Compuprint PageMaster 1600c User Guide
Compuprint PageMaster 1600c User Guide
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³3RVW6FULSW/HYHO´36LVXVHGWRUHIHUWRDVHWRIFDSDELOLWLHVGHILQHGE\$GREH6\VWHPVIRULWV 3RVW6FULSW/HYHOSDJHGHVFULSWLRQODQJXDJH$GREH$GREH3KRWR6KRS$GREH3DJH0DNHU$GREH6\VWHPV ,QFRUSRUDWHG$SSOH$SSOH7DON(WKHU7DON/DVHU:ULWHU/RFDO7DON0DFLQWRVK7UXH7\SH$SSOH&RPSXWHU,QF %DQ\DQ9,1(6%DQ\DQ'(&'(&QHW/1906'LJLWDO(TXLSPHQW&RUSRUDWLRQ+HZOHWW3DFNDUG+33&/ +3*/+38;/DVHU-HW+HZOHWW3DFNDUG&R,%03&7RNHQ5LQJ,QWHUQDWLRQDO%XVLQHVV0DFKLQHV&RUSRUDWLRQ 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¶G% 3RVW6FULSW)RQW6XPPDU\FRQW¶G% 3RVW6FULSW)RQW6XPPDU\FRQW¶G% 3&/)RQW6XPPDU\% 3&/)RQW6XPPDU\FRQW¶G% $SSHQGL[& )UHTXHQWO\8VHG(WKHUQHW&RPPDQGV& 6HUYHU&RPPDQGV& 3URWRFRO&RPPDQGV& 6HS 3UHIDFH ,QWKLV&KDSWHU • • • • 6HS “Welcome” on page 2 “About this Manual” on page 2 “About the Printer” on page 3 “Safety Precautions” on page 4 &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH $ERXWWKLV0DQXDO :HOFRPH Thank you for selecting the Compuprint PageMaster 1600c laser printer. This User Guide contains important information about the operation and care of your printer. Please read this manual in its entirety and keep it at hand for later reference. $ERXWWKLV0DQXDO 6FRSH This User Guide contains all of the information necessary to operate and care for your printer and accessories. It is intended to be used with the pictorial unpacking instructions and the Installation Guide, both included in the printer packaging. If you have not already unpacked and installed the printer, please refer to these documents. 2YHUYLHZ This manual contains nine chapters and three appendixes: 3UHIDFH The Preface contains information about this guide and about the features and available configurations of the printer. This chapter also describes precautions for the safe use and preservations of the printer. In order to avoid serious injury or accident, all users should read this chapter. &KDSWHU8QSDFNLQJDQG,QVWDOOLQJWKH3ULQWHU This chapter describes how to select an appropriate installation location, how to upack the printer, what accessories are provided with the printer, and the installation procedures required once you have chosen a location for your printer. &KDSWHU0DLQWHQDQFH This chapter explains any necessary maintenance procedures, such as feeding paper, cleaning, and other procedures required for normal operation. &KDSWHU'HDOLQJZLWK3UREOHPV This chapter describes solutions to any problems that might occur when using the printer. Read this chapter to determine the nature of the problem and the best method of dealing with it. &KDSWHU3DSHU-DPV This chapter explains procedures for dealing with paper jams. &KDSWHU&RQVXPDEOHV This chapter provides information about the expendables used with the printer, and also describes handling and replacement procedures. &KDSWHU2SWLRQV This chapter describes any available options and the procedures for their installation and removal. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH $ERXWWKH3ULQWHU &KDSWHU8QGHUVWDQGLQJDQG1DYLJDWLQJWKH&RQWURO3DQHO0HQX This chapter explains the control panel and its functions, and also demonstrates how to navigate through the control panel menus and submenus that allow you to view and change the printer settings. &KDSWHU8VLQJ'5$00',00V)/$6+',00DQG3RZHURQ)LOHV This chapter describes procedures for installation of DRAM memory DIMMs and FLASH DIMM modules. Downloading software to the FLASH DIMM module is also discussed in this chapter. $SSHQGL[$6DIHW\1RWHVDQG5HJXODWRU\&RPSOLDQFHV This appendix describes cautions to take when installing, transporting, or operating the printer, and also includes the applicable regulatory compliances. $SSHQGL[%3ULQWLQJ)RQW6XPPDULHV This appendix explains the procedure for printing summaries of PCL or PostScript fonts installed in your printer. $SSHQGL[&)UHTXHQWO\8VHG(WKHUQHW&RPPDQGV This appendix lists some of the most frequently used commands of the Print Server command set. More information about the command set, including additional options, can be found in the Ethernet Network Reference Manual on the Compuprint PageMaster 1600c Electronic Library CD-ROM. 3ULQWHU2ULHQWDWLRQ Throughout this guide, the four sides of the printer are referred to as front, rear, right, and left. The front of the printer is the side near the control panel, and the rear of the printer is opposite the front. The left and right sides of the printer are defined as the sides to the left and right, respectively, of a person who is facing the front of the printer. $ERXWWKH3ULQWHU )HDWXUHV This printer provides the following high-grade features to satisfy a wide variety of printing requirements. Your laser printer has the following features: • • • • 6HS High quality, high-resolution full color laser printing at 600/1,200 dpi with duplex printing capabilities (*). High-speed 600 dpi monochrome/color output at 16 pages per minute and 8 pages per minute monochrome/color output at 1,200 dpi. Printing on a wide variety of sizes such as postcards, A5 through A4, and long paper (215.9 mm × 900 mm). With the optional High Capacity Feeder (HCF) installed, you can increase printing efficiency by using both paper trays. You can set up to 1,600 sheets with this option. The illustration on the following page shows the printer with the optional High Capacity Feeder (HCF) installed. &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6DIHW\3UHFDXWLRQV • • Easy operation, the easy-to-read control panel display clearly shows the status of printer operation. Control panel pushbuttons allow you to access and view printer menus, submenus, and status messages. Network-readiness, the standard configuration of the printer includes an Ethernet Network Interface Card. 127( 7RSULQWLQGXSOH[PRGHDWGSLLWLVQHFHVVDU\WRLQVWDOODGGLWLRQDOPHPRU\LQWKHSULQWHU $YDLODEOH&RQILJXUDWLRQ The PageMaster 1600c printer available in the following configuration: 6WDQGDUG&RQILJXUDWLRQ • • • • • • • Memory: 128 MB Resolutions: 600 x 600 dpi and 1200 x 1200 dpi Paper Input: One 500-sheet A4/letter paper tray and one 100-sheet front tray for paper, transparencies, envelopes, and other non-standard print media Paper Output: One 250-sheet face-down tray Interfaces: IEEE 1284 Parallel, USB, 10/100BaseT, 10Base2 Printer Languages: PCL6, Adobe Postscript 3 The illustration below shows the printer with the optional High Capacity Feeder installed. 127( 9DULRXVRSWLRQDODFFHVVRULHVDUHDOVRDYDLODEOHIRUWKHSULQWHU 6DIHW\3UHFDXWLRQV To ensure safe operation of your printer, make sure you read this section thoroughly before use. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6DIHW\3UHFDXWLRQV &RQYHQWLRQV This following conventions are used throughout this manual to emphasize certain procedures or information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his symbol alerts you to procedures that require close attention. Make sure you read and follow the instructions carefully. This symbol alerts you to prohibited procedures. Make sure you read the instructions carefully. This symbol alerts you to procedures that should be performed. Make sure you perform the procedure after reading the instructions carefully. ,QVWDOOLQJDQG5HORFDWLQJ<RXU3ULQWHU Do not place the printer in a hot, humid, dusty, or poorly ventilated environment. Prolonged exposure to these adverse conditions can cause fire or electric shocks. Do not place the printer near heaters or near volatile, flammable, or combustible materials, such as curtains, that may catch fire. Place the printer on a level and sturdy surface that can withstand a good weight. If tilted, the printer may fall and cause injuries. Because the printer weighs 34.5 kg fully assembled, therefore make sure that at least two people carry it. To lift the printer, face the front and back of the printer and, with both hands, grip the recessed areas at the bottom left and right. Never try to lift the printer by gripping any other areas. Lifting the printer by gripping other areas can cause the printer to fall, resulting in injury. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6DIHW\3UHFDXWLRQV 7KHUHLVGDQJHURIWKHSULQWHUIDOOLQJ When lifting the printer, get a firm footing and bend your knees to avoid possible injuries to your back. The printer has ventilation holes on the rear panel. Ensure that the printer is installed no less than 150 mm from the wall on the right, 100 mm from the wall on the left, and 200 mm from the wall at the back. A poorly ventilated printer can cause excessive internal heat and fire. The accompanying diagram shows the minimum clearances required for normal operation, consumables replacement, and maintenance to ensure your printer operates at peak performance. PP PP PP PP When moving the printer, be sure to unplug the power cord from the outlet. If the printer is moved with the power cord connected, it can cause damage to the cord, which could result in fire or electric shocks. When moving the printer, do not tilt it more than 10 degrees. If tilted excessively, the printer may fall over and cause injuries. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6DIHW\3UHFDXWLRQV After installing the High Capacity Feeder, lock down the brakes on the casters at the front of the High Capacity Feeder. Failure to lock down the brakes can cause the printer to move unexpectedly, resulting in injury. 2WKHU3UHFDXWLRQV • Operate the printer in a location that meets the following conditions: Ambient temperature range of 10 to 32°C, relative humidity of 15 to 85% (no condensation) If operating the printer with an ambient temperature of 32°C, the relative humidity should not exceed 65%. If the relative humidity reaches 85%, the ambient temperature should not exceed 28°C. 127( • • • • 'RQRWSODFHWKHSULQWHULQDURRPZKHUHWKHUHDUHVXGGHQIOXFWXDWLRQVLQWHPSHUDWXUHDQGGRQRW PRYH WKH SULQWHU IURP D FROG SODFH WR D ZDUP KXPLG SODFH ,I \RX GR FRQGHQVDWLRQ PD\ RFFXU ZLWKLQWKHSULQWHUDQGSULQWTXDOLW\GHWHULRUDWH Do not place the printer in direct sunlight, as this may damage the printer. To prevent trays or consumables from falling out, do not tilt the printer more than 10 degrees in any direction. When moving the printer, remove the toner cartridges. Do not reuse toner cartridges once you have removed them from the printer. Loose toner can spill inside the printer and deteriorate print quality. Do not place the printer directly next to an air conditioner or heater, as this affects the temperature inside the printer and can cause damage. 3UHFDXWLRQVIRU3RZHUDQG(DUWK&RQQHFWLRQV Three power specifications are listed below. The specifications that apply to your printer depend on its configuration. Connect the power plug only to a properly rated power outlet. Otherwise, it can cause fire or electric shocks. If in doubt, contact your Compuprint Customer Support Center. z z z Rated voltage:100 V Rated frequency:50/60 Hz Rated voltage:110-127 V Rated frequency:60 Hz Rated voltage:220-240 V Rated frequency:50/60 Hz Ensure that the plug connection is dustless. In a damp environment, a contaminated connector can draw a non-negligible amount of current that can generate heat and eventually cause fire over an extended period of time. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6DIHW\3UHFDXWLRQV Always use the power cord provided with your printer. When an extension power cord is required, always use a properly rated cord. If you use a cord with an unspecified current rating, the printer or plug may emit smoke or become hot to the touch. Do not attempt to modify, pull, bend, chafe, or otherwise damage the power cord. Do not place a heavy object on the cord. A damaged cord can cause fire or electric shocks. Never touch a power cord with wet hands. This constitutes an electric shock hazard. Stop operation immediately if your printer emits smoke, excessive heat, unusual noise or smell, or if water is spilt onto the printer. These conditions can cause fire. Immediately turn off and unplug the printer, and contact your Compuprint Customer Support Center. To prevent fire or electric shocks, follow the instructions below based on your printer's configuration. If in doubt, contact your Compuprint Customer Support Center. Never connect the earth wire to any of the following: z z z Gas pipes, which can be ignited and explode Telephone line earth wires or lightning rods, which can draw an excessive electric current if hit by lightning Water faucets or pipes whose electrical conductivity is broken by a non-metallic part If the power cord is broken or insulated wires are exposed, ask your Compuprint Customer Support Center for a replacement. Using a damaged cord can cause fire or electric shocks. &DXWLRQV Do not unplug or replug the printer while it is on. Unplugging a live connector can deform the plug and cause fire. When unplugging the printer, grasp the plug instead of the cord. Forcibly pulling on a cord can damage it and cause fire or electric shocks. Be sure to switch off and unplug the printer before accessing the interior of the printer for cleaning, maintenance, or fault clearance. Access to a live printer's interior can cause electric shocks. Once a month, unplug the printer and check the power cord for the following: z z z z The power cord is plugged firmly into a receptacle. The plug is not excessively heated, rusted, or bent. The plug and receptacle are free of dust. The cord is not cracked or frayed. If you notice any unusual conditions, contact your Compuprint Customer Support Center. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6DIHW\3UHFDXWLRQV When the printer is not used over an extended period of time, switch it off and unplug it. If an unused printer is left connected to a power source for a long period, degraded insulation can cause electric shocks, current leakages, or fire. Switch off the printer before connecting the interface cable or options. Connecting the cable or card with a live printer can cause electric shocks. 2WKHU3UHFDXWLRQV • This printer may interfere with radio or television reception, causing flickering or distortion. This can be determined by turning the printer off and on. To correct interference, perform one, or a combination of the following procedures: z Move the printer away from TV and/or radio. z Reposition the printer, TV and/or radio. z If the printer, TV and/or radio are plugged into the same outlet, unplug them, then plug them into different outlets. z Reposition the TV and/or radio antennas and cables until the interference stops. For external antennas, consult your local electrician. z Use coaxial cable with the antennas 2SHUDWLQJ3UHFDXWLRQV Do not place any liquid containers such as vases or coffee cups on the printer. Liquids spilt on the printer constitue a fire and electrical shock hazard. Do not place any metal parts such as staples or clips on the printer. If metal and flammable parts get into the printer, they can short-circuit internal components, and cause fire or electric shocks. If debris (metal or liquid) gets into the printer, turn off and unplug the printer. Contact your Compuprint Customer Support Center. Operating a debris-contaminated printer can cause fire or electric shocks. Never open or remove printer covers that are secured with screws unless specifically instructed to do so in the this manual. A high-voltage component can cause electric shocks. Do not try to alter the printer's configuration or modify any parts. An unauthorized modification can cause smoke or fire. This printer complies with the IEC60825 (Class 1) international laser standard. This means that the printer does not present any risk of injury to persons from laser radiation. Various covers confine the laser radiation to the inside of the printer; hence, users cannot incur injury from the laser under normal operating conditions. Removing covers, unless instructed to do so in this manual, can cause injury from laser radiation. