The Rampage - Socorro Independent School District


The Rampage - Socorro Independent School District
Montwood High School
12000 Montwood EP, TX 79936
Volume 6, Issue 4
The End of Freedom
February 2012
ACTA, Anti-Counterfeit Trade
ACT, was signed in October of 2011.
The ramifications of this act would
be the most drastic of all. This act is
The acts known as SOPA,
made to stop piracy of copyrighted
PIPA, ACTA and NDAA have the
material from being distrubuted.
potential to limit our freedoms as
It also gives the movie and music
Americans. Some of these acts may
industry extremely tight control over
even limit freedoms around the
their property. Yes, this gives the
world. SOPA and PIPA have been
control that they should have over
shelved for now but will come back
their property but at what cost? The
up very soon. The NDAA has alcost could be jail time for the owners
ready been signed and can be put
of your favorite sites like YouTube
into order. ACTA has been signed
and Facebook. By the users of the
by 31 countries and will go into force
sites posting copyrighted material the
after ratification by six states. These
owners could be locked up. Remixes
acts will restrict us in ways that will
“we are anonymous we are legion we do not forgive we do not forget
made by DJs you like could be fined
make us long for the days of old. If
expect us always...”
and jailed if they use their songs on a
we act now we can halt them.
would be subject to these acts. If these acts
commercial scale.
SOPA stands for Stop Online Piracy Act
were put into effect all the copyrighted mateActs like these are a danger to the sharing of
and PIPA stands for PROTECT IP Act. These
rial on the internet would be censored. Your
knowledge that we are so accustomed to today.
acts were protested by many people as the infavorite pictures, songs, movies and any other
They are great for the profit of the companies
ternet was set ablaze as soon as it came out. The
type of media that can be copyrighted would
that hold these products but bad for the conword spread quickly on the blogosphere because
be blocked. We saw a glimpse of what’s to come
sumer. We are the consumer. We need to stand
it would restrict the use of sites such as Tumblr,
when Mega upload was shut down by the Fedup and fight for what we know is right.
Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and many other
eral Bureau of Investigation.
sites. Any site that hosts copyrighted material
Devin Lozano
Staff Writer
Virtual Reality Tour Makes Stop in Borderland
Alysa Ortega
Staff Writer
On February 17th, the New Mexico State
Pan American Center was packed to the brim
for a sold out concert staring Brad Paisley and
featuring opening acts American Idol Winner,
Scotty McCreery and Grammy nominees, The
Band Perry.
At 7 o’clock on the dot, the lights
dimmed down and out stepped young Scotty
McCreery, the 18 year old reigning American
Idol winner. While most kids his age are focused
on graduating High School, McCreery is living
the dream and playing sold out shows around
the country. For such a young age his voice is
deep and has the sound of and older country superstar. The high percentage of the crowd made
up of teenage girls went crazy when he sang
the first note of his first single “I Love You This
Big” . Many were there solely to see him. One
girl even had made herself a replica of his High
School baseball jersey. Although the crowd and
screams were loud for McCreery, his voice over
powered and he delivered a great performance
that makes one believe he’s been doing this for a
long time.
After an enjoyable 30 minutes with the
young artist, the crowd waited in anticipation
for the next young artist. The Band Perry, a
band of siblings, burst on to the scene in 2011
with their hit song “If I Die Young” and there
has been no stopping them since. When they
finally hit the stage, they turned out a fun and
exciting performance that had the audience
singing along from beginning to end. They sang
tracks off of their CD and a handful of covers including “Fat Bottomed Girls” by Queen,
“Free Fallin’” by Tom Petty and “Love the Way
You Lie” to lead into their own single “You Lie”
. Kimberly Perry the band’s lead singer was sick
with bronchitis but you could not tell one bit.
She hit every note and sounded just as amazing
live as she does on the radio.
Finally it was time for the main act, Mr.
