our 2013 honorees - Saint Thomas Academy


our 2013 honorees - Saint Thomas Academy
Saint Thomas Academy
Annual Report Issue | Fall 2013
Our 2013 Honorees
Father Dennis Dease
2013 Opus Sancti Thomae Award
James S. Garberg ’41
2013 Edward G. Hames
Alumni Honors Award
From the Headmaster
Your generosity is of consequence
t is said, “What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little
consequence. The only consequence is what we do.” And, you, Saint Thomas Academy’s
benefactors, do it.
You provide the essential support that maintains and strengthens this enterprise we
value and that is of consequence. With the start of the new school year, we have taken
possession of the new building you have provided, Flynn Hall. And, that is of consequence.
Much needed classrooms, band and choir rooms adequate to the number of students
enrolled, art studios, remodeled science rooms, athletic facilities and gathering spaces are
the result of your generosity. Your participation in the Defining Moment Capital Campaign
made it all possible. Thank you for sharing the dream and making it happen.
Your annual support to the Aquinas Fund is essential to the Academy’s daily operation.
This past year, you donated more than $1.3 million that allowed us to provide financial
assistance to 40 percent of our student body. Two hundred and seventy students
could access an Academy education as a result. And that is a living and breathing
consequence of your generosity. That, indeed, is doing it. And, it is a long
You donated more than
$1.3 million
that allowed us to provide
financial assistance
of our student body.
tradition of support that you have followed and strengthened.
Archbishop John Ireland, our founder, knew what it took financially to start
and operate a school. He, in fact, was the first benefactor, giving the land for the
school and personally donating most of the money for the first building. Hence he
founded both the school and the long tradition of financial support. He wisely
knew that it would take regular contributions to maintain the reality of his
new school.
On behalf of the students and the entire Academy community,
thank you for your generosity and for keeping the tradition of
support alive.
Thomas B. Mich, Ph.D.
2013 Hames Award
12 14
5 2013 Opus Sancti Thomae
Award recipient
12 Tribute to Jack Zahr
14 Alumni Reunion/
17 2012-2013 Annual Report
Academy News
It is our mission to help each student
discover and develop his potential talents
and abilities by providing an excellent
college-preparatory education that instills
qualities of everlasting value: leadership,
a sense of brotherhood, a strong moral
compass, self-confidence, a faith guided by
the Catholic tradition, and an awareness of
the importance of service to others.
949 Mendota Heights Road
Mendota Heights, MN 55120
651-454-4574 fax
Cover Story
2013 Edward G. Hames Alumni Honors Award
James S. Garberg ’41
A true American hero and
dedicated community servant
rom humble beginnings,
James Garberg ’41 rose to the
heights of American heroism during
World War II, and throughout his life
has made sustained contributions to
his community, the native peoples of
Minnesota and the Academy.
Continued on next page
SABER Fall 2013 | 1
Cover Story
James S. Garberg ’41
hen he was a young child, James Garberg’s
hail of fire, Garberg returned three times to bring back the
mother, who was of Ojibwe heritage, was stricken
bodies of his men.
with tuberculosis and confined in sanitariums for
Hours later, he led a second bayonet charge against the
eight years. James himself was confined for a year. In that era
same position — and again his platoon encountered heavy
it was uncommon for a father to raise a son on his own, so
enemy fire. His unit was ordered to retreat. When he ensured
James was sent to live with several different families during
his platoon was in a safe area, he returned and under heavy
the years of his mother’s confinement.
enemy small arms fire, called in artillery and mortar fire on the
The year 1937 was a turning point. His parents decided
to enroll their son at STMA. “I’d lived in so many places that I
Japanese position, ultimately destroying the Japanese unit.
For his bravery that fateful day, Garberg was awarded
wasn’t doing well in school. My parents wanted me to be
the Distinguished Service Cross, the second highest award
focused and prepared for life, and felt the Academy would
for heroism given by the American armed services.
provide the stability I needed,” he said.
He was 19 years old.
Indeed, the Academy became like a home to the young
man. “It gave me continuity and camaraderie and lifelong
friends,” he said.
But the Academy’s greatest gift, Garberg says, has
been his Catholic faith. Having grown up a Protestant, the
cadet flourished in the Academy’s Catholic environment, and
the seeds were sown.
After graduating in 1941, Garberg went into the U.S.
Army Reserve, and in 1942, was called to active duty in the
7th Infantry Division at Fort Ord, CA. There the young 2nd
lieutenant met a regimental priest who gave him instruction
“Our family is very proud of all that Dad has
accomplished. He has and continues to be an
inspiration to all who know him. It is a great
honor for him to be presented the Hames Award
as Dad has always credited his Saint Thomas
Academy education with being so important in
all aspects of his life.”
— Scott Garberg ’64
in the Catholic faith.
Months later, on May 23, 1943, on the rolling deck of a
troop ship in the middle of the Bering Sea destined for the
Aleutian island of Attu, he received his first communion from
a priest chaplain. For that reason, Garberg
describes that day as the best
the Purple Heart among other commendations. He
underwent several surgeries and spent the rest of the war in
worst for the events that lay
Army and VA hospitals.
That day in a dense fog,
When the war ended, he returned to Minnesota, and in
1945, married Peggy Caldwell. The couple raised eight
the troops disembarked on
children, including son Scott ’64, and became integral
Attu, which was held by a
members of Our Lady of Grace Catholic Parish in Edina.
Japanese division. Leading an
2 | SABER Fall 2013
evacuated back to the States for recovery, receiving
in his life — and yet also the
Garberg in uniform
during World War II.
arberg was later wounded in battle and eventually
In 1946, Garberg enrolled at the University of Minnesota
infantry bayonet assault
under the GI Bill and earned a degree in civil engineering
against well-dug-in Japanese
while holding down two part-time jobs, one in a machine
infantry, Lt. Garberg and his
shop. He eventually acquired ownership of the shop, and over
men cleared three Japanese
the ensuing decades, expanded it into a successful business
machine gun nests. But from
in construction, mining and truck operations. He also owned
higher ground, additional
and operated an underground utility construction company.
Japanese fire began to inflict
Meanwhile, he became active in veterans’ issues, and
heavy casualties, forcing the
served as the national commander of the Legion of Valor, a
platoon to withdraw. Under a
group solely comprised of recipients of the Medal of Honor
In his Edina home, Garberg displays
a traditional Ojibwe dance costume
that he wore during pow-wows for
many years.
“I would value the opportunity to meet Mr. Garberg
again and swap stories but he will probably focus
the conversation on me just like he did the day he
presented the Commandant’s Medal when I was a
junior at STA. I felt honored that day but the award
means more to me today having received it from
someone who distinguished himself in the same role
I have held as an infantry platoon leader in combat.
As much as I pried him for information at the time,
the only advice he gave me was to always ‘take care
of your men first and foremost, the rest will take care
of itself.’ While I learned bits and pieces of his heroic
actions, I was left with the profound memory of a
modest, courageous and compassionate man, who
I am proud to have met and to have shared in the
same legacy as an STA alumnus and service as an
officer in the United States Army.”
— 1LT Peter Bauleke ’06
Garberg with Peggy Caldwell in 1944, a year before they
were married. She passed away in 2007.
for each of the military services, and of the Distinguished
The Academy has remained close to his heart
Service Cross (Army), the Navy Cross and the Air
throughout the decades. Thanks to his generosity, more than
Force Cross.
30 cadets have received scholarships in a fund he
He became interested in his mother’s heritage and
established for Honor Guard members. He has supported
was asked to join VFW Post 6889, an all-Indian chapter at
STA’s military department and provided funding for special
Red Lake. He was appointed to the American Indian
events and co-curricular activities for cadets. He faithfully
Council, Minnesota Department of Human Services,
attends the Academy’s Veterans Day and military awards
representing urban Indians in Minneapolis. He also served
ceremonies each year.
on the board of Minnesota Indian Women’s Resource
In recognition of his heroic service to country and his
Center and two other Indian organization boards. He
commitment to the Academy, Garberg was awarded the first
continues to serve as a tribal elder of the Ojibwe people
Fleming Alumni Veterans Award in 2008. In 2012, the military
in Minnesota.
wing was renamed in his honor.
Continued on next page
SABER Fall 2013 | 3
Cover Story
James S. Garberg ’41
Edward G. Hames ’36
Alumni Honors Award
Since 1969, the Saint Thomas Academy Alumni Association
has honored a leader in our community with the Alumni
Honors Award, which was later renamed the Hames Alumni
Honors Award in 1971. The award is named for Edward
G. Hames ’36. During his days as a student at the
Academy, Hames was Cadet Colonel, an Eagle Award Winner
and a leader in school activities. He was a teacher and also
presided over the STA Alumni Association in 1967-68 and was
serving on the STA Board of Directors in 1970 at the time of
his death.
The Hames Award seeks to give due recognition to those
alumni who have exemplified the ideals of the Academy, and in
doing so have distinguished themselves in their communities.
Such alumni enrich the lives of those about them through their
personal and family lives, their occupations or professions,
their civic leadership or human welfare activities, their
intellectual or cultural pursuits or their efforts to advance the
goals of the Academy.
Recipients of the Edward G. Hames Alumni Honors Award:
1969 – John Lee ’51
1992 – William Foussard ’72
1970 – William Fallon ’15
1993 – Walter Kurtz
1971 – Patrick Towle ’25
(Top) Family members joined Garberg at the naming of the
Garberg Wing at Saint Thomas Academy. (Bottom) At the
naming event, Garberg was congratulated by Headmaster
Thomas MIch and Archbishop John Nienstadt.
“A true American hero, James Garberg is the epitome
of the ‘Greatest Generation.’ He answered his nation’s call
and served with uncommon valor. His gallantry in action
and service to men under his command demonstrates
foundational leadership at its finest,” said Commandant
of Cadets Michael DePuglio, Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.),
U.S. Army.
“Along with his family and his Catholic faith, his
greatest source of pride is being an Academy graduate,”
DePuglio said. “For more than 70 years, he has given of
himself to ensure the Academy remains strong and we are
the better for it.”
(Honorary Alumnus)
1972 – Alfred Gruenther ’16
1994 – James Shannon ’38
1973 – L. Fallon Kelly ’26
1995 – Ronald Smith ’51
1974 – Emmet Murphy ’18
1996 – James Whalen ’42
1975 – Frank Mullaney ’39
1997 – Felix Bettendorf ’41
1976 – Clarence Rowe ’34
1998 – Charles Denny ’48
1977 – Thomas Carlin ’39
1999 – Christopher Cox ’70
1978 – Herbert Mischke ’45
2000 – Timothy Kelly ’52
1979 – Alan Ruvelson ’32
2001 – Brian Short ’68
1980 – Richard Murphy ’42
2002 – Lawrence McGough ’47
1981 – Joseph O’Neill ’49
2003 – Thomas Krebsbach ’41
1982 – J. Peter Ritten ’51
2004 – Gerald Brown ’58
1983 – J. Jerome Plunkett ’42
2005 – Michael O’Connell ’59
1984 – Lawrence
2006 – Thomas Schreier, Sr.
O’Shaughnessy ’39
(Honorary Alumnus)
1985 – Gerald Donovan ’48
2007 – William Gabler ’63
1986 – Robert Courteau ’41
2008 – Roger Swenson ’51
1987 – John Hoffner ’53
2009 – William Fallon ’49
1988 – Michael Wright ’56
2010 – Justin McCarthy ’41
1989 – Paul Vincent ’44
2011 – Thomas Lee ’55
1990 – Thomas Gainor ’51
2012 – John “Buzz” Myser ’52
1991 – Robert Hamel ’41
4 | SABER Fall 2013
Cover Story
2013 Opus Sancti Thomae Award
Father Dennis Dease
Pastor, Educator, Leader
and Humanitarian
arlier this year, the Rev. Dennis Dease stepped down after 22 years as president of the
University of St. Thomas (UST). During his tenure, UST grew to become the largest private
university in Minnesota.
While he is best known in his role as a college president, Fr. Dease is a priest who has
shared his talents in many ways, over many years — as a parish pastor, classroom teacher,
seminary counselor, academician, community leader and a humble humanitarian bringing
health care to rural Ugandans.
His long-time friend and colleague Fr. Michael O’Connell ’59 summed it up
this way: “Fr. Dease has served the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis in a
remarkable and gifted way.”
Continued on next page
SABER Fall 2013 | 5
Cover Story
Fr. Dennis Dease
ennis Dease was born in Minneapolis to devout
Catholic parents, but spent most of his youth on
family farms west of the Twin Cities. One of eight
children, he loved working in the fields, caring for farm
animals and the freedom of the farming life.
As a boy, he had thought of becoming a priest, but by
high school, his thoughts were elsewhere. In his senior year,
he applied to St. Thomas College to study business.
That’s when a priest at his school took him aside. “He
told me he thought I had qualities for the priesthood and that
I should consider enrolling in seminary,” Fr. Dease recalled.
“He set up an interview for me at Nazareth Hall Preparatory
Seminary. I decided to try it for a semester and see.”
Dease stayed with it, and in 1965, earned a bachelor’s
During a trip to Uganda,
Fr. Dease received a gift from a
young pupil at a local school.
degree from Saint Paul Seminary with majors in Latin and
philosophy. But it was not until he immersed himself in the
Fr. Dease says he was greatly impressed by the STA
study of theology at the graduate level that he decided on the
faculty. “These were master teachers and gentlemen-scholars.
I was influenced by their gentility, and I learned to have great
Ordained in 1969, his first call was to serve at the
Church of St. John the Evangelist in Hopkins for a year. Then
respect for how hard teachers work.”
The late Bishop William Bullock, headmaster at the time,
came what he calls a lucky break — and his first connection
became an important mentor to Fr. Dease. “He helped me to
with Saint Thomas Academy
become a better priest.”
“I was asked to join the Academy’s religion faculty,” he
In the years following ordination, Dease continued his
said. “It was my first teaching job and I don’t think I have ever
own education, earning an M.A. in counseling psychology
worked so hard in my life as that year.”
from UST in 1972 and a M.Div. degree from Saint Paul
It was the Vietnam era, and the ripples of the unpopular
war were felt at the school. “Some students had real conflicts
Seminary in 1973.
After his year at the Academy, Fr. Dease was called to
about the war, and I remember helping them work through
St. John Vianney Seminary to counsel young seminarians
those issues.”
helping them discern their calling. Three years later, he went
on to earn his Ph.D. in systematic theology at the Catholic
University of America in Washington D.C., where he studied
under the late Cardinal Avery Dulles, who became his advisor,
mentor and friend. He returned to the classroom but this time
at the college level as a faculty member in the UST theology
department. “I came to love the give and take of the college
classroom, and the interaction with students,” he said.
Fr. Dease next served as spiritual director and dean of
formation at Saint Paul Seminary for six years. During that
period, he reconnected with the Academy as a member of
STA’s Board of Trustees. He remembers “being pretty young
and more of a learner among some very talented people on
that board.” He served on the search committee that selected
Pat Casey as headmaster in 1978.
In 1970, Fr. Dease taught at
Saint Thomas Academy.
6 | SABER Fall 2013
Fr. Dease’s career took a turn in 1985, when he returned
to the pastorate as rector of the Basilica of Saint Mary in
“Those were very happy years for me. I loved that
parish. We had a wonderful mix of people from all walks
of life,” he said.
Parish membership had dwindled in the preceding
“Dennis Dease is a kind and generous man who
years and the Basilica building itself needed significant
uses his considerable ability and many talents in
structural improvements. Fr. Dease mobilized parishioners
the service of others. And, he does it with a keen
to tackle these challenges. “Folks really worked together
sense of humor.”
and we accomplished a lot and had a lot of fun doing it,”
he said.
In 1990, Fr. Dease was invited to apply for the
Dr. Thomas B. Mich, Headmaster
Saint Thomas Academy
presidency of UST. At the time, he had served on the
school’s board of trustees for a number of years while also
teaching on a part-time basis.
Out of a national search of 54 priests from around the
country, Fr. Dease was selected to succeed Monsignor
Terrence Murphy, and in July 1991, he became the college’s
14th president.
Over the next 22 years, under Fr. Dease’s leadership,
the university flourished, adding six major buildings to the
St. Paul campus and establishing a Minneapolis campus
of four buildings to house the Opus College of Business,
Schulze School of Entrepreneurship, School of Education,
Graduate School of Professional Psychology, and School
of Law.
Among the many developments during his tenure
were the following:
• Establishment of the nationally recognized
Centers for Catholic Studies and Irish Studies.
• Opening of a residential campus in Rome and
semester-abroad programs there for Catholic
Studies students as well as programs in London
for business majors, in Paris for liberal arts
majors, and in Glasgow for English majors.
• Establishment of a number of faculty and student
exchange programs with universities around the
world, including a covenant with the University of
Havana in 2000.
Now as president emeritus, Fr. Dease eschews
taking credit for all that has been accomplished during
his presidential years, stating that running a university
“is really a team sport.”
Continued on next page
Fr. Dease offers
communion at the
University of St. Thomas.
SABER Fall 2013 | 7
Cover Story
Fr. Dennis Dease
“What is the secret sauce in Fr. Dease’s success is
that he sees every person he interacts with as
someone to learn from and cherish. From the
student in Uganda to the high-profile world leader,
Fr. Dease listens, instructs and acts — often
simultaneously. He has brought his gifts
to focus on the development of the University of
St. Thomas into a global institution that benefits
not only its students, but the entire world.”
Amy Goldman
Chair & Executive Director
GHR Foundation®
Fr. Dease served 22 years as the 14th president
of the University of St. Thomas.
“During my watch, we had a vision for the institution that
In retirement, Fr. Dease says he will continue to serve
we felt was commensurate with the needs of the metropolitan
UST as somewhat of a goodwill ambassador. He is involved
area and that St. Thomas could fulfill,” he said. “It took the
with a philanthropic foundation related to Armenia and is
leadership of many individuals, especially the vision of UST
once again a member of the Academy’s board of trustees.
benefactor Gerald Rauenhorst, to bring it to reality.”
But the project he is most excited about is Hope Medical
Fr. Dease has long been active on boards and
Clinics Uganda, a nonprofit he helped start with an Ugandan
committees of wide-ranging organizations in Minnesota,
graduate of UST. Through their efforts, two clinics and a new
nationally and internationally, including the Minnesota Private
hospital have been built and are providing quality health care
College Council, The Catholic Digest, National Association of
to the poor in an area near Kampala, Uganda.
Catholic Colleges and Universities, National Catholic
Education Association, International Federation of Catholic
“That project and those people,” he said, “are very
dear to my heart.”
Universities, and the National Association of Independent
Colleges and Universities.
The Opus Sancti Thomae Award was established in 1992 to honor friends and affiliates of Saint Thomas Academy. This award
recognizes both men and women who have made outstanding contributions to business, civic, church, educational and professional
communities. We honor their respective characters and achievements with this medal, designed by the Reverend Thomas Kolar,
deceased faculty member. Its centerpiece is an encircled Jerusalem cross. Embedded sapphires grace each bar of the cross and
representations of the two Academy logos denote its place of origin.
Previous Recipients of the Opus Sancti Thomae Award:
1992 – Frank C. Mullaney ’39
1993 – Clara Glenn
1994 – Most Reverend John R. Roach, D.D.
1995 – Gerald and Henrietta Rauenhorst
1996 – J. Peter ’51 and Mary Ritten
1997 – Alan K. (Bud) Ruvelson ’32
1998 – Sylvester G. Turbes
1999 – Lawrence M. O’Shaughnessy ’39
8 | SABER Fall 2013
2000 – Reverend Thomas F. Kolar
2001 – Walter G. Kurtz
2002 – Reverend Michael J. O’Connell ’59
2003 – Gerald ’48 and Maurna Donovan
2004 – Michael W. Wright ’56
2005 – George R. Schnell
2006 – John T. ’52 and Pat Myser
2007 – Most Reverend Harry J. Flynn, D.D.
2008 – Charles M. Denny ’48
2009 – James M. Keane
2010 – Thomas E. Gainor ’51
2011 – F. John Campbell
2012 – Tom Schreier, Jr. ’80 and
Tom Schreier, Sr.
Cadets traveled this summer to Camp Wilderness in Park Rapids, MN, for the annual JROTC
competition. While all STA students competed well, C. Lasswell ’14 (pictured fifth from left)
won the camp award for best cadet.
The annual STA JO Swearing-in
Ceremony for seniors took
place on August 15, 2013.
Front row (L-R) – C. Johnson,
B. Carlson, C. Hanson and J.
H. Neuberger. Middle row
(L-R) – W. Lee, C. Plunkett,
J. Flynn and S. Rudisill.
Back row (L-R) – C. Huberty,
V. Ternes, M. Conners and
M. Smilanich. Not pictured –
J. Riley and Z. Weier.
All-Star game featured three cadets
On Saturday, June 29, 2013, D. McManus ’13, W. Schmidt ’13 and N. Waldvogel ’13 played in the
Minnesota Football All-Star game at St. Cloud University for the South team. McManus was named
the South’s outstanding Defensive Player of the Game, Schmidt kicked a 39-yard field goal and
Waldvogel had a number of catches.
Open House
Saint Thomas Academy will host two Open Houses this year for
incoming students and families. Please tell your family, friends,
neighbors and fellow parishioners about the Open Houses on
November 3, 2013 and January 12, 2014; an official program
begins at 1:00 p.m. on both Sundays. The Academy awards
$2.5 million dollars in financial assistance each year — more
than any other Catholic school in the Twin Cities. An exceptional
Academy education is affordable!
Academy News
New members
join Board of
Christopher Chapman –
Chris is CEO of Chapman
and Company. He and wife
Emily have two sons,
Parker ’13 and Mac ’15,
and live in St. Paul.
