From the President`s Desk - Sudbury
From the President`s Desk - Sudbury
District 4 THE RETIRED TEACHERS OF ONTARIO LES ENSEIGNANTES ET ENSEIGNANTS RETRAITÉS DE L’ONTARIO Winter/HIVER 2012 Executive Board/Conseil exécutif 2011 - 2012 Terry Martyn President/Président Carmaine Hall 1st Vice-president/1ère Vice-présidente Carol Haneberry 2nd Vice-president/2e Vice-présidente Dave Hodge Treasurer/Trésorier Roland Muzzatti Secretary/Secrétaire Bob Tyler Past President/ Présidente sortante Pierrette Nadeau Social Peter Niro Political Action/Action politique Monique Taylor (interim) Goodwill/Bienfaisance Michel Gravelle/Ronald Robert Health-Insurance/Santé-assurance Ann Dube Membership/Adhésion From the President’s Desk In the Fall 2011 edition of the Renaissance magazine, there is an invitation to contribute to the RTO/ERO Charitable Foundation in Geriatric Medicine. RTO/ERO is the leader in funding an ‘Endowed Chair’ in Geriatric Medicine which will be located at the University of Toronto. The benefits of having a Chair in Geriatric medicine are to increase education and research in geriatric medicine, to foster a new generation of doctors specializing in geriatric issues, and to ensure more ‘senior friendly’ health care in the province. The foundation’s goal is to raise three million dollars in the next 3 years from members, sponsors, and corporations. RTO/ERO is encouraging all members to contribute to this worthwhile cause. The foundation is a registered charity and all donors will receive an income tax receipt. The donation form can be found in the information envelope that came with the Renaissance magazine. Any contribution that you can make will go a long way in improving the quality of life of seniors in Ontario and across Canada. In conclusion, the members of your Executive Board and I would like to wish you a very Happy New Year. May the year 2012 be full of happiness, health and prosperity for each of you. Terry Martyn Jenny Ross Pensions Happy New Year! Francine Hurtubise Newsletter Editor/Éditrice Juliette Lavoie-Gaboury Travel/Voyages Jenny Ross Unit 2 Representative/ Représentante Unité 2 Diane Bradley Webmaster/Webmestre Attention! The Executive board of RTO/ERO is preparing a special event for its October 2012 meeting and luncheon. (please see details on p.7) Inside/À l’intérieur… From the President’s Desk.............................................. p.1 Mot du président........................................................... p.2 Dates to Remember...................................................... p.2 Goodwill/Bienfaisance.................................................... p.3 In Memoriam................................................................ p.3 Membership.................................................................. p.4 Reader’s Corner/Le coin du livre..................................... p.4 Financial Report............................................................ p.5 Fall Senate Report......................................................... p.6 October 2012 Meeting................................................... p.7 Carnet de voyage/Travel Journal..................................... p.8 Relay for Life/Relais pour la vie.................................... p.10 Merit Travel................................................................. p.12 Collage of Unique Designs’ Display and Sale.................. p.13 Collage of Fall Luncheon/Collage du déjeuner d’automne.................................................................. p.14 Collage of Christmas Luncheon/Collage du déjeuner de Noël...................................................................... p.15 Mot du président Dans l’édition automnale du magazine Renaissance, il y a une invitation à contribuer à la Fondation de bienfaisance ERO/RTO en médecine gériatrique. ERO/ RTO est un chef de file dans le financement d’une Chaire de gériatrie qui sera localisée à l’Université de Toronto. La création d’une Chaire en médecine gériatrique vise à recueillir des fonds afin d’augmenter le nombre de professionnels ainsi que le personnel de soutien