
Welcome to our Club !
Castle Sem ple Sailing Club is a friendly, vibrant club based at Castle Sem ple Loch,
Lochwinnoch, Renfrewshire, only 15 m inutes from G lasgow Airport. O ur clubhouse is
ju s t past Clyde M uirshiel Regional P ark’s Castle Sem ple V isitor Centre.
W e offer a full program m e sailing and social program m e during the season, including
regular club racing and an active ju n io r section.
O ur fleet com prises a variety of dinghies with Vagos, Enterprises, Lasers and a large
num ber of G P14s regularly joining our handicap racing.
New m em bers are w elcom e and we help beginners build their experience through a
'buddy' system.
W e w elcom e everyone no m atter what your ability, although we would encourage
people new to sailing to enrol on a course at Clyde M uirshiel (next door to us).
W e have a num ber of club boats from GP14s and lasers to Picos, Toppers and
O ptim ists fo r the kids. These are available for use by m em bers once you have
dem onstrated your com petence on the water. .
Club days are Sunday afternoons and W ednesday Evening throughout the season
which runs from April through to October.
There’s an active social program m e throughout the year and during the w inter we
have a num ber of activities including curling, badminton and the local pub quiz!
As well as the regular sailing and social program m e our Pirates get together on most
Sunday m ornings during the season for supervised sailing and inform al coaching.
Mem bers will receive a 10% discount at Duncans Yacht Chandlers in G lasgow upon
production of the CSSC m em bership card and a 10% discount at Gael Force Marine
at Hillington on production of one of their cards (please ask the M em bership
Secretary fo r a card if you would like one).
For further info read on........
The Committee
General Info
Sailing Instructions
Safety boat Info
Club Constitution
The Club's Oerations Manual is available on the website.
The Club is run by a committee of 10 people who meet for formal committee meeting
around 8 -10 times a year.
> The Commodore
> Vice or Rear Commodore
> Honorary Secretary
> Honorary Treasurer
> Sailing Secretary and Safety Boat
> Membership Secretary
Compound Steward
Club House Steward
Cadet Steward
If you have a boat you will receive a key to the gate to the compound and the
compound steward will allocate a space to you. Please do not put your boat in
someone else's space. You will also need to provide evidence of insurance.
If you intend to take part in racing we would expect you to take a turn in the safety
boat either as helm, if you hold a power boat level 2 certificate or equivalent, or as
crew if you do not - see rota on white board in club house.
If you do not have a boat but wish to use club boats you will be asked to demonstrate
your competency as a helm before being able to do so. You may only use club boats
during club times, unless you have prior permission from the committee.
Other info...
Should you be unfortunate enough to damage a club boat please record this in the
book hanging on the wall by the race notice board.
Use of safety/power boats
We have two safety/power boats:
- a white dory; and
- an orange rigiflex.which is kept locked in the container
The power boats should only be helmed by those who are suitably qualified and for
whom the club holds written evidence on file of these qualifications.
No engines are to be left outside due to the vulnerability of theft: they must be locked
away at the end of each sailing day.
We have 3 engines as follows
9.9hp Mercury (black engine) takes petrol only
15hp Yamaha (grey engine) takes 100:1 petrohmarine 2-stroke oil mixture
25hp Yamaha (blue engine) takes petrol only in the fuel tank but has internal
reservoir under the powerhead cover for marine 2-stroke oil to be added from time to
If fuel supplies are running low Steve Davison, Duncan Elder or lain Hardy should be
The key to the sail shed is kept in the club house. No private sails should be stored
in the sail shed.
