such as: grasslands with trees, small patches of secondary hardwood forest, riparian vegetation, pinewood plantations, forestal species crops, patchouli plants, minor fruits and residences. Here, despite the existing human activities, a total of 20 specimens of 11 species could be observed, being the se pudo antillean palm swift (T. phoenicobia), the most abundant with 3 specimens, after which the palmchat (Dulus dominicus), northern mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos), the yellow tyrannulet (C. flaveola), the yellow-faced grassquit (Tiaris olivacea), smooth-billed ani (Crotophaga ani), vervain hummingbird (Mellisuga minima) and the house sparrow (Passer domesticus), followed with 2 specimen each per species. The latest is an omnivorous invasive bird, which includes in its diet food wastes; for this reason, it has adapted to life among humans. It could be noticed that in none of the points sampled were observed migratory birds, since the counting was done off the bird migration season. 4.7.2 Fragil Environments During the walkthroughs of the sampling points of the Project area, 11 fragil environments were identified, such as: La Majagua Reservoir on the dam site, confluence of Bao River and Antón Sapé Bueno Creek, Bao River riverbank on the en los Mata Grande town surroundings (Photo 4.91), near Bao River on the road to Sabaneta, Bao River (Aguas Calientes Spa) near the bridge on the road to Placetas, Los Limones dam site in the Jagua River; margen left of the Peñón River; Jagua River upstream of Los Limones reservoir and the site called “Dos Bocas”; Bao River in the vicinity of the bridge over the Jánico-Juncalito road (Janico Spa); and Bao River downstream of the Spa. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 190 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA These are frágil environments because they are very sensitive to alterations and serve as habitats for fauna species, especially from anphibians. From a water point of view, it serves as a water resource for human and domestic use, as well as for irrigation, among others. Photo 4.91: Bao River 4.8 ICHTYOFAUNA 4.8.1 Introduction The current study offers the baseline characteristics of the ichtyofauna of the Bao and Jagua rivers as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment of Las Placetas Hydroelectric Project, located in the Municipality of San José de Las Matas, northwest of the Santiago Province. On this subject, there are background regional studies of the freshwater ichtyofauna Schelhas et al. (2002) and NEODAT (2007) data, which involve an important set of native and endemis species. This work contains Basic information for the evaluation of environmental impacts of the Project over the aquatic biota. 4.8.2 Methods For the characterization of the ichtyofauna in the region of Las Placetas Hydroelectric Project, 12 key stations were located (Table 4.56), as shown in the map in Figure 4.45. Stations 1 to 6 work located relative to the Bao River, while Stations 8 to 11 were located relative to the Jagua River. Stations 7 and 12 correspond to the Bao Dam, final receptor of the waters passing the turbines and which is representative of the watershed ichtyofauna diversity. As explained, the fish were sutied considering key points on the course of water envolved, directly or indirectly, with the main Works of the Project, with COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 191 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA enfasis on the courses of the Bao and Jagua rivers. The selection of the stations responded to the need for stations representative of the conditions ichtyofauna in the places to be impacted by the reduction in flow, but also the search for accesible sites was of influence, both for current sampling for baseline description as for easiness in the future incorporation into a monitoring network. Table 4.56: Ichtyofauna Sampling Stations Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Main River Bao Location Antón Sape Bueno Creek Bao River after uptake Bao River in Matagrande Bao River in Aguas Calientes Arenoso Creek Bao River in Damajagua Bao Dam Jagua River after uptake Jagua River in Higuero Úrsula Creek La Sidra Creek Bao Dam Jagua Elevation (meters MSL) 940 840 740 620 840 440 340 800 620 620 340 340 UTM E 290149 290411 292865 300354 301786 309445 311217 302479 306342 305990 308797 311183 UTM N 2123510 2122681 2124556 2128533 2125056 2134976 2135362 2122033 2129101 2132090 2133590 2134010 7 2135000 6 12 2134000 11 2133000 10 2132000 2131000 2130000 9 2129000 4 2128000 Río Bao 2127000 Río Jagua 2126000 5 2125000 3 2124000 1 2123000 2 8 2122000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Figure 4.45: Location of the Ichtyofauna sampling stations COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 192 312000 311000 310000 309000 308000 307000 306000 305000 304000 303000 302000 301000 300000 299000 298000 297000 296000 295000 294000 293000 292000 291000 290000 2121000 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA The previous figure shows the location of the ichtyofauna sampling stations (blue triangles) in the Las Placetas Hydroelectric Project. The main elements of the project are shown in red and, on the background, the digital topographic model plane has been superimposed. The sampling were realizad using different fishing gear, trying to cover with each of them all fish sizes, although the sampling effort could not be replicated in all stations. The gear used were five: a) umbrella-type net with rings of 35 cm in diameter and mesh openings of 0.2 cm to capture small fish (basically Poecilidae); b) jamos with rings of 20 and 50 cm in diameter and mesh of 0.4 and 4 cm openings, respectively, to capture small and medium fish that prefer sand and gravel bottoms on the shallow backwaters; c) cast net of 3 meters diameter and 1 cm mesh openings for large and médium fish (basically cichlids) in deeper backwaters; d) fishing line with hook, weight and bait to capture large and médium fish, as much in the backwaters as in the zones with larger flows; and e) 2 cm. mesh fish net for passive capture of large and medium fish. For the selection of the most adequate fishing gear, a search of the size intervals of the native freshwater species and the ones introduced to the Dominican Republic was realized previously, based on the work of Froese and Pauly (2007). Continuous captures for one to three hours were made on all stations only for qualitative purposes. Whenever posible, the specimens were identified in situ or were preserved using 10% formalin until its identification with the help of clues and based on its distributions and meristic and morphometric characteristics. In each case, the type of substrate and slope were recorded. In the case of the Bao Dam, observations were made and the local anglers were consulted about the species captured. All the sampling and/or observation points were georeferenced with a Magellan 315 GPS, to determine its position in the Universal Transverse Mercator (Sistema de Coordenadas Universales Transversales de Mercator UTM), reference to NAD 27 for the Caribbean region. The sampling results were complemented with previous records of the ichtyofauna