formé et qualifié en soins gériatriques, de même qu’à financer la recherche et des programmes visant à améliorer la qualité de vie des aînés. Au cours des trois prochaines années, la Fondation s’impliquera dans un projet initial important en vue d’amasser 3 millions $ auprès des membres, des organisations corporatives et de ses commanditaires. C’est pourquoi ERO/RTO encourage tous ses membres à donner généreusement à cette belle cause. La fondation est un organisme de bienfaisance enregistré et tous les donateurs recevront un reçu d’impôt. Le formulaire de don peut être trouvé dans l’enveloppe d’information qui accompagne le magazine Renaissance. Toute contribution que vous pouvez faire fera une différence dans l’amélioration de la qualité de vie des aînés de l’Ontario et du reste du Canada. En terminant, au nom de tous les membres de votre conseil exécutif d’ERO/RTO, veuillez accepter nos vœux les plus chaleureux pour une année exceptionnelle. Que la nouvelle année 2012 déborde de bonheur, de santé et de prospérité pour chacun et chacune d’entre vous. Terry Martyn Bonne et heureuse anneé! SOCIAL COMMITTEE Dates to include in your calendar: Executive meetings: Howard Johnson Plaza, Brady Street at 9:30 a.m. Thursday, February 2, 2012 Thursday, April 19, 2012 General meetings: Howard Johnson Plaza, Brady Street Spring Luncheon & Annual Meeting, Thursday, May 10, 2012 Afternoon special: Howard Johnson Plaza, Brady Street Thursday, February 23, 2012 (Guest speaker/Coffee & dessert, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.) Retirement Workshop (for active teachers) –Thursday, April 26, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. Pierrette Nadeau Lexiphiles To write with a broken pencil is pointless. When fish are in schools, they sometimes take debate. A thief who stole a calendar got twelve months. A will is a dead giveaway. A boiled egg is hard to beat. Acupuncture: a jab well done. Goodwill/Bienfaisance Membres en deuil/Bereaved Members “C’est souvent un simple geste de gentillesse qui nous touche le plus.” “Thank you for your kind words and condolences.” Denise Bock – son frère Lorian St-Georges Jean Ethier - her brother Bob Gordon Lesley Flowers - her father Frank Flowers Louise Lachapelle - sa mère Thérèse Gardner Normande Lacasse – son mari Marcel Georgette Mitchell - her sister Rachelle Kiazyk Gloria Packard - son frère Paul Fortin Jeannine Renaud - son frère Claude Renaud Doris Weir - her sister Micheline Smith We remember our deceased members; we are grateful for their lives; we mourn their absence. Nous nous souvenons de nos membres décédés; nous sommes reconnaissants pour leurs vies; nous regrettons leurs absences. In Memoriam John Fantin Madelaine Gagnon Bob Gordon Dorothy Gordon André Hurtubise Sharon Milligan Dorothy Mawhiney Ceasare Morasco Ernest Savard Donald Scott Elmo Valiquette Goodwill/Bienfaisance Committee Members CALL US…APPELEZ-NOUS Annette Blais-Laforge Bessie Budge Josie Girolametto Helen Laidlaw Juliette Lavoie-Gaboury Helga Leblanc 675-5985 869-3408 682-2682 523-1571 897-6028 897-6877 Monique Taylor Anne Malnachuk Vi McDougall Isobel Patchett Louise Shonwise Nicole St Germain Paulette Stewart 853-4772 969-2914 674-5311 522-0115 969 3584 758-6614 566-5996 Membership Welcome to another new year. You have helped to make our organization grow. Please continue to do so by encouraging Retirees to join. The more members we have the stronger we are. Thanks to all our Phone Captains for a job well done. We are in need of more Phone Captains. If you can spend some time to call our members 4 times a year, please call Ann Dube at 705-524-3146. Project Service to Others If you have a project where Retired Teachers will be helping in the community, you can apply for a grant of up to $4000.00. Go on-line at or at for the Project STO Application Form and fill it out. The deadline for submitting an application is January 31st, 2012. Please send your application to our President, Terry Martyn. Best wishes for a very healthy and happy year. Ann Dube Reader’s Corner…a few delightful reading selections 1. 2. 3. 