Use of the Club House:
We do not have a cleaner and therefore it is the responsibility of members to
ensure that the club house is left in a clean and tidy condition ready for the
next sailing day:
all mugs etc are washed up;
all food is in plastic / metal containers with lids to avoid attracting mice;
the floors are swept and mopped (there are brushes and a mop in the
perhaps swish/mop some disinfectant on the floor around the toilet
area (there is some under the sink or by the toilet);
the shower trays are clean;
we do not have dustmen coming to empty the dustbin - we rely on the
goodwill of members to take the rubbish away with them or put in the
council container next door. There is a supply of dustbin liners under
the sink - please do not put rubbish straight into the bin without a liner.
surfaces are wiped clean;
all heaters are turned off plus the switch for the ladies shower, and
water heater by the kitchen sink;
all lights should be turned off and windows closed;
the door should be pulled shut and then press a couple of random
digits on the key pad to ensure it is locked (a quirk of the lock!); and
finally, during the winter months the water should be turned off before
leaving (stopcock by toilet).
Thanks for your co-operation !
All races will be governed by the ‘rules’ as defined in the Racing Rules o f Sailing (RRS), Class Rules
these Sailing Instructions (Sis). Helmsmen need not be members o f their Class Association. For Open
and Special Events, separate Instructions may be issued in place o f these Instructions.
The functions in the Rules for the ‘Race Committee’ shall be performed by the Sailing Secretary who
shall delegate responsibility for the conduct o f each race to a ‘Race Officer’.
For the absence o f doubt, it is the competitor’s decision and theirs alone to go onto the water. All
competitors undertake any sailing or racing exclusively at their own risk. Juniors under the age o f 16
are assumed to have the express permission o f their parent or guardian before going on the water.
Helmsmen m ust enter each race by fully completing the Entry and Declaration Sheet in the clubhouse.
Helmsman failing to comply with above will receive points as a non starter.
Helmsman who retire should inform the Race Officer at the first opportunity.
No member may race and therefore qualify for points or prizes unless his boat is insured against Third
Party risks for not less than £2,000,000 (two million pounds).
Points for races (see below) will be awarded to the helmsman.
Start times for series races are the times o f the first start which will be indicated on the sailing calendar.
The Start Sequence is set out as follows:
A class’s “Class” flag will be raised as that class’s warning signal at 5 minutes before the starting
signal and will be accompanied by a single sound signal.
International Code (IC) Flag “P” will be raised as the preparatory signal at 4 minutes before the starting
signal and will be accompanied by a single sound signal.
IC Flag “P” will be lowered at 1 minute before the starting signal and will be accompanied by a single
sound signal.
The class's “Class” flag will be lowered at the start time and will be accompanied by a single sound
In the event o f separate starts for different classes the warning signal for each succeeding class will be
made with the starting signal for the preceding class in accordance with Rule 26.
All times are to be taken from the visual signals and sound signals should not be relied upon; the
absence o f a sound signal should be disregarded.
A race cannot be held unless at least TWO boats race.
The course(s) will be displayed on the Club Course Board with the sequence o f marks to be passed
reading from left to right. Races will be started with the intention being that 2 rounds o f the course will
be sailed, shortened as necessary as in 10. below. Marks which are to be rounded to starboard are
denoted by green numerals, those to be rounded to port are denoted by red numerals. When number 1
mark is only to be used at the start and at the finish and is not used between the first and any
subsequent laps, this will be indicated by the numeral for this mark on the course board being clearly
separated by a gap on the course board from those denoting the other marks o f the course. When
number 1 mark is to be passed at the start and finish and also between laps, this will be denoted by the
numeral for this mark on the course board being placed immediately adjacent to the numeral for the
next mark without any gap.
Courses will be set by the Race Officer. Whenever possible an upwind start should be set. Any change
to the course after it has been posted shall be signalled by the Race Officer hoisting IC Flag “L”
together with the Class Flags and making a sound signal immediately the change has been made.
To equalize the time spent racing by faster and slower boats, the Race Officer may finish
slower handicap boats after fewer laps, in this case average lap time will be used to calculate the
finishing tim es accordingly. The race officer will record times after the first lap to facilitate this.
The Starting Line
For all shore starts the starting line will be an extension o f the line formed by the gold mast at the club
gates and num ber 1 mark. The inner distance marker must be passed to the loch-ward side. An
alternative start line may be set by the race office and outlined on the course board.
