Monthly - Congregation Adat Yeshurun
Monthly - Congregation Adat Yeshurun
Photo by Stuart Laiken In Memory of Linda Neiman Congregation Adat Yeshurun Rabbi Jeffrey Wohlgelernter Rabbi’s Message Page 2 Brian Zimmerman, President July - August, 2016 Sivan - Av, 5776 President’s Message Page 3 Shul Announcements Page 4-7 Tisha B’av Schedule Laws of the 3 Weeks and Tisha B’Av Page 7-9 July & August Calendars Pages 10-11 Saturday, August 13th Erev Tisha B’av Mincha/Ma’ariv/Eichah���������� 7:10 p.m. Fast Begins��������������������������� 7:35 p.m. Sunday, August 14th FAST OF TISHA B’AV Shacharis............................... 8:30 a.m. Shiur ................................... 12:00 p.m. Video Presentation.................5:00 p.m. Mincha/Ma’ariv���������������������� 7:00 p.m. Fast Ends .............................. 8:16 p.m. Daf Yomi................................ 9:15 p.m. A MESSAGE FROM THE rabbi Yankele, a poor destitute Polish Jew, down on his luck and nearing the bottom, spent his days wondering when his luck would change? At night he sleeps and dreams, as dreams are free. By dreaming he escapes the pain of poverty and emptiness, and travels to faraway places that are unreachable during the day. As he dreams he enters a world which is not his, but which he owns every night on his bed. He dreams of castles and bridges, and treasures buried beneath them. Lately his dream recurs with mounting consistency. His vision of the castle, the bridge and the guard, who is posted beneath to protect the treasure, all seem so real and vivid that when he wakes in the morning he feels exhausted as if he had just returned from an arduous journey. Night after night he embarks, morning after morning he returns. It happens so often that he decides that it is time to leave his little one room hovel, with his broken bed and tiny wood stove that makes more smoke and soot than heat, and travel to this place of his dreams, to uncover the treasure that he lives without. For month he travels, seeking this palace with the bridge and the guard. He travels so long that he begins to suspect the palace exists only in his dreams, and to get there he would need to sleep once again. On the verge of giving up, he notices in the distance a castle with turrets and towers that had incredible familiarity about it. And there, under the bridge was the guard protecting the treasure that was buried there. His dream reflected the reality of the place, but the reality of the place was even more majestic than any dream could depict. He waited for the guard to leave, and began digging with joy and enthusiasm, hoping to reach his buried treasure. Suddenly the guard returned and demanded an explanation. Yankele described the dream and the vision, and the incredible hope he would feel each night he slept. He explained that he wasn’t just digging for buried treasure, but to finally achieve some peace of mind. As he spoke the guard was captivated by his voice and mesmerized by his tale, but something gnawed inside of him. There was an incredible sense of recognition; Yankele seemed so familiar to the guard, as if they had met before. He questions Yankele about his origins, wonders about his roots. And then it hits him. This is the man he sees every night in his dream, who lies in a faraway place in a little one room hovel, with a broken bed and tiny wood stove that makes more smoke and soot than heat. And he questions Yankele as to why he has come so far to seek treasure, when in truth, under that bed in that little room, next to that broken stove, there is buried a huge treasure chest. Right there under his bed. And this guard should know. He sees it there every night in his dreams. We are all Yankele. We are all seeking happiness and peace. We spend our lives dreaming about it and seeking it under every nook and cranny. Little do we realize that it is often right there in front of us. