A HISTORY - Amoskeag Beverages
A HISTORY - Amoskeag Beverages
AMOSKEAG BEVERAGES Holiday 2012 | V.2 A HISTORY OF THE TOAST KEN GROSSMAN SIERRA NEVADA BREWING COMPANY Retail Edge Seasonals The Beer Guy New Products Programs POWER OF PREMIUM LIGHTS | W I N T E R M I X PA C K S | H O L I D AY B R E W S Letter toTHE TRADE In This ISSUE Cover Story .........................1 Brewer Highlight ..................2 Bert’s Better Beers.................3 Strange Brew Tavern.............4 Dear Valued Customer, This is a time of year spent gearing up for the holidays, with promises of fabulous feasts, good company, and the long-awaited releases of holiday beers. Amoskeag is excited to unveil its vast selection of holiday beers which have begun to roll into our warehouse. For as long as humans have brewed beer, they have also crafted special ales and lagers for holiday feasts and celebrations, a flavorful tradition that continues to this day. While there exists no precise definition of what constitutes a holiday beer – some are spiced, others highly hopped, and still others crafted in conventional styles like bocks and India pale ales – they are generally a bit stronger than conventional beers, and share among them a spirit of celebration and indulgence, much like the holidays themselves. New Products & Seasonals ....5 Programs.............................8 Retail Edge........................12 The Beer Guy ....................13 It is also a time when many unleash an immense flow of charitable donations. For charities, it’s the busiest time of year. You’ll find Salvation Army bell ringer’s on every corner, Toys-for-Tot’s drop-offs, donations for the local food pantries and workplace pledge drives. Amoskeag Beverages makes charitable giving a high priority throughout the year. We realize the importance of giving, especially when there is such great need. We also know our customers and our suppliers do a fantastic job when it comes to giving back, whether it’s contributing time, resources or energies in communities around New Hampshire. For this, we thank you. It is hard to believe 2012 is winding down. We are grateful to work with you and we wish you abundance, happiness and health in a new year of hope. As always, thank you for your business! Ed Murphy VP/General Manager Tom Bullock President Kevin Emmons VP/Marketing Director Amoskeag Beverages strives to provide exemplary sales, delivery and support service to all of our customers. We are continually looking for ways to grow and improve our company so we can better serve our customers. Please help by visiting our website at amoskeagbeverages.com to complete our customer survey on our home page. Thank You! Heady Times is published four times a year, courtesy of Amoskeag Beverages. CoverSTORY A History of the Toast For those of you who think that drinking is a religious experience, you’re definitely on to something. T hat wonderful ritual of raising our glasses in honor of a person or a sentiment originated with the ancient Greeks who before taking the first sip, raised their libation toward heaven to share it with the gods. It was the first toast – an expression of their highest honors in the form of an alcoholic beverage. And we’ve been doing it ever since. Of course back then it wasn’t called a toast. The term “Toast” didn’t come about until the 16th century, and possibly earlier. Shakespeare mentions it in Merry Wives of Windsor when it became customary to put a piece of toasted bread into the drink to either improve flavor, or as sort of a built-in snack. Adding flavorings to wine was nothing new. Spices, honey, raisins, saffron, mint and even rose petals have all been used to improve the flavor of wine. The toast craze caught on, and soon anything found floating in a drink was called a toast. “Drinking a toast” to someone or something in the 17th and 18th centuries eventually got out of control. When a gathering would run out of attendees to toast, it became the custom to toast absent friends, thus prolonging the drinking. It was during this period, the heyday of the toast, that the position of “Toastmaster” came into being. A sort of party referee, the Toastmaster’s duty was to make sure that everyone got a fair chance and equal opportunity to offer toasts. Elaborate drinking games and toasting competitions became popular, as well as some rather gruesome customs. Young men would sometimes stab themselves in the arm, mix their blood with their wine and drink it when toasting a young woman to prove their devotion and masculinity. Predictably, this excess eventually led to a backlash. Anti-toasting movements and laws began to appear, although they were largely unsuccessful. Eventually, the craze died down and toasting became a more intellectual affair. Toasting clubs began to emerge and toasting evolved into a way to promote good morals and patriotism, making toasting a social custom instead of a drinking one. It was reported that during a banquet held in Paris during the American Revolution the British Ambassador rose and toasted, “George the Third, who, like the sun in its meridian spreads a luster throughout and enlightens the world.” He was followed by the French minister, who toasted, “The illustrious Louis the Sixteenth who, like the moon, sheds his mild and benevolent rays on and influences the globe.” Benjamin Franklin then rose and toasted, “George Washington, commander of the American armies, who, like Joshua of old, commanded the sun and the moon to stand still, and both obeyed.” Don’t you love how Ben got the last word in? We just don’t get great toasts like that anymore. Then again, nobody is