The Finishing Line
The finishing line will be between the gold mast by the club gates and number 1 mark. See also 10.
below for further details regarding the finish line where there is a shortened course.
Boats who have finished MUST endeavour to keep clear o f the finishing line to avoid obstructing other
competitors and the Race Officer’s view. We would recommend that finished boats returning to the
jetty do not re-cross the line and instead round the end o f the line.
Either o f tw o systems for individual and general recalls may be used at the discretion o f the Race
Officer and helms (and ideally crews) should establish from the Race Officer at signing in which is in
force. The first method uses fewer flags and has the advantage o f simplicity. The second method
follows that laid out in the RRS.
First method - Individual Recall - If a boat/boats start prematurely and can be identified by the Race
Officer, a second sound signal will be made and the class flags(s) for that start will if possible be left at
half hoist until all premature starters have returned or until the expiration o f two minutes from the time
o f the start, whichever shall occur first. This amends RRS 29.1
First method - General Recall - If a boat/boats start prematurely, and the Race Officer is unable to
identify these boats, a general recall will be indicated by a second and third sound signal and the class
flag(s) for that start will if possible be left at half hoist for a period o f at least 2 minutes. A restart for
the class will be attempted after all
other classes have started. If this re-start also produces a general recall, the start for that class shall be
abandoned, signified by the raising o f the class flag and the IC Flag “N ” with no sound signals. This
amends RRS 29.2
Second method - Individual Recall - If a boat/boats start prematurely and can be identified by the Race
Officer, a single sound signal will be made and IC Flag “X” will be hoisted.
Second method - General Recall - If a boat/boats start prematurely, and the Race Officer is unable to
identify these boats, a general recall will be indicated by three sound signals and the hoisting o f the IC
Flag 1st Substitute. The warning signal for the next attempt at a start will be made 1 minute after the
removal o f IC Flag 1st Substitute.
Courses may be shortened at any mark o f the course by two sound signals and hoisting IC Flag “S” as
the lead boat approaches the new final mark before the finish. Consideration should be given to sending
out the safety boat with IC Flag “S” to sit by the last buoy before the finish to ensure that boats which
may be too far away to hear the sound signals are in no doubt that the course has been shortened.
In the event o f a shortened course the finish line may not necessarily be in the same direction o f the full
course finish line. The lead boat should sail the most direct route through the finish passing between
number 1 mark and the gold mast. For the absence o f doubt the finish will never be a ‘hook round’
number 1 mark.
Unless otherwise prescribed on the Course Board, time limits for races shall be as follows:
lhrs 30min from the last start time o f the sequence.
This amends RRS 35. Boats failing to finish within 30 minutes after the first boat o f her class finishes
within the tim e limit, whichever is later, will not be scored.
If a race is abandoned and not re-sailed and all boats in a class have completed at least one round, all
boats still racing at the expiry o f the time limit or at abandonment shall be scored points for their
at the end o f the last completed round.
W herever possible, attempts should be made to resolve any disputes by mediation. This should take the
form o f a meeting with the two parties involved in the dispute, an independent mediator, and any
relevant witnesses to the alleged incident. Both parties have the opportunity to give a brief description
o f the incident to the mediator who may further question the parties involved and, if appropriate, any
witnesses, and will then decide on the basis o f the available information whether the dispute can be
easily resolved with the acceptance o f both interested parties. Where the facts cannot be easily
established, or where mediation does not result in a satisfactory resolution o f the dispute, the formal
protest procedure should be followed.
A helmsman intending to protest should inform the Race Officer and name the boat(s) protested, as
as possible after coming ashore. He should also note this on the Declaration Sheet.
Protests shall be written on forms available from the Office and given to the race officer within 15
minutes o f the finish o f the protesting boat.
Once the protester and the protestee have been notified by the Sailing Secretary,
o f the place, time and date o f the hearing, either directly or by means o f a notice
Notice Board, then should either party fail to attend without having given notice
Secretary, the protest will be heard in his absence.
The hearing shall be conducted by not less than three members appointed by the
or his representative,
placed on the Club
in writing to the
Sailing Secretary.