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6DIHW\3UHFDXWLRQV Never touch a labeled area found on or near the fuser unit. You can burn yourself. If a sheet of paper is wrapped around the fuser roller, do not try to remove it by yourself to avoid injuries or burns. Turn off the printer immediately and contact your Compuprint Customer Support Center. Do not place any heavy objects on the printer. An off-balance printer can fall over or the heavy object can fall, causing injuries. Do not use highly flammable sprays or solvents in or around the printer, as this can result in fire. When removing paper jams, make sure no pieces of paper are left inside the printer, as this can cause fire. If the paper is wrapped around the fuser or roller, or you cannot see the jam you are trying to clear, do not attempt to remove the paper by yourself, as this may cause injury or burns.Turn off the printer immediately, and contact the place of purchase or a Compuprint Customer Support Center. Do not place magnets near the safety switch of the printer. Magnets can activate the printer accidentally, resulting in injuries. Refer to this manual for procedures on clearing paper jams and how to resolve any other troubles that may occur. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6DIHW\3UHFDXWLRQV 1RWHVRQ+DQGOLQJ&RQVXPDEOHV Never throw a toner cartridge into an open flame. It can cause an explosion and injuries. Never throw a transfer roller cartridge into an open flame. It can cause an explosion and injuries. Never throw a drum cartridge into an open flame. It can cause an explosion and injuries. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6DIHW\3UHFDXWLRQV • • • • • Do not open consumables until you are ready to use them. Do not store consumables in the following conditions: z In high temperature or humidity z Near a naked flame z Exposed to direct sunlight z Dusty areas Before using consumables, read the operating instructions and precautions on the packaging. Administer emergency first aid as follows: z If you get toner in your eyes, rinse them well with plenty of clean water. Consult a physician if necessary. z If you get toner on your skin, wash it with soap and water and rinse well. z If you inhale toner, leave the area of exposure immediately and gargle with plenty of water. z If you swallow toner, induce vomiting and consult your physician immediately. When you remove the transfer roller cartridge from the printer because the waste toner collection box is full, do not attempt to empty the waste toner box and reuse the cartridge, as toner may spill inside the printer and cause damage. Do not tilt or shake drum cartridges or transfer roller cartridges that has been removed temporarily. The toner may leak and cause damage. ◆ ◆ ◆ 6HS &KDSWHU 8QSDFNLQJDQG,QVWDOOLQJWKH 3ULQWHU ,QWKLV&KDSWHU • • • • • • • • • • • • 6HS “About this Chapter” on page 1-2 “Positioning the Printer” on page 1-2 “Accessories” on page 1-4 “Transporting the Printer” on page 1-7 “Installation Procedure” on page 1-8 “Turning the Printer On” on page 1-24 “Selecting a Display Language” on page 1-25 “Adjusting Color Registration” on page 1-26 “Installing Printer Drivers and Locating User Documentation” on page 1-28 “Printing a Configuration Summary” on page 1-30 “Printing PCL and PostScript Font Lists” on page 1-32 “Turning the Printer Off” on page 1-33 &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 3RVLWLRQLQJWKH3ULQWHU $ERXWWKLV&KDSWHU This chapter describes how to select an appropriate installation location, what accessories are provided with the printer, and the installation procedures required once you have chosen a location for your printer. 3RVLWLRQLQJWKH3ULQWHU For safe and convenient printer operation, take time to read the information in this section when deciding where to place your printer. ,QVWDOODWLRQ(QYLURQPHQW Place the printer in a location that meets the following conditions: • • • • Level and stable surface. Well ventilated. Ambient temperature range of 10 to 32°C, relative humidity 15 to 85% (no condensation). If you use the printer at an ambient temperature of 32°C, the relative humidity should not exceed 65%. If the relative humidity reaches 85%, the ambient temperature should not exceed 28°C. 127( 'RQRWSRVLWLRQWKHSULQWHULQDURRPZKHUHWKHUHDUHVXGGHQWHPSHUDWXUHIOXFWXDWLRQV'RQRWPRYH WKHSULQWHUIURPDFRROGU\ORFDWLRQWRDZDUPKXPLGORFDWLRQ6XGGHQWHPSHUDWXUHIOXFWXDWLRQV FDQ FDXVH ZDWHU GURSOHWV FRQGHQVDWLRQ WR IRUP LQVLGH WKH SULQWHU DQG FDXVH WKH SULQW TXDOLW\ WR GHWHULRUDWH ,I FRQGHQVDWLRQ RFFXUV DOORZ DW OHDVW RQH KRXU IRU WKH SULQWHU WR DGDSW WR WKH QHZ HQYLURQPHQWEHIRUHXVH &RQQHFWWKHSULQWHUWRLWVRZQ$&RXWOHW Do not plug any other equipment into the printer’s AC outlet, especially high-current equipment such as copiers or air conditioners. Electrical noise and voltage fluctuations from other equipment plugged into the same outlet can cause computing errors and data loss. :$51,1*&RQQHFWWKHSRZHUSOXJWRDQ$&RXWOHWZLWKWKHVDPHYROWDJHDVWKHSULQWHU 9DQGUDWHGIRUDWOHDVW$1RRWKHUGHYLFHVVKRXOGEHSOXJJHGLQWRWKLV$&RXWOHWDV RYHUKHDWLQJFRXOGFDXVHILUHRUHOHFWULFDOVKRFN7KHSULQWHUGUDZV$DW9 Avoid exposing the printer to: • • • • • • • • • Direct sunlight Air conditioners or heaters Windy locations Surfaces subject to vibration Dusty or dirty places Naked flames Humidity Magnetic fields Wide ranging temperature and humidity fluctuations 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 3RVLWLRQLQJWKH3ULQWHU :KHQXVLQJDQXOWUDVRQLFZDWHUYDSRUL]HU Using tap or well water with ultrasonic water vaporizers disperses impurities into the air. These impurities can accumulate inside the printer and cause print quality to deteriorate. If you install the printer in the same room as an ultrasonic water vaporizer, use only filtered water in the water vaporizer. 0LQLPXP,QVWDOODWLRQ&OHDUDQFHV Be sure to install the printer in a location that respects the minimum clearances indicated in the illustrations below. &$87,217RDYRLGREVWUXFWLRQRIWKHYHQWLODWLRQJULOOVRQWKHEDFNDQGWKHVLGHRIWKHSULQWHU SRVLWLRQWKHSULQWHUQROHVVWKDQPPIURPWKHZDOORQWKHULJKWVLGHPPIURPWKHZDOO RQWKHOHIWVLGHDQGPPIURPWKHZDOODWWKHEDFN2EVWUXFWLQJWKHYHQWLODWLRQJULOOVFDQ FDXVHWKHSULQWHUWRRYHUKHDWDQGEHFRPHDILUHKD]DUG7RDOORZHDV\URXWLQHPDLQWHQDQFH UHSODFHPHQWRIFRQVXPDEOHVSURSHURSHUDWLRQDQGHQVXUHVDWLVIDFWRU\SHUIRUPDQFHFRQILUP WKDWWKHSULQWHU¶VSRVLWLRQLVDVLOOXVWUDWHGEHORZ 7RS9LHZ PP PP PP PP )URQW9LHZ PP 6HS PP &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH $FFHVVRULHV 6LGH9LHZ PP PP $FFHVVRULHV The standard printer package consists of the following items. Before installing the printer, confirm that all the items listed below are accounted for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ote the following points when transporting the printer into position. &$87,21$WOHDVWWZRSHRSOHVKRXOGFDUU\WKHSULQWHU %HFDXVH WKH SULQWHU ZHLJKV NJ ZLWK WKH WUD\ DQG FRQVXPDEOHV LQVWDOOHG DW OHDVW WZR SHRSOH VKRXOGFDUU\LW 7ROLIWWKHSULQWHUIDFHWKHIURQWDQGEDFNRIWKHSULQWHUDQGJULSWKHUHFHVVHGDUHDVDWWKHERWWRPOHIW DQGULJKWZLWKERWKKDQGV1HYHUWU\WROLIWWKHSULQWHUE\JULSSLQJDQ\RWKHUDUHDV/LIWLQJWKHSULQWHU E\JULSSLQJRWKHUDUHDVFDQFDXVHWKHSULQWHUWRIDOOUHVXOWLQJLQLQMXU\%HQG\RXUNQHHVZKHQOLIW LQJWKHSULQWHUWRDYRLGEDFNLQMXU\ 7KHUHLVGDQJHURIWKHSULQWHUIDOOLQJ .HHSWKHSULQWHUOHYHO When carrying the printer, keep it level to prevent trays and consumables from falling out. Do not tilt it more than 10 degrees in any direction. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7UDQVSRUWLQJWKH3ULQWHU ,QVWDOODWLRQ3URFHGXUH Install the printer as follows: 1. Remove all the packing tape from the printer. 2. Remove all the spacers from the printer. 3. Install the drum cartridge. 4. Install the toner cartridges. 5. Load the paper. 6. Plug the power cord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hen you first remove the printer from its box, there is packing tape in 8 places to secure the covers during shipping. Refer to the illustrations below and remove all the packing tape from the printer. 5LJKW6LGH 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7UDQVSRUWLQJWKH3ULQWHU /HIW6LGH 5HPRYLQJWKH6SDFHUV A spacer is installed in the paper tray to protect it from shock and vibrations during shipping. Remove the spacer before using the printer. Follow the procedure below to remove the spacer from the paper tray. 127( 6HS .HHSWKHVSDFHULQFDVH\RXQHHGWRWUDQVSRUWWKHSULQWHURYHUORQJGLVWDQFHVLQWKHIXWXUH &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7UDQVSRUWLQJWKH3ULQWHU 1. Gently pull out the paper tray until it stops. 2. Hold the tray with both hands, lift the front up slightly and pull it completely out of the printer. 127( 3ODFHWKHWUD\RQDIODWVXUIDFH 3. Remove the tape from the cardboard spacer in the tray and remove the spacer. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7UDQVSRUWLQJWKH3ULQWHU 127( .HHSWKHVSDFHULQFDVH\RXQHHGWRWUDQVSRUWWKHSULQWHURYHUORQJGLVWDQFHVLQWKHIXWXUH 4. Holding the paper tray with both hands, align it with the opening in the printer and gently insert it. 5. Push the paper tray completely back into the printer. 127( 6HS 'RQRWXVHH[FHVVLYHIRUFHRQWKHSDSHUWUD\ &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7UDQVSRUWLQJWKH3ULQWHU ,QVWDOOLQJWKH'UXP&DUWULGJH Follow the procedure below to install the drum cartridge. 1. Push up button ‘A’ 1 and fully open the front cover 2. 2. Open the paper outlet cover. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7UDQVSRUWLQJWKH3ULQWHU 3. Take a new drum cartridge out of its package and pull hard on each the 8 seals to remove them. Pull the seals completely out. 127( .HHSWKHDOXPLQXPSDFNDJHRIWKHGUXPFDUWULGJHLQFDVH\RXQHHGWRWUDQVSRUWWKHSULQWHURYHU ORQJGLVWDQFHVLQWKHIXWXUH 4. Hold the left and right sides of the drum cartridge and remove the protective cover from it. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7UDQVSRUWLQJWKH3ULQWHU 5. Remove the protective sheet from the drum cartridge as shown in the illustration. 127( 'RQRWWRXFKWKHWUDQVIHUUROOHUEODFNFRORUHGSDUW0DNHVXUHQRWKLQJWRXFKHVRUVFUDWFKHVWKH UROOVXUIDFH6FUDWFKHVRURLOIURP\RXUKDQGVRQWKHGUXPGHWHULRUDWHVSULQWTXDOLW\ 0DNH VXUH \RX UHPRYH WKH SURWHFWLYH VKHHW ,QVWDOOLQJ WKH GUXP FDUWULGJH ZLWKRXW UHPRYLQJ WKH SURWHFWLYHVKHHWGHWHULRUDWHVSULQWTXDOLW\ 5HPRYHWKHSURWHFWLYHVKHHWZLWKWKHGUXPFDUWULGJHLQDKRUL]RQWDOSRVLWLRQ 6. Hold the drum cartridge by the handle, align its 4 shafts with the slots indicated by the arrows on the printer, and gently lower it into the printer. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7UDQVSRUWLQJWKH3ULQWHU 127( 'RQRWWRXFKWKHWUDQVIHUUROOHU /RZHULQJ WKH FDUWULGJH LQWR WKH SULQWHU ZLWKRXW FRUUHFWO\ DOLJQLQJ WKH VKDIWV ZLWK WKH VORWV FDQ GDPDJHWKHFDUWULGJH 'RQRWDOORZWKHVXUIDFHRIWKHWUDQVIHUUROOHUWRFRPHLQWRFRQWDFWZLWKDQ\WKLQJ 7. Close the paper outlet cover. 8. Close the front cover. ,QVWDOOLQJWKH7RQHU&DUWULGJHV Follow the procedure below to install the toner cartridges 127( 6HS 7KHWRQHULVKDUPOHVVEXWVKRXOGVWLOOEHZDVKHGRIILPPHGLDWHO\LILWFRPHVLQWRFRQWDFWZLWKKDQGV RUFORWKLQJ &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7UDQVSRUWLQJWKH3ULQWHU 1. Remove the top cover. 2. Select the new toner cartridge whose color matches the label on the insertion point and remove it from its packaging. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7UDQVSRUWLQJWKH3ULQWHU 3. Shake the toner cartridge 7 or 8 times as shown in the illustration to distribute the toner evenly. 4. Align the toner cartridge with the corresponding insertion point in the printer and insert it as shown in the illustration. 5. Grip the levers at each end of the toner cartridge with your fingers, then push down lightly to rotate the levers forward. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7UDQVSRUWLQJWKH3ULQWHU 6. Pull the toner seal straight up to remove it. 127( 3XOOWKHWRQHUVHDOVWUDLJKWXS3XOOLQJWKHWRQHUVHDOGLDJRQDOO\PD\WHDUWKHVHDO 7. Repeat steps 2 - 6 to install the remaining toner cartridges. 8. Replace the top cover. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7UDQVSRUWLQJWKH3ULQWHU /RDGLQJ3DSHU Follow the procedure below to load paper into the paper tray. 127( 6HH³3DSHU+DQGOLQJ´RQSDJHIRULQIRUPDWLRQDERXWWKHW\SHVRISDSHUVXLWDEOHIRUSULQWLQJ6HH ³/RDGLQJ3DSHULQWKH0XOWL3XUSRVH7UD\´RQSDJHIRUPRUHGHWDLOVRQVHWWLQJSDSHULQWKH PDQXDOIHHGWUD\ 1. Pull the paper tray out until it stops. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7UDQVSRUWLQJWKH3ULQWHU 2. Hold the tray with both hands lift up the front slightly and remove it from the printer. 127( 3ODFHWKHWUD\RQDIODWVXUIDFH END PAPER GUIDE 3. Move the end and side paper guides to their outermost positions. Gently lift the end paper guide to move it. 4. Grip the end paper guide with your fingers and gently lift it up. Insert the pins at the bottom of the guide in the holes corresponding to the paper size that you want to load. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7UDQVSRUWLQJWKH3ULQWHU 127( 0DNHVXUHWKDWWKHHQGJXLGHLVSURSHUO\LQVHUWHGLQWRWKHKROHVFRUUHVSRQGLQJWRWKHDSSURSULDWH SDSHUVL]H 2QO\DVPDOODPRXQWRIPRYHPHQWRIWKHHQGSDSHUJXLGHFDQPDNHDXWRPDWLFSDSHUVL]HGHWHFWLRQ LPSRVVLEOH,IWKLVRFFXUVPRYHWKHHQGSDSHUJXLGHDOOWKHZD\WRLWVRXWHUPRVWSRVLWLRQDJDLQWKHQ UHDOLJQLWZLWKWKHDSSURSULDWHSDSHUVL]HPDUN 5. Align the four corners of the paper stack and insert the paper (print side up) under the tab. 127( 'RQRWXVHSDSHUWKDWLVIROGHGFUHDVHGRUKHDYLO\ZDUSHG 'RQRWRYHUORDGWKHSDSHUWUD\ 6. Align the side guides with the edges of the paper. 127( 6HS 3XVKLQJ WKH SDSHU JXLGHV WRR KDUG DJDLQVW WKH HGJHV RI WKH SDSHU VWDFN FDQ FDXVH D SDSHU MDP +RZHYHULIWKHSDSHUJXLGHLVWRRORRVHWKHSDSHUPD\WZLVWDVLWIHHGVWKURXJKWKHSULQWHU &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7UDQVSRUWLQJWKH3ULQWHU 7. Hold the paper tray with both hands, align it with the opening in the printer and gently insert it. 8. Push the paper tray completely back into the printer. 127( 'RQRWXVHH[FHVVLYHIRUFHRQWKHSDSHUWUD\ 127( 7KHUHLVDQLQGLFDWRUQH[WWRWKHSDSHUWUD\WKDWWHOOV\RXKRZPXFKSDSHUUHPDLQVLQWKHWUD\8VH WKHPHWHUDVDJXLGHWRUHILOOWKHSDSHUWUD\ 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7UDQVSRUWLQJWKH3ULQWHU ,QVWDOOLQJWKH7UD\&RYHU Follow the procedure below to install the tray cover. 127( 7KHWUD\FRYHUGRHVQRWFRPHVWDQGDUGZLWKWKHSULQWHU 1. Clip the hooks on the tray cover onto the 2 tabs at the back of the printer as illustrated. &RQQHFWLQJWKH3RZHU&RUG Follow the procedure below to connect the power cord. :$51,1*&RQQHFWWKHSRZHUSOXJWRDQ$&RXWOHWZLWKWKHVDPHYROWDJHDVWKHSULQWHU 9DQGUDWHGIRUDWOHDVW$1RRWKHUGHYLFHVVKRXOGEHSOXJJHGWRWKLV$&RXWOHWDV RYHUKHDWLQJFRXOGFDXVHILUHRUHOHFWULFDOVKRFN7KHSULQWHUGUDZV$DW9 7KHJUHHQJURXQGZLUHRIWKHSRZHUFRUGLVPHDQWWRSUHYHQWHOHFWULFVKRFNRUILUHKD]DUGLQWKH HYHQWRIDSRZHUOHDN &RQQHFWLWWRWKHJURXQGOHDGRIWKHSRZHURXWOHWRUDFRSSHUSLSHEXULHGDWOHDVWPPLQWKH JURXQGRUDW\SH'HDUWKFRQQHFWLRQ 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7XUQLQJWKH3ULQWHU2Q 1. Plug the power cord into the power inlet at the back of the printer. Plug the other end of the cord into the AC outlet. Connect the earth connection to the ground, if possible. 7XUQLQJWKH3ULQWHU2Q On the printer’s right side, press the side of the power switch marked [ ,] to turn the printer on. 127( 7KHSULQWHUPRWRUVUXQIRURUPLQXWHVZKHQ\RXILUVWWXUQWKHSRZHURQ The top line of the LCD display reads: Loading followed by asterisks progressing across the bottom line: ************** Following a LED self test, asterisks progress across both lines of the display ************** ************** and the Power On Self Test ends with the top line of the display reading: Ready 127( :KLOHWXUQHGRQWKHSULQWHUZLOOJRLQWRWKHVWDQGE\VWDWHLILWUHPDLQVLGOHIRUDSHULRGRIWLPH,IDQ HUURUPHVVDJHDSSHDUVVHH³&RQWURO3DQHO/&'0HVVDJHV´RQSDJHIRUPRUHGHWDLOV 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7XUQLQJWKH3ULQWHU2Q 6HOHFWLQJD'LVSOD\/DQJXDJH The default language for all LCD display messages and the Configuration Summary is English. You can change the default language to Espanol, Italiano, Deutsch or Francais. 