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AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 1
Phoenix Journals
Oct 9, 2010 - PJ #11 " CRY OF THE PHOENIX ", chapter 19 & 20.
The Soviet POWER
Political Information
Oct 8, 2010 - John Pilger: Flying the flag, faking the news
Ron: Journalsts, TV presenters and media commentators et al need to reflect upon what they
DO and who they do it for, because purveyors of LIES that perpetuate the misery, suffering
and death in our world are responsible for the results of their LIES almost as much as those
who concoct them. Indeed, the education and vocational systems that mold these charming
purveyors of untruth has so effectively mind controlled most of them that they are proud of
the fact that they are usually not told what to tell the public, they are able and willing to
concoct the Bernaysian bullshit themselves. They should reflect on the fact that their karma
is in the mail along with their retainers from the matrix controllers.
Oct 8, 2010 - Boundaries- Dynamics
Hazel's Higher Self
Political Information
Oct 8, 2010 - Vandana Shiva, ISEC - State Imposed Violence
Ron: Sooo, you think that globalisation is a good thing because it allows you to buy cheap food
and goods produced by sweated labour in foreign countries and you prefer not to have to
raise a sweat yourself? And you feel that governments are good because they do your
thinking for you? And you don’t mind governments having and using a monopoly on force and
violence because YOU are not a criminal so YOU don’t have anything to fear from government
violence? Well here’s a snippet of reality for you. And believe it or not, it could happen to
True US History
Oct 8, 2010 - S-510 - The Most Dangerous Bill In American History S 510 'Food
Safety Modernization' Act Of 2010
Ron: This law is totally insane as are those who propose and support it. They shoot mad dogs
don’t they? Whoever controls the food supply controls the nation and decides who lives and
who dies. They also decide whether life will be worth living. Any politician, journalist,
commentator, doctor or other healthcare provider or citizen who is (or should be) aware of
this law and what it means, and does nothing about it (let alone assisting its passage) is guilty
of treason to all USans including those yet to be born. Such people need to ask themselves:
‘Is my job, payoff, current status in society or whatever, WORTH the pain, misery and death
I am co-creating for others AND the karma I am heaping upon my own future existence?'
Oct 8, 2010 - Russian Healing Seminar Control of Reality, on the Level of Soul, Mind
and Consciousness
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 2
Ron: Russian scientists are dissolving the scientific and medical illusions forced on humanity
globally by bankster matrix controllers in recent centuries. Godly science on health is
trickling out of Russia. Arcady Petrov and other Russian scientists have learned how to send
healing brain waves of certain frequencies to the body with the result that patients are able
to regenerate diseased or missing organs and teeth. The information imparted in this
seminar seems consistent with the DNA and consequent physical body changes being
effected in our bodies by incoming energies in this change of Ages. Arcady Petrov et al
provide an interesting explanation of the mechanics of using mind generated wave form
energies to communicate with the cells of our bodies.
Oct 8, 2010 - Mise à jour de Candace
par Candace, traduction Eleisa et Marie-Louise 2 octobre 2010
Political Information
Oct 8, 2010 - SERCO - The Biggest Company You've Never Heard Of - 'the
merchants of the Earth'
Ron: At some point the penny has to drop and the sleeping multitudes must awaken to the
absurdity of giving fictional corporate entities the power to run their lives by operating their
governments, defence and essential services, and almost everything else that makes life
possible. To continue to allow hidden human power brokers to control all aspects of life
through unaccountable, fictional corporate entities is not just irresponsible and stupid, it is
acquiescence to physical and mental slavery. Those who continue to do this deserve the
slavish life and death the matrix controllers have planned for them.
True US History
Oct 8, 2010 - Ukrainian People Say No to Globalist Vaccines
The Ukrainians seem to understand the implications of a ruling elite that worship mass
murdering genocidal megalomaniacs and how the sound science and noble intentions of
vaccinations have been hijacked by them to carry on the "social innovations" of Mao.
The people of Ukraine didn't wait for their government and elected officials to take action.
They took action themselves by boycotting the globalist's agenda, en-mass and forcing the
destruction of whatever Ted Turner had filled those 9 million injections with by simply not
consuming what was placed in the trough by the globalists.
There is a great lesson to be learned here: Boycotts work, and perhaps the only vote you
have that really counts is how you choose to spend your money, who you pay your attention
to, and who you place your trust in, be it food, water, medicine, education, or the news.- Tony
Phoenix Journals
VOL. I ", chapter 21 & 22.
" The Goys are like a flock of sheep -- we are wolves. "
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 3
True US History
Oct 7, 2010 - More journalists killed in Iraq than in 2009: IPI
Ron: Thise Iraqi terrarists are fiendishly clever, and sooo resourceful. For instance in this
case someone attached a magnetic "sticky bomb" to the car of Tahrir Kadhim Jawad, a
cameraman for the al-Hurra satellite channel, and detonated it in the town of Garma, killing
him. Mind you, WHY would Iraqi freedom fighters WANT to kill an ethnic TV camera man
and HOW would they obtain a sophisticated magnetic "sticky bomb" to do the job. Such
specialised bomb equipment is far more likely to be in the arsenal of Mossad and the CIA.
Translations - Others
Oct 7, 2010 - Italian: 1 Message Oct. 05.
Esu/Adam - 5 OTTOBRE: La Fonte ha decretato la fine dell' esperimento
Political Information
Oct 7, 2010 - Toxic Hungarian sludge spill reaches River Danube
Ron: Sooo, will the corporate legal fiction that caused this social and environmental
catastrophe be held responsible to fully make good (if that is possible) the harm it has done?
No? Why Not? More particularly, will the owners of this corporate fiction be made to repair
the damage the actions and inactions of their corporate servants and agents have caused,
and to pay all costs asociated with it? No? Why not? And what about the officers and agents
of this corporate terrorist that has inflicted so much injury and damage on humanity and the
planet? Will they be treated like alleged terrorists elsewhere, and incarcerated in torture
prisons like Guantanamo and Bagram? No? WHY NOT? There is no doubt about the damage
they have wrought whereas most prisoners at Guantanamo have not been shown to have
harmed anyone or anything. When will humanity start to get some honest perspective in
relation to these matters?
True US History
Oct 7, 2010 - Nato contractors 'bombng own vehicles' in Pakistan
Ron: If UN contractors are bombing US fuel supplies going to Afghanistan should the US
declare war on the UN? Or are these UN contractors "good" bombers like the US military
itself? No wonder it is said that each gallon of fuel delivered to the US military in
Afghanistan costs $800. Still, no price is too high to pay for provision of freedom and
democracy to the Afghanistani people... It seems that the altruism of the US government
and people knows no bounds.
True US History
Oct 7, 2010 - 27 Signs That The Standard Of Living For America’s Middle Class Is
Dropping Like A Rock
Ron: The statistics quoted in this article are all out of date. The situation is even worse than
suggested and the trend seems to be accelerating. No surprises there.
True US History
Oct 7, 2010 - 12 Ominous Signs For World Financial Markets
Ron: So how's Obama's "Hope and change working out for you?"
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 4
Other Spiritual Pieces
Oct 7, 2010 - Fear is a Magnetic Force and often Appears as Anger.
True US History
Oct 7, 2010 - Prices Jump at Wal-Mart & 77% of Americans Barely Making it. NIA
Inflationary Depression Update
Ron: The government and mainstream media says the rescession is over, right? And the
government and the media wouldn't LIE to you, would they? And anyway, you SAW it on TV
didn't ya? Just like 911! Sooo, go back to sleep.
True US History
Oct 7, 2010 - Fraud Factories: Rep. Alan Grayson Explains the Foreclosure Fraud
Ron: If you are a USan you should watch this short video with close attention. Not only are
almost all foreclosures in the US unlawful and fraudulent with the courts conniving in such
fraud, but also the implication is that virtually every business engaged in the US housing
market and certainly ALL businesses purporting to have loaned monies to home owners are
BANKRUPT since they have no valid right or lawful claim against home mortgages purportedly
on their books.
Oct 7, 2010 - Beauty Astronomic Photo
Phoenix Journals
chapter 13 & 14.
Translations - Others
Oct 6, 2010 - Italian: 1 Message Oct. 04.
Con Esu e Kibo - 4 ottobre: E' richiesto il pubblico annuncio ad Al CIA DUH
True US History
Ron: This is why humanity is suffering Earth changes; and why those who lack a modicum of
consideration for others and the planet will not remain here.
True US History
Oct 6, 2010 - If joblessness is as bad as the Depression, why are there no bread
Ron: Another distortion in assessing the degree and meaning of unemployment in the US
today as compared to the Great Depression is that now it's typical for females to be in paid
employment whereas that was not so in 1930. Sooo, proportionately there are more jobs to
lose today. Also, if one member of the household has paid work survival may be possible
whereas in the Great Depression husbands were typically the sole "bread winner". To balance
that situation though, wives and mothers et al grew and preserved more fruit and vegetables
and their domestic labour reduced the need to buy "stuff" in the 1930s. Crunchtime today
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 5
will come when governments can no longer take enough from those "in" work to provide
benefits and foodstamps etc to the unemployed. As Corporate US and most US states are
said to be secretly bankrupt that "time" is rapidly approaching.
Political Information
Oct 6, 2010 - British document: Israel initiated Entebbe hijack
Ron: Why am i not surprised? Name me one genuine substantive terrorist "event" that has
not been staged by the fecken Jews or their allies in the CIA, MI5 & 6, or (much less often)
some other nation's SECRET SERVICE? The reason people need to be afraid of "terrarists"
is that their own governments ARE THE TERRORISTS!
By Others
Oct 6, 2010 - ESU - A Fonte Original Decretou o Fim dos Experimentos
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Oct 6, 2010 - Die QUELLE hat das Ende des Experimentes verfügt
Esu durch Adam, 5.10.2010 Übersetzung Bernd
Telepathische Nachrichten (Candace)
Oct 6, 2010 - Menschliche Sexualität
Esu durch Candace, 16.7.2005 Übersetzung Jaya
Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen
Esu via Adam, vertaling Lilian A.
True US History
Oct 6, 2010 - Rick Sanchez on Jewish Media Power
Deep down you must be fully aware of Jewish power, but public utterances must pledge
allegiance to the idea that Jews are powerless victims. ... Jews with immense power, able to
shape public discourse on everything of importance. Never mention the obvious fact that
Jews are a very large component of the elite in the US and throughout the West. And if you
don't go along with the "Jews as powerless victims" idea, then Jews will destroy you. Edmund Connelly
True US History
Oct 6, 2010 - Will Hezbollah defeat Israel again – Part I
True US History
Oct 6, 2010 - More on Washington's Failed Ecuadorean Coup Attempt
Ron: Can you imagine the hysteria in Amerikka if the US President was subjected to a coup
attempt by some foreign power, as happened to Ecudaor's President Raphael Correa,
organised by the US and Mossad?! We would never hear the end of it. Axis of Evil wouldn't
begin to cover it ...
Other Channels
Oct 6, 2010 - L'annonce publique nécessaire à ‘Al CIA DUH'
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 6
Esu et Kibo, 4 Octobre 2010 - traduction par Marie Louise
True US History
Oct 6, 2010 - Text of S. 3081: Enemy Belligerent Interrogation, Detention, and
Prosecution Act of 2010
Phoenix Journals
Oct 6, 2010 - PJ #11 " CRY OF THE PHOENIX ", chapter 17 & 18.
Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen
Oct 5, 2010 - Nederlands: De vereiste openbare aankondiging aan alle CIA DUH
Esu via Kibo, vertaling Lilian A.
True US History
'In a world “gone mad” with security protocols making travel a near impossibility, the only
group of people capable of getting anywhere anymore are terrorists. Is there, perhaps, a
special passport they are given, like diplomatic passports but better? Who has that kind of
power? Does a country that does things like this come to mind? - Gordon Duff
True US History
Oct 5, 2010 - Coup in Ecuador Thwarted
Ron: Fuck off Amerikka and take your Jew handlers with you! You've failed repeatedly in
Venezuela and now you've failed in Ecuador. Nor will you succeed in Bolivia (or Iran and
Pakistan for that matter). Even slow learners should have realised by now that the tipping
point is here and that the day of psychopathic individuals and nations is OVER. Yanks go
home (and work for a living)!
Oct 5, 2010 - El Anuncio Público Requerido Para Al CIA DUH
True US History
Oct 5, 2010 - Georgia To Allow Right To Drive Without A License?
'Free people have a common law and constitutional right to travel on the roads and highways
that are provided by their government for that purpose. Licensing of drivers cannot be
required of free people because taking on the restrictions of a license requires the
surrender of an inalienable right' - THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF GEORGIA
Oct 5, 2010 - La Fuente original ha decretado el final del experimento
Fuente ha decretado el final del experimento y que todos los seres y entidades que lo
deseen pueden tener la salvación, y que todos los que pidan, se les conceda la gracia y la
misericordia. De esta manera, las experiencias, motivaciones y las energías de la rebelión
puede seguir siendo parte de la Fuente original, y que queden como un recordatorio eterno
las lecciones y los resultados del "pecado del orgullo, " para que este drama no se vuelva a
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 7
Oct 5, 2010 - Source has decreed the end of the experiment
Source has decreed the end of the experiment and that all those beings and entities who
wish it may have salvation; that all who ask will be granted grace and mercy. In this manner
the experiences and motivations and energies of the Rebellion may remain a part of Source,
an eternal reminder and lesson of the results of the “sin of pride,” that this drama need not
be repeated.-Esu
Oct 5, 2010 - Video of our Eternal Journey
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Oct 5, 2010 - Die notwendige öffentliche Ankündigung für die AL CIA DUH
Esu durch Kibo, 4.10.2010 Übersetzung Eve
Art and Music
Oct 5, 2010 - Seeing Iran as it really is, a beautiful creation
This is a lovely slideshow of mostly nature images from Iran. It is quite long, I have paused it
because I haven't even seen them repeat yet. I have bookmarked the site, so I might pause
and copy some of them to my computer. Those wanting to war against this country would be
advised to look at it's great beauty. It has some of the highest mountains in the world, a
wide range of geography, and where the images show buildings, autos, road, et all, it is seen it
is really quite a modern country. I would advise sending this link to any Iran war supporting
people you know, so they can witness before hand what they wish destroyed. The media
never shows this stuff to folks. We do not see the people and country. If anyone can find
nice slideshows or sites with lots of images of cities etc in Iran, I would add the links to
this. People should be advised in the United States, just what OUR country would look like
and it's cities and people's if we were similarly bombed. Those wishing war against counties
they accept as "evil" never consider the people and god's beautiful creation that would be
destroyed. Please continue to advise them of this concept they are missing out on in in your
journey with others. This is ONE good way to show "the way" and do the "Lord's Work"
now. Thanks very much to the reader who sent the link, it brightened my own day. -C
Political Information
Oct 5, 2010 - A Non-Politically Correct Response to: Are the Jews God’s Chosen
Ron: Apart from the fact that this commentator ignores the fact that Zionism as we know it
stems from Rothschild initiatives and that Hatonn has said that Khazars probably represent
85-90% of all Jews, this dissertation seems to be reasonably accurate. However, he also
fails to mention the fact that the Khazars invented the self-description "Jews" in the 17th
century and have harbored a deep seated hatred of Russians and Christians ever since
Russian Christians conquered their vicious empire in the 10th century. He also fails to
mention that Stalin established a Jewish homeland at Birobidzhan in eastern Russia in 1934
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 8
although only 17,695 Khazar Jews appear to have migrated there by 1939. Presumably they
preferred life in western Russia, eastern Europe and Germany to having their own homeland
at that stage.
Oct 5, 2010 - Royal Society organize ET conference: Mazlan Othman is there
Oct 5, 2010 - Valor
True US History
Oct 5, 2010 - Carta de amor para nuestro equipo en tierra
Political Information
Oct 5, 2010 - Roger Waters' 'The Wall' show accused of being anti-Semitic
Ron: Is it just me or are other people getting fed up with these freakin Jews?! Talk about
precious, hysterical victim freaks and frauds! Jews ARE Khazars NOT Semites. And those
famous Khazars, Churchill, Eisenhower, Roosveldt et al bombed the shit out of Germany and
Japan during WWII. Who else but Oppenheimer and Einstein were RESPONSIBLE for the
atomic bomb? And who insisted it be dropped on the Christian cities of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki? And isn't the Star of David the misappropriated symbol used by the Khazar Jews
to represent their genocidal military massacres of Palestinians and anyone else they choose
to murder anywhere in the world including on the high seas as happened to the Gaza
Freedom Flotilla and the sailors on the USN Liberty? Give us a break willya? Enough bullshit
True US History
Oct 5, 2010 - Cleveland Show 911 inside Job ~Growing Dissidents within Mainstream
Are Fed Up With The Lies Oct 3rd
Ron: On the October 3 2010 episode of The Cleveland Show, lead character Cleveland Brown
clearly states on national, international television that 911 was an Inside Job.
Phoenix Journals
VOL. I ", chapter 19 & 20.
" Why do I implore you to look at the ugly instead of as the New Age Movement would have
you look? Because they pronounce falseness unto you and if the vision is incorrect or there is
no vision in truth, man shall perish. No more and no less. You must awaken unto the truth of
your existence and know the players in the game of control and you must do so before it
becomes too late to longer matter. "
True US History
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 9
Oct 4, 2010 - PROJECT PLOWSHARE - excavating (and demolition) with nuclear
Ron: Don't believe that US Black Ops and Mossad could have used micro nukes to demolish
the Twin Towers? Have a look at Project Plowshare. They developed the techniques back in
1961-68. Of course much smaller mini nukes were developed and micro nukes were also
perfected. No doubt the technology was available by the time the Twin Towers were being
built in 1966-1970. So it would have been possible to bury micro or mini nukes beneath the
foundations then or later. Incidentally, starting at 20:50, this video admits the US had a
neutron bomb back in 1964. See
Political Information
Political Information
Oct 4, 2010 - "gods Chosen" prevents bleeding pregnant woman going to hospital
Ron: Just another working day for "God's Chosen" as they labour mighterly to grind
Palestinians into the ground. Amerikkans have subsidised this activity for over 50 years. Way
to Go Amerikka!
Oct 4, 2010 - The required public announcement to Al CIA DUH
Canal Jess
Oct 4, 2010 - Azréal, L'Ange de la mort
Azréal par Jess 15 septembre 2010 Traduction Marie-Louise et Eleisa
Candace on Religion
Oct 4, 2010 - Answer to Reader Questions
Oct 4, 2010 - DNA tests show Hitler had Jewish and African roots
Ron: The fact that Hitler and a number of senior National Socialist government officials
were of Jewish extraction helps to explain why Hitler and his government didn't try to
eliminate the Jews but rather did their best to help Jews leave Germany and when that
initiative was thwarted by the Khazar Jew influenced UK and US governments Jews were
interned because international Jewry had declared war on Germany in 1933.
Oct 4, 2010 - Why humanity will live without money
Capitalism survives through Man exploiting Man.
In the Communist system, it's the other way 'round!
AH Mitgliederbeiträge (Candace)
Oct 4, 2010 - Update von Candace
Computerproblem . finanzielle Unterstützung . neues Schiff für Erdveränderungen
Übersetzung Eve
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 10
By Jess
Oct 4, 2010 - Esu Fala sobre Sexo e Relacionamentos
True US History
Oct 4, 2010 - 33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True, What Every
Person Should Know...
Ron: I wonder why the US government's conspiracy theory that 19 cave dwelling Muslims
allegedly perpetrated suicide plane attacks on 911 is not included here? Perhaps its because
seven of the alleged perpetrators were found to be alive and well on the other side of the
world AFTER this allegedly suicidal event? To understand current US propaganda againsy
Iran everyone should watch the Operation AJAX videos at: & While you're at it, watch the
embedded Operation GLADIO video.
Phoenix Journals
chapter 15 & 16.
Candace: PLEASE dear ones, read at least the Aton commentary in this one! and
then think today of the so called Al Quaeda threat in europe that is all over the "news"
this morning. And remember 911 and every other staged Israel Mossad event since.
Oct 3, 2010 - Observations On A Damaged Society
Clandestine Weather Modification At All Costs
True US History
Oct 3, 2010 - Several Links about Nasty things brewing
Oct 3, 2010 - New Ocean Springs Images
I had a list of now lost links on the dead machine I was preparing to post from you tube and
other sites about the increasing recent issues along the Gulf. The images at the above link
are far worse that the images by the same person about 10 days ago. Also we have
taught here that there is a huge "plume" 400 miles X 80 miles X 2 MILES deep out in the
middle of the Gulf as of several weeks now, and it's spreading out and may be the cause
behind the "climbing" in these video's. I mean where else does it go with a
disturbed system of currents now.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 11
Other Spiritual Pieces
Oct 3, 2010 - GAIA
YouTube - Gaia Lovely piece by Olivia Newton John and so true, and man has still not learned
to respect his mother. Read lyrics inside the post.
Oct 3, 2010 - Nederlands: Update over de Computer problemen en andere zaken.
door Candace, vertaling Lilian A.
Phoenix Journals
chapter 11 & 12.
Telemensajes de Otros
Oct 2, 2010 - Claridad antes de la Calamidad
Por Cristo Miguel a través de Hazel
Sep 22, 2010
Oct 2, 2010 - Update on the Computer Issues etc.
Includes updating also on current conditions.
Phoenix Journals
Oct 2, 2010 - PJ #11 " CRY OF THE PHOENIX ", chapter 15 & 16.
Other Spiritual Pieces
Oct 1, 2010 - Energy is Everything and so Energy = God
Ron David Ash gives the best explanation I have seen for saying 'There's only one of us
here.' His vortex theory seems coherent and his explanation of how energy creates
matter and how everything is really energy vibrating at varying speeds and hence all is
God, is understandable. In effect he reckons energy is consciousness and since energy
is everywhere it is the thought of God. And as we are manifestations of energy we are
manifestations of God. Angels and "fairies" are beings vibrating at different light
speeds to us and so we cannot perceive them.
Candace: well, I haven't seen these, but pure energy from what all does manifest, is
THOUGHT. Just add that in. I think it better to say that God is Mind, myself. For
matter manifests from mind also.
True US History
Oct 1, 2010 - The US: Home of the Double Standard
Ron: As usual George Carlin 'nails it' when discussing US attitudes to "war".
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 12
Phoenix Journals
VOL. I ", chapter 17 & 18.
" Stop blaming God for AIDS--AIDS is spread and nurtured by MAN--NOT GOD! God,
however, might just heal you if you have it--IF YOU TURN FROM YOUR MISBEHAVIOR
Political Information
Sep 30, 2010 - The Queen and Sexy Sady need some Heat
Sep 30, 2010 - Miedo
True US History
Sep 30, 2010 - One Of History's Greatest Crimes
Ron: It's hard to imagine just what terrible deeds ensouled Iraqis and Afghanis must have
committed in previous incarnations to warrant their often horrific karmic punishment at the
hands of the US and its allies. Although of course, millions have experienced the blessed
relief of death, sometimes it is even quick and relatively painless. I also wonder just what
possible benefit robots in Iraq and Afghanistan and similar environments around the world
obtain from having to live and die in the maw of the US military meat grinder. Of course the
same might be said of the horrific suffering inflicted globally on countless food animals in
order to provide humanity with cheap food. Although, as I understand it, animals get to
reincarnate to continue their journey...
Phoenix Journals
Sep 30, 2010 - PJ #45 " THE MOTHER OF ALL WEBS, WHO GOTCHA!, VOL. III ",
chapter 9 & 10.
Political Information
Sep 29, 2010 - How Venice Rigged the First, and Worst, Global Financial Crash
Ron: When one understands how the 'Merchants of Venice' banksters operated in the Middle
Ages, the current secret bankster "ownership" of the US and other countries (and the
purported pledging of their citizens as collateral for government debts) doesn't seem such a
stretch. Similarly, the Great Depression and the even greater depression currently becoming
a reality in the US can be seen for what it is - a social and economic catastrophe engineered
by the banksters.
Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen
ESU door Eve - 27 september 2010, vertaling Lilian A
True US History
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 13
'America has offended and alienated the entire world. Our only hope is sinking hopelessly
in debt to finance war after war, all fought with armies that are crumbling around us'. Gordon Duff.
True US History
Sep 29, 2010 - Americans living in a police state?
