

Letter From the President…………………………….5
Letter from the Director of Parent Programs………....6
Parent Program Staff…………………………………7
Welcome to the Centre College Parents Association….8
Make a Gift to the Centre Parent Fund………………10
FAQ From Parents…………………………………..11
Pointers for Parents………………………………….16
Advice From Parents………………………………....18
Things that Surprise Parents………………………….21
What to Bring on Move-in Day………………………22
Recommended Reading………………………………25
College Alert Center………………………………….27
Advice From Kathy Miles……………………………29
Centre Parent Perks…………………………………..32
Friendly Faces Contact Information………………….35
Office Directory……………………………………...39
Centre Parents Association 2013-14 Calendar………...40
Staying Connected: Social Media……………………...41
Student Life Office…………………………………...42
Annual Campus Events……………………………....44
Centre Dining Services……………………………….46
FAQ: Student Health………………………………...48
FAQ: Residence Life…………………………………51
FAQ: Extracurricular Activities………………………55
FAQ: Fraternities and Sororities……………………...57
Bill of Student Rights………………………………....65
FAQ: Student Mail…………………………………....66
Emergency Contact and Response Info………………67
Department of Public Safety………………………….69
Money Matters! (and More)…………………………..76
Financial Info………………………………………...79
Student Employment Paperwork……………………..84
FAQ: Academics……………………………………..85
Academic Policies and Resources…………………….88
The Family Educational Right to Privacy Act………...96
Office of the Registrar……………………………......99
Center for Teaching and Learning…………………..100
College Computer Network………………………....102
How the Library Staff Can Help Your Student……....107
FAQ: Study Abroad…………………………………108
What Career Services Can Do For Your Student…….110
Year-By-Year Guide to Career Success………………112
Centre Facts: At a Glance……………………………115
Centre College Statement of Purpose………………...117
A Brief History of Centre College……………………118
Alma Mater: Centre Dear……………………………....119
Centre Slang…………………………………………120
What Others Say About Centre College……………...122
Walking/Driving Tour of Danville…………………...123
Area Accommodations……………………………….128
3 Area Automotive Repair & Services…………………..132
Area Banks and ATMs………………………………..134
Area Cell Phone Services……………………………...137
Area Churches………………………………………...139
Area Department and Clothing Stores………………...145
Area Florists and Gift Shops………………………….147
Area Groceries………………………………………..149
Area Pharmacies………………………………………151
Area Restaurants………………………………………152
Area Storage Facilities…………………………………159
Area Transportation…………………………………...160
Campus Map…………………………………………..163
Dear Centre Parents,
It’s a pleasure to welcome you to the College as “official”
members of the Centre community! We hope that your
parent orientation is an interesting and informative day. I
am also happy to introduce you to your Parents
Handbook, a document we hope you will find useful in
your four-year journey with us.
Centre’s support structure for our students is
something of which we are extremely proud. The talented
men and women who work in our residence halls, the
library, the classrooms, the playing fields, campus offices,
stand ready to assist your daughters and sons while they
are here. Ours is a smaller campus, and you should feel
good about having them become a part of this academic
In addition, you will find that, as a parent, you too
have support at Centre. Our Office of Parent Programs will assist you if you have
questions or concerns. As a Centre parent, your nurturing and support are crucial to your
student’s success during these four years. We welcome you as partners in this Centre
journey and hope that you will enjoy your four years as a Centre parent.
John A. Roush
Dear Centre Parent:
Congratulations! If you are reading this handbook, it must mean that you are a Centre
parent! You are to be commended on the role you have played in helping your son or
daughter reach this successful moment as he or she begins the Centre journey.
Two years ago I attended the graduation of my oldest son from college, and a
few weeks later, my youngest son’s graduation from high school. Since then, I have had
the joy of seeing one son launched into the real world and the youngest settle happily
into college life—here at Centre! As a professional who has worked with college parents
for 33 years, I knew something about the college parent experience, but when you’re
going through it with your own child, it’s another matter. Thankfully, my years as a
college parent have been good ones, and its been reassuring to discover first-hand that
what I’ve been telling Centre parents for all these years is indeed true!
While each of our situations as a college parent is unique, there are some
experiences and emotions we will all share in common. The purpose of the Parent
Handbook and of my role as Director of Parent Programs is to make you aware of the
basic information you will need to help you successfully guide your Centre student and
to share with some of the common concerns that students and parents will have in these
four years. We want your journey as a Centre parent to be both a great experience and a
comfortable one.
It’s no myth that college students with supportive parents do well. Our job as
college parents is to give our students encouragement to explore their new world, to
become strong, independent students, ad to enjoy this wonderful, often challenging, time
in their lives. While “letting go” is a big part of what you’ll do now, be assured that
Centre has many safety nets to strongly support your student. We hope this handbook is
meaningful, informative, and that you’ll use it all four years. In the meantime, you can
reach me at the address/phone number below, and my assistant, Carol Maddox, is also
available to assist you at 869-238-5208 or [email protected]. Now, off we go on
a great adventure!
Mona Gordon Wyatt
Director of Parent Programs
& Donor Relations
(859) 238-5345
[email protected]
Mona Wyatt serves as a resource to parents as director
of parent programs and donor relations. She plans Family
Weekend, Commencement, and New Parent Orientation,
manages the parent Facebook page, organizes the annual
Centre Associates dinner, and edits the Parent e-newsletter.
She has two sons, ages 20 and 26. Her youngest son attends
Centre and her oldest graduated from college two years ago
and has embarked on a successful career in Nashville! Mona
has served over the years as director of special events,
director of alumni, and assistant to the President since
joining Centre's staff in 1979. A journalism graduate of the
University of Kentucky, she loves helping both Centre students and parents.
Carol Maddox joined the development staff as
secretary in October 2011. Her primary duties are to assist
with parent programs, as well as to provide clerical support
for the Special Assistant to the President for Endowment,
the capital fundraising initiative, the grants writing staff and
in-house legal counsel. Carol worked in classified
advertising at the Advocate Messenger and as a supervisor and
assistant manager at Peeble’s Department store. She was
also a loan input clerk at Farmers National Bank. Carol’s
husband, Randy, works at Centre as an electrician. She has
one son that graduated from Eastern Kentucky University and obtained his master’s
degree in business management from Northern University. Carol also has two daughters,
one teacher and one nurse. She is also the proud Nana of three beautiful grandchildren
and one on the way.
The Parent Program office is located on the second floor of Old Centre. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding College holidays.
Mailing Address:
Parent Programs
Centre College
600 West Walnut Street
Danville, KY 40422
Mona’s voicemail also includes her personal cell phone number for emergencies!
The Centre Parents Association counts every current parent as a member. Its purpose
is to promote a positive relationship between Centre parents and the College by
sponsoring and co-sponsoring various campus activities such as Family Weekend, firstyear parent orientation, fall new student welcome, the Parent Fund, e-newsletters from
campus, free breakfast stations during finals, Senior Celebration, Commencement and
Senior Week activities.
The Director of Donor Relations and Parent Programs, Mona Wyatt, is available as
a resource to parents who need help getting answers to questions or who want to talk to
someone about their concerns. If you are unsure who to call on campus to get
information, or if you just want to discuss a problem or situation, please call Mona at
(859) 238-5345, during the day. Or you may email her at [email protected]. On
weekends or evenings, her cell phone number is listed in her office recording (please
save this for serious matters or emergencies). The parent programs office is located on
the 2nd floor of Old Centre. Assistant Carol Maddox can be reached at (859) 238-5208
or at [email protected] and she'll be happy to help you, too.
Family Weekend
Family Weekend 2013 is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, September 20-21. Hotel
accommodations in Danville are not plentiful, and we encourage you to make your
reservations as soon as possible. For a complete schedule of Family Weekend events,
click here.
The Parent Fund
The Parent Fund is a project of the Parents Association. Centre parents make gifts to the
Parent Fund because they realize it is one way to play an active role in the quality
education their students' receive. By supporting the Parent Fund, they can make a
tangible difference in the quality of students' lives on campus. The Parent Fund supports
many campus enhancements and extra programs that make Centre College so special.
For more on the Parent Fund, click here.
Centre College Parents Facebook Page
If you use Facebook, you'll want to Like the Centre Parents Facebook page and join in.
It's a great way to stay connected to the College. We will be running a lot of fun
competitions and contests from the page this year, so join soon!
Parents Web Page
If you have not checked out Parents Webpage, please do so soon. Our parent web page
is full of information that will be useful to you—since much of it comes from other
Centre parents! It includes schedules, frequently asked questions, advice from parents,
recommended reading, lists of hotels and restaurants and lots of other information.
Check it out!
Centre Perks
Centre Perks is a discount card for Centre parents. It includes discounts (usually 10
8 percent) at many Danville hotels, restaurants, gift stores, automotive places, and other
spots that might help to save you money on your local purchases. You should have
received a card in a mailing over the summer, but if you did not, contact us and we will
send you one. And thank our area businesses for participating when you use the card!
We hope that over four years the card will save you some money.
Care Packages
Centre Care Packages are available through This online company
specializes in care packages for college students for a variety of occasions, from final
exam care packages to birthday treats. Students love receiving these specialty goodies.
You can go to their web site or you can also call them at 877 MOM 2 YOU (877-6662968).
Parent e-newsletters
The College will email all parents an e-newsletter full of information at about the midpoint of the Fall and Spring terms. First-year parents and senior parents will also receive
brief monthly emails that pertain to things their student needs to do to succeed during
the first year and in preparing for graduation and careers. Be sure that the College has a
current email address for you! These e-newsletters will also be available from the parent
web page.
Centre Cooks
The Centre Parents Association sponsored publishing a parent cookbook a few years ago
with students' favorite recipes. It remains a very popular item at the Centre bookstore!
The recipes are very family friendly! The cost is $10, plus $5 shipping and handling if you
order it online. The cookbook is also available at the Centre Bookstore.
The Centre Parents Association is pleased to announce "The Centre College Collection"
from Thoroughbred Threads. Local Danville business Thoroughbred Threads, located
on Main Street, offers a line of clothing and other items that can be personalized with
quality embroidery. You know you need a jacket, cap, or shirt that says "Centre Mom" or
"Centre Dad" or "Centre Parent!" Browse the selection of apparel here. Centre Parent
clothing is also available at the Centre Bookstore.
Centre College is known for breaking records and going above and beyond the call of
duty. Centre College parents have joined the tradition. During the 2012-13 year, nearly
50% of current Centre parents showed their satisfaction by contributing $127,000
in gifts to the College. Few schools in the country can boast that more than half of
their parents make gifts to the institution. Centre is proud to be counted among those
lucky few.
Year after year, more and more parents make gifts to Centre College. In doing so, they
indicate to Centre, and the larger academic community, that they are pleased with the
experience their students receive. These gifts not only demonstrate satisfaction with
Centre, but also make a tangible difference in the quality of students' lives on campus.
The Parent Fund supports many campus enhancements and extra programs that make
Centre College so special. Gifts provided during the 2012-13 year were used for three
primary purposes: support for a new student internship program, which will help
students offset the cost of housing and transportation; the Collegiate Readership
Program; and assistance with the airport shuttle service.
As 2013-14 begins, Centre parents again have an opportunity to make a difference. In
addition to the continuation of the student internship program and airport shuttle
service, the Parent Fund will also provide the funding for a new library study space, a
new green initiative, and the purchase of new big screen televisions for the Campus
To adequately support these three initiatives, the Parent Fund will need to
generate $100,000 during the 2013-14 year. Centre parents continue to partner with
the College year after year to enhance the experience for all students. We are confident
that parents will again rise to the challenge.
Please keep these goals in mind. You will be receiving an invitation to participate in the
Parent Fund soon!
Q. What if I have a question or my student has a problem, but I don't know who
to call?
A. The Director of Donor Relations and Parent Programs, Mona Wyatt, is available as a
resource to parents who need help getting answers to questions. For assistance, please
call Mona Wyatt, (859) 238-5345. Her office is located on the 2nd floor of Old Centre. If
she's not in, her assistant, Carol Maddox, can be reached at (859) 238-5208, and she'll be
happy to help you, too. Also, note that Mona's cell phone number is included in her
office recording if you should need to reach her after hours for more serious matters or
emergencies (although in the event of an immediate threat, please call the Department of
Public Safety and they will handle any emergency on campus). You should also feel free
to call any office on campus for assistance.
Q. What if I have an after-hours emergency? What if I need to get emergency
information to my student?
A. You may contact the Department of Public Safety on their 24-hour line at (859) 236HELP (4357). They will have emergency contact information for staff members on call
or can direct you to someone who can help.
Please keep in mind that the College will not release student phone numbers, even to
parents. Our campus switchboard will gladly connect you to a student phone, but will
NOT release the phone number for safety reasons. Our public safety office will have
access to student phone numbers but follows the same policy.
If you need help getting in touch with your student or finding a campus staff member
due to a family emergency on the weekends or after hours, please contact our
Department of Public Safety at (859) 236-HELP (4357). Our officers are on duty 24hours a day and are happy to assist you in any way.
Q. What if I hear that there is an emergency on campus – such as a tornado or
bad weather?
A. For information about an emergency situation or breaking news on Centre's campus,
the main Centre web page,, will be the official source of all information
coming from the College. If you are concerned, this will be your best source. The
information will be reposted on the Centre Parent Facebook page if it is possible to do
so, but the Centre web page will keep you updated in the event of an emergency on
campus. We would also ask that you please NOT tie up College phone lines in the event
of an emergency.
Q. Are there any resources available to parents who are sending their first child to
college or are experiencing the “Empty Nest Syndrome?”
A. There are quite a few actually. Click here for a Recommended Reading list. In
particular, we recommend the books Letting Go, by Karen Coburn and Madge Treeger
and Making the Most of College (Harvard Press) by Richard Light. Two books that
specifically address the empty nest are: How to Survive and Thrive in an Empty Nest by
Jeanette and Robert Lauer and Empty Nest, Full Heart: The Journey from Home to College by
Andrea Van Steenhouse. The Centre Bookstore has copies of these and other useful
11 books about parenting a college student and dealing with your empty nest (or you can
call Mona).
Q. Is there one place I can go for ALL this information or to find out what's
happening at Centre?
A. The Centre parent web page is an excellent source for information. We've tried to
make the page user-friendly for parents, so you don't have to guess which office does
what. It has nearly everything you'll ever need, so visit often.
You can also follow the various social media at the College by visiting Social Centre.
And remember that there is a Centre Parent Facebook page so be sure to Like us if you
are a Facebook user. Mona Wyatt regularly posts news of interest to parents.
Sign up for the Career Services Blog by clicking here, and for additional information you
can also visit the Career Services web page.
In addition, you will receive two Parent e-Newsletters from the Office of Parent
Programs every year (in the middle of Fall term and in the middle of Spring term), as
well as the Centre alumni magazine, the Centrepiece. Parents of first-year students and
seniors will also receive targeted emails from us with advice for helping both those
Q. I want to send something special on my child's birthday or during final
exams—do you have someone who can help me?
A. Centre offers a link on the parent web page that will take you to, or
you can call them at 877-MOM 2 YOU (877-666-2968) where you can order any number
of care packages with some very tasty and unique options—healthy snacks, fresh-baked
cookies, teas, etc. There are many local dessert options, too—click here to see them.
Danville's area florists also will deliver flowers or baskets with goodies if you prefer to go
that route. There is a list of area florists on the Centre parent web page.
Q. Where can I get the Parents Association's Centre Parent/Grandparent window
clings for my car?
A. The Office of Parent Programs has plenty of these available. Just call us at (859) 2385208 or 5345, and we will be happy to send you a few. The Centre bookstore also has a
variety of bumper stickers.
Q. Do any Danville businesses offer discounts to Centre parents?
A. Yes, they do! Each parent should have received a Centre Parent Perks card in the mail
which will give you discounts and special deals at all the listed businesses. Listings
include hotels, automotive places, restaurants, gift shops, and more. Take advantage of
these savings by presenting your Perks card at participating businesses. The list is also
available here.
Q. Is there an organization for Centre parents?
A. YES! The Centre Parents Association counts every current parent as a member. Its
purpose is to promote the relationship of Centre parents to the College by sponsoring
12 and co-sponsoring campus events such as Family Weekend, the Parent Fund, new parent
orientation and welcome, e-newsletters from campus, free breakfast stations for students
during finals, Commencement, and Senior Week activities. The Parents Committee is the
executive body of the Centre Parents Association. This advisory group makes decisions
about the projects supported by the Parent Fund and provides leadership in parent
giving, as well as other parent activities. They also host the breakfast stations during final
exams and other events for parents and students, such as the fall welcome. This year's
officers are:
Chairs - Pete and Ashley Gairing from St. Petersburg, Fl., (Parents of Bronwyn ’14 &
Clark ’14, and Jillian ’11)
Chairs-Elect - Mark and Mary Judson from Atlanta, Ga., (Parents of Hadley ’15)
Parent Fund Chairs - Doug and Preston Stough from Louisville, Ky., (Parents of Mary
Gordon ’14)
Q. How can I communicate with my student?
A. EMAIL – Each student will have an email account, and we suggest that you have a
conversation with them EARLY about the importance of checking their Centre email
This is the "official" means of communication between the College and the students, and
between the professors and their students, so they need to learn to WATCH THEIR
STUDENT EMAIL account for important official announcements (including the
College's internal weekly Enewsletter, Notesworthy) and communication about their
classes. Not seeing their email is NOT an accepted excuse for missing important
deadlines or class assignments.
We find that some students, especially first-years, who aren't regular users of email, will
miss important information by not checking their College email account.
You can help with this by emailing them frequently – short, encouraging emails, with
"newsy" items about your family and home or your community. Don't expect a lot in
return – they're busy, but they will appreciate hearing from you! And while they may not
always think to ask, they DO want to know what's going on with family members and
friends from home.
PHONE – Well, gone are the days when students brought a phone to campus to plug
in in the dorm rooms (which we now call residence halls….). The plugs are still there
and they still work, so they can bring a landline phone, but as you know, most of them
prefer to use their cell phones. Local calls on the landline phones are free, but long
distance calls will be billed to them.
The area code for Danville is 859 and the College prefix is 238- plus the 4-digit
extension. Nearly all campus numbers have this prefix (with the exception of the public
safety HELP line, which is 859-236-HELP, the Norton Center box office, and Cowan
Dining Hall). You may always call the CAMPUS SWITCHBOARD during the week,
13 Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at (859) 238-5200, and Donna Phillips can help you
find campus offices and individuals.
IMPORTANCE OF REAL CONVERSATIONS: As you already know, our young
adults keep strange hours, so don't expect them to answer every time you ring! What
works best for many parents is to set a definite time to call – Sunday afternoons might
be best, or late Saturday morning. In this day of texting and instant access, we would still
encourage you to have a REAL conversation with them at least once a week. You can
tell a lot, as you know them better than anyone, by the tone of their voice, by things
they're NOT saying (like not mentioning anything about one tough class), and this
should be helpful to both you and your student. Determine this time before your child
leaves home and remember that they truly are very busy. We find that parents are often
surprised by how busy their students will be.
NUMBERS – not even to parents. This is for the safety of our students, so if you lose
your child's number, Donna will gladly connect you to the room, but she will not release
the phone number.
If you need emergency help getting in touch with your student or finding a campus staff
member on the weekends, please contact our department of public safety at (859) 236HELP (4357). Our officers are on duty 24-hours a day and are happy to assist you in any
VISITS – Shall I drop by for a visit? NO. We certainly don't have a problem with it, but
most students will appreciate knowing that you're coming ahead of time. You know your
student best, but in general, we recommend that you respect their schedules (and their
possibly messy room) and let them know you are on your way. Also, keep your visit
short – they are busy. Remember that being the "host" is a new role for them. They may
not know what to do with you or how to entertain you! Help them out – take them off
campus to a favorite restaurant or shopping. They will enjoy seeing you and being with
you, being fed and spoiled a little, showing off the campus and their friends, but then,
they will want to get back into their routine.
Q. Are there ways I can be involved with the College as a parent?
A. BE ENGAGED. First, we assume that you'll be supportive of your son or daughter
as they encounter the many challenges that college life brings. Listening is often the main
thing they want from you. But, you can also show your interest by asking questions
about their classwork – beyond "what are you taking?" and "what grades did you make?"
(although those are important questions, too!). Express genuine interest in what they're
learning – ask why they like a particular class, what's the most interesting part of the
course, or what is the biggest challenge from that class. Ask what class is their least
favorite and why?
PARTICIPATE – LOYALTY IS OUR TRADITION. As a parent, you can make a
statement about loyalty, just as most of our alumni do each year! Centre's alumni have
long been known as among the most loyal in the nation, having been number one in
participation with annual giving for over 20 years.
14 And, each year more than half of our parents join in the tradition of loyalty by
participating in the Centre Parent Fund, with contributions ranging from $5 to $5,000.
By participating, our parents say through their gifts, large and small, that they are
confident in and satisfied with their student's education. Centre is deeply grateful for this
extra investment and for the level of commitment it demonstrates. The College uses this
leverage when securing gifts from foundations and corporations – and as far as we
know, we are the only college in the nation that can state that half of our alumni, half of
our parents, and half of the graduating class, made gifts to the annual fund. We hope
you'll consider being a part of this Centre tradition.
HELP WITH RECRUITING. Word of mouth is still one of the best ways to let
people know about Centre, and the good things you say in your community and to your
friends are helpful to us. The admission office often hosts recruiting events around the
country, and you may want to be involved with this, or possibly with hosting an event in
your home. If you would like to know more about being involved with recruiting Centre
students, please contact David Dewitt at 1-859-238-5357. The admission office
appreciates parents who volunteer to help with recruiting in their area.
CAREER SERVICES – HIRE THEM (or help them). You can hire our graduates
or keep an ear out for job openings in your area. You can also provide "shadowing"
opportunities or internships for our students, or talk with them about your work.
Centre prides itself on the Centre network – our alumni, parents, and friends -- who are
critical in helping our graduates find employment and internships. If your company or
organization could benefit from having a bright, eager Centre student either as an intern
or as an employee, please contact our Career Services office at (859) 238-5283.
ATTEND CENTRE EVENTS IN YOUR AREA. The Alumni Office hosts Centre
events all over the country. If you get an invitation to one in your area, please attend –
and take a prospective student and parent along.
PROMOTE CENTRE. If you have contacts with your local media, mention us to
them. Tell them if your son or daughter won an award, made the Dean's List, or is in a
play or some other activity here, and ask them to run the campus news release that we
will probably send them. Tell your friends about us, tell prospective students and their
parents about us, tell potential major donors or foundations that you know about us. Tell
the story. We know it, but not everyone does.
Q. What and when is Family Weekend?
A. Family Weekend 2013 is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, September 20-21. It is a
wonderful opportunity for you to visit your son or daughter and join in various
organized campus activities. Bring the whole family – grandparents, siblings, ALL are
welcome! Hotel accommodations in Danville are not plentiful, and we encourage you to
make your reservations as soon as possible.
Last-minute tips for parents of Centre first-year students
As you say goodbye to your daughter or son, we thought you might like some parting
suggestions for this transition in your lives. Some may not be relevant to your
relationship, but many have been helpful to others as their first-year student begins the
If your student calls you within the first few hours saying she is homesick, listen
supportively, but stall her. Remind her that it is a very new situation, and that a
certain amount of anxiety is normal. Encourage her to stay with the orientation
program schedule and to be open to new experiences. Remind her that every
new student has some of these feelings and that RAs are trained and available to
assist. In most cases, these feelings disappear within the first month of school.
If your student calls early in the semester with complaints about his roommate,
encourage him to talk with the roommate, and if they cannot work out their
differences, to seek help from his RA. The RA can involve Student Life staff if
necessary. Do not jump in too quickly to solve the problem for him—this type
of conflict resolution is a critical life skill that he needs to develop.
From her first day on campus, encourage your student to develop a healthy
lifestyle. Wellness activities are an important part of campus life at Centre.
Encourage her to develop healthy eating, sleep and exercise habits early on
before academic demands are high, so that those habits will carry on through the
more stressful parts of the year. Remind her that sleep deprivation is a serious
problem for college students and exacerbates many other problems, including
academic performance difficulties.
Encourage your student to organize his time around his academic schedule and
to use a planner. You many want to remind him that going to class is a
requirement at Centre and that other activities, although often important, take
second place to class attendance and participation. Remind him that his academic
advisor and the Academic Affairs and Advising Office are available to assist him.
When you text, talk or email your student about academics throughout the year,
ask general questions about how classes are going and what she is learning rather
than always asking about grades. Encourage and reassure when she says she may
not make the grades she made in high school. This is a common experience of
first-year students toward the end of the fall semester. Convey the message that
she can do the work at Centre.
Do talk about home and family with your student on the phone and in your
written communication with him. He may not always ask, but he does appreciate
your sharing with him.
Financial issues will probably need to be clarified with your student on an
ongoing basis as the year progresses. For instance, once he is actually on campus,
she may know more about how much spending money she needs and for what
purposes. It is always better to discuss and clarify than to have a situation such as
an overdrawn bank account cause unnecessary stress.
16 •
Always remind your student that campus resources exist for all types of
problems and that you encourage him to utilize available resources before a
problem gets out of control. “Sooner rather than later” is the phrase that is
communicated to students strongly and consistently.
If you have concerns about your student and need to talk about those concerns,
remember Mona Wyatt’s number: (859) 238-5345.
Remember that you and your young person are entering a new stage of life, and
your parenting actions and guidance will be less controlling and directed and
more guiding, validating and advising. Of course, your ultimate goal is to have a
responsible adult (and college graduate!) in a few years. Knowing that you must
allow your Centre student to work through the process of decision-making and
skill-building in this new stage of life will be incredibly helpful in the months and
years to come.
This advice comes directly from current and former Centre parents.
Realize that your job as a parent now is to be encouraging and supportive, but to let
them DO for themselves from here on out.
Know that Centre provides excellent support to our students and become familiar with
the College’s resources – like the office of advising, the Writing Center – and encourage
them to TALK to the professors often and early.
Remind them of President Roush’s charge: Do your best. Be your best. No regrets.
You can overpack for move-in day. Not a bad idea to pack and move clothes, etc., but
the things you buy right before move-in (refrigerators, shelving, storage bins, etc.) can be
bought at Wal-Mart (or elsewhere) in Danville, so it might be a good idea to do that right
AFTER unloading the car with things you need, so you don’t get things you find you
don’t need or have room for.
Students don’t use cars as much as you might think; it might be worth waiting to bring a
car to campus to see if it is really necessary.
Might be worth having your student set up a local checking account—maybe even a joint
account—to avoid ATM withdrawal fees for out-of-network banks.
Believe the advice to let your student know if you plan to visit. Do not “drop by”
unannounced for a “surprise” visit—you might be the one “surprised” to find that your
student is too busy to spend any time with you.
Really encourage your student to travel abroad at least once during the four years.
Encourage your student to take advantage of the Career Services Office from the first
year on and to do at least one internship.
Parent orientation was informative and comprehensive. It is very important to take the
time to attend. Because our student visited twice (one time she spent the night with a
student) we all felt we knew about Centre and there were no surprises.
—William and Carolyn Sheron
Offer lots of love and support, a small amount of questions, and advice only when asked
(and with the full understanding that your advice may be rejected). Centre is a pretty safe
place to make mistakes and learn from them.
Remember, you are a guest in your student's dorm.
Let them struggle with their own problems before intervening. Discuss a budget before
they go.
—M/M John H. Clark, III
18 Listen very, very carefully when you are urged to disinvite your child home for the first
4-6 weeks. My husband and I ignored this advice and our daughter had a much more
difficult time adjusting to college/dorm life than other students.
—Brenda Curtz
No child tires of hearing that his parents are proud of him - for whatever reason.
—Marcia Hermann
We found it was cheaper to get a cell phone with long distance in the plan than to get
other long distance options. Plus there's the additional benefit of having a phone when
driving to and from campus.
—John and Toni Goetzman
The son or daughter that you leave in Danville in September will not be the same person
that returns to you in May. The growth curve is about as great as it was between birth
and one year - so expect great changes.
—Franklin Foster
Take special care of the siblings left at home. They miss their brother/sister as much as
you do, so be kind to them and don't dump the missing child's responsibilities on the
one that remains.
—Franklin Foster
Try to treat your student like an adult now - especially when you're on campus! Good
—Mary Beth Brown
Email. Get pre-paid phone cards. Send Walmart gift cards. Get a pharmacy number in
town and set up an account.