127( 7KHODQJXDJHWKDW\RXVHOHFWZLOOEHUHIOHFWHGRQDOO/&'GLVSOD\PHVVDJHVDQGDOVRWKHFRQWHQWRI WKH&RQILJXUDWLRQ6XPPDU\ To change the default language from English to one of the other four available selections: 1. From the Ready status, press MENU, the control panel display will read: Menu Paper Menu 2. Press PREVIOUS or NEXT until the display reads: Menu System Menu 3. Press SELECT, the display will read: System Menu Factory Defaults 4. Press NEXT or PREVIOUS until the display reads: System Menu Display Language 5. Press SELECT, the display will read: System Menu English 6. Press NEXT or PREVIOUS until the desired default language appears on the bottom line of the display: Press SELECT. You have now changed the default language. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH $GMXVWLQJ&RORU5HJLVWUDWLRQ $GMXVWLQJ&RORU5HJLVWUDWLRQ Follow the procedure below to adjust the color registration when first installing the printer or after moving it to a new location. Straightest lines To obtain the best color print quality, the printer must be aligned so that all four color planes are positioned correctly on the printed page. This alignment is done in two parts: 1. Alignment of black ink to ensure that proper image positioning is achieved relative to the printed page 2. Alignment of cyan, magenta and yellow inks to ensure color accuracy The following steps comprise the alignment procedure: 1. Using the control panel, enter the COLOR Menu. From the Ready status, press MENU, the control panel display will read: Menu Paper Menu 2. Press PREVIOUS or NEXT until the display reads: Menu Color Menu 3. Press SELECT, the display will read: Color Menu Screening Mode 4. Press NEXT or PREVIOUS until the display reads: Color Menu Alignment 5. Press SELECT, the display will read: Alignment Alignment Page 6. Print the “ALIGNMENT PAGE” 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH $GMXVWLQJ&RORU5HJLVWUDWLRQ 7. Adjust black ink alignment settings (“K-V ADJUST” and “K-H ADJUST” ) 8. Print the “ALIGNMENT PAGE” (note: steps 4 and 5 may have to be repeated a few times) 9. Adjust color ink alignment values (“M-V ADJUST”, “M-H ADJUST”, “Y-V ADJUST”,“Y-H ADJUST”,“C-V ADJUST”and “C-H ADJUST” 10. Print the “ALIGNMENT PAGE” (note: steps 4 and 5 may have to be repeated a few times) 11. Place the printer into “READY” mode. $GMXVWLQJ3ULQWHU$OLJQPHQW6HWWLQJV The following menu items under the COLOR:ALIGNMENT menu are used during the alignment procedure to change the alignment settings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³&´³0´DQG³<´LQNVLQDQG '3, PRGHV 7KH QDPH RI WKH VHWWLQJ ZLOO UHIOHFW WKH FXUUHQW VHWWLQJ RI WKH 48$/,7<5(62/87,21PHQX 127( 7KHUH DUH GLIIHUHQW KRUL]RQWDO DOLJQPHQW DGMXVWPHQWV IRU ³.´ LQN IRU HDFK SDSHU VRXUFH 7KH QDPHRIWKHVHWWLQJZLOOUHIOHFWWKHFXUUHQWYDOXHRIWKH3$3(5'()$8/76285&(PHQX $GMXVWLQJ%ODFN,QN$OLJQPHQW Adjust the “K-V ADJUST” and “K-H ADJUST” values until the box around the outside of the page is centered within the printed page. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH ,QVWDOOLQJ3ULQWHU'ULYHUVDQG/RFDWLQJ8VHU'RFXPHQWDWLRQ $GMXVWLQJWKH&RORU,QN$OLJQPHQW6HWWLQJV Next go to the color registration adjustment portion of the alignment page. You will notice that there are six alignment pattern printed on the paper; three horizontal and three vertical. In each set of patterns, there is one each for YELLOW, MAGENTA and CYAN inks. Pay closest attention to the series of narrow tick marks in the alignment patterns. You will see two short black lines that are separated by a short colored line. You should be able to see that in each test pattern, there should be only instance where the two black lines and the colored line are in perfect alignment with each other, thus forming a single straight line. When the straightest line is identified, note the number next to the line. In the appropriate adjustment menu, set the value to the number representing the straightest line. Do this for each color, and then print the alignment page again. When all of the straightest lines are at the “0” position, alignment has been successfully completed. 127( ,WVKRXOGRQO\EHQHFHVVDU\WRSHUIRUPWKLVSURFHGXUHRQHWLPHZKHQWKHSULQWHULVLQVWDOOHG ,QVWDOOLQJ3ULQWHU'ULYHUVDQG/RFDWLQJ8VHU'RFXPHQWDWLRQ ,QVWDOOLQJ3ULQWHU'ULYHUVDQGRWKHU6RIWZDUHIRU81,;DQG:LQGRZV To install printer drivers and other software for UNIX and Windows, go to the SOFTWARE folder located on the Electronic Library CD-ROM. The SOFTWARE folder contains the following subfolders: Drivers Folder The Drivers folder contains all of the printer drivers necessary to print from Windows 3.1and 95/98, and Windows NT 3.5.1 and 4.0, and Windows 2000 systems. Refer to the DRIVERS.TXT file included in this folder for more information about installing and using driver software. EZWebCon Folder The EZWebCon folder contains the EZWebCon software used to configure and manage your Network Interface Card. Refer to the README.TXT file included in this folder for more information about installing and using EZWebCon. NetPort Folder The NetPort folder contains the network port software that allows you to print directly from Windows 95/98 and Intel Windows NT 4.0 systems. Refer to the README.TXT file included in this folder for more information about installing and using this software. PFDload Folder The PFDload folder contains information about downloading printer firmware updates. Refer to the README.TXT file included in this folder for more information. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH ,QVWDOOLQJ3ULQWHU'ULYHUVDQG/RFDWLQJ8VHU'RFXPHQWDWLRQ UnixSW Folder The UnixSW folder contains Compuprint UNIX Printing Software, which is an enhanced print filter and network socket driver that allows you to take advantage of all of the printing features of your printer. Refer to the INSTSALL.PDF file included in this folder for more information about installing and using Compuprint UNIX Printing Software. USB Folder The USB folder contains USB installation files fo Windows 95 and 98, and also includes a program to test USB system readiness. Refer to the README.TXT file included in this folder for more information about installing and using USB. ,QVWDOOLQJ3ULQWHU'ULYHUVIRU0DF26 To install printer drivers for MacOS, refer to the following folder on the Electronic Library CD-ROM: Compuprint Printer Driver folder The Printer Driver folder contains the AdobePS driver installation kit and PPD file for the printer. These items are available in English, German, French, Italian, and Spanish. /RFDWLQJ8VHU'RFXPHQWDWLRQ To locate other documentation that will assist you in operating and maintaining your printer, go to the MANUALS folder on the Electronic Library CD-ROM. You can open and read these manuals directly from the CD-ROM, save the manuals to the hard drive of your computer, or print the manuals. The MANUALS folder includes the following documents in Adobe PDF format: User Guide Printer Installation Guide (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish) Other installation and user guides for printer options Refer to the README.TXT file (UNIX and Windows) or the Read Me First file (MacOS) included in the MANUALS folder for more information about the documentation. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 3ULQWLQJD&RQILJXUDWLRQ6XPPDU\ 3ULQWLQJD&RQILJXUDWLRQ6XPPDU\ Your printer can print a configuration summary that lists the currently selected status of menu options, media selections in trays, options installed and other relevant information about your printer. To print a Configuration Summary, follow these steps: 1. From the Ready status, press MENU, the control panel display will read: Menu Paper Menu 2. Press PREVIOUS or NEXT until the display reads: Menu Functions 3. Press SELECT, the display will read: Functions Reset Printer 4. Press NEXT or PREVIOUS until the display reads: Functions Print Summary 5. Press SELECT. A two page Configuration Summary will print. An example of a Configuration Summary appears on the following page. 127( 'HSHQGLQJXSRQWKHRSWLRQVLQVWDOOHGDQGPHQXVHWWLQJV\RXU&RQILJXUDWLRQ6XPPDU\PD\YDU\ 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 3ULQWLQJD&RQILJXUDWLRQ6XPPDU\ 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 3ULQWLQJ3&/DQG3RVW6FULSW)RQW/LVWV 3ULQWLQJ3&/DQG3RVW6FULSW)RQW/LVWV Your printer has the capability of printing lists of all installed PCL or PostScript fonts. To print a Font List, follow these steps: 1. From the Ready status, press MENU, the control panel display will read: Menu Paper Menu 2. Press PREVIOUS or NEXT until the display reads: Menu Functions 3. Press SELECT, the display will read: Functions Reset Printer 4. Press NEXT or PREVIOUS until the display reads: Functions Print Fonts 5. Press SELECT, the display will read: Print Fonts PCL Fonts 127( <RX PD\ WRJJOH EHWZHHQ 3&/ )RQWV DQG 3RVWVFULSW )RQWV XVLQJ WKH 35(9,286 RU 1(;7 SXVKEXWWRQV 6. Press SELECT. A multi page resident Font List will print. For examples of a PCL and PostScript Fonts Lists, refer to “Appendix B”. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7XUQLQJWKH3ULQWHU2II 7XUQLQJWKH3ULQWHU2II Remember to turn off the printer at the end of day or when the printer will not be used for an extended period of time. 127( :KHQWKHSULQWHULVWXUQHGRIIDOOSULQWGDWDVWLOOLQPHPRU\ZLOOEHHUDVHG Set the power switch to the [0] position to turn off the printer. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7XUQLQJWKH3ULQWHU2II 6HS &KDSWHU 0DLQWHQDQFH ,QWKLV&KDSWHU • • • • • • • 6HS “About this Chapter” on page 2-2 “Names and Functions of the Printer’s Parts” on page 2-2 “Selecting Print Media” on page 2-6 “Loading Paper” on page 2-11 “Cleaning” on page 2-21 “Storing the Printer” on page 2-22 “Transporting the Printer” on page 2-24 &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 1DPHVDQG)XQFWLRQVRIWKH3ULQWHU¶V3DUWV $ERXWWKLV&KDSWHU This chapter explains any neccessary maintenance procedures, such as feeding paper, cleaning, and other procedures required for normal operation. 1DPHVDQG)XQFWLRQVRIWKH3ULQWHU¶V3DUWV The names and functions of the various parts of the printer are as follows: )URQW9LHZ 5 6 4 3 7 2 8 1 9 10 1R 1DPH 'HVFULSWLRQ 3DSHU7UD\ /RDGSDSHUKHUH 0XOWLSXUSRVH7UD\ 8VHWKLVWUD\ZKHQIHHGLQJPDQXDOO\WRORDGLWHPVVXFKDVSRVWFDUGV DQGHQYHORSHV )URQW&RYHU 2SHQWRFOHDUSDSHUMDPVUHSODFHWKHGUXPFDUWULGJHWUDQVIHUUROOHU FDUWULGJHDQGIXVHUXQLW &RQWURO3DQHO 8VHWKHEXWWRQVDQGGLVSOD\WRFRQWUROWKHSULQWHU )DFH'RZQ7UD\ 3ULQWHGGRFXPHQWVDUHRXWSXWKHUHSULQWHGVLGHGRZQ ([KDXVW*ULOOHV $OORZVLQWHUQDOKHDWWRGLVVLSDWH0DNHVXUHWKHJULOOHVDUHQHYHU REVWUXFWHG 3RZHU6ZLWFK 7KHSULQWHU¶VSRZHUVZLWFK3UHVV>,@WRWXUQWKHSULQWHURQDQG>2@ WRWXUQLWRII %XWWRQ% 8VHEXWWRQ%WRRSHQWKHXSSHUSDUWRIWKHIURQWFRYHU %XWWRQ$ 8VHEXWWRQ$WRRSHQWKHZKROHIURQWFRYHU 3DSHU0HWHU 8VHWKHPHWHUDVDJXLGHWRUHILOOWKHSDSHUWUD\ 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 1DPHVDQG)XQFWLRQVRIWKH3ULQWHU¶V3DUWV &RQWURO3DQHO Display READY POWER START/STOP POWER SAVER NEXT STATUS ACTIVE RETURN SELECT FAULT PREVIOUS LED Indicators 6HS Buttons MENU CANCEL &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 1DPHVDQG)XQFWLRQVRIWKH3ULQWHU¶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¶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sing paper that is unsuitable for printing can cause paper jams and deteriorate print quality. We recommend using the types of paper listed below to obtain the best results from your printer. 6HOHFWLQJ3ULQW0HGLD Your printer can print on a variety of media, including plain paper, labels, transparencies, and envelopes. Always use print media that meet the guidelines for use with this printer. Print media that is not recommended for use with this printer may cause frequent paper jams or poor print quality. 127( ([SHFWDVOLJKWUHGXFWLRQLQLPDJHTXDOLW\ZKHQ\RXSULQWRQHQYHORSHVODEHOVWUDQVSDUHQFLHVRU SRVWFDUGV 6SHFLDOW\3DSHU In addition to plain paper, you can use the following types of specialty paper. • • • • • • • Transparency sheets (for monochrome printing only) Label sheets (uncut) Envelopes Postcards Cardboard (max. density 216 g/m2) Coated paper Glossy paper When printing on rigid cardboard, the image position may shift. When printing on coated or glossy paper, feed the sheets one at a time. Moisture can cause the sheets to stick together causing more than one sheet to be fed, which can result in malfunction or damage. Do not use envelopes that have a tape seals on the adhesive of the flap. You can use pre-glued envelopes if the adhesive on the flap is dry. Using postcards that have already been printed to on one side and are warped can cause paper jams. Flatten warped postcards with your hands before loading them. We do not recommend printing on multicolored postcards. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6HOHFWLQJ3ULQW0HGLD 3ULQW0HGLD:HLJKW7\SHDQG6L]H The following table defines print media that you can use in each of the paper sources, and also indicates the feed orientation—long edge feed (LEF) or short edge feed (SEF). If you have concerns about a specific brand or type of media, try samples of the media to determine if the resulting printer performance and print quality meet your expectations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ou can load the following types of paper into the paper tray or multi purpose tray. )HHGLQJ0HWKRG 3DSHU7\SHQXPEHURI6KHHWV 6L]H 0XOWL3XUSRVH7UD\ 3ODLQSDSHU 3RVWFDUGV (QYHORSHV /DEHOVKHHWV 7UDQVSDUHQF\VKHHWV IRUPRQRFKURPH SULQWLQJRQO\ &DUGERDUG 7KLFN 7KLFN 7KLFN 8SWRVKHHWV RUDPPVWDFN &RDWHGSDSHU 3DSHUORQJHUWKDQ PP VKHHW $îPPSRUWUDLW %îPPSRUWUDLW $îPPSRUWUDLW ([HFXWLYH îPPSRUWUDLW /HWWHU îPPSRUWUDLW /HJDO´ îPPSRUWUDLW /HJDO´ îPPSRUWUDLW 3RVWFDUGV (QYHORSHV &XVWRPVL]H ZLGWKWRPPOHQJWK WRPP 8VLQJ ORZTXDOLW\ SDSHU FDQ FDXVH FUHDVLQJ DQG GHWHULRUDWH SULQWTXDOLW\:KHQSULQWLQJRQ SDSHU ORQJHU WKDQ PP VXSSRUW WKH SDSHU ZLWK \RXU KDQGV ZKLOH LW IHHGV WKURXJK WKHSULQWHU 6WDQGDUGSDSHUWUD\ WUD\ +LJK&DSDFLW\)HHGHU VKHOYHV 7UD\VDQG 127( 3ODLQSDSHU 8SWRVKHHWV RUDPPVWDFN )RU$SRU WUDLW \RX FDQ XVH XS WR VKHHWV RU D PP VWDFN îPPSRUWUDLW %îPPSRUWUDLW $îPPSRUWUDLW ([HFXWLYH îPPSRUWUDLW /HWWHU îPPSRUWUDLW /HJDO´ îPPSRUWUDLW /HJDO´ îPPSRUWUDLW 7KHQXPEHURIVKHHWVWKDW\RXFDQORDGYDULHVDFFRUGLQJWRSDSHUWKLFNQHVV 'XSOH[3ULQWLQJ3DSHU7\SHVDQG6L]HV The various paper types and sizes you can use for duplex printing are as follows: 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6HOHFWLQJ3ULQW0HGLD 7RSULQWLQGXSOH[PRGHDWGSLLWLVQHFHVVDU\WRLQVWDOODGGLWLRQDOPHPRU\LQWKHSULQWHU 3DSHU7\SH 6L]H 3ODLQSDSHU $îPPSRUWUDLW %îPPSRUWUDLW $îPPSRUWUDLW ([HFXWLYHîPPSRUWUDLW /HWWHUîPPSRUWUDLW /HJDO´îPPSRUWUDLW /HJDO´îPPSRUWUDLW 7KH LOOXVWUDWLRQV EHORZ SURYLGH D GHVFULSWLRQ RI µZLGWK¶ µOHQJWK¶ µSRUWUDLW¶ DQG µODQGVFDSH¶ PHQWLRQHGLQWKHWDEOHVDERYH /HQJWK /DQGVFDSH )HHGGLUHFWLRQ 127( /HQJWK 3RUWUDLW )HHGGLUHFWLRQ 127( :LGWK :LGWK 8QVXLWDEOH3DSHUW\SHV Avoid using the following paper types as they can cause paper jams or damage to the printer. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6HS Transparency sheets other than those recommended. Ink jet paper Paper that is too thick or too thin Paper already printed using another printer or copier Folded, creased or torn paper Damp or wet paper Undulated or warped paper Sheets adhered by static electricity Layered or adhesive paper Specially coated paper Colored paper with a treated surface Paper printed with ink that cannot withstand temperatures of 155°C. Heat-sensitive paper Carbon paper Paper with staples, paper clips, tape or ribbons attached &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6HOHFWLQJ3ULQW0HGLD • • • • • Paper with a rough surface such as textured or fiber form paper Using acidic paper can cause the characters to fade over time. Use neutral paper to prevent this problem. Envelopes with a rough surface or clips attached Envelopes with sticky adhesive Label sheets where the backing has peeled away or are pre-cut. 