asking you to thrust a dagger into your arm to prove your manhood, so perhaps we should count our blessings and raise our glasses to the ancient Greeks who really knew how to get a party going. www.amoskeagbeverages.com HeadyTimes v.2 1 BrewerHIGHLIGHT Ken Grossman | Sierra Nevada I n 1979, when Ken Grossman began building a brewery in Chico, California, his goal was to brew exceptional ales and lagers. Today, the Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. is considered one of the United State’s premier craft breweries. Grossman, who began his career as a homebrewer, studied chemistry and physics in college. Soon after he graduated, he and co-founder Paul Camusi created a first-rate microbrewery they named after Grossman’s favorite hiking grounds—the Sierra Nevada Mountains. It was on November 15, 1980 that the Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. brewed the first batch of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale – a landmark in craft brewing. Over the next decade, the demand for their beers exceeded the brewery’s capacity. In 1989, Sierra Nevada moved to its current location. To this day, the brewery remains true to its roots. Grossman is still personally involved in every aspect of brewery operations and most importantly, his commitment to quality remains the same. “There’s so much great beer being made in this country…” For those interested in starting their own brewery, Grossman has this advice, “Get a great education and learn as much as you can about beer, the brewing industry and the beer marketplace. Oh, and as Jack McAuliffe used to say … Bring lots of money.” Because Grossman was there at the start of the craft beer movement, he has seen many changes in the industry over the years. “The most notable change is the enthusiasm and acceptance of a whole range of beer styles that were unknown and unavailable back in the 70s,” he says. “Consumer tastes have changed, and so has the willingness of wholesalers and retailers to carry these products. There’s so much great beer being made in this country now, and in the world-at-large.” People love Sierra Nevada for many reasons – their remarkable beers, their creativity and willingness to try new things and their enthusiasm for educating people about beer. Grossman loves to share his passion for brewing. “That’s why we started Beer Camp,” he says. “We have a state-of-the-art small brewery and we wanted to inform folks about the brewing process, specifically how beer is brewed and designed. Beer Camp is basically two days at the brewery, working with brewery personnel, to make a beer from start to finish. We’ve brewed almost 90 different beers at this point!” Sierra Nevada’s first foray into brewing with brettanomyces occurred earlier this year. BRUX, a collaboration brew with Russian River, is a "domesticated wild ale". Grossman explains, “My son Brian and Vinnie Cilurzo are good friends and we have a lot of respect for what he does at Russian River. We went into the project with our eyes wide open to any of the potential pitfalls. We developed a device to inject the brettanomyces directly into the bottle, which cut down on the risk for the yeast to spread, and segregated the yeast from the rest of the brewery. It was a very fun project to work on … we enjoy a good challenge 2 HeadyTimes v.2 www.amoskeagbeverages.com around here, and this was a great problem to solve.” Sierra Nevada is also renowned for being one of the “greenest” breweries in the world. At the moment, they create more than 80% of the brewery’s total energy needs on-site with photovoltaic solar arrays and hydrogen fuel cells. They also reuse or recycle as much as possible - their water treatment plant produces biogas, which can be re-used as energy. Grossman adds, “Efficient shipping, CO2 recovery, heat recovery and composting are all things we do as well, but can always improve.” Because the holidays are quickly approaching, Grossman shares his thoughts on his holiday offering, “In 1981 when we first brewed Celebration Ale, we wanted to come up with a great IPA that would work well for the holidays. We used very fragrant fresh hops to make it, and eschewed any spices. We wanted to focus on the holidaytype aromas than can be derived from hops. It makes a wonderful companion to holiday fare too – it’s one of my family’s favorites! I also enjoy year-old Bigfoot around this time (If I can keep it around that long!) And this year I’m looking forward to our new Imperial Stout, Narwhal.” Off-PremiseSPOTLIGHT Bert’s Better Beers Peeking into the window of Bert’s Better Beers would get any beer lover excited. Rows and rows of neatly organized bottles of beer, cider and mead line the shelves and coolers of this gleaming, spotless gem. Once inside, on the day of the interview, David Lee Roth could be heard emanating from the speakers, “This must be just like livin’ in paradise and I don’t want to go home.” I chuckled at the fitting lyrics. Beer aficionados can’t get enough of the multiawarding winning beer specialty store located at 1100 Hooksett Road in Hooksett. Bert’s Better Beers is taking the industry by storm and that’s just what owners Bert Bingel and Ron Parker gambled on three years ago when they opened their “all inclusive specialty shop.” The two were looking for a change from longtime careers in IT and manufacturing. After tossing around a few ideas, Bert and Ron, who are both beer enthusiasts, began writing down everything they wanted to see in a beer specialty store. “We kept wondering why nobody else had opened one.” That’s precisely what they did and it filled an empty gap in the