I think the most important thing is to be patient and let them know you are always there
for them no matter what. I also think it is good to send things like food and snail mail so
that your child has something in their mailbox occasionally.
—Jeff and Cherry Calender
I have to honestly commend Centre. Our son is our first to go to college, and I honestly
can say we were well prepared by the school to handle this! Our son fell into college life
easily, and we are certain it is because this school knows how to get a family ready to go
to college. Our son is so happy at was absolutely the best choice. The school
cares about their students, it is small enough,and they have the time to care!
—Robert and Kathleen Dunworth
Family Weekend was wonderful. We were most impressed on August 28th when we
'gave our son' to this school. The people waiting to help us move in and get settled - it
was fantastic! As a mother, I can tell you when your child leaves home for the first time
and adjusts this easily and is as happy as he is, the school has it together and is doing it
right. I'm letting everyone in Tennessee know about Centre!
19 —Robert and Kathleen Dunworth
Expect lots of phone calls. Anticipate 'ups' and 'downs.' Be prepared to hear "the classes
are too hard!" Then, after about six weeks, relax. They do settle in. In terms of the dorm
room, the closets are roomier than the dressers so bring lots of hangers. Also, a sturdy
stand or table to use for computer equipment that won't fit on the desk is a must.
—Jennie Ivey
Be considerate with what you bring for the room - remember there is a roommate and
they should share the space equally. Less is more! DON'T bring everything in your
closet, all your books, CDs, etc. You can always rotate clothes and music through the
year. DO bring a few favorite items to make it seem like home - mugs, photos, stuffed
animals, etc. DON'T bring too much stuff. There is limited storage/closet space in the
dorm rooms.
—John and Toni Goetzman, Mary Beth Brown, David and Nancy James
Let them make their own decisions, decide what they want to bring, arrange the room,
etc. Give opinions only when asked! Allow them to be independent from the start, figure
out their finances, laundry, etc. I found the fewer suggestions I made, the better.
—Katie Wolnitzek, George Mackenzie
If you can bear to do so, let them call you instead of you calling them. They are very
busy, but sometimes too nice to say "I've got to go, I've got _____ to do.
—Franklin Foster
We found we needed to adjust our expectations with regard to communication. What
works for us is to have our student call us on Sunday evenings at her convenience. Email
works well in-between.
—John and Toni Goetzman
Communicate a lot. Use email, letters. Send hometown news, football scores, other
news. Let your kid know what you know about the friends they left. Everyone likes mail.
—George Mackenzie
Email your child frequently. It's the most effective way to communicate.
—Donna Leach
“The freshman year is an anxious time for students and parents. I was surprised by the
level of attention Centre gives to its new students. While I'm sure the literature
proclaimed 'personal attention,' I either didn't believe it or wasn't aware. Centre should
let parents know that they REALLY do make sure that all are brought into the fold.”
Hamp and Mary Lloyd Moore
“They stay up very late and sleep more during the day than we did. Also my daughter did
not nearly eat 13 meals a week in Cowan. With refrigerators, cars, microwaves, they have
other options, though I still get the meal plan for my peace of mind.”
“What surprised me the most was how my daughter changed. She left for Centre a bit
reserved and returned very outspoken and willing to both stand up for herself and to
share her opinions.” Franklin Foster
“They DO sleep, eat, and do laundry just fine without reminders.”
“When they're sick, they still need Mom and Dad, at least by phone.”
“The warm and personal contact by the President and the advisors.” M/M John H. Clark,
“Our child was not prepared to manage money.”
“How easily he adjusted - there seemed to be plenty of support for him at school.” Katie
“Our first surprise was having so many professors, staff and students on hand as
freshmen moved in. Our second was how easily our only child seemed to adapt to her
new home and circumstances.” Marcia Hermann
“It's not that hard to get up to Lexington for shopping and dinner.” John and Toni
“How little she called home...or visited her P.O. box!” Mary Beth Brown
“Volunteers actually show up to move freshmen into their dorms!” William and Carolyn
“Our son is studying harder than I would have imagined. It is amazing how much they
mature in the first year.” Jeff and Cherry Calender
“How very personal the treatment of each student is by the Centre faculty and staff. I
had hoped this would be the case; now I know it is! Centre folks take care of Centre
students. Hooray!!!” Jennie Ivey
This list was compiled by Centre parents.
It's not all-inclusive, but it should be helpful.
For the room
A rug
A three-tiered plastic “cabinet” to hold things
Under-bed plastic storage boxes, stackable crates
Extra-long bedding
Other bedding - blankets, cover, pillow
Mattress pad
Alarm clock
Reading light-desk lamp
Laundry bag and quarters for laundry
Shower caddy
Towels + wash cloths
Shoes for the shower
Extra hangers and over-the-door hanger
A fall jacket (it gets cool before Family Weekend!)
Something to put computer or sound system on
Safe or lock box
Small fan
Portable seating-like a bean bag chair (one extra chair or sofa permitted per room)
Pictures of siblings/pets
Book bag
School/Desk supplies (pens, notebooks, scissors, printer & ink cartridges, computer
paper, stapler, hole punch, tape, ruler, white-out, sharpies)
General Room Supplies
Laundry supplies (plastic shower caddy)
Small flashlight
Sticky tack
Message board
Hot/cold packs
Basic first aid and over-the-counter medications
Large and small 3M Command adhesive squares, hooks that hang on door for hats,
coats or just about anything, also bed risers are a good idea for extra storage
3M Command adhesive strips
3M Command adhesive hooks
Paper towels, general cleaner, dust cloth or rags for cleaning the room during the
Screwdrivers (all sizes), hammer (these can also be checked out for quick use at the
parent info tents during freshman move-in)
22 Hangers for closet (curtain and tension rod to cover closet door)
Electronics and Appliances Computer
(some parents specified a laptop)
Network card for your computer
Telephone-landline (optional!)
Cell phone
Television and cable cord
CD/DVD player
Power strip
UL approved extension cords
Surge protector
Extra-long phone cord/computer line
Small refrigerator (6 cu. ft. or smaller)
Microwave (700 watts and under)
Checkbook, Insurance card, Family photos, Passport
Khaki or navy dress pants, dress shirt, and tie for the Opening Convocation
Blue blazer or suit later in the year for fraternity events
Sunday dress for Opening Convocation
Several nice outfits later in the year for sorority events
An umbrella
Rolls of quarters
A sense of adventure and humor
Money for Wal-mart
Directions to Ace Hardware/Walmart (available at the parent info tents)
Please keep in mind that Centre College prohibits bringing:
Duct Tape for walls
Ceiling fan
Electric skillet
Hot plate
George Foreman grill
Halogen lamp
Toaster oven
Waffle iron
Portable heater
Window air conditioner (all residence halls are air conditioned)
23 Pets
Print a checklist by clicking here.
How to be the perfect Centre parent
There are two books that we recommend to freshman parents each year. Both are
available at the Centre Bookstore.
• Making the Most of College (Harvard Press) by Richard J. Light
• Letting Go: A Parent's Guide to Understanding the College Years (Third Edition) by
Karen Levin Coburn and Madge Lawrence Treeger (Harper Perennial,
Other books that deal both with freshman issues and parent concerns include:
• Making College Count (Student Success, Inc.) by Patrick S. O'Brien
• 133 Ways to Avoid Going Cuckoo When Kids Fly the Nest (Three Rivers Press) by
Lauren Schaffer and Sandy Fleischl Wasserman
• What Smart Students Know (Three Rivers Press) by Adam Robinson
• Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation by N. Howe and W. Strauss
• Millennials Go To College by N. Howe and W. Strauss
• Don't Tell Me What to Do, Just Send Money: The Essential Parenting Guide to the College
Years by Helen Johnson and Christine Schellhas-Miller
• You're On Your Own: (But I'm Here if You Need Me) by Marjorie Savage
• Getting Ready for College: Everything You Need to Know Before You Go by P. Berent
• College Rules! How to Study, Survive, and Succeed in College by S. Nist and J. Holschuh
• The Launching Years: Strategies for Parenting from Senior to College Life by Laura
• Give Them Wings by Carol Kuykendall
There are a lot of books out there. Here are a few more for you to explore!
• When Your Kid Goes to College: A Parent's Survival Guide by Carol Barkin
• A New Beginning: A Survival Guide for Parents of College Freshmen by Kaye Bernard.
• The Secret to Your College Success: 101 Ways to Make the Most of Your College Experience
by Toni Buxton
• How to Talk to Your Adult Children about Really Important Things by Theresa
• Smart Choices: A Practical Guide to Making Better Life Decisions by John Hammond,
Ralph Keeney, and Howard Raifa
• How to Survive and Thrive in an Empty Nest: Reclaiming Your Life When Your Children
Have Grown by Robert H. Lauer
• Navigating your Freshman Year by Allison Lombardo
• Let The Journey Begin: A parent's monthly guide to the college experience by Jacqueline
• When Kids Go to College: A Parent's Guide to Changing Relationships by Barbara and
Philip Newman
• Almost Grown: Launching Your Child From High School to College by Patricia Pasick
• Colleges That Change Lives by Loren Pope
25 •
Empty Nest, Full Heart: The Journey from Home to College by Andrea Van Steenhouse
Getting Along (Almost) with your Adult Kids by Lois and Joel Davitz
When Hope and Fear Collide: A Portrait of Today's College Student by Arthur Levine
and Jeanette S. Cureton
Campus Confidential: The Complete Guide to the College Experience by Students for Students
by Robert H. Miller
Ready for College: Everything You Need to Know by Michael Pennock
Some fun books and light reading:
• Been There, Should've Done That: More Tips for Making the Most of College by S. Tyler
• Confessions of a College Freshman by Zach Arington
• As You Leave Home: Parting Thoughts from a Loving Parent by Jerry B. Jenkins
26 COLLEGE ALERT CENTER Centre is always looking for services and products we
believe are valuable to our parents. We are pleased to
introduce and recommend a new service available
through College Alert Center (CAC) at a very
reasonable cost.
One of the biggest concerns of parents when their
child goes off to college is their safety. As we all know, no place in the world today is
completely safe, and unfortunately, individuals do occasionally go missing. So, what is
the process if your child goes missing while away at College? Where would you as a
parent go for help?
While College staff will do everything they can to assist you, Colleges are not set up to
find missing students, especially if a student goes missing while off campus -- which is
the case 96% of the time. In that situation, the College relies on local law enforcement
agencies to aid in the recovery of your child.
College Alert Center is the premier recovery service for missing students that specializes
in creating and distributing information about your student quickly, efficiently, and to
mass numbers for a speedier return. This notification includes the parents, the student’s
buddy list, campus security, law enforcement and news media, if necessary. College Alert
Center has over eight years’ experience in the process for recovering children and
understands the necessary keys to a successful return. While all colleges will do
everything they can to help, CAC’s service capabilities simply exceed what colleges can
provide in helping bring your son or daughter home.
Here are some significant differences:
• No waiting period with CAC to report missing student.
Some Colleges may make you wait at least 24 hours, but Centre
encourages reporting BEFORE 24 hours has elapsed.
• CAC creates/distributes up to 20,000 mini posters per
minute. Colleges can only send text (no photos) unless using
our service
• Update your child’s information as often as needed and
at no charge. Colleges’ information is gathered at the beginning
of Fall term and photos are not updated.
• CAC sends updated information and photo. Colleges
will use student ID photo, probably outdated unless using our
• CAC covers your student wherever they are. College
security will be limited to campus.
This is why you need this service. Think of it much like your own job. While you are
at work, your employer is responsible for you, but once you leave, you are responsible
for yourself and your own well-being. The same applies to your child at college. It
doesn't matter if they are on spring break, traveling abroad, or even simply out to dinner
-- if they are off campus, then they are on their own. College Alert Center’s service
covers a student for one full year, wherever they are.
College Alert Center is pleased to offer you a 20% discount as a Centre parent, for a fee
27 of only $12 per year per student. You may then renew your membership each year your
student is in college. Please visit or register at and input CENTRE in the Promotional
Code field for the discount.
With a service this valuable and this inexpensive, we encourage parents to take advantage
of this opportunity and to share this important information with their friends who may
have children in college and who might want to take advantage of this as well.
We also found it interesting that CAC also offers two other programs – for children and
for “critters” (pets!). Critter Alert Center allows you to register your pet and Child Alert
Center allows you to register children who are not in college. These two additional
services can be reached online at or .
We’re not trying to alarm anyone, but as parents, we know our goal and deepest
wish for our students is safety first! Register today and know that you have taken
another step in insuring your student’s continued safety both here and abroad.
Director of Counseling Services, Centre College
“Nurturing Growth and Change in Your Entering First-Year Student”
Centre parents are partners with faculty and staff in
assisting their students in making the transition from
high school students living with family to college
students living more independently in a learning
community. Parents often ask for some guidelines and
specific examples to know how to facilitate this
important developmental change for their young
people. It is helpful to look at the developmental tasks
of college students in today’s world, from the
perspective of what is known as “Student Development
One of those well-accepted theories, developed by
Arthur Chickering and Linda Reisser, as described in their work, Education and Identity, is
a very useful framework for thinking about this life change. Chickering and Reissing’s
theory proposes that students develop along seven “vectors” of developmental tasks to
be accomplished during the college years. We can, and do, use this theory and others like
it in the field as guidelines for developing comprehensive academic, social, and support
programs, services, and opportunities for our students. We have found that looking at
these developmental tasks from a parenting perspective is also beneficial. Parents report
to us that it helps them reflect critically on their changing role and on the fact that their
family is moving into a new developmental stage as well. What follows are those tasks, as
outlined by Chickering and Reisser, and examples of how parents can facilitate the
development of these changes into adulthood.
1) Developing Competence – Intellectual knowledge, critical-thinking skills,
physical competence and wellness skills
Supportive Parent Actions: Encourage and praise good study skills and seeking
help from professors. Allow your student to think through an academic problem
rather than giving the solution. You may have to remind your student that
academic work is his/her responsibility. Validate and model the pleasure of
learning and growing. Ask them at appropriate times if they are taking care of
their whole person—if they are exercising, eating well, and getting enough sleep.
2) Managing Emotions – Awareness of feelings, appropriate expression of
feelings, managing difficult feelings.
Supportive Parent Actions: Resist always trying to help your students to feel
better—they must learn to manage the feelings around less-than-perfect grades
and relationship problems, as well as the great times of everything going well.
Parental support, rather than fixing the problem, allows for this developmental
task to occur. Direct them to seek help through Student Counseling Services if
they have significant struggles with depression, anxiety, or other mental health
29 3) Moving Through Autonomy Toward Interdependence – The leaving home
process of a decreasing need for reassurance and help from parents, more selfdirectedness, developing a stronger internal locus of control, learning when it is
appropriate and best to depend upon others.
Supportive Parent Actions: Reassure your student that change is hard, and
exciting, and positive. Don’t minimize the change for them, and when
appropriate, talk about your own times of change in life. Minimize giving them
solutions. Instead, encourage them to think through problems and to trust their
own judgment more. As they do that more, they will indeed begin to have more
of that inner compass rather than always looking outside of themselves for
4) Establishing Identity – Developing a realistic and stable sense of self, ability to
integrate experience into the self, acceptance of physical and sexual self, comfort
with sexual orientation.
Supportive Parent Actions: Know that this stage does not happen overnight,
and that as your student learns new information, meets new people, and interacts
in the College community and beyond, identity may be very fluid for a while.
Expect to have times when you talk with your student and you feel they are still
an adolescent and other times when you have the experience of talking with an
adult. Expect to see your student try on new roles, beliefs and behaviors.
Knowing that identity development is not linear greatly helps parents be
supportive rather than reactive.
5) Establishing Mature Interpersonal Relationships – Maintaining relationships
which are meaningful, mutually satisfying, supportive in difficult times, and
include a wide variety of people.
Supportive Parent Actions: Encourage your student to take advantage of social
opportunities on campus, which result in new and meaningful friendships.
Expect that as this happens, friends will become more a part of your student’s
support system, and they may turn to you less. You can feel proud of their
growth and development as this happens.
6) Developing Purpose – Establishing a life direction, including vocational plans,
personal and family interests.
Supportive Parent Actions: Know that this most likely will not happen
overnight. Don’t ask too early or too often what your student has decided about
a major. Do direct your student to make an appointment with Career Services
within the first two weeks of arriving on campus.
7) Developing Integrity – Defining personal values to guide life decisions,
developing social responsibility and congruence between beliefs and behavior.
Supportive Parent Actions: You have been providing the foundation for your
student to achieve this task since he/she was born. Encourage him/her to take
advantage of opportunities to volunteer and serve others, to participate an dlead
in community and civic life, to take academic courses in ethics and leadership.
Always validate and reinforce when you see that integrity developing. And it’s
30 okay to be a little proud that your parenting has contributed to the development
of a responsible “emerging adult.”
Our very best to all of our new Centre parents, as your daughters and sons grow
and change and take the next steps on their life journey as “emerging adults!”
The following local businesses are giving Centre Parents a reward! Most give 10 percent
off all purchases unless otherwise indicated. Simply show this card and save! All
addresses are for Danville unless otherwise noted.
Area Attractions
Great American Dollhouse Museum 344 Swope Drive (just off Lexington
10 percent off admission for the whole family
McDowell House Museum 125 S. Second St.
50 percent off regular admission
Automate of Danville 75 Westridge Drive
Bob Allen Motor Mall 725 N. Maple Avenue
10 percent off services and parts and $250 off any vehicle after your best deal
Danville Foreign Cars and Recreation 1227 Lebanon Road
Ken Towery Auto Care 1000 Hustonville Road
They can pick up and drop off)
Morley’s Wheel Service, Inc. 234 E. Walnut Street
10 percent off all labor)
Valvoline Instant Oil 794 South 4th Street
15 percent off all purchases)
Specialty Food/Restaurants
AJ’s Country Cafe 118 East Main Street
Baskin Robbins 464 W. Main Street
Bluegrass Pizza & Pub 314 West Main Street
10 percent off all meals excluding alcohol)
Captain Franks Hot Dog Emporium 124 North 4th Street
Elmwood Inn Fine Teas & Benjamin Press 135 N. Second Street
Freddie’s Italian Restaurant 140 Stanford Avenue
Karamel Kreations 217 W. Main Street
King Buffet 2596 S. Danville Bypass
La Hacienda 801 S. 2nd Street
Mallard’s Restaurant 1001 Ben Ali Dr. Suite 3
(10 percent off all purchases excluding alcohol
Melton’s Deli 247 East Main Street
Mermaids Bistro 219 South Fourth Street
10 percent off—excludes liquor, beer, and sale items in shop
Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt 475 West Main Street
Papa John’s Pizza 464 ½ West Main Street
10 percent off all purchases at the regular menu price
Pescara Mediterranean Restaurant 120 South 4th Street
32 •
Reno’s Roadhouse 1641 Hustonville Rd. and Bypass
Free Rosebud with purchase of entrée
The Twisted Sifter Cake Shoppe 128 Church Street
A & L Accessories 324 W. Main Street
Carol’s Bridal 309 W. Main Street
10 percent off all regularly priced purchases
The Centre Bookstore 110 S. Third Street (Third and Main)
10 percent off purchase, one time only - textbooks and sale items excluded
The Clothes Horse 115 N. 3rd Street
Danville Bike and Footwear 417 W. Main Street
10% off everything but a bike
The Derby Shoppe and Raggs 124 N. Third Street
Junior’s General Store 219 S. 4th Street
10 percent off all purchases with the exception of sale items and artwork
Kentucky’s Soaps and Such 203 West Main Street, Stanford
10 percent off all Plainview Farm bath products
Maple Tree Gallery 225 W. Main Street
Muddy Creek Primitives 410 W. Walnut Street
Thoroughbred Threads 219 W. Main Street
Hotels, Bed and Breakfast, Accommodations
Ashley Inn 9863 Lexington Road, Lancaster
Best Western 210 Brenda Avenue
Bright Leaf Golf Course 1742 Danville Road, Harrodsburg
5 percent off your next stay
Hampton Inn 100 Montgomery Way
Comfort Suites 864 Ben Ali Drive
Country Hearth Inn 105 Commercial Drive, Harrodsburg
Pasick's Bed and Breakfast 132 East Lexington
10 percent off the first stay
Wilderness Road Guesthouses 203 West Main Street, Stanford
10 percent off your next stay
Community Trust Bank 462 W. Main Street
One free student checking account; free atm/debit card; free internet banking &
mobile banking; free checks
Farmers National Bank 304 W. Main Street
Student Checking Account - $50 minimum, up to $30 in rebated ATM fees per
month, no monthly service charges, call or stop in for details
PNC Bank 121 S. 4th Street
33 $15 for 15 - $15 gift card for 15 minutes of your time!
Danville Drug Co. 135 E. Main St., Suite A
10 percent off all over-the-counter purchases
A Lasting Impression, Florist 215B Stanford Avenue
BoKays Flowers & More, Inc. 1075 E. Lexington Avenue
Includes fresh flowers, fruit baskets, gift baskets, balloons, or “theme” baskets –
allow 2-3 days advance order
Molly’s Flowers & Things 465 S. 4th Street
Excluding wire orders
Storage and Other Resources
Brookcove Dry Cleaners 1630 Shakertown Road
Danville Mailing Center 270 Jane Trail
10 percent off all shipping
Lily Day Spa 218 W. Broadway
The Lock Box Storage 387 Whirlaway Drive
Special rate for Centre students, plus a free lock
Rainbow Cleaners 504 S. 4th St.
Self-Service Storage 215 Jane Trail
30 day free rent with student ID – minimum rental 3 months
Storage Rentals of America 185 Westridge Drive
10 percent off all rentals
This is the contact information for the friendly faces of Centre College that you will be
seeing in the next four years. Please feel free to contact any of them with any questions
you have and they will be happy to help.
Office of Parent Programs
Mona Wyatt
Associate Director of Development for Donor Relations & Parent Programs
(859) 238-5345
[email protected]
Carol Maddox
Assistant for Development & Parent Programs
(859) 238- 5208
[email protected]
Student Life Office
Randy Hays
Vice President & Dean of Student Life
(859) 238-5473
[email protected]
Anita Bertram
Executive Secretary to VP & Dean of Student Life
(859) 238-5473
[email protected]
Ann Young
Director of Student Life & Housing
(869) 238-5480
[email protected]
Sarah Scott Hall
Associate Dean & Director of Residence Life & Counseling
(859) 238-5471
[email protected]
Department of Public Safety (DPS)
Gary Bugg
Director of Public Safety
(859) 238-5535
[email protected]
Kevin Milby
Director of Public Safety
(859) 238-5534
35 [email protected]
Parsons Student Health Center
Kathy Jones
Director of Parsons Student Health Center
(859) 238-5530
[email protected]
Amanda Goodwin
Physician Assistant
(859) 238-5531
[email protected]
Kathy Miles
Director of Counseling
(859) 238-5452
[email protected]
Marsha Edelen
(859) 238-5530
[email protected]
Finance Office
Rebekah Bertram
Student Accounts
(859) 238-5452
[email protected]
Steve Jamison
(859) 238-5455
[email protected]
Judy Cummins
Assistant to the Controller
(859) 238-5454
[email protected]
Sodexo Dining Services
Michael Nagorka
General Manager
(859) 236-2744
[email protected]
Information Technology Services (ITS)
36 Keith Fowlkes
Director of Information Technology Services & Chief Information Officer
(859) 238-5575
[email protected]
Shane Wilson
Coordinator of Network Services
(859) 238-5575
[email protected]
Susan Kirkpatrick
Technology Support Coordinator
[email protected]
Dean’s Office
Stephanie Fabritius
VP for Academic Affairs, Dean of the College, Professor of Biology
(859) 238-5226
[email protected]
Marsha Crowe
Executive Assistant to the Dean of the College
(859) 238-5226
[email protected]
Beth Glazier-McDonald
Associate Dean and Professor of Religion
(859) 238-5205
[email protected]
Mary Gulley
Assistant Dean for Advising, Assistant Professor of Psychology and ADA Coordinator
(859) 238-5223
[email protected]
International Programs & the Center for Global Citizenship
Milton Reigelman
Director of International Programs and The Center for Global Citizenship, Special
Assistant to the President, and Cowan Professor of English
(859) 238-5287
[email protected]
Leigh Cocanaugher
Assistant Director of the Center for Global Citizenship
(859) 238-5285
[email protected]
37 Career Services
Deborah Jones
Director of Career Services
(859) 238-5286
[email protected]
Joy Asher
Associate Director of Career Services
(859) 238-5284
[email protected]
Mindy Wilson
Assistant Director for Employer Relations and Internships
(859) 238-8792
[email protected]
Sherri Gowins
Administrative Assistant
(869) 238-5283
[email protected]
Financial Planning
Laura Keown
Associate Director of Student Financial Planning
(859) 238-5365
[email protected]
Jackie Conley
Financial Aid Counselor
(859) 238-5871
[email protected]
Julie Graham
Financial Aid Analyst
(859) 238-5365
[email protected]
Jennifer Phillips
Student Financial Planning Coordinator
(859) 238-5365
[email protected]
New Student Arrive
Returning Students Arrive
Classes Begin
Fall Break
Thanksgiving Break
Classes End
Final Examinations
August 28
August 21 – Sept. 1
September 2
September 20-21
October 16
October 17-20
November 1-2
Nov. 27- Dec. 1
December 6
December 9-13
Classes Begin
Founders Day Celebration
Classes End
January 7
January 22
January 28
Classes Begin
Spring Break
Classes End
Final Examination
February 5
March 21
March 22-30
May 13
May 15-21
May 25
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Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and other social media feeds, from the Centre
homepage or by clicking here.
The purpose and mission of the Centre College Student Life Office is to contribute to a
safe, social, learning environment in which the individual will be able to foster an
appropriate respect for self and others, develop responsible decision making skills,
improve relationship and coping skills, appreciate the value of community service, and
enhance leadership abilities in order to take his or her place in a diverse society.
The Student Life Office is located on the 2nd Floor of the campus Center.
The phone number is (859) 238-5471.
Randy Hays
Mark Addison
Anita Bertram
Melissa Clarke
Kendrick Durham
Elizabeth Frank
Matt Klooster
Sara Muren
Ann Young
VP & Dean of Student Life
Community Service Coordinator
Executive Secretary to the VP & Dean of Student Life
Director of Greek Life & New Student Orientation
Director of Campus Activities
Student Life Coordinator
Director of Community Service/Bonner Program
Student Life Coordinator
Director of Student Life & Housing
The Main Residence Life Office is located in Nevin Hall. The phone number is (859)
Jane Goatley
Sarah Scott Hall
Jacob Raderer
Area Coordinator and Shuttle Coordinator
Associate Dean and Director of Residence Life
Assistant Director of Residence Life
The Department of Public Safety is located in the Walnut House. The phone number is
(859) 236-HELP (4357).
Gary Bugg
Kevin Milby
Director of Public Safety
Director of Public Safety
Parsons Student Health Center is located in Sutcliffe Hall. The phone number is (859)
Marsha Edelen Secretary,
Amanda Goodwin
Kathy Jones
Kathy Miles
Parons Student Health Center
Physician Assistant
Director of Parsons Student Health Center
Director of Counseling
Goad Counselor
The College Chaplain is located in Crounse 452. The phone number is (859) 238-5342.
Rick Axtell
College Chaplain
42 The Student Life Office works very closely with Diversity Education, the Athletics
Department, Career Services, and the Academic Dean’s offices.
First-Year Orientation
The first-year orientation program is an exciting and informative program that prepares
both new students and their parents to begin a successful career at Centre.
The program begins just prior to the start of the fall semester, when new students and
their parents arrive at Centre for the first time. While the students are meeting their new
classmates, parents will be able to meet representatives from various campus offices,
including parent programs, finance, health, food services, computer services, and others.
Students and parents together will be welcomed by the President, meet with academic
advisors, and have lunch in the dining hall.
During orientation week, new students participate in academic and student life
orientation activities, have dessert and a book discussion at their advisor’s home, have a
picnic with the President, take part in the community service plunge, and much more.
Students are placed in an orientation group with an orientation assistant (OA) who will
have contacted them over the summer. OAs are current students and will officially
introduce new students to the Centre community. They participate in all activities during
orientation week and plan events throughout the year in conjunction with the Resident
Opening Convocation
The Opening Convocation takes place the Sunday evening before the first day of classes.