'RQRWXVH 6KLQ\EDFNHGSDSHU • • • • • 2.WRXVH 3DSHUFXWLQWRODEHOV )XOOSDJHODEHOVXQFXW T-shirt transfer paper (Heat press use) Transfer paper (cold water use) Luminous paper Digital coated glossy paper Label film (transparent, colorless) 6WRULQJ3DSHU Failure to store paper properly can cause paper jams, deteriorate print quality, and/or damage to the printer. Store paper under the following conditions: • • • • • • • Between 10°C and 30°C Between 30% to 65% relative humidity In a dry place After opening the package, wrap unused sheets in their original package and store in a cabinet or other dry place. Store paper on a flat surface. Do not lean paper against other objects or place it in an upright position. Avoid storing paper in way that may cause creasing, folding or curling. Store paper away from direct sunlight. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6HOHFWLQJ3ULQW0HGLD /RDGLQJ3DSHU This section describes the following loading methods: • • • • • Loading paper in the paper tray Loading paper in the multi purpose tray Loading transparency sheets in the multi purpose tray Loading postcards in the multi purpose tray Loading envelopes in the multi purpose tray 127( )RULQIRUPDWLRQDERXWVXLWDEOHSDSHUW\SHVUHIHUWR³3DSHU+DQGOLQJ´RQSDJH /RDGLQJ3DSHULQWKH3DSHU7UD\ Follow the procedure below to load paper into the paper tray. 127( /RDGSDSHULQWRWKHRSWLRQDO+LJK&DSDFLW\)HHGHUVKHOYHVWKHVDPHZD\ 1. Gently pull out the paper tray until it stops. 2. Hold the tray with both hands, lift the front slightly and pull it completely out of the printer. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6HOHFWLQJ3ULQW0HGLD 127( 3ODFHWKHWUD\RQDIODWVXUIDFH 3. Move the end and side paper guides to their outermost positions. Gently lift the end paper guide to move it. 127( <RXGRQRWQHHGWRPRYHWKHSDSHUJXLGHVLI\RXDUHUHILOOLQJWKHWUD\ZLWKSDSHURIWKHVDPHVL]H 4. Grip the end paper guide with your fingers and gently lift it up. Insert the pins at the bottom of the guide in the holes corresponding to the paper size that you want to load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lign the four corners of the paper stack and insert the paper (print side up) under the tab. 127( 'RQRWXVHSDSHUWKDWLVIROGHGFUHDVHGRUKHDYLO\ZDUSHG 'RQRWRYHUORDGWKHSDSHUWUD\ 6. Align the side guides with the edges of the paper. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6HOHFWLQJ3ULQW0HGLD 127( 3XVKLQJ WKH SDSHU JXLGHV WRR KDUG DJDLQVW WKH HGJHV RI WKH SDSHU VWDFN FDQ FDXVH D SDSHU MDP +RZHYHULIWKHSDSHUJXLGHVDUHWRRORRVHWKHSDSHUPD\WZLVWDVLWIHHGVWKURXJKWKHSULQWHU 7. Hold the paper tray with both hands, align it with the opening in the printer and gently insert it. 8. Push the paper tray completely back into the printer. 127( 'RXVHH[FHVVLYHIRUFHRQWKHSDSHUWUD\ 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6HOHFWLQJ3ULQW0HGLD 127( 7KHUHLVDQLQGLFDWRUQH[WWRWKHSDSHUWUD\WKDWWHOOV\RXKRZPXFKSDSHUUHPDLQVLQWKHWUD\8VH WKLVPHWHUDVDJXLGHWRUHILOOWKHSDSHUWUD\ /RDGLQJ3DSHULQWKH0XOWL3XUSRVH7UD\ Follow the procedure below to load paper into the multi purpose tray. 127( 7RDYRLGSDSHUMDPVGRQRWORDGSDSHURIGLIIHUHQWVL]HVLQWRWKHWUD\DWWKHVDPHWLPHDQGGRQRW UHILOOWKHWUD\EHIRUHLWLVHPSW\ 1. If retracted, open the tray. 127( 7RDYRLGGDPDJHWRWKHWUD\GRQRWXVHH[FHVVLYHIRUFHRUSODFHKHDY\REMHFWVRQWKHWUD\ 2. Align the paper guide with the mark of the desired paper size. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6HOHFWLQJ3ULQW0HGLD 127( :KHQSULQWLQJRQORQJSDSHUSXOORXWWKHWUD\H[WHQVLRQ3ULQWLQJORQJSDSHUZLWKWKHWUD\H[WHQVLRQ UHWUDFWHGFDQFDXVHWKHSDSHUWRIDOORXWRUPDNHIHHGLQJLPSRVVLEOH 3. When using media such as transparency sheets, label sheets, or envelopes, fan the stack before loading so that there is air between the sheets. 127( )DQQLQJ WKH VWDFN KHOSV SUHYHQW SDSHU MDPV FDXVHG ZKHQ PRUH WKDQ RQH VKHHW IHHGV DW WKH VDPH WLPH 127( 'RQRWIDQSODLQSDSHUEHIRUHORDGLQJ ,IWKHSDSHULVSRRUO\FXWDQGWKHHGJHVDUHQRWFOHDQUHPRYHDQ\XQVXLWDEOHVKHHWVEHIRUHORDGLQJ WKHSDSHU :KHQ SULQWLQJ RQ FRDWHG RU JORVV\ SDSHU IHHG WKH VKHHWV RQH DW D WLPH 0RLVWXUH FDQ FDXVH WKH VKHHWVWRVWLFNWRJHWKHUFDXVLQJPRUHWKDQRQHVKHHWWREHIHGZKLFKFDQUHVXOWLQPDOIXQFWLRQRU GDPDJH 4. Align the four corners of the paper stack and insert it (print side down) until it lightly touches the feeding slot. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6HOHFWLQJ3ULQW0HGLD 127( 'RQRWXVHSDSHUWKDWLVIROGHGFUHDVHGRUKHDYLO\ZDUSHG 'RQRWRYHUORDGWKHSDSHUWUD\ :KHQSULQWLQJRQVKHHWVORQJHUWKDQ/HJDOSRUWUDLWPPORDGWKHVKHHWVRQHDWDWLPHDQG VXSSRUWWKHVKHHWZLWK\RXUKDQGVWRHQVXUHSURSHUIHHGLQJ 5. When loading paper, carefully align the paper guides with the edges of the paper so that there is a small gap between the paper stack and the guides. Pushing the paper guides too hard against the edge of the paper stack can warp the paper and cause paper jams. Load the paper so that it is straight in the tray. 127( ,IWKHSDSHULVQRWORDGHGFRUUHFWO\WKHSULQWLQJSRVLWLRQPD\VKLIWDQGFDXVHLQFRUUHFWSULQWLQJ /RDGLQJ7UDQVSDUHQF\6KHHWVLQWKH0XOWL3XUSRVH7UD\ Feed transparency sheets from the multi purpose tray. Use only monochrome transparency sheets. 6HS 127( 8VHRQO\WKHUHFRPPHQGHGW\SHVRIWUDQVSDUHQF\VKHHW'RQRWXVHDQ\RWKHUW\SHVVXFKDVFRORU WUDQVSDUHQF\VKHHWVERUGHUHGE\DZKLWHIUDPH 127( 5HPRYHHDFKWUDQVSDUHQF\VKHHWIURPWKHIDFHGRZQWUD\DVVRRQDVLWLVHMHFWHG,IWUDQVSDUHQF\ VKHHWVDUHDOORZHGWRDFFXPXODWHLQWKHIDFHGRZQWUD\VWDWLFHOHFWULFLW\FDQEXLOGXSDQGFDXVHD MDP &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6HOHFWLQJ3ULQW0HGLD 1. Fan a few transparency sheets at a time. HP O 2. Insert the transparency sheets into the multi purpose tray until they lightly touch the feeding slot. 127( 'RQRWXVHIXOOFRORUWUDQVSDUHQF\VKHHWV7KH\FDQMDPLQWKHSULQWHUDQGGDPDJHWKHIXVHUXQLW /RDGLQJ3RVWFDUGVLQWKH0XOWL3XUSRVH7UD\ Feed postcards from the multi purpose tray. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6HOHFWLQJ3ULQW0HGLD 127( :KHQ SULQWLQJ RQ WKH EDFN RI SUHSULQWHG SRVWFDUGV PDNH VXUH WKH SRVWFDUGV DUH QRW EHQW (YHQ VOLJKWO\EHQWSRVWFDUGVFDQFDXVHSDSHUMDPV)ODWWHQEHQWSRVWFDUGVE\KDQGEHIRUHORDGLQJWKHP :HGRQRWUHFRPPHQGSULQWLQJRQPXOWLFRORUHGSRVWFDUGV /RDGLQJ(QYHORSHVLQWKH0XOWL3XUSRVH7UD\ Feed envelopes from the Multi Purpose Tray. Open the envelope flaps before feeding and load them as illustrated below. 127( 6HS 'RQRWXVHHQYHORSHVWKDWKDYHWDSHVHDOV:KHQXVLQJHQYHORSHVZLWKDQDGKHVLYHVHDOPDNHVXUH WKDWWKHDGKHVLYHLVGU\'RQRWXVHHQYHORSHVODUJHUWKDQLQFKHVZLGHDQGLQFKHVORQJ PPZLGHDQGPPORQJ /RDGWKHHQYHORSHVZLWKWKHIODSSRLQWLQJRXWZDUG 8VLQJSRRUTXDOLW\HQYHORSHVFDQFDXVHFUHDVLQJDQGGHWHULRUDWHSULQWTXDOLW\ &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6HOHFWLQJ3ULQW0HGLD /DUJHUWKDQ LQ PP /DUJHUWKDQ LQ PP 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6HOHFWLQJ3ULQW0HGLD &OHDQLQJ Use a soft, damp, well-wrung cloth to clean the outside of the printer. Wipe any remaining water with a soft dry cloth. If some stains prove difficult to remove, use a cloth moistened with a mild neutral detergent.We recommend that you clean the printer at least once a month to keep it in good working condition and to maintain print quality. &$87,217RSUHYHQWHOHFWULFVKRFNWXUQRIIWKHSULQWHUDQGXQSOXJWKHSRZHUFRUGIURPWKH $&RXWOHWEHIRUHFOHDQLQJ 127( 6HS 1HYHUVSUD\GHWHUJHQWGLUHFWO\RQWRWKHSULQWHU'URSOHWVRIGHWHUJHQWFDQHQWHUWKHSULQWHUDQGFDXVH PDOIXQFWLRQV1HYHUXVHGHWHUJHQWVRWKHUWKDQQHXWUDOGHWHUJHQWV 1HYHUOXEULFDWHWKHSULQWHUZLWKRLO7KHSULQWHUGRHVQRWUHTXLUHOXEULFDWLRQ 1HYHUXVHDYDFXXPFOHDQHUWRFOHDQWKHSULQWHU &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6HOHFWLQJ3ULQW0HGLD 6WRULQJWKH3ULQWHU Follow the procedure below when you do not need to use the printer for a long period. 1. On the right side of the printer, press [2] on the power switch to turn off the printer. 2. Disconnect the power cord, interface cable, and any other cables. :$51,1*7RSUHYHQWHOHFWULFVKRFNQHYHUWRXFKWKHSRZHUSOXJZLWKZHWKDQGV &$87,21:KHQUHPRYLQJWKHSRZHUFRUGPDNHVXUHWKDW\RXSXOOWKHSOXJDQGQRWWKHFRUG 3XOOLQJWKHFRUGFDQGDPDJHLWZKLFKFDQOHDGWRILUHRUHOHFWULFDOVKRFN 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6HOHFWLQJ3ULQW0HGLD 3. Remove any remaining paper from the paper tray and store it in a dry, dust-free place. 127( 6HS ,IWKHSDSHUSURYHVGLIILFXOWWRUHPRYHSXOOWKHWUD\FRPSOHWHO\RXWRIWKHSULQWHUDQGWU\UHPRYLQJ WKHSDSHUDJDLQ &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6HOHFWLQJ3ULQW0HGLD 7UDQVSRUWLQJWKH3ULQWHU Before transporting the printer by car or truck over long distances, follow the procedure below to prevent strong vibrations from damaging the printer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´&KDSWHU2SWLRQV´´ 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6HOHFWLQJ3ULQW0HGLD 1. On the right side of the printer, press [2] on the power switch to turn off the printer. 2. Disconnect the power cord, interface cable, and any other cables. :$51,1*7RSUHYHQWHOHFWULFVKRFNQHYHUWRXFKWKHSRZHUSOXJZLWKZHWKDQGV &$87,21:KHQUHPRYLQJWKHSRZHUFRUGPDNHVXUHWKDW\RXSXOOWKHSOXJDQGQRWWKHFRUG 3XOOLQJWKHFRUGFDQGDPDJHLWZKLFKFDQOHDGWRILUHRUHOHFWULFDOVKRFN 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6HOHFWLQJ3ULQW0HGLD 3. Gently pull out the paper tray until it stops. 4. Hold the tray with both hands, lift the front up slightly and pull it completely out of the printer. 5. Remove the paper from the paper tray, and store it in a dry, dust-free place. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6HOHFWLQJ3ULQW0HGLD 6. Insert the cardboard spacer in the tray as illustrated on the left. 7. Hold the paper tray with both hands, align it with the opening in the printer and gently insert it. 8. Push the paper tray completely back into the printer. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6HOHFWLQJ3ULQW0HGLD 9. Remove the tray cover. 10. Push up button ‘A’ 1 and fully open the front cover 2. 11. Open the paper outlet cover. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6HOHFWLQJ3ULQW0HGLD 7UDQVIHUUROOHU 12. Grip the drum cartridge handle and gently lift it out of the printer. 127( 'RQRWWRXFKWKHWUDQVIHUUROOHUEODFNFRORUHGSDUW+ROGWKHGUXPFDUWULGJHE\WKHKDQGOHRQWRSRI WKHFDUWULGJHWRSUHYHQWWKHFDUWULGJHIURPIDOOLQJ 127( :UDS WKH GUXP FDUWULGJH LQ LWV DOXPLQXP SDFNDJH RU WKLFN SDSHU WR DYRLG H[SRVLQJ LW WR GLUHFW VXQOLJKWRURWKHUVWURQJOLJKW 13. Close the paper outlet cover. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6HOHFWLQJ3ULQW0HGLD 14. Close the front cover. 15. To protect the printer from damage, pack it in a box before transporting it. 127( $IWHUPRYLQJWKHSULQWHUWRWKHQHZORFDWLRQ\RXQHHGWRUHDGMXVWWKHFRORUUHJLVWUDWLRQ)RUGHWDLOV UHIHUWR³$GMXVWLQJ&RORU5HJLVWUDWLRQ´RQ&KDSWHU ◆ ◆ ◆ 6HS &KDSWHU 'HDOLQJZLWK3UREOHPV ,QWKLV&KDSWHU • • • • • 6HS “About this Chapter” on page 3-2 “Troubleshooting” on page 3-2 “Solving Printer Power-on Problems” on page 3-11 “Control Panel LCD Messages” on page 3-12 “Ethernet Network Interface Troubleshooting” on page 3-14 &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ $ERXWWKLV&KDSWHU This chapter describes solutions to any problems that might occur when using the printer. Read this chapter to determine the nature of the problem and the best method of dealing with it. 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ When your printer suffers from a problem, refer to one of the four categories below to determine the cause of your problem, and the action needed to rectify it. • • • • Power problems Print quality problems Paper transport problems Other problems If your problem is not included in these categories or if you cannot rectify the problem using the prescribed procedures, turn off the printer, disconnect the power cord from the AC outlet, and contact your Compuprint dealer or a Compuprint Customer Service Center for assistance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¶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³3DSHU+DQGOLQJ³RQSDJH 7KHSDSHULVGDPS 5HSODFHWKHSDSHU 6HH³3DSHU+DQGOLQJ³RQSDJH 7KHGUXPFDUWULGJHLVROGRUGDPDJHG 5HSODFHWKHGUXPFDUWULGJH 6HH³'UXP&DUWULGJH³RQSDJH 7KHKLJKYROWDJHVXSSO\LVGHIHFWLYH &RQWDFW\RXU&RPSXSULQWGHDOHURUD&RPSXSULQW &XVWRPHU6HUYLFH&HQWHUIRUDVVLVWDQFH 7KHSDSHULVRXWVLGHWKHUHFRPPHQGHG VSHFLILFDWLRQUDQJH 5HSODFHWKHSDSHUZLWKDUHFRPPHQGVL]HDQG W\SHDQGFRQILUPWKDW\RXUSULQWHUGULYHUVHWWLQJV DUHFRUUHFW 6HH³3DSHU+DQGOLQJ³RQSDJH 7KHGUXPFDUWULGJHLVROGRUGDPDJHG 5HSODFHWKHGUXPFDUWULGJH 6HH³'UXP&DUWULGJH³RQSDJH 7KHGUXPFDUWULGJHWUDQVIHUUROOHURU IXVHUXQLWLVROGRUGDPDJHG &KHFNWKHFRQGLWLRQRIWKHGUXPFDUWULGJH WUDQVIHUUROOHUDQGIXVHUXQLWDQGUHSODFHDV QHFHVVDU\ 6HH³'UXP&DUWULGJH³RQSDJHRU 6HH³7UDQVIHU5ROOHU&DUWULGJH³RQSDJHRU 6HH³)XVHU8QLW³RQSDJH 6WUD\EODFNGRWVRUZKLWHDUHDV GURSRXWV 9HUWLFDOEODFNVWUHDNV 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ 'HVFULSWLRQ &DXVH $FWLRQ 5HFXUULQJVPXGJHV 'LUWLQWKHSDSHUSDWK 3ULQWVHYHUDOEODQNVKHHWV 7KHGUXPFDUWULGJHWUDQVIHUUROOHURU IXVHUXQLWLVROGRUGDPDJHG &KHFNWKHFRQGLWLRQRIWKHGUXPFDUWULGJH WUDQVIHUUROOHUDQGIXVHUXQLWDQGUHSODFHDV QHFHVVDU\ 6HH³'UXP&DUWULGJH³RQSDJHRU 6HH³7UDQVIHU5ROOHU&DUWULGJH³RQSDJHRU 6HH³)XVHU8QLW³RQSDJH 7KHSDSHULVGDPS 5HSODFHWKHSDSHU 6HH³3DSHU+DQGOLQJ³RQSDJH 7KHSDSHULVRXWVLGHWKHUHFRPPHQGHG VSHFLILFDWLRQUDQJH 5HSODFHWKHSDSHUZLWKDUHFRPPHQGVL]HDQG W\SHDQGFRQILUPWKDW\RXUSULQWHUGULYHUVHWWLQJV DUHFRUUHFW 6HH³3DSHU+DQGOLQJ³RQSDJH 7KHGUXPFDUWULGJHLVROGRUGDPDJHG 5HSODFHWKHGUXPFDUWULGJH 6HH³'UXP&DUWULGJH³RQSDJH 7KHKLJKYROWDJHVXSSO\LVGHIHFWLYH &RQWDFW\RXU&RPSXSULQWGHDOHURUD&RPSXSULQW &XVWRPHU6HUYLFH&HQWHUIRUDVVLVWDQFH 7ZRRUPRUHVKHHWVPD\EHIHHGLQJDW RQFH 5HPRYHWKHSDSHUVWDFNIURPWKHWUD\IDQLWDQG UHLQVHUWLW 7KHGUXPFDUWULGJHLVROGRUGDPDJHG 5HSODFHWKHGUXPFDUWULGJH 6HH³'UXP&DUWULGJH³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³3DSHU+DQGOLQJ³RQSDJH 7KHWUDQVIHUUROOHUFDUWULGJHLVROGRU GDPDJHG 5HSODFHWKHWUDQVIHUUROOHU 6HH³7UDQVIHU5ROOHU&DUWULGJH³RQSDJH 7KHFRORUUHJLVWUDWLRQLVLQFRUUHFW $GMXVWWKHFRORUUHJLVWUDWLRQ 6HH³$GMXVWLQJ&RORU5HJLVWUDWLRQRQSDJH´ 6KDGRZVDSSHDUDURXQGDUHDV RIGHQVHEODFNSULQWLQJ &RORUDURXQGWKHHGJHRI SULQWLQJLVLQFRUUHFW 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ 'HVFULSWLRQ &DXVH $FWLRQ 3DUWLDOEODQNVFUHDVHGSDSHU RUEORWWHGSULQWLQJ 7KHSDSHULVGDPS 5HSODFHWKHSDSHU 6HH³3DSHU+DQGOLQJ³RQSDJH 7KHSDSHULVRXWVLGHWKHUHFRPPHQGHG VSHFLILFDWLRQUDQJH 5HSODFHWKHSDSHUZLWKDUHFRPPHQGVL]HDQG W\SH 6HH³3DSHU+DQGOLQJ³RQSDJH 7KHWUDQVIHUUROOHURUIXVHUXQLWLVQRW LQVWDOOHGFRUUHFWO\ 5HLQVWDOOWKHWUDQVIHUUROOHUDQGRUIXVHUXQLW 6HH³7UDQVIHU5ROOHU&DUWULGJH³RQSDJH DQGRU6HH³)XVHU8QLW³RQSDJH 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ 'HVFULSWLRQ &DXVH $FWLRQ 9HUWLFDOEODQNV 7KHGUXPFDUWULGJHLVQRWLQVWDOOHG FRUUHFWO\ 5HLQVWDOOWKHGUXPFDUWULGJH 6HH³'UXP&DUWULGJH³RQSDJH 7KHGUXPFDUWULGJHWUDQVIHUUROOHURU IXVHUXQLWLVROGRUGDPDJHG &KHFNWKHFRQGLWLRQRIWKHGUXPFDUWULGJH WUDQVIHUUROOHUDQGIXVHUXQLWDQGUHSODFHDV QHFHVVDU\ 6HH³'UXP&DUWULGJH³RQSDJHRU 6HH³7UDQVIHU5ROOHU&DUWULGJH³RQSDJHRU 6HH³)XVHU8QLW³RQSDJH 7KHSDSHUJXLGHVLQWKHSDSHUWUD\RU PXOWLSXUSRVHWUD\DUHQRWVHWFRUUHFWO\ 5HVHWWKHSDSHUJXLGHVLQWKHSDSHUWUD\RUPXOWL SXUSRVHWUD\ 6HH³/RDGLQJ3DSHU³RQSDJH 6ODQWHGSULQWLQJ 3DSHU7UDQVSRUW3UREOHPV 'HVFULSWLRQ &DXVH $FWLRQ 3DSHUGRHVQRWIHHG 3DSHUMDPV 6HYHUDOVKHHWVIHHGDWRQFH 3DSHUGRHVQRWIHHGVWUDLJKW 7KHSDSHULVQRWORDGHGFRUUHFWO\ 5HORDGWKHSDSHULQWKHSDSHUWUD\RUPXOWL SXUSRVHWUD\ 6HH³/RDGLQJ3DSHU³RQSDJH 7KHSDSHULVRXWVLGHWKHUHFRPPHQGHG VSHFLILFDWLRQUDQJH 5HSODFHWKHSDSHUZLWKDUHFRPPHQGVL]HDQG W\SH 6HH³3DSHU+DQGOLQJ³RQSDJH 7KHSDSHULVGDPS 5HSODFHWKHSDSHU 6HH³3DSHU+DQGOLQJ³RQSDJH 7KHUHLVSDSHUMDPPHGLQWKHSULQWHU 5HPRYHWKHMDPPHGSDSHU$OVRLQVSHFWWKH LQVLGHRIWKHSULQWHUDQGWKRURXJKO\UHPRYHDQ\ WDSHRUDGKHVLYHVWXFNWRWKHUROOHUVDQGRWKHU FRPSRQHQWVDORQJWKHSDSHUSDWK ³&OHDULQJ3DSHU-DPV´RQSDJH 7KHSULQWHULVQRWOHYHO 5HSRVLWLRQWKHSULQWHURQDIODWVWDEOHVXUIDFH 6HH³6DIHW\3UHFDXWLRQV³RQSDJH 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ 2WKHUSUREOHPV 'HVFULSWLRQ &DXVH $FWLRQ 8QXVXDOQRLVHV 7KHSULQWHULVQRWOHYHO 5HSRVLWLRQWKHSULQWHURQDIODWVWDEOHVXUIDFH 6HH³6DIHW\3UHFDXWLRQV³RQSDJH 7KHSDSHUWUD\LVQRWLQVHUWHGSURSHUO\ 3XVKWKHSDSHUWUD\FRPSOHWHO\LQWRWKHSULQWHU 7KHUHLVDIRUHLJQREMHFWLQVLGHWKH SULQWHU 7XUQRIIWKHSULQWHUDQGUHPRYHWKHIRUHLJQ REMHFW ,I\RXQHHGWRGLVDVVHPEOHWKHSULQWHUWRUHPRYH WKHIRUHLJQREMHFWVFRQWDFW\RXU&RPSXSULQW GHDOHURUD&RPSXSULQW&XVWRPHU6HUYLFH&HQWHU IRUDVVLVWDQFH &OHDQLQJWKH'HQVLW\6HQVRU When the printer’s density sensor dirty, follow the procedure below to clean it. 1. Push the [2] mark on the power switch to turn off the printer. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ 2. Push up button ‘A’ ➀ and fully open the front cover ➁. 3. Grip the tabs at both ends of the transfer roller and gently lift it out of the printer. 127( /LIWWKHUROOHUFDUHIXOO\WRSUHYHQWZDVWHWRQHUIURPVSLOOLQJRXW 4. Gently wipe the density sensor window with a clean dry cloth or cotton swab. 127( 6HS 'R QRW DOORZ DQ\WKLQJ KDUG WR FRPH LQWR FRQWDFW ZLWK WKH GHQVLW\ VHQVRU ZLQGRZ 'R QRW XVH H[FHVVLYHIRUFHWRFOHDQWKHZLQGRZ &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ 5. Insert the pins at both ends of the transfer roller cartridge into the u-shaped bearings inside the printer. 6. To lock the transfer roller cartridge into the printer, push down on the base of the tabs until you hear a click. 7. Close the front cover. 8. Push the [, ] mark on the power switch to turn on the printer. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6ROYLQJ3ULQWHU3RZHURQ3UREOHPV 6ROYLQJ3ULQWHU3RZHURQ3UREOHPV This section describes problems that can occur when starting up the printer. If the trouble persists after performing the checks listed below, turn the printer off [ O ], disconnect the power cord from the AC outlet and contact your technical support or service or rpair call. &$87,217RSUHYHQWWKHULVNRIILUHRUVPRNHJHQHUDWLRQGRQRWDWWHPSWWRPRGLI\WKH SULQWHULQDQ\ZD\ :$51,1*%HIRUHFOHDQLQJWKHSULQWHURUSHUIRUPLQJDQ\RWKHUPDLQWHQDQFHEHVXUHWRWXUQ WKHSULQWHURII>2@DQGGLVFRQQHFWWKHSRZHUFRUGIURPWKH$&RXWOHWWRSUHYHQWWKHULVNRI HOHFWULFVKRFN '(6&5,37,21 1RSRZHU 3RZHULVIUHTXHQWO\ LQWHUUXSWHG 6HS 3266,%/( &$86( 5(48,5(' $&7,21 3RZHUVZLWFKQRWWXUQHG RQ6ZLWFKLVQRWVHWWR >,@ &KHFNSRZHUVZLWFK6HH ´&KDSWHU8QSDFNLQJDQG ,QVWDOOLQJWKH3ULQWHU´IRU 3ULQWHU´IRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQ 3RZHUFRUGQRWSURSHUO\ SOXJJHGLQWR$&RXWOHWRU $&FRQQHFWRURQUHDURI SULQWHU 6HWSRZHUVZLWFKWR>2@RII DQGSOXJLQSRZHUFRUGILUPO\ 6HH´&KDSWHU8QSDFNLQJDQG ,QVWDOOLQJWKH3ULQWHU´IRUPRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ 9ROWDJHRI$&SRZHUOLQH QRWFRUUHFW 9HULI\WKDW$&RXWOHWLVUDWHGIRU WKHFRUUHFWYROWDJHDQGDPSHUDJH RI\RXUSULQWHU6HH´&KDSWHU 8QSDFNLQJDQG,QVWDOOLQJWKH 3ULQWHU´IRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQ 3ULQWHULVGHIHFWLYH 7XUQSULQWHURII>2@GLVFRQQHFW SRZHUFRUGIURPWKH$&RXWOHW &RQWDFW\RXUWHFKQLFDOVXSSRUW RUVHUYLFHRUUHSDLUFDOO &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH &RQWURO3DQHO/&'0HVVDJHV &RQWURO3DQHO/&'0HVVDJHV /&'0(66$*( /,1( /&'0(66$*( /,1( &$86(2) (55250(66$*( 5(48,5(' $&7,21 TONER Y MISSING INSTALL/RESET <HOORZWRQHUFDUWULGJH LVPLVVLQJ ,QVWDOO<HOORZWRQHU FDUWULGJH TONER M MISSING INSTALL/RESET 0DJHQWDWRQHUFDUWULGJH LVPLVVLQJ ,QVWDOO0DJHQWDWRQHU FDUWULGJH TONER C MISSING INSTALL/RESET &\DQWRQHUFDUWULGJHLV PLVVLQJ ,QVWDOO&\DQWRQHU FDUWULGJH TONER K MISSING INSTALL/RESET %ODFNWRQHUFDUWULGJHLV PLVVLQJ ,QVWDOO%ODFNWRQHU FDUWULGJH PHD MISSING INSTALL/RESET 'UXPFDUWULGJH3+' LVPLVVLQJ ,QVWDOOGUXPFDUWULGJH 3+' BTR MISSING INSTALL/RESET %LDV7UDQVIHU5ROOHU %75FDUWULGJHLV PLVVLQJ ,QVWDOO%LDV7UDQVIHU 5ROOHU%75FDUWULGJH FUSER MISSING INSTALL/RESET )XVHU8QLWLVPLVVLQJ ,QVWDOO)XVHU8QLW BAD PHD TYPE REPLACE PHD %DGGUXPFDUWULGJH 5HSODFH'UXP FDUWULGJH MEDIA MISMATCH CLEAR PAPER ,QFRUUHFWSDSHULQWUD\ &KHFNSDSHUW\SHLQ WUD\ FEED JAM CHECK TRAY 3DSHUMDPLQWUD\ &OHDUSDSHUMDPLQWUD\ REGISTRATION JAM OPEN COVER A 3DSHUMDPLQFRORU UHJLVWUDWLRQDUHD 2SHQ&RYHU$DQG UHPRYHSDSHU FUSER JAM OPEN COVER A 3DSHUMDPDURXQGWKH IXVHUXQLW 2SHQ&RYHU$DQG UHPRYHSDSHU DUPLEX JAM OPEN COVER B 3DSHUMDPLQGXSOH[ DUHD 2SHQ&RYHU%DQG UHPRYHSDSHU ROS FAILURE CALL SERVICE 526IDLOXUH 6HUYLFH&DOOUHTXLUHG FUSER FAILURE CALL SERVICE )XVHUIDLOHG 6HUYLFH&DOOUHTXLUHG MCU/NVRAM ERROR CALL SERVICE 0&8RU195$0 IDLOXUH 6HUYLFH&DOOUHTXLUHG CTD SENSOR ERROR CALL SERVICE &7'FDUWULGJHVHQVRU IDLOXUH 6HUYLFH&DOOUHTXLUHG FAN MOTOR FAIL CALL SERVICE )DQPRWRUIDLOXUH 6HUYLFH&DOOUHTXLUHG MCU SW ERROR CALL SERVICE 0&86RIWZDUHIDLOXUH 6HUYLFH&DOOUHTXLUHG ENV SENSOR ERROR CALL SERVICE (QYHORSHVHQVRUIDLOXUH 6HUYLFH&DOOUHTXLUHG 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH &RQWURO3DQHO/&'0HVVDJHV CTD SENSOR DUSTY CLEAN CTD SENSOR &7'VHQVRUGXVWLQHVVLV GHWHFWHG &OHDQ&7'VHQVRU FRONT COVER OPEN CLOSE CLOVER )URQWFRYHULVRSHQ &ORVHIURQWFRYHU 7KHUHLVDQHPSW\SDSHU WUD\ 3XWSDSHULQHPSW\ SDSHUWUD\DFFRUGLQJWR UHTXHVWHGVL]HDQG PHGLDW\SH LOAD PAPER TRAY1 LOAD PAPER TRAY2 LOAD PAPER TRAY3 TRAY 1 MISSING TRAY 2 MISSING TRAY 3 MISSING INSERT TRAY 7KHUHLVDSDSHUWUD\ PLVVLQJ ,QVHUWPLVVLQJSDSHU WUD\ OUTPUT TRAY FULL REMOVE PAPER 7KHRXWSXWWUD\LVIXOO 5HPRYHWKHSDSHUIURP WKHRXWSXWWUD\ TONER Y EMPTY REPLACE TONER <HOORZWRQHUFDUWULGJH LVHPSW\ 5HSODFH<HOORZWRQHU FDUWULGJH TONER M EMPTY REPLACE TONER 0DJHQWDWRQHUFDUWULGJH LVHPSW\ 5HSODFH0DJHQWDWRQHU FDUWULGJH TONER C EMPTY REPLACE TONER &\DQWRQHUFDUWULGJHLV HPSW\ 5HSODFH&\DQWRQHU FDUWULGJH TONER K EMPTY REPLACE TONER %ODFNWRQHUFDUWULGJHLV HPSW\ 5HSODFH%ODFNWRQHU FDUWULGJH PHD LIFE OVER REPLACE PHD 'UXPFDUWULGJH3+' QHHGVWREHUHSODFHG ,QVWDOOQHZGUXP FDUWULGJH3+' BTR LIFE OVER REPACE BTR %LDV7UDQVIHU5ROOHU %75FDUWULGJHQHHGV WREHUHSODFHG ,QVWDOOQHZ%LDV 7UDQVIHU5ROOHU%75 FDUWULGJH FUSER LIFE OVER REPLACE FUSER )XVHU8QLWQHHGVWREH UHSODFHG ,QVWDOOQHZ)XVHU8QLW 127( 7KHVHIDXOWVDUHQRWQHFHVVDULO\KDUGIDXOWV7KH\RQO\EHFRPHKDUGIDXOWVZKHQDQDWWHPSWLV PDGHWRXVHWKH³IDXOWHG´GHYLFH)RUWKHVHHUURUVWKHSULQWLQJFDQFRQWLQXHLIRQHVLPSO\DYRLGVWKH SUREOHP )RU LQVWDQFH ³WUD\ WURXEOH´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his section offers various troubleshooting procedures and technical support advice for the Ethernet network interface. 3RZHU8S7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ There are several possible error situations if the unit does not display the welcome message or the LEDs do not flash: (UURU0HVVDJHV 0HVVDJH 'LDJQRVLV5HPHG\ 3RZHUXSGLDJQRVWLFIDLOXUHKDUGZDUH IDLOXUH 1RWHZKLFK/('LVEOLQNLQJDQGLWVFRORUWKHQFRQWDFW \RXUGHDOHURU7HFKQLFDO6XSSRUW 7KHQHWZRUNLQWHUIDFHERRWVEXWGRHV QRWWU\WRORDGWKH)ODVK520FRGH %ULHIO\SUHVVWKH7HVWEXWWRQRQWKHQHWZRUNLQWHUIDFH¶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f the BOOTP request is failing and you have configured your host to respond to the request, check these areas: 6HS $UHDWR&KHFN ([SODQDWLRQ %2273LVLQ\RXUV\VWHP¶V HWFVHUYLFHVILOH %2273PXVWEHDQXQFRPPHQWHGOLQHLQWKHHWFVHUYLFHV ILOH 7KHQHWZRUNLQWHUIDFH¶VQDPHLV LQWKHORDGKRVW¶V HWFKRVWVILOH 7KHQHWZRUNLQWHUIDFH¶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¶V,3DGGUHVVWKHUHPDQ\EHD SUREOHP 5$537URXEOHVKRRWLQJ $UHDWR&KHFN ([SODQDWLRQ 7KHQHWZRUNLQWHUIDFH¶VQDPHDQG KDUGZDUHDGGUHVVLQWKHKRVW¶VHWF HWKHUVILOH 7KHQHWZRUNLQWHUIDFH¶VQDPHDQGKDUGZDUHDGGUHVV PXVWEHLQWKLVILOHIRUWKHKRVWWRDQVZHUD5$53 UHTXHVW 7KHQHWZRUNLQWHUIDFH¶VQDPHDQG,3 DGGUHVVLQWKHHWFKRVWVILOH 7KHQHWZRUNLQWHUIDFH¶VQDPHDQG,3DGGUHVVPXVWEH LQWKLVILOHIRUWKHKRVWWRDQVZHUD5$53UHTXHVW 7KHRSHUDWLQJV\VWHP 0DQ\RSHUDWLQJV\VWHPVGRQRWVWDUWD5$53VHUYHU DWERRWWLPH&KHFNWKHKRVW¶V5$53' GRFXPHQWDWLRQIRUGHWDLOVRUXVHWKHSVFRPPDQGWR VHHLIWKHUHLVD5$53'SURFHVVUXQQLQJ 3RVW6FULSW3UREOHPV PostScript printers will silently abort jobs if they detect an error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f files that contain embedded bitmap graphics print incorrectly, it is because the bitmaps are being sent as actual binary data and binary data cannot be printed via serial or parallel interfaces. Most major application packages have provisions to print using either “binary postscript” (for printers connected to the network via LocalTalk) or “hex postscript” (for printers connected to the network via a serial port or parallel port). If your application does not have this provision, ask the application vendor for an upgrade version or “patch” that will add the “hex postscript” function. 7HFKQLFDO6XSSRUW If you are experiencing an error that is not listed in this chapter, or if you are unable to fix the error, contact your point of purchase or Technical Support. When you report a problem, please provide the following information: • • • • • • • • Your name, and your company name, address, and phone number Printer model number Printer serial number Software version (use the Show Server command to display) Network configuration, including the information from a Netstat command Description of the problem Debug report (stack dump), if applicable Status of the unit when the problem occurred (please try to include information on user and network activity at the time of the problem). 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH (WKHUQHW1HWZRUN,QWHUIDFH7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ 6HS &KDSWHU 3DSHU-DPV ,QWKLV&KDSWHU • • 6HS “About this Chapter” on page 4-2 “Clearing Paper Jams” on page 4-2 &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH &OHDULQJ3DSHU-DPV $ERXWWKLV&KDSWHU This chapter explains procedures for dealing with paper jams. &OHDULQJ3DSHU-DPV If a paper jam occurs, refer to the illustration below to select the appropriate corrective action and clear the paper the paper jam immediately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³&$87,21+27´IXVHUDUHD 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH &OHDULQJ3DSHU-DPV &$87,21,IVPRNHFRPHVRXWRIWKHSULQWHUZKHQDSDSHUMDPRFFXUVGRQRWRSHQWKHSULQWHU FRYHUV7XUQRIIWKHSRZHUUHPRYHWKHSRZHUFRUGIURPWKH$&RXWOHWDQGFRQWDFW\RXU&RP SXSULQWGHDOHURUD&RPSXSULQW&XVWRPHU6HUYLFH&HQWHUIRUDVVLVWDQFH 127( 5HPRYHMDPPHGSDSHUVORZO\DQGFDUHIXOO\WRDYRLGWHDULQJLW 127( 3DSHU MDPV FDQ EH FDXVHG E\ LQFRUUHFW SULQWHU LQVWDOODWLRQ RU E\ XVLQJ XQVXLWDEOH RU ORZTXDOLW\ SDSHU)RULQIRUPDWLRQDERXWSDSHUUHIHUWR³3DSHU+DQGOLQJ´RQSDJH 3DSHU-DPVLQWKH0XOWL3XUSRVH7UD\ Follow the procedure below to remove paper jammed in the multi purpose tray. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH &OHDULQJ3DSHU-DPV 1. Pull the jammed paper out of the multi purpose tray. 2. Push up button ‘A’ ➀ and fully open the front cover ➁. Confirm that there are no scraps of paper remaining inside the printer. 3. Close the front cover. 3DSHU-DPVLQWKH3DSHU7UD\ Follow the procedure below to remove paper jammed in the paper tray. 1. Slowly, completely remove the paper tray from the printer. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH &OHDULQJ3DSHU-DPV 2. Remove all the jammed and/or creased paper from the tray. 3. If there is jammed paper remaining inside the printer, pull it out carefully to avoid tearing it. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH &OHDULQJ3DSHU-DPV 4. Push up button ‘A’ ➀ and fully open the front cover ➁. Confirm that there are no scraps of paper remaining inside the printer. 5. Close the front cover. 6. Hold the paper tray with both hands, align it with the opening in the printer and gently insert it. 7. Push the paper tray completely back into the printer. 127( 'RQRWXVHH[FHVVLYHIRUFHRQWKHSDSHUWUD\ 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH &OHDULQJ3DSHU-DPV 3DSHU-DPV%HWZHHQWKH'UXP&DUWULGJHDQG)XVHU8QLW This section describes the procedures to remove paper jammed around the drum cartridge and in the fuser. Select the appropriate procedure according to the location of the jammed paper. 3DSHUMDPVDURXQGWKHGUXPFDUWULGJH Follow the procedure below to remove paper jammed around the drum cartridge. 1. Push up button ‘A’ ➀ and fully open the front cover ➁. 2. Remove the jammed paper. If the paper is torn, remove any scraps of paper remaining inside the printer. 3. Close the front cover. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH &OHDULQJ3DSHU-DPV 3DSHUMDPVLQWKHIXVHUXQLW Follow the procedure below to remove paper jammed in the fuser unit. 1. Press button ‘B’ ➀ and open the upper part of the front cover ➁. 2. Lift the levers at both ends of the fuser unit, and remove the jammed paper. If the paper is torn, remove any scraps of paper remaining inside the printer. 127( 'XULQJRSHUDWLRQWKHIXVHUXQLWKHDWHUEHFRPHVYHU\KRW7RSUHYHQWEXUQVGRQRWWRXFKLWZLWK \RXUEDUHKDQGV &RPSOHWHO\SXVKGRZQWKHOHYHUVDWERWKHQGVRIWKHIXVHUDIWHUUHPRYLQJWKHMDPPHGSDSHU 3. If you cannot see the jammed paper, it may be jammed around the drum cartridge. Refer to “Paper jams around the drum cartridge:” on page 4-7 to remove the jammed paper. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH &OHDULQJ3DSHU-DPV 127( ,IRQO\DVPDOOSRUWLRQRIWKHMDPPHGSDSHULVYLVLEOHPDNLQJLWGLIILFXOWWRUHPRYHUHIHUWR³3DSHU MDPVDURXQGWKHGUXPFDUWULGJH´RQWKHSUHYLRXVSDJHWRUHPRYHWKHMDPPHGSDSHU 4. Close the Front Cover. 3DSHUMDPVZLWKORQJSDSHU If paper longer than 355.6 mm becomes jammed in the printer, cut the paper as necessary and remove the paper from the location where it is jammed using the appropriate procedure. If the front cover is difficult to open, do not force it. Turn off the printer immediately and contact your Compuprint dealer or Compuprint Customer Service Center for assistance. 3DSHU-DPVLQWKH3DSHU5RWDWRU Follow the procedure below to remove paper jammed in the paper rotator. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH &OHDULQJ3DSHU-DPV 1. Press button ‘B’ ➀ and open the upper part of the front cover ➁. 2. Remove the jammed paper. If the paper is torn, remove any scraps of paper remaining inside the printer. 3. Close the front cover. 3DSHU-DPVLQWKH+LJK&DSDFLW\)HHGHUVKHOYHV Follow the procedure below to remove paper jammed in the High Capacity Feeder. 1. Open the trays until you find the jammed paper. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH &OHDULQJ3DSHU-DPV 127( 3DSHULQWKH+LJK&DSDFLW\)HHGHUIHHGVWRWKHSULQWHUIURPWKHIURQWRIWKHWUD\VWKHUHIRUHSDSHU MDPPHGLQWKHORZHUWUD\FDQEORFNWKHXSSHUWUD\RIWKHPRGXOHRUWKHSDSHUWUD\LQWKHSULQWHU SUHYHQWLQJ \RX IURP RSHQLQJ WKHP /RRN IRU WKH MDPPHG SDSHU VHTXHQWLDOO\ VWDUWLQJ ZLWK WKH ORZHVWWUD\ 2. Remove all jammed and/or creased paper from the tray. 3. Pull the jammed paper out carefully to avoid tearing it. If the paper is torn, confirm that there are no scraps of paper remaining inside the printer. 4. Push up button ‘A’ ➀ and fully open the front cover ➁. Confirm that there are no scraps of paper remaining inside the printer. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH &OHDULQJ3DSHU-DPV 5. Close the front cover. 6. Close all open paper trays. ◆ ◆ ◆ 6HS &KDSWHU &RQVXPDEOHV ,QWKLV&KDSWHU • • • • • • • 6HS “About this Chapter“ on page 5-2 “Consumables Overview“ on page 5-2 “Toner Cartridges“ on page 5-4 “Drum Cartridge“ on page 5-8 “Transfer Roller Cartridge“ on page 5-13 “Fuser Unit“ on page 5-16 “Paper Feed Roller“ on page 5-21 &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH &RQVXPDEOHV2YHUYLHZ $ERXWWKLV&KDSWHU This chapter provides information about the expendables used with the printer, and also describes handling and replacement procedures. &RQVXPDEOHV2YHUYLHZ The following consumables are provided with the printer. For replacements, contact your Compuprint dealer. 7RQHU&DUWULGJHV The printer uses four toner cartridges: black, yellow magenta, and cyan. When the toner supply in a cartridge begins to run out, an error message appears. At this stage, confirm that you have a replacement toner cartridge available. Replace toner cartridges as soon as the message prompting you to do so appears. The printer stops operating if you do not replace the toner cartridge when required. 127( )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWWRQHUFDUWULGJHVUHIHUWR³7RQHU&DUWULGJHV³RQSDJH 'UXP&DUWULGJH The drum cartridge is composed of a light-sensitive drum, a developer and a transfer roller. Images are initially created as an electrical charge on the surface of this drum. When the drum cartridge reaches the end of its life span, print quality begins to deteriorate. Replace the drum cartridge at this stage. 