the October 2015 issue


the October 2015 issue
Est. 1996
lsewhere in this issue we note the passing of the village Pilates
Group and the possibility of reviving the Short Mat Bowls Group.
The formation and dissolving of activity and interest groups has always
been a feature of community life as preferences, alternatives and other
distractions vie for
one’s attentions. It
is still sad though
when a group that
is well supported,
One of the Bugle’s
founding principles
was to act as a focus
and noticeboard to
promote the village’s
activity and interest
groups; a function that
we still strive to fulfil.
This picture shows one of today’s, perhaps lesser-known groups. Although not one of
the village’s most active activity groups the Causeway Charity group is nonetheless
enthusiastically run and supported. Causeway is a rare group in that its sole aim is to
distribute funds. The funds are generated by a host of ancient parish charities, which over
many centuries were used to repair the roadways and provide bread, coals and calico
to parishioners in times of need. These days villagers’ needs are less dramatic and the
charities have been amalgamated and are administered by trustees for the benefit of the
older widowed, or single, members of our community. The group meets informally in the
Church Hall on the second Friday of each month, for a friendly chin-wag, cuppa and cakes.
Our picture shows the group and the organisers enjoying a special outing to the Shuttlewood
Clarke Foundation Well-being Centre in Charnwood this summer.
If you would like more information about the group call Heather on 880165 or Tony on 880629.
mixed reaction to a mixed show... Entries for the horticultural section, especially
vegetables, were down on previous years. Speculation was that fewer people are
growing vegetables, which, combined with a poor growing season added to the equation.
Flowers and floral class entries, however, were similar to recent years. On the other hand,
the craft entries, in both adult and childrens’ classes, were significantly up and the quality
and variety of the exhibits was outstanding, with 52 exhibitors providing 233 entries.
We are pleased to announce the Trophy winners:
Overall Points Winners June & John Dawson
Best Exhibit in Show
David Dunmore
Best Vegetable Exhibit
John Dawson
Best Allotment Exhibit
Kully & Susie Dhillon
Best Flower Exhibit
Aneurin Owen
Best Flower Arrangement
Eleanor Murphy
Best Bakery
Brian Murphy
Best Preserves
Finlay Bird
Best Craft Exhibit
Dennis Dorman
Best Art Exhibit
Mike Pennington
Best Photographic Exhibit
Penny Mattock
Best Children’s Exhibit
Milly Watkins
Financially we made less than last year, but will still be able to donate over £400 to
deserving village causes. Many thanks to our sponsors, cake-bakers and everyone who
helped, especially the Village Hall fairy-godmothers on refreshments in the kitchen...
Melvyn Forman
Firs Fm, Welford Rd. Tel: 880281
Email: [email protected]
Ralph Horton
18 Highcroft
Tel: 880526
Sylvia Price
3 Highcroft Tel: 880902
Email: [email protected]
Mike Price
3 Highcroft Tel: 880902
Jo Horton
18 Highcroft. Tel: 880526
Frances Smith
10 Butt Lane Tel: 880225
Penny Mattock
9 Fernie Court Tel: 881140
Heather O’Connor
16 Fernie Court Tel: 880165
Postal Subscription/distribution:
Lorrie Forman Tel: 880281
Email: [email protected]
lease join us all at the playing fields from
10.30am on Sunday, October 4th to enjoy
an hour or two of drink, food, music, retail
therapy, fun and frolics! Oh, not forgetting
the Conker Championships and Wellywanging competition...
It is all in a good cause and we would love
to see you there.
To find out more please ring Ralph on
880526 or Sue on 881251
oyal British Legion Poppy Day
collections will start in Bosworth on
Saturday October 24th and will continue
until Remembrance Day on November 11th.
Remembrance Sunday will be on November
8th when we will be processing from The
Old Green to the village War Memorial
at 10.45am for the Act of Remembrance,
which will be followed by the Remembrance
Service at All Saints Church.