This is a formal academic ceremony held in Newlin Hall at the Norton Center for the
Arts. Faculty and first-year students line up in front of Old Centre and process to the
Norton Center, where the class will be officially welcomed to Centre College.
Activities Expo
Sponsored by the Student Life Office, the Activities Expo is a time for Centre
organizations, service agencies, and local businesses and organizations to share
information with students and give away tons of neat stuff. This event takes place during
the first week of classes.
Senior Celebration
Hosted by the Career Services Office, the Alumni Association, and the Office of Parent
Programs, Senior Celebration is a dinner held during the first week of classes. Seniors
receive commencement information and some helpful tips from Career Services. Several
young alums are there to talk about their transitions to the work world or graduate
school and answer questions. Also, the first oart of the “Honor Walk” takes place after
Family Weekend
Every fall, the Centre Parents Association welcomes you to Family Weekend! This
special event is a wonderful opportunity for your whole family to experience Centre
campus life and to share time with your student. Siblings, grandparents, favorite aunts—
all the family—are welcome! Activities include presentations by faculty, several sports
44 events, a DramaCentre production, a mini-concert from the choral and instrumental
ensembles, a performance by a nationally-touring comedian, and the Family Weekend
Celebration dinner. Also, the Norton Center offers some great entertainment that
weekend. Click on “Family Weekend” under the “Events” section of the parent webpage
to see a complete schedule of events.
Centre’s annual homecoming celebration takes place in October and is a weekend jampacked with activities for everyone. On Friday, alums can catch up with old friends at
the Alumni Reception and party at the Homecoming Gala in the Norton Center for the
Arts. Start Saturday with the Alumni Recognition Ceremony, then attend the Alumni
Luncheon, sports events, and (for some) your class reunion. Finally, don’t miss the
traditional party on Walnut Street on Saturday vening.
Founder’s Day
Centre College was founded in 1819, and every January we celebrate Founder’s Day with
a special ceremony at the Norton Center for the Arts.
Carnival and Spring Sing
Every spring, the Student Activities Council puts on Carnival and Spring Sing for
everyone on campus. Even the professors get involved! Spring Sing is a competition
open to any group or individual on campus and is usually judged by several members of
the faculty and staff. Groups compete to see who can come up with the most clever
song or medley about some aspect of life at good old Centre C. Carnival takes place the
following Friday. Students can play on the many inflatable toys, such as a boxing ring
and obstacle course, try to dunk a professor or staff member in the dunking booth, give
a professor a pie in the face for charity, play games, and more. To cap off the evening,
the Student Activities Council books some great entertainment. Past performers include
Hootie and the Blowfish, They Might Be Giants, and Matt Nathanson.
Greek Week
Every April, the ten fraternities and sororities on campus hold several competitions
during Greek Week. They compete in the Greek Olympics, test their knowledge of
Centre in a trivia game, raise money for different charities, receive academic awards, and
much more.
Honors Convocation
In this last convocation of the year, the College recognizes those students who have
distinguished themselves academically or as student leaders on campus. Also, the honor
societies present their new members to the College.
Commencement is the culmination of a student’s experience at Centre College. Centre’s
commencement ceremony takes place on a Sunday in May and includes several
traditions, including the legacy photo, the Honor Walk, the Family Celebration, and a
fireworks display. The complete commencement schedule and information will be
posted on the Commencement page of the Centre website.
The Cowan Dining Commons provides the central dining service to the College
community and is managed by Sodexo, considered by the industry as the leading college
dining service provider. Three meals are served each weekday and two meals each on
Saturday and Sunday.
In addition to normal meal service, there are special meals and events offered for the
student body throughout the academic year. Centre Dining will provide Sodexo’s own
award-winning dining program, ensuring individual servings of restaurant style menus
and dining for our students. This program will provide a wide array of fresh food choices
at each meal. Vegetarian and vegan offerings will be available at one or more food
stations at every meal. Our residential dining program features The Balanced Way, a
value-added program that offers students an easy way to select delicious, nutritious and
satisfying meals. It makes healthy eating simple and delicious for you. Centre Dining will
also provide special services to student groups for meetings and special events.
Arrangements for these services should be made with Centre Dining General Manager.
There are five meal plan options available for 2013-2014:
(1) Carte Blanche which allows unlimited meals at the main dining hall and has $75 in
Flex Dollars (flexible spending dollars);
(2) 16 meals per week with $320 Flex Dollars;
(3) 13 meals per week with $400 Flex Dollars;
(4) 10 meals per week with $640 Flex Dollars; and
(5) Block Plan which is 200 meals per year (90 Fall term, 20 CentreTerm, 90 Spring term)
and $775 in Flex Dollars.
Flex Dollar availability is split 45% for fall term, 10% for CentreTerm, and 45% for
spring term. Flex Dollars not spent in a term will be carried over to the next term but
any Flex Dollars not spent by the end of the academic year will be forfeited. Additional
Dining Dollars may be purchased at the main dining hall at any time during the year.
On each meal plan, any meal eaten over the plan limit requires cash payment or Flex
Dollars. There is no credit given if fewer meals are taken than your meal plan allows.
Students may change their meal plans only during the first two weeks of the Fall and
Spring terms. Students with any of the meal plan options must have a valid Centre I.D.
card to enter the main dining hall during meal times and this card must be scanned at
each meal. The I.D. card must also
be used to make purchases with Flex Dollars at campus retail dining locations listed
Hall of Fame Café is located on the second floor of Sutcliffe Hall. Students can get a
wide variety of coffee selections featuring espressos, cappuccinos, and frozen drinks.
Fair trade whole bean coffee is available also. Other food choices include deli
sandwiches, fresh bagels, special salads, and gourmet desserts. Gift sets are available year
round. Hours of operation are Monday-Thursday 7:00 am – 10:00 pm; Friday 7:00 am –
8:00 pm; Saturday 12:00 pm – 6 pm; and Sunday 12:00 pm – 8:00 pm.
46 The Everyday Café located on the first floor of the Campus Center offers an array of
dining options. Hours of operation are Monday-Thursday 7:00 am – 1:00 midnight:
Friday 7:00 am – 12:00 midnight; Saturday 1:00 pm – 12:00 midnight; and Sunday 1:00
pm – 1:00 am. Regular hours of operation for the Cowan Dining Commons are listed
Monday - Friday
Breakfast 7:00 am – 9:30 am
Continental 9:30 am – 11:00 am
Lunch 11:00 am – 1:30 pm
Lite Lunch 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Dinner 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Continental 8:00 am – 11:00 am
Brunch 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Dinner 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Continental 8:00 am – 11:00 am
Brunch 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Dinner 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
What if I have questions over the summer?
Parsons Student Health Center is closed during the summer months, but a staff member
will be in periodically to check email ([email protected]) and return phone
messages (859) 238-5530. Please let us know if you have a chronic health condition that
will require special care or accommodation. If you require special housing, please talk to
Ann Young, Director of Housing in the Student Life Office, (859) 238-5480
If my student becomes ill while on campus, what should I tell him or her to do?
Tell him or her to go to Parsons Student Health Center located in Sutcliffe Hall across
from the pool as soon as possible. Physician clinics are Monday, Tuesday, and Friday
7:30 - 8:30 a.m. and Wednesday 8 - 9 a.m. These are staffed by Drs. Brian Ellis and
Jonathan Clark of Family Practice Physicians. A Physician Assistant and a Registered
Nurse are available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. and
Thursday 7:30 a.m. - Noon. There are no office visit charges. In case of an after hours
emergency, direct students to call 911 or the Department of Public Safety at (859) 2364357. Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center is located only two blocks from
How can I contact Parsons Student Health Center, and who is available to help?
Call (859) 238-5530. You will probably speak to Marsha Edelen, their secretary. Kathy
Jones, RN is the Director of Parsons Student Health Center. Amanda Goodwin is the
Physician Assistant, and Kathy Miles, LMFT, CADC is the Director of Counseling. They
are available Monday-Friday during office hours. The two physicians available during
clinic hours are Dr. Brian Ellis and Dr. Jonathan Clark. If you need to reach someone
after office hours, contact the Department of Public Safety at (859) 236-4357, and they
will contact the person on call for you.
What if my student needs to be seen by a doctor after clinic hours?
There are two walk-in health care facilities in Danville: Bluegrass Immediate Care,
located at 478 Whirl-A-Way Drive, is open seven days a week (859) 236-3208; and The
Weekend Walk-in Clinic, located at 109 Daniel Drive, is open on Saturdays and Sundays
(859) 239-6522. These clinics may provide faster and less expensive service for nonemergencies than the emergency room.
What tips can I give my student about preventing the flu?
Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based
hand cleaner if soap and water are not available. Avoid touching your nose, mouth, and
eyes. Germs spread this way. Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue, or cough or
sneeze into your elbow or shoulder. Don't holdor carry laundry close to your body or
face, in order to avoid contamination. Wash hands with soap and water after handling
48 soiled laundry. Know the symptoms, which include fever, chills, cough or sore
throat,runny nose, body aches, headache, fatigue, diarrhea, or vomiting. Don't spread the
flu! If you are sick with flu-like illness, see a medical professional immediately. Avoid
contact with those experiencing flu-like symptoms, and do not use other people's
phones, desks, offices, or other work tools and equipment.
How can I help my student be prepared if the flu does strike?
Create a “flu box” for them. Include a thermometer, Ibuprofen, 2 cans of chicken
noodle soup, Saltines, Gatorade or ginger ale, throat lozenges, tissues, and $40 in case
their roommate or a friend needs to refurbish supplies.
What other services are provided by Parsons Student Health Center?
Parsons Student Health Center is a small medical clinic located on the Centre College
campus. Parsons Student Health Center offers patient care on a walk-in basis on
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Thursday
from 7:30 a.m. to Noon. The student health center is staffed by a full time secretary, one
full time registered nurse (RN), one full time physician assistant (PA), and two medical
doctors. The medical doctors, Dr. Brian Ellis and Dr. Jonathan Clark, contract with the
college to provide 4 hours of direct patient care each week.
Common medications (prescription and over the counter), simple diagnostic tests, and
vaccinations are available at the student health center for a reasonable cost (at or near
cost), and there is no office visit fee. Payment may be made at the time of service or
applied to the student’s college account. Because of limited staffing, Parsons staff is
unable to bill insurance for these fees. However, if x-rays, lab studies, or other diagnostic
tests are ordered at an outside facility, the student’s insurance will be billed by that
facility. Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center (EMRMC) is the local hospital in
Danville, where students are sent when these types of tests are needed. Please check with
the student’s insurance plan to see if EMRMC is considered “in network”.
Allergy shots can be given at Parsons at no charge. Allergy shot patients should bring
their vials and dosage sheets when they come to campus or have them sent directly to
Parsons Student Health Center.
Travel Medicine services are coordinated by Parsons Student Health Center staff with
the Center for Global Citizenship office. Please visit the study abroad webpage to find
information on travel medicine services.
A women’s health clinic is offered once monthly and provided by the local health
department. Exams, contraceptives, testing for sexually transmitted infections, as well as
other services are available. This service is by appointment.
For emergencies, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center is located two blocks
from campus. Please visit for more information. Please reserve
emergency room visits for true emergencies.
Non-emergencies will seldom need attention outside of the designated health center
hours. However, there are three walk-in health care facilities in Danville:
49 Bluegrass Immediate Care located at 478 Whirl-A-Way Drive is open seven days a week
(859) 236-3208; Baptist Express Care is located in Wal-Mart and is open seven days a
week (859) 236-4224; and The Weekend Walk-in Clinic located at 109 Daniel Drive is
open on Saturdays and Sundays (859) 239-6522.Kentucky Travel
• Medicine
• University of Kentucky
• University of Louisville
Mental Health Counseling: What is available through Centre College?
Centre's Student Assistance Program includes professional services provided to Centre
students to assist students in being productive, successful, and well-adjusted young
adults. Counseling services are provided by two licensed mental health professionals,
whose offices are located at Parsons Student Health Center. These counselors are
available to see students experiencing such problems as stress and anxiety, depression,
substance abuse, relationship and family issues, eating disorders, sexuality issues,
transition to college, grief/loss issues, and any other adjustment issues. Services provided
include problem assessment, short-term counseling, referral to appropriate services,
including psychiatry and medical evaluation, education and training, and prevention.
Counseling to Centre students is free and confidential, and there is no session limit.
Appointments may be made by calling Kathy Miles, Director of Counseling, at (859)
238-5740, or emailing her at [email protected], or students may call Parsons
Student Health Center at (859) 238-5530. Flexible appointment times are available each
weekday so that they do not conflict with a student’s class schedule or athletic practices.
A campus counselor is always on call for afterhours emergencies. If a student has an
emergency outside of regular working hours, they may access a counselor by calling the
Department for Public Safety at (859) 236-4357, or (859) 238-5740 to hear the on-call
contact number on the Director of Counseling’s voice mail message.
Parsons medical staff members are available to prescribe some mental health
medications. Referrals for other mental health medications, psychiatric consults, and
psychological testing will be arranged with outside providers by members of the
Counseling Services staff. Any off-campus mental health services to students are the
financial responsibility of the student and parents.
Students are encouraged to have medications for ADHD prescribed and renewed by
their family physician.
Educational information on a variety of mental health and substance abuse topics is
available at Parsons, and on the Parsons website. Counseling Services staff members also
provide educational programs to student groups throughout the year on a variety of
mental health, substance abuse, and general wellness topics.
In addition, information is also available in the Wellness Library, and the Parsons Health
webpage Student Health 101—The Parent Perspective online newsletter.
How secure are the residence halls?
All residence halls remain locked at all times. Students must use their Centre ID cards to
gain access to any of the residence halls. If a student's ID card is lost or stolen, the
student should report it to the Department of Public Safety immediately, and the card
will be deactivated so that it can no longer be used to enter residence halls or obtain
meals on campus. Replacement ID cards are made in the Student Life Office located on
the second floor of the Campus Center, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. There is a
$25 charge for a replacement ID card. Students are encouraged to lock their doors when
they are gone and not to prop any exterior doors open.
What are the housing requirements of students at Centre College?
Because of the value Centre attaches to life in a residential community, students are
required to live in College residences and to purchase a meal plan for use in campus
dining facilities. Exceptions to the residency requirement are made for students to live at
home with their parents in or near Danville. Seniors wanting to live off-campus must
submit an application requesting to do so to the Director of Student Life and Housing
by the published deadline in the spring during the room selection process. Permission to
live off-campus may be granted by the Housing Office on a seniority basis depending
upon the number of applicants and vacant beds on campus. It is unlikely that anyone
other than a limited number of seniors will be granted permission to live off-campus.
Permission to live off-campus is granted on an annual basis and is not guaranteed from
year to year. Students who are granted permission to live off-campus must purchase a
meal plan. Married students are expected to arrange for their own off-campus housing.
Can first-year students have a car on campus?
Yes. All students are permitted to have a car on campus. Students must register their
vehicle online through the Department of Public Safety web page. They will then be
issued a decal indicating the lot(s) in which they are authorized to park. An annual $50
registration fee will be assessed to the student's bill.
Are Resident Assistants available to help students if needed?
Resident Assistants (RAs) are a select group of students who live in specific areas and
have primary responsibility there, under the direction of a Residence Director. They are
selected each year based upon application. Residence Directors (RDs) are experienced,
highly-regarded former Resident Assistants who live in and oversee specified residences
or groups of residences. The RAs act as educators, promoting the principles of
citizenship and leadership. They hold informational hall meetings, plan hall activities, and
are available to provide help to students if needed.
What kind of telephone service does Centre College provide in the residence
Centre provides one phone line per room, but the students must supply the phone.
Students will also be provided a local telephone directory, which outlines the state and
federal regulations governing telephone usage. Local service is provided by AT&T and is
free for students. Long distance service is no longer provided. Students living in Pearl
Hall, Wiseman Hall, and the Cheek Emeritus House only may rent a phone from the
51 College. Many students rely solely on their cellphone, and the College requires students
to share their cell phone number so that we always have a means to reach them.
What is Centre's visitation policy for the residence halls?
Visitation is defined as social visiting by members of the other gender in student rooms
by invitation of the resident(s). Either roommate may deny the privilege of visitation in
his/her room to any person. The housing of guests of the other gender overnight or
longer is a violation of college regulations. The purpose of this regulation is to protect
the privacy and rights of room and hall mates. Upon approval by the Residence Life
Staff and the Student Life Office, first-year students are granted visitation privileges after
the first three weeks of fall term. The maximum visitation hours for first-year students
during the remainder of the first term are:
Sunday - Thursday: 10 a.m. - 12:30 a.m.
Friday - Saturday: 10 a.m. - 2 a.m.
First-year students will be granted 24-hour visitation after the first term. Most buildings
have a specified area, such as a basement, living room, or lounge, which has 24-hour
visitation privileges as well as restroom facilities for members of the opposite sex. These
privileges can be rescinded by a majority vote of the residents or due to abuse of the
privilege or behavioral problems.
When do the residence halls close for campus breaks?
For Thanksgiving Break, the residence halls will close at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, November
23, 2010, and reopen at noon on Sunday, November 28, 2010. For the Holiday Break,
the residence halls will close at 8 p.m. on Friday, December 10, 2010, and reopen at
noon on Sunday, January 2, 2011. However, students may leave after their last final in
December. For Spring Break, the residence halls will close at 6 p.m. on Friday, March 18,
2011, and reopen at noon on Sunday, March 27, 2011. The Student Life Office will work
to accommodate students coming from a long distance who need to remain on campus
during these breaks.
When does my son or daughter have to move out after final exams?
The residence halls officially close for the summer at 6:00 p.m. on the day of the last
exam. Students should be moved out of their rooms by this time. Exceptions to this rule
include seniors and their Senior Week guests and any other students who will be
participating in the baccalaureate and/or commencement ceremonies. These students
will be allowed to remain in their rooms until 8:00 p.m. on the Sunday of
commencement. Students are not required to move out of their rooms over breaks.
What is Centre's alcohol policy?
The use of alcoholic beverages by students under 21 years of age and the use of illicit
drugs are prohibited on campus and at campus-sponsored events. The use of alcoholic
beverages by students is a matter of individual choice and involves the student's
acceptance of responsibility for whatever legal and personal consequences may ensue.
The College does not accept legal liability for student violations of the law.
Students who are clearly in a state of intoxication, or who represent a possible threat to
their own health and safety or to that of others, or who appear prone to disorderly
52 conduct, are subject to sanctions through the College's judicial system. In cases of
disorderly conduct or vandalism connected with the abuse of alcohol, the fact that the
offender had been drinking will not be treated as a mitigating circumstance in
determining sanctions. The Department of Public Safety and other College officials are
authorized to issue citations to those who are intoxicated in public.
Centre intends to send a “zero tolerance” message regarding illegal possession or misuse
of drugs, or knowingly being in the presence of those who possess or misuse drugs.
Students found to be in violation of this policy are subject to immediate administrative
Whenever the use, possession, or sale of alcohol would represent a potential legal liability
to the institution, the College is required to prohibit its availability. College officials
cannot serve alcohol to students in violation of the law, nor can alcohol be used in places
to which the public has ready access, such as athletic contests, in the dining hall, or in
other locations that the College may stipulate from time to time.
Specific guidelines are provided to students at the start of each fall term. Educational
programs about drug and alcohol abuse are presented during new student orientation
each year, and new students are required to complete an online alcohol education
program before arriving on campus.
Is Centre a safe campus?
The Department of Public Safety makes every effort to provide a safe and secure
environment for each student, faculty, staff and visitor to our campus. Public safety
officers are on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help ensure the safety of Centre
students. The officers are trained in various areas of general security and fire safety. They
do not limit their efforts to criminal activities, but will respond to any matter involving
the personal safety of someone within the Centre College community.
A campus-wide Emergency Response Plan is located at the public safety office. The
mission of the plan is to provide a coordinated, effective response in the event of a
natural or man-made disaster on or around the Centre College campus, to provide for
the health and safety of all affected individuals within the Centre community, to
minimize property damage, and to return Centre College to normal operating conditions
following such an emergency. Designated safe places and other pertinent information
regarding severe weather and other safety evacuation procedures are posted in all
campus buildings.
The Department of Public Safety has implemented a campus-wide emergency mass
notification system. In the event of an emergency, this system will simultaneously email,
call, and text all students, faculty, and staff with information concerning the emergency.
In order to receive this notification, students, faculty, and staff must sign up for the
service at the beginning of the academic year.
In addition to the mass notification system, the Department of Public Safety has
installed several large LED emergency notification signs on campus. These signs have a
flashing strobe light, emit an audible alarm, and provide scrolling text messages when
53 activated. These devices will only be activated in the event of an actual emergency where
further action is necessary.
There are emergency phones located throughout the campus, which automatically call
DPS. Also, DPS provides a 24-hour escort service for students on campus. An officer
will escort a student anywhere on campus at any time. They can be reached on campus
by dialing HELP (4357) or from off-campus at 236-HELP (4357) at any time.
The Department of Public Safety provides crime statistics annually on their web page as
mandated by federal law. For more information, visit the Department of Public Safety
Web site.
What is Centre's policy on hazing?
Centre College views any form of hazing as contrary to the mission and purpose of this
institution. No individual or group may haze another at any time including initiation into
any organization or at the time of affiliation with an organization. In accordance with the
Fraternity Executives Association, the National Interfraternity Conferences, and the
National Panhellenic Council, Centre College defines hazing as any act of behavior
whether physical, emotional, or psychological, which subjects a person, voluntarily or
involuntarily, to abuse, mistreatment, degradation, humiliation, harassment,
embarrassment, or intimidation, or which may in any fashion compromise her or his
inherent human dignity. At Centre, respect for the personal dignity of each student,
faculty, and staff member is crucial to our enterprise.
The Student Life Office is committed to appropriate personal, social, and intellectual
development of all Centre students and seeks to foster an environment that promotes a
positive collegiate experience. Hazing is viewed as detrimental and contradictory to these
objectives and will not be tolerated. Any member of the College community who
observes a hazing incident should report it immediately to a staff member in the Student
Life Office, the Director of Athletics, or the Department of Public Safety. Individuals or
groups found guilty of hazing are subject to penalties, which may be as severe as
expulsion from the College.
My child has been very involved with community service and leadership
throughout high school. Does Centre offer any programs where students can
continue this service?
Volunteerism is an important component of Centre's commitment to prepare students
for lives of learning, leadership, and service, and Centre offers a number of ways that
students can volunteer in Danville and the surrounding areas. CARE (Centre Action
Reaches Everyone) is Centre's umbrella volunteer service organization and serves as a
liaison between Centre's campus and the Danville/Boyle County area. Members of
CARE are responsible for coordinating a number of substantial projects including the
fall and spring blood drives, Read Across America Day, the Angel Tree project, and
Hunger and Homelessness Week.
Members of CARE are also responsible for recruiting and coordinating the volunteer
efforts of individual students at the numerous agencies in the Danville/Boyle County
area. Centre students serve the community by volunteering their time at the Humane
Society, the Recycling Center, Ephraim McDowell Hospital, local nursing homes, the
Salvation Army, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, the Housing Authority, the Rape Crisis
Center, the Hope Clinic, Sadie's Animal Rescue, and several afterschool programs.
Centre also has active chapters of Alpha Phi Omega, a co-ed service fraternity, and
Habitat for Humanity. Members of campus groups often participate in projects that are
important to their organization.
Are there activities available to fill out-of-classroom time?
There are many. Join a service organization, pre-professional society (such as pre-med or
pre-law), visual and performing arts group, religious group, publication staff, or political
club. Run for office in the Student Government Association. Or join a varsity athletic
team or intramural team. Centre offers activities for every interest.
Centre offers five fraternities for men and four sororities for women. The five
fraternities are Delta Kappa Epsilon (colony), Phi Delta Theta, Phi Kappa Tau, Sigma
Alpha Epsilon, and Sigma Chi. The four sororities are Alpha Delta Pi, Delta Delta Delta,
Kappa Alpha Theta, and Kappa Kappa Gamma. Greeks at Centre can be found helping
with campus events, volunteering in Danville and the surrounding communities, and
hosting great parties that are open to all students.
Centre offers many academic clubs and societies. For instance, the American Chemical
Society, Art Society, Chess Club, Cycling Club, Deutschklub, Economic Society,
Equestrian Club, French Society, Hispanic Society, Japanese Club, Law Society, NEST,
Optimist Club, Politics Society, Pre-Health Professions Society, Pre-Veterinary Society,
and Step Team are just a few of the many opportunities on campus.
Centre also offers academic honor societies, one of which, Phi Beta Kappa, is the only
chapter at a private school in Kentucky. In addition to Phi Beta Kappa, Centre has a
55 chapter of Omicron Delta Kappa, a leadership fraternity, and academic fraternities
delineated by major. These academic fraternities are: Beta Beta Beta (biology), Omicron
Delta Epsilon (economics), Phi Alpha Theta (history), Phi Sigma Iota (foreign language),
Pi Mu Epsilon (math), Pi Sigma Alpha (government), Psi Chi (psychology), Sigma Delta
Pi (Spanish), and Sigma Pi Sigma (physics).
Does Centre have a campus minister or any religious groups for students?
Rick Axtell is Centre's college chaplain as well as an associate professor of religion at the
College. He holds a B.A. degree from Mississippi College, and he earned an M.Div.
degree and a Ph.D. from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has also
completed advanced studies at the University of Notre Dame.
The Religious Life Office works to promote vital religious life and greater religious
understanding on campus. This office provides encouragement and coordination of the
work of campus religious groups. It strives to strengthen students' links to their own
religious traditions by facilitating local congregations' ministries to students as well as
enhance the College's mission to educate its students as morally and socially responsible
The Religious Life Office provides pastoral care and religious counseling for the campus
community and advises students considering religious vocations and divinity school
programs. In addition to speakers, worship services, dinners, and discussion groups, the
Religious Life Office sponsors events such as the Advent Service of Lessons and Carols,
Lenten observances, Passover Seder, and Baccalaureate. The College Chaplain offers a
Christian contemplative worship service every Sunday night in the sanctuary of the
Presbyterian Church adjacent to the campus.
Religious groups on campus include Baptist Campus Ministry, Centre Catholic
Community, Centre Christian Fellowship, CentreFaith (interfaith dialogue group),
CentrePeace (peace and justice group), Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Habitat for
Humanity, Muslim Student Association, Orthodox Christian Fellowship, and
Westminster Presbyterian Fellowship.
Fraternities have been a part of Centre College for over 155 years. Traditionally, they
have challenged students to achieve even greater heights intellectually, personally and
socially. The undergraduate members at Centre pride themselves on the individual
personality and nature of each fraternity on campus. The fraternity community offers a
rich and rewarding experience for their members. In addition, fraternities have
contributed substantially to campus life, community service, and the educational mission
of the College.
The strength and attractiveness of fraternities lie in their ability to develop innovative
approaches and to maintain effective programs that maximize the character of the
chapters and the community within the overall framework of the College. Although each
fraternity sponsors its own functions and possesses its own identity, all have many things
in common. They all seek to foster an environment where one can:
· Develop bonds of brotherhood
· Develop leadership and interpersonal skills
· Form lifetime friendships
· Work together with others in an atmosphere of teamwork
· Perform community service projects
· Program social functions for the student community
The underlying purpose of the College is education: to nurture intellectual curiosity, to
instruct in various disciplines, to encourage social and moral growth, and to provide an
atmosphere conducive to the pursuit of these goals. It is the responsibility of fraternities
to foster an atmosphere of learning, social responsibility, respect for human dignity, and
to provide positive influence and constructive development for members and
prospective members.
Sororities have been a part of Centre College for the last 30 years. Traditionally, they
have challenged students to achieve even greater heights intellectually, personally and
socially. The undergraduate members at Centre pride themselves on the individual
personality and nature of each sorority on campus. The sorority community offers a rich
and rewarding experience for their members. In addition, sororities have contributed
substantially to campus life, community service, and the educational mission of the
The strength and attractiveness of sororities lie in their ability to develop innovative
approaches and to maintain effective programs that maximize the character of the
chapters and the community within the overall framework of the College. Although each
sorority sponsors its own functions and possesses its own identity, all have many things
in common. They all seek to foster an environment where one can:
· Develop bonds of sisterhood
· Develop leadership and interpersonal skills
· Form lifetime friendships
· Work together with others in an atmosphere of teamwork
· Perform community service projects
· Program social functions for the student community
57 The underlying purpose of the College is education: to nurture intellectual curiosity, to
instruct in various disciplines, to encourage social and moral growth, and to provide an
atmosphere conducive to the pursuit of these goals. It is the responsibility of sororities
to foster an atmosphere of learning, social responsibility, respect for human dignity, and
to provide positive influence and constructive development for members and
prospective members.