Kim Hunnewell – Kim lives
in Edina with husband
Willard. The couple has
two sons at the Academy,
Johnathon ’12 and
Richard ’16.
Kelly Rowe ’79 – Kelly is a
lawyer who owns the
St. Paul firm Rowe and
|Kelly PPLC. He and wife
Jean have one son, Jack ’18.
Welcome new
faculty and staff
Diane Nead – Mathematics
(BA in math and BA in
French from Greenville
Dr. Julie Carter – Director
of Technology (BA, Bethel
University; MA and EdD,
Hamline University)
Dr. Andy Mork – Technology
Integrationist (BA, Luther
College; MA, St. Mary’s
University; EdD, Hamline
James Oaks, John Elizondo,
Rob Bubak, Craig Osborne
and Luke Oaks — Facilities
SABER Fall 2013 | 9
Academy News
Students and
chaperones posed for
a photo in Assisi, Italy,
during the two-week
trip in June 2013.
STA’s own poet
A group of students
traveled to Grand Cayman
in June 2013, to study
the marine biology of
the Caribbean.
English instructor Ms. Donna
Isaac has recently published
four poems on an online site.
Her poems are called: “How
Precious Did That Grace
Appear”; “Facts”; “Off My
Feed”; and “I Want to Go Out.”
These can be found at:
Crackedwalnut.com. Click on
“Departures,” which is the
name of the CD.
Can’t make it to a
Cadet athletic event?
STA partners with MSBN
Sports Network to bring
athletics to your computer
at mnsportsnetwork.com.
Games are also archived
on the site. Thanks to
our generous alumni and
advertisers, these games
are free for you.
10 | SABER Fall 2013
S. Supplee ’15 (left) and M. Chapman ’15
(right) attended the National High-Power Rifle
Championships held at Camp Perry, OH, as
part of the Minnesota Service Rifle Team. They
took part in various competitions for a week
in July, and placed well among thousands of
competitors, both as individuals and as a team.
Don’t miss VISTA Productions’ fall play – Gifts of the Magi
Opening night is November 8, with a reception at 6:00 p.m. before the show.
Show days and times:
November 8, 9, 15 and 16 at 7:30 p.m.
November 10 and 17 at 2:00 p.m.
Ticket are $10 for adults and $5 for students and seniors.
Contact Wendy Short-Hays at [email protected]
for ticket reservations or buy at the door.
Meet the Faculty
John Bina
Started at STA
Concert/Military Band, Marching and Middle School bands, Jazz Ensemble
and Beginning Guitar
First Teaching Job
Roncalli Catholic high school, Manitowoc, WI, in 1985. “Since
then, my career has taken me to positions in public schools of western Wisconsin and
suburban Twin Cities.”
“After a protracted absence from fitness, healthy eating and exercise of any kind,
I completed my first marathon in 2006. In 2010, I was fortunate to qualify for, and complete, my
first Boston Marathon. This October I will run my eighth Twin Cities Marathon. I’m hoping to
qualify again and return to Boston.”
Fact of Interest
“I’m an unapologetic Wisconsin Badger and Green Bay Packer fan
(I’m also an ‘owner’…a claim that no Viking fan can make!!!).”
A Teaching Moment
“I enjoy the ‘Aha!!!’ moments. It’s always satisfying when you
assist a student in overcoming a musical challenge.”
Brush with Fame
“I’m dating myself, but in my youth, I once met game show host
Allen Ludden (Google him students) and his wife Betty White. She was old then too…”
Favorite Experience
“I really enjoyed our recent tour to Austria and Germany.
I never tire of watching students experiencing a new culture, currency, food and language,
and then realizing that people, the world over, are really all the same.”
Why I teach at STA
“I have been fortunate to work in communities that value and
support education. It is always gratifying to work in a place where students, staff and parents
are partners, all committed to the education of our students.”
B. Carlson ’14 received a
summer research scholarship
in cardiovascular medicine
from The Lillehei Heart Institute
at the University of Minnesota.
The full-time, 10-week summer
scholarship/internship program
exposed a limited number of
high school and undergraduate
students to several disciplines
within cardiovascular medicine.
As part of the program, Carlson
was introduced to clinical,
industrial and academic
medicine through a variety of
field trips, seminars and
hands-on experiences.
Favorite Vacation Spot
“We are new cabin owners and are lucky to be able to
spend a fair amount of our free time on the waters of the Chippewa Flowage in northwest
Wisconsin. A close second would be enjoying a pretzel and cold beer in any number of small
Bavarian villages looking at the Alps.”
Wife Dawn, daughter Katie, son Pete and our overly-friendly yellow Lab, Sadie.
SABER Fall 2013 | 11
In Memoriam
John “Jack” William Zahr
December 18, 1954 – September 10, 2013
STA 1977 – 2013
[Editor’s note]
There is a T-shirt in the school bookstore that states, “Bleed Cadet Blue.”
This statement aptly applies to Jack Zahr. The STA students never had a greater
fan — he celebrated their wins and commiserated their losses. He wore his heart on
his sleeve and always wanted the best for the students.
Jack’s family always came first in his life. Even so, his wife Jan and daughters
Laura (Visitation ’11) and Becky (Visitation ’13) missed many hours of husband/dad time
because his role as Director of Athletics and Activities meant many long hours away
from home.
On these pages, colleagues remember our friend. We were not able to fit all
tributes and invite you to visit cadets.com /magazine for everyone’s remarks.
Also, we invite you to visit http ://www.caringbridge.org /visit/jackzahr to read
the hundreds of comments people shared about Jack.
He will be missed…
Tributes to Jack...
“Jack was a true mentor for me personally as a coach and as a person.
He also impacted so many young men positively as a coach and athletic
director.” — Tony Kinzley
“He came to see me shortly after his flight in the F-18 Hornet with the Navy’s
Blue Angels. Jack, sitting in my office, was describing his flight...twisting and
turning his hands and body as if he was actually flying again. He interrupted
himself several times by saying: ‘I should have gone into the military...wow,
what a thrill!’ His smile was ear to ear and he told the story with the swagger
of an experienced fighter pilot.” — LTC Michael DePuglio
This page, top to bottom:
“Jack is ‘old school,’ a positive phrase because he was a gentleman in the
true sense of the word. He always listened, shared stories about his family,
took the time to chat, and loved decorum and tradition. I really enjoyed
listening to his tales about the early days at STA. One always knows that,
when things are running smoothly, the right person is in charge, and so it
was with Jack and the athletic program.” — Donna Isaac
“May I always remember the genuine sense of loyalty, care, fairness and
justice, that I have observed in Jack for these treasured years.”
— Julius Tangwe
“I’ve coached Middle School sports for a long time at STA and have needed
help from Jack on many occasions. He always treated me as if 7th and 8th
grade sports were just as important as any varsity sport. He was one of the
kindest gentleman I have ever worked with.” — Kevin Zenner
“Jack was a tireless and passionate advocate for Saint Thomas Academy.
His contributions and accomplishments will stand the test of time.”
— Pat Callahan
At a cross country meet a
few years ago.
Timing a track event in the
late 1970s.
In the F-18 Hornet with the
Blue Angels.
Next page, top to bottom:
With alpine ski state champion
Dylan Thomas ’11.
All cross country runners wrote
“4 Zahr” on their hand at the
September 6th invitational.
Lower right, with the 1990 True Team
Track and Field State Champions.
Family vacation in 2009.
12 | SABER Fall 2013
Tributes to Jack...
“For more than three decades Jack Zahr dedicated himself to
the physical health of the STA student body. His legacy is the
students he taught in P.E. and health, the athletes he coached
in cross country, track, hockey and soccer, the coaches he
mentored and supported, and the sports facilities he helped
build and manage as athletic director. His students, athletes,
coaches, and this community all owe Jack Zahr our admiration,
our respect, and our thanks.” — Tom Weber
“Working with, and knowing Jack, these last 25 years has been
a joy. Since Jack’s daughter, Laura, and my son, Todd, were the
same age, we shared the pain and joy of sending our children off
to kindergarten and, later, to college together. We laughed and,
at times, held back tears as we shared with each other that mix
of emotions that comes with watching your children grow up.”
— Wendy Fox
“Integrity, honesty, loyalty, moral, kind, caring, faith — these are
just a few of the words I would use to describe Jack. He was a
man small in stature but he had the heart of a giant.
His family was his number one concern — his love for Jan
and the girls was unending. He would spend about ten minutes
every Monday, and sometimes longer, telling me about a great
weekend he had with Jan, or how proud he was of Laura being
accepted to Pharmacy school at Drake University, or how excited
he was that Becky decided to stay close and attend St. Kate’s.
He would absolutely glow whenever he spoke about any one of
them. And, as anxious as he was to tell me about his family he
never failed to inquire about mine.
Jack had always asked me to finish out the next six years
with him until he retired — ‘Oh, how I wish we could have!’”
— Julie Marks
“Jack wore many ‘hats’ and wore all of them well. He will be
remembered as a son and brother, a dedicated family man,
an effective teacher, an outstanding track and cross country
coach, an excellent activities director, a tireless advocate for the
coaches and cadets, and a loyal friend to many.” — Bill Culbertson
“As a coach, Jack enjoyed winning. But the most important thing
was to win the right way. Whether it was his distance runners or
STA fans in the stands, he held high standards for performance
and behavior. The reputation of STA in the state was deeply
important to him, and he was as proud of compliments about
student behavior as we were about performance in competition.”
— Doug Hoverson
“It was easy to like Jack. His kind and gentle manner made it
easy to be around him. The last few years Jack and I would carve
out a few minutes towards the end of each day to just sit and
talk. We talked all the time about the ‘brotherhood’ here at STA.
Jack lived that. I miss Jack every time I walk by his office on the
way to my classroom. I miss his gentle and kind manner, and his
willingness to help others. STA is a much better place because
Jack was here.” — Dave Ziebarth
SABER Fall 2013 | 13
Alumni Reunion /
Homecoming Week
The Class of 1963
celebrated its
50th reunion.
Father Thomas F.A. O’Brien and representatives of the faculty and staff
blessed Vincent J. Flynn Hall in front of the Corps of Cadets and guests.
14 | SABER Fall 2013
The following people were speakers/
honored guests at the dedication of Vincent
J. Flynn Hall: (L-R) Richard Anderson ’80,
Board of Trustees Vice Chair, Lawrence
Holtz ’78, Defining Moment Co-Chair
(with Vincent Flynn ’84), Dr. Thomas
Mich, Headmaster, Lysa Flynn, wife of the
late Flynn ’84, James Kolar ’80, Board of
Trustees Chair, Timothy Murnane ’77,
President of Opus Corporation.
Events on Campus, October 3-4, 2013
Members of the Flynn family
at the dedication of the Vincent J. Flynn Hall.
The Corps of Cadets
on parade at the
annual Alumni Review.
James Garberg ’41 donated a new flagpole to the campus, near
the entrance to Flynn Hall. Garberg is shown here with his family,
Father O’Brien, Dr. Mich and LTC DePuglio.
Continued on next page
SABER Fall 2013 | 15
Alumni Reunion / Homecoming Week
The 2013 Athletic Hall of Fame was inducted on October 4.
Front row (L-R): James Warner ’72, Michael Mullin ’51 and Michael Flood ’77.
Back row (L-R): Richard Allen ’60, Roger Anderson ’72, Jeremy Harris ’03
and Javier Collins ’96. Not pictured is Patrick TIngelhoff ’86.
The Jack Zahr
James S. Garberg ’41 (right)
received the 2013 Edward G.
Hames Alumni Honors Award from
Alumni Association president
Michael Youngdahl ’81.
(Left) John Myser ’77, representing the family, presented one of two Myser
Family Teaching Excellence Awards to LeRoy Brown. (Right) Gerry Brown ’58
received the other one. There are two cash prizes awarded based on polling
of the current reunion classes.
More than 500 people
participated in the
inaugural Taste of STA
on Thursday, October 3,
including Christy Vasquez,
Christina Sanchez and
Patrick Smith ’83.
Thank you to the vendors
who provided food and
beverages for the free
Visit our Alumni Shutterfly site for hundreds of photos
16 | SABER Fall 2013
Though Jack’s presence will not soon be
forgotten on Saint Thomas Academy’s campus,
many people have suggested that “something”
in the new Vincent J. Flynn Hall should be
named in Jack’s honor. To date, almost $5,000
has been received as memorial gifts in Jack’s
name. This is an inspiring outpouring of respect
and affection for our friend, teacher, mentor and
colleague from many generous benefactors.
Recently an anonymous couple asked what
it would take to name the Director of Athletics
and Activities office in Jack’s name. When told
that naming opportunities in Flynn Hall are
$25,000 and $5,000 had already been donated
in Jack’s name, they immediately offered a
challenge to the STA community: They will
donate up to $10,000 as a challenge match.
Beginning October 1, if $10,000 is donated
in Jack’s memory by December 31, this couple
will match up to $10,000, for a total of $20,000.
With the $5,000 already donated, that would
be at least $25,000 and the Director of
Athletics and Activities office would be
named in Jack’s honor.
If you haven’t already done so, please
consider making a gift in Jack’s name. Your gift
will help complete the funding of Vincent J. Flynn
Hall and forever memorialize the 36 years of
dedication, commitment and love that Jack Zahr
gave to Saint Thomas Academy. Thank you.
Contact the advancement office to make
a gift — Chris Ritten ’80 at 651-683-1594
or Michael Maxwell ’84 at 651-683-1577.
Or, make a gift online at
Annual Report
Honoring Our Donors
The 2012-13 Annual Report honors and recognizes the hundreds
of individuals who provided financial support to Saint Thomas
Academy for the previous fiscal year (July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013).
We are grateful to each and every one of you for your expression
of support and confidence in the Academy and its tradition of
educational excellence.
While compiling these lists, we made every effort to avoid errors.
If your name was listed incorrectly or inadvertently omitted, please
call the Advancement Office at 651-683-1599.
2012-13 Saint Thomas Academy Board of Trustees
Chief Officer
The Most Reverend John Nienstedt, S.T.D.
Mr. Richard Anderson ’80
Vice President
The Very Reverend Peter Laird
Vice Chair
Mr. James Kolar ’80
Dr. Thomas B. Mich
Mrs. Nicky Carpenter
Mr. Michael Ciresi ’64
Mr. Christopher Cox ’70
Rear Adm. John Crowley ’71
Reverend Dennis Dease
Mrs. Cathy Farrell
Mr. Vincent Flynn ’84
Dr. Mary Garry
Mrs. Amy Goldman
Mr. David Hallett
Mr. Gregory Hosch ’89
Mr. Louis King
Mr. William Lentsch
Reverend James Lies, C.S.C.
Mr. Kevin McGuire ’69
Mrs. Virginia Morris
Mr. James Mulally ’70
Mr. John Murphy ’75
Mr. John Patterson
Dr. Michael Sullivan
Sr. Mary Denise Villaume, VHM
Mr. Thomas Votel ’75
Reverend Reginald Whitt, O.P.
Mr. Kevin Zenner (faculty rep)
Honorary Lifetime Members
Mr. Lawrence M. O’Shaughnessy ’39
Mr. Michael W. Wright ’56
Letter from the Director of
Institutional Advancement
Operating Fund Report
Honor Roll of Donors
Alumni Donors
Parent Donors
» 20
» 29
Board of Trustee Donors
Faculty and Staff Donors
» 30
» 31
Former Faculty and Staff Donors
Friends Donors
Multi-Year Pledges
» 34
» 34
Memorials and Gifts in Honor
Matching Gifts
Community Auction
Endowment Gifts
Life Members of the Honor Roll of Donors
The Heritage Society
SABER Fall 2013 | 17
Saint Thomas Academy | 2012-13 Annual Report
The “C’s” of Advancement Revisited
By Christopher Ritten ’80
Director of Institutional Advancement
his year’s article will focus on three of the five “C’s” of
events and mingle. There is also a central donor recognition
advancement that we’ve discussed the past two years:
area that applauds the entire STA community — Alumni
celebration, community and change.
Once again Saint Thomas Academy has much to
celebrate and be grateful for this past fiscal year. Our
students continue to excel in the classroom, in co-curricular
Association, Mothers’ Club, Fathers’ Club, the Community
Auction, Hames, Fleming, Opus Sancti Thomae and Myser
Prize Award winners — as well as financial supporters.
Flynn Hall has already been used for several community
activities and in offering service to the community. We
events in the past several weeks. On September 5th, nearly
continue to be blessed with extraordinary faculty, full
200 people helped celebrate Prof LeRoy Brown’s 100th
enrollment, a balanced budget and a growing endowment.
birthday. The Alumni Association, Fathers’ and Mothers’ Clubs
Of course, none of this is accomplished without your
worked together to co-host a wonderful “Taste of STA” event
support. In fiscal year 2013, total gift recognition — cash gifts
to kickoff Homecoming Weekend. Saint Thomas Academy’s
received, committed multi-year pledges and documented
new strategic plan calls for the expansion of these types of
future gifts — totaled $6.5 million. That is amazing!
community events, and Flynn Hall provides great space to
Thank you!
hospitably accommodate larger crowds.
Our greatest cause for celebration was the completion
In keeping with the ideals of St. Thomas Aquinas to
(though not quite yet fully funded!) of Vincent J. Flynn Hall,
educate the whole person, a significant change from the
which was dedicated during homecoming weekend. This is
advancement office you may have noticed is the rebranding of
a transformational building for our community. It propels our
the STA Annual Fund to the Aquinas Fund. The name “Aquinas
academic space into the 21st century, lifts our art
Fund” more accurately reflects what your general operating
programming to a whole new level and provides much
support provides — help to educate the “whole person” of our
needed athletic/activity space.
students — but it also represents the values and traditions of
Flynn Hall fulfills the promise and desire of our patron,
St. Thomas Aquinas, to educate the whole person in mind,
Saint Thomas Academy and our patron.
With the advent of the Aquinas Fund, you now have the
body and spirit. To educate the mind: two new science labs,
ability to direct your general operating support to that aspect
six new classrooms and the Wright Lecture Hall were built.
of educating the whole person — mind, body and spirit — that
To strengthen the body: new practice and competition gym
most interests you. If you are most interested in offsetting the
space, a state-of-the-art fitness center, new or renovated
budget of the academic aspects of the Academy — curriculum
high school, middle school, Vis swimmers’, and referee locker
development or an academic department, for example — you
rooms. To foster the spirit: three new art rooms with a huge
can direct your dollars to “the Mind” through the Aquinas
display area, large band and choir space, and several voice
Fund. If you are most interested in offsetting the athletic or
and music practice studios.
co-curricular budget, you can direct your dollars to “the Body”
Besides the huge benefits to current and future
through the Aquinas Fund. If you want to offset the budgets of
students, faculty and staff, Flynn Hall makes Saint Thomas
campus ministry or the arts programs, for example, please
Academy a more welcoming, accommodating, hospitable
direct your Aquinas Fund donation to “the Spirit.”
place for our entire community. The south half of
We hope the Aquinas Fund more profoundly reflects
campus — O’Shaughnessy Hall and Flynn Hall — is now
what we stand for, while at the same time, giving you an
fully disabled accessible. We have space to comfortably
opportunity to better reflect your own passions to educate the
accommodate all our visitors on one Grandparents’ Day.
whole person of our students.
Guests at events in the stadium can now easily access the
restrooms (and lots more ladies’ rooms!) in Flynn Hall.
The Michael V. and Ann C. Ciresi Atrium offers an open,
airy, welcoming space that has been sorely lacking on
campus. Now guests have a place to gather, check-in for
18 | SABER Fall 2013
With your continued help, we hope this change will
create ever more cause for celebration as we strive to create a
stronger, more hospitable Saint Thomas Academy community
for years to come.
Thank You!
Saint Thomas Academy | 2012-13 Annual Report
2012-2013 Financial Highlights
Gift Revenue Overview
July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013
(Cash Gifts and Multi-Year Pledges)
Tuition and Fees
n Parents n Board of Trustees n Alumni n F oundations
and Business n Other n Grandparents
and Friends 3%
$ 879,263
$ 816,459
$ 439,631
Student Tution, Net
$ 12,015,324
Financial Aid
Athletic Events
Army ROTC Reimbursement
Annual Giving Income
n Special Programs
and Projects
Total 6%
$ 340,633
$ 4,668,766
General Office and
Campaign (Endowment) $ 363,648
$ 11,668,054
General Instruction
n Annual Fund n Defining Moment
Endowment Transfer
$ 188,414
Campaign (Campaign) 1,284,224
Auxiliary Enterprises
n Defining Moment
Plant Operation
Employee Benefits
Auxiliary Enterprises
Student Activities and Athletics
Other Expenses
Interest Expense
Debt Principal Payments
$ 11,666,283
Does not include restricted gifts, capital campaign
gifts or other capital funds.
SABER Fall 2013 | 19
Saint Thomas Academy | 2012-13 Annual Report
Honor Roll of Donors
These gifts include cash gifts and payments vs. pledges to the annual fund and/or A Defining Moment, corporate matching gifts,
and gifts to special projects. These do not include Auction purchases, gifts-in-kind, sponsorships, advertising, event fees or
membership dues. Auction participants and purchasers, and gift-in-kind donors can be found at cadets.com/annualreport.
