Samaritan 2015-03-30 - Good Samaritan United Methodist Church


Samaritan 2015-03-30 - Good Samaritan United Methodist Church
March 30, 2015
Senior Pastor
[email protected]
Associate Pastor
[email protected]
Director of Families
with Children
[email protected]
Director of Families
with Youth
[email protected]
Director of
Music, Worship, & the Arts
[email protected]
[email protected]
Director of
Chancel Chimes
[email protected]
Youth Vocal Ensemble
[email protected]
Children’s Choirs Director
[email protected]
Coordinator of
Homeward Bound
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Office Administration
Media Specialist
[email protected]
Newsletter Editor
[email protected]
Good Sa mar i t an Uni t ed Met hodi st Chur ch, Edi na, Mi nnesot a
Inspiring Joyful Faith, Building a Loving Community, Serving Neighbors Near and Far
Easter Sunday—April 5
Outdoor Sunrise Service, 6:45 AM
in the amphitheater—enter at lower parking lot (dress for the weather)
Festival Services at 8:30, 9:45, 11 AM
with Choir, Organ, and Chamber Instrumentalists
Nursery for infant–age 3 / No Sunday School
The Caring Ministry Committee will serve Easter Breakfast—coffee, Easter eggs, assorted
sweets, and fruit—in Fellowship Hall after each service.
Romans 8:31–39 What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not
withhold his own Son, but gave him up for all of us, will he not with him also give us everything else? Who will bring
any charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies. Who is to condemn? It is Christ Jesus, who died, yes, who was
raised, who is at the right hand of God, who indeed intercedes for us. Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will
hardship, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? …. No, in all these things we are
more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers,
nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able
to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
The Good News of Easter
What is the Good News of Jesus Christ? What is the Good News of Easter? If I had to
answer in just a few words, I would say: “There is nothing to fear.” I spend a lot of
every day afraid of what might happen. At times I can be anxious about a multitude of
scenarios that would be bad for me and my family. The thought of personal set backs,
accidents, illness plague me. Even the simple knowledge that we are all mortal can
cause me to contemplate the future with fear.
I believe that is what the Good News of Jesus Christ is about. In the midst of a world
that is filled with news of wars, terrorist attacks, famine, and illness there is a way to
have peace. It is like the first time a child jumps from the side of a pool into a mother or
father’s arms. There is fear of the water and the unknown, but there is a deeper trust in
promise they will be caught. They will be caught and everything will be all right.
That is the Good News of Jesus Christ. God will catch each one of us. There is nothing
to fear. No matter what bad thing may happen, no matter how unlucky we might be,
there is the promise that God is the one who will make it all right.
The apostle Paul said it well, “Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things
present, nor things to come, … can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.”
Maybe you or someone in your family is ill or unemployed, or simply depressed. The
Good News of this Easter season is that God can handle all of these things as well and
ultimately, nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.
I hope to see you in Church as we celebrate the good news of Jesus resurrection.
Christ has risen. He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
Peace, Pastor Ed
March 30, 2015
Transition Team
The Good Samaritan Transition Team recently held
its second meeting. You may recall that District
Superintendent Judy Zabel asked each church with
new clergy to form a committee to evaluate how
the transition is progressing for the clergy and the
congregation. During our Transition Team meeting,
we shared feedback we had received from the
congregation with the pastors, and discussed
concerns, ideas and hopes about the direction of the
congregation and Good Samaritan ministries. Our
goal is not only to share the feedback with the
pastors, but also to solicit and discuss ideas
concerning things we can do as a congregation to
help our pastors be successful. Thanks to the many
people who provided feedback. Your input is
invaluable and appreciated. Our next and final
meeting is May 21. If you have any additional
feedback you would like to share please contact any
Transition Team member or share your comments
directly with Pastor Amanda or Pastor Ed. The
Good Samaritans who make up the Transition
Team are Wayne Christensen, Karen Anderson,
Marilee Stevens, Cynthia Kapke, Jarrod
Englebretson, Caroline Carlin, and Tony Branch.