4. Le coin du livre…quelques suggestions pour agrémenter votre lecture Gregory Maguire … Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West Tatiana de Rosnay … A Secret Kept Lisa Genova … Still Alice Kate Morton … The Forgotten Garden 1. Au bord de la rivière, Tome 1. Baptiste de Michel David 2. Au bord de la rivière, Tome 2. Camille de Michel David 3. Les Soupirs du vent de Marie - Bernadette Dupuy 4. Les Marionnettes du destin de Marie - Bernadette Dupuy Francine Hurtubise ****Attention! Attention!**** The Executive board has an opening for the chairmanship of the Goodwill/Bienfaisance committee. If you want to be part of a very dynamic group and you have occasionally a few hours to share with fellow members on this committee, please call Terry Martyn (688-0314) or any member of the board. Lexiphiles The professor discovered that her theory of earthquakes was on shaky ground. The batteries were given out free of charge. A dentist and a manicurist married. They fought tooth and nail. With her marriage, she got a new name and a dress. Show me a piano falling down a mineshaft and I’ll show you A-flat miner. Did you hear about the fellow whose whole left side was cut off? He’s all right now. RETIRED TEACHERS OF ONTARIO - District 4 FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1st - DECEMBER 4th 2011 ASSETS Cash Balance Checking Account Investments - GIC 7.05 7983.62 10 066.25 TOTAL ASSETS 18 056.92 RECEIPTS Annual Grant Bilingual Grant RPW Grant RPW Meals District Meetings 23 590.98 1 176.84 709.00 1 080.00 5 454.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND ASSETS 36 384.82 54 441.74 EXPENDITURES Good Will Meetings District Executive Senate Newsletter Bilingual services Office Expenses R.P.W Recruitment Transportation Unit 2 Awards Provincial Workshops Relay For Life Travel Commitee *Donation-Food Bank* 1 296.69 11 984.76 1 498.96 2 699.10 7 888.74 1 176.84 730.03 2 562.88 1 013.05 2 331.84 2 000.00 323.72 647.47 682.53 50.07 66.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES BALANCE 37 357.18 17 084.86 Comprised of: Chequing 7 018.31 GIC 10 066.25 TOTAL 17 084.86 **Note: Our $66.00 Food Bank donation tops up to $1 000.00 the total amount contributed at the Christmas membership meeting. Dave Hodge 2011 Fall Senate Highlights 1. The cost-of-living adjustment: •The adjustment for 2012 is 2.8%. •There will be a slight difference for members who retired in 2010 and a larger difference for members who retired in 2011. More information is available on the ‘OTPP’ website and the ‘RTO/ERO’ website. 2. District Annual Grant Formula: •There will be a reduction in the percentage of fees payable to Districts from 30% to 29% starting in 2012. •This reduction will have a minimum impact on District 4. 3. THAT Article 6 – THE SENATE, 6.02(a), be amended by substitution to read: •(a) “one representative from each District, called Senator;” •there was no ‘mover’ for this motion so it was defeated, •this means that there will still be 2 Senators representing each district at the provincial Senate meetings. 4. Charitable Foundation /Fondation de bienfaisance: •The following motion was presented and postponed for debate until the Spring 2012 Senate: “THAT no membership fees be given to the Foundation by the Provincial Office or Districts.” •Our Board is asking you for your thoughts about this motion. You can contact any Executive or Board member to share your thoughts and opinions. The full Senate Report presented by District 4 is available on our local website. ( Voyage avec le Groupe Voyages Québec Ville de Québec: 3 mai au 6 mai 2012 Le voyage comprend: • le spectacle ‘Le Retour de nos Idoles’ mettant en scène Ginette Reno, Michel Pagliaro, Alain Morisod et Sweet People ainsi que plusieurs autres artistes qui interprètent leurs plus grands succès. • une visite du Manoir Richelieu • une visite de l’île aux Coudres • transportation par autobus (Sudbury-Toronto) et par train (Toronto-Québec) Pour plus de renseignements, appeler Denise Bock au 566 4228. ****Attention! October 2012 Meeting**** As a member of RTO/ERO, do you have any questions