btn Sept-15-2013 - Saint Mary`s Catholic Church
btn Sept-15-2013 - Saint Mary`s Catholic Church
Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church 1000 North Jefferson Avenue, Goldsboro NC 27530-3141 919-734-5033 Rev. Patrick Keane, Pastor Deacon Webster James September 15, 2013—24th Sunday in Ordinary Time LAVISH FORGIVENESS Moses appeals to God for compassion in today's first reading. The point of Moses' pleas is not to provide a blueprint for pacifying an angry God, but to demonstrate that no matter our sin and its grievousness, God will always forgive. In his Letter to Timothy, Paul uses himself, the great sinner, as an example of just how great is God's forgiveness. Finally, today's Gospel parables create a mural of God's forgiving love. Like a diligent housekeeper, a good shepherd, a loving father, God goes out of the way to recover the lost and to forgive. By pointing out that the woman leaves her nine silver pieces, that the shepherd leaves his ninety-nine sheep waiting, and the father leaves his elder son upset, Jesus urges us to abandon a stingy view of life. If God can be so generous, so forgiving, and so loving to those deemed unworthy, we must act likewise. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. EUCHARISTIC LITURGY Weekend Saturday Vigil 5:00PM English 7:00PM Spanish Sunday 10:00 AM English 1:00 PM Spanish Sábado ~ 5:00 PM En Inglés Sábado ~ 7:00 PM En Español Domingo ~ 10:00 AM En Inglés Domingo ~ 1:00 PM En Español Weekdays 9:00 AM Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday lunes, martes, jueves, viernes No Mass on Wednesday No hay Misa los miércoles Holy Days 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM No Vigil Masses Adoración al Santisimo 9:00 AM y 7:00 PM First Friday Adoration begins after morning Mass and ends with Benediction at 7:00 PM. Todos los viernes primero de mes de 10:00 AM a 7:00 PM WELCOME VISITORS AND NEWCOMERS New members may register by calling the parish office (weekdays from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM). Mission Statement Saint Mary is a diverse Catholic community working together to live the Gospel, grow in faith through the Eucharist, and share our gifts in service to others. WELCOME HOME RETURNING CATHOLICS Awakenings is designed to help people return to Mass and the Sacraments. Call the office for information. Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church 1 Goldsboro, N. C. PARISH DIRECTORY Altar Flowers CHURCH Are in Loving Memory of Office (Oficina): 919 734-5033 FAX: 919 580-0730 E-Mail: [email protected] Web: Gilbert Garcia, Sr. By Olga & Paul Markowitsch PARISH STAFF Rev. Patrick Keane, Pastor……………...………………………..ext. 27 Deacon Webster A. James………...……………………………….ext. 29 Director of Faith Formation Mrs. Carole Sears………………………………………………………..ext. 34 Liturgy Coordinator Mrs. Debbie Gambella, Parish Secretary..……………..….ext. 10 Mrs. Kathy Hennessy, Parish Secretary………..………....ext. 26 Mrs. Tracey Davis, Parish Bookkeeper…….…………..…..ext. 28 Mrs. Elvira Ponce, Hispanic Ministry…………………………..ext. 22 Mrs. Vicki Ellis, Choir Director, 10:00 AM Mr. Philip Eubanks, Organist Mr. Van Tran, Sacristan The Sanctuary Lamp for the week of September 15 to 21 will be lit In Loving Memory of Bil Hammond SCHOOL by Pam & Children Office: 919 735-1931 FAX: 919 735-1917 E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] SCHOOL STAFF Mrs. Lynn Magoon, Principal……………………………………..ext. 33 Mrs. Anne Marie Gambella, Admn. Assistant…………...ext. 11 MAINTENANCE STAFF Mr. Harold Jones, Supervisor…………………………………….ext. 31 Mr. Larry Jones , Assistant………………………………………...ext. 31 Mass Intentions for September 14 to 22, 2013 Saturday, PASTORAL ADVISORY COUNCIL Chair Hank Daniels, Vice-Chair John Marguglio Secretary Sharon Thomas Finance Council Chair John Heeden Meribet Ambriz, Steve Balli, Richard Conger, Sheila Covar, Tiffany Ingram, Sam Jernigan, Joseph Jones, Paula Long, Sandra Rios Sunday, Monday SACRAMENTAL LIFE Penance and Reconciliation 5 p.m. Joseph Hallow, Jr., dec. by St. Mary Parish 7 p.m. Spanish Mass 10 a.m. Mr. & Mrs. M.B. Kostley, dec. by Joan Todaro 1 p.m. Pro Populo 9 a.m. Kieran Hennessy, dec. by Kathy Hennessy Tuesday No Mass Wednesday No Thursday No Mass Saturday ~ celebrated from 4-4:30 PM and by appointment. Baptism Baptisms are during Mass the third weekend of each month. Preparation