An Updated Population Status of the Endemic Kafue lechwe (Kobus
An Updated Population Status of the Endemic Kafue lechwe (Kobus
G.J.B.A.H.S.,Vol.4(3):154-164 (July-September, 2015) ISSN: 2319 – 5584 An Updated Population Status of the Endemic Kafue lechwe (Kobus leche kafuensis) on the Kafue Flats, Zambia, for the Period 1931-2015 1 Chansa Chomba, 2Vincent Nyirenda, 3Griffin Shanungu, 3Chuma Simukonda, 4Moses Amos Nyirenda & 3 Chaka Kaumba 1 School of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Disaster Management Training Centre, Mulungushi University, P. O. Box 80415, Kabwe, Zambia. 2 Copperbelt University, Kitwe, Zambia. Corresponding Author: Chansa Chomba 3 Zambia Wildlife Authority, Chilanga, Zambia 4 World Wide Fund for Nature, Zambia Country Office, Lusaka, Zambia Abstract Kafue lechwe (Kobus leche kafuensis, is and endemic sub-species of semi aquatic antelope that has been counted by aerial survey since 1931. The 2015 survey counted lechwe and other large herbivores including cattle and covered an area approximately 6, 035 km2 in extent, encompassing Blue lagoon and Lochinvar National Parks and Kafue flats Game Management Area. Historic data on population size and trophy hunting were collated and analyzed. Results showed that the population estimate in 2015 was 28,660 which was equivalent to 89% decline from the 1931 estimate of 250,000 individuals. This implies that only 11 % of the 1931 population estimate has remained, giving an annual loss of 2,464 or 7 lechwes/day of which only one lechwe was attributed to legal hunting and the remaining six to poaching an other factors. The number of cattle had increased by more than 300% from an upper limit of 18,841 in 2005 to 92,242 individuals in 2015, representing a metabolic equivalent of 272,726 lechwe. It was concluded that lechwe was facing a precipitous population decline depicting failure to regulate in terms of population dynamics. Cattle were on the other hand experiencing an almost perfect exponential growth which is likely to out-compete lechwe on the Kafue Flats. Further research is required to assess the impact of increasing cattle populations and increasing human encroachment on lechwe habitat. Keywords: Kafue lechwe, estimate, Kafue flats, population decline, cattle, metabolic equivalent 1. Introduction The Kafue lechwe (Kobus leche kafuensis Haltenorth 1963) is a gregarious antelope (Figure 1) and endemic subspecies restricted to the Kafue flats. The Kafue River passes through the flats almost cutting it into two equal halves named Kafue Flats north and south banks. The Lochinvar National Park is located in the south bank and Blue Lagoon in the north but the Kafue Flats Game Management Area (GMA) covers both banks. The earliest effort to estimate lechwe population was by Pitman (1934) who estimated the population size of approximately 250,000 individuals in 1931. This number has since continued to decline over the last 84 years to about 28,660 in 2015 suggesting a significant decline of 89% or an annual decline of 1.05%. The present effort to estimate the population size was carried out as part of the longterm population monitoring and to update the population estimate last done in 2005 when it was estimated to be 38,448 (Chansa and Kampamba, 2009). Growth in the numbers of this endemic subspecies is exclusively through natality and not immigration. It is therefore critical to monitor population performance and identify key environmental parameters responsible for the decrease or increase in population size. Major concerns have been raised concerning pastoralism which has led to sudden increase of cattle keeping communities taking advantage of the rich pasture on the flats. Artisanal fishing is also permitted and has led to unplanned and often unregulated fishing camps along the entire river length of the Kafue flats. Such multiple land use systems require monitoring particularly of the endemic Kafue lechwe, which is more vulnerable to increasing human settlements and associated activities. Figure 1 Kafue Flats lechwe (Kobus leche kafuensis), a gregarious semi-aquatic antelope endemic to the Kafue Flats, April 2015, Zambia 154 G.J.B.A.H.S.,Vol.4(3):154-164 (July-September, 2015) ISSN: 2319 – 5584 2. Materials and Methods 2.1 The Study Area The Kafue flats is approximately 6,035 km2; comprising 860 km2 or 17 %, (combined area for Lochinvar 410 km2 and Blue Lagoon 450 km2) and 5,175km2 (83 %) of the Kafue Flats GMA (Figure 2). 