1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828
1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828
Saturday Sunday Daily Rosary 5:00pm 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm (Spanish) and 5:00pm Monday - Saturday 8:00am Daily, after morning Mass Novena Perpetual Adoration Tuesday, after morning Mass 24 hours Sacrament of Penance Saturday 3:30pm - 4:30pm and 6:00pm - 7:00pm Vocation Holy Hour Baptism and Marriage 1st Friday, 8:00am Mass Please call Parish Office Pastor Father Brian Corcoran Associate Pastor Father Joseph Freeman Pastor Emeritus Monsignor Timothy Harnett Deacon Bob Beiner 1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828 Phone: 760 753-6254 Fax: 760 753-7118 Saint John School: 760 944-8227 [email protected] www.saintjohnencinitas.org www.saintjohnschool.com Page 2 Saint John the Evangelist “Pessimists complain about the wind! Optimists hope it will change. Realists adjust the sails!” ... Saint Polycarp was martyred at the age of 86 in 155 AD. As a young man, he was a disciple of our own Saint John the Evangelist. As Bishop of Smyrna (modern Izmir, Turkey) he was a revered Christian leader and became a target for persecution. He was tried and, refusing to renounce his faith, was burnt at the stake! “Stand fast therefore ... firm and unchangeable in faith ... united in truth ... loving each other, helping each other ... despising no one!” His feast day is Sunday (23). ... Lent is coming fast, and we need your help! Beginning Friday (7), and on each Friday of Lent, our Holy Name Society is sponsoring a Fish-Fry Dinner from 5:00pm to 9:00pm in the Parish Hall. The success of the Fish-Fry Dinner depends on the help of many volunteers. Come along to a Planning Meeting this Monday (24) at 7:30pm in the Hall kitchen. If you would like to volunteer, please call Rick Decker at 760 942-0344. We really need you! ... Our Annual Catholic Appeal lends support to the many and varied ministries of our Diocese. Besides supporting the administrative offices of our Diocese, it assists with our extensive education ministries in our parishes, supports our Diocesan seminary, the much needed continuing education of our priests, ongoing Marriage and Family Life ministries, and the multi faceted work of Catholic Charities and it’s many outreaches. ... Our Annual Catholic Appeal has also established a special fund to assist the on-going development of parishes, particularly in the Imperial Valley. ... Saint John is expected to raise $65,000 in support of the Annual Catholic Appeal. ... Pledge forms have been mailed to every family, and are also available at the back of the church, and in the Parish Office. No payment is necessary now. Just return your completed pledge card to the Parish Office. Make a pledge today! ... A mighty ‘Thank You’ to Margaret Conway, Dolores Heller, Lupita Chavez, Tom Bussjaeger, Pat Holeva, Don Armento and Rose Pini who helped prepare the Annual Catholic Appeal mailing! ... Our Young Adults (18 - 39 years) meet this Monday (24), at Fuddruckers in Grossmont Center, La Mesa, with dinner at 6:30pm, and speaker Jackie Francois at 7:30pm speaking on ‘Relationships and Dating’. For more info, go to www.yamsd.org. February 23, 2014 ... Jerry Thissen has been part of Saint John parish since the mid-1980’s He was very active with our Holy Name Society and the ministry of fresh coffee and delicious donuts and sumptuous and fun Fish Fry’s. He chaired Fiesta de las Flores for many years, and shared his singing talents with us all as part of our Church Choir. Halina and himself celebrated their marriage here at Saint John in 1995. Jerry was a dear and close friend to Monsignor Harnett and his family. Jerry passed away on Wednesday (12) after a brave struggle with cancer. May he truly rest in peace. ... This Sunday (23), our youth are selling hot, fresh and delicious donuts, made right here at Saint John, after morning Masses, in support of their ‘Build a House for a Needy Family in Tijuana’ project. At just $1 for fresh coffee and a delicious donut, it’s a tasty deal! ... 