lena headey - Imagine Me and You Fansite


lena headey - Imagine Me and You Fansite
p1-3 Cover/cont.s
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p1-3 Cover/cont.s
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p1-3 Cover/cont.s
3 contents
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g3 IS 5!
From its humble beginnings
in Sarah and Lisa’s front room,
March 2001 signalled the birth
of g3 magazine as we know
it! Come celebrate our fifth
birthday in conjunction with
Lounge on Thursday April 6 at Teatro.
Resident film boffin Jennifer
Kilchenmann meets Imagine Me
& You stars Lena Headey and
Piper Perabo, and finds out why
their on-screen dynamic has set
lesbian pulses pumping.
g3 magazine
Oxford House, 49a Oxford Road,
London N4 3EY
Switchboard: +44 (0)207 272 0093
Fax: +44 (0)207 272 0092
Email: [email protected]
Editor: Jo Webber
[email protected]
020 7272 7782
Design: Helen Mathias
[email protected]
Film Editor: Jennifer Kilchenmann
Music Reviews/Photography:
Lea Andrews
SexPert: Ky Hoyle
Guest contributors/thanks to:
viv acious, Louise Ashcroft, Jo Bell, Zoe
Burke, Lucy Chambers, Emily Chappell,
Charlotte Hall, Nicole Hill, Amy Jacobs,
Jambo, Rachel Mari Kimber, Cleo Leng,
Amazin Le Thi, Liz, Katie McCrum, Jane
Murray Photographers, Anna Nathanson,
Jamie Norman, Keira Page, Charlotte
Richardson, Jo Rosenblatt, Lucy Stein, Ben
Summerskill, Christine Townsend, Venus
Aphrodite Photography, Phoebe Zhang
Managing Editor: Sarah Garrett
[email protected]
Business Development/Accounts:
Linda Riley [email protected]
Advertising Sales Manager:
Linda Riley [email protected]
020 7272 0456
Senior Advertising Sales Executive:
Luanna Coburn
[email protected]
020 7272 0713
Advertising Sales Executive:
Gemma Van Praagh
[email protected]
020 7272 0680
Publisher: Sarah Garrett/Linda Riley
Square Peg Media Ltd
ISDN: 1473-6039
The content of this publication, either in whole or in
part, may not be reproduced, stored in a data
retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or
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necessarily those of the publishers.
© Square Peg Media Ltd 2000-2005.
All advertising copy for April 2006
to be received before 17.03.05
Welcome to our new opinion
column, giving eminent
women the chance to have
a good old rant. This month,
Sue Perkins bends our ear
about GM food, vivisection
and Pete Burns.
Alex Parks parts
company with
her record label,
while lesbian
tennis ace Amelie
Mauresmo clinches
her first Grand
Slam victory.
As multi-talented soul diva
Beverley Knight prepares to release
her Greatest Hits collection, she
chats to Anna Nathanson about
homophobia in the music industry.
Just why does Emily Chappell
feel much the same about civil
partnerships as she does about
her mother’s cooking? Why
doesn’t lifelong commitment stir
her emotions?
Discover what’s getting g3 in the
mood for spring in our blossoming
bar, club, gig and community listings
guide. We have a new regional city
guide, which this month showcases
Newcastle as the gay hotspot of the
North East. Geordies are very friendly,
whey aye, man!
Household novelist Sarah Waters
plunges into a 1940s era ravaged
by war, hardship and, of course,
lesbian misdemeanours in
new novel
The Night Watch.
Jo Webber has a
chinwag with
her favourite
p4-5 g.Mailbag etc
Page 4
O Rant!
ere at g3, we like to rant, rant, rant therefore it felt
appropriate to change the name of this section!
So let’s start the ranting with the joyous news that g3
has positively outgrown its 64-page waistline and has
expanded into a snug 72-page fit.
So what, I hear you cry, have the additional eight pages
been filled with? A delicious helping of editorial as
decadent quadruple whipped cream with brandy liquor
(well everyone has a weakness!) We have a brand
spankin’ new celebrity opinion section every month.
This time around our favourite comedienne Sue Perkins
(Opinion, page 6) has a good old chinwag about GM food,
animal cruelty and everyone’s favourite Jackie Stallone
impersonator Pete Burns. The Big Brother star recently
said: “If you own a car, you change that every few years
and that’s just what I’m doing with my appearance.”
My next motor is a Boxster then!
Other tantalisingly edible sections include a regular city
guide. This month we head up to Newcastle (Pride on the
Tyne, page 30) in an effort to spread our ladyfingers
across the nation. So, if you think your town or city has
the best gay scene with the hottest ladies this side of the
equator, then get scribbling and show off your locality.
We have also introduced a new business profile section
(page 67), which this month highlights Jane Murray
Photographers as g3 readers get advice on setting up a
small business in the gay community.
However, the piece de resistance is our flavoursome law
store and Civil Partnership section, which is, undoubtedly,
the most comprehensive legal database in LGBT media
today. This month, we focus on making a Will and the
rights you and your partner are entitled to.
But legalities aside, it’s time to get up and close and personal
with Lena Headey and Piper Perabo, stars of the highly
anticipated lesbian Rom-com Imagine Me & You. So popcorn
at the ready and book out the back row with your current
amour for some super-duper lovin’. We also have an exclusive interview with Sarah Waters, who is currently blitzing
the bestseller list with scorching new novel The Night
Watch. So grab a cup of gin and water and get involved.
Remember if you can’t be good, be very, very bad...
Over and out girlies...
Sarah & Jo
Send your letters to
[email protected]
There’s a prize for the writer
of our star
letter each month.
r letter
Women Ruled the Earth
Dear g3, If the lesbian population of the Earth
were reduced to a small village with 100
women, it would look something like this:
80 fatties, 20 eating disorders
90 short hair, 10 hair everywhere
70 rough as fuck, 30 passive aggressive
1 good looking, 99 ugly as a dog’s arse
99 would have cats,
1 would think she was a cat
99 would get really uptight about
how rude this poll is,
1 wouldn’t give a shit (me – I made it up!)
In a lesbian bar, no one can hear you scream.
Free Money!
Dear g3, ever wondered how to find a beautiful
apartment when some estate agents would rather
sell you a shoebox? This gang of four gay Shoreditch
residents have had enough of being sold short, and
have come across a novel idea for publicising their
needs in this regularly updated blog. Their needs?
A sexy three-bed apartment in Shoreditch or
surrounding areas. Whoever finds these gals the
pad of their dreams within budget gets £100 cash!
Up for the challenge?
Visit: http://4foxyflatmates.blogspot.com/
Four gay ‘Ditchers
New Horizons
Dear g3, Thanks for your fab mag, however I
have one complaint. Where are your reviews
of the rest of the scene? Isn’t its time to
spread wings and look at pastures new?
Lezzy life is well beyond London, Manchester
and Brighton. It’s Essex that marks the spot.
There are some fab female-only venues,
even for those that tick the over-25s box!
So come on g3, let’s see some reviews of
these venues so the rest of lesbian world
can see what delights they are missing!
Cosmic-al, 35, Disabled Entrepreneur
e llo
Beyonce’s pre-stage warm up
Not just restraints
Wal Mart greeter
New gimmick to get
the shoppers in!
32% 26% 22% 20%
g33oonnlliinnee poll results
Supplied by
Q: How did you meet your last/current girlfriend?
She was
the friend
of a friend
On the
cruise in a
bar or club
On an
A workmate
who became
a playmate
To check out this month’s poll visit www.g3mag.co.uk
Great lesbian inventions!!! by Lea Andrews
(a short series of factual facts for you to impress your date with!)
Get g3 delivered to your home. It’s
simple, just send us a cheque for
£40 with your name and address on
the back, or call us and we’ll take
payment by credit/debit card over the
phone. 020 7272 0093
MARCH 2006
9. The Club.
In 1913, Mabel Sparkbottom realised it was no longer
feasible to encapsulate a whole evening of frivolity
within the tiny front room of her Lower Botherington
country cottage. Thus, she took to renting the local
village hall on the second Tuesday of each month,
and provided hot baked apple turnovers and special
mulberry wine (trodden in by her own delicate feet).
Mabel put balloons up, and invited the local invert
community to gather round and bring their favourite
78rpm records to play. This wonderful idea
continued for the next 60 years until its demise
in the mid 1970s leaving only a collection of bleak
dark rooms, full of scary people, playing even scarier music.
p4-5 g.Mailbag etc
Page 5
p6-7 g.Vitals/Opinion
Page 6
of the month
New release Bandidas stars Penélope Cruz (Maria)
and Salma Hayek (Sara) in turn-of-the-century
Mexico, as a bank-robbing duo trying to combat a
ruthless enforcer terrorizing their town. Large tortilla wrapped Thelma and Louise style girl-on girl
action ensues, muy caliente!
Single-minded and thoroughly truculent
Sue Perkins rants about GM food, vivisection
and that celebrity gorilla-skinned jacket.
or me, the polarisation of food choice really represents
the gulf between rich and poor in today’s society.
Why should the option of being an ethical consumerist
come at an economic premium? It pisses me off that
good quality, natural
food is only available
to the affluent. Why
are organic products
so expensive, and
therefore out of
budgetary range for
the average family?
Surely, compassionate
farming should be the
norm, rather than the
exception. Surely all
sectors of society
should be capable of enjoying produce that is free
from hormones, antibiotics, GM and pesticides.
Ooh, I am so full of ‘whys’ I could spit.
MARCH 2006
As for Pete Burns and the gorilla coat... what an arse!
Why would someone be gleeful at the thought of a dead,
rare-breed animal hanging off their back? The only way
I could have tolerated his outfit, was if that animal had
been beaten fairly and squarely in a fight. One on one.
Hand to paw. Mr Burns versus a silverback? I reckon the
gorilla would have gone home wearing the pelt of an 80s
pop singer. Mr Burns should, perhaps, be shown videos of
dogs being skinned alive in China, maybe then he’d give
monkey’s fuck about his choice of clothing and his active
participation in the worst kind of pointless brutality.
The older I get, the more furious I become about animal
cruelty. I do not accept the arguments for using animals
for medical experimentation, which are, at best,
inconclusive. What kind of society are we, if our
‘advancement’ is based on the suffering and torture
of other species? My father has battled cancer for many
years, so I have been up close and personal with a
serious disease. During his chemotherapy he participated
in various drug trials and clinical studies. I had a health
problem as a young adult, and spent the best part of five
years road-testing every gastric medication under the
sun. My point is this; if doctors are openly using US as
guinea pigs – why not give the guinea pigs a break?
Sue Perkins is on tour until the end of May for
further details please visit www.rbmcomedy.com
Salma was born in 1966 in the oil
boomtown of Coatzacoalcos, Mexico.
She freely admits that her wealthy
Lebanese-Mexican businessman
father and Mexican opera-singing
mother spoilt her rotten. In late 2002
Frida was released, documenting
the life of eponymous Mexican
bisexual artist Frida Kahlo. The movie
picked up two Academy Awards
and six nominations. Both Hayek and
Cruz have established themselves
as two of the most popular and
downright sexy Latin movie
stars today.
Quote: “I keep waiting to
meet a man who has more
balls than I do.” (Try a macho
lesbian perhaps – Ed)
Known as the “Spanish enchantress”,
Penélope Cruz Sánchez was born in
1974 in Madrid to retailer Eduardo and
hairdresser Encarna. After studying
classical ballet for nine years at Spain’s
National Conservatory, she began acting.
She hit the big time in the wonderfully
edible Jamón, jamón (1992). Cameron
Crowe’s Vanilla Sky (2001) established
her in Hollywood’s A-List opposite her
on/off screen lover Tom Cruise.
Quote: “I love Salma Hayek,
we’ve been friends for a really long
time. She never compromises to
follow her vision and she is loyal.”
p6-7 g.Vitals/Opinion
Page 7
Funk up your living space!4
Online interior display company Indelible Pink sells
quality Aluminum or Perspex frames for you to display your favourite
record covers as art. Most of us listen to music in digital format yet how many of us can’t bear to
throw away our favourite LPs? Vinyl has an eternally cool and contemporary feel and with the aid of
Indelible Pink’s frames, you can create original and striking interior design. Frames are custom-made to
display 12” and 7” record covers and picture discs. So get those records out of storage and on to the walls!
Prices vary. www.indeliblepink.co.uk or email [email protected] 0845 3913 708
Charity bouquets
for Mother’s Day
er M
Celebrate Mother’s Day on 26 March 2006 by sending out a beautiful bunch of
flowers! Choosing Flowergram will make the right impression and help Macmillan
Cancer Relief at the same time. £2 from each item ordered online at www.flowergram.co.uk
will go to Macmillan to help people living with cancer in the UK.
Ballerina – a pink and white hand-tied bouquet in water from £31.50
Harmony – a tall basket arrangement in shades of pink with a hint of mauve from £36.50
Tender Moments – a traditional presentation bouquet of pink and cerise flowers from £39.00
Paradise Walk Women’s Gym 6
North London ladies need to be aware of the fabulous
family-run ALL women gym with 500 members
based in dyke central Finsbury Park. This is a place
to lose the pounds, with great gym facilities, sauna,
steam, treatment rooms and a fab exercise studio!
It’s also a place where the ladies can support each
other all the way. Forget spandexed dolly birds,
these ladies get down to some hardcore work-outs,
often go jogging and then relax in the chill out area!
Owner Sharon Wickens is well-known for taking
people that need extra help under her wing!
020 7272 6857 or [email protected]
Going for a song
this month’s vitals…
SingStar ‘80s could possibly be the most hilarious gadget ever invented. It features
two CDs packed with 30 classic early 80s tracks that are guaranteed to throw you
back to your school disco days. Unfortunately Big Scary Animal wasn’t one of the
SingStar options, so we had to make do with Heaven is a Place on Earth. Boo.
Also available with two mics to bleat your heart out.
www.singstargame.com £39.99 (with mics)/ £19.99 (without mics)
MARCH 2006
p8-9 Ed1 g3 is 5!!
Page 8
o celebrate five years of our free monthly magazine, we look
at the changes that have taken place since 2001. Five years
may seem like a flash in the pan, however half a decade is a
long time in the eventful life of a lady lover. When g3 first
emerged in the dark era of dungarees, long-haired lesbos
with any more than a buzz cut were regarded as straight
and gay and bisexual women faded into the background
as gay men dominated the homosexual arena.
3 is...
owever, how things have changed! Nowadays, we are at
the cutting edge of fashion. We’re the movers and shakers in
high-powered professions and have diluted our old stereotypes by
being individually diverse rather than conforming to clichés. We are
now legally recognised as equal to our heterosexual counterparts,
and there are more lesbian parents happily bringing up children. Hell,
lesbians are bloody cool! Female celebs try to imitate us with varying degrees
of credibility and straight guys are fascinated by us (and in some cases titillated!)
Even the Conservative Party would love to have a few more token dykes in their midst.
g3 looks at the milestones throughout the past five years, helping to kick-start the
trend setting revolution of the modern gay girl.
JUNE: Girl meets girl rom-com Kissing Jessica Stein
is released in cinemas throughout the UK.
SEPTEMBER: ManNotIncluded.com is launched,
selling fresh sperm online to lesbians and single women.
OCTOBER: Sarah Waters’
Tipping The Velvet is aired on the Beeb
in a TV adaptation that became a
massive hit drama. The media
inevitably go mad for the sex scenes.
The first issue of g3 magazine is launched in March,
causing mass controversy with its saucy front cover.
JUNE: Angelina Jolie becomes an
iconic lesbian figurefor her previous
bisexual relationships and role as
Double-E cup Lara Croft in Tomb Raider.
LGBT workers legally protected from
discrimination and harassment at work.
Thanks to the Labour Government
and tireless work of fervent
campaigners Stonewall, we have far
more legal and statutory rights.
APRIL 2005
Changes were made to the Criminal
Justice Act 2003 to recognise
homophobic hate crime and abuse.
MARCH 2006
The age of consent for
gay men is dropped from
18 to 16 in line with
Section 28, which had previously
disallowed schools from ‘promoting’
homosexuality, was finally taken off
the statute books.
p8-9 Ed1 g3 is 5!!
Page 9
AUGUST: At the MTV Awards
Britney snogs Madonna who then snogs
Christina onstage, creating a dykey
domino effect. Media frenzy ensues.
SEPTEMBER: Oscar-winning Monster is released
on the big screen. Charlize Theron plays lesbian
serial-killer Aileen Wuornos with Christina Ricci
co-starring as her persecuted lover.
OCTOBER: Alex Parks wins Fame Academy
and subsequently releases her debut single
Maybe That’s What It Takes.
MARCH: The L Word became the first lesbian
drama series to hit our TV screens, and was instantly
successful. Cue frisky, feminine girls and not a
short-haired crop in sight.
Every urban lesbian in the land adopts the Hoxton Fin
replacing the skinhead as the locality’s token barnet. Gone fishing anyone?
JULY: Channel 4’s adaptation
of Sugar Rush, written by Julie
Burchill, was another late-night
smash, illustrating the hardships
of teenage lesbian infatuation.
DECEMBER: Eastenders’ Sonia Fowler and best bud Naomi Julien
have a wee smooch, pulling at the gag reflexes of the nation.
FEBRUARY: Sarah Waters’ new novel
The Nightwatch is released to critical
acclaim, with hardback copies selling faster
than baby iPods. The story documented a
1940s romance in wartime London.
The Civil Partnership Act was
greeted with elation throughout the
LGBT community, enabling same-sex
couples to have their union legally
acknowledged, enabling equality
on matters such as pension
provision and inheritance.
To celebrate our fifth year, g3 is teaming
up with the super girl-promoters from
Lounge at Teatro. We will be holding
the social event of the year on
Thursday 6 April, so put it in your
diary, phone or Palm pilot. With drinks
promos aplenty and lots of savvy,
sassy chicks, what better way to
lighten up those April showers!
MARCH 2006
p10-13 Ed2 Lena/Piper
MARCH 2006
Page 10
p10-13 Ed2 Lena/Piper
Page 11
Jennifer Kilchenmann sits down for g3 with the beautifully frank British star.
t’s a crisp, sunny morning in chic and fashionable Marylebone
High Street. I am meeting Lena Headey, star of this month’s
lesbian love-fest Imagine Me & You, in the healthy Aveda café.
She greets me with a killer smile and a truly honest and firm
handshake. Lena explains she recently got back from a trip
to India and a series of press junkets in New York.
Noticing her sun-kissed skin, and in true Brit fashion, our
conversation begins with the weather, and how bloody freezing
it is. “I was quite open to the idea of wrapping up a bit,” she
says. “But now I’m over it.”
ena is one of Britain’s most talented actresses, yet somehow it’s best kept
secret. “Maybe, when I was younger, I didn’t go for it as much as some. I was
more interested in living my life and figured I’d make it in my own way!” She fell
into the profession in her late teens, after being “discovered” performing in a
school play at the National Theatre. She has since acted in over 30 films and a
number of TV shows. Director of Imagine Me & You, Ol Parker, recently said of
Headey: “She’s beautiful, truthful and hilarious, without vanity or affectation,
exceptionally clever.” Based on this meeting, I couldn’t agree more. What makes
Lena stand out is her instinctive approach, the way she will just blend into her
character with honesty and realism. The most moving role she has played to date,
and one that Lena herself is still passionate about, is that of Kaisa in Aberdeen.
“I’m still upset Aberdeen was never released in the UK. I think I’m probably most
proud of that. It was an awesome experience.”
Amidst much excitement, March 31st sees the release of Imagine Me & You, a
lovely Brit rom-com all about love at first sight. This is a movie dear to Lena’s
heart: “Everyone in it is just so lovely. I hadn’t felt that way about a project in a
long time.” Ol Parker has managed to blend romance, realism and comedy into
one film. He’s also been very lucky with his two leading ladies who have incredible
on screen chemistry. Headey and Perabo met on the set of The Cave, a movie
that both would prefer to forget about. Lena fondly remembers how she and Piper
grew their friendship out of a necessary bond on “a pretty awful and wet shoot in
Romania”. She confesses feeling lost when Piper had to leave the set before her.
“It was the longest two weeks. I was so pissed with her!” Lena has learned her
Above (all pics): Lena Headey and Piper Perabo in Imagine Me & You
lesson about working on big, generally male-centered productions. In reference to
The Brothers Grimm she admits: “I’d rather stick an arrow through myself than go
through that again! It was like a relationship where you know you’re not wanted!”
As Lena slurps through a rather green health-fest of a soup, she tells me about
going to casting calls in LA. “There’s always these really beautiful women lined up
outside. And I’m like – oh my god I feel like the biggest tomboy in the world!” To
be fair, she is a little tomboyish, I mean would these LA chicks take up boxing?
“I went through a phase where I used to go pretty much every day! At one point
I did think – Fuck, if it all goes tits up, I’ll be boxing my face in the ring! Maybe I’ll
get more roles!” she jokes. Apart from being a boxer, she’s pondered the idea of
being a doctor. “I thought, I’ve still got time. I could do something more useful for
the world. But then I’m lazy, and that’s a proper job!” As the PR woman approaches
the table I manage to get my last question in (for all of you who have now fallen
in love with her). “So Lena,” I say, “any chance of ever falling for a woman?”
A smile brightens across her face. “I would never say – never. I mean, it probably
happened to me a few times...” Sorry girls, that’s lingo for I’m straight, but you’ve
got to love her for keeping the door open, right.
“I feel like the biggest tomboy in the world!”
Headey to the rescue: Lena’s been cast as Penny, a single city-girl
superhero in a US TV show called Ultra. Bring on the wardrobe!
MARCH 2006
p10-13 Ed2 Lena/Piper
Page 12
As Violet in Coyote Ugly (2000)
As Pauline Oster in Lost & Delerious (2001)
Q: What attracted you to Imagine Me & You?
A: I really loved the script. The dialogue is so natural and quirky. I begged and
pleaded to have the part! It’s progressive in that there is no hemming and hawing
about “Does this make me gay?” We can just move on to the love and the story.
Q: Do you think if Hollywood had made this film it would be different?
A: In a Hollywood romantic comedy, the person you’re leaving behind is always
slightly villainous. It’s so obvious to the audience who you should be with, that’s
what is interesting and not Hollywood about it.
Q: Was it a conscious decision to take on another lesbian role after playing
Pauline in Lost & Delerious?
A: Plain luck. I found two really well written characters, they happen to be
lesbians... I didn’t care who they slept with.
Q: How scared were you about getting your British accent right?
A: It was frightening. Because if you fuck it up in a British film and they could
have cast a number of genius British actresses, you look like an ass!
Lena’s partner in crime speaks up.
MARCH 2006
p10-13 Ed2 Lena/Piper
Page 13
p14-17 News/Revs
he acid test for anyone who thinks
we’ve already achieved equality is
to take a look around the real world.
Stonewall’s recently published investigation into healthcare for lesbians in
Brighton revealed that they were 20%
less likely than straight women to have
had a smear test. We uncovered a
catalogue of disgraceful cases of poor
treatment and widespread anxiety
about sharing personal details with a
GP. That’s hardly surprising given that,
until our recently secured changes in
the Equality Bill, GPs could strike off
patients they didn’t like just because
they were lesbian or gay. Sadly, if
that’s true in a city like Brighton, things
are almost certainly much worse
elsewhere. We know from bitter
experience that trying to change the
law is very tough indeed. But changing
the world is harder still. The NHS was
set up to be free at the point of need to
every single person in Britain. Not just
to some people. We’re determined to
make that vision a reality.
Page 14
Ben Summerskill is Chief Executive
of Stonewall: www.stonewall.org.uk
What the FCUK?