Brad Paisley himself. The break between The
Band Perry’s set and his was longer than the
rest, because the crew had a lot to set up for the
crazy ride Paisley was about to send the crowd
on. The opening sequence begins with Paisley’s
silhouette reaching for his trusty guitar. Then a
hologram of his silhouette playing was shot to
be looming over the crowd. Paisley was already
on stage and jumped into his song “Camouflage”
lighting up the stage and arena with of course
Camo print. Throughout his concert Paisley
conversed with the crowd and at one point
stated that “Music has the power to take you out
of reality and take you somewhere much nicer”,
then he proceeded to establish the ground rules
with his hit song “This is Country Music”. And
take the crowd out of reality it did. Holographic
images were displayed over the crowd throughout and the effects Paisley used were breathtak-
ing. His set included a StarWars themed instrumental that made one feel they really were on a
Galaxy far far away. The show wasn’t lacking in
comedy either. It isn’t a secret that Paisley is a
master jokester but his jokes during songs like
“I’m Still a Guy” and “Celebrity” had the crowd
not only singing along but laughing along as
well. There were many Cameos from other artist
and even an actor during his set. Scotty McCreery came out to sing “Celebrity” and Kimberly Perry came out to lend her voice on the
song “Whiskey Lullaby”. Even and appearance
by Carrie Underwood shocked the crowd. She
wasn’t really there though, Paisley’s master effect
had the crowd questioning their own eyes. Actor William Shatner even virtually stopped buy
to introduce a song. The concert ended with an
encore of the songs “American Saturday Night”
and “Alcohol”. Paisley had the crowd raving even
after the songs ended and it was truly a Virtual
Reality to remember.
Bloodshed in Syria
page 2
Race for the
Devin Lozano
Staff Writer
Luis Iglesias
Staff Writer
has outraged many in the Muslim world. In
neighboring Iraq, hundreds of demonstrators
took to the streets of Falluja to support the
March 2011, when residents of a small uprising.” We will not accept that a dictator is
southern city took to the streets to protest the allowed to massacre his own people but the
torture of students who had put up anti-govrevolution cannot come from the outside, it
ernment graffiti. The government responded
must be born from within,” Sarkozy said at a
with heavy-handed force, and demonstrajoint news briefing with British Prime Mintions quickly spread across much of the coun- ister David Cameron at the Elysee Palace in
Paris. On Thursday, the U.N. General Assem
President Bashar al-Assad, at first
bly passed a nonbinding resolution endorsing
wavered between force and hints of reform.
the Arab League plan for the Syrian president
But in April, just days after lifting the counto step down. China and Russia were among
try’s decades-old state of emergency, he set
the votes in Thursday’s important vote. It calls
off the first of what became a series of wither- on Syria to end immediately human rights
ing crackdowns, sending tanks into cities as
violations and attacks against civilians, and
security forces opened fire on demonstrators. bans violence by al-Assad’s forces and the
The popular resistance theme comes
as calls for armed struggle have grown in
Clinton said the United States and
tensely .Conflict has occurred every day in
other world powers are working “to deterSyria for months. At least 56 people died
mine ways forward, to strengthen the opposiacross Syria, including 12 military defection, to help them convey to the entire Syrian
tors executed in the town of Jassem in Daraa
population that they are seeking an inclusive,
province and an 11-year-old boy in the Dapeaceful, democratic transition.”
mascus suburbs, said the Local Coordination For nearly a year, al-Assad has denied
Committees of Syria.All services had been cut reports that his forces are targeting civilians,
to Baba Amr, where residents were collecting saying they are fighting armed gangs and forrain because they have no running water, she eign fighters bent on taking down the governsaid. The only news from the neighborhood
was coming from the few people who had sat- But the majority of accounts from within the
ellite devices, she said. “Medical supplies and country say that Syrian forces are slaughterfood are nearly completely unavailable,” she
ing civilians as part of a crackdown on antisaid about the neighborhood, which has been government opposition calling for al-Assad’s
under siege for two weeks. “People are now at resignation and even death.
a stage when they are hoping to get killed if
The United Nations says that well
they are going to be bombed, instead of getover 5,000 people have died in more than
ting injured, as getting injured only means a
11 months, though it does not have a recent
slow death or living forever with some sort of death count due to the conditions in the
a disability or disfigurement,” she said.
country. The LCC puts the number at more
The violence has enraged world
than 7,000.
powers, including many in the West, and it
With general election in November and the
Republican national convention in August the race
for the Republican Presidential nomination is heating up. Many are calling this the most exciting race
for a nomination in many years. The front runner for
the nomination has shifted numerous times with Mitt
Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Herman
Cain and Rick Perry all sharing time as the favorite to
win the nomination.
