Yankee Tole Crier - Yankee Heritage Tole
Yankee Tole Crier - Yankee Heritage Tole
Yankee Tole Crier www.yankeeheritagetolechapter.com The Official Newsletter of the Yankee Heritage Tole Chapter An Affiliated Chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters 2012, Issue # 3 Editor: [email protected] June — Sept 2012 Presidential Chapter Chatter... Hello everyone. Thank you to all who attended the June meeting. A big thank you to Cindy Harrison for teaching the afternoon class. Everyone did a great job and was pleased with their project. The membership voted to go back to the Knights of Columbus in Westborough. We need to have a permanent home. It will make things easier to plan upcoming meetings, etc.. Marie has done a great job trying to find another place, but we found the Knights to be a good central meeting place for all of us. Mary St. Pierre is in charge of the country store for NET. Please consider helping her painting things for the store. We will be having some paint-ins to help do this. We need volunteers to help man our jobs at NET also. If everyone gives a little bit of time it makes it easier for everyone. The volunteers want to take classes and have fun too. So if you could take an hour or two to give us a hand that would be great. I will be taking over the Show, Share and Tell table at the meetings for Grace, until she can come back. Please bring in a painting or two to share with the chapter. I think that members like to see what others are doing to help inspire them to maybe try something new or just finish something they have started. Our next meeting will be September 16 at the Knights of Columbus hall in Westborough. The sign-up sheet is in this newsletter. Hope to see you then. Hope you all have a great summer. Directions to the Knights hall are on the last page. What’s Inside... Presidential Chapter Chatter 1 What’s Inside 1 YHT Calendar 1 Officers, Board, Positions and Committees 2 1ST VP Report 3 nd 2 VP Report 3 Treasurer’s Report 4 Budget 2013-14 5 2103 Workshops 5 September Signup 6 June Minutes 7-8 NECC/NET Information 9 Hot News! 10 Chapter Happenings 11-13 Nov Installation Signup 14 Sister Chapters 15 NET Teachers 16 NET Art Show 17-19 Zentangle Signup 20 Teacher Showcase 21 SDP Form 22 YHTMembership Form 23 YHT Website 23 DAC 23 Newsletter Information 23 Barbara Rolla YHT 2012 Calendar Jan 15: Board and Gen. Mtg—PM Program: Angel Boxes Mar 16, 17 & 18: Lynne Andrews Seminar Apr 21: Watercolor Workshop with Bonnie Frederico May 5: Acrylic Workshop with Joan Wilding Jun 24: Board and Gen Mtg—PM Program: Cindy Harrison Jul 21: Tangles Workshop with Jo-Anne Naugler Sept 16: Board and Gen Mtg—PM Program: Janice Cormier Nov 18: Installation Meeting and Banquet YHT 2013 Calendar Mar 15 & 16: Bobby Takashima Yankee Tole Crier 1 YHT Officers, Board, Positions & Committees 2012 2012 Officers, Board Members and Committee Chairs President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Secretary Treasurer Membership Past Pres./Advisor Board Members: Barbara Rolla Marie Sakellarion Maria Costantini Julia Tufano Jean McKay Cindy Harrison Grace Markauskas Bonnie Hebert Cheryl Krilovich Sylvia Lewis Ginny Sargent Mary St. Pierre Kathy Slawsky Melissa Walsh Joan Wilding 413-967-5444 978-544-6473 781-598-2975 508-757-3170 508-883-0886 603-429-3556 978-685-3744 978-840-0311 508-853-0555 603-598-1150 978-453-3099 508-476-1655 508-836-9507 508-344-1509 508-646-0232 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Appointed Positions Advertising Historian Newsletter Editor Newsletter Asst. Nominating Parliamentarian Marie Primo LuAnn Klick Jo-Anne Naugler Chris Watson Lori Gianfrancesco Jean McKay 508-339-4749 401-647-3638 603-465-3405 508-876-1122 401-568-1901 508-883-0886 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Committees Angel Boxes Audit Budget Community Serv. Fund Raising Hospitality Library Meeting Raffle New Product Eval. Ornament Swap Paint for Freedom Quilt Squares Scholarship Secret Pal Show, Share & Tell Standing Rules Sunshine Webmaster Workshops Yankee Trader Volunteer Coord. Melissa Walsh Jean McKay Jean McKay Melissa Walsh Mary St. Pierre Pat Flanagan Maria Costantini Julia Tufano Barbara Rolla Ginny Sargent Kathy Slawsky Lorainne Tervo Jo-Anne Naugler Mary St. Pierre Barbara Rolla (temp) Jean McKay Kathy Slawsky Mary St. Pierre Jean McKay Pam Aucoin Larry Provencher 508-344-1509 508-883-0886 508-883-0886 508-344-1509 508-476-1655 978-356-5878 781-598-2975 508-757-3170 413-967-5444 978-453-3099 508-836-9507 978-356-1480 603-465-3405 508-476-1655 413-967-5444 508-883-0886 508-836-9507 508-476-1655 508-883-0886 413-967-6464 603-772-2522 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] New England Chapters Chapter Rep. Class Selections Registration Raffles [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Council/New England Traditions Mary St. Pierre 508-476-1655 [email protected] Maria Costantini Cheryl Barb & Cindy Harrison Julia Tufano Can you find the palette? A paint palette is hidden on one of the pages of this newsletter. When you find it send me an email ( [email protected]) and you will be entered into a drawing for the September meeting. I will select one entry to receive a gift. You must be at the meeting to win. Yankee Tole Crier 2 1st VP’s Corner... Janice Cormier will be teaching the September 16th afternoon program. Attendees will need to purchase and prep their own surface. Paints will be provided. Instructions will be available on how to get that “grungy look”. Please see the