PHoPA Newsletter August 2015 - Parrotheads of Port Aransas


PHoPA Newsletter August 2015 - Parrotheads of Port Aransas
Pirates in Phlip Phlops
October 9-10 2015
All Volunteers Welcome !
Lines n Lyrics
Can you name this Jimmy Buffet tune from one line or lyric in the song ?
“It's hiding in a wormhole, or behind some distant moon,
But the one thing you can count on, it will be here fairly soon.”
Answer on The Back Page
Any predictions on how hot it’s going to get ? WOW !
Get to the beach or at least to the pool !
Heard Port A avoided the water emergency. Boiling not needed !
Affordable housing in Port A ? Really ?
The Taxman cometh !
Parrot Head / Trop Names…Hmmm…
How’s the construction on 361 coming in Port A ?
Your tax dollars at work !
Have an idea for a pheature, phun phact, lyric, photo, etc. phor the Island Poop ?
It’s your newsletter so please pheel phree to share any and all ideas to:
[email protected]
We would love to hear phrom all of our Parrot Head Phriends !
Wings 2015
Pirates in Phlip Phlops Committees
Please choose your committee and advise Maggie which one you want to volunteer to assist.
Her email address is [email protected] .
Committee #1 Marketing Committee
Work on flyers, web page designs, thank you letters and cards & application
Maggie Evans, Bonnie Isaac
Committee #2 Donor / Sponsorship Committee
Donor items, sponsorships, raffles, live & Silent auctions 50/50 & cashiers
Sandria Stout (Baskets), D. D. Shields, Cindy Womack, Harold Gage, Carolyn McCabe,
Maggie Evans, Deno Fabrie.
Committee #3 Decorations Committee
Take down and set up and design decorations
Sandria Stout, Linda Hansen, Brenda Porter, Jackie Gaskill, Sharon Stricker
Committee #4 Registration Committee
Registrations, t-shirts and lanyards
Diana Fabrie, LuAnn Ferguson, Norris and Sharon Stricker
Committee #5 Food and Beverage
All food and beverages for the event
Anita Krampitz, Cindi & Rick Bosworth, Mary Ann Ballard, Randy Hansen,
Sharon & Norris Stricker
Committee #6 Beach Party Committee
Planning beach party, bonfire music and cleanup
John Krampitz, Orville Ballard, (wood), Stoney, Deno, Randy Hansen
Committee #7 Pub Crawl and Boat Cruise
Arrange pub crawl, drivers, stops and boat cruise
I am asking for your help. Many of you are more creative than I am and I want
to adopt a Parrot Head nick name. I have one that I am not completely satisfied with
but I will use it if our club cannot come up with any better ideas.
One of the many fun things about being a parrot head, is each person can have a parrot
head name. All of you can too. We will make it part of your name on our Parrot Head
listing. A couple of examples that I know of that relate to tropical music are "Cooler"
Dave Spenny and Rick "Conch Head" Nenninger. These are people I know who have
adopted parrot head nick names and I want one for me.
So within about the next 30 days I am asking for your help to offer
your suggestions for Deno to have a cool parrot head name. I am
waiting for your response and no name is off the table or foolish.
This is a serious matter and I plan on keeping the name for the rest
of my Parrot Head experience. Thanks for your participation in
advance and you can send more than one name!
The other thing I wish to remind everyone of is that the Parrot
Heads of Port Aransas is a social club for people who are Jimmy
Buffett fans and enjoy trop rock and other music. I am attending a
great Parrot Head event in Galveston to get a good shot of
trop rock music. My personal favorite.
Anyway, this is just a reminder that we are trying to do good and
donate money and/or time to our or your favorite group or
charity. We all have opinions, some strong and some not, on all
subjects and can probably not come to any common agreement on
any subject. I think that is a fair assessment of many subjects. I hope we all are trying
to respect everyone and their opinion whether you like it or not.
One of my dearest friends reminds me periodically that "There is not a shortage of
angry old men and women out there, and I am trying to not be one of them".
It is amazing how well it works and makes you feel.
THANK YOU so very much for the TREMENDOUS amount of help you all
provided at the Bloody Mary Brunch this past Saturday. This note is overdue....
you all provided FABULOUS food, wonderful co-hosting skills and
super help before and after the event.
Try as I might, I can't seem to enjoy the festivities of Survive and be totally
ready when the PHOPA helpers arrive. This year, I had help with setting up the
beverage containers and placing the paper goods outside. I even had super help
behind the bar (Boz, you worked the WHOLE time!) and the food table was
never lacking with everyone checking on it. And cleanup? WOW! Diana is so
great to head up the kitchen crew and Alan White, among others, helped break
down and store all the tables and chairs...he even took my trash away!
You all are just the best... I say it every year, but it's so true - There is no way
I could host a brunch for 150+ folks without you all!