2.2 General Methodology and Sampling Techniques Data collection in this study involved two approaches; i) an intensive desk review of all the population data collected from previous surveys from 1931 to 2015, and ii) intensive review and critique of 2015 survey carried out by the Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) the institution mandated by law to manage all wildlife and Protected Areas in Zambia. Like in the previous surveys, the 2015 survey also used an aerial stratified random sampling technique using a fixed high wing Cessna 206 aircraft, a method consistent with the previous surveys. The technique used in this survey is similar to the one described by Bell et al. (1973) for lechwe census, subsequently improved and used by Howard, Jeffery and Grimsdell (1984) when estimating black lechwe population of the Bangweulu Swamps in 1983. The 2015 survey was further improved by the front seat observer recording animal sightings into Arc-pad on a hand held computer. In the 2005 survey, observers wrote animal sightings on each side of the plane on a note book and later entered into a desk top computer at the base camp. In both surveys however, Global Positioning System (GPS) was used and the Geographical Information System (GIS) was used in mapping the spatial distribution of animals. Observations were also made for cattle and fishing camps, as these also had an impact on the habitat quality and lechwe population in general. Data on trophy and meat hunting for the period 2006 – 2014 were also collected from ZAWA licencing office as this is also a form of mortality which may have a negative impact on lechwe population increase. Figure 2 Location of Kafue Flats, habitat for the endemic Kafue lechwe (Kobus leche kafuensis), Zambia 2.3 Stratification The GPS coordinates of areas of occurrence of lechwe herds were taken and used to identify and draw boundaries of density strata. The study area was then divided into strata (Figure 3) classified as low, medium and high. Stratification served to reduce the variances of the total area when the individual strata are combined. North - South bearing transects were flown in each population density stratum in the north and south banks of the Kafue River (Figure 2). 2.4 Sampling intensity The 2015 utilized a sampling intensity ranging from 11 - 21% (Figure 3), giving a greater opportunity of maximizing searching effort, area coverage and reliability of data collected. 2.5 Aircraft, Survey Crew and Equipment Used A Cessna 206 fixed high wing aircraft was used (Figure 4). The aircraft was fitted with a Radar Altimeter. The survey crew consisted of five people; one pilot, one navigator, two observers, and one GIS specialist/data recorder. Two observers counted animals within the swathes one on each side of the aircraft. The two observers were considered to be mutually dependent and observations were treated as coming from a single transect. Transects were flown from the edge of the woodland to the riverbank and vice versa in the north and south banks of the Kafue River (Figure 3). 2.6 Flight Procedure and Recording of Sightings The location of coordinates for all transects were entered into a GPS each day before taking off from the base and used for navigation when flying. The transects were flown at an average speed of 150 km/hour and at a nominal (theoretical) height of 61m a.g.l. While flying along the transects, observers kept their heads in a constant position with reference to a masking tape marking on the window to avoid parallax error. Observers recorded the species and number 155 G.J.B.A.H.S.,Vol.4(3):154-164 (July-September, 2015) ISSN: 2319 – 5584 of animals seen and were reminded every two minutes to block the counts to facilitate plotting of animal densities. All Method lechwe, sighted between the streamers were counted and recorded. • Aerial Stratified Random Sampling Approach – similar to previous surveys – with modifications. • Firstly flew a reconnaissance flight to determine the areas with the highest densities of mammal and birds S.I=20% species. S.I = 11% • After the flight, the area was stratified. S.I=15% • A survey plan made with different sampling intensities per strata. • Strata with highS.I densities = 10% – transect spacing was limited to 2km – these areas comprised the National Parks and the floodplain expanse between the two parks. • Strata with low density – transect spacing was limited to 4km –S.I=14% these areas mostly comprised the GMA and areas with very low mammal desnsity. S.I=21% Figure 3 Sampling intensity of the Lechwe habitat, Kafue Flats, 2015, Zambia Figure 4 Fixed high wing aircraft with wing struts for attaching streamers suitable for aerial surveys, Kafue Flats, Zambia. 