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side, most of the time it is perfect just the way it is. If we could only realize how fortunate and blessed we truly are, we would see our treasures in our own homes and families. But so often we are stricken with the grass is greener disease. “It is ok here, but over there…!” And then one day we wake up and realize that over there didn’t get us what we wanted. From over there we turn around and say, “This is ok, but over there…!” We sometimes do this with every aspect of our lives; with our children, our material possessions, our jobs. We even do this within our communities, looking towards other cities, and other synagogues and being struck by “greengrassism”. But look again. Not only is it ok where you are, but where you are has such deliciously green grass that if you don’t stop looking over the fence, you will let that enjoyment pass. My friends we are so lucky. We have beautiful families, beautiful lives, and a beautiful community. Instead of wondering what we don’t have, let’s spend our time enjoying what is here. Look inside of this bulletin. Check out all of the opportunities for learning and growing as people and Jews and realize that the grass is bright green. And lush. And very beautiful. May we be zoche to have the ability to enjoy and appreciate all of the brochos in our lives. Amen. RJW 2 A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT It is hard to believe that summer is again upon us. School has ended, the kids have left for camp, the summer trips have been planned and things start to slow down a bit. As I look back we again have had quite a year at Adat Yeshurun. We had another wonderfully successful spring gala. It was truly successful across all metrics; great entertainment, great food, and B’H financially successful. I would again like to express my thanks to our incredible chairs Karen and Jaime Breziner for the amazing job they did! And the planning has already begun on next year’s gala! Before we know it, however, summer will be over and as we look to the new (fiscal) year at Adat, my goal and that of the entire board, is to raise the level of the Shul and its programming even higher; however I need your help. So many of you have wonderful ideas and if you would like to get those ideas implemented, please come speak to me. I will be reaching out to many of you directly looking for new ideas we can implement to make our Shul even better. As I wind down my presidency, I want you all to know that I will always be available, as is the board, to listen to your concerns, answer questions, and help in any way possible. We will be working hard over the summer to continue to do the best we can for our synagogue. For those of you who have not participated regularly in Shul activities over the summer months; we would like to see you there. This is going to be our busiest and I dare to say best year yet. Do not be a spectator; get yourselves and your family involved and immersed in the overflow of Yiddishkeit flowing from Adat Yeshurun. Enjoy your vacations, barbeques and family. Have a great summer, Brian 3 Jly 1 n 2n Rabi Anthoy Mnng Tremendous Shabbs of Lng Presents Friday, July 1st—“Trick or Cheat – Geneivat Da’at and Confessions of a Former Lawyer” Oneg Shabbos—9:30ish p.m. in the Rabbi’s Home*** Shabbos, July 2nd—”Elu V’Elu – Multiple Truths in Halacha and in Life” After Kiddush—approx. 12:10 p.m. Shabbos, July 2nd—”Mesorah –v- Modernity – What is ‘Authentic’ Halachic Change” One Hour Before Mincha—6:35 p.m. ***All other lectures held in Shul Rabbi Anthony Manning teaches in many educational institutions in Jerusalem as well as lecturing widely in Israel, England and the US. He is the Senior Rav Mechanech at MMY (Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim), a senior lecturer at Shapell’s / Midreshet Rachel, and gives a regular weekly shiur at the OU Israel Center in Jerusalem. He and his family moved to Israel from England in 2002, giving up a successful corporate legal career as a partner in a London law firm to become a Rabbi and teacher. He has Semicha Yore Yore from Rav Berkovits, Semichot from Rav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg and is a member of the Rabbinical Council of America. He lives with his wife Sarah in Alon Shevut. Their son is currently serving in the IDF and their daughter is doing National Voluntary Service. 4 Reservations Not Required. Congregation Adat Yeshurun 8625 La Jolla Scenic Dr. N. La Jolla, CA 92037 Speaker Series Sponsored by Brian and Sarah Keating and family Rabbi Anthony Manning Sponsored by Jeremy and Hilda Cohen Publication Deadline The Congregation Expresses Condolences to For those wishing to advertise or place information concerning shul events, the deadline for the next monthly bulletin is August 10th. This issue will cover September Events For information on Advertising Rates, Please call the office at 858-535-1196 or email Annette Olson at info@ Joe, Pam and Sam Resnikoff on the loss of Joe’s father, Morris Resnikoff Boyd and Louise Goldwyn on the loss of their son, Hilliard Goldwyn YAHRTZEIT BOARD Welcome New Members Ira and Karen Meislik Yahrtzeit plaques can be ordered