Outraged viewers have inundated the
Advertising Standards Authority (ASA)
with protests over an ad showing a
lesbian kiss. More than 50 people
MARCH 2006
Inspired by the success of gay cowboy flick Brokeback
Mountain, Pitt is said to be after a more challenging role that
appeals to both men and women. “He wants it to be a story that
appeals to both sexes and he wants it to be the edgiest work
he’s done,” says an insider. “He’s seen the critical acclaim that
Brokeback Mountain has won and wants a piece of it.”
Left: Pitt wants a gay romp
Killers in custody
her: “Whether that’s
because they don’t like
my music, or they don’t
like me, or maybe
because I came from a
reality TV programme
– I don’t know.”
“All I want to do now is
to develop my writing
and recording and
hope that every record
I make will be better
than the last. I’m
going to take a break
to work out the next
step. There are a few
offers but I really want
to get it right this
time! I promise that
you will be the first to
know my new plans.”
Richard Littlejohn, the roly-poly veteran
Sun columnist, has just returned to the
pages of the Daily Mail. But Littlejohn’s
first efforts in his new stable seem a little
lacklustre. Could the veteran gaybotherer be losing his touch? Only a
couple of years ago one of my colleagues
counted the number of references in
Littlejohn’s columns to homosexuality.
During the preceding 12 months he had
referred to “gays” 24 times, “homosexuals” 17 times, 15 times to cottaging,
seven times to rent boys, six to lesbians,
six times to being “homophobic” and
four times to “homophobia”. There were
also two sneers at “poovery” and one
to buggery. Any other newspaper
columnist who referred 82 times in 90
columns to one particular subject
might be thought to have an unhealthy
obsession. Who knows what spurs
Littlejohn on?
Brad breaks tradition
Alex Parks takes time out to ponder new possibilities
Former Fame Academy winner Alex
Parks has blamed the media for poor
sales after parting company with her
record label, Polydor. Parks, 21, from
Mount Hawke near Truro, has released
two albums since winning reality TV
show Fame Academy in 2003. Maybe
That’s What It Takes, her first single,
reached number three in the charts.
The track was an anthemic piano ballad
showcasing her haunting, far-reaching
voice. However, her last album Honesty
only climbed to a disappointing number
24. The first single Looking For Water
also made a smaller splash than expected.
She said: “I’ve had almost no support
from the media – hardly any coverage
on the radio and TV or in the press.”
Parks thanked Polydor on her website,
but admitted: “It wasn’t really working
for me or for them. A lot of you have
asked if I’m disappointed with the way
my record releases have gone and of
course I am.” She didn’t understand
why the media had apparently ignored
complained about the French
Connection advert, mostly about the
kiss and its ‘sexual’ nature. The advert
shows two women Kung-Fu fighting
while wet, then kissing before
headbutting each other. According to
press reports, viewers have said the
advert is “offensive in its sexual
nature” despite only being shown after
the 9pm watershed. Although the ASA
will rule on whether the advert
breached guidelines in the coming
weeks, it has recently shown support
for same-sex displays of affection. The
Her father Stephen
told BBC News: “She
feels that Polydor was
not the right company for her. They are
a big label and need big sales.” He said
she would be a looking for a deal with a
smaller label. “She would be better off
with an independent label. Alex never
wanted to be famous. She just wanted
to do the stuff she wanted to do.”
Do you have a news story that needs to
be heard? If so, drop us an email to:
[email protected]
advert is part of the High Street giant’s
attempts to redefine itself.
An ‘outrageous’ French Connection
Clapham Common
Two men appeared in court on January
21 charged with the murder of gay bar
manager Jody Dobrowski on Clapham
Common last year. Unemployed Thomas
Pickford and decorator Scott Walker
have denied murdering the 24-year-old
last October. Pickford, 25, and Walker,
33, appeared at the Old Bailey by video
link and were remanded in custody.
Their trial will begin on 12 June 2006.
Dobrowski was found unconscious in
the early hours of the 15 October, after
suffering head, neck and facial injuries in
a homophobic attack. He later died of his
injuries and was so badly beaten that his
family did not recognise him. Police
believe that Dobrowski’s assailants may
have verbally abused a woman in a nearby
street 15 minutes prior to the murder.
Dobrowski was assistant manager at Bar
Risa Jongleurs in Camden, north London.
Murdered: Jody Dobrowski
In the pink
The value of the Pink Pound was recently
revealed, estimating that Britain’s three
million-strong LGBT community earned
around £70 billion last year. We splashed
out more than £3 billion on tourism, £1.9
billion on clothes and £1 billion on mobile
phone bills. Drawn up by market research
firm Out Now Consulting for Gay Times
and Diva magazines, the study was the
first to include both lesbians and gay
men. Spokesman Ian Johnson said:
“The gay market is big business.”
p14-17 News/Revs
Page 15
Making babies?
g3 is five years old this month and
Model and actress Elizabeth Hurley is rumoured to be
pregnant with her second child after she was seen leaving an
antenatal clinic in London’s Harley Street. When asked if she was
expecting, Hurley’s agents replied, “No comment.” The Estée Lauder
beauty has been dating Indian businessman Arun Nayar for three
years. Hollywood producer Steve Bing fathered her first child.
we’re learning to read and can nearly
spell! We went to chat with the girls
in the know, from the Candy Bar, the
Friendly Society, and the Star At
Night, to see what they liked best
about everyone’s favourite freebie!
Left: No bump showing yet for Hurley
What women want
Amelie finally clinches victory in Grand Slam
Lisa Snowdon has admitted having a
crush on a girl while at school. She
ogled a fellow classmate but never
confessed her guilty secret. She said:
“I can appreciate other women’s bodies
and beauty. When I was younger
I probably had a crush on a girl, but
back when I was very, very young.”
Despite growing out of her lesbian
tendencies, Snowdon, who last year
split from boyfriend George Clooney,
admits she fancies actress Halle Berry
and Madonna.
complained of stomach pains and
was forced to retire from the match.
Henin-Hardenne was later diagnosed
as having a gastrointestinal illness.
Mauresmo said: “It’s been such a long
time, and yet I still don’t know what
to say. All the people that still believed
in me, after seven years. Not only
myself, but also people who were
working with me, believed me and
pushed me, even when I was down.
Maybe we found the way.”
V O X P O P : Our Birthday best…
Mauressmo bags her first Grand Slam
Lesbian tennis star Amelie Mauresmo
has bagged her first Grand Slam
title, beating Belgian Justine HeninHardenne at the Australian Open. The
French tennis player, who came out in
1999 during the Australian Open, took
the first set 6-1 and was leading 2-0
in the second when Henin-Hardenne
Kay, 25, Candy Bar manager
“I liked ‘bar wench’, bring it back, the
girls love it! It’s such a small community,
it’s fun to search for faces we know!
Jess, 23, accountant
“I love it for all the info it provides,
and the cool little articles. I use it
to help decide where to go, and it’s
free too! Bargain!
Kerry, 29, graphic designer
“I like searching through the scene
pictures, so I can see people that
I recognise – happy birthday g3!”
Carly 23, hairdresser
“It really covers everything, and
gives you a regular idea of where
all the best nights are. And I like the
original articles.”
Kay, 30, student
“I like the editorials the best, and
because it’s free, you can just pick it
up in the bar, and have a good read
before the night kicks off.”
MARCH 2006
p14-17 News/Revs
Page 16
p14-17 News/Revs
Page 17
music>> film>>
music>> lea andrews
film/DVD>> jennifer kilchenmann
] music
Album: Lise Westzynthius –
Rock, You Can Fly (One Little Indian)
Lise W (can we call her that?) has been
celebrated in her native Denmark for a few
years now and rightly so. Brought up on Chopin
and Brahms, she began singing in chamber
choirs, and worked as a church soprano while
also studying contemporary music. This mix of
influences works emphatically on this stirring
album. When listening, I felt as though the Cocteau Twins had returned and
made a modern day album with more to look back on. Produced by legendary
Englishman Ian Caple (Kate Bush, Tricky, Ryan Adams) the album has got a
particular stamp of excellence that will make its ascension guaranteed.
Release date: out now
Album: SoJorn – When The Lights
Go Down (Progressive Global Records)
Breaks Co-Op –
The Sound Inside
You may not have heard of
Breaks Co-Op yet, but you
may be familiar with one
of its three members,
Zane Lowe. He formed
the band with fellow
new Zealander Hamish
Clark in the mid 1990s
and released an album.
Zane has since become a hugely
successful DJ (currently at Radio One)
and an MTV presenter. Breaks Co-Op’s
second album was released last year
in New Zealand, to enormous acclaim –
they scooped a gold disc, a single of
the year and were top of the 2005
airplay charts. The album is very
beautiful, and well worth getting into.
Sojorn are Hunter Williams and vocalist
Jennifer Morrison. The album is a mix of funky
break beats and house influenced tunes. Tinged
with Latin rhythms, this is quite a light album
with nothing too taxing or demanding. With
summer coming it’s a good one for the car, or
the beach. It’s classy in a way that a nightclub
is classy-shiny and polished, but in all
honesty, there is nothing really new
going on here. Lyrically uninspiring,
yet pleasant in a way that will please
trendy people with a head for chilled
hypnotic programmed sounds.
Cinema: Transamerica
Nominated for an Oscar and recently picking up the
★★★ Release date: early April
Best Actress Golden Globe, Desperate Housewives’
Felicity Huffman stars as a pre-op male-to-female
who undertakes an unexpected
journey when she learns that she is
the father to a teenage son in a fix
of his own. Indie US movies showing
that once again they know how
to convey powerful stories much
better than big budget studios.
Tissues at the ready.
It falls into a style
that happily avoids any particular
genre. Influenced by Marvin Gaye,
and more obscure acts like Tortoise
and Sebadoh, the melodies and break
beats create a sexy satisfying piece.
If you want something a bit different,
but still palatable, go get it.
Release date: March 27
Instinct 2
Cinema: Basic Instinct 2
Sharon Stone is back as the
ultra-vixen Catherin Tramell.
She’s ditched the ice-picker
in favour of a new killer
of a toy. Expect the usual
amount of sex, bisexuality,
some decent car chasing,
some mind-fucking and
all that in dear old London
town! Who knew our city
was so ferocious.
Out: March 31
Out: March 24
The Brothers Grimm
DVD: HEX Season 2
Album: The Little Willies –
The Little Willies
(Milking Bull Records)
Alert! Bad band name alert! Do NOT let
this put you off. This is bloody brilliant,
but you have to like jazz and country a
little to get into it. Imagine Norah Jones
infused with a bit of life and a whole lot
chirpier. Voila! She has! This five-piece
consists of Ms Jones herself, and four
friends from pretty much all over
America. They all missed old school
classic American music, and set up
this band to meet up and jam down at
The Living Room, a cool Lower East
Side club in NYC. So there you have it,
a real band, with a real desire to play
really good music. You can hear the
love of the music the second you put
the CD on. This is fantastic. Have it!
Release date: March 6
After the corking cliffhanger of Season 1, Cassie and Thelma
are back. Azazeal is still up to no good and things aren’t
looking too sunny for our heroine. On the brighter side
though, our only long-running lesbian character on British
TV – Thelma (the excellent Jemima Roper) – gets more lines,
more comedy moments, just more, more, more!
It’s pure entertainment, with a fantastic script.
DVD: The Brothers Grimm
Out: March 6
This shoot was so unpleasant that it made
Lena Headey – who stars here as a chick
who can skin rabbits and kiss toads – doubt
whether she still wanted to be in the movie
business. The Brothers Grimm is directed by
Terry Gilliam (12 Monkeys) and features Matt
Damon and Heath Ledger as two con brothers
looking for adventure. They need all the courage
they can get, and a spot of female help (Headey),
when they arrive in a village under the spell
of an enchanted forest. It ain’t great but it has
moments. Alcohol at the ready, it might help!
Out: March 13
MARCH 2006
p18-21 Prev/Prof/Slez
MARCH 2006
Page 18
p18-21 Prev/Prof/Slez
Page 19
Toulouse –
Art: Vox Pop4
Vox Pop presents the work of 50
leading and award winning illustrators
based worldwide who are promoted
by début art. Each artist was asked
to produce a new piece of work in
response to a broad Vox Pop brief,
namely to depict how they see their
role as an illustrator in society. The
artists exhibiting include Tim Ashton,
Andy Baker and Barbara Bellingham.
Vox Pop @ Coningsby Gallery,
30 Tottenham Street,
London W1T 4RJ.
Until 9 March.
Monday to Friday
10am to 6pm.
020 76361064 or
[email protected]
Xfm 4
Local heroes take to the airwaves
as Xfm Manchester goes live.
Launching the new station at 8am
will be the jewel in the crown of that
line-up, Paul Tonkinson, hosting the
popular Breakfast Show. He says:
“Xfm is hitting Manchester and
I can’t wait. I am made up to be
bringing this radio station to one of
the best cities in the world and am
honoured to be hosting the breakfast
show.” Confirmed DJs also include
Tony Wilson and Andy Rourke.
Tune into 97.7FM
on 15 March 2006 or
for further info.
Paul Tonkinson
Sarah Howell – Alex Cartana Single
James Carey – Sean Penn
for Carlos magazine
Matt Darford –
Rolling Stone Magazine
Discovery Museum, Newcastle
5 Exhibition:
Battling for a Place in History
Funny Women
In a campaign to end violence against
women, the Funny Women stand-up
show is now an official fixture in the
diary of essential events during
International Women’s Day. Box office
proceeds will be donated to the charity V-Day:
Until the Violence Stops, which campaigns to end hostility
against women. The final line-up (TBC) will be hosted by
the fabulous Jo Caulfield and includes Sandi Toksvig,
Janey Godley and the winner of the 2005 Funny Women
Awards Debra Jane Appelby.
Funny women @ Café Royal,
Regent Street, London, W1.
8 March. Tickets cost £20 and
include a drinks reception
courtesy of Turner Road Wine.
0870 163 3408
or www.funnywomen.com
or www.ticketmaster.co.uk.
Opening at Discovery Museum in Newcastle upon
Tyne this month, this exhibition is part of a project
to affirm gay people’s place in the history of the
North East. By coincidence the exhibition coincides
with a recent survey published on the BBC’s website
stating that the North East is the least gay place in
England and Wales. The museum has worked with
the Our Place in History project group from the LBGT
community to reveal this hidden archived history.
Battling for a Place in History @ Discovery
Museum, Blandford Square, Newcastle upon Tyne,
NE1 4JA. Until March 5.
Monday to Saturday 10am to 5pm and Sunday
2pm to 5pm. FREE.
MARCH 2006
p18-21 Prev/Prof/Slez
Page 20
As she prepares to release her long-awaited Greatest Hits collection,
the UK’s most talented and enduring soul queen talks to g3 about
homophobia in the music industry and why there’s more to her
than meets the eye. Anna Nathanson finds out more.
Despite the fact that you’ve been in the industry for over ten years, you’ve never
become commercial to the point of losing credibility. Was this a conscious decision?
It just worked out that way, and it’s the nature of what I do. My sound is not so
mainstream-friendly that it’s in danger of becoming a mass pop thing. I don’t think it’s
ever been that way. I’m completely happy with that. If I do become a bigger name than
I am, I think I’ll always have one foot in the very well-known world and one in muso land.
You’ve spoken out quite heavily against homophobia in music...
Last year I was very vocal in wanting some of the dancehall artists to frankly shut the fuck up.
But when I defended the LGBT community, I couldn’t believe the amount of stick I got!
Most of the hostility came from the black media; they thought I was attacking black culture.
People would say ‘It’s because her partner’s white, that’s why she thinks that way!’
But I had to take a stand against homophobia; I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself
if I hadn’t. Particularly in the black community, people have such a tough time coming out.
In Jamaica, being homosexual is against the law. That’s bullshit. People are under
enough pressure without artists saying they should be hung from trees.
To read the complete interview
with Beverley Knight, visit
The Best of
is out on March 20.
How do you feel about having such a large lesbian fan base?
I love it, I want more! It’s wonderful, if my music can translate through different ages,
races, sexualities and cultures. It shows that real people get what I’m on about.
I’ve always been completely comfortable in my own skin, so I embrace it.
Out on the town with Team Slez!
This month: Lucy talks about her influence
on her new flatmates’
love choices…
laced in
, I was p
for Un
t of a
, for wan
girls w
When I m
ong, they
ee other
a flat w
Don’t ge
just love
rip to Lo
d great c
fab fr
y London
east so I
my favo
along to
d up at C
I too
ints of
day night
g a few p
On Satur
gan carv
ker. Aft
ca shot
me sambu
al drunk
were hav
nce floor
f my fl
be safe t
l three o
ed to
e and I d
ile I popp
a wild tim
ew min
m for a f
’t believe
On my r
aking out
the loo.
ey we
eyes! Th
t the rem
es of th
45 minut
friends as my
continued to g
et down and
dirty with thei
Lucy, Brunette, 21,
r same-sex
Baron von Butch
conquests and,
as the time
Zoe, Blonde, 26,
came to go hom
von Bitch
these girls w
I realised
ere coming ba
ck too! Yes, it
’s true; my
influence had
got my flatmat
batting for ou
team. I didn’t
A cunning amalgamation
know whether
‘sleazy’ and ‘lesbian’...
ith joy or
cry that I was
the only one sl
the anti-suitcase
eeping alone th
lesbo brigade.
night. The fo
llowing morning
e were
some terrible
hangovers and
faces, but back
at University
the girls
confessed that
they loved ev
ery minute.
Although they
still like a bit
cock action, w
e are now kno
as the dyke fl
– Slez out
Team Slez:
p18-21 Prev/Prof/Slez
Page 21
MARCH 2006
Rebel Without
p22-23 Ed3 Rebel
Page 22
of The Establishment. One of the things I love about
dating women is that there’s no clear path that the
relationship has to follow. We all, of course, have our
patterns and bad habits, but these are nothing like
as entrenched as they are for poor old heterosexuals.
In my pre-enlightenment days, every single man I
dated mentioned marriage and babies within the first
two weeks. So far, none of my girlfriends has done so,
and I find this most refreshing. People bring numerous
expectations to a relationship, but for lesbians they
tend to be more personal (‘Is she The One?’ or ‘When
shall I move in?’) than social (‘Should I keep my own
surname?’ or ‘What sort of veil shall I wear?’). But
now marriage is all the rage, women’s magazines
are queuing up to book ‘Hers’n’Hers’ wedding
features, fertility clinics are full of lesbian couples
and suddenly there’s just as much pressure on me
as there is on my straight friends – if not more.
L: Julia Sawalha as Saffy in
Ab Fab (alongside Jennifer
Saunders as her mother, Edina)
feel much the same about gay marriage as I do
about my mother’s cooking. Within the family it is
generally and heartily agreed to be inedible, but woe
betide any outsider who dare criticise it. Likewise,
if I were writing this article for a more mainstream
publication, I would defend civil partnership to the hilt
and mean it – but here, among friends, I’m a lot more
likely to pick on its weak points. To straight sceptics,
I insist that we homosexuals will salvage their dwindling
marriage statistics; to fellow queers I joke that we’ll
be just as much of a boost to divorce figures.
Obviously, I’m fully in favour of legal equality and
think that civil partnerships are an unadulteratedly
marvellous idea, since they give us the best of both
worlds – all the legal perks; none of the religious guilt
– but I’m sure I’m not alone in having one or two
personal regrets. The fact is, this is not only a big step
forward, but also a big step further into the clutches
MARCH 2006
necessary, unless one wishes to
end up like Ab Fab’s Saffy. I spent
most of my teenage years trying
and failing to party as hard, drink
as much, stay up as late and grow
as much dope as my parents, but
with lesbianism, I really thought I was
onto something – here, at last, was
an enjoyable, sustainable, alternative
lifestyle that neither of them could
claim to have done first. But now, if
I’m not careful, I’ll end up married,
with a mortgage, a couple of kids
and no sex-life to speak of, by the
time I’m in my 30s – and then I’ll be
no different from several million other
foundering middle-class idealists.
Gay marriage is by no means
undermining the sanctity of marriage
– but it is making social rebellion
more and more elusive. In fact, now
the only way I think I can truly rebel
is by remaining resolutely unmarried
for the rest of my days.
I never quite fancied marriage, even when I thought
I was straight. Quite frankly, I don’t see the point.
If I fall in love with someone and want to share my
life with them, the thing I’d most want to do is set up
home and live happily ever after, not dress up and
sign bits of paper. Perhaps after ten years or so we’d
set up a civil partnership, alongside our joint bank
account, just to keep things tidy, but honestly, it
would mean a lot less to me than having someone
to share the cooking and borrow underwear from.
Like many of my contemporaries, I am cursed with
the millstone of ex-hippy parents. They tend to be
lovingly liberal and understanding, but they are
exceedingly difficult to out-do, and out-doing them is
“The only way I think I can truly rebel is by remaining
resolutely unmarried for the rest of my days.”
Emily Chappell explains why
she is jumping off the bandwagon.
p22-23 Ed3 Rebel
Page 23
MARCH 2006
p24-5 Ed4 S.Waters
Page 24
Keeping Watch
rom the remnants of an era overcast by war, hardship and
suffering of insurmountable proportions, the 1940s sparked
the emergence of a tangible sense of liberality and freedom that
‘ordinary people’ had never before experienced. Booker Prize
Finalist Sarah Waters, whose previous works were set in
Victorian England (Fingersmith, Affinity and Tipping the Velvet),
plunges into a very different Blitz-ravaged epoch, creating
another historical novel capturing the characters with her
signature intimacy and understanding.
The novel begins in London in 1947 and careers through air
raids, blacked-out streets and illicit sexual liaisons to
conclude with its final episode in 1941. The Night Watch
vividly recounts the story of four Londoners locked in a
complicated matrix of closeness. Androgynous, demure
Kay drove a “night watch” ambulance in the Blitz and
has been traumatised by what she witnessed. Then
there is ‘onion-faced’ Helen, whose mystery novelist
girlfriend Julia may or may not be having an affair.
Helen’s work colleague, Viv, has a married military
lover Reggie who won’t leave his wife for her. Finally
Waters’ introduces fey Duncan, who holds a dark
secret from his past. Jo Webber chats to the author.
“I like my books to reflect what I would
g3: Why did you choose to move your setting from
the Victorian era to the 1940s?
SW: Well, basically I wanted a change and another
challenge. I’ve done a lot on the Victorian period and
I was anxious not to get stuck. I wanted to adapt my
writing style and voice. There is something about the
1940s that was restricted under the surface. The
historical research took me a while. It took four years
from my initial research to the final copy. I had the
best and worst of times, there were some awful
points where I felt very depressed. There was a lot of
publicity involved in the promotion of Fingersmith,
and although I do quite enjoy PR, it can be frustrating
when I want to write.
gender relations. Women had more responsibility
then ever before. Above all, ordinary life was
suspended. Anything could happen and it was most
liberating! As for the gay and lesbian community,
war was a great facilitator. People must have felt like
it’s now or never. Maybe lesbianism was rife – I’m
not sure. There were so many young single women
spread out, so maybe they were more susceptible
to feminine wiles.
g3: Have you intentionally hoped to bring lesbianism
into mainstream British culture and media?
SW: War had an extraordinary effect on London and
Britain. It really shook up the class system and
SW: No, it wasn’t my desired agenda. I never expected
my novels to be so successful. Tipping the Velvet
was quite heavily focused around lesbian characters.
I used to read a lot of women’s press before I begun
writing. I like my books to reflect what I would read
myself. I am a lesbian so it is perfectly natural for me
to write about lesbians.
The South Bank
Hampstead Heath
g3: In your opinion, why does war do strange and
capricious things to people?
MARCH 2006
g3: What are your three favourite London locations
and why?