2.7 Data Analysis As in the previous surveys, particularly the 2005 survey, population estimates, animal densities, and other statistics were calculated using a special software package for wetland areas as described by Bell et al. (1973) which is based on Jolly’s (1969) and the parameters were calculated as follows: Y (i) = ΣNiYi Where; Ni = the total number of units in the i th stratum, Y(i) = the estimate of the population size, Yi = the average number of animals per unit over the number of units sampled per stratum. 156 G.J.B.A.H.S.,Vol.4(3):154-164 (July-September, 2015) ISSN: 2319 – 5584 The standard error of Y(i) = √variance (Y (i) ) Where; Variance (Y (i) ) = ΣNi (Ni – ni ) n Weighted variance Syi 2= 1 {Σy2i - (Σ yi) 2} ni The average rate of decrease for the intervening period 1931 – 2015 was calculated based on the formula; Nt = Noert Where r is the exponential rate of increase or decrease, and e is the base of natural logarithm taking the value 2.7182817 and t is the time between the censuses. The exponential rate of increase being calculated as; r = ln (Nt/No) 2.8 Cattle - Lechwe Metabolic Ratios The comparison of cattle and lechwe metabolic ratios were based on Kleiber's law, Holling’s disk equation and Marginal Value Theorem. Kleiber’s law states that the metabolic rate (q0) of an animal is the mass of the animal (M) raised to the 3/4 power: q0 = M3/4 (or raised to 0.75). Therefore, the mass of the animal increases at a faster rate than the metabolic rate. Kleiber's law explains the relationship between the size of the animal and the feeding strategy it uses. If the food eaten is reasonably the same, such as cattle and lechwe the ratio of their metabolic weight gives the exchange ratios between the two species. In order to get the metabolic size of cattle and lechwe, the weight of one cow was assumed to be equivalent to one animal unit (450 kg), and the weight of lechwe was obtained from literature as being about 118 kg (Skinner and Smithers ,1990 ). Weight in kilogrammes was raised to the power of 0.75 or ¾ (Kg 0.75). It is on this basis that we calculated the metabolic equivalents. 3. Results 3.1 Population Estimates The population estimates from previous surveys 1931 – 2015 showed a precipitous populating decline of 89% from the 1931 estimate of 250,000 (Table 1). The first significant decline was recorded after the construction of the Itezhi-Tezhi dam in 1979 after which only an average of 20% of the 1931 estimate survived. This decline has continued to date (Figure 4 a & b). By the 1970s, the population had stabilized around 100,000. Soon after commissioning the Itezhi – Tezhi Hydroelectricity dam, the population declined to about 50, 000 until 1994 and to 40,000 by 1995. The downward trend continued to about 38,000 in 2005, declining further by almost 10,000 individuals to 28,660 in 2015. The population’s overall mean of 68,714 individuals was however surpassed in 1984 (Table 1). The regression equation shown in Figure 4b gives a slope of b = – 2, 2464.2, which implies a net loss of (–2, 464.2 individuals each year or seven individuals on a daily basis (–2, 464.2/365 = 7 individuals) giving an annual decline of 1.05%. Year 1931 1970 1971 1972 1973 1975 1981 1982 1983 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1993 1994 1995 1998 1999 2002 2005 2015 Table 1 Kafue lechwe population trend analysis for the period 1931 to 2015, Kafue flats, Zambia Population Source Expected Difference Percentage (%) estimate Overall mean between remaining of the (before and after estimate & 1931 estimate the dam) overall mean Pitman, 1934 68,714 250,000 94,075 Bell et al. 1973 68,714 25,361 38.00 93,215 Bell, et al. 1973 68,714 24,501 37.28 93,158 Bell et al. 1973 68,714 24,444 37.26 109,612* Osborne et al. 1973 68,714 40,898* 43.84* 80,774 Osborne et al. 1975 68,714 12,060 32.30 45,867 Howard et al. 1983 68,714 -22,847 18.34 41,345 Howard, et al. 1983 68,714 -27,369 16.00 41,155 Howard et al. 1983 68,714 -27,559 16.00 50,715 Howard, et al. 1987 68,714 -17,999 20.28 65,018 Howard, et al. 1988 68,714 -3,696 26.00 47,145 Jeffrey, et al. 1988 68,714 -21,569 18.85 44,538 Jeffrey, et al. 1990 68,714 -24,176 17.81 68,872 Jeffrey, et al. 1991 68,714 158* 27.54 64,940 Kapungwe, 1993 68,714 -3,774 25.97 50,000 