sentinel_mar2016 - [Central] Trinity UMC
sentinel_mar2016 - [Central] Trinity UMC
Sentinel March February 2016 2014 Central Trinity United Methodist Church Dr. Steven Fewell, Lead Pastor Tom England, 62 South Associate Seventh Pastor Street Zanesville, 62 South Ohio Seventh 43701-4399 Street Zanesville, Ohio (740) 43701-4399 453-1210 [email protected] (740) 453-1210 [email protected] Sermon Topics March 6 March 13 Message: Scripture: Music 10:15: Holy Communion 8:00 at railing; 10:15 in pews “Lost Child” Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 Chancel Choir Message: Scripture: Music 10:15: “Lazarus, Saved from Death” John 12:1-8 Chancel Choir Message: Scripture: Music 10:15: Palm Sunday “Triumphant King” Luke 19:28-40 Chancel Choir March 20 March 24 Maundy Thursday Drama Holy Communion March 27 Easter Sunday “Resurrected Savior” Luke 24:1-12 All Ensembles Message: Scripture: Music 8:00 & 10:15: Men’s Breakfast – March 12 Our Men’s Breakfast continues on the second Saturday morning of each month. We will meet at 7:30 at the church for breakfast, a good time of conversation, fellowship and prayer. Sunday, March 13 brings us Daylight Savings Time. This means we will turn the clocks back 1 hour & gain more daylight. YEA! This is also a good reminder to change the batteries in our smoke/carbon monoxide detectors. If you have a friend or neighbor who is unable to change their own batteries, please offer to do that for them. Inclement Weather Policy - With the exception of Sunday Services, the church will be closed when there is a Level 2 emergency issued in Muskingum County. If the Level 2 is downgraded by 12 noon, the church will be open for any planned activities in the evening (unless a decision is made otherwise). Please check WHIZ TV or Radio Station WHIZ 1240 AM/102.5 FM/92.7 FM for current weather conditions. You may also check the website at Greeters - Would you like to get to know more people at Central Trinity? Greeting is a fun way to meet new people as well as saying hi to familiar faces. Greeters can choose 8:00 a.m. or 10:15 a.m. service. If you are interested in greeting on a Sunday Morning, contact Jim McLaughlin, 740-452-3241, or the church office, 740-453-1210. 2 This is your reminder page for March March 6 Acolytes: Alivia Sims & Madelin Talbot Greeters: North 8:00 Alicia Epler & Alex Wyatt North 10:15 Paul & Margaret Baker South 10:15 Donna Barnes Hospitality: Diane Jones & Becky Hancher Children will stay in the worship service for Family Sunday March 13 Acolytes: Kyle Reilly & Lucas Ruetz Greeters: North 8:00 Marjorie Simms North 10:15 David & Marjorie Artman South 10:15 Phyllis Bradshaw Hospitality: Ron & Amy Stanton Kids Own Worship Leaders: Kim Reilly & Ethan Reilly March 20 Acolytes: Walker Miller & Anthony Shook Greeters: North 8:00 Jim McLaughlin North 10:15 Jim & Brenda Mackall South 10:15 Diane Jones Hospitality: Clarence & Sandy Holbein Kids Own Worship Leaders: Carrie Stant & Debbie Brannon Greeters: Pick up your name tags at the Welcome Center. If you are unable to greet on your dedicated Sunday, please make sure you find a replacement and notify the office of who will be taking your place. March 27 Acolytes: Ethan Miller & Bret Mohler Greeters: North 8:00 Orlen Bates North 10:15 Becky Hancher South 10:15 Marcie Hunter Hospitality: Jeremy & Lori Wyatt Ushers: Carl Snider, Jeff Ball, Mike Dorman, Dennis Dunlap, Dan Kieffer, Gene Kirkbride, Brad Sims, Jack Smith, Ron Stanton Childcare provided each Sunday from 7:50 – 11:30 by our Nursery Attendant, Eva Stanton. We currently have no Blood Drive scheduled due to the Red Cross evaluating our program. Any new information will be posted in upcoming bulletins & Sentinels. Attendance at Sunday School and Worship Average YTD attendance: Sunday School 63 Morning Worship 175. Average attendance the first 3 Sundays in February at morning worship was 168. MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT January 2016 Year-To-Date Budget $33,637. Year-To-Date Income $27,168. 3 Year-To-Date Expenditures $29,451. Special Thanks A heartfelt thank you to Darylin Best, Phyllis Bradshaw, Dennis Dunlap, Ginny Harding, Marcie Hunter, Jim & Mary Longshore, Sandra Robe,, & Sue Wright for helping the office this past month. Office Staff Central Trinity Family, To say Thank you on a card does not seem to be enough. But with all the love we have in our hearts we do say thank you for a wonderful stove you all got for us. Our Christmas meal was really great for our family. Both of my sons were surprised that our church did this for us. But we were able to tell them how God led us to the church and how God has blessed us with such a great church family. Thank you to everyone. Cathy & Barb Dear fellow members, Thank you so much for the Sheaf of Wheat for Barbara LaFrance. We are especially grateful for the care and friendship extended to Barbie by many of you, especially during her illness. We appreciate your continued prayers during this time. Thank you for the dinner also. Ray & Maybelle Dickerson Dear Central Trinity and Friends, The last 8 months at the church have flown by! Thank you so much for welcoming me and for encouraging me to maintain balance in my life. My time here has been such a gift and I have really enjoyed getting to know you! I have particularly enjoyed getting to know the children, youth, young adults and families at CTUMC. Wow! You all inspire me to be a better Christian and minister. I just love serving alongside you in ministry! Finally, thank you all so much for your tangible expressions of kindness and appreciation