From Pat Mackereth, Fernie Court
Sadly, owing to personal circumstances there will be no further Pilates classes in Husbands Bosworth Village Hall after Friday
September 25th 2015. Pat and Nicky would like to thank everyone involved for their support.
From David and Ros Dunmore, Mowsley Road
David and Ros Dunmore would like to say a very big ‘Thank You’ for the wonderful support received for their Summer Open Garden
Event on July26th in aid of charity.
Despite sporadic heavy showers during the day over 40 people well-equipped with waterproofs and umbrellas came along to enjoy
the garden, share ideas, take photographs and buy plants. Everyone appreciated the tea and home made cakes. We are always amazed
by people’s enthusiasm regardless of the weather. This event, together with group visits by Clipston WI and Welland/Ashley WI
raised £355, which was shared between NGS Cancer Charities and Rainbows Children’s Hospice. Once again a very big thank you
to everyone.
Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator
Marion Lewis 0116 2483871
[email protected]
NW Community Scheme No. 2123
Lutterworth South Beat Team
Sgt. 4086 Jo Hodson
PC 1291 David Sharpe
PCSO 6569 Peter Willson
PCSO 6636 Ray Wells
WPCSO 6008 Laura Bolton
Voicemail Service 0116 2485675
FREEPHONE 0800 555111
 Theft from petrol filling station, North
Criminal damage, High Street, Husbands
Burglary to premises, Airfield, Sibbertoft
Road, Husbands Bosworth
Making off without payment, Petrol filling
station, Walcote
Damage and theft from vehicle, West Steet,
Theft from vehicle, Church Lane, Welford
Theft of property, Main Street, Gumley
Burglary, Fenny Lane, Shearsby
 Attempted theft of vehicle, Mere Lane,
Attempted theft of vehicle, Church Walk,
Burglaries usually happen where there are few or poor security devices fitted and also where
home owners have failed to set alarms and locks before leaving home. Insurance pay-outs
won’t compensate for the upset and stress of losing your much loved and valuable possessions.
Most new homes come with security locks, burglar alarms and security lights fitted as
standard specification.If your home does not have these, please consider obtaining some
professional advice to have these installed.
Make sure ground-floor windows, doors and patio windows are capable of being locked.
Consider sensor-activated lights. Burglars dislike well-lit areas and will look for properties
that are shrouded in darkness. Motion sensor lights may also alert your neighbours or
passers-by to a possible intruder. Keep ladders and steps locked away inside a garage
or shed and lock rear gates.
As the nights pull in, remember to leave a light on if you are not going to be home before
dark. Hide jewellery and small valuable items and keep valuables away from view.
Keep safe and please don’t hesitate to call the Beat Team if you would like a visit or have
any questions. PCSO Laura Bolton Lutterworth South
Readings from the Speed Indicator Device
Bell Lane
Period: 20.08.15 - 26.08.15 (6 days)
Vehicle movements: 8316
Average movements per day: 1306
Average speed: 22.68mph
Highest recorded speed: 38mph
Bell Lane
Period: 26.08.15 - 02.09.15
Vehicle movements: 9174
Average movements per day: 1311
Average speed: 22.93mph
Highest recorded speed: 41mph
Kilworth Road (exit)
Period: 02.09.15 - 09.09.15
Vehicle movements: 14586
Average movements per day: 2083
Average speed: 33.83mph
Highest recorded speed: 78mph
Kilworth Road (exit)
Period: 09.09.15 - 16.09.15
Vehicle movements: 14388
Average movements per day: 2055
Average speed: 33.75mph
Highest recorded speed: 69mph
C Begley Building Ltd
27 years
Local, third generation
Complete interior and exterior building projects
New-build or maintenance work
Hard landscaping, driveways
& garden structures
Listed Property restoration & conservation
NHBC Registered
01604 743065 or 07748 184659
[email protected]
Complete building service
Specialist in new build
Quality renovations
& Extensions
Tel/Fax 01858 881202
Email: [email protected]
Walton Grange, Bosworth Road
Walton, Lutterworth, Leics LE17 5RW
Market Harborough Historical Society’s
Annual History Day takes place on Saturday,
October 24th at the Roman Way Community
Centre, Market Harborough from 10.30am
to 4.00pm.
