Our May 11 Meeting is at Bully`s Smokehouse 1280 Coum
Our May 11 Meeting is at Bully`s Smokehouse 1280 Coum
THE MG CLUB OF ST. LOUIS NEWSLETTER www.stlouismgclub.com VOLUME 28, ISSUE 1 MAY 11, 2015 Our May 11 Meeting is at Bully’s Smokehouse 1280 Coumbia Center Columbia, IL 62236 Inside this issue: April Meeting Minutes 2 Chairman’s Message 3 Editors Column 3 January Technical Session 4 January Technical Session 5 MG Club Calendar 6 Contacts 7 Back Page 8 VOLUME 28, ISSUE 1 PAGE 2 April Meeting Minutes By Richard L. Wesenberg APRIL MEETING MINUTES New Business / Events – Apr 18th – The Endurance Rally start meeting will be at 6:30 pm at the Bread Company at Westport PlaThe MG Club of St. Louis za. APRIL 13, 2015 Apr 19th – Boeing Auto Club Auto cross @ the Family J.J’S Arena in St. Charles – a $35 entry fee. St. Charles, MO Apr 22nd – RUBCO at 9:30 am an Sunrise Diner on Lindbergh. Apr 27th – Tech Session at Adam Key’s shop on Lindbergh. Members attending: (Those in bold drove an MG to May 2-3 - Fling in the spring – Meet at 8:00 am at McDonalds in Columbia, Illinois for drive to City of the meeting.) Giants State Park. 3 cabins are still available. Pete Westby, Bob Horzmann, Ranney Dohogne, RichContact Charlie Key for reserving a cabin. ard Wesenberg, Todd Brown, Kathy Howard, Paul Route 66 2015 Great Race – Leaves Howard, Andy Ackerman, Glenn Owens, Marcus Tetz- Jun 20th from Kirkwood Train Station laff, Joh Mangles, Carol Mangles, Walt Murphy, Rich Berger, Chris Kresser, Dave Bartlebaunh, Bob Projects – Bentzinger Allen Decker, Byron Golfin, Carolyn Golfin, Ranney Dohogne has replaced the urethane bushRobert Guinness, Dominick Boller, Linda Boller, Simon ings in his Sunbeam Tiger. He’s had problems with Dix. front alignment. Meeting called to order @ 7:08 pm by President, Lee John Mangles is road testing and tweaking his BGT. Bob Horzmann reported on intake manifolds differFox ence between Pierce and Cannon units for WeMinutes from Last Meeting – Correction was made by ber carburetors. Bob Horzmann. April 18th is the correct date for the Byron Golfin asked if SU carburetor solid floats are still Endurance Rally. Correction was approved. available and do they work? Treasury Report – Ranney Dohogne reported the following: For Sale – General Account: $5,879.90 Simon Dix – is selling his 72 MGB. Events: $1,396.22 David Bartlebaunh is selling a 76/77 MGB and other New Faces – parts. Contact him at 618-696-3594 or Linda and Dominick Boller, 1972 MGGB-GT, Jim Brown [email protected] MG, and David Bartlebaunh Old Business/Events John Mangles has four MGB Sebring glass fiber fenders for sale. Mar 16th – 15 people attended John Mangles tech Next Meeting – session on recovering MGB seats. May 11 – 7:00 pm – Monday - Come for dinner after 5:30 th Mar 19 – 37 people attended RUBCO and tour of p.m. BULLY'S SMOKEHOUSE, 1280 Columbia Center, COLUMBIA, IL 62236, 618-281-2880 the Kemp Museum. AdjournmentMar 21st - Terry Fanning Rally – Bob Horzmann report- A motion was made and seconded at 7:48 pm to ed 59 miles were traveled – Lotus joined the tour. adjourn. VOLUME 28, ISSUE 1 PAGE 3 C h a i r m a n ’ s M e s s ag e by Lee Fox I know it has been quite a while since we’ve had a newsletter out and for that I sincerely apologize. I want to thank Carolyn Westbay for her valiant effort to publish the newsletter and to Andy Ackerman who has volunteered to take it on. Having done it in the past I know and appreciate how much effort is involved. Thanks! So, let’s do a little catch-up: The annual Holiday Party was a big success again this year. We had 69 in attendance at SqWire’s for a fabulous meal and lively conversation. If you didn’t attend this year, you missed a great time. Thanks to all who worked so hard to make it happen. One of the party traditions, however, may need some thought before 2016. The “Rob Your Neighbor” gift exchange has gotten a little long in the tooth and the gifts have deteriorated a bit from years past. This year more than half of the gifts were alcohol and, with a $10 limit, the quality wasn’t much. If fact, someone received a bottle of Bailey’s that was so old it was curdled and another got a bottle of wine that had been previously opened! WTF? Put your thinking caps on come up with suggestions for improvement. The MG Club events calendar filled up fast with a wide variety of activities to get you, your car, and your family involved. Tech sessions were held monthly, on