Fall 2015 Newsletter - ABWA
Fall 2015 Newsletter - ABWA
NETWORKER VERDUGO-GLEN CHAPTER www.abwa-verdugoglen.org ABWA Verdugo-Glen Meets @ Glendale Elks 120 E. Colorado Glendale, CA 91205 President, Ardis Bazyn Aug/Sep | 2015 Hello Verdugo-Glen members, Our first two meetings for this year went well and we were pleased to have several guests in September. You can each help us in reaching our goal for this year: building our members, both in numbers and building relationships. I’m asking Catherine to add a list of our members in this newsletter which just name, phone number, and e-mail address. I’ve asked her to list the current committees with the names of those on the committees. Some of you have not indicated a committee on which you’d like to assist. Please let me know as soon as possible your preferred committee(s) or the board will place you on a committee. We want to give you each an opportunity to share your talents and improve your leadership skills. Please check our calendar of events for the rest of the year and save these dates. We may be adding additional events in the future. I look forward to collaborating with all of you so we can have an even more productive and inspiring year. Please share any suggestions you have to benefit our chapter.. We need one another to keep motivated. I love you all. Your partner in success, Ardis Bazyn, ABWA Verdugo-Glen President 818-238-9321 [email protected] For membership: contact Lisa Swain & Teri Chandler [email protected] [email protected] Newsletter Editor: contact Catherine Praeger [email protected] 1 2 Conference Connection The ABWA National Women’s Leadership Conference in Albuquerque, N.M. was a success. Two of our members were in attendance and apparently had a great time dancing and enjoying the fellowship. 3 Verdugo-Glen @ Hat’s Off 4 Kathy won the money prize at Hat's Off! Shown left to right below: Kathy Preshaw, Betty Fox (guest),Ardis Bazyn, Lynn Shelby, Teri Chandler, Toni Washington, Grace Schwartz, Elizabeth Ortiz, and Mireya Perez. September Synopsis September brought with it a Member of the Month award for Teri Chandler for her tireless work on the Audit Report. Membership Chair, Lisa Swain, spoke about the benefits of ABWA Membership which include: opportunities to network, fellowship with women, business skills education, leadership and speaking opportunities, and the ability to help lift up young women through scholarships. Our speaker was Milena Kazarian-Keers, owner of Chic & Cheap Organizing. Milena’s topic was “Organizing Your Office for Success” and offered a four step process: • Define & Assess Project and Vision; what’s working and what isn’t • Design an Action Plan, Deadlines, and Goals • Execute; a hands on approach to clearing space and sorting items • Maintain & Enjoy New Space August in a Nutshell During our August meeting, three new members were affiliated: Toni Washington, Elizabeth Ortiz, and Mireya Perez. Lesli Fernandez was presented with a $1,500 SBMEF Outright Grant. Our August speaker was Ardis Bazyn with a topic of “Tips for Entrepreneurs.” A few of the tips: • Create and Action and Marketing Plan • Have Specific and Measurable Goals • Have Energy and Flexibility • Enjoy Networking and Meeting People • Find Ways to Generate fee or Low-Cost Publicity • Attend Chamber and Local Organizational Meetings • Write Articles for Online Publications or Start a Blog 5 Save the Date - Get Involved 6 Save the Date October 28 Monthly meeting Start candy sales November 10 executive board meeting November 18 Special Bunko Fun Night December 16 Christmas party: Grace's home January 6 executive board meeting January 27 monthly meeting February 3 executive board meeting February 24 membership recruitment wine and cheese 5:45 pm, meeting 6:45 pm March 2 executive board meeting March 23 regular meeting April 6 Executive Board meeting April 27 regular meeting April 30 fashion show May 4 executive board meeting May 25 regular meeting June 1 executive board meeting June 22 Anniversary night 2015 Committee members followed by officer liaison Anniversary night: Loren West, Dr. Marty. Officer liaison- Barbara Williams Best Practices Submittal: Amanda Faissal. Officer liaison- Ardis Bazyn Council delegate, alternate- Ardis Bazyn, Kathy Preshaw Education: Sharon Eklund, Debbie Kukta, Zizette Mullins, Officer liaison- Grace Swartz Exhibit tables/commercials. Susan Wishard, Patricia Nelson. Officer liaison- Elizabeth Ortiz Fundraising: Barbara Williams, Kandice A., Dr. Marty, all members. Officer liaison- Ann Marie Johnson Hospitality: Lori Hartwell, Teri Chandler. Officer liaison- Ann Marie Johnson Membership: Lisa Swaine, Officer liaison- Grace Schwartz Newsletter: Catherine Praeger. Officer liaison- Ardis Bazyn Opportunity tickets/toot your horn: Kathy Preshaw, Teri Chandler. Officer liaison- Barbara Williams Parliamentarian: Ann Marie Johnson Photographer: Need volunteer! Officer liaison- Elizabeth Ortiz Professional Development: Lisa Suen-Fox, Toni Washington, Lori Hartwell. Officer liaison- Ardis Bazyn Publicity and social Media: Amanda Faissal, Loren West. Officer liaison- Elizabeth Ortiz Standing Rules: Ann Marie Johnson Sunshine: Kristy Woelfel. All board pass on info. Webpage: Lori Hartwell. Officer liaison- Barbara Williams Promote Your Business During each meeting, businesses have the opportunity to promote their businesses with a tabletop display. Contact Patricia Nelson for more information and to reserve space for a future meeting. [email protected] http://www.