With eight states already completed their
primaries, Mitt Romney is now the census favorite
to win the nomination and oppose Barack Obama in
the Presidential election this fall. The road has not
been an easy one though he lost the opening primary
in Iowa by 34 votes to Rick Santorum, after initially
being declared the winner. Then he was beaten handily by Newt Gingrich in South Carolina, where he and
Gingrich traded jabs in debates and launched vicious
attack ads against at one another.
The biggest surprise however, was when Rick
Santorum won the caucuses in Colorado and Minnesota, places where Romney was expected to win. With
wins in New Hampshire, Florida, Nevada and Maine,
however Mitt Romney is still the person to beat in
this race to be President. Despite his front runner status there are many people, including fellow Republicans, who do not like him and do not want him to be
their nominee with his business and political career
having been called into question.
Before Romney became a politician he was
the one of the heads of the private equity firm, Bain
Capital, which critics have said he made millions in
bankrupting and destroying companies, leaving their
employees jobless. Politically he has been called too
moderate by other Republicans and the universal
health care system he installed in Massachusetts while
governor there has drawn comparisons to President
Obama’s and been heavily criticized by other Republicans. Most concerning to people though is the belief
that he is an out of touch millionaire who will do very
little to help the middle class and poor in America.
His statements like “I don’t care about the very poor,
there’s a safety net there” and trying making a $10,000
bet with Rick Perry have people worried about his
relate ability to the general population when so many
have suffered difficult times in this recent global
financial downturn.
With a promise by Newt Gingrich to take his
campaign all the way to the National Convention,
where the nominee will be announced, Romney will
have to fight every step of the way to win the Republican nomination.
Rampage staff
Student Publication Adviser- Mrs. Michelle Rivera
Editor-In-Chief - Edgar de la Rosa
Staff Writers - Kellie Apodaca, Ruby Luevanos, Luis Escobar, Amanda Varela, Sam Gonzalez, Jordan Parker, Jocelyn Arismendi, Emily Baquera,
BriAnn Beltran, Samantha Carrillo, Iliana Curiel, Jennie Dominguez, Melissa Garcia, Karla Hernandez, Luis Iglesias, Devin Lozano, Melissa Madrid, Karah Marcell, Brittanie Marion, Valerie Mendez, Andrea Munoz, Alyssa Ortega, Zac Padilla, Andrea Pimentel, Ruby Reyes, Jayni Rodriguez,
Michael Rolon, Stephanie Ryan, Beto Tejada, Jazmine Thornton, Valerie Villarreal, Javier Gonzalez, Valerie Soto, Luis Linan, Christina Carrera,
Renee Brewer, Yvette Estrada, Jaime Gonzalez, Sara Lopez, Melissa Rodriguez, Eileen Villasenor.
Beto Tejada
Staff Writer
Montwood Swimmers
Head to Regionals
Montwood is known for having an outstanding football, basketball, and baseball teams. Not many people pay attention to many of the
sports going on at Montwood, and swimming is one of the underappreciated sports in the school. This school year, swimming had a very successful season. At their district swim meet, the team placed higher than usual,
taking many third and fourth places in individual and relay events. Out
of the nine teams and over five hundred swimmers that compete at the
district swim meet, this turnout was exceptional. At their district swim
meet, Montwood had twelve students that qualified for the regional swim
meet in Lubbock, Texas. Only the top six places in every event are allowed
to go to regionals, so most schools only take about ten swimmers to the
regional swim meet. This year, Montwood took the most students ever
in their team history. There were more Montwood swimmers to go to
regionals than any other school in the Socorro district. Montwood took
twelve swimmers, seven of them guys and five girls. At regionals, the team
also performed very well like in their district swim meet, with all the relays qualifying for finals on the second day, and two individual swimmers
qualifying in their individual events.
