CP Acquires DME • Bombardier • CN TEST Car


CP Acquires DME • Bombardier • CN TEST Car
CP Acquires DME • Bombardier • CN TEST Car
Official Publication of the Railway Association of Canada
Winter 2009
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Winter 2009
Chairman: Fred Green
Vice-Chairman: Sean Finn
President and CEO: Cliff Mackay
Vice-President, Operations and
Regulatory Affairs: M. Lowenger
Vice-President, Public and
Corporate Affairs: B.R. Burrows
Director, Finance and Administration,
and Treasurer: D. Dickson
Published for
The Railway Association of Canada
99 Bank Street, Suite 1401
Ottawa, ON K1P 6B9
Phone: 613.567.8591
Fax: 613.567.6726
Roger Cameron, Director, Public Affairs
Alex Binkley, Contributing Writer
Alex Binkley is a freelance journalist in the
Parliamentary Press Gallery and serves as the
Canadian/Ottawa correspondent for domestic
and international transportation publications.
7 President’s Message/Le message du président
9 Associate Supplier Member Profile/Profil d’un membre
fournisseur associé : Bombardier
15 New Transport Ministers Appointed
17 VIA Improvements on Track
Interchange is published four times a year by
20 DME Takeover a Work in Progress
Naylor (Canada), Inc.
100 Sutherland Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R2W 3C7
Phone: 204.947.0222 / 800.665.2456
Fax: 204.947.2047
Publisher: Elena Langlois
Editor: Lilliane Fiola
Project Manager: Kim Davies
Marketing Associate: Alex Scovil
Advertising Sales Director: Bill Biber
Account Representatives: Angela Campbell,
Brenda Ezinicki, Gordon Jackson, Jennifer JandavsHedlin, Blair Van Camp, Teresa Niessen
Layout & Design: Naylor (Canada), Inc
Advertising Art: David Cheetham
©2008 Naylor (Canada), Inc. All rights reserved.
The contents of this magazine may not be reproduced
by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior
written consent of the publisher.
23 CN Buys Up More Former Short Lines
27 CTA Opts for Talk on Railway Noise
Regular Features
30 Safety: CN Adds New Hi-tech Tool to
Track Inspection Force
33 Passenger Progress: GO Transit Faces Major Growth
41 Industry News & Developments:
Electronic Train Brakes Put to the Test on CP
43 On the Move
44 Upcoming 2009 Conferences & Public Events
Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to:
Naylor (Canada), Inc., Distribution Dept.
100 Sutherland Ave.
Winnipeg, MB R2W 3C7
45 Index to Advertisers
Cover photo: Three new CPR locomotives power this international intermodal train
through the rugged western terrain to major markets in the east.
© 2008 Canadian Pacific
Canadian Publication Agreement #40064978
Winter 2009 5
President’s Message
Le message du président
THERE IS SOME caution ahead as we start
NOUS DÉBUTERONS 2009 avec prudence
2009 given the economic situation. There
compete tenu de la situation économique. En
were a number of activities under way and
2008, nous avons été témoins de nombreuses
two significant developments completed in the
activités en cours dans le secteur ferroviaire, dont
industry as 2008 roared through. CP acquired
la réalisation de deux projets importants. Le CP a
fait l’acquisition du Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern
the Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern Railroad and
its subsidiaries, the Iowa, Chicago & Eastern
Cliff Mackay
Railroad and Cedar American Rail Holdings.
Railroad et de ses filiales, les sociétés Iowa, Chicago
& Eastern Railroad et Cedar American Rail
They will get their results into CP’s information and
Holdings. Ils consacreront 300 millions de dollars à la mise à niveau
operating system for 2009’s performance and will spend
de la voie, des ponts et d’autres éléments d’infrastructure au cours
$300 million to upgrade their track, bridges and other
des trois prochaines années et leurs résultats seront pris en compte en
infrastructure over the next three years.
2009 dans le système d’exploitation et d’information du CP.
CN bought the Ottawa Central Railway, the Chemin
de fer de la Matapédia et du Golfe and the New
Brunswick East Coast Railway as well as a rail-freight
ferry operation across the St. Lawrence River from
Quebec Railway Corporation. In a related transaction,
Logistec Corp. of Montreal, and a part owner of QRC,
purchased the Sydney Coal Railway in Cape Breton.
Congratulations to both.
Overall, the industry carried a record-breaking 361.1
billion revenue tonne kilometres of freight and 67.9
million inter-city passengers and commuters in 2007.
That was an excellent achievement and a challenge for
Speaking of performance, the last issue’s cover of
Interchange, and the 2008 Globe and Mail railway
supplement, had a great picture of windmill towers en
route from Delta Manufacturing at Trois Pistoles in StSiméon of the Gaspé. The special train moved on New
Brunswick East Coast- Chemin de fer de la Matapédia et
du Golfe equipment and was interchanged with CN in
Rivière du Loup for delivery in Cadillac, Michigan.