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/ abwa/inbusiness_fall2015/index.php Chapter Roster Name Ammari, Majd Astamendi, Kandice Barton, Jamie Bayer, Ildiko Bazyn, Ardis Brandies, Irene Chandler, Teri Eklund Jaeger, Sharon D.C. Faissal, Amanda Fine, Rachel D.M.D Froideuaux, Nicole Froidevaux, Natalie Glover, Catherine Gonzalez, Maria Hartwell, Lori Heitmeyer, Elke Javor, Seta Johnson, Anne Marie Kukta, Debbie Leuze-Trzepacz, Karin Lewis-Flewelen, Bridgette Mullins, Zizette Nelson, Patricia Norman-Rader, Rhea Ochoa, Diane Ortiz, Elizabeth Perez, Mireya Praeger, Catherine Preciado, Dr. Marty Preciado, Martha Preshaw, Kathleen Schwartz, Grace Schwert, Cynthia Springer, Rondi Suen-Fox, Lisa Swain, Lisa Villagran, Michele A.L. Washington, Toni West, Loren White-Shelby, Lynn Williams, Barbara Wishard, Susan Woelfel, Kristy 8 Home Phone Mobile Phone Work Phone E-Mail 818-751-3994 [email protected] 818-507-9898 [email protected] 818-913-2933 [email protected] 323-782-0706 323-782-0621 [email protected] 818-238-9321 [email protected] 818-841-4506 [email protected] 661-952-8621 [email protected] 818-368-1500 818-980-8444 [email protected] 818-426-7554 818-662-7754 [email protected] 818-242-1708 [email protected] 818-926-0779 [email protected] 818-256-8025 818-256-4056 323-225-8584 [email protected] 818-521-2338 [email protected] 818-749-7883 818-314-4866 [email protected] 818-448-0277 [email protected] 818-599-4618 818-252-5101 [email protected] 626-354-6478 [email protected] 818-845-8141 818-424-1855 818-238-5880 [email protected] 818-645-1945 [email protected] 213-842-0659 [email protected] 818-238-5855 [email protected] 818-434-3694 [email protected] 818-352-2508 818-406-8003 [email protected] 323-691-0566 [email protected] 818-618-1684 [email protected] 818-601-4451 [email protected] 626-224-2818 626-250-0493 [email protected] 818-951-3707 323-371-1500 323-225-8025 [email protected] 818-951-3707 562-900-6959 562-900-6959 [email protected] 818-749-7883 [email protected] 818-244-6986 [email protected] 818-425-5820 [email protected] 951-203-6899 [email protected] 818-845-1267 818-599-5604 [email protected] 626-241-2050 [email protected] 323-804-6340 [email protected] 818-261-2386 [email protected] 818-842-8626 818-512-4079 [email protected] 818-843-8764 818-298-9415 [email protected] 661-965-0588 [email protected] 818-241-6452 [email protected] ABWA’s Proud Code of Conduct 6 1. All members will serve as goodwill ambassadors for the American Business Women’s Association. 2. Members will not allow their personal beliefs and convictions to interfere with the representation of ABWA’s mission. 3. Members will always treat their member colleagues, guests, vendors and sponsors with honesty, respect, fairness, integrity, responsibility, kindness, and in good faith. 4. Members will maintain compliance with ABWA National, Chapter and Express Network Bylaws. 5. Members will not use their personal power to advance their personal interests. 6. Members will strive for excellence in their professions by maintaining and enhancing their own business knowledge and skills, and by encouraging the professional development of other members. Important Information • Monthly meeting reservation deadline – Saturday, the week prior to the meeting. • The meeting starts promptly at 6:45 p.m. and ends at 8:45 p.m. Networking begins at 6:00 for those who arrive early. • New member to the chapter? During orientation you can learn how to get involved in one of the committees. • Do not forget to pay your National dues. National dues are due on your anniversary date. You must be a member of National to be-long to a local chapter. 4 • Local dues are due every June, which is the chapter’s anniversary • No-shows will be billed. • Donate your old copies of ‘Women in Business’ for new member packets. • Committees will be putting their information in the newsletter, so look each month for updated information. • Bring your business cards to get the most out of your networking. Get Connected abwa-verdugoglen.com
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