at any time. If you would like to order a memorial plaque for the Yahrtzeit Board to memorialize a loved one, please email Annette at [email protected] . The cost of a plaque is $360 which can be paid in installments. For those who like to read the weekly bulletin at home, please remember that you can get this bulletin on line at It is posted there every Friday! Mikvah appointments (858) 535-1072 Would you like to Sponsor A Kiddush? As we have grown, our kiddush needs have grown too. There are now available a range of sponsorships for Shabbos Kiddush. The fee schedule for these various sponsorships is as follows: ♦Primary Sponsor $295 (designated as such in the bulletin). All cosponsors of kiddush $175. ♦ For that very special celebration: Deluxe Kiddush $700. The food differs for each kiddush, so please call Annette Olson (858-535-1196 Opt 2) or email: info@ for details. Lunch and Learn with the Rabbi Future Dates to be Announced Argen Corporation Auditorium Sorrento Valley— 5855 Oberlin Drive Sandwiches will be served. RSVP to Julie Shaeffer 858-626-6635 (tel) or 858-6268652 (fax) or email [email protected] by the Monday before to facilitate catering. Upcoming DATES For Kiddushim: July 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th August 6th, 13th, 20th, & 27th 5 Volunteers Needed for Our Security If you would like to assist us in keeping our community safe, please volunteer your service or fulfill the duties assigned to you. Anyone wishing to be added for security duty can email the office or speak with Mike Aron or Danny Kaplan To Adam and Tara Klein on Elisha’s Bar Mitzvah Jeremy and Pauline Factor on Gavriel’s Bar Mitzvah Jeff and Stacey Wechsler on Harrison’s Bar Mitzvah Jeremy and Hilda Cohen on the birth of a granddaughter Weekly Class Schedule Monday— Pirkei Avos/Partners in Torah....................8:15 p.m. Tuesday— Women’s/Mesillat Yesharim....................11:00 a.m. Wednesday— Women’s Class/Ethics of the Fathers.....11:00 a.m. Prophets ������������������������������������������������� 8:15 p.m. Thursday— Parsha of the Week�������������������������������� 8:15 p.m. Talmud in Depth – Sunday.................................................... 7:45 a.m. Monday –Friday ....................................... 7:30 a.m. Saturday.................................................. 8:00 a.m. Talmud I Monday-Thursday ................................... 6:00 a.m. David and Claire Ellman on the birth of a grandson Michael Snyder and Brandy Gold on the birth of a grandson Rabbi and Shoshie Wohlgelernter on the birth of a grandson Nati and Noga Tzarum on the birth of a son Ted and Rhonda Roth on the birth of a granddaughter Michael and Myrna Fainstein on Garin’s marriage to Rachel Helper and also to Garin’s uncle, Ivan Fainstein Daf Yomi Clive and Tammy Moch on Saul’s engagement to Jenna Harris Sunday.....................45 min before Mincha/Ma’ariv Monday-Thursday......................check the calendar Friday..........................................................6:00 p.m. Saturday.........1 hour before Contemporary Issues Evelyn Moch (grandmother) and Jerome and Neala Moch (uncle and aunt) on Saul’s engagement to Jenna Harris Weekly Services Minyon Schedule Abraham and Dvorah Artenstein on Andrea’s marriage Weekdays Sunday Shacharis���������������������������������� 8:30 a.m. Mon. & Thurs. Shacharis ������������������������ 6:30 a.m. Tues., Wed. & Fri. Shacharis.................. 6:45 a.m. Sun.- Thurs. Mincha/Ma’ariv����������� See Calendar You can now listen to the Rabbi’s classes online!! Shabbat Friday Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat..............6:45 p.m. Candles by.................................................7:10 p.m. Hashkama Minyon.....................................7:50 a.m. Shacharis...................................................9:00 a.m. Sh’ma: Latest Time............................See Calendar Contemporary Issues..............45 min before Mincha Shabbat Mincha.................................See Calendar Weekly lectures are all on the web for you to listen to anytime 6 What is Shiv’asar B’Tammuz? Shul Office Hours... Monday through Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. On Friday, the Office closes at 2:00 p.m. For Account information please email [email protected] saturday, july 23rd is the 17th of Tammuz, and observed on Sunday, July 24th. The fast begins on Sunday, July 24th at 4:46 a.m. and ends at 8:35 p.m. The purpose of the fast is to commemorate five tragedies that happened on the 17th of Tammuz, marking