that you want answered? Examples: Teachers’ Pension, our Health Benefit programs, working after retirement, travel issues, how RTO/ERO conducts business (local & provincial), Canada Pension programs, other topics of concern. October 2012 Meeting: We would like to have a ‘Question & Answer’ session at our next October meeting. Give us your questions and we will try to get you the answers. Procedure: Hand in your questions at any of the general meetings or contact any Executive or Board member before June 2012. We need time to research and prepare the answers. Thank you! Merci! The Executive board would like to thank the RTO/ERO members who attended the Christmas Luncheon for their outstanding generosity. A sum of $1000 was collected and subsequently given to the Sudbury Food Bank. Congratulations for displaying such a wonderful Christmas spirit and cheer! **February General Meeting** Presentation: The Park Side Older Adult Centre & YMCA. Topic: This presentation will focus on the active and healthy living programs offered at the centre. It will also highlight the various community health and medical programs offered to older adults. When: Thursday, February 23, 2012 Time: 1:00 P.M. Where: Howard Johnson Plaza Rules for Clotheslines I can hear my mother now ... 1. Hang the clothes in a certain order, and always hang “whites” with “whites,” and hang them first. 2. Never hang a shirt by the shoulders - always by the tail! What would the neighbours think? 3. Wash day on a Monday! Never hang clothes on the weekend, or Sunday, for Heaven’s sake! 4. It doesn’t matter if it is sub zero weather ... the clothes will “freeze-dry.” 5. Always gather the clothes pins when taking down dry clothes! Pins left on the lines are “tacky!” 6. Line the clothes up so that each item did not need two clothes pins, but shared one of the clothes pins with the next washed item. 7. Clothes must be off of the line before dinner time, neatly folded in the clothes basket, and ready to be ironed. Carnet de voyage “There’s nothing like…Australia”. Ce pays, près de la taille des É.-U. est ainsi appelé pour ses matières premières, son soleil et ses paysages. La réputation de ses côtes avec sa Grande Barrière de Corail fait concurrence aux horizons larges du désert intérieur. On commence notre voyage sur la côte sud. Melbourne, classée comme la ville la plus habitable du monde en 2011 et la 2ème ville la plus peuplée d’Australie est une ville cosmopolite et conviviale. Nous nous sommes promenés dans les jardins formels, avons marché le long de la paresseuse rivière Yarra, pris le tram sur le Circle Tour, observé les gens et les calèches à Federation Square et magasiné dans les boutiques fines des ruelles et arcades attrayantes de la ville. Notre prochain rendez-vous est l’Outback, c’est-à-dire les grands espaces au centre du pays, composé d’un paysage semi-aride de brousse, de terres rouges et de rochers. Alice Springs, ville du désert, a, superché au-dessus de la plaine, Ayers Rock (Uluru), le plus gros rocher du monde. C’est un monolithe de grès et la montagne sacrée des Aborigènes. Nous avons eu la chance rare de voir Ayers Rock au lever et au coucher du soleil, à la pluie et pour terminer, avec 2 arcs-en-ciel comme chapeau! Puis on se rend à Cairns, sur la côte est pour découvrir la Grande Barrière de Corail (sur la liste du Patrimoine mondial) ; nous observons les multiples sortes de corail et de faune grâce à un bateau à fond de verre. Cette visite pourrait justifier à elle seule notre voyage! À l’aide d’un téléphérique, nous planons au-dessus d’une ancienne forêt tropicale; on a pu vivre une expérience intime en entendant, sentant et marchant dans cette vieille forêt. Nous terminons notre visite du pays avec Sydney, sa capitale. Celle-ci a un cachet non-seulement pour l’architecture de son Opera House mais pour sa baie entourée de restos, de bars, de jardins et de zoos, son vieux quartier (Rocks), son pont et ses espaces de verdure. Nous avons eu de la chance en allant voir l’opéra «Don Giovanni» de Mozart. Quelques heures de vol et nous sommes en Nouvelle-Zélande. Ce