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Spring 2016 laGalera laGalera Yellow Van Series Vita Dickinson / Roser Calafell (Illustrator) No other van will take you as far. A new series with universal appeal by la Galera’s best-selling illustrator. Imagine Max and Mia’s family’s surprise when the second-hand van they’ve just bought turns out to travel not only to the most unique, far-fetched places, but also through time! With its funny, simple verses and off-center humour, this series is ideal to be read aloud by parents. It’s full of activities to complement the reading, and there are also challenges for the reader’s observation skills. Making them books that are read and re-read and re-read… Roser Calafell is possibly Spain’s best-selling illustrator, thanks to the enormous success of her numerous books published by la Galera (see last page). She’s also worked as an animator in some of Spain’s best-known cartoons. INCLUDES ACTIVITIES AND A PAPERCRAFT VAN MAX AND MIA IN THE STONE AGE MAX AND MIA AND THE PIRATES NEW! Max and Mia and the Dragons Max and Mia in Space Illustrated by: Roser Calafell Written by: Vita Dickinson Publication 3th & 4th: March 2016 Paperback Pages: 48 Age: 4+ Size: 24 x 24 cm RIGHTS SHARED WITH: RIGHTOL MEDIA (China) ENGLISH TEXT AVAILABLE Mamen Duch / Vero Cendoya (Illustrator) Maia travels to India with her family. In Delhi they stay with Manu, a new friend who will introduce them to the world of Yoga. They will visit the temple of Ganesh, Varanasi and other major sites. As the story progresses, the family will learn about the philosophy of yoga, ten different poses, breathing and relaxation exercises, and the magic of mandalas. The book also includes a fold-out sheet at the end for parents, with explanations on how to practice the exercises, as well as their benefits. NEW! MAYA AND THE WORLD OF YOGA Mamen Duch Illustrated by: Vero Cendoya Publication: March 2016 Paperback Pages: 32 Age: 4+ Size: 24 X 24 cm Mamen Duch is an accomplished Catalan actress and drama teacher. She’s also founder of Yogui Kids, a school of yoga for children. Saludo al Sol Surya Namaskar Sirve de calentamiento del cuerpo. Estira y fortalece los músculos, activa la energía y mejora la concentración. Expresa agradecimiento y es un homenaje al sol. Consiste en una sucesión de estiramientos acompañados de respiraciones profundas. Postura del Gato o de la Vaca Marjarasyana Flexibilidad y relajación. Reduce la tensión de la espalda y de las cervicales. Cólocate a cuatro patas: las manos alineadas con los hombros y las rodillas con la pelvis. Inspira arqueando la espalda y levantando la cabeza, y espira redondeando la espalda y dirigiendo la mirada hacia el ombligo. El León Simhasana Tonifica y descarga las tensiones de los músculos del cuello y la cara. Ayuda a liberar la rabia contenida. Siéntate sobre los tobillos, separa las rodillas y coloca los puños en el suelo entre las piernas. Ahora, inclínate hacia delante. Inspira y, al espirar, abre completamente la boca emitiendo un rugido de león. El Árbol Vrksana El árbol trabaja el equilibrio físico y mental, y estira y fortalece las piernas. Ayuda a concentrarse. De pie, levanta los brazos hacia el cielo como si fuesen las ramas de un árbol mientras mantienes los pies juntos bien aferrados al suelo y las piernas fuertes, como si fuesen raíces. Levanta una pierna flexionada y coloca el pie sobre la parte interna de la pierna contraria. Repite la postura cambiando de pierna. Respiración del Elefante Respiración que fortalece la musculatura abdominal, despierta y proporciona energía, y, al mismo tiempo, libera tensiones. De pie, con las piernas separadas, junta las manos sobre la cabeza e inclínate hacia delante mientras espiras. La cabeza y los brazos cuelgan como una trompa. Inspira estirando los brazos y la espalda hacia arriba; espira dejándolos caer otra vez entre las piernas. Mandala Postura del Perro Adho Mukha Svanasana Trabaja la elasticidad y la fuerza de los brazos y las piernas. Tonifica la columna y, al mismo tiempo, calma la mente. Ponte a gatas, apoya los dedos de los pies y mueve las caderas hacia atrás y hacia arriba. Estira las piernas, los brazos y la espalda. It’s