Contact the Office of Greek Affairs
(859) 238-5479
Interfraternity Council (“IFC”)
The Interfraternity Council (IFC) is the governing body of the six fraternities on Centre’s
campus. The body is comprised of two delegates from each fraternity, and an executive
council. IFC provides an avenue for each fraternity to effectively communicate with each
other; for each organization to follow the same set of guidelines; to create, maintain, and
perpetuate better relations among men’s inter/nationally recognized fraternities on
campus; to provide a means of solving problems and injustices within the system itself;
and to establish and promote programs in keeping with the College’s purposes and
objectives. The IFC is dedicated to providing effective programming for the campus at
large. IFC can be seen working with the Panhellenic Council and Student Activities
Council to provide not only educational programming but non-alcoholic social
programming as well. IFC also works with unaffiliated men who are interested in going
through formal recruitment. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any of
the executive officers listed below. We look forward to working with your son while he
is here at Centre.
Member Organizations
ΔΚΕ – Delta Kappa Epsilon – “Deke” ΦΔΘ – Phi Delta Theta – “Phi Delt”
Founded at Centre in 1854 Founded at Centre in 1850
Re-founded at Centre 2010
ΦΚΤ – Phi Kappa Tau – “Phi Tau” ΣΑΕ – Sigma Alpha Epsilon – “SAE”
Founded at Centre in 1914 Founded at Centre in 1882
ΣΧ – Sigma Chi – “Sig” ΒΘΠ- Beta Theta Pi- “Beta”
Founded at Centre in 1876 Founded at Centre in 1848
Re-founded at Centre 2011 (associate member)
2012-2013 Officers of the Interfraternity Council
Alexander D. Hurley Connor Stubbs
President of the Interfraternity Council Executive Vice President
Campbell L. Bishop Nathaniel R. Deaton
58 Vice President of Risk Management and Chief Justice Vice President of Recruitment
Robert “Rollie” Graham
Vice President of Administration
Panhellenic Council
The Centre College Panhellenic Council is the governing body for the four sororities on
Centre’s campus. Comprised of an executive board and chapter delegates, the Council
promotes and organizes a wide variety of activities including, social and educational
programming, service projects, and academic recognition events. The Panhellenic
Council coordinates all aspects of sorority life by providing a means of communication
between sororities, the Greek community, as well as the Centre campus community at
large. Working to promote the values of service, scholarship, and sisterhood, the
Panhellenic Council provides leadership to the sorority community.
The Panhellenic Council works with the Interfraternity Council in guiding interfraternal
relations and assists students who are not a part of our Greek community that wish to
consider membership. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any of the
executive officers listed below. We look forward to meeting you and working with your
daughter as a fellow member of the Centre College community.
Member Organizations
ΑΔΠ – Alpha Delta Pi – “A-D-Pi” ΔΔΔ – Delta Delta Delta – “Tri Delta”
Founded at Centre in 2000 Founded at Centre in 1980
ΚΑΘ – Kappa Alpha Theta – “Theta” ΚΚΓ – Kappa Kappa Gamma – “Kappa”
Founded at Centre in 1980 Founded at Centre in 1980
2013 -2014 Officers of the Panhellenic Council
Sarah Cramer Jennifer Connor
President of the Panhellenic Council Vice President for Recruitment
Elaina Waters Leslie Hamilton
Executive Vice President Vice President of Chapter Development
Audrey Jenkins Caroline Anderegg
Vice President of Enrichment Vice President of Public Relations & Finance
Frequently Asked Questions
What do fraternities and sororities have to offer Centre College students?
The Greek community is comprised of ten (inter)nationally affiliated organizations.
Many students find that joining a fraternity or sorority provides them a family away from
home and a foundation upon which to build a new and exciting future. In addition, the
Greek community opens many doors by providing leadership, academic, athletic,
service, and interpersonal opportunities. The decision to join a fraternity or sorority is a
lifelong commitment to an organization built upon the best things college has to offer.
59 How does a student become involved with fraternities and sororities at Centre
Each semester, the Interfraternity and Panhellenic Councils sponsor a number of
organized recruitment events – opportunities for unaffiliated students to become
acquainted with fraternity & sorority life. During informal recruitment events,
unaffiliated students have the opportunity to meet the members of all of the fraternities
and sororities and decide which, if any, of the chapters best suit their needs. The
recruitment process is one of mutual selection in which fraternity and sorority members
invite individuals to be a part of their organizations, and likewise, potential members
select the chapters that are best suited for them. Fraternity and sorority recruitment
events are alcohol-free: that is, NO alcohol is allowed at any recruitment activity. Even if
students are unsure about joining the Greek community, recruitment offers a great
opportunity to meet new people! In order to be eligible for membership in a fraternity or
sorority, a student must be at least in their second semester at Centre College, with the
exception of transfer students with a post secondary grade point average. The formal
recruitment process – a structured time when both fraternities and sororities take a new
class of members – occurs during the first week of the Spring semester after Centre
Can fraternities and sororities help students achieve academically?
Greek-letter organizations were founded on the principle of academic achievement,
many of them having roots as literary societies. Scholastic success is likely when you
factor in help from fellow members, study sessions, workshops, and class scheduling
assistance. Each organization provides some form of scholastic assistance to its
members; tutoring, awards, and academic scholarships are just a few of the many
incentives used to challenge members to reach their highest academic potential.
Ultimately, the responsibility for
succeeding in the classroom is up to the individual student. But, with the broad range of
resources and incentives provided by the Greek community, students can better achieve
their academic potential.
What are the advantages of becoming affiliated with a fraternity or sorority?
Becoming a member of the Greek community will provide you with a number of
experiences that will help you prepare for not only a career, but also for life. These
advantages include developing leadership skills by chairing a committee or assuming an
executive board position; succeeding academically with the help of organized study
programs; increasing awareness and knowledge of a variety of topics such as alcohol
awareness, risk management, multiculturalism, and gender issues; and developing
enduring friendships and memories that last long after graduation. The following are but
a few areas in which you can benefit through participation:
At Centre College, the Greek community is committed to providing its members with
vast opportunities for leadership responsibilities. Each member is encouraged to actively
participate in chapter and campus-wide leadership roles. Greek members also develop
leadership skills through retreats, national conventions, programs offered through the
North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) such as the Undergraduate
Interfraternity Institute, and other resources available on campus, in addition to the
60 learning and self-discovery associated with holding a leadership position.
The Greek community strives for the development of academic excellence among all
members. All chapters at Centre College maintain GPA requirements for both
membership and for assuming leadership positions. Centre College reviews grade
performance each semester for Greek-affiliated and unaffiliated students. Studies over
the past several years have shown that there is virtually no difference in grade
performance between these groups. In fact, the all-Greek GPA is consistently
competitive, if not above, the all-College GPA. Obviously, individual differences can be
dramatic at times on both sides of the equation, but a fair and complete review has
shown that on average there is no statistical difference between these groups.
Community service and philanthropy work are an important aspect of fraternity and
sorority life. Chapters offer hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars each year to
fulfill their commitment to both the campus and the community. Funds raised and time
donated directly benefit local and national charitable organizations.
The Greek community provides a unique social life which blends events such as formal
dances, sports, theme parties, and brotherhood and sisterhood functions to encourage
the personal development of members through social contact. Each chapter develops its
own social calendar and is required to responsibly plan events that promote a full
spectrum of social activities for its members.
Greek organizations offer a special opportunity to become actively involved in athletics.
Greek organizations are active participants in the campus intramurals program, and
many chapter members are involved in varsity athletics as well.
Will Greek Life assist students as they begin their careers?
One of the tremendous assets of affiliation with a Greek letter organization is the
nationwide network of alumni/ae members of the organization. As a student prepares
for entry into the career world, alumni/ae members can assist in job placement through
their knowledge of where jobs are and who is hiring. In
addition, Greek Life will assist students in developing transferable skills that will be
needed in the career world, such as management, leadership development,
communications, and more.
Does it cost a lot to be Greek?
Joining a fraternity or a sorority does have a financial commitment. The chapters are
self-supporting through dues paid by their members. When students join a Greek-letter
organization, they also agree to pay dues and fees while in school to maintain
membership. Although chapters may make accommodations for special needs, students
should clearly assess their financial obligations before deciding to join. Each chapter has
different dues for membership that cover such things as chapter and (inter)national dues,
insurance premiums, dues to the campus governing council, social activities, resources,
61 and other miscellaneous costs.
Specific financial information for each organization is available during formal
What is the time commitment involved in belonging to a Greek letter
There is no minimum or maximum time that a student must donate to the fraternity or
sorority. However, if you commit to being Greek, then you should also commit to
regularly attending meetings and other activities. Most chapters typically have at least one
formal meeting per week and many other optional
activities. Through involvement with the organization, students will learn to better
manage their time by balancing academics, work, and other commitments.
Are Greeks really like the actors in Animal House or MTV’s Fraternity or Sorority
Many people have the misconception that the image of Greek organizations depicted in
Animal House, Fraternity Life, and Sorority Life is really what is happening on college
campuses across America. In reality, Animal House and Fraternity and Sorority Life portray
Greek organizations that have turned away from their original purposes and priorities.
These shows, while entertaining, do not portray Greek organizations that hold the
positive aspects and contributions of Greek Life, such as service, fundraising, leadership,
and education as their priorities. It is interesting to note that almost every organization
that has been featured on MTV has been suspended or closed because of their activities.
The (inter)national organizations, the College, and the campus governing councils
encourage responsibility in a number of ways, and hold organizations as well as
individual members accountable for unacceptable behavior.
What about hazing in Greek letter organizations?
Fraternities and sororities were founded on strong moral, social, and academic principles.
Hazing, or any activity which subjects members to harassment, intimidation, physical
exhaustion, or mental distress is entirely contrary to those founding principles. Each of
the (inter)national organizations as well as Centre
College policy forbid hazing in all student activities at the College. There is no tolerance
from any of these three entities for any activity that puts a student’s mental or physical
health or well-being in jeopardy. Occasionally, an individual or small group of
fraternity/sorority members make a poor choice and in these
cases the individuals and/or the organizations are held accountable.
What does being Greek really mean?
Membership in a Greek letter organization is for a lifetime. Choosing the Greek
community means working with a group of men or women who can exchange and stand
for common goals and ideals while being held to a higher standard than other college
students. The Greek experience during the college years is a gateway to many rewards
and connections later in life. Each of the ten chapters that comprise the Greek
community here develop a special bond often called brotherhood or sisterhood. Both
are nurtured through common work, laughter, service projects, intramurals, and the
shared successes, experiences, and frustrations of all. Throughout the student's life,
membership will be an unwritten bond of friendship no matter what course his/her life
62 takes.
AFFILIATE: a student who has accepted an invitation to membership from a chapter
BID: an invitation to join a fraternity or sorority
BROTHER: a term used by fraternity members when referring to one another
CHAPTER: local group of an (inter)national Greek organization
FRATERNITY: Greek organization for men or women
INITIATION: a ceremony that brings a student into lifetime membership of a
fraternity or sorority
(INTER)NATIONAL ORGANIZATION: the corporate entity to which each
chapter is affiliated
LEGACY: a potential member of a fraternity or sorority who is a
child/sibling/grandchild of a member of a fraternity or sorority
POTENTIAL MEMBER: man or woman going through the recruitment process
RECRUITMENT: mutual selection process in which fraternities and sororities gain
new members
RECRUITMENT GUIDE (RHO GAMMA): sorority member who has
disassociated from her chapter
to serve as an impartial counselor to potential members during recruitment
RITUAL: the (usually) secret purpose of a fraternity or sorority that was first written by
the organization’s founders; the ritual contains the system of values that denotes the
framework for the organization; fraternity & sorority rituals are usually shared during
special ceremonies such as initiation
SISTER: a term used by sorority members when referring to one another
SORORITY: name given to some women’s fraternities; the word was coined after many
women’s organizations were founded so many are still known and incorporated as
Greek Statistics:
44% of all American Presidents have been Greek
42% of U.S. Senators are Greek
23% of U.S. Congressmen/women are Greek
31% of all Supreme Justices have been Greek
50% of Fortune 500 Executives are Greek
10% of everyone listed in Who’s Who are Greek
yet Greeks represent only 3% of the population
College Relevance:
-Largest and most visible values-based organization on campus
-Most successful leadership development program for college students
-Largest network of volunteers in the United States
-Over 2.25 million service hours completed per year
By the Numbers:
-123 Fraternities and Sororities
-75 NIC Fraternities, 26 NPC Sororities
63 By the Numbers:
-123 Fraternities and Sororities
-75 NIC Fraternities, 26 NPC Sororities
-9 million total members
-300,000+ undergraduate members5,600+ chapters located on 800 campuses in the U.S. and Canada1
1 Information compiled from the College of Richmond Website: and from the
North-American Interfraternity Conference
In order to preserve and guarantee the students of Centre College those conditions
which are indispensable to the full achievement of the objectives of higher education in a
free democratic society, the student body of the College holds the following rights
essential to the complete development of the student as an individual and to the
fulfillment of his/her responsibilities as a citizen of that society:
ARTICLE I —The right to maintain democratic student government and to establish a
constitution and any other such regulations as may be deemed necessary and proper to
achieve that end.
ARTICLE II—The right to a fair and impartial hearing with the following inviolable
rights specifically guarded: (a) written notice of the charge forty-eight hours before the
hearing; (b) the right to present a defense; (c) the right to call and examine witnesses; (d)
the right to the assistance of an advisor chosen from students, faculty and administration
at Centre College; (e) the right to confront all testimony presented by the presenter of
the case; (f) the right to produce evidence on one’s own behalf; (g) the right to be free
from self-incrimination; (h) the right to be present at all proceedings of the judiciary,
except its private deliberations; and (i) the right to appeal within forty-eight hours
following a decision in all disciplinary matters.
ARTICLE III—The right to petition through proper channels for redress of
grievances, including changes in curriculum, faculty members, or grading systems.
ARTICLE IV—The right of students to a clear and concise statement, upon admission
to the College, of their contractual rights, obligations, and responsibilities pertaining to
education, extracurricular activities, and college housing.
ARTICLE V—The right of students and student organizations to use campus facilities,
provided the facilities are used for the purpose contracted, subject only to such
regulations as are required for scheduling meeting times and places and maintaining the
ARTICLE VI—The right of every student to exercise his/her full rights as a citizen in
forming and participating in campus, local, national, or international organizations for
intellectual, religious, social, political, economic, or cultural purposes, and to publish
and/or determine his/her views and those of his/her organization on campus.
ARTICLE VII—The right of students, individually, or in association with other
individuals, to engage freely in off-campus activities, exercising their rights as citizens of
community, state, and nation, provided they do not claim to represent the College.
The Centre Post Office window hours:
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
To send mail or packages to a student, use this format:
Student's Name
Centre College
600 West Walnut St.
Danville, KY 40422
Stamps are sold and packages may be mailed from the Campus Post Office. In addition
to all mail services, United Parcel Services (UPS), insured, and certified mail services are
also available.
All USPS, UPS, and FedEx packages are received daily at the Centre Post Office. Post
Office staff sign for each individual package, and students will sign for their packages
when they receive them. When your student receives a package, a package card will be
placed in their mailbox notifying them that they have a package waiting for them.
Florists may make deliveries to the Centre Post Office during normal operating hours.
Students are called to pick up these items. This service is not available on weekends or
Outgoing mail goes to the main post office at 3:30 p.m. Any mail received at the Centre
Post Office after 3:30 p.m. will be processed the following day.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Post Office Staff
Ann King — [email protected]
Suzetta Lynch — [email protected]
(859) 238-5472
Emergency Phone Numbers (Help Line)
On campus:
Off campus:
859-236-4357 (236-HELP)
Danville Police Department
On campus and local:
Off campus:
Campus Phone Numbers
College Switchboard
Dean of Students (Randy Hays)
Public Safety Office
Director of Public Safety (Gary Bugg)
859-238-5535 or
(Kevin Milby)
Director of Parent Programs (Mona Wyatt)
Director of Communications (Michael Strysick)
College Chaplain (Rick Axtell)
Director of Counseling (Kathy Miles)
On-Campus Emergency Response Procedures
• Upon discovering a potential emergency situation, as soon as feasible/practical,
call the campus help line (4357) from a safe location.
• Give the Centre Public Safety officer as much information as possible regarding
the emergency.
Contacting Students
If off-campus callers fail to get in touch with a student through normal channels, they
may call Public Safety at 859-236-4357. During an emergency, it is best to use the
telephone—only as needed. Overuse during an emergency can cause circuits to overload,
67 adding to the difficulty.
Forms of Emergency Communication
Updates to the Centre Web site are a primary source of off-campus information during
an emergency.
Other Forms of Communication
• Reverse 911—cell phone voice and text messages
• E-mail
• Sound and text display units in classrooms and public areas
• Portable bullhorns
• Campus TV station
• Phone trees (organized group calling)
Detailed Crisis Response Plan
In consultation and cooperation with local and state authorities, the College has
developed and maintains a detailed crisis response plan. In the event of an emergency,
information specific to that particular situation will be posted on the Centre Web site
and conveyed through a variety of additional communication channels.
The safety of every person using Centre College's facilities is a primary concern for the
Department of Public Safety. The department maintains a staff of two Directors and six
full-time Public Safety Officers. The Officers monitor the campus, respond to calls for
assistance, and are trained in fire safety. There is at least one officer on duty at all times.
It is the department's responsibility to make every reasonable effort to provide a safe
living and learning environment for our students, faculty and staff. Their efforts are not
limited to criminal activities but will respond to any matter involving the personal safety
of someone in the Centre College community. In addition, the department ensures that
the college is in compliance with safety and security related federal, state, and local laws.
Public Safety personnel do not have arrest powers. Their authority is established and
defined by the administrative officers of the College. The department also performs an
academic service and support role since observance of policies, rules, and regulations is
part of an overall educational experience.
Mission Statement
It is the mission of the Department of Public Safety to make every effort to provide a
safe and secure environment for each student, employee, and guest of Centre College.
We will strive to treat all persons equally with courtesy, consideration, and dignity.
How to Contact Public Safety
The Department of Public Safety can always be reached by calling ext. “HELP” (4357)
on the campus telephone system or 236-4357 from all other telephones. For confirmed
emergency situations that require the immediate assistance of police, fire, or EMS, the
Danville Public Safety Department can be reached by calling 9-911. Fax: 859-238-5534.
Office Locations
The Department of Public Safety's office is located on the 1st floor of the Walnut
Emergency Response
The College’s Crisis Communications Response Plan includes information about the
Crisis Response Team, emergency levels, incident command, emergency contacts, and
evacuation and lockdown plans. The College conducts numerous emergency response
exercises each year, such as table top exercises, field exercises, and tests of the emergency
notification systems on campus. These tests are designed to assess and evaluate the
emergency plans and capabilities of the institution.
DPS officers and Directors have received training in Incident Command and
Responding to Critical Incidents on Campus. When a serious incident occurs that causes
an immediate threat to the campus, the first responders to the scene are usually the DPS,
DPD and the Danville Fire Department, and they typically respond and work together to
manage the incident. Depending on the nature of the incident, other Centre departments
and other local or federal agencies could also be involved in responding to the incident.
General information about the emergency response and evacuation procedures for
69 Centre is publicized each year as part of the institution’s Clery Act compliance efforts
and that information is available on the DPS web site. All members of the Centre
Community are notified on an annual basis that they are required to notify the
Department of Public Safety of any situation or incident on campus that involves a
significant emergency or dangerous situation that may involve an immediate or ongoing
threat to the health and safety of students and/or employees on campus.
The Department of Public Safety has the responsibility of responding to, and
summoning the necessary resources, to mitigate, investigate, and document any situation
that may cause a significant emergency or dangerous situation. In addition, Public Safety
has a responsibility to respond to such incidents to determine if the situation does in
fact, pose a threat to the community. If that is the case, Federal Law requires that the
institution immediately notify the campus community or the appropriate segments of the
community that may be affected by the situation.
Notification to the Centre Community about an Immediate Threat
The Department of Public Safety receives incident information from various
offices/departments on campus. If DPS confirms that there is an emergency or
dangerous situation that poses an immediate threat to the health or safety of some or all
members of the Centre Community, DPS will collaborate with members of the Student
Life staff to determine the content of the message and will use some or all of the systems
described below to communicate the threat to the Centre Community or to the
appropriate segment of the community, if the threat is limited to a particular building or
segment of the population. DPS will without delay and taking into account the safety of
the community, determine the content of the notification and initiate the notification
system, unless issuing a notification will, in the judgment of the first responders
(including, but not limited to: DPS, DPD, and/or the Danville Fire Department),
compromise the efforts to assist a victim or to contain, respond to, or otherwise mitigate
the emergency.
In the event of a serious incident that poses an immediate threat to members of the
Centre community, the College has various systems in place for communicating
information quickly. Some or all of these methods of communication may be activated in
the event of an immediate threat to the Centre campus community. These methods of
communication include network emails, emergency text messages that can be sent to a
phone or PDA, and emergency notification boxes and electronic signs located in all
classrooms and major assembly areas of the College. The College will post updates
during a critical incident on the Centre web site at
Procedures for Testing Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures
An evacuation drill is coordinated by DPS each semester for all residential facilities on
campus. A second drill is coordinated for those buildings where it was determined that
the evacuation was not satisfactory. Students learn the locations of the emergency exits
in the buildings and are provided guidance about the direction they should travel when
exiting each facility for a short-term building evacuation. DPS does not tell residents in
advance about the designated locations for long-term evacuations because those
decisions are affected by time of day, location of the building being evacuated, the
availability of the various designated emergency gathering locations on campus, and
70 other factors such as the location and nature of the threat. In both cases, DPS and
Student Life staff on the scene will communicate information to students regarding the
developing situation or any evacuation status changes.
The purpose of evacuation drills is to prepare building occupants for an organized
evacuation in case of an emergency. At Centre, evacuation drills are used as a way to
educate and train occupants on issues specific to their building. During the drill,
occupants 'practice' drill procedures and familiarize themselves with the location of exits
and the sound of the fire alarm. In addition to educating the occupants of each building
about the evacuation procedures during the drills, the process also provides the College
an opportunity to test the operation of fire alarm system components.
Evacuation drills are monitored by the DPS and Student Life staff to evaluate egress and
behavioral patterns. Reports are prepared by participating departments which identify
deficient equipment so that repairs can be made immediately. Recommendations for
improvements are also submitted to the appropriate departments/offices for
consideration. Students receive information about evacuation procedures during their
first floor meetings.
Shelter-in-Place Procedures—What it Means to "Shelter-in-Place"
If an incident occurs and the buildings or areas around you become unstable, or if the air
outdoors becomes dangerous due to toxic or irritating substances, it is usually safer to
stay indoors, because leaving the area may expose you to that danger. Thus, to "shelterin-place" means to make a shelter of the building that you are in, and with a few
adjustments this location can be made even safer and more comfortable until it is safe to
go outside.
Basic “Shelter-in-Place” Guidance
If an incident occurs and the building you are in is not damaged, stay inside-seeking an
interior room-until you are told it is safe to come out. If your building is damaged, take
your personal belongings (purse, wallet, ID card, etc.) and follow the evacuation
procedures for your building (close your door, proceed to the nearest exit, and use the
stairs instead of the elevators). Once you have evacuated, seek shelter at the nearest
College building quickly. If police or fire department personnel are on the scene, follow
their directions.
Campus Fire Safety Annual Compliance Report
The Higher Education Opportunity Act (Public Law 110-315) became law in August,
2008, requiring all United States academic institutions to produce an annual fire safety
report outlining fire safety practices, standards, and all fire-related on-campus statistics
related to student housing. The following public disclosure report details all information
required by this law as it relates to Centre College.
On-Campus Housing Fire Safety Equipment
At Centre College, all of our large residence halls are protected by fire detection and
alarm systems. Of those, Pearl Hall, Breckinridge Hall, Ruby Cheek House, and
71 Wiseman Hall are centrally monitored 24 hours/day, seven days/week. These buildings
are also equipped with either emergency generators or lighting fixtures that incorporate
backup batteries; upon loss of power, these systems automatically activate to assure
adequate egress lighting in hallways and emergency exit stairwells. Carbon monoxide
detectors have been installed in all residence hall mechanical rooms where products of
combustion could occur. All fire safety systems and equipment are strictly maintained
and tested in accordance with applicable national standards.
Fire Safety Education, Training and Fire Drills
All on-campus residents (including those with special needs) receive fire safety training at
the beginning of each academic year. Training on fire and life safety is also provided to
all Residence Advisors, Residence Directors, and all First-Year students during
Orientation. Each resident is required to review and comply with the requirements
outlined in the Student Handbook which includes information on fire safety and what
appropriate action to take during a fire alarm or fire emergency. There is an emergency
evacuation map posted on each floor to direct occupants to exits.
Fire drills are conducted in all residence halls and fraternity/sorority houses two times
per year. Fraternity and sorority houses are located on Centre College property and must
follow the same procedures that apply to residence halls.
Fire safety inspections for every residence hall room are conducted during fall break.
Safety violations and/or fire hazards are noted and students found to be in violation are
notified. A re- inspection of those rooms found to be in violation is conducted over
Thanksgiving break. Students who have not made corrections are held responsible and
are fined for a safety violation and for their lack of compliance.
Specific Fire Prevention Related Policies and Programs Fire Safety Regulations
and Policies
Smoking is not allowed inside any student residential facility belonging to the College,
including individual rooms.
Electric appliances and other items such as, but not limited to, hotplates, George
Foreman type grills, toaster ovens, frying pans, waffle irons, portable heaters, microwave
ovens (over 700 watts), refrigerators (over 6 cubic feet), self-installed ceiling fans,
halogen lamps,five light floor lamps, candles, live Christmas trees, and air conditioners
may not be used in any residence hall room.
No more than one over stuffed chair or one sofa may be placed in any residence hall
Extension cords may be used on a limited basis but must be UL approved, heavy-duty
14-gauge wire, and may not be located under a bed or rug.
Motorcycles and bicycles may not be kept in the residence hall/house rooms, hallways,
stairwells, or in any other location that would interfere with fire exits from the building
or cause a safety hazard for others. Locked bicycle sheds are located at three locations on
72 All Christmas or other decorations must be fire proof and the lights UL approved and
must be taken down before students leave for break. Live Christmas trees are not
Candles, oil lamps, or other open-flamed items for decorations or for any other use are
Halogen lamps, five-light floor lamps, and incense are strictly prohibited.
Access to and from residence hall/house rooms (doors and windows) must be kept
clear. Clothing, trash, books, etc. must not be placed in such a manner as to inhibit easy
entrance to or exit from the room.
All carpet must be fire resistant.
Strategically located fire extinguishers must be used only in accordance with the
instructions listed on the side of each extinguisher.
Fires may be burned in outdoor grills only under the following conditions:
• When a specific person fills out in advance a registration form available from the
Department of Public Safety and takes responsibility for assuring safe conditions
and seeing that the registered fire is extinguished;
• When a fire extinguisher is kept nearby;
• At times prior to midnight.
A copy of regulations and procedures will be provided by the Department of Public
Safety to any person(s) requesting permission to build such fires.
The use or possession of fireworks anywhere on campus at any time is prohibited.
Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action.
Flammable materials may not be stored in any residence unit. Contact the Department of
Public Safety for authorized areas of storage. For further information concerning
storage, see the section on Residence Life in this Handbook.
Safety inspections for every residence hall room are conducted during fall break. Safety
violations and/or fire hazards are noted and those students found to be in violation are
notified. A re-inspection of those rooms found to be in violation is conducted during
Thanksgiving break. Students who have not made corrections are held responsible and
are fined for a safety violation and for their lack of compliance.
Please refer to the Standard Fines listing in this section of the Handbook for any of the
previously mentioned violations.
Vehicle Registration
All motorized vehicles must be registered when they are brought to campus. Owners will
73 be issued a decal indicating the lot(s) in which they are authorized to park. An annual $50
registration fee will be assessed to the student's bill. Temporary decals may be purchased
at the Department of Public Safety for $2 per week. For those students who do not live
in Centre College residences, a commuter decal must be purchased for $10. Visitor
permits are free of charge and may be obtained at the Public Safety Annex. Parking on
the streets surrounding the campus does not exempt students or faculty/staff from
registration and the acquisition of a decal.