54 of our youth joyfully prepared and served 201 Pancake Breakfasts last Sunday (16), and raised $991.00 in support of their ‘Tijuana’ project. ... Our High School classes resume this Sunday (23) with ‘Group Night’ at 6:00pm. For more info, call Isaac at 760 753-3679 or by e-mail at [email protected] ... Liz Beiner and our RCIA team welcome adults who are interested in becoming Catholic. Join them this Tuesday (25) at 7:00pm in the Hall! ... There are many opportunities for singers and instrumentalists to serve at Mass. Julie Marner would be happy to hear from you at 760 753-6254 or by e-mail: [email protected] ... Contributions last weekend (16) amounted to $16,362.00, with 394 families using envelopes. ... Our website is www.saintjohnencinitas.org Lots of info, calendar of events, photos, bulletins, and even registration are all available there! ... Our School website also has lots of good information. Visit: www.saintjohnschool.com ... Our Saint John School children in Second Grade celebrate the Sacrament of Penance for the first time this Wednesday (26), at 6:30pm. ... Our Religious Ed children and Junior-High ‘Faithways’ classes resume Monday (24). ... Next Sunday (2), our Girls Scouts will afford us the opportunity to enjoy their ‘Cookies’, or to send them to our troops serving overseas! ... A little girl was asked how she learned to skate. She replied, “Oh, by getting up every time I fell!” Page 3 Saint John the Evangelist MASS INTENTIONS Fresh Donut Sale Our Youth Ministry will be selling hot, fresh delicious donuts today (23) from 8:30am - 12:00pm All proceeds benefit the ‘Tijuana House Build’ project Just $1 for a fresh donut and coffee. It’s a tasty deal! Religious Education Classes for Grades K-6 Resume on Monday (24) at 4:15pm and 6:30pm For more info, Ann at 760 436-0664 [email protected] Junior High Faithways For Grades 7 and 8 Classes resume Monday (24) at 6:00pm Nicole at 760 753-4279 [email protected] Youth Ministry Sunday (23) Group Night Classes resume on Sunday, March 2 For more info, contact Isaac at 760 753-3679 or [email protected] Saint John School Pre-school - Grade 8 Principal : Dan Schuh 760 944-8227 or www.saintjohnschool.com Wednesday (19) at 6:30pm First Reconciliation “Building the whole child in preparation for Kindergarten” Now accepting Applications for Pre-Kindergarten (4 Years Old) For more info, call 760 944-8227 Music Ministry Singers and Instrumentalists share your talents! Rehearsals from 5:00pm - 9:00pm on Tuesday or 6:00pm - 9:00pm on Wednesday Please contact our Music Director, Julie Marner, at 760 753-6254 or [email protected] February 23, 2014 Saturday February 22 Sunday February 23 5:00pm Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time Lv 19:1-18; 1 Cor 3:16-23; Mt 5:38-48 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm Monday February 24 Tuesday February 25 Wednesday February 26 Evan Kwik † Phil Downey † Abdool Moosa † Mary and Patrick Steen † Parishioners 5:00pm Harold G. Edyburn † Jas 3:13-18; Mk 9:14-29 8:00am Donnie Maggard † Jas 4:1-10; Mk 9:30-37 8:00am James Coyle † Jas 4:13-17; Mk 9:38-40 8:00am Evelyn Sanders † Thursday February 27 Jas 5:1-6; Mk 9:41-50 8:00am John J. Corcoran † Dorothy Spagnola † Friday February 28 Jas 5:9-12; Mk 10:1-12 Saturday March 1 Sunday March 2 8:00am Willie Castro † Jas 5:13-20; Mk 10:13-16 8:00am Grace King † 5:00pm Donald Sielaff † Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time Is 49:14-15; 1 Cor 4:1-5; Mt 6:24-34 7:30am Ethel Vanderhagen † 9:00am Ellie Dornin † 10:30am 12:00pm 5:00pm Irene Roston † Margarita Baez Montero † Parishioners Please Keep in Your Prayers Nydia Abney, Alex Amador, Martha