never too early to start. Postura de la Serpiente Bhujangasana Fortalece y tonifica la columna y toda la parte posterior del cuerpo. Además, expande el pecho. Túmbate boca abajo, estira las piernas y pon las manos a la altura de los hombros, presiona con ellas para levantar el pecho del suelo y arquea la espalda. El Camello Ustrasana Ayuda a estirar toda la parte delantera del cuerpo y a abrir la pelvis y el pecho. Fortalece y flexibiliza la columna, ensancha la respiración y relaja. Ponte de rodillas con las manos en los riñones. Inspira mientras ensanchas el pecho y lleva las manos hacia los talones y, al mismo tiempo, echa la cabeza hacia atrás. Respira aquí y deshaz la postura suavemente. El Loto Sukhasana Contribuye a la flexibilidad de las caderas y el descanso de las piernas. También calma la mente y nos ayuda a iniciar la meditación. Es la postura que se utiliza para practicar respiraciones o cantar mantras. Puedes practicarla de 2 a 5 minutos con los niños, centrándoos en la respiración u observando una lucecita que cambia de color o la llama de una vela... Hay que sentarse con las piernas cruzadas y la espalda recta. En sánscrito, mandala define un círculo y todas las formas organizadas alrededor de un punto central. Pintar un mandala o hacerlo con flores u objetos es un ejercicio que ayuda a relajarse y a concentrarse. Estimula los sentidos y la intuición, y equilibra la mente, además de reforzar la creatividad. El mero hecho de entrar en un círculo unifica los dos hemisferios cerebrales y favorece la armonía. Suelen practicarse para aumentar la autoestima. Hacer un mandala en grupo ayuda a cohesionar la relación entre sus miembros, y fomenta la apertura y la confianza en los demás. Comenzaremos a pintarlo de dentro hacia fuera para expresar nuestras emociones. Escogeremos los colores en función de nuestro estado de ánimo. www.verocendoya.com Maia and the World of Yoga The perfect introduction for children to the ancient discipline of yoga. The Universe in Your Hands Sonia Fernández-Vidal Pilarín Bayés (Illustrator) The author of The Door with Three Locks, who had a best-seller in 11 countries introducing quantum physics to the general public, teams up with Spain’s most beloved illustrator to explain the Universe to very young children –and the whole family. After popularizing quantum physics among young people and adults alike, Sonia Fernández-Vidal now explains the Universe to children. A book for the whole family that Carl Sagan would have loved. In 2011, she shed light on the smallest elements known to science. Now she has set herself the challenge of explaining the vastest entity conceivable: the Cosmos. And she does it in such a way that the youngest members of the family can easily understand it. To achieve this feat, she has had the help of the best-known illustrator in Catalonia, Pilarín Bayés, as well as that of Thales of Miletus, Galileo, Einstein and Carl Sagan. Together, they will tell us the greatest story of all -that of the place we live in. Sonia Fernández-Vidal is a doctor of Quantum Optics and Information. She has worked at CERN, Los Alamos and the Institute of Photonic Sciences. Her book The Door With Three Locks has run to over 20 editions and has been translated to 10 languages including German, Chinese and Italian. THE UNIVERSE IN YOUR HANDS Sonia Fernández-Vidal Illustrated by: Pilarín Bayés Publication: October 2015 Hardcover with jacket Pages: 96 Age: 6+ Size: 27 x 30 cm RIGHTS FOR THE TEXT SHARED WITH: SANDRA BRUNA LITERARY AGENCY RIGHTS SOLD: KOREA: CHARLIEBOOK ENGLISH TEXT AVAILABLE Watch the booktrailer: Pilarín Bayés Without a doubt the grande dame of Catalan illustration, her style, naive and ironic, recognizable at glance, defines an entire era. She has illustrated hundreds of educational and fiction books. www.pilarín.cat The Girl who Turned Into a Mobile Phone Damián Montes The dangers of mobiles and social networks, as you’ve never experienced them before. Mukele lives in Africa, in a nameless village at the foothills of the Kilimanjaro. She fearfully obeys the words of Amwilu, the sorcerer, though no one believes in magic anymore, and the villagers only listen to him out of