The theme this year is ‘Tudor and Stuart
Leicestershire and Northamptonshire’ .
Guest speakers include Leanda de Lisle,
best-selling writer on Tudor history, who
will speak on ‘Henry VII, Richard III and
the Princes in the Tower’. Peter Liddle will
discuss Thomas Cromwell’s destruction
of the country’s monastic houses in‘The
Dissolution - Monasteries to Mansions’. In
many cases, such as Launde, these became
mansions for the new political elite.
Colin Sullivan will show Harborough
Movie Makers’ new film, ‘Lyvden New
Bield and the Tresham Family’, while Mike
Stroud will talk about the eccentricities of
the Treshams.
Dr. Len Holden will discuss the Enclosure
Riots of 1607, led by John Reynolds,
a tinker, known as ‘Captain Pouch’ in
‘Captain Pouch and the Enclosure Riots
in Leicestershire and Northamptonshire
in 1607’
Admission by ticket only, £15 including
light lunch and refreshments. For details
contact Len Holden on 446067 or email:
[email protected]
AUGUST 2015 [2014]
Rain: 81.25mm (3.25”) [91.75mm]
Wettest day: 24mm (0.9”) [29mm]
Highest temp: 31oC [24oC]
Lowest Temp: 6.5oC [5oC]
Save the Creepy Crawlies!
I see the edges of some local footpaths have been strimmed; making them much tidier.
The vegetation has been cleared, leaving a stubble of naked stems. Unfortunately many
insects rely on these plants. Take the common stinging nettle, for example… Some aphids
over-winter on nettles. As the weather warms in spring, they hatch and provide food for
ladybirds and blue tits. Nettles also host the caterpillars of the small tortoiseshell and
peacock butterflies. Of course access to these paths is important, but perhaps a compromise
can be found whereby odd patches of vegetation can be left untouched.
If we lose creepy crawlies from our countryside, we’ll lose insectivorous birds, frogs and
small mammals which feed on them. Next to go will be the carnivorous birds and mammals
from higher up the food chain. So, while the
motto ‘Save the Creepy Crawlies’ lacks the
pizzazz of the WWF’s ‘Save the Tiger’ it is
more significant to wildlife conservation.
There are things we can do to help these little
beasties. Easiest is to leave a patch of garden
untended. Secondly, on warm autumn days,
try putting out some over-ripe fruit; banana
is a good choice. Butterflies benefit from a
sugar-hit before starting their hibernation.
Thirdly, how about constructing a ‘bug hotel’?
In a quiet corner, jumble some rocks, pebbles, bricks, broken flower pots. Add some pine
cones, twigs, straw, dry leaves, wet leaves, rotting wood. Indeed, any natural material is
fine, with the exception of treated wood.
For some prime real estate, use a drill to riddle a log with random sized holes. As the saying
goes: ‘If you build it, they will come!’ Come the spring, the hotel’s residents will emerge
and enliven our environment.
Mike Chanter
Sulby Gardens next opening for 2015 under
the National Gardens Scheme will be
Apple Day, Thursday, October 8th from
2.00pm to 5.00pm.
There will be a display of English apples,
Sulby Gardens new season Apple Juice for
sale and refreshments, including our own
apple cakes to eat at tea-time!
Entrance £4 per head, children free.
Sulby Gardens, Sulby, Northants NN6 6EZ
Sulby Gardens are the kitchen gardens
and orchards of Sulby Hall, which was
demolished in the 1960s. The grounds
have been lovingly restored to their former
glories by the present owners.