On-line Vehicle Registration
Student, Faculty and Staff can now register their vehicles over the Internet. Click the
Centre Net link below to begin the registration process. Login with your user name and
password, click on the appropriate tab (ex: Student tab, Staff tab, or Faculty tab). Then
click on Vehicle Registration link.
Centre Net
Designated Parking Areas
Students with a current decal are authorized to park in the following areas: the lot on
Main St., west of Centre Shoppes; the lot at the corner of Grant and College streets; the
lots surrounding the Hillside units; the lots adjacent to Acheson-Caldwell, Cheek-Evans,
and Yerkes; the lot behind Bingham excluding the area designated for faculty/staff; the
designated lots on Beatty Ave; the lot behind the Wellness Center; and the southern
section of the lot to the south of LaMotte/Tyler. Students are allowed to park in
Faculty/Staff lots after 5pm until 7am during the week and during the weekend until
7am on Monday morning.
Students who live in college residences on St. Mildred's Court (Rodes, Fox Hall, 122) are
required to park in the lot behind 125 St. Mildred's Court.
Faculty/Staff with a current decal are authorized to park in the following areas: the lots
behind the Horky House and the Alumni House; designated sections of the Bingham
Lot; the lots behind and adjacent to the Breeze House; the northern section of the lot to
the south of LaMotte/Tyler; the lot behind Young Hall; the lot beside Boles Natatorium;
the lot behind the Norton Center/Grant Hall; and the area in the NE corner of Centre
Shoppes lot.
Parking Fines
No Decal Displayed $50
Fire Lane $50
Restricted Area $50
Yellow Zone $50
On the Grass $50
Handicapped Area $75
Parking Citation Appeals Procedures
In order to more consistently and efficiently address questions concerning parking
citations, the Department of Public Safety has established a written appeals process.
Appeals must be filed in writing within 7 business days from the date the citation was
74 issued. Click here to download the appeal form. Persons filing appeals will be notified by
campus mail regarding the outcome.
Booting Policy
If any member of the Centre community receives 3 parking tickets within the academic
year, she/he will receive a notice stating that if she/he parks in an unauthorized area
again, the vehicle will be immobilized with a portable boot device. Once a vehicle has
been booted, the owner will be notified and they must contact Public Safety to have the
boot removed. If the owner fails to have the boot removed within 24 hours, an
additional fee of $25 per day will be assessed. If the vehicle is once again parked illegally,
it will be ticketed and the owner's parking privileges will be rescinded for the remainder
of the academic year.
This section may answer a few of your questions about how some of the student
accounts work on campus. Your students will figure this out quickly, but here is some
info to help you better understand how it works.
NOTE: The student’s ID card provides access to three accounts, explained below.
They are: Centre Bucks, Flex $$, and a pre-determined student printing account.
The Centre Bucks account is a declining debit account that runs through the student ID
card, which can be swiped at any of the locations below. Money may be added to Centre
Bucks by going to the Finance Office (Mon.-Fri.) during regular office hours (8:30-4:30,
closed noon-1:00) and making a deposit using cash, check, or credit card; or a parent or
the student can call the Finance Office at 859-238-5452 (again during regular office
hours) and make a deposit over the phone using a credit card. American Express,
MasterCard, and Visa are accepted.
Students may add to their Centre Bucks if they run out at any time during the year, and if
they have Bucks left at the end of the year, that amount is carried over to the next
academic year. For complete information, go to
For 2013-2014, Centre Bucks can be spent at the following retail locations:
The Centre Bookstore
Papa Johns
The Hub
CVS Pharmacy
Off Centre Laundry & Tanning (*Centre Bucks may only be used for
tanning services).
On campus Centre Bucks can be used at:
Several of the on-campus laundry facilities
In about 20 campus Pepsi machine
Centre Document Services (CDS)
Printing/Copying in the library and other academic printing stations
Note: The on-campus dining facilities (Cowan, the Hall of Fame Café and the Everyday
Café) DO NOT accept Centre Bucks. Students may instead use the Flex $$ associated
with their meal plan.
76 Flex $$ are attached to the student’s meal plan and are under the control of our campus
food service, Sodexo. Both the meal plan and Flex $$ are accessed by using the student
ID card, (just as Centre Bucks and the student printing account are also accessed by
using the student ID card).
Flex $$ may be used at Cowan Dining Hall (when a student has used up their allotted
meals for the week under their plan), the Everyday Café, and the Hall of Fame Café.
Amounts for 2013-2014 are:
Carte Blanche $75
16 meal plan $320
13 meal plan
10 meal
A student may add to their Flex $$ account if they run out by simply taking a check
(made payable to “Sodexo”) or cash to Cowan Dining Hall. It will be added to their Flex
$$ account. Flex $$ carry over from fall semester to winter/spring term, but they do
NOT carry over from year to year. Most students find very creative ways to spend every
last penny if it appears they may have any left at the end of the year.
Network printing is available using shared printers located in the academic and
residential labs. Students may also connect a personal printer directly to their own
To control spiraling costs and discourage inappropriate and wasteful printing, student
printing is monitored on networked printers. Each student is allocated $33.00 by the
College in their printing account – the equivalent of 550 black and white printed pages
for the entire academic year. Half of the allocation ($16.50) is provided during Fall Term
and the remainder is made available in January for the rest of the academic year.
Students use their ID card to release a print job from any of the printing stations located
in the library or other campus academic computer labs. The student ID card may also
be used to make photocopies on any of the convenience printers that are available in the
library. There is a modest discount for duplex printing.
Once the annual printing allocation of $33.00 has run out, all further charges come from
the Centre Bucks account. Students may supplement their printing allocation if it runs
out by depositing funds into their Centre Bucks account (at the rate of $0.06 per B/W
page) at the Finance Office. Your student can also add a maximum of $6 to his/her
copying account at the Circulation Desk of Doherty Library with cash or check. NOTE:
For most students, the annual printing allocation of $33.00 usually will handle their
printing needs.
77 Students may also submit print requests to Centre Document Services (CDS) located in
the Campus Post Office. (There is a discount for duplexing two black and white pages
that reduces the cost to $0.10, as opposed to $.12 for single-sided printing). Students
may use their ID card and printing account at the CDS. Charges are applied to the
student’s printing allocation first; once there are insufficient funds in the printing
account, the system will then debit any remaining amount from Centre Bucks. In
addition to standard printing jobs, CDS can also print posters for the student’s dorm
room! (Only images without a copyright!). There is also a “plotter” that students and
faculty use to assist in making presentations that require larger-size materials. Students
will receive detailed information about CDS when they arrive on campus, as well as a
free coupon to use at the Center!
THERE IS ONE ATM MACHINE ON CAMPUS and it is located on the Main Street
end of the Campus Center. The ATM is through Community Trust Bank. Other ATMs
are located at Speedway and at the nearest banks, all within one or two blocks of
campus: Farmers National Bank at 3rd and Main Streets (next to the Centre bookstore),
Chase, PNC, Central Kentucky Federal Savings Bank, and Community Trust.
Our business office on campus is open from 8:30-4:30 (closed for lunch) and will cash
checks up to $100 for students.
NOTE: Farmers National Bank, on Main & Third St., will cash student checks for any amount as
long as a student has an ID. A listing of banks is included in this mailing.
Student assessments provide approximately 70% of the annual income required to
support the College operating budget. Other funding is provided by endowment income,
corporate, foundation, and government grants, and by contributions from alumni and
friends of the College.
2013-2014 Comprehensive Fee & Other Charges
The comprehensive fee is $45,100 and includes a double room and choice of meal plans.
Students choosing to live at home with parent(s) will be given a room credit and, if they
wish, a meal plan credit. Other students granted permission to live off-campus will
receive a room credit only, as they are required to participate in a meal plan.
There is a non-refundable surcharge for long-term residential study abroad programs,
and an additional charge for CentreTerm study abroad opportunities.
During the course of the year additional charges may be assessed for various
miscellaneous items such as library fines, parking fines, health service fees, and room
damages. Monthly statements will be sent to the student’s permanent address indicating
any additional charges assessed in the prior month, which are due upon receipt of the
statement. Additionally, there are course fees assessed for applied music courses and
certain art courses, as well as the student initiated $20 annual green fee. A $300 nonrefundable deposit will be expected in the Spring for those students who plan to return
for the Fall 2014 Term.
A single room occupancy charge is assessed for any academic term that a student does
not have a roommate unless the Dean of Student Life or Director of Student Life and
Housing informs the Finance Office that an exception should be made. The charge is
$900 for each fourteen-week term.
Payment Plans
Term Plan – The net charges for the Fall Term are to be paid in full by August 13, 2013.
The Spring Term net charges are due by December 21, 2013. There is no carrying fee
associated with this plan.
The TuitionPay Plan – This plan offers a 12, 11 or 10 month payment option. This
program is interest free with the first payments due on April 27, May 27 or June 27,
depending on which plan option is selected. Monthly payments are made to TuitionPay
based on the amount contracted. There is a $55.00 annual enrollment fee. Caution:
Contracting with TuitionPay for the incorrect amount of tuition and fees may result in
additional amounts being owed.
If a student withdraws from the College, a refund/reduction of charges will be made
based on the following schedule for the respective fourteen-week terms:
Fall Term
Spring Term
Percent Refund
79 Sept. 2–8
Feb. 5–Feb. 11
Sept. 9-15
Feb. 12-18
Sept. 16-22
Feb. 19-25
Sept. 23-29
Feb. 26-Mar. 4
Sept. 30 & After
Mar. 5 & After
Institutional and Kentucky financial aid credits may be adjusted as a result of any
decrease in charges based on the above table due to withdrawal from the College. If a
student violates the terms and conditions of the student housing contract or other
College regulations, and such violation results in disciplinary action which includes some
form of suspension or expulsion, this refund policy does not apply and the student will
be held liable for the full charges for that term. Recipients of federal and state financial
aid are subject to the federal “Return of Title IV Funds” policy, which mandates how
funds are to be refunded. A copy of this policy is available in the Finance Office.
Student billing statements are mailed to the student at his/her permanent address. If a
campus or alternate billing address is required, a form containing such information must
be completed by the student in the Registrar’s Office.
Interest will accrue at the rate of one and one-half percent a month on the unpaid
balance. This does not apply to those students who have contracted with TuitionPay and
are paying by the terms of the contract, unless the contracted amount is significantly
understated. A student’s account must be paid in full before any monies are accepted for
the next year’s CentreTerm trip deposits. Exceptions are any amounts contracted with
A student cannot receive official certifications, including transcripts and grades, from the
College if he/she is delinquent with any financial obligation to the College. Additionally,
a student will not be permitted to participate in any pre-registration activities if there are
unpaid balances owed to the College. If an unpaid balance remains after the student has
graduated or withdrawn, the student will be responsible for all attorney fees and other
reasonable collection costs and charges necessary for the collection of the unpaid
Normally, the comprehensive fee is assessed for all regular, degree-candidate students,
including students permitted by the Associate Dean and the Dean of Student Life to
drop to part-time status. (See the “Classification of Students” section under “Academic
Services and Policies” for restrictions on part-time enrollment). An appropriate part-time
tuition rate is assessed for part-time students (fewer than 12 credit hours in the long
term) only under the following circumstances:
• For special students (non-degree candidates);
80 •
For regular, degree candidates enrolled for a ninth long term or longer
following eight long terms of full-time enrollment; and
For non-traditional, degree candidates who cannot enroll full-time due to
family or work obligations. For the purpose of this policy, “nontraditional” is defined as students 24 years or older not living on campus
or with parents/guardians.
NOTE: Part-time students are ineligible for, or face restrictions on, certain types of
financial aid and loans, including Centre aid and awards. Students should consult the
Financial Aid Office before enrolling part-time.
Enrollment of readmitted students and of students returning from a leave of absence is
subject to clearance from the Finance Office to make certain that the student has no
outstanding financial obligations to the College. In addition, the payment of a $300 nonrefundable deposit is to be made to the Finance Office.
Personal checks are accepted on campus and Visa, MasterCard and American Express
are accepted in the Bookstore and the Finance Office. There is a $25 charge for all
returned checks. Personal checks up to $100 may be cashed at the Finance Office by
showing a current student ID card. The cashier’s window is open from 8:30am – Noon
and from 1:00pm - 4:30pm, Monday - Friday.
An elective tuition refund plan is available through A.W.G. Dewar, Inc. This insurance
plan provides tuition protection should a medical problem force a withdrawal during a
semester. Information from the company is provided prior to the start of the academic
year. As this plan is being independently offered and administered, please read their
materials carefully before electing enrollment to be certain you understand the coverage
and terms.
An elective health insurance plan is available through an independent company. For
more information visit the Parsons Student Health Center web-page.
Students are responsible for the individual or family insurance coverage of personal
belongings and automobiles brought to the campus. Centre College will not assume any
liability for accidental loss or damage incurred.
Financial Aid
Need-based financial aid is awarded to every student who demonstrates financial need
and who meets Centre’s application deadline (January 31st for the following academic
year). The Financial Aid Office, through an analysis of each applicant’s family financial
circumstances determines financial need. The analysis determines what funds are
reasonably available from the family to pay for a college education. It is likely that a
student’s aid will change from year to year because Centre’s charges may change and/or
the family’s ability to contribute may change. Some factors that affect the family’s ability
to contribute are: salary increases/decreases or siblings begin, or graduate from, college.
Each student must maintain satisfactory academic progress to be eligible for continued
financial aid.
81 Students receiving Federal Pell grants and/or state KTG and CAP grants must enroll in
a minimum of 12 hours per fourteen-week term to retain the maximum award.
Performing Arts and Language Award recipients, and Legacy recipients must enroll fulltime.
A financial aid package may contain grant, loan and/or campus job components. A grant
is gift money to the student; and the remaining self-help portion of aid is money
borrowed or earned by the student (loan(s) and/or campus job). Please remember that
the College will not replace the self-help portion of aid should a student choose not to
take a loan or work the necessary number of hours in a campus job. A work-study
placement contract is emailed to the students who qualify in early spring. Students are
paid monthly by check for hours worked the previous month. For more information
about financial aid, including work-study, contact the Financial Aid Office.
Federal regulations required that all students who received any federal or state financial
assistance make satisfactory academic progress toward a degree at Centre College.
Satisfactory Academic Progress will be required for the following types of financial aid:
Federal Pell Grants, Federal Supplemental Educational opportunity Grants, KHEAA
State Grants, Federal Work-Study, Federal Perkins Loans, Federal Stafford loans,
Federal PLUS Loans, other aid involving Title IV funds, or any other aid for which
satisfactory progress is a requirement. These policies apply only to eligibility to receive
financial aid and not to academic status. The satisfactory academic progress of students
will be monitored at the end of each spring semester.
Recipients of Centre College endowment funds – other than merit scholarships – must
meet the Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress below. However, these funds will
only be awarded for a maximum of ten (10) long terms.
Satisfactory Academic Progress is measured in three ways:
• Students must progress qualitatively by earning the required grade point average.
• Students must progress quantitatively by completing the required minimum
number of credits each year (Pace).
• Students must complete their program of study within a reasonable time period.
Merit Scholarships
Merit scholarships are awarded to incoming students based on their academic and
leadership achievement, regardless of the family’s financial circumstances. A scholarship
recipient may also be eligible for additional need-based financial aid. The Associate Dean
of the College has been designated counselor for merit scholarship recipients and is
available to answer further questions. In particular, merit scholarship recipients must
maintain a minimum grade point average to retain their scholarship. Information on
minimum requirements is available from the Associate Dean’s Office. Such requirements
are communicated to the student in the original scholarship notification in the spring of
the student’s high school senior year. Scholarship recipients must enroll full-time and
must live on campus unless living at home with their parents in the local area.
Exceptions may be made by the Dean of Student Life. Loss of a merit scholarship for
82 failing to meet the minimum grade point average is not automatic; students in this
situation will be permitted to petition the Academic Standards Committee for exception
based on credible reasons.
Centre students that do any type of work on campus (aid or non-aid) will be paid on the
Centre College student payroll. Student payroll is generated once per month based on
the timecards submitted by the student workers (usually on the 10th of each month). In
order for any employer operating in the U.S. to legally employ and pay employees, it
must first require new employee(s) to show proof that he or she is eligible to work in the
U.S. by completing a Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification issued by the
Department of Homeland Security’s U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services branch.
With the completion of the I-9 form, the new employee must show a legal, unexpired
document that establishes identity AND employment authorization. There are
documents listed on the back of the I-9 that establish both identity and employment
authorization (List A), documents that only establish identity (List B) and documents
that only establish employment authorization (List C). The Centre College Human
Resources office will require each student and employee to complete the I-9 form and
show the proper documentation before the student can be paid.
Please make sure your Centre student has the acceptable documents before coming to
campus. Many students don’t intend to work, but then sign up to work an athletic event
or Norton Center show, do some tutoring or some other type of work just to have extra
cash. More often than not, then, when the student comes to the Human Resources
office to complete the employment paperwork, he or she does not have all the proper
documents to establish his/her identity and/or employment authorization.
A copy of the I-9 form is enclosed for your review along with the lists of acceptable
Along with the I-9 form, your Centre student will be asked to complete a Federal W-4
form and a State K-4 form (tax withholding forms). You may want to discuss with them
how they complete the form before they get to the Human Resources office. Please also
note that all students are eligible to have their pay direct-deposited into the checking or
savings account of their choice. We strongly encourage all student workers to enroll in
direct deposit, not only for reasons of convenience but also to eliminate the risk of their
live check being lost or stolen. Centre students may enroll in direct deposit via
CentreNet or by stopping by the Human Resources office with their bank routing
number and account number.
If you have any questions regarding the above information, please contact the Centre
College Human Resources Department at (859) 238-5464.
Can you explain Centre's academic calendar?
Centre operates on a 4-1-4 academic year, with two 14-week terms (Fall and Spring) and
a three-week term in January. During the two long terms, students normally take four
courses. During the CentreTerm in January, students take one course. There are usually
5-6 study abroad opportunities during this term. It is also a great time to do an
internship or externship.
Will my child be given an academic advisor?
Yes. Each student has a general advisor during the freshman and sophomore years,
usually matched by interests, and then is assigned an advisor in a specific academic
discipline once a major has been selected during the spring term of the sophomore year.
What resources are available for my student who is having trouble selecting a
major or a career?
Career Services works with students from the moment they arrive on campus freshman
year. They assist with choosing a major, gaining career-related skills, acquiring relevant
experience, and facilitating the graduate school or job search process. Students are
assigned to a career counselor, with whom they meet once per term. The career
counselor can help a student relate interests to majors and, ultimately, to careers. They
will help a student understand which skills may be needed in the workplace and how to
develop these skills while in college.
Students also work closely with their academic advisors to determine appropriate major
choices given students' career interests and academic performance in particular courses.
Through discussions occurring over two years, advisors are able to help students make
choices in their studies, internships, and other interests to help guide students toward a
good academic major fit.
How does Centre handle midterm grades?
In the long terms (Fall and Spring Terms), midterm grade reports (if reported by the
instructor) are reported to the student online through CentreNet. Midterm grades are
only given if a student is receiving a grade of D or U at the mid-point of the term.
How do students receive their grade reports after each semester?
End-of-term grade reports are available to students via the Internet approximately five
days after the last final exam. Grades are not mailed to students unless specifically
requested in writing. Student grades are available on-line approximately five days
following final exams IF the student completes all course evaluations. Grades are
withheld for two weeks for students who do not complete course evaluations.
Will a copy of my child's grades be mailed to my home?
The Family Educational Right to Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) provides that an
educational institution will maintain the confidentiality of student education records.
Therefore, end-of-term grade reports will be mailed to parents ONLY at the written
request of the student or if the parents submit a request in writing accompanied by a tax
return or other official document, which verifies the student's status as a dependent. If a
85 student wishes to have a copy of grade reports sent to another individual or
organization, he/she should contact the Office of the Registrar directly. Click here for
more information regarding the FERPA laws.
Is there a minimum GPA that students must maintain?
A student who, at the end of any long term, has a cumulative GPA less than the
following will be placed on probation: 1 long term (1.65), 2 long terms (1.75), 3 long
terms (1.85), four long terms (1.93), five long terms (1.97), six or more (2.0).
Is assistance provided to students with learning disabilities?
Yes. All incoming students are invited to register documentation of a physical or learning
disability. Applicants indicating the need for special services are encouraged to contact
the Student Life Office and the Assistant Dean for Advising immediately upon
acceptance to make timely provision of needed services possible. Arrangements for
services, equipment, modification of course material, classroom and housing
assignments, and other reasonable accommodations may require several weeks advance
Will the college notify my hometown newspaper that my son or daughter made
the Dean's List, and how does my child make the Dean's List?
Yes. The Communications Office routinely sends news about students to their
hometown papers. They also welcome any suggestions for feature stories about students,
faculty, or activities at Centre. The Dean's List is published twice yearly, for the Fall
Term and then again for the CentreTerm and Spring Term combined. The student must
attain a 3.600 GPA in the terms being evaluated and have completed at least eight credit
hours of letter graded course work in the long term.
Who maintains student records and coordinates course scheduling and advising?
The Office of the Registrar maintains permanent student records, including the
recording of grades on the student's academic transcript. They also coordinate all
activities associated with course registration. Students may come to the office to add or
drop classes, receive permission to transfer courses, have their enrollment verified for
various organizations such as insurance companies and financial aid entities, and have
their academic record (transcript) sent to graduate and professional schools, employers,
references, etc.
Who should my student contact to update contact information?
The Office of the Registrar maintains most biographical data on students. All address
changes, including parent address changes, should be reported to the Office of the
Can students study abroad more than once during their time at Centre?
Yes. Students may only study abroad once during a long term (Fall or Spring), but they
may take as many CentreTerm trips as they would like, starting after the freshman year.
Normally, first-year students are not permitted to study abroad. Students may also take
advantage of the three-week summer program offered in Strasbourg, France, or one of
the many programs sponsored by the Kentucky Institute for International Studies. In
addition, students may apply to an exchange program with a major university in
86 Northern Ireland or to with the University of Lleida in Spain.
How much does it cost for a student to study abroad?
The cost to study abroad during a long term is essentially the same as on the Danville
campus. In addition to the regular cost of a long term, which covers housing and meals,
students must pay their airfare and a $350 surcharge. Students must also pay for any
other traveling they decide to do while abroad. CentreTerm trips generally cost between
$2,300-$3,900, and students are responsible for the entire amount.
How does my student get a transcript to send to graduate schools?
Transcript orders may be placed in person, by mail, by fax, and by phone to the
Registrar's Office. The office phone number is (859) 238-5360, and the office fax
number is (859) 238-6226. If ordering by mail or fax, your student will need to complete
a transcript request form, which is available on the Registrar's web site.
There is no charge for normal transcript services, and orders are usually filled within
three working days. For urgent requests, or for electronic transcripts, the student should
contact the Registrar's Office directly. By College policy, no transcript is sent if the
student has an outstanding financial obligation to the college.
Where can my student and I get more information on Commencement?
A complete schedule of events for Commencement Weekend can be found at least three
months prior to Commencement here.
Centre College is a small, independent, and selective educational community dedicated to
study in the liberal arts as a means to develop the intellectual, personal, and moral
potential of its students. Centre nurtures in its students the ability to think logically and
critically, to work creatively, to analyze and compare values, and to write and speak with
clarity and grace. It acquaints students with the range of accomplishments of the human
mind and spirit in a variety of arts and theoretical disciplines. It enables students to
choose and fulfill significant responsibilities in society. In short, Centre’s highest priority
is to prepare its students for lives of learning, leadership, and service.
Academic Expectations
A high standard of academic honesty is expected of students in all phases of academic
work and College life. Academic dishonesty in any form is a fundamental offense against
the integrity of the entire academic community and is always a threat to the standards of
the College and to the standing of every student. In taking tests and examinations, doing
homework and laboratory work, and writing papers, students are expected to perform
with honor. In any written exercise for College courses, students will be held responsible
for knowing the difference between proper and improper use of source materials. The
improper use of source materials is plagiarism, and, along with other breaches of
academic integrity, is subject to disciplinary action.
Each case of academic dishonesty, no matter how minor the infraction, must be reported
to the Associate Dean of the College before a grade is determined. Students should
consult the Student Handbook for a full description of breaches of academic integrity
subject to disciplinary action.
Major Course Requirements
Students are classified as “Undecided” until declaring a major during the second term of
the sophomore year. New students are paired with advisors based on information
provided on an “Advising Survey” completed by most students during the summer
before starting at Centre or other information that indicates possible subject or career
interests. Efforts are made to match students with a faculty member in the area of
interest, although it is common for students to eventually declare a major in another
subject. Students often develop a fondness for subjects outside of their initial focus –
which is, after all, one purpose of our general education requirements.
Graduation Requirements
The College offers two degrees: Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science. The general
education requirements of the degrees are identical. Students are responsible for making
sure that they have fulfilled all degree requirements prior to their intended graduation
The Bachelor of Arts degree is awarded under all major programs. Students majoring in
any program in the Division of Science and Mathematics may elect to receive either the
degree of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science. Under certain conditions, students
majoring in economics or financial economics may also elect to receive the Bachelor of
Science degree.
88 To graduate, students must earn/acquire:
1. 2.000 or higher cumulative grade point average.
2. Presentation of 110 credit hours successfully completed, subject to the following
A. No more than 42 credit hours in any one discipline. (An exception is made for
elementary education majors, who may apply 48 hours of EDU course work
toward their degree requirements.)
B. A minimum of 42 credit hours taken at Centre, including 23 of the last 30
hours applied toward the degree.
3. Basic competency in expository writing, foreign language, and mathematics.
4. In addition to demonstrating basic competency in foreign language and mathematics,
at least one additional course above the basic competency level in foreign language
(courses numbered 210 or higher) or mathematics (courses numbered 130 or higher), or
a computer science course numbered 117 or higher.
5. Completion of specified general education requirements as follows:
A. A First-Year Studies course taken in the CentreTerm of the first year.
B. Humanities Division: HUM 110 or 111 and HUM 120 or 121
C. Social Studies Division: One of HIS 110, HIS 120, HIS 230, HIS 240; One
of ANT 110, ANT 120, ECO 110, POL 120, POL 130, SOC 110
D. Science Division:One of BIO 110, NSC 120, PSY 110, or BIO 210 (if taken
fall term 2012 or later) (life science); One of CHE 117, 131, CHE 135, NSC 110, NSC
140, PHY 110, (physical science)
E. Completion of two courses in fundamental questions: 1. REL 110 or
REL 150*
2.REL 110 or REL 150 if not used above, or one of PHI 110, PHI 140, PHI 160,
PHI 170, PHI 210, PHI 220, REL 120, REL 130, REL 140
*REL 120 may fulfill this requirement for students entering prior to Fall Term
6. Completion of a major program.
7. Submission of formal application for the degree.
8. Approval of the faculty and of the Board of Trustees.
Course Credit and Course Load
All candidates for a degree are required to register for a minimum of 12 credit hours per
long term unless excused by the Associate Dean of the College, and the Dean of
Students for students living on campus. All students take one course during the
CentreTerm (three credit hours). In the long terms, students wishing to enroll for more
than 16 credit hours must obtain permission from the Associate Dean.
89 Final Examinations
A final examination or assessment is expected in every course. Where appropriate, an
instructor may substitute a term paper or other requirement for the final examination. A
student absent without excuse from a final examination will receive a failing grade in the
course. Excuses from final examinations may be granted only by the Associate Dean and
only in extremely rare cases of illness or a death in the immediate family.
Faculty members may reschedule the times of their final examinations only with the
permission of the Associate Dean, and only with the concurrence of every student in the
course. To prevent subsequent misunderstandings, instructors should obtain the
concurrence of students to such a change in a written and signed statement. An
instructor may reschedule a final examination for an individual student only with the
permission of the Associate Dean, and only in extremely rare and compelling cases.
Grading System
The following grading system applies to all students matriculating at Centre.
A 4.000
A- 3.670
B+ 3.330
B 3.000
B- 2.670
C+ 2.330
C 2.000
C- 1.670
D 1.000
U 0.000
WU 0.000 Withdrew Unsatisfactory
P: A passing mark awarded for work at the C- level or above in courses offered or taken
on a pass/unsatisfactory basis.
WP: Withdrew Passing
I: Incomplete
W: Withdrew
AU: Audit
NC: No Credit (Internships only)
90 *Not used in computing the grade point average (the total of grade points earned divided by the number
of quality points attempted).