the third Monday, through April with sessions on convertible top replacement, emergency tool kits, interior upholstery and welding. Several drives were held, including the Polar Bear Run in February and the Fanning Rally in March. The annual Pinewood Derby in March was an exciting and competitive event, as was the Missouri Endurance Rally in April. See elsewhere in the newsletter for photos and details. Our competition with the St. Louis Triumph Owners Association for the most cars at the Easter Concours de Elegance had to be postponed a year while repaving is underway at the upper Muny parking lot, so we’ll hang on to the trophy for another year, at least. The Fling in the Spring returned on May 2 and 3 with a trip to Giant City State and the RUBCO (retired/unemployed British car owners) breakfasts have been very popular, especially the private tour of the Kemp Auto Museum. Planning is beginning for the All British Car Show in September. If you want to help, please attend an upcoming organizing meeting. Watch your email for the date. I hope to see you at the monthly club meetings. They are held every second Monday and we’ve been moving them around the area, so that everyone can have one close to home eventually. Check the events calendar on the club website, http://stlouismgclub.com for the latest information on upcoming meetings and events. Safety Fast! Lee Downshifting with the Editor Downshifting with the Editor Have you been driving or even had your MG parked and approached by someone who always says “My _______ (fill in the blank) mother, father, uncle, aunt,grandfather, name the relative used to have a MG and just loved the car? This happens to me all the time! Even though I own a British car, I can’t help but always look and admire someone else’s car when I see them on the road. It seems to me that seeing any British car (but especially an MG) evokes some pleasant teenage or childhood memory that a lot of us have experienced and want to experience again. As editor I encourage everyone to find their inner MG and let me know what type of material you wish to see in a newsletter. It is really all about you and your cars. Share a technical article, motoring event, pictures, and feelings. It is my hope to get more people involved and build lasting memories for my generation and generations to follow. Drive and then drive some more. Safety Fast! VOLUME 28, ISSUE 1 PAGE 4 Technical Session Monday Jan. 19, 2015 Ar ticle and photo by Andrew Ac ker man John Mangles, the "MG Doc" and owner of All British Car Repair held the first Technical Session of the year on the topic of "What to carry in your car in case of emergencies". John's philosophy is simple, you may not have cell service in all areas so just a cell phone and credit card (or even a AAA card) may not get you out of trouble. Basic tools that serve dual purposes are key. Try to keep it simple with limited space in the trunk. The only major part that John's keeps as a spare is a fuel pump. If you need anything else major, you may have to bite the bullet and just call a tow truck. Essentials are duct tape, hose clamps, fuel line, accelerator cables (bicycle brake cables are a cheap substitute), razor blades, zip ties, baling wire, gasket cement, and J-B weld. Tools would include vice grips, Channelock pliers, needle nose pliers with wire stripper, crimper and cutter. Basic tools are screwdrivers with replaceable bits, crescent wrenches, cold chisel, 3/8" ratchet wrench and extensions and spark plug socket, ball peen hammer, 1/2" ratchet and extension, and various combination wrenches. Of course every car should have gloves, flashlight, extra batteries, and a rain parka that can utilized as something to lie down on. Everyone was encouraged to bring and display their own car emergency kits and discussion followed with some excellent suggestions from the group. Like many sessions, seasoned drivers gave input into their own breakdowns and how they were successfully concluded. Importantly, one member said to bring a folding chair, a bottle of wine, and a book so that your significant other will have something to do while you fix the car!! PAGE 5 VOLUME 28, ISSUE 1 J o h n M a n g l e s “ w h at to C a r ry ” To o l L i s t Items the “MG Doc”( John Mangles) carries in his car. Craftsman Tool Bag Main Tool Roll Asst. terminals fuel line Channelock Pliers Hose clamps razor knife needle nose pliers/wire strippers, crimper, cutter