including your Christmas cards and gifts. I look forward to the days and years ahead as we work to create a more robust and holistic family ministry here at the church and in the community! Joyfully in Christ, Rev. Jessica Stonecypher Wish Our “80 Plus Club Members” Happy Birthday Catheryn Hickman, March 7, 1276 Central Ave. Geneva Hicks, March 9, 470 Airport Rd. Alma Dilley, March 22, 1360 Maplewood Dr., John Ball, March 23, 538 Karl Dr. Carmen Horn, March 28, 5275 Harlan Rd., Roseville OH 43777 Ray Dickerson, March 30, 3750 Sunrise Circle If we have missed anyone or do not have the date right, please call the church office. Military & College Students The Compassionate Congregational Care committee would like to have updated addresses for all of our C.T. college students and active duty military as we plan to mail Our Daily Bread booklet to each one. If you know any student or military addresses, please contact Mary Hoover at 453-8790. If you are a college student who still attends church, please pick up your free Our Daily Bread to help reduce our postage expenses. 4 UMW Mission u 2016 Learning Together for the Transformation of the World You are invited to attend the 2016 Mission u, a transforming life experience. Mission u is an exciting, challenging and timely experience. The program reflects the theology of The United Methodist Church and the practice of joining personal holiness with social holiness. Through worship, in-depth study, music, prayer, sharing, and exploring, we invite you to grow with us in understanding of the mission of the church. With a four-day program, a weekend program, one-day sampler, and youth and children’s studies, Mission u offers something for everyone. Mission studies include The Bible and Human Sexuality: Claiming God’s Good Gift (Spiritual Growth), Latin America: People and Faith (Global and Geographic Understanding), and Climate Justice: Call to Hope and Action (Social Justice Understanding). Mission u is July 7–10 on the campus of Ohio Northern University. For complete details, including instructions for registering, visit and click register for events. Scholarships for two adult women and two youth from each district are available for first-time attendees. When registering, mark your application for a scholarship request. Get your application in as quickly as possible because scholarships are on a first-come basis. Jeanette Zsambok, West Ohio Conference scholarship coordinator, will notify those who receive the scholarship or are an alternate. United Methodist Women at Central Trinity Hope Circle meets Wednesday, March 2, 1:30 PM, at the church. We continue our study Latin America: People and Faith. The Executive Committee meets at 12:30 PM. Faith Circle meets Tuesday, March 22, 6:00 response magazine. PM, at the church. The study is "Motherhood" from Angel Wings Prayer Shawl Ministry meets Thursdays, 5:00 stitching, praying, and fellowship. PM, at the church. All are welcome for The United Methodist Women continue to collect vegetable seeds to support the Green Thumb Gardening Project of Jackson Area Ministries. Types of seeds needed include beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, corn, cucumbers, herbs, lettuce, melons, peppers, radishes, spinach/greens, squash/pumpkins, and turnips. Corn and bush beans in bulk are appreciated. Please place seed packages in the basket in the Welcome Center. Rummage Sale - When cleaning out your closets, garages, attics or other areas, don’t forget our annual Rummage Sale. It is never too early to bring in your items. You can drop them off upstairs in the Quilters room #216. Recycle your eyeglasses, hearing aids & cell phones-This is an ongoing project for the Duncan Falls Lion’s Club and a box has been placed in the Cen-Tri Library for your use. 5 Evangelism Committee After the recent snow we all are looking forward to the spring. Easter is right around the corner and with it Central Trinity’s 2nd Annual Easter Egg Hunt. On Saturday March 26th at 10:00 a.m. our parking lot will fill with colorful treat filled eggs. There will prizes for each hunter participating. We encourage you to invite children, grandchildren, neighbors and friends to attend. Donations of candy to fill the eggs will be accepted this month. S.O.W.E.R. (Sharing Our Witness – Enriching Relationships) The SOWER Volunteers in Mission (VIM) Team is in the planning stages for constructing the 15th home for a family during 2016 in the vicinity of Henderson Settlement, Frakes, KY. The cost of materials to build one of the 28’ x 28’ or 28’ x 32’ houses from the ground up is approximately $43,000 to $47,000. The SOWER VIM Project is in need of both funding to cover material costs and volunteers. The SOWER VIM Leadership Team is requesting that the churches of West Ohio prayerfully consider supporting this worthwhile project in Southeastern Kentucky financially with a pledge of support as well as providing volunteers to do the actual construction. Those that have served on SOWER work teams comment that, while they have helped a family by serving, they gained much more from the interaction and relationships with the family and fellow team members. West Ohio Conference churches are invited to participate in this rewarding project with your prayers, your volunteer labor, and your financial support. Work weeks for the house construction have been scheduled for May 8-14, May 15-21, July 1016, July 17-23, August 14-20, and August 21-27 of 2016. See a Build Schedule that outlines the anticipated work to be done each week, answers to frequently asked questions, and