Jeffrey, 1994 68,714 -18,714 20.00 40,000 Tembo, 1995 68,714 -28,714 16.00 37,120 Kampamba, et al. 1998 68,714 -31,594 14.84 45,000 Kampamba, et al. 1999 68,714 -23,714 18.00 42,000 Kampamba, et al. 2002 68,714 -26,714 16.00 38,448 Chansa & Kampamba 68,714 -30,266 15.00 28,660 Shanungu & Kaumba 68,714 -40,054 11 157 G.J.B.A.H.S.,Vol.4(3):154-164 ISSN: 2319 – 5584 (July-September, 2015) 300,000 200,000 38,448 2005 28,660 42,000 2002 37,120 1998 45,000 40,000 1995 64,940 1993 50,000 68,872 44,538 1990 1991 47,145 1989 41,155 1983 65,018 41,345 1982 50,715 45,867 1981 93,158 1972 80,774 93,215 1971 50,000 1975 94,075 100,000 109,612 150,000 1970 Population Estimate 250,000 250,000 2015 1999 1994 1988 1987 1973 1931 0 Years (a) 300,000 250,000 Populatiion estimate 200,000 150,000 100,000 y = -2464.2x + 5E+06 R2 = 0.8024 50,000 2020 2010 2000 1990 1980 1970 1960 1950 1940 1930 1920 0 -50,000 Ye ars (b) Figure 4 a) Comparison of lechwe population estimates before construction of the Itezhi -Tezhi Hydroelectricity dam 1931-1979, and after commissioning the dam 1980 - 2015, b) population trends for the period 1931 – 2015. Arrow in a and b shows the 2015 population estimate which is the lowest since 1931. 3.1.1 Comparison of the Population before and After Dam Construction The first significant decline is recorded after the construction of the Itezhi-Tezhi dam in 1979 after which only an average of 20% of the 1931 estimate survived. Mann Whitney U test showed a significant difference between the lechwe population estimates before and after the construction of the dam (U 0.05 (2) 6, 15 = 71, P < 0.001, see Table 2. This comparison of population estimates before 1979 and after the construction of the Itezhi-Tezhi dam disrupted the flooding regime and resulted into a significant difference in the lechwe population (Table 2). By the 1970s, the 158 G.J.B.A.H.S.,Vol.4(3):154-164 (July-September, 2015) ISSN: 2319 – 5584 population had stabilized around 100,000. Soon after commissioning the Itezhi – Tezhi dam the population declined to about 50, 000 until 1994 and to 40,000 by 1995, which is below the carrying capacity K of 100,000. The downtrend has continued to about 38,000 recorded in this study. The population’s overall mean of 68,714 individuals was however surpassed in 1984. This down ward trend has continued to date. Table 2 The Mann-Whitney U Test for Comparison of Kafue lechwe numbers estimated before and after the Itezhitezhi dam, Kafue flats, Zambia Population estimates before dam construction Population estimates after dam construction Year Population estimate Rank Year Population estimate Rank 1931 250,000 1 1981 45,867 13 1970 94,075 3 1982 41,345 17 1971 93,215 4 1983 41,155 18 1972 93,158 5 1987 50,715 10 1973 109,612 2 1988 65,018 8 1975 80,774 6 1989 47,145 12 R1 = 21 1990 44,538 15 Mean = 120,139 n1= 6 1991 68,872 7 1993 64,940 9 1994 50,000 11 1995 40,000 19 1998 37,120 21 1999 45,000 14 2002 42,000 16 2005 38,448 20 R2 = 210 n2 = 15 Mean = 48,144 U 0.05 (2) 6, 15 = 71, P < 0.001 Discussion – 3.2 Distribution The 2015 end of rainy season distribution as was skewed towards mainly the North bank and secondly around Blue Lagoon and Lochinvar National Parks on higher grounds as the floods had not yet receded (Figure 5). This in a way, tended to avoid areas with heavy human encroachment in form of fishing camps and cattle grazing areas as shown in Figure 6. Map of distribution and popula • • • Figure 5 Distribution of lechwe in April 2015, Kafue Flats, Zambia. 3.3 Number of Lechwe Hunted The mean number of lechwe hunted for the period 2006 – 2014 was 432 for resident hunters and only 35 for non resident /Safari (Table 3). A combination of the two off-take quotas had a collective loss of only one lechwe/day for which resident hunting was responsible for 93% of the daily single loss. Thus given 7 losses of lechwe per /day, (based on slope of b = (–2, 2464.2/365 = 7 individuals), legal hunting only took away one lechwe per/day and the other six were attributed to poaching (Figure 6) and other factors. 