pays, près de la taille de l’Angleterre, a été baptisé la terre du long nuage blanc par les premiers Maoris. On a bien aimé la cité-jardin de Christchurch. Comme c’était le printemps, il y avait des fleurs partout. Les dégâts causés par le tremblement de terre de février dernier étaient d’une tristesse à voir. Ils ont beaucoup de reconstruction à entreprendre. On a eu l’occasion de prendre un repas typique (gigot d’agneau, pavlova) avec une famille très accueillante. L’île du sud est belle et montagneuse. En autobus, nous croisons le pays, de l’ouest à l’est puis de l’est à l’ouest. On se rend voir le glacier Franz Josef, le fjord Milford Sound, le Mt Cook (3 754m), une ferme de moutons, la chaîne de montagnes Remarkables et un vignoble. Queenstown est une ville touristique qui se situe sur le bord du lac Wakatipu et a des vues spectaculaires sur les montagnes voisines. Étant des amateurs des films Seigneur des Anneaux, nous prenons une sortie en jeep afin de voir les sites où ont été tournées les scènes. Étant aussi la capitale de l’aventure, on en profite de prendre un tour de jetboat sur la rivière Shotover. Lors d’un souper, nous avons eu un spectacle haka Maori – une danse chantée avant de partir à la guerre ou avant le jeu de rugby des All Blacks! Nous avons apprécié la diversité des scènes pastorales, les vallées vertes, les moutons, les montagnes tellement majestueuses, les lacs de la Nouvelle-Zélande. Notre voyage se termine avec un arrêt dans une station balnéaire dans les îles Fiji, là où le rythme est relaxe, au pas du soleil des tropiques. C’est loin, mais ça n’en vaut la peine! Travel Journal “There’s nothing like...Australia”. This country, about the size of the U.S. is thus called for its raw materials, the sun and scenery. The reputation of the coast, with its Great Barrier Reef competes with the wide horizons of the interior desert. Our trip starts on the southern coast. We found Melbourne, ranked as the world’s most livable city in 2011 and the second most populous city in Australia to be a cosmopolitan and friendly city. We strolled through formal gardens, walked by the lazy Yarra river, took a tram on the Circle tour, watched people and horse-drawn carriages at Federation Square and shopped at fine boutiques in the attractive lanes and arcades of the city. Our next rendezvous was the Outback, the great outdoors area in the center of the country. It is a landscape composed of semi-arid bush of red earth and rocks. Alice Springs, the city of the desert, has above the plain, Ayers Rock (Uluru). This sandstone monolith is the world’s largest rock and a sacred mountain for the Aborigines. We had the rare chance of seeing Ayers Rock at sunrise and sunset, during rain and finally, with two rainbows above it! Then we went to Cairns, on the east coast to explore the Great Barrier Reef, a World Heritage site; we saw many kinds of coral and fauna in a glass bottom boat. This aquatic expedition justified the trip alone! Using a system of gondolas, we hovered over an ancient rainforest; we were able to hear, smell and walk in an old forest next to the city. We ended our tour of the country with Sydney, the capital. The architecture of its Opera House, the bay’s restaurants, bars, gardens and zoos, its old neighborhood (Rocks), its bridge and its green spaces are very worthwhile to explore. We were also fortunate enough to attend the opera “Don Giovanni” by Mozart. After a flight of a few hours, we are in New Zealand, the “land of the long white cloud” as the first Maori had named it! This country which is about the size of England has Christchurch, the “Garden City”. Since it was spring, there were flowers everywhere. The damage caused by the earthquake of February was heartbreaking to look at. They have a lot of rebuilding to undertake. We had the opportunity to be invited to a typical meal (lamb, Pavlova) with a very welcoming family. The South Island is as beautiful and mountainous as the Alps. By coach, we crossed the country from west to east and from east to west. We went to see the Franz Josef Glacier, Milford Sound fjord, Mt