is required before scheduling the time and date. Call the Parish Office to register for baptismal class. No Mass No Evening Spanish Mass Marriage Contact the Deacon six months in advance of the ceremony. Sacrament of the Sick If you wish to receive the sacrament of the sick during a prolonged illness or before surgery, please call the office. Friday Saturday, Communion If you wish to receive communion from a Eucharistic Minister due to illness, age, or handicap, please call the the office. These visits are made after the Mass has been celebrated. Sunday, No Mass 5 p.m. William Dean Hammond dec. by St. Mary Parish 7 p.m. Lorenzo McPhatter, dec. by Wilena McPhatter 10 a.m. 1 p.m. Zeke Farfour, dec. by Russ & Maureen Prys Pro Populo Bulletin Deadline: Ten working days before publication. FAX, drop off at office, or email to [email protected] Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2 September 15, 2013 Parish Calendar Sunday, September 15—24th Sunday in Ordinary Time September 16 September 20 Holyland Olivewood Crafts On the weekend of September 21st and 22nd there will be a display of beautiful olivewood hand carvings from the town of Bethlehem at the church. These carvings are made by Christians of Bethlehem who use them as their source of income. These brothers and sisters of ours are enduring hardships at this moment because of the volatile situation in their home country. Christians in the Holy land used to be more than 30% of the population, now they are less than 2% because of the situation. You can support them by purchasing these carvings. The money flowing back to the families has allowed them to work at what they know best. Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass If you are celebrating a 25th, 50th or 50+ Wedding Anniversary this year you are invited to this special Mass celebrated by Bishop Michael F. Burbidge. The Mass will be celebrated at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 300 Dundee Rd, Pinehurst , NC at 3:00pm on Sunday, October 13, 2013. Couples and their guest are invited to participate in the Mass and to share anniversary cake at a reception immediately following the Mass. An opportunity to take a memorable photo with the Bishop will be available at that time. Registration must be made through the Parish Office by calling 919-734-5033 ext. 10 or 26. Registration Deadline is Friday, October 4th. A former parishioner, who has moved out of state, has 2 cemetery plots at Wayne Memorial Part in the Garden of Prayer that she would like to sell. Cost for both would be $1,500.00 total. If you are interested in these plots please call Douglas at 919-736-8525. Time ~ Talent ~ Treasure Offertory Report September 1 Budgeted: Over (Under) $8,717.92 $7,750.00 $ 967.92 * * * * Rosary for Life, Church, before 10:00am Mass TYM Breakfast, Cafeteria, 11:30am to 12:30pm Faith Formation K-5, classrooms, 11:30am to 12:30pm Faith Formation Confirmation Class, Library, 11:15am to 12:45pm * RCIA, Lounge, after 10:00am Mass * Parent’s Meeting for students of 1st year Confirmation Prep and Confirmation Students, Auditorium, 11:30am * Spanish Language Choir Practice, Church, after 1:00pm Mass Monday, September 16 * Baptismal Preparation Class, FFO, 7:00pm * RCIA Team Training, Lounge, 7:00pm Tuesday, September 17 * No Mass Today * Perpetual Novena, Chapel, 6:45pm * Legion of Mary, Library, 7:00pm * Finance Council Meeting, FFO, 7:00pm * Fall Festival Meeting, Lounge, 7:00pm Wednesday, September 18 * No Mass Today * Bible Study—Footprints of God, 6th grade classroom, 7:00pm Thursday, September 19 * No Mass Today * Book Club, “Highnooners”, FFO, noon * 10:00am Choir Practice, Church, 7:00pm * No Spanish Mass this evening Friday, September 20 * No Mass Today * Spanish Language Choir Practice, Church, 6:00pm Saturday, September 21 * 5:00pm Choir Practice, Church, 3:30pm * Holyland Olive Wood Crafts, outside church, before & after Mass Sunday, September 22—25th Sunday in Ordinary Time * Faith Formation K-5, classrooms, 11:30am to 12:30pm * Faith Formation Middle & High School, classrooms, 11:15am to 12:45pm * RCIA, Lounge, after 10:00am Mass * Parents Meeting for Communion Students, Auditorium, 11:30am * Holyland Olive Wood Crafts, outside church, before & after Mass * Spanish Language Choir Practice, Church, after 1:00pm Mass Saint Mary School: $1,073.15 Second