All competitors start or continue to race at their own risk. (Note RRS Fundamental Rule 4).
Personal buoyancy shall be worn at all times. Wet suits and dry suits are not considered to be
personal buoyancy for the purpose o f this Instruction. This Changes RRS Rule 1.2, 40 and IC Flag ‘Y ’
the race signals.
Attention is drawn to RRS Fundamental Rule 1 ‘Helping Those in Danger’. In the absence o f a nearby
safety boat, any boat in a race is to stand by a boat which has capsized or is disabled unless it is clear
no assistance is required. Redress maybe requested. (RRS Rule 62.1)
Before any race can take place at least one safety boat must be available, launched, and having had the
engine started and warmed up ready for immediate use. A driver and crew for the safety boat must be
available and the names o f the persons performing these duties should be recorded by the race officer
prior to beginning the start sequence. At least one o f those manning the safety boat should be prepared
to enter the water if necessary. It is essential that the safety boat should be able to attend any capsize or
other significant incident on the water promptly and to this end the default engine for the safety boat
should be the 25hp unit. For the purposes o f scoring in series and other club events any helm taking
their turn in the safety boat (as driver or crew) will be given points equal to their average points for the
series/event taking into account both races sailed and races not sailed after any discards have been
The Race Officer may vary or add to these Instructions by setting out the terms in writing on or near
course board and hoisting IC Flag ‘L ’ at least 10 minutes before the start o f any race affected. The
Officer may not change Sis 1, 2, 3, 9, 11, 12 and 13.
C.S.S.C. Sailing Secretary
30th April 2013
For the safety of our members and all other loch users and to minimise risk of
damage to the safety boat and members' boats please note the following:
Pre-start checks:
• All bungs in place and engine securely clamped to transom;
• Adequate fuel in tank and correct tank secured in place and fuel line connected
• Check oil level in reservoir under engine cover (25hp) and cover secured in
• Paddle and anchor in boat and anchor rope/chain secured;
• Towline and radio in boat; and
Kill cord fitted.
Safety of other water users:
Keep a good look out at all times especially before changing course and be
particularly aware of those who may be less visible in or on the water eg swimmers
or those who have become separated from eg sailboards
Safety of CSSC members and visitors:
Be aware at all times of the danger from the propeller to those in the water. Once
anyone in the water is near to (one boatlength) or in contact with the safety boat the
engine should be OFF (do not rely on putting the engine in neutral as it can
inadvertently be left in gear or be put back in gear unintentionally). Engine should be
restarted only once there is no one in the water at risk from the propeller.
Be aware of risk of crushing people or limbs between boats, it is preferable to sustain
damage to boats than to cause personal injury by trying to fend off by placing any
part of the body between boats.
Attend any capsize or other incident promptly and stop at a safe distance off to count
heads - beware of lines or other boat parts trailing in the water which might foul the
propeller - staying several boatlengths away is recommended. Only move nearer,
taking great care in the process, if assistance is requested, and it is necessary to do
Be alert to other incidents which may occur on the loch - these may require you to
leave to check on them.
Avoiding damage to boats:
Approach slowly and with great care to avoid impact between hulls/rigging and to
avoid entangling sails/rigging in the propeller. Beware of rowing lane floats.
When freeing mast stuck in mud ensure pull is kept in line with the mast as far as is
Safety Boat Steward
September 2013
The name of the Club shall be “CASTLE SEMPLE SAILING
The object of the Club shall be to obtain and retain for its
members right to sail on Castle Semple Loch and to provide the
facilities necessary for the easy and efficient enjoyment of this
right and generally the extension sought by the community of the
pleasure and recreational value of sailing.
Membership of the Club shall be open to all persons interested
in sailing. Members need not be boat owners.
The affairs of the Club shall be administered by a Committee of
The Committee may admit such number of members as the
Committee may from time to time determine appropriate for the
size of club and facilities.
Prospective members shall agree to abide by this Constitution
and by the rules set by the Committee.