sign-up sheet on page 10 of this newsletter. Save the dates! Bobbie Takashima will be teaching the two beautiful projects below on March 15 & 16, 2013. The location will be in the Marlborough/Westborough area. Mary Svenson will teach a Bobbie T. project following our meeting on Sunday, March 17, 2013. Marie Sakellarion 2nd VP’s Report... The 2012 Installation of Officers will be held on November 18 at the Willow Brook Restaurant in Mendon, MA. The theme this year is “Cruising the Deep Blue Sea”. The afternoon session will be informational stations presented by Chris Watson, Barbara Rolla, Jo-Anne Naugler and Maria Costantini where attendees can learn different techniques or effects that can be used on painting projects. The day will be very relaxing and enjoyable for everyone attending. The signup sheet is on page 6; space is limited at the restaurant so sign up early to reserve your seat. Maria Costantini Everyone have a safe and happy 4th of July and enjoy summer! Yankee Tole Crier 3 YHT Treasurer’s Report—June 24, 2012 INCOME Membership Dues March Seminar - Fri & Sat General Meetings (5) Lunch New England Traditions Shares Funding Raising General Meeting Raffles Yankee Trader Bank Interest Newsletter Ads/Showcase Donations Workshops/Paint-Ins Total Income DISBURSEMENTS Newsletter copies and postage March Seminar - Fri & Sat Room rental - General meetings Room rental - Workshops Lunch Yankee Trader Dolly Lancaster Scholarship SDP Dues & Insurance NECC Dues Sunday Program Teacher Fees & Exp Sunday Program Surfaces & Patterns Workshop Teacher Fees Workshop Surfaces & Patterns Chapter awards and charms President Gift SDP Officer Allowance Fund Raising Sunshine General office costs Historian Library Bereavement & other donations Bank Fees Other Total Disbursements Beginning Balance 1/1/12 Beginning Balance 3/1/12 Plus Income Less Disbursements Ending Balance 5/31/12 Balances 5/31/12 Checking Savings Yankee Tole Crier 3/1 - 5/31/12 YTD 2012 2012 Budget $175.00 $832.00 $170.00 $380.00 $1,278.00 $440.00 $84.00 $45.00 $158.00 $1,600.00 $2,000.00 $3,000.00 $1,550.00 $500.00 $1,200.00 $300.00 $600.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10,750.00 $0.63 $25.00 $0.63 $50.00 $25.00 $1,286.63 $2,376.63 $93.97 $1,572.60 $150.00 $125.00 $169.43 $1,572.60 $400.00 $125.00 $50.00 $269.56 $80.00 $250.00 $500.00 $88.00 $200.00 $269.56 $129.38 $250.00 $38.85 $38.85 $80.15 $80.15 $6.00 $25.00 $2,691.13 $10.00 $25.00 $3,907.97 $550.00 $3,500.00 $1,500.00 $375.00 $1,550.00 $390.00 $500.00 $185.00 $200.00 $850.00 $375.00 $150.00 $50.00 $150.00 $150.00 $50.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10,750.00 $14,209.35 $14,082.51 $1,286.63 $2,691.13 $12,678.01 $2,376.63 $3,907.97 $12,678.01 $7,665.85 $5,012.16 $12,678.01 4 YHT Budget 2013 & 2014 Income Membership Dues March Seminar Fri & Sat General Meetings General Mtg surfaces & patterns New England Tradition Shares Fund Raising Bank Interest Newsletter Ads/Showcase Donations Workshops/Paint Ins 2013 2014 Assumptions $1,800.00 $2,250.00 $2,000.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 $1,600.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,150.00 $1,800.00 $2,250.00 $2,000.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 $1,600.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,150.00 90 Members 4/yr for 30 @ $10 1/yr for 40 @ $20 includes meeting raffles Expenses Newsletter copies and postage March Seminar Fri & Sat Room Rental - Gen Meetings Room Rental - Workshop/Paint Ins Dolly Lancaster Scholarship SDP Dues & Insurance NECC Dues Sunday Program Teacher Fees Sunday Program surfaces & patterns Workshop Teacher Fees Chapter Awards & Charms President Gift Fundraising Sunshine General Office Costs Historian Bereavement & Other Donations Bank Fees $200.00 $200.00 $3,500.00 $3,500.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 $500.00 $185.00 $185.00 $200.00 $200.00 $850.00 $850.00 4 at $125 March at $350 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $375.00 $375.00 3 at $125 $150.00 $150.00 $50.00 $50.00 $150.00 $150.00 $50.00 $50.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $70.00 $70.00 $20.00 $20.00 $9,150.00 $9,150.00 Accepted by vote of the members on June 24, 2012 CALLING ALL TEACHERS TO SUBMIT FOR THE 2013WORKSHOP SERIES At the September 2012 General Meeting on September 16, 2012, the membership will be voting for the 3 workshops to be held in 2013. I’m encouraging all teachers and folks who think that they might like to teach to submit a project for the memberships’ votes. The teacher will receive $125 teaching fee and be paid retail prices for pattern packets and surfaces directly by the students. In addition, teachers may sell other patterns, books, CD’s, supplies, etc. at the workshop. Designs need not be original. However, if not original, the designer must have given you permission to use the pattern and teach the class. Plan on 5 to 6 hour projects. It would be great to see lots of different media – oil, acrylic, colored pencil and watercolor – to get the members excited about voting. If you want to submit a project, but can’t attend that meeting, let me know and I’ll make an arrangement to have your piece displayed there. Any questions, e-mail to [email protected] or call 508-883-0886. See you in September. Jean McKay Yankee Tole Crier 5 Yankee Heritage Tole Chapter Presents an Afternoon Program “Gourds & Berries” With Janice Cormier September 16, 2012 Time & Place: 1:00 to 5:00 pm (following the 10:00-12:00 Chapter meeting) – Location: Westborough