www.elcatholics.org www.stjohnmsu.org


www.elcatholics.org www.stjohnmsu.org
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish & School
955 Alton Road
East Lansing, MI 48823
Office Phone: 517.351.7215
School Phone: 517.332.0813
September 11, 2016
St. John Church & Student Center
327 MAC Avenue
East Lansing, MI 48823
Office Phone: 517.337.9778
Weekend Mass Times
Saturday 4:30 pm
Sunday 9:00am & 11:00am
Weekend Mass Times
Sunday 8:00am, 10:00am,
Noon, 5:00pm & 7:00pm
Weekday Mass Times
Monday – Friday 6:30am
Wednesday & Friday 9:00am
Weekday Mass Times
Monday, Wednesday & Friday 12:15pm
Tuesday & Thursday at 9:15pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 3:00-4:00pm & following
the 4:30pm Mass
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
11:00 am - Noon
Tuesday 8:00pm
Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 11 , 2016
faith and share the faith we have received! Also,
consider being a sponsor for one of the inquirers.
This fall there will also be a group for teens and
children. For more info contact Pete Ries at
517-351-5460 ext. 1328 or [email protected].
Fr. Mark’s Remarks
Rev. Jim Wallis graduated from MSU
in 1977. So did I! We both went
into ministry. Jim became editor of
Sojourners magazine and his columns
appear in many major newspapers.
He appears as a commentator on
both CNN, Fox and MSNBC. He has taught at
Harvard and Georgetown. Sojourners is a magazine and
online publication that sits at the intersection of faith,
politics and culture. Their coverage goes beyond the
trending headlines to uncover and explore in depth
the hidden injustices in the world around us. It seeks
truth as informed by our biblical roots in partnership
with people of other perspectives for the common
good of communities, families and individuals. It
inspires hope and builds a movement to transform
individuals, communities, the church, and the world.
He is coming to Michigan and will speak at Gesu
Catholic Church in Detroit, near the University of
Detroit-Mercy on September 11, at Calvin College in
Grand Rapids on September 12, and at Michigan State
University on Tuesday, September 13. He will be in
conversation from 7:00 to 9:00pm at the Kellogg
Center Auditorium, 219 S. Harrison Road. Free! He
will speak about his new book, “America’s Original Sin:
Racism, White Privilege, and the Bridge to a New
America.” He speaks candidly to Christians, urging
them to cross a new bridge toward racial justice and
healing. Take advantage of his presence at MSU!
As we kick off the school year, I'd like to highlight the
important role that MSU faculty and staff play in the
formation of our students. Professors and staff
members don't simply pass on knowledge and skills they inspire students to choose majors that become
career paths. The classes they teach open minds to new
cultures, scientific breakthroughs, arts and philosophies.
They recognize potential in students and encourage
them apply for scholarships, internships, grad school or
connect to the job market. The impact that faculty and
staff have on students often lasts a lifetime.
We honor MSU's Faculty and Staff on
Thursday, September 15 with a reception and talk
on the Christian Art of Teaching by Dr. Dan Keating,
an Associate Professor of Theology at Sacred Heart
Major Seminary, 5:30-7:00pm. We look forward to
meeting folks who are new to our campus and
reconnecting with old friends. Don't miss it!
Have a blessed week!
The new officers for our East Lansing Knights of
Columbus council fraternal year were installed
recently. Thank you to Mark Meyer, Grand Knight,
and the other officers for their service in our parish
and beyond: Dante Centofanti, Larry Meyer, Rick
Poljan, Art Weber, Russ Martin, Chuck Graff, Mike
Wolsey, Paul Stevens, John Ingraham, Chuck Lewis
and Alan Stuart.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
is a process of welcoming adults interested in
becoming Catholic. This process happens year round
in our parish. A new group seeking to learn about the
Church is about to begin Tuesday, September 13,
7-9pm and Sunday, September 18, 2-4pm at St. John
Church & Student Center. People choose a time best
for them. Most people inquire because someone they
know and respect invited them. You are that
person!!! Think of a family member, co-worker,
classmate, roommate, neighbor or friend. Keep the
Monday, September 12th
5:30 – 7:00pm | SJSC Rooms 15-16
There is renewed interest in Christian Meditation.