1. South Bank – It’s always so romantic to have a
city with a river. The South Bank allows you to think
of the age of the city and the bustle of London’s
traffic. Of course you have the National Film Theatre
and the National Theatre, plus plenty of second-hand
bookshops too.
2. Hampstead Heath women’s pond – I haven’t been
there in a while as it’s a schlep from South London
(Sarah is currently based in Kennington). It’s
wonderful just to take in the views. There are still
undiscovered bits of the heath that I’m yet to
explore. It would be sad if I knew the whole park
like the back of my hand.
3. St James’s Park – Just because it’s so central and
there is a nice mix of people. The size is just right.
St. James’s Park
p24-5 Ed4 S.Waters
Page 25
g3: What do you think is the most
over-rated book of all time?
SW: The Bible
g3: What do you think about the advent of civil partnerships?
SW: I think it’s fantastic for gay activism. This piece of legislation is something
that you couldn’t have imagined even 10 or 20 years ago. In terms of my own personal relationship, I’ve been with my girlfriend Lucy (Vaughan) for four years and
we feel utterly committed to one another and are completely monogamous.
Although I wouldn’t consider civil partnership in the foreseeable future, we’re not
ruling it out. Lucy is younger than me (34), so if we both decide to make a commitment, we’ll see what happens.
g3: What are your upcoming plans?
SW: Well I’ve got a tour beginning in Britain, then I travel to New Zealand, Australia
and the US. We’re going to be visiting 13 cities within two or three weeks, but no
tour bus unfortunately!
For details of upcoming appearances by Sarah
visit her UK publisher Virago at
The Night Watch is available in all good book shops priced £16.99.
To read the rest of this exclusive interview, check out www.g3mag.co.uk
read myself.”
MARCH 2006
p26-33 Scene guide
Page 26
p26-33 Scene guide
Page 27
■ Reviews [29]
■ DJ Quickie [33]
■ Style [34]
London /
South /
■ Nights Out [36]
■ Boozer Guide [44]
■ Community [46]
Nor th /
Scene 03:06
Smack: Gangsters & Molls Party @ Egg
Friday 27 January
Egg, York Way, King’s Cross, London N1
Knowing you’ve got a good smack coming, in this case was something to look
forward to with three floors of music to suit the taste of every moll and her
gangst-her. Egg was on shell-cracking form as the venue filled with lovely ladies
(and a good few from Brighton too I noticed) along with several cute boys. With
De Kutt and crew cutting it up electro-wise in the middle room; sandwiched
between King K and the funky house French Kiss
females in the main room; and the Cock DJs
Yr Mum & Yr Dad and random poetry
readings in the top floor. For the second
Friday in a row here I was in Egg again
with the courtyard seeming to feel
more like my front garden, it’s so
familiar. Arms in the air as the music
played into the night and anyone with
enough energy to rise to the occasion was
treated to the special afterparty tunes of
Trade/Fiction DJ Fat Tony’s afterparty.
Roll on the Morning Glory.
Reviewed by
Jamie Norman
NEXT SMACK EVENT: ‘Smackback Mountain’ Friday 31st March
All photos by Jamie Norman, except top right pics 1 and 2 by Cleo Leng
MARCH 2006
p26-33 Scene guide
Page 28
out & about
The Quality Chop House,
94 Farringdon Rd, London EC1R 3ER
Candy Bar
4 Carlisle St., Soho, London W1
Rating: ★★★★
Price rating: £ £ £ (Mains from £7-20)
Telephone: 020 7837 5093
MARCH 2006
Taste: Totally Turkish Delight – liquid
version and very alcoholic too!
Audience: Any Candy girl with a taste
for something sweet!
Blackeyed @ Ghetto
Monday 30 January
Situation: Definitely ‘a girl’s night out to
get the party started’ shot!
5 Falconberg Court
(behind the Astoria), London W1
Tip: There is a secret ingredient that
only Candy Bar staff knows – so you
have to come to the bar where it was
invented to treat yourself!
A new night has come to the Ghetto, promising to be the
darker side of Redeye. It was definitely found at Blackeyed.
DJs Metalchick, guest DJ Simon Price and Gang brought
music that touched the darker side of the 80s with a
couple of songs by Marilyn Manson alongside industrial
and goth rock. There was a slight gotharama vibe, but the
people looked pretty, the alcohol
was cheap and the energy and
vibe was fantastic. Free goth
makeovers were also provided.
It’s nice to see a night that really
is alternative and new and I
would definitely recommend
it again. It runs whenever there
is a 5th Monday in the month
(on that Monday), so rock on
Reviewed by Cleo Leng
Candy Bar, the UK’s original full-time
Girl’s Bar and also now the first women’s
venue with a licence to strip, opened its
doors to the lesbian nation in October
1996. The venue’s impact has been
undeniably crucial to the development of
a vibrant social scene for gay girls and
their friends
in central
And.. it’s giving
away free
entry to g3 VIP
Card holders!
Photos by Cleo Leng
Food & Drink 8/10
An impressive menu boasting hearty
British cuisine with an ‘eloquent twist’.
Munch on a selection of breads and
anchovy butter while you wait for your
meal. The starters comprise of eels,
snails, potted shrimp and caviar for the
adventurous or very rich. The mains offer
a selection of traditional British food from
bangers and mash to ‘London’s noted
salmon fish cake’. The honey and mustard
glazed chicken with cream sweet corn is
particularly good. The scrummy deserts
include chocolate fondant and the
raspberry sorbet is highly recommended.
Atmosphere 6/10
The restaurant has maintained its
original Victorian features. Its black and
white chequered floor, oak table and
pews gives it a shabby chic feel. Beware
for long sittings though, the pews can
be awkward if you’ve had a few vinos!
Reviewed by Leilah Toogood
Page 29
Lipstick @ CC Club
Thursday 9 February 13 Coventry Street, London W1D 7DH
“Los Angeles glamour comes to London,” claims the website and
it’s true, this night certainly is more glamorous than many others.
Located in the heart of Leicester Square, CC Club is a nightclub
decorated with oak, glass and leather that give it an elegant,
trendy feel. There is a large dance area in the main room,
with a separate members’ bar called Bar M, serving
champagne only. The night came complete with bunny girls
and attracted a multitude of power lesbians, with music
pumping out R ‘n’ B before veering towards House and
Old Skool. The next dates are scheduled for March 2 and
March 31. Doors open @ 9pm-3.30pm with entry
priced at £8 before 10.30pm and £10 thereafter.
Saunter your way down to the next event ladies!
Reviewed by Luanna Coburn
Goodnight Sweetheart @ Southopia
Tuesday 14 January
146-8 Newington Butts, Kennington, London SE1 4RN
A fabulously decadent evening of fun: Flappers, Charleston Girls, Tophatted hedonists, pleasure-seeking Bright Young Things... the most
welcoming and friendly ladies I’ve met in a long time. Resembling a
salon à la Natalie Barney, ‘twas like a fairytale imagination of Lesbo
History times past – Vita snogged Virginia, Marlene tap-danced and
flashed her breasts (Velcro came undone in a frenzied Charleston!),
Lindy-hop tutor Julie gave explicitly lurid instructions as to where legs
and other body parts should go! Cupid Karen flew around delivering
love trysts, Jolly hand-bagged campère Sue of the Goblet chivvyed
things along and we were treated to the fabulous voice of one of the
best show divas around, the wonderful Ruby King. The whole evening
was rounded off with a Charity Auction. A truly original benefit evening,
Reviewed by Vivien Renée
in aid of Multiple Sclerosis.
For more info on MS visit www.mstrust.org.uk
Goodnight Sweetheart pics © viv acious 2006
p26-33 Scene guide
To read the full review visit www.g3mag.co.uk
MARCH 2006
p26-33 Scene guide
Page 30
your city
ffectionately known as Geordies (people from
the Tyneside region and adjacent areas of
southeastern Northumberland), the North East
prides itself on being the friendliest area of Britain.
Newcastle Gateshead is a stylish, fashionable
and vibrant city with a lively gay scene known
locally as The Pink Triangle.
Newcastle Civil Partnerships...
Why Newcastle?
Outlet Manager John Harrison owns four bars in the locality
including The End, The Yard, Heavens Above and The Eagle.
He says: “The Newcastle scene is really great for lesbians,
there is something for everyone. We’re always looking to
improve and expand the scene.”
Browells solicitor Katherine Henderson, 43,
tells g3 just why Newcastle has been so
popular with couples planning to get hitched!
oused in a landmark industrial building on the south bank
of the River Tyne in Gateshead, BALTIC is the biggest
gallery of its kind in the world – presenting a dynamic, diverse
and international programme of contemporary visual art. BALTIC
has no permanent collection, providing instead an ever-changing
calendar of exhibitions and activities that give a unique and
compelling insight into contemporary artistic practice. The
BALTIC programme ranges from blockbuster exhibitions to
innovative new work and projects created by artists within
the local community. BALTIC is a place where visitors can
experience art, relax, have fun, learn and discover fresh ideas.
“According to Newcastle-based superintendent
registrar Lorraine Dewison, 30 ceremonies have
already been conducted in Newcastle. By December
5, 80 provisional bookings were made but that
figure has increased. Lorraine anticipates that
more will conduct their ceremonies in the summer.
BALTIC gallery
Newcastle is a great city to live and work in. It
has a thriving arts and cultural sector and a lively
gay and lesbian bar scene. The past image of
Newcastle as an old fashioned industrial northern
town with intolerant attitudes is completely
redundant. Newcastle has a really beautiful
coastline on our doorstep in Northumberland
and good train links to Scotland and the other
major northern cities.”
e lo
For further information visit www.balticmill.com
The Bank The Loft
A small bar popular with
anyone who likes cheap
drink and raucous cabaret.
Late licence and free entry.
This long-established gay club is open five
nights a week from Thursday to Monday.
Generally the club opens at 11 and shuts at
3am on a Thursday and Monday, 4am on a
Friday and Saturday and 2am on a Sunday.
The entry price varies, but is generally
around £4/5 for students, with Saturday
being £7 with a discount card from a
Trafalgar Leisure bar (free card stamped
when you buy a drink) or £10 without a card.
Monday to Sunday nights are £1 a drink.
Most nights are cheesy with just the main
arena open but on Fridays and Saturdays
the two other rooms (upstairs and the Zinc
Bar) are opened to provide three music
venues. Late licence and varied entry price.
Corner of Westmorland Road and
St. James’ Boulevard.
MARCH 2006
The Loft is a new addition to
the scene. Very popular with
lesbians, it’s smaller than Powerhouse
but offers more dance and R&B based
music. The drinks here are reasonably
priced and the entry is generally
cheaper than Powerhouse.
Late licence and varied entry price.
This bar is one of the four venues
owned by Trafalgar Leisure, the drinks
are reasonably priced and the décor
and atmosphere is generally like
Wetherspoons. Normal licence and
free entry.
The Baron and Baroness
This bar is also owned by Trafalgar Leisure; it’s slightly more
expensive but is decorated with fittings from an old church
and makes a good place for lunch, or to have a pre-club
dance and watch the cabaret such as I’m a Homosexual Get
Me out of Here and Gay Idol. Late licence and free entry.
The Yard
This is the gay scene version of a local
pub, with quiet music and cheap drinks.
This bar is generally good for a chat
and reasonably priced drinks. Cabaret
features on various nights including
comedy and drag. Late licence
and free entry.
Page 31
Sandra D’s Top 5 Vinyl Chart>>
>>01 Hard to Beat
Hard Fi (Necessary Records)
>>02 I Predict a Riot
Kaiser Chiefs
(B-Unique Records)
>>03 Dare Gorillaz
(EMI/Virgin Records)
>>04 Jane Falls Down
Photos by Cleo Leng
The Modern
(Mercury Records)
>>05 Mr Brightside
The Killers
(Island Records)
When did you get into DJing?
I started going to Popstarz about seven years ago. I went to
Miss Shapes when it was at Liquid Lounge. I started working for Simon Hobart as a barmaid and eventually he let me
play a set and then another and it kinda stuck.
Does being a DJ make it easy for you to pull?
I wish that myth were true. But when I’m playing, that’s
what I’m concentrating on. I do get the odd girl come up to
me though.
Interviewed by Cleo Leng
With Sandra D
p26-33 Scene guide
Worst song you’ve had requested?
Come on Eileen by Dexy’s Midnight Runners and I’m also
not keen on Marc Almond.
How does the gay alternative scene need to develop?
Keep it new and fresh. I’d like more live PA’s at Popstarz.
Miss Shapes is a great night in terms of playing with genres.
Thing you love about DJing?
The buzz. I still get nervous before a set
sometimes but love it when the floor is packed
and everyone is having fun.
New nights for the scene?
Definitely more nights like Redeye and Black eyed. Ghetto
has recently featured guest DJs, Tairrie B of My Ruin and
Simon Price of Stay Beautiful.
Sandra D is lead DJ at Ghetto, Miss Shapes, the Popstarz
main room and does PR for Trash Palace.
www.ghetto-london.co.uk or www.popstarz.org
Ghetto attracts a large variety of people, from Brian Molko,
Boy George to even Will Young. It’s a diverse mix every
night with something for everyone.
MARCH 2006
p26-33 Scene guide
Page 32
This month we’ve got some
gorgeous women for you to ogle
at, and some fancy outfits to
match. Courtesy of the girls out
and about on the scene – those
who strive each day to seek out
new things to make our hearts
go woo-hoo!
All pics by
Lea Andrews
Anna, 26, Doctor,
Top from Top Shop, £26.
Lily, 20, Theatre design student,
Hair by The Vidal Sassoon Academy.
Gianna, 26, Psychologist
All clothes from Top Shop.
(Good thinking!)
Lori, 27,
Sales Assistant,
Jacket from Miss Sixty, £210.
Tanya (L), 34, and Roz (R), 35, Graphic Designers,
Tanya: T-shirt from Camden Market, £30,
Roz: Skirt, £32, tights, £8, both from Hennes,.
MARCH 2006
p26-33 Scene guide
Page 33
Stacey, 26, Photographer,
Hat from Two Seasons, £10, T-shirt from
Rocket in Camden, £1.50, jeans by Tsubi’s, £150.
Elena, 24,
Works at First Out in London,
Top from Women’s Secrets in Spain, £25.
Sylvia, 21, Web Designer,
Goggles from a market in Paris! Tattoo –
“it’s make-up, so I can change it everyday!”
MARCH 2006
Listings are listed by day and then by
region, if you can’t find an address it’ll be in
the Boozer Guide.
If you’ve been to a listed event and it’s
advertised incorrectly in the magazine,
please let us know
 - g3events
 - ‘New Entry’ events
nights out
London / South / North / Central
Listings must be sent by the 15th of the
previous month. Listings are not guaranteed and are to be supplied seperately
from advertised copy.
Please include: club/night name; venue
and address; frequency and day/date;
description of night - i.e. DJs, music policy
etc; opening/closing times; contact/infoline (optional), and female percentage
Send listings/pics,
e: [email protected];
f: 020 7272 0092;
by post to the usual address.
scene NEWS
Gaydar Girls
Films 4 Free @ Glass Bar, 190 Euston
Rd, Euston NW1. 020 7387 6184:
Women and lesbian films, upstairs bar.
From 8pm. £1 donation. F:100%
Happy Mondays @ Oak Bar, 79 Green
Lanes, Stoke Newington: Free Pool,
cheap drinks. 9pm-2am. FREE. F:95%
Manic Mondays @ Trash Palace, 11
Wardour St, Soho. www.trashpalace.
co.uk. 07956 549246: Pop-indie-lectro
tunes. 6pm-3am. FREE. F:50%
Musical Mondays @ The Green, 74
Upper Street, Islington. 020 7226 8895:
Sean Pol, a well-known musician on
the scene, will be on the piano playing
a fabulous mix of showtunes and pop
classics. £FREE. F:50%
Revival @ Candy Bar, Carlisle St, Soho.
0207 494 4041: DJ Sol taking you back
with Old Skool anthems & disco classics.
FREE. F:90%
Room 2 @ Heaven, Villiers Street,
Charing Cross
Cross, WC2N. 020 7930 2020:
Indie music in Room 10pm-3am. £2 b4
12am/£2.50. F:50%
Bar 150 @ Charles Street (Club),
Brighton: Everything’s £1.50! 10.30pm2am. £1.50. F:40%
DJ Will T @ Edge Nightclub, Southampton: The right ingredients for a great
musical recipe. F:30%
Shibby Shabblers @ Candy Bar, 129
St James St, Brighton. 01273 622424:
Polysexual student-themed night
playing indie rock and trashy pop. 9pm2am. £3/£2 NUS. F:50%
Live Music @ B5 Bar, Nightingale Club,
Kent St, Birmingham: FREE. F:40%
Pink Pounder @ Route, 139/147 Hurst
St, Birmingham. 0121 622 3366: £1
drinks promo. £2 b4 10pm/£3 b4
11pm/£4. F:40%
Quids In @ Innov8 Bar, Kent St, Birmingham: Drinks at £1. 7pm-11pm. F:40%
Bar Wotever @ Central Station,
37 Wharfdale St, Kings Cross. 07932
324373: Queer talent meet - Live music
g3 is 5 celebrating with Lounge
(1st Tues), Spoken Word (2nd Tues),
Visual Art and Film (3rd Tues), Performance (4th Tues), Bits n’ Bobs (5th Tues,
if applicable). 6pm-12am. FREE. F:70%
Between the Lines @ Glass Bar, 190
Euston Rd, Euston NW1. 020 7387 6184
(3rd Tues): Reading group. Starts 6pm.
£1 donation. F:100%
Comedy Camp @ Barcode, 3-4 Archer
Street, Soho, London W1D 7AP. 08 700
600 100. www.comedycamp.co.uk:
Weekly comedy night. £7 members/£9.
Don’t Call Me Babe @ Ghetto, Soho: Bubblegum pop fun with Dusty O. NUS £2 B4
12/£2 wt flyer B4 12/£3. F:30%
Films 4 Free @ Southopia, Newington
Butts, Elephant + Castle. 020 7735
5306: Free films from 8pm. 5pm11.30pm. £2. F:90%
Firmed Up Flava @ Rush, 24 Old
Compton St, Soho W1: DJ Kinky D, DJ
Philly, MC Brandy and Joy on percussion. RnB, hip hop, ragga, house. 9pm1am. £3/FREE B4 9.30pm. F:60%
Gingerbeer reading Group @ Glass Bar,
190 Euston Rd, Euston NW1. 020 7387
6184 (2nd Tues): Contact Anneli: anneli.
[email protected] for details. From 7pm.
£1 donation. F:100%
Hear Me Out @ First Out, Soho (1st/3rd
Tues): Staff provide the PA and mic, you
provide a guitar and three songs. 8pm11pm. FREE. F:60%
Indie Grrrl @ Candy Bar, Carlisle St,
Soho: DJ D’Jara plays alternative sounds;
also Kinky Candy, erotic strip shows,
auditions and amateur competitions.
Happy hour: 5-7pm. 5pm-11.30pm.
£3. F:97%
Poker Night @ Blush, Cazenove Rd,
Stoke Newington. 020 7923 9202:
Learners welcome. F:90%
Rubber Medusas @ Star At Night, 22
Great Chapel Street, Soho. 020 7727
5379. www.rubbermedusas.info: Women’s bridge group. From 7.30pm. F:100%
Shugs the Word @ Glass Bar, 190 Euston
Rd, Euston NW1. 020 7387 6184 (last
Tues): Reading group discussing the
works of Black & Asian writers. 7 - 9pm.
£1 donation. F:100%
Energize @ Edge Nightclub, Southampton: DJ Alex F playing Powerful Dance
and chart music. F:30%
Gay Tuesdays @ JP’s, Elmwood
Equestrian Centre, Elm Farm, Maldon
Road, Essex CM0 8NT. 01621 787492.
www.gaytuesdays.co.uk: Live on stage
Nikki Nightingale + DJs. 7.30pm-12am.
Pink Suga @ Suga Qube, Brighton
(2nd Tues): DJ Hollie and Craig
Woodrow. FREE. F:45%
Twisted Karaoke @ Candy Bar, 129 St
James St, Brighton. 01273 622424:
Hostesses Cat + 3000 tunes. DJ Rocket.
9pm-2am. FREE. F:80%
London’s Gaydargirls launch
and the Ultimate Girls Party
will be a major event with Skin
performing live on 2nd March
at Cafe De Paris. Plus DJ Philly
and DJ Slamma. 10.30pm-2am.
The Brighton launch will be in
collaboration with Wet Pussy at
Envy on Saturday 4th March,
featuring a fabulous LIVE PA by
Mz Fontaine. VIP parties are held
previously at each Candy Bar.
To celebrate one year of pole-dancing, Candy Bar is holding a unique
Pole-dancing tag party. Last seen in break dancing parties, this
new version is much more exciting. Think Eminem and some rough
rapper battling it out on their mics on stage and instead replace
them with lush ladies and poles... yum!
Raising the roof to celebrate one year of pole-dancing fever, all the
most popular professional dancers stage a pole-dancing play-off to
ensure it’s a night to never forget on Tuesday, 21st February.
Karaoke @ Old Vic, Portsmouth: Sing-along. FREE. F:50%
Karaoke Queens @ Magnum, Southampton: Loads of prizes, all drinks are
£2 (excluding cocktails, bottles of wine
and Champagne). ‘til 2am. FREE. F:45%
Student Social @ Marlborough, Brighton:
Drink promos. FREE. F:55%
Poptastic @ Mutz Nutz, Princess
St, Mancs: Kitsch Bitch, Si and Karl
Lucas playing retro and camp pop.
‘til 3am. 11pm-3am. 07074 248 247.
£4.50/£3.50 members. F:50%
Dolly Mixtures @ Kampus, 45 China St,
Lancaster: DJ Tween plays cheese from
the 50s up. F:45%
Uni Choons @ Nightingale Club, Kent St,
Birmingham: Pop Chart and dance with
Simon H. 10pm-2am £3 after 11pm. F:40%
Bisexual Group @ Glass Bar, 190
Euston Rd, Euston NW1. 020 7387 6184:
Group for bisexual women (upstairs).
7pm-9pm. £1 donation. F:100%
Charlie’s Girls + Boys @ Charlie’s Bar,
124 Globe Road, E1. 020 7790 1007: An
East-end night for the girls with DJs and
Free pool.. ‘til 11am. FREE. F:40%
Chicken Royale @ Push, 93 Dean St,
Soho (1st Weds): The Fighting Cocks,
Charlie and Asha. 8.30pm-1am. £3.
Club Cynthia @ Trash Palace, 11
Wardour St, Soho. www.clubcynthia.
info. 07956 549246: Electrorock, kitsch
indie. 6pm-3am. FREE b4 11pm/£2.
Cuckoo Couture @ Too Too Much, 5
Brewer St, Soho: House + Electro clubbing night. 10pm-3am. £5. F:40%
Electric Youth @ First Out, Soho: Offbeat edgy electro, seedy twisted trash
pop, riot bitch post-punk, dirty glam
disco, naughty nasty 80s.7pm-11pm.
FREE. F:88%
Fruit Machine @ Heaven, The Arches (off
The Strand), Villiers St, WC2N. 020 7930
2020: Garage + soul and camp classics.
‘til 3am. £2 b4 11.30 + flyer. F:25%
Gay Bingo @ Southopia, Newington
Butts, Elephant + Castle. 020 7735
5306: Lezza legs eleven, two butch
dykes... Starts 8pm. 5pm-11.30pm.