Amador, Anthony Baggio, Aiden Blenderman, Maura Brown, Joe Corder, Rob Crewse, Edward Dillon, Kathy Fix, Maria Jaque, Kathleen Jones, Eva King, Skyler Koehne, Hiram Lee-Gonzalez, Manny Gonzales, Kasie Lindberg, Pat McKinley, Martin McNeela, Lucy Mee, Patty Moore, Shirley Moriarty, Grace Oreb, Ashley Ray, Mary Ellen Riedel, Tom Saake, Gregory Sayer, Florence Schweizer, Gina Stack, Denise Sugrue, Richard Templin, Eric Vukicevich, Grant Waller and Griffin Waller. Our Recently Deceased Jerry Thissen and Peg Tincup We pray for our sick and deceased at daily Mass. Altar Society Annual Tour of Gardens The Altar Society is looking for gardens to visit on Saturday, May 17 To register your garden, contact Carol Salatka at 760 632-9834 Page 4 Saint John the Evangelist Stations of the Cross Join us Friday (7), and every Friday during Lent, for Stations of the Cross at 6:00pm in the church. February 23, 2014 Ash Wednesday (5) Masses: 8:00am, 10:30am, 6:00pm and 7:30pm (Sp) Lenten Fish Fry Join us Friday (7), and every Friday during Lent, for our Lenten Fish Fry. 5:00pm - 9:00pm in the hall. $5 for Adults, $3 for kids Bingo is $10 for 10 cards. Adults wishing to learn more about our Catholic faith! * Have you joined us from another faith and would now like to find out more about the Catholic Church? * Would you like to discover more about what it means to be a Catholic? We would love to help you on your journey! Tuesday (25) at 7:00pm in the hall. For more info, Liz Beiner at 760 753-6254. Perpetual Adoration We are looking for regular volunteers for the following hours: Tuesday 1:00am, 2:00am Saturday 8:00am Ken Poggenburg 760 635-2573 Lupe Cardona (Sp) 760 753-7784 We also need another volunteer for Day Captain to arrange for substitute adorers on each assigned day. Perpetual Adoration is prayer in the presence of the Most Blessed Sacrament ... 24 hours, day and night, seven days a week. All are welcome! WANTED: Food Pantry Volunteers Are you able to lend a hand? Our Food Pantry is in need of more volunteers to assist with the collection of food donations at weekend Masses! For more info, give Margaret Conway a call at 760 943-8061 Valley Parish Development Ten parish communities serve over 13,000 Catholic families in Imperial Valley. Several of them need our help to expand their facilities so they can respond adequately to the needs of the people. Vocations for Priests and Religious Life Saint Francis Center for Priests and Priestly Formation currently supports 15 candidates for the priesthood as well as providing a place of prayer and respite for priests from our diocese and beyond. Catholic Charities Theology on Tap Our primary diocesan social service agency impacts the lives of approximately 300,000 people each year providing a network of important programs and services. February (24) Jackie Francois Relationships and Dating We provide Emergency School Assistance to 9 Catholic elementary schools impacting over 1,700 students. Providing Catholic education to those in need is vital to our mission. Dinner 6:30pm- 7:30pm Speaker 7:30pm- 9:00pm Fuddruckers in East County 5500 Grossmont Center Drive, La Mesa, 91942 www.YAMSD.org Remember to patronize our advertisers for making the bulletin possible. Thank you! Catholic Schools Marriage and Family Life Ministry Over 1,500 couples attend these Diocesan marriage preparation programs annually and 2,038 couples were married this past year. Over 250 people take Natural Family Planning classes each year and 200 people have attended the newly offered relationship skills workshops in the past year. Pagina 5 San Juan Evangelista Febrero 23, 2014 ES MEJOR DAR QUE RECIBIR JESUS EL BUEN PASTOR Las palabras de Jesús continúan contrastando la practica y Ley judía con los seguidores de las enseñanzas de Jesús. El Evangelio de hoy continúa con una ligera variación de la frase “Ustedes han oído que se