Ron: It seems that the US government is attempting to establish in the public mind that any
dissent against the 'war on terror', including questioning 9/11, is tantamount to terrorism
By Others
Sep 29, 2010 - GERMAIN - MEDO
Political Information
Sep 29, 2010 - GARETH PORTER: UN Fact-Finding Mission Says Israelis “Executed”
US Citizen Furkan Dogan
Ron: On this occasion the global community has allowed Jewish soldiers to attack shipping in
international waters and to summarily execute a US citizen and at least five Turkish citizens.
in the process the Jewish commandoes also killed three other people and wouding another
50. On this occasion the Jews targetted Turkish people but next time it could be YOU.
True US History
Sep 29, 2010 - Totalitarian Collectivism
Other Channels
Sep 29, 2010 - Voici le temps de la résurrection
Père Melchisédech à travers Hazel 19 septembre 2010 Traduction Eleisa et Marie-Louise
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Sep 29, 2010 - Angst
St. Germain durch Hazel, 25.9.2010 Übersetzung Bernd
Sep 29, 2010 - Australian soldiers charged with manslaughter of Afghan children
Ron: Coincidentally a journalist claiming to represent some Murdoch newspapers rang me
yesterday asking me if I read Murdoch newspapers. I said 'No, I find that all newspapers
lack discernment in their content and that I get all my news and information from the
internet'. He wanted to know why i felt this way and said twice that in 20 years as a
journalist he had never been told what to write. I said I had not implied that journalists are
"told" what to write but that after 20 years of "education" they lack discernment and true
knowledge of history, and that most journalists don't get information first hand (any more
than i do) but rely on reports from AAP or Reuters which have been Jewish owned for a
century. I instanced my view that journalists lack discernment by referring to the front page
Canberra Times article discussed herein.
True US History
Sep 29, 2010 - Confession Video: US Soldier Describes Thrill Kill of Innocent Afghans
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 14
Political Information
Ron: Encyclopaedias and sources of Satanically influenced disinformation (including
Christian churches) state that the Old Testament (OT) is of "equal divine authority"
with the New Testament (NT). That LIE distorts non-Judaic thinking about Judaism
and its adherents and tends to pollute the personal paradigms of those who seek to
follow the core NT message that God is love and we must love neighbour as self for
love of God. Why? Because the OT Judaic god is a hating, cursing deity who demands
that Judaists hate, kill and despoil their neighbour, while its Talmudic variant condones
Canal Jess
Sep 29, 2010 - Esu parle du sexe et des Relations
Esu par Jess, 26 Sep. 2010 traduit par Marie-Louise
Sep 29, 2010 - Stairway to Heaven - All in a day's work.
Ron: Meeting Star Fleet half-way? Tell me again how company executives work sooo hard
they deserve sooo much more "compensation" that "factory floor" workers.
Translations - Others
Sep 29, 2010 - Italian: 1 Message Sep. 28.
- Sept. 28 : Una lettera d' amore al nostro personale di terra
Phoenix Journals
Sep 29, 2010 - PJ #11 " CRY OF THE PHOENIX ", chapter 13 & 14.
Telepathische Nachrichten (Jess)
Sep 28, 2010 - Esu spricht über Sex und Beziehungen
Esu durch Jess, 26.9.2010 Übersetzung Anja Shakira
Political Information
Sep 28, 2010 - UN to Appoint Earth Contact for Aliens
Ron: Whose having a laugh? The UN has appointed M OTHMAN as Earth's first contact with
UPDATE 29/9/10: 'UN plan for 'alien
ambassador' a case of science fiction'. If you can be bothered, See:
Malaysian astrophysicist Mazlan Othman denies Sunday Times report that she is to become
Earth's first contact for ETs
Other Spiritual Pieces
Sep 28, 2010 - Losing Your Loneliness by unASLEEP, Parts 1 & 2
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 15
'Your loneliness is trying to tell you that you are never alone. You are lonley so that you may
learn that you are never alone'. - unASLEEP
Other Channels
Sep 28, 2010 - Liberté et responsabilité
Thoth par Leonette traduit par Marie-Louise
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Sep 28, 2010 - Wenige sind dabei zu erwachen
CM u. Esu durch Adam, 13.9.2010 Übersetzung Bernd
True US History
Sep 28, 2010 - Aliens have deactivated British and US nuclear missiles, say US
military pilots
Ron: Pressure for disclosure about the existance of ET's in our skies seems to be slowly
increasing. See for instance:
Translations - Jess
Sep 28, 2010 - Italian: 1 Message Sept. 26.
Esu/Jess - Sept. 26
Phoenix Journals
PHOENIX, VOL. I ", chapter 15 & 16.
DETAILS OF THE MASSACRE at Jonestown, Guyana and Jim Jones
By Others
Sep 27, 2010 - TOTH - Liberdade e Responsabilidade
Sep 27, 2010 - GEORGE SOROS - Jewish billionaire - funds J-Street
Ron: Judaism is a religious ideology. At the heart of that ideology is the Kol Nidre* which
says: "All vows, obligations, oaths, and anathemas [curses]which we may vow, or swear, or
pledge, or whereby we may be bound, from this Day of Atonement until the nextwe do
repent. May they be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, and void, and made of no effect:
they shall not bind us nor have any power over us. The vows shall not be reckoned vows; the
obligations shall not be obligations; nor the oaths be oaths." In effect the word of a Jew
is meaningless. No rational person can trust anything they say. They are indeed "The People
of the LIE". Here's a typical example from George
* See
Sep 27, 2010 - GEORGE SOROS - Jewish billionaire - funds J-Street
Ron: Judaism is a religious ideology. At the heart of that ideology is the Kol Nidre* which
says: "All vows, obligations, oaths, and anathemas [curses]which we may vow, or swear, or
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 16
pledge, or whereby we may be bound, from this Day of Atonement until the nextwe do
repent. May they be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, and void, and made of no effect:
they shall not bind us nor have any power over us. The vows shall not be reckoned vows; the
obligations shall not be obligations; nor the oaths be oaths." In effect the word of a Jew
is meaningless. No rational person can trust anything they say. They are indeed "The People
of the LIE". Here's a typical example from George
* See
Political Information
Sep 27, 2010 - The former guerrilla set to be the world's most powerful woman
Ron: A sign of the times. As the Age of Aquarius arrives godesses begins to make their mark
in 3/4D governments.
True US History
Sep 27, 2010 - George Carlin and Bill Hicks tell it like it is
Ron: This video is for the slow learners. Sorry it can't all be said in 15 seconds but do
yourselves a favour and spare three minutes of your precious time. It tells you all you need
to know, especially if you live in Amerikka. And if you don't live in the Land of the Free and
the Home of the Brave, these blokes, even though they're dead, still tell you how the world
Phoenix Journals
chapter 13 & 14.
True US History
Sep 26, 2010 - Alternative Media and Ahamadinejad's Speech. Total Silence! Total
Ron: The banksters' trusts don't just manufacture "Consent' AND "Dissent" (see ) they also FUND and
hence manufacture (ie control) much of the "popular" alternative media reporting of
"Dissent" and much alternative news and opinion that seems to be contrary to the interests
of the global matrix controllers and their lackeys. In effect, the global matrix is a complete,
circuitous mirage; a collage of false images, perceptions and opinions, all bought and paid for
by the banksters and their corporate trusts.
Other Spiritual Pieces
Sep 26, 2010 - "The Definition" - addendum to "The Prophecy"
"Those who will be great among you... will be your servants." - the bodhisattva Issa
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 17
Jess Anthony
Sep 26, 2010 - Esu Speaks on Sex and Relatinships
Political Information
Sep 26, 2010 - Make Bono history
Ron: Don't kid yourself that this bone jarring hypocrisy is unusual; it is the norm with
charitable foundations and such. Moreover, note that the Bill and Melinda Gates' mega
pseudo charitable foundation provides much of the funding for Bono's 'ONE foundation'. So
this is how it works. The Gates' foundation and others like it, fund lots of NGOs, "charities"
and progressive associations which use the funding to remunerate and pay the "expenses" of
lots of employees and others. The real question then is:"What are those employees and
"others" doing?' Well, they get to go to lots of African and other Third World countries
some of which coincidently happen to experience social unrest and even "Colour Revolutions"
as happened in the Ukraine, Georgia, Iran (where it failed) and other places. Sooo, from the
Jew banksters' perspective, the money's not wasted.
Political Information
Sep 26, 2010 - The Elite and Chosen People Laughing Business Game.
'Big headline; all day long “Police detain man on diverted bomb threat plane” is what I see.
They are laughing at you. They can’t believe you are that stupid but you are. Someone
goes to a payphone and makes a phone call and by now you would think there was some kind of
names or reasons but all I hear is laughter' - Les Visible
True US History
Sep 26, 2010 - To Protect State Secrets, Pentagon Buys and Destroys Book
You can be sure these "state secrets" are about nothing honorable.
Political Information
Sep 26, 2010 - The Same Old Same Old don't say my Name
Political Information
Sep 26, 2010 - Hungarians Find Glamorous Anti-Zionist Leader
"I would be greatly pleased if those who call themselves proud Hungarian Jews played in
their leisure with their tiny circumcised dicks, instead of besmirching me. Your kind of
people are used to seeing all of our kind of people stand to attention and adjust to you every
time you fart. Would you kindly acknowledge this is now OVER. We have raised our head up
high and we shall no longer tolerate your kind of terror. We shall take back our
country." - Krisztina Morvai
Telepathische Nachrichten (Jess)
Sep 26, 2010 - Azreal, der Engel des Todes
Azreal durch Jess Anthony - 15.9.2010 - Übersetzung: Karin für AH
Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen
Sep 26, 2010 - Nederlands: Vrijheid en verantwoordelijkheid
Toth via Leonette - 24-10-2010
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 18
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Sep 26, 2010 - Klarheit vor der Katastrophe
von Christus Michael durch Hazel, 22.9.2010, Übersetzung Bernd
Phoenix Journals
Sep 26, 2010 - PJ #45 " THE MOTHER OF ALL WEBS, WHO GOTCHA!, VOL. III ",
chapter 7 & 8.
" You shall finally learn that WISDOM comes ONLY when you stop looking for it and start
truly living the life the Creator intended for you--for in the beginning--so it was with thee."
Political Information
Sep 25, 2010 - Bono's ONE foundation under fire for giving little over 1% of funds to
Ron: In a world full of shit the sanitary carter is king.
Translations - Others
Sep 25, 2010 - Italian: 2 Messages Sept. 22, 24.
- sept. 22 - Chiarezza prima della Calamità
Thoth/Leonette - sept. 24 - Libertà e Responsabilità
Sep 25, 2010 - POLICE STATE 2010: 60 Days in Jail for Overgrown Grass in New
York State
Ron: There are millions of stories of government officials abusing sovereign citizens by
threats and use of violence to force them to do as the "state" dictates; and to PAY unlawful
fines and taxes. Here is another one.
True US History
Sep 25, 2010 - NY midwives lose right to deliver babies
Ron: Centralised state governance denies basic sovereign human freedoms and
responsibilities. State and federal governments assume dictatorial powers. They demand and
exercise a monopoly on force and violence within the community. Here is just another
example. Women in New York state cannot give birth at home because the state forbids it
unless vested medical interests allow it. This is just another aspect of the so-called
'Welfare" state's abuse of those within its power. Humanity can never be free while
fictitious legal entities like state governments can dictate how people live, give birth and all
the other activities properly the responsibility of the individual. Local communities acting in
a collegiate manner must decide all matters directly relating to their members.
Sep 25, 2010 - Fear
True US History
Sep 25, 2010 - How Drug Companies Bribe Doctors to Suck You Into Their Web…
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 19
True US History
Sep 25, 2010 - Request for help from GoM oil spill victims
Ron: The failure of the US government and BP to tell the truth about what they have done
and are doing in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) and the toxic results thereof, is criminal. Apart
from the continuing and increasing sea bed oil spill, BP is said to have poured some 40 million
gallons of corexit and other toxic dispersants into the GOM. The results will be genocidal
unless millions of people in harm's way are evacuated and urgent corrective measure taken.
In addition, the US government must be aware that a huge reservoir of frozen methane has
been unfreezing and seeping through the sea bed and into the GOM along with the oil. That
huge methane bubble is set to explode AT ANY TIME along a rift in the sea floor that is
hundreds of kilometres long. When it does explode the resultant tsunami and toxic methane
cum dispersant wind that accompanies the tsunami will kill millions of people in its path. The
best advice available to anyone living anywhere near the GOM is to do what this messenger
has done and evacuate asap.
Phoenix Journals
PHOENIX, VOL. I ", chapter 13 & 14.
The set-up of the gruesome tragedy at Jonestown, Guyana and Jim Jones
Sep 24, 2010 - Queen Elizabeth II tried to get a UK poverty fund to pay for palace
Ron: This is a small example of why future governance arrangements need to be
REPUBLICAN and locally organised and controlled so that sovereign humans cannot be taxed
by central authorities who then disburse those taxes to people who have not earned them.
Every community needs to be able to feed itself and keep itself warm or change its location
and/or work practices so that it can. No community is entitled to a "free lunch" and that
applies to would be leaders as well as everyone else.
David Crayford and the OITC
True US History
Sep 24, 2010 - Text of Ahmanidejah's Speech to the UN
Ron: Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks the truth. I recommend that everyone read his words
with attention instead of believing the lies put out by Western politicians and the Jew
dominated mainstream Western media.
Sep 24, 2010 - Advise about posting channeled messages to other sites.
Sep 24, 2010 - Freedom and Responsibility
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 20
This message is for those who are now going to be entrusted with this Godly charge of
Sep 24, 2010 - Libertad y Responsabilidad
Este mensaje es para aquellos que ahora van a ser confiados con esta carga Sagrada de la
Responsabilidad. Thoth
True US History
Sep 24, 2010 - "Manufacturing Dissent": the Anti-globalization Movement is Funded
by the Corporate Elites
Ron: Ever wonder why few sheeple ever wake up? Ever wonder what happened to the propeace, pro-workers' rights, pro-human rights activist groups and progresive community
organisations that existed last century? I have. The answer is that their leaders have been
suborned and co-opted and their organisations become dependent on a "drip feed" of funding
and leader "recognition" from bankster and corporatist foundations, trusts and governments
et al. Funding to progressive organizations is not unconditional. Its purpose is to "pacify" and
manipulate the protest movement, critics of globalisation and progressive organisations
etc. Precise conditionalities are set by the funding agencies. If they are not met, the
disbursements are discontinued and the recipient NGO is driven into de facto bankruptcy
due to lack of funds.
True US History
Sep 24, 2010 - The Collapse Of Western Morality
Ron: Self designated as the indispensable people of "God's Own Country!" Amerikkans, in
partnership with Joos - the self designated "God's Chosen People, are destroying the Earth
and all life on and in it.
Political Information
Sep 24, 2010 - Organized Jewry as a Nation Dispersant
Ron: Tell me again about how Joos are just good citizens like everyone else ...
Sep 24, 2010 - River Disaappears Overnight after Explosion in Slovenia
True US History
Sep 24, 2010 - At UN, French President Sarkozy Demands Financial Transaction Tax
on Banks; Tobin Genie Now Out of the Bottle Worldwide; Time to Mobilize Against
Finance Capital on This Issue
Ron: A global Tobin Tax might have ameliorated world inequality, poverty and war if properly
implemented 60 years ago with the tax receipts going to a truly honest and independant
authority which was empowered by all the nations of the world to use those receipts for
genuine poverty amelioration and socio-economic development in Third World countries. That
was not done and indeed the funds held by the Trilateral Trillenium Tripartite Gold
Commission (TTTGC) which could have been used for this purpose were misused by the
trustees, the US, UK and France. that is why the functions of the TTTGC were removed
from those countries in 1995 and placed in the hands of Dr. Ray C. Dam the International
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 21
Treasury Controller, who will use them for that purpose once opposition from the bankster
cabal and their criminal puppets in the US, UK, EU, France and elsewhere has been overcome.
Phoenix Journals
Sep 24, 2010 - PJ #11 " CRY OF THE PHOENIX ", chapter 11 & 12.
Other Channels
Sep 23, 2010 - La Clarté avant la Calamité
CM par Hazel, 22 Sept. 2010 traduction par Eleisa
Political Information
Ron: The Jewish state of Isreal stands condemned for another fragrant attack by its
military on innocent civilians but this time it also committed an act of WAR on the high seas
against a Turkish ship and ships of other nationalities. Attacking unarmed vessels in
international waters is also an act of piracy. Jewish soldiers killed nine unarmed civilians and
wounded another 50. They also beat, kidnapped, injured and humiliated hundreds of civilians
taken from several ships in international waters and continued that harrassment and
mistreatment while those civilians were unlawfully held prisoner in Israel. WHY can the Joos
commit such crimes in full view of the global community without any let or hinderance? How
long is the rest of the world going to allow Jehovah's chosen killers to perpetrate these
crimes against humanity? Today it's Palestinians, Lebanese, Arabs, Muslims and Turks, and
their supporters. Tomorrow IT COULD BE YOU!
Phoenix Journals - PDF
Sep 23, 2010 - The STORY of SISTER CHARLOTTE, Pdf
Readers, as you proceed herein you will be shocked and offended to the bottom of your
senses. It is a time of revealing evil into the lighted public and ones have dearly paid the
ultimate sacrifice to bring forth truth. The story we shall tell will be in first person as given
forth by Sister Charlotte of a Cloistered Order of the Holy Catholic Church. It speaks of
the traditional path and treatment of little girl children entering into a cloistered order.
This is only the STORY in Pdf format.
Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen
Sep 23, 2010 - Nederlands: Duidelijkheid voor de ondergang.
By Others
Sep 23, 2010 - CM - Clareza antes da Calamidade
Por Favor postem esta mensagem em todo os lugares que puderem ! ! -C
Other Spiritual Pieces
Sep 23, 2010 - The Awakening Trilogy – “The Prophecy”
Ron: In my opinion these awakeningasone videos are excellent and VERY timely. The time has
come to choose whether to stay with the planet in order to unite with others in working to
restore and ascend it and humanity, or leave.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 22
Translations - Others
Sep 23, 2010 - Italian: Questo è il tempo della Resurrezione
Padre Melchizedek tramite Melchizedek Hazel, traduzione Lina Capettini.
Other Spiritual Pieces
Sep 23, 2010 - HMN - Football in Heaven
Phoenix Journals
PHOENIX, VOL. I ", chapter 11 & 12.
The Story of Sister Charlotte, II.
" Readers, as you proceed herein you will be shocked and offended to the bottom of your
senses. It is a time of revealing evil into the lighted public and ones have dearly paid the
ultimate sacrifice to bring forth truth. The story we shall tell will be in first person as given
forth by Sister Charlotte of a Cloistered Order of the Holy Catholic Church. It speaks of
the traditional path and treatment of little girl children entering into a cloistered order. "
Other Channels
Sep 22, 2010 - Message d'adieu
Les cétacés par Dianne Robbins traduction Marie-Louise et Eleisa
Other Channels
Sep 22, 2010 - Le jour du Jugement dernier
Archange Uriel à travers Hazel traduction Marie-Louise et Eleisa
By Others
Sep 22, 2010 - HAZEL - Coragem
Political Information
Sep 22, 2010 - The Real Issue Of Jewish Genes
Other Spiritual Pieces
Sep 22, 2010 - The Truth is an Unwelcome Guest.
Dog Poet Transmitting.......
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Sep 22, 2010 - Dies ist die Zeit der Wiederauferstehung
von Vater Melchizedek durch Hazel, 19. September 2010, Übersetzung Bernd
Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen
Sep 22, 2010 - Nederlands: Dit is de Tijd voor de Verrijzenis
Vader Melchizedek door Melchizedek Hazel, vertaling André V.C
Sep 22, 2010 - Clarity before Calamity
Please post this one everywhere you belong that you can post too!-C
Christ Michael
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 23
Political Information
Sep 22, 2010 - Time for that Old Time False Flag Redux.
our beloved Dog Poet.
True US History
Other Spiritual Pieces
Sep 22, 2010 - Gotter and Dammerung on the Horizon
They cannot harm you. Align yourself with the changing course of the tides of
transformation. Walk away from their world. Do not buy their crap.
If you don't step away from the whirlpool of the old world being sucked away into the
invisible recycling machines, then you are going to go with it.-Les
Please read this dear ones, for it is great truth. I was posting it a few minutes ago only to
discover it was already posted by Ron. Les is just excellent.-C
True US History
Sep 22, 2010 - Illuminati Jews Define Our Political Discourse
True US History
Sep 22, 2010 - Kol Nidre - Judaism's License To Lie
Ron: How the Jews must laugh at the stupid goyim! They hide the truth of their duplicity,
treachery and murderous intentions in plain sight; and even flaunt it in the faces of
humanity's 7 billion goyim by making their duplicity, treachery and murderous attitude to
goyim part of their sacred scriptures and public worship. AND the goyim love them for it,
accepting the bloody Jewish global yoke with fawning gratitude.
Phoenix Journals
Sep 22, 2010 - PJ #45 " THE MOTHER OF ALL WEBS, WHO GOTCHA!, VOL. III ",
chapter 5 & 6.
" For readers of the Phoenix material who have followed along and read their homework-there is no confusion nor failure to measure intent. With over 12,000 pages of writing I
think all of you can find something of value in the pile of material. If you know the rules of
discernment according to laws we keep repeating and repeating unto you--you have no
problem with "belief". "
True US History
Sep 21, 2010 - U.S. Nuclear Weapons Have Been Compromised by Unidentified Aerial
Please read the article at this link. I am not risking any problems with Reuters, like GLP had.
By Others
Sep 21, 2010 - Portuguese: Agora é o Momento da Ressurreição
Pai Melquisedeque através de Hazel, tradução Lucia G.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 24
Political Information
Sep 21, 2010 - Italian police seize $30M from Vatican in probe
Vatican is laundering money! Really Good News!
Health and Nutrition
Sep 21, 2010 - Dr. Hulda Clark's Last (& Most Important) Video Demonstration
Ron: In my opinion Dr Hulda Clark was a master herbalist who unmasked the causes of cancer
and her work should have been widely used and acclaimed. Instead she was hounded by the
Big Pharma controlled US medical profession and their matrix controllers so that she had to
flee the US in order to continue curing cancer patients. See: Dr. Hulda Clark: The Greatest
Cancer Sleuth of Modern Times -
Phoenix Journals
PHOENIX, VOL. I ", chapter 9 & 10.
The Story of Sister Charlotte.
" Readers, as you proceed herein you will be shocked and offended to the bottom of your
senses. It is a time of revealing evil into the lighted public and ones have dearly paid the
ultimate sacrifice to bring forth truth. The story we shall tell will be in first person as given
forth by Sister Charlotte of a Cloistered Order of the Holy Catholic Church. It speaks of
the traditional path and treatment of little girl children entering into a cloistered order. "
Political Information
Sep 20, 2010 - Israeli-linked organ dealers busted: NETCARE
Ron: Probably just a few bad apple Zionists folks. Nothing to worry about. It could happen
with any Old Testament, blood sacrificing group of Jehovah worshippers. Nothing to see
here. Move along!
Sep 20, 2010 - So...the Photon belt was true all comes the empowering
Golden Age the illuminasti so hate
Sep 20, 2010 - Incredible giant 'roll cloud' looms over photographer's house
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Sep 20, 2010 - Mut
Hazels Höheres Selbst 18.9.2010 Übersetzung Bernd
True US History
Sep 20, 2010 - Cabbagegate - man fined $5,200 for growing "too many vegetables"
Ron: Sovereign humans have a God given right to be self directed and self-governing,
anything else is coercion and a denial of free will. State licensing therefore has the effect
of coercing and enslaving sovereign human beings by dictating how they may work and hence
how they may live. Not only is it a form of state directed slavery but it also socially
engineers the whole community into thinking that individuals cannot decide for themselves
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 25
what they can do and who they can seek to obtain goods and services from - when those
decisions MUST be made by each sovereign individual for self. No sovereign individual human
being can grow and evolve if others or "the state" decide for them fundamental issues like
how they can work, what goods and services they are allowed to acquire or who they can
acquire them from.
Podcasts, Radio Shows, Video by AH
Sep 20, 2010 - This is the Time of the Resurrection, A.H.- VIDEO in different
Sep 19, 2010: Father Melchizedek thru Melchizedek Hazel, video Christ. L
Phoenix Journals
chapter 11 & 12.
" I am come to stand with God's lighted children--against that which you call AntiChrist. I have no input nor pressure as to that which anyone thinks or does--I am a
bringer of truth and a forerunner to the return of God upon your place. What YOU do
is your business and for that you will answer only to self and God. I bring truth to all
who will hear but specifically, unto those who have awaited my instructions. If you
personally find no interest nor believe in that which we present--toss it out! But be
very careful, lest ye be incorrect in your assumptions. "
Sep 19, 2010 - Home of the Brave; Land of the Free: YOUR PAPERS PLEASE!
Ron: Starting on 1 November 2010, all air passengers in the US will have to submit their
personal information (including full name, date of birth, and gender) to DHS, through their
airline or travel agent, at least 72 hours in advance OR they don't get to go. So what's the
next target in the creeping US Police State? Bus, train and boat travellers? What about
crossing the county line in your car? Will bike and horse riders have to submit their travel
plans too? Just what will it take for the US masses to wake up to fact that they are slaves
on the US plantation?