Registration form on the Welcome Center bulletin board. The registration fee is $250/person and covers food, and lodging at Henderson Settlement. Central Trinity Mission Committee already contributes $1000 toward the cost of materials and individual contributions would be appreciated. CT has sent many volunteers over the years, but numbers have dropped off. Contact any of the recent CT volunteers (Duane Deal, Schroeder Dodds, and Bill Williamson) or check the bulletin board for more information. It is a very rewarding mission experience. In Christ’s Service, Mission Committee Parade of Progress IV Looking forward to Spring later this month. Soon it will be construction season and we want to be ready to go. The parking lot work includes removing the blacktop in the southern most section of the parking area behind the alley, removing the wall in the lot with regrading and paving, repairing any curb damage, and repaving or resealing the remainder of the lot as needed. The concrete bumper blocks will also be removed because they are a significant problem when plowing snow. The trustees have received one bid for the parking lot work and are anticipating at least two more bids. Again, we appreciate you keeping your pledges current. We should soon have news on how much it will take to complete Phase 3, the parking lot. Parade of Progress IV Team Cathy Dorman, Jim McLaughlin, Willard Wheeler, and Duane Deal 6 Prayer Ministry Since the Prayer Team went for the seminar, we have been trying to make our church a church that feasts on prayer rather than snacks on prayer. When we realize the power of prayer, we should let nothing keep us from it. Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote these powerful words: “More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.” Even today, we are walking in, standing on, and surrounded by answers to prayers prayed in the past by us and by others. The Gospels are full of accounts of Jesus’s immense prayer life. Paul’s prayer life bleeds through every part of his letters. James, the most prominent pillar of the early church was called “the man with camel’s knees” because of the price his interminable prayer life exacted on the skin of his knees. The writings of Ignatius, Polycarp, and Irenaeus are bathed in prayer. One wonders if Augustine or Aquinas ever stopped praying. Luther prayed three hours per day. Calvin prayed during five set-apart times of the day. George Mueller prayed two to three hours a day and recorded more than fifty thousand answered prayers in his journals. Hudson Taylor awoke in the middle of the night to pray from two to four in the morning so that he wouldn’t be disturbed! We've learned much about prayer, and yet we are still scratching the surface in so many ways. One thing we know for sure though is that God wants us to ask, seek, and knock. He wants us to come boldly into His presence, fully assured of His glad welcome. We know the importance of tenacity and perseverance. When God reveals a promise to us, we should hang on to it with bulldog faith. Though the elements rage, God’s promises are true. Some of the greatest blessings we enjoy now are from persistent prayers prayed back when… If you’ve been persevering in prayer, we commend you. Do not relent! Hang on to God’s Word no matter what your circumstances are saying to you. If up until now you’ve only reacted to life’s circumstances as they come your way and haven’t really embraced the idea of a forward moving faith, well, here is great news for you! Today is a new day! God has a promise that fits each of us perfectly. He has a plan for all of our lives and an intended blessing for our souls. He wants to use us all in great ways and He wants to reveal Himself to the world through us. Our presence on earth today is very important. Let’s stand together and believe God for great things! Your Prayer Ministry team is always looking for "prayer warriors". Please feel free to call on any of us at anytime. Gene Kirkbride, 740-455-6390; Clarence & Sandy Holbein, 740-453-3782; Nancy Moose, 740-297-7729; Marcie Hunter, 740-455-2168; Sue Wright, 740-452-1859; Dr. Fewell, 740-297-4027; or Deacon Jessica Stonecypher, 740-683-4321. DVD/VHS/Audio tapes - DVD & VHS tapes of Sunday Morning services are available for purchase by request for $3.00. A VHS tape can be borrowed for free by signing your name to the sheet in the office. Tabs for Ronald McDonald House The Ronald McDonald House pays their electric bill with money raised through the recycling of pull tabs from aluminum cans. Please save your tabs and bring them into church or give to Sandy Holbein. 7 Central Trinity United Methodist Church 62 South Seventh Street Zanesville, Ohio 43701-4399 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Zanesville, Ohio Permit No. 256 Address Service Requested Monday - Friday 9:00 - 3:00; Closed for Lunch 12:00 - 1:00 A Stephen Ministry Congregation “Come as Yourself, Grow in Faith, Serve with Love” OFFICE HOURS: March ‘Sentinel’ The Zanesville Area United Methodist Churches Sunday Evening Lenten Services March 6th Grace UMC Rev. Jessica Stonecypher March 13th First UMC Nancy Amos March 20th Rolling Plains UMC Easter Cantata Mark your calendars and plan to attend! All services begin at 6:00 p.m. Fellowship time following the services. This year's monetary offerings will be directed to support the children and youth ministry of TheLIfeWell at W. Main.. You are also invited to bring socks & mittens to donate for TheLifeWell Free Store & Shelter at First UMC, Zanesville.
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