159 G.J.B.A.H.S.,Vol.4(3):154-164 (July-September, 2015) ISSN: 2319 – 5584 Table 3 Number of lechwe hunted under resident and nonresident/safari for the period 2006- 2014, Kafue Flats, Zambia. Year Hunting quota Total Resident Non Resident (Safari) 2006 580 31 611 2007 484 61 545 2008 605 52 657 2009 879 29 908 2010 217 28 245 2011 644 49 693 2012 482 44 526 2013 0 6 6 2014 0 12 12 Total 3,891 312 4,203 Mean 432 35 467 Daily loss (/365) 1.18 0.09 1.27 (Source: Zambia Wildlife Authority Licencing Office, 2015). Increase capacity of KFAMU to curb poaching Figure 6 Poached lechwe on the Kafue Flats, Zambia (Poaching is one of the major causal factors for the precipitous •decline Poaching of lechwe is a daily occurance – all year round. of lechwe population). Blue lagoon and lochinvar almost neglected – vehicles and others low. Reduction Lechwe Range •3.4Often huntersofuse motorbikes to chase down lechwes and shoot. The Kafue lechwe foraging range has declined, being restricted to areas close to and between Lochinvar and Blue Lagoon National Parks (Figure 7). The north bank, mainly the area between Blue lagoon and the Kafue river eastwards •towards On average, a hunter can Plantation kill up to 10islechwes. the Kafue Sugar currently where most of the lechwe are concentrated, and inevitably the most important lechwe range as it also the area with minimal human disturbance (Figure 7c) a factor also recorded in 2005 •survey Due to of effective patrols on (2005; the flats2009). – manyThis offenders go bylack Chansa & Kampamba observation represents a significant reduction in the distribution range for Kafue lechwe recorded by Howard undeterred – especially on the North bank. et al. (1984), at which time the lechwe covered the whole area shown in Figure 2 above. As shown in Figure 7 a & b lechwe habitat has been encroached by human settlements and consequently to poaching Figure 6). Lechwe annually from •exposed We could be losing (see as many as 2000 Settlement, villages and fishing camps poaching! (a) 160 G.J.B.A.H.S.,Vol.4(3):154-164 (July-September, 2015) ISSN: 2319 – 5584 (b) Extending o boundaries the still pres for the lech waterbirds. The Creatio Lechwe Nat (c) Figure 7 a, b) Human settlements, fishing camps and cattle grazing areas, c) proposed new boundaries to join Blue Lagoon and Lochinvar National Park, to enclose and secure key lechwe habitat which is also relatively free from human encroachment, Kafue Flats, April 2015. 3.4.1 Cattle Populations In 2005 an upper limit of the cattle population was 18,841 with a metabolic equivalent of 56, 523 lechwe, that outnumbered the lechwe population of 38, 448 individuals. In 2015 the herds of cattle had increased by more than 300% to 92,242 cattle, giving a metabolic equivalent of 276, 726 lechwe which by far outstripped the lechwe population estimated at 28,660 individuals (Figure 7). Cattle populations had exponentially increased while the lechwe population declined. 161 G.J.B.A.H.S.,Vol.4(3):154-164 ISSN: 2319 – 5584 (July-September, 2015) 276,726 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 92,242 56,523 38,448 50,000 18,841 28,660 100,000 0 Lechwe population Cattle population Cattle metabolic equivalent of lechwe 2005 38,448 18,841 56,523 2015 28,660 92,242 276,726 2005 2015 Figure 8 A comparisons of cattle and lechwe estimated population and their metabolic biomass equivalents, Kafue Flats, Zambia 4. Discussion 4.1 Population Status The lechwe population has declined by 89% over the intervening interval 1931-2015 driven by two major reasons; disruption of the flooding regime after the commissioning of the Itezhi-Tezhi dam in 1979, and poaching together with habitat encroachment by humans and several other associated human activities. Pitman (1934) estimated 250,000 in 1931 and Bell et al. (1973) estimated a total of 93,000-95,000 in the early 1970s, both estimates being carried out before the construction of the Itezhi-Tezhi dam. The decline became more significant after the construction of the Itezhi-Tezhi dam in 1979, after which the population declined significantly from about 93,000 to 45,000, representing a 50% loss from the pre dam population estimates. The major causes for such drastic decline still remain debatable, though Sayer and van Lavieren (1975); Schuster (1976, 1977, 1980) and Rees (1978a) argued that the alteration of the flooding regime could disrupt the lechwe breeding behaviour and social organization. We agree with this assertion, since lechwe depends on floods for the lek system, a reproductive behaviour developed over a very long period of time. Sayer and van Lavieren (1975) further predicted that the area flooded will be reduced thereby reducing the carrying capacity and a large reduction of the size of the population of lechwe was expected as a result of the construction of the dam. This prediction was also correct as the current results show a sharp decline after 