Sep 19, 2010 - Flooding in Slovenia
And the river Sava is cresting yet too.
Health and Nutrition
Sep 19, 2010 - Stand up to the cancer industry and its celebrity-powered hucksterism
Health and Nutrition
Sep 19, 2010 - Cancer: Why There is No Mainstream Cure
Health and Nutrition
Sep 19, 2010 - Vitamin D proven far better than vaccines at preventing influenza
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 26
Sep 19, 2010 - Philips introduces amazing LED light bulb producing 800 lumens
(replaces 60-watt bulb)
Health and Nutrition
Sep 19, 2010 - Vitamin D: Let the Sun Give You Healthy Skin
Health and Nutrition
Sep 19, 2010 - Sprouting: Discover an Economical High Quality Food Source for Lean
Sep 19, 2010 - This is the Time of the Resurrection
The Father Melchizedek thru Hazel Melchizedek. Long after the publishing of this piece I
added teaching to it at the bottom. You might want to re read the piece and see the
Click the link above to read the piece. To view in video version in several languages produced
by Christ L. click here:
Sep 19, 2010 - Dresden: A Real Holocaust
Ron: Today only one major religion still preaches and practices blood sacrifice. That religion
is Judaism. It is therefore not surprising that Jews have instigated most and probably all
major genocidal holocausts in modern times. Nor is it surprising that those holocausts have
genocided Christians. Dresden, Berlin, Hamburg, Tokyo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki are the most
prominent examples of Jew instigated Holocausts but there are many others, like the
Holodomor that murdered seven million Christians in the Ukraine.
True US History
Sep 19, 2010 - A Real Holocaust: Dresden, 13 February 1945
"The Germans would have to be angels and saints to forget and forgive all the
injustices, atrocities and cruelties which they have suffered, twice in a generation,
without any provocation, from the allies. Just imagine what would we, as Americans, do
if we had been treated as we treated the Germans. Our cruelty would have no limits in
revenging our suffering!"
Reverend Ludwig A. Fritsch, Ph. D., D. D. emer., Chicago, 1948
True US History
Sep 19, 2010 - US Constitution and the Founding Scoundrels
Ron: True sovereign human governance is simple;it is not rocket science. 'The idea of another
Constitution holds no promise of any rebirth of freedom. It only offers a new set of chains
to bind down the people. Only by going back to the Saxon (and earlier) basic ten family
political unit (the Tun) and working up from there by appointing - NOT ELECTING representations to sit in council can a limited government ever be constructed. It has to
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 27
come up from the people, not from a real or imagined aristocracy. This is what a republican
FORM of government is all about. The democratic form is suicidal.' - Bob Taft
Phoenix Journals
Sep 19, 2010 - PJ #45 " THE MOTHER OF ALL WEBS, WHO GOTCHA!, VOL. III ",
chapter 3 & 4.
True US History
Sep 18, 2010 - CONstitutional CONvention - one was too much. [Why Republican
Saxon "Tun" & Iroquois Confederation style Republican governance must replace existing
governments globally]
'... the way a real Republic is supposed to function, ten families pick one member to sit in the
next higher council. (Among the Iroquois, it was the women who did the initial picking). In
Saxon England the ten-family unit was called a "tun" or "tithe" and ten tuns made a Hundred
which existed in between a ville and a shire. At the second level one would be picked to sit at
the next level, etc. The groups must be kept small ... From the national group members would
be selected to serve limited terms as judges, as well as limited terms as President... city,
county and state officials should be appointed for their limited terms. One year terms are
enough, with no right to succeed one's self in office.
This is the way it was in colonial days. Everyone had to take their turn, and there was no
need for professional law mongers as the right-and-wrong of the Common Law (Golden Rule)
prevailed. In a real Republic there is no room for the divisiveness of political parties (even
Washington warned against such) and their money-distributing conventions... Every servant
at every level is subject to the control of the 49 others at each level below him... any
international commerce might produce more than necessary in the way of revenue from
imposts, excises and duties to support limited government... Under the Iroquois
Confederation the penalty for abuse of office was being clubbed to death... A world
government would be a great idea if it were created along real republican structural lines,
with 95% of the responsibility for our lives, liberties and properties left at home where it
belongs.'- Bob Taft
Sep 18, 2010 - KNOWING and Knowledge: Perception, awareness and consciousness
Sep 18, 2010 - Russia Heatwave, 11,000 dead
Sep 18, 2010 - Courage
Courage is a characteristic of wisdom for the wise knows that courage is the ammunition
which combats the insidious fear generated by a needy mortal ego.
Higher Self of Hazel
Political Information
Sep 18, 2010 - AUSSIE PM: Swearing in Features MASONIC (Thumb on Knuckles)
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 28
Ron: Don't be mislead into thinking that references to Masons and other such agents of the
Rothschilds and other Jewish banksters imply that those agents are the prime movers in our
secret governance. They aren't. Masons and their ilk are mere minions and puppets of the
Hidden Hand of the Jew banksters who have owned and controlled our world and almost
everyone and everything in it for the last century. Fortunately that situation of global
control is collapsing because we are now experiencing the Apocalypse.
Sep 18, 2010 - Mississippi River Brimming with Dead Fish Near Gulf of Mexico
Ron: Nothing to see here folks. The BP Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill problem is over ... Move along.
The US government wouldn't lie to you would it? Get back to work! if you've got a job, that
is ...
Phoenix Journals
Sep 18, 2010 - PJ #11 " CRY OF THE PHOENIX ", chapter 9 & 10.
" So you are not left to your own devices past a given point where the higher Truth shall
intervene and the cycle will end and the new begin. The word is being given unto you now. The
messengers are at hand and the higher ones are arrived to show you the way home. We do
not come in the form of flapping winged spirits. We come in a form you can relate to. We
come as your brothers of higher knowledge. This school is closing, chelas. You are in the time
of chaos and the play will be finished whether or not you are prepared. It is time to heed the
truth of the word for you shall not be in the surviving of these things unless you awaken and
get with the task at hand. "
By Others
Sep 17, 2010 - THOTH - O Planeta Pausará sua Rotação e se Manterá em Equilíbrio
Sep 17, 2010 - More Gross Stuff along OceanSpring Miss.
Fresh Video of yesterday. Sadly we can't get any video of oil way out in the middle, I check
now and then hoping to find something, so these of continuing problems on the beaches is our
only coverage. -C
911 Material
Sep 17, 2010 - More on 911 Until very recently I
was not aware of some of the Autos in these images. At least a portion of the cause where
people are suggesting mini nukes, is from the intentional blowout of the huge nuclear reactor
that provided the energy needed for that complex. It is true as suggested here, that the
rubble pie was far smaller than it should have been, that a lot of the building did go off as
particulate into the air. -C
911 Material
Sep 17, 2010 - 911 Witness Barry Jennings Dies Mysteriously
In memory of witnesses to 911. -C
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 29
Barry Jenning's WTC 7 Interview. He died mysteriously in 2008
Alex Jones on Barry Jenning's after his death.
Eye Witnesses to various explosions in the basements of the WTC
911 Witness Kenny Johanneman commits Suicide
Books - eBooks
Sep 17, 2010 - The Sacred Hill Within
In some commentary I posted a few days ago accompanying a PJ, I suggested looking up the
Sacred Hill Within on the net, as I had a copy on my dead computer. Little Crow the author
is often mentioned in the PJ's, and his other books are mentioned in this pdf, might be worth
a search to see if they are available. This book is about the perspective of the oral
teachings of Little Crows traditions and is excellent. -C
Art and Music
Sep 17, 2010 - The Ten Commandments of the American Indians
Five video's with great teachings.
David Crayford and the OITC
Sep 17, 2010 - Who's Behind the OITC? Sovereign heads of Nations that were Raped
and Plundered by the NWO for over 400 years
This is a post to RMN's recently by Rayelan. Then follows the response by WhistleBlower
with some simple corrections. This is a good read and I am so please with Rayelans work on
this and WhistleBlowers response. It wrote Rayelan myself to assure her Germain's Trusts
are part of the Foundation Divine, before the WB piece was published and provided her with
a link to the piece sent to us over a year ago which includes a nice simple chart showing
where the trusts are. New readers should check this out.
David Crayford and the OITC
Other Channels
Sep 17, 2010 - La planète va s'arrêter et restée suspendue en équilibre.
Thot par Leonette, 12 septembre 2010 Traduction de Marie-Louise
Other Channels
Sep 17, 2010 - Peu de gens s'éveillent
Esu par Adam 12 septembre 2010 Traduction de Marie-Louise et Eleisa
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 30
Political Information
Sep 17, 2010 - Intelligent Scientists "Expelled" by Illuminati
Ron: Humanity is ignorant, confused and enslaved because most people are unable or unwilling
to see the truth and speak it: 'Because Marx remained a relatively obscure figure in his own
lifetime, and his ideology didn't spread, something was necessary to make the masses more
receptive... and this something was Darwinism. Darwin's theory eliminated God and presented
life as a struggle for survival of the fittest. It was the necessary ingredient for the
acceptance of a slave state, and of a cycle of crime, violence, destruction, anarchy,
revolutions and wars'. - Cornelius B
Phoenix Journals
PHOENIX, VOL. I ", chapter 7 & 8.
" Another secret for you ones--the ones who experience all this wondrous scattering about in
astral travel, psychic peeking into the unknown, etc., have mostly missed of the point. When
you are come into the knowledge of God you will mostly be totally unaware of same. You
cannot experience God as an awareness of such and such a thing or feeling for it simply IS.
You will, however, become very discerning and recognize and be aware of that which IS NOT.
You cannot force a state of being; there are no rituals, no colored shirts or flags, no
crystals, no special phrases--nothing you do will give you the prize. The prize is found in the
accepting and moving into the quietness and it will surround you like the light which He is.
Nothing more and nothing less--it is there and it just IS. "
Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen
Sep 16, 2010 - Nederlands: DAG DES OORDEELS - Uriel
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Sep 16, 2010 - Der Tag des Gerichts II
EE Uriel durch Hazel, 14.9.2010 Übersetzung Bernd
True US History
Sep 16, 2010 - Steven Seagal sets it straight on BP Oil Spill
Phoenix Journals
Sep 16, 2010 - PJ #45 " THE MOTHER OF ALL WEBS, WHO GOTCHA!, VOL. III ",
chapter 1 & 2.
True US History
Sep 15, 2010 - Allegation: Americans Flooded Out Millions in Pakistan to Protect U.S.
Drone Military Base
Ron: Sooo, the US military operates a drone base in Pakistan that bombs Afghani and
Pakistani people secretly and without warning, and to protect its drone death machines from
flood water damage it breached a bank of the Indus river causing an inundation that made
millions of Pakistanis homeless. No problem folks. Business as usual. Nothing to see here.
Move along! All my life criticism of the US has been vociferously denigrated as "ANTIAMERICAN" which is seen as a blasphemy only exceeded by the sacrilegious denial that Jews
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 31
are Semites and that the Holocaust NEVER HAPPENED. Billions of oppressed people outside
the fat and happy Anglo-US and European milieu are not convinced though. I wonder why?
Translations - Others
Sep 15, 2010 - Italian: 3 Messages Sept. 06, 13.
Gaia / Hazel
- Sep. 06 - Parole di Gaia
Thoth / Leonette
- " 13 - Il Pianeta si fermerà e resterà in bilico
Esu-CM / Adam
- " 13 - Pochi si stanno svegliando
Sep 15, 2010 - Craft Over Naples
Large display of craft for at least the 2nd time over Naples Italy.
Sep 15, 2010 - What was that in the sky above Tucson Tuesday afternoon?
Light in sky during the day!
Par Candace
Sep 15, 2010 - Remarques sur l'incendie de San Francisco
par Candace, 10 Septembre 2010 Traduction Eleisa
Par Candace
Sep 15, 2010 - Densités et dimensions
par Candace 10 septembre 2010 Traduction Eleisa
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Sep 15, 2010 - Der Planet wird zur Ruhe kommen und in einem Schwebezustand sein
Thoth durch Leonette, 12.9.2010 Übersetzung Karin
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Sep 15, 2010 - Synergie und Ekstase
Thoth durch Leonette 24.6.2010
Jess Anthony
Sep 15, 2010 - Azreal the Angel of Death
Sep 15, 2010 - Seeing is believing: Co2 is NOT a pollutant
True US History
Sep 15, 2010 - Lockerbie's Massive Frauds And |Continuing Catastrophic Ripple Effect
Ron: The Lockerbie Pan Am Flight 103 bombing IS NOT the greatest documented terrorist
related aviation tragedy because the USN Vincennes shoot down of Iran Air Flight 655 on 3
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 32
July 1988 murdered 290 people - a greater number than the 270 aboard Pan Am Flight 103.
The fact that this multiple murder was performed by US state terrorists rather than nonstate terrorists is irrelevant. However, as 911 was AN INSIDE JOB and, in any event, it was
perpetrated using scalar weapons, micro nukes and pre-set explosives in WTC 1, 2 and 7 and
did NOT involve airliners, the Lockerbie bombing is probably the second greatest aviation
TERRARIST event. This article thoroughly exposes the US use of the Lockerbie bombing as
the centrepiece of its successful FOUR BILLION US dollar extortion racket against Colonel
Gadaffi and the Libyan nation.
Political Information
Sep 15, 2010 - British servicemen suspected of murdering Iraqi civilians
Ron: Arguably those who support the unlawful invasion and occupation of Iraq by the
Coalition of the Willing bear a share of the responsibility for the deaths, mutilations and
despoilations of the Iraqi people that have resulted. Similarly, those who SUPPORT THE
TROOPS in that and other unlawful overseas invasions and occupations of foreign nations
such as is occurring in Afghanistan are also culpable. The time of reckoning is fast
Phoenix Journals
Sep 15, 2010 - PJ #11 " CRY OF THE PHOENIX ", chapter 7 & 8.
" I desire that you ones put the prophecies into proper perspective. It is as with the "First
Horseman of the Apocalypse", most scholars will pronounce that rider to be the Christ--NO!
There is also mention of Nostradamous and the work by Dolores Cannon in here although she
is not directly named back at that time. You should also google The Sacred Hill Within and
see if you can find at least part of it. Please read these 2 chapters.
Hatonn: You have a moral obligation to envision and provide moral and spiritual leadership for
By Others
Sep 14, 2010 - CM e Esu - Poucos estão Despertando
Sep 14, 2010 - More than 700,000 pupils wrongly classed as having 'special needs'
Ron: This article typifies the problem created by current educational (and other) paradigms
in global society in that it analyses the educational needs of UK children within a false,
dehumanising anti-social system created by psychopaths seekng to dumb down and socially
engineer the population to accept slave status. ANY spiritually healthy child will have
problems accepting the current factory education system in the UK and Anglo-US countries
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 33
because those systems are designed by Wundtian behavioural psychologists funded by
Khazar Jews who wish to destroy the ability of individuals to think and act independently.
Other Spiritual Pieces
Sep 14, 2010 - Welcome to Co-Creation 101!
Sep 14, 2010 - Judgment Day -Uriel
AA Uriel
True US History
Sep 14, 2010 - Cognitive Infiltration: An Obama Appointee's Plan to Undermine the
9/11 Conspiracy Theory
Sep 14, 2010 - Nederlands: Weinigen zijn ontwaakt.
Ron: This report is probably the tip of the iceberg ... eh, cataclysmic Earth changes. Folks all
around the Pacific Ring of Fire can expect similar experiences seasoned with volcanic
eruptions and sulpher clouds in many places. In Christchurch constant tremors and extensive
soil liquefaction is making the city untenable. The other problem looming around the Pacific is
tsunamis caused by the quakes and volcanos. We live in interesting times.
Candace: If you click on link Ron provided with the earthquake lapse map, and then on last 24
hours, you will see there are 560 quakes since the first once and about 27 or so in the last
24 hours.
Phoenix Journals
PHOENIX, VOL. I ", chapter 5 & 6.
We are now being bombarded by the thrust of, "You denounce homosexuals and they can't
help themselves." Ah, but we do not---we denounce homosexual "behavior" and there is a
great difference indeed.
Women read here too, because if you engage in sodomy with a man, you experience the same
risks and also the further risk of developing immune reactions to sperm, which is now a major
cause infertility in women who are allergic to and kill their husbands sperm. Sodomy is the
MAJOR cause of this condition. Also oral sex between people where there is exchange of
yeast can cause an awful nasty small bowel yeast infection that leads to "leaky gut." There is
only one correct method of Sex, and you all know what that is. Any thing else is against God
because it harms the physical temple and often the mental one and it brings harm to
partners, which is NOT love. I know something of this personally, regards the yeast issue- I
have covered this in the piece I did with Esu, Human Sexuality. Candace
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 34
Sep 13, 2010 - The planet will still herself and hang in balance.
Sep 13, 2010 - El planeta se calmara y se mantendrá en balance.
Sep 13, 2010 - Few are Awakening
Esu and CM
Sep 13, 2010 - Pocos están Despertando
Sep 13, 2010 - Oil jumps above $77 on US crude pipeline leak
Chicago area oil pipeline leak
Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen
Sep 13, 2010 - Nederlands: De planeet zal zichzelf kalmeren en in evenwicht hangen.
Health and Nutrition
Sep 13, 2010 - Immunization Graphs: Natural Infectious Disease Declines;
Immunization Effectiveness: and Immunization Dangers
This Immunization Graphs paper is a FULL TEXT MUST READ. It vividly portrays in pictures
the vaccination statistics that the pharmaceutical industry and governments conjoined simply
don't want you to see.
Phoenix Journals
chapter 9 & 10.
Sep 12, 2010 - Council of Nine Videos- FAKE-Fradulent
A series of council of Nine messages that apparently hit You tube on September first of this
year, just 10 days ago.
Update Sunday Morning, well I am not loving these so much today, finding a LOT of holes in
them, in the transciptions provided in the GLP thread. But there is a lot of truth. I am
suspecting these are NWO. Check page 6 of the GLP thread within this post, I did some
work there, you will recognize it. I have also placed another link since the one I placed did
not work.
Monday, update inside the post.
Political Information
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 35
True US History
Sep 12, 2010 - More families are deciding that school’s out – forever
Ron: It is heartening to see that some parents are awakening to the need to assist their
children to learn in their own way and at their own pace. Home schooling and "unschooling"
parents can only do this effectively by contributing extra time, attention and effort to their
children's socialisation and learning experiences. A godly civilisation MUST require that
parents take direct responsibility, in association with their local communities, for their
children's education, at least until the children reach age 12. Our current global schooling
paradigm is designed to mind control and dumb down students. The result is a sequacious
population that does not question its servile status. To develop higher consciousness man
needs to be thoughtful and self directed and the process needs to start in babyhood and
continue throughout life.
True US History
Sep 12, 2010 - The 9th Anniversary of Israel's Attack on the United States.
Phoenix Journals
Sep 12, 2010 - PJ #45 " THE MOTHER OF ALL WEBS, WHO GOTCHA!, VOL. III ",
The Vampire Black Widow sits atop her throne as the Violin Spider whines his tune and the
viper's venom takes its paralyzing effect. Are ye destined to perish in the web of deceit and
entangled lies or shall ye take God's hand and find thine way home? So be it for the time is
at hand for the choosing.
911 Material
Sep 11, 2010 - WAKE UP! The Quran Burning Pastor is an IMBECILE! and has a paid
role in False-Flag Terrorism.
True US History
Sep 11, 2010 - A Modern Day Parable: The WIZARD OF OZ
‘No one likes attaining true knowledge because true knowledge encompasses all aspects
of existence, good and bad… True knowledge upsets people because it implies that we
were wrong at one point in our lives.’ - Esoteric Agenda Ron: In effect we tend to deny
everything that may be a threat to our personal paradigm, our self image. Having to question
everything we think we are can be upsetting if not frightening. In this connection William
Cooper’s assessment of the general population is pertinent:‘They want to be slaves. When
you broadcast the truth you piss everybody off.’ Having predicted the events of 911
Cooper was murdered shortly after that event.
True US History
Sep 11, 2010 - False Flag Terrorism
True US History
Sep 11, 2010 - BANK FRAUD: The Bankers Manifesto of 1892
Telemensajes de Otros
Sep 11, 2010 - Visionarios
Por Uriel a través de Hazel Traducido por Miguel Sep 4, 2010
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 36
AH Mitgliederbeiträge (Candace)
Sep 11, 2010 - Anmerkungen von Candace zum Feuer in San Francisco
Telepathische Nachrichten (Jess)
Sep 11, 2010 - Siraya spricht über die Verantwortung des Menschen als Mitschöpfer
Siraya durch Jess, 6.9.2010 Übersetzung Karin
Other Spiritual Pieces
Sep 11, 2010 - Don't Burn the Koran, READ It!
Maybe people are jumping on their soap boxes without taking the necessary journey to make
an informed decision. A lot of people bitching about the Koran, Quran have never read a
single word of it. I have a copy and I have read most of it. It is not the war book it is
claimed to be, and it a goodly amount of real science and some knowledge of the heavens
within it. It's a better read than the old testament in many ways. There are people all over
the place who have borrowed the crap we are given by the media and making decisions on
that without ever doing their homework. On this day of satanic celebration of 911, many
people still are accepting the official lies about the event and they do so because they will
NOT read what is available on the net so they can make an informed opinion. Some people
will never even read other's religious books because they think it's a sin to do so. It is not a
sin to investigate so one can make an informed decision, it is a sin to NOT do so and pass on
lies as truth. God has given people a mind and it's not a sin to use it, in fact its a sin to let it
go to rot. -Candace
Phoenix Journals
Sep 11, 2010 - PJ #11 " CRY OF THE PHOENIX ", chapter 5 & 6.
AVATARS, TEACH BUT "ONE" TRUTH, The Motherland of Mu (Atlantis).
Sep 10, 2010 - Notes about the San Francisco Fire
True US History
Sep 10, 2010 - How Hyperinflation Will Happen
RON: If Earth changes don't preempt it, the Great Depression that is already secretly upon
us will manifest very soon. This article explains how hyperinflation will reveal the truth
despite the pretences of banksters, governments, commentators and others. Ya better
believe it folks, and pray that Heaven intervenes before the worst effects are felt.
True US History
Sep 10, 2010 - 30 Statistics That Prove The Elite Are Getting Richer, The Poor Are
Getting Poorer And The Middle Class Is Being Destroyed
“They call it the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it” - George
Telemensajes de Otros
Sep 10, 2010 - Las personas están para llegar a ser guardianes de la chispa divina que
existe en todas las cosas.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 37
Las personas están para llegar a ser guardianes de la chispa divina que existe en todas
las cosas.
Por S333 a través de Adam y Esu a través de Adam 31 Agosto 2010
and Esu a través de Adam
Adam: chequeo
translated by Miguel
Telemensajes de Otros
Sep 10, 2010 - ‘Yo soy el Camino, la Verdad y la Vida ......'
Por Cristo Miguel thru Hazel translated by Miguel Agosto 27, 2010
Telemensajes de Otros
Sep 10, 2010 - Prepárate porque el tiempo ha llegado
Por AA Uriel a través de Hazel Traducido por Miguel Agosto 28,2010
Candace on Religion
Sep 10, 2010 - Densities and Dimensions
This is a post I just made on a forum. There was a really bad discussion going on about the
topic of dimensions. I have posted on this topic before here, but perhaps new readers will
appreciate this topic being posted again.-C
Political Information
Sep 10, 2010 - The Enemies of Humanity and their Empty Suit Puppets
Political Information
Sep 10, 2010 - Israel Threatens War With Lebanon
Political Information
Sep 10, 2010 - Did the Israeli Defense Force Bomb Jews?
True US History
Sep 10, 2010 - Afghanistan bomb attacks kill twenty-one US soldiers in 48 hours
Political Information
'... the majority of American liberal Jewish activists, legislators and judges... are making real
what the Talmud and Kabbalah exhort: subverting and overthrowing Christian civilization so
their own Judaic world order, ruled by their false messiah, may someday be established. Rev. Ted Pike
Political Information
Sep 10, 2010 - Influential Israeli Rabbi calls for Palestinians to 'perish from the
world' ahead of crunch peace talks
Ron: If a prominent member of Hamas or the Palestinian or any Arab or Muslim government
said that the Israeli prime minister and the Jews should 'perish from this earth' humanity
would never hear the end of it. The Jew controlled US, UK and EU governments and their
allies, AND the Jew controlled global mainstream media would express their horror and
outrage for months. The whinging would never cease. But if a Jewish leader says it about
Palestinians, its OK. WHY is that?