market. Owners, Bert Bingel and Ron Parker It is evident when visiting the store that the two are dialed into the ever-changing beer culture. “We sample each item that comes through the door so we can give our customers honest and accurate information.” A tough job, but someone’s got to do it! They also read many beer periodicals and are longtime members of Brew Free or Die, New Hampshire’s oldest homebrew club. With over 600 labels, beer lovers would be hard pressed to find another shop in NH with as broad a variety of specialty brews. Each item has an information tag next to it that educates customers on everything from the IBUs (international bittering units) to food pairing suggestions and the color of the beer. The store has a large gluten free section as well and one of the largest mead assortments around. It is no surprise that Bert’s has a huge following of regular customers. “Word of mouth and social media are our best advertising tools,” says Ron. “The beer community likes to interact and we have lots of folks who stop by to talk shop with us or other customers.” Bert’s Facebook page and website are continuously being updated with the latest arrivals. “Limited release and small batch items are posted on Facebook and within minutes we have customers stopping in to see if they can get the new product.” Experimentation is something that is encouraged at Bert’s to introduce people to new beers. When Heady Times was conducting this interview, a local TV weatherman was seen purchasing the popular Bert’s Mix & Match 6 pack. Customers are able to fill their 6 pack as they like…from Moat Mountain and Magners Pear to Victory Hop Devil, the mix is a great way for customers to try new things. “People love to stop by and sample items before they buy.” Offering tastings every Tuesday is another way the guys get patrons to try new beers. By offering a relaxed atmosphere where beer lovers can schmooze and shop one of the largest selections of beer, cider and mead from far and wide, Heady Times wasn’t surprised to hear the common refrain from their customers, “It was about time!” www.amoskeagbeverages.com HeadyTimes v.2 3 On-PremiseSPOTLIGHT Strange Brew Tavern If you have ever have gone out for a beer in the Queen City, more than likely you’ve been to the ever popular Strange Brew Tavern. Tucked away at 88 Market Street in Manchester, you’ll find a spot where beer geeks hunker down to sip, swirl and taste some great beers. Owner Mitch Sawaya wanted to open a place that “offered a unique selection of beer, not your run of the mill type.” Coming up with the notion to open an “American style pub” was easy… Sawaya wanted a place where people would feel comfortable sitting alone and having a beer, just what he looked for when he was travelling for business in his previous job. Strange Brew certainly fits the bill. With seating for roughly 300 guests in the main dining area, it has a warm comfortable vibe with exposed brick, rich, hardwood floors and rows and rows of books. The patio allows outdoor seating for more than 75 and there is a function room to house events upstairs. You can be sure that many a beer lover has frequented this well-known establishment, located only a block from bustling Elm Street. Opened over 13 years ago, Strange Brew began with 18 draught lines…now they have 103! “We track each keg that’s tapped to see how the product is moving. Guinness and Harpoon continue to be two of our top sellers,” says Sawaya, who only serves the freshest beer to his customers. “Amoskeag does a great job getting me the limited release and small batch beers my customers are looking for. “We are both trying to educate the consumer on the challenges of small batch specialty brews.” At times, many of the small craft breweries are only capable of sending limited quantities of beer into the state and when they’re gone they’re gone. The vast array of draught offerings don’t even begin to complete the extensive beer menu at this Manchester hotspot. Many more options are available via bottle, making this a beer lovers’ heaven. Strange Brew also boasts a tasty selection of bar fare and delicious dinner items to enjoy as you listen to live music played five nights a week. When Sawaya isn’t busy running his business, he is often found giving back to his community. Strange Brew Tavern has been a huge supporter of PAL, the Police Athletic League of Manchester. PAL is a non-profit organization providing after school, summer, athletic and recreational activities for local children. “Giving to PAL is rewarding,” says Sawaya, “the organization does great work in the community and we know it’s a very worthy cause.” Just another reason why Strange Brew is a winner in our book. 4 HeadyTimes v.2 www.amoskeagbeverages.com Owner, Mitch Sawaya New Products & Seasonals When Demand Exceeds Supply Many of our craft seasonal and specialty releases are available in limited quantities. Breweries only produce a certain amount of their specialty beers and Amoskeag does all they can to get as much product as possible. In addition, this magazine is compiled months prior to the decision made by the brewery to allocate their products to the wholesaler. Variations in production for some of these limited release offerings will fluctuate, resulting in lower quantities than anticipated. If you are interested in something you see in this publication and it is out of stock when you place your order, please contact your Amoskeag Beverages sales representative to discuss a similar product. Woodstock Inn Brewery Last Chair Ale A collaboration between Ski NH and the Woodstock Inn Brewery, Last Chair Ale, is