it as a black day in Jewish history. It was on this day that Moses broke the Ten Commandments as he descended from Har Sinai, while the people were worshipping the golden calf. It was on this day that the walls of Jerusalem were breached during the times of the First and Second Temple. It was on this day that Aposthumus the Wicked burned a Torah scroll, and the wicked king Menashe placed an idol in the Temple courtyard. The 17th of Tammuz marks the beginning of a period of three weeks of mourning over the destruction of the temple and for every tragedy which has befallen our people. It is during this period of time we reflect on the cause of our troubles, draw conclusions and make efforts as both individuals and as a nation to repair the damage that has been done. This three week period of mourning begins with the 17th of Tammuz and ends with Tisha B’Av, the 9th of Av, the day on which we commemorate the actual destruction of the Temples and other tragedies. Throughout history this period of time has been one of death and destruction for our People. The 17th of Tammuz cannot be ignored as a day which some religious fanatics have designated a fast day. It is a day that marks tragedies, disasters, deaths, persecutions, sufferings, mutilations of other Jews; events which we can not ignore or sweep under the table. It is therefore not an appropriate day to be sitting on the beach or strolling on the golf course. It has been established by our sages as a day of fasting, prayer, and reflection. The 17th of Tammuz does not carry the same power as Tisha B’Av; one need not sit on the floor or refrain from wearing leather shoes or any of the other prohibitions specific to the 9th of Av. However, keeping within the spirit of the day is certainly appropriate. It is understood that young children need to be taken care of and as they do not need to fast, and do need to function, there are activities that must be done for them and with them. The choice of these activities should be in keeping with the spirit of the day however, satisfying both the needs of the child and the obligations of the fast day. If there are any questions on the laws of the fast, please speak directly to the Rabbi. Voice Mail is always on to take your messages. Do you know someone who is ill, could use our prayers, or a visit? If so, the Rabbi and the Shul’s Board of Directors ask that you please share this with the Rabbi as he would appreciate having the information and offering his services. Please call 858-535-1196 or e-mail info@adatyeshurun. org if you have questions or information. Annual General Meeting Tuesday, August 9th at 8:00 p.m. Please put it on your calendar. Each Family will be receiving via mail the list of nominees for the board of directors for the coming year. Please remember to return your signed proxy form and any nominations you might have for the Board of Directors by the date specified in the letter. 7 LAWS AND CUSTOMS OF THE NINE DAYS AND TISHA B’AV LAWS OF THE THREE WEEKS As we have mentioned before, the seventeenth of Tammuz begins the period of time called the three weeks, during which there is a minhag to observe some conduct of mourning. There are varying degrees of intensity of mourning as we get closer to Tisha B’Av. Some of these restrictions begin from the seventeenth of Tammuz, some from the first of Av and some during the week in which Tisha B’Av occurs and some on Erev Tisha B’Av, concluding with the most severe restrictions and conduct which apply to Tisha B’Av itself. From Rosh Chodesh Av until midday on the Tenth of Av, is a period called “The Nine Days”. There are additional prohibitions added to those already in force from the 17th of Tammuz. The prohibitions correspond to those of Shloshim, the thirty day period of mourning for a close relative. During the entire three week period, there is a custom to curtail rejoicing as an outward manifestation of the sadness and sorrow that we feel during this time period. Weddings aren’t performed during this period of time, even if there is no music or dancing. Engagements, however, may take place until Rosh Chodesh Av even if there is a meal served along with them. From Rosh Chodesh Av until after Tisha B’Av engagements may take place, however, a meal may not be served. Some additional areas of joy not already prohibited from the 17th of Tammuz are: Purchasing items that are not absolutely necessary and will be available after the Ninth of Av at the same price; Construction for pleasure (i.e. home improvements, patio, etc.) should be