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 38
Phoenix Journals - PDF
Sep 10, 2010 - PJ #44 " TANGLED WEBS "GOTCHA" -- AGAIN-VOL II ", Pdf copy
Just as with disease--to avoid contact you must either
disperse the disease OR you must learn to protect yourself
from the contagion. Either way- YOU MUST KNOW THE CAUSE.
Phoenix Journals
Sep 10, 2010 - PJ #44 " TANGLED WEBS "GOTCHA" -- AGAIN-VOL II ", chapter
13, final.
Political Information
Sep 9, 2010 - 'All Jews share a certain gene': German banker sparks outrage with
'stupid' comment
Ron: German Jews are horrified at the suggestion that they have a common gene and they
accuse Thilo Sarrazin of anti-Semitism for suggesting they do. As Judaism is a religious
ideology Thilo Sarrazins is wrong because only about 90-93% of Jews are Khazars BUT the
Jews' horror and outrage at the suggestion that they have a common genetic makeup gives
the LIE to their claim to be Semites. Clearly they remain 'The People of the Lie'.
Political Information
Sep 9, 2010 - Foreign diplomats abusing immunity to keep domestic slaves in Britain
True US History
Sep 9, 2010 - Obama could kill fossil fuels overnight with a nuclear dash for thorium
Ron: Given that Nikola Tesla discovered how to produce energy from the vacuum (zero point
energy) over a century ago there is no need to produce power from Thorium any more than
we need to use abiotic oil and gas, coal, uranium or even cold fusion to provide humanity's
energy needs. However, it is instructive to realise that Thorium based energy is yet another
suppressed technology that could have made life much easier and probably eradicated global
poverty and pollution, had the Jews not prevented its development and use.
True US History
Sep 9, 2010 - Lest we Forget: 'Aftermath' -- William Shatner interviews Ruby Ridge
Massacre survivor
Ron: In the Ruby Ridge massacre a mother holding her infant daughter in her arms while
standing in the doorway of her home was shot by concealed snipers while her 14 year old son
was shot in the back by the same snipers. Both cold blooded murders were executed by FBI
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 39
and ATF agents of the US federal government. This brutal atrocity emphasises the fact that
governments demand and exercise a monopoly on force and violence. That situation must
cease and the huge pseudo welfare governments that spawn such violence must be eliminated
Other Spiritual Pieces
Sep 9, 2010 - Why I Left Judaism
Ron: Judaism is a religion. ADULTS who profess to be Jews CHOOSE to belong to that
belief system and its death cult ideology.
Political Information
Sep 9, 2010 - Interpol Issues Global Alert on Koran Burning
Please AH readers do not buy into this and educate those around you. The Quran is not a
war book, I have read much of it, as I own a copy. Since CNN and other media are making a
big deal and it's all over forums too, these is a Khazar Zionist game going on. I suggest to
you thugs, you clean up your act, this is not going to "save" you. This is not the solution, go
call off your dogs that serve you, including this minister. This is being set up on purpose, as
there is an attack planned on this country to once again blame Muslims for it. And how many
Christian Zionists and others are supportive of this proposed day of burning Qurans?
Sep 9, 2010 - Christchurch Time Lapse Quake Visualisation Map
True US History
Sep 9, 2010 - US soldiers 'killed Afghan civilians for sport and collected fingers as
Ron: Amerikka, Home of the Brave, Land of the Free! And self appointed global policeman.
Betcha the surviving Iraqi and Afghani people are sooo grateful to be liberated and given the
benefits of US capitalism and democracy. Of course the 8+ million Iraqis and 12+ million
Afghanis (and their relatives and friends) who experienced unnecessary deaths as a result of
the US invasion and occupation of their countries, may be a tad uncertain about whether the
huge sacrifices being made by Murikans on their behalf are worth it. But at least Murikans
are proud to SUPPORT THE TROOPS and that's all that matters ... isn't it?
Political Information
Sep 9, 2010 - Carlos Cruz sentenced to seven years for paedophile offences
Ron: A sign of the times. It's not much but it's a start.
Phoenix Journals
VOL. I ", chapter 3 & 4.
" When the mind "accepts" what IS, he can then grow above the limits and into his further
knowing that he can do something about the IS-NESS. When he/she/you/it stops fighting--"FIGHTING"---then you can settle into the solution of the perceived problems and the
problems will then take whatever growth state you choose. "
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 40
Human/Animal Rights
Sep 8, 2010 - The story of Sam and Esther.
A sad and futher eye-opening video. Another example of things that we will leave behind
Political Information
Sep 8, 2010 - Social Credit - Jeremy Lee discusses financial reform in Australia (In 6
Ron: Our world is all but destroyed by sovereign humans everywhere allowing those who
purport to govern them to licence a secret cabal of Jewish bankers to issue all monies used
globally. No problem is more pressing, nor solution more obvious, than taking control of money
issuance away from the thieving Jew banksters who currently monopolise that function
globally. Sovereign nations MUST control their own money issuance and that function must
be totally transparent and closely supervised or humanity will remain enslaved.
True US History
Sep 8, 2010 - The Shocking Jewish Role in Slavery
Ron: Why is collective White guilt assigned for the slave trade but NO collective guilt is
assigned to Jews despite the fact that Judaists and Jews were the dominant slave traders
in the African slave trade to the Americas in the 17th to 19th centuries AND Judaists also
dominated the slave trade under the Roman Emperors and later under Charlemagne and other
Western European rulers? Prior to the American Civil War 40% of Jews in the US held
slaves while only 2% of gentile USans held slaves. Jews sooo dominated the slave trade in the
Americas that slave auctions were postponed if they were due to be held on a Jewish holiday.
True US History
Sep 8, 2010 - Israeli says not guilty of 'largest human trafficking case in U.S.
Political Information
Sep 8, 2010 - The Truth About John Lennon’s Murder
Ron: Is there any human activity that parasitic Jews don't batten on?
Other Spiritual Pieces
Sep 8, 2010 - Charlie Chaplin Spoke Truth
Phoenix Journals
Sep 8, 2010 - PJ #11 " CRY OF THE PHOENIX ", chapter 3 & 4.
Translations - Jess
Sep 7, 2010 - Italian: 1 Message Sept. 6.
Siraya tramite Jess Anthony: Siraya Parla sulla Responsabilità dell'Uomo come CoCreatore
Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen
Sep 7, 2010 - Nederlands: Woorden van Gaia
Other Spiritual Pieces
Sep 7, 2010 - The Cosmic Ex-Lax.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 41
Well you see, we aren't the only ones with cosmic constipation. This is the piece referenced
and linked in the previous piece Ron just put up a bit ago. Hey buddy Want to Buy a
Watch. I just love Les and he keeps getting better and better.
Other Spiritual Pieces
Sep 7, 2010 - Hey Buddy, You want to Buy a Watch?
David Crayford and the OITC
Sep 7, 2010 - WhistleBlower answers to Statement on RMN's
Other Channels
Sep 7, 2010 - Visionnaires
Uriel par Hazel 4 Septembre 2010 Traduit par Malou
Other Channels
Sep 7, 2010 - Je Suis la Voie, la Vérité et la Vie
CM par Hazel 27 août 2010 traduit par Eleisa
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Sep 7, 2010 - Worte von Gaia
Gaia durch Hazel, Übersetzung Bernd 6.9.2010
Political Information
Sep 7, 2010 - Rothschild and Cohen back 1bn euro lender
Phoenix Journals
VOL. I ", chapter 1 & 2.
Political Information
Sep 6, 2010 - Anger [BY WHOM?!] at EU chief's Middle East outburst
Ron: A sign of the times!!! The reported "incandescence" of Jewish leaders to EU trade
commissioner Karel de Gucht's truth telling about Jews is revealing. And Jewsish demands
that such opinions be "stamped out" highlights Jewish arrogance. Why does the Guardian
report that the leaders of 13.3 million odd Jews demand that a very senior EU official's
right to express his opinion be 'STAMPED OUT"?! And how many times must the mainstream
media be told that Jews are Khazars NOT Semites! Get it? Got it? Good!
Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen
Sep 6, 2010 - Nederlands: Visionairs
Sep 6, 2010 - Prophezeihungen der Katharer
v. Xavier Hermes, Übersetzung Stella 28.8..2010
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 42
Sep 6, 2010 - Words from Gaia
Sep 6, 2010 - Palabras de Gaia
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Sep 6, 2010 - Visionäre
EE Uriel durch Hazel, 4.9.2010 Übersetzung Bernd
Jess Anthony
Sep 6, 2010 - Siraya Speaks on Man's Responsibility as Co-Creator
Sep 6, 2010 - Siraya Habla sobre la responsabilidad del hombre como Co- Creador
Political Information
Sep 6, 2010 - “Stalin’s Willing Executioners”?
Political Information
Sep 6, 2010 - What would a world without Israel look like?
Ron: Although this is a clever idea I tend to agree with the comment by Chris Moore that a
world without Israel would probably look like Jewish Bolshevik-occupied Russia. Why?
Because the diaspora Jewish "religious nation" that has infiltrated the US and the rest of
the world is far more dangerous than a contained, atomized Israel would be. In fact whether
Israel was established or not the virtual Jewish diaspora with its vicious politico-religious
ideology has infiltrated and virtually controls the US, UK and EU and intends to do to the
whole world what the Jewish Bolshevik revolution did to Russia. The Jews are in the process
of destroying the US and world economy and with it all existing political, social and religious
structures as part of the Rothschilds' New World Order plan to turn the whole world into a
slave state similar to the Bolshevik Jew controlled Soviet Union in the 1930s. See “Stalin’s
Willing Executioners”?
True US History
Sep 6, 2010 - Israelis Still Celebrating 9/11 After All These Years
Ron: Ken O'Keefe tells it like it is. He is a true light worker. Notice how he overcomes the
pathetic attempts by other "talking heads" to prevent him telling us the truth.
Phoenix Journals
Sep 6, 2010 - PJ #11 " CRY OF THE PHOENIX ", chapter 1 & 2.
" You as man, are in the Age of Kali---the Age of Chaos. "
By Others
Sep 5, 2010 - S333 e Esu - Vocês se tornarão guardiões da centelha divina que existe
em todas as coisas.
Sep 5, 2010 - Lots of oil on Jacksonville Beach (FL) today;
It was mixed in with the sand. Big long black stripes running as far as the eye could see.just
to give you some idea, we're on the Atlantic near the FL/GA border. we've had two big
storms pass by in the last 10 or so days and a third former storm also pass by.and today,
LOTS of black grime in the sand. - GLP poster
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 43
This was at least 3 7+ quakes in New Zealand. They formed a triangle. This fault line that
was unknown moved a LOT and it portends the South Island in New Zealand being split in two
during earth changes. -C
Human/Animal Rights
Sep 5, 2010 - Judge cites homeschoolers for violating U.N. mandate
As we build our new world, Education must be compulsory, but it must be created locally and
parents do have a right to determine how their kids are schooled. "Public Schools" funded by
taxes from and controlled by the national or international government, rather than locally,
are government controlled schools. Parents MUST have a say in their children's upbringing.
Phoenix Journals
chapter 7 & 8.
" Suffice it to say the material is currently utilized EVERY day! This IS the plan of mindcontrol of the masses! "
True US History
Ron: I find it amazing that authors can compile a list of US military invasions, occupations
and bombings etc such as this one, yet fail to grasp the imperial and genocidal implications of
the US military activities involved. In my opinion the commentary accompanying this list is
sooo sanitised that it constitutes pro-Amerikkan propaganda and the only value of the list is
that it evidences just how extensive global US military activities are. Moreover, this list is
only the tip of the iceberg in that covert CIA coups and revolutions and US arranged, funded
and armed proxy wars are not included.
Sep 4, 2010 - Visionaries
AA Uriel
Health and Nutrition
Sep 4, 2010 - The Cancer Test that’s a Death Trap…
Health and Nutrition
Sep 4, 2010 - How Dirty Electricity Causes Diseases
Ron: Thinking globally means seeking to understand ourselves and our cosmic environment.
Acting locally then enables us to make the changes needed to keep us in balance with our
environment. If Dr. Milham is right in saying that we are electrical beings experiencing in an
electrical cosmos and that the human body has adverse reactions to electromagnetic smog
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 44
then we must adjust our lifestyles accordingly. By acting locally we can change our own
environment and if a critical mass of humans do it we can change our global environment. So
be it.
Phoenix Journals
VOL. I ", Intro
Translations - Others
Sep 3, 2010 - Italian: 1 Message Sep. 1
S333 ed Esu attraverso Adam - 01 Settembre - Le persone devono diventare custodi della
scintilla divina, che esiste in tutte le cose.
True US History
Sep 3, 2010 - James Petras Ph.D. - The State and Local Bases of Zionist Power in
Ron: To understand this analysis and all analyses of Judaic global power one needs to realise
that the word "Zionist" is a euphemism for "Jewish". Using their near total financial and
political power and media propaganda control globally Khazar Jews headed by the Rothschilds
and Rockefeller cabals have substituted the names of their political "front" organisations
like Zionism, Bolshevism, Communism, Bnai Birth etc for their Khazar Jew identity.
Sep 3, 2010 - Planet Earth 7.0 Quake Shakes New Zealand Awake
Ron: Initial reports said this was a 7.4 magnitude 'quake, but as usual the USGS revised it
down to 7.0 to minimise its seriousness. Nothing to see here folks, move along.
Health and Nutrition
Sep 3, 2010 - Seasonal flu vaccination for young children can be resumed - Updated
advice from the Chief Medical Officer
Health and Nutrition
Sep 3, 2010 - Australia bans flu vaccines in children after vomiting, fevers, seizures
Ron: Parents PLEASE don't allow your babies and children to be injected with unknown
chemicals and substances just because governments, doctors and pharmaceutical
companies TELL you too! Vaccines are dangerous and unnecessary. Colds and flu are normal
ailments which human immune systems cope with routinely.
Health and Nutrition
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 45
Sep 3, 2010 - Scientists discover unique way to more than double antioxidant content
in ordinary potatoes
Ron: Dunno about the value, safety and efficacy of this discovery but it's interesting.
Health and Nutrition
Sep 3, 2010 - Body-Mind Meditation Leads to Rapid, Positive Brain Changes
Health and Nutrition
Sep 3, 2010 - Forest Bathing: Enjoy the Astounding Benefits of Being Outdoors
Ron: Why not take a walk on the wild side?
True US History
Sep 3, 2010 - Wikileaked CIA Memo Warns of American Jewish Extremists Exporting
Terror Abroad
Phoenix Journals
Sep 3, 2010 - PJ #44 " TANGLED WEBS "GOTCHA" -- AGAIN-VOL II ", chapter
11 & 12.
DID YOU HEAR ME? You are on Earth--trapped in their concentration camp. WE are your
only way off the place and they effort to see to it that you are too frightened of God
Himself to allow possibilities to enter into your thoughts. WE ARE YOUR ONLY WAY OFF
Political Information
Sep 2, 2010 - How to Kill Goyim and Influence People: Israeli Rabbis Defend Book's
Shocking Religious Defense of Killing Non-Jews
Ron: What humanity has yet to understand is that the tiny Judaic religious “tribe” is
implacable because its god is implacable and can only be placated by utter subjugation and
destruction of the rest of humanity. The Jewish writer Maurice Samuel summed up the
situation in the 20th century, writing: ". . . we Jews, the destroyers, will remain the destroyer
forever. . . nothing that the Gentiles will do will meet our needs and demands". The tragedy
of their situation for most Jews who see this truth seems to be that they are unable or
unwilling to cease to profess Judaism, ie to choose to cease to BE Jews. Either the paradigm
is too strong or the benefits of belonging are too great. So be it.
Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen
Sep 2, 2010 - Nederlands: Mensen zullen beheerders worden van de goddelijke vonk
die bestaat in alle dingen.
Ik ben vanavond hier om met u een derde aspect van deze strijd waarin wij bezig zijn
te bespreken.
True US History
Sep 2, 2010 - Extreme Heat/Drought In Russia, Flooding In Asia, Killing Cold in South
America All Connected To BP Oil Disaster
Ron: The Earl of Stirling rightly fingers BP and Obama for the oil, corexit and other
dispersant pollution coming from the GOM but he ain't seen nothin' yet. When the methane
erupts in the GOM the result could dwarf his current concerns.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 46
Sep 2, 2010 - Update on the OIL Plumes in the Gulf of Mexico etc.
Update of information provided me by Star Fleet of HUGE OIL PLUME in Sigsbee Deep in
the Gulf of Mexico. Lots of other links and summaries included in this article.
Update on Sept 2. Something I forgot. While we were told that the Deep Water
Horizon platorm was over water around 1 mile deep, or around 5000 feet, Google Earth
gives the depth as over 9000 feet. And of course as a memory thing we have been told the
depth of the well in the seabed varied too, from 18000 to 38000 feet. Also it's well more
than 41 miles off shore, it's over 100 miles offshore. Well the lies never stop?
Art and Music
Sep 2, 2010 - A look at the past we will be leaving behind
This is a list of links to some photographic history of this world. I had this "urge" last night
to do this. Was both fun and depressing.
From the Denver Post, above, pics of the US of A from 1939 to 1942. At the end of the
page of 50+ images, is a list of more images, from other countries including Russia at the
beginning of the 20th century. I am in the mood for a tour down memory lane of sorts
today. Although they aren't my memories, it is memories of this world since there has been
photography from which we are leaving behind.-C
Russian pics before the destruction of Christian Russia.
More links inside the post, that I made as I took my journey. If you tired of the war images,
there is nice stuff at the end. I may add more to this at some point or make another
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Sep 2, 2010 - Die Menschen müssen Verwalter des göttlichen Funkens werden, der in
allen Dingen enthalten ist
S333 und Esu durch Adam, 1.September 2010, Übersetzung Bernd
Sep 2, 2010 - 1 Missing After Rig Explosion In Gulf
Now being covered on CNN also.
Ok, all folks are safe, out of the water, and doing ok. No missing. Methane explosion
apparently. No surprise on that one, the whole area is coming unglued. Supposedly this
platform was not currently pumping.
Sep 2, 2010 - Government is an extortion racket.
True US History
Sep 2, 2010 - US-Russia Bidding War For 9/11 “Merchant Of Death” Reaches $20
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 47
Ron: Discernment is needed with Sorcha Faal's reports but this one is interesting. If nothing
else it gives a plausible reason for the "outing" of Valerie Plame.
True US History
Sep 2, 2010 - Global Collapse of the Fiat Money System: Too Big To Fail Global Banks
Will Collapse Between Now and First Quarter 2011
The global banks get rid of some of their toxic wastes at full value and at no costs, and get
paid for unloading the toxic wastes via interest payments. Additionally, some of the “monies”
are used by these banks to purchase US Treasuries (which also pay interest) which in turn
allows the US Treasury to continue its deficit spending. THIS IS THE BAILOUT RIP OFF of
the century. - Matthias Chang
Phoenix Journals - PDF
Sep 2, 2010 - PJ #13 " SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET ", Pdf copy.
" I scatter things from extra low frequency beams to counterfeit money via German Nazis in
the Antarctic funnelled through Japan and flooding your markets because I desire to shock
you into attention--and then we can take the events in sequence that you can recognize the
truth of the Journals."
True US History
Sep 2, 2010 - India Rejects H1N1 Shots After Vaccines Kill Children
Ron: A sign of the times? People around the world are waking up to the fact that vaccines are
at best a pointless money making scam for pharmaceutical companies, and at worst represent
a serious health threat, especially to children.
True US History
Sep 2, 2010 - Death By Globalism
Ron: It is truly amazing that US economists are still pretending that all is well in the
Amerikkan economic backyard. The only reason that the US hasn't yet become a Third
World economy is that the US military forces the rest of the world to continue to accept
the US dollar as the global reserve currency. The US military also ensures that US
corporations are able to plunder Third World and other economies at will. The irony is that
the continuing cost of US military invasions and occupations has bankrupted the US despite
its corporations despoiling and looting the rest of the world.
Phoenix Journals
Sep 2, 2010 - PJ #13 " SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET ", final
Sep 1, 2010 - People are to become stewards of the divine spark that exists in all
Two Pieces in this post with Adam
Terrestrial humanity is being tasked with becoming more than physical shells containing a
spark of life. S333
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 48
Continuing to remain with Earth after stasis and related frequency changes will require such
new ways of thinking, being and perceiving. Esu
Sep 1, 2010 - Link to Home Page
Click this link to take you back to the main page
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Sep 1, 2010 - Ich bin der Weg, die Wahrheit und das Leben
von Christus Michael durch Hazel, 27. August 2010, Übersetzung Bernd
True US History
Sep 1, 2010 - A Century Later, Teddy Roosevelt’s Speech on Corporate Power
Phoenix Journals
Sep 1, 2010 - PJ #13 " SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET ", chapter 15 & 16.
" OTHER LOSSES is a highly authoritative and well-documented account of the deliberate
murder by starvation, disease and exposure of some 1 million German POWs at the close of
World War II at the direction of the supreme Allied commander in Europe, Gen. Dwight
David Eisenhower. "
True US History
Aug 31, 2010 - Five US soldiers killed as Afghan casualties mount
Other Spiritual Pieces
Aug 31, 2010 - Entering the I AM, Parts I & II - by unASLEEP
Other Spiritual Pieces
Aug 31, 2010 - The Holy Copulation of Quantum Physics and The Theory of Relativity
- by unASLEEP
Other Spiritual Pieces
Aug 31, 2010 - The Spiritual Meaning of the Sexes - by unASLEEP
Aug 31, 2010 - Wunderschönes Video von Sternenschiff Venus gepostet von einem
AH-Mitglied am 30. August 2010
Übersetzung von Karin
Aug 31, 2010 - Update über die Ölschwaden im Golf von Mexiko etc.
Candace und Autoren verschiedener Artikel, 30. August 2010, Übersetzung: Karin für AH
Phoenix Journals
Aug 31, 2010 - PJ #11 " CRY OF THE PHOENIX ", Intro
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 49
Aug 30, 2010 - Beautiful Video of Star Ship Venus
This is StarShip Venus. The real venus is out of site being terrafored. EXCELLENT video
showing the "face" on the ship. I have posted another in the past. Nice Wingmakers music
Another nice video of a craft by same person.
By Others
Aug 30, 2010 - AA URIEL - Preparem-se, pois o momento chegou.
Health and Nutrition
Aug 30, 2010 - Sick Family has Corexit in Swimming Pool
Aug 30, 2010 - Two Interesting Video's from Japanese Satellite
Video showing a LAKE on the MOON. They DO have Fresh Water man made lakes there.
Fleet of Craft filmed by Japanese Satellite. All in Japanese, an apparent new report. A
beautiful LARGE craft puts on a light display.
True US History
Political Information
Aug 30, 2010 - Boats reach Gaza despite blockade
Political Information
Aug 30, 2010 - Stephen Hawking’s view of aliens riles Dr. Steven Greer
Aug 30, 2010 - Earthquakes: Background information
True US History
Aug 30, 2010 - National Hero and sixth man to walk on the Moon comes clean
Ron: I post this because it states that Apollo astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell has
(BELATEDLY) said that the US government and others have been in contact with ET's for
over 67 years. Most of the rest of the article is a pastiche of disinformational commentary
seemingly designed to suggest that our TVs and history books are now telling us the truth.
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Aug 30, 2010 - Bereitet Euch vor, denn die Zeit ist gekommen
von Erzengel Uriel durch Hazel, 28. August 2010, Übersetzung: Bernd
Phoenix Journals - PDF
Aug 30, 2010 - PJ #10 " PRIVACY IN A FISHBOWL ", Pdf copy.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 50
" If you live in a Fishbowl, the fishermen can see you, catch you and put you right in the
frying pan. "
By Others
Aug 29, 2010 - Portuguese: EU SOU O CAMINHO, A VERDADE E A VIDA.
Cristo Miguel através de Hazel, tradução Lucia G.
Translations - Others
Aug 29, 2010 - Italian: 2 Messages Aug 27, 28.
- CM / Hazel - Aug. 27 - Io sono la Via, la Verità e la Vita
- Uriel / Hazel - " 28 - Preparatevi perché il tempo è arrivato
By Others
Aug 29, 2010 - GERMAIN - PERIGO
Spiritual Nuggets by the Masters
Aug 29, 2010 - God Said: HEAVEN #3563 Illusions, August 27, 2010
Candace: These are taken an UPSWING in recent weeks in the type of teaching. I am not
going to post these daily. You can go to the website and have them sent to you each day or a
couple times a week by email.