tradition. However, the sorcerer does posess a certain power ...and in the wrong hands it could bring terrible consequences. Mukele will suffer a curse which she will only be able to escape with wit and luck. A great deal of luck. The book illustrates, by means of an exciting and suspenseful story, the contrast between traditional African culture and our technological Western world. Damián Montes is a journalist and writer. The author of an extensive collection of works, he has been awarded the most prestigious literary prizes in the country. NEW! The girl who turned into a mobile phone Damián Montes Illustrated by: Ona Caussa Publication: March 2016 Flexibound Pages: 178 Age: 10+ Size: 13.5 x 20.5 cm RIGHTS SHARED WITH: IMC LITERARY AGENCY JOSEP M. FOLCH I TORRES CHILDREN’S LITERARY PRIZE 2015 www.onacaussa.com Hachiko The Dog Who Waited Luis Prats / Zuzanna Celej (Illustrator) A beautiful true story, where friendship and loyalty are much more than pretty words. A story so special that the real-life protagonist has its own statue in Tokyo, and which has been turned into a film on various occasions, the latest stars Richard Gere. Millions of travellers every year see the metal statue of a dog in front of Shibuya Station, in Tokyo. Many may wonder who this dog was. But not the locals, since the story of professor Ueno and his dog Hachiko is legendary. There was even a Japanese movie devoted to it in the 80’s, which was remade by Hollywood in 2009, Hachiko, A Dog’s Tale, starring Richard Gere. Ueno, a lecturer at Tokyo University, finds a dog one day and adopts it. The animal is so faithful that, day-in and day-out, it accompanies him to the train station and waits there untill Ueno returns. A relationship that nothing, not even separation, not even something worse, can break. Hachiko: The Dog Who Waited has been published in countries like China and Vietnam. With exquisite illustrations by one of Spain’s most awarded new talents, Zuzanna Celej. HACHIKO: THE DOG WHO WAITED Luis Prats Illustrated by: Zuzanna Celej Publication: March 2015 Hardcover Pages: 168 Age: 10+ Size: 13.2 x 21 cm RIGHTS SHARED WITH: IMC LITERARY AGENCY JOSEP M. FOLCH I TORRES CHILDREN’S LITERARY PRIZE 2014 Luis Prats studied Art History and Archaeology. He has worked as a teacher, editor and film producer in Los Angeles. He has written non-fiction, historical novels, art books and over a dozen children’s and young adult novels translated into various languages. RIGHTS SOLD: CHINA: GUANXI NORMAL UP VIETNAM: KIM DONG PORTUGAL: CARACTER The Most Wonderful Story Ever Written The incredible series commissioned by la Galera to P.D. Baccalario and Eduardo Jáuregui, that tackles every classic from Peter Pan to Alice in Wonderland. Quick, grab this book before it vanishes! P.D. Baccalario is, of course, the creator of Ulysses Moore and many other novels and series that have made him one of the world’s most acclaimed authors. Eduardo Jáuregui is one of Spain’s leading authorities on humour and play. The illustrations are by Stefano Turconi, a name also familiar to followers of some of the best-selling middle grade books. The most wonderful story ever written has been erased, its characters and objects scattered among the best adventure books ever. Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, The Three Musketeers, Don Quixote... all have been altered in ways that are funny but totally mistaken. Alba and Diego, a pair of siblings, have to find the missing book and restore the classics by entering them, magically, aided by cabal of booksellers from real bookshops around the world. P. D. Baccalario is one of the most celebrated authors in the world of children’s and young adult literature. The author of numerous hugelysuccessful stories, he is the creator of the Ulysses Moore series, beloved by millions of fans all over the world. Eduardo Jáuregui is one of the leading world experts on the topics of laughter, play and sense of humour. His consultancy “Serious Fun Training” is specialized in the application of positive emotions in the workplace. He is the author of several fiction and non-fiction books. THE MOST WONDERFUL STORY EVER WRITTEN Edward Berry Illustrated by: Stefano