for the region of the Las Placetas Hydroelectric Project and recorded in the NEODAT (2007) database. Also, the list of 52 freshwater fish species was consulted (18 species introduced and 36 natives), reported for the Dominican Republic in the FishBase of Froesy and Pauly (2007), looking for previous records for the region of interest. To better improve the criteria about the degrees of vulnerability of the species reported in the study region, the list of ichtyofauna was compared with the International Conventions list that defines global degrees of tretas, like the appendices of the Convention for the International Commerce of Flora and Fauna Species (Convención para el Comercio Internacional de Especies de la Flora y la Fauna (CITES, 2007) and the COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 193 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Red List of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (IUCN, 2007). The “Ley Sectorial de Biodiversidad” Project (USAID, 2002) was consulted at the national level and, although it is yet to be approved, it sets the stage for the protection of the most sensitive species. 4.8.3 Biotic Description Physical Framework Un factor relevante de la ichtyofauna es la altura, pues se reporta que en las cabeceras de los ríos y los cursos de agua en alturas elevadas, la abundancia de peces se reduce (Bistoni y Hued, 2002). También la temperatura influye sobre la distribución de la fauna, pues la mayor parte de las especies reportadas para la ichtyofauna de agua dulce dominicana tiene una distribución subtropical (temperaturas de 22°C o mayores), y las aguas fluviales a mayor altura pueden sufrir descensos bruscos de hasta 12°C. From a meteorologcal point of view, there also is relevance in extreme events such as Hurricanes, whose torrential rains on the region’s rivers headwaters cuase strong water currents and sediments transport. In fact, Schelhas et al. (2002) reports that after Hurricane David, all the aquatic fauna was practically obliterared in the Yaque River and its tributaries, on the mountain headwaters. Distribution of the ichtyofauna In general, for the region of the Las Placetas Hydroelectric Project, there are thirteen known species of fish (see Table 4.57), of which 9 are natives and 3 endemic, and 4 exotic species draw attention, related to the introductions of fish that historically have occurred in this watershed. The carp Cyprinus carpio, the redbreast tilapia Tilapia rendalli, the Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus and the Mozambique Tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus, have become invasisve species, whose impact over the autochthonous populations has not yet been studied, si bien it is undeniable that is shear size has made it a valuable fishery resource for the local communities. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 194 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Río Bao Río Jagua 1550 1500 1450 1400 1350 1300 1250 1200 1150 1100 1050 1000 950 900 850 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 Altura (msnm) Río Jagua Río Bao Figure 4.46: Digital Tridimensional Topographic Model of the Project Region In Figure 4.46, the slope changes of the Bao and Jagua Rivers and its influents can be observed. Table 4.57 shows the freshwater fish species known in the waters of the region of Las Placetas Hydroelectric Project. Table 4.57: List of Freshwater Fish Species Family Cichlidae Species Oreochoromis mossambicus Cichlidae Oreochromis niloticus Cichlidae Tilapia rendalli Cichlidae Nandopsis hatiensis Cipriniidae Cyprinus carpio Poeciliidae Limia dominicensis Poeciliidae Poecilia hispaniolana Poeciliidae Poecilia elegans Poeciliidae Poecilia reticulata COR-01-EI-004-07 Nombre común Mozambique Tilapia Nile Tilapia Redbreast tilapia Haitian Cichlid Carp Tiburon Peninsula limia Hispaniola molly Elegant molly Guppy Bao Jagua Presa T S 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 7/12 I O O I I L N I L N O O P P R R L N R R R R R R R R R R L E R R R R R R R R R L E R X Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 195 O O O O P R P LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Family Species Nombre común Poeciliidae Gambusia hispaniolae Hispaniolan Gambusia Poeciliidae Rivulus roloffi Hispaniolan Rivulus Poeciliidae Limia melanonotata Blackbanded Limia Poeciliidae Limia zonata Striped Limia Bao Jagua Presa T S 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 7/12 L N P P P P P P P P P P O L E R R R R R R R R R R L N L E R R P R O Leyend: S. Status: N. Native; E. Endemic; I. Introduced. T. Treathened: L. Proyecto de Ley Sectorial de Biodiversidad. O. Species observeda during sampling; R. Reported in the literature but not observed; P. Probable aparition according to the habitat observed and its interval of altitudinal and geographic distribution. Four of the species collected correspond to cichlids and a cyprinid, with specimens whose larger size determine is ecological requirements of greater depths, while the remaining are small specimen of Poecilidae, captured near the shore of backwaters with gravel bottoms, en sitios sin grandes cambios de pendiente ni flujos turbulentos. Of this set of species, 5 are mentioned by previous reports NEODAT (2007) as appearing on this watershed, but were not observed during the sampling for this report. It is posible that many of these species were not fouobserved becuase of the diffcult location, the specimens are very small, drastic changes on the environment and for natural or anthropic cuases, since the previous reports are from the 1990’s. The findings of the Poecilidae family coincide with the intervals in altitude mentioned for several species like Poecilia reticulata of 400 meters MSL (Kavanagh, 2002), Limia dominicensis between 170 and 530 meters MSL, Poecilia hispaniolana between 610 and 1000 meters MSL, Poecilia elegans between 180 - 840 meters MSL and Rivulus roloffi at 1000 meters MSL. Regardless of the altitude, this family tends to distribute in zones with almost levelled slopes and mostly on low zones (Nieto y Velasco, 2006) and was the most distributed on the river meanders and/or places of gentle slopes with gravel bottoms, where small backwaters form that escape the turbulent flow of the river. Several specimens of this group were found; for instantes, just on the backwaters of the lowest part of the Antón Sape Bueno and not on the rest of t he course, which runs from 940 to 800 meters MSL with a steep slope of 9.3%. Posiblemente la pendiente en la parte superior de su curso, al igual que ocurre con la mayor parte de los afluentes, no permita la existencia de poblaciones estables. Nandopsis haitiensis, called Haitian cichlid and the only native cichlid, was observado in Station 2, with help from the local residents. This fish, which can grow up to 21.5 cm, COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 196 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA needs a certain water depth to develop and where the aquatic vegetation they need to feed and hide can develop as well. Its presence is reported in the Bao-Taveras Dam complexes, although there they have to confront fierce competition with the introduced