Marina Hale
Domestic Help for Village People
*Domestic Cleaner*
*Housekeeper* *Animal Aunt*
*House Sitter* *Assistant*
Over 30 years experience of domestic
services, holiday cover, pet-sitting,
horses and farm animals
Local 2hr, 3hr and 4hr cleaning slots
available for Husbands Bosworth
Call Marina for a friendly chat
to discuss your requirements
01858 880344
The UK’s only Tank Paintball Battle Venue
*Tank Drive Experiences * Dads & Lads Experiences*
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All aspects of tree-work undertaken from dismantling large roadside trees to pruning and reshaping
small garden trees.
We also offer a stump grinding service.
Professionally qualified and insured.
For free quotation and advice call
Chris on: 01858 880818
The Safari Supper in June was another very successful fundraiser and another great evening.
The event raised £1,180 for the school funds.
All Saints Christmas Festival will be held on Saturday, November 28th and Sunday 29th , at
the beginning of Advent. Our theme this year is ‘Christmas Around the World’ (including
Great Britain!). An entry form for the festival will go out with the November issue of the
Bugle and it is free to put in an exhibit/tree.
We would like as many illuminated and decorated trees or exhibits as possible to help make
our beautiful church look extra special for the Christmas season and we also hope as many
people as possible will come and support the festival over the weekend. Admission is only
£2.50 per adult and children under 14 are free.
We are trying to raise as much as possible in order to offset the deficit of £6,000 from
paying for our new roof. Stainless steel, which was used for the replacement roofing costs
a lot more than lead unfortunately. So, we need as much help as we can get in raising this
amount and your attendance and putting in an exhibit would help tremendously. Put your
thinking caps on and send your entry in as soon as you receive the form. Many thanks
from all on the PCC.
Images from the Historical Society’s Archive Collection
Last month we featured the possibility of the Canal and River Trust and the parish
council forming a local waterways partnership in order to improve the canal environment
through the parish. The picture showing the parlous state of the towpath was taken,
looking back from Honeypot Bridge towards the tunnel’s eastern portal. The picture
shown here, from a similar viewpoint, was taken in times of earlier glories when the
towpath, despite having been trodden by countless boat horses over a hundred years,
appears to be in fine condition. In part the deterioration of the
towpath can be blamed on the lack of maintenance in more recent
years. But another factor is due to the passage of motorboats and
the subsequent wash caused by their churning propellors. The
horse-drawn boats travelled at an altogether more stately pace
and bank erosion wasn’t a major problem. Today, as noted in the
picture last month, the bank has eroded to such an extent that the
towpath has in many places, simply collapsed into the canal. The
priority of any future maintenance will be to shore up the bank,
re-instate where possible and reconstruct a resilient footway.
This picture is from the Marsh family’s album and shows
the family’s boat-house on the far bank, although it’s hard
to visualise this scene today; the cutting being overhung by
mature trees and the banks overgrown. The Marsh’s kept a
punt for leisure use on the canal and a number of photographs
in the Historical Society’s Archive show them dressed in their
Edwardian Sunday finery, fully bonneted, skulling jauntily.