Alumni Donors
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 2
Standard Bearers
William Huch †
Honor Roll
James and Frances Linstroth
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 2
Founder’s Circle
Harold Cragg †
Cadet Club
Richard Sheridan
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 3
Headmaster’s Council
Anthony and Marge Malerich
Cadet Club
John Reid
Honor Roll
Lloyd Flynn
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 2
Standard Bearers
James Garberg
Cadet Club
Frank † and Valerie Dawson
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 6
Professors’ Forum
John and Lenore Fogarty †
Headmaster’s Council
James Arms
Cadet Club
Thom and Charleen Jordan
John and Delores McGuire
Honor Roll
Richard Derenthal
John and Joan Koller
Giving Clubs
Standard Bearers
$10,000 +
Aquinas Round Table
$7,500 - $9,999
John Ireland Society
$5,000 - $7,499
Trustees’ Cabinet
$2,500 - $4,999
Founder’s Circle
$1,000 - $2,499
Professors’ Forum
$750 - $999
Headmaster’s Council
$500 - $749
Academy Associates
$250 - $499
Cadet Club
$100 - $249
Honor Roll
$1 - $99
20 | SABER Fall 2013
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 5
Academy Associates
Henry Foote
Cadet Club
Richard and Alicia Coller
John Eibert
Honor Roll
Beldin Loftsgaarden, JD †
Joseph and Ann Sexton
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 15
Founder’s Circle
Donald and Jurate Moritz
John O’Malley, Esq.
John Ostrowski
Headmaster’s Council
Herbert and Betty Mischke
Jerome and Mary Weigenant
Cadet Club
William and Lois Andersen
Mark and Barbara Berens
Willis Cline
George and Virginia Frey
Edmund and Jean Krowka
John and Kathleen Sherzer
Earl Smith
Honor Roll
James and Norma Kapplin
Jack O’Brien
Thomas Stenger
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 9
Founder’s Circle
Roger and Marianne Foussard
Headmaster’s Council
Robert Moore
Academy Associates
Gerald and Maureen Conroy
Hugh and Elaine Moss
Cadet Club
Thomas Brill
Edward and Marie Conway
John and Bea Palmer
Honor Roll
Ralph and Letitia Dick
Anthony Eldredge
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 5
Founder’s Circle
Charles and Patricia Holmes
Academy Associates
James Bettenburg
Robert and Rita Doody
Honor Roll
John † and Sheila Culligan
William and Therese Huot
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 10
John Ireland Society
Lawrence and Andrea McGough
Academy Associates
Richard Goblirsch
James and Jean Grady
David and Betty Murphy
Cadet Club
John and Kathleen Peifer
Honor Roll
John LaFond
John and Karen Linsmayer
Richard and Helen Mahoney
William and Mary Ann O’Rourke
Robert and Doris Ruvelson
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 15
Standard Bearers
Charles Denny, Jr.
Founder’s Circle
James and Ann Sundberg
Headmaster’s Council
John Cain
Ralph Hermes
Academy Associates
Donald and Dorothy Hilligoss
Martin and Betty Olsen
Frederick and Muriel Schlichting
Cadet Club
Philip and Marlys Franklin
Jay and Maureen Kelly
Jerome and Arline Malerich
Robert Regan
William and Mary Sipe
John and Dorothy Towey
Stanton Wolkoff
Honor Roll
William and Doralu Lynch
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 18
Standard Bearers
Henry and Carol Hayden
John Ireland Society
Pedro and Fe Ada
Founder’s Circle
Peter and Joan Gavin
Norman Hansen
Headmaster’s Council
David and Margie McGovern
Academy Associates
James and Janet Dunn
George and Sharon Glotzbach
Joseph T. O’Neill, Jr.
Cadet Club
William and Jean Fallon
LCDR (Ret) Robert and
Ethel Fitzsimmons
John W. Monahan
Col (Ret) Roger and Mary Sullivan
Saint Thomas Academy | 2012-13 Annual Report
Alumni Donors continued
Honor Roll
Gerald and Patricia Gerber
Edward Gibbs
Philip M. Grant
Russell and Julia Jensen
Quentin Mischke
William and Patricia Waldorf
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 20
Trustees’ Cabinet
John and Virginia Berg
Founder’s Circle
Robert and Mary Harvey
Headmaster’s Council
Robert and Kathleen Dahl
Thomas and Ann Hosted
Richard and Jean Lynch
David and Beverly Waters
Academy Associates
Paul Felion
John and Katy Jansen
Cadet Club
John and Phebe Connolly
Stephen and Grace Fontanini
James and Rosemary Mackey
Robert and Jean Schiefelbein
Robert and Ann Schneider
Honor Roll
MAJ John and Joan Cleary
Jerome and Mary Furey
Richard and Barbara Keller
Tad and Mary Shaw
Reverend Robert J. Sipe
Thomas and Mary Ann Wier
Thomas Wright
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 34
John Ireland Society
Walter and Mary Jo Roberts
Trustees’ Cabinet
Thomas and Janan Gainor
J. Peter and Mary Ritten
Founder’s Circle
James Aukofer
James and Barbara Corcoran
James and Phyllis Poelking
Ronald and Mary Smith
William and Jeannette Strub
Roger and Margaret Swenson
Professors’ Forum
Michael J. and Catherine Mullin
Headmaster’s Council
David Delaney
G. Richard and Peggy Palen
Michael and Charlene Sheahan
Academy Associates
Peter and Patricia Koch
Gerald and Margaret Mullin
Matt and Mary Ann Putzier
Emmet and Mary Fran Root
Cadet Club
Reverend Karl-Edwin Bell
Lawrence and Barbara Carlson
Peter and Gloria Castner
Gerald and Rosemary Conroy
William and Karen Dolan
Richard and Anne Klein
Amedie and Barbara LaFond
LtGen George L. Monahan, Jr.
Richard Regan
Richard and Mary Shapiro
Michael and Marlene Sweeney
Harold and Molly Thibault
James and Teresa Wilson
Honor Roll
William and Donna Burrs
Gerome † and Kathleen Caulfield
F. J. Steve Dolan
William and Phyllis Welch
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 15
John Ireland Society
Lawrence and Mary Culligan
Founder’s Circle
Philip and Thais Dugan
William Shea
Professors’ Forum
Col (Ret) Joseph and Janine Cleary
Headmaster’s Council
Harold and Margaret Alton
Thomas and Donna Mulrooney
John and Mary Stewart
Academy Associates
James and Franchelle Mullin
Cadet Club
Louis and Cass Branca
John and Teresa Coyne
Robert and Eleanor Langran
John and Patricia Myser
Honor Roll
John and Carol Gebo
Roger and Marilee Griffin
James and MaryKay Knechtges
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 21
Standard Bearers
John and Janet Knip
Trustees’ Cabinet
Paul and Lynne Billings
Edward and Eileen Gordon
David Kennedy
Founder’s Circle
Clement and Molly Commers
Oliver and Lana Ossanna
Headmaster’s Council
John and Helen Kilty
Richard and Janet Muellerleile
Gerald and Muriel Thomas
Academy Associates
Robert and Barbara Gallivan
Michael and Anita O’Connor
William Stenger
Cadet Club
Joseph and Alberta Carroll
Thomas Kenefick
Dennis and Carol Monahan
James and Shari Rogers
Greg and Lelia Wilson
Honor Roll
Thomas Bennett
Edward and Dianne Lynch
James and Mary Minogue
James O’Neill
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 13
Standard Bearers
Thomas and Mary Gerry Lee
Founder’s Circle
Richard and Marcia Carthaus
David and Sharon Lentz
Headmaster’s Council
Paul and Patricia Brink
Terence and Kathleen Flynn
Academy Associates
Brian and Mary Lou Campion
Cadet Club
William and Mary Dolan
Reverend Thomas P. Hunstiger
Thomas and Alice Maher
Reverend David F. McCauley
James and Judy Thomas
Honor Roll
Michael Dorle
John Egan
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 14
Standard Bearers
George and Katherine Stewart
Founder’s Cirlce
David and Mary Ekstrand
Academy Associates
Raymond and Marlene Allard
John Dewes
John and Patricia Gaertner
Leo and Alicia Kelly
William and Kathleen Kozlak
Daniel and Janet McDermott
Cadet Club
John and Mary Chapman
Edward Hanton
John and Colleen Lepak
Joseph and Carol Plumb
Honor Roll
John and Jolene Madden
Peter and Susan Morgan
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 21
Standard Bearers
Michael and Judy Wright
Founder’s Circle
Wayne and Dorothy Thalhuber
Professors’ Forum
Terence and Mary Kay O’Loughlin
Headmaster’s Council
Patrick and Joan Farley
Larry and Marilyn Kelly
Nestor Weigand, Jr.
Academy Associates
Jay Foley
Mark and Donna Healy
John and Margaret Murray
Cadet Club
Leo and Catherine Carroll
LtCol (Ret) Michael and
Joan Moorhead
The Class of Classes
Class of 1984
Class of 1980
Class of 1964
Class of 1970
Class of 1971
† Deceased
SABER Fall 2013 | 21
Saint Thomas Academy | 2012-13 Annual Report
Alumni Donors continued
Reverend David G. Russell
COL Richard and Laura Mary Ryan
Charles and Marlene Schell
John and Dee Dee Schwartz
William Thibault
Frederick and Susan Webber
Honor Roll
Roger Burg
Michael and Kathy Igo
Thomas Lynch
Thomas and Mary Anne Warren
Cadet Club
Terrence and Maureen Desmond
Gerald and June Kimball
Thomas and Judy Koppy
Reverend Timothy F. Nolan
Douglas and Mary Jo Pihlstrom
Robert and Mary Quirk
Honor Roll
William and Kathleen Barrett
William Gleason II
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 22
John Ireland Society
Jack and Lana Hurley
John and Cheryl O’Shaughnessy
Trustees’ Cabinet
Patrick and Colette O’Neill
Founder’s Circle
Thomas and Patsy Emmer
Richard and Kathy Hanousek
Lawrence Hendrickson and
Barbara Forster
Joseph and Patricia Reymann
Headmaster’s Council
Michael and Elizabeth Card
Andre and Mary Kenyon
William Maney
Wayne Zetzman
Academy Associates
William and Susan Davern
William Finch
Anthony and Patricia Radecki
Giving Clubs
Standard Bearers
$10,000 +
Aquinas Round Table
$7,500 - $9,999
John Ireland Society
$5,000 - $7,499
Trustees’ Cabinet
$2,500 - $4,999
Founder’s Circle
$1,000 - $2,499
Professors’ Forum
$750 - $999
Headmaster’s Council
$500 - $749
Academy Associates
$250 - $499
Cadet Club
$100 - $249
Honor Roll
$1 - $99
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 24
Standard Bearers
Christopher and Beverly Robert
Thomas and Mary Steele
John Ireland Society
John and Patricia Tracy
Founder’s Circle
Gerald Brown and Ingrid Peterson
James and Judy Daniel
David and Lael Fruen
James and Faye Schrader
Headmaster’s Council
Michael and Kathleen Dougherty
Donald and Susan O’Brien
Frank and Janelle Schlick
Richard and Patricia Stewart
Academy Associates
Col (Ret) Jerome and Diane Janicke
Cap Pearson
Cadet Club
David Butler
Carl Conney
Gary and Anne Delaney
Anthony and Alma Knopp
Thomas and Sharon McGeehan
David and Kathy Nelson
Joseph and Nancy Schwarz
Honor Roll
Michael Hennessey
John and Julie Kenefick
John and Sandra Pates
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 22
Standard Bearers
Ronald and Martha Gagnon
Timothy and Mary Jo Malchow
Trustees’ Cabinet
Lawrence and Patti Timmons
Founder’s Circle
Kenneth and Rita Heimbach
Reverend Michael J. O’Connell
Stuart and Margery Pihlstrom
Academy Associates
John and Patricia Commers
Cadet Club
LTC (Ret) Eric and Mrs. Linda Aberg
John and Twyla Bilski
Dennis and Bonnie Finn
Edward and JoAnne Linn
Robert and Marilyn Miskinis
Raymond and Joyce Schwartz
Benjamin Storey
John and Mary Lee Sturner
Honor Roll
John and Margaret Baker
James and Virginia Conway
William Freeman
Dennis O’Neil Jones
Terrence and Barbara Nagle
John and Michele Tauer
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 28
Trustees’ Cabinet
Michael and Peggy Donovan
James Nelson
Founder’s Circle
Richard and Nancy Allen
Thomas Brix
Patrick and Mary Copps
Donald and Catherine Donahue
Thomas and Hannah Dzik
Bert and Carolyn McKasy
John and Gigi Ossanna
Terrence and Susan Wolkerstorfer
Professors’ Forum
Joseph Lauer
Headmaster’s Council
Christopher Claude
Robert Ehlert
Leigh and Judy Johnson
Robert and Dianne Walsh
Academy Associates
Reverend Michael M. Arms
Thomas and Marguerite Baker
Michael and Gretchen Holt
SGT John C. LaBossiere
John and Rita Lethert
Patrick and Aurora McAllister
Cadet Club
Roger Meyer
John and Mary O’Rourke
John and Tona Rozum
Victor and Kathleen Tschida
Honor Roll
James and Joanne Gensch
James and Betsy Jamar
Dennis McNamara
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 38
John Ireland Society
Steven High
Trustees’ Cabinet
Robert and Lynda Bisanz
Founder’s Circle
Dennis and Christine Brady
John and Linda Campbell
Richard and Trudy Cragg
Richard Miller
James and Sandy Rutzick
Headmaster’s Council
Edward and Mary LeClair
Patrick and Vicki McCauley
Greg and Colleen Zeglen
Academy Associates
Richard and Mary Jane Donovan
Peter Hames
Patrick and Regina Madden
Courtney and Pamela Storey
Michael and Barbara Woolsey
Cadet Club
Robert and Chris Bucher
Robert and Dianne Chirpich
Patrick and Jeanne Coonan
John and Nancy Downey
William and Joan Fabian
Robert and Kate Hauer
Francis and Julianne Hermann
Michael and Marilyn Kelley
William and Claudette Lucas
Terrence Murphy
Jon and Susan Ritten
Raymond and Diane Spack
David and Sandy Swanson
Edward and Kate Thompson
Ronald and Roselle Wappel
James and Ellie Watson
Honor Roll
John and Gladys Anderson
James and Mary Brick
Thomas Costello
Peter and Kathleen Huch
Joseph and Virginia Martin
Stephen and Ann Russell
Kevin and Paula Thompson
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 20
Aquinas Round Table
Joseph and Georgia Nardi
Trustees’ Cabinet
Wallace and Mary Jo Gleason
Founder’s Circle
Joseph and Sandy Commers
John and Mary Beth Coonan
Robert and Judith Kleinman
John and Kitty O’Keefe
Michael and Tuny O’Rourke
Michael Salscheider
Academy Associates
Joseph Leverone
† Deceased
22 | SABER Fall 2013
Saint Thomas Academy | 2012-13 Annual Report
Alumni Donors continued
Cadet Club
Robert and Roberta Armstrong
Michael and Kathi DuMoulin
Joseph and Dorothy Dupont
Thomas and Jessica Gartner
COL Miguel and Susan Monteverde
George and Jeanette Roedler
Honor Roll
James and Suzanne Burton
David and Terese McCall
Paul and Robin Neuman
Mark O’Malley
Joseph and Marcia Wolkerstorfer
Cadet Club
John and Anne Huss
Terrence and Peg Kelly
Peter Matlon and Joyce Cacho
Michael Winterhalter
Honor Roll
Eric and Stephanie Lloyd
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 18
Standard Bearers
Michael and Ann Ciresi
Timothy and Mary Scanlan
John Ireland Society
Gary and Kathie Sirek
Founder’s Circle
Scott Garberg
Professors’ Forum
Gregory and Nancy Hoffmann
Headmaster’s Council
Father Douglas A. Ebert
Academy Associates
Mark and Lucy Gehan
Thomas and Paula Greelis
Richard and Ann Hames
Jack and Stephanie Ptacek
Cadet Club
Peter and Sally Beagan
John and Kathryn Byrne
Thomas and Mary Costello
Michael and Linda Daly
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 15
Trustees’ Cabinet
George and Linda Carroll
Founder’s Circle
William and Barbara Gabler
Robert Green
Robert and Susan Mecay
Headmaster’s Council
Roger and Christine Jolicoeur
Academy Associates
Michael and Nancy Byrne
James and Linda Husman
John Kerwin
Lawrence and Susan Poppler
Jeffrey and Mary Lou Schwab
Annual Giving – Most Donors
By Class Year
= 31
= 26
= 24
= 23
= 22
= 21
= 21
= 20
= 20
= 19
Honor Roll
Robert and Anna Bordenave
John and Mary Jane Hermes
Kenneth and Barbara Weldon
James and Lucy Wheaton
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 14
Trustees’ Cabinet
MG (Ret) Robert A. Pollmann
Academy Associates
Michael Cronk
Charles Peluso, Jr.