Nag Nag Nag @ Ghetto, Falconberg Ct,
MARCH 2006
club listings Mar.indd 2
24/02/2006 22:31:18
DJ Angel Delight @ Kampus, 45 China
St, Lancaster: Pre-sugarhouse with drag
princess Angel Delight. F:50%
DJ Lyndsay @ Vanilla, Richmond St,
Manchester. 0161 288 2727: 80s and
90s classics. FREE. F:98%
Urban Central @ Nightingale Club, Kent
St, Birmingham: RnB + garage with DJ
Felix. £3 after 10pm. F:40%
Are you a budding
Bring It On @ Candy Bar, 129 St James
St, Brighton. 01273 622424: Open Deck
and mic night, except last week of the
month. 9pm-2am. FREE. F:80%
Clairvoyant and Tarot @ Café 22, 129 St
James Street: Brighton. 01273 626682:
£15 for half an hour, with 10% being
donated to charity. F:50%
Colours Karaoke @ Beehive Pub (upstairs), Kingswood Suites, Southernhay,
Basildon, Essex. 01268 242031: F:45%
RnB night @ Magnum, Southampton: DJ
Dave, all drinks are £2 (excluding cocktails, bottles of wine and Champagne).
‘til 2am. FREE. F:45%
Shag Tag @ Riverside Tavern, Canal Rd,
Strood, Kent: Easy way to pull. ‘til 2am.
Call Sarah on 020 7272 0093/e: [email protected]
Soho: Flamboyant electro, new wave
& sleazy disco. £5 or £3 NUS or flyer.
Opportunity Knockers Karaoke @
Candy Bar, Carlisle St, Soho: Seduce that
sassy sista with your soulful singing.
With Hosts Naj + DJ Riki Rocket. Happy
hour: 5-7pm. 5pm-11.30pm. FREE.
Quiz @ Blush, Cazenove Rd, Stoke Newington: Strict quizmistress Sexy Sue and
her saucy questions, £30 prize. From
9.30pm-12am. £1 per entrant . F:70%
W4W Bingo @ Upstairs at Theodore
Bullfrog, 26-30 John Adam St, London
WC2. www.women4women.biz. 0207
350 1651 (29 Mar): From 7.30pm.
£4/£2 members (advance booking
only). F:100%
Easter VIP Hotlist
The VIP bunny comes laiden with gifts,
and this year our card holders will be getting more bonuses for venturing out on
the scene.
2-4-1 tickets to matinee performances for the London Lesbian and Gay
Film Festival
The festival runs between March 29 to April
12, just mention g3 VIP when booking.
Book online: www.llgff.org.uk or call: 020
7928 3232.
Free Entry for a limited number of
people to Candy Bar, then half price entry
London and Brighton on any night.
Get into Pole-dancing nights on a Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday for free or half-price
entry and enjoy the best girl DJs on the
scene. The generous offer will save you
a bomb on your favourite Soho bar or
Brighton girl club. Candy Bar London and
Brighton: www.thecandybar.co.uk. Free
entry is on a first come, first served basis.
Exclusively Eve 10% off
With a potent desire to provide an exciting
range of quality pleasure accessories for
women. Check out www.exclusivelyeve.
com, quote G31205 on purchase
£2 off entry to Rumours
Put Saturday 11 and March 25 in your
diary, because the huge girl club will be giving £2 off. Rumours is a great club night for
the discerning girl or party child, with huge
venue and DJs playing a cool mix of vocal
house and familiar dance.
Rumours @ Minories, London EC3: www.
Free entry to Liberte b4 11 pm
Ladies RnB night are offering free entry
with VIP card and the advert in this magazine (page 37).
Liberte @ Dome, 178 Junction Road, London. www.liberte-club.co.uk
Free entry to Yalla at Oak bar b4
11 pm
Get some authentic eastern promise for
FREE. The next monthly night will be on
Saturday March 11, see the great belly
dancers, smoke a Turkish pipe or try some
yummy tapas. Yalla @ Oak Bar, 79 Green
Lanes, London N16. 020 7354 2791. www.
ALSO A VIP CARD SELLER – ask at the bar!!!
Free entry to Bling at Oak bar b4 11
in January
Get some bling and come down to the fastgrowing popular RnB night on Saturday,
March 18 for FREE. Bling @ Oak Bar, 79
Green Lanes, London N16. 020 7354 2791.
ALSO A VIP CARD SELLER – ask at the bar!!!
10% off food and drinks at Essence
I know most of you think this venue is the
spiritual home of French Kiss and Wotever,
but away from the early hours they are renowned for their great food. Voted the best
food and drink establishment by Time Out,
try their exotic tapas and great cocktails.
Essence are giving 10% away on all food!
Essence, 2-5 Carthusian Street, Barbican.
020 7253 6009: www.essence-bar.com
Member entry rates at all French
Kiss and Smack events
Flash the card and get member rates at all
Smack and French Kiss events. Smack is
the hugest of huge women’s clubbing event
in London held at super-club Egg. The next
one will be on Friday, March 31.
Essence, 2-5 Carthusian Street, Barbican.
020 7253 6009: www.essence-bar.com
Kiss and Glow Special Rates
off photography
Kiss and Glow are professional photographers, great for a special gift to someone
special, recording your Civil Partnerships in
style or if want some sexy pics before you
become a wrinkly!
For more information or enquiries call
07961 106187: www.kissandglow.com
ID Lube FREE orgasmic g-spot lube
Ooh ah, that stuff should be bottled! Well it
is now! Free to try a bit more to buy, can’t
be bad, sample the first ‘O’ on us, directly
to your door!
ID-LUBE: Call 0845 3700 377 and quote
g3/02. www.idlube.co.uk
Arona Sarwar & Co Solicitors 10% off
Same-sex specialist in law, call for advice.
Arona Sarwar & Co Solicitors, 13c Hoe St,
London E17. Call: 020 8520 5170
Girls Night In 20% off
Have a girls night in. Facials, massage,
manicures, tanning... Home visits. Call
07786 066597
Your Perfect Day 10% off
Try Your Perfect Day for help on how to get
your Civil Partnership underway or even to
finalise the important points.
Call: 07900 543200, email:
[email protected]. www.yourperfectday.uk.com
Check www.g3mag.co.uk or g3
magazine each month for more
How to be a g3 VIP
Get a year of being the closest thing to a celeb in Lesbo Land! Buy a VIP card for you, your
friends and your bird, show off a lot and get £££’s off!
Get your VIP card for only a fiver and save big £££s
Just send in a cheque for £5 (payable to ‘g3 magazine’) with your name, address and
telephone number enclosed, or alternatively phone 020 7272 0093.
We accept all major credit cards. £5 incl. p&p
Subscribe to g3
Get g3 magazine sent directly to your door each month for only a Tenner. No more dashing
into your local to catch your latest copy of g3, instead be the first to receive it.
+ get a FREE VIP card
Just send in a cheque (payable to ‘g3 magazine’) with your name, address and telephone
number enclosed, or phone 020 7272 0093.
We accept all major credit cards. £10 per quarter (3 months)
MARCH 2006
club listings Mar.indd 3
24/02/2006 22:31:44
scene NEWS
nights out
London / South / North / Central
Shola Ama
Shola Ama, winner of two
Mobo awards (Best RnB, Best
Newcomer) and a Brit award
for best British Female Artist is
appearing at Bootylicious this
month. This is a unique chance
to see why she sold more than a
million albums and to experience
her vocal skill and personality
at close quarters. The live
performance is on March 10th at
the London RnB club at Crash.
Back To School/Classic Candy
Cabaret Strip @ Candy Bar, Carlisle St,
Soho: DJ Minx plays house classics.
Strip shows with a cabaret twist. Happy
hour: 5-7pm. £3. 5pm-11.30pm. F:98%
Dirty Red Ball @ Koko, 1a Camden
High St, Camden. www.thedirtyredball.
com (13th Apr): Live performance, fashion, dancers and filthy lesbians galore.
DJs Uncle Jane, Philly, Lisa German.
9pm-3am. £15 advance/£20. F:99%
Discotec @ The End, 18 West Central St,
WC1. 020 7419 9199: 2 Rooms of house
with top guest DJs and RnB. Firmed Up
(2nd Thur). 10pm-4am. £6 b4 12am/£8.
Codex @ AKA, 18 West Central St, London WC1A 1JJ. 020 7836 0110. www.
thinkcodex.com (3rd Thurs): Stylish
and metrosexual Electro house party.
9pm–3am. FREE b4 10pm/£5. F:50%
g3 is Five with Lounge @ Teatro,
93 Shaftsbury Ave, Soho. www.lounge.
uk.net (6th Apr): Socialise in style. £5
b4 10pm/£8. F:95
Gaydar Girls Launch London @ Café
De Paris, London (2nd Mar): Featuring
Skin, DJ Slamma and Philly. 10.30pm2am. £5 NUS/£9. F:95%
I love Bingo @ Oak Bar, 79 Green Lanes,
Stoke Newington: Comedy bingo and
easy listening with Lea Andrews (LTT).
9pm-1am. F:85%
Breakfast time 
The fourth party courtesy of the
Coco Latté® Breakfast Club crew
on Sunday morning 26th March
sees Coco Latté resident DJ
Mark Bambach playing a special
4-hour set at Brighton’s Ocean
Lounge @ Teatro, 93 Shaftsbury Ave,
Soho. www.lounge.uk.net (3rd Thurs):
Socialise in style. £5 b4 10pm/£8. F:95%
Lipstick @ CC Club, 13 coventry
street London W1 7HD (2nd/23rd Mar):
Strictly women only, no trainers. £8 b4
10.30pm/£10, F:100%
Kaleidoscope @ The Green, 74 Upper
Street, Islington. 020 7226 8895: DJ
Saint David (Canvas, Escape, Element)
let his weave down, as he mixes
everything from disco dolly to Dolly
Parton, from Soul II Soul to Soulsearchers. . F:50%
Miss-Chief @ Trash Palace, 11 Wardour
St, Soho. www.trashpalace.co.uk. 07956
549246: Miss-Shapes warm up with
Cowboy Kate. FREE. F:50%
Miss-Shapes @ Ghetto, Falconberg
Ct, Soho: Retro 80s + pop. ‘til 3am. £3
with flyer B4 11.30.pm/£4 Others £4.
Open Mic Night @ Blush, Cazenove Rd,
Stoke Newington (2nd Thurs): lots of
acts. ‘til 11pm. FREE. F:70%
Quiz Night @ Southopia, Newington
Butts, Elephant + Castle. 020 7735
5306 (1st/3rd Thurs): 5pm-12am. F:90%
Rip it up @ First Out, Soho: Queer
alternative disco of lo-fi, new wave, grrl
garage. 7pm-11pm. FREE. F:88%
Singles Mingles @ Glass Bar, 190
Euston Rd, Euston NW1. 020 7387 6184
(last Thurs): Meet new people, make
new friends and maybe more. F:100%
Song Birds Live @ Southopia, Newington Butts, Elephant + Castle. 020 7735
5306 (last Thurs): Live music by the
singer-songwriters. 5pm-12am. F:90%
70s & 80s night @ Magnum, Southampton: Steve Lush (Revenge, Brighton), all
drinks are £2 (excluding cocktails, bottles of wine and bottles of Champagne).
‘til 2am. FREE. F:45%
Contagious @ Honey Club, Brighton:
DJs Dulcie Danger, Howie D and Ben
Prok play classic house. 10.30pm - 3am.
£1.25 b4 11pm/£4. F:40%
Dynamite Boogaloo @ Audio, Brighton:
Dynamite Sal plays an eclectic selection and there’s the most outrageous
cabaret in the city from Boogaloo Stu.
10pm-2am. £3 NUS/£4. F:50%
F.E.K.R @ Candy Bar, Brighton (1st
Thur): Featuring Daddy Fantastic live.
Funky Techno, electro and break beats.
9pm-2am. £3 b4 11pm/£5. F:90%
Free Pool @ The Marlborough, Brighton:
FREE. F:80%
Gaydar Girls Launch Brighton @ Envy,
Brighton (4th Mar): With Wet Pussy.
Featuring Mz Fontaine, DJ Kate Wildblood and Queen Josephine. 10.30pm3am. £5 NUS/£7. F:95%
Jimmy Sommerville @ Candy Bar, 129
St James St, Brighton. 01273 622424
(last Thur): Disco Classics with
Jimmy Sommerville. 9pm-2am. FREE.
Karaoke @ Old Vic, Portsmouth: Sing-along. FREE. F:50%
Ladies Night @ Load of Hay, 207 Pinner
Rd, Watford Heath (last Thur):
Entertainment for ladies. 9pm-11pm.
FREE. F:50%
Lee’s Karaoke Roadshow @ Freedom
Café Bar, Southampton: A shooter for
every singer. F:50%
Live Music @ Candy Bar, 129 St James
St, Brighton. 01273 622424: 9pm-2am.
FREE. F:70%
Mad Cow @ Charles Street (Club),
Brighton: £1 a drink. 9pm-11pm. £1.
REALBrighton spring collection @
Candy Bar, Brighton (9th Mar): Unleashes their portfollio with free booze.
9pm-2am. F:90%
Sirens @ Candy Bar, Brighton. www.
vavavavoom.co.uk (3rd Thur): Featuring
Stella Starr, Burlesque Show with Special
Guest Performers, Pole Dancing + Grrrl
DJs. 9pm-2am. £5/£3.50 conc. F:90%
X-Offender @ Retro bar, Sackville St,
Mancs: F:70%
Poptastic @ Cruz 101: DJ kitsch Bitch, Si
and Karl Lucas playing retro and camp
pop. ‘til 3am. 07074 248 247. F:50%
99p Thursdays @ Subway City, 27 Water
St, Old Snow hill, Birmingham: Promo
drinks 99p. 10pm-4am. £3 b4 12/£4.
Live Music @ B5 Bar, Nightingale Club,
Kent St, Birmingham: F:40%
Pre-DV8 @ Kudos Birmingham, 28
Horse Fair, Birmingham. 0121 666 6806:
DJs play funky house hosted by Miss
Maxi Malone + drinks promos. ‘til 2am.
£4. F:40%
Sweetie @ Route, 139-147 Hurst St,
Birmingham. 0121 622 3366: Drinks
promos. £1. F:40%
Acoustic Lounge @ Glass Bar, 190
Euston Rd, Euston NW1. 020 7387 6184
(1st/3rd/last Fri): Live music and eclectic sounds. Starts 9pm. F:100%
MARCH 2006
club listings Mar.indd 4
24/02/2006 22:32:14
Raiders on their way
The Raiders Softball team literally had a ball
rather than fielding last month. The team are
doing everything they can to get their fit arses
over to the Montreal Out Games 2006 and
represent our queer country in the games.
The evening included various fund-raising ball
games and culminated in an auction where
g3 won a night out at Little Italy! In all the
Monday night at Candy Bar was a massive
success raising £1000, which was topped up
by a donation from Kim Lucas promoter of the
Soho venue.
Bang @ Heaven, The Arches (off The
Strand), Villers St, WC2N. 020 7930
2020: House + Karaoke. ‘til 5am. £4 b4
12am/ £6. F:45%
Bootylicious @ Crash, 66 Goding St,
Vauxhall SE11 (2nd Fri): London’s biggest
gay RnB and garage night. ‘til 5am.
£10/£7 b4 12am/£5 NUS. F:40%
Club Kali @ The Dome, 1 Dartmouth Park
Hill, N19. www.clubkali.com (1st/3rd
Fri): The UK’s largest and original Asian
music, lesbian and gay club. 10pm-3am.
£8/£5 conc. F:30%
DJ Kat @ Oak Bar, 79 Green Lanes,
Stoke Newington (3rd Fri): Plays a mix
of commercial dance tunes. 9pm-2am,
£5/FREE b4 10pm (F):80%
Dyke Night @ Southopia, Newington
Butts, Elephant + Castle. 020 7735
5306/07730 571808. www.iDyke.co.uk
(28th Apr): Live performance. 8.30pm11pm. £3. F: 70%
Fem Flirt @ Southopia, Newington Butts,
Elephant + Castle. 020 7735 5306 (3rd
Fri): DJ Shady Lady plays trash, pop,
fiction and cheesy uplifting pop. £6.
9pm-4am. F:100%
Fiction @ The Cross, Kings Cross
Goods Yard, York Way. 020 7439 9009:
Mixed polysexual night. ‘til late. £9 b4
11.30pm/£13 after F:45%
Gender @ Freedom, 60-66 Wardour
Street, Soho. 020 7734 0071: Disco
music policy. Drink promos. 10.30pm3am. F:35%
Girl Friday @ First Out, Soho: For mingling and pre-club drinking. ‘til 11pm.
FREE. F:95%
Creme de la Femme @ Oak Bar, 79
Green Lanes, Stoke Newington (1st Fri):
DJ Shy plus guests playing RnB. 10pm3am. £5. F:95%
Grind @ Candy Bar, Carlisle St, Soho: DJ
Philly spinning RnB, hip hop + house
with MC Brandy. ‘til 2am. £5 after 9pm.
Hackney Women’s Football Club Benefit @ Oak Bar, 79 Green Lanes, Stoke
Newington (24th Mar): 1930s Chicago
theme raising cash for the Chicago
Gay Games 2006. 9pm-2am. £4 b4
10pm/£6 (F):80%
MARCH 2006
club listings Mar.indd 5
24/02/2006 22:33:10
scene NEWS
London / South / North / Central
New sophisticated girl club hits
the capital on selected Thursday
nights. Lipstick will have live
dancers and DJs Kinky D, DJ Wild
and Blair spin RnB. Next parties
are on Thursday 2nd March and
23rd march at CC Club in central
Club Mother
fucker is 3!
On Saturday 11th March Club
Motherfucker Live celebrates
its third birthday upstairs at The
Garage in Holloway, London. Live
acts include Help! She Cant Swim
and Headless with DJs Lauren
Flax (NYC), Nikki (Kaito) and
residents Daughters of the Kaos.
comes to
The European Pride Organisers
Association have awarded the
EuroPride licence for 2006 to
London. The EuroPride festival
will take place from 17th June
until 30th June, with a parade
through the streets of central
London taking place on EuroPride
Day, 1st July 2006. For further
details of events, supporters and
sponsorship opportunities, see
www.pridelondon.org or check g3
for updates.
Miss-Shapes celebrates its 10th
Birthday Party on Thursday 16th
March at Ghetto. Special Guest
JD Samson (Le Tigre) will join us
once more to play top tunes. Also
in March the venue The Ghetto
celebrates its fourth birthday
with a week of festivities from
Leeds hold
queer gathering
A queer gathering is being
organised by Queer Mutiny
North in Leeds on Friday 10th to
Sunday 12th March. The weekend
will include a dress up banquet
dinner, gigs, workshops, bondage
and even Shamanic exorcism.
Call 07763 754356 or check
www.queermutiny-north.da.ru for
more information.
Krazy Karaoke @ Blush, Cazenove Rd,
Stokmenthole Newington
Newington: Hosted by
Julie Stiletto. 5pm-12pm. FREE. F:70%
Lower the Tone @ Oak Bar, 79 Green
Lanes, Stoke Newington (last Fri): Infamous kitsch party. 9pm-3am. £6. F:50%
Menthol @ Mass, Brixton Hill, SW2. www.
clubmenthol.net (3rd Fri): A night of
uplifting & euphoric trance for a gay
crowd, no attitude. 10pm-5.30am. F:50%
Mingles Nite @ Vespa, Soho: Drinks
promos. ‘til 1am. FREE. F:95%
Popstarz @ Scala, 279 Pentonville Rd,
Kings Cross. 020 7738 2336: Attitude
free indie and alternative club with
3 floors of music (indie/trash/RnB).
‘til 5am. £4 NUS b4 11 or £5 after/£8
others. F:45%
Popjustice @ Trash Palace, 11 War
dour St, Soho. www.trashpalace.co.uk:
Pop disco. 11pm-3am. £3. F:50%
Puzzle DJs @ Puzzle Pub, 25-27
Westow Hill, Crystal Palace. 020 8761
8771. www.puzzlepubco.com: DJ Obzee
and Kure. 10pm-3am. F:50%
Rox Ya Box @ Oak Bar, 79 Green Lanes,
Stoke Newington. www.roxyabox.co.uk
(3rd Fri): Playing dirty punk rock,
grubby indie and all the trash you can
take. 9pm-3am. F:95%
Shinky Shonky @ Oak Bar, 79 Green
Lanes, Stoke Newington (2nd Fri): For
your lesbotic delight and delectation,
DJs Boogaloo Stu and special guest DJ
Albert Twatlock will whip up a delightful
melange of your favourite top-pop
sounds, old and new. 10pm-3am. £5.
Slap n’ Tickle @ Glass Bar, 190 Euston
Rd, Euston NW1. 020 7387 6184 (2nd
Fri): Comedy capers upstairs with the
cuddly blond bombshell Cathy P and
assorted comics. £6. F:100%
Slave to the Rhythm @ Rush, 25
Frith Street, Soho (last Fri): Kinky D,
Mark Bambach (Shadow Lounge), Elliot
J. Brown (Heaven, Salvation), Femi
B(Discotec) + Guest DJs. 9pm-1am.
£5/e: events@firmed-up.com for £3
guest list. F:65%
Smack @ Egg, York Way, Kings Cross
funky. FREE. F:98%
Camp as Christmas @ Route, 139-147
Hurst St, Birmingham. 0121 622 3366:
DJ Paul Bryant. F:40%
Infusion @ Nightingale Club, Kent St,
Birmingham: DJ Corey plays dance, RnB
and old skool classics. 10pm-4am. £3
b4 11pm/£5. F:40%
Karaoke @ The Fox, 17 Lower Essex St,
Birmingham. 0121 622 1210: Karaoke,
DJ Rita and The Shooter Girls. FREE.
Camp Cabaret @ Riverside Tavern, Canal
Rd, Strood, Kent: Live acts from 11pm.
Commercial dance with DJs Flange, BJ +
Little Miss. ‘til 2am. F:45%
Cabaret night @ Magnum, Southampton: Top class cabaret acts on stage at
12.15am. ‘til 2am. £4/£2 members.
Pop Rocks V booty Call @ Candy
Bar, 129 St James St, Brighton. 01273
622424: Party Play-off featuring DJ
pookie playing rockin’ pop followed by
DJ Rocket playing street beats and sexy
RnB. £5 after 9pm. F:90%
Dirty @ Queens Head: DJ Saint plays
RnB + Chart. FREE. F:40%
Diversity @ Edge Nightclub, Southampton: Live act at 11.30pm. F:40%
DJ Sounds @ The Marlborough,
Brighton: DJ Dizzy D plays house. FREE.
Funky Fridays @ Freedom Café Bar,
Southampton: With DJ Ri (Martha’s &
Gorgeous) playing Funky and uplifting
house. F:50%
keeping it real
Back in the Day @ Oak Bar, 79 Green
Lanes, Stoke Newington (1st Sat):
DJ Biggy C and DJ Pranksta playing a
unique array of original jazz, funk and
rare groove. 9pm-2am. £5. F:80%
Blessence @ Southopia, Newinton
Butts (2nd Sat): All inclusive women’s
gig playing reggae, RnB and soul. 9pm4am. F:98%
Bling @ Oak Bar, 79 Green Lanes, Stoke
Newington (3rd Sat): DJs Destiny + Shy
play RnB. FREE b4 9pm/£6. F:90%
Club Motherfucker Live @ Garage
(upstairs), 22 Highbury Corner, N7 (2nd
Sat): Hedonistic hullabaloo playing
grubby indie, dirty punk and bad taste
rock n roll. 9pm-3am. £5. F:60%
Club Wotever @ Essence, Carthusian
St, Barbican. www.clubwotever.tk.