Cook (3 754m), a sheep farm, the Remarkables mountain range and a vineyard. Queenstown is a tourist town which is located on the shores of Lake Wakatipu and has spectacular views of nearby mountains. As fans of the films Lord of the Rings, we took a jeep to see the locations where the scenes were shot. Being also the adventure capital, we took the opportunity to take a jet boat tour on the Shotover River. At dinner, we had a haka Maori show - a dance sung before going to war or before an All Blacks rugby game! We much appreciated the variety of pastoral scenes, the green valleys, the sheep, the majestic mountains, the lakes of New Zealand. We ended our trip with a stop at a beach resort in the Fiji Islands, where the pace is relaxed, and the sun is oh so tropical. It was very far to travel but oh so worth it! Juliette Lavoie-Gaboury Patience Please... Yes, it’s me again, your TEAM RTO/ERO RELAY FOR LIFE captain. Most of you are quite familiar with the following information but for our newer members, it’s a first. Quite a few years ago, our local RTO/ ERO became involved in the Canadian Cancer Society’s RELAY FOR LIFE. Although many members are involved with various organizations, the RELAY is the one event where we participate under the name RTO/ERO District 4. The RELAY is always held on the first Friday in June. In 2012, it’s on June 1st. As team captain, I hope to see you there. The RELAY runs from 7 p.m. Friday to 7 a.m. Saturday but most of us drop in, walk around the track, chat and munch in our huge tent and then head for home well before Saturday morning. There are only two more RTO/ERO meetings where you can obtain your pledge form or donate. So if you are interested in joining the team call me (705 524-1077) to register and start collecting. Take down the name, complete address, telephone number and amount donated. The following information includes more details about that night. Where? Cambrian College track Who? YOU, your family and friends are encouraged to join our RTO/ERO team. Our Relay team are not all RTO/ERO members. All are welcome to join us. How to join? Every person who joins the team: * pays a $10 registration fee (Cancer Society requirement). Registration can be made and fees paid at one of our meetings or call Cécile Archambault at 705 524-1077 to make arrangements. * tries to collect at least $100.00 from sponsors. The Cancer Society issues a receipt for donations of $20.00 or more. RTO/ERO’s Tent: Our Meeting Place (sponsored by our local RTO/ERO) -There is a food concession tent but most of us usually bring food, munchies... for sharing. Survivors’ Lap: 7 p.m. Friday night The first lap is dedicated to cancer survivors. Family and friends usually gather around the track to acknowledge the survivors. Luminaries: Candles ($5.00 per candle) are placed around the track in memory of family members and friends or in honour of survivors (even yourself). The candles are lit for the 10 p.m. luminary ceremony when all participants are asked to meet on the track and observe a moment of silence. WHAT TO DO WITH DONATIONS, LUMINARY ENVELOPE AND SURVIVOR’S FORMS? All monies, luminary forms, envelopes and survivor forms must be returned in the pledge form envelope. By: To: Friday May 25, 2012 Cécile Archambault 2067 Wiltshire St (off Second Ave in the Minnow Lake area), Sudbury ON P3A 1Y3 (705 524-1077) 10 BIEN OUI! DE LA PATIENCE S.V.P. Et oui, c’est encore moi, la capitaine de l’équipe ERO/RTO Relais pour la vie. Je viens solliciter ton aide. Pour plusieurs, cet article c’est vieux jeu mais pour les ‘jeunes’ membres, c’est du nouveau. Quelques années passées, nous avons décidé de participer au RELAIS POUR LA VIE qui est organisé par la Société canadienne du cancer. Plusieurs de nos membres sont impliqués dans de divers organismes mais le Relais est la seule activité où nous participons sous le sigle de RTO/ERO District 4. Le Relais a toujours lieu le premier vendredi de juin et en 2012, c’est le vendredi 1er juin. J’espère bien te voir ce soir-là. Le Relais commence à 19 h 00 le vendredi soir pour se terminer à 7 h 00 le samedi