The practice has a long history sustained by the
monastic tradition, beginning with Jesus when He said,
"Go into your inner room, close the door, and pray
to your Father Who is in secret." (Mt 6:6)
St. John Prayer Group invites you to learn more about
this Christian practice of silence, which may lead to an
ultimate and intimate relationship with the Divine.
Join us for a Contemplative Prayer/Centering Prayer
Welcome and Orientation and stay for a bite of
pizza on Monday, September 12, 5:30-7:30pm. We
meet downstairs in rooms 15 & 16. For more
information contact Vince at [email protected].
Join RCIA to ask questions and
get answers!
The Rite of Christian Initiation
of Adults (RCIA) is an
opportunity to explore
Catholicism, spirituality and
most importantly build a
relationship with Jesus.
Inquiry Sessions are held
at St. John and begin on
Tuesday, 9/13, 7:00 - 9:00pm
and Sunday, 9/18, 2:00 - 4:00pm.
You pick the day that works best
with your schedule.
Actual through August 28, 2016
Budgeted through August 28, 2016
Contribution to Reserves
$ 16,801
Please Note: The fiscal year began 7/1/2016. Offertory
consists of cash and checks given at Mass, electronic giving
from Parishioner checking and credit cards, and stock gifts.
Looking for Volunteers
Christian Service - Matthew 25
You can get involved! Join together with people
from the Parish, School, and Student Center to help
make our Auction with a Twist a success. We are
looking for people to help before and during the
August 28: Sisters of Charity of Nazareth
will receive $2,271 for the Navjeevan Home for
children in distress in Kakkavayal, India.
September 11: Orphan Grain Train supplies
food, medical services and clothing to leper village
and elderly and disabled in Romania.
If you want to get involved right now, we need help
with programs, raffle tickets and decorations. At the
event we will need lots of help for things like set up
and decorating, selling raffle tickets, check in and
check out, and more. Contact our volunteer
coordinator: Mary Beth, mapirich@hotmail for more
September 18: Tarahumara Children’s
Hospital in Creel, Chihuahua, Mexico, provides
lifesaving medical services to malnourished children.
The hospital also provides emergency food to the
Tarahumara people, who face massive starvation due
to drought.
K of C Pancake Breakfast Returns
Today Sunday, September 11
Thank you for your generosity!
in the STA gym from 10am-1pm
St. John Student Center - Home of the
Catholic Spartans
Katie Diller - [email protected]
Director of Campus Ministry
Joe Reis - [email protected]
Campus Minister
Catholic Conscience in a Complex Political Landscape
Paul Stankewitz - Public Policy Associate, Michigan Catholic Conference
September 22 at 7:30pm - McDevitt Hall, St. John Church & Student Center
Voting is important, but it is not the only form of political action for a faithful citizen.
Join us to explore how our Catholic faith guides our consciences in a complex political landscape.
All students and parishioners are welcome!
Join College Men’s Group and Theotokos Women’s
Group which meet every other Monday. We build
friendships, challenge one another to grow in faith and
focus on Christ as the guide for our faith journey. The
90 minute meetings are planned by upperclassmen.
You are welcome to attend all meetings or just a few!
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 at 7:30pm
College Men's Group
Student Lounge, downstairs SJSC
Theotokos Catholic Women's Group
All Are Welcome: Being Inclusive and Loving
Members of Church
Women's Lounge, Rm 13 downstairs SJSC
Living on Campus?
Graduate Student and
Young Professional Group
This year, Faith Studies will be held in each of
our campus neighborhoods. To connect
to a group near you, check out
All parish young adults, aged 22-32,
are welcome to attend any meeting
of the Graduate Student &
Young Professional Group (GSYP).
Meetings will be held on
Our first event will be a meet and greet on
Wednesday, September 14.
Contact Fr. Ryan at [email protected]
to join our group.
