we`reon to something - Southeastern Community College
we`reon to something - Southeastern Community College
we’re on to something we’re close Here at SCC we know where we’re going and what it takes to get there. Keokuk SCC’s Keokuk campus is home to the Fred Karre Memorial Library, two computer labs, transfer degree departments, and career programs including Criminal Justice and Office Administration, Industrial Maintenance program’s with mechanical and electrical labs, and the Nursing program’s nursing lab and patient simulator lab. It is also home to the SCC’s Women’s Basketball and a student housing facility. West Burlington MARIAH CARY Miss Iowa, 2012 “A lot of my friends went away to college, but I wasn’t ready. SCC allowed me to stay at home and get used to college before going on. It was the best decision for me.” SCC’s West Burlington campus is home to a wide variety of transfer degree departments, the newly remodeled Yohe Memorial Library, six computer labs, and many career programs facilities, including Agriculture, Animation, Auto Collision Repair, Automotive Technology, Construction Technology, Welding, and more. It is also home of the Men’s Basketball and Baseball, Women’s Softball and Volleyball, and three student residence halls. Cruise these sites for videos, photos, and more to get a taste of life at SCC. 2 Southeastern Community College we’re ABOVE: Computer rendering of new Health Sciences Center to be located in West Burlington. BELOW: Computer rendering of new advanced manufacturing training center to be located in Keokuk. growing Construction is underway for a new Health Sciences Center on the West Burlington campus. All of our healthcare programs will be housed in the state-ofthe-art building with access to high-tech patient simulation labs and scale-up classrooms, and student study spaces. Our Keokuk campus will be the home of a new Industrial Technologies Building for our popular Industrial Maintenance Technology program. Facilities will contain spacious labs for electrical and mechanical technologies and a multipurpose computer lab. Hot programs, hot careers One reason we’re building new facilities is because we keep adding new programs. West Check outBurlington these new programs: new buildings for west burlington include Interactive & Social Media Marketing Advanced Manufacturing Technology Athletic Training Pre-major Associate of Arts transfer degrees 3 Southeastern Community College we’re good Who doesn’t love getting straight A’s? Check out our report card. straight A’s Affordable SCC is the best value around for your educational buck. Accessible Day, evening, online, weekend - go to school when it suits YOU. Award-winning Many students earn recognition at state, regional, and national competitions. Attention Low instructor to student ratio means you get the attention you deserve. Academic quality 95% of our grads say that SCC helped them achieve their career goals. Athletics Our sports teams are often ranked in the region and nation. Our Men’s Basketball and Women’s Softball have national titles and in 2014 our Men’s Baseball team played in the NJCAA world series. Our instructors got game Many of our instructors spent years in the career fields they now teach. Others hold doctorate degrees. Either way, they know their stuff. What’s more, they love to share their expertise and passion for teaching every day. Carl Snipes, Chemistry instructor Students who finish Mr. Snipes’ Organic Chemistry class know their stuff. Some have gone on to become engineers, pharmacists, and doctors. Many credit him for how his rigorous classes prepared them for advanced studies. Stewart Jack, Web Design & Development instructor Stewart was a graphic designer in the United Kingdom before moving into web design in the early 90’s. Now as an instructor, he absolutely loves sharing his industry knowledge and fostering new student talent. 4 Southeastern Community College we’re involved Travel to Costa Rica for our popular Peace Studies class. Expand your horizons Learning takes place inside and outside the classroom. Sometimes it takes place outside of Iowa or even the USA. SCC students get opportunities to study Native American culture in the Grand Canyon, learn international relations in Costa Rica, or even trek through Europe. Who knows where we’ll go next. Get involved Join a student club and meet new people and make friends. Agriculture Graphic Communications Animation Hockey Art Human Services Auto Tech InterVarsity Business Medical Assistant Computer Multicultural Construction Tech Music/Drama Di Dante Nursing (Creative Writing) Phi Theta Kappa EMS