Turconi Publication: May 2015 Second volume: October 2015 Third volume: May 2016 Fourth volume: October 2016 New titles coming 2017 Hardcover Pages: 256 Age: 9+ Size: 15.8 x 21.6 cm RIGHTS SOLD: PORTUGAL: PRESENÇA GERMANY: THIELE FRANCE: FLAMMARION TURKEY: DOMINGO GREECE: METAIXMIO www. stefanoturconi.blogspot.com Juan Plata J. L. Badal The saga reaches its end – at the end of the world! If you’ve ever dreamt of discovering that your father is a genuine pirate, or of fighting sea monsters and gigantic automatons at his side; if you want to believe in mermaids, hidden treasure and even magical violins…; or if you just think that good literature, fast-paced action and plenty of humour are by no means incompatible, Juan Plata is the saga for you. Illustrations by the criticallyacclaimed Jordi Lafebre. J.L. Badal teaches language and literature, and writes novels and poems. 20 years ago he started studying tai chi and now he gives classes. He also works on story-telling projects and plays the cello. Watch the trailer NEW! 6th AND LAST VOLUME MARCH 2016 JUAN PLATA J. L. Badal Illustrated by: Jordi Lafebre Hardcover with jacket Pages: 216 - 280 Age: 9+ Size: 15 x 21.5 cm JOSEP M. FOLCH I TORRES CHILDREN’S LITERARY PRIZE 2012 RIGHTS SOLD: BRAZIL: MARTINS FONTES RIGHTS PEOPLE AGENCY HOLDS WORLDWIDE RIGHTS FOR ENGLISH RIGHTS SHARED WITH: ATLANTYCA (FAR EAST) You’ve never read a pirate saga quite like this one. www.jordilafebre.blogspot.com The Old Oak Legacy J. L. Badal “The Universe is that which you see before you.” A boy and a girl, a grandfather who lives in his attic surrounded by books and knick-knacks, a mistake in the forest, the weight of remorse. And a key that the grandfather gives to the children: the key to the world of Grandfather Oak, the Great Oak. A vast novel unfolds before our eyes, with roots that go back to Gilgamesh and the great mythologies, The Thousand and One Nights or Jan Potocki, as well as C.S. Lewis and the classics of the twentieth century. The Old Oak Legacy weaves together countless plots that grow and flourish until the epic confrontations of the third (and final) part. Unforgettable characters, dozens upon dozens, pass through The Old Oak Legacy and populate its stories, from the Yoghurt Boy to Mrs Dickinson (Emily), Ahab the dragon hunter, or the samurai cellist Miyamoto-Yoyo. With incredible illustrations by one of Spain’s top new talents, the Polishborn Zuzanna Celej. “One of the year’s Top 10 best” ABC, newspaper. “One of the year’s Top 5 best” El País, newspaper THE OLD OAK LEGACY J. L. Badal Illustrated by: Zuzanna Celej Publication: March 2014 Paperback with flaps, special edition Pages: 576 Age: 12+ Size: 15.5 x 20.5 cm “Book of the year” Leer en caso de incendio, online magazine. “The author who’s best assimilated the traditional virtues of narration” Leer, literary magazine. RIGHTS SOLD: THE NETHERLANDS: CLAVIS BRAZIL: MARTINS FONTES DENMARK: JENSEN & DALGAARD RIGHTS PEOPLE AGENCY HOLDS WORLDWIDE RIGHTS FOR ENGLISH RIGHTS SHARED WITH: ATLANTYCA (FAR EAST) www.zuzannacelej.blogspot.com A universal hymn reminiscent of so many classics, but unlike any of them. Watch the trailer Covers by Zuzanna Celej for the Dutch edition. The Limits of Life David Bueno / Salvador Macip / Eduard Martorell Sophie’s World did it for Philosophy. The Door with Three Locks did it for Quantum Physics. Now The Limits of Life brings Biology to everyone. Full of surprises. Full of funny moments. Such is life. And such is The Limits of Life. Its authors define The Limits of Life as “a stroll through life in all its splendour”. We may add: “With many answers to age-old questions along the way.” Bueno, Macip and Martorell are as familiar with genetics and biology as they are in communicating their knowledge in an intelligible way on all media. It’s not strange, then, that the story of 14-year-old Lara (who’s in the hospital for a long-term illness and is visited by a mysterious doctor than initiates her in the story of her own life) has garnered so much acclaim. It is a story as full of knowledge as it is of wisdom. THE LIMITS OF LIFE David Bueno, Salvador Macip and Eduard Martorell Publication: October 2014 Hardcover Pages: 