The Pivotal Players
Plan on attending our annual
event downstairs in Fr. Mac
Hall after the 9:00am and
11:00am Masses on Sunday,
September 18.
September 19
Sunday, September 18
In addition to our first Coffee and Doughnuts of the
year, and lots of balloons, you can find
representatives from many different parish ministries
and organizations in addition to those associated
with Faith Formation - RCIA, Youth Ministry,
Religious Education and Sacramental Preparation; you
can get more information on Altar Society, Music
Ministry, Knights of Columbus, Senior Ministry,
Liturgical Ministries and more.
Everyone is welcome to join us!
Beginning September 18,
nursery care will be available for
your young children during the
9:00am and 11:00am Masses at
STA. The nursery is located on
the west side of the building, and will be accessed
through the Reconciliation Chapel. Beginning October
2, care will be offered between the Masses so that
parents can attend the Adult Education program.
At SJSC, childcare will be available in the downstairs
Nursery during the 10:00am Mass. Nursery at SJSC
also begins September 18.
a "Childcare Exchange" bulletin board in the vestibule
outside the Chapel at STA. Feel free to put up a card
requesting childcare or advertising your services.
STA School News
Our after care program, the Tartan Club, is looking
for the following items for their program: Legos,
blocks, cars, trucks and bean bag chairs. If you are
able to donate these items, our program would
greatly appreciate your support. Please drop
donations off in the school office any time during the
day and we will transfer them to the after care
program. Thank you in advance for your kindness
and generosity!
Our universal mission
as disciples of Christ is to lead lives of holiness. The
individuals presented in Catholicism: The Pivotal
Players, truly exemplify this holiness and manifest the
presence of Christ to the world. Like Christ, the
Pivotal Players each balanced both ordinary and
extraordinary existence. Their virtues were elevated
by divine grace, their human weakness overcome by
bewildering strength.
This series is a tribute to their transformative
friendships with Christ. Bishop Robert Barron
envisioned this series as a way to display the potential
unleashed by the powerful friendship of Christ in the
lives of his disciples.
We will meet on Monday evenings, 7:00-8:30pm,
in Fr. Mac Hall, beginning Monday, September
19. Come for any one night or come for the whole
series! All are welcome. Questions? Contact Al
Weilbaecher at 351-5460 or [email protected].
Parents’ Baptism Seminar
Monday, September 12
Our next baptism preparation session
for parents (and godparents) of infants
or young children to be baptized will take place on
Monday evening, September 12, 7:00-9:00pm at
St. Thomas Aquinas Church. Please contact Al in
the Catholic Formation Office if you plan to attend
(351-5460 or [email protected]). Baptism
registration forms are available through the parish
offices at both sites and online at our parish web site
Prayers for the
Sick & Deceased
Please pray for the sick and the
homebound, especially Bea Mangino,
Margaret Twarozynski, Pam Czubak, Tom
Russell, Pam Ingraham, William Harrison, and those
listed in our Book of Prayer.
We remember our beloved deceased, especially Jim
5 Theroux.
EUCHARIST: This year we are
updating our model for Sacramental
Preparation. In response to requests from parents we
will be engaging parents more fully in their children's
preparation for receiving the Sacraments. While the
basic educational content will still be offered in the
classroom, the most important aspects of the spiritual
preparation will take place between parents and
children. There will be fun sessions for parents and
children to attend together as well as sessions for
parents which will
provide ideas and
encouragement for
sharing the GIFT of
preschool and kindergarten Religious Education
classes at each of our sessions! Our focus is on Jesus,
as we help children understand who Jesus was and
what He taught through lessons that relate to
children's lives. We use story-telling, art, finger-play
and other age-appropriate strategies to keep children
engaged. During our Sunday evening session, we do
something a little different: Catechesis of the Good
Shepherd is a Montessori-based way of early-childhood
religious education. Curriculum is hands-on and
springs from Scripture and Liturgy. CGS is open to
children from ages 4-7. We are fortunate to have
Amy Schneider, a trained CGS catechist in our
parish. The CGS is offered during the 4:30pm session
on Sundays in our Atrium in the church building (same
room as parish nursery).