suspended during this time; painting of one’s home; and planting trees and plants for pleasure. Mishenichnas Av Mima’atin Bisimcha From the beginning of the month of Av, joy is diminished. Beginning with Rosh Chodesh all forms of simcha and rejoicing are suspended. To Refrain from Eating Meat and Drinking Wine Dancing and musical instruments are prohibited during the three weeks. One who is a musician or earns his living by playing for non-Jews can continue to play his instrument for non-Jews until Rosh Chodesh Av. On the seventeenth of Tammuz itself, though, this should not be done. If one is learning how to play a musical instrument, practicing and lessons can take place through Rosh Chodesh Av. To refrain from eating meat and drinking wine is a custom. Two reasons are given for this minhag: meat and wine are symbols of joy and we recall the sacrifices of meat and wine which were suspended because of the destruction of the Bais Hamikdosh. This prohibition doesn’t apply for Shabbos or a seudas mitzvah (i.e. bris milah). It is customary on the Saturday night of the Nine Days to give the wine from Havdalah to a child under bar/bat mitzvah to drink. The custom is to refrain from reciting the brocha of Shehechianu on new garments or fruits and such during the three weeks. Therefore, we do not purchase the garments which would necessitate the recitation of the Shehechianu. As far as fruit is concerned, many Poskim permit saying the Shehechianu on Shabbos if the fruit can last until Shabbos. If not, and it is impossible to do it in any other way, it is permissible to eat the fruit and recite the Shehechianu even during the week. This prohibition applies also to chicken and to foods cooked with meat or fat of meat. Food cooked in a meat vessel, but free of actual meat may be eaten during The Nine Days. During this period haircuts and shaving are prohibited. However, if the moustache is getting in the way it is permissible to cut it where necessary. A person who shaves every day and must do this because of his job, is permitted to do so only when absolutely necessary. However, even such a person should refrain from Rosh Chodesh Av or at least, during the week in which Tisha B’Av occurs. PLEASE NOTE: EVEN WHEN IT IS PERMISSIBLE TO SHAVE THAT IS ONLY FOR BUSINESS. ON SUNDAYS OR ON DAYS WHEN ONE CAN GET AWAY WITHOUT IT, IT IS CERTAINLY BEST TO REFRAIN FROM SHAVING DURING THIS PERIOD OF TIME. In the case of illness a Rabbi should be consulted. Cleaning and Laundering Clothing A mourner during Shloshim may not clean or launder his clothing, nor may he wear freshly laundered garments. Similarly, the minhag is not to clean or launder clothing during the entire Nine Days. But, if a person has only one garment or all his clothes are dirty, it is permissible to clean a garment until the Shabbos before Tisha B’Av. Children’s diapers and clothing may be cleaned during the entire Nine Days. Similarly, freshly laundered garments are not worn during The Nine Days. New garments should not be purchased until after The Ninth of Av (Tisha B’Av). Although both men and women are included in this prohibition of haircuts, this applies for women to the hair on their heads. However, it is permissible for them to shave hair from the other parts of their bodies. Bathing and Swimming 8 Bathing and swimming for pleasure are prohibited during The Nine Days. Where necessary to remove dirt or perspiration, bathing is permissible. • Prohibitions on Tisha B’Av LAWS AND CUSTOMS OF THE NINE DAYS (Continued) (continued) Many poskim hold that one who bathes (or showers) every erev Shabbos, may bathe (or shower) on the erev Shabbos before Tisha B’Av. Other Prohibitions Anointing oneself for pleasure is prohibited on Tisha B’Av. Although the use of perfume on the body is prohibited, the use of deodorant is permissible. EREV TISHA B’AV Saturday, August 13th Seudah Hamafsekes - The Final Meal Cohabitation is prohibited on Tisha B’Av. Wearing leather shoes (or synthetic ones that look like leather) is prohibited on Tisha B’Av (like Yom Kippur). Normally, on the Eighth of Av, before the fast begins, the final meal we eat has some special requirements. The purpose of this meal is to experience sorrow and mourning for the destruction of the Bais Hamikdosh. The final meal should be preceded by a regular meal. The final meal consists of bread and hard boiled eggs. This meal should be eaten while sitting on the floor, and many have the custom of dipping the bread into some ashes. Since the heart rejoices from the study of Torah learning, it