STCSC`S Officially Unofficial Newsletter #3
STCSC`S Officially Unofficial Newsletter #3
STCSC’S Officially Unofficial Newsletter #3, Dec. 2009 Hi Folks, This issue of the Officially Unofficial Newsletter is long overdue, mostly because I’ve been busy, and just haven’ t had the time to put it all together. So let me begin by wishing you all belated Happy Holidays and a very Happy and Healthy New Year. , Happy New Year , Before I forget (and I seem to do that more and more lately) I want to make a correction to the Great Western results I previously posted. At the Sat. show, the Reserve Winners Bitch was Scarlet, Talakan Red Winded Blackbird, not Fancy, as I reported. My apologies to Jeanne Zuver, Michelle Leathers, and Carol and Jan Simonds. Our Fall activity season got off to a bang over Labor Day Weekend with 2 separate events to report. Firstly, our Club set up our Meet the Breed booth at the prestigious, 2 day, 144th Scottish Highland Gathering and Games, put on by the Caledonian Club of San Francisco, and held at the Pleasanton, CA fairgrounds. Doing Saturday duty were Yvette Alley and her Tibetan Terrier friend JoAnn, with Yvette’s Teal, Talakan Blue Teal of Kamal, and me with my Scottish Deerhound friend Ellen, along with my Molly, Ch. Ladybank’s Shadow Music. On Sunday, I was by myself, so I brought along our 9 year old Holmes, Ch. Ladybank’s The Game’s Afoot. It’s been a while since he did any “meet and greet” duty, but it came back to him pretty quickly. The weather was lovely (not hot) and we had a good shady spot. I hope we’ll have more members come and show off their dogs next Labor Day weekend. Contact me if you are interested. And be sure to check out the photos at the end of newsletter (From here on I’m going to refer to the newsletter as the “ O U N”, the Officially Unofficial Newsletter). Also for the Labor Day weekend, Club member Karen Sanders flew off to Greeley, CO where she was Sweepstakes judge at the Columbine Skye Terrier Club A match, and got to enjoy all the Skyes and folk at the Rocky Mountain All Terrier club STCA supported entry. The Club’s Fall Club meeting was held at the Sir Francis Drake KC show, Sept. 12. We were delighted to see that Carol Simonds was back on her feet and able to join us after her slip and fall in Aug. Then, before we knew it, several of us were off to the STCA National Specialty in PA, Oct. 1-4. Judy Davis and I decided to travel together and share expenses, but It Page 1 STCSC’S Officially Unofficial Newsletter #3 still felt like we were tossing money right and left, as we made our travel, hotel, and meal reservations. Soon enough it was time to go. Karen Sanders flew out on Wed., and Judy and I flew out on Thurs., so we missed the first Hatboro KC show and the Thurs. evening STCA events. However, we did connect with a few Skye folk in the hotel restaurant that evening. Fri. morning, with Judy driving and me navigating, we wound our way through the beautiful fall Penn. countryside for the 2nd. Hatboro show. There we met up with club member, Olga Smid, and lots of friends we hadn’t seen since last year. Between grooming and judging, our time was spent admiring Skyes -- new pups and “oldsters” alike, and catching up on each other’s news. That evening we enjoyed the Awards Banquet at the lovely Mainland Inn restaurant. Sat.‘s Devon show was more of the same. But, Sunday was Montgomery and our National Specialty. By the time Judy and I arrived at the show site, there was very little grooming space left, but we managed to squeeze in near some schnauzer people. As ring time drew nearer, we were able to haul our stuff ringside and watch the judging. And what a show! I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many Skyes in the same place at the same time. Our entry was 41, with about 18 or so in the Breed ring alone. Very exciting. Congratulations to all the winners. It was a wonderful spectacle. I don’t want to leave out the specialty show committee, either. They did a great job from start to finish. Soon enough, it was over and we were saying our good-byes as folk packed up and headed home. Our flight didn’t leave until Mon. afternoon, so in the morning, Judy and I drove into Philadelphia, parked the dogs in a parking garage, and played tourist, enjoying the Liberty Bell and a fascinating tour of Independence Hall. Later, I think we had to drive round and round the city before we found a spot of grass to air the dogs. Then it was off to the airport and home. After the Montgomery trip, things quieted down for a while. By that I mean I was occupied with other activities, namely 2 family birthdays and