Michael and Janet Robertson
Cadet Club
Brian Dempsey
James and Linda Farrell
Edward and Chris Malloy
Michael and Suzanne McCall
John and Donna Plunkett
Herbert and Julie Schulte
Harold and Sandra Wingerd
Honor Roll
Shaun Franey
Terrence Hermes
Herbert and Susan Lethert
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 13
Headmaster’s Council
Michael and Peggy McKasy
Academy Associates
Francis and Kathryn Dieveney
Michael and Deborah Johnson
Ronald and Diane Kretsch
Cadet Club
Joseph and Eileen Capecchi
Richard and Maggie Davern
Thomas and Dianne McEvoy
Henry and Anne Pabst
Patrick and Anita Plunkett
Jerome and Ann Simons
Gary and Kessa Wells
Honor Roll
John Blum
Donald and Nanette Sommers
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 10
Standard Bearers
William Huss and Mieko Umino
Charles and Mary Michel
Trustees’ Cabinet
William and Sandy Baumgaertner
Professors’ Forum
Pat and Joni Johnson
Headmaster’s Council
William and Terry Stein
Academy Associates
Michael Peluso
Cadet Club
Christopher and Linda Crumly
Patrick and Mary Kelly
Gregory and Mary Beth Vashro
Honor Roll
Peter Linstroth
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 17
Standard Bearers
Brian and Kathleen Short
Trustees’ Cabinet
Robert and Pamela Kirscher
Neil and Brenda O’Leary
Founder’s Circle
Frank and JoAnn Conney
Gary and Martha Olson
Professors’ Forum
John and Laurie McGroarty
Headmaster’s Council
Michael and Virginia George
Academy Associates
William and Maureen Farrell
Michael and Jean Hoffmann
Albert and Marjorie Kelly
Cadet Club
Gregory Babler and
Martha Van Roekel
James and Peggy Baumgaertner
Charles and Elizabeth Brown
Michael and Mary Eastwood
Honor Roll
Mark and Kathy Conrad
William and Susan Glendenning
Clyde Schabacker
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 12
Standard Bearers
Headmaster’s Council
Steven Funk
William and Marilyn Quirk
Academy Associates
Joseph and Deborah
John and Joan Peters
William and Kristi Sullivan
Cadet Club
David and Sandra Dorle
Thomas and Diane Flynn
Peter and Rhonda McCall
Thomas and Ann Reid
Peter and Melanie Ziegler
† Deceased
SABER Fall 2013 | 23
Saint Thomas Academy | 2012-13 Annual Report
Alumni Donors continued
Honor Roll
Patrick and Susan Martyn
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 12
Standard Bearers
James Mulally
John Ireland Society
David Ridley and Elvia Moreta
Trustees’ Cabinet
Christopher and Rebecca Cox
Founder’s Circle
Brian and Janice Sweeney
Professors’ Forum
Jeffrey and Mary Beissel
Headmaster’s Council
Steven and Patricia Doyle
Academy Associates
Joseph and Mary Finley
James and Mimi O’Connell
Cadet Club
Daniel and Rosemary Donovan
Christopher and Susan Sitzmann
Honor Roll
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Bartusch III
Thomas and Kimberly Johnson
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 25
Standard Bearers
Mark and Karen Rauenhorst
Thomas Wilhelmy
Giving Clubs
Standard Bearers
$10,000 +
Aquinas Round Table
$7,500 - $9,999
John Ireland Society
$5,000 - $7,499
Trustees’ Cabinet
$2,500 - $4,999
Founder’s Circle
$1,000 - $2,499
Professors’ Forum
$750 - $999
Headmaster’s Council
$500 - $749
Academy Associates
$250 - $499
Cadet Club
$100 - $249
Honor Roll
$1 - $99
Trustees’ Cabinet
Rear Admiral, USCG (ret) John and
Ellen Crowley
Founder’s Circle
Thomas and Susan Bisanz
Richard and Mary Beth Ebert
James and Virginia Giefer
Gregory and Cynthia Hames
Michael and Laurie Hankee
Charles and Carole Kelly
Timothy and Beth Sullivan
Headmaster’s Council
Thomas and Linda Annesley
William and Sarah Armstrong
Michael and Laurie Kozlak
Academy Associates
John and AnnMarie Curtin
Cadet Club
Daniel and Kate Condon
John and Kathleen DesLauriers
Kevin and Colleen Murphy
Cortland and Kim Silver
Douglas and Lillyam Trebtoske
Honor Roll
William Bartusch and Mary Peria
Michael and Jeanne Bisanz
Michael and Nancy Brill
John Mosiniak
James and Mary Nordlund
James and Susan Welna
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 16
Aquinas Round Table
John Ireland Society
Founder’s Circle
Terrance and Sherri Fenelon
Neil and Becky Rauenhorst
Professors’ Forum
Gregory and Patricia Roedler
Headmaster’s Council
Paul Bard
Philip and Kristine Boyle
Academy Associates
Everett Carlton
Howard Quinlan and
Shannon O’Toole
Cadet Club
Daniel and Corrine Kozlak
William and Katie Marzolf
John McKenzie
Steven and Mary Schnell
Honor Roll
Matthew and Terri Finley
Zachary Kimble
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 24
Trustees’ Cabinet
Daniel and Jennine Dooley
Paul and Lisa Kulhanek
Matthew and Stephanie Norman
Founder’s Circle
William Dubbs
Christopher Lee and
Kathleen Stockhaus-Lee
John and Georgia Maguire
James and Barbara Murlowski
Gregory and Peg Palen
Timothy and Melissa Ridley
Professors’ Forum
Timothy and Lucy Plunkett
Headmaster’s Council
Terrance and Ann Bussen
Thomas and Juliana Clements
James and Nancy Joyce
Academy Associates
Kenneth and Lynne Malloy
James and Annette Schaefer
Cadet Club
Thomas and Jan Cosgrove
Thomas and Anne Kozlak
Patrick Mahoney
Thomas and Michele Marrinan
John and Bridget Rooney
James and Patricia Rulli
Honor Roll
David and Rene Crumley
Richard and Susan Fleming
Michael and Mary McGroarty
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 21
Trustees’ Cabinet
Michael and Maria Keane
Founder’s Circle
Tom and Robin Nardini
Jeffrey and Linda Warner
Headmaster’s Council
Timothy and Mary Carroll
William and Virginia Hickey
Thomas and Jane Maguire
Donald and Mallory Riegger
Orest and Judy Tataryn
Academy Associates
Timothy and Patricia Flood
Kevin and Kerri Theisen
Cadet Club
Paul and Patty Anderson
Thomas and Mary Kelly
Mark and Therese Koller
Jay and Karen Loufek
Michael Rooney
William and Debra Wardwell
Honor Roll
Herbert and Laureen Bruber
Peter and Camille King
Dennis and Kathryn McGuire
Richard and Pamela Newcome
Joseph and Felicia O’Neill
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 17
Standard Bearers
John Murphy
Thomas and Barbara Votel
Trustees’ Cabinet
James and Marianne Hayes
Founder’s Circle
Gregory and Sandra Ferrian
Michael and Cara Jennings
Paul and Susan Plunkett
David and Karen Schlaefer
Kevin and Marleen Ziemer
Headmaster’s Council
Mick and Mary Cochrane
Academy Associates
Mark and Beth Hamel
William and June Pence
Kenneth and Mary Schaefer
Cadet Club
James and Melanie Bellomo
Michael and Becky Boyle
James Kramer
Mark and Kathleen Reiling
Honor Roll
Marshall and Gretchen Toman
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 14
John Ireland Society
Michael Plunkett, MD
Founder’s Circle
Carl and Heidi Horsch
COL Dennis and Claudia Wier
Headmaster’s Council
John and Colleen Doyle
Terry and Nancy Geraghty
Daniel and Milissa Hickey
Academy Associates
Thomas Berg
John and Nancy Orme
Cadet Club
James and Laura Boland
Charles and Kathy Maguire
Timothy O’Connell
Pierre and Teri Thomey
Honor Roll
James Bisanz
Michael and Lauri Lee
† Deceased
24 | SABER Fall 2013
Saint Thomas Academy | 2012-13 Annual Report
Alumni Donors continued
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 26
Trustees’ Cabinet
David and Heidi Donovan
Michael McBride
Founder’s Circle
Timothy and Margaret Hernandez
Timothy and Kathleen Murnane
Joseph Nuñez and
Catherine Bendel
Professors’ Forum
Chris and Melanie Schmidt
Headmaster’s Council
Mark and Anne Fourre
James and Lisa Hermes
John and Elizabeth Wolfe
Robert Ziton and Molly Cox Ziton
Academy Associates
Lawrence Anderson
Stephen and Susan Dahl
Michael and Cynthia Krebsbach
William and Susan Miley
William and Cindy Nichols
Cadet Club
Richard Caye
James and Kelly Gilliland
James and Deborah Hacking
William Kenney and
Margaret Kilpatrick
Peter and Sharon Leyden
Daniel and Debra Long
Mark and Linda Mischke
Vincent and Deborah Therrien
Paul and Christel Webber
Honor Roll
Michael Bann
Timothy and Amy McManus
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 26
Standard Bearers
Louis and Carolyn Ritten
John Ireland Society
Christopher Chaput
Trustees’ Cabinet
David and Mary Johnson
William Trousdale
Founder’s Circle
Steven and Nancy Hanousek
Thomas Klas
Timothy and Donna Milner
Timothy and Catherine Scallen
Walter and Cynthia Villaume
Professors’ Forum
Thomas and Susan DePauw
Headmaster’s Council
James and Melissa O’Shaughnessy
Academy Associates
Michael and Jackie Bilski
Timothy and Katrina Coss
Thomas and Carol Fourre
David and Pamela Hamel
James and Wendy Mullaney
Cadet Club
Donald and Yvonne Combs
Timothy and Gay Dubbs
Charles and Jessica Jungmann
Joel and Jane Kozlak
Stephen and Amy Senger
Honor Roll
Peter and Kym Kronschnabel
Robert and Phyllis Lentsch
John and Brenda McDonald
Steven Wardell
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 27
John Ireland Society
Robert and Mary Trousdale
Trustees’ Cabinet
Christopher and Nancy † Longley
John and Margaret Newcome
Founder’s Circle
Richard and Sharon Battis
William and Elizabeth Brombach
Gregory Farley
LTC (Ret) James and Ramona
Kevin and Jane Mahoney
William and Margaret Mork
Michael and Julie Myser
Jay and Jodi Palda
Kelly and Jean Rowe
George and Sue Turner
Headmaster’s Council
David and Erin Norris
Academy Associates
Sean and Mary Galvin
Mark and Kari Zobel
Cadet Club
Dennis and Londa Bilski
Christopher and Kathy Campion
Edward Driscoll and
Michelle Villaume-Driscoll
Robert and Ann Gaertner
Mark Glodek
Mark and Laura Pilney
Patrick and Kelly Pothen
Patrick and Maggie Wallner
Patrick and Peggy Wier
Honor Roll
John and Carrie Hanousek
Nicholas and Mary Hernandez
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 27
Standard Bearers
Richard and Beth Anderson
Mark and Sue Faulkner
James and Michele Kolar
John Nichols
Christopher and Kathleen Ritten
Thomas and Sandra Schreier
Trustees’ Cabinet
Michael and Denise Finley
Founder’s Circle
Patrick and Barb Hallman
John and Katherine Haugh
Edward and Suzanne Kocourek
Joseph and Jeanne Polaczyk
Professors’ Forum
George Donovan
Headmaster’s Council
Thomas and Mona Lyn Hassing
John and Connie McMahon
Joseph and Michelle Rascher
Academy Associates
Jon Berg
John and Molly O’Neill
Cadet Club
James and Barbara Bussen
Andrew and Martha Dolan
Joseph and Visala Goswitz
Brian and Mary Beth Hallman
Nicholas and Jodeen Kozlak
Joseph and Debbie Kubes
James and Joanne Lund
Frank and Kathy Miley
Terence and Ann Teynor
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 21
Aquinas Round Table
John and Mary Trousdale
John Ireland Society
Stephen and Mary Kate Engel
Stephen and Barbara Plunkett
Founder’s Circle
Mark Schmidt
Headmaster’s Council
Timothy and Jennifer Farley
Mark and Sheila Gustafson
Timothy and Molly Theisen
Academy Associates
Paul and Jennifer Berg
Gregory and Ann Marie Heimel
James and Debra Markert
Gregory and Carla Monahan
Cadet Club
Daniel and Patricia Buelow
Patrick and Karen Hayes
Christopher and Catherine Hughes
Sean Kennedy and
Suzanne Sheridan
Tobias and Jennifer Madden
John and Barbara McManus
Michael and Beth O’Neill
Michael and Kathleen Orme
Daniel and Rebecca Saad
Michael and Teri Youngdahl
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 24
John Ireland Society
Mark and Sandra Fisler
Mark and Kimberly Sheahan
Annual Giving Dollars
Does not include endowment or capital gifts
Class of 1980$50,553
Class of 1971$22,070
Class of 1964$21,567
Class of 1967$20,300
Class of 1975$19,612
Class of 1949$18,870
Class of 1957$16,785
Class of 1956$16,719
Class of 1970$123,066
† Deceased
SABER Fall 2013 | 25
Saint Thomas Academy | 2012-13 Annual Report
Alumni Donors continued
Trustees’ Cabinet
Clinton and Diane Blaiser
Eric and Kathy Schneeman
Founder’s Circle
John and Ellen Schreier
Erick and Beth Westerback
Headmaster’s Council
John Hussian
Mark and Joanne Verbeck
Academy Associates
Paul and Mary Donovan
Michael and Mary Pat Ferraro
Daniel and Colleen McMahon
Timothy and Anne McQuillan
David Walczak
Cadet Club
Joseph and Nancy Berg
Christopher and Mary Kay Coyne
Timothy Guldan
William Lynch
Matthew and Sara Michel
John and Christine O’Shaughnessy
Honor Roll
John Battis
Michael Convery
Robert Goossens
Mike and Lisa Wright
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 16
Founder’s Circle
Richard and Julie Herrick
Joseph and Michelle Jansen
Patrick Mascia
David Wiser and Elizabeth Moore
Giving Clubs
Standard Bearers
$10,000 +
Aquinas Round Table
$7,500 - $9,999
John Ireland Society
$5,000 - $7,499
Trustees’ Cabinet
$2,500 - $4,999
Founder’s Circle
$1,000 - $2,499
Professors’ Forum
$750 - $999
Headmaster’s Council
$500 - $749
Academy Associates
$250 - $499
Cadet Club
$100 - $249
Honor Roll
$1 - $99
Headmaster’s Council
Matthew and Joni Karl
Steven and Mischelle Lentz
Richard and Michele Nozel
Academy Associates
Luke and Carolyn Friendshuh
Philip and Rachel Reim
Cadet Club
John and Cheryl Boemer
Matthew and Jennifer Ettl
Peter and Christine Gavin
David Jansen
Honor Roll
Frederick Lambrecht
Daniel Mulrooney
Steven and Toni Marie O’Daniel
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 27
Standard Bearers
Vincent † and Lysa Flynn
John Ireland Society
William and Katie Stewart
Trustees’ Cabinet
Michael and Susan Maxwell
Founder’s Circle
Patrick and Melissa Finn
Thomas and Valerie Tracy
Gordon and Joanne Trousdale
Professors’ Forum
Christopher and Nancy Dorle
Kevin O’Neill and
Catherine Villaume O’Neill
Headmaster’s Council
Kevin and Angela Gilligan
Steven and Karen Hegedus
Gerald and Elisabeth Krimbill
Academy Associates
Christopher and Bethany Ames
Michael and Julie Farley
Christopher and Christina Joyce
John and Susan Kolb
Cadet Club
Philip and Linda Arzt
David Berquist
Martin and Margaret Fallon
Anthony and Cathy Grundhauser
David and Lucy Kern
Michael and Ann Ossanna
Patrick and Karen Shrake
John and Lisa Steveken
Tom and Carol Winkel
Honor Roll
Dominic and Nancy Alfonso
William and Bridget Davern
David and Christine Schwebel
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 24
Standard Bearers
Richard Johnson and
Mary Kalish-Johnson
Thomas and Bridget Lee
Trustees’ Cabinet
Peter Wilhoit
Founder’s Circle
Anthony and Mary Bonfe
Michael and Michelle Kellogg
Vernon and Jennifer Lovegreen
Timothy and Melissa Mulrooney
John Quigley
Michael Seaberg
William and Jessica Valentine
Headmaster’s Council
Capt. David and Stacy Dietz
Academy Associates
Michael and Amy Kneeland
Cadet Club
John and Jennell Francis
Mark and Karin Gaertner
Robert Hafiz, Jr.
Jonathan and Shawn Hart
David and Mary Hottinger
Brian and Shelley Kueppers
Antonio LoPesio
MAJ Derek and Tina Tillemans
Honor Roll
Arthur and Sharon Baumeister
John Kenney
Theodore and Stacy Kronschnabel
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 23
John Ireland Society
Robert and Colette Warner
Trustees’ Cabinet
Brian and Kara Farley
Daniel and Kelly Kubes
Michael and Heidi Norman
Philip Ritten
Andrew and Katherine Wilhoit
Founder’s Circle
Brian Anderson
James and Anne Kane
William and Dana Kozlak
Arnold and Heather Liati
Christopher and Michelle Nichols
James and Anne Seidel
Headmaster’s Council
Timothy and Kristin Dyrhaug
Michael and Amy Kolar
Thomas and Carol Thuente
Academy Associates
Brian and Jill Dobie
William and Kelley Warner
Anthony and Sarah Zirnhelt
Cadet Club
Frank and Jennifer Brixius
Todd Cadle
Jarrod and Kathleen Lynch
Norbert and Deborah Winter
Honor Roll
John and Delia Winter
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 14
Founder’s Circle
Eric and Karla Rapp
Robert and Carolyn Wollan
Headmaster’s Council
Mario and Heather Nardi
Academy Associates
Daniel and Stephanie Beaudette
Brian and Ann Farrell
LTC Kevin and Tina Gopon
David and Ann Langer
Daniel and Jennifer O’Brien
Cadet Club
Gerald and Elizabeth Cunniff
Robert and Linda Moeller
Louis and Lisa Schaefer
Honor Roll
Steven and Susan Finn
Raymond and Joann Lynch
Garrett and Anissa Mulrooney
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 23
Founder’s Circle
Steven and Kathleen Geis
Louis and Alisa Paster
Lewis and Danielle Schoenwetter
Professors’ Forum
Thomas and Shana Murray
Headmaster’s Council
William and Karin Armstrong
David and Amber McLaughlin
Academy Associates
Michael and Sonya Casserly
Timothy and Deborah Fallon
Daniel Furlong and Ann Pollard
Matthew and Jean Shiely
Peter and Michele Tanghe
Chris and Kelly Wilhoit
Cadet Club
Daniel and Sherryl Bandt
Gregory and Courtney Culligan
Timothy and Ann Flynn
Steven and Susan Jacklitch
John Kubes
Christopher and Jane Simmons
Brian and Shannon Smith
† Deceased
26 | SABER Fall 2013
Saint Thomas Academy | 2012-13 Annual Report
Alumni Donors continued
Honor Roll
Patrick and Kristine Dobie
Kevin and Pati Gellerman
James and Jessica Linn
William and Paige Wingerd
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 19
Standard Bearers
Thomas and Holly Klein
Jonathan and Jill Riley
John Ireland Society
Michael and Amy Murphy
Trustees’ Cabinet
Joseph and Jeanne Nardi
Founder’s Circle
Nicholas and Heather Donohue
Gregory Hosch
Christian and Jennifer Sirek
Headmaster’s Council
Steven and Julie Nilsson
Daniel and Katie Queenan
Robert and Joanne Sweeney
Academy Associates
Charles Gardner
Cadet Club
John and Jami Gyurci
Kevin and Kristen Kelly
Frank and Patricia Matthews
Thomas and Rebecca Schmidt
Walter and Megan Smith
Honor Roll
Thomas and Patricia Battis
Gavin and Stephanie Duffy
Leo Lauer
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 7
Founder’s Circle
James and Johanna Zavoral
Headmaster’s Council
Peter and Vanessa Bonfe
Cadet Club
Max and Sally Brummel
Matthew and Anny Collins
Matthew Erb
Matthew Walsh
Joseph and Julie Zirnhelt
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 11
Standard Bearers
Robert and Kendall Jesmer
John Ireland Society
Matthew and Mary Kaczmarek
Trustees’ Cabinet
Michael and Katy Tanghe
Founder’s Circle
Matthew and Molly Hewitt
Paul Spreitzer
Cadet Club
Eric and Christine Fotsch
Joseph Kozlak
Scott and Christy Ulbrich
Peter and Honora Van de North
Timothy and Deborah Woods
Honor Roll
John and Erin Doan
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 13
Trustees’ Cabinet
Matthew and Vickey Dudley
Founder’s Circle
Steven and Mary Gopon
Christopher and Emily Johnson
Headmaster’s Council
John and Emily Gainor
Matthew and Meghan Mohs
Cadet Club
Clayton Benish
John and Sandra Chaput
Greg and Kristine Hoffmann
John and Raney O’Keefe
David and Svetlana Smith
Charles and Amy Weier
Honor Roll
Mark and Nora Gottwalt
Daniel and Sri Sullivan
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 14
Aquinas Round Table
Todd and Kim Ciresi
John Ireland Society
Sean and Leslie Lannan
Founder’s Circle
Anthony Mullen and
Jocelyn Bozivich
Professors’ Forum
MAJ Nathan and Robin Kazek
Headmaster’s Council
Academy Associates
Jason and Leslie Sedlak
Cadet Club
Steven and Andrea Dwyer
Thomas and Dana Groh
Thomas and Erin Gustafson
Roman and Sarah Hernandez
Christopher Lambert
Patrick O’Keefe