CATECHISTS NEEDED Recruiting catechists is
one of the most rewarding experiences we have all
year! We understand that the prospect of becoming a
catechist can be intimidating. You may not be sure if
you are qualified or capable of forming others in the
faith. As a result, you may hesitate to volunteer or do
so with a bit of reluctance, even dread! The reward
for us is in knowing that the fear and reluctance will
pass and our catechists will experience a wealth of
unexpected blessings from this ministry!
of the lesson.
If you are considering the call to serve as a catechist,
we hope you call one of us and talk to us about the
possibilities. If someone you know is considering the
call to serve as a catechist, pass our names and emails
or phone numbers to them.
Debbie Lewis [email protected] 517-351-5460
Annie Kitching [email protected] 517-332-0064
MAGNIFIKID! subscriptions are waiting for you to
pick up. At St. Thomas Aquinas you will find them in a
box on the shelf in the hallway that runs behind the
sacristy in the Church. At St. John they are in the
office, just ask the "desk person." In both places they
are in a box and each subscription has your name on a
sticker on however many subscriptions you ordered.
They are all in alphabetical order.
ALPHA - This year we will be starting
our Sunday CALLED sessions with the
Alpha course. What is Alpha? Alpha is
a series of interactive sessions where
anyone can explore life and the Catholic
faith in a friendly, open environment.
Alpha was originally developed as a short course for
people in the church, however it is a great way for
non-Christians to experience the faith. One great
thing about ALPHA is that we welcome teens
to bring a friend—even if the friend is not
Alpha presents the reality of who Jesus is. As leaders
our chief goal is to be real and authentic and this
invites everyone present to be real themselves. Teens
are welcome to ask questions, with no pressure to
contribute or have the “right answer”. As we present
Alpha (as well as all of our sessions this year), we are
reliant on the Holy Spirit because we realize that it is
only God who changes lives; we just introduce Him.
No one can force anyone to believe anything. But, if
teens can just be themselves, ask their questions,
focus on building relationships and rely on the Holy
Spirit, lives are changed. In December we will return
to our regular Disciple program.
CONFIRMATION - Any teen planning on being in
this year's Confirmation program needs to go through
the introductory interview by the end of this month.
At STA/SJSC we are blessed with support for all our
Since there are only so many appointments available in
Catechists. Our lesson plans include an array of ideas
the remaining weeks, we encourage you to sign up for
that appeal to every learning style, and we don't just
an interview time as soon as possible. We are now
provide the ideas - we also provide all of the materials
using an online scheduling program. Go to
you need - everything from art activities (ready-to-go),
elcatholics.org. Under "Sacraments" select
word cards, games, dvd clips, storybooks and more.
"Confirmation" and click on the blue button at the
Your preparation each week is primarily reading over
the lesson plan and familiarizing yourself with the flow 6 bottom right corner of your screen.
Liturgical Training Dates
Is the Spirit calling you to serve our community as an
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion or as a
Lector (EMHC)?
Training for these ministries is coming up. There are
two components to training: The theological session
and the practical. You only need come to one
theological session if you would like to serve in both
capacities. Practical sessions for each ministry are also
required. You may be trained at either site and serve
at either site. Ministry is reserved for St. Thomas/St.
John registered parishioners and you must have
received the sacrament of Confirmation.
SJSC Sun. Sept. 11
STA Mon. Sept. 12
STA Wed. Sept. 14
SJSC Sun. Sept. 18
STA Mon. Sept. 12
SJSC Thurs. Sept. 15
All sessions will be held in the Church. For more
information, please contact Denise Waytes at
517-337-9778 or [email protected]
Enjoy Ironing?
Medical experts have said that
sitting too much is the new
smoking! So why not join our linen
ministry so that you have something
to do while watching TV at night!
Besides, there is just something satisfying about ironing
a piece of linen! The fabric responds so well to high
heat - it snaps too perfectly!