264 Age: Crossover Size: 15 x 21.5 cm RIGHTS SHARED WITH: SILVIA BASTOS LITERARY AGENCY RIGHTS SOLD: GERMANY: HANSER ITALY: SALANI David Bueno is a Genetics lecturer and researcher at Barcelona University and also a writer and broadcaster. He regularly appears in the media. Salvador Macip is a doctor, researcher and lecturer at Leicester University (UK). He is one of the most important scientific authors in the country, and a prolific sciencefiction writer. Eduard Martorell has a degree in Biology and is a lecturer at the International University of Catalonia. He is the author of textbooks and science books. Watch the trailer I, Elvis Riboldi Series Bono Bidari Not only has he been published in France, the Czech Republic, Turkey and South America, but Elvis Riboldi will soon be a European TV cartoon series, already a winner of the Best Project prize awarded by the Disney Channel. Elvis has an uncanny ability to break, blow up or bring down anything –always by accident. Together with enough schoolmates and adult accomplices to fill a lunatic asylum, he leaps from one adventure to the next, all of them as incredible as they are hilarious. The most likeable whirlwind in the publishing world, very soon a TV sensation! I, ELVIS RIBOLDI Bono Bidari Illustrated by: Òscar Julve Hardcover and paperback Pages: 216 Age: 9+ Size: 14.5 x 21.5 cm MORE THAN 75,000 COPIES SOLD. RIGHTS SOLD: FRANCE: HACHETTE LIVRE CZECH REPUBLIC: MLADÁ FRONTA TURKEY: IDEAL KITAP POLAND: CZARNA OWIECZKA SLOVENIA: KUD SODOBNOST INTERNATIONAL ITALY: SIRONI EDITORE www.elvisriboldi.com Bono Bidari is the pseudonym of three scriptwriters (Jaume Copons, Daniel Cerdà and Ramon Cabrera), responsible for TV series like the Spanish Sesame Street and Los Lunnis, joined by one of the most successful Catalan illustrators, Òscar Julve. LISTEN TO THE NEW SONG WATCH THE NEW TRAILER WATCH THE TRAILER BONO BIDARI Dreamkeepers Ricard Ruiz and Álex Hinojo Between the real world and the world of dreams... fantasy, humour and lots and lots of monsters (some adorable and others not so much). Dreamkeepers is much more than a series: it’s a whole world. Literally. Dreamkeepers is a breath of fresh air: its style, which mixes fantasy and reality, its unforgettable characters, its madcap pace, its subtle humour... All of it presented in a beautiful edition, with wonderful illustrations by Pedro Rodríguez. Four friends, Serena, Virginia, Raúl and Simón, with the help of their cat Marmot, will become the Dreamkeepers. Together, they must save the world from the evil intentions of Doctor Torpor, who is trying to conquer the Earth from the place where dreams are made. RIGHTS SHARED WITH: ATLANTYCA (FAR EAST) Watch the trailer RIGHTS SOLD: BRAZIL: MARTINS FONTES DREAMKEEPERS Ricard Ruiz and Álex Hinojo Illustrated by: Pedro Rodríguez Publication: October 2013 Second volume: May 2014 Hardcover with jacket Pages: 1st volume, 204 2nd volume, 368 Age: 9+ Size: 16.5 x 21.7 cm www.pericorodriguez.com Ricard Ruiz and Álex Hinojo are writers and journalists. Together and separately they work as book and film reviewers in all kinds of media outlets. Wicked, Wacky Wanda Carlota Echevarría What would happen if a witch had to pretend to be wicked? A new twist on the genre of witches’ tales. When a pair of children end up in Wanda’s house, they soon discover that she’s a witch. The truth is that Wanda does nothing to hide it, because lately everything seems to be going wrong. If she’s not careful, her garden blossoms, her house tidies itself up, and her nasty soups turn out delicious. And that simply cannot happen! Carlota Echevarría is one of the most influential readers and critics of Spanish children’s and YA literature. She has worked as a reader, proofreader and community manager for children’s and YA publishers. In 2014 she began her career as a writer with the series “Princesas al ataque” (Princesses on the rampage). NEW! Wicked, WACKY Wanda Carlota Echevarría Illustrated by: Votric Publication: March 2016 Paperback Pages: 144 Age: 7+ Size: 13.2 x 21 cm www.votric.es The Heart on the Sand Jordi Llompart The book on which the film Magic Journey to Africa is based. Jana has travelled to Africa on her little