127( )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWWKHGUXPFDUWULGJHUHIHUWR³'UXP&DUWULGJH³RQSDJH 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH &RQVXPDEOHV2YHUYLHZ 7UDQVIHU5ROOHU&DUWULGJH The transfer roller cartridge is composed of a transfer roller and a waste toner collection box. Usually, the transfer roller cartridge needs to be replaced after printing about 20,000 sheets. However, this figure varies depending on the content of the material printed, as well as the size and type of paper used. Replace the transfer roller cartridge as soon as the message prompting you to do so appears. The printer stops operating if you do not replace the transfer roller cartridge when required. 127( )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ DERXW WKH WUDQVIHU UROOHU FDUWULGJH UHIHU WR ³7UDQVIHU 5ROOHU &DUWULGJH³ RQ SDJH )XVHU8QLW The fuser unit fixes the toner to the paper. Usually, the fuser unit needs to be replaced after printing about 100,000 sheets. However, this figure varies depending on the content the material printed, as well as the size and type of paper used. 127( 6HS )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWWKHIXVHUXQLWUHIHUWR³)XVHU8QLW³RQSDJH &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7RQHU&DUWULGJHV 3DSHU)HHG5ROOHU The paper feed roller feeds paper from the paper tray into the printer. Usually, the paper feed roller needs to be replaced after printing about 100,000 sheets. However, this figure varies depending on the size and type of paper used. When the paper feed roller deteriorates, paper may not feed correctly from the paper tray, resulting in paper jams. 127( )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWWKHSDSHUIHHGUROOHUUHIHUWR³3DSHU)HHG5ROOHU³RQSDJH 7RQHU&DUWULGJHV This section describes how to handle, store and replace toner cartridges. 7RQHU&DUWULGJH+DQGOLQJ3UHFDXWLRQV The printer uses four toner cartridges: black, yellow, magenta, and cyan. The black toner cartridge is capable of printing about 9,000 sheets. The yellow, magenta, and cyan cartridges are capable of printing about 6,000 A4 sheets (at the default print density, with 5% coverage per color). :$51,1*1HYHUWKURZXVHGWRQHUFDUWULGJHVLQWRDILUH7KHUHVLGXDOWRQHUFRXOGH[SORGH UHVXOWLQJLQEXUQVDQGLQMXULHV &$87,217RSUHYHQWHOHFWULFVKRFNDOZD\VWXUQRIIWKHSULQWHUDQGGLVFRQQHFWWKHSRZHU FRUGIURPWKH$&RXWOHWEHIRUHFOHDQLQJWKHSULQWHURUSHUIRUPLQJPDLQWHQDQFH +DQGOLQJ3UHFDXWLRQV • • • • • Never use a vacuum cleaner to clean toner. Static electricity could build up and damage sensors. Do not reuse toner cartridges once you have removed them from the printer. Loose toner could spill inside the printer and deteriorate print quality. To prevent residual toner form spilling, avoid shaking or bumping used toner cartridges. After moving a toner cartridge from a cold place to a warm place, allow 1 hour for the cartridge to adapt to room temperature before installing it. (This is not necessary if there is no condensation.) Toner is harmless, but should still be washed off immediately if it comes into contact with hands or clothing. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7RQHU&DUWULGJHV • • Only use toner cartridges recommended by Compuprint. Using toner cartridges that are not recommended may result in lower print quality and unsatisfactory printer performance. Wrap used toner cartridges in plastic bags and dispose of them as non-burnable waste. 6WRUDJH3UHFDXWLRQV • • • • • Store toner cartridges away from direct sunlight under the following conditions: Ambient temperature range, 0 to 35°C. Humidity range 15 to 80% RH (no condensation). Avoid hot and humid areas. Avoid storing near magnetic objects such as CRT screens, disk drives, or floppy disks. Keep out of reach of children. 5HSODFLQJ7RQHU&DUWULGJHV Follow the procedure below to replace toner cartridges. 1. Remove the top cover. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7RQHU&DUWULGJHV 2. Grip the levers at the ends of the toner cartridge that you want to replace and pull them up. 3. Pull out the toner cartridge. 127( 3XWWKHWRQHUFDUWULGJHRQDSLHFHRISDSHUWRSUHYHQWWRQHUIURPVWDLQLQJWKHIORRURUIXUQLWXUH 4. Select the new toner cartridge whose color matches the label on the insertion point and remove it from its packaging. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7RQHU&DUWULGJHV 5. Shake the toner cartridge 7 or 8 times as illustrated to distribute the toner evenly. 6. Align the toner cartridge with the corresponding insertion point in the printer and insert it as illustrated. 7. Grip the levers at each end of the toner cartridge with your fingers and them push down lightly to rotate the levers forward. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 'UXP&DUWULGJH 8. Pull the toner seal straight up to remove it. 127( 3XOOWKHWRQHUVHDOVWUDLJKWXS3XOOLQJWKHWRQHUVHDOGLDJRQDOO\PD\WHDUWKHVHDO 9. Replace the top cover. 'UXP&DUWULGJH This section describes procedures for handling, storing and replacing the drum cartridge. 'UXP&DUWULGJH+DQGOLQJ3UHFDXWLRQV The drum cartridge consists of a light-sensitive drum, a developer and a transfer roller. The drum cartridge is capable of printing about 30,000 Letter/A4 sheets (continuous portrait, at the default print density with 5% color coverage) with a 1:1 color/monochrome ratio. &$87,217RSUHYHQWHOHFWULFVKRFNDOZD\VWXUQRIIWKHSULQWHUDQGGLVFRQQHFWWKHSRZHU FRUGIURPWKH$&RXWOHWEHIRUHFOHDQLQJWKHSULQWHURUSHUIRUPLQJPDLQWHQDQFH 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 'UXP&DUWULGJH +DQGOLQJ3UHFDXWLRQV • • • • • • • • Make sure nothing touches or scratches the light-sensitive drum surface (blue colored part) or transfer roller (black colored part). Scratches, dirt, or oil from your hands on the drum or transfer roller deteriorates print quality. Do not expose the drum cartridge to direct sunlight and avoid exposing the drum cartridge to fluorescent indoor light, as this may result in dropouts or dirty printing. When replacing the drum cartridge, work on a desk or other flat surface to avoid scratching the light-sensitive drum and transfer roller. Avoid removing the drum cartridge from the printer before it is time to replace it. Removing and replacing the drum cartridge can cause dirt to stick to the cartridge and deteriorate print quality. Avoid tilting or shaking the drum cartridge when removing it, as toner may spill inside the printer and cause damage. To ensure good print quality, keep the drum cartridge level when handling it. The drum cartridge weighs 10 lbs. (4.5 kg). Handle it carefully. Wrap used drum cartridges in a plastic bag and dispose of them as non-burnable waste. 6WRUDJH3UHFDXWLRQV • • • • • • • Do not unpack the new drum cartridge until you are ready to install it. If the drum cartridge is unpacked put it in its aluminum package for storage. Store drum cartridges away from direct sunlight under the following conditions: Ambient temperature range, 0 to 35°C; humidity range, 15 to 80 % RH (no condensation) Avoid storing in hot humid areas. Avoid storing near magnetic objects such as CRT screens, disk drives, or floppy disks. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a level position. 5HSODFLQJWKH'UXP&DUWULGJH Follow the procedure below to replace the drum cartridge. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 'UXP&DUWULGJH 1. Push up button ‘A’ ➀ and fully open the front cover ➁. 2. Open the paper outlet cover. 3. Grip the handle on top of the drum cartridge and gently lift it out of the printer. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 'UXP&DUWULGJH 127( +ROGWKHGUXPFDUWULGJHE\WKHKDQGOHRQWRSRIWKHFDUWULGJHWRSUHYHQWWKHFDUWULGJHIURPIDOOLQJ 4. Take a new drum cartridge out of its package and pull hard on each the 8 seals to remove them. Pull the seals completely out. 127( .HHSWKHDOXPLQXPSDFNDJHRIWKHGUXPFDUWULGJHLQFDVH\RXQHHGWRWUDQVSRUWWKHSULQWHURYHU ORQJGLVWDQFHVLQWKHIXWXUH 5. Hold the left and right sides of the drum cartridge and remove the protective cover from it. 6. Remove the protective sheet from the drum cartridge as illustrated. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 'UXP&DUWULGJH 127( 'RQRWWRXFKWKHWUDQVIHUUROOHUEODFNFRORUHGSDUW0DNHVXUHWKDWQRWKLQJWRXFKHVRUVFUDWFKHVWKH UROOHUVXUIDFH6FUDWFKHVRURLOIURP\RXUKDQGVRQWKHUROOHUGHWHULRUDWHVSULQWTXDOLW\ 0DNHVXUHWKDW\RXUHPRYHWKHSURWHFWLYHVKHHW,QVWDOOLQJWKHGUXPFDUWULGJHZLWKWKHSURWHFWLYH VKHHWGHWHULRUDWHVSULQWTXDOLW\ 5HPRYHWKHSURWHFWLYHVKHHWZLWKWKHGUXPFDUWULGJHLQDKRUL]RQWDOSRVLWLRQ 7. Hold the drum cartridge by the handle, align its 4 shafts with the slots indicated by the arrows on the printer, and gently lower it into the printer. 127( 'RQRWWRXFKWKHWUDQVIHUUROOHU /RZHULQJ WKH FDUWULGJH LQWR WKH SULQWHU ZLWKRXW FRUUHFWO\ DOLJQLQJ WKH VKDIWV ZLWK WKH VORWV FDQ GDPDJHWKHFDUWULGJH 'RQRWDOORZWKHVXUIDFHRIWKHWUDQVIHUUROOHUWRFRPHLQWRFRQWDFWZLWKDQ\WKLQJ 8. Close the paper outlet cover. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7UDQVIHU5ROOHU&DUWULGJH 9. Close the front cover. 7UDQVIHU5ROOHU&DUWULGJH This section describes the procedure for replacing the transfer roller cartridge. 7UDQVIHU5ROOHU&DUWULGJH+DQGOLQJ3UHFDXWLRQV The transfer roller cartridge consists of a transfer roller and a waste toner collection box. The transfer roller cartridge is capable of printing about 20,000 A4 sheets (at default print density, with 5% color coverage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• • • • 6HS Avoid removing the transfer roller cartridge before it is time to replace it. Replace the transfer roller as soon as the message prompting you to do so appears. The printer stops operating if you do not replace the transfer roller cartridge when required. Do not attempt to reuse toner from the waste toner collection box. When you remove the transfer roller cartridge from the printer because the waste toner collection box is full, do not attempt to empty the waste toner box and reuse the cartridge, as &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7UDQVIHU5ROOHU&DUWULGJH • toner may spill inside the printer and cause damage. Do not remove the transfer roller from the printer before it is time to replace it, as toner may spill inside the printer and cause damage. 5HSODFLQJWKH7UDQVIHU5ROOHU&DUWULGJH Follow the procedure below to replace the transfer roller cartridge. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 7UDQVIHU5ROOHU&DUWULGJH 1. Push up button ‘A’ ➀ and fully open the front cover ➁. 2. Grip the tabs at both ends of the transfer roller cartridge and gently lift the cartridge out of the printer. 127( /LIWWKHUROOHUFDUHIXOO\WRSUHYHQWZDVWHWRQHUIURPVSLOOLQJRXW 3. Unpack a new transfer roller cartridge and insert the stubs on both ends of the transfer roller cartridge into the u-shaped guides inside the printer. 4. To lock the transfer roller cartridge into the printer, push down on the base of the tabs until you hear a click. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH )XVHU8QLW 5. Close the front cover. )XVHU8QLW This section describes the procedure for replacing the fuser unit. 127( 7RDYRLGEXUQVGRQRWUHSODFHWKHIXVHUXQLWLPPHGLDWHO\DIWHUSULQWLQJDVWKHIXVHUJHWVYHU\KRW GXULQJWKLVSURFHVV &$87,217RSUHYHQWEXUQVQHYHUWRXFKWKHDUHDPDUNHG³&$87,21+27´IXVHUDUHD 7RDYRLGLQMXU\RUEXUQVGRQRWXVHH[FHVVLYHIRUFHWRUHPRYHMDPPHGSDSHUWKDWLVGLIILFXOW UHPRYHRUZRXQGWLJKWO\DURXQGWKHIXVHURUUROOHUV,ISDSHUSURYHVGLIILFXOWWRUHPRYHWXUQ RIIWKHSULQWHUDQGFRQWDFW\RXU&RPSXSULQWGHDOHURUD&RPSXSULQW&XVWRPHU6HUYLFH&HQWHU IRUDVVLVWDQFH 7RSUHYHQWHOHFWULFVKRFNDOZD\VWXUQRIIWKHSULQWHUDQGGLVFRQQHFWWKHSRZHUFRUGIURPWKH $&RXWOHWEHIRUHFOHDQLQJWKHSULQWHURUSHUIRUPLQJPDLQWHQDQFH 5HSODFLQJWKH)XVHU8QLW Follow the procedure below to replace the fuser unit. 127( 7RDOORZWKHIXVHUXQLWWRFRROGRZQWXUQWKHSULQWHURIIIRUDWOHDVWPLQXWHVEHIRUHUHSODFLQJWKH IXVHUXQLW 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH )XVHU8QLW 1 2 1. Push up button ‘A’ ➀ and fully open the front cover ➁. 2. Open the paper outlet cover. 6HS 1 &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH )XVHU8QLW 3. Close the front cover. 4. Press button ‘B’ ➀ and open the upper part of the front cover ➁. 5. Move the slide switches at both ends of the fuser unit forward. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH )XVHU8QLW 6. Lift up the levers at both ends of the fuser unit. 7. Grip the levers and gently lift the fuser unit out of the printer. 1 2 1 8. Unpack a new fuser unit, lift up the levers at both ends ➀, grip the fuser unit by the levers, align it with the slots in the printer, and slowly push it in ➁. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH )XVHU8QLW 9. Completely push down the levers at both ends of the fuser unit. 10. Move the slide switches at both ends of the fuser unit all the way to the back. 11. Close the paper outlet cover. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 3DSHU)HHG5ROOHU 12. Close the front cover. 3DSHU)HHG5ROOHU This section describes the procedure for replacing the paper feed roller. &$87,217RSUHYHQWHOHFWULFVKRFNDOZD\VWXUQRIIWKHSULQWHUDQGGLVFRQQHFWWKHSRZHU FRUGIURPWKH$&RXWOHWEHIRUHFOHDQLQJWKHSULQWHURUSHUIRUPLQJPDLQWHQDQFHSURFHGXUHV 5HSODFLQJWKH3DSHU)HHG5ROOHU Follow the procedure below to replace the paper feed roller. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 3DSHU)HHG5ROOHU 1. Pull the paper tray out of the printer until it stops. 2. Hold the tray with both hands, lift the front slightly, and remove it from the printer. 3. Push the tabs of the paper feed roller cover to open the cover. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 3DSHU)HHG5ROOHU 4. Lift the clip at the end of the paper feed roller and remove the paper feed roller. 5. Align the new paper feed roller axis with the shaft in the paper tray as illustrated and slide the shaft through the roller until the clip locks into the groove at the end of the shaft. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 3DSHU)HHG5ROOHU 6. Close the paper feed roller cover. 7. Hold the paper tray with both hands, align it with the opening in the printer and gently insert it. 8. Push the paper tray completely back into the printer. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 3DSHU)HHG5ROOHU 127( 'RQRWXVHH[FHVVLYHIRUFHRQWKHSDSHUWUD\ ◆ 6HS ◆ ◆ &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 3DSHU)HHG5ROOHU 6HS &KDSWHU 2SWLRQV ,QWKLV&KDSWHU • • • 6HS “About this Chapter” on page 6-2 “Options Overview” on page 6-2 “High Capacity Feeder (2 Shelves)” on page 6-2 &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 2SWLRQV2YHUYLHZ $ERXWWKLV&KDSWHU This chapter describes any available options and the procedures for their installation and removal. 2SWLRQV2YHUYLHZ The following optional accessories are available with this printer. To order any of the options, contact your Compuprint dealer. +LJK&DSDFLW\)HHGHU6KHOYHV This option allows you to attach an additional 2 trays to the printer. Each tray of the module holds up to 500 sheets of paper. When installed, the trays become the printer’s tray 2 and tray 3. To install the High Capacity Feeder, refer to “High Capacity Feeder (2 Shelves)” on page 6-2 or to the documentation accompanying the High Capacity Feeder. +LJK&DSDFLW\)HHGHU6KHOYHV This section describes the procedures for installing and removing the High Capacity Feeder (2 shelves). +LJK&DSDFLW\)HHGHU VKHOYHV 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH +LJK&DSDFLW\)HHGHU6KHOYHV ,QVWDOOLQJWKH+LJK&DSDFLW\)HHGHUVKHOYHV Follow the procedure below to install the High Capacity Feeder (2 shelves). &$87,217RSUHYHQWHOHFWULFVKRFNWXUQRIIWKHSULQWHUEHIRUHFRQQHFWLQJRSWLRQDODFFHVVR ULHVRULQWHUIDFHFDEOHV 7KH+LJK&DSDFLW\)HHGHUVKHOYHVZHLJKVOEVNJ0DNHVXUHWKDWSHRSOHFDUU\ LW %HQG\RXUNQHHVWRDYRLGEDFNLQMXU\ZKHQOLIWLQJWKH+LJK&DSDFLW\)HHGHUVKHOYHV 1. Gently pull out the upper tray of the High Capacity Feeder until it stops. 2. Hold the tray with both hands, lift up the front slightly and remove it from the High Capacity Feeder. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH +LJK&DSDFLW\)HHGHU6KHOYHV 3. Remove the tape from the cardboard spacer in the tray and remove the spacer. 