Collection September 22: Family Life Center Bulletin Deadline: Ten working days before publication. FAX, drop off at office, or email to [email protected] Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church In our thoughts and prayers: Pray for the intentions of those in nursing facilities, the homebound, the chroni cally ill, and for those who are critically ill. Please remember in a special way the following parishioners who have requested your prayers: Ralph Bailey, Judy Cordeiro, Lee Davis, Marjorie Dixon, Marion Duffy, Hattie Evans, Tempie Farfour, Agnes Harris, Bertha Kish, Erma Lawrence, Frank Lawrence, Denise Lewis, Dorothy Lewis, Pat Marguglio, Benjamin Raposa, and Terry Williams. If you would like your name included in the Prayers for the Sick in the Bulletin please contact our coordinators for “Prayers for the Sick”, Gloria at 919-734-3810 or JoAnn at 919-736-7266. Please also remember in your prayers all of our parishioners who are in the military especially those who are deployed. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Timothy 2:1-8; Psalm 28:2, 7-9; Luke 7:1-10 Tuesday: 1 Timothy 3:1-13; Psalm 101:1b-3ab, 5-6; Luke 7:11-17 3 Goldsboro, N. C. Diocese of Raleigh Save the Date. CATHOLIC CONVOCATION – October 19, 2013. Join us for an inspirational and educational day with dozens of workshops featuring national and local speakers, as well as exhibitors to help form and deepen your knowledge of the Catholic faith. The day begins with Mass celebrated by The Most Reverend Michael F. Burbidge, Bishop of Raleigh, followed by the keynote address by Reverend Monsignor J. Brian Bransfield, Associate General Secretary of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Carolina’s Catholic Family Day Saturday September 28, 2013 Park Hours 10:00 a.m.- 5:30 p.m. Come one, come all and enjoy a day of fun with your “Carolina Catholic family” and our Bishops of the Carolinas, as we gather for the 1st annual Catholic Family Day at Carowinds. Cost $ 40 per person ages 3 and up. Includes admission to Carowinds Park, Mass in the theater at 10:30 a.m. and a picnic. Register online at or send your registration via mail to Diocese of Raleigh, Carolinas Catholic Family Day at 7200 Stonehenge Drive Raleigh, NC 27613 or for questions contact [email protected] You are invited to follow the Diocese and Bishop Michael F. Burbidge on twitter @raleighdiocese and @BishopBurbidge. Diocesan tweets include current news items. Bishop Burbidge’s tweets include reflections and reports on events he is attending. Not on Twitter? Simply text: follow bishopburbidge to phone number: 40404 to receive tweets as text messages. Wednesday: 1 Timothy 3:14-16; Psalm 111:1-6; Luke 7:31-35 t Thursday: 1 Timothy 4:12-16; Psalm 111:7-10; Luke 7:36-50 Friday: 1 Timothy 6:2c-12; Psalm 49:6-10, 17-20; Luke 8:1-3 Saturday: Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-13; Psalm 19:2-5; Matthew 9:9-13 Sunday: Amos 8:4-7; Psalm 113:1-2, 4-8; 1 Timothy 2:1-8; Luke 16:1-13 [10-13] "Attention, single Catholic young men 18-30 years of age: The Knights of the Holy Eucharist, a community of lay brothers faithful to Holy Mother Church and dedicated to fostering reverent devotion to Our Eucharistic Lord, invite you to discern your vocation to the brotherhood at their House of Formation, located at the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, Alabama. Learn more at their website," If you have any questions or need further information, feel free to email or call (256-352-8505). The Knights offer hospitality to visiting priests, brothers, and seminarians. Any of these who would like to make a private retreat at the Shrine (totally free of charge) can visit for more information or to make reservations. Thank you very much for your consideration, and God bless you! TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Although New Year’s Day has been fixed firmly on January 1 for several hundred years, Labor Day has the feel of a great dividing line between leisure and routine. The pace of life has since picked up, and new schedules and commitments crowd us. In the background is God’s call to consider the third commandment, still life‑giving and binding, to make holy the Lord’s Day by worship and rest. Jews see the Sabbath, Saturday, not so much as a day of worship, but as a day of rest, a day of renewing