Karla Hernandez & Melissa Garcia
Staff Writers
Edgar De La Rosa
Staff Writer
page 3
Montwood Tennis
Still Hard at Work
The Montwood Tennis team are some of the hardest workers here
at Montwood and all the athletes on the team give their hardest every day
at practice to do their best at the many tournaments they enter. They are
always prepared to practice so they can do good in the sport they love.
And along the way they create bonds between their fellow team mates
and their opponents.
Edgar De La Rosa a senior on the Montwood tennis team said
“even though I’m still JV and a senior…” which means that he cannot
compete in any tournaments “I still have fun just practicing with the
friends I’ve made along the way. I’ve practiced a lot to at least get some
experience in a fun sport that I really like.”
All of the players on the Montwood Tennis team are all hard
workers and do their best each and every day in what they do. They are
in other words a family they help each other in order to get better at the
sport all of them love and try their best in.
Super Bowl XLVI
Finally, the most talked about and
anticipated event of the year, in which most
Americans cannot wait to watch in the beginning of the New Year, an awaited Sunday
in which families gather together to make
delicious food and bond to watch the NFL
Superbowl XLVI. The two teams playing
in this year’s Superbowl were the New York
Giants and the New England Patriots, who
had once already gone head to head to claim
the title as Superbowl champions in 2008.
Now they play again to try and reclaim that
title. Where the New England Patriots were
planning a sweet revenge to get back from the
previous loss they faced in 2008.This year, the
Superbowl’s location was at Indianapolis and
was said to be the most watched program televised in the history of the United States television. There were apparently over 111.3 million
American households watching the game. Not
only is the Superbowl famous for the game, but
also for the comedic and creative million dollar worth commercials, and for the eye catching
Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Indiana
musical halftime show. This year’s halftime show
was performed by Madonna, and her special
guest performances by the party rocking duo,
LMFAO, female rap icon, Nicki Minaj, also accompanied by MIA, and the Voice’s judge, Cee
Lo Green. Although this year’s halftime show
was criticized yet loved by many viewers, they
were still incredibly anxious to see who will take
the championship once again in this unpredictable game.
With the Patriots leading and starting
the third quarter of the game, quarterback
Tom Brady was ready to give it his all to
pass the ball and score touchdowns. Unfortunately, for the New England fans, the
game turned around on the Patriots. After
an incomplete pass by Brady to Welker
they still had a slight chance to win, but the
chance was lost when the Patriots defense
failed, letting the Giants lead to another
offensive play. With one minute left for
the game, the Giants scored an unexpected
touchdown by Ahmad Bradshaw. Instead
of doing the field goal, they let Brady have
a final possession of the ball, for the last 57
seconds of the game. As the timer hit zero,
the New York Giants were pronounced the
Superbowl Champions, and their quarterback
Eli Manning was pronounced this year’s most
valuable player of the superbowl. On the other
hand, the New England Patriots and their fans
are disappointed because of their second superbowl loss against the Giants. The season might
be over now, but we are all excited to see who
will take the next win.
you know you want one
buy your yearbook today $95
Jocelyn Arismendi and Alyssa Ortega
Staff Writers
Saint Valentine’s Day a time to tell that special someone how you feel and to do something special to give them that warm feeling in their hearts it’s a time to share the feeling of love between man and woman depending on who you like. And here are some
great gift ideas and stories from your fellow Rams.
Mix tape USB Memory Stick
$23.27 @
Mi Corazon Spanish Sweethearts
$2.50 @
Humongous Plush Heart
$24.00 @
Gift Box of Mini Plush Microbes
$19.99 @
Create a mini movie theater outside. You will need
two tables, a TV, extension cord, blankets, movies,
and snacks. Drag both tables outside to a comfortable spot. Place the TV on top of one of the tables
and use the extension cord so the cable could reach
an outlet. Place the other table on the side and arrange movie like snacks on top such as popcorn,
flavored popcorn powder, chocolate covered raisins, milk duds, coke, etc. Lay blankets and pillows
on the floor and make it as cuddly as your heart
desires. Arrange the movies next to the TV so your
valentine can take her pick. It will be a date to remember.