Matthew and Anne Wolsfeld
Honor Roll
Kevin and Sheila McGill
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 11
Founder’s Circle
Nicholas and Abbie Johnson
Nicholas and Anita Wills
Academy Associates
Charles and Kelly Bonfe
Andrew Lund
Torin and Aubrey Wicks
Cadet Club
Steven Fenlon and Ann Diachuk
Joseph Fritz
Mark Honzawa
Ryan Malone
Dennis and Monica McMahon
Honor Roll
Paul and Pamela Costa
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 17
Professors’ Forum
Robert and Rachele Lehr
Headmaster’s Council
Capt. Benjamin and Jennifer Hinz
Christopher and Amy Stadtherr
Academy Associates
Geoffrey and Bridget DeMartino
Mike and Amanda Hurley
Andrew and Posh Jesmer
Charles and Sara Michel
Robert and Jessica Rogers
Cadet Club
James Bly
Patrick and Anne Donohue
Timothy Gwost
Michael and Diane Hankee
James Jordan
Honor Roll
SSG Mario and Cassandra Gomez
Teddy and Cindy Michel
Christopher and Kathryn Owens
Reverend Nathan D. Wills, CSC
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 13
Founder’s Circle
Riley and Ashley Dandurand
Thomas Ignatowicz
Professors’ Forum
Bryan and Courtney Carlson
Headmaster’s Council
Patrick and Kathryn
Academy Associates
Ryan and Dawn Smith
Adam and Hunter Wright
Annual Giving – Percentage of
Class Participation
Class of
Class of
Class of
Class of
Class of
Class of
Class of
Class of
Class of
Class of
† Deceased
SABER Fall 2013 | 27
Saint Thomas Academy | 2012-13 Annual Report
Alumni Donors continued
Cadet Club
Nicholas Blissenbach
Robert and Michele Grady
Stephen and Breanna Kubes
David Langevin
Stephen and Angela Norton
Rolf and Wendy Shervey
Anton and Saumya VanderWyst
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 13
Founder’s Circle
Thomas and Erin Vetscher
Headmaster’s Council
Joseph McNearney
Michael and Jennifer Wietecki
Academy Associates
Mark Woell and Naomi Woell
Thomas and Ellie Zavoral
Cadet Club
Brian and Kate Hobbins
Robert and Ellen Hurley
Douglas McMahon
Michael O’Keefe
Matthew and Maria Schnobrich
John and Christie Scolaro
Jeffrey and Sara Smith
Honor Roll
Todd and Bridget Spicer
Academy Associates
Andre Belland
Cadet Club
Robert Butterbrodt
Christopher and Jaime Cammack
Edmund and Rebecca Nightingale
Michael and Emily Reif
Paul and Carla Tigan
Honor Roll
Mark and Laura Groppoli
Gabriel and Elisabeth Johnson
Ryan and Ingrid Kleinjan
Ryan McCarthy
David Tauer
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 6
Trustees’ Cabinet
Jonathan Dolphin
Cadet Club
Michael and Kathleen Haddad
Thomas and Katie Sullivan
Honor Roll
Brian Linscheid
James and Natalie Mulrooney
Carl and Meg Schneeman
Professors’ Forum
$750 - $999
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 14
Founder’s Circle
Timothy O’Shaughnessy and
Laura Graham
Professors’ Forum
Christopher Brustuen
Headmaster’s Council
Joshua Smith-Hanen
Academy Associates
Jordan Weigelt
Cadet Club
Charles and Kate Huberty
Brian Patient
Honor Roll
John and Amanda Hames
Ryan Inman
Michael Johnson
Michael Jones
Justin and Betsy Joyce
Lt. Shawn R. Murphy
CPT Thomas and Juliet O’Keefe
Scott and Kathleen Ryan-Johnson
Headmaster’s Council
$500 - $749
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 12
Headmaster’s Council
Ryan and Tituba Hertel
Giving Clubs
Standard Bearers
$10,000 +
Aquinas Round Table
$7,500 - $9,999
John Ireland Society
$5,000 - $7,499
Trustees’ Cabinet
$2,500 - $4,999
Founder’s Circle
$1,000 - $2,499
Academy Associates
$250 - $499
Cadet Club
$100 - $249
Honor Roll
$1 - $99
28 | SABER Fall 2013
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 8
Academy Associates
Joseph Dubbs
Matthew and Megan Eakins
Cadet Club
Jared Hall
Matthew and Molly Michel
Brian Smith
Honor Roll
Devin Dwyer
Michael Giefer
David Olson
Honor Roll
Carl Forsberg
Christopher Raway
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 9
Headmaster’s Council
Robert Hallman
Patrick Hickey
Cadet Club
Jordan Beissel
Eric Bruggemann
Nicholas McCarthy
CAPT Philip and Anna Swintek
Honor Roll
Richard and Annie Fryklund
James and Cecilia Hartzel
Michael and Courtney Phillips
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 7
Headmaster’s Council
Jeremy Harris
James Woods
Cadet Club
Calvin and Carlie Bohman
Christopher Eakins
Nicholas McAdams
Honor Roll
Matthew Johnson
Christopher Morrissey
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 4
Cadet Club
Michael and Emily Combs
Joseph Schaefer
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 2
Cadet Club
Kyle Hansen
Aaron Scherer
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 2
Cadet Club
Thomas Anderson
Timothy Wolfgram
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 2
Cadet Club
Brian Anderson
Patrick Bode
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 3
Academy Associates
John Gerhan
Cadet Club
Joseph Dobesh
Michael McGuire
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 6
Cadet Club
Michael Patterson
Honor Roll
Michael and Kate Bisanz
Nathan Krenik
Daniel Michel
Robert and Tara Wilkie
Abraham Woldeslassie
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 5
Academy Associates
Conor Marrinan
Cadet Club
Joseph Gehrz
James McGuire
Honor Roll
Shea Byom
Evans and Carolyn Connelly IV
A Defining Moment
Annual Giving
Other Dollars
Donors – 1
Cadet Club
Mitchell Perry
† Deceased
Saint Thomas Academy | 2012-13 Annual Report
Parent Donors
Standard Bearers
Anonymous (2)
Orison and Cassandra Chaffee
Christopher and Emily Chapman
James and Amy Clancy
Daniel and Martha Conners
Cordell and Erika Dietz
Morgan and Celine Donohue
Patrick and Amy Flanagan
Vincent † and Lysa Flynn ’84
Peter and Sandy Griffin
Thomas and Susan Grojean
David and Judy Hallett
Mark Houge and Anne Colombo
Willard and Kim Hunnewell
Richard Johnson and
Mary Kalish-Johnson ’85
Thomas and Holly Klein ’89
James and Michele Kolar ’80
Thomas and Bridget Lee ’85
William and Katherine Lentsch
Scot and Dana Malloy
Douglas and Catharine Mark
Daniel and Elizabeth Mayleben
John and Jill Reamer
James and Heather Riley
Mark and Kathryn Tesija
Mark and Elizabeth Waterloo
David and Kim Williams
Aquinas Round Table
Timothy and Colleen Baer
Michael and Sharon D’Agostino
John Ireland Society
William and Julie Brady
Andy and Patti Deckas
Robert and Heidi Hubbard
David Johnson and Kathy Connors
Andrew and Suzanne LeFevour
Joel and Jolene Owens
Michael and Theresa Philbin
Michael Plunkett, MD ’76
Stephen and Barbara Plunkett ’81
David Ridley and Elvia Moreta ’70
Allen and Katherine Steinkopf
Brian and Kathleen Wenger
Paul and Kimberly Wright
Trustees’ Cabinet
Clinton and Diane Blaiser ’82
Scott and Caroline Bowersox
Christopher and Susan Brown
James and Vicki Desmond
Timothy and Heather Droel
Michael and Diane Dumer
Joseph and Catherine Freesmeier
Daniel and Mary Garry
Joseph and Shannon Gaylord
Michael and Shannon Happe
John and Debbie Harper
James and Anne Hartnett
Steven and Jean Johnson
Christopher Knoedler and
Ellen Abeln
Daniel and Kelly Kubes ’87
Paul and Lisa Kulhanek ’73
Christopher and
Nancy † Longley ’79
William and Laura Lunger
Daniel Moakley and
Denise Kennedy
Dominique and Susan Najjar
John and Margaret Newcome ’79
Neil and Brenda O’Leary ’68
Paul and Shannon Schmidt
Eric and Kathy Schneeman ’82
Randall and Clare Sercombe
Paul and Julie Sexson
George and Kathleen Stewart
Mark and Heather Stonacek
Jeffrey and Mary Tolke
Thomas and Christine Walsh
James and Jennifer Weichert
Joseph and Kellee Wren
Founder’s Circle
Daniel and Patricia Adams
Anonymous (3)
Koen and Ann Bastiaens
Paul and Marilyn Benedict
Anthony and Mary Bonfe ’85
Sara Brown
John and Susan Buckley
Paul and Laurel Burke
Mark and Linda Casagrande
Philip and Christy Caspers
Thomas and Angeline Conley
Chris and Nicole Cordero
Robert Dufek and
Cynthia Buchfuehrer
John Edgerton and Heidi Gesell
John and Jamine Ewine
Terrance and Sherri Fenelon ’72
Patrick and Melissa Finn ’84
James and Kristen Gitter
Geoffrey and Wanda Heck
Brett and Stephanie Heffes
Daniel and Nancy Herbeck
Katie Hickey
Franz and Jeannie Hofmeister
Eric and Julie Jacobsen
Craig and Mary Johanns
Eric and Mary Beth Johnson
James M. Jurkovich and
Stephanie Molliconi
James and Anne Kane ’87
Richard and Nancy Keller
Robert and Christine Kilgarriff
James and Michelle King
Charles and Colleen Knapp
Joseph and Teresa Lawder
Andrew and Debbie Lee
Richard and Elizabeth Lowery
Robert and Melinda Maher
Daniel and Penny Malecha
Joseph and Margaret Mansur
Mike Michalik and Paula Skarda
William Miller and Meggan O’Shea
William and Margaret Mork ’79
Scott and Sue Mortensen
Michael and Julie Myser ’79
David and Diane Nielsen
Dale and Diane Nordenstrom
Brian and Sena Norsman
Michael and Angelique Ohmes
Jay and Jodi Palda ’79
William and Kristin Patt
Eric and Jeanne Peterson
Joseph and Jeanne Polaczyk ’80
Thor Raarup and
Paula Raarup Ehrich
Steven Rau and Christine Meuers
Gregory and Jodi Roberts
Kelly and Jean Rowe ’79
Patrick and Lauri Schneider
Thomas and Paula Schwartz
William and Julie Schwietz
Stephen and Sandra Seitz
Russell and Vicki Sheaffer
Rick and Sharon Stevson
Robert and Leah Stich
Timothy and Beth Sullivan ’71
Scott and Janet Swedal
Brian and Janice Sweeney ’70
Thomas and Valerie Tracy ’84
Kris and Nancy Tufto
David and Camille Weier
Paul and Anne Welle
Erick and Beth Westerback ’82
Roger and Shari Wilsey
Kirtland Woodhouse
Carla Zevnik-Seufzer and
Kevin Seufzer
Gregory and Ann Zimprich
Dennis and Susan Zwaschka
Professors’ Forum
Amy Borgstrom
Paul and Jolene Burrows
Michael and Kristine Coleman
George Donovan ’80
Christopher and Nancy Dorle ’84
Eric and Jennifer Edwards
James and Anne Gattman
Doug and Kerry Hoverson
Timothy and Susan Huberty
Dave and Jill Ingalls
John and Tania Koegel
Kevin O’Neill and
Catherine Villaume O’Neill ’84
Lawrence and E. Amber Shaeffer
Brian and Cathy Szymanski
Headmaster’s Council
Kenneth and Teresa Allessi
Joseph and Kathleen Beckman
Steven and Beth Bjork
Robert and Dina Castle
Christopher and Laura Dolan
John and Colleen Doyle ’76
William and Martha Dumler
Timothy and Kristin Dyrhaug ’87
Kevin and Catherine Earley
Bruce Elliott and
Susan Barnes Elliott
David and Jennifer Finigan
Janice Frame
Emilio Garcia
Kyle and Holly Hart
Steven and Karen Hegedus ’84
Fen Hiew and
Mei-Tine-Chong Hiew
John and Margie Jurich
Kenneth and Elizabeth Kauth
Sonny and Lisa Kessebeh
Timothy and Nancy Kettler
Scott and Susan Kies
John and Patricia Kortebein
Steven and Carol Lamb
Daniel and Elizabeth Lee
Laura Lovegreen
Thomas Mahowald and
Tracy Meyer
Daniel McGraw
Michael and Charlene McHugh
Mark and Linda Mikolajczak
Michael and Niki Muske
Tim and Susan Mussell
James and Elizabeth Neild
Joseph and Elizabeth Neuberger
James and Mary Ellen Nichols
Gene and Julie Pagel
Melvin and Mary Patton
Jack and Missy Perry
John and Nancy Quinlan
Joseph and Michelle Rascher ’80
Stephen and Mary Riehm
Thomas and Sylvia Ryan
Thomas Shand
Shannon Smith
Mark Sorenson and Lucy Poole
Robert and Lisa Spencer
Scott and Krystyne Supplee
Thomas and Carol Thuente ’87
Paris Tsobanakis and
M. Belen Urquiola
David and Rose Ellen Vierling
Daniel and Molly Vlaisavljevich
James and Mary Waldvogel
Paul and Becky Walser
Steven and Jill Weintraut
Timothy and Molly Weiss
John and Elizabeth Wolfe ’77
Paul and Shaun Woodward
Robert Ziton and
Molly Cox Ziton ’77
Academy Associates
Lisa Becker
Paul and Jennifer Berg ’81
Todd and Dana Berg
David and Brenda Jo Carlson
Timothy and Katrina Coss ’78
† Deceased
SABER Fall 2013 | 29
Saint Thomas Academy | 2012-13 Annual Report
Parent Donors
Stephen and Susan Dahl ’77
Tina Davis
Bijan and Karen Delaram
Jon Engeswick
Philip and Amanda Fahey
Brian and Ann Farrell ’86
Gerard and Anne Gall
Patrick and Debra Galligan
Sean and Mary Galvin ’79
Kurt and Suzanne Gifford
Douglas and Catherine Goaley
Stephen and Catherine Grego
Michael and Kathleen Harrington
Robert and Jacqueline Harvey
Elliott Hays and Wendy Short-Hays
Gregory and Ann Marie Heimel ’81
Gary and Renee Heselton
David and Sally Hopkinson
Mike and Amanda Hurley ’95
Daniel and Diane Hutchison
Darrell and Julie Johnson
Thomas and Karen Laird
Kurt and Katherine Larson
Chris and Jenny Lasswell
James and Debra Markert ’81
Timothy and Anne McQuillan ’82
John and Marilyn Miller
Kent and Stephanie Newburg
Daniel and Jennifer O’Brien ’86
Jerome and Bridget Ouimet
Nina Perdue
Damian and Jacqueline Pike
Stephen and Lisa Plourde
Kenneth and Kathryn Prom
Howard Quinlan and
Shannon O’Toole ’72
Philip and Rachel Reim ’83
Gabriel Rojas-Cardona and
Sarah Westall
Giving Clubs
Standard Bearers
$10,000 +
Aquinas Round Table
$7,500 - $9,999
John Ireland Society
$5,000 - $7,499
Trustees’ Cabinet
$2,500 - $4,999
Founder’s Circle
$1,000 - $2,499
Professors’ Forum
$750 - $999
Headmaster’s Council
$500 - $749
Academy Associates
$250 - $499
Cadet Club
$100 - $249
Honor Roll
$1 - $99
Scott and Anne Rusert
Roger and Jennifer Rutgers
Nicollette Scarrella
Bernard Schleper and Lynn Schram
Michael Schroeder and
Mary Dougherty
Alan and Kathleen Schultz
Jeffrey and Elissa Simon
Robert and Megan Skweres
Stephen and Gretchen Steichen
William and Arleen Sullivan
Troy and Mary Jane Thie
Charles and Sara Torbert
James Twesten and
Kellie McGowan
Nicholas and Laura Whitney
Torin and Aubrey Wicks ’94
Gerald and Jean Williams
Kelby and Donna Woodard
Anthony and Sarah Zirnhelt ’87
Mark and Kari Zobel ’79
Cadet Club
Adam Ahlberg
David and Kathleen Anderson
Nancy Anderson
Daniel and Sherryl Bandt ’88
John and Ann Barnes
James and Melanie Bellomo ’75
Joseph and Nancy Berg ’82
Arne and Melody Boberg
Terrence and Jill Bonk
Talaia Bowen
John and Dia Boyle
Peter and Mary Bretzman
Jennifer Bruno
Van Bui
David and Barbara Bursey
Jeffrey Busch and
Mary McMahon-Busch
Scott and Julie Card
John and Barbara Conway
William and Diane Cossairt
Gerald and Elizabeth Cunniff ’86
James and DeAnn Dolan
Edward Driscoll and Michelle
Villaume - Driscoll ’79
John and Roberta Enderby
Reyna Escarcego
Mark and Denise Evans
Martin and Margaret Fallon ’84
Timothy and Debra Floeder
Timothy and Ann Flynn ’88
Robert and Ann Gaertner ’79
Doulgas and Rene Gavic
Thomas and Judy Gehrz
James and Kelly Gilliland ’77
Douglas and Vanessa Glass
Susan Goodale and Chris Brown
David and Deb Griffith
Steven and Peggy Groebe
Shawn and Kim Gross
Brian and Mary Beth Hallman ’80
Joseph and Monica Hamilton
Sandy Hanson
Craig Hegdahl and
Teresa Lyons-Hegdahl
Matthew and Katrina Hemauer
John and Mary Henderson
Chad and Sally Hoehne
Bennett and Jennifer Hoffmann
Kurt and Kris Holmes
Keith and Mary Hoppe
Bradley and Anita Hove
Susan Ingebrigtsen
Richard and Joann Jacobson
Jeffrey and Lucy Johnson
Leslie and Lyndsey Johnson
Scott and Emy Johnson
David and Lucy Kern ’84
Karl and Josie Kloster
Collette Koskinen
Kurt and Theresa Lauber
James and Nancy Litwin
Thomas and Deborah Magnuson
Thomas and Michelle Mara
Matthew and Mary Marrin
Joseph and Lori McCabe
John and Barbara McManus ’81
Mary McNaney
Matthew and Michelle Michalski
Mark and Linda Mischke ’77
Stephen and Anne Murphy
Stephen and Debra Newell
Gary and Kristine Noel
Stuart and Megan Nutting
Cory and Lisa O’Brien
Joseph and Teresa O’Connor
Mark and Jennifer Olson
Vincent and Dana Pagnotta
Jeffrey and Theresa Palumbo
Michael and Linda Peterson
Mark and Rachel Petronack
Charles and Mary Pizel
Dianne Powell
Joseph and Heidi Pucel
Darren and Ann Pursley
Gary and Lisa Rademacher
Greg Rudisill and Janet Schaffer
Michael and Kathleen Ruhland
Debra Ryan
Kevin and Margaret Ryan
Daniel and Rebecca Saad ’81
Christina Sanchez
Thomas and Teresa Schwartz
Thomas and Lynn Sedlack
Craig and Vicki Shea
Brian and Megan Stang
Peter and Idalia Stark
John and Lisa Steveken ’84
Monica Strout
Burke and Molly Stucker
James and Marie Tarum
Mark Thomas and
Maureen Chevalier
Pierre and Teri Thomey ’76
Robert and Jennifer Thompson
Peter and Jill Treacy
Patrick and Maggie Wallner ’79
David Wankel and
Martina Hernandez
Mark and Coleen Wasescha
Daniel and Mary Weir
Kenneth and Mary Weisenburger
Patrick Wheeler and Amy O’Connell
Liam Woodburn and
Bronagh MacCafferty
John and Chris Zimmermann
Honor Roll
Michael Adam and Kassy Kenney
Aron and Shelley Allen
Lindsey Arzt
Michael Bann ’77
Diane Benz
David Buonfiglio
Beth Chalmers
Tim and Mary Colleran
Patrick and Kristine Dobie ’88
James and Susan Evanoff
David and Ann Feitl
Steven and Susan Finn ’86
Colleen Harens
Daniel and Rita Johnson
Joshua and Leah Kaeppe
Kip and Debra Kilen
Karen LeMay
Scott and Tammy McDonald
Timothy and Amy McManus ’77
Stephen and Meredith Miller
Janet Minea
Thomas and Tara Motzel
Jerome and Carol Mulvihill
Rick and Joanne O’Brien
Michael and Rebecca Piram
John and Beth Regan
Kevin and Catherine Tri
Bart and Jennifer Winkler
Joe and Heather Wright
Board of
Trustees Donors
Standard Bearers
Richard Anderson ’80
Michael Ciresi ’64
Vincent Flynn ’84 †
David Hallett
James Kolar ’80
William Lentsch
James Mulally ’70
John Murphy ’75
Thomas Votel ’75
Michael Wright ’56
Aquinas Round Table
Virginia Hubbard
† Deceased
30 | SABER Fall 2013
Saint Thomas Academy | 2012-13 Annual Report
Board of Trustees continued
John Ireland Society
Academy Associates
Thomas Mich
Rebecca Benz
William Culbertson
Kimberly Friede
Sonya Jaworski
Anthony Kinzley
Anne McQuillan
Karen Rassmussen
Jason Sedlak ’93
Wendy Short-Hays
Michael Sjoberg
Jean Williams
John Zahr †
Lesia Zownirowycz
Trustees’ Cabinet
Christopher Cox ’70
John Crowley, Jr. ’71
Mary Garry
Founder’s Circle
Nicky Carpenter
Cathy Farrell
Amy Goldman
Gregory Hosch ’89
Archbishop John Nienstedt, S.T.D.
John Patterson
Academy Associates
Cadet Club
Robley Evans
Thomas Klein ’89
Christopher Ritten ’80
John Barnes
Patrick Callahan
Michael Combs ’05
Brian Edel
Wendy Fox
Tammy Greenlee
Cheryl Hanson
Fernando Hernandez
Douglas Hurd
Christina Lindstrom
Caroline Little
Nicholas McCarthy ’02
Kathy Miley
Joshua Mulheron
Joseph Seidel
Jeffrey Smith ’97
Chris Zimmermann
John Ireland Society
Honor Roll
Louis King II
Cadet Club
Fr. Peter Laird
Honor Roll
Kevin Zenner
Standard Bearers
Thomas Mich
Trustees’ Cabinet
Michael Maxwell ’84
Founder’s Circle
Thomas Cierzan
John Geroux
James Jurkovich
Peggy Mansur
Fr. Thomas O’Brien
Julie Schwietz
Erick Westerback ’82
Mark Westlake
Professors’ Forum
Doug Hoverson
Mary Machgan Culbertson
David Ziebarth
Headmaster’s Council
Steven Bjork
Michael DePuglio
Julie Marks
Myles McDowell
Lucy Poole
Shannon Smith
Paul Solmon
Mary Waldvogel
Wendy Hanson
Joshua Kaeppe
John Kenney ’85
Laurie Kropp
Garry and Carole Loufek
Toni Marie O’Daniel
Mary Jo O’Halloran
Kevin Zenner
Former Faculty/
Staff Donors
Friends Donors
Trustees’ Cabinet
Richard Allen ’60
Gerald Brown ’58
Reverend Gordon M. Doffing
David Ekstrand ’54
Ingrid Peterson
Joseph Reymann ’57
Larry and Virginia Coss
Thomas Dolphin
John and Anne Dowdle
Thomas and Therese Grojean
David and Sheila Juran
Duane and Elizabeth Nordstrom
Paul and Julaine Schmidt
Thomas S. Schreier, Sr.