The photo was taken by railway employee JeanClaude Santerre, a native of Rivière du Loup, who has
worked for CN and short lines throughout the Maritimes
and Quebec for many years. As his photography
demonstrates, Jean-Claude is an excellent photographer,
as well as a skilled transportation manager. It is always
a pleasure to recognize an individual’s achievements for
the work they do, and that they enjoy so much.
De plus, le CN a fait l’acquisition de l’Ottawa Central Railway,
du Chemin de fer de la Matapédia et du Golfe et du Chemin de
fer de la côte est du Nouveau-Brunswick, ainsi que d’un service
marchandises de traversier-rail sur le fleuve Saint-Laurent appartenant
à la Société des chemins de fer du Québec (SCFQ). Dans le cadre d’une
transaction connexe, Logistec Corporation, société établie à Montréal
et copropriétaire de la SCFQ, a fait l’acquisition du Sydney Coal
Railway, au cap Breton. Félicitations au CP et au CN.
Au total, le secteur ferroviaire a affiché des résultats sans
précédent en transportant 361,1 milliards de tonnes-kilomètres
commerciales de marchandises et 67,9 millions de voyageurs
intervilles et de banlieusards en 2007. Il s’agit d’excellents résultats et
d’un défi pour 2008.
En parlant de réussites, l’on pouvait voir en couverture du dernier
numéro de la revue Interchange et dans le supplément sur le secteur
ferroviaire du Globe and Mail de 2008 une époustouflante photo de
tours d’éoliennes de Delta Manufacturing, à Trois-Pistoles, en cours
de transport à Saint-Siméon, en Gaspésie. Le train spécial, notamment
composé de matériel du chemin de fer de la Matapédia et du Golfe,
a circulé sur le chemin de fer de la côte est du Nouveau-Brunswick et
le chargement a été confié au CN à Rivière-du-Loup à destination de
Cadillac, au Michigan.
Jean-Claude Santerre, employé des chemins de fer, a pris cette
photo. Jean-Claude, originaire de Rivière-du-Loup, a travaillé au
CN et pour des chemins de fer d’intérêt local d’un bout à l’autre
des Maritimes et du Québec pendant de nombreuses années. Il est
un excellent photographe, comme le prouve sa photo, ainsi qu’un
directeur du transport expérimenté. C’est toujours un plaisir de
souligner les réalisations d’un employé qui travaille avec tant d’ardeur.
Happy New Year, and work safely.
Bonne année et travaillez prudemment.
J.C. (Cliff) Mackay
President and CEO
J.C. (Cliff) Mackay
Président-directeur général
Winter 2009 7
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Member Profile
– Associate Supplier
Profil d’un membre
– Fournisseur associé
a Global
(BT) has played such a big role in the
(BT) a tenu une si grande place dans le
development of commuter rail and mass
développement des trains de banlieue et
transit systems in Canada that it’s easy to
du transport en commun au Canada qu’on
forget it has a major international presence
en oublie facilement sa forte présence
as well.
“Many Canadians are familiar with
« De nombreux Canadiens connaissent
Bombardier, but not so many understand the
Bombardier, mais peu comprennent la
Raymond Bachant,
true global nature of our rail business,” says
nature véritablement mondiale de notre
President of
Raymond Bachant, president of Bombardier
groupe ferroviaire », déclare Raymond
Bombardier Transportation
– North America
Transportation – North America, and an
Bachant, président, Amérique du Nord, à
associate member of the Railway Association
Bombardier Transport, et un membre associé
of Canada. “We are a multibillion-dollar operation with
de l’Association des chemins de fer du Canada. « Nous
presence in more than 60 countries worldwide. From its
sommes une entreprise multimilliardaire présente dans plus
distinctive Canadian roots, Bombardier has evolved into a
de 60 pays. À partir de ses racines canadiennes, Bombardier
major player in the global rail equipment market.”
est devenue un acteur de premier plan sur le marché
The scope of Bombardier’s activities has also grown,
mondial du matériel ferroviaire. »
Bachant says. “We’re building more than just rail products
La portée des activités de Bombardier s’est aussi
here. We’re defi ning the next generation of tools that will
élargie, précise M. Bachant. « Ici, nous construisons plus
help growing regions and urban centres achieve critical
que des produits ferroviaires. Nous mettons au point la
objectives in sustainable mobility and long-term sustainable
prochaine génération de moyens pour aider les régions
et agglomérations en croissance à atteindre des objectifs
“These are huge challenges, particularly now that fuel
cruciaux en matière de mobilité et de développement
prices, environmental concerns and urban congestion are
durables à long terme.