1980. According to Rees (1978a, 1978b) the future of lechwe population was bleak because the Itezhi-Tezhi dam would reduce the flood regime affecting plants and modifying herbage available to the lechwe. Kapungwe’s (1993) standpoint was that the altered flooding regime did not contribute significantly to the population decline; he attributed the decline to poaching alone. Despite this view, the lechwe population decline was sharp after the commissioning of the dam in 1979 (Figure 4a; Table 1 & 2) changing from 80,774 in 1975 to 45, 867 in 1981 representing a loss of approximately greater 44%. While poaching may have played a significant role, the impact of the construction of the Itezhi-Tezhi dam, which disrupted the natural flooding regime, appear to have been at this time one of the major factors responsible for the lechwe population decline. Although further study is required to identify additional factors contributing to the decline and enhance this argument, we still suggest that the decline of the lechwe is attributed to a combination of factors, in which the impact of the dam and poaching are the major ones. We also still argue that the lechwe population estimates of 68,872 in 1991 and 64, 940 in 1993 were over estimates. This is because it would not be possible to have an increase of 24,000 individuals in a single year in an area where poaching is the main factor in population decline as noted and acknowledged by Kapungwe (1993). The increase of 24,000 per single year cannot be explained and hence discounted. It is also difficult to explain the loss of 15,000 individuals in a single year between 1993 and 1994 as reflected in Table 1. Kampamba et al. (1998) noted a further decline from the 1980s to the 1990s during which time the population fluctuated between 40,000 - 45, 000. This further confirms that the estimates for 1991and 1993 are likely to have been over estimates. It is in this line of thought that the 2005 estimate of 38, 448 and the 2015 lower estimate of 28, 660 confirm this population decline. Reasons given by Shanungu and Chaka (2015) of Mimosa pigra as one of the major factors in the current population decline is here by discounted because, while the invasive alien species poses a major threat for the future, the current area covered by Mimosa pigra is outside the key lechwe distribution and foraging range which according to the 2005 and 2015 survey is 162 G.J.B.A.H.S.,Vol.4(3):154-164 (July-September, 2015) ISSN: 2319 – 5584 in the north bank. This argument to discount the impact of Mimosa pigra does not in any way suggest that the alien species should not be eliminated, but rather to discount it for now as one of the major causal factors for the 89% decline in lechwe population. What is critical at the moment is to know the rate of decline and establishes the time available in which to take remedial steps. In this case, remedial measures based on the regression analysis were supposed to have started in 1984 (Figure 4a & b). The greater the rate the more urgent the task to determine what caused it. Declines detected while a species is relatively abundant may be easier to rectify than waiting until the species is no longer abundant. The population performance shown in Figure 4b shows an extreme case of failure to regulate. Based on the population models provided by Sinclair & Grimsdell (1982) (Figure 7) the lechwe shows an extreme case of failure to regulate so that K itself is reduced and eventually the population plunges to extinction. This should inevitably necessitate the review the of carrying capacity of the Kafue flats as it appears that the estimated population’s carrying capacity of 100,000 might have declined over time due to among other factors increased human encroachment, expansion of the invasive alien weed, Mimosa pigra, which is now estimated to cover 29 km 2 (this was reduced through mechanical control) and bush encroachment on the former open plains due to disrupted flooding a regime (Thomas, 2005), increased herds of cattle and many more. Since 1994 the population declined to figures below 50,000. The later decline from 40,000 and below is attributed to high levels of poaching recorded during and after the period of transformation of the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) to a semi autonomous statutory body Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA). This period had a severe impact on the lechwe population, due to staff retrenchment and reduced funding for field