127( .HHSWKHVSDFHULQFDVH\RXQHHGWRWUDQVSRUWWKHSULQWHURYHUORQJGLVWDQFHVLQWKHIXWXUH 4. Remove the lower tray from the High Capacity Feeder and remove the cardboard spacer from . the tray as explained in steps 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH +LJK&DSDFLW\)HHGHU6KHOYHV &$87,21)DLOXUHWRORFNGRZQWKHEUDNHVFDQFDXVHWKHSULQWHUWRPRYHXQH[SHFWHGO\UHVXOW LQJLQLQMXU\ 5. Lock down the brakes of the 2 casters at the front of the High Capacity Feeder (2 shelves) as illustrated on the left 6. Lift the printer and align the 5 guide pins of the High Capacity Feeder (2 shelves) with the holes at the bottom of the printer. Gently lower the printer onto the High Capacity Feeder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ull the printer’s paper tray out until it stops. 8. Hold the tray with both hands, lift the front slightly and remove it from the printer. 9. Remove the tray cover from the printer. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH +LJK&DSDFLW\)HHGHU6KHOYHV 10. Insert the 4 screws provided into the 4 holes inside the printer and tighten them with a coin to secure the printer to the High Capacity Feeder (2 shelves). 127( 0DNHVXUHWKHVFUHZVDUHILUPO\WLJKWHQHG 11. Install the tray covers provided with the High Capacity Feeder (2 shelves). 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH +LJK&DSDFLW\)HHGHU6KHOYHV 127( 5HSODFHWKHSULQWHU¶VWUD\FRYHULQWKHVDPHPDQQHU 12. Insert the High Capacity Feeder’s lower paper tray in to the High Capacity Feeder (2 shelves). 13. Push the paper tray until it stops. 127( 'RQRWXVHH[FHVVLYHIRUFHRQWKHSDSHUWUD\ 14. Replace the High Capacity Feeder’s upper paper tray and the printer’s paper tray in the same manner. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH +LJK&DSDFLW\)HHGHU6KHOYHV 5HPRYLQJWKH+LJK&DSDFLW\)HHGHUVKHOYHV Follow the procedure below to remove the High Capacity Feeder (2 shelves). &$87,217RSUHYHQWHOHFWULFVKRFNWXUQRIIWKHSULQWHUEHIRUHGLVFRQQHFWLQJRSWLRQDODFFHV VRULHVRULQWHUIDFHFDEOHV 7KH+LJK&DSDFLW\)HHGHUVKHOYHVZHLJKVOEVNJ0DNHVXUHWKDWSHRSOHFDUU\ LW %HQG\RXUNQHHVWRDYRLGEDFNLQMXU\ZKHQOLIWLQJWKH+LJK&DSDFLW\)HHGHUVKHOYHV 1. Pull the printer’s paper tray out until it stops. 2. Hold the tray with both hands, lift the front slightly and remove it from the printer. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH +LJK&DSDFLW\)HHGHU6KHOYHV 3. Remove the tray cover from the printer. 4. Using a coin, remove the 4 screws inside the printer. 5. Hold the paper tray with both hands, align it with the opening in the printer and gently insert it. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH +LJK&DSDFLW\)HHGHU6KHOYHV 6. Push the paper tray completely back into the printer. 127( 'RQRWXVHH[FHVVLYHIRUFHRQWKHSDSHUWUD\ 7. Replace the printer’s tray cover. 8. Gently lift the printer off the High Capacity Feeder, and place it on a level surface. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH +LJK&DSDFLW\)HHGHU6KHOYHV &$87,21%HFDXVHWKHSULQWHUZHLJKVOEVNJIXOO\DVVHPEOHGPDNHVXUHWKDWDW OHDVWWZRSHRSOHFDUU\LW 7ROLIWWKHSULQWHUIDFHWKHIURQWDQGEDFNRIWKHSULQWHUDQGJULSWKHUHFHVVHGDUHDVDWWKHERW WRPOHIWDQGULJKWZLWKERWKKDQGV1HYHUWU\WROLIWWKHSULQWHUE\JULSSLQJDQ\RWKHUDUHDV/LIW LQJWKHSULQWHUE\JULSSLQJRWKHUDUHDVFDQFDXVHWKHSULQWHUWRIDOOUHVXOWLQJLQLQMXU\ %HQG\RXUNQHHVZKHQOLIWLQJWKHSULQWHUWRDYRLGEDFNLQMXU\ 127( %HFDUHIXOQRWWRSLQFK\RXUILQJHUVZKHQORZHULQJWKHSULQWHU ◆ ◆ ◆ 6HS &KDSWHU 8QGHUVWDQGLQJDQG1DYLJDWLQJ WKH&RQWURO3DQHO0HQXV ,QWKLV&KDSWHU 6HS “About this Chapter” on page 7-2 “Control Panel Features” on page 7-2 “Navigating the Control Panel Menus” on page 7-5 “Menu Structure” on page 7-7 “Paper Menu” on page 7-9 “Interface Menu” on page 7-12 “PS Menu” on page 7-15 “PCL Menu” on page 7-16 “System Menu” on page 7-19 “Quality Menu” on page 7-21 “Color Menu” on page 7-22 “Functions Menu” on page 7-26 “FLASH Menu” on page 7-26 “DISK Menu” on page 7-27 &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH &RQWURO3DQHO)HDWXUHV $ERXWWKLV&KDSWHU This chapter explains the control panel and its functions, and also demonstrates how to navigate through the control panel menus and submenus that allow you to view and change the printer settings. &RQWURO3DQHO)HDWXUHV The control panel is located on the front of the printer, and contains the display, indicators, and pushbuttons that allow you to view and change the printer settings. The figure below shows the control panel features. /&''LVSOD\ READY POWER START/STOP POWER SAVER NEXT STATUS ACTIVE RETURN SELECT MENU CANCEL FAULT PREVIOUS /(',QGLFDWRUV 3XVKEXWWRQV )LJXUH&RQWURO3DQHO /&''LVSOD\ The LCD display shows status and error messages that inform you of the current status of the printer, and also displays menus, submenus, and printer settings when you are in the menu system. The display contains two lines of text, each with a maximum of sixteen characters. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH &RQWURO3DQHO)HDWXUHV /(',QGLFDWRUV The LED indicators also indicate printer status. The four indicators can each be on, off, or blinking, indicating different phases of printer operation. The table below explains the LED indicators. /(' &2/25 :+(12)) :+(1%/,1.,1* *UHHQ 3ULQWHULV127 5($'< 3ULQWHULV5($'< 1$ *UHHQ 3ULQWHULV,'/( 3ULQWHULV$&7,9( SURFHVVLQJDMRE 3ULQWHULV:$,7,1* DSDUWLDOMREKDV EHHQSULQWHGDQG WKHSULQWHULV ZDLWLQJIRU DGGLWLRQDOMREGDWD 5HG 3ULQWHULVQRWLQ HUURUPRGH 7KHUHLVDQHUURU WKDWUHTXLUHVXVHU LQWHUYHQWLRQVXFKDV DSDSHUMDPD VHUYLFHFDOO UHTXLUHGHWF 1$ 5HG 32:(5LVRII 32:(5LVRQ 1$ 5HG 5HDG\ 1$ 3RZHU6DYHULVRQ READY ACTIVE FAULT :+(121 POWER POWER SAVER 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH &RQWURO3DQHO)HDWXUHV 3XVKEXWWRQV The control panel pushbuttons allow you to access and navigate menus, and also assist you in recovering from printer errors. The table below explains the functions of the eight pushbuttons. 386+%87721 )81&7,21 67$576723²3XVKWKLVEXWWRQWRVWDUWRUVWRSWKHSULQWHURUWRH[LWWKHPHQX V\VWHP START/STOP MENU NEXT SELECT CANCEL STATUS 0(18²3XVKWKLVEXWWRQWRHQWHUWKHPHQXV\VWHP 1(;7²3XVKWKLVEXWWRQWRPRYHWRWKHQH[WPHQXVXEPHQXRUVHWWLQJZLWKLQ WKHVDPHOHYHORIWKHPHQXVWUXFWXUH 6(/(&7²3XVKWKLVEXWWRQWRVHOHFWWKHPHQXRUVXEPHQXWKDWLVVKRZQRQWKH VHFRQGOLQHRIWKHGLVSOD\RUWRFKRRVHDQGVDYHWKHVHWWLQJVKRZQRQWKHVHFRQG OLQHRIWKHGLVSOD\ &$1&(/²3XVKWKLVEXWWRQWRFDQFHODQDFWLRQ 67$786²3XVKWKLVEXWWRQWRHQWHUWKH6WDWXV0HQXDQGYLHZWKHFXUUHQWVWDWXV RISULQWHU 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 1DYLJDWLQJWKH&RQWURO3DQHO0HQXV 386+%87721 )81&7,21 35(9,286²3XVKWKLVEXWWRQWRUHWXUQWRWKHSUHYLRXVPHQXVXEPHQXRU RSWLRQZLWKLQWKHVDPHOHYHORIWKHPHQXVWUXFWXUH PREVIOUS 5(7851²3XVKWKLVEXWWRQWRPRYHXSRQHOHYHOLQWKHPHQXVWUXFWXUHWRWKH PHQXVKRZQRQWKHILUVWOLQHRIWKHGLVSOD\ RETURN 1DYLJDWLQJWKH&RQWURO3DQHO0HQXV When you press the MENU button on the control panel, you enter the printer’s menu system. At that point, the first line of the display contains the text “Menu”, indicating that you are in the menu system. The second line of the display lists the active menu, which you can change by pressing the NEXT or PREVIOUS button. Menu Paper Menu If you press the NEXT button repeatedly, the second line of the display cycles through the main menus in the following order: Paper Menu Interface Menu PS Menu PCL Menu System Menu Quality Menu Color Menu Functions 127( 6HS $GGLWLRQDO PHQXV DQG VXEPHQXV PD\ DSSHDU LQ WKH SULQWHU PHQX V\VWHP ZKHQ RWKHU RSWLRQV DUH LQVWDOOHG &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 1DYLJDWLQJWKH&RQWURO3DQHO0HQXV The following figure shows the sequence of pushbuttons and display messages that would allow you to change the number of copies printed. This example illustrates the basic relationship between menus and submenus and demonstrates how the NEXT, PREVIOUS, SELECT, and RETURN buttons help you to navigate through the menus. Menu Paper Menu Menu Interface Menu Menu Paper Menu Copies 2 Copies 1 Paper Menu Copies Copies 3 Paper Menu Copies Menu Paper Menu )LJXUH1DYLJDWLQJWKH3DSHU0HQX 1. Press the MENU button on the control panel. 2. Press the NEXT button until the text “Paper Menu” is shown on the second line of the display. 3. Press the SELECT button to enter the paper menu. 4. Press the NEXT button until the text “Copies” is shown on the second line of the display. 5. Press the SELECT button to enter the copies submenu. 6. Press the NEXT or PREVIOUS button to increase or decrease the number of copies printed. 7. Press the SELECT button to save this setting. 8. Press the START/STOP button to exit the menu system. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 0HQX6WUXFWXUH 0HQX6WUXFWXUH The following figure shows the structure of the control panel main menus and submenus. 3DSHU0HQX &RSLHV 'XSOH[ 'XSOH[%LQG 'HIDXOW6RXUFH 0DQXDO)HHG 0HGLD6L]H7\SH 0%) 7UD\ 7UD\RSWLRQDO 7UD\RSWLRQDO 7UD\/LQNLQJ %ODQN3DJHV 0%))LUVW *ORVV/HYHO $XWR5HVL]H ,QWHUIDFH0HQX 3RUW 3DUDOOHO 1HWZRUN&DUG 86% 360HQX 3ULQW36(UURUV 0DQXDO)HHG72 3DUDOOHO6HWXS ,QWHUSUHWHU )RUPDW 0RGH 'HOD\2XW&ORVH 1HWZRUN6HWXS ,QWHUSUHWHU )RUPDW 1HWZRUN&KDQQHO 1HWZRUN$GGUHVV ,3$GGUHVV 6XEQHW0DVN 'HIDXOW5RXWHU /3'%DQQHU '+&3 1HWZDUH)UDPH 'HOD\2XW&ORVH 3&/0HQX 2ULHQWDWLRQ )RQW6RXUFH )RQW1XPEHU 3LWFK 6\PERO6HW 0DFUR)LOWHU /LQHV3HU3DJH &50RGH /)0RGH ))0RGH 3ULQW$UHD 3DUDPHWHU9DOXHV 3DSHU6RXUFH 3DSHU6L]H 86%6HWXS ,QWHUSUHWHU )RUPDW 'HOD\2XW&ORVH 6\VWHP0HQX )DFWRU\'HIDXOWV 'LVSOD\/DQJXDJH $ODUP&RQWURO :DLW7LPHRXW -RE7LPHRXW -DP5HFRYHU\ +H[3ULQW 7RQHU2XW ,QWHOOLILOWHU 4XDOLW\0HQX 5HVROXWLRQ 7RQHU6DYHU 3ULQW'HQVLW\ &RORU0HQX 6FUHHQLQJ0RGH 5HQGHULQJ,QWHQW &RORU0DWFKLQJ $OLJQPHQW )XQFWLRQV 5HVHW3ULQWHU 3ULQW'HPR 3ULQW6XPPDU\ 3ULQW)RQWV )LJXUH3ULQWHU0HQX6WUXFWXUH 127( 6HS 3OHDVHFRQVXOW\RXU&RPSXSULQW7HFKQLFDO6XSSRUWSHUVRQIRULQIRUPDWLRQRQXVHRIWKLVIHDWXUH &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 0HQX6WUXFWXUH 127( $GGLWLRQDO PHQXV DQG VXEPHQXV PD\ DSSHDU LQ WKH SULQWHU PHQX V\VWHP ZKHQ RWKHU RSWLRQV DUH LQVWDOOHG 6WDWXV0HQX In addition to the main menus listed above, the printer also provides a status menu that allows you to view the current printer settings. Push the STATUS button to enter the Status Menu. 6WDWXV 0%) 0HGLD6L]H 0HGLD7\SH /HYHO 7UD\ 0HGLD6L]H 0HGLD7\SH /HYHO 7UD\RSWLRQDO 0HGLD6L]H 0HGLD7\SH /HYHO 7UD\RSWLRQDO 0HGLD6L]H 0HGLD7\SH /HYHO )DFH'RZQ7UD\ &\DQ7RQHU 0DJHQWD7RQHU <HOORZ7RQHU %/$&.7RQHU 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 3DSHU0HQX 3DSHU0HQX The Paper Menu provides access to the printer settings for various paper-handling functions. Use the following procedure to enter the paper menu: 1. Press the MENU button on the control panel. 2. Press the NEXT button until the text “Paper Menu” is shown on the second line of the display. 3. Press the SELECT button to enter the Paper Menu. 4. Press the NEXT button to move through the submenus: Copies, Duplex, Duplex Bind, Default Source, Manual Feed, Media Size/Type, Tray Linking, Blank Pages, MBF First, Gloss Level and Auto Resize. 5. Use the procedures in the following table to access and change the printer paper-handling settings: 6XEPHQXV 'HIDXOW6HWWLQJ $YDLODEOH6HWWLQJV 3URFHGXUHIRU&KDQJLQJ6HWWLQJ &RSLHV 7KLVVXEPHQXDOORZV \RXWRFKDQJHWKH QXPEHURIFRSLHV SULQWHG 1XPEHUV 3UHVV1(;7RU35(9,286WRLQFUHDVH RUGHFUHDVHWKHQXPEHURIFRSLHV SULQWHG 3UHVV6(/(&7WRVDYHWKLVVHWWLQJ 'XSOH[ 7KLVVXEPHQXDOORZV \RXWRWXUQWKHGXSOH[ SULQWIXQFWLRQRQRURII 2II 2Q 2II 3UHVV1(;7RU35(9,286WRWRJJOH EHWZHHQ21DQG2)) 3UHVV6(/(&7WRVDYHWKLVVHWWLQJ 'XSOH[%LQG 7KLVVXEPHQXDOORZV \RXWRVHOHFWGXSOH[ ELQGHU\7KH³/RQJ (GJH´VHWWLQJZLOO SURGXFHKRUL]RQWDO SULQWHGSDJHV7KH ³6KRUW(GJH´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³/RZ´ VHWWLQJZLOOSURGXFH SULQWHGSDJHVZLWKD VOLJKWJORVVZKHUHYHU WRQHULVSODFHG7KH SULQWHUSULQWVDWIXOO VSHHGLQWKLVPRGH7KH ³+LJK´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he Interface Menu provides access to the printer interface settings. Use the following procedure to enter the interface menu: 1. Press the MENU button on the control panel. 2. Press the NEXT button until the text “Interface Menu” is shown on the second line of the display. 3. Press the SELECT button to enter the interface menu. 4. Press the NEXT button to move through the submenus: Port, Parallel Setup, Network Card Setup and USB Setup. 5. Use the procedures in the following table to access and change the printer interface settings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he PS Menu provides access to the PostScript settings. Use the following procedure to enter the PS Menu: 1. Press the MENU button on the control panel. 2. Press the NEXT button until the text “PS Menu” is shown on the second line of the display. 3. Press the SELECT button to enter the PS menu. 4. Press the NEXT button to move through the submenus: Print PS Errors, and Manual Feed TO. 5. Press the SELECT button to enter a submenu. 6. Use the procedures in the following table to access and change the PostScript settings: 6XEPHQXV 'HIDXOW 6HWWLQJ $YDLODEOH6HWWLQJV 3URFHGXUHIRU&KDQJLQJ6HWWLQJV 3ULQW36(UURUV 7KLVVXEPHQXDOORZV\RX WRFKRRVHWRHLWKHUSULQWRU QRWSULQW36HUURUV 2II 2Q 2II 3UHVV1(;7RU35(9,286WRWRJJOHEHWZHHQ21 SULQWDQG2))GRQRWSULQW 3UHVV6(/(&7WRVDYHWKLVVHWWLQJ 0DQXDO)HHG72 7KLVVXEPHQXDOORZV\RX WRVHWWKHPDQXDOIHHG WLPHRXW²WKHQXPEHURI VHFRQGVWKHSULQWHUVKRXOG ZDLWIRUDPDQXDOIHHG$ VHWWLQJRIZLOOFDXVH SULQWHUWRZDLWLQGHILQLWHO\ IRUDPDQXDOIHHG 3UHVV1(;7RU35(9,286WRLQFUHDVHRUGHFUHDVH HDFKGLJLWRIWKHILYHGLJLWQXPEHU 3UHVV6(/(&7WRPRYHWRWKHQH[WQXPEHU 3UHVV6(/(&7DIWHUVHWWLQJWKHODVWGLJLWWRVDYHWKH VHWWLQJ 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 3&/0HQX 3&/0HQX The PCL Menu provides access to the PCL settings. Use the following procedure to enter the PCL menu: 1. Press the MENU button on the control panel. 2. Press the NEXT button until the text “PCL Menu” is shown on the second line of the display. 3. Press the SELECT button to enter the PCL menu. 4. Press the NEXT button to move through the submenus: Orientation, Font Source, Font Number, Pitch, Symbol Set, Macro Filter, Lines Per Page, CR Mode, LF Mode, FF Mode, Print Area, Parameter Values. 5. Press the SELECT button to enter a submenu. 6. Use the procedures in the following table to access and change the PCL settings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²D FDUULDJHUHWXUQHTXDOV HLWKHUDFDUULDJH UHWXUQDORQHRUD FDUULDJHUHWXUQDQGD OLQHIHHGWRJHWKHU &5 &5 &5 &5 &5 &5/) 3UHVV1(;7RU35(9,286WR FKRRVHIURP&5 &5RU &5 &5/) 3UHVV6(/(&7WRVDYHWKLV VHWWLQJ /)0RGH 7KLVVXEPHQXDOORZV \RXWRGHILQHWKH DFWLRQSURPSWHGE\D OLQHIHHG²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²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he system menu provides access to system settings. Use the following procedure to enter the system menu: 1. Press the MENU button on the control panel. 2. Press the NEXT button until the text “System Menu” is shown on the second line of the display. 3. Press the SELECT button to enter the system menu. 4. Press the NEXT button to move through the submenus: Factory Defaults, Display Language, Alarm Control, Wait Timeout, Job Timeout, Jam Recovery, Hex Print, Toner Out and Intellifilter. 5. Press the SELECT button to enter a submenu. 6. Use the procedures in the following table to access and change the system settings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²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he Quality Menu provides access to the printer settings that are related to print quality. Use the following procedure to enter the Quality Menu: 1. Press the MENU button on the control panel. 2. Press the NEXT button until the text “Quality Menu” is shown on the second line of the display. 3. Press the SELECT button to enter the system menu. 4. Press the NEXT button to move through the submenus: Resolution, Toner Saver and Print Density. 5. Press the SELECT button to enter a submenu. 6. Use the procedures in the following table to access and change the system settings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he Color Menu contains the settings related to the quality of printed color.. Use the following procedure to enter the Color Menu: 1. Press the MENU button on the control panel. 