Set up a room with an Italian motif complete with candles and music. Buy some pre-made pizza crust and any
toppings you want except for anchovies and onions so
you don’t have bad breath. Arrange the toppings however
you and your valentine please then put it in the oven for
20 minutes at 450°. You can find pizza recipes at
I was at practice and my coach told
me to roll out one of the mats. Inside
was a paper saying “Will you be my
Valentine?” and he came out with a
dozen roses. – A.D
I came home with my room filled
with sticky notes on the walls,
flower peddles on the floor, and a
card on my bed. I bought my valentine a huge bear and we had a
nice dinner at Cheddars. –Eddie
My girlfriend loves pizza.
So for Valentine’s Day I
bought a pizza and cut it
in the shape of a heart. We
left the kitchen and when
we went back my dog had
ate it. – Michael Rolon
I ditched my date on Valentine’s
Day to hang out with my friends. I
used the excuse that my grandma
was sick in the hospital. – J.M
I was in the 5th grade and
there was this pretty girl I
had a crush on. On Valentine’s Day she brought
cards for everyone BUT
me. – Mr. Braxton
Stephanie Ryan and Iliana Curiel
Staff Writers
Coachella Music Festival
Have you ever dreamt of the most exquisite music festival with a handful of your favorite artists? Well we might have a winner here!
Coachella Music Festival has a twist of music
for everyone. The festival has proven that it has
much to offer from electronic dance music to
underground rap artists that come together for
this two-weekend festival in Indio, California.
The Black Keys, Radiohead, Snoop-Dog and Dr.
Dre are the three headliners for the three music
filled days.
Coachella had a rocky beginning in 1999
and is now a worldwide interest to everyone.
The festival attracted more than 75,000 people
each day in 2010 and around the same in 2011.
In the summer of 2011, it was announced that
because of the huge demand, Coachella, starting
in 2012 would be held for two weekends back to
back. On January 13, 2012 music fanatics waited
anxiously in front of their computers with their
credit cards for the festival tickets to go on sale
at 10 A.M. Both weekends of the festival sold
out in less than two hours, which is no surprise.
It was Coachella’s fastest sell out. What sealed
Illiana Curel
Staff Writer
The novel was such a success, Suzanne Collins has created
a gripping epic of a story. The
way that Collins writes the story
through the eyes of Katniss creates empathy for the reader, and
makes the dark world tangible
and the characters she’s interacting with three-dimensional. It
was released as a paperback and
also an audiobook. It was translated into twenty-six different
languages and rights of production have been sold in thirty-eight countries. It
was the bestselling in New York Times.
The novel consists of a place once
known as North America lies the nation of
Panem where the Capitol is harsh and cruel and
keeps the districts in line by forcing them all to
send one boy and one girl between the ages of
twelve and eighteen to a game where you have
to kill the other competitors in order to survive.
Twenty-four kids and teenagers enter
the deal with most people about this year’s
line-up was El Paso’s very own, “At The DriveIn” announcing that they would be reuniting at
Coachella after spending eleven years split up.
The band announced that they would be doing
shows as well but Coachella would be their first
performance to break the silence.
Besides the alternative music, EDM is
also becoming a huge factor of Coachella. There
are twice as many DJ’s performing in 2012 than
there were in 2011. Among many of the DJ’s
performing include Calvin Harris, Alesso, Morgan Page, DJ Shadow, Datsik, LA Riots, Swedish House Mafia, Sebastian Ingrosso, Martin
Solveig, Kaskade, David Guetta, Avicii, Nero
and Zedd. Surprise performances are not anything new to Coachella. Last year (2011) during
Odd Future’s welcomed Pharrell onto the stage
during their performance. It is rumored that is
year(2012) Earl Sweatshirt might share the stage
along side Frank Ocean.