Joys and Concerns
We hold in our thoughts and prayers those with
health concerns, including: Roger Acton; Lois
DeSantis; Duane Dull’s sister, Amy Filipczak;
Ginger and Grant Gilderhus; Willis Heim; Nancy
and Deane Manolis; Barry McCool; Mike Meland;
and Evelyn Hyams, who is in hospice.
We remember the family of Ev Emerson and Bruce
Kramer following Bruce’s death on March 23 after
his journey with the dis ease of ALS. His memorial
service is scheduled for Saturday, April 11, at
Christ Presbyterian Church at 10:30 AM.
We celebrate the births of:
John Thomas to Annie and Tom Freese on
Feb. 25. John is the grandson of Helen McEvoyFreese, our Financial Administrator.
Everett Anders to Rachel and Dave Segerdahl on
Mar. 10. Everett is the grandson of Shelley and
Doug Beardsley and great-grandson of Bill
Caroline Creglow, daughter of Catie and Reed, is
the great-granddaughter of Georgia Creglow. She
was born on Mar. 10
Newsletter Update
During worship on
Sunday, March 22,
Pastor Ed announced
that I am stepping
down as newsletter
editor after 15 years,
effective March 25. I
have accepted a full-time position working at
N.C. Little Memorial Hospice in Edina. This is
my final issue as newsletter editor of the
As much as I love being a wordsmith, it has been
the connection with the congregation and staff at
Good Samaritan that has meant the most to me
during my time as newsletter editor. I’ve been
able to share births, confirmations, graduations,
and weddings. For some of you, I’ve shared news
of the loss of loved ones and your words of thanks
following gestures of care and concern from the
congregation. For a few members, including
myself, I shared news of loved ones leaving on
military deployments and celebrated their safe
I’ve documented the arrival and departure of staff
in nearly every position. With articles from staff,
committee members, and other congregation
members, we’ve shared information on programs
and events for all ages and opportunities for
sharing our blessings through outreach . With the
help of many, it has been 15 years of sharing the
story and life-blood of Good Samaritan. Thank
you to all who have contributed articles and
notices, and thank you to all the volunteers who
helped get the newsletter ready to be mailed. And
finally, special thanks to Mary Parsons for her
15 years of proofing the newsletter for me. She
made every issue better.
With gratitude,
Rachel Braband
The Staff-Parish Relations (SPR) Committee is
evaluating options regarding the information
needs of the congregation and the best way to
deliver that information in connection with
meeting other needs of the church.
Samaritan Concert Series
Sing Unto God: Songs of Celebration & Joy
Sunday, April 26, 4:30 PM
BKFST @ Good Sam
The next Sunday morning
breakfast at Good
Samaritan is April 12,
from 7:30 AM – NOON.
We will serve pancakes
(regular and gluten-free),
sausage (pork and
vegetarian), orange juice,
coffee, milk, and that ever
popular “warm syrup.”
Brought to you by the Good Samaritan Marketing
Team and Friends.
Families Moving Forward
Join our Masterworks choir, soloists, and professional orchestra for a presentation of Ralph
Vaughan Williams’ Five Mystical Songs and other
songs of praise to celebrate the joyful Eastertide
Good Sam Garden Group – Our next meeting
will be Tuesday, April 21 at 7:00 PM in the Fireside
Room. A program on herbs will be presented by
Mary Beth Gullickson, who is not only a Master
Designer but also has 35 years of experience in the
field and has been featured on Kare 11, WCCO,
KSTP, the Today Show, and Bachman’s. No
experience necessary to attend – just a love of
plants, flowers, and gardens! Please RSVP to Peggy
Agan at 952.942.8733. We hope you can join us!
Sunday, April 12 – Sunday, April 19
Good Samaritan is part of the
network of faith communities
that sponsor Families Moving
Forward, a program of Beacon
Interfaith Housing Collaborative.