is prohibited, except for those portions and topics which are relevant to Tisha B’Av and mourning. On Tisha B’Av it is prohibited to greet someone (like a mourner is prohibited to greet and be greeted). Levity and merriment are prohibited. During the evening of Tisha B’Av and in the morning until noon, sitting on a bench or chair is prohibited. One may sit on the floor - even on a cushion or on a low bench or chair. TISHA B’AV Sunday, August 14th Many tragedies befell our people on Tisha B’Av. In the time of exodus, it was decreed that our forefathers would remain in the desert and not enter Eretz Yisroel because of the sins of the spies. These tragedies included the first and the second Bais Hamikdosh being destroyed on Tisha B’Av; the city of Betar was captured and tens of thousands of Jews were killed; the wicked Turnus Rufus plowed the site of the Bais Hamikdosh and its surroundings; in 1942 the Arabanel was forced to lead 75,000 Jews out of Spain; and World War One began on Tisha B’Av. Driving is not prohibited on Tisha B’Av. Those things prohibited during The Three Weeks and The Nine Days are not permitted until after noon on the Tenth of Av, (since the temple smoldered until noon on the tenth). Tallis and Teffilin are not worn until Mincha. Tisha B’av Schedule Saturday, August 13th Erev Tisha B’av Prohibitions on Tisha B’Av Mincha/Ma’ariv/Eichah���������� 7:10 p.m. Fast Begins��������������������������� 7:35 p.m. The fast of Tisha B’Av is similar to the fast of Yom Kippur in its requirements and prohibitions. The prohibitions of Tisha B’Av correspond to a mourner in Shiva. Sunday, August 14th FAST OF TISHA B’AV Fasting Shacharis............................... 8:30 a.m. Shiur ................................... 12:00 p.m. Video Presentation��������������� 5:00 p.m. Mincha/Ma’ariv���������������������� 7:00 p.m. Fast Ends .............................. 8:16 p.m. Daf Yomi................................ 9:15 p.m. Everyone (including pregnant and nursing women) is required to fast. In the case of illness, or in the case of pregnant or nursing women, if there are problems, consult the Rabbi. Children under the age of 12 (girls) or 13 (boys) are not required to fast. Even those who are not required to fast on Tisha B’Av should not indulge or eat more than is necessary to preserve their health. Bathing or Washing All washing and bathing for pleasure is prohibited on Tisha B’Av. In the morning, or after going to the bathroom, when one is required to wash their hands, one should wash only up to the joints on the end of his fingers (like on Yom Kippur). 9 July 2016 Adat Yeshurun Calendar Sivan/Tammuz 5776 sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Summer Time Candle Lighting is the latest one may light candles and when Shabbat begins 1 Friday 2 6:45 aM shacharit saturday 7:50 aM hashkama Minyon 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 8:00 aM Talmud in depth 6:00 PM daf Yomi 9:19 aM sh'ma: latest Time 6:45 PM Mincha/ Kabbalat shabbat 6:35 PM rabbi Manning shiur 9:00 aM shacharit 5:35 PM daf Yomi 7:35 PM Mincha 7:10 PM candles by 8:43 PM shabbat ends Shelach 3 7:45 aM Talmud in depth 8:30 aM shacharit 7:00 PM daf Yomi 7:45 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 27 sivan 4 8:00 aM Talmud in depth 9:00 aM shacharit 7:00 PM daf Yomi 7:45 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 8:15 PM Pirkei avos/ Partners in Torah 9:00 PM daf Yomi 10 7:45 aM Talmud in depth 8:30 aM shacharit 7:00 PM daf Yomi 7:45 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 11 6:00 aM Talmud i 6:30 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 7:45 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 8:15 PM Pirkei avos/ Partners in Torah 9:00 PM daf Yomi 4 TaMMuZ 17 7:45 aM Talmud in depth 8:30 aM shacharit 6:55 PM daf Yomi 7:40 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 18 6:00 aM Talmud i 6:30 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 7:40 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 8:15 PM Pirkei avos/ Partners in Torah 9:00 PM daf Yomi 11 TaMMuZ 24 4:46 aM Fast Begins 7:45 aM Talmud in depth 8:30 aM shacharit 6:50 PM daf Yomi 7:20 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 8:35 PM Fast ends 17th of Tammuz Fast Day Observed 18 TaMMuZ 25 6:00 aM Talmud i 6:30 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 7:35 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 8:15 PM Pirkei avos/ Partners in Torah 9:00 PM daf Yomi 5 6:00 aM Talmud i 6:45 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 