friendship with God by delighting in the beauty of creation and the joy of family and friends. It is a day for contemplating the wonder of God’s creation, but not disturbing it. For Christians in the first three centuries, the Lord’s Day, Sunday, was not for rest, but worship. It was a regular work day. People met before dawn, and after Eucharist hurried off to daily routines. Today we come to Mass, but many hurry off to essential work, not a day of rest. The Lord’s Day is not the Sabbath, but we can enhance Sunday’s ability to transform us if we consider embracing some Sabbath values: having a family meal, going for a walk in a beautiful place, making room in our lives to open ourselves more fully to holiness of life in Christ. —James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Bulletin Deadline: Ten working days before publication. FAX, drop off at office, or email to [email protected] Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time HSTYM MSTYM ST. MARY’S TOTAL YOUTH MINISTRY “Making A Difference for Jesus” Faith Formation Schedule: Sept. 15th—classes for Confirmation 11:15am to 12:45pm Parent’s Meeting for students in Confirmation Preparation and Confirmation in the Auditorium at 11:30am 1st TYM Breakfast, Cafeteria, 11:30am to 12:30 Middle School Students and Confirmation Prep. Class will work the Breakfast in shifts. Sept. 22nd—Faith Formation Classes Middle School, Confirmation Preparation and Confirmation from 11:15am to 12:45 pm. Watch the Bulletin for more information on the upcoming TYM fundraisers and social activities. “Even though you are young, the time for action is now! It is time to let your light shine! Remember, Christ is calling you; the Church needs you; the Pope believes in you, and he expects great things of you!” ~Pope John Paul II Cub Scout Pack Recruiting “Your Cub Scout Pack is recruiting again! All boys in grades 1-5 welcome. Meetings are held on alternating Sundays at 3:00pm in the St. Mary School Cafeteria. Please refer to our website,, contact the CubMaster at 919-7229672, or email us at [email protected] for more details. Saint Mary School Corner Keeping Spirit and Faith in Education On Wednesday, Sept. 18th our students will have a special assembly. The Bureau of Lecture Assemblies will be doing a presentation of Aesop’s Fables. This will be a fun learning experience for our students. Saturday, September 21st is International Peace Day. The Saint Mary Students have been making pinwheels in art class to celebrate this special day. On Friday, Sept. 20th the pinwheels will be displayed outside the school. Come and view the beauty! 4 September 15, 2013 Respect Life End-of-Life Ethics Preparing Now for the Hour of Death By Kenneth R. Overberg, S.J. Have you said to your family, “Don’t put me on all those life-support machines and tubes”? Perhaps you had just visited a friend in the hospital, or were simply reacting to stories such as those about Terri Schiavo, the Floridian who lived on life support for years before that life support was removed in 2005 in the midst of a national debate. Perhaps you had a sense that the life-support machines were not so much promoting life but, rather, simply delaying death. As a result, you perhaps know that you don’t want to be in the situation. Or perhaps you reacted very differently to experiences like Terry Shiavo’s death. You are convinced that feeding tubes must be used. Perhaps you found yourself confused by the debate, disagreement and polarization. You are wondering what faithful Catholics ought to do about these ethical issues and what role, if any, the government ought to play. End-of-life issues touch the depths of our being, stir the emotions, and raise profound questions. They call for careful moral reasoning. In this article we will look to Hebrew and Christian Scriptures and to insights from our long Catholic tradition for guidance and wisdom in making moral decisions. We will suggest appropriate responses for us as faithful disciples of Jesus and as concerned citizens. Words of Wisdom The Scriptures provide a sound foundation and a sure direction in helping us to respond to end-of-life questions by offering three major points: 1) life is a basic, but not absolute, good; 2) we are to be stewards of life, but we don’t have complete control and 3) we understand death in the context of belief in