Respiratory Therapy Film Science Fire Science Student Board Golf Students for Peace 5 SCC’s Phi Theta Kappa chapter is the academic honor society for twoyear colleges. Every year, members do community outreach, mentor students, and travel to district and national conferences. Southeastern Community College we’re high-tech career and technical education Agriculture Management Chemical Dependency Counselor Criminal Justice APPLIED TECHNOLOGY Adam Raub incorporates virtualand GPS-equipped tractors into his Ag classes. HEALTHCARE FIRST RESPONSE AGRICULTURE Advanced Manufacturing Technology Automobile Collision Repair & Management Option Automotive Technology & Management Option Biomedical Electronics Technician Emergency Medical Services Certified Nursing Aide Fire Science Technology Medical Coding & Billing INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Animation for Television, Film & New Media Interactive & Social Media Marketing Network Administration & Cyber Security Construction Technology & Construction Management Web Design & Administration Medical Assistant Nursing, ADN & PN Respiratory Care OFFICE ADMINISTRATION Accounting Business Administration Office Administration: Accounting, Legal, & Medical Drafting Technology Learn to use the latest technology in patient care from Cheryl Fye. Theory to practice Electronics Technology Our instructors know all about applied learning. Classwork is important but getting your hands on the technology makes learning fun. Industrial Maintenance Technology Skilled Trades Technical Studies We’ve got a scholarship for that! Welding Our SCC Foundation has over 200 scholarships available. You need only to apply once and the scholarship finds you! [email protected] 319-208-5062 Did you know? Community college students who go on to attend four-year colleges are more likely to graduate, and more likely to do it in four years than those students who go straight to a four-year college. Jeron Lindsay teaches the ins and outs of Industrial Maintenance. 6 Southeastern Community College we’re arts and sciences LIBERAL ARTS Art Communication English Music SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES Psychology Sociology Law enforcement Social Work BUSINESS Accounting Business Administration Finance Management Management Information Systems Supply Chain Management Want a bachelor’s degree? SCC grads transfer to colleges and universities all over the country. respected EDUCATION Elementary Education Secondary Education Special Education HEALTHCARE Athletic Training Health Services Administration Nutrition/Dietetics Master the pottery wheel in John Bybee’s ceramics class. SCIENCE & MATH Biology Chemistry Engineering Mathematics Natural Resources PRE-PROFESSIONAL Physical Therapy Pharmacy Chiropractic Dentistry Law Medicine Veterinary Medicine Cathy Ziglar and Joan Sharp make Biology challenging and fun. Students love getting muddy in Amber Ruskell-Lamer’s Field Studies class. 7 Southeastern Community College we’re home Out in the community It’s not all books and tests at SCC. Making friends and exploring your interests are vital parts of the college experience. Keokuk and West Burlington are both located right on the banks of the mighty Mississippi River. That makes it easy to experience all the Great River Region has to offer: cultural, community and sporting events are just minutes away year-round. Our campuses are close to shopping, bike paths, athletic facilities, and more. edminardphotography Living on campus Theater and drama Bring out your inner entertainer and take a vocal performance or theater and drama class. Then perform stage productions with fellow students in local historic community theaters. 8 Living on campus has its advantages: you’re on your own and meeting new friends, yet home can be just a few minutes away. SCC offers safe, affordable, apartmentstyle living for students. Ask our Enrollment Services staff about residence hall options. Southeastern Community College we’re blackhawks Play to win In 2014, Blackhawk Baseball attended the NJCAA World Series and our Softball team won Regionals. Our coaching staff is regionally recognized for their expertise too. Plus the Men’s Blackhawk Basketball team is the winningest junior college basketball team in the country. Enid News & Eagle The Hawk Eye The Hawk Eye 9 John Larson John Larson John Larson Southeastern Community College we’re caring Innovative Keeping up with the times is vital for student learning. That’s why we launched our Interactive & Social Media Marketing program. Learn what it takes to make the web and social media work in the business world