For many years, we have opened
our doors, twice a year, for 7 days to 3–4 families
experiencing homelessness. Families in the FMF
program typically spend about 2 months moving to
a new place each week until they are able to secure
permanent housing.
Every day our Families Moving Forward guests are
here, we will need:
• Volunteers to prepare dinner.
• Evening hosts to play or do crafts with the
• Overnight hosts to ensure guests are settled for
the night.
Prior to the arrival of our guests, we will need a setup crew and at the end of the week, we will need a
take-down crew. It’s a big commitment, and it takes
a lot of volunteers—but Good Sam has always met
the challenge.
Sign up to help on the sheets on the table in the
narthex or online at (type “FMF” in the
search box).—Thanks for making a difference.
Lisa Nelson, Miriam Rickert and Barb Verduci,
Dirt-Cheap Plant Sale
Saturday, May 16
Good Sam Amphitheater
10:00 AM – 12:00 NOON
Spring has finally arrived and we need to
alert you of our upcoming “Dirt-Cheap Plant
Sale.” Save the date and save those plants as
it’s fast approaching!
Thirteenth Annual Men's Fishing Retreat
June 5–7, 2015
At beautiful Lake Clitherall (Ottertail County)
A weekend of fishing, fun and fellowship
(and a fabulous fish fry!)
$90 for the weekend, $55 for 1 night, $40 for 1 day.
Bob Quick, [email protected] / 612.866.2143
Mike Hipps, [email protected] /
Women’s Retreat
Monday, June 22 - Thursday, June 25
Cove Point Lodge in Beaver Bay
Details are in the retreat brochure and
registration form available in the upper lobby.
March 30, 2015
— LUKE 10:27
Called to Serve Others
Hearts & Hammers'
First Ever Spring Rag
Saturday, April 11 from 7-10 PM
The Titanic Lounge @ Kieran's Irish Pub
85 North Sixth Street, Minneapolis
live dance music provided by Homeward Bound.
Tickets are $75 per person. Contact
Mike Hutson for more information or to
reserve your spot now.
Honor the memory of Bruce Kramer and show your
support for Evelyn Emerson and their family.
Join us for the third annual ALS Bike Trek MN.
This year we want the LARGEST team
represented at the event. Help us by joining the
team EITHER as a cyclist or non-cycling team
member. Proceeds go to fund ALS research via
Follow the link:
Our main fundraiser is an Open House Social at the
hospitality room of Bruce and Evelyn’s condo.
Saturday, April 25, 5–8 PM
555 Oak Ridge Place
Hopkins MN 55305
$25 at entry - Proceeds to ALS TDI
(Includes treats and music by GSUMC Chancel
Choir and others.) Contributions can also be made
using the iPad at Good Samaritan.
Questions: Call Brian or Claudia Boysen at
952.937.0624 or email [email protected].
Wild Ones
2015 Easter Offerings
The Good Samaritan Missions Committee has selected
the following projects for our 2015 Easter offerings.
Please indicate the amount you would like to give to a
project and place your gift in the offering plate or send it
to the church office. The Missions Committee wishes you
a Happy Easter and thanks you for your generosity.
_____ Compatible Technology International (CTI)
(International Outreach)
Founded in 1981, CTI is a nonprofit organization that
designs practical food and water tools that help farmers
in developing countries use local resources to resolve
their food problems.
_____ Emma Norton Services (ENS) (Local Outreach)
ENS helps combat poverty in our communities by providing housing at two locations: Emma Norton Residence in
St. Paul and Emma’s Place in Maplewood. Both locations
also provide support services and basic needs to women,
children, and families with homelessness, mental illness,
and chemical dependency issues. In 2013, Emma Norton
Residence served 122 residents and Emma’s Place
served 18 families with 80 children. ENS is a national
mission of the United Methodist Church.