Knights of Columbus Hall, 17 Willow St, Westborough, MA 01581. Unfortunately the plate in the image is no longer available. The design size is 7.5” x 6” and can be done on the surface of your choice. Instructions will be available for making your own “grungy” surface. If you don’t want the “grungy” look you can paint the background in the color of your choice. Some suggestions: Reindeer Moss Green, Shale Green, Slate Green, Camel to name a few. Supplies: Bring something to cover your work area, along with your regular painting supplies. Janice recommends the following brushes: 5/8” or ¾” flat, 5/8” mop, ½” angle, #10 flat, #1 round, 10/1 liner, ¼” Country Schoolhouse Dome Brush. Paints will be provided. Any questions, please contact Marie Sakellarion at 978-544-6473 or by e-mail at [email protected] Please keep the top portion of this form Afternoon Program with Janice Cormier Registration Deadline – September 9, 2012 Please return this form if you plan to attend the meeting whether or not you will be painting. Name:_______________________________E-mail:____________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________ Phone:____________________________ Sunday, September 16, 2012 I_____will_____will not attend the General Meeting at 10:00am I_____will_____will not attend the afternoon program at 1:00pm – “Gourds & Berries” No. of Guests:_____attending the meeting – write the names(s) of your guest(s) below I have enclosed $20.00 for each person attending the afternoon program _______ Please make your check out to YHT and send to Marie Sakellarion, 133 Fay Rd, New Salem, MA 01355 Yankee Tole Crier 6 Yankee Heritage Tole Chapter Minutes of the General Meeting – June 24, 2012 Meeting was called to order by Barbara Rolla at Meeting called to order by Barbara Rolla at 10:10 am. Welcome: Pat Flanagan absent. Secretary: Julia Tufano asked if there were any corrections to the minutes of the March 18th meeting; there were none. She asked for a motion to accept the minutes. Chris Watson motioned to accept; Melissa Walsh seconded the motion. Motion passed to accept the minutes. President: Barbara Rolla welcomed everyone to the meeting. There was a discussion on meeting locations of future meetings. We need a new location for January. Most halls are now charging $300. If we will be paying $300, we will have to charge $15 for the day. We will be at the Knights in Westborough for our September meeting. A vote was taken to go back to the Knights permanently. Second Vice -President: Maria Costantini reported that Willow Brook Restaurant is the location of our November Installation meeting. The theme of the event is “Cruising on the Deep Blue Sea”. We will again have a buffet meal. The afternoon program will consist of four “stations” with an instructor at each station teaching a particular painting technique. No painting supplies are needed. It will be informational only. Cost of the tickets will be set by the next meeting. Treasurer: Jean McKay provided copies of her report. Checking: $7,665.85; Savings: $5,012.16; Total: $12,678.01. We basically broke even with the March seminar. Jean also provided copies of the proposed 2013/2014 budget. Chris Watson motioned to accept the budget; Cindy Harrison seconded the motion. Budget was accepted. Membership: Cindy Harrison reported that we now have 83 members. 42 of these are “green” – meaning that they get the newsletter by e-mail. Committee Reports Appointed Committees Door prizes were given out to some lucky members. Thank you to those who donated them. Historian: LuAnn Klick passed around several albums. She took pictures throughout the day. Newsletter Editor: Jo-Anne Naugler stated that the deadline for submitting articles to her @ [email protected] for the next newsletter is Friday, June 29th.. All articles must also be sent to Barbara Rolla @ [email protected] . She also had a few prizes for winners of the “hidden Easter egg” contest. Newsletter Assistant: Chris Watson reported that she mailed out 41 newsletters at a cost of $93.97. Advertising: Marie Primo was absent. Tri-Folds: Gail Berinato had 30 tri-folds printed up for the convention. Anyone wishing to take one, may do so. Nominating Committee: Lori Gianfrancesco presented the slate of officers for 2013, asking for nominations from the floor after each office was announced. President – Barbara Rolla, no new nominations First Vice-President – Marie Sakellarion, no new nominations Second Vice-President – Maria Costantini stepping down. Mary St. Pierre nominated Secretary – Julia Tufano, no new nominations Treasurer – Jean McKay, no new nominations Membership – Cindy Harrison stepping down. Lola Piciullo nominated Board Members: Cheryl Krilovich and Kathy Slawsky stepping down. Nominees are: Bonnie Hebert, Jo-Anne Naugler, LuAnn Klick, Lori Gianfrancesco, Sylvia Lewis, Ginny Sargent, Melissa Walsh, Joan Wilding. Minutes continued on page 8 Yankee Tole Crier 7 Minutes continued from page 7 Standing Committees Meeting Raffle: Julia Tufano raffled off a “July 4th Picnic Basket”. $40 was raised. The basket was won by Sylvia Lewis. As always, any donations are welcome. Bring them to the next meeting. Angel Boxes: Melissa Walsh has both unpainted and painted boxes. Jane Stone-Tatro took several painted boxes to So. Shore Hospital to show what we do. She learned that the hospital uses a certain size box to contain certain items. They use a white damask box at this time and require 70-75 per year. Barbara asked if we could paint on their boxes. Jane will follow up with