Indie artist are also a huge benefactor of
Coachella and bring artist out of underground
music scene, for example Foster the people
played at Coachella 2011 and are now a big phenomenon all around the world a year later. One
band in particular that has been underground
Hunger Games
let the games begin...
and only one survives this game. Sixteen year
old named Katniss Everdeen, a girl from District Twelve who lives alone with her mother
and younger sister volunteers to participate in
the seventy-fourth Hunger Games, a fight to the
death on live TV, to replace her sister Prim. Living in District Twelve was difficult for Katniss
and her family. Ever since her father died she
has always had to protect her family and saving
them from starvation and hunting on forbidden
Peetta Mellark, a guy who fell
for a while is now hitting major radio stations. This band is Gotye they will be attending
Coachella 2012 and we are all predicting they’ll
become as big as bands like foster the people,
Gouplove, Bon Iver, etc.
Don’t forget Coachella isn’t only about
music it also has a variety of amazing food
trucks for example vegan food trucks, burger
food trucks and even some of the most ritzy
restaurants cater for example Chris Ruth stake
house. Farmer markets are also included for the
people who camp out. Coachella is rumored to
become a food festival in the coming of years
because of its variety of cultured foods and food
Other artists and celebrities are also rumored to be making their way to Coachella but
not for fact. The weekends of April 13-15 and
April 20-22 are going to be memorable music
making history moments. It is no surprise that
the festival sold out in less than two hours due
to the awesome line-up. Coachella has been said
to be one of the most magical experiences ever
and is a great place where all genres of music
come together for all music lovers.
deeply in love with Katniss also participated in it also to represent their
district. As both of them continue their
journey battling other tributes together,
they pretend to be madly in love to gain
the audience’s favor and save their lives.
They had to face difficult situations and
make wise decisions to survive. Katniss
was really close to dying.
It was important for them to
think before they act because anything
they did can either hurt them or save
them. In a game where only one person can live, Katniss had to use all her
brains, wits, and instincts to determine
who to trust and how to outwit the
game’s creators.
The most highly anticipated releases of
the year coming out soon as a movie on March
23, 2011. You might want to buy your tickets
with anticipation to get a good seat at the theater because it will be full! Hunger Games was
a big success as a book. So many people bought
it and it was sold all around the world. Many
people believe this book is better than the “Twilight” books by Stephanie Meyer.
2012 Aries
Top Ten Apps
page 7
Mardi Gras
Jazmine Thorton
Staff Writer
Vallarie Mendez
Staff Writer
With the new iPhone 4S that recently just came out, come new apps.
Without the apps that Apple offers the iPhone wouldn’t be better than
the rest. “What’s so great about these apps?,” is the question many people
wonder before getting the iPhone. The answer is obvious because Apple
has the largest amount of apps on the market. Then comes the question,
“Well, which ones are the best?” Apple leaves that to the owners of the
iPhone. Their feedback forms the Top 10 Apps.
The Mardi Gras celebration came to North America from Paris, where it
had been celebrated since the Middle Ages. It begins on or after Epiphany
and lands on the day before Ash Wednesday. Another name for the Mardi
Gras tradition is “Carnival”. Mardi Gras is French for “Fat Tuesday”
because it is the last night of eating richer, fatty foods before the fasting season begins. Popular traditions on the day of Mardi Gras include
wearing masks, costumes, dancing, and parades. It is celebrated in the
French quarter of New Orleans and the traditional colors are green, gold
and purple. The color green symbolizes faith, gold symbolizes power and
purple symbolizes justice. The Mardi Gras colors influenced the choice of
school colors for the Louisiana arch-rival colleges, Louisiana State University and Tulane University. In the beginning, Mardi Gras consisted
mainly of maskers on foot, in carriages and on horseback. This year Mardi
Gras is going to land on February 21, 2012.
Top 10 iPhone Apps
Temple Run
Where’s My Water
Google Translate
Hanging With Friends
Words With Friends
Angry Birds
Fruit Ninja
Real Talk With A & M
Dear A&M
I’ve always had problems with girls. I always
seem to mess up a relationship with a girl, they
either already have a boyfriend, or they only see
me as a friend. As a child I was always made fun
of and I would watch anime like Dragon Ball or
Naruto so I can feel better and I became a nerd.
I feel like that’s the reason why no girl likes me
and I’m not very handsome. I don’t have any
confidence in myself and I feel like no girl will
like me. I have no redeemable factors all I can
do is write fantasy stories and play duel monsters. What should I Do?