_____ Feed My Starving Children (FMSC)
(International Outreach)
FMSC is a non-profit Christian organization that utilizes
youth and adult volunteers to hand-pack meals specifically formulated for malnourished children. FMSC then
ships these meals to nearly 70 countries around the
_____ Wesley Foundation (Local Outreach)
Wesley Foundation is a United Methodist-sponsored
campus ministry at the University of Minnesota that
welcomes all people regardless of faith. Wesley serves
as a safe, stable environment for students adjusting to
college life, focusing on individual spiritual development,
leadership development, and social justice. Good
Samaritans Larry Nielsen and Dave Knutson are
members of the Board of Directors.
Name (please print)
Children’s Corner
GR. 6
Youth Info
Dir. of Families with Children: Heather Miller
952.929.0049 ext.226 or [email protected]
Mark Your CalendarsF
No W.I.L.D. Ones—Happy Spring Break!
4/17–19 5th and 6th Grade Retreat!
All 5th and 6th graders welcome, email
Heather for info!
5/1 VBS Decorating Party, come help make
decorations for VBS! Dinner, nursery and
movie time for kids … all free! Join us!!!
5:00–8:30 PM.
Dir. of Families with Youth: Jim VerBout
952.929.0049 ext.229 or [email protected]
3/29 No Buzz due to Spring Break and Easter
4/1 No SYF on Wednesday due to Spring Break
4/5 No Sunday School on Easter Sunday
4/5 No Buzz due to Spring Break and Easter
4/8 SYF–Storm drain stenciling around Edina
4/19 Buzz–Storm drain stenciling
Vacation Bible School: G-Force!
April 19 Youth Service and
Senior Recognition &
Blessing of the Keys
June 8–12
Age 3–Completed 6th grade
Register now!
Go to
Adult volunteers are needed!
April 19 is the Sunday when not only the youth get
to take over both church services but it also is the
time where we as a community recognize the
seniors and their families who are embarking on this
major transition to the after-high school years. If
your son or daughter is graduating, please submit
his/her baby photos, grad photos, favorite GS
memories, service projects, and after school plans to
Karen Bach at [email protected].
We will also be blessing the keys of all new drivers
in the Good Sam community during this service! If
your son or daughter started driving last year or this
year, let me know and we will recognize/pray over
them in front of the congregation.
Support VEAP & Joyce Food Shelves
An article in a recent Reader’s Digest
featured the following tips for donating to
food shelves:
First and Second Grade Milestone
Don’t give outlandish things.
Do give no-cook foods.
Leave food in the original packaging.
Think simple. Box mixes that just require
water, instant coffee, Bisquick.
Label special dietary needs met—gluten-free,
allergen-free, etc—in large print.
Make it easy to open.
Ask what’s needed.
Consider donating cash.
Nonprofit Organization
U.S. Postage
The Samaritan
Twin Cities, MN
Good Samaritan United Methodist Church
5730 Grove Street
Edina, Minnesota 55436
Permit No. 2518
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Our Vision:
Inspiring Joyful Faith,
Building a Loving Community,
Serving Neighbors Near and Far
on the Web at
Time Dated Material
Sunday Worship Schedule
Services at 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM
Nursery for infant–age 3 offered during both services.
Children’s Sunday School at 9:00 and 10:30 AM
for Preschool & K-6
Youth Sunday School at 10:30 AM
Fellowship, coffee & lemonade after each service.
Easter Sunday, April 5
Pastor Ed DuBose preaching
“New Life and New Power”
Outdoor Sunrise Service, 6:45 AM
Festival Services at 8:30, 9:45 and 11:00 AM
Nursery for infant-age 3 / No Sunday School
Sunday, April 12
Paul David Stanko, guest speaker
9:00 Music leadership by
Chancel Choir and Children’s Choirs
10:30 Music leadership by
Chancel Choir and Vocal Youth Ensemble
Reconciling Sunday
Easter is the
demonstration of God
that life is essentially
spiritual and timeless.
Transition Team
Joys and Concerns
Newsletter Update
Pancake Breakfast
Easter Offering
Called to Serve
Children’s Corner
Youth Info
Food Shelf Tips
Office Hours:
8:30 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday–Friday
Telephone: 952.929.0049