the hospital. It was discussed that possibly our boxes could be donated to other places; a New Hampshire hospital was mentioned. Community Service: Melissa Walsh reported that UMASS Memorial Children’s Cancer Center is still gratefully accepting our donations of blankets, toiletries, and journals. Fund Raising: Mary St. Pierre reminded us of our year-long raffle of a tilt top table donated by Nancy Mullen. Tickets were available at the meeting. Also, the 3 large boxes taken by Jo-Anne Naugler were beautifully painted by her and are available for sale for the Country Store, we also have painting towel mats, vinyl mats, cell phone holders, etc. Chris Watson will hold a paint-in for Zentangle pins on August 18th. Secret Pal: Mary St. Pierre – program is going well. Webmaster: Mary St. Pierre – nothing new to report. Workshops: Jean McKay reminded membership of the Zentangles workshop on July 21st at the Northborough Library, presented by Jo-Anne Naugler. Sunshine: Kathy Slawsky reported that a Sympathy card was sent to Linda McClure upon the loss of her Step FatherOur Thoughts and Sympathy are with you and your family, Linda. Also a Thinking of You Card was sent to Grace Markauskas- We miss you Grace, and hope to see you back soon. Paint for Freedom: Kathy Slawsky – The program is basically over. She asked that the membership update the list of cards that are in/out. Scholarship: Jo-Anne Naugler introduced our 2012 winner – Nellie Robinson, from Newton North High School, and her Mom, Stacey Alden. Nellie is an accomplished artist, musician and writer. She will be enrolled in a 5-year program through Brown University and Rhode Island School of Design. She brought some of her work for us to see. Show, Share & Tell: Barbara Rolla picked a piece painted by Gail Berinato. The piece was painted through classes taken online. Library: Maria Costantini brought books selling for .25 and .50 and tapes for $2. More to come at the next meeting. Yankee Trader: Pam Aucoin was on vacation. Our “store” will be closing at the September meeting. NECC and NET: Chapter Rep Mary St. Pierre will submit separate report. (See pages 9 and 10) Barbara read an amendment to the NET bylaws, which will be published in the newsletter. Members are asked to vote on it by either mailing it in or calling or e-mailing to Barbara Rolla. There was also a discussion on the treasurer’s/accountant reports. NET – Registration – Cindy Harrison and Cheryl Barb reported that some classes have been cancelled already. 328 people have registered. Class confirmations will be received by Aug 15th. Raffles – Julia Tufano reported that Jean McKay has received 48 envelopes containing money for raffle tickets. There are tickets here for all to take to sell. Barbara asked what jobs we would want for 2013. We will be asking for Raffles and the Art Show. We also need a Volunteer Coordinator for our chapter; class sales needs 3 volunteers for the first two days, mainly mornings. Old Business: Cookbooks are here!! Please take some (four each would be nice!). You may sell them or donate them to a worthy cause. New Business: None Jane Stone-Tatro motioned to adjourn the meeting. Maria Costantini seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 11:30 am. Yankee Tole Crier 8 NECC/NET Report The contract for 2012 will have the same pricing as 2011 with the exception of the rooms. Room pricing listing in the catalogue is wrong. The correct listing is: $105 single or double, $120 Triple, $135 Quad and $18 per night for a roll away cot. Breakfast will be continental like last year with a grab and go in the outer area for people in a hurry. The Banquet Voucher has been eliminated. People will report to the banquet table to reserve a space if they have prepaid, or to purchase a ticket. People wanting to sit together they must bring signatures from each person to the banquet table to reserve their seating. Ten people can sit at a table. It will be buffet again this year. The buffet will be served in the hall to avoid any crowding and confusion. The pre-cocktail party will be in the courtyard. Last year’s banquet was sold out by Thursday. Chapters do not have to participate in the Country store. This is a way for the participating chapters to make some money for their own chapter. September 1 is the deadline for ads in the brochure. Chapter Banners need to be displayed at the banquet; they will be signed in with at the monitor station. Placing the catalogue on the website after a particular date, as does HOOT, was discussed. Artists and teachers would have to give their permission to post their work. A watermark would have to be posted on the artwork. This is a possibility and may go in next year’s teacher’s contract. The hotel is stating we overpaid by $5310.69. This will be put towards this year. There will be a table for Chapters to place their fliers, teacher and seminar information. In the catalogue Margit Hartl’s mirror was printed upside down and Judy Diephouse’s dancing witches was printed wrong. A one day registration allows that registered attendee entrance to the exhibit hall for the entire convention. The art show will be at the exhibit hall in an area where people will not have to pay to view. The Susan Scheewe Brown classes have been canceled. Speaking of NET... Are you planning on attending NET? Please remember to include some volunteer time in your plan. Our chapter is responsible for the raffle and for registration. Raffle tickets are sold at the convention on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Julia