07932 324373 (2nd Sat): For all Darlings,
Drag Kings, Queer Bois boasts a friendly
atmosphere. 9pm-2am. £5. F:55%
Curves @ Agenda (1st Sat): Attitudefree club with a 60ft bar for a funky
sassy crowd, playing R ‘n’ B/soul 8pm2am. £7/£6. F:100%
Dolly Mixtures/Club Candy Poledancing @ Candy Bar, Carlisle St, Soho:
DJ Slamma plays house and soul,
hosted by Crystal. Pro-pole-dancers
at Club Candy Girls. ‘til 2am. £6 after
9pm. F:98%
Duckie @ Royal Vauxhall Tavern, 372
Kennington Lane, Vauxhall: Cabaretcome-cheese club night with Amy Lamé.
‘til 2pm. £4. F:30%
Eclectic Sessions @ Southopia, Newington Butts, Elephant + Castle. 020 7735
5306 (3rd Sat): RnB, Nu-Soul, Hip-Hop,
Reggaeton and Afrobeats. 9pm-3am. £6.
9pm-3am. F:100%
Exilio @ LSE Underground, Houghton
St, Holborn. www.exilio.co.uk. 07931
374391: Gay and lesbian Latino club
- playing salsa & meringue. 10pm-3am.
£9/£8 b4 11pm. F:40%
Future Fusion @ Gramaphone
(downstairs), 60-62 Commercial St,
E1. 07989 978 362. www.futurefusion.
co.uk (2nd Sat): Polysexual RnB, jazzy
grooves and funky rhythmns with Nikki
Lucas and Miss Bailey. 8pm-late. £4 b4
10.30pm/£7. F:50%
G-A-Y @ Astoria, 157 Charing Cross Road,
Soho. www.g-a-y.co.uk: Renowned for
its high-profile pop acts. ‘til 5am. £10.
Girl Lounge @ Glass Bar, 190 Euston Rd,
Euston NW1. 020 7387 6184: Chilled
vibes all evening. From 6pm. £1 donation. F:100%
Hoppa @ The Dome, 178 Junction Road,
N19 (1st/3rd Sat): Turkish, Greek and
Arabic music by Nikki Lucas, DJ Ritu,
Cemi Magik, Apollo Flo’. 9pm-3am.
£7/£4 b4 11pm wt conc/flyer. F:70%
Liberté @ The Dome (downstairs). 178
Junction Road, N19. 07989 978 362.
www.liberte-club.co.uk (last Sat):
Soul, reggae and RnB tunes spun by
promoter and DJs Nikki Lucas. 10pm3am. FREE entry b4 11pm with ad.
REALBrighton.com unleashes a
selection of their best photos from
the last few months on Thursday
9th March. Candy Bar in Brighton
will put a complimentary welcome
cocktail in your hand if you are a
REALBrighton member, so sign up
on their site (it’s free!) It’s a great
opportunity to meet other members
and the team behind Brighton’s
favourite website!
(31st Mar): Huge house night for girls.
Smackback Mountain theme. 10pm5am. £9 b4 11.30 pm/£9 dressed
up/£12. F:99%
Snog @ Southopia, Newington Butts,
Elephant + Castle
Castle. 020 7735 5306 (1st
Fri): Music with large helping of electro
pop. DJ Sadie Lee from Lower The Tone.
9pm-2am. £5. F:100%
The Cock @ Ghetto, Falconberg Ct, Soho:
Princess Julia + Tasty Tim. £5. F:25%
Trailertrash @ On The Rocks, 25
Kingsland Rd, Shoreditch. www.
clubtrailertrash.com (1st/3rd Fri): Dirty
electro punk. 10.30pm-XXlate. £3 b4
11.30pm/£5. F:40%
W4W Paddy’s Night @ Upstairs at
Theodore Bullfrog, 26-30 John Adam St,
London WC2. www.women4women.biz.
0207 350 1651 (17 Mar): Ireland’s history is reflected in the warm hospitality.
From 7.30pm. £24/£19.50 members
(advance booking only). F:100%
Lashings of
nights out
Hed Kandi @ Honey Club, Brighton:
Klassic Kandi in the main room, funky
house in the Boudoir. 10pm-3am. £10
members/£13. F:40%
Kinky Dangerous @ Charles Street
(Club), Brighton: Dulcie Danger & King
K play sexy funky house. 10pm-2am.
£5. F:50%
Krazy Bona Bingo @ Old Vic, Portsmouth: Bette Rinse hosts. F:50%
DJ @ Kampus, 45 China St, Lancaster:
DJ Junior Jack + Miss Dee-monique
from Blackpool on rotation. F:50%
FunkiDiva @ Sub 101 (under Cruz 101)
07930 910653 (2nd Fri): DJ Missy Y
plays cheesy classics + drink promos.
10pm-2am. £4.50 conc b4 10.30pm.
PJ Friday @ Vanilla, Richmond St,
Manchester. 0161 288 2727: DJ PJ plays
an eclectic mix of RnB, pop charts house
Panache @ Southopia, Newington
Butts, Elephant + Castle. 020 7735
5306 (4th Sat): Live performances:
poetry, open mic style, acapella singing.
Chill out and meet new friends. 9pm3am. £6. F:100%
Player @ Rush, 25 Frith Street, Soho
(last Sat): New women’s night for she
who dares, DJ Marky Mark (Popstarz).
7pm-1am. £3 b4 9pm/£6. F:95%
Puzzle DJs @ Puzzle Pub, 25-27
Westow Hill, Crystal Palace. 020 8761
8771. www.puzzlepubco.com: DJ Amy.
10pm-3am. F:50%
Rumours @ The Minories, 64/73 Minories, Tower Hill EC3N. 07949 477 804.
www.girl-rumours.co.uk (11th/25th
Mar): Established women only night.
£6. F:100%
Satisfaction @ First Out, Soho: Team
Fucked play upbeat retro, disco, indie &
trash. 7pm-11pm. FREE. F:88%
Saturdays @ Heaven, The Arches (off
The Strand), Villers St, WC2N. 020 7930
2020: Hi-NRG tunes on the main floor
and speed garage upstairs. ‘til 5am.
£12. F:45%
Shechic @ Hitbar, 14 The Broadway
Hammersmith W6 (1st Sat): A new
breed of club for women over 25,
friendly, stylish and welcoming. Chilled
out start, cocktails available, then dance
the night away to a mix of great sounds.
7pm to 1am, £6 entrance. F:98%
Soul Naturelle @ Southopia, Newington Butts, Elephant + Castle. 020 7735
5306 (1st Sat): Sister Isis plays soul
RnB (think Angie Stone, Maze, Sade)
and many smooth vibes. 9pm-2am.
£6. F:100%
Stardust 1969-1999 @ Trash Palace,
11 Wardour St, Soho. 07956 549246:
30 years of intelligent indie pop. 6pm3.30am.. FREE b4 11pm/£3. F:50%
Unskinny Bop @ Pleasure Unit, 359
Bethnal Green Rd, E2 6LG. www.unskinnybop.co.uk (3rd Sat): Dancing for the
girls, the gays and the misfits. 9pm2am. FREE b4 9.30pm/£4. F: 50%
Way Out @ Way Out Club, 9 Crosswall.
Tower Hill: Attitude-free night for girls,
boys and in-betweenies. 9pm-4am.
£12/£10 b4 11pm/£7 X-dressing. F:50%
Wig Out @ Ghetto, Falconberg Ct, Soho:
Retro 80s hits, trash, kitsch anthems
played for the disco lovers. ‘til 5am.
£7/£6 + flyer/NUS £5. F:35%
Wrist Action @ Oak Bar, 79 Green
Lanes, Stoke Newington (last Sat): Hard
house night. 9pm-3am. £6. F:90%
Yalla @ Oak Bar, 79 Green Lanes, Stoke
Newington (2nd Sat): Turkish, Greek +
Arabic beats. 9pm-3am. FREE b4 10pm.
£6. F:70%
Club 52 @ Leonards, Wennington,
Essex. 07765 205170/07774480258
(Last Sat): Girlie night with DJ Jo.
Club 52 @ The Prince of Guinea,
Gillingham, Kent. 07765 205170/07774
480258 (1st Sat): Hosted by the creators of Club 52. F:100%
Colors @ Beehive Pub (upstairs) Kingswood Suites, Southernhay, Basildon,
Essex. 01268 242031: Large dance
area + social space. Fri ‘til Sun - club
nights. F:45%
Destination Club 21 @ Freedom Café
Bar, Southampton: DJs in rotation playing club anthems and pumping dance
tunes. F:50%
Fuck The Pain Away @ Candy Bar,
129 St James St, Brighton. 01273
622424 (1st Sat): Electro Homo Disco.
10.30pm-3am. £5 after 9pm. F:50%
Fun Club night @ Fox and Hounds,
Essex: DJs Missy B + DJ Tony. ‘til 2am.
Funky Tunes @ The Marlborough,
Brighton: Vocal house. FREE. F:80%
Liberation @ Edge Nightclub, Southampton: 3 bars, 2 dance floors, 1 extreme
night. F:40%
Motion @ Riverside Tavern, Kent: Commercial dance with DJs Flange, BJ +
Little Miss. ‘til 2am. F:45%
MARCH 2006
club listings Mar.indd 6
24/02/2006 22:34:54
club listings Mar.indd 7
24/02/2006 22:35:14
scene NEWS
Get some
The HoneyClub in Brighton will
be holding a grand re-opening
on Saturday 18th March 2006.
The night will be a Ice, Fire and
Thunder theme party! With seven
bars in five rooms including
a brand new arch and bar, an
opulent new VIP room and an
extended balcony. Open to the
public @ 10.30pm. Join in the
celebration by visiting www.
thehoneyclub.co.uk for details or
call 07000 446639.
Pop Tarts Sadie Lee and Jonathan
Kemp (Lower the Tone) show
they’re not afraid to go down
(South) and present this New
Party Night of Old-Fashioned
Musical Mayhem. Featuring
the very best ‘80’s electro, ‘70’s
Pop Songs, Indie Anthems and
Cheesey Wotsits, and introducing
the Snog Smooch Classics.
Get massive
Snog Club - for girls,discounts
boys, andoff of
everyone in between
3rd March at Southopia,
nights out
London / South / North / Central
Party night @ Magnum, Southampton:
Resident and guest DJs such as Karl Andrews (Heaven), Alan Thorn (Revenge)
and Nick Denton (ToolBox Records). ‘til
2am. £5/£3 for members. F:45%
Seven Sins @ Honey Club, Brighton:
Polysexual, pumping house and techno.
10pm-4am. £10 b4 11pm/£12. F:40%
Sugar @ Candy Bar, 129 St James St,
Brighton. 01273 622424: Get a taste
of the sweet sounds of DJ Miss Annik,
DJ roster; Hollie, Queen Josephine and
Rocket to ensure you indulge on the
dancefloor! (except 1st Sat). 9pm-3am.
£5 after 9pm. F:75%
Wet Pussy Party @ Envy, 8 Marine
Parade, Brighton. 01273 622424 (1st
Sat): DJ Rocket and Dulcie Danger. Call
for details. ‘til 2am. £8/£6 NUS. F:90%
F word @ Vanilla, Richmond St,
Manchester. 0161 288 2727: DJ Furey.
‘til 4am. £1 after 9pm. F:98%
Homiesexual @ Manto Lounge, Canal
Street, Mancs: Hip hop + soul, funk.
9pm–2.00am. FREE. F:45%
Jodies @ Sub 101, Princess St, Manchester. 07930 910653 www.manchesterlesbianball.co.uk (3rd Sat): Missy Y
plays charts, cheese, classic and happy
house. 10pm-2am, £4. (F): 100%
Botox @ Synergy, 9 Broad Street,
Hockley, Nottingham. 0115 969 2328
(1st Sat): Funky house, electro and
old skool classics. 8pm-1am. FREE b4
9.30pm/£2. F:30%
Breakfast Club @ Kudos Birmingham:
Funky house + drink promos. £10/£5
members/FREE b4 11pm. F:30%
Eternity @ Rotunda, Royal Standard
Place, Nottingham NG1. 0115 948 3262.
(last Sat): DJs play popular music.
I Just Can’t Wait For Saturday @ Route,
139-147 Hurst St, Birmingham. 0121 622
3366: ‘til 2am. FREE. F:40%
Lifted @ Subway City, 27 Water St,
Old Snow hill, Birmingham: 2 rooms;
Hard, Funky + RnB. 10pm-9am. /£5 b4
4am/£10. F:40%
Party @ The Fox, 17 Lower Essex St,
Birmingham. 0121 622 1210: Chart, pop
and handbag with Raving Rita. FREE.
Saint & Sinners @ Nightingale Club,
Kent St, Birmingham: special events &
P.A’s. 10pm-6am. £4 b4 10pm/£8. F:40%
1st: 5thMarch
Anti Social @ Crash, Albert Embankment, Vauxhall. www.yrmumyadad.info
(last Sun): DJ Wanker is guest DJ at Yr
Mum Ya Dad’s shocking south London
shindig. FREE. F:50%
Bump @ Sound, 10 Wardour St, Leicester
Square: Commercial RnB. 9pm-2am. £3
b4 11pm/£5. F:40%
Desire @ Rush, 24 Old Compton
Street, London, W1D 5LB. 0207 734
9992. (2nd Sun): Women only (men as
guests). Funky/electro house. DJs: Miss
Bailey, DJ Philly and Marianne.
Happy hour on selected drinks. 7pm
til late. £5
Detox @ Ghetto, Falconberg Ct, Soho:
Funky house night. ‘til 3am. £5. F:25%
Dolce Latino @ Candy Bar, Carlisle St,
Soho: DJ Slamma + DJ Steve M playing
steamy Latino numbers, Salsa lessons
and hot Latin strip shows. ‘til 11pm.
FREE. F:90%
DTPM @ Fabric, 77a Charterhouse St,
EC1. 020 7439 9009: Big one for the
clubbing enthusiast. ‘til late. F:25%
Karaoke Club @ Ego, 82 Norwood High
St, West Norwood: Hosted by Ava La
Putain du Paris. FREE. F:50%
Live Music @ Blush, Cazenove Rd, Stoke
Newington. 020 7923 9202: Popular
night with the girls, phone for details on
acts. 7.30pm-12am. FREE. F:90%
Puzzle Karaoke @ Puzzle Pub,
25-27 Westow Hill, Crystal Palace. 020
8761 8771. www.puzzlepubco.com: DJ
Michael and Gemma. 10pm-3am. F:50%
Slack Sabbath @ The Green, 74 Upper
Street, Islington. 020 7226 8895: Easy
DJ Beats & Great Eats. F:50%
So-So Socials/Vagrant @ Trash Palace,
11 Wardour St, Soho. 07956 549246:
Alternative nights with guest DJs. 6pm11pm. FREE. F:50%
Big Hangover Brunches @ Southopia,
Newington Butts, Elephant + Castle.
020 7735 5306 : Brunch, 12-4pm, roast
dinner 6-9pm. F:100%
Sunday Soiree @ Southopia, Newington Butts, Elephant + Castle. 020
7735 5306 (1st Sun): Afternoon tea and
cakes with live sublime acts. 2pm-6pm.
£1. F:95%
Superstars Karaoke @ Oak Bar, 79
Green Lanes, Stoke Newington: As professional as Karaoke gets. Tequilas are
on the go at 50p a shot when you hear
that tune! ‘til 12am. FREE. F:70%
Cabaret @ Old Vic, Portsmouth: call for
updates. F:50%
Cabaret @ London Hotel, Southampton.
www.thelondon.info: F:40%
Cash Queen @ Kooklub, Savoy Centre,
Brighton (2nd Sun): DJs Mick Fuller
and Dulcie Danger. 10pm-2am. £5 b4
Coco Latté Breakfast Club @ The Ocean
Rooms, 1 Morley Street, Brighton (26th
Mar): DJ Mark Bambach playing a
special 4-hour set of dirty sexy house
music. 4.30am-12pm. F:35%
Quiz Night @ The Marlborough, Brighton:
Quizmaster Cath. FREE/£1 per entrant.
Sunday Sundae @ Audio, Marine Parade,
Brighton. (last Sun): Dulcie Danger,
Richard Jones and Kate Wildblood. 7pm2am. £2/£3/£6 F:40%
The Bitch is Back @ Edge Nightclub,
Southampton: Invites you to take Centre
Stage. F:40%
Wild Fruit @ Creation, Brighton
(1st Sun): Huge party with top DJs.
Afterparty at Arc. 10pm – 3am. £8
members/£12. F:40%
Laughing Cows @ Mint Lounge,
Manchester (last Sun): Comedy night,
check for line-up. Doors at 6pm, show
at 8pm. Oldham St. www.laughing cows.
co.uk. 07958 642090. £5. F:80%
SM Dykes Manchester @ Retro Bar
(basement), Sackville St, Manchester.
07952 237526 (1st Sun): SM workshops
and social meeting for SM lovers and the
curious. FREE. F:100%
Sugar Pops @ Mutz Nutz, Princess St,
Manchester. 07074 248 247: Hostess
Viva La Diva. 10.30pm-2am. 11pm-3am.
£4/£3 members. F:50%
Comedy Club @ Nightingale Club,
Kent St, Birmingham: Hosted by Mrs
Barbra Nice, alongside some of the UK’s
hottest comedians. £3. F:40%
MARCH 2006
club listings Mar.indd 8
24/02/2006 22:36:28
club listings Mar.indd 9
24/02/2006 22:37:20
boozer guide
London / South / North / Central
Angel Cabaret (The): Traditional East
End cabaret bar. 21 Church St, E15. 020
8555 1148. (T): Stratford (F): 18%
Bar 68: Friendly Local bar, 68 Brigstock
Rd, Thornton Heath, CR7. 020 8665
0683. (F): 50%
Bar Aquada: Laid-back mixed bar. Open
‘til 11pm. 13 -14 Maiden Lane, Covent
Garden. 020 7557 9891.
(T): Covent Garden (F): 20%
Black Cap: Mixed traditional bar + club
with cabaret + disco. 171 Camden High
St, NW1. 020
7428 2721. (T): Camden (F): 20%
Bird Cage (The): 122 Chiswick High St,
W4. 020 8995 4392. (F): 25%
Bird in Hand: 291 Sydenham Road,
Croydon. 020 8683 3104. Pool, darts,
function room.
www.birdinhand.info. (F): 50%
Blush: Intimate, friendly bar, complete
with various events + pool comps. 8
Cazenove Rd, Stoke
Newington, N16. (F): 80%
Brewery Tap: Community pub for South
Londoners. 78 Lingham St, SW9. (T):
Stockwell (F): 50%
Box (The): Café bar. 32-34 Monmouth St,
WC2. (T): Covent Garden (F): 20%
Budda Bar (The): Budda Soho: 62 Frith
St, Soho. 020 7287 9065. Ultimate
cocktails. (T): Tottenham
Ct Rd (F): 50%
club profile
Candy Bar: Notorious Soho girl bar.
Happy hour: Mon-Thurs, 5-7pm. 4
Carlisle St, Soho. 020 7494 4041. (T):
Tottenham Ct. Rd (F): 98%
Catch 22: DJs, pool and cocktails. Wellington Terrace, Turnpike Ln, N8.
020 8881 1900. (T):
Turnpike Ln (F): 25%
Charlie’s Bar: Stylish, cosy cocktail
bar. Friendly, attractive mixed crowd.
124 Globe Rd, E1. 020 7790 1007. (T):
Stepney Gn (F): 30%
Club U Wish: 272 Muswell Hill Bdy,
London N10 2QR. 020 8352 3860. www.
clubuwish.com. F:50%
Duke Of Wellington: Soho’s traditional
pub. ‘til 11pm. 77 Wardour St, Soho. 020
7439 1274. (T): Piccadily (F): 15%
Edge: 3-floors of tasteful décor. 11 Soho
Sq, W1. 020 7439 1313. (F) 25%
Ego @ Southern Pride:
82 Norwood High Street, West Norwood
SE28. 020 8761 5200.
www.egolondon.co.uk Large bar, club,
cabaret experience (T): West Norwood
BR (F): 50%
Escape: Cosy venue, fun atmosphere.
8 Brewer St, Soho. 020 7734 2626. (T):
Leicester Sq (F): 30%
Essence: Modern club and lounge bar,
with women’s nights on the weekend.
Carthusian St, Barbican. (T): Barbican
(F): 75%
Flag (The): Traditional boozerie. 29
Crouch Hill, N4. (T): Finsbury Park
(F): 20%
First Out: Cosy vegan café and
rumours London
Linda Morris gives us the low down on the
long-running women’s club that has been filling our
Saturday nights for nearly seven years.
witoff e
h v ntr
ip c y
Rumours are
offering g3 VIP card
holders £2 off entry to their
events throughout March. Just
flash your card, it doesn’t matter
what your name is because
you’re in!
Get your VIP card!
Just send in a cheque for £5 (payable to ‘g3 magazine’) with your
name, address and telephone
number enclosed, or alternatively
phone 020 7272 0093.
Check www.g3mag.co.uk for other
VIP offers and more information
on how to be a VIP.
What nights do you do there? The second and last Saturday of the
month is one of the greatest women’s nights ever!
How would you describe the atmosphere?
Very friendly with hot up for it girls.
What sort of crowd do you get there?
Capacity: 500
Different women from all walks of life,
lesbians and bisexual, old and young,
Gay girl/guy: 99%
funky socialites and quiet drinkers on
Entry: £6 entry all
a night out.
night but get there
What is your club famous for? It is really
established and known far and wide, we
early to avoid the
get women from all over the UK, plus it
queues (£2 off with
will be seven years old in April.
the g3 VIP card.
Most famous person to visit the bar?
£’s per pint: bottles
We get news readers, singers and TV
there are 2-4-1 offers
presenters but we are always discreet.
but varies
Entertainment policy? We have a big
mixture of music to suit our huge varied
crowd. We get great DJs on rotation
Opening times:
playing tunes including RnB, funky
house, familiar dance hits and even
some rare pop mixes.
64-73 Minories, East
When did you launch? April 1999
London (nearest Tube:
Describe the bar in 5 words? WellTower Hill/Aldgate)
known, friendly, inviting, fun.
Tel: 07949 477 804
Best night to pull? (women) Any night
we’re on, we get a good range of top
grade single chicks coming through
the doors.
bar stats
What drink is your bar known for?
Vodka Redbull special deals, 2-4-1
popular women’s bar with packed
downstairs area. 52 St Giles High Street,
Soho (T): Tottenham Ct.
Rd (F): 80%
Friendly Society: Bringing out the London-cool. Tilman Cr, Soho, W1 (adjacent
to Ann Summers).
020 7434 3804. (T): Leicester Square
(F): 25%
G-A-Y Bar: Women’s bar in the
basement with DJs + drinks promos.
7pm - 12am/10.30pm on Sundays. 30
Old Compton St, Soho.
020 7494 2756 (T): Leicester Square
(F): 90%
Ghetto: Gay clubbing venue with cheap
drinks, open 7 days a week. Falconberg
Ct, Soho. (T): Tottenham Ct. Rd (F): 40%
Glass Bar: Offering a warm, friendly
space for the discerning dyke. Members
bar, last entry 11.30pm (except Sat:
12.30pm). West Lodge, Euston Gdns,
190 Euston Rd, NW1. 020 7387 6184.
(£): £1 unless otherwise stated (T):
Euston (F): 100%
Green (The): 74 Upper St, Angel. 020
7226 8895. (T): Angel (F): 50%
Joiners Arms (The): Up for it mixed
crowd. ‘’til 2am. 116 Hackney Rd,
Shoreditch. 020 7739 9854.
(F): 30%
KazBar: 10 High St, Clapham SW4. 020
7622 0070. (T): Clapham (F): 25%
King Edward VI: Lively, friendly mixed
bar, 25 Bromfield St, N1. ‘til 12am. (T):
Angel (F): 15%
King William IV
IV: Traditional mixed pub
near the Heath. Hampstead High St,
NW3. 020 7435 5747.
