Bulletin - St. John the Baptist Catholic Church and School
Bulletin - St. John the Baptist Catholic Church and School
Welcome to SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST C AT H O L I C C H U R C H 115 Plymouth St., Plymouth, Wisconsin 920-892-4006 • www.sjbplymouth.org Mission Statement We, the faith community of St. John the Baptist Parish, believe that we are called daily to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ: to learn, to share, and to live the message of Jesus. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we recognize that Mass Schedule Saturdays 4:00 pm: St. John the Baptist, Plymouth 5:30 pm: St. Thomas Aquinas, Elkhart Lake Sundays 8:00 am: St. Thomas Aquinas, Elkhart Lake 9:30 am: St. John the Baptist, Plymouth we are unique with diverse gifts from Weekdays God and that we are to develop these St. John the Baptist 8:00 a.m. - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday gifts to nurture and strengthen our faith community. St. Thomas Aquinas 8:00 a.m. - Wednesday, Friday FATHER DANIEL VOLKERT ...................................................PASTOR St. John the Baptist Plymouth August 28, 2016 Scriptures Mass Intentions Saturday, August 27 2:00pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 5:30 pm Wedding~ Dylan Schmidt and Lexi Ninmer Julie Schmitt Dick Albright Mass at St. Thomas A quinas Sunday, August 28 8:00 am 9:30 am 9:30 am Mass at St. Thomas A quinas Kevin T. Davies Delphine Meuer 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time September 4, 2016 1st: Wisdom 9: 13-18b 2nd: Philemon 9-10, 12-17 Gospel: Luke 14: 25-33 Monday, August 29 8:00 am Bill Heimerl Tuesday, August 30 8:00 am Gordon Dreifuerst Wednesday, August 31 The Sacrament of Confession 8:00 am Mass at St. Thomas A quinas Private confessions are heard every 2nd and 4th Saturday from 9:30-10am in the chapel at St. John the Baptist. Thursday, September 1 8:00 am Deceased Members of St. John the Baptist Parish Family Welcome to the Newest Members of our Catholic Faith Family Friday, September 2 8:00 am Mass at St. Thomas A quinas Saturday, September 3 4:00 pm Edie Kapellen 4:00 pm John Flood 5:30 pm Mass at St. Thomas A quinas Baptized on August 28, 2016 Hilan Lizette Luna Sunday, September 4 8:00 am 9:30 am 9:30 am Daughter of Octavio Alverez and Ema Luna Mass at St. Thomas A quinas Mary Schueffner Jennifer Slabe Kaylny Marie Georg Daughter of Robert Hann and Danielle George Jaxon Lee Hammond Aiden Josef Hammond Parish Stewardship Giving for Weekend of August 20-21 Fiscal Year-to-Date Giving July 1, 2016 - August 22, 2016 Total Budget 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time August 28, 2016 1st: Sirach 3: 17-18, 20, 28-29 2nd: Hebrews: 12: 18-19, 22-24a Gospel: Luke 14: 1, 7-14 Variance Children of Joshua McIntyre Hammond and Danielle George May they enjoy graces of the sacrament and continue in God’s Love throughout their lives. Envelopes $9,488 $71,534 $79,500 -$7,966 Buildings & Grounds $593 $5,562 $7,020 -$1,458 Plate $1,088 $8,495 $9,064 -$569 Wedding Banns I Cory Vanderkin and Breanna Augustine Our Parish Family Gratefully Acknowledges the donation of a Memorial Bench Labor Day Mass Located outside the main entrance of the church will be celebrated at St. Fridolin’s in Glenbeulah “The Cathedral in the Kettles” Monday, September 5th ~ 9:00am in Memory of Barbara Wegner May Barbara, with God’s Blessing, Rest in Peace. Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time August 28, 2016 Dear Friends, We sincerely thank you all for giving us a wonderful opportunity to share about our mission work in India. We thank you on behalf of the children and the elderly that we serve. We express our deep gratitude for sharing your blessings with our ministry in India. We had a wonderful visit. All of you can truly take pride in the way you share in the compassionate mission of this wonderful organization. Your prayers and support will mean a lot and we are ever grateful to you. Your kindness will be remembered always. May God bless you all. Please visit our website for more details. www.fcn-usa.org. Kindly continue to pray for us. With Prayers and Much Gratitude, Dr. Geetha and Tom Chitta St. John the Baptist is hosting a Flu Immunization Clinic Sunday, September 18 ~ 10:30 am – 12 noon Walk-ins welcome. However, to better serve you, we ask that individuals sign-up so that we have an approximate number to prepare accordingly. Sign-up sheets available in the Ushers’ Room or on-line at sjbplymouth.org. The clinic will take place in the Adoration Room across from the Church Hall. Access available through church and the lower parking lot doors. Clinic administered by The Week at St. John the Baptist August 28—September 4, 2016 Sunday................................................................ August 28 9:30am ................ The Baptism of Christ~ unveiling/School Monday .............................................................. August 29 4:00pm ...................... Eucharistic Adoration/Adoration Rm Tuesday .............................................................. August 30 7:00pm .................. Knights of Columbus Mtg/Parish Office Wednesday ......................................................... August 31 6:00pm ........................ Adult Faith Formation/Church Hall Thursday ......................................................... September 1 6:00pm ............................. Classic Choir Rehearsal/Church 6:30pm ...................... School Board Mtg/Conference Room Sunday............................................................ September 4 9:00am ............................................ Rosary for Life/Church The Baptism of Christ — Unveiling After Masses on August 27 and 28 St. John the Baptist School The Baptism of Christ is an original oil painting created by artist Kitty Lynne Klich and made possible by the generous donation of the St. John the Baptist Christian Women. Please join us for refreshments after the unveiling. This monthly publication of the Catholic Mass and daily meditations is available in the church vestibule for a limited “trial” time. Please feel free to take a booklet and contact the parish office (892-4006) with your review. If we receive enough positive feedback we may continue the subscription on a more permanent basis. Thank you for your help. Farewell Party for Father Dan Hosted by ~ St. John the Baptist and St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Families Father Dan will preside at the 5:30pm Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas on September 17th. Following Mass all are welcome to gather for fellowship and well wishes in the St. Thomas Aquinas Church Hall after Mass. Food and Refreshments will be provided. All are Welcome!! PLEASE RSVP by Monday, September 12th. Sign up on the webpages: sjbplymouth.org or stthomasaquinasel.org, or call 876.2457 to let us know if you can attend so we can plan accordingly for food and refreshments. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. ~ Joshua 1:9 St. John the Baptist Plymouth Pray a Rosary for LIFE August 28, 2016 Pray a Rosary for Life In Church Saturday, Sept. 3 at 3:30pm and Sunday, Sept. 4 at 9:00am The SEPTEMBER ROSARY FOR LIFE SPECIAL PRAYER INTENTION is that the increasing threats to our religious freedom are curtailed and the laws already in existence that make it legal to end human life prematurely are reversed. For decades our constitutional and God-given right to religious freedom has been eroding. In recent years, we have seen an increased effort to remove any reference to God in public places and events. Many of our country's political leaders, judges, and citizens believe that it is okay to disregard the religious belief of pro-life citizens that life begins at conception and ends at natural death. For example, they support laws and rulings that say pro-life doctors have to be involved in life-ending procedures and pro-life institutions have to cover life-ending drugs in their employee health insurance plans. Will this growing trend of secularism in America force pro-life doctors and institutions to close their doors? Are we going to be a society that stands up for God's version of human rights or to the increasing secular version that eliminates our unborn and vulnerable citizens. Blessed Mother Teresa, who will be canonized a saint on September 4, said, "Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love but to use violence to get what they want." Those who we elect to public offices are a huge factor in determining whether or not our God-given rights to life and to religious freedom for all continue to be eroded. The upcoming November elections are critical to this matter. In the Cathechism of the Catholic Church, it says, "Public authority is obliged to respect the fundamental rights of the human person and the conditions for the exercise of his freedom" (2254). It also states, "Citizens are obliged in conscience not to follow the directives of civil authorities when they are contrary to the demands of the moral order" (2256). "We must obey God rather than men" (Acts 5:29). Safe Environment Education Session Tuesday, September 6, 2016 from 6:00 – 9:00 pm St. John the Baptist Church Hall 116 Pleasant Street Registration information and additional session dates are available online at www.sjbplymouth.org/safeguard.html or call the parish office 892-4006 The Christian Women’s Mission Sewing Group will meet in the lower level of the