A grade of “I” (Incomplete) is awarded only when the student is unable to complete the
course for unavoidable cause such as illness, death in the family, or accident. Incomplete
grades must be approved by the Associate Dean before the end of the academic term.
The “I” automatically becomes a “U” unless a final grade is turned in within 30 days
after the end of the term or unless a further extension is granted by the Academic
Standards Committee on the written request of the instructor.
Members of the faculty may not, except by action of the Academic Standards
Committee, change a final grade after it has been filed with the Registrar. Grade changes
based on clerical errors may be approved by the Associate Dean and reported to the
Academic Standards Committee if they are reported within six months from when the
original grade was submitted.
End-of-term grade reports are available to students via Centrenet approximately five
days after the last final exam. Students who do not complete all required online course
evaluations will not be able to access their grades for an additional fifteen days. Grades
are not mailed to students unless specifically requested in writing. In the long terms (fall
and spring terms), midterm grades of D or U (if reported by the instructor) are also
reported to the student via Centrenet.
Confidentiality of Student Records
The transcript and other student records are confidential to the College and the student.
They will be made available to unauthorized persons only with the consent of the
student, under legal compulsion, or in cases where the safety of persons or property is
involved. Centre’s complete policies on confidentiality of student records are listed in the
Centre Student Handbook.
Academic Probation and Suspension
A student who at the end of any long term has a cumulative grade point average less
than those listed below is placed on academic probation.
1 long term: 1.650 grade average
2 long terms: 1.750 grade average
3 long terms: 1.850 grade average
4 long terms: 1.930 grade average
5 long terms: 1.970 grade average
6 or more long terms: 2.00 grade average
A student who at the end of any long term has a term grade point average below a 1.500
is placed on academic probation regardless of the student’s cumulative grade point
When a student goes on academic probation, he or she will be required to meet with the
Assistant Dean for Advising. The Assistant Dean for Advising will determine the needs
of the particular student after an interview and testing as needed and will supervise the
91 student’s progress in consultation with the advisor and instructors. The Assistant Dean
for Advising will provide the Academic Standards Committee with information about
the progress or lack of progress of the students on probation.
Students placed on academic probation under No. 1 under “Academic Probation” must
raise their cumulative grade point average to the required level within a year (two long
terms and one CentreTerm). Students who fail to meet this requirement are subject to
suspension. In addition, during the probationary period, students other than first-years
must earn term grade averages of at least a 2.000 to avoid academic suspension. Firstyears are reviewed term by term and may be suspended during the probationary period if
they are not making satisfactory progress toward their cumulative grade point average
Students placed on academic probation under No. 2 under “Academic Probation”
remain on probation if they continue to earn term averages below 1.500. They will be
suspended if their cumulative grade point average falls below the levels set under
“Academic Probation” No. 1.
Sophomores, juniors, and seniors who earn a term average below 1.000 will be
suspended, without benefit of the probationary period. First-years who earn a term
average below 1.000 will be subject to suspension.
Leave of Absence
A student in good standing may request a leave of absence from the College for a
specified reason and for a specified academic term or terms (up to one year maximum)
by petition to the Associate Dean of the College. The request for a leave of absence
should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the leave period.
Students on leave must relinquish their student ID card at the Registrar's Office and are
denied access to campus housing and other facilities at the College. Failure to follow
these instructions will result in the student's withdrawal from the College. Normally,
readmission to the College is automatic at the end of the leave period, except in the case
of students who enroll at another college or university during their leave. Such students
must submit official transcripts with satisfactory grades and a “Statement of Eligibility to
Continue or Return” form completed by an appropriate official at the host institution
before they can enroll at the College (see “Application for Readmission” form on the
Registrar's webpage). Students taking courses elsewhere while on leave of absence should
have their courses approved for transfer in advance.
Withdrawal Policy
Any student deciding to withdraw from the College must complete an official withdrawal
form and relinquish his or her student ID card in the Registrar's Office. Failure to do so
will result in a $25 withdrawal processing fee. Students who withdraw voluntarily sever
their connection with the College and are denied access to campus housing and other
facilities at the College. If the student withdraws from the College after the deadline to
drop a course without an entry on the permanent record, the student's instructors will be
required to report a “WP” or “WU” and an entry will be made on the student's record
accordingly. Withdrawals from the College are not permitted during the final
examination period. Any student not enrolled in successive terms, other than the
92 summer term, is considered withdrawn from the College unless granted a leave of
absence by the Associate Dean.
Medical Withdrawal from the College
Students who must withdraw for medical reasons must submit a timely written request
to the Associate Dean. Requests should be submitted at the time the student intends to
stop attending classes. A letter must accompany the request from the College physician,
College counselor, or other appropriate medical professional supporting the student's
request. The letter should provide sufficient detail regarding the student's diagnosis,
current condition, and treatment requirements. If the medical withdrawal is granted by
the Associate Dean, the student will receive grade of “W” in each of his or her current
classes. NOTE: Normally, partial medical withdrawals are not permitted (medical
withdrawal from one or two courses while the student is permitted to continue in other
The Dean’s List is publicized twice yearly, in the CentreTerm for courses completed
the preceding fall term and at the beginning of the fall term for courses completed in the
preceding Centre and spring terms. The Dean’s List includes all full-time degree
candidate students who have attained a 3.600 grade point average or higher in the terms
being evaluated. Students must complete eight hours of regularly graded course work in
the long term to be eligible for the Dean’s List.
Graduation with Honors. A student who attains a cumulative grade point average of
3.900 or higher shall be graduated summa cum laude. A student who attains a cumulative
grade point average of 3.700-3.899 shall be graduated magna cum laude, and students
with a cumulative average of 3.500 to 3.699 shall be graduated cum laude. Transfer
students’ transfer grades and junior-year-abroad students’ junior-year-abroad grades will
be counted when determining eligibility for graduation with honors. Grades earned in
summer school elsewhere will not be counted when determining eligibility for graduation
with honors.
John C. Young Scholars Program is a senior honors program that enables selected
students to engage in independent study and research. John C. Young Scholars present
their results at a public symposium, and their papers are published in journal form by the
Junior Marshals. The distinction of junior marshal is awarded to the 19 members of the
junior class with the highest academic standing in their class. Eligible students must have
completed a minimum of forty-two credit hours in residence at the College. The
president of the Student Government Association serves as junior marshal ex officio.
Junior marshals participate in Commencement exercises and other College ceremonies.
Other Honors. Descriptions of other prizes and awards for students may be found
under the “College Directory” section of this catalog.
Study Abroad Programs
We consider living and studying in a foreign culture to be an integral part of a liberal arts
93 education, and study abroad has become one of the hallmarks of a Centre education. In
the past few years, about 85% of Centre graduates have studied abroad at least once
during their college careers, making Centre one of three colleges or universities in the
nation where international study is so pervasive and important.
Residential Programs
Centre offers a number of different opportunities for off-campus study. Centre-inLondon, Centre-in-England (at the University of Reading), and Centre-in-Glasgow are
residential programs in the U.K. Centre-in-Strasbourg, Centre-in-the-Yucatan, and
Centre-in-Shanghai are Centre's residential programs based in France, Mexico, and
China. Three exchange programs bring foreign students to our campus as well as
allowing Centre students to study for a semester or more at Yamaguchi Prefectural
University in Japan; at one of five universities in Northern Ireland; or at the University
of Lleida near Barcelona in Spain.
Many students find their sophomore or junior year is the best time to participate in a
residential program. However, rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors all are eligible to
apply. Because these are not primarily language programs, students do not need to have
studied French, Spanish, Chinese or Japanese to study in France, Mexico, China, or
The cost is the same as the cost of studying on the Danville campus, except for a $350
deposit/surcharge and airfare. A special endowed fund is available to help some students
on need-based financial aid cover these additional costs.
Students in most of our residential programs abroad live in apartments or home-stays
and take classes with Centre professors and local professors expert in their areas. Centrein-England students take a 2-hour orientation course in September before they leave
home and during the London orientation with a Centre faculty member. At the
University of Reading, they live in residence halls and take classes with British and other
international students.
CentreTerm and Summer Programs
In addition to these semester programs, during each CentreTerm Centre faculty
members lead groups of students to study in their areas of expertise around the world.
Upcoming or recent sites include Amsterdam, Barbados, Borneo, Cameroon, China,
Ghana, Greece, Israel/Jordan, Italy, Peru, New Zealand and Vietnam, among others.
Students with Spanish skills can elect to do an internship through our Merida program.
In early summer we sponsor a three-week study at our site in Strasbourg, France; many
summer programs sponsored by the Kentucky Institute for International Study are also
available to our students. Students participating in a CentreTerm or summer term offcampus program must enroll in the course offered by the program.
Non-Centre-Run Programs Abroad
Students take a temporary leave of absence from Centre to study in programs sponsored
by the Kentucky Institute for International Study or other outside providers. Financial
considerations prevent some students from taking this option, since students who are on
leaves of absence are not eligible to receive any Centre money and, by law, our financial
aid office is not allowed to process state or federal aid due the student. Students planning
to participate in a non-Centre program should get prior approval from the Center for
Global Citizenship and the Registrar to make certain that all courses will count toward a
94 Centre degree.
Career Services recognizes the need to assist students in making the connections
between Centre's education and their own personal contribution to the world of work.
For this reason we offer internship options during the junior and senior year on both a
credit and noncredit basis. An internship for academic credit is usually a full-time
experience during the CentreTerm (although lasting four weeks—one week longer than
CentreTerm) or a part-time experience during the fall or spring term that includes
substantive academic work guided by a member of the faculty and by a sponsor at the
work site. Students can earn three hours of credit for an academic internship experience.
During the summer, one-hour academic credit internships are available and encouraged
for a small fee. An alternate career exploration internship exists for students who want to
gain additional insights and experiences related to career choice. This internship does not
result in academic credit and is usually conducted during the summer months. When
arranged through Career Services, this opportunity consists of professional, careerrelated projects that students can later apply to their career. During the summer and
CentreTerm, competitive grant programs called Centre Internship Plus and the Centre
Parent’s Committee Internships Fund are available to help support students with
extraordinary internship opportunities. Students must apply for these grants and be
selected by a committee. Centre Education Fellowship grants are also available for
students whose summer experience relates to education. Whether engaging in an
internship for academic credit or not, all participating students should report their
experience with the office of Career Services.
The Family Educational Right to Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, is a federal law,
which states that a written institutional policy must be established and made available.
The law provides that the institution will maintain the confidentiality of student
education records.
Centre College accords all the rights under the law to students. No one outside the
institution shall have access nor will the institution disclose any information from
students' education records without the consent of students except to personnel within
the institution, to persons or organizations providing students financial aid, to
accrediting agencies carrying out their accreditation function, to organizations
conducting certain studies for educational purposes for or on behalf of the College, to
persons in compliance with a judicial order, and to persons in an emergency in order to
protect the health or safety of students or other persons. Anyone to whom a record is
disclosed is prohibited from further disclosing the record except in accordance with the
law and this policy. Under the Act, a college cannot release education records to a parent
unless the parent has provided evidence that the student is a dependent of the parent for
tax purposes. A parent can send to the Office of the Registrar a written request for the
release of records along with a copy of the relevant portions of the parent's most recent
federal tax filing showing the student is claimed as a dependent. These documents will be
kept in the Office of the Registrar.
The College discloses education records without a student's prior written consent under
the FERPA exception for disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational
interests. A school official is a person employed by the College in an administrative,
supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including public safety
personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the College has contracted
as its agent to provide a service instead of using College employees or officials (such as
an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a
student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee,
or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a
legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order
to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities for the College.
At its discretion, the institution may provide directory information in accordance with
the provisions of the Act to include: student name, local and permanent address, Centre
College network e-mail address, local and permanent telephone number, date and place
of birth, major and minor fields of study, dates of attendance, anticipated graduation
date, degrees and awards received, student photograph, the most recent previous
educational institution attended by the student, participation in officially recognized
activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, and religious
affiliation when voluntarily provided. Students may withhold directory information by
notifying the Registrar in writing. New students must indicate their request to withhold
directory information the summer prior to enrolling at the College. Returning students
must inform the Registrar's Office by May 30 if they wish to withhold directory
information. Forms for making such requests are available in the Registrar's Office.
96 Requests for nondisclosure will be honored by the institution for only one academic
year; therefore, authorization to withhold directory information must be filed annually in
the Registrar's Office. NOTE: The College reserves the right to verify the enrollment
status and degrees earned by any student at any time.
The law provides students with the right to inspect and review information contained in
their education records, to challenge the contents of their education records, to have a
hearing if the outcome of the challenge is unsatisfactory, and to submit explanatory
statements for inclusion in their files if the decisions of the hearing panels are
unacceptable. The Registrar at Centre College has been designated by the institution to
coordinate the inspection and review procedures for student education records.
Student records are kept in several offices on campus. Appropriate admission records are
transferred to the Registrar's Office upon enrollment at the College. Academic records
and entrance testing records are maintained in the Registrar's Office. Financial records
are maintained in the Finance Office and the Student Financial Planning Office. Student
health records are maintained in the Parsons Student Health Center. The Registrar
maintains records of academic or social disciplinary actions that require withdrawal,
suspension, or expulsion. Other disciplinary records are maintained by the Dean of
Student Life or Associate Dean for five years beyond graduation and will be consulted in
response to requests from professional schools, graduate programs, licensing agencies, or
potential employers when such requests contain or are accompanied by student's signed
release. NOTE: Records created and maintained by the Department of Public Safety for
the purpose of law enforcement are not education records and may be released to law
enforcement officials and others at the College's discretion.
Students wishing to review their education records should make their requests to the
appropriate office, listing the item or items of interest; a written request may be required.
Records covered by the Act will be made available within forty-five days of the request.
Students may have copies made of their records with certain exceptions, (e.g., a copy of
the academic record for which a financial “hold” exists, or a transcript of an original or
source document which exists elsewhere). These copies would be made at the student's
expense at the rate of ten cents a page. Education records do not include: records of
instructional, administrative, and educational personnel which are the sole possession of
the maker and are not accessible or revealed to any individual except a temporary
substitute; certain student health records; certain employment records; or alumni records.
Physicians of the student's choosing, however, may review health records.
Students may not inspect and review the following as outlined by the Act: financial
information submitted by their parents; confidential letters and recommendations
associated with admission, employment or job placement, or honors to which they have
waived their rights of inspection and review; or education records containing
information about more than one student, in which case the institution will permit access
only to that part of the record which pertains to the inquiring student. The institution is
not required to permit students to inspect and review confidential letters and
recommendations placed in their files prior to January 1, 1975, provided those letters
were collected under established policies of confidentiality and were used only for the
purposes for which they were collected.
97 Students who believe that their education records contain information that is inaccurate
or misleading, or is otherwise in violation of their privacy or other rights may discuss
their problems informally with the Registrar. If the decisions are in agreement with the
students' requests, the appropriate records will be amended. If not, the students will be
notified within a reasonable period of time that the records will not be amended; and
they will be informed by the Registrar's Office of their right to a formal hearing. Student
requests for a formal hearing must be made in writing to the Dean of the College who,
within a reasonable period of time after receiving such requests, will inform students of
the date, place, and time of the hearings. Students may present evidence relevant to the
issues raised and may be assisted or represented at the hearings by one or more persons
of their choice, including attorneys, at the students' expense. The Academic Standards
Committee will adjudicate such challenges.
Decisions of the Academic Standards Committee will be final, will be based solely on the
evidence presented at the hearing, and will consist of written statements summarizing the
evidence and stating the reasons for the decisions, and will be delivered to all parties
concerned. The education records will be corrected or amended in accordance with the
decisions of the Academic Standards Committee, if the decisions are in favor of the
student. If the decisions are unsatisfactory to the student, the student may place with the
education records statements commenting on the information in the records, or
statements setting forth any reasons for disagreeing with the decisions of the Academic
Standards Committee. The statements will be placed in the education records,
maintained as part of the student's records, and released whenever the records in
question are disclosed.
Students who believe that the adjudication of their challenges were unfair or not in
keeping with the provision of the Act may request, in writing, assistance from the
President of the College to aid them in filing complaints with The Family Policy
Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW,
Washington, D.C. 20202-5920.
The Office of the Registrar maintains permanent student records, including the
recording of grades on the student’s academic transcript. The office also coordinates all
activities associated with course registration. Students may come to the office to register
for classes, add and drop classes, receive permission to transfer courses, have their
enrollment verified for various organizations such as insurance companies and financial
aid entities, and have their academic record (transcript) sent to graduate and professional
schools, employers, references, etc. Many of these services as well as important forms are
also available on our webpage.
The Office of the Registrar is located on the first floor of Wiseman Hall and is open
Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. Forms for requesting a variety of office
services are readily available in the office. There is no charge for most services including
transcript requests for regular service.
Finally, the Office of the Registrar is responsible for verifying student progress toward
the degree, including tracking progress in completing general education and
major/minor requirements. The Associate Registrar is specifically responsible for
working with seniors and the graduation process. Students may come to the office at any
time to check on their progress in meeting degree requirements.
For a complete list of degree requirements, academic majors, academic regulations, and
course descriptions, visit the Registrar’s webpage. The site also contains the schedule of
classes and final exams, as well as information on ordering a transcript and links to a
variety of forms.
The Center for Teaching and Learning aims to be the nexus for people, projects, and
initiatives that advance the art and science of effective teaching. We recognize the
importance of collaboration in the pursuit of transformational learning environments
and are committed to encouraging conversation, experimentation, and research that
contribute to a dynamic academic community at Centre College.
To fulfill this mission, we:
Support the sharing of innovative and engaging pedagogical ideas, studies, and
practices through facilitated dialogue, faculty learning communities, and
• Encourage deliberate and reflective approaches to teaching and learning practices
through research and scholarly conversation.
• Provide instructional, curricular, and technological support to faculty, staff, and
students in one-on-one and group settings.
• Collaborate with people and programs on Centre’s campus and beyond to
support the advancement of teaching and learning initiatives and research.
The Center for Teaching and Learning is located in the basement of Crounse Academic
Center. CTL staff office hours are Monday-Friday, 8 am - 12 noon and 1 pm - 4:30 pm.
The hours for the CTL editing lab are Monday-Friday, 8 am – 5 pm (open lab) with
various student-staffed evening lab times available throughout the academic year.
Evening and weekend lab schedules will vary as class-related needs apply. Hours will be
The CTL offers a variety of instructional technology support services and equipment to
Centre students. In particular, they assist students with assignments requiring the use of
technology. On occasion, a member of the staff will come into a class to teach various
skills, such as presentation techniques, audio editing and recording, and collaborative
group work, just to name a few. In addition, CTL staff members are available to help
students further develop an assigned class project. In addition to any instructional
technology support students might need, the CTL has equipment available for checkout
at no charge to the student.
Examples of equipment available for checkout include: laptops (both PC & Mac), LCD
projectors, projection screens, digital video cameras, digital video camcorders, tripods,
and digital voice recorders.
All reservations for equipment checkout must be made online at least two days in
advance using the CTL reservation system at All
equipment MUST be picked up and returned between the hours of 8 am - 12
noon and 1 pm - 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. The CTL is not open on the
Fines for Late Return of Checkout Equipment
Since there is not a large quantity of equipment to satisfy the demand, it is necessary to
100 impose fines on students who do not return the equipment in a timely manner. For each
hour a piece of equipment is late, you will be assessed a charge of $1.00. All late fees are
due to the CTL in cash or by check, or a hold will be placed on your student account.
You will be charged the full replacement value of the equipment not returned after you
have been sent three notices by the CTL.
Room Reservations
If you need to reserve a room in the evening or during non-class hours, like common
hour, you can make these reservations online through the CTL reservation system at The CTL office works together with the Department of Public
Safety to ensure the rooms you reserve are unlocked. Should you have any special
technology needs for your meeting or event, make your equipment requests via the
online system at at least two days in advance. If you require
additional assistance, contact the CTL two weeks before your event to discuss the
possibility of special arrangements.
The College maintains a campus computing network which provides technology
resources including shared computers with access to the internet, a Centre College e-mail
account for each student, access to the library automation system, the Centrenet portal
for access to an individual’s personal information, and various software environments
for research and study purposes including word processing, statistical analysis, and
software development.
General Policy
In addition to the computers available to students in classrooms, laboratories, and study
areas, students may connect their personally-owned computers to the Centre College
network as well. All residence hall rooms will provide one Ethernet network port per
student. The College will maintain and certify the readiness and functionality of each
existing network port. Each residence, academic, and administrative building also fully
supports Wi-Fi networking. For residents of Rodes House and all 5th Street, Grant
Street, and College Street apartments, network access is available through wireless only.
The “Wireless Networking Policy” is available on the ITS wiki at
To access the campus network with a personally owned unit, a student must first register
the device. Personal computers must be fully updated and running anti-virus/antispyware software before students will be permitted to register their machines on the
campus network. Additionally, portable devices such as tablets, smartphones, and game
consoles may also be registered on the campus network, these devices having less
stringent restrictions due to their limited capabilities. See section entitled “Connecting
Your Computer to the Network” for details.
Members of the ITS staff provide technical support and maintenance for the campus
network. In addition, student technicians – trained by department staff – provide
assistance with the network registration process and malware issues. Every student is
provided with a network account with e-mail, regardless of their decision to connect to
the network with a personally-owned computer. Any and all official College
correspondence will use only the Centre e-mail address.
Hardware Recommendations
Centre College recommends a computer running Windows XP, Vista, or 7 (hereinafter
referred to as Windows) or a Macintosh computer running Max OS X. Note: Mac OS 9
(and earlier) and Windows 95, 98, 2000, and ME or XP are not recommended for
use on our network and are not supported.
A computer using the campus network should have at least two gigabytes (GB) of
Random Access Memory (RAM) and a hard drive with at least 120 GB of storage.
Memory requirements will increase over time and students purchasing new computers
should consider machines with more RAM (8.0 GB or more is suggested, along with the
ability to upgrade) and larger capacity hard drives.
In order to connect to the campus network, a computer must have a network interface
102 card (NIC) or a wireless (Wi-Fi) adaptor. All computers purchased in the last 5 years
should have one preinstalled; however, it is the responsibility of the student to ensure
this functionality exists. All residence halls on campus use RJ45 network ports. Those
wishing to use a hardwired connection to the network may purchase a Category-5 or
Category-6 network cable at any major retailer.
The College is not responsible for repair of hardware (CPU, keyboard, monitor,
memory, drives, gaming systems, etc.) failure of student computers and cannot provide
assistance with these matters. Therefore, it is important to fully understand any
warranties that come with the purchase of a new computer. ITS recommends
purchasing a 3 year, or longer, manufacturer’s warranty.
Mac Laptop Users: It is strongly recommended that you purchase, from Apple, the
VGA adapter for any laptop if it does not already contain one. Using one’s Mac for class
presentations will require this adapter!
Connecting to the network on campus is straightforward and ITS encourages you to
attempt to register your own machine using the directions for registration found online
at or go to and find “Network Registration” in the Help & Info for
Students drop down menu. If any problems are encountered in the registration process,
students may bring their computers to the ITS office in McReynolds Hall for assistance.
Students may elect not to connect to the College’s network and use their own standalone computer hardware and software.
Password policy
To ensure the security of all accounts on campus, the College requires users to change
their passwords every 210 days. New passwords must be 7 characters long, cannot match
the previous two passwords and cannot contain your name or username. Users receive email reminders that a password is about to expire beginning 14 days prior to expiration.
A password, which remains unchanged for the full 210 days, will expire and require the
user to reset it before s/he can login. Instructions for changing a password can be found
ITS recommends passwords be longer than 8 characters and contain a mixture of letters
(upper and lower case), numbers, and symbols ($, @, *, etc.). For more security, consider
creating a passphrase, or short sentence, as opposed to a password.
Student Printing Policy
Network printing is available using shared printers located in the academic labs. ITS and
Centre Document Services (CDS) staff maintain the shared printing equipment. Students
may also configure their personal computer to print to one of these shared printers, or
they may connect a personal printer directly to their computer. Instructions on
configuring one’s computer to use a campus printer can be found at
103 To support student use of the shared printer environment, students are allocated $33.00
– the equivalent of 550 black and white printed pages for the entire academic year. Half
of the allocation ($16.50) is provided during Fall Term and the remainder is made
available in January for the rest of the academic year. Students may supplement their
initial allocation by depositing funds for additional printing at the rate or $0.06 per B/W
page. When using the printers in the labs, it is necessary to swipe one’s student ID card
and select the print job to release it for print.
Your account is debited the appropriate amount for the charges once the document is
printed, not before; however, any discrepancies with charges should be reported as soon
as the event occurs to ensure ITS can validate the claim.
There is a modest discount for duplex printing. Discounts are also available for print
jobs scheduled with Centre Document Services.
Centrenet, located at, is the college academic portal where
students can access both academic services (registration, schedules, grades, degree
planning, etc.) and other important college services (Financial aid acceptance, student
billing, vehicle registration, convocation attendance tracking, etc.). Technical support for
Centrenet is provided by ITS to
Centre students. Any support requests you have should be submitted online to the
technology helpdesk at
Acceptable Use Policy
Centre College provides computing and networking services for Centre students, faculty,
and staff. Members of the Centre College community are provided with a network
account that will be used to access all services (shared computers, e-mail, Centrenet,
etc.). Computer and networking services are provided to users in accordance with the
principles of free speech and free and open access to information and communication.
Centre College does not filter or monitor what services a student accesses while online;
however, some services, such as
Peer-to-Peer file sharing, are blocked to ensure the stability of the College network and
to ensure the College is compliant with all applicable copyright laws.
A Centre College network account is a privilege, and the following usage guidelines have
been established for this system.
1. Users are expected to act ethically, responsibly, and legally or risk forfeiture of
their network accounts. Unacceptable conduct may include:
a. Maliciously interfering with normal ability of others to use computer
and network resources
b. Masquerading as another user
c. Violating the privacy of others’ files and accounts
d. Violating software copyright and/or licensing agreements
e. Abusing computing facilities or devices at other locations through
network connections from Centre College
2. Use of a Centre College network account must comply with all federal,
104 Kentucky, and other applicable law; all applicable contracts and licenses; and
College policies as articulated in the Student, Faculty, and Staff handbooks.
These laws, contracts, licenses, and policies include the laws pertaining to
defamation, privacy, civil rights, copyright, trademark, obscenity and child
pornography; the Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the Computer
Fraud and Abuse Act, which prohibit “hacking,” cracking,” and similar activities;
and the College’s sexual harassment policy.
3. Centre College respects the privacy of all electronic communications.
However, the College cannot guarantee confidentiality. Due to limitations in
technology, electronic messages and stored data are inherently insecure. In order
to maintain, repair, or develop the campus network, ITS staff will have
reasonable access to the information in files and messages when necessary. Such
access will be governed by the normal expectations of professional conduct.
4. When there is an indication that a misuse of computer facilities has occurred,
the Director of Information Technology Services is authorized to investigate the
incident and take appropriate action, including referring the issue to other college
Student accounts remain active as long as a student is enrolled and in good standing
according to the Registrar’s Office. This includes students who are on an Academic or
Medical Leave of Absence. It also includes students who have been suspended and are
eligible to apply for readmission. However, the e-mail account will be terminated 270
days following the effective date of the suspension (per Registrar’s Office records) if the
student has not been readmitted to the College. When a student’s enrollment status
changes, the network and e-mail environment will be deactivated based on the following
• Graduates: The account of any student who graduates will become inactive on
June 1, one full calendar year following the degree grant date (not the date when
graduation requirements are completed) officially assigned by the Registrar.
• Non-graduates: The account of any non-graduate who withdraws from the
College will be terminated 30 days after the effective data, as assigned by the
Registrar, of the change in status.
Centre students are entitled to various software and hardware discounts through a
number of third party resellers. More information can be found on each reseller and the
kinds of discounts available on the ITS Helpdesk page at
NOTE: Centre College does not endorse any particular vendor, and these discounts are
extended to you as a courtesy. All sales, returns, support and inquiries with these vendors
are completely between you and the company, as Centre does not have access to their
business sites.
From time to time students will require assistance with issues concerning the College’s
network environment. There are several ways to request help:
105 ITS suggests that the primary method one employs for non-emergency issues is
to enter a helpdesk call directly. One can access the online Helpdesk at The online entry will automatically be captured by
the database, which is checked regularly
by ITS staff.