(T): Hampstead (F): 30%
Larkin 2:
2 66 Boston Rd, Hanwell, West
Ealing. 020 8579 6964. Traditional gay
pub. (T): Boston Manor BR (F): 50%
Little Apple (The)
(The): 98 Kennington Ln,
SE11. (T): Vauxhall (F): 20%
Oak Bar:
Bar ‘As diverse as the city it’s in.’
here from
£30 per
- Get an advert in g3
- Guarantee a
listing in g3 magazine
- and a page on
There is limited space allocation.
For more information call
Lu 020 7272 0093
MARCH 2006
club listings Mar.indd 10
24/02/2006 22:38:15
Vauxhall Tavern: Cabaret come clubbers
bar. 372 Kennington Lane, SE11. (T):
Vauxhall (F): 18%
Vespa Lounge: The Conservatory (upstairs bar), St Giles’ High St. 020 7836
8956 (T): Tottenham Ct Rd. (F): 95%
Yard (The): 57 Rupert St, W1. 020 7437
2652. (T): Piccadilly (F): 30%
Tuesday evenings at JP’s for the
Gay Community in Essex. Chill
out in a great bar atmosphere.
Elmwood Equestrian Centre, Elm
Farm, Maldon Road, Essex, CM0
8NT. 01621 787492
Multi-faceted venue: club nights, pool
table. 79 Green Lns, N16. 020 7354
2791. (T): Manor Hs (B): 73/141/341
(F): 85%
Puzzle Pub: 25-27, Westow Hill, Crystal
Palace, London SE19 1TQ. 0208 761
8771/0208 761 4396. www.puzzlepubco.com
Reflex: Fri + Sat, 10pm-3am. 184
London Rd, Kingston. 020 8549
9911. (T): Norbiton BR (F): 40%
Retro Bar: Old Style gay bar. Popular
pre-Heaven venue. 2 George Ct. WC2 (off
Strand). 020 7321
2811. (T): Charing Cross (F): 20%
Roebuck (The): Local mixed bar.
25 Rennell St, Lewisham, SE13.
020 8852 1705. (T): Lewisham BR
(F): 45%
Rush: 25 Frith Street, Soho. Bar and club
in Soho, monthly women’s nights. F:65%
Southopia: Large stylish, private members bar, day membership available
(£2). Suns lunch and
papers, 6-9pm. 146-148 Newington
Butts, Kennington SE11. 020 7735
5306. (F): 92%
Tonic: Food menu, live bands and DJs.
97 Stoke Newington Rd, N16. 020 7254
1967. (F): 50%
Trash Palace: 2-floored late night bar/
club. Funky, mixed crowd. 11 Wardour
St, Soho. (T): Leicester Sq (F): 35%
Bar 11: Mixed straight + gay. 11 Burgate,
Canterbury, Kent, CT1. 01272 478 707.
(F): 50%
Candy Bar Brighton: 129 St James St,
Brighton. 01273 622424. Late
opening, girl DJs, membership +
cocktails. Open ‘til 2am, except Sundays: 10.30pm (F): 95%
Charles Street: Stylish large mixed bar. 8
Marine Parade, Brighton. 01273 624091.
(F): 35%
Coopers Arms: Cool tunes, beer
garden, big screen TV - under new
management. 55 Bute, St, Luton, Beds.
Colours: Beehive Pub (upstairs), Kingswood Suites, Southernhay, Basildon.
01268 242031. www.colorsessex.co.uk.
Weds - Karaoke, Fri ‘til Sun - club nights.
Dr Brighton’s: 15 Kings Rd, Marine
Parade, B’ton. 01273 328765. (F): 35%
Charles Street/Envy: Bar + club. 7 Marine Parade, B’ton, BN2. 01273 608133.
(F): 20%
Freedom Café: Lively bar. 132 High
Street, Southampton. 02380-638999
(F): 50%
Fudge: Disco bar/club. Regular events/
club nights. Redbourn Rd, St Albans,
Herts AL3. 01582-794053.
Kruze: Cocktail bar + restaurant. 7
Marine Parade, Brighton BN2. 01273
Load of Hay: 207 Pinner Road, Watford
Heath (nr Bushey) WD19. 01923
441113. Beer garden, Sunday roasts and
BBQs. (T): Bushey BR (F): 50%
London Hotel: Traditional pub. 2
Terminus Terrace, Southampton. 02380710652 (F): 30%
Magnum Club: 113 St Mary’s Road,
Southampton SO14. 023 8033 5049. ‘til
2am, closed Monday + Sunday (F): 45%
Malborough (The): Busy bar for women,
tasty staff + DJs who can mix. Sunday
lunches. 4 Princes St,
B’ton. 01273 570028 (F): 60%
Old Vic: Popular gay boozer, friendly
atmosphere. 104 St Paul’s Rd, Southsea,
Portsmouth, Hants. 02392-297013.
Queen Anne: 11 Queen Anne Road,
Maidstone, Kent, ME14. 01622 753 023.
(F): 30%
Revenge: Large gay club. 32-34 Old
Steine, Brighton. 01273 606064. (F):
Riverside Tavern: Canal Road, Strood,
Kent, ME2. 01634 719 949. (F): 40%
Secrets: Regular club nights. 12 New
Road Avenue, Chatham, Kent, ME4.
01634 832 433. (F): 30%
Ship Inn: 347 High Street, Rochester,
Kent, ME1. 01634 844 264. (F): 40%
For more listings and
information on gay
and lesbian bars and
club nights check out
our directory section
on www.g3mag.co.uk
Bar 38: Popular mixed bar. Canal St, M1.
0161 236 6005. (F): 70%
Bloom St Café: Popular mixed café bar.
39 Bloom St, Mancs M1. 0161 236 3433.
(F): 70%
Chad’s: Friendly gay pub. Huddersfield,
W. Yorks, HD1. (F): 50%
Kampus: 45 China Street, Lancaster LA1
1EX. 01524 847774. DJs, Quiz nights +
more. (F): 50% Lancaster
Lucy’s 2: Local gay bar with pool and
darts. Abingdon St, Blackpool. 01253
753598 (F): 50%
Manto: 46 Canal St. Manchester 0161
2362667 (F):40
Metz Café: Unique café bar + restaurant,
open ‘til 2am. Thurs - Sat. 3 Brazil St,
Mancs M1 3PW. 0161 237 9852. (F):
Poptastic: c/o Mutx Nutz, Princess St.
Manchester, 0161 2270341
Queer: 4 Canal St. Manchester, 0161
2281368 (F) 35%
Taurus: 1 Canal St, Manchester M1. 0161
236 4593. (F): 50%
Spirit: 63 Richmond St. Manchester,
0161 2379725 (F) 40%
Vanilla: Infamous Mancs women’s
bar (now with men as guests). 39-41
Richmond St, Mancs M1. 0161 288 2727.
(F): 95%
Via Fossa: Classy bar! 28-30 Canal St,
M1. (F): 30%
Velvet: Mixed gay bar. 2 Canal St, M1
0161 236 9003. (F): 25%
@D2: 74 Lower Parliament St, Nottingham, 0115 950 2727 (F): 50%
Diversion: Busy gay venue. 125 Railway
Terrace, Rugby, Warwickshire CV21.
(F): 50%
D.V.8 Nightclub & Innov8 Bar: Essex St,
Birmingham 0121 666 6366
Equator: Hurst St, Birmingham 0121
6225077 (F): 30%
Fox (The): popular bar with the women.
17 Lower Essex St, Birmingham B5.
0121 622 1210 (F): 100%
Greyhound: Popular bar with the ladies,
food served, new 2am licence. 14
Bond St, Wolverhampton, WV2. 01902
420916. (F): 55%
Kudos: 28 Horse Fair, Birmingham
(F): 20%
New Forresters: 18 St Ann’s St, Nottingham NG1. 0115 9580 432.
(F): 45%
NG1: 76-80 Lower Parliament St. Nottingham, 0115 9588440 (F): 40%
Nightingales: Kent St, Birmingham.
0121 622 1718. (F): 40%
Route: 139/147 Hurst Street Birmingham, 0121 6223366: (F): 40%
Rainbow & Dove: 185 Charles
St.Leicester 0116 2547568
Sobar: @ NG1 7pm-late 7 nights a week
0151 9588440 (F): 40%
Subway City Nightclub: Livery St.
Birmingham, 0121 2330310 (F): 40%
The Club: 14 Hillcrest St. Hanley 01782
201829 (F): 60%
Village Inn: 152 Hurst St. Birmingham,
0121 6224742 (F): 35%
MARCH 2006
club listings Mar.indd 11
24/02/2006 22:38:35
London / South / North / Central
Women’s Day
IWD: 10 March
For the women of the world
Wednesday March 8 is a day
to celebrate. It marks the
annual International Women’s
Day, an occasion recognised
by women’s groups all around
the globe to review how
far they have come in their
fight for equality, peace and
The idea of an International
Women’s Day first arose at the
turn of the century, which was a
period of expansion, turbulence
and radical ideologies. The first
official IWD was then held on
March 19 1911 in Germany,
Austria, Denmark and further
European countries. German
women selected this date
because in 1848 the Prussian
king had promised the vote
for women. Now IWD is always
celebrated on the same
day (March 8) and is also
commemorated at the United
Nations, designated in many
countries as a national holiday.
After the first IWD, rallies were
then attended by women
everywhere to demand the
right to vote, hold public office
and the right to work, ensuring
their equal role with men. This
is why IWD is a time to reflect
on the acts of courage and
determination by ordinary
women who have played an
extraordinary role in the history
of women’s rights.
For 2006 events taking
place all across the country
can be found at: www.
For more listings and
information on community groups and
gay or gay-friendly
businesses, check out
our directory section
on www.g3mag.co.uk
Antidote: 020 7437 3523. Counselling,
support groups, Thurs drop-in, complementary therapies around alcohol &
drug issues.
Camden Adoption:
Adoption 08000 281 436
ELOP: 020 8509 3898. Support and
community events in Walthamstow.
Youth, advice, counselling and groups.
Outrage!: 020 8240 0222. Political
group. Regular meetings.
OutWest LGBT:
LGBT Advice and support.
020 8892 5061. Meetings call for
details. Chris on 07834483866 or email
[email protected]. www.
Lesbian and Gay Immigration Group:
020 7620 6010. 3rd Sat of the month,
2pm. Legal advice Wed 6-8pm.
Islington LGB Forum: An initiative between local police, the council & victim
support. Rachael: 07989 747824.
Jewish Group: info 020 8952 0137.
Jewish Women
Women: Organise events and
socials. For more information please
contact [email protected]
Kairos: 020 7437 6063. www.kairosinsoho.org.uk. 56 Old Compton Street,
London W1D 4UE. Tuesday - Women’s
Voice, Sunday - Meditation.
Kenric: Events and member’s group for
women in London. BM Kenric, London
WC1 3XX. 0115 966 3638.
Lesbian Discussion Group meets at
Gay’s The Word, 66 Marchmont Street.
020 7278 7654. Every Wednesday.
LGBT Choir: Call Michael for more info:
07980 023578
LGB Youth Group @ Step Out. New LGB
Group for under 26s. Tues 5-7pm in
Tower Hamlets. Scott: 020 7739 3082.
g3 recommends
Girl Diva is a Monday
weekly youth group for young
women aged under 26. Events
include social trips, information and support and the
chance to meet other young
For more info call 020 8348
1785. www.outzone.org
London Friend: Groups in Islington. 020
7837 3337.
Metro50+: Social group for older people.
Last Tues of the month. 2-4pm. Metro
Ctre. Jackie: 020 8265 3311.
PACE Groups promoting lesbian and gay
health and well-being. 020 7700 1323.
Regard: Disabled LGBT. Regard,
BM REGARD, London WC1N 3XX. e:
[email protected]. www.regard.
Women’s Voice: Friendly lesbian group.
Tues. Kairos, Soho. £4. 020 7437 6063.
Brighton Lesbian Link: Over 150
members, who want an alternative to
the scene. 01273 299711.
Brightwaves MCC: Church for the LGBT
community. Suns 5.30-6.30pm. St
Mary’s church hall at top of St James’ St,
Brighton. 01903 602434.
GLAM: Gay & Lesbian Media in Brighton.
Training, exhibitions. 44-46 Old Steine,
BN1. 01273 707963.
Women’s Social group: (based in Kent),
offers variety of events, inc. walks, poetry eves, golf, bowling and bi-monthly
disco. 07960 627824.
Allsorts Youth Project: Drop-in for under
26s in Brighton. 8.30pm, Tues. 01273
Asian LGBT: Greater Mancs support gp.
07931 252874.
e: [email protected]
Loving Me: Same-sex partner abuse
project. Free support sessions. 0161
273 7128.
LIKT: Project for young lesbian and
bi women upto 25 in Manchester.
Friends,volunteering and many opportunities. Come along! call 0781 398 1338.
e: [email protected]. w: www.
LYSIS: Lesbian Youth Support & Information Service. 0161 274 4664.
Mancs Parent’s Group: Meetings 1st Sat
in the month at Taurus Bar, 1 Canal St.
Nicky 01565 733 891.
Stepping Stones: Support gp in Mancs.
2nd/last Tues of the month.
LGF 0161 235 8000.
Lesbian and Gay Foundation: Sexual
health, meetings etc. Helpline Mancs:
0161 235 8000
Rainbow Voices Choir: Tues eves,
8-10pm. Central Birmingham. Live
performances Call: 07759 642410.
True Vision: Homophobic and transphobic harassment. www.report-it.org.uk.
Galop Forums: Local LGBT forums Call
Sam 020 7704 2040.
Gay Police Association: Action Line
07092 700 000 (24hrs). e: info@gpa.
Galop: 020 7704 2040. www.galop.org.
uk.For victims of hatecrime.
West Midlands Police: Reporting LGBT
crime. Call 0845 113 5000.
KB Kickboxing: Yoga, Kickboxing, Kung
Fu & Self Defence. Get fit & Feel Great!
Safe, non-intimidating training for all
levels, shapes and sizes. www.kbfitness.co.uk 0207 681 0114 | 07881
957 977,
Cruisers Basketball: Cath 079676
Dynamo Dykes Volleyball: Need players of ALL levels. www.dynamodykes.
org.uk. Yvonne 07740 374307
Hackney Women’s Football Club: 07941
561 060.
Hackney Women’s Table Tennis Club:
Thursday’s from 7.30 at The Scout Hall,
Bouverie Rd, Stoke Newington, N16. All
welcome and we play to all standards.
Linda 07940559366.
Rubber Medusas Bridge Group.
Friendly, women only, social bridge
group, meets on Tues at a central London venue from 7.30 pm. All levels. For
info call Ros on 020 7727 5379.
Gay healthy Alliance Project: Programme of activities from rock clumbing to yoga, promoting holistic health.
0161 835 9880.
Jessies: Walking and cycling group
for all levels of ability. Contact by e:
[email protected]
Manchester Stingers Football Team:
Lesbian football. www.manchesterstingers.net or contact Lisa 0161 273 7128.
Brent Council
support queers
On 23 February Brent Council held
“Outing Intolerance” a conference
celebrating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual
and Transgender History Month. The
meeting was chaired by Cllr. Ann
John who so far has proved herself
to be empathetic towards the diverse
needs of gay people, be it Homophobia support, Civil Partnerships,
Fostering and Adoption and many
other issues. Present also were 3
speakers, Sue Sanders from “Schools
OUT” (www.schools-out.org.uk), Bob
Hodgson of the LGBT Advisory Group
to the Metropolitan Police (www.lgbtag.org) and Hannaan Big of Imaam,
the Muslim LGBT group (www.imaan.
The conference prooved extremely
educational and gave the LGBT community an important opportunity to
make a change in Brent
Albert Kennedy Trust: 020 7831
6562 (London) 0161 228 3308
(Mancs). Housing advice for under
Antidote: 020 7437 3523. LGBT
drug and alcohol project.
Brighton Lesbian and Gay Switchboard. 01273 204050
DASL: 020 8257 3068. London
drug and alcohol support.
Lesbian and Gay Immigration
Group: 020 7620 6010
London Lesbian & Gay Switchboard: 020 7837 7324
Lesbian Gay Christian Movement:
LGCM, Oxford House, Derbyshire St,
London, E2 6HG. 020 7739 1249.
e: [email protected] w: www.lgcm.
PACE: 020 7700 1323. Health and
Peer Support Project Mancs
Youthline: 0800 169 7384.
Tel info/support on Sats, 1-3pm.
Pink Parents: 08701 273 274
Monday - Friday 9am - 12pm
(excluding public holidays)
Quest LGB Catholics: 0808 808
Stonewall Housing Advice:
020 7359 5767.
Stonewall: Campaign group for
LGBT rights. 020 7881 9442.
Unison: Works with LGBT community about work and employment
problems. 0845 355 0845/0800
0967 968 (minicom).
‘Til the Fat Lady Sings showing now!
A one woman show and a musical
extravaganza. Singer Actress Marie
Angel traces the story of her life
from outback Australia to many
of the world’s major opera houses
accompanied by an intimate
soundtrack; the songs which have
accompanied her through her life.
Her musical journey stretches
from Piaf to Puccini, The Beatles to
Brahms via Duke Ellington and a
host of operatic divas that she has
made her own.
Showing at The Drill Hall, 16
Chenies Street, London. March
8-19. Box office: 020 7307 5060.
www.drillhall.co.uk. Saturday £10
/ £7 concessions / Sunday – all
tickets £7
MARCH 2006
club listings Mar.indd 12
24/02/2006 22:39:09
Page 45
MARCH 2006
p46-53 Legal/CP
MARCH 2006
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the law store
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partnerships >> wills >>
With Rachel Woodd from
Osbornes Solicitors
ver the next few months, we will be focusing on the laws and developments surrounding the
Civil Partnership Bill. Although councils are inundated with same-sex couples inquiring about
the romantic notion of registering their partnership, few really understand the legal implications
that the consummation involves. Find out the facts each month, while we educate you on the
intrinsic legal matters you need to know before tying the knot.
Part 3 Civil Partnership Law: Wills
he Civil Partnership Act makes a great difference for
same-sex couples in terms of inheritance tax laws.
You need a Will to make the most of your allowances, reports
Laura McCaffrey of www.gay-friendly-wedding-venues.com
f you do not make a Will, “the State
determines what happens to your
estate, whereas you should decide
yourself,” says Lesley Gaskell of Cooper
Sons Hartley & Williams Solicitors.
“On top of this there are tax advantages
to having a Will,” adds Caroline Bates of
Newsome Vaughan. “Particularly with
the arrival of the Civil Partnership Act,
it is vital for civil partners to obtain
appropriate inheritance tax advice
to make best use of all available
allowances. For example, gifts
between spouses or Civil Partners are
exempt from inheritance tax. This can,
rather oddly, mean that allowances
can be lost or wasted.” So if you gift
some of your assets in your Will to
individuals other than your Civil
Partner or a special form of trust
Q: I have recently divorced the father
of my two children and would like to
enter into a Civil Partnership with a
female partner. Can she get custody
rights for my children?
A: Once you have entered into a Civil
Partnership with your partner she will
have the same legal status as that of
a step parent. She will be able to make
applications to the court for a number
of orders in relation to your children
including custody, now called
Residence, without having to seek
permission from the court first.
(under which your Civil Partner can
benefit) up to the level of the exemption
allowance (currently £275,000),
these will not be part of the survivor’s
estate and therefore liable to inheritance
tax when the second partner dies.
On present values this can avoid the
potential for an unnecessary tax bill of
up to £110,000 on the death of the
surviving spouse.
A basic Will costs around £50-200
plus VAT. This can be done by email or
telephone. “If you make a DIY Will you
may not get it right, I have seen such
Wills and the cost of proving the Will
has been much greater to the estate
than if the deceased had paid for a Will
in the first place,” says Gaskell.
If you enter into a Civil Partnership with
your partner, she will also be able to
obtain Parental Responsibility for your
children. This gives all the rights and
responsibilities for a child that a parent
has and enables her to be involved in
decisions to do with the children’s
health and education. She can either do
this with your consent, and that of your
ex-husband’s, by completing a Parental
Responsibility Agreement form, which
you can do at your local family court,
or if you or your ex husband do not
consent then she can make an
application to the court instead.
When deciding whether to grant an
application in matters relating to
children the court will consider what is
in their best interests. If the application
is opposed and an agreement cannot
be reached then a report can be carried
out which will go through a checklist
of factors, considering amongst other
things the children’s wishes and feelings
and their particular needs. The author
of the report (called a Court Welfare
Officer) will make a recommendation
to the court as to what should happen.
If you decide not to enter into a Civil
Partnership then your partner could
still obtain legal rights in relation to
your children. If you and your
ex-husband agree she could apply for
a Joint Residence Order which would
also include Parental Responsibility.
Your ex husband needs to agree to
this order because he has Parental
Responsibility for your children, as
you do. If he does not agree you would
have to apply to the court and a Judge
will consider if your application is in
the child’s best interests.
Rachel Woodd is a Family Law solicitor
at Osbornes: 020 7485 8811.
Please write in with your legal problems
to [email protected].
MARCH 2006
p46-53 Legal/CP
Page 48
the law store
What you can include in a Will:
• Who is to deal with your estate – an executor.
• Who is to deal with any funds held in trust
(e.g. for children) – a trustee.
• Who is to be legally responsible for the
day-to-day care of children – a guardian.
• List of gifts, be they an amount of money
or specific items.
• The gift of the majority of your estate (or the
largest / highest priority) after the payment
of small gifts and debts – Residuary Estate.
• Alternative gift recipients can be listed
(in case any predecease you).
• Funeral directions.
hristopher McNeil of Anthony Gold solicitors offers
two warnings: “Make sure both partners’ Wills
match, or all the joint assets can end up with the family
of the survivor and the ‘first’ family receives nothing.
Remember any existing agreement about joint property
ownership/occupation may not stand; matrimonial
law will now apply in the event of a later dispute.”
“A well-drafted, properly thought out Will could last you
a lifetime. However, for most of us it’s wise to reconsider
our Wills every time a major change takes place in
our lives,” adds Eve Carlile of Burton Woods solicitors.
And finally, it’s worth remembering that if you have a
Civil Partnership, you need to draw up a new Will to
reflect the change.
www.anthonygold.co.uk www.burtonwoods.com
www.cshw.co.uk www.newsomevaughan.co.uk
MARCH 2006
Top Tips when making a Will
With Bernard McKenna from BJ McKenna & Co. Solicitors
1. Everyone should have a Will.
Regrettably solicitors such as
ourselves deal with many disputed
estates each year. This usually
involves same-sex couples who
don’t bother to make Wills, or
straight cohabitees. The Intestacy
Rules which come into play if a
Will is not in place are quite clear
– if cohabitees are not mentioned
then under these rules the estate
would go to the next of kin.
2. Wills are revoked upon
entering into a Civil Partnership
or marriage unless made in
anticipation of doing so. So you
may need to update your Wills.
3. A beneficiary under a Will
can’t witness it – if they do then
the gift to them fails.
4. Executors of the Will can be
beneficiaries. Indeed it’s a good
idea if they are, as they have an
interest in ensuring that the will
is properly dealt with and that a
grant of probate to enable the
estate to be administered is
obtained from the probate registry.
5. Take advantage of the nil rate
band for Inheritance Tax currently
set at £275,000. Anything above
this is taxable at 40%. Transfers on
death between Civil Partners are
exempt from the tax, as are gifts
to charities and neither of these
form part of the nil rate band.
6. Roughly work out the value of
your assets before you see your
solicitor. This will enable them to
better advise you on tax planning.