All Saints Parochial Church Council
Contact: Diana Jones 880741
Baby-Sitting Circle
Contact: Claire Scott 880295
Badminton Club
Contact: Ralph Horton 880526
Beaver Scout Troop
Contact: Stuart Dainton 881431
Bosworth Tots
[email protected]
Brownie Guides
Contact: Bonny Kettell 882148
Conservative Association
Contact: Robert Maxwell 880361
Craft Group
Contact: Gail Wilmot 880413
Historical Society
Melvyn Forman 880281
Husbands Bosworth Rainbows Group
Contact: Wendy Cochrane 880076
1st Kilworth Scouts/Beaver unit
Contact: Stuart Dainton 881431
Lutterworth African Drumming Group
Contact: Ralph Horton 880526
Millennium Woodland Trust
Contact: Jackie Fletcher 880910
Playing Field Committee
Contact: Jennifer Rogers 880401
Royal British Legion
Contact: Robert Maxwell 880361
Tennis Club
Contact: Jennifer Rogers 880401
Tower Bell Ringers
Contact: Geoff Armitage 880066
Workers Education Association
Contact: Sally Sherratt 571064
Scott Clarke
10A Berridges Lane
Husbands Bosworth
Leics LE17 6LQ
Accident repair specialist
Bodywork, dent, scratch and stone-chip repair
Servicing, alloy refurbishment, welding
MoT repair
Valeting, full body polish
Parking sensors, tyres & exhausts, etc. fitted
Call Ben on 01858 880404
07725 552566
01858 880863
[email protected]
General Building Works
For free quote or design ideas call Scott
[email protected]
Armourgeddon Tank Paintballing Centre
Military vehicles, paintball & outdoor activities
Contact: Tracey 01858 880239
Croft Farm Bed & Breakfast
AA 4**** accommodation
Contact: Jane Smith 880679
Lewington Heating
Boiler service & repair
Contact: 01858 433333
Mike Price Heating Engineer
Oil-fired boiler servicing & repair
Contact: Mike Price 880902
North Kilworth Wharf
Day-boat hire from £120, coal & gas delivery
Contact: Rachael Deacon 881723
Paul Bolton School of Motoring
Expert driving instruction
Contact: Paul Bolton 880115
Totally Trees Ltd.
Tree surgery and stump grinding
Contact: Jacqui Mitchell 01455 554182
Wharf House Kennels
Kennel and cattery services
Contact: Kim McGuigan 880905
Woodpecker Tree Surgery
All aspects of tree surgery undertaken
Contact: Chris Wright 880183
To advertise here call Sylvia
on 880902
or Email: [email protected]
Our old friend, Peter Liddle, former County
Archaeologist, will be the speaker for the next
meeting of the Historical Society. Pete’s talk
will discuss the development of permanent
settlements and agricultural systems in a talk
entitled, ‘Medieval Villages and Fields’, from
his current series of lcoal history lectures.
The meeting is on Wednesday, October 7th at
7.30pm in the Church Hall, Honeypot Lane.
The meeting is open to non-members - a
small door-charge is requested.
Annual membership is £12 per person.
Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of
each month in the Church Hall. Call Melvyn
on 880281 for more information.
The Craft Group meets on the second
Wednesday of each month in the Committee
Room of the Village Hall.
If you have a hobby or pastime that is
reasonably portable and would like the
opportunity to work on it away from the
distractions of homelife for a couple of
hours please call Gail on 880413 for details
of the group.
The Village Hall committee would like to
invite residents to a FREE taster session
of indoor short-mat bowls at the Village
Hall on either Monday, October 12th from
7.00pm to 9.00pm or Tuesday, October
13th from 2.00pm to 4.00pm. Please come
along even if you have never played before
as we have ex-England International Chris
Hopkins, leading the sessions and providing
the coaching.
We are hoping to set up a regular session
on either a Monday or Tuesday and we
would like to see if there are enough people
to start a club. There are limited places so
please phone to book your place. Call Sam
on 881713 or email husbandsbosworthvh@
‘JJ’s Kiddycare’
*OUTSTANDING* Ofsted grading
* FREE Pre-school sessions for 2, 3 & 4 year olds
* Full Day Care 0-5yrs
Situated on a farm site between South Kilworth and
* Breakfast and After School clubs. (4-14years)
* Holiday Clubs during all Northants & Leics school breaks
Tel no. 01858 575642
Welford Watercolourists will be holding
their Annual Exhibition and Sale of
paintings and cards in Welford Village
Hall on Saturday, October 31st and Sunday,
November 1 st from 10.00am to 4.00pm
each day.
Entrance is free with good disabled access.
Refreshments will be available throughout
the weekend.
All profits this year will be for LOROS.
Please do come along and support this
worthy local charity.
There are a few vacancies in the group,
which meets on Wednesday mornings in
Welford Village Hall. If you are interested
in joining please ring either Jennifer Rogers
on 880401 or Karen Perrin on 01604
505851 for further details.