Telemensajes de Otros
Aug 29, 2010 - Arcángel Uriel - La Promesa del Mañana
Por Arch Angel Uriel - Hazel
Agosto 12, 2010 Translated by Miguel
Telemensajes de Otros
Aug 29, 2010 - Justo desde CM
Por CM - Kibo Dabi
Agosto 12, 2010 Translated by Miguel
Telemensajes de Otros
Aug 29, 2010 - Esu Habla sobre la Enseñanza Después de la Estasis (Inmovilización)
Por Jess Anthony
Agosto 8, 2010
Translated by Miguel
Telemensajes de Otros
ransmitter: Donna D'Ingillo Translated by Miguel
Telemensajes de Otros
Aug 29, 2010 - Decisiones por Nada
Decisiones por Nada
por Nada a través de Hazel
Agosto 19, 2010 translated by Miguel
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 51
Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen
Aug 29, 2010 - Nederlands: Bereid uzelf voor want het moment is aangebroken.
True US History
Aug 29, 2010 - American "Holodomor": Millions of people “vanished” in U.S. historian
Ron: Over seven million excess deaths resulted from the Great Depression in the US. The US
population is far more vulnerable to a Great Depression today than it was in the 1930s
because it is now a higly urbanised post industrial, services oriented society. In 1929 a very
significant portion of USans still lived on the land or in rural towns and villages and local food
growing was still a common experience and skill. Today far fewer people live on or close to
the land and even fewer have the desire or expertise to grow their own food. In the US and
generally, Earth and climate changes are disrupting food production everywhere while
corporate farming practices are poisoning food crops, destroying soil fertility and depleting
soils while aquifers and water storages are drying up. To survive, humanity MUST stop
corporate farming and return to local food growing practices. Starvation is the likely result
for those who don't.(See eg
Political Information
Aug 29, 2010 - Veteran China astronomer claims UFOs are extraterrestrial space
Ron: Dunno why this article bothers to include a video by Stephen Hawking. The video, like
other Hawking pronouncements, is full of hot air and faulty sententious conjecture dressed
up as science. The fact that Professor Wang's opinion is being featured by Chinese news
media indicates that China is moving away from the Hawkingesque bankster enforced science
bullshit force fed to USans and Westerners generally by the ubiquitous Khazar controlled
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Aug 29, 2010 - Gefahr
St. Germain durch Hazel, 25. August 2010, Übersetzung: Bernd
Phoenix Journals
Aug 29, 2010 - PJ #10 " PRIVACY IN A FISHBOWL ", chapter 23 & ap., final.
True US History
Aug 28, 2010 - 6 Massive Secret Operations That Are Hidden All Around you
Ron: What amazes me is the incredibly humungous expenditure of labour and resources
needed by the Anglo-US secret government to build the occult infrastructure listed in items
numbered 1 to 5 in this article. The useless expenditure of blood and treasure evidenced by
this socially indefendible wasted infrastructure is a prime reason for the exploitation and
enslavement of most Amerikkans AND the peoples of most other nations in the world. The
Anglo-US econo-military empire has bankrupted the US and the whole world to produce this
useless secret infrastructure. Item 6 - underground homeless people - is a typical albeit
small, result of the extreme resource wastefulness involved in the first five items. Poverty,
disease, starvation and death for tens of millions of people globally is the result. That
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 52
consequence is finally appearing in the US too. If the banksters who have engineered this
dysfunctional situation and the US economic collapse have their way, homelessness, disease,
starvation and death will soon make the US death toll of seven million* due to the bankster
created Great Depression look like a drop in the bucket. Ponder that folks. Without massive
external assistance the US will shortly reap a little of what it has sown in Iraq, Afghanistan,
Vietnam, Korea, Germany, Central and South America and Africa et al. Pray that our space
brethren will provide succour to our disintegrating world for without it we are doomed. *
Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen
Aug 28, 2010 - Nederlands: "Ik ben de weg, de waarheid en het leven."
"Ik ben de weg, de waarheid en het leven. Geen mens komt bij de Vader dan door mij."
Aug 28, 2010 - Prepare yourselves for the time has come
AA Uriel
Human/Animal Rights
Aug 28, 2010 - "Witch Craft" and it's Helpless Child Victims – The Result PovertyBorne Ignorance, fueled by Religion and Unbridled Superstition.
A very interesting Expose by CNN on "Witch Craft" and Child Abuse in Nigeria.
Other Spiritual Pieces
Aug 28, 2010 - The Handover – Light takes over the reins from the Dar
Other Spiritual Pieces
Aug 28, 2010 - The Cathar Prophesy
Aug 28, 2010 - 'I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life......, A.H.- VIDEO in
different languages.
Aug 27, 2010: Christ Michael/Aton thru Melchizedek Hazel, video Christ.L
Phoenix Journals
Aug 28, 2010 - PJ #44 " TANGLED WEBS "GOTCHA" -- AGAIN-VOL II ", chapter
9 & 10.
True US History
Aug 27, 2010 - The Conversations with the Crow: Conversation No. 24; July 17, 1996
'I discuss the threat of Poland in 1932 to physically invade Germany if Hitler were not
silenced. They moved troops to the borders but the threats gradually subsided. Hitler, on
the other hand, did not forget this. And Beck, their foreign minister, was an idiot and could
easily have diverted the German threat of aggression.' - Gregory Douglas.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 53
Political Information
Aug 27, 2010 - The right’s latest weapon: ‘Zionist editing’ on Wikipedia
Ron: Jews like to pretend that they are just "nice people" like everyone else and indeed many
do not understand the true vicousness of their core religious and political ideology but the
suggestion that constant atrocities organised and perpetrated on humanity by and on behalf
of Jews is the result of a mere aberrant handful of "Zionists" is ludicrous. Just as it takes a
village to successfully raise a child, so too, it takes the coordinated effort of millions of
people to successfully enslave humanity. Many millions of Jews have cashed in on the status,
wealth and power acquired by collective Jewish efforts to deceive and enslave humanity. This
article evidences a tiny smidgeon of the collective effort by Jews to deceive and mind
control non-Jews.
Other Spiritual Pieces
Aug 27, 2010 - It Came from Beneath the Valley of the New Shangri-La
Political Information
Aug 27, 2010 - The Stupids take the Prize and Scream for their own Death
Ron: I know how he feels.
Telepathische Nachrichten (Jess)
Aug 27, 2010 - Esu spricht über direkt bevorstehende Ereignisse und die Rolle der
von Jess Anthony, 23.8.2010, übersetzt von Anja Shakira
Phoenix Journals
Aug 27, 2010 - PJ #13 " SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET ", chapter 13 & 14.
By Others
Other Spiritual Pieces
Aug 26, 2010 - Opera at the Market: A harbinger of a more harmonious future?
Ron: Let's face the future with a song in our hearts and on our lips. And may our community
squares and markets henchforth be filled with magic music and divine song for we are on the
cusp of the Golden Age of Higher Universal man.
True US History
Aug 26, 2010 - WikiLeaks and War Crimes
True US History
Aug 26, 2010 - What You Will Not Hear About Iraq
True US History
Aug 26, 2010 - US combat brigades still in Iraq: report
Phoenix Journals
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 54
chapter 5 & 6.
True US History
Aug 25, 2010 - This is why there are no jobs in America
Ron: This is also why governance arrangements globally must be locally based with
'welfarism', the mechanism used by governments to conceal their theft and reallocation of
human time and labour, ie productivity, thrown into the garbage bin of history after the
collapse of the current Khazar bankster controlled global matrix and slave economy.
Aug 25, 2010 - Massive CME or Something coming in
Updated: I just saw that the protons went to 110 on the SOHO satellite that day. Also the
coronal hole did come in the shirt tails of the CME/shock wave. So we are in a high solar
wind from that. Last actual figure for the
protons a few minutes ago was 75.6 I have NEVER seen this many protons of this duration,
in this type event. I thought at first this was the coronal hole that is expected in two days,
but it's NOT. NOW 82 protons.
Aug 25, 2010 - Jeopardy
True US History
Aug 25, 2010 - Bancor: The Name Of The Global Currency That A Shocking IMF
Report Is Proposing
Ron: How our global Khazar Jew bankers must laugh among themselves: Proposing to call their
new global fiat currency the "Bancor" - the "Banker"- GET IT?
Phoenix Journals
Aug 25, 2010 - PJ #10 " PRIVACY IN A FISHBOWL ", chapter 21 & 22.
True US History
Aug 24, 2010 - Full-Body Scan Technology Deployed In Street-Roving Vans
Ron: Apart from its negative health effects on people, secret use of backscatter x-ray
scanner technology is a gross violation of the sovereign human right to liberty and privacy.
Secret strip searching of citizens by anonymous, unaccountable government agents acting
without the knowledge or consent of target individuals and without proper or any judicial
authority, is a gross act of ownership and abuse. Strip searches in these circumstances imply
that the "government" - a fictitious corporate legal entity - OWNS citizens, that is, the
citizens are mere slaves of the "corporation" who may be treated as chattels. Secretly strip
searching sovereign human beings goes well beyond even the Theatre of the Absurd. What
else will USans tolerate while waiting for Godot?
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 55
Translations - Jess
Aug 24, 2010 - Italian: 1 Message Aug 23.
Esu Parla degli Eventi Imminenti e del Ruolo degli Operatori di Luce
True US History
Aug 24, 2010 - Housing market crashes 27%--what it means for you
Human/Animal Rights
Aug 24, 2010 - Typical day at the office for those seeking kernals of truth in the
Ron: Its hard to get to the truth but the rewards are worth the effort. (Video 50")
Political Information
Aug 24, 2010 - China's Massive Traffic Jam Could Last Weeks
David Crayford and the OITC
Aug 24, 2010 - WB's Response to "Wheel" on RMNs
Aug 24, 2010 - Evidence of Fleet with Hurricane Alex
This video was made on West Florida at the time of Alex. We did report that Fleet
intercepted that hurricane, this seems to be some proof. These ARE "ufos."
Aug 24, 2010 - Fisherman Find PLENTY of Oil on fishing grounds
Fishermen find oil and dispersants on Mississippi shrimping and oyster grounds. It is
VISIBLE. It is not gone.
Gulf Fishermen are united in an effort to correct the lies.
AH Mitgliederbeiträge (Candace)
Aug 24, 2010 - Veggie-Burger
Rezeptvorschläge und Tips von Candace 9.6.2010 Übersetzung Klaus
Phoenix Journals
Aug 24, 2010 - PJ #44 " TANGLED WEBS "GOTCHA" -- AGAIN-VOL II ", chapter
7 & 8.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 56
BE IT. "
Gekanaliseerde berichten Jess
Aug 23, 2010 - Esu spreekt over de op hand zijnde gebeurtenissen en de rol van de
True US History
Aug 23, 2010 - Gerald Celente on Jeff Rense Show 12 Aug 2010
Ron: Gerald Celente and Jeff Rense tell it like it is. Well worth a listen. In my opinion too few
light workers express their truth with real passion. I think it's way past time to dispense
with polite chit chat about the machinations of the criminal minions and henchmen of the
death cultist Khazar banksters.
Translations - Others
Aug 23, 2010 - Italian: Ultimo Messaggio di CM tramite Kibo
E' l' Ora.
Candace : E questo è ! E se oggi siete pigri è perchè quelle astronavi della stasi stanno
facendo il loro lavoro, non si sa mai.
AH Mitgliederbeiträge (Candace)
Aug 23, 2010 - Es kommt ein massiver CME oder was ähnliches rein
kurzer Kommentar von Candace Ü. 23.8.2010 Eve
Aug 23, 2010 - Last Message from CM thru Kibo
It is Time
That's it! And if you are sluggish today, those stasis ships are there doing their thing, just in
Escritos de Candace
Aug 23, 2010 - CME Masivo o Algo Esta Entrando última cifra real de los
protones hace unos minutos fue 75,6 NUNCA he visto tantos protones de esta duración , en
este tipo de evento . Al principio pensé que este era el agujero coronal que se espera en dos
días, pero NO. AHORA protones en 82.
Aug 23, 2010 - Have'nt You Heard, Contact Has Already Happened and is Ongoing
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 57
Todays email from James with list of video's.
Jess Anthony
Aug 23, 2010 - Esu Speaks on Imminent Events and the Role of the Lightworkers
Aug 23, 2010 - Esu Habla Sobre Eventos Inminentes y el Papel de los Trabajadores de
la Luz
Aug 23, 2010 - Mutter Gaia trudelt hin und her
von Candace , Ü. Eve
Aug 23, 2010 - Momma GAIA is rolling around
Escritos de Candace
Aug 23, 2010 - Mama GAIA Está Moviéndose
True US History
Aug 23, 2010 - Global Empire and the International Banking Cartel (part 2)
'... a US empire never really existed. More accurately the US was simply the latest host of
the parasitic international banking empire that leeches off countries and plays them against
each other. The parasite will quietly slither into Asia while using its media to blame the US
host for the damage it has done.' - Damon Vrabel
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Aug 23, 2010 - Wahlmöglichkeiten
Nada durch Hazel 19.8.2010 Übersetzung Bernd
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Aug 23, 2010 - Letzte Durchgabe von CM durch Kibo
Das ist es auch schon! Und wenn ihr euch heute etwas schwerfällig fühlt, - die StasisSchiffe treffen ihre Vorbereitungen - für alle Fälle. C.
Phoenix Journals
Aug 23, 2010 - PJ #13 " SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET ", chapter 11 & 12
Other Spiritual Pieces
Aug 22, 2010 - David Icke and Jordan Maxwell in conversation: a Project Avalon video
Aug 22, 2010 - Ultimo Mensaje de CM a Través de Kibo
Ya es Tiempo!
Ya esta! Y si están lentos hoy, es por que las naves de Stasis están haciendo su trabajo, por si
acaso. -C
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 58
Phoenix Journals
Aug 22, 2010 - PJ #10 " PRIVACY IN A FISHBOWL ", chapter 19 & 20.
Aug 21, 2010 - Bulletin sur les Modifications de la Terre hebdomadaire Update
Par Michael Manderville Traduit de l'anglais par Marie-Louise sous de 16 août 2010
Aug 21, 2010 - Peut-être qu'ils ont raison, malgré la preuve, est-ce vrai ?
Par Les visibles Traduit de l'anglais par Marie-Louise
Health and Nutrition
Aug 21, 2010 - Egg Recall Article suggests the
reason for the egg recall, is to push pasteurized eggs. By the way folks, there is NOTHIN
wrong with gamma ray irradiation of food and water. At least that is what AA Raphael
informed me, when I was buying filtered water from those water kiosks where you fill your
own containers. Gamma rays, used correctly and of the right frequency are very useful. In
fact we are in a LOT of "natural" gamma rays right now, from being in the Milky way ecliptic.
This is valuable technology that makes RAW food a lot safer to eat, while keeping it raw.
Perhaps the same would be useful for eggs. I agree that some of the egg problems are
related to poor growing conditions, and that includes organic eggs, I got quite an infection
from them once, that was NOT salmonella, but something that raises havoc in the gut for a
LONG time. I forget the name of the organism, but for a time, I left organic eggs
alone....! This was around the year 2000. Do not always be upset by the word "radiation" as
it is also necessary to LIFE. It can kill or heal, depending on the type and use of same.
Aug 21, 2010 - Richard Hoagland with Alex Jones Well, hasn't Richard Hoagland been saying we would have real contact
soon the last couple years? Well now he is saying it's a world wide hoax, a fake disclosure
coming. And Alex seems to be agreeing. Interesting video to listen too. Actually it's not a
video of the discussion, its a audio with images of UFO's during the audio. -C
Phoenix Journals
Aug 21, 2010 - PJ #13 " SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET ", chapter 9 & 10
Germany was more or less self-sufficient and for the first time in centuries,
Translations - Others
Aug 20, 2010 - Italian: 1 Message Aug 19
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 59
Nada tramite Hazel - 19 Agosto - Le Scelte
Aug 20, 2010 - The Tree House Birthday Party
A reminder to all of you to attend Esu's Birthday Party in Kibo's Treehouse, in the
Etheric realms over Chicago! It should be in progress now, or soon and will run quite a
period of time for all of you in the different time zones!-C
Aug 20, 2010 - Gas and Oil Piplines This link goes to a site showing where a lot of
natural gas pipelines, and oil pipelines run. MANY run up the NEW MADRID fault line. Don't
forget in your preparations for the Gulf Blowout, that the Gulf sea floor has MANY pipelines
on it.
Aug 20, 2010 - Interesting Gulf Videos
Phoenix Journals
Aug 20, 2010 - PJ #10 " PRIVACY IN A FISHBOWL ", chapter 17 & 18.
True US History
Aug 19, 2010 - The U.S. Spreads the Misery to Yemen
Aug 19, 2010 - Well, the Lies continue about Iraq.
Yea, Yea, Yea, the "combat troops" are coming home, so we are told!!!!!! Wives and kiddies are
there to great their men. (any woman coming home? ) There were only 56,000 there, and
50,000 are staying as "advisors." So that means, 6,000 are coming home. OH BOY. that's
"impressive." Now that's some "withdrawal." There are 4000 coming now and the
remainder by September 1st. Wonder how soon the 6,000 will be off to Afghanistan?
Other Channels
Aug 19, 2010 - Le jour de jugement
Le jour du Jugement Par Christ Michaël à travers Adam 8 août 2010 Traduction Eleisa
Other Channels
Aug 19, 2010 - Ça vient d'arriver de CM
Par Christ Michaël à travers Kibo Dabi
12 août 2010
Traduction Eleisa
Aug 19, 2010 - Choices by Nada
True US History
Aug 19, 2010 - Somethin' Funny's Goin' On
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 60
The author leads a search of the Dun and Brandstreet links for the 7,666 companies involved
in the corporate "Government of the United States."
True US History
Aug 19, 2010 - Valedictorian Speaks Out Against Schooling in Graduation Speech
Ron: Erica Goldson is a truly inspiring and courageous “American” lass. A glorious godess who
is obviously here to help haul the US and the planet out of the abyss. I recommend that as
many people as possible watch this video of her magnificent valedictory speech. She nails it
cobbers! See:
Phoenix Journals
Aug 19, 2010 - PJ #44 " TANGLED WEBS "GOTCHA" -- AGAIN-VOL II ", chapter
5 & 6.
By Others
Health and Nutrition
Aug 18, 2010 - Part II: Rockefeller Vaccine Secret Revealed
Ron: May God forgive them ...
Health and Nutrition
Aug 18, 2010 - Part I: Saying ‘No’ to vaccines says ‘No’ to Rockefeller social control
Ron: Once vaccinations and other social engineering and genocidal aspects of allopathic
medicine are eliminated human health and well being will increase enormously. So be it!
Other Spiritual Pieces
Aug 18, 2010 - Five after 12
Great Crop Circle from Germany. Seems to indicate time's
Political Information
Aug 18, 2010 - Burn in Hell you deniers of the Holocausts
Ron: To enlarge the original Jewish campaign documentation about the alleged Holocaust of
SIX MILLION Jews by Germans during WWI go to the original article at:
Political Information
Aug 18, 2010 - Indiana Jones and the Salvation of the Swastika
Political Information
Aug 18, 2010 - A Prayer for Rupert Murdoch
Ron: Arguably 'The reason that Rupert Murdoch never left' is that these days he's a
succession of death cult clones.
Phoenix Journals
Aug 18, 2010 - PJ #13 " SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET ", chapter 7 & 8
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 61
" If you hold the Journals in your possession, even though they be thrust upon you, and you
look within the pages--you are curious, or nice to your friend or something. If you work
diligently to discount them prior to "KNOWING" ALL the material contained within---you are
foolish indeed and you will show thine ignorance unto the world and will further show thine
choices toward God or unto the Evil teachers. This is truth because you will find within the
Journals that God never forces---He only allows! You will be told how it is and that which ye
do with the information is totally and 100% up to you. "
True US History
Aug 17, 2010 - Antigravity UFO, Tesla time travel, directed energy weapons, mininukes: four U.S. black ops in 9/11
Other Spiritual Pieces
Aug 17, 2010 - Meet the Cellist of Sarajevo
Aug 17, 2010 - Pro aktives Ignorieren der Illuminasti* in die Vergessenheit hineinder dritte Weg
von Xavier Hermes, Übersetzung Bernd 15.8.2010
Aug 17, 2010 - Corexit still being sprayed at night.
Corexit is being sprayed STILL at night to keep the oil sinking out of sight. So if it's still
being sprayed, I guess that "leak" is still "leaking". Go to the link to read, it wouldn't copy
right today. Comment from piece: More Cost Effective To Come At Night And Sink The
Son OF A Bitch
Aug 17, 2010 - Volcano Collapse Underlines Threat of Tsunami
Ron: Well folks they've been a fair while coming but those Earth Changes are on the way.
Keep an eye on the tsunami warnings.
True US History
Aug 17, 2010 - Everything Is A Lie: The Deliberate Intent To Deceive People Is At
An All Time High
True US History
Aug 17, 2010 - Wikileaks Confirm US Funds Taliban
Ron: The Jew Banksters can't embroil the goyim in perpetual wars without financing
both sides. Otherwise the wars would end abruptly. Sooo, for instance Jew banksters
funded the North and the South in the American Civil War, Germany and the USSR in
WWII, and Western Europe, the USSR and Chine during the Cold War. And Russia and China
were funded by Jew banksters who supplied North Korea and Vietnam during the Korean and
Vietnam Wars. Similarly, just as the US supplied arms to Iran (Iran/Contra) and to Iraq
during the Iraq/Iran war in the 1980s, so the US has to fund the Taliban today in order to
have an enemy to fight in Afghanistan.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 62
Phoenix Journals
Aug 17, 2010 - PJ #10 " PRIVACY IN A FISHBOWL ", chapter 15 & 16.
By Others
Aug 16, 2010 - Earth Changes Bulletin Weekly Update As Of August 16, 2010
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Aug 16, 2010 - Gerade von CM reingekommen
CM durch Kibo 11.8.2010 Übersetzung Harald Kühn 11.8.2010
AH Member Writings
Aug 16, 2010 - Wie man Esu's Geburtstagsparty findet - eine Wegbeschreibung
v. Kibo 14.8.2010 Übersetzung Harald Kühn
Political Information
Aug 16, 2010 - A Short Legal History of the Jews in England
Ron: this article claims that according to Jewish sources, there are at least 59 Jewish
Members of Parliament, with Britain being second only to Israel for its proportion of Jewish
legislators. This number is far larger than the figure of 24 claimed by the Jewish Chronicle
(see ). If this claim is true Jewish representation in the UK
parliament is enormous as the Jewish population in the UK is 280,000 or 0.46 per cent. As
there are 650 seats in the UK House of Commons, true proportional representation would
give Jews an entitlement to only three seats.
Aug 16, 2010 - Crashproof Motorbike
Ron: The story of my life ...
Political Information
Aug 16, 2010 - How They do it and the Soluton to their Evil Intent.
Phoenix Journals
chapter 3 & 4.
" Psychopolitics is the art and science of asserting and maintaining dominion over the
thoughts and loyalties of individuals., officers, bureaus, and masses, and the effecting of the
conquest of enemy nations through "mental healing".
Political Information
Aug 15, 2010 - An Interview With Fredrick Toben
Ron: Dr. Fredrick Toben is an exemplar of a courageous, right thinking light worker. He
rightly says that Jews are not a race but, in effect, people who have a Talmudic mindset. But
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 63
I think he is too charitable when he says 'Zionists calling themselves Jewish is a
contradiction in terms.' Arguably, regardless of their ehtnic origins, Zionists are "Jewish"
because they embrace Talmudic ideology and seek to ensure that Talmudic outcomes
manifest in our world. I also think that its drawing a pretty long bow to be quoting with
approval 'Sir Yehudi Menuhin's son, Gerard saying:'It is unworthy of my great people, the
Jews, who have striven to abide by a code of moral rectitude for some 5,000 years, who can
create and achieve a society for themselves such as we see around us but can yet deny the
sharing of its great qualities and benefits to those dwelling amongst them." Apart from the
fact that Judaists have been known down the ages to be an exclusivist, parasitic people,
Judaism didn't exist before 621 BC and the Khazars didn't start calling themselves "Jews"
until the 18th century. Moreover, to suggest that the Torah and Talmud constitute 'a code
of moral rectitude' is insane.
David Crayford and the OITC
Aug 15, 2010 - OITC Has NOTHING to do with the Dark Cabal
In response again to Ben Fulford accusations.
Aug 15, 2010 - Special Post - Gulf Stream & North Atlantic Current Dying
Ron:Dunno how accurate this assessment about the Gulf Stream is but there's some
interesting maps and graphs in this article. Dunno about Lord Stirling and his motives either.
Stirling says he's got Dr Bill Deagle doing a 5-day per week video news update for him. I
think Dr Deagle's information requires careful discernment.