7. Think about the following prior
to attending the solicitors:
• Who will be your executors?
• Whom you want gifts to go to?
• What happens if those people
have predeceased you and
whom you want the gifts to
go to then.
8. Life insurance policies may
go outside the Will if they are
named to be paid out to a specific
person – remember this!
9. Think about your animals. Who
is to have them and do you want to
leave anything for their upkeep.
10. Pensions. Unless there is a
nomination for a partner the
pension may die with you. Most
pensions are discretionary and
the trustees of the fund decide
who they pay out to. If in any
doubt nominate your partner
with the pension fund and check
the rules of that fund. Don’t leave
it too late, as most won’t pay out
to someone who is not a Civil
Partner or nominee.
11. If you die and your children
are minors, think about who will
look after them. Also, think about
advancing money for their upkeep,
plus at what age they will receive
their full share of the estate.
12. Be open and honest when
making a Will with your solicitor.
If ‘your friend’ is your partner then
say so. Solicitors are not allowed
to discriminate and this will allow
them to speak more freely about
planning your Will and reducing
taxation. If you are unsure as to
which solicitor to see ask friends
for recommendations or go to a
gay or gay-friendly firm.
Bernard McKenna is a Gay Solicitor at B. J. McKenna & Co Solicitors specialising in Family Law, Wills and Probates.
B. J. McKenna & Co, 182A Heaton Moor Road, Stockport, Greater Manchester SK4 4DU, 0161 432 5757
p46-53 Legal/CP
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the law store
By Nicola Hill
e are often asked, “Why do you need
to have a gay-friendly directory,
surely everyone is cool these days?”
I wish. The question always comes from
straight people, and undoubtedly they
mean well. They think that because the
law has changed and our relationships
are now legally recognised, the battle for
equality is won.
Sadly, there is still a long way to go. Some hotels do refuse gay custom,
even for a double bed for the night, let alone a wedding. Others even take
the time and trouble to email us unpleasant comments – one photographer
felt the need to point out that civil partnerships are “against god and
against nature.”
What amazing arrogance – we certainly don’t need approval from prejudiced
people like that! The vast majority of hotels and services we speak to are
gay-friendly and are keen to cater to the gay community. They see the business benefits of a brand new market, for sure. But they are also committed
to providing equal service to all.
But the wider point remains. With attitudes like the bigots above still around,
there is an obvious need for gay-friendly services.
Next month:
Nicola Hill is co-founder of wwww.gay-friendly-wedding-venues.com
Part 4 Civil Partnership Law: Pre-nuptials &
Pre-Civil Partnership Agreements
MARCH 2006
p46-53 Legal/CP
Page 50
the law store
In the Spotlight
For the modern-day solicitor
it’s not all work and briefcases
at dawn. Each month we break
up the brief and turn the tables
by putting our favourite
solicitors on trial.
Haema Sundram
Lynch & Co. Solicitors –
Family Law specialists
Age: 41
Single/Civil Partner:
I live with my partner and our
four-year-old minx of a daughter!
MARCH 2006
Are you affiliated to any
gay organisations?
I am a member of the Gay Business
Association. I do outreach work with
lesbian and gay organisations and I give
lectures and workshops on how the law
on children/parenting issues and property
ownership affects same-sex couples.
What do you love about the job?
I have been very happy to see the
advances that have been made in the
law and in the judges’ comments on
lesbian and gay rights which are getting
more and more positive all the time.
I hope that along the way I have made
a small contribution.
What section of Law do you specialise in?
I am a family lawyer – an accredited
specialist in cohabitation law and children
law. I am also a trained ‘collaborative
family lawyer’ and I am able to deal with
problems in a collaborative way to try
to avoid cases going to court, which is
expensive, time-consuming and
emotionally draining for clients.
What has been the most successful
achievement of your career?
I was very proud to have been named
The Times Lawyer of the Week in January
this year as a result of a case I was
involved in about same-sex parenting
issues and donor fathers. I also found it a
privilege to be involved in the campaigning
and the consultation process for the Civil
Partnership Act through my involvement
on the executive committee of the
Lesbian and Gay Lawyers Association
Has there ever been new legislation that
you haven’t agreed with?
If so, what?
Section 28 sent a terrible message to
young people about their freedom to
express their sexuality and it took far
too long to be repealed .
What is the hardest part of the job?
I have practised family law for the lesbian
and gay community for 12 years.
Especially in the early years, there were
elements of prejudice in the legal system
and the clients suffered as a result.
How has your firm prepared for Civil
I had a great deal of involvement in the
Civil Partnership Bill as it went through
the consultation process. As a family law
practitioner, I have been involved in advising
lesbians and gay men on issues as it
affects same-sex relationships, children
and property. As a practice, the majority
of our solicitors are lesbian or gay and
will have a sympathetic ear for you!
What do you think is the biggest
benefit legally to come out of
Civil Partnership?
Finally same-sex couples will be
able to sign up to the rights and
responsibilities that come with
entering into a Civil Partnership and
obtain recognition and support for
our relationships and alternative
family structures. I hope in due
course that it will bring about more
positive changes in societal attitudes
Do you think you would ever register
your partnership and in what
Hmm, I’ll have to see if there’s room
on my ‘to do’ list...
Can you also give us details about
your company?
Lynch & Co is a specialist family law
practice. We have accredited family
lawyers here with expertise in all areas
of family law especially on how the law
affects same sex couples in relation to
property and children and parenting
issues. We also deal with divorce and
financial applications when marriage
and relationships break down. We
are a small friendly practice and we
take a constructive and conciliatory
approach to family law related issues.
p46-53 Legal/CP
Page 51
Civil Partnerships
Pic © Jane Murray Photographers
Theessential guide to
elcome to our new section on civil partnerships. Each month Laura McCaffrey of
www.gay-friendly-wedding-venues.com will be looking at a different aspect of how
the new legislation is affecting our lives – whether you choose to take the plunge or not!
ratio is now around 60% to 40% in
some London boroughs, for example.
And it’s easy to see why. When all the
dust of the publicity settles, the bottom
line is that registering your Civil
Partnership gives you all the rights of a
heterosexual married couple such as
pension benefits and parental, next
of kin and inheritance rights.
Islington Registry Office
arriages aren’t getting much of
a look-in at Islington Registry
Office, where some 60-70 same-sex
couples have had their Civil Partnerships
since December. The very first was
Viktoria Kingsley and her partner Fiona
Dunning who tied the knot at 8am on
December 21. Viktoria has been the
Registrar of Marriages and now Civil
Partnerships there for two years, and
was keen to be the first, largely to
make sure her colleagues were able
to come before they became really
busy with the nine Civil Partnerships
and one marriage taking place that
day. After a wedding breakfast at
Jamie Oliver’s restaurant 15, Viktoria
went back to work because she didn’t
want to miss out on such a big day.
“It’s a real lift doing Civil Partnerships
rather than marriages,” she says. “It’s
been so long coming, and everyone is
always really happy. There is a lot of love
in the room. Everyone in Islington really
enjoys them and is totally supportive.”
Couples having Civil Partnerships at
the Town Hall so far range in age from
early 20s to a couple in their 80s who
had been together for 58 years. The
majority have been in their 30s and 40s.
Pic © Venus Aphrodite
early three months in and it seems
more and more couples out there
are ready to tie the knot. If interest
in our site is anything to go by, the
numbers are growing rather than tailing
off as some pundits had predicted.
Interestingly, the people we talk to all
the time – from venues to photographers
and registrars – tell us that female
couples are catching up with men in
registering their Civil Partnerships.
On the first day Civil Partnerships
became legal in England and Wales
(Northern Ireland and Scotland were
two and one day before respectively),
some 687 couples registered their
partnerships. The ratio was roughly two
male couples to every female couple.
Predictably, the Government can’t tell
us the breakdown since then, or even
the numbers, but anecdotally we hear
that the girls are catching up, and the
It is seven and a half years since
Viktoria noticed Fiona “the second she
walked in” to a bar in Sydney – Viktoria
is from New Zealand and Fiona is
Australian. “We always had confidence
in our relationship, but now it does
make us feel a more secure, more
grown-up,” Viktoria concludes.
MARCH 2006
p46-53 Legal/CP
Page 52
civil partnerships
Civil Partnerships are here to stay
News just in...
honeymoons, gifts, wedding planners,
Spartan stags and diva nights.
Our plans also include the sponsorship
of charities such as THT, Stonewall and
Pink Parents to name but a few. If you
are planning to hold your perfect
wedding or would like more information
or how to advertise with us please visit
emale same-sex
couples formed 1,138 Civil
Partnerships in England and
Wales in just over a month of
the new laws being passed.
egislation has now been passed
allowing same-sex couples to
celebrate their commitment to each
other in a legally recognised ceremony.
It has been estimated that more than
10,000 same-sex couples plan to
marry in 2006. With this in mind,
www.pinkweddingdays.co.uk was
established early last year with the
aim of supporting same-sex couples
as a resource tool; offering useful tips,
MARCH 2006
advice and Pink Friendly Wedding
Service Providers who can help you
organise and plan your perfect day.
We pride ourselves on being an
informative online wedding services
directory created exclusively for the
gay and lesbian community.
Pinkweddingdays.co.uk promotes
information on wedding venues,
wedding essentials (cakes florists,
cars, and photographers etc),
Pic © Jane Murray Photographers
New statistics have
been formed since
Civil Partnerships began on
December 21 up until January
31 2006 and reports suggest
that this figure is going to
grow exponentially.
A total of 3,648
Civil Partnerships were
recorded from December
2005 until the end of January.
p46-53 Legal/CP
Page 53
MARCH 2006
p54-57 Property
MARCH 2006
Page 54
home & living
p54-57 Property
Page 55
property >> interiors >>
Key Workers Part 2: Shared Ownership
by Linda Riley
any of us hear the phrase Key Workers and Shared Ownership schemes, but are not totally
familiar with what they are and represent. In the upcoming issues, g3 is going to be taking an
in-depth look at various schemes and we will be outlining eligibility criterion.
Key Workers and Shared Ownership is simply the
only way for many people to get their foot on the
housing ladder. If you have any questions please
email [email protected] or if you recently
entered a scheme and have encountered problems,
let us know and we’ll look into them for you.
(part of
Hyde Housing
Key fact
Did you know that you could only need £2500 worth
of savings to get on the housing market!
Key Workers is a government-led initiative. For more
info please check out www. keyworkerliving.co.uk
Shared Ownership
Many schemes consider anyone earning over £20k
per year to be a Key Worker and thus qualify. These
schemes are generally known as Shared Ownership
schemes. For example, if a property is worth £250k on
the open market you could buy a 50% share for £125k
and you would part-own the scheme you buy with.
Hot Tip
If you app
Shared O d for a Key Worke
a fe
ago when
they first w years
be aware
changed. at eligibility has
teacher R
an email th Jones, 25 sent
saying sh
down for
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associati ving in a housing
on flat at
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David Cam
Housing re pbell of Servite
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Sarah Train is a Football Development and
Policy officer who has recently purchased a
two-bedroom Victorian garden flat in Hackney
through www.yourhomefinder.co.uk on a
Shared Ownership scheme. Sarah points out
that if you buy a flat under these schemes you
are legally bound to sell to another Shared
Ownership buyer. However, if no one comes
through to buy within eight weeks, you can put
your flat on the open market.
Contact Katie or Danielle on 01622 695449
or visit www.yourhomefinder.co.uk
INplace is the sales team for the Hyde Group,
responsible for the sale of shared ownership
properties (part-buy, part-rent), intermediate market
rent and outright sales.
INplace assist first time buyers to purchase or rent
affordable homes of their own that they might not
have been able to access themselves.
INplace also have a range of properties available to
buy or let to Key Workers, helping in the retention
and recruitment of this valuable work force.
For further details of properties currently
available please telephone the sales team
on 020 8297 7591 or visit www.inplace.co.uk
MARCH 2006
p54-57 Property
Page 56
home & living
Redeveloping the Docklands
uying a property in the Docklands area is becoming more
affordable, thanks to new Shared Ownership developments
at Albert Basin and Royal Victoria Docks.
With Katie McCrum
The Grainstore warehouse redevelopment is just one of these
new schemes. Situated alongside the Excel Centre and Custom
House DLR, the properties offer contemporary, secure living in
the heart of this fast-growing area close to the 2012 Olympic
sites. There are one-bed properties available at this site for part
buy/part rent through Community Home Ownership (CHO).
Prices start from £80,000 for a 40% share of a one-bed apartment.
Get ready for a colour explosion. Vibrant colours are
the hottest new thing! There’s nothing like a bold
splash of colour to brighten up any space.
This season’s festival colour palette lets you
decorate with a multitude of shades.
Over at Royal Quay, in Albert Basin, there are 29 Shared Ownership
units available now with an additional 38 available in July 2007.
Many have views over the docks and all are modern, spacious,
light apartments with high quality kitchen and bathroom fittings
and balconies. Prices start at £73,500 for a 35% share of a
one-bed property on the fifth floor.
It’s the colourful backlash against stark minimalism.
Think of the vibrancy and life of Brazil and Mexico,
both cultures use an array of colour on the home
front and fashion catwalks with striking and
dazzling results. Anything goes with this carnival
theme. Stick to brightness rather than muted
shades and introduce a clash of pattern, try
multi-coloured barcode stripes painted on a wall.
CHO also has other properties coming up for sale in North and
East London – on Kingsland Road, next to the Regents Canal –
and in White Lion Street, close to Angel tube and all the amenities
of Islington’s Upper Street.
For details of these and other properties available
through Community Home Ownership (CHO)
please call 0207 428 1133
or visit www.home-ownership.org.uk
Next month
If you have any property questions,
contact [email protected]
Key Workers Part 3: Other great schemes currently available
MARCH 2006
Give this a go: Main wall in Prairie Gold Solo One
Coat emulsion, £16.99, stripes in: Sleek Feature
Wall High Sheen emulsion, £12.99, Aqua Source
Kitchen and Bathroom emulsion, £15.99, Lulu matt
emulsion, £13.99, Purple Heart Solo One Coat
emulsion, £16.99.
All from Crown Paint at www.crownpaints.co.uk.
For design or building tips and a free consultation,
call Katie at London Rooms Design Ltd.
07767 473444, or email:
[email protected]
p54-57 Property
Page 57
p58-59 Health
MARCH 2006
Page 58
p58-59 Health
hhealth & fitness
Page 59
beauty >> well-being >>
Massage Your Way into Health
With fitness experts Amazin Le Thi & Jambo
yurvedic massage techniques offer relaxation, circulation
and elimination of toxins. If adopted into a daily routine, these
massage treatments can even help to rejuvenate and replenish the
body. In ancient times, Ayuverdic clinics didn’t provide massages
regularly, as everyone gave and received them. When patients
required a special treatment, they were referred to masters in
the field who could use the appropriate Ayuverdic techniques.
Benefits of Massage
• Increases your bodily self-awareness and sensitivity.
• Reduces your stress, tension and anxiety levels.
• Calms and balances your nervous system.
• Relaxes, focuses and clears your mind of clutter.
• Helps to improve and maintain your posture.
• Reconnects you with your mind and body.
Treatments today consist of herbal remedies, Ayurvedic massages, and diet and
lifestyle planning tailored to individual needs.
Kalari Marma Massage
This is a traditional Ayurvedic massage used
by therapists to stimulate specific points on
your body. The therapist applies pressure
to your body via their hands and feet.
Amazin’s Tip
This massage can help to relieve back
pain, tight muscles and can also stimulate
your internal systems and bodily organs.
Shirodhara Massage
This is an Ayurvedic massage in which warm
herbalised oil or sesame oil combined with
sunflower oil is poured on to the centre of the
forehead down into the scalp, while being
gently rubbed into the hair.
Amazin’s Tip
I regularly have this treatment once a month
and can highly recommend it! There are too
many benefits to list but above all, this massage rejuvenates your scalp and hair by
adding moisture, vitality and thickness.
Abhyanga: Ayuredic
Whole Body Massage
A deep and relaxing Ayurvedic herb infused
oil massage that brings harmony, strength
and rejuvenation, as well as detoxifying your
entire body. The massage also improves
your lymphatic system and helps stimulate
the immune system.
Amazin’s Tip
If you lack energy and need a new lease of life
this massage is for you. This treatment brings
calmness and tranquillity to the body while
strengthening your nervous system.
Pics feature Jambo
• Promotes a greater feeling of well-being
and helps lift your self-image.
Jambo is an Ayurvedic Specialist Massage Therapist
and is available nationwide for treatments on 07861 306286
Amazin is a former international competitive
bodybuilder. She has numerous radio programs
in California and New York and is a renowned
fitness television expert in America and many
international magazines.
Books available by Amazin LeThi, Get Fit Home
Training and Total Strength Training For Women
See www.amazinlethi.com for further info.
his year’s
Pride season
is set to be the
biggest yet, and
with summer fast
approaching it’s
time to think about shaping up your
humps and those lovely lady lumps.
Soho Gyms are known for their urban
chic, cutting-edge facilities and fun
approach to fitness, attracting a
diverse and cosmopolitan membership that loves to party. Their emphasis is on friendly qualified staff, great
classes and a full range of fitness
equipment and services to help their
members reach their physical and
mental goals. With last month’s
opening party for their fifth and
biggest Central London Club, everybody who is anybody is talking
about Soho Gyms.
They offer flexible memberships to
suit any London lifestyle without
contracts or joining fees.
See website
for gyms based in Clapham Common,
Earls Court, Camden Town, Waterloo
and Covent Garden.
MARCH 2006
p60-63 Travel
Page 60
Wild at HeartAfrican adventures
If you’ve ever fancied getting away from it all and taking in the great outdoors, there’s more to life
than camping in Cornwall as Christine Townsend discovers.
here’s nothing more exciting than the feeling of exploring the great wilds of Africa
and now there are more and more packages aimed at women, there is no excuse
for not being adventurous and heading out to snatch a peek of some big game.
The thought of sleeping under the stars atop a great tree and dining in the open
air could surely tempt anyone away from their usual annual jaunt to Gran Canaria
and it really wouldn’t cost you much more. There is so much choice out there, that
f you’re looking for a full-service camping trip for a
group of six to12 people, try Exodus – it’s one of the
leading adventure travel companies specialising in
small group holidays and the 19-night excursion is
the jewel in the crown of camping holidays. It’s perfect
for those who enjoy group holidays with a bit of extra
excitement. You take in Kruger National Park, the
pristine beaches of Mozambique, the Kingdom of
Swaziland, mountains of Lesotho plus the famed
Garden Route and the wonderful Cape Town.
it would be difficult to make a decision without doing some research, but you will
find that there are plenty of guided tours that will ensure you are safe while
exploring some of the amazing sites that Africa has to offer. Whether you want a
break that is value for money or feel the need to be treated like a princess, there
is something for you.
If you fancy being philanthropic rather than decadent,
The Imaginative Traveller has introduced an
Imaginative Volunteer programme for 2006 including
a 13-night trip to Kenya that features a five-day
home-building project in the Kalahari Desert
combined with a traditional safari holiday, taking in
the Samburu and Masai Mara National Reserves.
Kruger National Park, South Africa
No building experience is necessary, just a desire
to help local Kenyans in need of simple and decent
homes. It’s a great way to get out and about travelling
while helping someone less fortunate. You need to
be able to pay the fares as well as raising a local
donation, which you can do by fundraising ideas
at home.
MARCH 2006
p60-63 Travel
Page 61
holidays >> travel >>
Mount Kilimanjaro
Safari so good
Exodus Holidays range from
one-week cultural tours in Europe
to exploratory trips to some of the
most remote parts of the world. Exodus offers a wide range
of trips including walking, trekking, biking, wildlife and
cultural tours, along with adventure trips for families and
exciting ‘multi activity’ itineraries.
Visit www.exodus.co.uk for more information.
ancy climbing a rock face and being suspended from an overhang? Then scale
up Mount Kilimanjaro. This trip offers a chance to climb to the top of Africa’s
highest free-standing mountain, which logs in at a phenomenal 19,344 feet.
Choose from one of the five routes to the pinnacle depending upon your ability – all
offer breathtaking views over the landscape and the mountain’s three volcanoes –
moving up from dry plains through rainforests and alpine meadows to the freezing
summit. Few other places on earth deliver such varied and awe-inspiring landscapes.
It takes less than a week to get to and return from the summit on one of these tours
and you’ll need at least a day to acclimatise. It’s the perfect opportunity to trek or
go on a safari in the Kilimanjaro Forest Reserve, offering you a real up-close and
personal opportunity to see Africa’s athletic game.
The Imaginative Traveller trip has
a May or August departure and
costs £585, land-only, plus £300
donation and US$275 local
payment. These costs include 13 nights accommodation
(one hotel in Nairobi, seven camping on safari, five basic
dormitory while house-building) with most meals.
UK flights extra.
01473 667 337 www.imaginative-volunteers.com
Mount Kilimanjaro is available from £1,499 per person
including return flights from London Heathrow with BA,
seven night’s accommodation (B&B in lodge and full board
on climb), plus airport transfers.
Valid until March 31 2006, or August 1 to October 31 2006
from www.blacktomato.co.uk
Whatever you choose, you are sure to experience some once in a lifetime sights, and
you’ll be guaranteed something more exotic and exciting than many holidays on offer.
What’s more, if you can spend it with a group of friends, it really doesn’t matter that
you don’t have access to bars, clubs and pubs because you’ll be able to make your
own fun wherever you go – and have some pretty interesting tales to recount when
you get home.
Safari Pride offers small gay-led
safari groups and bespoke safaris
to the game reserves of Southern
Africa. For more info contact one
of the guys on 08700 723 274
or visit www.safaripride.co.uk
MARCH 2006
p60-63 Travel
Page 62
Montreal Outgames
Jo’s Travel Tips
IF you intend to photograph animals in the wild, invest
in the largest lens you can carry. DON’T go in for a close up!
As for people and places of interest make sure you smile
broadly and get approval. The better prepared you are
for your journey, the more you will enjoy the experience
so learn a bit about where you are going first!
NEVER buy goods made from endangered species
like ivory carvings or crocodile boots.
Supporting local arts and crafts
is great. Bartering is expected in most places
but don’t haggle lower and lower just because
you can. Have some respect for the value
of the goods and pay a fair price.
SUNSCREEN. Wear It! Our climate doesn’t give us a chance
to fight off harmful rays. We all want a tan but don’t make
it your downfall. Sunstroke will loose you two or three
very uncomfortable days of your holiday!
IN HOT CLIMATES and on long flights, body parts have a habit of
swelling and smelling. Wear loose cotton, a good deodorant and
don’t skimp on a comfortable pair of shoes and a decent backpack.
Jimmy Choos and Gucci just don’t work on this sort of holiday!
Swap your lipstick for lip salve and keep those lovely lips soft
(well you never know!)
For further information,
contact Jo Bell at Madison Travel on 0207 690 6878
or [email protected]
MARCH 2006
To be in with a chance
of winning a copy of
the Lonely Planet Guide
to Africa on a Shoestring,
text the word SAFARI
followed by a space to
81800. Good luck!
Texts cost 60p each
With just five months left, the
organisation is proud to announce
that Martina Navratilova has
joined their Circle of Champions.
Navratilova will actively participate
in the International Conference on
LGBT Human Rights, which will be
held for three days before the
Opening Ceremony of the Outgames.
The world-renowned tennis
champion and sports legend
will present the Declaration of
Montréal with Olympic medalist
and Outgames Co-President Mark
Tewksbury at the Opening
Ceremony on 29 July 2006.
Log onto: www.montreal2006.org/
Bonne chance!