species. The remaining species of cichlids were limited to the lower watershed and were especially abundant in the Bao Dam, where they are part of the artisanal fishery. On the stations of the last studied area of the Bao-Tavera, while a specimen of Gambusia hispaniolae was collected in a backwater near the shore, and is feasible the presence of other Poeciliidae, the dominant species are the Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus and the carp Cyprinus carpio; although there have been isolated catches of other species of tilapia (Oreochoromis mossambicus y Tilapia rendalli). This reservoir is a tradicional place for fishing these species (FAO, 1996), since it has been a priority area for the seeding of fingerlings of the most varied species for several decades (Fisheries Development Limited, 1980). DR1 (1998) requires seed one million fingerlings on the Bao Reservoir by the agricultura Ministry authorities and, more recently, García(2002) offers data of 250 thousand tilapia and mirror carp fingerlings between years 2000 and 2002 and, more recently, CLAVE DIGITAL (2006) reveals that the Environmental Secretariat freed 150 thousand tilapias and carp fingerlings in this dam complex, as part of a program to sekk sustainability of the fish production in dams and reservoirs and, improve the economic revenues of the fisherman. The broods are spawned in the Aquaculture Model Station in Azua, with the cooperation of the Technical Mission of Taiwan, and with its seedings, it is expected to benefit 256 anglers communities like Sabana Iglesia, Jánico, El Caimito, among others, that have as their main economical activity fishing in dams. With these introductions, a production of 50,000 lbs/month of fresh fish of excellent quality can be achieved. These news show that this component of ichtyofauna, while it has no ecological value for being introduced species, it has an important economical value that could be moved to the Sabaneta and Los Limones Dams as new zones of fisheries potential. All the species of native and endemic Dominican freshwater fish are protected nationally according to “Proyecto de Ley Sectorial de Biodiversidad” (USAID, 2002), for its ecological importantce as a unique fauna of the Island. These condition demands proper management actions by the Project in relation to the ecological flow. By definition, the ecological flow is the quantity and quality of the water resources necessary to maintain the habitat of the water course and its surroundings in good conditions, considering the needs of the biota and the human populations, as well as the phisical requirements to maintain its stability y fulfill its functions, such as dilution flow, capacity of solids transport, recharge of aquifers, maintenance of the estethic and COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 197 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA landscaping characteristics of the environment (Ormazábal, 2004). If this requirement is not fulfilled, the reducción in flow presupposes a significant negative impact to the hydrological integrity of the system (from where indirect and secondary impacts can affect the remaining factors). There are international Standard criteria that establish that an ecological flow may never be less than 0.05 m3/sec, or that said flow shall be more or equal to 10% of the annual mean flow (Ormazábal, 2004). In the particular case of this component of the fauna, formed basically by small species, inhabitants to the guarded shallow zones, a large flow will not be required, just enough to keep a minimum water level over the bed of the river, offering a minimum maintenance depth una profundidad mínima de mantenimiento, which will be established by the ecological stream. All the species reported are of small size, with morfological characteristics of longitudinal development that makes them especially adaptable to shallow waters, without making them vulnerable to predators. However, it has to be clarified that the ecological flow does not only concern the ichthyofauna, but also has to allow the pluvial course to keep doing its ecological functions beyond its ecological role of offering a proper habitat adecuado to the different development stages of the aquatic species. The ecological flow values must satisfy the physical-chemical requirements of the water courses to maintain its hydrological integrity, the quality of the water, the capacity to maintain flow, recharge the aquifer, nourish the low and medium watersheds, maintain the riperan forest and its associacted terrestrial biota, be a use source for the human populations and maintain the the riperan landscape (Begoña et al., 2000; Agirre y Begoña, 2001). 4.9 MAMMALS 4.9.1 Introduction General and specific information on mammals is available for the study area, among them: Los Murciélagos de Cuba Silva, (1979); Plan de Manejo de la Cuenca del Bao River, SEA (1981); The Distribution and Habitat of Solenodonte in the Dominican Republic, Ottenwalder (1985); Sistema de Áreas Protegidas de la República Dominicana, Valdez y Mateo (1989); La Diversidad Biológica en la República Dominicana (SEA/DVS, 1990 a y b); Plan de Manejo y Conservación del Parque Nacional Armando Bermúdez, HIDRÁULICA, S.A. (1997); Evaluación Ecológica Integrada del Programa de Conservación y Manejo de la Región Madres de Las Aguas, TNC (1999); Walkers Mammals of the World Nowak (1999); Habitantes de la Oscuridad, García y Dominici (2002); Informaciones Generales de las Áreas Protegidas de la República Dominicana, SEMARENA (2003); Los Parques Nacionales Armando Bermúdez y José del Carmen COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 198 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Ramírez (SEMARENA, 2006); Plagiodontia aedium, Jutía de la Hispaniola, García (2006); Solenodonte, García (2007). 4.9.2 Methodology In the case of mammals, the inventories were performed using 10 and 15 meters fog nets to capture bats (see Photo 4.92), which were placed at fixed and variable locations during the 5:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. time frame in Mata Grande (Río Bao) and Los Limones (Río Jagua) communities. Photo 4.92: Bat trapped in net Bats identification was performed either in a direct way or using Silva’s (1979) bats identification guide. Bats were freed after they were photographed. Several other environments were also surveyed, looking for trails and footprints of other mammals. The surveyed zone measured between 100 and 2,000 meters approximately. The surveys of these zones were performed by following the access trails to the locations where the raising of infrastructure is contemplated, and the Project’s flooding or influenced areas. The different environments described in the works performed by the “Dirección Nacional de Parques” and the species associated to them, were also considered. During the survey, the coordinates in the “Sistema Universal Transversal de Mercator (UT)” were taken. General information about mammals’ species was also obtained by direct consultation to local residents of the visited communities. The characterization of each sampled environment is included in the Project’s botanical report. The “Diccionario Botánico de Nombres Vulgares de La Española (Liogier, 2000)” was COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 199 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA consulted for verification of the scientific names of some plants to which the fauna is associated. 