a blend of two different styles to create one delicious offering. The beer offers the wonderful characteristics of a hearty brown ale with the intense hoppiness of an IPA. On your last chair to the summit, you will look forward to this delicious celebrative brew. ABV: 5.7% Packages: 12 and 22 oz. bottles and draught Availability: January Woodstock Inn Brewery Wassail Ale Wassail Ale is a spirited winter warmer with a huge malt profile. Deep ruby-red in color, this beer has an alcoholic warmth that finishes the flavor profile. Wassail Ale is very easy to drink and pairs well with roasted meats, local, full-flavored cheeses and desserts. ABV: 7.9% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: November Samuel Adams Merry Mischief Gingerbread Stout Lively and festive with a devilish streak, this rich, dark gingerbread stout entices with aromas of the holidays, hinting at the merriment and spices within. The flavor of gingerbread comes alive, beginning with the smooth sweetness and heartiness of dark roasted malts and a touch of wheat. But it’s the intensity and spices of cinnamon, clove, nutmeg and ginger that add a wicked kick for a jolly playful brew full of merry mischief. ABV: 9% Packages: 22 oz. bottles and draught Availability: Very limited quantities in November Tenacious Traveler Shandy The Tenacious Traveler is an invigorating fellow that breaks from the traditional norm of the shandy. “TT”, as we like to call him, is a bright, vibrant wheat beer brewed with real ginger and clover honey that delivers the perfect balance between spice and sweetness. Try one and you'll see why he is aptly named the Tenacious Traveler! ABV: 4.4% Package: 12 oz. bottles only Availability: Yearround beginning October Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout For their rendition of the famous Imperial Stout once brewed exclusively for Catherine the Great, Brooklyn Brewery uses three mashes to brew each batch of this beer, achieving a luscious, deep, dark chocolate flavor through a blend of specially roasted malts. Chocolate Stout pairs well with strong cheeses like Stilton as well as chocolate and red fruit desserts. AVB: 10% Package: 12 oz. bottles only Availability: September Samuel Adams White Christmas Sam Adams’ newest seasonal is a white ale brewed with traditional holiday spices. Inspired by the flavors of the season, Sam Adams wanted to brew something perfect for the holidays, yet lighter and crisper than the more malty beers we often find that time of year. Using some favorite Christmas spices, including cinnamon, nutmeg and orange peel, they brewed a hazy white ale with distinct fruity citrus notes and a warm spiciness. The blend of malts contributes a medium body with a subtle sweet note while the wheat provides a slight crisp character. The lingering spice notes leave you wanting more. ABV: 5.8% Package: 12 oz. bottles only Availability: November www.amoskeagbeverages.com HeadyTimes v.2 5 New Products & Seasonals Mike’s Hard Winter Blackberry Most people dread the coming of winter, but not Mike. That’s because he can’t wait to introduce his winter seasonal, Winter Blackberry. It’s the perfect combination of crisp blackberry refreshment with the trademark Mike’s kick…so go ahead, pour it over ice and enjoy the best winter has to offer. Crisp as snow and dark as night, Mike’s Hard Winter Blackberry is sure to make you smile on those dreary days of winter. ABV: 5.9% Package: 11.2 oz. bottles only Availability: October Mike’s Winter Grab Bag New this year, the Mike’s Hard winter variety pack includes the year-round favorite, Hard Cranberry Lemonade, the winter seasonal, Hard Winter Blackberry and a brand new flavor, exclusive to the Winter Grab Bag, Hard Chocolate Cherry, all wrapped up in an eye-catching, colorful case. They’re gonna go fast, so grab ‘em while you can! Availability: October Narragansett Porter Porter has been a part of the Narragansett Brewing Company since 1916. In fact, the beer helped ‘Gansett survive Prohibition because the brewery was given a patent by the U.S. Government to brew it for medicinal purposes. Apparently, ‘Gansett Porter was believed to be the cure for whatever ailed you, and doctors would write prescriptions for it to help patients throughout New England with anemia and various other maladies. Porter is back and better than ever, and you don’t even need a prescription to get it! This American-style porter has a robust malt flavor with a slight hop character. It is brewed with Chinook hops for bitterness, Simcoe hops for aroma, black malt, pale malt, chocolate malt, Munich malt, crystal malt, roasted barley, and ale yeast. This porter has a deliciously mild chocolate flavor with just a hint of smokiness and hops to balance out the finish - an extremely approachable craft experience. ABV: 7% Package: 16 oz. cans only Availability: October 6 HeadyTimes v.2 www.amoskeagbeverages.com Guinness Winter Selection Guinness offers a diverse selection of beers, each possessing a distinct taste with its own rich story. The Guinness consumer seeks “more taste” and “variety” and is actively seeking an option to purchase different styles of beer from Guinness. This holiday season, Guinness is introducing their Winter Selection variety pack. Included in the mix case is Guinness Generous Ale, a special edition holiday beer (exclusive to the variety pack) as well as Guinness Black Lager, Guinness Draught and Guinness Foreign Extra Stout. The Guinness holiday pack is perfect for parties, gift giving and holiday gatherings. With variety packs, there is always something for everyone. Availability: Limited quantities in