Interactive and Social Media Marketing instructor Carlene Woodside teaches how to make a career working in social media. All about success See us up close Students can take advantage of a number of resources to make the most out of their academic career at SCC. The Success Center offers programs for first-generation and non-traditional students, peer tutoring, disability services, and more. Our Academic Achievement Centers help students perfect their writing and math skills, and our Student Success Advocates help students overcome all sorts of challenges so they can succeed at SCC. SCC hosts events year-round for high school students to see what we’re all about. Meet instructors, tour the campus, get financial aid info – even snag a free lunch. SNEAK PEEK See what it’s like to be a student at SCC. Tour the campus, talk to instructors and students. SCC DAY Get an up close look at all our career programs, meet instructors and students. Tour our state-of-the-art facilities. CAREER DAY Curious about what it’s like out there in the real world? Get the scoop straight from people working in those careers. COLLEGE REP DAY College and University admissions representatives share information helpful in the college selection process. COLLEGE GOAL DAY Trained volunteers provide free, on-site assistance to students & families in filing the FAFSA. SCIENCE ACADEMY Grab your safety glasses and get your science on. Take a hands-on workshop and let our faculty dazzle you. FINE ARTS ACADEMY Interested in fine arts? Our instructors provide small group workshops on a variety of visual and performing arts topics. For upcoming campus event dates or to take a tour, contact SCC Enrollment Services or visit us online: www.scciowa.edu. Chemical Dependency and Peace Studies instructor Sandy Krell-Andre loves to share her passion for building interpersonal relationships and cultural understanding. 10 Southeastern Community College we’re affordable Financial aid Need money for college? We can help you find it. Financial aid regulations got you confused? We’ll walk you through it. Scholarships! Scholarships! Scholarships! Looking for scholarships? Check these out: Application deadlines: April 1 for fall and October 1 for spring awards. TRUSTEES’ SCHOLARSHIPS LOCAL SCHOLARSHIPS REGIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS SEARCH DATABASES WORK-STUDY OPPORTUNITIES FEDERAL & STATE LOANS Contact us. KEO: [email protected] WB: [email protected] The SCC Foundation awards over $200,000 every year to all sorts of deserving students. To apply visit www.scciowa.edu: 1. Complete the online application. 2. Submit at least one reference letter (more may be required) as detailed in the online scholarship application. 3. Complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at www.fafsa.com. Got questions? [email protected] 319-208-5062 WHAT IS FAFSA? Free Application for Federal Student Aid. The federal government uses it to determine your eligibility for federal and state aid, grants, loans, and work study. Complete your FAFSA as soon after January 1 as possible. Aid is given on a year-by-year basis, so you have to reapply every year. Apply online at www.fafsa.gov. It’s in the numbers While there are many reasons students pick SCC, a big one is cost. Scholarships, grants and loans go a lot further at a community college where tuition is more affordable. Maybe that’s why half of all college students in the USA attend community college. 11 Southeastern Community College we’re expecting you! “I went to other colleges, but I didn’t fit in. When I came to SCC, I knew this was the place for me after the first week. I loved my classes and instructors. I should have come here first.” NORA MEIROTTO Associate of Arts Transfer Apply to SCC Visit www.scciowa.edu >click APPLY NOW under APPLY on our home page. Follow the online instructions listed to complete your application. >complete online application >submit an official high school transcript SCC KEOKUK CAMPUS >apply for financial aid (FAFSA) SCC school code: 004603. 335 Messenger Road, Keokuk IA 52632 >complete placement testing 319-524-3221 [email protected] >complete the online orientation session Now you are ready to register. SCC WEST BURLINGTON CAMPUS There are many ways to register but first-time students should do so in person with an Enrollment Specialist. Call to make an appointment. 1500 West Agency Road, West Burlington, IA 52655 Keokuk: 319-313-1985 West Burlington: 319-208-5010 12 319-752-2731 [email protected] Toll free: 866-SCC-IOWA www.scciowa.edu Southeastern Community College
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