4.9.3 Results and Discussion The area where the different species of mammals were observed or reported (starting from the vicinity of community Mata Grande and its surroundings, where the reservoir is to be built) is called Sabaneta, and is located at coordinates 290374E-2122745N. This area is characterized by the predominance of riparian vegetation and the primary hardwood forest with some dispersed pine trees. The convergence of Rio Bao and Arroyo Antón Sape Bueno, which will be flooded by the reservoir (located at coordinates 290762E, 2123047N), is characterized by the predominance of riparian vegetation and the primary hardwood forest with some alterations. As a result of the characterization performed in different environments in the Project area and its surroundings, 34 individuals were identified; 17 species of mammals (7 of which belong to the flying mammals group or bats) and 10 to terrestrial species. Five (5) of the terrestrial species were reported by local residents of the area (see Table 4.58). Table 4.58: Mammals species present in the Mata Grande Río Bao Project area and its surroundings Scientific Name Mammalia Family: Solenodontidae Solenodon paradoxus Family: Mormoopidae Pteronotus quadridens Mormoops blainvillei Family: Phyllostomatidae Macrotuss waterhousei Monophylus redmani Artibeus jamaicensis Phyllops haitiensis Molossidae Molossus molossus verrilli COR-01-EI-004-07 Common Name Status Geographic Distribution Diet No. Indiv Hispaniolan Solenodon Endemic Plenty Insectivore Report Sooty mustached bat Cinnamon Bat Native Plenty Insectivore 1 Native Plenty Insectivore 1 Long ears Bat Native Plenty Insectivore 2 Pollen eater Bat Native Plenty 2 Fruit eater Bat Haitian Fruit eater Bat Native Endemic Plenty Plenty Pollen/ Insects Fruits Fruits Small Bat Endemic Subspecies Plenty Insectivore 1 domestic Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 200 6 5 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Scientific Name Muridae Rattus rattus Rattus norvegicus Mus musculus Suidae Sus scrofa Bovidae Bos Taurus Ovis aries Canidae Canis familiares Herpestidae Herpestes javanicus Felis catus Total species/ individuals Common Name Status Geographic Distribution Diet No. Indiv Black Rat Brown Rat House mouse Introduced Introduced Introduced Plenty Plenty Plenty Omnivorous Omnivorous Omnivorous 3 1 Report Pig Introduced Plenty Omnivorous Report Cow Goat Introduced Introduced Plenty Plenty Herbivore Herbivore 1 Report Dog Introduced Plenty Carnivorous 3 Introduced Plenty Carnivorous Report Introduced Plenty Carnivorous 2 34 Small mongoose Cat 17 asian *=Reported by local residents The mammals species identified in the Project belong to the orders: Insectivorous, Chiroptera, Rodentia, Artiodactyla, Perissodactyla, and Carnivorous, and to the families: Solenodontidae, Moormopidae, Phyllostomatidae, Natalidae, Vespertilionidae, Molossidae, Muridae, Suidae, Bovidae, Canidae, Herpestidae, and Felidae; genus Solenodon, Pteronotus Mormoops, Macrotus, Monophylus, Artibeus, Phyllops, Brachypylla, Molossus, Rattus, Mus, Sus, Bos, Canis, Herpestes, and Felis. The family with more representatives was the Phyllostomatidae with 4 genus and 4 species, followed by Mormoopidae with 2 genus Pteronotus and Mormoops, as well as Muridae with 2 genus and 3 species. Nine (9) of the seventeen (17) species found are introduced, five (5) are native and three (3) are endemic of Isla Española. Two (2) of these are the hispaniolan solenodon, Solenodon paradoxus and the Haitian fruit eater bat, Phyllops haitiensis, and one subspecie, the small domestic bat, Molossus molossus verrilli. All the species in the Project area and its surroundings are widely spread through the island. The most common mammals observed were the Jamaica fruit eater bats, Artibeus jamaicensis (Photo 4.93) and the Haitian fruit eater bats, Phyllops haitiensis (Photo 4.94) with six (6) and five (5) individuals respectively, followed by the black rat, Rattus rattus and Canis familiares with three (3), then, the long ears bats, Macrotus waterhousei, insectivorous, Monophyllus redmani, which feeds on pollen, and the cat, Felis catus with 2, as well as the whiskers bats, Pteronotus quadridens; cinnamon bats; Mormoops blainvillei and cows, Bos taurus with one individual respectively (Table 4.58). COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 201 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.93: Artibeus jamaicensis Concerning the feeding habits of the species, six (6) of them feeds basically on insects, for example: hispaniolan solenodon, solenodon, paradoxus; bats; Pteronotus quadridens; Mormoops blainvillei; M. waterhousei, among others (Table 4.59). Some are fruit eaters (for example: A. jamaicensis and P. haitiensis); four (4) are omnivorous (like the pig, Sus scrofa, rats and mice), three (3) are carnivorous (dog, cat, small asian mongoose, etc.), two (2) are herbivorous and lastly, Monophyllus redmani which feeds on pollen and insects. Photo 4.94: Haitian fruit eater bat, Phyllops haitiensis COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 202 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA The fruits, pollen, and insects eater species identified in this area were observed to be associated to plants like: Amacey, pump wood, ice-cream bean, guarana, guava, etc., which serve as food source, as well as refuge, among other functions. Table 4.59: Species by authors and threat category Groups/Species Threat Category Solenodontidae Solenodon paradoxus** Moormopidae Pteronotus quadridens Pteonotus parnellii Moormoops blainvillei Phyllostomatidae Macrotuss waterhousei Monophylus redmani clinedaphus Artibeus jamaicensis Phyllops haitiensis Brachyphylla nana pumila Phyllonycteris poeyi obtusa Erophylla bombifrons santacristobalensis Natalidae Natalus major Natalus micropus Vespertilionidae Lasiurus boreales minor Eptesicus fuscus hispaniolae Molossidae Tadarida brasiliensis constanzae Tadarida macrotis Molossus molossus verrilli Capromidae Plagiodontia aedium COR-01-EI-004-07 Common Name Hispaniola n solenodon Status A B x SEA/ DVS, 90 EN IUCN, 2007 EN E Report-t Sooty mustached bat Big Sooty mustached bat Cinnamon N X x - LR/nt N - x - LR/lc N X x - LR/nt Long ears Pollen eater N N X X x x -- LR LR/lc Fruit eater Haitian Fruit eater Fruit eater of flowers of San Cristobal N E X x x x - LR/lc - N E E - x x x - LR/nt LR/nt LR Funnel ears N - x - LR Small Funnel ears N - x - LR/lc Red Brown N E - x x R - LR/lc LR Guanero E - x - LR/nt Bat Small domestic E x x x V - LR Hispaniola E - x VU VU Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 203 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Groups/Species Threat Category Solenodontidae Muridae Rattus rattus Rattus norvegicus Mus musculus** Suidae Sus scrofa** Bovidae Bos taurus Ovis aries** Canidae Canis familiaris Herpestidae Herpestes javanicus** Felidae Felis catus Total species Common Name n Hispaniola n hutia Status A B SEA/ DVS, 90 IUCN, 2007 Black Brown House mouse I I I x x x x x x - - Pig I x x - Cow Goat I I x x x x Dog I x x Small asian mongoose I x x Cat 28 I - x 17 x 28 - - 16 Legend: Status: E = Endemic A = Actual Study N = Native I = Introduced B = Manage Plan 1989 Geographic Distribution: am = ample Threat Category: SEA/DVS, 1990b V = Vulnerable UICN, 2007 = Almost endangered LC =Less concern ** = Species reported by local residents Regarding threatened species, of those observed and/or reported for the Project area, the Solenodon paradoxus (see Photo 4.95) are endangered (EN); while, P. quadridens and Mormoops blainvillei, are classified as almost threatened (NT). The rest are classified as less concern (LC) according to the criteria of the “Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN)” of 2007. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 204 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Among the causes of threat to the species are destruction and fragmentation of habitats, deforestation, migratory agriculture, shepherding, the pigs hunters’ dogs, and the farmers, since they dig in the burrows or nests until finding and killing them. It is of utmost priority to implement corrective or mitigation measures to minimize their negative impacts. In the specific case of the Solenodon paradoxus, even though this area is of historic distribution to the specie, no evidence of its presence was found during the survey. However, according to local residents, the specie can be found in the less disturbed areas of the Armando Bermúdez National Park, like: La Guacara, Loma del Loro, Rancho al Medio, and Los Melones, among others. Photo 4.95: Hispaniolan solenodon, Solenodon paradoxus (Source: Periódico El Nacional) 4.9.4 Los Limones Dam and its area of influence In the Los Limones Dam area, located in the convergence of rivers Jagua and El Peñón (coordinates 302340E, 2121381N), vegetation is of the riparian type with predominance of pome, and velvet bean. Among other plants, grazing land with trees predominate in the upper left margin of Río Jagua, while there are pine woods in the upper right margin. Characterizations performed in these environments yield a total of 18 individuals corresponding to 12 species of mammals, 4 of which belong to the flying mammals group (bats), and 8 to the terrestrial mammals. Five (5) of these species were reported by local residents. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 205 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Table 4.60: Mammals species present in the Project area (Los Limones Dam in Río Jagua and surroundings) Scientific Name Mammalia Family: Solenodontidae Solenodon paradoxus Family: Phyllostomatidae Monophylus redmani clinedaphus Artibeus jamaicensis Phyllops haitiensis Molossidae Molossus molossus verrilli Muridae Rattus rattus Rattus norvegicus Mus musculus** Suidae Sus scrofa** Canidae Canis familiaris Herpestidae Herpestes javanicus** Felis catus Total species/individuals Common Name Status Geographic Distribution No. Individuals Diet Hispaniolan Solenodon Endemic Plenty Insects Report Pollen eater bat Fruit eater bat Haitian Fruit eater bat Native Plenty 2 Native Endemic Plenty Plenty Pollen/ Insects Fruits Fruits 3 3 Small domestic bat SubspecieEndemic Plenty Insects 1 Black rat Brown rat House mouse Introduced Introduced Introduced Plenty Plenty Plenty Omnivorous Omnivorous Omnivorous 2 2 Report Pig Introduced Plenty Omnivorous Report Dog Introduced Plenty Carnivorous 3 Small asian mongoose Cat 12 Introduced Plenty Carnivorous Report Introduced Plenty Carnivorous 2 18 Mammals species identified in this Project area belong to the orders: Insectivorous, Chiroptera, Rodentia, Artiodactyla, Perissodactyla, and Carnivorous and to the families, Solenodontidae, Phyllostomatidae, Natalidad, Vespertilionidae, Molossidae, Muridae, Suidae, Canidae, Herpestidae, and Felidae; genus Solenodon, Monophylus, Artibeus, Phyllops, Brachypylla, Molossus, Rattus, Mus, Sus, Canis, Herpestes, and Felis. The most represented family was the Phyllostomatidae, with 3 genus and 3 species, followed by Muridae, with 2 genus and 3 species (see Table 4.60). Of the 12 species found, 7 are introduced, 2 are natives, and 3 are endemic of the Española Island. Of the last three, two are endemic at the specific level (the hispaniolan solenodon, Solenodon paradoxus and the Haitian fruit eater bat, Phyllops haitiensis), and 1 COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 206 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA at the sub specific level (the small domestic bat, Molossus molossus verrilli). All the species in the Project area and its surroundings have an ample distribution through the island. The most observed mammals were: the Jamaica and Haitian fruit eater bats, Artibeus jamaicensis, and Phyllops haitiensis, and the dog, Canis familiaris, with 3 individuals each, followed by the bat, Monophyllus redmani, the rodents, Rattus rattus, Rattus norvegicus, and the cat, Felis catus with 2 individuals respectively, and lastly, the small domestic bat, Molossus molossus verrilli, 1 individual. Even though grazing lands were observed closet o the reservoir construction area, no cattle were observed. Regarding feeding habits, 2 of the species are basically insectivorous: S. paradoxus and M. molossus and one insectivorous/pollen eater M. redmani. Two (2) feed on fruits: A. jamaicensis, P. haitiensis, 4 are omnivorous (like the pig, Sus scrofa, the rats and mice), 3 are carnivorous (dog, cat, and small asian mongoose, etc.), and lastly, 2 are herbivorous (see Table 4.60). Of all the observed species, only the Solenodon paradoxus is in danger of extinction (EN). The rest are classified, as species of less concern (LC), according to the “Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN) of 2007” criteria (see Table 4.61). Groups/Species Table 4.61: Species by authors and threat category in El Limón Threat Category Common Name Hispaniolan solenodon Solenodontidae Solenodon paradoxus Moormopidae Pteronotus quadridens Pteonotus parnellii Moormoops blainvillei Phyllostomatidae Macrotuss waterhousei Monophylus redmani Artibeus jamaicensis Phyllops haitiensis Brachyphylla nana Phyllonycteris poeyi obtusa COR-01-EI-004-07 Status E A Report B x SEA/DVS, 90 EN IUCN, 2007 EN Sooty mustached bat big sooty mustached cinnamon N - x - LR/nt N - x - LR/lc N - x - LR/nt Long ears Pollen eater N N x x x -- LR LR/lc Fruit eater Haitian fruit eater Fruit eater Of the N E x x x x - LR/lc - N E - x x - LR/nt LR/nt Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 207 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Groups/Species Threat Category Solenodontidae Erophylla bombifrons Natalidae Natalus major Natalus micropus Vespertilionidae Lasiurus borealis Eptesicus fuscus hispaniolae Molossidae Tadarida brasiliensis constanzae Tadarida macrotis Molossus molossus verrilli Capromidae Plagiodontia aedium Muridae Rattus rattus Rattus norvegicus Mus musculus Suidae Sus scrofa Bovidae Bos taurus Ovis aries Canidae Canis familiaris Herpestidae Herpestes javanicus Felidae Felis catus Total species Common Name flowers of San Cristobal Status A B SEA/DVS, 90 IUCN, 2007 E - x - LR Funneled ears Small Funneled ears N - x - LR N - x - LR/lc Eastern red bat brown N - x r LR/lc E - x LR Guanero E - x - LR/nt E x x x v - LR Hispaniolan Hutia E - x VU VU black brown House mouse I I I x x Report x x x - pig I Report x - cow goat I I - x x dog I x x small asian mongoose I x x - cat 28 I - x 12 x 28 bat Small domestic - 16 Legend: Status: A = Actual Study E = Endemic COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 208 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA N = Native B = Manage Plan I = Introduced Geographic Distribution: am = ample Threat Category: SEA/DVS, 1990b V = Vulnerable UICN, 2007 = Almost Threatened LC = Less Concern ** = Species reported by locals Based on the results of the current survey and previous surveys performed by different authors in the Project’s influence zone, 12 species were reported in the reservoir area in Sabaneta (Río Bao, Mata Grande) and 17 in Los Limones at Río Jagua. However, according to consultations, 28 species of mammals have been reported. Seventeen (17) of these belong to bats and eleven (11) to terrestrial mammals. Nine (9) are introduced species, ten (10) are native, and the other eight (8) are endemic. Three (3) of the endemic species are at the specific level and five (5) at the sub specific level (see Table 4.60). As shown, the largest diversity of mammals species is reported in the Management Plan for the Armando Bermúdez National Park (1989), with 28 species, followed by the current inventory (2007), which reported 17. Sixteen (16) of the 28 mammals species reported in previous studies are included in some of the threat categories. Among those, the Solenodon paradoxus is in extinction danger (EN), the Plagiodontia aedium is vulnerable (VU), five other species are almost threatened (NT), and the other 9 are in the less concerned (LC) category, according to the UICN, 2007 Red List. Finally, it is worthwhile mentioning the important role of some mammals within the ecosystems, due to their feeding habits. The bats A. jamaicensis, Phyllops haitiensis for example, while feeding on fruits help in the dispersion of seeds. Others like the pollen eaters, help the fecundation of plants (Monophyllus redmani, etc.). Those that feed on insects, like the Pteronotus quadridens, molosssus colossus, Mormoops blainvillei, and the Hispaniolan solenodon paradoxus, among others, help humans by controlling the population of insects that affect the agriculture and the human health. Also, it should be pointed out the importance of conserving the population of mammals that exist in the Project area, specifically those in the different threatened categories. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 209 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA 4.10 LANDSCAPE The Hydroelectric Project at Las Placetas, which main objective is the generation of energy, is encompassed within the Cordillera Central territory, which constitutes one of the most important scenarios of the country from the landscape point of view. The specific Project area and its influence zone is located to the North-Oriental portion of the Cordillera Central, encompassing the area between the mountains system (which occupy the watershed zone that separates the rivers Bao and Jagua), and extending close to the Taveras Dam. The complexity of the Project calls for the installation of several infrastructures in the current landscape, some of which are: Sabaneta’s Reservoir; Los Limones’ Reservoir; Power House; The High Tension electric line (138 kw), that requires the installation of a large number of towers distributed through the territory, which will have an impact on the region’s landscape. 4.10.1 Methodology From a conceptual point of view, the landscape consists of units that were established based on the visual aspects and esthetics characteristics that define the scenery. The following elements were considered, to classify the Project area in landscape units: Soil use; Morphology of the soil (Pending). These elements give us a wider vision of the natural changes produced, in addition to the human factor, responsible for transforming the environment according to its growing and development needs. 4.10.2 Cartographic Analysis This analysis is based on the programs Arc Gis 9.0 and Erdas, which gave us the guidelines to perform it. The programs helped us to develop the Slopes Map, which in addition to the cartographic data available for the area under study, made possible the development of the following maps: COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 210 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Vegetation Cover Map; Slopes Map; Protected Areas Map. A methodology based on information cross reference, was used to develop the Map of Scenery Units with Landscape Potential. From this analysis, two maps (one in each phase) were developed. The following section explains the Process Flow Diagram developed for this purpose (see Table 4.62). Phase No. 1 Development of the Landscape Units Map This corresponds to the combination of the Vegetation Cover Map and the Slopes Map (both of which were developed to a scale of 1:500,000) using the Arc Gis program. This analysis allowed us to define the Landscape Units of the project categorizing them in four groups. Categories were assigned to the different slopes and type of vegetation cover, as shown in Table 4.62. Based on the analysis, the following units were obtained: Vegetation Cover LANDSCAPE UNITS MAP Slope Figure 4.47: Landscape Units Map - development diagram A decision matrix was developed (see Table 4.62) to define each of the units base don the adjusted vegetation and slopes.. Table 4.62: Decision Matrix – Use of Soil & Slopes Use of Soil Conifers, Hardwood, and Agroforest Forests Scrubland and Pastures (C) Combined Agriculture (F) Scant Vegetation (G) COR-01-EI-004-07 Slope 0-4% Smooth Slope 4 - 12% Moderate Slope 12 - 25% Inclined Slope >25 % Pronounced I–1 I–1 I–2 I–3 II – 1 II – 1 II – 2 II – 3 III – 1 III – 1 III –2 III – 3 IV – 1 IV – 1 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 211 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Unit I CONIFERS, HARDWOOD, AND AGROFOREST FORESTS Unit I – 1 Open Conifers FOREST, Wet Hardwood FOREST, and Coffee Agroforest, which distribution is found between slope values from 0 - 12%. Unit I – 2 Open Conifers FOREST, Wet Hardwood FOREST, and Coffee Agroforest, which distribution is found between slope values from 12 - 25%. Unit I – 3 Thick Conifers FOREST, Foggy Hardwood FOREST, and Coffee Agroforest, which distribution is found in slope values larger than 25%. Unit II SCRUBLAND AND PASTURES Unit II – 1 Scrublands and Pastures, which distribution is found between slope values from 0 - 12%. Unit II – Scrublands and Pastures, which distribution is found between slope values from 12 - 25%. Unit II – 3 Scrublands and Pastures, which distribution is found in slope values larger than 25%. Unit III COMBINED AGRICULTURE Unit III – 1 Combined Agriculture, which distribution is found between slope values from 0 - 12%. Unit III – 2 Combined Agriculture, which distribution is found between slopes values from 12 - 25% Unit III – 3 Combined Agriculture, which distribution is found in slope values larger than 25%. Unit IV SCANT VAGETATION