Candace: It's pretty good as regards what is in this post. The main loop IS broken. what is
not in this post, unless I missed it, is that the OIL and methane and other components are
HOT, very hot under the high pressure, when it enters the Gulf Waters, thus adding heat
but how fast this disperses, or IF it totaly disperses I do not know. Because the effects of
the atmosphere to consider etc. If you warm up a tub of water, eventually it will cool to the
prevailing temperature in the room. This is called "balance". There are many new sources of
heat as Momma continues to spike her fever, so thus the poles are melting which is absolute
proof she is running that fever, for whatever causes. Man's technologies are adding a lot of
heat too.
In recent satellite photos, there was oil moving along the south coasts of CUBA, which
indicated perhaps something is changing in this loop current, which normally exits on the
north side of cuba, not the south, as I understand this stuff based on the images I have
seen, which include some in this piece. On the satellite images I studied the oil headed out
into the Atlantic about June 6. the oil movements over to Mexico and the Yucatan defy also
the images that are called normal for the currents in the Gulf.
Understand there is NO such thing as the "Obama administration" it is NWO admin.
Political Information
Aug 15, 2010 - The Tavistock Institute
True US History
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 64
Aug 15, 2010 - General Dwight Eisenhower A hero who saved us from Nazis? Or a
Mass Murdering Zionist?
Political Information
Aug 15, 2010 - How Goldman Sachs gambled on starving the world's poor - and won
Ron: Jewsh ideology loves money and genociding goyim. By deregulating the global trade in
food commodities and turning food contracts into derivatives, the Jews who control global
money and finance arrangements are able "to kill two birds with one stone", as it were. And
they do. Failing a complete overturning of the global money and finance systems - and with it
the current absurd derivatives contracts system for food commodities, excessive food
prices will be used to genocide hundreds of millions of poor people all around the world.
Other Spiritual Pieces
Aug 15, 2010 - Pro-actively Ignoring the Illuminasti into oblivion - the Third Way
Ron: The Darwinian, "survival of the fittest", "competition" model for the evolution of life,
the universe and everything is a Jew funded lie. Seek to understand that, and the other
negative activities in our world but don't become fearful or retaliatory in relation to them.
Put energy into envisioning and creating positive alternatives rather than "pushing against"
that which you no longer wish to experience. The matrix controllers use the Hegelian
dialectic of "Problem-Reaction-Solution" as their main modus operandi. If those who have
learned to see through their games cease reacting to them, their originators will
be disempowered. The matrix persists because humans of good will are tricked into
DEMANDING implementation of the matrix controllers' "solutions" which are supposed to
"rescue" us but in fact enslave us. If we ignore the controllers' pseudo "solutions" their
power to shape public opinion and maintain the matrix illusion will collapse. For instance, don't
invest energy in pseudo media debates about Obama, Democrats v Republicans, Left v Right,
the gyrations of stock and other markets, the "economy" etc. All such media concoctions
currently infesting the airwaves and the written word is infotainment meant to misdirect and
mind control humanity. Ignore it and focus on what you want. Why? Because, ALL is energy.
Thoughts created by heart feelings and directed by Will, manifest and become reality.
Putting energy into what we want to create rather than seeking to judge, punish, avenge or
prevent what we don't want is the best way to hasten the manifestation of the Golden Age.
Phoenix Journals
Aug 15, 2010 - PJ #13 " SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET ", chapter 5 & 6
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Aug 13, 2010 - Das Versprechen von Morgen
Erzengel Uriel durch Hazel 12.8.2010 Übersetzung Bernd
Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen
Aug 13, 2010 - Nederlands: NET BINNEN VAN CHRIST MICHAEL
Political Information
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 65
Aug 13, 2010 - The “Summer Camp Of Destruction:” Israeli High Schoolers Assist
The Razing Of A Bedouin Town
Ron: Jewish democracy in action.
Health and Nutrition
Aug 13, 2010 - Adult stem cells treat a host of diseases, say doctors
Aug 13, 2010 - Research team develops new 'organic' solar cell technology
True US History
Aug 13, 2010 - Harvard Medical School rolls out new rules to stop its faculty from
accepting bribes from Big Pharma
Health and Nutrition
Aug 13, 2010 - Johns Hopkins researcher speaks out: arrogance of doctors is killing
tens of thousands of patients
True US History
Aug 13, 2010 - Gitmo Judge Admits Confession Extracted By Rape Threat
Ron: Evil flourishes when too man men ARE evil. Former US Army Sergeant Joshua Claus
(previously convicted of abusing another detainee) testified that he threatened 15 year old
Mr Khadr with being gang-raped to death if he did not cooperate. The juvenile Mr Khadr
then "confessed". The US court has admittd that "confession" as evidence.
Health and Nutrition
Aug 13, 2010 - The Cholesterol Myth that is Harming Your Health
Phoenix Journals
chapter 1 & 2.
"Communism will be called "democracy" and accepted by most Americans with dancing in the
True US History
Aug 12, 2010 - A tale of two women: Helen Thomas and Elena Kagan
True US History
Aug 12, 2010 - Monopoly Money and the International Banking Cartel
Ron: Saying 'NO' to the current fractional reserve global fiat money system is essential to
human social and spiritual survival but few people seem to understand that fact let alone
care about doing something about it.
Aug 12, 2010 - Arch Angel Uriel - Tomorrow’s Promise
Aug 12, 2010 - Just in from CM
Political Information
Aug 12, 2010 - Brazilian Air Force Confirms UFO Reports and Regulates How To
Handle Them
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 66
True US History
Aug 12, 2010 - John Pilger: Change that's Not: 'Obama on Bush route'
Ron: John Pilger says: ‘There is a place in the world for a powerful nation a culturally
powerful nation, a diplomatically powerful nation, a resource rich nation, to stand up for the
rights of smaller nations. It seems that role is almost begging Russia to accept it. I don’t
think it has accepted it, but its there.’ I think Pilger’s right and given Russia’s seeming
superiority in space, pulse and scalar technology and weapons it seems strange that it hasn’t
been more assertive on behalf of smaller nations, especially ex-Soviet countries and other
countries like Iran which are near neighbours.
Aug 11, 2010 - Was Matt Simmons right?
Piece about Matt Simmons that appeared in a Lousiana paper.
David Crayford and the OITC
Aug 11, 2010 - Response to Ben Fulford's Latest
** Ben Fulford: "United Nations, Alan Greenspan now implicated in $134.5 billion bond
scandal" / OITC **
Political Information
Aug 11, 2010 - Eight Traits of the Disinformationalist
Aug 11, 2010 - Groundbreaking Russian DNA Discoveries
Ron: We have posted on this subject before but these interesting discoveries about DNA
are well worth a revisit.
Telepathische Nachrichten (Jess)
Aug 11, 2010 - Esu spricht über die Lehren nach der Stasis
Esu durch Jess 8.8.2010 Übersetzung Anja Shakira
Phoenix Journals
Aug 11, 2010 - PJ #10 " PRIVACY IN A FISHBOWL ", chapter 13 & 14.
" Let us continue with our "privacy", oh, fragile as it is! "
True US History
Aug 10, 2010 - New Evidence Of Staged Moon Landing -vid
Ron: This hoax was just part of a wider deception in that secret US Black Operations
spacecraft went to the Moon and built a base in Copernicus Crater which was eliminated by
the Russians in the battle of the Harvest Moon on 27/9/1977 (See Dr Peter Beter's Audio
Letter No, 26: )
Political Information
Aug 10, 2010 - Dresden – The Real Holocaust
Ron: LEST WE FORGET - Next time some Jew mentions the HoloHoax suggest they
investigate the firebombing of Dresden, Hamburg, Berlin, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki and all
the rest. ALSO, ask them why it was OK for Jews - Churchill, Eisenhower, Roosevelt,
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 67
Oppenheimer and EINSTEIN et al to organise and order those holocausts of goyim. It really
is time the rest of the world stopped believing Jewish propaganda and started connecting
the dots...
Translations - Jess
Aug 10, 2010 - Italian: Esu parla di insegnamento sul post-Stasi
True US History
Aug 10, 2010 - Three Days to Revolution
Ron:It is desireable to have a lot more than three days supply of food and drinking water on
hand in the coming days - just in case you need it.
True US History
Aug 10, 2010 - Homeschooling in the US
Ron: Compulsory government schooling is a relatively recent phenomena in our world. Home
schooling still easily trounces "factory" government and private schooling even using the
grading criteria used by those institutions.
Aug 10, 2010 - Magnitude 7.5 - VANUATU
Ron:This quake near Vanuatu was originally listed as a 7.5. (CNN) -- A major earthquake
struck the island nation of Vanuatu on Tuesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said.The 7.5magnitude quake, with a depth of 35 kilometers (27 miles), struck 40 kilometers (25 miles)
west-northwest of the capital, Port Vila.
Phoenix Journals
Aug 10, 2010 - PJ #44 " TANGLED WEBS "GOTCHA" -- AGAIN-VOL II ", chapter
3 & 4.
Gekanaliseerde berichten Jess
Aug 9, 2010 - Nederlands: Esu spreekt over onderwijzen na Stasis.
Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen
Aug 9, 2010 - Nederlands: Dag des Oordeels
Translations - Candace
Aug 9, 2010 - Italian: Offerta a un particolare gruppo di Fratelli Dark
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Aug 9, 2010 - Der Tag des Gerichts
CM durch Adam, 8.8.2010 Übersetzung Bernd incl. Kommentar v. Candace
Aug 9, 2010 - Judgement Day
Aug 9, 2010 - Día del Juicio Final
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 68
Aug 9, 2010 - Live Cams near the Phillipines?
very interesting. Found this one when looking at a video commorating Matt Simmons. Don't
know if it is true or not, but worth considering.
Aug 9, 2010 - Matt Simmons is DEAD
Matt Simmons who was a whistle blower on the Gulf is dead of a "heart attack" or drowing in
his pool, depending on the source. I placed some video here. He is one who made the
statement about the real blowout, and exposed the made for TV coverage the mess. You can
find plenty of sources on GLP on it. -C
Aug 9, 2010 - Out of Sight, Out of Mind (Even when it's not out of sight)
True US History
Aug 9, 2010 - The Man with the Bullhorn is a Lying Sack of Shit
Other Spiritual Pieces
Aug 9, 2010 - The Unstoppable Force of Irresistible Change
Opportunity for personal growth and the elimination of our common darkness is available to
everyone but it appears that only a minority is and will be availing itself of possibilities that
are benevolent beyond our present ability to apprehend. - Les Visible
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Aug 9, 2010 - Vergeblich erbaut ihr eine Stadt, wenn ihr doch zuerst den Menschen
erbauen solltet
St. Germain durch Hazel, 7.8.2010 Übersetzung Bernd
Phoenix Journals
Aug 9, 2010 - PJ #13 " SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET ", chapter 3 & 4
Political Information
Aug 8, 2010 - Escaping the Sovereign Debt Trap: The Remarkable Model of the
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Gekanaliseerde berichten Candace
Aug 8, 2010 - Nederlands: Aanbod voor een speciale groep Duistere Broeders.
Esu door Candace, vertaling Lilian A.
Political Information
No. 12
Ron: The authenticity of the Protocols of Zion is amply attested by the fact that they
describe what has happened and continues to happen in our world. Jewish commentators and
authorities claim that the Protocols are counterfeit and cannot be proven to have been
written by Khazar Jews. However the fact that the Protocols appeared over a century ago
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 69
yet uncannily describe the actual situation within global society today gives the lie to the
Jews' contention that they were not written by Jews and do not reflect Jewish attitudes
and policies. THEY DO! In addition, the Protocols are consistent with Judaist ideology as
stated in their holy books - the Torah and the Talmud. Moreover, no other interpretation of
the condition of humanity and the planet today makes sense of the observable situation or of
the actions and policies of global leaders and the global mainstream media.
Candace: well I tried to post here, and got knocked off, guess the server is slammed again
briefly. These were covered in the PJ's more than once. This one is about taking control of
the press. And I remain sickened by the continuing huge lies iabout the oil in the Gulf which
are rampant on ABC news this morning. I wrote a local media head early last week about my
disgust with this, but I have not heard back. I did supply the link to the satellite images,
which even tho "airbrushed" in places, show still a great deal of oil.
True US History
Aug 8, 2010 - Influential Newsweek Magazine Sold for $1 To CFR’s Super-Rich, ProIsrael Harman Couple
Aug 8, 2010 - Massive Landslide from Glacial Melt
Pemberton Mayor Jordan Sturdy said Saturday that geotechnicians assessing the debris
estimated that the slide, triggered early Friday morning by the melting Capricorn Glacier 65
kilometres north of Pemberton, unleashed a 40-million-cubic-metre wall of rock and debris
that was 300 metres wide and two kilometres long.
Read more:
True US History
Aug 8, 2010 - The Fall of the WTC1 Spire and the Intact WTC1 Stairwell
Ron: Here are some photos and video of the demolition of WTC1 that I have not seen before.
Yet more evidence of a demolition. Worth a look if you haven't seen them.
Aug 8, 2010 - 6 Million Fish Dead in Bolivian Ecological Disaster
6 Million Fish Dead in Bolivian Ecological Disaster
Read at the link, didn't copy and paste well.
Aug 8, 2010 - Floods And Land Scapes Terrorizes Asia and Pakistain
collection of articles posted on the messianic forum.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 70
Telepathische Nachrichten (Candace)
Aug 8, 2010 - Angebot an eine spezielle Gruppe der Dunkelbrüder
Das hier von Esu enthält nicht nur eine Botschaft an die Dunkelbrüder, sondern auch eine
Bitte an unsere Lichtbrüder. Esu durch Candace, 7.8.2010 Übersetzung Eve
Jess Anthony
Aug 8, 2010 - Esu Speaks on Post-Stasis Teaching
Esu speaks on the role of Lightworkers as teachers post-stasis.
True US History
Aug 8, 2010 - What Really Goes On (Psychopathology of everyday schooling)
Ron: Our current schooling system is designed to take children from the cradle and socially
engineer them over a period of 15-20 years to be dependant mind controlled slaves of the
bankster owners of the global plantation. The result is ignorant, insecure, often arrogant and
aggressive, dumbed down, inadequate adults programmed to love Big Brother, watch TV and
voraciously consume whatever crap is served up to them in every facet of life. Our global
factory-style education arrangements are an integral part of the matrix control system
which has led humanity to the brink of extinction and the death of the planet. Education for
all, but especially for children MUST be rethought and totally redesigned and changed,
putting the focus upon self-direction and self education. Human beings are sovereign
fragments of Creator and each has a unique ability, destiny and connection with the divine.
Once this current disastrously dysfunctional global society collapses our attitude to
education MUST become attuned to the unique qualities of every person. In particular,
management and oversight of the education of children needs to be removed from the
clutches of governments and their experts and returned to the care and attention of
parents and their local communites.
Political Information
Aug 8, 2010 - Reserve Bank of Australia explained
Ron: Banksters create the corruption and dysfunction rampant in our world because they
control the money supply. Fiat debt money is created out of thin air by Khazar Jew
controlled Central Banks that then "lend" that so-called money to commercial banks which
then lend it to everyone else. For instance the US Federal Reserve Bank creates trillions of
US dollars using key strokes on a computer and lends it to banks at 0-0.25% interest
whereat those banks lend that bogus money to US businesses and individuals at much higher
interest rates (usury). Our world is self-destructing because of this practice. Once the
current global socio-economic system collapses because of this lunacy, humanity must never
again licence private individuals and their fictitious corporate entities to create money from
nothing, OR to manage society's money supply. Money must have an intrinsically valuable basis
and every society MUST control its money supply directly. If that is not done humanity will
quickly slip back into the slavery, chaos and misery obvious today.
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Aug 8, 2010 - Baumhaus-Tischgespräch mit Kibo
CM, Esu, S333 u. Monjoronson durch Kibo, 14.7.2010 Übersetzung Harald Kühn u. Zsuzsanna
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 71
Phoenix Journals
Aug 8, 2010 - PJ #10 " PRIVACY IN A FISHBOWL ", chapter 11 & 12.
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Aug 7, 2010 - CM bespricht verschiedene Sachen durch Kibo Radio Free Gaia
CM durch Kibo 2.8.2010 Übersetzung Harald Kühn. Befasst sich u.a. mit der Ermordung von
Christopher Story
Political Information
Aug 7, 2010 - Jews are eight times over-represented in UK parliament
Ron: So-called democratic government in the UK and all other Western "Democracies" is a
joke. The Khazar banksters who own the world decide who "wins" government in every
election and they do that by "owning" the leaders of the major parties and most of the party
members who get elected. They ensure the election of their stooges through control of
banking, finance, multi-national corporations and NGOs, the mainstream media, academia and
almost everything else. The result is not only Jew dominated governments everywhere in a
fashion similar to that pertaining in the UK, but also the growth of massive, ever-increasing
welfarist governments riddled with graft, corruption and criminal activity of every hue. A
free world of sovereign humans requires the total abolition of this corrupt form of
"democratic" welfare governance, and its replacment by republican oriented local selfgoverning communities electing grass roots representatives to larger political and dispute
resolution (judicial) assemblies that in turn elect representatives to similar yet larger
assemblies and so on. This must be done if our world is to survive and thrive.
Aug 7, 2010 - Oferta a un Determinado Grupo de Hermanos de la Oscuridad
Esu, que no sólo contiene un mensaje para los hermanos oscuros, pero también una petición a
nuestros hermanos iluminados.
Además, Esu se olvidó de agregar un comentario sobre su cumpleaños, hace 2000 años. Se ha
decidido aceptar la fecha en el UB (Libro de Urantia) del 21 de Agosto. El PJ (Phoenix
Journal o Diario del Fénix) dijo que el 22 de Agosto, a excepción de una pieza de "Los Rayos
de la Sabiduría" mucho más tarde que dijo el 08 de Agosto . Entiendan que NO NOS
encontrábamos en este calendario en curso en aquel entonces! La hora de nacimiento se da
alrededor del mediodía.
Aug 7, 2010 - #129 Offer to a Particular Group of Dark Brothers
Esu, which not only contains a message to the dark brothers, but also a request to our
lighted brothers.
Also, Esu forgot to add on a comment on his birthday 2000 years ago. It has been decided
to accept the date in the UB of August 21. The PJ's said August 22, except for a wisdom of
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 72
the rays piece much later which said August 8. Understand we were NOT on this current
calendar back then! The birth time is given as about noon.
Aug 7, 2010 - "In vain you build a city when first you should build the man"
Germain. Candace: Beloveds, read this carefully because this is the whole of the reason
there can be no magic wand ascension. You grow a great civilization one person at a time. You
cannot just magically cause people to become of True God Consciousness.
Phoenix Journals
Aug 7, 2010 - PJ #44 " TANGLED WEBS "GOTCHA" -- AGAIN-VOL II ", chapter 1
& 2.
"Cult of Intelligence".
Political Information
Aug 6, 2010 - Amazing Advertisement on the BBC
Political Information
Aug 6, 2010 - Israeli organ-trafficking ring busted
Phoenix Journals
Aug 6, 2010 - Readings from the PJ's on You tube
Somebody is doing oral readings of some of the material in the Phoenix Journals on You
Tube. I discovered this when I google the PJ's just for fun. Here is the link to one of them,
a reading of Esu Sananda. Clicking on
video's by the user will produce quite a few more.
Par Candace
Aug 6, 2010 - Les plans actuels
CM à travers Candace, 2 août 2010 traduction Eleisa
Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen
Aug 6, 2010 - Nederlands: Wat betekent het om gewekt te zijn?
" Ik ben Christ Michael Aton uw Vader die het u al voor aeonen heeft gezegd om te
ontwaken voor uw licht. Zult u mij nu horen? "
True US History
Aug 6, 2010 - Gloria Steinem: How the CIA Used Feminism to Destabilize Society
Phoenix Journals
Aug 6, 2010 - PJ #13 " SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET ", chapter 1 & 2
Political Information
Aug 5, 2010 - Gertler’s Bling Bang Torah Gang
Ron: In January 2008 the International Rescue Committee released its second survey of
mortality in the Democratic Republic of Congo, estimated" 5,400,000 people, or an average
of some 1500 people every day, have died as a consequence of the war and its lingering
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 73
effects since 1998. See Mortality in the Democratic Republic of Congo: an Ongoing Crisis,
International Rescue Committee, Today, two and
a half years later the number of excess deaths in the Congo due to genocidal US-Israeli
political and corporate policies will be much higher. This unpublicised Congo genocide rivals
the more public genocides being perpetrated in Iraq and Afghanistan where the excess
deaths due to the US invasions and occupation now exceed 8,564,000 and
11,962,000 respectively.
Translations - Others
Aug 5, 2010 - Italian: 3 Messages Aug 1, 2, 3.
Lord Melchizedek/Hazel - Aug. 2 - Lord Melchizedek, La mano della Verità indossa il
guanto della Libertà
Germain / Hazel
- " 1 - Germain su L'arte della attesa
CM / Hazel
- " 3 - Cosa Significa Essere Svegli?
True US History
Aug 5, 2010 - Lies So Transparent As Body Scanner Images Saved PERMANENTLY!
Ron: Apart from their likely negative health effects and their abuse of sovereign personal
privacy, body scanners effectively strip search people and record the result graphically for
later viewing. Those explicit strip search records are being stored and can be (and are)
transmitted around the US and possibly elsewhere. This makes nonsense of general
government and media hysteria about pornography on the internet and the demonisation of
some (but not all) viewers of child pornography on the net.
Aug 5, 2010 - PJ #34 CHAPITRE 4
PJ #34 Chapter 4 Translated by Marie-Louise
Aug 5, 2010 - Tomber dans la fosse avec Ben Stein et la tribu
Par Les visibles Traduit de l'anglais par Marie-Louise
Aug 5, 2010 - AHS wurde geschlossen
Jennifer, 29.7.2010 Übersetzung Alexander
Aug 5, 2010 - Sorry, aber ich werde auch weiterhin weinen
Leonette an CM, mit Kommentar v. Candace, 3.8.2010 Übersetzung Eve
Aug 5, 2010 - Updating on Fires In Russia
Other Spiritual Pieces
Aug 5, 2010 - Deepak Chopra is hoist on his own petard!
Ron: I guess agondonters need a sense of humour.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 74
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Aug 5, 2010 - Der Ölteppich
Adama v. Telos durch Eve, 26.6.2010 Übersetzung Eve
True US History
Aug 5, 2010 - New 911 Analysis Indicates use of Secret Technology to impact the
WTC towers
Health and Nutrition
Aug 5, 2010 - At least one Australian Mainstream TV station is reporting that
Flouride is a poisonous industrial by-product
Phoenix Journals
Aug 5, 2010 - PJ #10 " PRIVACY IN A FISHBOWL ", chapter 9 & 10.
Political Information
Aug 4, 2010 - Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations
against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshippers of Idols
Ron: An Afghan perspective on the US and NATO (Coalition of the willing) invasion and
occupation of Afghanistan.
Candace: a website worth bookmarking. I had long forgotten about it. People in this country
fail to see that we are rightfully seen as invaders by the invaded.
Translations - Candace
Aug 4, 2010 - Italian: 1 Message Aug 2
CM attraverso Candace - 2 Agosto - Gli attuali progetti
by Candace
Aug 4, 2010 - CM - Os Planos Atuais
CM e os Planos Atuais modoficados de acordo com novos potenciais.
Namaste, Sólon
Aug 4, 2010 - Free Documentaries on the web
All sorts of them, including some I really liked and own. Some are NWO stuff like
Michael Moore, but there's some really good ones here too. -C
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Aug 4, 2010 - Was bedeutet es, erwacht zu sein
CM durch Hazel, 3.8.2010 Übersetzung Bernd
Gekanaliseerde berichten Candace
Aug 4, 2010 - Nederlands: DE HUIDIGE PLANNEN
Aug 4, 2010 - Who are the Jews and what do they believe? Part I – Israelites and
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 75
'... truth is not easy to witness from the "dark side" but KNOW IT you must. You cannot
"change"that which you do not KNOW exists.’
Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn (THE TALMUD UNMASKED, PART 2 Appendix II; Phoenix Journal
#130 chapter 3)
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Aug 4, 2010 - Esu spricht über unsere Kämpfe
Esu durch Peter, 17.5.2010 Übersetzung Melanie
Phoenix Journals
Aug 4, 2010 - PJ #44 " TANGLED WEBS "GOTCHA" -- AGAIN-VOL II ", Intro
" Dreams are but "thoughts" and thoughts--just mere thoughts--are powerful. They are as
the electric batteries processing and storing energy. They are priceless as sunlight for life
or as bad for one as poison. What are your thoughts? You fear? What do ye fear? Mistakes?