cannot be at that table all that time; she would like to take some classes, too. How about signing up to cover the raffle table for a couple of hours? Could be fun, definitely will be rewarding knowing that you’ve helped where help is needed. Cheryl and Cindy are working on registration and will also be responsible for class sales. Now that’s a big job as well as a large commitment of time. Help them out by giving them a few hours. Tuesday evening and Wednesday and Thursday mornings are typically the busiest and is when they would need the most help. But don’t feel limited—they can use help throughout the entire convention. Yankee Tole Crier Are you not registering but just going to shop? You can still volunteer! You’ve heard the saying “Shop till you drop”, right? Well, don’t “Drop” - take a break as a volunteer (it might be easier than shopping) - then go back and shop some more. Two rounds of shopping in one trip to Marlboro! Remember, everyone working at NET is a volunteer. If we don’t volunteer how will the convention happen? 9 YHT needs your feedback on a change to the NECC bylaws. Please read the following carefully and let Barbara Rolla know if you vote “Yea” or “Nay” to this change: At the NECC August meeting, all cha ters are to vote on the following as an addition to the NECC bylaws: “Disbursement of Dividends from the NET Convention to Participating and Eligible Chapters of NECC. Once the previous year’s convention (NET) fiscal report has been completed and deemed to be accurate by the NECC Accountant, prior to disbursing any remaining monies to the NET Participating and Eligible Chapters, contingency fund and NECC, the cost of the following year’s Convention Contract shall be taken out of the remaining monies first. This will ensure that the following NET convention will be able to afford all contracts early enough to develop alternate plans if or when there are not enough to cover the basic cost of the contracts. This includes the deposits and the contracts of both the Hotel and Exhibit Hall. For example, in November 2012, the distribution of the 2011 NET convention will occur. Prior to disbursing those dividends, the NET 2013 contracts cost with the Royal Plaza Hotel and Trade Center shall be completely subtracted from the bottom line.” Please respond to Barbara as soon as you can so that our NECC/NET representative will be able to bring our vote to the August meeting. Send an email message to [email protected] or phone her at 413-967-5444 Or, if you prefer, use this form to respond: Name:_____________________________________________________________________________ I vote Yes or No Circle your preference to the NECC/NET bylaws change. Mail to Barbara Rolla 4 Woodland Heights Ware Ma 01082. . Yankee Tole Crier 10 YHT Chapter Happenings Cheryl Barb, July 28 Sylvia Lewis, July 28 Pat Flanagan, August 2 Melissa Walsh, August 8 Nancy Mullen, August 18 Judy Revelas, August 22 Barbara Rolla, August 22 Lori Gianfrancesco, September 11 Bonnie Hebert, September 20 O rnament swap Just a reminder, and I will keep reminding you ..... we will have a Christmas Ornament swap at the November meeting. So start looking for the darling ornament you want to paint and let's all make this a wonderful Christmas Ornament Swap. Thanks! Ginny Sargent L ibrary I brought in some VHS instructional tapes and books. This time the books were more current so they were sold for 25 or 50 cents each. Thank you to everyone who bought books and videos. I have lots more and will continue to bring books and patters in. T Maria Costantini hank you notes YHT – Thank you for a wonderful class. Everyone's paintings came out so beautiful. See you at NET! Cindy Harrison Scholarship Committee – Sylvia Lewis, Ginny Sargent and Mary St Pierre. Thank you for assisting with the selection of the Dolly Lancaster scholarship recipient. Jo-Anne Naugler Yankee Tole Crier If you would like us to recognize your birthday and you haven’t already given me your information, please either send me an email with your birth month and day or see me at the next general meeting. Thank You,. Jo-Anne Naugler S P unshine Got news?? Please send Sunshine News to Kathy Slawsky at [email protected] aint For Freedom As was reported in the minutes, the program is over. If you still have cards to return please bring them to the September meeting. Thanks so much for your attention to this Community Service Project. Kathy Slawsky F undraising Our year long raffle is a beautiful tilt top table painted by Nancy Mullen. Tickets are available at meetings and workshops. 11 D olly Lancaster Art Award and Scholarship E lections 2013 Proposed Slate of Officers Yankee Heritage Tole Chapter President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Membership: Barbara Rolla Marie Sakellarion Mary St. Pierre Julia Tufano Jean McKay Lola Piciullo Board Members (8): Bonnie Hebert Jo-Anne Naugler Sylvia Lewis Cheryl Krilovich Ginny Sargent LuAnn Klick Joan Wilding Lori Gianfrancesco Nellie Robinson displaying the artwork that helped her win the 2012 Dolly Lancaster Award. Nellie Robinson, a graduate of Newton North High School was selected as the Dolly Lancaster Award recipient for 2012. Nellie is a very accomplished artist who uses oils, acrylics, and graphite pencils in her work. She and her mom, Stacy Alden, attended our June meeting and brought along some of her pieces for us to enjoy. Additional nominations (with the consent of the person nominated) will be called for at the September General Meeting prior to