Marion Short
Robert and Shirley Widman
George and Sue Zirnhelt
Professors’ Forum
John Ireland Society
Christopher Longley ’79
J. Peter Ritten ’51
Founder’s Circle
SFC (Ret.) Wayne Gifford
Headmaster’s Council
Terence Flynn ’55
David McLaughlin ’88
Missy Perry
George Schnell
Academy Associates
LTC (Ret) Philip Andrews
Michael Byrne ’63
John Greving
Gregory Heimel ’81
Cadet Club
Larry Buberl
Ann Girres
Thomas Ihnot
Richard Klein ’51
James Nichols
Robert Ostlund
COL Kenneth Perry
Most Reverend Lee A. Piché
James Rulli ’73
Norbert Winter ’87
Honor Roll
LeRoy Brown
Patrick Casey
Leo Collins
Pamela Fitch
John Hermes ’64
Martina Kelly
Rosemary Mossberg
Robert Nordin
Patricia Rowley
Ralph Thaemlitz
Standard Bearers
James and Sharon Bertrand
Marilyn A. and Robert Kane
Trustees’ Cabinet
Robert and Karen Abele
Michael and Debbie Adducci
John and Virginia Edgerton
John and Meme Fehr
Kevin Filter and Rosemary Kessler
Jack and Anne Kennefick
Robert and Patricia O’Kane
Mark and Celine Perkins
David and Colleen Reitan
Raymond and Ann Schleck
James and Janice Seifert
Michael and Marilyn Sullivan
Founder’s Circle
Russell and Lori Anderson
Evans and Ann Connelly
Denis and Josie Daly
Michael and Ann Deasey
Vincent and Martha Driessen
Anne Hickey Everett
John and Cathy Farrell
Robert and Sharon Flynn
Dorothy Franek
Daniel and Jan Frederick
Lanaya and Michael Goeden
Donna Goldfein
James and Lori Harley
Michael and Kristeen Hickey
Pat Hinz
James and Gloria Joyce
Michael and Joan Kane
Robert and Marge Keppel
David † and Maureen Kispert
Robert and Alexandra Klas
Ronald and Janet Klimisch
Sally Lovegreen
Patricia McAdams
Colleen McMahon
James and Juliet McNearney
Lorraine Michaels
† Deceased
SABER Fall 2013 | 31
Saint Thomas Academy | 2012-13 Annual Report
Friends Donors continued
Gary and Jane Miller
Mary Liz Norman
Howard O’Connell
John and Mary Ratelle
Frank and Betsy Russomanno
Alan Ruvelson
Mark and Meg Scharmer
Donald and Judy Schmieg
Gregory and Sharon Skarda
Greg Tangen and Kelly Cosgrove
Michael and Michele Traeger
CDR (Ret) Gerald and
Elizabeth Vandam
James and Kathleen Zavoral
Professors’ Forum
SFC (Ret.) Wayne Gifford
Thomas and Catherine Johnson
James and Suzy Urick
Headmaster’s Council
Gregory and Maureen Barth
Gregory and Christine Bauleke
Mary Bebel
James and Catherine Berigan
David and Diane Blake
Richard and Anna Bohaty
Robert and Janet Brackey
Frank and Suzie Brixius
Stephen and Sheila Brzica
Michael and Carol DeVetter
Kimball and Luz Devoy
Dorothy Dougherty
Rick and Kelly Ferreira
Brig Gen Leo Goodrich
Janice Hathaway-Ott
Robert and Marcey Johnston
Charles and Mary Jungmann
Charles and Mary Killian
Janet King
Giving Clubs
Standard Bearers
$10,000 +
Aquinas Round Table
$7,500 - $9,999
John Ireland Society
$5,000 - $7,499
Trustees’ Cabinet
$2,500 - $4,999
Founder’s Circle
$1,000 - $2,499
Professors’ Forum
$750 - $999
Headmaster’s Council
$500 - $749
Academy Associates
$250 - $499
Cadet Club
$100 - $249
Honor Roll
$1 - $99
Bernard and Mary Klein
Richard and Kathleen Lauber
Thomas and Mary Linnen
Johan and Andice Lucas
Thomas and Julie Marks
Robert and Antonia McLean
Robert and Kathy Miller
Timothy and Danette Mulhere
John and Eileen Mullen
Timothy and Margaret Murphy
Phillip † and Bonnie Reim Bifulk
Raymond and Anita Sandborgh
Michael and Charlotte Sarafolean
Daniel and Mary Jeanne
George and Jeanne Schnell
Norma Sedlack
John and Mary Siegler
Jan and Mary Tanghe
Ken and Joelle Tannehill
Merrill and Elisabeth Toms
Mimi Villaume
Fred and Alice Wall
James and Kathleen Woods
Academy Associates
Mark and Christine Ayotte
Lawrence and Geraldine Bartek
Charlotte Benedict
William Buethe and
Sheila Cunningham
Thomas and Betty Conley
James and Mary Dietz
Richard and Jane Erickson
William and Laveda Faulkner
Roger and Kimberly Friede
Simon Garneau and
Francine Tremblay
Betty Giefer
Thomas and Susan Grande
John and Barbara Greving
Stephen and Vickie Hegedus
John and Vinie Heller
Larry and Kathleen Heselton
Robert and Gayle Holmes
Robert and Jane Jensen
John and Ursula Lentz
Michael and Mary Pat Litwin
Dennis and Bev McMahon
Robert and Ingrid Meiers
Daniel and Shawn Moloczij
Connie Mueller
Constance Murray
William and Mary Park
Timothy and Karen Rassmussen
William and Joanne Reiling
Corrine Saad
Ronald and Arlene Schaffer
Richard and Kit Schmoker
Jon and Lea Theobald
Charles and Kay Thomey
Oswald and Jane Wyatt
Cadet Club
Beverly Adams
Ellen Akotchik
SueEllen Altrichter
Mark and Susan Anderson
Richard and Jane Andrews
Joseph and Constance Arndt
Jennifer and Mark Arriola
Patricia Becker
James and Geri Belland
Bruce and Pamela Bennett
Patricia Berendt
Thomas and Cheryl Black
Paul and Paula Blumer
Christopher and Marie Boon
Thomas and Nancy Bray
Eldon and Sharon Brustuen
Larry Buberl
James and Roxanne Buchanan
Stace and Ellen Byom
William and Kathleen Campion
Paul and Ellen Capecchi
Gary and Christine Caple
Craig and Judi Cascarano
Robert Cashman and
Paulette Lewis
Tom and Mary Conklin
Don and Carmen Conlin
Anthony and Mary Costa
Elisabeth Culligan
Kevin and Carla Dandurand
Ernest and Catherine Dawson
John and Therese DeMay
David and Margie Dines
James and Janet Dingel
Brian and Colleen Dobie
Terrence R. Dobie and
Therese A. Bowker
John and Mary Kay Dolan
Michael and Beth Domler
Patricia Donoghue
William and Maria Donohue
Robert and Ann Drake
John and Michelle Draxton
Ultan and Terry Duggan
Clare Durand
Robert and Laura Eng
John and Mary Everett
Janice Fabio
Stanley and Suzanne Fiorito
Michael and Margaret Fitzgerald
Daniel and Mary Flanagan
William and Kristen Flanagan
The Most Reverend Harry J.
Flynn, DD
Lloyd and Doris Frank
Carol Frenz
Janet Freund
Jerome and Patricia Friedmann
Richard and Karen Fyten
Helena Gac
Jean Galligan
Mary Gallivan
Michael and Frances Galvin
William Gardner
Greg and Janet Gillies
Ross and Dawn Glynn
Shirlee Goaley
Maurice and Julia Goldman
James and Carolyn Graiziger
Mark and Tammy Greenlee
Wolfgang and Martha Greiner
Philip and Elizabeth Groebe
Joseph † and Mary Hamelin
John Hannan
Donald and Donna Harens
Clarence and Jean Hart
Robert and Angela Haugh
Gregory and Cindy Heinemann
Jere and Kathleen Hertenstein
Cynthia Hill
Scott and Linda Hiltgen
Wayne and Lisa Hoglund
Ted and Pat Hoss
Scot and Susan Housh
Edward and Diane Hughes
Jeanne Hulse
Robert and Sara Hyland
Don and Mary Jacoby
Dale and Janice Johnson
David and Barbara Johnson
Gregory and Mary Johnson
Mitchell and Karen Jorgensen
Peter and Rita Juul
Susan Kane
Dwain and Mary Kasel
Margaret Kelsch
Bill and Polly Keppel
Judy Kilen
Gordon and Kathleen Kill
James and Iva Ann King
John and Mary Kirchner
Robert and Julia Kirschbaum
Edward and Judy Kishel
Kevin and Pam Kittridge
Thomas and Ann Klein
Sharon Koll
Joseph and Kathy Krammer
Matthew and Norma Krcmaric
Carl and Cindy Krieger
George Kronschnabel
William and Lisa Kroska
William and Suzanne Kvas
Daniel and Elizabeth Laffen
Mavis Lane
Paul and Jane Lee
Maurice and Beatrice Leenay
Margaret Leighton
Arlene Leyden
Ray and Pat Liberatore
David and Mary Libra
Lawrence Loomis
Stephen and Colleen Lucke
Susan Lund and Stephen Mase
Jeanne Lynch
Cecelia MacDonald
James and Joan Madison
Uno and Joan Magnuson
Ken and Sharon Malecha
Dennis and Kristina † Malloy
† Deceased
32 | SABER Fall 2013
Saint Thomas Academy | 2012-13 Annual Report
Friends Donors continued
James and Mary Manning
John and RoxAnn Mannuzza
John and Sue Margot
Thomas and Lois Martin
John and Kathleen Marxer
Patrick and Karin Mascia
John and Jody Masciopinto
Thomas and Anne McCarthy
Richard and Margaret † McGrath
Padraic and Nancy McGuire
Kevin and Paula McMullen
Donald and Diane McNearney
Lawrence and Virginia Meuers
David and Tripti Meysman
Joan Mitchem
Robert and Deborah Montgomery
Cathy Moore
Thomas and Debra Mudge
Donal and Diane Mulligan
Garrett Mulrooney
Richard and Mary Mussell
Marguerite Nardini
Umit and Michelle Nasifoglu
John and Lorraine Neuberger
James and Mary Nichols
Charles Nields
Scott and Mary Beth Nintzel
Thomas Noonan and
Annette Noonan Mies
Joyce Nowak
Richard and Lois Nozel
Vincent and Ann O’Brien
Clifford and Blue Olson
Robert and Kathy Ostlund
Michael G. O’Sullivan and
Cathy Carlson
Jim Ousley
Paul and Ann Palmer
Bishop Richard Pates
Diane Pattison
Eugene and Helen Pedersen
Jim Pedersen and Diane Bailey
Gregory and Jeanne Peterson
Most Reverend Lee A. Piche
Gene and Kenene Pinkham
John and Chris Podobinski
Donald and Leola Rademacher
Robert and Joyce Radosevich
Timothy and Diane Rechtzigel
Raymond † and Nancy Reese
Millicent Regan
William and Roxann Repp
Jerome and Ann Richgels
Philip and Mary Rickey
Lucille Ridley
Judd and Mary Roby
Mary Rode
Willard and Carol Rohde
Daniel and Barbara Ruble
Thomas and Patricia Rudd
Thomas and Elizabeth Rykhus
Roger Sandeen
Vincent and Carol Schaper
Pat Scherber
John and Connie Schmidt
Timothy Schnell
Barbara Schommer
Lawrence and Marilyn Schreiner
Gerard and Lucinda Schroeder
Keith and Cindy Schweiger
Gary and Barb Schwery
Patrick and Patricia Schwietz
Paul and Rebecca Sexson
Edward and Carol Shea
Paul Shervey
Michael and Gretchen Sieben
Matt and Norma Sjoberg
Richard and Marilyn Sobiech
Dale and Patricia Solberg
Michael and Noel Sommer
Dale and Gladys Sorensen
Carlos and Annabella Sosa
Lowell and Audrey Stafford
Pompey and Florence Stafford
James and Darlene Stanley
Thomas and Laura Swain
Carrie Swanson
Patricia Swenson
Clifford and Sally Tamplin
Francis Taranto
Robert and Debra Thompson
Barbara Tigan
Mick and Phyllis Tingelhoff
Robert † and Darby Twesten
Ronald and Kris Ulbrich
Dent and Mary Underwood
Mary Vetscher
Paul and Mary Vetter
Dolores Wagner
James and Lynn Wangen
Christopher and Ann Ward
A. Reginald and Anna Watts
Rosemary Weisbecker
Robert and Rebecca Wetterberg
Mary Whillock
David and Karin Wicker
James and Judy † Wicker
Raymond and Catherine Wicks
James and Kim Wilczyk
Richard and Lucy Wilhoit
Charles Wiser
Dolores Woodard
Susan Wright
Timothy and Beth Wynne
Robert and Lynn Zauner
Ronald and Mary Zimanski
Honor Roll
Robert and Nancy Allender
Jozlyn Anderson
Brent and Florence Baskfield
Karol Baumeister
Patricia Bebak
Donald and Jane Bohnett
Sally Boland
Kenley Boyum
Henry and Debra Braddock
Albert and Verna Braga
Jon and Jacque Brunsberg
Donald Burns
Suzanne Carr
Patrick and Terry Casey
Orr and Mary Chaffee
Robert and Muriel Chakich
Richard and Elizabeth Charbonneau
Helen Conway
Jeanne Cover
Michelle Culligan
Robert and Genevieve Dahl
Raymond and Mary Deeb
Maude Dineen
Daniel and Joan Dolan
Patricia Dolejs
Walter and Barbara Duchene
Robert Dwyer, Jr.
Thelma Ek
Dorothy Farnham
Mary Fleischhacker
Josephine Fleming
Eugene Floersch
Jake and Jeanette Flynn
Gary and Erika Gardner
Allan and Mary Gitzen
Michael and Joan Gresser
Valerie Grigsby
Kathleen Groh
Dianne Haberman
Joseph and Barbara Halligan
Lyle and Cheryl Hanzal
Tom and Susan Harrer
Anne Herbeck
John and Diana Herman
Richard and Judy Hillstrom
Wallace and Sylvia Hook
Theodora Hughes
Samantha Isackson-Rod
Marvin and Helen Iverson
David and Kaye Jankowski
Dale and Gloria Jensen
Michael and Kristi Kampmeyer
Kathleen Kennedy
Laurence and Suzy Kennedy
Jerry and Alice † Kern
Jeffrey and Paula Keys
James Knopick
Marjorie Kolar
William Leary and Barbara Washburn
Edmund and Clare Lee
Edward and Julie Lehr
John and Karen Leiferman
John and Mary Lentsch
Allen and Katherine Lesnau
Meredith Levine
Gerald and Rose Linnihan
John and Ann Lohmann
Joan Madsen
Carleton McCambridge
Stephen and Andrea McCue
Kathleen McLaughlin
Geraldine McManus
Robert and Dorothy McMonigal
James and Julie Meyer
John and Kay Michel
Patricia Mollner
Patricia Mueller
Edwin and Mary Anne Nakasone
Arthur and Mary Nilsson
Cora Noonan
Veronica Nottoli
Susan O’Brien
John and Cynthia O’Halloran
Robert and Judy Olson
Thomas and Judy Parrish
William and Annette Patient
John and Judy Pavlick
William and Nancy Payne
Douglas and Dolores Peterson
Ron and Mary Jane Peterson
Herb Pilhofer and
Rosemary Januschka
Frank and Joan Pilney
David and Julianne Poupore
Anthony and June Prom
Yvonne Reding
Daniel and Margaret Reif
James and Delfina Reynolds
Robert and Betty Richter
Scott and Kathleen Rogers
Jeff Romatoski and
Donnabelle Christenson
Stephen and Patricia Rowley
Richard and Barbara Rudolph
Joseph and Judith Rush
Phyllis Salmen
John and Constance Scanlon
Robert Scharber
James Schmitt
Liselotte Schmitz
James and Jan Schueppert
William and Lorraine Schwietz
Patricia Seitz
Peter and Lynn Smith
David and Patricia Sonnenberg
Matthew and Katherine Sosniecki
John and Patricia Spriggs
Phillip and Colleen Stehr
Vi Stroup
Robert and Diane Stupka
Wayne and Diane Swedal
Timothy and Nancy Sweeney
Paul and Mary Szydlik
Stephanie Tauer
Tom and Barbara Teresi
Jane Thames
William and Elizabeth Thomas
Richard and Sara Trautner
Donald and Dolores Traxler
Patricia Turbes-Mohs
Dorothy Vayder
Keith and Shelley Wakefield
Janeth Walker
John and Donna Ward
Dennis and Mary Clare Wareham
Paul and Betsy Wild
Joan Wilhelmy
Pamela Wilhelmy
Elizabeth Wood
John and Mary Wren
David and Diane Zimmerhakl
† Deceased
SABER Fall 2013 | 33
Saint Thomas Academy | 2012-13 Annual Report
STA Community
Thanks to the efforts of hundreds
of participants and volunteers,
the 2013 Auction was a great
success. For a complete listing
of advertisers, gala attendees,
raffle ticket purchasers, silent and
live auction item purchasers, and
other supporters of ABC, please
visit cadets.com/annualreport.
The following benefactors signed
a multi-year pledge of support
to STA in fiscal year 2013 for
A Defining Moment Capital
Campaign and/or the
Annual Fund.
Michael Adam and Kassy Kenney
Daniel and Patricia Adams
Paul and Marilyn Benedict
Todd and Dana Berg
Joseph and Nancy Berg ’82
Steven and Beth Bjork
Clinton and Diane Blaiser ’82
Nicholas Bognanno ’82
Amy Borgstrom
Christopher and Susan Brown
John and Susan Buckley
David and Brenda Jo Carlson
Orison and Cassandra Chaffee
John and Sandra Chaput ’90
Chris and Nicole Cordero
Michael and Sharon D’Agostino
Richard and Maggie Davern ’66
Andy and Patti Deckas
William and Holly Dornbach ’85
John and Meme Fehr
Terrance and Sherri Fenelon ’72
Patrick and Amy Flanagan
Tod and Madeline Fyten ’80
The full descriptions
of all named endowed
funds, including those
which did not receive
contributions in fiscal
year 2013, are available
on our web site:
Patrick and Debra Galligan
Daniel and Mary Garry
James and Anne Gattman
Thomas and Judy Gehrz
Douglas and Catherine Goaley
Michael and Kathleen Haddad ’99
Michael and Shannon Happe
John and Debbie Harper
James and Anne Hartnett
Brett and Stephanie Heffes
Gregory Hosch ’89
Mark Houge and Anne Colombo
Hubbard Broadcasting Foundation
Joseph and Michelle Jansen ’83
Eric and Mary Beth Johnson
David Johnson and Kathy Connors
Steven and Jean Johnson
Thomas and Mabel Jurewicz ’82
Michael and Maria Keane ’74
Richard and Nancy Keller
Kip and Debra Kilen
James and Michelle King
Charles and Colleen Knapp
Michael and Amy Kolar ’87
John and Patricia Kortebein
William and Dana Kozlak ’87
Steven and Carol Lamb
Andrew and Suzanne LeFevour
William and M. Lentsch
Peter Lund and Deborah Klein ’70
Daniel and Elizabeth Mayleben
Scott and Tammy McDonald
Richard Miller ’61
Mark and Linda Mischke ’77
Scott and Sue Mortensen
Thomas and Tara Motzel
Michael and Niki Muske
John and Margaret Newcome ’79
Brian and Sena Norsman
Stephen and Angela Norton ’96
Daniel and Jennifer O’Brien ’86
Neil and Brenda O’Leary ’68
Kevin O’Neill and
Catherine Villaume O’Neill ’84
Michael and Angelique Ohmes
Vincent and Dana Pagnotta
John and Deborah Patterson
Michael and Theresa Philbin
Paul and Susan Plunkett ’75
Stephen and Barbara Plunkett ’81
Joseph and Jeanne Polaczyk ’80
Bruce Polsky and Paula Linnen
Howard Quinlan and
Shannon O’Toole ’72
John and Nancy Quinlan
Steven Rau and Christine Meuers
Michael and Emily Reif ’98
Philip and Rachel Reim ’83
David Ridley and Elvia Moreta ’70
Stephen and Mary Riehm
George and Jeanette Roedler ’62
Roseville Properties
Kelly and Jean Rowe ’79
Scott and Anne Rusert
Ryan and Molly Rutzick ’99
Shaun and Gina Ryan
Daniel and Rebecca Saad ’81
Bernard Schleper and Lynn Schram
Carl and Meg Schneeman ’99
Patrick and Lauri Schneider
James and Anne Seidel ’87
Randall and Clare Sercombe
Stephen and Julie Sheahan ’86
Brian Smith ’01
Richard and Marilyn Sobiech
STA Alumni Association
STA Fathers’ Club
Allen and Katherine Steinkopf
David and Mary Ellen Steveken ’53
George and Kathleen Stewart
Troy and Mary Jane Thie
Charles and Sara Torbert
John and Patricia Tracy ’58
Paris Tsobanakis and
M. Belen Urquiola
Kris and Nancy Tufto
Daniel and Molly Vlaisavljevich
Thomas and Christine Walsh
David and Camille Weier
Kenneth and Mary Weisenburger
John and Megan Weix
Gary and Kessa Wells ’66
Michael and Kathleen West
Patrick Wheeler and Amy O’Connell
Thomas Wilhelmy ’71
Joe and Heather Wright
Michael and Teri Youngdahl ’81
Anthony and Sarah Zirnhelt ’87
Mark and Kari Zobel ’79
Endowment Gifts
Alumni Sons Endowed
Scholarship Fund
STA Alumni Association
Floyd R. and Kathleen A.
Anderson Family Endowed
Scholarship Fund
Lawrence Anderson ’77
David Bassett ’62 Random Acts
of Kindness Fund
Patrick and Mary Callahan
LTC Michael and Deb DePuglio
John and Nanette Geroux III
Stanley and Karen Hubbard
James M. Jurkovich and
Stephanie Molliconi
Joshua and Leah Kaeppe
Anthony and Charlotte Kinzley
Mary Machgan Culbertson
William and Julie Schwietz
Mark and Becky Westlake
Gerald and Jean Williams
David and Colleen Ziebarth
Billings Family Faculty
Enhancement Fund
Paul and Lynne Billings ’53
Andrew H. Brown ’02
Memorial Fund
Patricia McAdams
Robert E. Byrne Endowed
Academic Technology Fund
John and Janet Knip ’53
Wells Family Foundation Trust
Wells Family Foundation, Inc.
Thomas R. Byrne ’79 Endowed
Scholarship Fund
Mark Glodek ’79
Saint Thomas Academy Class of
1979 Memorial Trust
F. John “Jack” Campbell
Endowed Scholarship Fund
Thomas and Maureen Adams
Erin Andrews
LTC (Ret) Philip and Dona Andrews
Steven Andrews
Robert Armstrong
Robert and Roberta Armstrong ’62
Mary Bebel
John and Twyla Bilski ’59
Arthur and Kathleen Binger
Robert and Lynda Bisanz ’61
Dennis and Christine Brady ’61
James and Mary Brick ’61
Cheryl Broich
Charles and Elizabeth Brown ’68
LeRoy Brown
John and Linda Campbell ’61
Thomas Campbell
Douglas and Judith Cannady
Robert and Dianne Chirpich ’61
Leo Collins
Patrick and Jeanne Coonan ’61
Thomas and Mary Costello ’64
Richard and Trudy Cragg ’61
Arthur and Margaret Davis
Alice De Blauw
Brian Dempsey ’65
Harold and Joyce Dreyer
Philip and Thais Dugan ’52
Thomas and Patsy Emmer ’57
Farley Financial Partners, Inc.