Oh, precious ones--there is glory to be had in GREAT MISTAKES. In gaining of
perfection one MUST make the mistakes of the growing being--how else can the lessons
be truly learned? Do not fear error--simply "correct" error! "
Translations - Others
Aug 3, 2010 - Italian: 1 Message Aug 02
CM attraverso Kibo - 2 Agosto: CM discute diversi problemi attraverso Kibo
Other Spiritual Pieces
Here is a visualization by Monjoronson that builds beautifully upon Esu's words on creation in
consciousness, Esu Dialogue #24. Through this visualization we can join Monjoronson's
efforts in the ascension process. - Don Hynes
Political Information
Aug 3, 2010 - Iran Accountable for BP Oil Spill
Fascinating article on the origin of BP and some games the corporations have played. Puts a
new light on the fake story of Iran misusing it's nuclear development.
Aug 3, 2010 - Sorry, but I WILL continue to whine.
To CM from Leonette, regards the piece I posted last night.
Aug 3, 2010 - What it means to be awake?
I am Christ Michael Aton your Father who has been telling you for aeons to awaken to
your light. Will you hear me now?
Aug 3, 2010 - Info Louisiana Quake, New Madrid Fault line
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 76
well, look what's on Rense today, the plate south of Louisiana mentioned last night in the
piece with CM. Now it's not quite that big, as shown in this article, it's upper border
basically is the coast of Louisiana. If the images don't show, go to the link. I saw something
about this and Jack Reed some time ago, and asked about it. CM didn't really want it
mentioned yet, so I don't think we have anyway.
AND, go the link within the article, I did after I posted it, and behold there is a discussion
on that salt issue. But I didn't read it yet, but a quick skim suggests there is some risk with
OK, I haven't visited Rense for awhile now, here is an article on the salt domes. It has
imagines in it, better to just go there. Nachrichten (div.)
Aug 3, 2010 - St. Germain über die Kunst des Wartens
St.Germain durch Hazel, 1.8.2010 Übersetzung Bernd
Canal Jess
Aug 3, 2010 - Dernières nouvelles sur la situation dans le Golfe
Esu à travers Jess 29 juillet 2010 Traduction Eleisa
Telepathische Nachrichten (Candace)
Aug 3, 2010 - Die gegenwärtigen Pläne
CM durch Candace, 2.8.2010 Übersetzung Eve
Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen
Aug 3, 2010 - Nederlands: CM behandelt verschillende onderwerpen.
True US History
Ron: The cover story, the mysterious Assange fleeing the murderous CIA, working to save
the world is lame. WikiLeaks is lame. 90,000 pages but NOTHING on drugs or drug flights
serviced by Israeli companies. President Karzai and his brother are said to be the biggest
druglords in the world, why would this not be mentioned? If Wiki got what they say they got,
then most of their documents would have reported corruption, drug dealing, governments of
a dozen countries would have been mentioned. BUT THEY WERE NOT.
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Aug 3, 2010 - Ode an Christopher Story
Kibo durch Aton, 2. August 2010, Übersetzung: Zsuzsanna
Phoenix Journals
Aug 3, 2010 - PJ #13 " SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET ", Intro
" Ours is to bring truth and awaken you to your plight, for in the knowing is the absolute joy
and hope of change and the wondrous balance of Peace. "
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 77
Aug 2, 2010 - # 128 The Current Plans
By CM several topics discussed. Iraq, the gulf etc.
Aug 2, 2010 - Los Planes Actuales
Por CM, discusión de algunos tópicos, Irak, el golfo etc.
Aug 2, 2010 - Ode to Christopher Story
Aton, with a short comment by Candace OK, this is NOT by Aton, but the name was there
so that is what I thought. I initially when I saw it on the forum I thought it was Kibo's, but
this copy had Aton so that's how I published it. Ok Kibo resent it so I understand and it's
correct now.
Aug 2, 2010 - CM discusses several issues thru Kibo
This is from July 30, 2010. I had another post it for me. I can type but not copy and
paste here. Still working on that problem. -C
This is from CM. Covers the issue with the murder of Christopher Story.
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Aug 2, 2010 - Die Hand der Wahrheit trägt den Handschuh der Freiheit
Lord Melchizedek durch Hazel 1.8.2010 Übersetzung Bernd
Human/Animal Rights
Aug 2, 2010 - Fall of the Republic HQ full length version
Ron: The banksters who control the global matrix have planned a bleak future for USans and
everyone. This film by Alex Jones gives a good glimpse of how its being done. If you care
about what happens to you or your family or your world, I suggest you take the time to watch
it. The global matrix is an illusion:There is no choice, there is no sovereign justice. Absent
Celestial intervention or total devastation via Earth changes; the New World Order cabal
seems set to complete its enslavement of humanity in the near future.
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Aug 2, 2010 - Wir brauchen euch nun alle erwacht
S333 durch Lucia 17.5.2010 Übersetzung Steffi
AH Mitgliederbeiträge (Candace)
Aug 2, 2010 - Wir wurden gerufen, nun sind wir gekommen
Von Candace, 12.6.2010 Übersetzung Bernd
True US History
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 78
Aug 2, 2010 - Road Warrior-level collapse imminent: Alex Jones says we must take
corrective action now
Other Channels
Aug 2, 2010 - Le moment crucial est arrivé
Le moment crucial est arrivé Esu à travers Adam 27 juillet 2010 Traduction par Eleisa
Phoenix Journals
Aug 1, 2010 - Germain on The Art of Waiting
Aug 1, 2010 - Germain sobre El Arte De Esperar
True US History
Aug 1, 2010 - The Death of Paper Money
Health and Nutrition
Aug 1, 2010 - Cannabinoids Kill Cancer and Our Government Has Known for 36 Years
Other Spiritual Pieces
Aug 1, 2010 - The Station
Par Candace
Aug 1, 2010 - Mise à jour sur la situation dans le Golfe
Other Channels
Aug 1, 2010 - Christ Michael donne l’alerte
Aug 1, 2010 - Le Sinistre BP: Ce qu’en pense la Russie
Aug 1, 2010 - Lord Melchizedek -The Hand of Truth wears the Glove of Freedom
True US History
Aug 1, 2010 - Falling into The Pit with Ben Stein and The Tribe
Other Spiritual Pieces
Aug 1, 2010 - Maybe they are Right, Despite the Evidence, Is that True?
Other Spiritual Pieces
Aug 1, 2010 - There Must be a Reason but the Reason can't be Sane.
True US History
Aug 1, 2010 - US chopper down in Afghanistan
Phoenix Journals
Aug 1, 2010 - PJ #10 " PRIVACY IN A FISHBOWL ", chapter 7 & 8.
Translations - Jess
Jul 31, 2010 - Italian: 1 Message Juli 29.
Esu attraverso Jess - Luglio 29: Le ultime da Esu
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 79
True US History
Jul 31, 2010 - Alex Jones: Washington Post admits CIA faked Osama Bin Laden
confession & "Top Secret America"
True US History
Jul 31, 2010 - FBI-DOJ Lies Related to Bombing of PAA Flight 103
Phoenix Journals - PDF
Jul 31, 2010 - PJ #12 " CRUCIFIXION OF THE PHOENIX ", Pdf copy.
"And the WORD will go forth And the WORD is going forth, herein."
Phoenix Journals
Jul 31, 2010 - PJ #12 " CRUCIFIXION OF THE PHOENIX ", chapters 33 & 34,
True US History
Jul 30, 2010 - BP Disaster: Russia’s Take
Translations - Others
Jul 30, 2010 - Italian: 2 Messages Juli 29
Christ Michael tramite Hazel - 29 Luglio: Allerta di Christ Michael
Esu tramite Adam - 29 Luglio: Esu ad Adam
Jul 30, 2010 - Geoff Lawton: 'You can fix all the world's problems in a garden.'
Ron: Part of the fun of living in sovereign freedom after stasis will be reconnecting with
nature both individually and as communities. That collaboration will include growing food in
harmony with plants, soils and nature's seasonal and climatic rythms. Food growing will
become a positive co-creational activity with man and nature playing their proper roles. As
nature wants to serve us the results, if we respect nature and 'go with the flow' are likely to
be nothing short of spectacular. So be it.
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Jul 30, 2010 - Der entscheidende Zeitpunkt ist da
Esu durch Adam , 27.7.2010 Übersetzung Bernd
Jul 30, 2010 - Video of my conference in Rome
Phoenix Journals - PDF
Jul 30, 2010 - PJ #29 " END OF THE MASQUERADE ", Pdf copy.
Phoenix Journals
Jul 30, 2010 - PJ #29 " END OF THE MASQUERADE ", Final
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 80
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Jul 29, 2010 - CM: Alarmbereitschaft zur Sache
CM durch Hazel 27.7.2010 Übersetzung Bernd / Eve
Telepathische Nachrichten (Jess)
Jul 29, 2010 - Esu zur aktuellen Lage im Golf
Esu durch Jess, 27.7.2010 Übersetzung Anja Shakira
Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen
Jul 29, 2010 - Nederlands: Esu door Adam
Gekanaliseerde berichten Jess
Jul 29, 2010 - Nederlands: Esu door Jess
Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen
Jul 29, 2010 - Nederlands: Waarschuwing
Jul 29, 2010 - Esu to Adam
Posted to forum on July 27, 2010 I have added a little note on the end-C
Jul 29, 2010 - Esu a Través de Adam
Jess Anthony
Jul 29, 2010 - The Latest from Esu thru Jess
About the risks in the Gulf of Mexico. Published July 27, on the Messianic Forum, since that
is the only option we had. We could not post here.
Jul 29, 2010 - Christ Michael Issues Alert
This was done and posted to the forum on July 27, 1020
Jul 29, 2010 - Cristo Miguel Emite un Alerta
True US History
Jul 23, 2010 - Who Killed The Gulf?
True US History
Jul 23, 2010 - Visit
True US History
Jul 23, 2010 - NOAA Finds Several Leaks In Cracks On Gulf Seafloor; Leaks Where
Also Caused By IXTOC Blowout
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Jul 23, 2010 - Licht und Leben
EE Uriel durch Hazel 13.7.2010
True US History
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 81
Jul 23, 2010 - Gulf of Mexico Loop Current Broken!! Risk of Global Climate Change By
BP Oil Spill!
Ron: Dunno whether this article is scientifically valid or not but I think it deserves
consideration, given the unprecedented effects of the oil blowout in the Gulf.
Phoenix Journals
Jul 23, 2010 - PJ #12 " CRUCIFIXION OF THE PHOENIX ", chapters 31 & 32.
Translations - Candace
Jul 22, 2010 - Italian: 1 Messages Juli 19.
Da Christ Michael attraverso Candace - 21 Luglio: Aggiornamento sulla situazione del Golfo
easy to watch and important-C
Very interesting and there is some truth in this. Short,
Other Channels
Jul 22, 2010 - La tour qui s'écroule
CM / Eve
traduction Eleisa
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Jul 22, 2010 - Azreal spricht über Seelen-Überschattung und Schwingungs-Heilung
Azreal durch Jess, 24.6.2010 Übersetzung Anja
True US History
Jul 22, 2010 - As Obama Fiddles, British Plan Wars and Genocide
Ron: This interesting article is more easily read at:
Jul 22, 2010 - AH fördert die Zusammenarbeit mit Daniel Raphael nicht mehr
Übersetzung Eve
Political Information
Jul 22, 2010 - Vatican Official Declares Extraterrestrial Contact Is Real
True US History
Jul 22, 2010 - Sorcha Faal alleges that the US Bombed China because North Korea
allegedly torpedoed the BP oil rig in the Gulf!
Ron: This report is an example of Sorcha Faal's apparent role as a disinformation agent.
North Korea had nothing to do with the BP Gulf Oil Blowout and even if it did WHY would the
US bomb China? And WHY would China allow such bombing and pretend that it didn't
happen? Bombing China is an act of war. In such circumstances saying that 'US and Chinese
military forces are on a “direct collision course” after the United States announcing
yesterday its Naval Forces would begin maneuvers in the Yellow Sea next week with its ally
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 82
South Korea...' is a bit of an anti-climax don'tcha reckon? IF the US had just bombed China
causing one of the largest environmental catastrophes in history, US naval ships
manoeuvering in the Yellow Sea would be likely to end up under it. The Link to the Baltic Dry
index information is well worth a look though - it suggests global economic collapse is
Phoenix Journals
Jul 22, 2010 - PJ #12 " CRUCIFIXION OF THE PHOENIX ", chapters 29 & 30.
" THE TWELVE STEPS to come into spiritual awakening. "
True US History
Jul 21, 2010 - Global Economic Collapse Of “Staggering Proportions” Warned Imminent
Ron: Sorcha Faal is unreliable but often tells interesting truth. This report features Peter
Kropotkin (1842-1921) who in his book titled “Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution” countered
Charles Darwin’s (1809-1882)"survival of the fittest” evolutionary theory by concluding that
cooperation and mutual aid are more important in the evolution of the species than
competition and mutual strife. Kropotkin's views were silenced and forgotten due to
suppression by Jew banksters and their promulgation of Darwin's false and destructive
theories. It also mentions the Elliott Wave Principle developed by Ralph Nelson Elliott
(1871-1948) and Robert Prechter's prediction of an imminent global economic collapse based
Jul 21, 2010 - Andy Shleck isn't the only one having Bike Trouble.
Political Information
Jul 21, 2010 - China uses oil-eating bacteria in Dalian oil spill cleanup
Political Information
Jul 21, 2010 - Large China oil spill threatens sea life, water
by Candace
Jul 21, 2010 - CM - Atualização sobre a Situação do Golfo
Os planos foram alterados devido à contingência no Golfo. Atenção aos sinais. Namaste, Sólon
Gekanaliseerde berichten Candace
Jul 21, 2010 - Nederlands: Update Gulf situatie
Jul 21, 2010 - Dead penguins wash up on Brazil beaches
In far greater numbers than usual and seem starved to death
By Others
Jul 21, 2010 - CM - Mais Sobre Calreza e Prontidão
Jul 21, 2010 - More BP Photoshopping
Well they are STILL at it. One link is from BP's site, and the other from a site who studied
the photoshopped images. People, the fraud in this whole thing is worse than terrible and
when they do this sort of cover up, something terrible has to be wrong.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 83
Jul 21, 2010 - # 127 Update on the Gulf Situation
CM, on July 19, 2010
Political Information
Jul 21, 2010 - The Polanski Gambit and the Old World Order
True US History
Jul 21, 2010 - Corporatism: The reason corporations have to be abolished
Ron: I think John Perkins tells much less than half the truth about TERRAISM. Terrorism is
created directly by the Anglo-US-Rothschldlandia complex of terror states which use it as
the destabilisation phase of their policy techniques designed to coerce other nations and
especially resource rich nations to accept bankster (pseudo) finance and corporate rapine
and pillage of their human and physical resources. Suggesting that peoples already brutalised
by the Anglo-US corporatist economic empire seek to resist their corporatist oppressors
using violence conceals the fact that the initiators of violence are ALWAYS the Anglo-USIsrael triad of corporate terrorist states.
Phoenix Journals
Jul 21, 2010 - PJ #10 " PRIVACY IN A FISHBOWL ", chapter 5 & 6.
Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen
Jul 20, 2010 - Nederlands: Boomhut tafelgesprek
Jul 20, 2010 - Matt Simmons on Real Gulf Oil Story
Listen to Pacifica Radio interviewing Matt Simmons on real story about Deepwater Horizon
Other Spiritual Pieces
Jul 20, 2010 - "The One Flaw in Women"
Ron: And here I was thinking they were perfect ...
Jul 20, 2010 - Photoshopping the "oil leak"
Those of you familiar with photoshopping and the like might enjoy this new thread on GLP. I
hope it does not get removed. We have been shown false images for some time on the gulf
"spill". And I posted a video a couple days ago in which is was stated the BOP was not ON
the well head and was severely damaged, some distance from the well head.-C
here is the link again to the above mentioned video.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 84
Now today, because the Photoshoped pice hit the web, of the command center BP is muffling
all over the place which you can see in this video posted today to you tube
Here are two more Mat Simmons videos.
Jul 20, 2010 - PDF File on these TWO wells from 2009
This is cirulating on the internet. There is also a GLP thread on it. Now, there were two
wells and this piece does NOT say as some are implying on the web. All it is, and I read the
whole thing, is the specs for two exploratory bore holes. On page 8, drill and temporarily
Abandon these wells does NOT mean this was a planned 911 type destructive event. It
means they are exploratory and the intent at the time is if these produce a well, to let them
lie fallow until needed. That is ALL it means.-Candace
This is the link to the GLP thread. I have not looked at it again yet today, it has grown
substantially since yesterday.
Jul 20, 2010 - AH is No longer Supporting the Work of Daniel Raphael
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Ein Erzengel durch Brad, Übersetzung Bernd, 7.7.2010
Telepathische Nachrichten (Candace)
Jul 20, 2010 - Update zur Situation im Golf
CM durch Candace, 19.7.2010 Übersetzung Eve
Health and Nutrition
Jul 20, 2010 - natural health Vitamin D promotes memory and cognitive function in
Political Information
Jul 20, 2010 - Victory against Frankenfoods: India blocks harvesting of GM crops
Candace: I watched a film twice on PBS about this cotton problem in India. It is huge and
people are ill and animals that are fed the GM cotton crops as food DIE and very quickly, it
does not support life. It is a round up ready type crop amongst other DNA manipulation. So
this seems a great victory but I wish the piece covered the death issues of animals who have
long been fed the crop after the cotton is picked for food and whom did NOT die from it
previously. It is morally WRONG also, to force farmers to purchase seed each year rather
than the time honored method of saving enough seed from previous crops for next years
planting. This is an issue with CM crops that goes way beyond Cotton.
Health and Nutrition
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 85
Jul 20, 2010 - Teach Children Gardening and Give Them a Natural Head Start in Life
Phoenix Journals
Jul 20, 2010 - PJ #12 " CRUCIFIXION OF THE PHOENIX ", chapters 27 & 28.
True US History
Jul 19, 2010 - BP Gulf Gusher: Protect Yourself from the Toxic Air Mix
True US History
Jul 19, 2010 - Doomsday: How BP Gulf disaster may have triggered a 'world-killing'
Ron: If this scenario turns out to be reasonably accurate the predicted GOM methane
eruption will be a world-changing event likely to happen suddenly within the next 6 months.
In that event either Star Fleet will need to drastically intervene well before Christmas OR
stasis will have to be brought on in order to preserve human and all life which is slated to
continue inhabiting Urantia. Sooo folks, watch the GOM and pray.
Candace: for some reason Ron's post didn't post completely, and so I have added the missing
material and the link. You might want to look at the article again. There is HUGE truth in
here and I would suggest readers living anywhere near the gulf should consider their options
at this moment.
Jul 19, 2010 - How the ultimate BP Gulf disaster could kill millions [ Visit Website ]
True US History
Jul 19, 2010 - Bernanke must print 40 Trillions now, 100 Trillion next year, 200,
500, 1000 …
Ron: Anyone holding lots of US dollars (USD) should try to buy some non-perishable food and
physically useful assets with it, NOW. The Baltic Dry Index measuring shipping freight rates
on bulk goods just dropped 40pc in a month which means that global commodities trade is
declining sharply. At the same time the banksters are about to drown us in chimerical USD,
so even if you can buy food and useful gear in future, it may cost a lot more.
Jul 19, 2010 - Crop Circles: the new communications medium
Political Information
Jul 19, 2010 - 'Israeli soldiers kill in video game style'
True US History
Jul 19, 2010 - 'US not able to protect Israel'
True US History
Jul 19, 2010 - Israel to get mega military handout
Phoenix Journals
Jul 19, 2010 - PJ #10 " PRIVACY IN A FISHBOWL ", chapter 3 & 4.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 86
Political Information
Jul 18, 2010 - On modern servitude
Ron: This is a worthwhile read. There is also a video covering the same material which is
worth a look, if you prefer. In my view the first 45 minutes of the video are good value but
the next six minutes (before the credits) are just confusing scenes of police v crowd
confrontations with background music and songs that confuse if not actually promote
violence, which is contrary to the core message because what you resist, persists.
Jul 18, 2010 - BOP Found
MSNBC Video telling a LOT.
Jul 18, 2010 - Israeli Conversion Bill raises question of who’s officially Jewish
Ron: What a surprise? Jewish religious ideologues want to cull unbelievers from their ranks
because of their lack of ideological religious purity. That should shake loose a few "fellow
travellers" who are just along for the ride.
Spiritual Nuggets by the Masters
Jul 18, 2010 - Spiritual Bill of Rights
Germain thru Isaac George January 2002 I added a comment AFTER posting this.
True US History
Jul 18, 2010 - Wikileaks: Real change begins Monday in the WashPost.
Ron: Wikileaks has been threatening a major exposure for some time. I assume this "event"
(or NOT) will give us a chance to discern whether Wikileaks is the real deal or just another
CIA front company. The Washington Post is an unlikely candidate to begin announcements
that expose the truth for all to see...
True US History
Jul 18, 2010 - 24 multinationals move HQ to Shanghai
Ron: It looks like these multinational HQs will just get set up in Shanghai in time for the
Earth change tsunamis coming from the Pacific Ring of Fire and the magnetic pole shift.
Given Shanghai's minimal elevation above sea level, i assume that the CEOs and senior
executives of these corporations won't be working in these new HQs.
Phoenix Journals
Jul 18, 2010 - PJ #12 " CRUCIFIXION OF THE PHOENIX ", chapters 25 & 26.
" Let us speak of organized religion and how it often misleads humanity and puts forth
ridiculous doctrines and meaningless rituals, spinning a web of confusion and fear, thereby
clouding and perverting the word of God, in order to maintain control and power over the
people. "
Translations - Others
Jul 17, 2010 - Italian: 2 Messages Juli 15-16
Da Nada attraverso Hazel -15 luglio: Rituali
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 87
Da un Arcangelo della direzione di Gabriel attraverso Brad -16 Luglio: Ognuno di voi può
comunicare con personalità nei regni superiori
Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen
Jul 17, 2010 - Nederlands: Grootvader #8
Phoenix Journals
Jul 17, 2010 - PJ #10 " PRIVACY IN A FISHBOWL ", chapter 1 & 2.
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Jul 16, 2010 - Rituale
Nada durch Hazel, 13.7.2010 Übersetzung Bernd
True US History
Jul 16, 2010 - 22 Statistics That Prove That The Middle Class Is Being
Systematically Wiped Out Of Existence In America
Jul 16, 2010 - Each of you CAN communicate with personalities in the higher realms
of Gabriel thru Brad
Jul 16, 2010 - Grandfather #8
too much following going on!
Phoenix Journals
Jul 16, 2010 - PJ #12 " CRUCIFIXION OF THE PHOENIX ", chapters 23 & 24.
Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen
Jul 15, 2010 - Nederlands: De bouwvallige toren
Jul 15, 2010 - Rituals
Other Channels
Jul 15, 2010 - La fuite de pétrole
Adama de Télos à travers Eve, 29 Juin 2010 traduction Eleisa
True US History
Jul 15, 2010 - Coast Guard dispatching ships and personnel to Costa Rica to threaten
True US History
Jul 15, 2010 - Rockefellers Own All Drug Companies ...?
Ron: Eustace Mullins told it like it was 20 years ago. Rampant New World Order
corporatisation and "globalisation" has almost certainly made allopathic medicine and its
"drug pushing" for the big pharmaceutical companies worse since then.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 88
Phoenix Journals
Jul 15, 2010 - PJ #10 " PRIVACY IN A FISHBOWL ", Intro
Gekanaliseerde berichten Jess
Jul 14, 2010 - Christ Michael spreekt meer over duidelijkheid en paraatheid
Political Information
Jul 14, 2010 - EXPLOSIVE DOSSIER ON HITLER by Jewish German Professional
Ron: Why am I not surprised?! Not only did the Khazar Jews create the Bolshevik Communist
Revolution and control the Soviert Union until the mid 1970s but Khazar Jews also created
Hitler and were dominant in building the Third Reich; with SS Heinrich Himmler, Joseph
Goebbels, Rudolf Hess and other top Nazis being Jews.
Other Spiritual Pieces
Jul 14, 2010 - Tree House Table Discussion
Kibo Rant with CM, Esu, Big M (Monjoronson I assume), and S333. Commentary at the end
added by Candace, twice, so if you already read this before you are seeing this comment, you
need to check it again.
Other Spiritual Pieces
Jul 14, 2010 - 2010 with Shaman, Kiesha Crowther
Ron: I have transcribed parts 6-10 of this very interesting video talk.
Jul 14, 2010 - Oil Reaches Across the Gulf to the Yucatan
Satellite Image of Oil gusher reaching the Yucatan of Mexico on July 11, 2010
New Undwater Volcanic Eruption near Tonga
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Jul 14, 2010 - Der Sinn des Dazugehörens - das Königreich des Lichts
EE Uriel durch Hazel, 18.6.2010 Übersetzung Bernd
Phoenix Journals
Jul 14, 2010 - PJ #29 " END OF THE MASQUERADE ", prot. 20 -- 24.