For more information:
29 July-5 August
g3 are the Exclusive
UK Women’s Media Partner
to the Montreal Games
p60-63 Travel
Page 63
MARCH 2006
p64-67 classifieds
Page 64
g3 directory
Ferris Wheel Hotel, Lynne & Sheena
welcome you to a friendly & relaxed
atmosphere. Tel. 01253 625817,
Legends Hotel, quality accommodation
for gay men and women. Close to
station, town and gay scene.
Tel. Jill or Angela 01253 620300,
The Shaftesbury, for good food and
friendly faces. Off Queen’s Prom. Onenight stays welcome/mid week specials.
Tel. Fiona or Jayne 01253 352453
The Village, gay-owned hotel. 2 minutes
to sea and bars. Very competitive
rates. Tel. 01253 622136, email:
[email protected]
Ambassador Hotel, 24 en-suite rooms,
sea views and minutes walk from all
venues. Women especially welcome.
Tel. 01273 676869,
Lake District, Georgian residence
B&B from £14pp/pn. En-suite.
Tel. Tom 01946 61860
South Lakes, 18th-century converted
coach house near sea and lakes.
W/E or longer breaks. Women only.
Tel. Dot 01229 582399
The Knoll, Lake Windermere, country
house, nestling in secluded woodland
close to the shores of Lake
Windermere. Women only breaks and
house parties are our speciality!
Tel. Jenny or Tracy 015395 31347,
Rembandt Hotel, accommodation
available from £35pn, including
breakfast. Tel. 0161 2361311
The Millstone, gay friendly hotel just
off Piccadilly, rooms from £25pn.
Tel. 0161 839 0213
Court Craven Hotel, exclusively gay
and lesbian. 1 min from pubs, clubs
and seafront. Tel. Vic 01273 607710
Sea Spray Boutique Hotel,
lesbian-owned sea-front themed hotel.
Non-smoking, veggie/vegan options.
Tel. Karen 01273 680332,
email: [email protected].
Cornwall, holiday accommodation for
women only. B&B and self-catering.
Rural, close to beaches.
Brochure: 01852 822609
email: [email protected]
Penzance, Glencree House. Relax and
unwind. Large Victorian guesthouse
with sea views. Fantastic for exploring
West Cornwall, open all year.
Tel. Helen or Kate 01736 362026,
email: [email protected],
St Ives, women-run vegetarian B&B
with harbour views. Non smoking.
Tel. 01736 794617,
Lake District, holiday cottage, from
£250pw. Non Smoking, pets welcome!
Women’s B&B from £18pn.
Tel. 01931 716638
MARCH 2006
North Norfolk, The Old Chapel,
affordable luxury in beautiful north
Norfolk with Reiki, Reflexology &
aromatherapy too.
Tel. Paula or Fran 01328 878996,
North Norfolk, delightful, contemporary
self-catering cottage, sleeps 4. Very
comfortable and well equipped, easy
reach of stunning coastline.
Tel. 01508 483992
Isle of Mull, Ardachy House Hotel,
STB ***, self-catering also available
all-year round. Lesbian-owned
and run, beautiful quiet location,
sea-views and beach.
Tel. Cathy or Maggie 01681 700505,
email: [email protected],
Edinburgh, contemporary guesthouse,
lesbian owned. Close to all attractions.
10 mins walk to bars and clubs.
Tel. 0131 5542187,
email: [email protected],
Frog Marsh, Self-catering cottage,
sleeps 2 in Alford Aberdeenshire.
Welcoming, contemporary and relaxed.
Tel: Louise & Cindy 019755 71355,
email: [email protected],
Aberdeen, lesbian holidays, spacious
self-catering apartment. Sleeps 4.
Easy access to the city.
Tel. Anne 0772 9773918
Edinburgh, Mackenzie Guest House,
gay-owned. Comfortable rooms.
Close to city centre and gay scene.
Tel. Scott or Ken 0131 5543763, email:
[email protected],
Cannich, Scottish highlands, small
women’s B&B. 12 miles from Loch Ness.
Tel. Mary 01456 415213
Shropshire hills, Just For 2,
self-catering cottage. Wonderful walking,
peace and privacy. Larger cottage
also available.
Tel. Jane or Jacky 01743 891117,
email: [email protected].
The Georgian Guest House, 5 diamond
grade II listed guest house. Close to
Suffolk heritage coast.
Tel. Maria & Claire 01728 603337, email:
[email protected],
South Wales, Apple Cottage, Wonderful
mountain and costal walking. Log fires,
central heating and constant H/W,
large garden. Sleeps 2-8. Tel. 01269
822186 / 07968 026475.
West Wales, Vegetarian B&B,
18th-century Georgian mansion,
nestled amongst woodlands in beautiful
West Wales. Tel. 01237 811155,
email: [email protected],
West Wales Cozy cottage for 2.
C/Heated. Wood burner. Quiet rural
location. Great for walking/cycling.
Tel: Cath 01558 650695
Snowdonia, magnificent scenery &
beaches. A friendly welcome all year
round. Exclusively lesbian & gay.
Tel Richard 01654 791209
The Grove Hotel, Lesbian-owned 4-star
guesthouse. Within 40 minutes of Welsh
coast, close to Snowdonia and Brecon
Beacons. Tel. 01686 622591,
email: [email protected]
Bridlington, East Yorkshire, central,
comfortable, friendly, licensed B&B.
Over 16s only, en-suites, open all year
round. Tel. Ruth or Jas 01262 676661,
p64-67 classifieds
Page 65
Surprising Lesbos
Hotel de la Bretonnerie, Rural France
22 rue Ste-Croux-de-la-Bretonnerie.
33-1/ 17th-century hotel
with Louis Xlll decor.
Enjoy a peacefull break near
St. Emilion/Bergerac/Bordeaux.
Accomodation for 2-8.
Tel. 0033 553611014.
by Felicity Yates
kala Eressos on Lesbos has long been a place of pilgrimage
for lesbians (after all where else can we find so many of our
name sakes?), but like any other Greek holiday resort is subject
to the winds of change.
Amsterdam, Clemens hotel. Small
hotel in Amsterdam centre. Womenowned and run. Tel. 0031 6246089
Amsterdam, The Collector B&B,
De Lairessestr 46 (in museum area).
full breakfast and gay-owned and run.
Tel. 0031 11010105
Amsterdam, Crowne Plaza, City Centre,
NZ Voorburgwal 5, gay-friendly.
Swimming pool. Tel. 0031 6200500
Spain/Spanish Islands
Arco Hotel, Berlin,
Geisbergstr 30. Gay-owned and run B&B,
centrally located. Tel. 0049 2351480
Artemisia Women’s Hotel, Berlin
Brandenburgischestr 18
(at Konstanzertr), the only hotel for
women in Berlin. Quiet rooms, bars,
sundeck with an impressive view.
Tel. 0049 8738905
Barcelona, Aparts B&B, Gran Via de las
Corts Catalanes. Gay-friendly hostel in
city centre. Tel. 0034 688286263
Catalonia Barcelona Plaza, Plaza
d’Espanya 6-8 (across from Montjuic
Castle), swimming, jucuzzi, restaurant
and piano bar.
Tel. 0034 934262600
Gran Canaria, Canary Islands. luxury
1 bed apartment in Los Tilos complex,
central Playa Del Ingles.
Tel. Tina 01246 431948
or 07765 030303
email: [email protected]
Canary Islands.
La Molina, lesbian-run guesthouse
in the rural heart of Lanzarote,
within easy reach of all parts
of the island.
Tel. Isabel or Susana
0034 928529266,
email: [email protected],
Pension HispaDomus,
San Bartolome 4,
gay owned and run.
Tel. 0034 915238127
Spanish Holidays For Women
in the stylish Hotel Los Olivos.
45 minutes from Malaga airport,
20 mins from fabulous beaches.
Tel. 01934 626162,
“In our way we are creating a new Eressos,” says Chris Preece,
owner of Eresso’s first boutique holiday service, Purple Hat.
“We want lesbians to realise that Eressos is a place for cultural
stimulation and celebration as well as cocktails by the sea.”
“Last year saw the most successful September Women’s Festival
ever,” says Chris. “We had music, dance, theatre, poetry and
club nights. What is not often realised by visitors is that the
talented women who organised the festival are active all year
round.” Currently in Eressos there are ongoing art workshops, a
writers group, an improvisation theatre company, and a women’s
band in rehearsal. This year the workshops and events that were
in the festival will be offered throughout the summer.
Local women have established an animal sanctuary, gourmet
restaurants, a Beautiful Launderette, a new digital photography
centre and internet cafe. Visitors can use the services of massage,
reiki, shiatsu, astrology, osteopathy, and meditation practitioners
and there are painters, photographers and a goldsmith all producing work in Eressos.
“We need women to continue to come here,” says Chris. “The
landscape is beautiful, the wildlife abounds, there is a gorgeous
unspoilt coastline, a naturist beach and all this creativity. Plus,
women have the chance to explore the island itself – the hot
springs, archaeological sites and the Greek hospitality.”
Eressos holidays includes the chance to socialise in the lesbian
bars and on the beach and to stay in women-only accommodation
at the Eressos House rooms, Heliotopos, Antiopi and Mascot hotels,
but above all, to discover that the sub-Benidorm, lager-lout image
portayed by the infamous Channel 4 documentary is history.
Galway, West Ireland. Side By Side,
women-only B&B (owned and run by
lesbians) Tel. 00353 91592760
Florence, Italy. Women’s B&B in central
Purple Hat Holidays, 0030 22530 53682
0030 6972687842 (Mobile), [email protected]
historical building. 4 rooms overlooking
inner gardens. 0039 0552480056
Rome, Domus International, lesbian/
gay short-term apartment rentals in
the heart of rome. Tel. 0039 6889 2918
Cape Cod, country home, situated
on the bay side of Cape Cod.
Set in an acre lot with a secluded
garden and swimming pool.
Gay-owned, agent operated.
Tel. 08700 780195
Highlands Inn, lesbian paradise! “one
of the best gay/lesbian guesthouses in
North America” – Planet Out.
Long Beach, Beachrunners’ Inn,
231 Kennebec Ave. Lesbian and gay
men B&B, near beach.
Tel. 001 562 8560202
LA, West Hollywood,
The Grove Guesthouse,
1325 N Orange Grove Ave (at Sunset)
1 bdm villa, hot tub,
swimming pool,
gay-owned and run.
Tel. 001 323 6544600
San Francisco, 18th Inn Castro,
Victorian guest house in the Castro
for lesbians and gay men.
Tel. 001 415 252 7192
San Francisco, Belvedere House,
Popular gay and lesbian guest house,
just up the hill from the heart of the
Castro. Wall-to-wall books, art and
style, gay-owned and run.
Tel. 001 415 7316654
Miami Beach, The Century,
140 Ocean Drive, gay-friendly,
restored art deco guesthouse –
celebrity hangout
Tel. 001 305 6748855
To advertise on these pages
call Gemma on
020 7272 0093
MARCH 2006
p64-67 classifieds
Page 66
g3 directory
Building & Decorating
Electrician, no job too small
Tel. 07850 767283
Lambco Lighting,
design and installation, electrical work.
Tel. Richard 07917 221639
No Job too big, No job too small,
carpentry, plumbing, electrics,
painting, decorating, fitted kitchens,
bathrooms, tiling, plastering.
Tel. 07956 967418 (mobile)
020 8923 4268 (home)
Women in Labour, odd jobs, carpentry
tiling and decorating No job too small.
Tel. 07740 656 617
MARCH 2006
Danny’s Removals,
Tel. 07956 448788
G-Removals, domestic and commercial
removals. Professional service
and competitive prices.
Tel. 020 8466 5830, 0777 5772605
Helpful Man, with large van
Tel. Jim 07974 392829
Move4Less, removals & clearance.
No job too small,
Experienced and insured
Tel. 0207 8670 6476, 07951 270267
Experienced Cleaner,
Tel. 07704 606331
Design & Computing
Microsoft Qualified Engineer,
Got nightmares about what your
PC is doing behind your back?!
Don’t get mad... get even!
Call the expert on 07843 250325
Ask for Adrian
To be included in
the g3 business
directory, please call
Gemma on
020 7272 0093
p64-67 classifieds
Page 67
Event Organisers
g3 talks to Jane Murray Photographers on setting
up a small business in the gay community.
g3: When did you begin your business?
A: Jane Murray Photographers was established in 2001.
g3: How did you get it up and running?
Counselling & Therapy
South Norwood Women’s Counselling
Practice, London SE25
Person-Centred Individual, General and
Transcultural Counselling, Dramatherapy
and Supervision. Tel: Shirani or Maya
0870 1121 613 07903 598 324
A: Previously, I worked as an architectural photographer for
English Heritage but when the organisation relocated to
Swindon from Saville Row in London the job lost some of its
appeal! My new home in the Cotswolds had scope for a studio
and I’d often been asked to photograph weddings and portraits
for family and friends. Requests grew and grew and, like
most people starting their own business, I reached the point
where I was juggling two jobs and just took a leap of faith.
g3: What gave you the initial idea?
A: Ironically, when I graduated in photography I said I would
do anything except wedding photography. The thought of a
cheesy, high street photographer in a tired old wedding suit
overdoing the soft filter never really appealed. But I learned
that I could do things differently by adding a more artistic
and creative element to the images of the day.
g3: Any disasters along the way?
A: No disasters on my part, but late church arrivals, best men losing rings and ‘cold feet’
have made my job very stressful at times.
g3: What encouraged you to target the gay market?
A: Well, I’m gay, and it’s just so exciting to have the opportunity to be the photographer for
same sex couples at civil partnership ceremonies where my creative style of photography
will bring a fresh look to (gay) weddings.
Jane Murray Photographers
[email protected]
01451 844 523
07773 11807
MARCH 2006
p68-69 Sex
Page 68
the UK’s biggest and award winning
adult retailer has recently added a
lesbian section to its website.
The section was created due to
popular demand and brings together
a fantastic selection of sexy
surprises and kinky thrills selected
especially with ‘her’ in mind.
New products will be added to the
section daily so it’s definitely worth
keeping an eye on!
MARCH 2006
p68-69 Sex
Page 69
pleasure >> relationships>>
Taboo HQ
Dear Ky,
As much as I enjoy having sex with my
girl, she can’t seem to make me cum.
Don’t get me wrong, she gives me great
head and I am attracted to her, but the
only way I can climax is by thinking
about Pete Burns. I’m obsessed with
the Celeb Big Brother contestant at the
mo, and although I don’t wanna sleep
with guys, he really does it for me and
I think I’m going mad. Help!
Carmen, 19, trainee lorry driver
To Our Trainee Trucker,
Whatever fantasy gets you off is OK
with me and should be OK with you.
Not only are women provided with very
little visual erotic stimuli in this world,
but we’re also made to feel bad about
responding to it. Subtle sensuality is
apparently more our bag than graphic
action. This, of course is bullshit.
The vast majority of us respond by
compiling a whole series of secret
fantasies in our heads (rather than in a
plain paper bag under our beds), with
images so hot and explicit they’d make
the producers of XXXX porn blush.
While Pete Burns as a fantasy object
may seem like a perversity beyond
nature, if s(he) does it for you, then
sista, go with it. It’s not for me, or
anyone else to make a judgement on
your own private pornos. It’s always
good to be open to new erotic ideas,
so let me see if I can make Pete Burns
do it for me too!
First of all let’s consider the lips. Ok
so they take up a third of the face and
appear physically incapable of closing.
However, imagine what they’d feel like
in the southern hemisphere. They’d
encompass your whole lady garden
and then some! It’d be like having
an almighty lip-glossed sucker-fish
feeding on your clit, vulva, perineum,
ass, and both thigh-tops all at the
same time! There are not many girls,
however well endowed in the lip
department, who could manage that.
Or some kinky, transgender role-play?
Being barked to kneel before a 6ft
mini-skirted Amazon wearing five-inch
heels will probably do it. Maybe I can
get where you’re coming from!
Ky is MD of
Sh! Women’s Erotic Emporium
57 Hoxton Square, London, N1.
0207 613 5458
If you have a sexual dilemma then
drop an email to our resident sexpert,
[email protected]
Gender abolitionist
elf-dubbed as a “gender variant visual artist” Del LaGrace Volcano
is both an artist and cultural producer working with the body
and gender/sexual identity notions for social, political and
personal purposes. Del has produced four monographs and has
also been cited and reproduced in numerous publications,
journals and books on visual art and queer and feminist theory.
g3: What is an intersex individual?
That depends on the individual. There
are so many definitions and debates
about intersex. Loosely speaking, it’s
a body that is made up of male and
female physiological parts. There are no
clear male and female characteristics.
Try going to the Intersex Community of
North America’s (ISNA) website
www.isna.org for more information.
My gender I.D is something that is
both/and, male and female. I class
myself as intergendered as I embrace
both my beard and my breasts.
I access ‘technologies of gender’ in
order to amplify rather than erase the
hermaphroditic traces of my body.
g3: What aspects of the body
do you find most aesthetically
pleasing and erotic?
Of course, it depends on the person.
My current lover has a great (boy’s)
arse. I also loved my last lover’s bum
although posteriorly speaking they are
very different. It turns me on for a
woman to have a feminine gender
expression in combination with big
muscles, broad shoulders and small
breasts. I am attracted to gender
dissonance, that is, when things don’t
quite fit, when they are queer. Almost
any gender expression that doesn’t
reflect the hetero-norm works for me.
to think that dykes and people in general
are less stereotyped than they used to
be. Most of the time I think people take
themselves too seriously and forget to
play, forget to have fun. My next book
Femmes of Power: Exploring Queer
Femininities will, I hope, explore some
of the stereotypes of what femme is,
that she always needs to have a butch
on her arm in order to be seen.
g3: How has your new book Sex Works
been received?
Fantastic. It was standing room only at
the Berlin launch last month. We packed
in well over 100 people into a small
space and had another 25 or so waiting
in the snow. It was chaotic but we sold
a lot of books so the publisher was happy.
Sex Works Reviewed
If you are unsure of the true meaning
of intersex or transgendered, this is
the book for you. Immaculately shot
images showcase a wide-range of
scenarios and some very interesting
characters in the process. Del explains:
“Long before I came out as a dyke, queer,
trans or inter-anything, my first identity
was as an alien sex probe.” This book
certainly probes and challenges the
reader to consider the roles of male
and female sexuality while concurrently
exposing a unique perception of lesbian lifestyles in the past 28 years. A
must-see shocking, fascinating and
absorbing piece of visual literature.
Sex Works: £17.99 available at Prowler,
Gays the Word, Fettered Pleasures, The
Photographer’s Gallery and Libertas.
g3: Do you think lesbians typecast
butch and femme roles too readily?
Who knows? I don’t have my finger on
the lesbian pulse anymore. I would like
Sex Toy of the Month Rabbit Travel Vibrator
Who created the product? Those feline ladies over at Top
Cat Products. It’s now available at www.exclusivelyeve.co.uk
Why is it different from other devices? As if 12 volts of
pure vibrating ecstasy were not enough, it’s a rabbit vibrator
for complete satisfaction on the move!
How do you use it? Simply pull over, plug into the socket
and turn on your vibe. No need for batteries.
Why is it ideal for lesbians? As the world’s most powerful
rabbit vibe, it is purrfect for long trips in the car, truck, caravan or boat. It will certainly brighten up your journey!
Rabbit Travel Vibrator £12.95
Find this and a host of other pleasure
accessories for women at our online store:
P.S. Don’t forget our special
offer for g3 readers!
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MARCH 2006
p70-71 Horoscopes
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Horoscopes by
Mystic Milo
Feeling more flexible of late?
Well, from where you once felt strung
out you’ve been left feeling like you
can bend yourself better than
Madonna. This month will see the
return of the usual Leo traits – work
hard, party hard, and become the
belle of the ball.
You may have been thinking of new
plans or projects. Keep at them, but
remember the practicalities and time
it will take to achieve what you wish for.
Keep on enjoying the romance you have
been experiencing of late. If you’re
single, don’t hunt anyone down, let her
come to you and ensure your endearing qualities do not go unrecognised.
July 23 - Aug 22
Feb 20 - Mar 20
Thora Birch
Birthday: March 11 1982
Thora Birch was born on a Thursday
(as in Thor’s Day) and named after the Norse
God Thor, Thora being the feminine God of thunder.
This petite green-eyed beauty had a major role in
American Beauty (1999), which won five Oscar
awards. A down-to-earth young woman in real life,
she loves Italian food and diet root beer.
Famous Pisceans: Drew Barrymore, Queen Latifah, Cindy Crawford
What’s happening with you at
the moment? Once you were a
dreamer swimming about in your
own little (but lovely) world, now
you’re suddenly here, there and
everywhere. Keep at it. Hold back
your fully flung emotions from
everything as it will only stress
you out and hold you back.
Aug 23 - Sept 22
You’re a busy beaver aren’t you!
Forward planning, forward thinking.
I bet your calendar already has
different coloured bits highlighted.
Still cut yourself some slack, and
remember that you have a life and forget organising. This is a great month
for dating - some disorganised soul
needs sorting out.
New friendships may be featuring
high in your list of priorities right now.
Go for it. There comes a time where
you may want to expand your
horizons and now is the time to begin.
If you have been feeling more
confident of late, start going to
new bars, clubs or classes.
Otherwise you’ll be forever referring
to lost opportunities. Stop watching
Trisha and do it.
This is the month to give your talking
skills a good run. Networking, meeting
new people and holding a more direct
and prominent presence may be on
your mind. You know the drill - face
paint on, drink in hand, and a flounce
of your bosom and that’s it. You’re
there baby, working that room. Just
remember to let someone else get a
word in edgeways.
Venus visited your sign in February
and yes it was a cliché, but something
tells me that a cliché can be pleasant
occasionally. It may have made you
feel that your eyes have opened to the
world somewhat. Embrace it, take it
out to dinner and next time you get
drunk and spout euphemisms, try and
remember one or two and use them.
March 21 - April 20
April 21 - May 21
From the high energy placed in your
sign in February, now is the time to
motor. There are things you need to do
and change, so go on then. You have
the right energy to do it. The only
thing holding you back is your own
MARCH 2006
May 22 - June 21
June 22 - July 22
Hey you, stop it now with making eyes
at, well, everyone. Passion is currently
featuring prominently in your chart.
This not only directly transcends to
sex and good lovin’ but with everything
else too. Where you might have been a
little quiet, you’re now letting people
know you are there and about time too!
Sept 24 - Oct 23
Oct 24 - Nov 22
I think you’ve made me eat my hat
with all that talk on career. You only
went and stuck to what you said
rather than gushing about your plans
rather than your actions. The focused
approach you are taking is working
well. Now remember to take time for
yourself, or you might start turning
into one of those Virgo types!
Nov 23- Dec 21
Dec 22 - Jan 20
If you have been panicking about
finances – stop it! Take a deep breath,
step back and look at the bigger
picture. They will be paid, you will
achieve what you want but you need
some patience. Not everything happens
now. You know this deep down so stop
bucking your horns and smile.
Jan 21 - Feb 19
With influences from the Sun, Neptune
and Mercury, this rush of energy is
better than a three-for-two. How you
use it is your choice. Throwing it away
or yourself down the gutter isn’t the
answer. Remember your friends... and
foibles while you’re at it. Your energy
levels are high so use them wisely.
Mystic M
out on the To
I went to Smack and it was fabulous.
I was held in the breasts of many a
beauty and was taken care of by the
Mob. The mixture of rooms and music
provided by Council, French Kiss and
my personal favourite,
Wotever, made for a
great night. I also met
cool DJ duo Your Mum
and Your Dad. People
kissed lots, chatted
lots and my minder/
photographer fell
down the stairs –
what a plonker!
But something tells me
she wasn’t the only one.
club listings Mar.indd 17
25/02/2006 13:47:02
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