Patrick and Joan Farley ’56
Mary Farrar
William and Barbara Gabler ’63
John and Patricia Gaertner ’54
Thomas and Janan Gainor ’51
Mary Ginther
Daniel and Denise Griep
Allan Hamilton
Robert and Kate Hauer ’61
Robert and Virginia Hawkins
Francis and Julianne Hermann ’61
Steven High ’61
† Deceased
34 | SABER Fall 2013
Saint Thomas Academy | 2012-13 Annual Report
Endowment Gifts continued
Chip Hlatko
Peter and Kathleen Huch ’61
Gerald and Merodie Johnson
Mark Jorgensen
Mitchell and Karen Jorgensen
Michael and Marilyn Kelley ’61
George Klemmer and Marie Oberle
Edward and Mary LeClair ’61
Thomas and Mary Gerry Lee ’55
John and Colleen Lepak ’54
Alfred and Sandra Loth
Christine Loth
Tracy Loth
Patrick and Regina Madden ’61
Carleton McCambridge
Patrick and Vicki McCauley ’61
Michael and Peggy McKasy ’66
Thomas and Catherine Mich
David and Julie Miller
John and Germaine Minton
Herbert and Betty Mischke ’45
Neil Molin and Elizabeth Schadeck
Rosemary Mossberg
John and Patricia Myser ’52
Michael and Anita O’Connor ’53
Art and Daralyn Peifer
Charles Peluso, Jr. ’65
Frank and Joan Pilney
Michael Plunkett, MD ’76
Timothy and Lucy Plunkett ’73
Joseph and Patricia Reymann ’57
J. Peter and Mary Ritten ’51
Jon and Susan Ritten ’61
George and Jeanette Roedler ’62
Grayson Royce and
Cynthia Dickison
James and Sandy Rutzick ’61
Wilmer and Mary Ann Salz
Richard and Mary Shapiro ’51
Susan Slinde
Ronald and Mary Smith ’51
Raymond and Diane Spack ’61
Star Tribune Features Department
Courtney and Pamela Storey ’61
David and Sandy Swanson ’61
Roger and Margaret Swenson ’51
The St. Paul Foundation
Edward and Kate Thompson ’61
John and Patricia Tracy ’58
Patricia Turbes-Mohs
Donald Turnberg
Joan Wilhelmy
David Winey and Victoria Andrews
Harold and Sandra Wingerd ’65
Terrence and
Susan Wolkerstorfer ’60
Michael and Barbara Woolsey ’61
Greg and Colleen Zeglen ’61
Class of ’58 Scholars Program
David and Lael Fruen ’58
Class of 1959 Endowed
Class of ’60 Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Reverend Michael M. Arms ’60
Michael and Peggy Donovan ’60
Thomas and Hannah Dzik ’60
James Nelson ’60
Terrence and
Susan Wolkerstorfer ’60
Richard W. Clements ’69
Memorial Endowment Fund
Samuel V. Ciresi Student
Scholarship Fund
Michael and Ann Ciresi ’64
Cragg Family Endowed
Scholarship Fund
Margaret Cragg
Wm. J. Culbertson
Endowment Fund
Matthew and Vickey Dudley ’90
Lawrence J. ’52 & Mary Culligan
Endowed Scholarship
Lawrence and Mary Culligan ’52
Charles M. Denny, Jr. ’48
Scholarship Fund
Carol E. Denny
Robert A. Donovan ’87
Memorial Scholarship
John Bierbaum
Jon and Jacque Brunsberg
Daniel and Patricia Buelow ’81
Cushman & Wakefield/North Marq
Michael and Beth Domler
Daniel and Rosemary Donovan ’70
David and Heidi Donovan ’77
George Donovan ’80
Paul and Mary Donovan ’82
Sara Donovan
Patrick and Joan Farley ’56
Roger and Marianne Foussard ’46
Mary Gallivan
Betty Giefer
Richard and Kathy Hanousek ’57
Lyle and Cheryl Hanzal
James and Nancy Joyce ’73
Michael and Kristi Kampmeyer
Margaret Kelsch
James and Michele Kolar ’80
Michael and Amy Kolar ’87
William and Dana Kozlak ’87
Daniel and Kelly Kubes ’87
Robert and Debra Leaf
Thomas and Mary Gerry Lee ’55
John and Jody Masciopinto
Nora McGuire
Christopher and Michelle Nichols ’87
Joseph O’Neill, Jr. ’49
John Quigley ’85
Robert and Jacqueline Radde
Lucille Ridley
Timothy and Melissa Ridley ’73
J. Peter and Mary Ritten ’51
David and Karen Schlaefer ’75
Robert and Ann Schmidt
Daniel and Mary Jeanne
James and Anne Seidel ’87
Leslie Smith
George and Katherine Stewart ’54
Richard and Patricia Stewart ’58
Christopher and Ann Ward
William and Debra Wardwell ’74
Roger and Shari Wilsey
Norbert and Deborah Winter ’87
Stanton Wolkoff ’48
John A. & Julia M. Dowdle
Leadership Fund
John and Anne Dowdle
Lois Engel Endowed
Scholarship Fund
Stephen and Mary Kate Engel ’81
Edward and Kathleen Ogrin
Erickson Family Endowed
Scholarship Fund
Christopher and
Nancy † Longley ’79
Joe Finnegan Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Joe Finnegan Memorial
Golf Tournament
Archbishop Harry J. Flynn
Minority Scholarship Fund
James Garberg ’41
Brig Gen Leo Goodrich
Daniel and Janet McDermott ’54
Connie Mueller
Patrick and Colette O’Neill ’57
Daniel and Mary Jeanne
Christopher J. Hannigan ’85
Memorial Scholarship Fund
James and Debbie Hannigan
John Kenney ’85
Hanousek Family Endowed
Faculty Development Fund
Richard and Kathy Hanousek ’57
Steven and Nancy Hanousek ’78
John G. Hoffner ’78 Memorial
Nancy Hoffner
James and Julie Meyer
Walter G. Kurtz Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Lee Family Endowed
Scholarship Fund
Thomas and Bridget Lee ’85
Thomas and Mary Gerry Lee ’55
Vernon J. Lovegreen ’57
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Laura Lovegreen
Wayne Zetzman ’57
Tom Malchow ’95 Endowed
Silver Scholarship Fund
Timothy and Mary Jo Malchow ’59
Nicholas J. Masciopinto ’03
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Jeffrey Chermak and
Kristina Reynertson
Florence Dulak
Daniel and Mary Flanagan
Gary and Marian Huber
Marilyn Keblusek
John and Jody Masciopinto
Patricia McAdams
Joseph and Julie Piazza
Owen Masterson Endowed
Academic Technology Fund
John and Janet Knip, Jr. ’53
William M. McLaughlin ’98
Endowed Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Robert Butterbrodt ’98
Paul and Carla Tigan ’98
Nardi Family Endowed
Scholarship Fund
Joseph and Georgia Nardi ’62
Joseph and Jeanne Nardi ’89
Thomas J. O’Kane Gramith Strike
Eagle Scholarship
Robert and Patricia O’Kane
Thomas W. and Helen K. O’Kane
Family Foundation
William A. Ott ’51
Memorial Scholarship
Mrs. Janice A. Hathaway- Ott
Thomas J. Pauly ’55
Scholarship Fund
Richard and Marcia Carthaus ’55
Deanna Dudley
Leo and Alicia Kelly ’54
Thomas and Mary Gerry Lee ’55
Thomas and Alice Maher ’55
J. Peter and Mary Ritten ’51
† Deceased
SABER Fall 2013 | 35
Saint Thomas Academy | 2012-13 Annual Report
Endowment Gifts continued
J. Jerome Plunkett ’42
Memorial Scholarship
Larkin, Hoffman, Daly & Lindgren
Paul and Susan Plunkett ’75
Timothy and Lucy Plunkett ’73
Archbishop John Roach
Janet King
Rooney Family Student
Assistance Scholarship Fund
J.F. Rooney Family Charitable Trust
Ruvelson Scholarship Fund
Alan K. Ruvelson
STA Policemen Scholarship
Patricia McAdams
Dennis R. ’34 & Timothy M.
Scanlan ’64 Families/George E.
Langeland Scholarship Fund
Brian and Colleen Dobie
George Schnell Scholarship Fund
Catholic Community Foundation
William Huch ’38 †
Schreier Family Faculty
Development and Training
Endowed Fund
Thomas S. Schreier, Sr.
Steele Family Scholarship
Fund at STA
Thomas and Mary Steele ’58
Christian Sirek ’89 Student
Endowment Fund
Gary and Kathie Sirek ’64
STA Endowment Fund
Michael and Denise Finley ’80
Matt and Mary Ann Putzier ’51
Michael & Marilyn Sullivan
Scholarship Fund
Michael and Marilyn Sullivan
The full descriptions
of all named endowed
funds, including those
which did not receive
contributions in fiscal
year 2013, are available
on our web site:
Jean C. Trousdale
Memorial Scholarship
Raymond and Ann Schleck
Gordon and Joanne Trousdale ’84
John and Mary Trousdale ’81
Robert and Mary Trousdale ’79
William Trousdale ’78
Sylvester G. Turbes Scholarship
Kevin Filter and Rosemary Kessler
William J. Ward Memorial
Robert and Kathleen Dahl ’50
Walter L. Westline Memorial
Endowment Fund
Catholic Community Foundation
William Huch ’38 †
The Boeing Company Gift
Matching Program
Lawrence and Patti Timmons ’59
Robert K. Wilhelmy
Scholarship Fund
Thomas Wilhelmy ’71
Zirnhelt Family Endowed
Scholarship Fund
George and Sue Zirnhelt
Joseph and Julie Zirnhelt ’91
STA Endowments
that did not receive
contributions in 2012-13
Barbara & James F. Corcoran ’51
Scholarship Fund
Bednarczyk Family Endowed
Betty & Herb Mischke ’45 and
Children Endowed
Scholarship Fund
Blake Family Fund
Burton Hood Service Fund at STA
Catholic Community Foundation –
Lannan Family Fund
Catholic Community Foundation –
McGough Family Fund
Catholic Community
Foundation – STA
Catholic Community Foundation –
Three High Schools Fund
Centennial Endowment for
Faculty Salaries
Centennial Faculty Chair
Centennial Fund Other
Centennial Library
Centennial Plant Fund
Centennial Scholarship Fund
Charles and Ellora Alliss
Scholarship Fund
Charles E. and Virginia Ritten
Scholarship Endowment
Clara C. Glenn
Class of ’43 50th Reunion
Class of ’44 Reunion
Scholarship Fund
Class of ’48 50th Reunion
Class of ’49 Living Endowment
Class of ’51 Fiftieth Endowed
Faculty Development Fund
Class of ’52 50th Reunion Tuition
Class of ’55 50th Reunion
Class of ’62 Scholarship Fund
Class of ’72 Memorial Scholarship
Class of 1936 Robert P. Felker
Scholarship Fund
Clemens ’23 and Minnie Schmit
Scholarship Fund
Col & Mrs. Clifford T. Riordan ’32
Endowed Faculty
Development Fund
Cyril C. Sheehan
D. Donald & Angela W. Wozniak
David Bassett ’62 Pride, Honor and
Integrity Memorial Fund
Doerr Family Endowed
Scholarship Fund
Don Giefer ’41 Family Endowed
Scholarship Fund
Douglas M. Palmer ’35 Endowed
Scholarship Fund
Dr. John and Margaret L. Sudor
Scholarship Fund
Dr. Malcolm and Ruth Pearson
Dr. Richard P. Goblirsch ’47
Endowed Faculty
Development Fund
Dr. William Joseph Norman Sr. ’43
Endowed Scholarship Fund
Endowment ’36
Finley Memorial Fund
Flaherty Opportunity Grant
Frank & Elaine Lang Endowed
Scholarship Fund
Frank J. Spreitzer Memorial Fund
Gift Annuity – Jerome and Mary
Gift Annuity – John & Helen Kilty
Gift Annuity – Edward M. Hanton
Harold and Madeleine Kinney
and Helen Kinney Kissane
Scholarship Fund
Harold J. Kinney Memorial Fund
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
Ignatius A. O’Shaughnessy Student
Scholarship Fund
J. Peter ’51 and Mary Ritten Family
Faculty Achievement Fund
J. Peter ’51 and Mary Ritten Family
Scholarship Fund
James C. Schacker ’44 Endowed
Scholarship Fund
James G. ’51 and Virginia S.
Grathwol Fund
James S. Garberg, DSC, ’41
Commandant’s Legion of Valor
Award and Medal
James T. Williams Sr.
Foundation Inc. Fund
Jerry ’53 & Delores Slawik
Endowed Scholarship Fund
Jerry Maybrey Endowed
Scholarship Fund
John A. Lee ’51 Endowed
Scholarship Fund
John B. & Barbara Greving
Endowed Faculty
Development Fund
John C. Franceschin ’45 Endowed
Scholarship Fund
John E. Carroll Endowed
Scholarship Fund
John K. Shea ’52 Endowed
Scholarship Fund
John McVeigh Regan Tuition
Scholarship Fund
John R. Jacobs ’52 Memorial Fund
John S. Brennon ’43 Student
Literary Program Endowment
Joseph & Bertha D. Miller Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Kelly Opportunity Grant
L. J. “Skip” McMahon Faculty
Endowment Fund
Lang Minorities Endowed
Lawrence and Virginia Coss
Endowed Scholarship Fund
Lawrence H. Milliman ’68
Memorial Fund
Leadership Development
Lela Hopwood Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Linnihan Family Faculty
Enhancement Fund
Lyle Gilbertson French Scholarship
Endowment Fund
Marilyn & Laurence R. Kelly ’56
Endowed Scholarship Fund
Mary Catherine Rosacker Owens
Memorial Fund
Mary Webber Scholarship
McKasy Family Scholarship Fund
McKenzie Family Scholarship
Michael D. & Mary Doshan
Moran Family Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Butler ’54
Mrs. John K. Shea
Mullaney Family Scholarship Fund
O’Neill Family Fund
O’Shaughnessy Challenge
Opus/Non Endowed
Parents Annual Giving
† Deceased
36 | SABER Fall 2013
Saint Thomas Academy | 2012-13 Annual Report
Endowment Gifts continued
Paul W. Jansen ’37
Scholarship Fund
Pesek Faculty Enhancement
Pride & Promise Faculty
Development Endowment
Pride & Promise Technology
Pride & Promise Temporarily
Pride & Promise Tuition
Assistance Endowment
Pride & Promise Unrestricted
Putzier Opportunity Grant
Richard G. Donovan, Sr. ’36
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Robert E. Leonard Estate Endowed
Scholarship Fund
Robert E. Short Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Robert P. Foussard ’72 Memorial
Sandy and Gerald Bilski ’53
Endowed Faculty Fund
Sinna Family Scholarship Fund
STA Piano Fund
Stephen D. Koch ’84 Endowed
Stifter Memorial Fund
The Byrne Family Legacy
Scholarship Fund
The Gordon Family Endowment
Scholarship Fund
The Herbert David and Pauline
Emma Brooks Memorial
Scholarship Endowment Fund
The Hickey Family
Scholarship Fund
The John D. and Geraldine E.
Wilhelm Endowed
Scholarship Fund
The Kiesner Endowed
Scholarship Fund
The Pollmann Family
Scholarship Fund
The Reverend William S. Ozark
Endowed Scholarship Fund
Thomas L. Carlin ’39 Endowed
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Thomas P. Krebsbach ’41 Family
Endowed Scholarship Fund
Vernon B. Thomas ’52
Endowed Scholarship
Vincent J. Flynn ’84
Scholarship Fund
Walter J. Lake, Sr. ’55
Scholarship Fund
William G. & Anne Stocks
William J. Moss ’39 Endowed
Scholarship Fund
William S. Lund Scholarship
Memorials and
Gifts in Honor
In Memory of Dorothy B. Dubbs
In Memory of Pat Lally
In Memory of Dennis J.
Dyrhaug ’46
Hundreds of gifts were made
in memory or in honor of the
following STA community
members. For a complete listing
of all the memorial/honorary
donors, please see cadets.com/
In Memory of John A. Ebert ’59
In Honor of Thomas and
Mary Gerry Lee ’55’s 50th
Wedding Anniversary
In Memory of Robert F. Alton ’55
In Memory of Charles R. Bastien
In Memory of Josh F. Beissel ’78
In Memory of William T. Egan ’44
In Memory of Kristine Eldredge
In Memory of Vince Flynn ’84
In Honor of Father Daniel W.
Friberg celebrating 50 years
as a priest
In Memory of Patrick J.
Gallivan ’58
In Memory of David A. Geis ’85
In Memory of Phillip J. Bifulk
In Honor of Nicholas A.
Goldman ’14
In Memory of Julian V. Bilski ’49
In Memory of Cleo Griffin
In Memory of Helen Bisanz
In Memory of John A. Hamel ’44
In Honor of Frank Blankley for
receiving the Myser Prize
In Memory of Joseph L. Hamelin
In Memory of Martha I. Bonfe
In Memory of Bernell Brill
In Memory of Christopher J.
Brill ’72
In Memory of Sarah Brill
In Honor of LeRoy Brown’s
100th Birthday
In Memory of Eloise Hanzal
In Memory of Eugene R.
Hardman ’60
In Memory of Janet Lillyblad
In Memory of Nancy Longley
In Memory of Sean T. Maher ’79
In Honor of John I. Marshall ’97
for his gift to the STA Building
In Memory of Frederick J.
Martin ’51
In Memory of James J. Martin ’51
In Memory of Frank Masciopinto
In Memory of John J.
McDonald ’73
In Memory of Robert McElroy
In Memory of Blair McKeaver
In Memory of David J. McMahon
In Memory of Donald G.
McMillan ’55
In Memory of William Q. Heck ’47
In Memory of Jamie O.
Messina ’92
In Honor of Sally Hietpas’ 80th
In Honor of Dr. Thomas B. Mich
In Memory of Mary Lou Hines
In Memory of Charles J.
Michel ’40
In Memory of F. John Campbell
In Memory of William H.
Hoffmann ’86
In Memory of Gretchen Caswell
In Memory of Doris Jandric
In Memory of Gerome T.
Caulfield ’51
In Memory of Jerome R.
Jansen ’52
In Memory of Sam Chaffee
In Memory of Dick Conklin
In Memory of Joseph W.
Jensen ’47
In Memory of Thomas Conlin
In Memory of Curtis R. Johnson
In Memory of Patrick D.
Conway ’51
In Memory of Kevin E. Johnson
In Memory of Charles Cox
In Honor of Stephen T. Kane ’01
In Memory of Harold M. Cragg ’39
In Memory of Virginia Kelly
In Honor of William J. Culbertson
In Memory of John D. Kenney
In Memory of Francis J.
Culligan ’58
In Memory of Alice Kern
In Memory of Thomas P.
O’Connor ’48
In Memory of James T. Killeen ’61
In Memory of William F. Orme ’48
In Memory of David B. Kispert
In Honor of Lewis J. Kloster ’13
In Memory of Father Dana
Ostdiek ’50
in Memory of Thomas J. Knox ’73
In Memory of Regina Pahr
In Honor of Joseph L. Koegel for
the ADM Parent Challenge
In Memory of Thomas J. Pauly ’55
In Honor of Gregory J.
Culligan ’88’s Birthday
In Memory of John A. Culligan ’44
In Memory of Benjamin K.
Dahlstrom ’04
In Memory of Ruth Delaney
In Memory of Tom Dolan
In Memory of Eleanor Donovan
In Memory of Maurna R. Donovan
In Memory of Robert Johnson
In Memory of Peter J. Kozlak ’59
In Memory of Lee F.
Krautkremer ’51
In Memory of James
Montgomery ’67
In Memory of James P.
In Memory of Mary Jo Morrissey
In Memory of Mary G. Mulheran
In Memory of John A. Murray ’48
In Memory of Patrick J.
Murray ’58
In Memory of Carolyn Nadon
In Memory of Katherine Nields
In Honor of Brian T. Nordin ’97
In Memory of Frederick B.
Pease ’51
In Memory of Raymond Reese
† Deceased
SABER Fall 2013 | 37
Saint Thomas Academy | 2012-13 Annual Report
Memorials continued
In Memory of James R. Riley
In Memory of Michael C.
In Memory of Helen Rowan
In Memory of Harry P. Ryan ’60
In Memory of J. Gary Ryan ’60
In Memory of Lucy Ryan
In Memory of G. Christopher
Sayer ’83
In Memory of Frank Schlick ’85
In Honor of George R. Schnell
In Memory of Robert R.
Sheahan ’49
In Honor of the STA Honor Guard
for their service for Virginia Kelly
In Honor of the STA Mothers’ Club
In Memory of Ako Baye
Stafford ’90
In Memory of William G.
Stocks ’44
In Memory of Judith Sunberg
In Memory of Mark Uckert
In Memory of Richard E.
Urbanski ’51
In Memory of Mary C. Walsh
In Honor of Thomas Weber for
receiving the Myser Prize
In Memory of Raymond J.
Welsh ’47
In Memory of Judy Wicker
Matching Gifts
AEGON Transamerica Foundation
American Transmission Company
Ameriprise Financial Gift Matching
Avago Technologies
Bank of America Matching Gifts
BankAmerica Foundation
The full descriptions
of all named endowed
funds, including those
which did not receive
contributions in fiscal
year 2013, are available
on our web site:
Baxter International Foundation
Blandin Foundation
Blue Cross/Shield MN
BNSF Railway Foundation
Bonfe’s Plumbing and
Heating Services
Bristol–Myers Squibb
Foundation, Inc.
Chevron Humankind
Dougherty & Company LLC
Ecolab, Inc.
Emerson Electric Company
Gap Foundation
General Mills Foundation
Goodrich Foundation
H. B. Fuller Company Foundation
Invest in Others Charitable
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Larkin Hoffman Daly & Lindgren
LexisNexis Cares
Macy’s Inc.
Medtronic Foundation
Microsoft Corporation
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
Motorola Solutions
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Norwest Bank Minnesota
Nuveen Investments, Inc.
Oracle Corporation
Pepsico Foundation, Inc.
Pfizer Foundation
Pohlad Family Foundation
RBC Wealth Management
Rudolph Technologies
Sandeen Agency, Inc.
SC Johnson Fund Inc.
Tastefully Simple
Texas Instruments Foundation
The Boeing Company Gift
Matching Program
The Capital Group Companies
The Clorox Company Foundation
The Graco Foundation
The John A. Hartford
Foundation, Inc.