Gasket cement gloves screwdriver with replaceable bits Hand cleaner flashlight & batteries Crescent wrenches -4” & 6” J-B Weld zip ties cold chisel Vise grips accelerator cables Leatherman knife Duct tape 3/8” ratchet wrench & extensions & spark plug Band aids socket Carmex ½ “ ratchet and extension Oil line and fittings Combination wrenches - 11/32”,3/8 7/16,1/2” - 9/16,5/8” -3/4”, 7/8 PAGE 6 THE ST. LOUIS METRO GAZETTE THE MG Club of St. Louis Calendar Mon. May 11 2015 St. Louis MG Club Monthly Meeting Bully’s Smoke House 1280 Columbia Center Columbia IL 62236 Sat. May 16 2015 Cars and Coffee WestPort Plaza 8:00—10:00 am Wed,. May 20, British Invasion 2015 Ice Cream 7:00 pm—8:00 pm Location to be determined. Sun. May 31 2015 10:00am—5:00 pm Chesterfield Valley across from Target Wine Tour Tour and tasting. Details to follow. Mon. June 8 2015 St. Louis MG Club Monthly Meeting Location To be determined Sat June 20, 2015 Antique Tour We have 21 various antique shops to visit in and around Franklin County. We will meet for lunch and perhaps dinner. Finer details to follow. Sat. June 20, 2015 Cars and Coffee Westport Plaza 8:00—10:00 am For updated and the latest details, visit the STLMG Club Website at: www.stlouismgclub.com PAGE 7 THE ST. LOUIS METRO GAZETTE Club Officers & Support Roles Name Address Phone E-Mail Lee Fox Chairman 12855 Big Bend (314) 821 1295 [email protected] Ranney Dohogne Treasurer 12970 Ambois 314 878 7766 [email protected] Richard Wesenberg Secretary 8354 Braddock Drive Kirkwood , Mo 63122 Creve Coeur ,, Mo 63141 ( 314) 993-6907 [email protected] St. Louis, Mo. 63132 Charlie Key Events Chairperson Andrew R. Ackerman Membership Coordinator 36 Arundel Place Andrew R. Ackerman Newsletter Editor 36 Arundel Place 314-428 9335 [email protected] (314) 406-4171 [email protected] (314)406 4171 [email protected] Clayton, Mo. 63105 Clayton, Missouri 63105 Registrars Name Phone E-Mail Pre-war Bob Horzmann (636) 227-3449 [email protected] T-Series Charlie Key (314) 428-9335 [email protected] MGA/Magnette Glen Owens (314) 352-3847 [email protected] MGB/MGC Robert Rushing (314) 614-4671 [email protected] Spridget Bruce Hamper (314) 822-4831 [email protected] Cars In Boxes Walt Murphey (314) 645-1665 [email protected] Other Marques Byron Golfin (314) 469-7146 [email protected] FOR A FULL LISTING OF UPCOMING EVENTS, CLASSIFIED ADDS, AND MUCH MORE GO BROWSE OUR EXCELENT WEB SITE AT: http://www.stlouismgclub.com/ Just click on this link to go to the web site "The St. Louis Metro Gazette (SLMG)" is a publication of the MG Club of St. Louis and remains the property of the club. It is published monthly and is provided free to members in good standing and to officers of other British car clubs upon request. "SLMG" solicits articles from members and other sources. Opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of the Club, Club Officers, or the staff of the newsletter. Technical information is believed accurate, however, any repairs or mechanical advise is attempted at the readers own risk. The Club, Officers, or newsletter staff will not be responsible for any misinterpreted or incorrect technical information. If in doubt, consult with a certified technician. Articles may be reprinted by other car clubs provided that credit is given to author and “SLMG” THE MG CLUB OF ST. LOUIS c/o Andy Ackerman—Membership Coordinator 36 Arundel Pl. St. Louis MO 63105 Web Site: www.stlouismgclub.com Editor E-Mail: [email protected] On the Lighter Side…. The June General Meeting of the St. Louis MG Club will take place on June 15 "The St. Louis Metro Gazette (SLMG)" is a publication of the MG Club of St. Louis and remains the property of the club. It is published monthly and is provided free to members in good standing and to officers of other British car clubs upon request. "SLMG" solicits articles from members and other sources. Opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of the Club, Club Officers, or the staff of the newsletter. Technical information is believed accurate, however, any repairs or mechanical advise is attempted at the readers own risk. The Club, Officers, or newsletter staff will not be responsible for any misinterpreted or incorrect technical information. If in doubt, consult with a certified technician. Articles may be reprinted by other car clubs provided that credit is given to author and “SLMG”
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