2. Press the NEXT button until the text “Color Menu” is shown on the second line of the display. 3. Press the SELECT button to enter the system menu. 4. Press the NEXT button to move through the submenus: Screening Mode, Rendering Intent, Color Matching and Alignment, 5. Press the SELECT button to enter a submenu. Use the procedures in the table of the following page to access and change the system settings: 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH &RORU0HQX 6XEPHQXV 'HIDXOW6HWWLQJ $YDLODEOH6HWWLQJV 3URFHGXUHIRU&KDQJLQJ6HWWLQJ 6FUHHQLQJ0RGH 7KHVFUHHQLQJPRGHVHWWLQJ GHWHUPLQHVWKHPHWKRGXVHGWR SURGXFHWKHYDULRXVWRQHVWREH SULQWHG³(QKDQFHG´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³$OLJQPHQW3DJH´ $GMXVWWKHEODFNLQNDOLJQPHQWVHWWLQJV 3ULQWWKH³$OLJQPHQW3DJH´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³$GMXVWLQJ&RORU5HJLVWUDWLRQ´ VHFWLRQLQWKH&KDSWHUIRUPRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH )XQFWLRQV0HQX )XQFWLRQV0HQX The Functions Menu provides access to several printer functions that can supply you with information about the printer and its settings. Use the following procedure to enter the Functions Menu: 1. Press the MENU button on the control panel. 2. Press the NEXT button until the text “Functions Menu” is shown on the second line of the display. 3. Press the SELECT button to enter the system menu. 4. Press the NEXT button to move through the available functions: Reset Printer, Print Demo, Print Summary and Print Fonts. 5. Use the procedures in the following table to execute the functions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he FLASH Menu provides access to the printer settings that are related to the optional FLASH DIMM. Use the following procedure to enter the FLASH Menu: 1. Press the MENU button on the control panel. 2. Press the NEXT button until the text “FLASH Menu” is shown on the second line of the display. 3. Press the SELECT button to enter the system menu. 4. Press the NEXT button to move through the submenus: Print, Delete, Format FLASH, and FLASH summary. 5. Press the SELECT button to enter a submenu. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH ',6.0HQX 6. Use the procedures in the following table to access and change the system settings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he Disk Menu provides access to the printer settings that are related to the optional Hard Disk. Use the following procedure to enter the Disk Menu: 1. Press the MENU button on the control panel. 2. Press the NEXT button until the text “Disk Menu” is shown on the second line of the display. 3. Press the SELECT button to enter the system menu. 4. Press the NEXT button to move through the submenus: Print, Delete, Format Disk, and Disk Summary. 5. Press the SELECT button to enter a submenu. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH ',6.0HQX 6. Use the procedures in the following table to access and change the system settings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• • • • 6HS “About this Chapter” on page 8-2 “Installing DRAM Memory DIMMS” on page 8-2 “Installing a FLASH DIMM Module” on page 8-5 “Using the Power-On Files Feature” on page 8-7 &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH ,QVWDOOLQJ'5$00HPRU\',006 $ERXWWKLV&KDSWHU This chapter describes the procedures for installation of DRAM memory DIMMs and FLASH DIMM modules. Downloading software to the FLASH DIMM module is also discussed in this chapter. ,QVWDOOLQJ'5$00HPRU\',006 1. Ensure that the printer power switch is set to the OFF [ O ] position. 2. Disconnect the power cord from the wall outlet. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH ,QVWDOOLQJ'5$00HPRU\',006 3. Turn thumbscrews on controller assembly counterclockwise until loose and gently pull controller assembly towards you to remove from printer. 4. Carefully insert a DRAM DIMM which is compatible with your printer into any available DRAM DIMM slot as shown below. When properly seated, gently push down on the DIMM until the white braces close and snap onto the ends of the DIMM. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH ,QVWDOOLQJ'5$00HPRU\',006 5. Reinstall the controller assembly. Once firmly in place, push and hand tighten the thumbscrews in a clockwise direction. 6. Connect the power cord to the wall outlet. 7. Turn the printer power switch to the ON [ I ] position. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH ,QVWDOOLQJD)/$6+',000RGXOH ,QVWDOOLQJD)/$6+',000RGXOH 1. Ensure that the printer power switch is set to the OFF [ O ] position. 2. Disconnect the power cord from the wall outlet. 3. Turn thumbscrews on controller assembly counterclockwise until loose and gently pull controller assembly towards you to remove from printer. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH ,QVWDOOLQJD)/$6+',000RGXOH 4. Carefully insert a FLASH DIMM module in FLASH DIMM slot as shown below. When properly seated, gently push down on the DIMM until the white braces close onto the ends of the DIMM. 127( 7RUHPRYHWKH)/$6+',00SXOOWKHZKLWHEUDFHVDZD\IURPWKHHQGVRIWKH',00XQWLOWKH ',00VQDSVRXWRIWKHVORW 5. Reinstall the controller assembly. Once firmly in place, push and hand tighten the thumbscrews in a clockwise direction. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 8VLQJWKH3RZHU2Q)LOHV)HDWXUH 6. Connect the power cord to the wall outlet. 7. Turn the printer power switch to the ON [ I ] position. 8VLQJWKH3RZHU2Q)LOHV)HDWXUH 3RZHURQ)LOHV'HILQHG If an optional FLASH DIMM or hard disk drive is installed in your printer, your printer has the capability of storing additional power-on files which can be read and interpreted at power-on. See “FLASH Menu” on page 7-23 and “DISK Menu” on page 7-24. Power-on files can contain either PCL or PostScript language content. Examples of power-on files include soft fonts, and macro/overlay definitions. The FLASH DIMM can store approximately 8MB of file storage, the hard disk drive storage depends on the size of the drive that is installed in your printer. 127( 3RZHURQILOHVDUHSURFHVVHGDWSRZHURQLQLWLDOL]DWLRQRQO\DQGQRWDWWKHVWDUWRIHYHU\SULQWMRE Optional control panel menu selections become available when either of these options are installed and power-on files are detected. See “FLASH Menu” on page 7-23 and “DISK Menu” on page 7-24 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 8VLQJWKH3RZHU2Q)LOHV)HDWXUH Contact the technical support team at your point of purchase for additional information regarding loading and using power-on files. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 8VLQJWKH3RZHU2Q)LOHV)HDWXUH 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 8VLQJWKH3RZHU2Q)LOHV)HDWXUH 6HS $SSHQGL[$ 6DIHW\1RWHVDQG5HJXODWRU\ &RPSOLDQFH ,QWKLV&KDSWHU • • • 6HS “About this Appendix” on page A-2 “Safety Notes” on page A-2 “Regulatory Compliance” on page A-2 $ &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6DIHW\1RWHV $ERXWWKLV$SSHQGL[ This appendix lists important safety precautions and identifies the applicable regulatory compliances of your printer. 6DIHW\1RWHV • • • • • Be sure to switch off and unplug the printer before accessing the interior of the printer for cleaning, maintenance, or fault clearance. Accessing the interior of a live machine exposes you to the risk of electric shock. Do not place the printer in a hot, humid, dusty, or poorly ventilated environment. Prolonged exposure to these adverse conditions may cause fire or expose you to electric shock. The printer is capable of operating normally within the following environmental limits: • Temperature range: 50°F -95°F (10°C -35°C) At high temperatures (95°F /35°C), humidity should be at or below 70%. • Humidity range: 15%-85% (no condensation) At maximum humidity (85%), temperature should be at or below 82°F(28°C). Stop operation immediately if your printer produces smoke, excessive heat, unusual noise, or smell. These conditions can indicate or result in a fire. Immediately switch off and unplug the printer, and contact your point of purchase. The fuser becomes very hot in normal operation. If a paper jam has occurred, turn the power off and wait at least 10 minutes before removing the drum cartridge and touching the fuser section. 5HJXODWRU\&RPSOLDQFH 6DIHW\&RPSOLDQFH This product conforms the following safety standards: • • • • • UL1950 CSA C22.2 No. 950 EN 60950 IEC 950 73/23/EEC &ODVV/DVHU'HYLFHDQG&'5+&RPSOLDQFH This printer is certified as a Class 1 laser product under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Radiation Performance Standard according to the Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act of 1968. This certification indicates that the printer does not emit hazardous laser radiation. Since radiation emitted inside the printer is completely confined within the protective housings and external covers, the laser beam cannot escape from the machine during any phase of user operation. The Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration implemented regulations for laser products on August 1976. These regulations apply to laser products marketed in the United States. The label on the printer indicates compliance with the CDRH regulations and must be attached to laser products marketed in the United States. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH $ 5HJXODWRU\&RPSOLDQFH (0&&RPSOLDQFH &ODVV%(TXLSPHQW This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. If your machine is a 220-240V model, there is no need to attach a separate earth line since the earth connection is incorporated in the power line. Plug it into a properly rated outlet. The use of a non-shielded interface cable with the reference devices is prohibited. Shielded interface cables must not exceed the following limitations: • • • The length of the IEEE 1284 parallel interface cable must be 50 feet (15 meters) or less. The length of the Ethernet interface cable must be 328 feet (100 meters) or less for type 10/ 100BASE-2 or 185 meters (607 feet) or less for type 10/BASE-T. The length of the power cord must be 10 feet (3 meters) or less. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. If the equipment is not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, it may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, try to correct the interference using one or more of the following measures: • • • • • • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment and the reciever to outlets that are on different circuits. Consult with the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician to help. Always use the power cord provided with your machine. When an extension cord is required, always use a properly rated cord. In countries other than the United States, please contact your point of purchase. 2WKHU(0&6WDQGDUGV This product also conforms to the following EMC standards: • • • • • • CNS 13438 VCCI V-3/97.04 AS/NZS 3548:1995 including A1:1997 and A2:1997 EN55022: 1994 including A1:1995 and A2:1997 FCC Part 15, Subpart B (CFR 47, 1995) CISPR22: 1993 including A1:1995 and A2:1996 ◆ 6HS ◆ ◆ $ &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 5HJXODWRU\&RPSOLDQFH 6HS $SSHQGL[% 3ULQWLQJ)RQW6XPPDULHV ,QWKLV&KDSWHU 6HS “About this Appendix” on page B-2 “Printing a Font Summary” on page B-2 “PostScript Font Summary” on page B-3 “PCL Font Summary” on page B-7 % &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 3ULQWLQJD)RQW6XPPDU\ $ERXWWKLV$SSHQGL[ This appendix explains the procedure for printing summaries of PCL or PostScript fonts installed in your printer. 3ULQWLQJD)RQW6XPPDU\ Your printer has the capability of printing summaries of all installed PCL or PostScript fonts. To print a Font Summary, follow these steps: 1. From the Ready status, press MENU, the control panel display will read: Menu Paper Menu 2. Press PREVIOUS or NEXT until the display reads: Menu Functions 3. Press SELECT, the display will read: Functions Reset Printer 4. Press NEXT or PREVIOUS until the display reads: Functions Print Fonts 5. Press SELECT, the display will read: Print Fonts PCL Fonts 127( <RX PD\ WRJJOH EHWZHHQ 3&/ )RQWV DQG 3RVWVFULSW )RQWV XVLQJ WKH 35(9,286 RU 1(;7 SXVKEXWWRQV 6. Press SELECT. A multi page Font Summary will print. Examples of PCL and PostScript Font Summaries follow. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 3RVW6FULSW)RQW6XPPDU\ 3RVW6FULSW)RQW6XPPDU\ 6HS % % &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 3RVW6FULSW)RQW6XPPDU\FRQW¶G 3RVW6FULSW)RQW6XPPDU\FRQW¶G 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH % 3RVW6FULSW)RQW6XPPDU\FRQW¶G 3RVW6FULSW)RQW6XPPDU\FRQW¶G 6HS % &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 3RVW6FULSW)RQW6XPPDU\FRQW¶G 3RVW6FULSW)RQW6XPPDU\FRQW¶G 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH % 3RVW6FULSW)RQW6XPPDU\FRQW¶G 3&/)RQW6XPPDU\ 6HS % &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 3&/)RQW6XPPDU\FRQW¶G 3&/)RQW6XPPDU\FRQW¶G 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 3&/)RQW6XPPDU\FRQW¶G 6HS % % &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 3&/)RQW6XPPDU\FRQW¶G 6HS $SSHQGL[& )UHTXHQWO\8VHG(WKHUQHW &RPPDQGV ,QWKLV&KDSWHU • • • 6HS “About this Appendix” on page C-2 “Server Commands” on page C-3 “Protocol Commands” on page C-6 & &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH $ERXWWKLV$SSHQGL[ This appendix lists some of the most frequently-used commands of the Print Server command set. More information about the command set, including additional options, can be found in the Ethernet Network Interface Guide on the Electronic Library CD-ROM. Please note the following before continuing: • • • • • In this command set appendix the NIC is referred to as the Server. Commands are divided into Server (general), Port, and Protocol sections. Within each section, commands are listed alphabetically. Commands may require privileged user status. Enter Set Privileged, then enter the privileged password when prompted. When you enter a Define or Purge command, you must reboot the Server for the command to take effect. When the abbreviated syntax “{EN|DIS}” is shown, you must choose either Enabled or Disabled to complete the command. Each section lists additional information needed to use the command table in that section. 6HS &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6HUYHU&RPPDQGV & 6HUYHU&RPPDQGV )UHTXHQWO\XVHG6HUYHU&RPPDQGV &RPPDQG 6HS 2SWLRQV 'HVFULSWLRQ '(),1(6(59(5%2273^(1_',6` (QDEOHVRUGLVDEOHVTXHU\LQJIRUD%2273 KRVWDWV\VWHPERRWWLPH '(),1(6(59(5'+&3^(1_',6`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¶VQHWZRUN,3DGGUHVV '(),1(6(59(5/2$'+267LSDGGUHVV 6SHFLILHVWKH7&3,3KRVWIURPZKLFKWKH 6HUYHUUHTXHVWVLWVUXQWLPHFRGH '(),1(6(59(5/2*,13$66:25' 6HWVDQHZSDVVZRUGWKDWZLOOEHUHTXLUHG EHIRUHLQFRPLQJORJLQVDUHDFFHSWHG<RXZLOO EHSURPSWHGIRUWKHQHZSDVVZRUGXSWR DOSKDQXPHULFFKDUDFWHUVFDVHLQVHQVLWLYH '(),1(6(59(51$0(³QHZQDPH´ 6SHFLILHVDQHZQDPHIRUWKH6HUYHU1DPHV DUHUHVWULFWHGLQOHQJWKJHQHUDOO\DQDPHRI RUIHZHUFKDUDFWHUVLVSHUPLVVLEOH '(),1(6(59(51(7:$5(/2$'+267 VHUYHU 6SHFLILHVWKH1HW:DUHKRVWIURPZKLFKWKH 6HUYHUUHTXHVWVLWVUXQWLPHFRGH(QWHUDILOH VHUYHUQDPHRIXSWRFKDUDFWHUV '(),1(6(59(535,9,/(*('3$66:25' 6HWVDQHZSDVVZRUGWKDWZLOOEHUHTXLUHGIRU SULYLOHJHGXVHUVWDWXV<RXZLOOEHSURPSWHG IRUWKHQHZSDVVZRUGXSWRDOSKDQXPHULF FKDUDFWHUVFDVHLQVHQVLWLYH '(),1(6(59(55$53^(1_',6` (QDEOHVRUGLVDEOHVTXHU\LQJIRUD5$53KRVW DWV\VWHPERRWWLPH '(),1(6(59(562)7:$5(³ILOHQDPH´ 6SHFLILHVWKHQDPHRUSDWK7&3RIWKH VRIWZDUHGRZQORDGILOH7KHILOHQDPHFDQEH XSWRFKDUDFWHUVDQGWKHSDWKQDPHFDQEH XSWR7KH6HUYHUZLOODGGD³6<6´ H[WHQVLRQ & &RPSXSULQW3DJH0DVWHUF8VHU*XLGH 6HUYHU&RPPDQGV )UHTXHQWO\XVHG6HUYHU&RPPDQGV &RPPDQG 2SWLRQV 'HVFULSWLRQ '(),1(6(59(568%1(70$6.LSPDVN 6SHFLILHVWKHVXEQHWPDVNWREHXVHGIRUWKH 6HUYHU7KHipmaskPXVWEHLQQQQQ IRUPDW +(/3RSWLRQ QRWKLQJ! 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