11:00 aM Women's class/ Mesillat Yesharim 7:45 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 6 6:00 aM Talmud i 6:30 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 11:00 aM Women's class/ ethics of the Fathers 7:45 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 8:15 PM Prophets 9:00 PM daf Yomi ROSH CHODESH 7 6:00 aM Talmud i 8 6:45 aM shacharit 6:30 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 6:00 PM daf Yomi 7:45 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 6:45 PM Mincha/ Kabbalat shabbat 8:15 PM Parsha 9:00 PM daf Yomi ROSH CHODESH 6:00 aM Talmud i 6:45 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 11:00 aM Women's class/ Mesillat Yesharim 7:45 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 8:15 PM daf Yomi 19 6:00 aM Talmud i 6:45 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 11:00 aM Women's class/ Mesillat Yesharim 7:40 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 8:10 PM daf Yomi 26 6:00 aM Talmud i 6:45 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 11:00 aM Women's class/ Mesillat Yesharim 7:35 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 8:05 PM daf Yomi 13 6:00 aM Talmud i 6:45 aM shacharit 14 6:00 aM Talmud i 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 6:30 aM shacharit 11:00 aM Women's class/ ethics of the Fathers 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 7:45 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 8:15 PM Prophets 9:00 PM daf Yomi 20 6:00 aM Talmud i 6:45 aM shacharit 6:00 aM Talmud i 6:30 aM shacharit 11:00 aM Women's class/ ethics of the Fathers 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 8:15 PM Prophets 9:00 PM daf Yomi 27 6:00 aM Talmud i 6:45 aM shacharit 28 6:00 aM Talmud i 11:00 aM Women's class/ ethics of the Fathers 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 9:00 PM daf Yomi 6:00 PM daf Yomi 6:45 PM Mincha/ Kabbalat shabbat 22 6:45 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 6:00 PM daf Yomi 6:45 PM Mincha/ Kabbalat shabbat 7:10 PM candles by 9:21 aM sh'ma: latest Time 5:50 PM daf Yomi 6:50 PM contemporary issues 7:35 PM Mincha 8:42 PM shabbat ends Korach 16 7:50 aM hashkama Minyon 8:00 aM Talmud in depth 9:00 aM shacharit 9:24 aM sh'ma: latest Time 5:45 PM daf Yomi 6:45 PM contemporary issues 7:30 PM Mincha 8:39 PM shabbat ends Chukat 6:45 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 6:00 PM daf Yomi 6:45 PM Mincha/ Kabbalat shabbat 7:35 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 8:15 PM Parsha 9:00 PM daf Yomi 23 7:50 aM hashkama Minyon 8:00 aM Talmud in depth 9:00 aM shacharit 9:26 aM sh'ma: latest Time 5:40 PM daf Yomi 6:40 PM contemporary issues 7:25 PM Mincha 8:35 PM shabbat ends 17 Tammuz - The Three Weeks Begin Balak 29 30 7:50 aM hashkama Minyon 8:00 aM Talmud in depth 9:00 aM shacharit 9:28 aM sh'ma: latest Time 5:35 PM daf Yomi 6:35 PM contemporary issues 7:20 PM Mincha 8:30 PM shabbat ends Pinchas 7:10 PM candles by 31 nate levy 7:45 aM Talmud in depth 8:30 aM shacharit 6:45 PM daf Yomi 7:30 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 25 TaMMuZ 9:00 aM shacharit 7:10 PM candles by 8:15 PM Parsha 9:00 PM daf Yomi 6:30 aM shacharit 8:15 PM Prophets 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 7:40 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 7:35 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 6:45 aM shacharit 8:15 PM Parsha 9:00 PM daf Yomi 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 7:40 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 15 7:45 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 21 7:50 aM hashkama Minyon 8:00 aM Talmud in depth 7:10 PM candles by 8:15 PM daf Yomi 12 9 Assistant Manager 25+ Years Experience Essential in Today’s Market For All Your Real Estate Needs Call 858-735-3851 Paid Advertisement Printed by Calendar Creator for Windows on 6/23/2016 10 August 2016 sunday Rabbi's Classes are cancelled 8/15/16-9/5/16 unless as otherwise noted in the calendar Adat Yeshurun Calendar Tammuz/Av 5776 Monday 1 6:00 aM Talmud i 6:30 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 7:30 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 8:00 PM Pirkei avos/ Partners in Torah 8:45 PM daf Yomi 7 7:45 aM Talmud in depth 8:30 aM shacharit 7:25 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:55 PM daf Yomi 3 av 14 8:30 aM shacharit 12:00 PM special shiur 5:00 PM video Presentation 7:00 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 8:16 PM Fast ends 9:15 PM daf Yomi 10 av TISHA B'AV OBSERVED 