King Of Games
Dear King Of games
Don’t look down on yourself man. I’m sure you
have a bunch of qualities that make the ladies
crazy. I think your best bet is to find a girl who
likes the same things as you. Trust me there are
plenty of girls that love anime and one day you
will meet one. Girls are complicated though so
remember don’t be TOO nice because then you
get put in the friend zone. Although you want a
girlfriend, remember its high school. You have
plenty of time to come out of your shell in college. Look at the guy who plays Neville Longbottom in Harry Potter, he used to be a geeky
kid; now the ladies love him.
Dear King of Games,
In my eyes having a girlfriend or boyfriend isn’t
everything. And quite frankly it actually causes
more problems! In high school I guess you can
say it’s the “cool” thing to have a girlfriend but in
reality it’s not. Being on your own has its pros.
You don’t have to worry about some chick with
a bunch of #princessprobz, always wanting you
to be like this, talk like that and so on. Being
with your friends and family will result to more
happiness than some girl who will cry and blast
you on Twitter when you make her mad. Might
I add in that girls LOVE nerds. One day you
will find a girl that will appreciate and like who
you are inside and out and will love you for who
YOU are. The waiting and loneliness sucks, and
we all go through it. Just trust me when I tell
you that patience is key, and will definitely be
worth it.
Wassup A & M,
So I’ve been “talking” to this guy for about two
months. I would consider myself picky, but I really like this guy. He’s weird. The only thing that
bothers me is he’s always making excuses for us
not hanging out. I feel like I put in more effort
than him. Now this other guy is trying really
hard to be with me. He is nice and I really like
that he’s always up for anything. Do I give this
new guy a chance because he is giving me the
attention I deserve or stay with the first guy who
I really like but isn’t showing much of an effort?
-Confused Chica
Dear Confused Chica,
That’s a tough one, and I know because I’ve been
in that position. I came to the theory that us
girls are attracted to the jerks FOR SOME ODD
REASON, and we push away the nice boys. The
“jerks” don’t give us the attention we want so it
keeps us chasing them. When the nice boys give
us the attention we love we brush it off because
we got what we wanted. Doesn’t make sense
right? I think you need to really think of what
you deserve. And actually, at the end of your
story YOU said you deserve to be treated right.
I think you answered your own question by
yourself. All in all, if a guy is willing to do a lot
for you he deserves that chance as well. What do
you have to lose out on? Nothing, so follow your
Dear Confused Chica
Well it sounds like the second guy is giving you
the attention you want but you have your mind
set on the first guy. I would advise going for the
guy who is better for you, the one that will be
there for you when you need him and not make
excuses, but I know how women are when it
comes to those decision. So I say make a choice
and don’t lead on the one you want to reject
because that will make you a player! One guy
seems very interested and one seems sketchy.
Make a list of pros and cons and see who is better. Choose wisely.
Twitter Talk
Madison Luevano
Staff Writer
Hello fellow rams! We’ve rounded up all the funniest tweets written by students around school. The
ladies came in with the wackiest things to say on
twitter. We’ll see if the boys can have a comeback
next issue.
1) “#GirlsLoveWhen you get drunk and throw up
in their hair”-Girl
2) “#GirlsLoveWhen you slap them and force
them to make you a sandwich”-Girl
3) “My dad is watching Lifetime… I just don’t
understand.” -Girl
4) “Degrassi: Dance Academy…… Someone
please make them stop!”-Girl
5) “The school blocked Google searches. WHAT
6) “There are days where I think my cats a lesbian….”-Girl
7) “This lockdown better not last long I need to
poop.”- Boy
8) “Put my hemorrhoids in my butt :D #SoIKnowItsReal.”- Boy
9) “Isn’t weird that horses have shoes like where
do they think they’re going to party no one likes
you go home.”-Girl
10) “Why do we only eat some of the animals I’m
looking at you manatees keep being fat your day
will come.”- Girl
11) “Getting fake boobs is like sewing a dolphin
to your head, everyone loves dolphins but dude
WTH?” -Girl
12) “Are cows ever like whoa I ate so much grass
today I’m out of control?”-Girl
page 8