matin. Nous marchons, nous jasons dans notre immense tente, nous grignotons et puis nous partons bien avant le lever du soleil. Si tu veux te joindre à l’équipe ou faire un don, il ne reste plus que deux rencontres ERO/RTO avant le RELAIS. Appelle-moi (705 524-1077) pour me signaler ton désir de te joindre à l’équipe et ensuite commence à ramasser les fonds. Pour chaque contribution, prends note du nom, de l’adresse au complet, du numéro de téléphone et du montant contribué. Plus de détails sont fournis ci-dessous. Où? Piste du Collège Cambrian Qui? Toi, ta famille et tes ami(e)s sont invités à se joindre à l équipe ERO/RTO. Les membres de notre équipe ne sont pas nécessairement des membres de ERO/RTO. Comment s’inscrire? Chaque personne qui s’inscrit: -doit payer 10 $ à titre de frais d’inscription (somme exigée par la Société du cancer). Par téléphone ou lors de nos rencontres, tu peux t’inscrire et inscrire les membres de ta famille et tes ami(e)s qui veulent participer. -essaie de ramasser au moins 100 $ en commanditaires. La Société émet un reçu pour tous les dons de 20 $ ou plus. Tente RTO/ERO: Notre lieu de rencontre (tente parrainée par notre regroupement ERO/RTO) Il y a un casse-croûtes sur les lieux mais la majorité de nos participant(e)s apportent de la nourriture et des traites qui sont généralement partagées. Tour de piste des survivantes et des survivants: 19 h le vendredi soir Le premier tour de piste est dédié aux survivant(e)s. La famille et les ami(e)s se rassemblent autour de la piste comme témoignage de support et d’encouragement et/ou en souvenir de personnes qui ont succombé au cancer. Luminaires: Des bougies (5,00$ chacune) dédiées à la mémoire de membres de la famille et ami(e)s ou en l’honneur des survivant(e)s sont placées autour de la piste et sont allumées pour la cérémonie de 22 h. Tous les participants se rendent sur le terrain intérieur de la piste et observent quelques minutes de silence. Que faire de l’argent des commanditaires, des luminaires et des formulaires des survivant(e)s? Les dons, tous les formulaires et argent pour les luminaires doivent être retournés par: le vendredi, 25 mai, 2012 à: Cécile Archambault 2067, rue Wiltshire (région de Minnow Lake, 2e avenue), Sudbury P3B 1Y3 (705 524-1077) 11 À l’aide… La Société Canadienne du Cancer de Sudbury est à la recherche de volontaires pour conduire sa clientèle à leurs rendez-vous. Un exemple de cette grande générosté est Gilles Allard. Avant sa mort, il a été un volontaire près de 25 ans avec la Société. Pour plus de renseignements, lis la demande ci-dessous. Help wanted… Join the fight against cancer and provide a ride to treatment. Up until his recent death, one of our members, Gilles Allard, dedicated almost 25 years to the Cancer Society as a volunteer driver. Such selflessness is indeed commendable. The Canadian Cancer Society of Sudbury is again recruiting volunteer drivers to drive cancer clients to and from their cancer-related medical appointments. Mileage reimbursement is provided. Training is provided. So far this year, 969 clients have been assisted by volunteer drivers in Sudbury and the demand for this service is growing. If you are interested in becoming such a driver, please call the Sudbury & District Office at 705-670-1234. 12 RTO/ERO Unique Designs October Display and Sale/ Vente d’artisanat de l’automne 2011 More photos at 13 Fall Meeting and Luncheon/ Déjeuner et rencontre de l’automne 2011 More photos at 14 Christmas Meeting and Luncheon/ Déjeuner et rencontre de Noël 2011 More photos at 15 Congratulations/Félicitations! Terry Martyn, our president presents a cheque for $1000 to Dan Xilon, administrator of the Sudbury Food Bank/Banque d’aliments Sudbury. This money was donated during our recent RTO/ERO Christmas luncheon and meeting. Thank you to all the members for your generosity. Merci à tous! If you have a change of address or phone number please contact DIANE VEZEAU at 1-800-361-9888 or by e-mail: [email protected] Editor/éditrice: Francine Hurtubise 2779 Raymond St., Sudbury ON P3B 1W7 (525-0971) [email protected] 40037326 16