dijo…” y “Yo les digo que…” Las antiguas leyes de venganza se escribieron para mitigar las represalias severas y vengativas tan comunes entre los pueblos que rodeaban al pueblo guerrero de Dios. Aquellas personas que querían ser seguidores de Jesús también estaban rodeados por personas empeñadas en vengarse. Por lo que Mateo presenta a Jesús pidiendo a sus seguidores que si alguien los golpea en una mejilla que pongan la otra. Él les pide a las personas que lo escuchan que den más de lo que alguien les pida. Jesús nos pide amar y orar por nuestros conciudadanos y los extranjeros, a los que amamos y a quienes nos odian. Aún lo recuerdo, estaba viajando en el metro de la ciudad de Roma cuando subieron dos mujeres con niños. Vestían como si fueran a una fiesta de disfraces. Noté que todas las personas las evitaban. Eran gitanas, esas a las que mi mamá y mis tías me iban a dar si no me portaba bien. Los gitanos no tienen una buena reputación entre las naciones. Tienen la misma reputación de los pastores de Palestina que vivieron en tiempos de Jesús. Se piensa que son ladrones e inmorales, gente a la que hay que tenerle miedo. Sin embargo, decimos que Jesús es nuestro Buen Pastor. En Jesús, todas las personas que jamás creeríamos capaces de alcanzar la santidad, lo logran. Tal es el caso del Pelé o Zeferino Jiménez, un gitano que en 1936 fue fusilado por militares españoles. El motivo de su muerte fue la enseñanza y difusión de la fe en Cristo. Su muerte fue la cumbre de una vida de fe como franciscano seglar. El ejemplo de vida que este gitano nos dio, logró hacer que los españoles lo respetaran y olvidaran sus prejuicios en contra de su gente. Además de eso, evangelizó a sus hermanos gitanos. JUNTA PARA LOS CATEQUISTAS Y SUS AYUDANTES El lunes (24) a las 7:00pm En el California Room hablaremos sobre la Cuaresma los esperamos a todos. JUNTA PARA LOS MINISTROS LITURGICOS El Lunes (3) a las 6:30pm En el California Room Es importante que vengan los coordinadores o lideres de los diferentes Ministerios. Música, Ministros Extraordinarios de Comunión, Proclamadores, Hospitalidad, Servidores del Altar. Si gustan venir algunos de los miembros son bienvenidos pero los coordinadores es importante que no falten. Si tienen alguna pregunta por favor llamen al 760 436-4366. Coro de Jóvenes y Niños ¡Cantantes e instrumentalistas compartan sus talentos ! Vengan a los ensayos de 6:00pm a 7:00pm los martes en la iglesia Por favor contacten a nuestra Directora de Música Julie Marner Al 760 753-6254 o a [email protected] ADORACION PERPETUA Necesitamos voluntarios para las siguientes horas: Martes 1:00am, 2:00am Sábado 8:00am Ken Poggenburg 760 635-2573 Lupe Cardona (Spañol) 760 753-7784 La Adoración Perpetua es orar en la presencia del Sacratísimo Sacramento… 24 horas, día y noche, siete días a la semana. Todos son bienvenidos! Page 6 Saint John the Evangelist February 23, 2014 Religious Education Saint John School Religious Education ‘Faithways’ Junior-High Youth Ministry Hispanic Ministry Music Ministry Dan Schuh Ann McGinnis Nicole Steele Isaac Deken Mary Moran Julie Marner 760 944-8227 760 436-0664 760 753-4279 760 753-3679 760 436-4366 760 753-6254 Adult Faith R.C.I.A Perpetual Adoration Perpetual Adoration (Spanish) Centering Prayer Liz Beiner Ken Poggenburg Lupe Cardona Shirley Shetula 760 753-6254 760 635-2573 760 753-7784 760 436-6721 Organizations Altar Society Boy Scouts Cub Scouts Catholic Men’s Fellowship Culture of Life Guadalupañas Holy Name Knights of Columbus Saint Vincent de Paul Seniors Janice Behler Blane Adessa Richard Weston David Pavnic / Chris Cammack Jennifer Grethel Olivia Reynaga Rick Decker John Brannon Sandra Watson Nettie March 760 274-6298 760 944-0626 760 230-6183 760 753-6254 760 753-6254 760 753-5230 760 753-6254 760 522-9969 760 753-3056 760 753-6254
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