operations. Reduced law enforcement operations on the Kafue flats accentuated illegal human settlements, which also increased poaching levels and loss of lechwe habitat (see Figure 7a&b). For this reason, the protection of wildlife should be improved and strengthened substantially and levels of harvesting (trophy and resident hunting) should be based on the successes of this protection. The observed disparity between the south and north banks has accentuated. Kapungwe (1993) estimated that in 1993, the north bank had 55% and south bank 45 % of the total lechwe population estimate. In 2005 survey the difference between north and south banks had increased to 84% and 16% for the north and south banks respectively. The explanation for the low numbers in the south bank (16% of total) are attributed to a number of reasons some of which are; the increased levels of human settlements in the south bank which has reduced the habitat available for the lechwe, the expanding invasive alien weed Mimosa pigra that was estimated at 29 km2 which had displaced lechwe from its traditional feeding areas around Chunga lagoon into the GMA near fishing camps and hence exposing the species to increased poaching, high livestock densities, wildfires which destroy permanent wetland vegetation during the dry season and other human activities in the south bank have exacerbated the decline. It was on this basis that even in the 2015 survey report, the earlier suggestion to adjust park boundaries as shown in Figure 7c was sustanaied. Figure 7 Models of population regulation: (a) shows almost perfect regulation to the equilibrium level with only minor fluctuations about k; (b) shows less accurate regulation at first but gradually the equilibrium level is reached and then maintained; (c) shows that perfect regulation is never achieved; instead the population shows a constant cycle of change, oscillating with k in a regular way. (This is called a stable limit cycle); and; (d) shows an extreme case of failure to regulate; the population overshoots k so much that k itself is reduced and eventually the population plunges itself to extinction. (Sinclair and Grimsdell, 1982). 163 G.J.B.A.H.S.,Vol.4(3):154-164 (July-September, 2015) ISSN: 2319 – 5584 2.8 Cattle - Lechwe Metabolic Ratios In 2005, the cattle population was estimated at 15,650 ± 3,191. In 2015 this estimate had increased to 92,942. Viewed from this angle, the cattle population would represent a competitive factor in the lechwe range that cannot be ignored. As livestock numbers increase over time, the lechwe is likely to continue losing its range to cattle. Intensive surveys of cattle as well as to make it possible to calculate the people/cattle ratio or rate of increase for cattle as was done for the Barotse flood plain (van Gils, 1988) would be needed sooner than later. Systematic collection of data on cattle will be necessary in future surveys in order to establish the sustainability of grassland productivity under increased cattle numbers and its impact on wildlife. There is need to build up a more consistent picture of the cattle population estimates. This is important because the lechwe and cattle interactions are critical in determining their impact on the range and nutrient recycling. Acknowledgement The ZAWA staff that carried out the 2015 survey is herby thanked for the job well done. World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Zambia Country Office provided financial support for the survey. Chaka Kaumba other than being a co author was helpful in his providing the GIS support. Mr. Shanungu brought his longtime experience from the control of Mimosa pigra, a project he had supervised with enthusiasm. Ground crew drivers and other support staff are also acknowledged. Pilots are never forgotten in this noble task, as they display excellent skills in maintaining transect lines even during turbulent weather. References Bell, R.H.V., Grimsdell, J.J. R., Van Lavieren, L.P. & Sayer, J.A. (1978). Census of Kafue Flats by aerial stratified sampling. East African Wildlife Journal 1, 55-74. Bell, R.H.V., Grimsdell, J.J. R. (1973). The persecuted black lechwe of Zambia. Oryx 12, 77-92. Chansa, W. and Kampamba, G. (2005). Report on the aerial survey of the Kafue flats lechwe, wattled crane and cattle on the Kafue flats, Zambia. A report submitted to the World Wide For Nature, Programme office, Lusaka. Chansa, W. and Kampamba, G. (2009). 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