Every member on joining the Club undertakes to comply with
these rules and any refusal or neglect to do so or any conduct
which in the opinion of the Committee is either unworthy of a
member or otherwise injurious to the interests of the Club shall
render a member liable to expulsion by the Committee, provided
that before expelling a member, the Committee shall call upon
them for an explanation of their conduct and shall give them an
opportunity of explanation or of resignation.
The vote on a resolution for expulsion shall only be by ballot of
the Committee and the resolution shall only be carried if not less
than three quarters of the Committee vote in favour of the
Should the Club's assets be found at any time insufficient for the
payment of the liabilities of the Club each member, during
membership or within one year after resignation, shall be liable
to contribute such amount as with the contributions of the other
members will be sufficient to extinguish the liabilities of the Club.
Any member desirous of retiring from the Club shall notify his
intention to the Honorary Secretary in writing before the Annual
General Meeting otherwise he shall be liable for the next year’s
The Committee shall have power to elect any person as an
Honorary member of the Club for such period as it may think fit.
Honorary members shall not be required to pay either entrance
fee or subscription.
The Committee shall have the power to elect a temporary
member on whatever terms they consider satisfactory.
The Committee of the Club shall comprise of the following
A Commodore
A Vice Commodore
An Honorary Secretary
An Honorary Treasurer
A Sailing Secretary
Stewards - 3 minimum, 5 maximum
Any four of whom shall form a quorum.
The Officers of the Club shall be elected at the Annual General
Meeting in November but any casual vacancy or vacancies that
shall occur may be filled by co-option by the Committee. The
Commodore, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and
Sailing Secretary shall hold office for three years and shall then
retire; the other officers shall retire annually. Both groups shall
be eligible for re-election unless otherwise resolved at the
Annual General Meeting.
The Committee may from time to time make all such rules as
they think expedient for the management of the Club and may
from time to time repeal or amend these. Such rules shall be
ratified at the next General Meeting of the Club and shall be
binding upon all members until repealed by the Committee, or
set aside by a resolution of an Annual or Special Meeting of the
The annual subscription and entrance fee (if any) of the Club
shall be determined at the Annual or Special Meeting at such a
figure as will enable the Committee to carry out the objectives of
the Club.
No Member shall in any year be entitled to exercise any rights or
privileges of membership until his entrance fee and subscription
for that year, and any arrears, are paid.
All subscriptions must be settled by March each year.
Where a cadet pays the appropriate subscription they shall incur
no entry fee when they become a full Member.
The financial year of the Club shall end on the 31st October, or
such dates shall be determined by the Club at an Annual or
Special Meeting, in every year to which date the accounts of the
Club shall be balanced.
The Treasurer shall keep correct accounts and books showing
the Financial affairs and intromissions of the Club, including a
cash record containing a correct account of all the money
received and disbursed by him on account of the Club. The
books shall be available at any Annual Meetings of the Club for
inspection by members. An abstract of the Treasurer’s accounts
for the each year, certified by the Auditor, shall be distributed to
all Members present at the Annual General Meeting and also
available on request from the Honorary Treasurer,
At the Annual Meeting each year an Auditor shall be appointed
whose duty it will be to audit the accounts of the Club.
The Commodore shall preside at all Meetings of the Club. If the
Commodore is not present, the Meeting shall elect a Chairman. The
Commodore or Chairman shall have a deliberative vote and also a
casting vote in the event of equality of votes.
The quorum for all General Meetings of the Club shall be 20% of the
members by number as shown on the latest audited accounts of the
The Secretary shall keep correct Minutes of the proceedings at all
Meetings of the Club. The Minutes of any one Meeting shall be produced
for inspection by the members at the next meeting. Members of the
Committee may inspect the Minutes at any time.
The Annual Meeting of the Club shall be held in the month of November
in every year, on a date and at a time to be fixed by the Committee for
the following purpose:
To receive from the Committee a report and statement of
accounts for the preceding year.