Unit IV – 1 Scant Vegetation, which distribution is found between slope values from 0 12%. The result of this analysis is shown in the Landscape Units Map (seer Figure 4.48), that shows the spatial distribution of the units. Also, a table was developed to show the different surfaces and its corresponding percentages (see Table 4.63). COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 212 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Table 4.63: Surfaces and its Corresponding Percentages LANDSCAPE COR-01-EI-004-07 AREA % I-1 9,180,100.91 9.85 I-2 12,923,327.58 13.87 I-3 39,756,672.76 42.67 II-1 7,703,013.10 8.27 II-2 5,817,923.11 6.24 II-3 10,008,897.49 10.74 III-1 2,129,071.76 2.29 III-2 1,755,509.31 1.88 III-3 3,834,336.88 4.12 IV1 2,700.00 0.00 n.c 61,200.00 0.07 93,172,752.89 100.00 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 213 Figure 4.48: Landscape Units Map COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 214 4.10.3 Unit I: Conifers, Hardwood, and Agroforest FOREST This unit is characterized by a high density wood, predominantly pine trees, and wet woods in slopes larger than 25%. A foggy forest develops in the summits of the elevations. Photos 4.96 and 4.97 show how the different types of forests alternate and cover the area almost completely. The texture and chromatic combination of the forest varies as a function of the different vegetation types. Photo 4.97 shows a granular texture, due to pine trees that grow in tight colonies formation, opposed to Photo 4.96, in which the texture is motted. These observations were made from a high point that allowed us to have a panoramic view. The agroforest is characterized by coffee plantations inserted in the woods. This unit occupies 66.4% of the Project area. Photo 4.96: Forest Type 1 COR-01-EI-004-07 Photo 4.97: Forest Type 2 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 215 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA 4.10.4 Unit II: Scrubland and Pastures Scrublands and pastures consist of areas where herbal/bush vegetation develops and textural and chromatic changes are established according to the vegetation distribution. Photo 4.98 shows how the pastures change their color tones based on their position in the slopes. Slopes larger than 25% show a dark green color with some yellowish sections. The bushes are inserted in this space and transition to the pine trees and planifoliae forest. This unit occupies 25.2% of the Project area. Photo 4.98: Pastures 4.10.5 Unit III: Combined Agriculture This unit is characterized by slopes covered with crops. The type of crop adjusts to the slope. In areas where the soil depth and topography allows it, crops of beans and yams are developed. Generally speaking, plantain crops are associated to gully areas, and soils with slopes between 4 – 12%. In some cases, crops show organized linear forms, as shown in Photo 4.99 (beans and pigeon beans). In other cases (see Photo 4.100), crops like plantains look like patches. It should be pointed out that coffee crop is included in the agroforest, close to the woods. Textures are granular and have a trellis form due to the planned distribution of the crops. This unit occupies 8.25% of the Project area. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 216 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Photo 4.99: Beans and pigeon beans crop Photo 4.100: Plantain Crop 4.10.6 Unit IV: Scant Vegetation This unit consists of those soils where vegetation is completely absent or isolated. This phenomenon is mostly observed in the slopes surface. Photo 4.101 shows sections of slopes with scant vegetation. In some of the slopes, this phenomenon is noticeable. This unit occupies only 0.15% of the Project area. Photo 4.101: Section of a Slope with Scant Vegetation 4.10.7 Phase No. 2: Development of the Landscape Potential Map Las Placetas Hydro electrical Project is located within the limits of two protected areas. This situation increases the development potential of the area, adding extra value to its scenery. These areas are: Armando Bermúdez National Park; Alto Bao Forest Reservation. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 217 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA 4.10.8 Armando Bermúdez National Park The polygon of this park covers a surface of approximately 789 km². Its objective is to preserve the birth of many Rivers like Yaque del Norte, Amina, Mao, Bao, etc., among others. The park constitutes one of the areas intended for the protection and conservation of national fauna and flora species. The park shows an abrupt relief of pronounced slopes, where more than 50% of its surface exceeds the 30% slope. Duarte Peak and La Pelona Hill (3,087 m), constitute the highest elevations of La Hispaniola. Other important elevations to the South of the area under study are Loma del Barraco (2,654 m), Loma del Pico (2,541 m), Loma El Peñón (2,567 m), Loma Sillón Hondo (2,542 m), Loma de la Medianía (2,707 m), Loma de la Viuda (2,801 m), Loma El Pico del Barraco (2,644 m), and Loma La Rusilla (3,038 m). The area of influence of this Project (specifically the Sabaneta’s Reservoir), covers 42.2 hectare, which represents 6.5% of the total Park area. It is located closet o the Arroyo Antón Sape Bueno that delivers its water to Río Bao. 4.10.9 Alto Bao Forest Reservation This reservation limits to the South with the Armando Bermúdez National Park and covers a surface of approximately 282 km². It constitutes one of the areas intended for the protection and conservation of national fauna and flora species. The Río Bao watershed, which is located within the reservation, is composed basically of Rio Bao. The river originates in the North slope of Loma Pico del Barraco. Half of Sabaneta’s Reservoir, the Trasbase Tunnel towards Los Limones Reservoir, Los Limones Reservoir, the Pressure Tunnel, the Power House, and part of the Discharge Tunnel, are located within the reservation. The Project area occupies 51.6% of the reservation’s surface. These areas can be seen in Figure 1, where the landscape units are shown. Once the Landscape Units Map was developed, it was combined with the Protected Areas Map to define the Landscape Potential (see Figure 4.49). Approximately 41.8% of the project area is out of the protected areas. For these areas, however, there is still some potential, given all the elements present. The following flow diagram shows this analysis: COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 218 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Landscape Units Map Landscape Potential Map Protected Areas Map Figure 4.49: Landscape Potential The resulting map shows the areas according to their landscape potential, considering that there is a portion of the Project area that is out of the protected areas. This is summarized in the following table: Table 4.64: Landscape Units & Protected Areas Landscape Units I II III IV COR-01-EI-004-07 National Park Forestal Reservation Very High High Without Protected Area Medium Very High High Medium Low Medium Low Low Low Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 219 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA From the analysis completed it can be inferred that Units I y II present a High Landscaping Potentiality because of the media nature that offers great green tone contrasts due to the vegetation that constitute the base element with a variation of foliage and types of trees. Conifers occupy a relevant place in the vegetatative system. The integration of the river that develops its runoff dissecting the landscape and creating practically box type structures in Photo 4.102, a segment of Bao River can be observed, around which there is are bushes and conifer forests; what is most contrasting in this image is the chromatic combination on the green tones. Unit III presents a Medium-Low potentiality, since mixed agriculture has no major incidence in the landscaping; since it does not occupy much land and the crop are of short growing periods. Photo 4.102: Segment of Bao River Unit IV is of low incidence, since the scarcity of vegetation is manifest in isolated form in all the area. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 220 Figure 4.50: Landscaping Potentiality COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 221 4.10.10 Phase No. 3: Development of Landscape Fragility Map To evaluate the Landscape Fragility a crossing method of the following variables was developed: Landscape Units that weighs the types considering the soil, vegetative cover and slope; Location map of the project objectives; Accessibility of the project area that considers the distance and/or visual access to or from roads and settlements, and it is expressed through the Spot Maps and Road Maps. Spot Map Population Concentration Preliminary I Fragility Map Roads Map Length of Roads Figure 4.51: Preliminary Fragility Map Diagram First, the Spots Map, which shows the residents on the area, was compared to the Roads Map whose lengths crosses or pass near the works of the project to be constructed, to have an idea how far inside the project areas of direct and indirect influence the residents live and can access the infrastructure through dirt roads, embankments and roads. This way it was possible to categorize the fragility in according to these two elements; in Table 4.65, it can be observed the intervals for each parameter according to the category: Table 4.65: Characterization of the Landscape Fragility, Population Concentration and Length of Roads Fragility Category Very High High Moderate Low Very Low COR-01-EI-004-07 Population Concentration 801 – 4376 391 – 800 161 – 390 51 – 160 1 - 50 Roads Length 5501 – 9750 3401 – 5500 2201 – 3400 776 – 2200 0 -775 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 222 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA 4.10.11 Phase No. 4: Development of Landscape Fragility Map Preliminary I Fragility Map was crossed with the Landscape Units Map and the Landscape Fragility Map was obtained (see Figure 4.52); Table 4.66 shows a summary of the analysis fulfilled: Preliminary Fragility Map Landscape Fragility Map Landscape Units Map Figure 4.52: Diagram of Map of Preliminary Landscape Fragility Table 4.66: Landscape Fragility and Landscape Units. Fragility Landscape Units I–1 I–2 I–3 II – 1 II – 2 II – 3 III – 1 III – 2 III – 3 IV – 1 COR-01-EI-004-07 Very Low VL Low L Moderate M High H Very High VH VL L L VL L L VL VL L VL L L VL L L VL L L L L M L L M L L M M M H M H H M M H L H H MA H VH VH H H H Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 223 Figure 4.53: Landscape Fragility Map COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 224 As results of the analysis it is established that: The Sabaneta Reservoir presents a low to medium fragility since it is in a poorly accessible to the population; The Los Limones Reservoir presents a low to medium fragility in the central part f the reservoir; to the south the fragility is high because of the level of access and ; The Power House infrastructure has a high to medium fragility since it will be of the dominium of the locals because of its location, which will be next to the road and will be observed as any service infrastructure; 138 kw High Voltage Line: the introduction of this line with its towers is located in as low to medium fragility area in this part of the project. 4.10.12 Phase No. 5 Development of Map of Infrastructure Acceptability For the Development of the Map of Infrastructure Acceptability it was considered as variables two information corresponding to: Landscaping Potentiality; Fragility of Landscape. Fragility of Landscape Map Acceptability of Infrastructure Map Landscaping Potential Map Figure 4.54: Diagram of Map of Acceptability Both variables define how the perceptual media and value of this in terms of its protected areas can assimilate the project, in other words, accept it considering the surroundings. It is important to say that this acceptability can be possible based on the adjustments introduced in the Works to be constructed, for the results expressed in the table can be improved (see Figure 4.55). Table 4.67 shows a summary of the analysis of the landscape linking the different categories by type of characterizations. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 225 LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EIA Table 4.67: Landscaping Potential and Landscape Fragility. Landscape Fragility Landscape Potential Low Moderate High Very High COR-01-EI-004-07 Very Low VL Low L Moderate M High H Very High VH Very High High Moderate Moderate Very High High Moderate Moderate High Moderate Low Low Moderate Moderate Very Low Low Low Very Low Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 226 Figure 4.55: Map showing Acceptabity of the Infrastructure on the Landscape COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Media Page 227 EIA LAS PLACETAS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 4.10.13 Conclusions The project area landscape presents the following characteristics: A total of four main units were defined; Unit I, Unit II, Unit III and Unit IV, which were classified in 10 sub-units. These classifications considered the vegetative cover and the slope; Of the four units, the one with the most distribution in the Project area is Unit I Coniferous, Hardwood and Agroforest Forests that cover 66.4% of the surface total. Unit IV Scarce Vegetation was the one with the least distribution with only 0.15% of the surface total; The Landscaping Potential is distributed in the following way: High Potential – Very high for Units I y II; Medium Potential – Low for Unit III; Low Potential for Unit IV. The Landscaping Fragility behaves as follows: Sabaneta Reservoir fragility is low to moderate; Los Limones Reservoir fragility is low to moderate in the center of the reservoir; the limit to the south has high fragility; The Power House has high fragility; The High Voltage Line presents a much generalized fragility along the line between low and moderate except in a few points in which fragility is high. The Acceptability of the Project on the landscape is the following: Sabaneta Reservoir acceptability is moderate to low; Los Limones Reservoir acceptability is low to very low; The Power House has moderate acceptability; The High Voltage Line presents an acceptability high to moderate. COR-01-EI-004-07 Chapter 4: Description of Physical and Natural Medium Pag. 228