November Fatty Bampkins Cider Fatty Bampkins is produced in South Casco, Maine from fresh cider pressed at Ricker Orchards in Turner, Maine. They use six apple varieties which are pressed separately. The cider is transferred to bourbon and rye barrels, inoculated with three different yeasts and allowed to ferment for four months. It is then blended and filtered to produce a crisp, clean cider. Two varieties are produced: Fatty Bampkins regular hard cider and a dry cider. ABV: 6% Packages: 22 oz. bottles and draught Availability: Year-round beginning in October Woodchuck Winter Cider Winter Cider is a balanced culmination of Premium French and Traditional American Oak, giving the cider great complexity and broad characteristics that neither style could produce on its own. This cider has tremendous depth starting with an attractive oak taste and finishing with a touch of vanilla. ABV: 5% Package: 12 oz. bottles only Availability: November New Products & Seasonals Blue Moon Winter Abbey Ale Deep chestnut brown in color, Winter Abbey Ale is brewed with roasted malts, a hint of Belgian sugar and a touch of wheat for rich caramel and toffee notes and a wonderful smooth finish. Its warm seasonal flavor is perfect for sharing with friends on those long winter nights. Try it with hearty stews and chocolate based desserts. ABV: 5.6% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: November Blue Moon Brewmaster’s Winter Sampler This year’s Blue Moon winter variety pack includes their flagship Belgian White, the Belgian-style pale ale, Pale Moon and their winter seasonal, Winter Abbey Ale. Each of Blue Moon’s Brewmaster’s Sampler packs also includes a limited release style, only available in the mix pack. The style changes with the season. The limited winter release in this mix pack, back by popular demand, is Belgian Spiced Ale! This is the perfect winter mix to warm you from the inside out. Availability: November Sebago Slick Nick Winter Ale Slick Nick is Sebago’s most popular seasonal ale. The caramel and black malts used give this insidious beer its deep amber color. Best enjoyed during New England’s freezing winter months, warm up with one of Maine’s best winter offerings. ABV: 6% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: October Harpoon Wintry Mix The wintertime can be a season full of celebrations. Bring the Harpoon Wintry Mix to your holiday gatherings to please a wide range of palates, or keep the Wintry Mix in your fridge and enjoy the option that strikes your fancy. This mix pack offers six different styles to suit the season: Harpoon IPA – the copper-colored ale with a medium body and balanced hop character, Harpoon Dark – a smooth-bodied beer with warming, roasted notes, UFO White – a refreshing ale spiced with orange peel and coriander, Harpoon Winter Warmer – a true holiday favorite with cinnamon and nutmeg spices, Harpoon Rich & Dan’s Rye IPA – Harpoon’s newest year-round beer with a nice hoppiness to balance the spiciness of the rye and Harpoon Chocolate Stout – a rich and creamy ale with a subtle chocolate finish. Availability: November Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale It just wouldn’t be the holiday season without the annual release of Sierra Nevada’s legendary Celebration Ale. This winter seasonal was first introduced in 1981. It took its current form as a hop-forward IPA in 1983, and since then, it has been one more welcome favorite at the holiday table. Each year, debates rage about the brewery’s choice of spices for this holiday beer. In reality, the unique spiced flavors of juniper, citrus rind and cinnamon come from the dry-hopping with a blend of fresh whole-cone hops. Celebration Ale is also a versatile food beer, pairing perfectly with many of the traditional holiday staples. Its full, creamy body and clean, moderately bitter finish work well to cut through the rich flavors of turkey and sage stuffing, roasted honey ham, standing rib of beef and succulent Christmas gravy. ABV: 6.8% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: November www.amoskeagbeverages.com HeadyTimes v.2 7 Programs Waterville Valley Adaptive Sports…Amazing Race and Dinner Auction January 12-13, Waterville Valley, NH On Saturday January 12th, Waterville Valley Adaptive Sports will be holding their annual dinner gala and auction followed by the “Amazing Race” on Sunday January 13th. Auction items include vacations/getaways (Park City, Nantucket, Disney World), airfare, tickets, autographed sports memorabilia from Red Sox/Celtics/Patriots, shopping and dining certificates, ski gear, clothing, fine wine, art from local craftsmen and artists, museum passes and much more! Waterville Valley Adaptive Sports is dedicated to empowering individuals with disabilities through access and instruction in sports and recreation for life. They encourage freedom and self reliance through experiential opportunities in a safe and supportive environment with highly trained staff and volunteers. The program enriches the lives of everyone involved, resulting in a profound and lasting impact on individualism, health and well-being. Amoskeag Beverages proudly sponsors this terrific event! For more information, please visit www.watervilleadaptive.com Allagash: The Cookbook It will come as no surprise that Allagash’s artisan beers have gained a reputation for not only being high quality, with a nuanced structural complexity and flavor, but they are also recognized for being uniquely suited to pairing with fine food. Their new cookbook, Allagash: The Cookbook, offers home chefs an unparalleled opportunity to work with recipes designed for 10 of