The next Village Lunch will be on
Wednesday, October 28 th at Kilworth
Springs Golf Club. Meet in the bar, as usual
at 12.30pm.
The Village Lunch is an ideal opportunity
for those living alone, retired or new to
the village, to enjoy an excellent meal in a
relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
The cost of the 2-course meal, including
coffee and mints is only £7.50 per person.
To book, or for more information please call
Janice on 880668.
Local transport may be arranged for those
with difficulty getting to the venue.
Bosworth Tots is a stay-and-play session
for tots (from birth to pre-school) and their
parents, grandparents, carers and child
The group meets on Thursday mornings
from 9.45am to 11.45am (term time only)
at Husbands Bosworth Village Hall. The
cost is £2 for one child and then 50p for
every additional child after that. For more
details email: [email protected]
Husbands Bosworth Parish Council:
Councillors William Fletcher 880910 (Chairman)
Melvyn Forman 880281
Susan Fisher 880026
Patricia Hobson 880070
James Shelley 880170
Parish Clerk Jackie Fletcher,
13 School Lane,
H.B. LE17 6JU Tel: 880910
E-mail: [email protected]
Report of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday, September 1st 2015
Full Council and one member of the public were present
Visitors’ Questions
A resident brought forward an idea to set up a ‘swap and share’ mini library in the village.
The meeting discussed the implications that this might have on the mobile library service,
the siting of the facility and general management issues that may arise. Council members
were interested in supporting the initiative but requested further information.
Minutes of the previous meeting were circulated and agreed
Matters Arising from the Minutes
Clerk had received no information on who was responsible for maintaining the overgrown
hedge alongside the footway in School Lane. The positioning of the fence panels to the
gardens of the new development off Welford road seemed to indicate that the hedgerow
District Councillor
was part of the roadside verge and as such would be the responsibilty of County Highways.
Lesley Bowles
Clerk was asked to press for a response.
Email: [email protected]
It was noted that the margins around the cemetery were encroaching again into the mown
County Councillor
Graham Hart
areas. Clerk was asked to seek a quote from the mowing contractors for cutting back. The
Lilac Cottage
Conservation Volunteers would be available if necessary.
Willoughby Waterleys
Playing Field & Play Area
Leicester LE8 6UF
The Conservation Volunteers had been contracted to cut and lay the hedge behind the Scout Hut.
Tel: 01162 478600
Council had previously agreed to plant a screen of trees along the Play Area field-side
E-mail: [email protected]
fence. The 14 trees would be dedicated to those men of Bosworth who had given their lives
in the Great War. It was agreed to carry out this work as an autumn project.
The recent RoSPA report had highlighted a number of small issues on the play equipment
A Temporary Traffic Regulation Order
but no immediate remedial work was necessary. Any work could be carried out within the
(TTRO) is to be made for the following
regular maintenance.
location at the canal bridge, Mowsley Road,
Theddingworth.The purpose of the order is
The redundant plot had been cut and sprayed to clear it and the Clerk would consult the
to facilitate bridge repair and maintenance
waiting list for a suitable tenant.
work to a parapet following damage caused
Two plots were noted as being untidy and the Clerk was asked to contact the tenants to
by a motor vehicle.
Whilst the TTRO is in place the diversion
ask them to cut back seeding weeds.
route will be as follows: Mowsley Road, A4304
Traffic Issues
Bosworth Road, A4304 Theddingworth
It was noted that the white lines in High Street and Theddingworth Road had been reRoad, High Street (Husbands Bosworth),
painted. Clerk was asked to contact Highways with regard to the markings in Welford Road
Bell Lane, A5199 Leicester Road, A5199
where the SLOW markings and ‘dragon’s teeth’ markings were worn.
Welford Road, Leicester Road (Mowsley),
Rural Broadband
Theddingworth Road & Vice Versa.