Cindy Muir
Inspired by Naked Came the Sharks by Jed Donellie and Devorah Fox
© Copyright 2015 by Orville Ballard and Devorah Fox
In previous episodes, Cheri Bradshaw, a student at the Intracoastal Marine Institute in
Turtle Point, has been helping with a team excavating the skeleton of a whale buried
in the dunes and has uncovered a human skull. Cheri, fellow student Corny, freelance
journalist Tool, local law enforcement, and the director of the IMI all want to know to
whom did the skull belong and how did it end up buried on the beach.
Meanwhile we return to the predicament of the injured Windy, protected by dolphins
until the local game warden paddles out in a kayak and rescues him. The game
warden Cindy wants to take Windy to town for medical care but he convinces her that
his life is in danger and they have to come up with another plan.
“Okay”, Cindy said. “We have to give them proof that you are
really dead. Once we do that they will go ahead with their plans
believing you can no longer interfere. Windy, why did you get
yourself into this mess? Why couldn’t you have just dedicated
your life to saving sea turtles or something? Why do you try to
save the world? Development on our island has gone so far and
has so much money behind it that it can’t be stopped.” Cindy threw up her hands in
Windy banged his coffee cup on the table and popped up from his chair, wincing
with pain. “Maybe so, but at least I can make them respect what is left of the original
dunes. Your idea about saving the sea turtles can be a part of makin’ ‘em do it right. If
I can prove that they are destroying an endangered species that should slow them
down. I can get the EPA involved and the Endangered Species Act and....“
“Stop it, Windy,” Cindy almost shouted. “There you go again. That’s what’s got
you in the sights of men who want to kill you.” She took a deep breath and in a calmer
tone said, “We really have two choices. We can march you into town and let you
confront them and tell your story of attempted murder or we can make them
She collected the breakfast dishes from the table and piled them in the cabin’s tiny sink.
“The problem with the first option is that we don’t know whom to trust. I think we have to
assume that they have all the local law enforcement in their pockets. We know they have
higher ups paid off otherwise they wouldn’t have gotten the permits to destroy
the dunes with their development.”
Windy’s brow puckered. “God, Cindy. You are cynical. Gonna call you Cynical Cindy
from now on. There are some good people in that little town. People that care about what
happens to their beautiful beach.”
She shook her head. “I’m not so sure there are anymore. The developers with all their
high dollar homes and condos, escalating taxes, and insurance costs are driving out all the
people who came here to raise families. They can’t afford to live
here anymore. The people who are replacing them just want a beach
stripped bare as a parking lot and a place to ride their golf carts.”
“Well, it wouldn’t be so bad if they only drove their carts on the
beach. It’s the crazy way they drive on the streets in town. Why, I
saw a woman driving a cart in town the other day while carrying a
baby with one arm and steering with the other and to top it off there
were at least three children in the back seat without seat belts. Is there any other city in the
world where it is legal to drive a golf cart on a public street?”
“Okay, Windy that’s an important concern but we’re getting way off
subject here.” She washed and rinsed the dishes, handed him the
clean dishes and a towel. “We have to produce a body for the people
who tried to kill you so they can think they succeeded. Now I know
that the county morgue has a good number of illegals—errr, that’s
grants—without documents, that have been found washed up on the beach. I can tell the
medical examiner that the park rangers have found the family of one of them. I can say I
came to take the body to hand off to an immigration official who is going to deliver the
body to the family.”
“How will we make sure they find the body?”
the whale bones. Then one of the students will find it. They will shut down the
excavation until authorities can be called. Then before a medical examiner or law officers
arrive we can arrange for the remains to be moved where no one will ever find them again.”
“But how are we going to make anyone think
that the body was mine?”
“Hmm, good question. Too bad you don’t have a tattoo.
How did you get this far in life without any body art?”
Windy smiled. “My body is a work of art in itself.”
Cindy laughed. “As true as that may be it’s no help to us now. We need to mark the
body with something that’s signature Windy...” Looking him up and down and tapping her lip
with a forefinger she walked around him. “Ah hah! I’ve got it.”
Windy turned his head to look behind. “What? What did you see?”
“Your hair. Talk about signature. No one has a head of hair like yours.”
Windy patted his mane. “What did I tell you? A work of art.”
“We can make a skull cap using your hair, attach it securely to
the cadaver. The only people who will ever know will be us and the
medical examiner who stays too drunk to remember anything.”
“Can’t blame him for staying drunk. You would too if you had to
spend your days probing through rotting human bodies looking for
some form of identification. Taking one of the bodies will be a
blessing to him. One
less stinking mess to handle. Also, save the county the $1500 they have to pay for a burial,”
Windy said. “It’s kinda complicated but it could work.”
Cindy scratched her head. “Well, now I don’t know. I’m having second thoughts.
The idea of using a cadaver is sickening and sacrilegious.”
“Never knew that you were religious.”