The McKnight Foundation
The Pentair Foundation
The PIMCO Foundation
The Toro Foundation
Thomson Reuters
Travelers Community Connections
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
UBS Matching Gift Program
University of Minnesota Foundation
Uponor North America, Inc.
Wells Fargo Foundation
Xcel Energy Foundation
Matching Program
Life Members
Honor Roll
$1,000,000.00 +
Anonymous (3)
Michael V. and Ann C. Ciresi
Vincent † and Lysa Flynn ’84
David and Lael Fruen ’58
Lawrence and Cynthia Holtz ’78
I. A. O’Shaughnessy Foundation
John Nichols ’80
James Mulally ’70
Thomas and Sandra Schreier ’80
STA Community Auction
STA Mothers’ Club
Michael and Judy Wright ’56
$500,000.00 +
Alliance Financial Services, Inc.
Erick and Elizabeth Reim ’89
Philip and Rachel Reim ’83
Anonymous (3)
Matthew and Jo Ann Butler ’54
Larry and Virginia Coss/The Coss
John and Lenore Fogarty ’42 †
David and Barbara Koch
Thomas and Mary Gerry Lee ’55
William and Diana Makens/
Royal Concrete Pipe
John † and Prudence Regan,
Jr. ’39/The John M. Regan
Jr. ’39 † and Prudence S.
Regan Foundation, Inc.
John † and Kathleen Rooney ’46
Richard and Catherine Schmoker
Mr. Thomas S. Schreier, Sr.
Cyril † and Vi Sheehy ’37
William † and Anne Stocks/
Stocks Family Foundation
$250,000.00 +
Winston and Barbara Adams ’61
Anonymous (2)
Robert and Janet Brackey
Catholic Community Foundation
Charles and Carol † Denny, Jr. ’48
Christopher and Deanna Doerr ’67
Daniel and Katie Doerr ’64
Lee Doerr †
Thomas Dolphin
James Garberg ’41
Albert and Marjorie Kelly ’68
Charles and Carole Kelly ’71
Jay and Maureen Kelly ’48
Harold † and Madeleine Kinney
Walter and Joyce Lake ’55
Minnesota Independent
School Forum
Frank Mullaney ’39 †
Lawrence and Bonnie
O’Shaughnessy ’39
Mark and Karen Rauenhorst ’71/
Mark and Karen Rauenhorst
Family Foundation
J. Peter and Mary Ritten ’51
Cyril Sheehan ’25 †
Brian and Kathleen Short ’68
The Capital Group Companies
The St. Paul Foundation
Paul and Becky Walser/
The Walser Foundation
George and Sue Zirnhelt
$100,000.00 +
Pedro and Fe Ada ’49
Anonymous (12)
William Bednarczyk ’62
James and Sharon Bertrand
Christopher and Emily Chapman
Mr. Donald J. Cohoon ’25 †
Annette Commers †
Clement and Molly Commers ’53
Daniel Commers ’59
Lawrence and Mary Culligan ’52
Stephen and Mary Kate Engel ’81
The Erickson Family/
John Erickson ’64
John and Nicole Erickson ’91
Joseph Erickson ’98
Robley and Joan Evans
Anne Hickey Everett
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Edward and Julie Flaherty/
Flaherty Family Foundation
William and Barbara Gabler ’63
Thomas and Jan Gainor ’51
General Mills Foundation
Gerald Rauenhorst Family
David and Patricia Geraty
Richard and Kathy Hanousek ’57
Steven and Nancy Hanousek ’78
James and Lori Harley III
Don † and Pat Hinz
William and Carol Hoffmann
Philip † and Janet Holmes
Honeywell International
Hubbard Broadcasting Foundation
Robert and Heidi Hubbard
Stanley and Karen Hubbard
William Huch ’38
Jack and Lana Hurley ’57
John † and Catherine Kennebeck
Janet King
William and Theresa Ann King ’79
John and Janet Knip ’53
Christopher Knoedler and
Ellen Abeln
Lester and Carla Knoke
Rev. Patrick D. Lannan ’60 †
Robert and Maureen Lannan ’62
Leeson Electric Corporation
Christopher and Nancy †
Longley ’79
† Deceased
38 | SABER Fall 2013
Saint Thomas Academy | 2012-13 Annual Report
Life Members continued
$100,000.00 + continued
J. Raymond Lynard ’24 †
John and Becky Mach ’72
Douglas and Catharine Mark
Timothy and Patti Marrinan ’63
Daniel and Elizabeth Mayleben
McGough Construction
Larry and Andrea McGough ’47
Leo and MaryKay McGough ’39
Thomas and Jean McGough ’52
Merlyn and Agnes Mickelson
Herbert and Betty Mischke ’45
William † and Kathryn Moss ’39
John and Patricia Myser ’52
Duane and Elizabeth Nordstrom/
Nolan Family Foundation
William J. Norman ’43 †
John and Cheryl O’Shaughnessy ’57
Charles † and Nancy Ritten ’49
Walter and Mary Jo Roberts ’51
Roseville Properties
Timothy and Mary Scanlan ’64
James and Mary Schacker ’44
William Sherman ’36 †
Marianne Short and Ray Skowrya
Marion Short
Gary and Kathie Sirek ’64
STA Alumni Association
Thomas and Mary Steele III ’58
William and Jeannette Strub ’51
Michael and Marilyn Sullivan
The Minneapolis Foundation
The Sieben Foundation
Vernon † and Nancy Thomas ’52
Thomas Wilhelmy ’71
Honorable D. D. † and
Angela Wozniak
$50,000.00 +
Anonymous (13)
James Aukofer ’51
Norbert and Marilyn Berg
Gerald and Sandy Bilski ’53
Gayle Brooks-Reynolds and
Paul Windschitl
Gerald Brown and
Ingrid Peterson ’58
David and Heather Carroll ’64
George and Linda Carroll ’63
Class of ’51 Golden Anniversary
Fund for Faculty Enhancement
Class of ’51 Mina D. Cutting
Reverend Robert T. Cassidy
Frederick and Molly Commers ’54
Frederic and Susan Contino
James and Barbara Corcoran ’51
Marisa de la Vega
David and Ruth † Delaney ’51
John Dewes ’54
Gerald and Maurna Donovan ’48 †
Mrs. Eileen Donovan
Daniel and Jennine Dooley ’73
John and Anne Dowdle
Michael and Susan Dubbs ’71/
Storage Equipment, Inc.
William Dubbs ’71
Dennis † and Juneal Dyrhaug ’46
F.R. Bigelow Foundation
Patrick and Joan Farley ’56
Mark and Sue Faulkner ’80
Kevin Filter and Rosemary Kessler
Michael † and Marisa Fitzgerald ’52
Patrick and Amy Flanagan
Stephen and Margaret Gadient
Ronald and Martha Gagnon ’59
Edward and Eileen Gordon ’53
Thomas and Susan Grojean
David and Judy Hallett
Joseph T. Hannasch †
James and Debbie Hannigan/
J & J Distributing Company
Janice Hathaway-Ott
Henry and Carol Hayden ’49
Terrence Hermes ’65
Hobbit Travel
Mrs. Carl W. Horsch, Sr.
Gregory Hosch ’89
Willard and Kim Hunnewell
William Huss and Mieko Umino
James T. Williams Foundation
Frank Kiesner ’62
Mathias Klein, Jr. ’46 †
Thomas and Holly Klein ’89
Walter and Gene Koelbel ’43 †
James and Michele Kolar ’80
Severin Koop ’48 †/
Kopp Family Foundation
Mr. Thomas P. Krebsbach ’41 †
Christopher Lee and Kathleen
Stockhaus-Lee ’73
Thomas and Bridget Lee ’85
James and Cam Lennon
William and Katherine Lentsch
Robert Leonard ’43 †
Mr. James G. Lindell †
James Linsmayer ’27 †
Susan Lund and Stephen Mase
Lutheran Community Foundation
Timothy and Mary Jo Malchow ’59
Scot and Dana Malloy
Joseph and Paulette Maslick
Bert and Carolyn McKasy ’60
Charles and Mary Michel ’67
Richard and Mary Michel ’69
Lawrence H. Milliman ’68 †
James and Dolly Moran
Donald and Jurate Moritz ’45
Gerald and Margaret Mullin ’51
John Murphy ’75
Scott and Mary Beth Nintzel
John and Kitty O’Keefe ’62
Clifford and Blue Olson
Michael O’Shaughnessy
Otto Bremer Foundation
Jean Palmer
Paul & Margaret Johnson ’38 †
Michael Plunkett, MD ’76
MG (Ret) Robert A. Pollmann ’65
Mark and Kathleen Reiling ’75
William and Joanne Reiling
COL Clifford and Bea Riordan ’32 †
Christopher and Kathleen Ritten ’80
Louis N. Ritten Company, Inc.
Robert & Dolores Buril Foundation
Christopher and Beverly Robert ’58
Stanley Rose ’31 †
Stephen and Patricia Rowley
Alan Ruvelson, Sr. ’32 †
Frank and Janelle Schlick ’58
John and Beverly Shea ’52 †
Leo and Bea Sinna ’64
Jerome and Dolores Slawik ’53
STA Fathers' Club
George and Katherine Stewart ’54
Storage Equipment, Inc.
Thompson Family Foundation
John and Mary Trousdale ’81
James Tuohy
Thomas and Barbara Votel ’75
Mark and Elizabeth Waterloo
James and Jennifer Weichert
Jerome and Mary Weigenant ’45
Wells Family Foundation Trust
Wells Family Foundation, Inc.
Gary and Kessa Wells ’66
John † and Geraldine Wilhelm ’45
Larry Wilson ’48 †
† Deceased
SABER Fall 2013 | 39
Saint Thomas Academy | 2012-13 Annual Report
The Heritage Society
The Heritage Society recognizes those who have established future gifts to Saint Thomas Academy. Future gifts could include:
• Charitable bequest or codicil by will or living trust
• Life income gifts including a charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust
• Designating the Academy a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement plan.
For more information on the Heritage Society and ways to support the Academy through a future gift, please contact
Christopher Ritten at (651) 683-1594 or visit our Web site at cadets.com/cadetlegacy.
Howard and Patty Abbott ’43
Pedro and Fe Ada ’49
Winston and Barbara Adams ’61
Margaret Allen †
Richard Allen ’60
Anonymous (Many)
Philip and Nancy Ayotte ’94
John † and Elizabeth Baker ’33
Patrick J. Barrett, MD ’47 †
Thomas J. Bastasz ’56
William Bednarczyk ’62
Norbert and Marilyn Berg
Paul and Jennifer Berg ’81
John S. Brennon ’43 †
Thomas Brix ’60
Gayle Brooks-Reynolds and
Paul Windschitl
Gerald Brown and
Ingrid Peterson ’58
William Buethe and Sheila
Julian and Emily Carlin ’53
Patricia Carlin †
James and Linda Carthaus ’58
Steven and Catherine Chavez ’70
Samuel V. Ciresi †
Paul and Barbara Clemens ’72
Rev. Nicholas A. Cody ’46 †
Julie Cohen
Clement and Molly Commers ’53
Paul and Sheila Cramer ’62
Frank and Valerie Dawson ’41
Robert E. Devitt ’24 †
Lee A. Doerr, Jr. ’72
Donald and Catherine Donahue’60
Michael and Bobbie Dorle ’82 *
William and Ardy Dorsey ’49
Patrick Dougherty ’43
Paul J. Dufaud ’21 †
Paul F. Dwan †
Thomas and Megan Eakins
Stephen and Mary Kate Engel ’81
Anne Hickey Everett *
Mark and Sue Faulkner ’80
William and Laveda Faulkner
Paul Felion ’50 *
Dennis and Bonnie Finn ’59
Terence and Kathleen Flynn ’55
Thomas M. Flynn ’31 †
Vincent † and Lysa Flynn ’84
William Foussard ’72
John C. Franceschin ’45 †
John † and Jeanne Frankel ’43
Anthony L. Fratto ’24 †
David and Lael Fruen ’58
COL and Mrs. Charles R.
Fulbruge ’35 †
John Gable ’47
William and Barbara Gabler ’63
Thomas and Janan Gainor ’51
William G. Gardner
J. Donald † and Betty Ann Giefer ’41
Clara C. Glenn †
George and Sharon Glotzbach ’49
Edward and Eileen Gordon ’53
Robert Green ’63
Frederick W. Gross ’33 †
Lela H. Gross
John Hankee ’64
Joseph T. Hannasch †
Robert and Mary Harvey ’50
Janice A. Hathaway-Ott
Robert and Clyde Haugan
Thomas and Catherine Healy ’63
Celeste and James
Ralph A. Hermes ’48
Terrence Hermes ’65
Andy and Carol Hilger ’48
Pat Hinz
Elaine Hood Hill
Carl W. Horsch, Sr. †
William F. Huch ’38 †
Reverend Thomas P. Hunstiger ’55
Jack and Lana Hurley ’57
Leslie R. Isaacson †
James Johnson and Kita McVay ’58
Leigh and Judy Johnson ’60
Paul C. Johnson ’38 †
Frank J. Kearns †
Msgr. George W. Keefe ’11 †
Albert and Marjorie Kelly ’68
Jay and Maureen Kelly ’48
John E. Kennebeck ’49 †
David Kennedy ’53
William F. Kennedy ’49 †
Anthony Kieger ’70
Edward and Mary Ellen Kieger ’76
Edward J. Kieger, Sr. †
Frank J. Kiesner ’62
John and Helen Kilty ’53
Elmer F. King †
Harold and Madeleine Kinney †
Mathias A. Klein, Jr. ’46 †
Walter* and Gene Koelbel ’43
Severin H. Koop ’48 †
Thomas and Monica Krebsbach ’69
Walter G. Kurtz †
John and Christina Lee ’77
Robert E. Leonard ’43 †
James B. Linsmayer ’27 †
John Logan ’50
Christopher Q. Longley ’79 *
J. Raymond Lynard ’24 †
Patrick E. Mahoney ’73
Richard and Helen Mahoney ’47
Timothy and Mary Jo Malchow ’59
Timothy and Patti Marrinan ’63
Albert E. Martin ’26 †
Tom Masterson
Roger and Beth Maulik
Thomas and Suzanne McCarter ’58
Justin McCarthy ’41
Lawrence and
Andrea McGough ’47
Leo and MaryKay McGough ’39
Thomas and Jean McGough ’52
Scott and Ann McGuire ’87
Bert and Carolyn McKasy ’60
Patrick L. McNally ’45 †
Louis Menk †
Lawrence H. Milliman ’68 †
Herbert and Betty Mischke ’45
Mark and Linda Mischke ’77
James and Marian Monnahan ’44
Daniel and Carol Mulheran ’67
Frank C. Mullaney ’39 †
James and Franchelle Mullin ’52
Michael J. and Catherine Mullin ’51
Clarence Mulrooney †
Emmet J. Murphy ’18 †
John R. Murphy ’75
Paul C. Murphy ’14 †
John and Margaret Murray ’56
Martin E. Newell ’24 †
Ann Newman †
John Nichols ’80
William and Cindy Nichols ’77
Scott and Mary Beth Nintzel *
William J. Norman ’43 †
Dermond F. Norton †
Joseph Nunez and
Catherine Bendel ’77
Father Mike O’Connell ’59
John and Kitty O’Keefe ’62
Patrick and Colette O’Neill ’57
Michael and Tuny O’Rourke ’62 *
G. Richard and Peggy Palen ’51
Gregory and Peg Palen ’73
Arthur Palmer ’46
Thomas J. Pauly ’55 †
Malcolm D. Pearson †
Cyril P. Pesek ’20 †
Robert and Terry Pleus ’53
MG (Ret) Robert A. Pollmann ’65 *
Jack and Stephanie Ptacek ’64
James R. Riley, Jr. ’48 †
J. Peter and Mary Ritten 51
Emmet and Mary Fran Root ’51
Mitchell and Sandy Rosenholtz ’48
John R. Ross ’41 †
Daniel and Josephine Rousseau’42
Major General Msgr. Patrick J.
Ryan ’19 †
Raymond L. Ryan ’16 †
James and Mary Schacker ’44
Frank and Janelle Schlick ’58
Clemens P. Schmit ’23 †
Christopher and
Catherine Schneeman ’74
Joseph and Nancy Schwarz ’58
Michael Seaberg ’85
James and Lucia Seidel ’50
William R. Selb ’16 †
Cyril C. Sheehan ’25 †
Cyril E. Sheehy ’37 †
William P. Sherman ’36 †
Marie O’Brien Slawik †
Thomas Stenger ’45
William Stenger ’53
William G. † and Anne Stocks ’44
Benjamin Storey ’59
William and Jeannette Strub ’51
John Sudor †
Michael and Marilyn Sullivan
William and Kristi Sullivan ’69
Edward J. Towey ’36 †
Vincent and Joanna Troy ’64 *
David Walczak ’82 *
Rev. Austin T. Ward ’53 †
Nestor R. Weigand, Jr. ‘56
Jerome and Mary Weigenant ‘45
Reverend Leo White †
Norbert and Deborah Winter ‘87
Terrence and
Susan Wolkerstorfer ‘60
Honorable D. D. Wozniak †
Michael and Judy Wright ‘56
Wayne P. Zetzman ‘57
George and Sue Zirnhelt
† Deceased
40 | SABER Fall 2013
In Memoriam
Please remember in your prayers these classmates and friends of the Academy who recently passed away
[June 20 to September 28, 2013] or of whose death we were recently notified.
John A. Culligan ’44
(June 2013)
Emmett V. Kenefick ’48
(July 2013)
James Bussen
Father of Timothy ’71, Terry ’73, Patrick ’75 and James ’80
Richard C. Donovan ’48
(February 2013)
Jay T. Kidder ’60
(July 2013)
Robert P. Faricy ’76
(September 2013)
H. James Prendergast ’44
(August 2013)
Jack Kolb
Former Trustee
Father of Michael ’77, David ’80 and John ’84
James G. Flanary ’59
(July 2013)
Edward Pritzker ’37
(September 2013)
Andrew Hilger, Jr. ’48
(August 2013)
John A. Trudeau ’45
(September 2013)
Russell E. Hoffmann ’44
(August 2013)
Andrew J. Waldorf ’60
(June 2013)
John E. Jansen ’50
(July 2013)
William E. Whalen ’67
(August 2013)
Eugene Kubes
Father of Joseph ’80, Daniel ’87, John ’88 and Stephen ’96;
grandfather of John ’18
Nancy Longley
Mother of Kit ’07 and Charles ’17; wife of Chris ’79
Patricia Plunkett
Mother of John ’65, Pat ’66, Tim ’73, Paul ’75 and Michael ’76;
grandmother of Matthew ’88, Benjamin ’92, Brian ’10, John ’10
and Alexander ’14
John Zahr
STA teacher, coach and Athletics and Activities Director 1977-2013
John J. Kelly ’50
(August 2013)
saint thomas academy
Calendar of Events
No School
Advent Giving Project begins
Choral Concert
College Financial Aid Seminar
Mother/Son Mass and Brunch
Advent Choral and Orchestra Concert
Band Concert
Middle School Christmas Musical
Mother/Son Mass and Brunch
Semester exams
dmissions Open House, Program
begins @ 1:00 p.m.
06-07 Parent/Teacher Conferences
pening Night Reception for
VISTA Fall Play @ 6:00 p.m.
VISTA Fall Play, Gifts of the Magi
Veterans Day Assembly
Thanksgiving Food Drive begins
MN Give to the Max Day
VISTA Fall Play, Gifts of the Magi
Red Cross Blood Drive @ STA
06th Cadet Colonel Promotion
Ceremony @ 2:15 p.m.
23-Jan. 03 No School: Christmas Break
Saber, a publication of Saint
Thomas Academy, is published
four times a year for alumni,
families and friends of the
Academy. Your comments,
story ideas and suggestions are
welcome. Please call editor
Mary Machgan Culbertson,
Director of Communications,
at 651-683-1532 or email
[email protected].
Feature and Profile writer:
Cynthia Hill
Design and Printing:
Sexton Printing
January 2014
Variety Show
Admissions Open House @ 1:00 p.m.
STA grades 9-10 entrance test
College Seminar for Juniors @ STA
STA grades 7-8 entrance test
athers’ Club-hosted Mother/Son
dinner and dance
28 t. Thomas Aquinas Mass and
for the complete school calendar.
Andy King Photography
LTC Michael DePuglio
John Geroux III
Nanette Geroux
1SG Fernando Hernandez
Steven Lamb
Lifetouch Photography
Mary Machgan Culbertson
Michael Murray Photography
Wendy Short Hays
Mitch Taraschi
STA Alumni
STA Family and Friends
SABER Fall 2013 | 41
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Prof. LeRoy “Buster” Brown is 100!
On September 5, more than 200 people celebrated the 100th birthday of Prof. LeRoy “Buster” Brown, who taught
physics at STMA from 1943 to 1963. Pete Ritten ’51, George Schnell and Dr. Chris Knoedler honored Brown
before he shared with guests memories of his Academy days and his work advancing Catholic education. The festive
event was held in the new Flynn Hall. Please visit our Shutterfly account to see 300+ photos of the party —
https ://saintthomasacademyalumni.shutterfly.com
1 The Brown family. 2 One of three birthday cakes. 3 Brown with Chris Knoedler;
the Knoedler family donated money to name a new science lab in honor of Brown.
4 Brown with Joe O’Neill ’49 and George Carroll ’63. 5 Brown with retired faculty.
Do you recognize everyone? Photo caption available at cadets.com /BrownFaculty.
6 Brown with Jerry Ciresi ’56.