Hatonn: "If this one doesn't get to you--there is probably nothing that will do so! Please
study this PROTOCOL most carefully and meticulously. "
Jul 13, 2010 - You are Not Authorized to See These
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 89
Gulf pics.
Jul 13, 2010 - Shulamit Aloni zu "Antisemitismus"
Shulamit Aloni kommentiert den bewussten Einsatz des Wortes "Antisemitisch"
True US History
Jul 13, 2010 - Free speech in Barack Obama's America: Whatever you say, say
Ron: Can you imagine anyone in the US mass media being fired for privately praising the
genocidal political and military criminals running the US or Israel? NO? Why not? They
authorise the murder and maiming of innocent people every day of the year and publicly
boast about it.
Jul 13, 2010 - Australian vegetables poisoned as police probe sabotage
Jul 13, 2010 - Australia - Global warming my backside with the coldest day in 100
Telepathische Nachrichten (Jess)
Jul 13, 2010 - Christ Michael erläutert Näheres über Klarheit und Vorbereitet-Sein
CM durch Jess, 8.7.2010 Ü. Anja Shakira
True US History
Jul 13, 2010 - US rule could keep Iroquois from lacrosse tourney
Ron: The Iroquois know who they are, what about the rest of us?
True US History
Jul 13, 2010 - Mark Of The Beast Rears Its Head In Pennsylvania
Ron: This report sounds ridiculous but I assume its for real.
Political Information
True US History
Jul 13, 2010 - Walt Disney versus The Hollywood Jews
Ron: Hollywood was founded by Khazar Jews. It has been dominated by them ever since.
That is why Hollywood's products are sooo full of pornographic and anti-social images; and
anti-Christian ideologies.
Phoenix Journals
Jul 13, 2010 - PJ #12 " CRUCIFIXION OF THE PHOENIX ", chapters 21 & 22.
Jul 12, 2010 - Strange but true Stories ...?
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 90
Ron: Folks, we really need to change the face of religion!
Jul 12, 2010 - A Bit of Historical Revision ... in case you've fallen behind ...
Political Information
Jul 12, 2010 - The Smoke of Satan in the Vatican?
Jul 12, 2010 - Hell Has Come to South Louisiana
Published on June 11. How much worse is it now.
Mission Ideas
Jul 12, 2010 - Everyday Stuff to Make Things Better
One of our readers, UTE sent a series of email with every day suggestions. I am placing this
along with some suggestions I started once in Mission Ideas, of suggestions of how you ca
help in "little ways" that would add up if many took part and it's necessary to demonstrate
these practices to those around you.
By Others
Jul 12, 2010 - ESU - A Importância de uma Boa Colheita
Jul 12, 2010 - Photos of Oil Spill
Photos of the oil spill reaching the coast. One of the worst is the oil slick wave hitting the
shore in Alabama.
Political Information
Jul 12, 2010 - Remote Controlled Vehicular Assassination
Ron: I dunno if this information is correct or not. If it is correct, all light workers and any
other individuals who seem to be a problem for the powers that (still appear to) be, are
seriously at risk unless they do not use a modern electronically controlled vehicle. The
privacy concerns are horrendous also.
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Jul 12, 2010 - Einsamkeit
EE Uriel durch Hazel, 26.6.2010 Übersetzung Bernd
Phoenix Journals - PDF
Jul 12, 2010 - PJ #43 " TANGLED WEBS, "GOTCHA"--VOLUME I ", Pdf copy
" This Journal begins the Tangled Webs series in which Hatonn discusses the many "tangled
webs" of the adversary through the many adversarial Organizations. "
True US History
Jul 11, 2010 - The Entertainment Industry Exposed
Ron: This video is only for those with a strong stomach even though it only hints at the
vicious dehumanising trauma based mind control techniques used by Khazar Jews to create
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 91
mind controlled stars for their so-called Entertainment Industry. AND don't assume that
the picture of a pile of naked cadavers shown briefly at 1'42"-43" of the video are Jewish
bodies, murdered by Germans in WWII concentration camps. They aren't. Staged pictures
of that sort were taken by Eisenhower's Jewish agents after WWII and were either
pictures of non-Jews who died from disease or starvation due to Allied bombing; or pictures
of the bodies of some of the 1.5 million German POWs starved in Eisenhower's death camps
after WWII. Also, David Icke's reference to German experiements regarding systematically
traumatising children to create mind controlled individuals refers to Mengele's experiments.
US military authorities assistd Mengele to escape to the US under Project Paperclip after
WWII whereat he continued and perfected his work - the Monarch and MK Ultra programs
attest to his success.
Other Spiritual Pieces
Jul 11, 2010 - Infinite Love is the only Truth. Everything else is illusion.
AH Mitgliederbeiträge (Candace)
Jul 11, 2010 - Der Gebrauch von Tofu
von Candace Übersetzung Klaus
Jul 11, 2010 - Impending Evacuations of the Gulf
Interesting commentary by a man who is down in the gulf area making a film. He is getting
out of there tomorrow, feels the evacuations are imminent. -C
911 Material
Jul 11, 2010 - Top Floors of Towers were Water tanks?
Suggests the top two floors of the towers were water tanks, and had been emptied before
the 911 attacks. Interesting, something I have not run into before personally.-C
Phoenix Journals
Jul 11, 2010 - PJ #43 " TANGLED WEBS, "GOTCHA"--VOLUME I ", chapter 15,
" Now keep in mind that the attack on Pearl Harbor was thoroughly known and assisted
in the planning by your very government administration. So, the facts are not, once
again, anywhere near the touted "reasons". It must become obvious that the presence
of the secret organizations not only allowed such action but insured its perfection. "
True US History
Jul 10, 2010 - With the US trapped in depression, this really is starting to feel like
True US History
Jul 10, 2010 - Calling People ‘Anti-Semitic’ is a ‘Trick’ We Always Use to Discredit
Critics, says Former Israeli Minister Shulamit Aloni
Shulamit Aloni: 'Calling people "anti-Semitic" is a trick, we always use it.... Our organisation is
strong and has a lot of money ... the American - Jewish- establishment are very strong, have
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 92
power, money and media and other things... it's very easy to blame people who criticise
certain acts of the Israeli government, as "anti-Semitics" and to bring up the Holocaust and
this suffering of the Jewish people. And that justifies everything we do to the
Other Spiritual Pieces
Jul 10, 2010 - I'm Free and Freedom is Reality
Interesting read on Freedom and not having fear and letting God within WORK for
you. From Les Visible
I added another one to this, Musing on the Times as Lord Apocalypse Appears. So this has 2
Political Information
Jul 10, 2010 - Dick and Jane get Crucified on Corfu
True US History
Jul 10, 2010 - Deadly downpour at Columbus
Ron: If this event isn't related to toxic rain and air pollution stemming from the Gulf of
Mexico (GOM) it is extremely likely that similar events further south will be. How many such
events will need to occur before Amerikkans wake up to the fact that they have a problem?
As it's said that a third of the seafood consumed in the US comes from the GOM, any
reduction in fish catch elsewhere in the US is gonna affect more that recreational
fisherpersons. Perhaps they'll just blame illegal immigrants, or TERRAISTS, or the war on
drugs... Perhaps bombing Iran will solve the problem ...?
Political Information
Jul 10, 2010 - Chernobyl: Facts and Present Situation
Ron: Some commentators are comparing the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) Oil Blowout with
Chernobyl. In my opinion that view is optimistic in that Space Fleet greatly ameliorated the
effects of Chernobyl but may well be doing nothing, at least at this stage, in relation to the
GOM Oil Blowout. Moreover BP is greatly exacerbating the toxicity of the Oil Blowout by
pouring millions of gallons of highly toxic Corexit into the GOM, burning off oil residues on
the surface, inadequate containment and cleanup action AND failing to inform affected
communities and the rest of the world of the true situation. It seems increasingly likely that
the US Gulf states will need to be evacuated and toxic air pollution is already being noticed
as far north as Noth Dakota
( .
Evacutaion of the Gulf states will cause the financial and economic collapse of the US and
that will precipitate a global financial and economic collapse, such effects will go way beyond
what happened after Chernobyl.
Candace: Let us not forget Chernobyl was not the only meltdown in this world. There was a
massive meltdown on 911 which may be why craft were spotted, and also during the large
Chinese Quake of 2 years ago, in while the 2nd quake which came shortly after the first
quake was caused an exploding reactor. I suspect there have been more than this and then
add to all the hydrogen and plutonium and other bombs for all sorts of "testing" and we have
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 93
a radioactive MESS throughout this world. And it didn't start with Japan at the end of
WW2, it started with the blast in Russia back in I think it was 1908, Tunguska event.
Then there are the nuclear subs and drilling machines for all those underground tunnels and
there have been issues there too. Our water, ground and air is full of this stuff. Add to that
the DU on weapons and the large number of deformed babies being born from that. Man has
truly gone mad. I know a lot of people do not know thy truth of the extent of all of this, and
the internet isn't apparently getting it across to everybody, since some people will not
research these things, but nevertheless, we have allowed and encouraged war and all the
True US History
Jul 10, 2010 - Russian sub 'could stop oil leak'
Ron: Given the true situation on the sea floor in the Gulf of Merxico it is likely that even
these Russian submersibles could not stem the oil flows there BUT it is significant that
after nine weeks BP and the US Administration have not even sought assistance from the
Russians who are presumably more capable of possibly solving the problem than anyone else.
Phoenix Journals
Jul 10, 2010 - PJ #43 " TANGLED WEBS, "GOTCHA"--VOLUME I ", chapter 13 &
True US History
Jul 9, 2010 - 46 US Warships Plus 7,000 US Marines On Route To Costa Rica?
Ron: This gives real meaning to the expression "WAR ON DRUGS". As Costa Rica is not
currently suffering from any "humanitarian crisis" perhaps 7,000 US troops "who may
circulate the country in uniform without any restrictions", plus 46 US warships swarming
along the Costa Rican coast in "anti-narcotics operations and humanitarian missions' might
just CREATE that crisis. An objective observer might think that 46 US warships and all that
US military manpower might be better employed trying to "fight" the Gulf of Mexico oil
blowout instead of "invading" yet another country under the pretence of the "war on drugs.
Translations - Jess
Jul 9, 2010 - Italian: 1 Messages Juli 8.
Da Anthony Jess - 8 luglio: Christ Michael parla ancora sulla chiarezza e la preparazione
Human/Animal Rights
Jul 9, 2010 - New School Prayer
True US History
Jul 9, 2010 - No 'Sorry' from US as Iran plane tragedy marked
Ron: Can you imagine how Amerikkans would go balistic if an Iranian warship decided to
cruise around the entrance to Chesapeake Bay and "accidentally" shot down a US airbus with
290 Amerikkans onboard? Not only would we never hear the end of it but the US would
immediated bomb Iran and probably try to invade that country. The arrogance and hypocrisy
of Amerikkans never ceases to amaze me.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 94
Candace: worthy read. And what saddens me, is that was likely intentional and no accident
and when we ARE able to reveal the truth about 911 being used to get Americans to accept
war in the Middle East, I don't think the average American is going to apologize on that
one. they will just at BEST "well We didn't know." But you see, even if 911 was an attack by
Iraq and Afghanistan and "bin Laden" and the like, we have gone way past tit for tat.
And it appears that our very "Obama" back then was being an actor pretending to be one of
the Osama faces we saw in the news. It's really obvious, head, eyes, ears, mouth etc match
very well. Not only is there a problem with the birth certificate, to pretend to be Osama, for
fake movies, is well more than treason to this country.
I just don't expect the average American, or anybody else that gives their power away to
fradulent governments is going to apologize very much at all, regardless.
Health and Nutrition
Jul 9, 2010 - Busted: Wyeth Used Ghostwriters To Place Over 40 "Scientific"
Articles In Medical Journals
Phoenix Journals
Jul 9, 2010 - PJ #12 " CRUCIFIXION OF THE PHOENIX ", chapters 19 & 20.
Translations - Others
Jul 8, 2010 - Italian: 1 Message Juli 7
Esu attraverso Adamo - 7 luglio: L'importanza di un buon raccolto
Jess Anthony
Jul 8, 2010 - Christ Michael Speaks More on Clarity and Preparedness
Christ Michael comments more on the ideas he discussed in Don's Dialogue 22.
True US History
Jul 8, 2010 - Gulf Oil Toxic Gas Risks to Humans 1
Ron: Here is some graphic information on the great variety of toxins being released by the
Gulf of Mexico Oil Blowout.
David Crayford and the OITC
David Crayford and the OITC
Jul 8, 2010 - WhistleBlower's response to Anton Miller on 4Winds
NEW READERS! Read Here First
We have posted this before someplace, we need it again. Survival items needed that will
disappear FAST off the shelves. [Ron: This first appeared in AHS Message #1849 on
28/11/07. RMN got it from Jim Sinclair's site. It's from a Sarajevo war survivor's post
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Jul 8, 2010 - Die Wichtigkeit einer guten Ernte
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 95
Esu durch Adam, 5. u. 6. 7. 2010 Übersetzung Eve
AH Mitgliederbeiträge (Candace)
Jul 8, 2010 - Diese Dinge nicht vergessen, wenn ihr Vorräte anlegt
V. Candace Übersetzung Eve
Political Information
Jul 8, 2010 - Transcript/Video Daniel Estulin Bilderberg Speech at EU Parliament
Press Conference
Ron: While Daniel Estulin is courageous and correct in telling it like it is and highlighting the
prominent role the Bilderrbergers play in organising the disintegration of our world and the
enslavment of humanity; he cannot name (and expect to be published) those who control the
Bilderberger puppets other than by referring to "THE MONEY ELITE". The Biilderbergers,
like all the bought and paid for puppet politicians around the world are seeking to create a
New World Order under 'a ONE WORLD COMPANY LIMITED' because that is the policy of
the Jewish banksters who run our world. The coordination and cohesion that has been
evident in the pursuit of this goal for three centuries is NOT a coincidence. The
Bilderbergers, like every other such organisation as, for example, the Masons, Corporate US,
the Trilateral Commission, Communism, Fabianism, and all the rest; have been created and
given their "riding instructions" by Khazar Jews. There is no way that the disparate
interests brought together in these many and varied organisations could have pursued world
domination with such "one-eyed" persistence and purpose if they were not controlled by a
centralised intelligence.
Phoenix Journals
Jul 8, 2010 - PJ #44 " TANGLED WEBS, "GOTCHA"--AGAIN, VOL. II ", Intro
" In gaining of perfection one MUST make the mistakes of the growing being--how
else can the lessons be truly learned? Do not fear error--simply "correct" error! "
Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen
Jul 7, 2010 - Het belang van een Goede Oogst.
Jul 7, 2010 - Don't forget these things when stocking
I will add to this as ideas come, but YOU need be thinking about YOUR needs based on
where you live. Those of you in apartment buildings will have different issues than some with
a bit of land. PLEASe consider joining the forum, as we are going over a lot of stuff there
and it is NOT my responsibility to transfer all of that here as you are supposed to do your
own homework and not follow me for your needs. The forum link, is in the menu, under
Becoming a Messiah. I will let in anybody with a reasonable statement. We will boot out
those that come to disturb the peace. I have to do this, because otherwise we will have
problems with lots of unwelcome people. We know, it happened before.
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Jul 7, 2010 - Dankbarkeit - ein Zustand des Seins
Hazels hohes Selbst durch Hazel 6.7.2010 Übersetzung Bernd
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 96
Jul 7, 2010 - The Importance of a Good Harvest
Esu. This is an important piece, reminds us of the purpose of a seed planet. My biggest issue
personally with "waiting" is the pollution and condition of the planet, and the suffering of so
many people, but there is a larger picture which is covered nicely in this work. -C
Political Information
Jul 7, 2010 - Child Rape is Ok as Long as It Doesn’t Put a Damper on Your Wedding!
Ron: The judge described the particular offence as "not particularly significant" in the litany
of offences the victim had suffered in totality.
True US History
Jul 7, 2010 - Bilderberg Breaker Estulin: US builds 13 secret bases for war with
Ron: Daniel Estulin says you can't talk about global conspiracies 'its simply that all these
many COINCIDENCES which fit into a very easily discernavble pattern.'
Phoenix Journals
Jul 7, 2010 - PJ #43 " TANGLED WEBS, "GOTCHA"--VOLUME I ", chapter 11 &
" May you have the courage and the faith to pursue your hopes and dreams. "
Jul 6, 2010 - Video and free pdf plans for a cheap greenhouse
David Crayford and the OITC
Jul 6, 2010 - WB Continues to Reply Over the Fulford Issues
Finally posted, our adversary's are NOT happy with us carrying this material. More on
fulford and the like. These are posts made to RMN's. I was sent these by email from WB
and we sustained another server attack. And we yet another TODAY.
David Crayford and the OITC
Jul 6, 2010 - Whistleblower responds to Fulford's July 3 post
Ben Fulford claims the OITC is a Fraudulent organization. He is none to bright.
Jul 6, 2010 - Gratitude- A state of being
Hazel's higher self Hazel is a Melchizedek
Jul 6, 2010 - Die echte Wahrheit über UFO's und ET's
Übersetzung einer Dokumentation von Army Sergeant Clifford Stone
und Command Sergeant-Major Robert O. Dean Übersetzung Sigrid
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 97
Jul 6, 2010 - The real truth about UFO's and ET's by Command Sergeant Major
Robert O.Dean
The real truth about UFO's and ET's by Command Sergeant Major Robert O.Dean and
Clifford Stone Video link
Gekanaliseerde berichten Candace
Jul 6, 2010 - Vandaag is het Onafhankelijksdag in de Verenigde Staten.
True US History
Jul 6, 2010 - air force sprays oil dispersant
True US History
Jul 6, 2010 - Jewish Student Caught Painting Swastikas on Her Own Door Then
Claiming Anti-Semitic Attack
Ron: Another Jewess has been caught painting Swastikas (on her dorm door). If a goy was
caught doing that the Jew controlled mainstream media would have made a meal of it
internationally for a week and the evil doer would have been publicly castigated, prosecuted
and goaled. The perpetrator of this hate crime, false pretenses and damage to property is an
adult yet her name was not released and the University involved "just wants to see her GET
SOME HELP." Folks it's way past time that everyone should read the Jews' holy book, the
Torah, and especially Deuteronomy, the law by which Judaists live. THEN you will undertsand
what Jews are doing to our world and why.
Political Information
Jul 6, 2010 - Iran says its passenger jets were refused fuel abroad
Ron: Iran says the alleged fuel ban is doubling its aviation costs
Jul 6, 2010 - Raising Chickens: How to Raise Chickens in Your Backyard or Small
Ron: Chooks (chickens) were gifted to humanity for their egg laying not their meat. Hopefully
after stasis humanity will not abuse them as it does now.
Phoenix Journals
Jul 6, 2010 - PJ #12 " CRUCIFIXION OF THE PHOENIX ", chapters 17 & 18.
" You ones continue to draw sides and war over who's truth is truth. Well, let us understand
something right now, before we go further---you have free-will to choose up your own set of
truths and I honor them------THAT DOES NOT MAKE YOUR TRUTHS TO BE TRUTH!
Jul 5, 2010 - What Do Chickens Eat? A Guide to Chickens Food
Translations - Others
Jul 5, 2010 - Italian: 1 Message Juli 04
Christ Michael tramite Kibo - 4 Luglio: Sarebbe utile ricordare.....
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 98
Translations - Candace
Jul 5, 2010 - Italian: 1 Message Juli 4
Christ Michael Aton e Candace - 4 Luglio: Oggi è l'Independence Day negli Stati Uniti
Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen
Jul 5, 2010 - Het zou jullie passen zich te herinneren.
Telepathische Nachrichten (Candace)
Jul 5, 2010 - Heute ist in den Vereinigten Staaten Unabhängigkeitstag
CM durch Candace, Ü. Eve 4.7.2010 Incl. deutsch Übersetzung eines Referenz-Stückes
mit Buddha und Candace "Gott hilft denen, die sich selbst helfen".
Other Spiritual Pieces
Jul 5, 2010 - Oil for the Lamps of Heaven and Hell
Jul 5, 2010 - The Window Farms Project
Ron: Two or more ... Ordinary people contributing small innovations to collectively solve
environmental problems + R&D -I-Y OR research and develop it yourself. Through the
onsights of window farmers the designs keep evolving.
True US History
Jul 5, 2010 - Dangerous Crossroads in World History: Obama’s New Iran Sanctions:
An Act of War
Phoenix Journals
Jul 5, 2010 - PJ #29 " END OF THE MASQUERADE ", prot. 11 -- 19.
PROTOCOL NO. 11-- 19
True US History
Jul 4, 2010 - BP Slick Covers Dolphins and
Ron: Stunning video footage shot in defiance of BP & US government prohibitions. This video
was shot on 21 June 2010. The Gulf of Mexico and the US Gulf Coast's environment will have
deteriorated greatly since then as an additional 60,000-100,000 barrels of oil pours into the
sea there every day.
True US History
Jul 4, 2010 - Tomgram: Nick Turse, BP and the Pentagon's Dirty Little Secret
Political Information
Jul 4, 2010 - Twenty-Two Reasons Why American Working People Hate the State
Ron: This article is an exercise in the 'bleedin obvious' but useful all the same. By now it
should be obvious to thinking people that governments are CONTROL mechanisms used by
those who "own" the planet to efficiently and cheaply operate the various national "farms"
which make up the global plantation. The various government organisations that administer
the plantation for the owners consume some 15-20% of production to maintain themselves
and all surpluses go to the owners. Because slavery is contrary to sovereign human free will,
governments need to have and maintain a monopoly on violence to keep control. The
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 99
maintenance of that monopoly on violence consumes a significant portion of society's
productivity. When will we ever learn...
Jul 4, 2010 - # 126 Today is Independence Day in the United States
CM about using your freedom of MIND to stock up.
True US History
Jul 4, 2010 - The American Cancer Society Runs With the Money and Away from the
Cure, Part V
Jul 4, 2010 - Something In The Water - Part 1
Ron: Two or more ... This program is about an unlikely alliance between a GP, a group of
oyster farmers and a Sydney scientist.They banded together to investigate mysterious
water quality issues in one of the most beautiful areas of Tasmania.Faced with what they saw
as government indifference, local doctor Alison Bleaney and marine ecologist Dr. Marcus
Scammell spent tens of thousands of their own money.What they eventually found was the
very opposite of what they expected.
True US History
Jul 4, 2010 - Gates Foundation ignores reality, hypes latest GMO ‘vaporware’ instead
Jul 4, 2010 - Nederlands: Een Merkabah Energie Anker.
Political Information
Jul 4, 2010 - "Falluja Worse Than Hiroshima "
Jul 4, 2010 - Treachery In The Gulf
Jul 4, 2010 - It would behoove you to remember.......
Phoenix Journals
Jul 4, 2010 - PJ #43 " TANGLED WEBS, "GOTCHA"--VOLUME I ", chapter 9 & 10.
" Christianity is unique; it stands alone; it is the basis of the economic system you call
Capitalism. Shocking? Why? It is because since the turn of your century, at least, Capitalism
has had no real meaning in "fact". "
Health and Nutrition
Jul 3, 2010 - Forget Filling Cavities: Regrow Your Teeth Instead
True US History
Jul 3, 2010 - California's Governor puts 200,000 state workers on minimum wage
True US History
Jul 3, 2010 - Special Update OIL OUTLOOK DARKENS
Phoenix Journals
Jul 3, 2010 - PJ #12 " CRUCIFIXION OF THE PHOENIX ", chapters 15 & 16.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 100
" Life, from beginning to goal, is divided, it is said, by seven main steps or periods. These are
again divided into seven sub-periods that make up the whole. The sub-periods may be
compared to levels in school, except that they are not calculated in years, but in lifetimes. In
each period thus, a quite certain development exists and a very certain goal. Thus runs each
of all seven sub-periods, which can last hundreds and thousands of years, and then one main
period is accomplished. "
True US History
Jul 3, 2010 - Why The Greater Depression Still Lies Ahead
True US History
Jul 2, 2010 - US Government Agencies control information by monopolising violence:
$40,000 fine for filming around GOM
Ron: Surely the US Federal Administration's criminalisation of any attempt to get close
enough to film affected wildlife or any oil cleanup equipment or efforts in the Gulf of Mexico
evidences that USans and humanity have to develop genuinely human methods of governance
to replace the current dictatorial rule by decree of fictional corporate governments and
their equally fictional corporate agencies.
Jul 2, 2010 - The Big Sqeeze
Soltec, about the Oil issue in the Gulf.
Other Spiritual Pieces
Jul 2, 2010 - Warriors of the Rainbow
Phoenix Journals
Jul 2, 2010 - PJ #43 " TANGLED WEBS, "GOTCHA"--VOLUME I ", chapter 7 & 8.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 44-- Page 101