voting. If you are interested in serving, please contact a committee member. Submitted by the Nominating Committee: Lori Gianfrancesco, LuAnn Klick and Lola Piciullo. Her work has been displayed at the Newton Free Library and she has won many awards for both her art and her academic excellence. In addition to painting and drawing she also is a talented musician and creative writer. Nellie plays the viola and has participated in orchestras at the New England Conservatory prep school. As a junior she participated in the Fourth Annual Playwrights’ Festival and wrote a play that was selected to be performed as part of a Theater Ink production. is closing at the September meeting. Everything must go! All the prices are greatly reduced!! Bring some extra money – there will be great bargains! For the fall, she is enrolled the dual degree program at Brown University and RISD. This is a five-year program through which she will receive a degree from each college, one in painting and the other in art history. The September meeting will be held at the John Boyle O’Reilly Knights of Columbus Council No.85 at 17 Willow Street, Westborough, Ma 01581 As a committee, we were very impressed with Nellie’s talents and achievements. Meeting her and her mom, we knew we made the right choice. We wish Nellie success in college and in her life as an artist. Jo-Anne. Naugler Directions to Willow Street are on page 20 of this newsletter. Yankee Tole Crier 12 A ngel Box Program Thank you to Jane Stone-Tatro for your continued work with South Shore Hospital in South Weymouth, MA. They have a Pregnancy Loss Program, as well as a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit with families that could benefit from our donations. After further discussion, and review by their Loss Committee, there is interest from the hospital in accepting our donations. They have indicated that they prefer the larger boxes, especially square or rectangular boxes due to the number of items that they give to parents. During our meeting in June, the members expressed interest in continuing to pursue a relationship with South Shore Hospital. Since many of the boxes previously purchased for the program are nesting boxes with three sizes, other uses of the smaller boxes were discussed including NET Country Store. Future purchases will be limited to the larger shapes, and in addition, research will be done to explore options for purchasing only the larger sizes. South Shore's committee currently purchases fabric boxes which may be something we could paint as well. Jane plans to meet with the hospital again in the near future to share the boxes we have. At the current time, YHT has received 77 donated boxes! I continue to be amazed by the wonderful talents and generosity of our members. Thank you for continuing to support this valuable program. Don’t forget, there are two meetings remaining to bring in your finished boxes and qualify for the November raffle. P l eas e fe el fr ee t o cont act m e at [email protected] with any questions or ideas. C ommunity Service It’s summer and some of us will be planning vacations to spend time with families and friends. If you’re traveling, don’t forget to collect the travel size toiletries to donate to the Comfort Bag Program at the Children’s Medical Center of UMass Memorial. These are the perfect size to donate to parents who are staying in the Pediatric ICU during their child’s hospitalization. Are you picking up a journal to document your travels? Pick up two and donate one to the program. It will help parents keep track of their questions, instructions and even their prayers for their child's speedy recovery. Once again I’d like to thank the members of YHT for their continued generosity and support of the Comfort Bag Program. Don’t know about the program? Contact me at [email protected] and I’ll be happy to tell you all about it! Melissa Walsh W elcome YHT is happy to say “welcome” to our newest member Carol Fritz! We hope you enjoy painting with us and sharing time at meetings and workshops. Melissa Walsh Please remember to always bring something to cover the table whenever we are painting. Workshops, seminars, afternoon programs, whatever the occasion. You can use an old towel or a piece of plastic. A portion of an old plastic table cloth will work well; anything to keep the tables clean. My Painting Space Towel protects surface — pocket holds extras. YHT has “My Painting Space” mats available for purchase—see Mary St Pierre for details. When it’s time to go home, wrap your project in the towel. Yankee Tole Crier 13 November Installation Meeting and Afternoon Program November 18, 2012 YANKEE HERITAGE TOLE CHAPTER November Installation “Cruising the Deep Blue Sea” November 18, 2012 Time: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Willow Brook Family Restaurant 16 Hastings Street Mendon, MA 01756 508-473-4420 The afternoon session for this year’s Installation meeting will be very relaxing, enjoyable, and informative. Four of our members, Chris Watson, Barbara Rolla, Jo-Anne Naugler, and Maria Costantini will be demonstrating different techniques that can be used in our paintings. The lunch will be a buffet of Baked Haddock, Yankee Pot Roast, and Chicken Parmesan (you don’t have to choose one, you can have some of each if you want), oven roasted potatoes, butternut squash. The cost for the day is $25.00 for members / $35.00 for guests and includes pastries in the morning, lunch buffet, and a cookie tray for dessert. Space at the restaurant is limited so