new life. In the creation story in Genesis, we hear of the goodness of all creation (Gn 1:31), and in a special way, the sacredness of all human life, for we are created in God’s image. Human life, then, possesses a dignity, rooted in who we are, rather than in what we do. Life is holy, deserving of respect and reverence. We know from experience that life is the foundation for all other goods: friendship, love, prayer and all the other ways we enjoy and serve God and neighbor. Life, however, is not an absolute good. There is a greater good: our relationship with God. We would not, for example, destroy our relationship with God through sin in order to save our physical life. The powerful witness of martyrsand especially Jesus-testifies to this truth. Stewardship, our second major point, must be distinguished from dominion. Stewardship implies that we have the responsibility to care for something which is not totally our own possession. Dominion, on the other hand, claims and ultimate control. Life, as we have already seen, is a gift of God, to be respected and reverenced. Jesus’ whole life modeled the idea of stewardship, creatively nourishing the gift of life (see John 6:22-71). The third point the Scriptures offer us the conviction that death marks the transformation to new and eternal life. This belief does not deny the reality of death, along with its suffering and separation. Yet life is changed, not ended. Our belief in everlasting life is rooted in the transforming experience of the resurrection of Jesus (see Luke 24:1-53). We, too, trust in God’s loving faithfulness. Bulletin Deadline: Ten working days before publication. FAX, drop off at office, or email to [email protected] Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church 5 Goldsboro, N. C. Our Catechist Our Substitute Catechist Maribet Ambriz Martha Bailey Leah Breindel Maria Fissori Christopher Hayes Denise Lewis Jessica Martinez Dawn Miller Bill & Kristi O’Hara Dan & Terry Panza Kristen Pittman Sandra Rios Lu Saulmon Rhea Lina Tan Patricia Velasco Angie Zalenski Linda deAraujo Kathy Hennessy Sterling Jarrett Theresa Makdad Amy Breindel Our RCIA Team Carole Sears Jeannie Horton Gail Bobrowski Sheila Covar Doug Davis Kim Fisher Sheri Fine Tim Lancaster Wilena McPhatter Bulletin Deadline: Ten working days before publication. FAX, drop off at office, or email to [email protected] Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 6 September 15, 2013 Nuestros Catequistas Maribet Ambriz Maria Gonzales Alcides Pérez Daicy Pérez Elvira Ponce Sandra Rios Bulletin Deadline: Ten working days before publication. FAX, drop off at office, or email to [email protected] Iglesia Católica Romana Santa María Afirmación de misión La parroquia de Santa María es una comunidad católica y diversa que trabaja junta para vivir el evangelio, crecer en fe por la Eucaristía y compartir nuestros talentos en servicio a otros. Directorio Padre Patrick Keane 919 734-5033 ext. 27 Bautismos—Elvira Ponce 919-252-0768 Sacramentos Bautismo: Asistir a la preparación, padres y padrinos y fijar la fecha con el sacerdote. Confesión: Sábados de 4:00pm a 4:30pm Para enfermos en el hospital o en casa comuníquese con la parroquia. 7 Goldsboro, N. C. GENEROSO PERDÓN Moisés implora la compasión de Dios en la primera lectura de hoy. El objeto del ruego de Moisés no es ofrecer un modelo para pacificar a un Dios airado, sino demostrar que, no importa la gravedad de nuestro pecado, Dios siempre nos perdona. En su carta a Timoteo, Pablo se ofrece a sí mismo, el gran pecador, como ejemplo de la grandeza del perdón de Dios. Finalmente, las parábolas del Evangelio de hoy, crean un mural del perdón amoroso de Dios. Como una diligente ama de casa, un buen pastor, un padre amoroso, Dios no escatima esfuerzo para recobrar al que se ha extraviado, y perdonarlo. Al hacer notar que la mujer deja sus nueve monedas de plata, que el pastor deja sus noventa y nueve ovejas esperando, y que el padre deja a su hijo mayor enfadado, Jesús nos urge a abandonar un punto de vista mezquino de la vida. Si Dios puede ser tan generoso, tan perdonador y tan amoroso con aquellos considerados no merecedores, nosotros debemos actuar de igual manera. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Unción de los Enfermos: Si usted quiere recibir el sacramento por enfermedad u operación favor de comunicárnoslo. Comunión para enfermos: Si tiene algún familiar en el hospital o en casa que desee recibir la comunión comuníquese con la parroquia. Matrimonios: Iniciar la preparación con seis meses de anticipación. Platicas Pre-Bautismales Requisitos: Asistir a las pláticas, padres y padrinos Traer copia del acta de nacimiento del niño (a) Traer copia del acta de matrimonio de los padrinos Llenar una solicitud por niño. Estar registrados o registrarse en la parroquia. Confirmaciones Estar bautizado Haber hecho la primera comunión Ser mayor de 15 años Presentación de 3 Años Requisitos: Solicitarla 2 meses antes Estar bautizado (a) Donación XV Años Si cumples y/o deseas celebrar tus XV años en los primeros 6 meses del año te invitamos a inscribirte para la preparación: Requisitos: Estar bautizada Haber hecho la primera Comunión Inscribirse con 4 meses de anticipación Asistir a la preparación Donación Abogado Certificado en Migración El ministerio social católico tiene un abogado autorizado y reconocido para casos de migración Si usted necesita algún servicio comuníquese con: Jim Palmer Tel. (252) 355-5111 (Habla español) 2717 Memorial Boulevard, Greenville TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE El santo Peruano Fray Juan Macias fue dominico. Este santo es reconocido como el amparo de los pobres, patrón de los emigrantes y ladrón del purgatorio. El concepto del purgatorio es un poco difícil de entender. La Iglesia adoptó la creencia en la última purificación de los elegidos (nombrado el Purgatorio) en los siglos XV y XVI en los concilios de Florencia y Trento. Ella se basa en las Escrituras que se refieren en la purificación en el fuego (1 Corintios 3:15; 1 Pedro 1:7) y en la práctica de la oración por los difuntos como aparece en 2 Macabeos 12:46 y Job 1:5. San Juan Crisóstomo dijo: “Si los hijos de Job fueron purificados por el sacrificio de su padre, ¿porqué vamos a dudar que nuestras oraciones por los difuntos puedan hacerle llegar alguna consolación a los que han muerto? Ofrezcamos pues, nuestras oraciones por los difuntos. Los que están en purgación necesitan nuestro apoyo en la oración. Pidamos por ellos”. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Vigésimo Cuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 59th Festival Annual de Otoño Sabado, Octubre 12, 2013 Iglesia Católica Saint Mary 10:00am ~ 7:00pm Dia de diversion familiar Kiosco de comidas internacionales Delicias mejicanas: tamales, enchiladas, tacos Tienda rural: postres, pasteles, café Diversión para niños de todas las edades: Kiosco de juegos Bazar feria de libros Nuevo este añ inflables más grandes y mejores Venga y disfrute; carreras de laser, Fire Dog Belly Bounce, Super Slide, Bungee Run!! Dia para las Familias Catolicas de las Carolinas. Sabado Septiembre 28, 2013Horas del parque 10:00 a.m. a 5:30 p.m. Vengan todos a tener un día de diversión con su “Familia Católicas de las Carolinas” y nuestros obispos de las Carolinas al reunirnos para el primer día anual de Familias Católicas en Carowinds. El costo $40 por persona incluyendo niños de tres años en adelante. El paquete incluye admisión al parque de Carowinds, Misa en el teatro a las 10:30 a.m. y almuerzo estilo bufet. Para registrarse visite la pagina Carowinds/0/register/ o mande su formato a Diocese of Raleigh Carolina Catholic Family Day at 7200 Stonehenge Drive Raleigh NC 27613 o para más información contacte a [email protected] 8 15 de septiembre de 2013 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: 1 Timoteo 2:1-8; Salmo 28 (27):2, 7-9; Lucas 7:1-10 Martes: 1 Timoteo 3:1-13; Salmo 101 (100):1b3ab, 5-6; Lucas 7:11-17 Miércoles: 1 Timoteo 3:14-16; Salmo 111 (110):1-6; Lucas 7:31-35 Jueves: 1 Timoteo 4:12-16; Salmo 111 (110):710; Lucas 7:36-50 Viernes: 1 Timoteo 6:2c-12; Salmo 49 (48):6-10, 17-20; Lucas 8:1-3 Sábado: Efesios 4:1-7, 11-13; Salmo 19 (18):2-5; Mateo 9:9-13 Domingo: Amós 8:4-7; Salmos 113 (112):1-2, 4-8; 1 Timoteo 2:1-8; Lucas 16:1-3 [10-13] Oh Dios, crea en mí un corazón puro, renuévame por dentro con espíritu firme. — Salmo 51 (50):12
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Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church
Saint Mary is a diverse Catholic community working
together to live the Gospel, grow in faith through the
Eucharist, and share our gifts in service to others.