lucky winged horse. Following the advice of a tiny fairy, she has come to this continent to find the answers to her questions about the meaning of life and love. Upon reaching the Namibian desert, she meets a flower, a fox and a lion. And she also meets Mel, a dark-skinned boy with very white teeth... Each of them gives her a little lesson about life: why do we exist? A beautiful story with wonderful illustrations by Glòria Llompart. Everyone comes and goes. Therefore nobody goes to never come back. Jordi Llompart has worked in radio, television and the press as a presenter and editor. He has also directed and produced works such as the first Spanish film for IMAX cinemas and the first Spanish movie in 3D (based on The Heart on the Sand) THE HEART ON THE SAND Jordi Llompart Illustrated by: Glòria Llompart Publication: June 2013 Paperback Pages: 64 Age: 8+ Size: 13.2 x 21 cm ENGLISH TEXT AVAILABLE “I wrote The Heart of the Sand a few days after losing my daughter Jana in Namibia, moved by the profound need to communicate with her and her extraordinary world.” Jordi Llompart Movie version Carles Sala Winner of the five most important prizes in Catalan children’s and YA literature. CORNELIUS AND THE STORE OF IMPOSSIBLE THINGS Illustrated by: Javier Andrada Publication: 2012 Hardcover Pages: 168 Age: 10+ Size: 13.5 x 21 cm In Cornelius and the Store of Impossible Things he tells the story of a shop that sells everything the customers need, whatever it may be. RIGHTS SOLD: ITALY: PIEMME BRAZIL: MARTINS FONTES TURKEY: CAN YAYINLARI Carles Sala i Vila used to be a school teacher and for some time now he has worked as a craftsman and writer. He likes words, plants and avocado pear seeds, with which he makes into pendants, earrings and key rings. With his novels he has won the most prestigious national prizes for children’s literature. RIGHTS SHARED WITH: UTE KÖRNER LITERARY AGENT MY FRIEND Spark GOODNIGHT, JULIA SEVEN SCARY INTERVIEWS MISTER RUMBA Illustrated by: Màriam Ben-Arab Publication: 2011 Paperback Pages: 64 Age: 7+ Size: 13.1 x 21 cm Illustrated by: Roger Simó Publication: 2008 Paperback Pages: 112 Age: 10+ Size: 13.1 x 21 cm Illustrated by: Roger Simó Publication: June 2013 Paperback Pages: 120 Age: 10+ Size: 13.1 x 21 cm Illustrated by: Roger Simó Publication: June 2014 Paperback Pages: 136 Age: 8+ Size: 13.1 x 21 cm My Friend Spark is the story of a very special friendship between a girl and a cloud. Goodnight, Julia shows us, with huge doses of optimism and fantasy, the story of two little boys who are ill in a hospital. In Seven Scary Interviews we can read the story of two brave reporters who dare enter an old castle to interview ladies who sleep in coffins, hairy people who look like wolves… But they don’t know if they’ll come out alive! Meow is from a very musical gypsy family. One of his cousins decides to try to make it in America. RIGHTS SOLD: TURKEY: CAN YAYINLARI The World of Animals Emma Schmid La Galera’s best-selling illustrator Roser Calafell Paperback Pages: 24 Age: 4+ Size: 24 x 24 cm NEW! LET’S LOOK AT THE SKY Text by Mònica Usart CHRISTMAS TIME Text by Anna Canyelles SANTA CLAUS Text by Carles Sala Let’s look at the clouds Text by Mònica Usart NEW! HOW BOOKS ARE MADE Text by Cristina Sans A big board book of first words about the world of animals, with fantastic illustrations by Emma Schmid. THE BIRTH OF JESUS Text by Cristina Sans NOAH’S ARK Text by Cristina Sans Little RED RIDING HOOD Text by carles Sala The forest, the ocean, the farm, the jungle... Arranged by habitat, first readers will discover more than 150 animals from all over the world! NEW! THE WORLD OF ANIMALS Emma Schmid Emma Schmid has worked on advertising campaigns, design projects and the printed media, contributing periodically with fashion and children’s magazines. SAINT GEORGE AND THE DRAGON Text by Anna Canyelles DISCOVERING MADRID Text by Ana Campoy DISCOVERING BARCELONA Text by Francesc Miralles CARNIVAL Text by Anna Canyelles M. CERVANTE’S DON QUIXOTE Adaptation by Ana Campoy MANDALAS Publication: November 2014 Board Book Pages: 20 Age: 1+ Size: 33.5 x 38 cm The life of Lazarillo of Tormes Text by Ana Campoy Spring 2016 Come Fly With Us