• Another method is to e-mail the Helpdesk at [email protected]. E-mailed
requests will automatically be imported into the database.
• Users can also report problems to the ITS department by telephone – ext. 5575.
Placing such a call does not guarantee that a technician is available to resolve a
problem immediately. This process only provides an alternate method for
entering a call into the database. You
may be asked to bring your computer and power supply to the ITS offices or to
enter an online call, depending on the nature of the issue.
• Students may call ext. 6666 or visit the ITS office at McReynolds Hall for
assistance. It may be necessary to leave your computer and power supply. All
issues are addressed in the order they are received and repair can take several
days to complete. For laptop systems,
one must bring the power supply.
To ensure a prompt response when opening a ticket, include as much information as
possible. If you receive an error, try to copy the information or provide a screen shot if
possible. If you are using a lab machine, please indicate, to the best of your ability, which
machine the issue occurred on. The more information you are able to provide, the faster
ITS will be able to provide a solution.
One of the goals of the staff of the Centre College Library is to help each student learn
to use the library and its resources in a productive and efficient manner. Just as Centre
College faculty members are available to work closely with students in their classes, the
library staff members are also available to work closely with any student with research
Students should feel comfortable asking one of the reference librarians, Carrie Frey, Jen
Green, or Crystal Ellis, for help with any type of research question that arises.
Sometimes, students (especially first-year students) are afraid to ask librarians a question,
thinking the question is stupid or is something they should be expected to know. Please
assure them that there is no question we consider too simple to ask!
Every year, we encounter students who have spent hours searching for library materials
and have come up empty-handed. We can help—please encourage your students to ask
the library staff for help!
The following are just some of the ways the library staff can be of assistance to
your first-year student:
• Help them find resources for assigned papers, projects, and/or presentations. All
they need to do is visit or email one of the reference librarians Carrie Frey
([email protected]), Jennifer Green ([email protected]) or Crystal
Ellis ([email protected]) with their research topic or need.
• Help them develop a strategy for researching a topic.
• Help them determine which online database is the best one for them to use to
find journal articles for a particular topic (the library subscribes to over 100
databases!). Just Googling a topic or relying on Wikipedia isn’t acceptable for
classes at Centre.
• Help them find the full-text of a journal article they’ve identified in an index.
• Help them find book sin Centre’s library on a particular topic.
• Help them find a book on the shelf if they are unable to find it themselves.
• Help them use Interlibrary Loan (ILL) to request a book or journal article that
Centre doesn’t own if it is deemed necessary for their research (and if they’ve
begun their research in a timely manner).
The library staff is here to help your sons and daughters do the best they possibly
can as Centre students. Encourage them to get to know us and the library!
Are there indeed two basic kinds of study-abroad opportunities at Centre?
1) Centre runs its own recurring, long-term, group residential programs in Strasbourg,
France (fall and spring); Merida, Mexico (fall and spring); and London (spring). Also,
Centre students regularly participate in Centre-sponsored programs in England at the
University of Reading (fall), in Japan (fall/CentreTerm), in Northern Ireland (fall or full
year), in Glasgow, Scotland (fall), in Lleida, Spain (fall or spring), and in China (fall).
2) Students also participate in specialized, January CentreTerm programs, whose
locations change each winter, and a late May-early June Centre program in Strasbourg.
Students may also participate in the many Kentucky Institute for International Studies
programs. In addition, Centre runs a "study away" program in Washington DC during
both fall and spring.
How much extra does study-abroad cost here?
The costs of our semester programs are the same as studying on the main Danville
campus, with the exception that students pay a $350 surcharge and their airfare. The
additional costs of the specialized, January CentreTerm programs vary from about
$2,200 to $3,600.
About how much is the airfare for the semester programs?
Merida, London, and Strasbourg-bound students have found student round-trip airfares
for around $600-$1300. Centre awards students going to Japan and China money toward
their airfare, which has cost between $1,300-$1700.
Are there scholarships available to cover any extra costs of the semester
Yes. Centre has an endowed fund designated to help some students on need-based
financial aid cover some additional costs of a long-term, residential program. Also, rising
seniors with unmet need (or "gap") who have not yet studied abroad are eligible to
receive a Senior Subsidy to help pay for a CentreTerm or summer program during their
senior year.
What's the best year and best term to study abroad?
Because freshmen are not allowed to study abroad and most seniors want to remain in
Danville during their last year, Centre students usually study abroad during the fall term
or spring term of their sophomore or junior year. Other factors, such as academic
requirements and sports schedules, may also influence your decision.
I’ve heard that it's difficult for certain science students, such as biology majors
who are pre-med, to study abroad. Is this right?
Wrong. The academic schedule of most Centre students allows them to study abroad
during any term of their sophomore, junior, or senior year. It's true that the sequential
pattern of courses in a few science majors makes it easiest for those students to study
108 abroad during a particular term. It's important that students contemplating mathematics,
computer science, education, and science majors talk with their advisors and figure out
their study-abroad plans early in their college career—before registering for their
freshman CentreTerm and spring term courses.
How competitive are the long-term, residential programs? Will I be selected for a
In the past, the vast majority of Centre students who have applied for one of our
residential programs have been selected, although some have not been selected for a
particular program the first time they applied. The Centre Commitment does not
guarantee that all students can study abroad in the particular program and at the
particular time of their choosing.
Can I study abroad more than once?
Yes. Although you may only study abroad once in a semester-long Centre program, you
may participate in as many CentreTerm and K.I.I.S. programs as you wish (and can
When do I apply, and how?
Information about and applications for next year's semester programs as well as
CentreTerm offerings will be made available at campus-wide meetings just before and
after Thanksgiving and in early January. Applications for the long-term programs are due
at the beginning of spring term, and selections are announced within two weeks.
CentreTerm trip participants are selected by the faculty sponsors of those trips, and for
many programs virtually everyone who applies is accepted.
Can you explain how senior subsidy works?
In order to encourage every four-year Centre student to study abroad at least once, the
College will help to subsidize the cost of a CentreTerm course abroad during their senior
year or a summer course the summer before their senior year for upcoming seniors who
1) are on need-based financial aid with a low government-determined EFC (Expected
Family Contribution) and a significant amount of unmet need ("gap"), and 2) have not
previously participated in a study abroad or study away program of any sort.
When should I start thinking about studying abroad at Centre?
Right now. Let your advisor know when you are thinking of studying abroad. And feel
free to e-mail Milton Reigelman or Leigh Cocanougher with any questions.
Obtaining a Passport. If you do not currently have a passport that will remain valid for
at least one month after your return, you should begin the process of obtaining one as
soon as you are selected, since it can sometimes take six or more weeks. You can now do
this at the Danville post office on Main Street. Students and faculty members can have
official passport photos taken in the Center for Global Citizenship for $5. For those
participating in the Strasbourg program, a French visa is no longer necessary to obtain.
Centre Futures
Program geared specifically toward first-years. Designed to get them involved early-on in
their career development and help them become well-prepared for life after Centre.
Students registering for this program are:
• Assigned a career counselor who stays with them all four years, really getting to
know them and their career needs
• Given an account in Centre Works, our online job and internship posting system
• Given free access to several self-assessment tools to help with deciding on a
major and/or career
• Upon discussion with a career counselor, provided access to alumni networking
Typical first-year topics addressed include:
• Choosing a major
• Getting information on careers of interest
• Help locating a summer job or internship (including resume writing and
interviewing preparation).
Centre Futures, like all of our services, is completely free to students. All we require is
that students meet with us at least twice each year (once in the fall and once in the
Career Counseling
Students can have as many one-on-one appointments with their career counselor as they would
like. Help is offered in any and all areas such as self-assessment, choosing a major, researching
careers, resume writing and interviewing, networking, job-searching, and graduate school
decision-making and application assistance.
Internships and Internship Funding
We help students locate both summer and academic credit internships. We also offer competitive
funding programs for CentreTerm and summer internships, including Centre Internship Plus,
Parents’ Committee Internship Fund, and the Centre Education Fellowship.
Resume, Cover Letter, and Graduate School Personal Statement Writing
Direct Connection with Employers
This includes on-campus interviewing and the Spotlight Career Fair (annual job,
internship and graduate school fair hosted in conjunction with 19 other private colleges
and universities in Kentucky, held each February).
Special Events
We offer several special events for students throughout the year including the Etiquette
Dinner (formal meal and etiquette presentation), Law School Fair, and “So, You Think
You Want to Go to Grad School?”
110 Targeted Career Events
We also offer several special career-related programs for each class year: Extended
Orientation (introduction to our services and Centre Works), Sophomore Survival, What
Next?: Job Search & Grad School Prep for Juniors, and Senior Celebration.
Web Site and In-Office Career Library
Both include an extensive amount of resources on choosing a major, opportunities in
different career fields, internships, job searching, networking, and graduate school.
(Below are a few suggestions for what you can achieve during each of your four years at
Centre to help prepare you for career success.)
• Attend Extended Orientation and register for Centre Futures
• Demonstrate strong academic performance by making the best grades you
can each and every semester (strong GPAs are important for admission into graduate
school and to employers)
• Begin getting involved in campus and/or community organizations
• Work closely with your career counselor to review your interests and skills
• Explore majors and careers at Career Services:
• Become familiar with the Career Library resources and the Career
Services website
• Utilize the on-line career resources on the Major and Career Information
page (such as “What Can I Do With This Major?” and the Occupational
Outlook Handbook)
• Acclimate yourself to CentreWorks, our on-line job and internship posting system
(reviewed at EXO 001)
• Gain experience over the summer by participating in an internship, part-time job or
volunteer position Sophomores
• Conduct information interviews with alumni and/or professionals in career fields
that you are considering
• Start planning for an academic credit internship (for Junior or Senior year)
• Develop strong computer skills and familiarity with a variety of software
• Begin constructing a resume
• Access the calendar of events and many valuable resources and links available on
the Career Services web site.
• Meet with your career counselor and choose a major
• Get to know faculty in your major and/or career fields of interest.
o talk about the versatility of the major and discover career options
o learn about what you can do to gain experience in that field
• Choose electives to enhance your qualifications, especially your oral and written
communication skills
• Conduct self-assessments in order to solidify your interests, skills, and values
(such as the Strong Interest Inventory and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)
• Gain experience over the summer by participating in an internship, part-time job
or volunteer position
• Focus more clearly on your career field by doing extensive research on the
Internet and in the Career Library
• Plan and complete an academic credit internship
112 •
If you are considering graduate or professional school, research programs of
interest and obtain their guidelines for admission
Continue to speak with professionals and alumni in career fields of interest
Conduct a mock (practice) interview in Career Services
Hone your interviewing, etiquette, and job searching skills by attending Career
Services’ programs and utilizing the resources available in the Career Library and
on our web site
Gain experience during the summer, breaks, and the school year by participating
in an internship, part-time job or volunteer position
• Establish your long and short term career goals
• Obtain recommendations and references from previous employers, professors,
advisors, and directors of any extracurricular organization(s) in which you were
• If planning to go into the workforce, implement a thorough job search campaign
o meeting with your career counselor to develop a job search plan
o refining your resume(s) and cover letter(s)
o learning about the various ways to identify and search for available
o targeting and researching potential employers
o utilizing your networking contacts to facilitate your job search
o contacting employers and applying for positions
o participating in on-campus recruiting and attending the Spotlight Career
Fair (a career fair for Kentucky’s private colleges held each February)
o following up with any employers you have contacted
Make an appointment with your career counselor to assess:
o if your resume and cover letters need revision
o if you need further guidance with interviewing, job searching, selfassessment, etc.
o if you want to connect with alumni in a particular career field or who
work for employers of interest to you
o if you need to re-evaluate your career plan
• If planning to attend graduate or professional school:
o research graduate schools of interest and obtain their guidelines
for admission (if you haven’t already done so)
o take the required graduate entrance examination(s)
o have your resume and personal statement critiqued by Career
Services and your faculty advisor
o apply early for potential graduate assistantships and other
financial aid sources
• Notify Career Services if you have accepted a position or been accepted to
graduate school and give them your updated information
113 We want to help you every step of the way! Please make an appointment in
Career Services early in your first year so that you can get a great head start on
your career development.
859-238- 283
[email protected]
Student Profile
• 1,337: Opening enrollment for 2012-13
• 44: States represented
• 9: Countries represented
• 26-31: ACT midrange
• 1,160 – 1,370: SAT critical reading and math midrange
Faculty and Academic Offerings
• 11:1: Student to Professor ratio
• 94: Percentage of faculty with highest degree in their field
• 26: Number of majors
• 35: Number of minors
• 9: Languages offered
• 7: Number of pre-professional programs
Student Life
• 94: Percentage of first years who return for sophomore year
• 98: Percentage of students who live on campus
• Over 100: Number of campus organizations
• 35: Percentage of varsity athletes on campus
• 21: Varsity teams
• 25: Percentage of students who participate in performing arts
• 82: Percentage of students who perform service activities every semester
Centre Commitment
• 85: Percentage of students who graduate in four years
• 85: Percentage of students who study abroad at least once
• 25: Percentage of students who study abroad more than once
• 92: Percentage of students enrolled in Centre Futures with a personal career
• Click here for more about The Centre Commitment
After Centre
• 96: Percentage of graduates (on average) who are either employed or engaged in
advanced study within 10 months of graduation
• 26: Consumers Digest value ranking
• 52: U.S. News liberal arts college
• Top 10: Percent of all categories measured by NSSE (click here for more about
• 60: No. 14 nationally in the South: Forbes ranking
• 31: Kiplinger's value ranking
• Click here for Rankings Roundup
115 Deadlines
• December 1st: Early action and Early Decision 1
• January 15th: Regular decision and Early Decision 2
• February 1st: Early Decision 1 Decision Date
• March 1st: Early Decision 2 Decision Date
• May 1st: National Decision Day
Cost and Value
• $43,800: Comprehensive cost for 2012-13
• 67: percentage of students who receive need-based aid
• $27,500: Last year's average award (need and merit).
• 90: Percentage of students who receive some form of financial aid
Centre College is a small, independent, and selective educational community dedicated to
study in the liberal arts as a means to develop the intellectual, personal, and moral
potential of its students. Centre nurtures in its students the ability to think logically and
critically, to work creatively, to analyze and compare values, and to write and speak with
clarity and grace. It acquaints students with the range of accomplishments of the human
mind and spirit in a variety of arts and theoretical disciplines. It enables students to
choose and fulfill significant responsibilities in society. In short, Centre’s highest priority
is to prepare its students for lives of learning, leadership, and service.
A long and rich tradition of tolerance, freedom of enquiry, and community informs all
aspects of college life. Centre accomplishes its goals in an atmosphere of caring and
respectful relationships among faculty, students, and staff, aided by its broadly
conceived, nonsectarian, Judeo-Christian heritage. This tradition commits Centre to a
belief in the unconditional value of each human being, to an appreciation of the
differences among people, and to a recognition of the close connection between
responsible self-development and community well-being.
Centre College received its charter from the Kentucky Legislature on January 21, 1819.
Classes began in the fall of 1820 in the first building of the College, Old Centre, with a
faculty of two and a student body of five. Since that time Centre has remained steadfast
in its mission of providing superior education in the liberal arts tradition.
Currently, Centre’s enrollment is approximately 1,300 students. Centre is among the
smallest coeducational colleges in the United States to have a Phi Beta Kappa Chapter
and the only private institution in Kentucky to do so.
Centre’s image as a small school capable of startlingly large achievements was enhanced
by its 1921 football victory over Harvard University, then ranked No.1. The New York
Times later called Centre's achievement “the greatest upset in the first half of the 20th
In 2000, Centre became the smallest college ever to host a national election debate when
the two vice presidential candidates, Joe Lieberman and Dick Cheney, met in Centre’s
Norton Center for the Arts. The debate was quickly dubbed the “Thrill in the ’Ville.”
Centre set another national record when it achieved a 75.4 percent participation rate for
alumni contributing to the College’s annual fund, a record that remains unbroken.
Centre has led the nation in the percentage of alumni who make contributions to their
college over the last 25 years.
Centre notable alumni include two U.S. vice presidents (John Cabell Breckinridge-Class
of 1838 and Adlai Ewing Stevenson-Class of 1859), two members of the U.S. Supreme
Court (Frederick M. Vinson-Class of 1909 and Class of 1911-Law, chief justice of the
United States; and Associate Justice John Marshall Harlan-Class of 1850), and a number
of U.S. senators, representatives, and state governors. Other Centre alumni have been
and are leaders in the fields of business, teaching, medicine, law, and journalism.
Centre's strong connection with the past brings added meaning to the present, and
provides inspiration for the tradition to be continued in the future.
118 ALMA MATER: CENTRE DEAR Sung for the first time by the Centre College chorus at a chapel program in 1942. The
words were written by Rev. Elwood L. Haines of Christ Church Cathedral of Louisville.
The music was composed by Professor Richard Warner, head of the college's music
Centre dear, we offer thee
Love profound and praises free.
Where thy walls of ivy rise
God unseals our blinded eyes.
Where thy tree-lined pathways lure
Friendships spring etrnal sure.
For thy gifts we offer thee,
Centre dear, our loyalty.
We thy sons and daughters, free
Through the truth revealed by thee,
Strong in resolution rise
To the future's enterprise.
Duty is our beacon pure,
Honor is our standard sure.
For thy gifts we offer thee,
Centre dear, our loyalty.
Gold and White: The official colors of Centre College
DPS: Department of Public Safety
PS: Prospective Student
RA: Resident Assistant
The Praying Colonels: Centre’s football team; the name derives from the 1920s, when
the team would pray in a huddle before every game.
C6H0: The famous formula commemorating Centre’s 1921 football victory over
undefeated Harvard, six to nothing. The game is considered one of the greatest sports
upsets of that century. The formula was painted all over town during a parade after the
game; one still remains on the old Post Office.
Dead Fred: Portrait of Fred M. Vinson, Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (194653), which the Phi Delta Theta fraternity brings to every football game.
The Bug: The large scarab sculpture on the lawn near Olin.
The Flame: The sculpture near the library that has generated the popular and illegal
tradition of “running the flame.”
Running the Flame: An attempt to make it from one’s dorm room around The Flame
and back completely naked without getting caught by DPS.
The Sinking Spring: The creek between Old Centre and the new Campus Center that
is said to have been a resting place for Daniel Boone as he traveled to Ft. Harrod in
The Centre Seal: the seal outside Old Centre representing many traditions. One must
not touch the seal before Commencement or he/she will risk not graduating. Two lovers
who kiss over the seal at midnight are destined for marriage.
The Honor Walk: The only time in a student’s life at Centre where one is permitted to
walk over the seal. At the beginning of senior year, each student is given a pewter talent.
Saturday afternoon before commencement, the student walks through Old Centre to the
seal and gives their talent to someone who has touched his/her life over the previous
four years.
Founder’s Day : A celebration of Centre’s founding in January. A ceremony is held and
a speaker is often awarded an honorary degree.
Brass Band Festival: Also known as the Great American Brass Band Festival (GABBF
for short); held every June when Danville hosts brass bands from around the country
120 and a few international bands as well.
Convo: Also known as convocation. Each student must attend 12 per year to earn one
credit hour of an A. Designated convos include an array of plays, orchestras, lectures,
etc., and attendance may be required by certain classes.
DramaCentre: Centre’s drama department, which produces three plays per year.
Carnival: Centre’s end-of-the-year festival. Several student organizations host booths
and a musical group is brought in to perform on Friday night.
Guady’s: For those with enough cash to venture off campus for food, Guadalajara
REstauarant is a great eatery featuring a wide array of Mexican food.
LexVegas: For those with enough cash and gas to drive outside of Danville, Lexington
is a popular destination for students looking to escape campus for a few hours. It’s only
a 45 minute drive to the nearest Target and mall.
The Hub: The café attached to the Centre Bookstore on the corner of 3rd and Main
which serves amazing sandwiches and desserts.
Burke’s: The most famous bakery in town. Located next to the Catholic Church on the
corner of 2nd and Main, they serve great pastries, cookies, and cakes. They were featured
in Souther Living recently!
Northside: Site of the first-year women’s and some first-year men’s dorms; occupied by
Yerkes, Cheek/Evans, Acheson/Caldwell, and Pearl residence halls.
OA: Orientation Assistant
Breck Beach: The grass spot outside Breck residence hall where Centre students can
often be found sunning themselves or playing Frisbee on sunny days.
JVAC/Art Barn: Jones Visual Arts Center; located next to Brockman Commons, it
houses all of the art studios.
The Cento: Centre’s student newspaper.
SAC: Student Activities Council, which plans events for the student body such as
midnight movies and Carnival.
SGA: Student Government Association, which is a voice for the students to the
Colleges That Change Lives
“College isn’t just about the end result. It’s also about the means, the process, the path
you take to earn your degree, whom you meet, and who inspires and mentors you,” Pope
and Oswald write. “To find a life-changing college, you must pay attention to how a
college educates its undergraduates.” (September 2012)
Sweet Sixteen: Great Colleges of the South
Centre recognized in new book about “Great Colleges of the South” (March 2012)
Centre named one of ‘America’s Coolest Schools’ by the Sierra Club
Centre was recently named one of “America’s Coolest Schools” in the Sierra Club’s fifth
annual ranking of the greenest colleges in the United States. Over 100 colleges comprise
the list — but Centre is one of only fifteen of the top fifty colleges in the nation as
ranked by US News " World Report to make the cut. (October 2011)
Washington Post
Washington Post rates Centre among top five institutions for highest study time (May
Chronicle of Higher Education
• Chronicle of Higher Education names Centre a top producer of Fulbright Scholars
• Chronicle of Higher Education highlights remarkable giving rate of Centre parents
• Centre College named 2012 Great College to Work For
Kentucky Monthly
Ranked No. 1 on list of The 5 Coolest College Towns in Kentucky
“There's a little college down in Kentucky which in 60 years has
graduated more men who have acquired prominence and fame than
has Princeton in her 150 years.”
—Woodrow Wilson in 1903
Centre College graduates have a proud tradition
of service and dedication to the good of the
—Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, speaking at a
recent Commencement
As a Centre parent, your trips to campus may be infrequent, but over four years, we bet
you'll need to know the location of most of the sites you are about to see on this
custom-tailored walking/driving tour. Perhaps if you visit them now, the first time you
desperately need aspirin (perhaps for you, not your student), just the right kind of
storage container to go under the dorm bed, or a great place to eat, you'll know where to
Within Walking Distance
Go to Main Street and head toward downtown (going east):
Speedway - On Main Street and Fifth, on the edge of campus, is the nearest gas station
and convenience store. If you need gas or a quick snack, they are close!
Baskin Robbins/Papa Johns/Orange Leaf - Just past Speedway on Main Street,
you'll find a quick fix for all of your pizza and sweets needs.
City Hall - On your left, as you continue down Main Street towards the downtown, is
City Hall.
Downtown Area
Danville Bike and Footwear - On your left, as you continue past City Hall, you will see
Danville Bike and Footwear, which offers a selection of shoes, bicycles, swim and
athletic apparel, and more.
Community Arts Center - On the corner of 4th and Main Street is the Federal
Building. Recently restored, it houses the Community Arts Center, the hub for artist
activity in Danville-Boyle County. The Center contains ever-changing regional art
displays, diverse arts programming, and is home to a resident artist's working studio.
Courthouse - The Boyle County Courthouse is on the far left corner of Main & 4th St.
Central Kentucky Federal Savings Bank is on the far right corner.
Continue on down Main Street (still going east):
There are numerous stores along this stretch of Main between Fourth and Third Streets,
including Carol's Bridal on the left, if you need nice gifts or a prom dress/tux. The
Episcopal Church is on the right in the middle of the block. Farmers National Bank,
one of the oldest local banks, is located at the corner of Main and Third. (They'll cash a
student check for up to $100 as long as the student has a Centre ID.) On the other
corner of Third and Main, are the Centre Bookstore and The Hub Coffeehouse and
Cafe. Stop in and enjoy one of their many gourmet coffees while browsing in the
bookstore. You can also purchase Centre merchandise in the bookstore.V Market, an
upscale wine, & beer cheese shop, is on the corner of 4th & Walnut.
In the block between Third and Second Streets:
123 Danville Office Equipment has any office supplies you might need. There are several
nice gift stores in this block, including Maple Tree Gallery, Thoroughbred Threads
(which sells lots of Centre clothing), Karamel Kreations, and others. You might want to
explore these two blocks of town. Also, check out Danville's newest eateries, Bluegrass
Pizza & Pub and Cue. The Clothes Horse & Derby Shoppe on 3rd St. has fine
clothing, behind Chase Bank. The Beer Engine, a local microbrewery, is located in the
parking lot behind Chase Bank.
History and Bakery
At Second and Main:
The heart of historic Danville is the Constitution Square State Park, where Kentucky's
first constitution was written. Just across the street from it is the Ephraim McDowell
House, home of the pioneer surgeon Ephraim McDowell, who is considered the
“Father of Abdominal Surgery,” and he was a founding trustee of Centre!
Across from Constitution Square, on Main Street, next to the Saints Peter and Paul
Catholic Church, is Burke's Bakery. Voted the best bakery in the state by Kentucky
Monthly magazine, it has also been featured in Southern Living. It is open Monday Saturday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., and on Sundays from 1-4 p.m. You must try the
butterflake rolls (and the donuts and cookies are wonderful as well).
Turn right on Second Street and then right onto Walnut Street:
As you pass through the first light at Walnut and Third Street, you'll see Danville's
Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center and several of its office buildings. It's
a large and very progressive regional hospital, which can handle almost anything. An
entire new wing has just been added.
At the second light, turn left onto Fourth Street:
Danville has very few one-way streets. However, Fourth Street (also called Hustonville
Road) is one way heading toward the bypass, and Third Street is one way coming back
into town from the bypass.
The Strip
You are now heading out Fourth Street - Danville's “strip.” Points of interest along the way include:
A variety of restaurants, starting with Mermaids (located in Junior's General Store), and
Lee's Famous Recipe Chicken at the point where the road becomes four-lane. Several
restaurants line both sides of the road all the way to the bypass. The most popular one
with students is Guadalajara (or “Guady's” as they call it), which now has three locations
in Danville.
As you approach the bypass, you'll see lots of useful places, including many more
restaurants. On the left is Danville Manor, which includes several clothing and shoe
stores (including Goody's, JC Penney's, and Burke's Outlet), Cici's Pizza, O'Charley's,
and others.
Wal-Mart and More
Now you've reached the grand intersection of the 127 bypass and 4th Street (Hustonville Road). If you
124 go on through the light, you'll find Wal-Mart on the left (a mecca for our students,
especially in the wee hours of the a.m.), King Buffet Chinese Restaurant, Guadalajara 2,
and a few other chain restaurants. Lowe's and Office Depot are on the right, as well as
Cracker Barrel and Kentucky Fried Chicken.
If you turn left on the 127 bypass, you'll find more restaurants, hotels, the roller skating
rink (Finley's), and the weekend walk-in clinic.
If you turn right on the 127 bypass, you'll find several more strip malls, which include
clothing stores, Hallmark, Kroger's, Danville's first Japanese Steakhouse Summer
Hokkaido, Applebee's, Zaxby's, and Huddle House.
You might want to explore this area so that the next time you are here, and your student
desperately needs a hammer and nails (I won't guess for what), you'll know where to go.
The Bypass
End of Driving Tour:
Stay on the bypass (heading north) until you get to Perryville Road (US 150/Main
If you turn left onto Perryville Road, you will find Big Lots and the new Pizza House of
Danville on your left. On your right is the Danville Cinemas 8, which shows the latest
releases and features stadium seating. In the same complex is the Danville Convention
Center, Mallard's Restaurant, and Guadalajara 3.
If you turn right onto Perryville Road at the Boyle County High School campus, you will
head back into town over the railroad viaduct, (just before you get to the viaduct you'll
see the entrance to Millennium Park, a city/county park where several Centre teams
practice and play) and you'll end up at the edge of Centre's campus at Main and Maple.
Other Places To Explore
For Those Who Love Beautiful Architecture
Danville is known for its beautiful and varied older homes. If you want to see examples,
the best areas of town are:
Maple Avenue - Maple Avenue intersects Main Street right at the main Centre campus
sign (near the Horky admission office). Drive down Maple Avenue (which ends at the
bypass) and you'll see many of our lovely old homes.
Lexington Avenue - Lexington Avenue runs parallel to Main Street, two blocks over.