Allagash’s most celebrated creations. With award-winning dishes created for these beers over the years, Chef James Simpkins has created a culinary tour of the United States, showing off the versatility and wide gastronomic range of each beer. Tantalizing imagery, created for Allagash: The Cookbook by noted photographer, Brian Smestad, complements each selection and creates an unequaled visual ambience. Since they unleashed their first beer on an unsuspecting public back in 1995, these beers have always been distinct, set apart from other beers both in production method and resulting flavor. Brewery founder Rob Tod’s choice to craft American beer in the brewing tradition of Belgium, 8 HeadyTimes v.2 www.amoskeagbeverages.com rather than Germany or Great Britain made his beers stand out. Six yearround offerings and seven yearly releases tell of a rigorous commitment to an ever-appreciative audience for the Portland, Maine based brewery. Whether eating fresh lobster near the brewery’s New England headquarters, crab cakes in the Carolinas, or a thin-crust West Coaststyle, vegetable-laden pizza, readers everywhere will be able to experience in their own kitchens just how well these beers pair with the emblematic regional foods that make up our inimitable American Cuisine. The book will be released at the Great American Beer Festival (October 11th – 13th). Programs Molson Canadian: Savor a Hockey Classic Since its origination in 2008, the Winter Classic has become one of the most anticipated events of the NHL season. This prestigious outdoor game has strong appeal for hockey’s biggest followers and has the unique ability to attract hockey enthusiasts beyond fans of the participating teams. Last year’s event, which pitted the Philadelphia Flyers against the New York Rangers, was certainly a Classic Matchup. And this year, when an Original Six Rivalry brings the Toronto Maple Leafs to face off against the Detroit Red Wings, the stage is again set to create one of the most memorable – and biggest – events in NHL history. With “The Big House” in Ann Arbor, MI equipped to create an event that is 109,000 strong, this year’s Winter Classic will likely set the record as the largest hockey game in NHL history! With all of the anticipation surrounding Red Wings vs. Maple Leafs, the opportunity is rich for Molson Canadian to show the avid hockey fan that it is the only brand that “Savors the Hockey Tradition” that is the Winter Classic. As “The Official Imported Beer of the NHL”, Molson Canadian will offer a series of customizable POS templates that work in conjunction with the “Savor a Hockey Tradition” retail program to enable local activation of the 2013 Winter Classic. These templates provide a great way to engage hockey fans at retail and encourage them to purchase Molson Canadian for their Winter Classic at-home viewing parties, while also providing onpremise accounts with the proper messaging to drive traffic on Winter Classic game day. NHL, THE NHL SHIELD AND THE NHL WINTER CLASSIC WORD MARK ARE REGISTERED TRADEMARKS AND THE NHL WINTER CLASSIC LOGO IS A TRADEMARK OF THE NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE. © NHL 2012. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Sam Adams Lounges Whether you’re catching a Monarchs game, a concert or event at the Verizon Wireless Arena, a Fisher Cats game or even a flight to sunny Florida…Sam Adams has got you covered! Coors Light Holiday Cash This holiday season, Coors Light is giving consumers the chance to score some extra cheer throughout the Northeast region. Beginning November 15th, consumers can participate in an off-premise text-to-win promotion for the chance to win instant cash by texting CASH to 42653. The six week promotion, complete with a lineup of holiday-themed elements, will award 500 winners a $100 gift card. Sam Adams Lounge – located at the Verizon Wireless Arena, home of the Manchester Monarchs (pictured below) Sam Adams Bar & Grille – located behind left field, Northeast Delta Dental Stadium, home of the NH Fisher Cats Sam Adams Pub & Sam Adams Café – located at Manchester-Boston Regional Airport www.amoskeagbeverages.com HeadyTimes v.2 9 Programs 9th Annual Harpoon Helps Spread Holiday Cheer! This December, Harpoon’s community service program, Harpoon Helps, will be spreading holiday cheer throughout the East Coast with the 9th annual Harpoon Helps Spread Holiday Cheer event. Approximately 600 volunteers (a.k.a. “Harpoon Helpers”) will adorn 42 shelters, soup kitchens and play spaces in different cities with holiday decorations. Harpoon Helps volunteers will decorate locations in Philadelphia, Portland, Providence, Manchester, Hartford, the Upper Valley, Worcester, Albany and several locations in Boston. Guinness Holiday Consumers want to impress their friends by bringing beer with more character to their holiday parties, so they tend to “splurge” on more premium choices. The high quality, rich, roasted barley flavor of Guinness makes it the perfect choice for cold weather occasions. This holiday season, Guinness will leverage the richness of its flavor and quality by dressing up stores with POS that has high appetite appeal and a super-premium look and feel. Because Guinness makes a great gift or party beverage, your store will be a “one stop shop” for the holidays. 