Mrs. Hobson informed Council that the Broadband roll-out for the parts of the village that
The closure is for a period not exceeding 4
would be served from cabinets on The Green has been delayed due to problems sourcing
weeks, commencing on Tuesday, October 20th.
the necessary equipment.
It was noted that the reinstated pathway disturbed by the installation of the Broadband cabinet had settled so creating a trip hazard.
Clerk was asked to bring this matter to the attention of Highways.
Any other business
Mr. Fletcher and the Clerk had met with the Canal & River Trust volunteer co-ordinator with a view to setting up an adoption
agreement with the community. Initially this would focus on the poor towpath areas between Honeypot Bridge and the tunnel eastern
portal. CRT will now draw up a restoration programme and return to a council meeting to discuss the matter.
Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on Tuesday, October 6th at 7.45pm in the Committee Room of the Village Hall.
Husbands Bosworth
Friendly, reliable service
For a free quotation call Rob
01858 880803 or 07834 872205
All Saints Parish Church, Methodist Chapel & St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church
News from the Rectory
There is quite an autumnal feeling at the start and end of the day. The conker championships
will have soon come and gone and at church we shall be celebrating our harvest on Sunday,
October 11th at 11.00am. Then it won’t be long before the clocks change and we shall feel
like we are heading towards winter once again. With harvest it is good to stop and give
thanks for all God’s goodness towards us. We are surrounded by beautiful countryside and
crop-laden fields, allotments and gardens - a partnership of people’s hard work and God’s
provision of sun and rain and growth.
It has been decided that our financial support from harvest festival this year will go to the
Farming Community Network, who offer support to those of the farming community in
this country who are in difficulties. You are welcome to come and join us in our service.
It was wonderful to hear of the support for the recent collection of clothing and essentials
organised here by Sam Bell for the refugees arriving on the Greek Islands. So many of
you, out of what you have, have offered help to those with so little, as they seek a new life
and place to live.
I recently read a report that a millionaire Christian Egyptian businessman wants to buy
a Greek Island in order to provide accommodation for between 100,000 and 200,000
refugees to live. None of us would aspire to that, but if we each do what we can, it does
make a difference.
We also still have a collection box in church for the Lutterworth Foodbank if anyone would
like to support those in need closer to home, with donations of tinned and dried foods.
Editor’s Note: Speak to Liz about what types of food and food items are required if you
would like to contribute to the Food Bank Scheme.
Many thanks to the Village Hall and all
the lovely people of Husbands Bosworth
for kindly donating the clothes, nappies,
toiletries, shoes, blankets, etc for Aid for
the Refugees in Kos and Legos. Over
the three days in September there was an
overwhelming response, which filled five
large cars and a large trailer to the central
collection point in Leicester. Some of it is
now on its way to Greece with the majority
being sent in the next week or two - THANK
YOU. Samantha Bell
I contend that for a nation to try to
tax itself into prosperity is like a man
standing in a bucket and trying to lift
himself up by the handle.
Winston Churchill (1874- 1965)
The sale in aid of the church roof fund, due
to take place in the Church Hall on October
24th, has been cancelled due to lack of
interest. We will be looking to hold a sale
in the spring.
Marion Timms
Call Heather O’Connor on 880165
if you would like to join the Flower Rota
Coffee Morning
Wednesday, October 21st
at the home of John & Margaret Scurrah
25 High Street
Visitors always welcome.
Hexagon Benefice
9.30am Communion Shearsby with Mowsley
9.30am Morning Prayer HB
11.00am Communion Thed.
11.00am HARVEST B’thorpe
6.00pm Communion Arnesby
11 9.30am Communion Shearsby
9.30am Family Service Arnesby
11.00am HARVEST HB
4.00pm Messy Church B’thorpe
6.00pm Evensong Mowsley
18 10.30am Benefice Service Thed.