We suggest you go out Maple Avenue away from campus, and make the right onto
Lexington Avenue at the first light. If you follow this all the way out of town, you'll see
some very lovely homes (including the famous Rodes home at the corner of Third Street
and Lexington - the home with the wrought iron fence - site of the filming of the movie
“Raintree County,” which featured Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift). You'll also
pass Lexington Avenue Baptist Church and the First Christian Church, Danville High
School, and at the edge of town, BoKay florist, the Bowlarama bowling alley (they have a
125 wonderful grill), and the Danville Country Club and golf course.
Broadway - Just one block over from Main, parallel to campus, you can head toward
downtown on Main Street, make a left at Fifth Street, just on the edge of campus, and
then make a right onto Broadway. The nicest homes run for about two blocks, and at
Third Street, you'll find the newly renovated public library and across in the old 2nd
Presbyterian Church, an antique store.
For more details, you can get a historic/walking tour from the Visitor's Bureau, located
at the corner of Fourth Street and Martin Luther King Boulevard.
Historic Spots
Also available at the Visitor's Bureau is a Civil War Tour brochure, which includes sites
in both Danville and Perryville, including Perryville Battlefield. Old Centre was used as a
hospital by both sides during the war, as were many houses and buildings in this region.
Constitution Square and McDowell House - This state historic site is located in
downtown Danville, at Main and Second Street. Constitution Square marks the
birthplace of Kentucky's statehood, and the McDowell House is the home of the famous
pioneer surgeon, Ephraim McDowell.
Perryville Battlefield - The Civil War Battle of Perryville took place in Perryville, KY,
located about 10 miles from Danville on US 150 (head out Main Street away from
campus and the downtown area). One of the bloodiest Civil War battles, the site in
Perryville is also considered one of the most pristine major Civil War sites in the country.
Even the downtown area, Merchants Row, remains much as it was at the time of the
battle. Restoration efforts are presently underway which will make Perryville a nationallyrecognized site. The Museum is open from 9-5, and there are numerous trails and
Old Fort Harrod State Park - Ten miles from Danville on US 127 is Old Fort Harrod
State Park in Harrodsburg. This is Kentucky's first permanent settlement and features a
replica of the historic 1774 fort. The Mansion Museum houses Native American and
Civil War artifacts.
Shaker Village - A National Historic Landmark, Shaker Village is America's finest,
largest and most completely restored Shaker community and living history museum. It
offers a tranquil setting with daily demonstrations of Shaker life, crafts, and dining. It is
about a 20-30 minute drive out highway 68, which is Third Street. Go up Main to Third,
and take a left at the light.
The Great American Dollhouse Museum - Located in a 1939 WPA historic building
on 6th Street in Danville, the Great American Dollhouse Museum contains hundreds of
buildings, large and small, of various periods in history. American history comes alive
with a detailed, fully furnished, and authentic Colonial village, an Old West town, a
Mexican village of the old Southwest, a Shaker settlement, a garment factory, a
preparatory school, a New Orleans blues and jazz rehearsal, a boarding house and B&B,
and other engaging historical scenes. The museum is full of activity with both a play and
126 an educational center, as well as outdoor landscaped gardens.
Old Crow Inn And Chateau Du Vieux Corbeau Vineyard and Winery and Pottery
- If you go down Main Street away from campus (east), on past the Constitution Square
Park at Second Street, you'll see the Danville Post Office on the right and Melton's Deli
(a good place to grab a sandwich) on the left, at the intersection of Main and Old
Wilderness Road.
Take a right onto Old Wilderness Road and go through the first light. On the right, you'll
see Bate Middle School.
Go through the next light (Old Wilderness and Alta Avenue), and just through the light
on the left, is the entrance to Old Crow Inn, Kentucky's oldest stone manor house,
which houses an art studio run by the Brousseau family, and includes a winery and
Pioneer Playhouse - If you continue down Old Wilderness Road from Old Crow Inn, on
the left you'll find Pioneer Playhouse, an outdoor dinner theatre and campground, now
in its 62nd year of operation. Plays and dinner are featured each evening throughout the
summer, and several famous actors (including Lee Majors and John Travolta) spent their
summers there. Experience outdoor theatre in an authentic setting. See the Box Office
from “Raintree County” and an authentic log cabin from Kris Kristofferson's 1995
movie “Pharaoh's Army.”
Recreation Spots
Old Bridge Golf Course - Nestled in next to Herrington Lake is Danville's finest 18hole golf course. Experienced and novice players alike will enjoy playing this challenging
course with its rolling terrain and water hazards on nine holes. Take a minute from play
to breathe in the open countryside and scenic views of the lake. They have a pro shop,
cart rental, driving range, practice putting green, grill and snack bar for your
convenience. Take the afternoon off...and experience the best in Kentucky golf!
The Central Kentucky Wildlife Refuge - located 13 miles from Danville in the
Parksville knob land and bordering a stretch of the beautiful North Rolling Fork, The
Central Kentucky Wildlife Refuge is a 500-acre preserve. The refuge is open to all as a
protected area for the enjoyment and study of nature in its many fascinating forms.
By now, you should be convinced that Danville truly is one of America's best
“top-25” small towns!
All rates are approximate and subject to change. For more information, visit or
Danville, Kentucky, 40422
Best Western/Danville Inn
210 Brenda Avenue (off US 150 Bypass)
(859) 236-5525 or (866) 485-0229
Rates: $59 up (50 units)
Continental breakfast; outdoor pool
Comfort Suites
864 Ben-Ali Drive at US 150 Bypass and US 127
(859) 936-9300 or (800) 228-5150
All rooms are suites; deluxe hot breakfast served daily; free WIFI; heated indoor pool
Hampton Inn
100 Montgomery Way (off US 150 Bypass)
(859) 236-6200 or (800) HAMPTON
Rates: $79 up (73 units)
"On the House" hot breakfast; indoor heated pool
Quality Inn
96 Daniel Drive off US 150 Bypass
(859) 236-8600
Rates: $66 up (63 units)
Continental breakfast
Super 8
3663 U.S. 150 Bypass Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-8881
Harrodsburg, Kentucky, 40330
Beaumont Inn
638 Beaumont Inn Drive
(859) 734-3381 or (800) 352-3992
Rates: $95 - $200 (33 units)
Deluxe continental breakfast
Bright Leaf Golf Resort
1742 Danville Road/US Hwy. 127 S.
128 (859) 734-5481 or (800) 469-6038
Rates: $56 - $156 (65 units, 40 Villas)
36-hole championship golf course
Days Inn
1680 Danville Road/US Hwy. 127 S.
(859) 734-9431 or (800) 329-7466
Rates: $49 - $90 (52 units)
Complimentary continental breakfast
Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill
3501 Lexington Road/US Hwy. 68 E.
(859) 734-5411 or (800) 734-5611
Rates: $85 - $225 (81 units)
Rooms, Suites, and Cottages
Largest restored Shaker Village in America
Nicholasville, Kentucky, 40356
Holiday Inn Express
164 Imperial Way
(859) 885-8080 or (800) HOLIDAY
Rates: $70 - $100 (60 units)
Complimentary continental breakfast
Howard Johnson's
2149 Lexington Road
(859) 887-8712
Rates: $59 up (40 units)
Complimentary continental breakfast
Bed and Breakfasts
Danville, Kentucky, 40422
The Farm, LLC
450 Waterworks Road
Morning Glory Manor and Cottage
244 E. Lexington Avenue
(859) 236-1888
Rates: $80 - $100 (1 Cottage)
Wheelchair accessible; private bath; continental "plus" breakfast
129 Pasick’s Bed and Breakfast
132 E. Lexington Road
(859) 236-0074 (1 room)
Victorian home; whirlpool tub
The Cottage
2826 Lexington Road
(859) 236-9642
Rates: $100 (1 Cottage)
Private two-room cottage on picturesque Bluegrass farm; no stairs; expanded continental
breakfast with fresh breads
The Golden Lion Bed and Breakfast
243 N. Third Street
(859) 583-1895 or (866) 453-5466
Rates: $89 (3 Rooms)
1840s home in historic district; within walking distance of downtown; provides
genealogical resources
Harrodsburg, Kentucky, 40330
Southern Charm Bed & Breakfast
363 N. East Street
(859) 734-9340 or (877) 734-9340
Rates: $95 - $175 (3 Rooms)
Historic 1831 Greek Revival home; private baths; deluxe continental breakfast; inground pool; children welcome; pet friendly; available for weddings, receptions,
meetings, and parties
Stanford, Kentucky, 40484
Wilderness Road Guesthouses
203 West Main Street
[email protected]
Lancaster, Kentucky, 40410
The Ashley Inn
9863 Lexington Road
(859) 548-4922
[email protected]
Cabins and Camping
Danville, Kentucky, 40422
130 Pioneer Playhouse Camping
840 Stanford Road, Danville
(859) 236-2747 or (866) 597-5297
Rates $3 - $13
40 sites with water/electric, 100 tent sites; restrooms with showers; dumping station;
pets welcome; reservations not accepted
Harrodsburg, Kentucky, 40330
Royalty’s Cottages
940 Norman’s Camp Road, (KY Hwy. 152E to 33 N to 342)
(859) 748-5459
Large Cottage - 2 BR; sleeps 7: $75/night; $450/week
Fully equipped kitchen and bath; screened porch overlooking lake; cable TV; air
Small Cottage - 1 BR; sleeps 5: $60/night; $360/week
Fully equipped kitchen and bath; screened porch; cable TV; air conditioning
Burgin, Kentucky, 40310
Haddix Point Hideaway
1840 Paradise Camp Road
(KY Hwy 152E to 33S)
(440) 427-0610
1 Home, Rates: $150/night; $300/weekend; $1,050/week
Five bedroom home situated on an acre sleeps 10; provides privacy with excellent lake
access and a breathtaking view of Herrington Lake
Pet Boarding
Bed & Biscuits Country Inn for Pets
2185 Lexington Road
Harrodsburg, KY 40330
(859) 733-9306
Regular board: Dogs $15.50; Cats $10.50
Services: Bathing/grooming/furminator; obedience training; pickup/delivery; nature
walks; playtime; daycare spacious climate-controlled indoor/outdoor private suites; food
provided; up-to-date record of vaccinations required
Email: [email protected]
Allen's Service & Towing
554 East Lexington Avenue
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-6654
Auto Mate
75 Westridge Drive
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 238-7250
B & M Smith Garage
6865 Lebanon Road
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-9613
Bob Allen Motor Mall
725 N. Maple Avenue
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-3217
Brake Shop
2296 S. Danville Bypass
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-9801
Mark Brown Body Shop
315 Dillehay Street
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-2299
Caldwell Body Shop Inc.
1215 Lebanon Road
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 238-7051
Danville Foreign Car & Recreation
1227 Lebanon Road
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-3500
Greenleaf BP Service Station
700 E. Lexington Avenue
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-7775
Hometown Tire of Danville
132 105 Thoroughbred Drive
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-8810
J & J Auto Service
436 Fryes Lane
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-6962
Bluegrass Community Bank
113 Smoky Way
(859) 238-0556
ATM: Third Street Autobank
128 North Third Street
Central Kentucky
Federal Savings Bank
340 West Main Street
(859) 236-4181
Ridgefield Center Branch
120 Skywatch Drive
(859) 236-4277
Chase Bank
128 North Third Street
(859) 236-4974
237 West Main Street
(859) 238-4702
ATM: Third Street Autobank
Speedway Convenience Store
5th and Main Streets
Community Trust Bank
462 West Main Street
(859) 239-9200
1560 Hustonville Road
Danville Manor Shopping Center
(859) 239-9460
ATM: Centre College
Ephraim McDowell Hospital
Farmers Bank and
Capital Trust Co.
1035 Ben Ali Drive
134 (859) 238-2602
Farmers National Bank
304 West Main Street
(859) 236-2926
Danville Square Express
1714 Perryville Road
East Main Express
211 East Main Street
(859) 239-9516
Southtown Express
224 Southtown Drive
Greenleaf Express
750 East Lexington Avenue
Fort Knox Federal
Credit Union
312 Skywatch Drive
(859) 236-2153
PBK Bank
1001 Hustonville Road
(859) 238-2265
PNC Bank
121 South Fourth Street
(859) 238-1034
1611 Hustonville Road
(859) 238-1040
US Bank
111 South Fourth Street
(859) 236-5418
135 Woodforest Bank
Danville Walmart
100 Walton Avenue
(859) 236-9565
AT&T has coverage in the Danville area and is widely used on campus. Website. Tollfree 866-662-4548.
Local full service store:
1714 Perryville Road, Suite 106
(859) 236-9071
T-Mobile Website.
Local full service store:
100 Walton Avenue (Wal-Mart)
(859) 236-9572
Boost Mobile Website.
Local full service stores:
Radio Shack
1560 Hustonville Road, #209
(859) 236-2842
Radio Shack sells phones and plans for AT&T, Sprint, Nextel, Alltel, and T-Mobile.
The Computer House
1531 Hustonville Road
(859) 936-1701
200 Skywatch Drive
(574) 784-3669
100 Walton Avenue
(859) 236-9572
Verizon Website.
Local full service stores:
The Phone Store
995 Ben Ali Drive
(859) 236-2655
American Cellular, Inc.
1500 Hustonville Road, Suite 300
(859) 236-7238
Office Depot
60 Cassidy Way
(859) 936-1610
137 Wal-mart
100 Walton Avenue
(859) 236-9572
Sprint Website. Toll-free 888-211-4727. There are no stores in this area.
African Methodist Episcopal
St. James A.M.E. Church
124 E. Walnut Street
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-3241
St. Peters A.M.E. Church
225 W. Lexington Street
Harrodsburg, KY 40330
(859) 734-9996
Assembly of God
Cornerstone Assembly of God
2035 Old Lexington Road
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-9058
Lighthouse Assembly of God
500 Bohon Road
Harrodsburg, KY 40330
(859) 734-0734
Bluegrass Pike Baptist Church
1400 Bluegrass Pike
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 936-0000
Calvary Baptist Church
401 Waveland Avenue
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-5350
Centennial Baptist Church
537 Burley Street
Harrodsburg, KY 40330
(859) 734-0746
First Baptist Church (NBC)
200 W. Walnut Street
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-4615
First Baptist Church (SBC)
139 1570 N. Danville Bypass
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-2276
First Baptist Church
349 W. Broadway
Harrodsburg, KY 40330
(859) 734-9709
Gethsemane Baptist Church
123 Quisenberry Avenue
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-2581
Harrodsburg Baptist Church
312 S. Main Street
Harrodsburg, KY 40330
(859) 734-2339
Hedgeville Baptist Church
4700 Lancaster Road
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-0662
Immanuel Baptist Church (SBC)
1280 Faulkner Lane
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-5073
Lexington Avenue Baptist Church
339 W. Lexington Avenue
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-3565
Outreach Baptist Church
875 Alum Springs Crosspike
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-0338
St. Andrew's Rectory
1125 Danville Road
Harrodsburg, KY 40330
(859) 734-4270
140 St. Peter and Paul Catholic Church
117 W. Main Street
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-2111
Indian Hills Christian Church
516 Grabruck Street
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-7575
Second Street Christian Church
Corner of 2nd and Green Streets
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-6564
Christian - Disciples of Christ
First Christian Church
555 E. Lexington Road
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-4006
Harrodsburg Christian Church
305 S. Main Street
Harrodsburg, KY 40330
(859) 734-3224
Church of Christ
Danville Church of Christ
385 E. Lexington Avenue
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-4204
Church of Christ West End
3040 Perryville Road
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-9575
Mercer Church of Christ
1200 Louisville Road
Harrodsburg, KY 40330
(859) 734-7030
141 Church of God
Danville Church of God
516 S. Fourth Street
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-4018
First Church of God
3220 Harrodsburg Road
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-4700
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints
110 Waterworks Road
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-8354
St. Philips Episcopal Church
131 Short Street
Harrodsburg, KY 40330
(859) 734-3569
Trinity Episcopal Church
320 W. Main Street
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-3374
Jehovah's Witnesses
Jehovah's Witnesses Danville
104 Breathitt Avenue
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 854-5000
Jehovah's Witnesses
404 Bohon Road
Harrodsburg, KY 40330
(859) 734-4862
Ohavay Zion Synagogue
2048 Edgewater Court
Lexington, KY 40502
142 (859) 266-8050
Temple Adath Israel (Reform)
124 N. Ashland Avenue
Lexington, KY 40502
(859) 269-2979
U.K. Hillel Foundation
U.K. Hillel, P.O. Box 613
University Station
University of KY
1905 Alexandria Drive
Lexington, KY 40506
(859) 257-7531 or 278-2530
Our Savior Lutheran Church
285 Hill-N-Dale Drive
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-2970
Centenary United Methodist Church
119 S. Third Street
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-4678
1441 Perryville Road
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-4800
Harrodsburg United Methodist Church
128 S. Chiles Street
Harrodsburg, KY 40330
(859) 734-3704
Faith Church
4070 S. Danville Bypass
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-4995
New Life Ministries
205 Morris Drive
143 Harrodsburg, KY 40330
(859) 734-0610
Presbyterian (PCUSA)
The Presbyterian Church of Danville
500 W. Main Street
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-6692
United Presbyterian Church
326 S. Main Street
Harrodsburg, KY 40330
(859) 734-4710
Presbyterian (PCA)
Grace Presbyterian Church
180 Bold Venture
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-9137
A & L Accessories
326 W. Main Street
(859)236 7411
Anita’s Attic
420 W. Walnut Street
(859) 209-4247
244 Skywatch Drive
(859) 936-7429
Derby Shoppe & Raggs
124 and 126 N. 3rd Street
(859) 236-1211 or 236-7630
Dollar General Store
975 Hustonville Road
(859) 236-7717
1714 Perryville Road
(859) 239-9054
135 E. Main Street
(859) 236-5259
Hibbett Sports
Danville Manor Shopping Center
Hustonville Road
(859) 236-4693
JC Penney
Danville Manor Shopping Center
Hustonville Road
(859) 236-7709
The Style Shop
1714 Perryville Road
(859) 936-2005
Lee Stephens
350 S. 4th Street
(859) 236-0237
Wal-Mart Supercenter
100 Walton Avenue
(859) 236-9572
145 Goody’s Department Store
Danville Manor Shopping Center
Hustonville Road
(859) 238-7583
Thoroughbred Threads
219 West Main Street
(859) 236-0224
A Lasting Impression
116 E. Main Street, Suite #1
(859) 236-7118
Beaumont Inn Gift Shop
638 Beaumont Inn Drive
Harrodsburg, KY 40330
(859) 734-3718
BoKays Flowers and More
1075 E. Lexington Avenue
(859) 236-7571
Candy Bouquet
1202 Hustonville Road
(859) 236-5605
Carol's Bridal
and Gift Boutique
309 W. Main Street
(859) 236-3825
Constitution Square
Gift Shop
134 S. Second Street
(859) 239-7089
Junior's General Store
219 S. 4th Street
(859) 936-5522
Kroger Floral
Design Center
200 Skywatch Drive
(859) 236-3987
Mark's Hallmark
204 Skywatch Drive
(859) 936-0777
Maple Tree Gallery
225 W. Main Street
(859) 236-0909
147 Molly's Flowers and Things
465 S. Fourth Street
(859) 236-4438 or
(800) 928-6213
Saffron's Funky Finds
390 Whirl-A-Way Drive
(859) 236-0260
909 Hustonville Road
200 Skywatch Drive
(859) 236-3987
Save A Lot
1085 E. Lexington Avenue
(859) 238-7677
V The Market
130 S. Fourth Street
(859) 236-9774
100 Walton Avenue
(859) 236-9572
Other Options
Champion Marathon
109 Quisenberry Avenue
(859) 936-6929
Chill's Quick Stop
650 E. Lexington Avenue
(859) 236-0444
LaHacienda (Mexican)
801 Second Street
(859) 236-9438
Man-O-War BP
101 Man-O-War Boulevard
(859) 236-9111
Quick Stop Food Mart
4098 Hustonville Road
(859) 854-3466
Redi Mart
60 Bluegrass Pike
(859) 236-3598
472 W. Main Street
149 (859) 236-1025 or 236-8352
CVS Pharmacy
201 W. Martin Luther King Blvd.
(859) 236-5255
Danville Compounding Center
900 Hustonville Road
(859) 238-7282
Good Neighbor Pharmacy
60 Cassady Avenue
(859) 936-1222
Kroger Pharmacy
200 Skywatch Drive
(859) 236-0408
Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy
900 Hustonville Road
(859) 238-0002
Wal-Mart Pharmacy
100 Walton Avenue
(859) 236-2411
Danville Drug Company
135 East Main Street
(859) 236-5750
Bluegrass Pizza & Pub
235 W. Main Street
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-7737
Freddie's Restaurant
142 Stanford Avenue
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-9884
Giovanni's Pizza
1418 Hustonville Road
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-1455
Pescara Pizzeria and Mediterranean Restaurant
124 S. 4th Street
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 209-2134
Pizza Hut
1565 Hustonville Road
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-2622
Chinatown Gourmet
Danville Manor
1560 Hustonville Road
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-8899
House of Cheung
817 Maple Avenue
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-2772
King Buffet
2596 S. Danville Bypass
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 238-1688
858 S. College Street
Harrodsburg, KY 40330
152 (859) 734-0523
Summer Hokkaido
2900 S. Danville Bypass
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-4000
Guadalajara Mexican Restaurant
917 Hustonville Road
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 238-7551
Guadalajara Mexican Restaurant 2
275 Jane Trail
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-8300
Guadalajara Mexican Restaurant 3
1715 Perryville Road
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 936-9325
Los Rodeos
240 Skywatch Drive
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 238-0544
La Hacienda
801 S. Second Street
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-9438
Cash only
Beaumont Inn
638 Beaumont Inn Drive
Harrodsburg, KY 40330
(859) 734-3381
Cloud's Country Cooking
1028 N. College Street
Harrodsburg, KY 40330
(859) 734-0086
Cracker Barrel
153 40 Cassady Avenue
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 936-7792
H&A Restaurant
(Penn's Ham Shoppe)
815 Perryville Street
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 238-7964
Kentucky Depot
119 Metker Trace
Stanford, KY 40484
(606) 365-8040
M & M's Restaurant
1050 Lexington Road
(inside the bowling alley)
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-0740
19th Hole at Bright Leaf
1742 Danville Road
Harrodsburg, KY 40330
(859) 734-0509
Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill
3501 Lexington Road
Harrodsburg, KY 40330
(859) 734-5411
300 Skywatch Drive
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 936-7400
Huddle House
308 Skywatch Drive
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 239-9391
Mallard's Restaurant
1001 Ben Ali Drive
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 936-8103
154 Mermaids Bar & Bistro
219 South Fourth Street
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 238-2040
Danville Manor
1560 Hustonville Road
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 936-8040
4041 Lexington Road
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 936-1700
Reno's Roadhouse
1641 Hustonville Road
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 936-1385
3678 S. Danville Bypass
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-6999
Cafes & Delicatessens
Burke's Bakery & Delicatessen
116 W. Main Street
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-5661
No credit cards
The Hub Coffeehouse and Cafe
236 W. Main Street
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 936-0001
Kentucky Fudge Company
225 S. Main Street
Harrodsburg, KY 40330
(859) 733-0088
Melton's Deli
247 E. Main Street
Danville, KY 40422
155 (859) 236-9874
A.J's Country Cafe
118 E. Main Street
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-2394
Fast Food
A&W Rootbeer/Long John Silver's
Danville Manor
1520 Hustonville Road
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-8570
1600 Hustonville Road
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-1199
464 W. Main Street
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-4175
Burger King
Danville Manor
1560 Hustonville Road
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-4664
Cici's Pizza
Danville Manor
1560 Hustonville Road
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 936-1616
Dairy Queen
135 Jane Trail
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 238-2284
Domino's Pizza
423 S. Fourth Street
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-2900
Danville Manor
156 1560 Hustonville Road
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-9265
(KFC) Kentucky Fried Chicken
100 May Blvd. (US 127/150 Bypass)
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 936-9212
Lee's Famous Recipe Chicken
610 S. Fourth Street
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-8777
Little Caesar's Pizza
S. Fourth Street
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-1122
113 Thoroughbred Drive
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 936-9240
280 Jane Trail (US 150 Bypass)
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 238-7200
Papa John's Pizza
464 W. Main Street
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-9999
Sonic Drive In
101 Baughman Avenue
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-8565
125 1/2 N. Fourth Street
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-7964
500 Finn Hill Plaza
(US 150 Bypass)
Danville, KY 40422
157 (859) 236-7940
Inside Walmart
100 Walton Avenue
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 936-9906
Taco Bell
1428 Hustonville Road
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 238-7790
1504 Hustonville Road
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-2522
Wok N Go
1410 Hustonville Road
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-7171
304 Skywatch Drive
Danville, KY 40422
(859) 236-9133
America’s Storage
Rentals of Danville
185 West Ridge Road
(800) 457-5678
Danville Mini-Warehouse
441 Dillehay Street
(859) 236-4060
J & J Storage
4425 Hustonville Road
(859) 854-3259
*Lock Box Inc.
387 Whirl-A-Way Drive
(859) 236-2611
They give a discount to Centre students.
Self-Service Storage
215 Jane Trail
(859) 236-7505
Shuttle Service
Centre College offers a shuttle service for students going to and from nearby
airports. We recommend that students first check with friends or hallmates for a ride,
since several of our students are from Lexington or Louisville. However, we understand
flights sometimes fall at uncommon times when this is not possible. Students who need
a ride to an airport should fill out the form (click here) with necessary flight information
and be sure they read the instructions for the shuttle system. If you have any questions,
please contact Jane Goatley in the Student Life Office at (859) 238-6033.
Premier Limousine
P.O. Box 626
Junction City, KY 40440
(859) 326-5466 (LIMO)
6, 8, or 10 passenger limos, luxury sedans, or SUV's available for airport pick up and
drop off, weddings, and other events.
Sharon's Car Service
(859) 583-2093
Appointments available for local travel and transportation to the Lexington airport. 24hour service. Prices vary per transportation cost. Licensed by KY Department of
Bluegrass Airport
4000 Terminal Drive, Suite 206
Lexington, KY 40510 (approx. 40 miles from Danville)
Airport Information: 859-425-3114
Airport Administration: 859-425-3100
Community Relations: 859-425-3126 or 859-425-3105
AirTran Airways: 800-247-8726
Allegiant Air: 702-505-8888
American Eagle: 800-433-7300
Continental Express: 800-525-0280
Delta Air Lines: 800-221-1212
United Express: 800-864-8331
US Airways: 800-428-4322
Louisville International Airport
600 Terminal Drive (I65 and I264)
Louisville, KY 40209 (approx. 85 miles from Danville)
Airport Automated Information: 502-367-4636
Louisville Regional Airport Authority: 502-368-6524
American Airlines: 817-967-2000
Continential Airlines: 800-932-2732
Delta Airlines: 404-715-1450
Frontier: 800-265-5505
Southwest: 214-792-4223
United Express: 877-228-1327
US Airways Express: 866-523-5333
Vision Airlines: 877-359-2538
(Community Bus Service)
(859) 236-5202
Service begins at 8 a.m. and ends at 5 p.m. Monday-Friday, beginning and ending at
the Alex W. Stevens Intermodal Transit Facility and making 22 stops along the way. On
Saturday, service begins at 8 a.m. and ends at 1 p.m. and makes 14 stops.
The cost is $1.00.
Click here to see the full bus schedule.
Blue Grass Community Action
Bus service between Danville and Lexington.
The service is offered Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and the cost is $5.00 per
person one way or $10.00 per person round trip.
Buses leave the Danville parking garage at 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 1 p.m., and 3 p.m. and
take riders to three stops in Lexington: the Greyhound bus terminal on New Circle
Road, the LexTran Transit Center, and Blue Grass Airport.
Once in Lexington, riders wanting to travel around Lexington have the option of
boarding the LexTran lines at the transit center or continuing on the bus for a fare of $1
per person, per mile, with a 3-mile minimum.
For more information, call 1-800-456-6588 or visit their Web site at
Note: This service is not offered on holidays.
Greyhound Bus Lines
477 W. New Circle Road NW
Lexington, KY 40511
Main: 859-299-0428
Customer Service: 859-299-8804
For more information, visit the Greyhound Web site at
161 Rental Cars
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
501 S. Fourth Street, Suite 1
Danville, KY 40422
Free pick-up
Daily, weekly, monthly rates
Weekend Specials
163 164