To elect Officers
To elect an Auditor
To decide any resolution which may be submitted to the
The Committee may at any time call a Special Meeting of the Club upon
a minimum of seven days notice to the Members. Upon a requisition in
writing, signed by at least 15 Members of the Club, stating the purpose
for which the Meeting is required being presented to the Secretary, the
Committee shall call a Special Meeting of the Club no less than fifteen
days after the receipt of such requisition.
This Constitution may be added to, repealed or amended by Resolution
at any Annual or Special Meeting, provided that
Any Member wishing to propose an alteration to, to add to,
repeal or amend the Constitution shall give notice of his intention
to move such a Resolution to the Secretary not less than
fourteen days before the meeting at which the alteration has to
be moved.
Alteration of the Constitution shall require the consent of three
quarters of the Members present and voting at any Meeting.
Any member who has attained the age of 18 is entitled to vote at any
General or Special Meeting of the Club. Honorary members are not
entitled to vote.
The entire management of Club affairs and concerns shall be vested
entirely in the Committee.
All land, building, investments, other assets owned by the Club shall be
vested in the Commodore, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer
and such other persons as may be assumed or appointed as Trustee for
the time being and their respective successors in office ‘ex officio’ as
trustees on behalf of the Club but such Trustees shall have no power to
borrow money, (either on security of the property or otherwise), sell, let
or otherwise dispose of heritable property of the Club without the
consent of the members attending a Meeting specially called for the
If, upon winding up or dissolution of the Club there remains after the
satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any property whatsoever, the
same shall be given or transferred to some charitable organisation
connected with sailing to be determined by the Members of the Club by
resolution passed at a General Meeting or before the time of the
dissolution and if, and so far as effect cannot be given to such provision
then to some charitable object.
The Committee shall have power to invest the funds of the Club to any
extent they may determine in heritable property or in any investment
authorised by either the wide range or the narrow range provision of the
Trust Scotland Act. It shall also have power to deposit money in any UK
Bank or Building Society that is regulated by FSA, and is covered by the
compensation scheme in the event of the bank failure.
The Members of the Club, Present and future, shall, if and when
required, grant relief to the Committee or the Trustees, or any of their
number, of the whole of the obligations or responsibilities already
undertaken by them on behalf of the Club. They shall ratify and warrant
all acts, deeds and documents granted to be executed in relation to the
Club premises by the Committee or the Trustees or any of them.
Each Club Member who is a boat owner shall keep in force an Insurance
Policy with an established insurance company providing indemnity for all
loss or damage caused to third parties or their property as a result of the
Members activities in the Club.
Policy Details must be submitted to the treasurer together with the
annual subscription. Failure by any Member to observe the above
mentioned rules regarding insurance shall be grounds for the offenders
removal from the list of members.
Unless otherwise decided by the Committee, the Club Flag shall be a
Blue Burgee with a yellow folly.
If at any time any boat parking fees payable to the Club by any member
or former member shall be three months or more in arrears:
The Committee shall be entitled to move the boat to any other
part of the premises without being liable for any loss of or
damage to the boat howsoever caused.
The Committee shall be entitled upon giving one month’s notice
in writing to the Member or former Member, at his last known
address shown in the register of members, to sell the boat and
deduct any monies due to the Club (whether by way of arrears of
subscriptions or boat parking fees or otherwise) from the
proceeds of the sale before accounting for the balance (if any) to
the Member or former Member.
Alternatively any boat which in the opinion of the Committee
cannot be sold may, upon such notice as aforesaid, be disposed
of in any manner the Committee may think fit and the expenses
recovered from the Member or former Member. Any arrears as
aforesaid shall be deemed to be debt owing to the Club by the
Member or former Member.
Further the Club shall, at all times, have a lien over Members or
former Member’s boats parked on the Club's premises in respect
of all monies due to the Club, whether in respect of parking fees
or subscriptions or otherwise.
These will be allocated at the discretion of the Club Committee.
Constitution as revised at Annual General Meetings on 29th November 1983,
29th November 1988, 24th November 1994.
Constitution as revised at Special Meeting on 18th December 2011.