“Well, I’m not really but I wouldn’t want my body to be used for a game of cat and
mouse and I do have some respect for the families of those who tried so hard to reach our
town only to die just as they were about to achieve their dream.”
“Oh yeah. Hadn’t thought about him in years. He was always
sort of weird. Stuffing dead animals and keeping them in his dorm
room. And you looked in his refrigerator at your own risk. I remember
the time that some girls opened his refrigerator looking for a beer.
They went screaming out of his house and never came back.
Surprised them to find a frozen rattlesnake.”
“Well,” Cindy continued, “after we all graduated he also went to game warden school.
After graduation he took a job as a ranger at the national seashore. Federal jobs pay a lot
better with better benefits than state game warden jobs and usually all you have to do is
stop speeders who might run over a turtle.”
“Yeah the National Seashore certainly does a better job of protecting turtles and the
beach than the developers do. But go ahead with your story.”
“Well, what if we could get Marcus to make a mock up of you that was realistic enough
to fool the bad guys?”
“How could we be certain that they would think it was me?”
“Your hair. That’s what gave me the idea in the first place.”’ Cindy mused. “Marcus can
attach your hair to the mock up. After all your hair is your most notable feature.”
Windy clutched a hank of hair in both hands. “You can’t wait to get your hands on my
hair, can you? First you want to cut it off to disguise me. Now you want to hand it over to a
taxidermist.” He narrowed his eyes at her. “You’re jealous of my hair.”
“I am not. But you got to admit it’s an identifying feature.”
“You promise you are not going to scalp me?”
“No, we just need enough to be convincing. Marcus will know a way to
attach your hair to the ‘trophy’ mount. Add your earrings and clothes
you were wearing when you went overboard, add the scent of a
rotting carcass, and we’ll be set to go.”
Body, body, who’s got the body?
Can Cindy and Windy pull off this switcheroo
and get the bad guys off Windy’s tail?
There’s still time to get your video in the contest !
Click the pic to learn more and submit your video !
Head Phlocker — Deno Fabrie
Veepoda Phlock — Randy Hansen
Chief Squawker — Sharon Stricker
Keeper o’da Phunds — Maggie Evans
Da Sarge — Bill Thomas
Public Squawker—Diana Fabrie
Keeper o’da Scrapbook — Brenda Porter
Phounder o’da Phlock—Lu Ann Ferguson
Looks like Mike Seisch went
zip lining on vacation.
Take me out to the ball game !
PHoPA at the Hooks
Keep those feet up !
Cindi n Rick Bosworth phlew off for an
adventure on The Far Side of the World !
Riddles In The Sand 2015 Galveston
Guitars and Tiki Bars
Deno chillin’ at Riddles In The Sand.
Check out his entry in the Hat Contest !
Thanks phor the pic Diana !
August 2015 Trips Around The Sun
Don Gall
Larry Amrein
Heather Maynard
Bonnie Isaac
Ian Ridout
Orville Ballard
The Ever Elusive Future
The Ever Elusive Future
Ever Elusive Future
The Ever Elusive Future's like a comet with a tail,
That humans try to lasso, but we always seem to fail.
The Ever Elusive Future spins a hybrid with a slash,
For fools and fortune tellers always looking for their cash.
But there's always something lurking in the jungle,
Better watch your step, it's not a place to stumble.
Something's movin', something's comin'.
The Ever Elusive Future
Ever Elusive Future
The Ever Elusive Future is a script right from our past,
Conjoining frogs and raptors that may leave the world aghast.
The Ever Elusive Future has no time to read fate,
Creation, Mother Nature or who is the missing link.
'Cause there's always something lurking in the jungle.
It's getting hot, I'm feeling kinda fungle.
Never sleepin', always creepin'.
The Ever Elusive Future
Ever Elusive Future
More than the strong survive, who's gonna be alive
in a million years (In a Million Years).
How lucky can you get, life's a long shot bet, but we're still here.
The Ever Elusive Future, it just sows the seeds of Time,
It's mission's been a secret, no reason or no rhyme.
It's hiding in a wormhole, or behind some distant moon,
But the one thing you can count on, it will be here fairly soon.
And there's always something lurking in the jungle,
Lines n Lyrics
The Ever Elusive Future
Single 2015
Click the Note to Listen
Better watch your step, it's not a place to stumble.
Something's movin', something's comin'.
The Ever Elusive Future
(Ever Elusive)
Ever Elusive Future
(Ever Elusive Future)
The Ever Elusive Future
(Not Quite Sure Where)
Ever Elusive Future
(How Do We Get There)
A UGUST 2015
Watermelon Day
Marshmallow Day
Celebrate @
Moon Fire !
Wiggle Your Toes
Tell A Joke Day
630 PM
Island Hotel
Relaxation Day
Aviation Day
Happy Hour
630 PM
Ed the
Pirates In Phlip Phlops Be Coming Soon !
Moon Fire BM 25