9.30am Communion Shearsby
11.00am Communion B’thorpe with Arnesby
5.00pm Holy Communion HB
Short Communion every Wed. 9.15am HB
Diana Jones Priest in Charge:
Liz Bickley 880741
Methodist Church
4 11 18 25
Mrs Jeanne Moore (HARVEST)
Mr. Gordon Herbert
Rev. John Rackley ( Com.)
Rev. Brian Kennard
Services every Sunday 6.30pm.
All Welcome
Rev. Brian Kennard 462889
Senior Church Steward:
Mr. A Lloyd Jones 880343
St Mary’s Roman Catholic Church
Services every Sunday 8.30am.
Robert Constable-Maxwell 880361
Father Owen O’Neil 462359
Sunday 4th Tuesday 6th Wednesday 7th Friday 9th Monday 12th Tuesday 13th Tuesday 13th Wednesday 14th Saturday 17th Wednesday 21st Saturday 24th Tuesday 27th Wednesday 28th Sat., 31st & Sun., Nov. 1st Conker & Welly-Wanging Championships, from 10.30am Playing Field
Parish Council meeting, 7.45pm Committee Room, Village Hall
Historical Society talk: Peter Liddle ‘Medieval Villages & Settlements’ 7.30pm Church Hall
Causeway Coffee Morning, 10.00am - 11.30am Church Hall
Short-mat Bowls Taster Session, 7.00pm - 9.00pm Village Hall
Short-mat Bowls Taster Session, 2.00pm - 4.00pm Village Hall
Mobile library
Craft Group, 7.30pm Committee Room, Village Hall
Millennium Wood work-party, 9.30am - 12.30pm
Methodist Coffee Morning 10.00am - 12.00pm, 25 High Street,
POPPY APPEAL (Collections around the village commence)
Mobile library
Village Luncheon, 12.30pm Kilworth Springs Golf Club
Welford Watercolourists’ Exhibition & Sale of work, 10.00am - 4.00pm, Welford V. Hall
Wed., Nov. 4th Sun., No. 8th Thurs., Nov. 26th Sat./Sun. Nov. 28th/29th Historical Society - Made in Leicester talk
Remembrance Sunday
Village Luncheon
All Saints Christmas Festival
The following applications have been submitted to Harborough District Council:
15/01285/AGR [Mr. Jacob Sykes] Installation of an access track, Stud Farm, Station Road
15/01291/TCA [Mr. J Wilmot] Works to trees, 21 Berridges Lane
15/01324/FUL [Mr. & Mrs. Pye] Erect detached dwelling & detached double garage, The Poplars, Berridges Lane
15/01329/FUL [Mr. & Mrs. I Hall] Erect 2 storey dwelling & integrated parking (rev. of 15/00824/FUL), Land Adj. 19 Berridges Lane
Recently determined applications:
15/00086/PCD [Mr Richard King] Discharge of condition 3 (archaeology) 14/01135/FUL, Old Barn Farm , Welford Road (Approved)
15/01038/FUL [Cliff Wynn] Change of Use from A1 (Shops) to A4 (Drinking Establishment), Post Office, 2 High Street (Approved)
15/01091/AGR [Garner & Son Farmers, Ltd] Erect agric. building, Farm Buildings, Leicester Road (Permission not required)
Current applications may be inspected during normal working hours at the Council Offices, The Symington Building, Adam & Eve
Street, Market Harborough. Comments concerning planning applications should be addressed to the Development Control Manager.
Planning applications and other aspects of local government can now be viewed on-line at
BUGLE..............................................FREE ADS.
School, Welford Road: 1.30pm - 2.45pm
Berridges Lane: 2.50pm - 3.30pm
Church Street: 3.35pm - 4.00pm
Now lending Talking Books on CD & tape
Local tourist information and free mobile internet access
******* You can now renew on-line or by phone *******
Phone Sylvia on 880902 or email: [email protected]
Set of house keys and car key (central-locking type) found
between HB and Welford, near the Oak Lodge Grainstore. Call
880902 if you would like to be reunited with them!
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