parish office weekly, on Thursday mornings, beginning September 8th at 8:30am St. John the Baptist Catholic School is in need of an energetic, creative individual for our after school child care program. Schedule is Monday through Friday from approximately 2:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. Additional hours may be available on our monthly early release days or days off of school. Experience in a group childcare setting, or early childhood education preferred. Must be 18 or older. To apply send resume to: St. John the Baptist, Attn: Childcare 116 Pleasant St., Plymouth, WI 53073 or email [email protected] The St. Vincent de Paul Society was founded by Blessed Frederic Ozanam. As a college student Frederic led a small group of his classmates into the poor area of Paris to do what they could to address the needs for food and fuel. Working one-to-one with families , they gave witness to their faith. This model of assistance spread through Europe. The Society was established in the Milwaukee Archdiocese in 1849. November 20th. 1961 the Conference of St. John the Baptist was formed by Father Waleske. He called together eleven parishioners to start the St. Vincent de Paul Society Conference. There are nine Conferences in Sheboygan County: St. John the Baptist St. Cyril & Methodius Blessed Trinity Urban Blessed Trinity Rural St. Thomas Aquinas St. Dominic Immaculate Conception St. Peter Claver Holy Name and St. Clement Faith Formation Reminder Faith Formation classes begin on September 14th Please Note: First Communion and First Reconciliation Formation is of a two year program. Children begin their preparation in first grade and continue on into second grade. To register please call 893-6015. To view our calendar please visit our web page at www.sjbplymouth.org Parish Information Sacramental Celebrations Eucharistic Liturgies: See the front cover of Bulletin. Baptism: Contact the Parish Office Reconciliation: 2nd and 4th Saturday from 9:30-10:00 in the chapel. Marriage: Contact the pastor no later than six months prior to day of the wedding. www.sjbplymouth.org Parish Membership We welcome you to the St. John the Baptist Parish Family. To receive a registration form or to notify us of an address change, please complete the form below. Place the completed form in the collection basket, or return it to the Parish Office (115 Plymouth Street, Plymouth 53073). Father Daniel Volkert ....................................................... Pastor Father Phil Reifenberg .................... Temporary Administrator Name _____________________________________ Parish Trustees Bill Barbieur ...............................................................Treasurer Don Sager ................................................................... Secretary Pastoral Council Chair...................................................................... John Mueller Members: Kent Bindl, Anne Gamoke, Mark Gumm, Keith Ott, Joel Pierce, Tom Paul, Mike Sokol, Kristin Strehlow Finance Council Chair.................................................................. Jim Birenbaum Members: Bill Barbieur, Patty Huberty, Tom Paul, Don Sager St. John the Baptist School ~ 893-5961 Amy Nelson ................................................................ Principal Ann Penkwitz .................................................. School Secretary Matt Mooney..................................... Board of Education Chair St. John the Baptist Faith Formation ~ 892-6015 Amy Albers ..................................Faith Formation Grades 1-8 Erin Gross ....................................Faith Formation Grades 9-12 Address: ___________________________________ Contacts Cemetery ........................................... Parish Office ~ 892-4006 Prayer Needs .......................................... …….Kate ~ 893-0937 Caring Cab……… ....................... …………Karen ~ 892-4849 St. Vincent de Paul.................................................. 892-4913 ___________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________ New Parishioner Address Change Bulletin Deadline Please submit announcements for the bulletin in writing to the Parish Office no later than Monday before noon. We appreciate your cooperation. Parish Office Contact Information Hours: 8:30am-Noon and 1:00-4:00pm Phone ………………………………………..892-4006 Fax…………………………………………...893-8444 E-mail………………………[email protected] Roseanne Krueger…………..……...……..Pastoral Associate Lisa Schoneman …………………...……..Business Manager Katie Kleiber and Mary Ditter……....……..Office Assistants Scott Dedlow………………….………Building Maintenance The support of our advertisers helps offset the cost of publishing our bulletin. Please thank them when you can and support them with your business.