sign up early to reserve your seat. If you have any questions, feel free to call Maria Costantini on 781-598-2975 or via email [email protected]. Sign up Deadline by October 29, 2012 Return this lower portion along with your check for payable to YHT Name: Mailing Address: Phone: Member: I will E-Mail: □ will not Guest: Number of Guests □ be attending the Luncheon/Afternoon informational session ($25.00 per person) $ attending Luncheon/Afternoon informational session ($35.00 per guest) Total $ $ Make checks out to YHT Mail checks and sign-up sheet to: Maria Costantini, 39 Essex Street, Lynn, MA 01902-1752 Yankee Tole Crier 14 Sister Chapter Happenings White Mountain Decorative Painters’ Guild is presenting 2 Seminars Kelly Hoernig (Colored Pencils) Sunday, July 29th 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Iris & Butterfly Saturday, July 28th 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Seashells No. 2 And Kathy Poidomani (Acrylics) Saturday, September 8th 9:30 am – 4:30 pm Copper Seed Box & Folk Art Pear Box* This class is going to focus on Faux Finishes. Included in the class fee is one (1) 6” square box (Copper Seed design) and one (1) flat surface (Folk Art Pear Faux finish). *We will not be painting the Folk Art Pear detail design, however, you will get complete pattern packets for both projects. Paints are included. The seminars are held at The Comfort Inn, 298 Queen City Ave, Manchester, NH Registration forms are available at http://wmdpgnh.org click on the seminars link Any questions call 603-429-3556 or email [email protected] Yankee Tole Crier 15 T h e NE T 2 0 1 2 Te a c h e r L i s t Lynne Andrews: [email protected] Laurie MacKenzie: [email protected] Pat Appling: [email protected] Kathleen Macomber: [email protected] Rebecca Baer: [email protected] Teresa Maxwell: [email protected] Maureen Baker: [email protected] Linda McClure: [email protected] Arlene Beck, MDA: [email protected] Mary McLean, CDA, BFA: [email protected] Elaine Bouvier: [email protected] DeAnn Mealy: [email protected] Sharon Buononato, CDA: [email protected] Frances Mittelstet: [email protected] Janice Cormier: [email protected] Arlene Newman, CDA: [email protected] Lynne Deptula: [email protected] Joyce Ortner: [email protected] Judy Diephouse: [email protected] Mary Owens: [email protected] Cynthia Erekson: [email protected] Patricia Parker: [email protected] Jill Fitzhenry: [email protected] Sandra Philips: [email protected] Deanne Fortnam: [email protected] Dorothy Pullo, CDA: [email protected] Bonnie Frederico: [email protected] Judith Ribitch: [email protected] Phyllis Gibbs, CDA: [email protected] Maryse Roy: [email protected] Tina Greenfield: [email protected] Susan Scheewe Brown: [email protected] Roseanne Guidera: [email protected] Nancy Scott: [email protected] Cindy Harrison: [email protected] Donna Scully: [email protected] Margit Hartl: [email protected] Linda Sharp, CDA: [email protected] Chris Haughey: [email protected] Laurie Speltz: [email protected] Kelly Hoernig: [email protected] Carol Spohn: [email protected] Kim Hogue: [email protected] Sandi Strecker: [email protected] Anne Hunter: [email protected] Mary Svenson, CDA: [email protected] Arlee Jenkins: [email protected] Bobbie Takashima: [email protected] Erika Joanne: [email protected] Maxine Thomas: [email protected] Tricia Joiner: [email protected] Rebecca Trimble: [email protected] Carol Kernozek: [email protected] Beth Wagner: [email protected] Nancy Dale Kinney- Stout: [email protected] Christine Watson: [email protected] Marlene Kreutz,CDA: [email protected] Della Wetterman: [email protected] Pat Lentine: [email protected] Judy Westegaard, CDA: [email protected] Arlene Linton: [email protected] Dawn Wurst, CDA: [email protected] Betty Love: [email protected] Debra Zacharias: [email protected] New England Traditions at Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel and Trade Center, Marlborough, Massachusetts October 3-7, 2012 Yankee Tole Crier 16 Yankee Tole Crier 17 Yankee Tole Crier 18 Yankee Tole Crier 19 YHT Presents a Workshop with Jo-Anne Naugler Zentangle® July 21, 2012 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Northborough Library, Route 20, Northborough, MA The above photos are samples only. We are pleased to present a workshop with Jo-Anne Naugler. She will conduct the workshop in two sessions: Morning session: Introduction to Zentangles® and samples of patterns and Zentangle® Inspired Art (ZIA). Drawing some of the standard (copyrighted) Zentangle® patterns on a 3.5”x3.5” watercolor paper “tile.” Afternoon session: Decorate a tote bag or article of your own clothing or footwear, by creating a design using: Zentangle® patterns, imagination and drawing skills, compasses, French curves, triangle shapes (template or free hand), circular and oval shapes (template or free hand), quilting patterns, etc. etc. etc. A material fee of $12.00 will include: fine micron pen, #2 pencil, 1 tote bag, 1 blank card with envelope, 1 artist trading card (ATC) and 1 porcelain ornament. Payment: Two (2) checks are required to sign up for this event. One to YHT for $10 to hold your space – this check will be returned to you at the workshop if you attend and if you are a member of YHT. The second check to Jo-Anne Naugler for the teaching materials, supplies and surfaces. Any questions contact: Jean McKay at 508-883-0886 or [email protected] KEEP THE TOP PORTION OF THIS FORM Workshop with Jo-Anne Naugler – July 21, 2012 Please sign up by July 7, 2012 