preparations for our Ford Model A Club’s huge Hallowe’en/Harvest BBQ, complete with pumpkin carving and scare crow making contests (my pumpkin came in 4th!). After that, it was Thanksgiving preparations and working on the display for this year’s 125th AKC/Eukanuba Meet the Breeds booth. Soon enough, it was time to pack up and drive down to Long Beach. There were a few anxious days of waiting for my car to be fixed, but, thankfully, I was able to join up with Judy Davis, Carol and Jan Simonds and Jan’s friend Mary Wolfe (who designed and maintains the Club’s web site), and we caravaned down to Long Beach. It’s always a long drive, and the weather was drizzly, but we had no snow or ice over the Grapevine, so we were happy. We stayed at a different hotel this time and were pleasantly surprised. But old habits die hard. We set the booth up that evening, then gathered for diner in the restaurant at our old hotel. Next morning, we were joined by Michelle Shue, Sally Poole, and the Langleys. Dogs sharing meet and greet duty both days were: Judy’s Webster, the Langleys’ Scotty, the Simonds’ Andy, and my Molly. As always, there was so much to see besides the judging. The breed clubs outdid themselves in booth decorations. My 2 favorites were the Cavalier King Charles and the Norwich Terrier booths. Do have a look at their photos. Oh, and we even had celebrity sightings at the show -- Barry Bonds and Betty White! Congratulations to all Page 2 STCSC’S Officially Unofficial Newsletter #3 participants, including the winners. I understand that the show will air on the Animal Planet channel on Feb. 6. Check your local listings. Show results can be found here on the AKC web site: Click on “Entries & Results”, then “Breed Results”. Would you believe we were so busy keeping up with all that was going on, we actually forgot to have our Club meeting! We’ve moved it up to the Saturday Golden Gate KC show, Jan. 30 at the Cow Palace in Daly City, CA. If anyone has any Club business that they would like to bring up at that time, please let me know. In other news, big congratulate are in order for Chuck Brown for his 50 years as a member of STCA. What a record! In “closing out” the year, I’d like to send our condolences to Judy Davis on the loss of her Chumley, Ch. Jo-Na-Da’s Spellbound Talakan, and to Carol Fink on the loss of her Panya, Ch. Dressed to Kill of Morningskye. They are both sorely missed. On a happier note, Karen and Bill Sanders announced the birth of their pup “Sunny”, Gold River Divine Design, and Carol Fink is awaiting the arrival of her new, 3 ½ month old youngster, Tara. We’ll be looking forward to watching these youngsters grow up. Mark your 2010 Calendars for: Jan 30 & 31 Feb. 6 Feb. 15 & 16 Mar. Apr. 15 & 16 Apr. 17 & 18 Golden Gate KC shows Eukanuba televised on Animal Planet Westminster KC televised Crufts (not sure of the dates) Nor Cal Terrier Assoc shows. in Sacramento Sacramento KC (all breed) in Sacramento Right now, we’re looking forward to the back to back, Golden Gate benched shows at the Cow Palace in Daly City, CA, Jan. 30 and 31. We entered these shows back in Nov., so here’s a reminder, DON’T FORGET TO ORDER YOUR DISCOUNTED PARKING PERMIT! I nearly did. Judges for the NorCal weekend in April are: Thurs. - Mr. Gary Vlachos, Fri., Mr John Ramirez. Sat., it’s Mr. Fredrick Stephens and Sun. it’s Mrs. Candy Vogels. I hope to see you all there. I’m sure we’ll be doing our potluck lunch in conjunction with our meeting on Thurs. Sincerely, Peggy Kopf, Your Officially Unofficial Newsletter Editor Page 3 STCSC’S Officially Unofficial Newsletter #3 And here’s a whole lot of pictures for your enjoyment: Scottish Highland Gathering & Games – Labor Day weekend Yvette Alley and Teal Our booth with Holmes and Molly Holmes and Molly Page 4 STCSC’S Officially Unofficial Newsletter #3 Montgomery weekend - Hatboro, Devon and STCA National Specialty Hatboro Maida Connor, Olda Smid Judy Davis, Webster and Molly Montomery – STCA Trophy Table Page 5 STCSC’S Officially Unofficial Newsletter #3 Montgomery – ringside Philadelphia – the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall Eukanuba weekend Michelle Shuie, Walter Goodman, Karen Sanders, Carol Simonds Page 6 STCSC’S Officially Unofficial Newsletter #3 Michelle Shuie, Walter Goodman, Karen Sanders, Carol Simonds Raisa Langley and Scotty one of the grooming areas Page 7 STCSC’S Officially Unofficial Newsletter #3 Hanover Harriette and Adrian in Terrier Group The Terrier Group Page 8 Down and back on the big TV screen STCSC’S Officially Unofficial Newsletter #3 The long drive home -- California’s Central Valley Page 9