We are looking for a few more volunteers to help with
the purificators used for Communion at St John Church
and Student Center. It involves laundering and ironing a
week's worth of white linen purificators (approx. 125150) on a rotating schedule 5 or 6 times per year. If
you are interested in helping, please contact Marty
Boehme at [email protected] or Denise Waytes at
[email protected].
Please Pray for Our People in the Military.
For Women of All Ages
Who Wish to Serve the Church
Sharon Thompson, President of the RAS, extends a
personal invitation to all women of the Parish to
attend the first monthly meeting of the RAS for the
2016/17 year. Join us on Wednesday, September
14 at 10:00am in the Bishop Baraga Room
at STA.
Senior Appreciation
Mass and Lunch
The Annual Senior Appreciation Mass and
Luncheon will be held Thursday, September 15.
Bishop Earl Boyea will celebrate the Mass at 11:00am
at the Catholic Community of St. Jude, 409 Wilson
Street, DeWitt, followed by lunch in the parish
hall. Parking is available in the front as well as the
back of church; the front entrance does not have
steps, however, there are steps at the back entrance.
A free will collection will be accepted at the luncheon.
Reservations are necessary. Please call the parish
office (or your parish representative) before
noon on Monday, September 12 to register.
The Lansing Area Catholic Council on Aging under
the auspices of St. Vincent Catholic Charities is
sponsoring the event.
If you have any questions, please contact Mary Tardif
at 517-285-1208.
Couples Prayer Series
Begins September 21
Married Couples—
Experience the power and
joy of praying together!
Praying together will improve your marriage!
Join us on six consecutive Wednesday evenings
beginning September 21 through October 26. The
sessions will begin at 6:30pm and end promptly at
8:30pm in Fr. Mac Hall at STA. Child care will be
provided. There is a suggested donation of $20 per
couple to cover the cost of materials.
Registration for the Couple Prayer Series is online at
www.elcatholics.org/marriage-enrichment-opportunities or
contact Dian Silvey in the Catholic Formation Office
7 at 517-351-5460.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Faith Sharing Questions For Next Sunday:
New RCIA Group Begins This
A new group of people interested in
learning about the Catholic Church
begins this Tuesday, September 13,
7:00 - 9:00pm and Sunday, September 18, 2:00
- 4:00pm., both at St. John Church and Student
Center. Individuals choose the time which best suits
their schedules.
We invite you to prepare for next Sunday’s liturgy
(September 18) by reflecting on the Gospel reading:
You are welcome to attend with a friend or to come
alone. Participants include undergraduate and
graduate students, year-round East Lansing and area
residents -- people of various ages. The sessions
stress answers to your questions, conversation, and
hospitality. If you have been thinking about
learning more about the Catholic Church,
contact Pete Ries at 517-351-5460, ext. 1328 or
email [email protected].
“Bringing Home the Word” is a monthly newsletter
subscribed to by our parish offering reflections on
the Sunday readings. You can access and download it
from our parish website (www.elcatholics.org) on
the Adult Faith Formation page, or we are happy to
email it to you monthly upon request. Contact Al at
[email protected].
If someone you know has expressed an interest in
learning about the Catholic Church, please share the
above information with that individual.
Also, we are still seeking additional RCIA sponsors
for this group. An RCIA sponsor walks with the
candidate on his/her journey of faith. The sponsor
tries to attend the RCIA sessions with their
candidate. They are a friendly presence helping their
candidate begin to become familiar with some of the
beliefs and practices of the Catholic faith. Sponsors
answer basic questions and offer encouragement. If
you would be willing or would like to find out more
about this role, give Pete Ries a call or an e-mail.
Being involved in the Mass makes it more
meaningful! Students of the parish 10 years
old and older, have you ever thought about
serving Our Lord by being an altar server at
St. Thomas Aquinas? Fr. Ryan will be having altar
server training at STA on the following dates:
9/13 6:45 - 7:45pm
9/14 3:00 - 4:00pm
9/14 4:00 - 5:00pm
Those who already serve
are encouraged to attend as well.
Luke 16:1–13 “The person who is trustworthy in very
small matters is also trustworthy in great ones.”
How well do I manage my life?
How can I be a better steward of the gifts and
resources available to me?