10 HeadyTimes v.2 www.amoskeagbeverages.com Harpoon CEO, Rich Doyle says,“This can be an especially difficult time of year for the less fortunate. We hope that by adding some holiday decoration to the wonderful agencies that serve our communities, we will be making the holidays a little brighter for the people that need it the most.” Programs Corona Wishes Consumers “Feliz Navidad” Corona drinkers love the holiday spirit, taking a break from their day-to-day responsibilities to relax and enjoy themselves. This season, Corona reminds consumers to share the beach with family and friends by bringing Corona Extra and Corona Light to their holiday celebrations. The holidays are the best time to promote imported beers as patrons and retailers can light up the holiday season with the popular Feliz Navidad holiday promotion from Corona Extra and Corona Light, the number one selling import family. During key holiday weeks, Corona Extra delivers a case lift of +122% during Thanksgiving and +188% during Christmas when featured and displayed. The Feliz Navidad promotion brings holiday cheer to retail accounts with an array of higher-end support materials to help consumers “Find their Holiday Beach” by sharing the beach state of mind and making it easier for them to share it with others. Off-premise retailers can utilize the iconic Corona palm tree from the popular “O’Tannenpalm” TV spot, as a beacon to draw in consumers. Supporting point-of-sale materials include mass displays, side stackers, promo pillars, floor decals, base wrap, pennants, cooler door kits, display cards and gift tags to help Woodstock Inn Brewery Expansion Construction is well underway on the 3 million dollar expansion and renovation at the Woodstock Inn Station and Brewery. It is not often you come across a place that has it all, but the Woodstock Inn and Brewery has everything: lodging, two inhouse restaurants, a brewpub and its own brewery…and this renovation is going to make the multi-awarding winning establishment even better! the number one import family stand apart from the competition on the floor and at the register. On-premise accounts can communicate the holiday message the Corona way by dressing their space as a holiday beach. A Corona Holiday Palm Tree display kit provides all the tools for merchandising, including beer tubs to support holiday parties. Accounts can also activate the Holiday Bucket program with buckets that prompt consumer social sharing and reward consumers for purchasing the Corona Extra/Corona Light 12 oz. bottle/bucket specials. They can also utilize customizable gift tag-shaped coasters to prompt and activate the 12 oz. bucket ‘sharing’ feature. In addition, the Feliz Navidad promotion will again be supported with Corona’s iconic “O’Tannenpalm” TV commercial, which will hit the airwaves nationally during the holiday season. “We have seen dramatic growth in package and draught sales in the past five years,” said owner Scott Rice. “This year, even with things as busy as they are with the expansion, we anticipate total production of over 5,000 barrels.” “The new equipment will increase the brewing capacity to 10,000 barrels a year, with enough space for future expansion to double that output,” according to Master Brewer, Butch Chase. The expansion will allow the brewery to bottle its craft beers on site. The brewery crafts over a dozen beers, some of which are seasonal, including the national award-winning brews, Pig’s Ear Brown Ale and Pemi Pale Ale. This project should be completed by the end of the year! www.amoskeagbeverages.com HeadyTimes v.2 11 RetailEDGE Power of Premium Lights W ITH ALL OF THE BUZZ and attention surrounding the growing and trendy craft category, we sometimes lose focus on our workhorse. Did you know the Premium Light category is six times bigger than all crafts combined? It’s a fact that the Premium Light category drives by far the largest portion of category transactions, dollars and gross profit. Due to the sheer size of the brands, they dominate sales and profits making the category a cash engine. According to Adams Beer Handbook 2011, Premium Light brands are the top beer brands in the industry because of their consumer connection. Nationally, Bud Light tops the list, followed by Coors Light in the No. 2 spot. (Editor’s note: Coors Light holds the top position in the MidAtlantic states) In simple terms, Premium Light drinkers account for more shopping trips: almost two times more than Import and Budget Households combined. And when they shop, Premium Light drinkers are more loyal to the brands they love. When you examine national grocery data, Premium Light drinkers are also apt to spend more money on each trip, making them key consumers to cross-sell to! Overall, the Premium Light shopper delivers a total of almost $8.00 more per shopping trip, an increase of 14% vs. all other beer basket rings. Nationally, Premium Lights make up a commanding 36% of all dollar sales in beer – equal to the next three segments combined (Imports, Budgets and Near Premium). If you examine the sales mix of most SE Pennsylvania licensees, Premium Lights make up an even greater share of total sales. Premium Lights drive category profitability and scale, and react well to all kinds of merchandising, from feature to display, making your inventory dollars work harder. With far less SKUs, Premium Lights generate far more revenue and gross profit dollars versus craft and specialty products. More profit and less complexity is a good thing! Bring More Flavor to the Party with Smirnoff Ice Smirnoff Ice Flavored Malt Beverages offer convenience and give consumers an easy way to enjoy cocktail inspired drinks at their holiday get-togethers. Premium Adult Beverages are add-ons to beer purchases, not substitutions! This time of year, impulse purchases happen far more often and Smirnoff Ice is perfect for those shoppers looking for taste, variety and convenience. 