21 7:45 aM Talmud in depth 8:30 aM shacharit 7:05 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:35 PM daf Yomi 17 av 28 7:45 aM Talmud in depth 8:30 aM shacharit 7:00 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:30 PM daf Yomi 24 av 8 6:00 aM Talmud i 6:30 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 7:25 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 8:00 PM Pirkei avos/ Partners in Torah Tuesday 2 6:00 aM Talmud i 6:45 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 11:00 aM Women's class/ Mesillat Yesharim 7:30 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 8:00 PM daf Yomi 9 6:00 aM Talmud i 6:45 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 11:00 aM Women's class/ Mesillat Yesharim 7:25 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:55 PM daf Yomi 8:45 PM daf Yomi 15 6:30 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 16 6:45 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 7:15 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:15 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:45 PM daf Yomi 8:00 PM Partners in Torah 7:45 PM daf Yomi 22 6:30 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 23 6:45 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth Wednesday 3 6:00 aM Talmud i Thursday 4 6:00 aM Talmud i 6:45 aM shacharit 6:30 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 11:00 aM Women's class/ ethics of the Fathers 7:30 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:30 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 8:45 PM daf Yomi 8:00 PM Parsha 10 6:00 aM Talmud i 6:45 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 11:00 aM Women's class/ ethics of the Fathers 7:25 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 8:00 PM Prophets 8:45 PM daf Yomi 17 6:45 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 7:15 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:45 PM daf Yomi 24 6:45 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 11 6:00 aM Talmud i 6:30 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 7:25 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 8:00 PM Parsha 8:45 PM daf Yomi 18 6:30 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 7:15 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:45 PM daf Yomi 25 6:30 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 7:05 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:05 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:35 PM daf Yomi 8:00 PM Partners in Torah 7:35 PM daf Yomi 7:35 PM daf Yomi 7:35 PM daf Yomi 6:30 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 6:45 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 6:30 aM shacharit 6 7:50 aM hashkama Minyon 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 8:00 aM Talmud in depth 6:00 PM daf Yomi 9:31 aM sh'ma: latest Time 6:45 PM Mincha/ Kabbalat shabbat 6:30 PM contemporary issues 7:10 PM candles by ROSH CHODESH 9:00 aM shacharit 5:30 PM daf Yomi 7:15 PM Mincha 8:24 PM shabbat ends Matot-Masei 8:45 PM daf Yomi 7:05 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 30 5 saturday 8:00 PM Prophets 7:05 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 29 Friday 31 6:45 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 7:00 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:00 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:00 PM Mincha/ Ma'ariv 7:30 PM daf Yomi 8:00 PM Partners in Torah 7:30 PM daf Yomi 7:30 PM daf Yomi Summer Time Candle Lighting is the latest one may light candles and when Shabbat begins Printed by Calendar Creator for Windows on 6/23/2016 11 12 6:45 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 6:00 PM daf Yomi 6:45 PM Mincha/ Kabbalat shabbat 13 7:50 aM hashkama Minyon 8:00 aM Talmud in depth 9:00 aM shacharit 9:32 aM sh'ma: latest Time 6:10 PM daf Yomi 6:15 PM Mincha 7:35 PM Fast Begins 8:17 PM shabbat ends 8:20 PM Ma'ariv/ eichah Devarim EREV TISHA B'AV SHABBAT CHAZON 7:10 PM candles by 19 6:45 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 6:45 PM Mincha/ Kabbalat shabbat 7:10 PM candles by 26 6:45 aM shacharit 7:30 aM Talmud in depth 6:45 PM Mincha/ Kabbalat shabbat 7:10 PM candles by 20 7:50 aM hashkama Minyon 8:00 aM Talmud in depth 9:00 aM shacharit 9:34 aM sh'ma: latest Time 7:00 PM Mincha 8:09 PM shabbat ends SHABBAT NACHAMU Va'etchanan 27 7:50 aM hashkama Minyon 8:00 aM Talmud in depth 9:00 aM shacharit 9:35 aM sh'ma: latest Time 6:50 PM Mincha 8:01 PM shabbat ends Ekev
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