For Further Reflection
Opening the Word is a video program offering
prayer and insights on the Sunday Scriptures and is
available through FORMED, to which our parish has
subscribed. You can access it by registering at
FORMED.org and using our parish access code:
Kate Baumer In concert
at STA!
The teens of the parish invite
you to a CONCERT! Kate
Baumer and her band will be
performing in the school gym
on Saturday evening, September 24 beginning at
6:00pm (after the 4:30pm Mass). Make an evening of
it! Pizza, hot dogs and a whole array of concessions
will be available for purchase. The concert itself is
FREE! Donations will be accepted for our youth
group's Faith in Flint project.
JustFaith Group
Starts Next Week
September 18
A new JustFaith group is forming
to begin in September! We will be meeting on
Sunday afternoons, from 4:15-6:15pm, in the
Fireplace Room of the former STA rectory beginning
on Sunday, September 18. If you are interested in
joining or want more information, please contact Paul
Charette at [email protected] or Al in the
8 formation office at 517-351-5460.
Events In our Parish
Mass Intentions
Monday, September 12, 2016
RAS Charity Quilt Group (STA)
Orientation for Centering Prayer (SJSC)
Theological Training (STA)
Practical EMHC Training (STA)
Parents Baptism Seminar (STA)
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Faith Sharing Group (STA)
Group Spiritual Direction (STA)
Altar Server Training (STA)
Fair Trade Meeting (STA)
RCIA Inquiry (SJSC)
St. Vincent de Paul (SJSC)
K of C #7816 Meeting (STA)
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Rosary Altar Society Meeting (STA)
Altar Server Training (STA)
Altar Server Training (STA)
Practical Lector Training (STA)
Refresher Altar Server Training (STA)
Korean Prayer Group (STA)
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Faculty/Staff Appreciation (SJSC)
Practical Lector Training (SJSC)
STA Contemporary Ensemble (STA)
SJSC Music Ensemble (SJSC)
STA Adult Choir (STA)
Friday, September 16, 2016
Monday, September 12, 2016
6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Int. of Fr. Mark Inglot Anniversary of Ordination
12:15pm (St. John)
Int. of Fr. Mark Inglot Anniversary of Ordination
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
George Bettman req. by K of C #7816
9:15pm (St. John)
Poor Souls in Purgatory
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Int. of Margaret and Ruth Farley req. by Rick & Julie Bryce
9:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Gloria Spagnuolo req. by Hugo Spagnuolo
12:15pm (St. John)
Ada Mazza req. by Tina Votapek
Thursday, September 15, 2016
6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Int. of David Harcharic req. by The Peckham Family
10:00am (Burcham)
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Food Cupboard Opens (SJSC)
Youth Leader Training (STA)
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Faith Formation Open House (STA)
STA Adult Choir (STA)
Troop 293 Boy Scouts (STA)
Practical EMHC Training (SJSC)
RCIA Inquiry (SJSC)
Just Faith (STA)
Youth Group (STA)
Save the Date!
Lansing’s 25th annual Life Chain is
Sunday October 2,
2:30 3:30pm
9:15pm (St. John)
Todd Laniewski req. by John Young
Friday, September 16, 2016
6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Frank Dominic Ghinelli req. by K of C #7816
9:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Kathleen Pawelec req. by Jean Hamilton
12:15pm (St. John)
Virginia Meyer req. by Delores Murray
Saturday, September 17, 2016
4:30pm (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Deceased Members of the Ross Family
req. by the Cassady Family
Sunday, September 18, 2016
8:00am (St. John)
People of the Parish
9:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Gloria Spagnuolo req. by Richard & Marie Fata
10:00am (St. John)
Boniface Dube req. by the Muenzer-White Family
11:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Mary Kato req. by Dennis & Jeanne Meyer
12:00pm (St. John)
Peter & Erin Wegener req. by Beverly & Carl Wegener
5:00pm (St. John)
Conrad Henke req. Helen Henke
7:00pm (St. John)
Dwono Zang Lucien req. by Friends of Fr. Georges