Name__________________________________________________________ Mailing Address:___________________________________________________ Phone:_________________ email:_________________________________ I am enclosing $10.00 payable to YHT AND I am enclosing $12.00 payable to Jo-Anne Naugler Mail both checks, with the bottom of the sign up sheet to: Jean McKay, 29F Cork Circle, Millville, MA 01529 Yankee Tole Crier 20 Yankee Tole Crier 21 Yankee Tole Crier 22 YANKEE HERITAGE TOLE CHAPTER (YHT) MEMBERSHIP FORM Name: __________________________________________________________ SDP Membership #:______________ Street: _________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________________________ State: ____ Zip Code: ________ Home Phone: ____________________ Bus. Phone______________________ B’day(Mo./Day) ___/____ E-mail address: ______________________________________________________________________ Circle all that apply: New Member Renewal Shop Owner Teacher Student Referred to YHT by current member named:_______________________________________________ Do you want your address and phone listed in the YHT directory? ___Yes ___No If you want to have your shop listed, fill in the following: Shop Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Address/Phone/Website:______________________________________________________________ I would like to receive my newsletter as follows – Check One: ____ Hard copy by US Postal Service ____ By e-mail notification that the newsletter is available on YHT’s website Annual Membership Dues are $20.00 Renewal dues are due on October 1 for the following year. Renewals postmarked or submitted after January for the current year require a $5.00 late fee. Send this form and a check payable to YHT to: Cindy Harrison, 18 Greatstone Drive, Merrimack, NH 03054 Note: You must be a member of the Society of Decorative Painters to become a member of Yankee Heritage. Send SDP dues directly to SDP’s national office. You may be required to show your SDP and/or your YHT membership card(s) at YHT events and programs. VISIT YHT’s WEBSITE Go to www.yankeeheritagetolechapter.com and find out what’s happening. There are color photos of all our upcoming workshops and seminars. See photos of past happenings. Do you have some great digital photos of YHT events? Send them to our webmaster, Mary St. Pierre at [email protected]. Decorative Arts Collection In the past they have printed many wonderful books but the book of Painted Quilts beats them all. These hand painted quilts and companion pieces are to die for. Call 404-627-3662 or click www.decorativeartscollection.org to place your order. You get 1 incredible book, 1 bonus CD of full size patterns you can paint, plus color images which can be printed on fabric on your home printer, by talented artists (Trudy Beard, Peggy Stogdill, Jamie Mills-Price, Donna Dewberry, Bobbie Takashima, Judy Diephouse and Lynn Deptula, Mary Wiseman, Jo Sonja Jansen, Andy Jones, Sherry Nelson, Peggy Harris, Ronnie Bringle, Cynthia Erekson and Chris Thornton -Deason—28 amazing projects (including non-fabric surfaces) for only $24.95 plus shipping and handling. While you’re at it support this wonderful group by becoming a Friend of the DAC. Newsletter Information The Yankee Tole Crier is published 5 times a year. The newsletter deadline is 12:00 noon the Friday following the General Meeting. The newsletter will be placed together THAT Saturday. All material is to be emailed and/or submitted on diskette with a hard copy of the report. Photos taken with a digital camera can be emailed directly to the editor or put on a CD and mailed; photos from a film camera can be mailed to the editor. and will be scanned for insertion into the newsletter. Any problems with the printing and mailing of the newsletter should be directed to Newsletter Editorial Assistant Chris Watson. She can be contacted via email: [email protected] . Jo-Anne Naugler Editor, Yankee Tole Crier [email protected] Yankee Tole Crier 23 Directions to the September 16th meeting J John Boyle O’Reilly Council No.85 17 Willow Street, Westborough, Ma 01581 From Mass pike to I-495 North (go Left) I-495(from either direction) Exit 23B – Westborough Right onto Route 9 West (Worcester) Right onto Route 30 West (also known as East Main Street) Go past CVS/McDonald’s Just before the overhead Railroad Bridge, turn right onto Willow Street. Things to bring to the meeting… 1. Painted Angel Box(es) 2. Donations for our Community Service Project 3. Donate a door prize for a future meeting 4. Donations for future meeting raffles 5. Guest(s) to introduce to YHT 6. Items for Show, Share and Tell 7. A painted name tag 8. Painting supplies for the Sunday afternoon Program 9. A table cover for your painting space 10. A happy face 11. Membership renewal form 12. Money to spend at the Yankee Trader. 13. Lunch Meeting/Activity Cancellation Policy To see whether or not a YHT activity has been cancelled due to weather (or other reason)-check our website at www.yankeeheritagetolechapter.com. This will be posted no later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of that activity. If you don’t have access to the internet, please call a friend who does or call Barbara Rolla at 413-967-5444. Jo-Anne Naugler YHT Newsletter Editor 34 Hideaway Ln Hollis NH 03049 Yankee Tole Crier 24
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Minutes of the General Meeting – January 19, 2014
Meeting called to order by Mary St.Pierre.
HOSPITALITY - Mary welcomed members and guests. Door prizes were awarded throughout the day.