12 HeadyTimes v.2 www.amoskeagbeverages.com With the challenges the beer industry is currently facing – slowed growth, economic woes of the key beer drinking consumer and category clutter – the industry is seeking to find the right balance. There is no question that craft and specialty items should have an important role in your assortment plan for consumers – but don’t ignore the facts of Premium Light’s power in your beer offerings. This segment will continue to drive retailer profitability and category growth – so make sure you are getting your slice of the profit pie for every style consumer out there! The BeerGUY From them…to me…to you Have you ever been ‘regifted? ’ I remember opening a wedding gift to find a gift tag in it from people I didn’t know, congratulating the couple who gave us the gift. They’d received a gift…and given it to us. Some people are miffed when this happens; I just smiled, and we still use the gift every day. It really is the thought that counts. Do some regifting yourself this holiday season. Holiday beers – harvest beers, Christmas beers, winter warmers, whatever – are thought of as a brewery’s ‘gift’ to loyal customers. by Lew Bryson your taps, your cooler, your shelves, your floor. The biggest seller in beer lately, and the most likely reason craft is thriving, is variety: customers love to try something new. Wrap up the variety for them like Christmas morning under the tree! These beers usually come with colorful packages – cases, six pack holders, labels, taphandles – and you’ll want to show them all off. Get a bunch, and stack them all together. It’s guaranteed to cause interest and conversation. If you’re running a bar instead of a distributor, you can have a “12 beers of Christmas menu” with twelve different holiday / winter beers available. Write up descriptions of each of the beers (your Amoskeag rep Sam Adams Winter lager…these favorites can’t be beat! If you want something really special – a great gift to regive, get some big Belgian bottles like Ommegang or Duvel gift packs. Whatever the beer – and be sure you have a wide range – the season is the reason. Whether you’re celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, the Solstice or New Year’s, make it festive for your customers and yourself. Maybe more than any other time of the beer year, this is a time to have some fun. Distributors will see folks picking up cases for parties, for special gifts; bars and restaurants will see parties and lunch time drinking. Be ready, be happy and be generous with the gifts the breweries have given you. Happy Holidays! “…be generous with the gifts the breweries have given you.” These special beers may be an eagerly anticipated different brew every year, or treasured traditions that return each winter like a beloved relative’s holiday visit. The brewers give them to you, and you in turn give them to your customers. Okay, sure, the beers are actually being sold to you and your customers, but…it’s the thought that counts. They’re something special that the brewers do for the holidays, a big thank you for supporting them all year-round; so why not look at it that way for your customers? Regift that holiday beer! What do I mean? Think about it: holiday beers represent two strong trends in specialty beer purchases, wrapped up in a pretty package. Many of them are big, and intense, the kind of beers that lure the craft aficionados: uber-hoppy, dark and boozy, or touched with wild flavors. But the big lure is the variety, how many new, different beers it brings can help you with that) and put them on a festive menu card. You might be able to do food suggestions as well, if you got the right beers. What beer? Wow, the sky’s the limit. You can stay local with Smuttynose Winter or Harpoon Winter Warmer. As for the customer who has discovered craft through Blue Moon, Winter Abbey Ale is rising. Saranac’s 12 Beers of Winter, a whole box of holiday cheer packaged in two twelve packs, has become a traditional ‘one for me, one for you’ holiday gift. Speaking of traditions, don’t forget two of the longest running winter specialties: Sierra Nevada’s hugely popular Celebration Ale and www.amoskeagbeverages.com HeadyTimes v.2 13 510 Hall Street Bow, NH 03304-3105 4th Annual New England Pond Hockey Classic, February 1st-3rd Lake Winnipesaukee, Meredith, NH The Pond Hockey Classic started as an idea and has quickly became so much more. Established in the fall of 2009 by recent college graduate, Scott Crowder, the tournament was a vision to partner his two passions, the sport of hockey and the lakes region of NH. Crowder, who grew up in a hockey family, is the son of former Boston Bruin and college hockey coach, Bruce Crowder. He spent much of his time between the ice rinks in the winter and the waters of Lake Winnipesaukee in the summer. Attracting participants and teams from across North American, the PHC events have quickly become some of the most sought after pond hockey tournaments around. Starting out with 70 teams…this year they will have more than 300, making it the biggest pond hockey tournament in the world. “With the help of companies such as Labatt Blue, Amoskeag Beverages and others, the PHC has been able to create a world-class event for everyone who comes out to enjoy,” says Crowder. At the end of the day, the PHC is about spending a weekend playing pond hockey with your friends, sharing some laughs and of course some adult beverages. Help us to continue the tradition of "Bringing Hockey Back to the Basics!" For more information visit www.pondhockeyclassic.com (Left player) Scott Proulx, Chain Account Manager at Amoskeag Beverages