converging to create unprecedented demand for mass transit
« Ce sont des défi s colossaux, surtout dans une
solutions. It is an important time to be part of the transit
conjoncture où l’effet combiné des prix du carburant, des
préoccupations environnementales et de la congestion
It’s also a good time to be in the business. The Montrealurbaine crée une demande sans précédent pour des solutions
based company is the No. 1 supplier of rail equipment,
de transport en commun. Le moment est propice pour faire
systems and services in the world and posesses a global
partie de ce secteur. »
market share of 23 per cent. Bombardier’s corporate
C’est aussi un bon moment pour être en affaires.
headquarters is in Montreal, but its rail business
L’entreprise de Montréal est le premier fournisseur de
headquarters are in Berlin in the heart of Europe, which is
matériel et systèmes de transport sur rail et de services
the largest market for rail equipment. All but one of BT’s
connexes de la planète et elle occupe 23 pour cent du
business unit headquarters are in Europe as well.
marché mondial. Le siège social de Bombardier se trouve
It all began in Canada back in the 1970s when
à Montréal, mais le siège de son groupe ferroviaire est à
Bombardier won a contract to supply subway cars for the
Berlin, en plein cœur de l’Europe, plus important marché
Montreal Metro. Since then, its products have been selected
pour le matériel ferroviaire. À une exception près, toutes
to move commuters in Toronto, Ottawa and Vancouver.
les unités d’affaires de BT se trouvent aussi en Europe.
continued on page 10
suite à la page 10
Winter 2009 9
Bombardier, continued from page 9
Advanced Rapid Transit,
Beijing, China, Beijing Airport Link
It is the only major rail supplier that has domestic
production and engineering capability with manufacturing
sites in La Pocatière, Que. and Thunder Bay, and engineering
centres at St. Bruno, Quebec and Kingston.
Its first rail production site was a converted snowmobile
factory in La Pocatière. In addition to the Montreal subway,
Bombardier has supplied Bi-level coaches to AMT, Montreal’s
commuter rail operator; the entire fleet of GO Transit Bi-level
coaches in Toronto as well as the Toronto Transit Commission
subway cars; the Talent self-propelled commuter trains for
OC Transpo in Ottawa; and Bi-level coaches for Vancouver’s
suite de la page 9
Tout a commencé au Canada, dans les années 1970,
lorsque Bombardier a fourni des voitures au métro de
Montréal. Depuis, ses produits ont été choisis pour les
services de banlieue à Toronto, à Ottawa et à Vancouver.
Il s’agit du seul grand fournisseur ferroviaire à disposer
d’une capacité intérieure de production et d’ingénierie avec
ses installations de fabrication de La Pocatière, au Québec, et
de Thunder Bay, et ses centres d’ingénierie de Saint-Bruno, au
Québec, et de Kingston.
Sa première installation de production ferroviaire était une
usine de motoneiges convertie, à La Pocatière. En plus des
voitures du métro de Montréal, Bombardier a fourni des voitures
à deux niveaux à l’AMT, l’exploitant des services de banlieue de
Montréal, et au réseau de trains de banlieue de Vancouver, le parc
entier de voitures à deux niveau du Réseau GO, à Toronto, ainsi
que des voitures de métro à la Toronto Transit Commission, le
train de banlieue automoteur Talent d’OC Transpo, à Ottawa,
ainsi des voitures pour les lignes de transport en commun
Skytrain Expo et Millenium, à Vancouver.
Elle a aussi fourni des services de maintenance du matériel
roulant au Réseau GO, ces 10 dernières années, et à OC
Transpo, à Ottawa. L’année dernière, l’entreprise a obtenu un
contrat de fourniture des équipes de train pour la plupart des
services du Réseau GO.
Ce groupe semble malgré tout minuscule en comparaison
des projets internationaux de Bombardier. Selon la société, on
dénombre plus de 100 000 véhicules ferroviaires de Bombardier
dans plus 60 pays. Elle est aussi le principal fournisseur mondial
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10 Interchange
Winter 2009
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commuter rail system; as well as coaches for the Skytrain
Expo and Millenium transit lines in Vancouver.
It has also supplied fleet maintenance operations for GO
Transit for the past decade and for OC Transpo in Ottawa. It
won a contract last year to supply train crews for most of GO
Transit’s services.
Important as this business is, it is dwarfed by
Bombardier’s international projects. The company says
there are in excess of 100,000 Bombardier rail vehicles
in more than 60 countries around the world. It is also the
leading supplier of fleet maintenance services worldwide,
maintaining more than 8,000 vehicles for customers.
Bombardier’s rail business is also a major employer with
31,000 workers around the world. It has 45 production sites
in 22 countries including two in Canada, two in the United
States and one in Mexico. It has orders for more than
US$31 billion worth of its products, a record figure both
in this country and the industry as a whole. It generated
revenues of approximately US$7.8B in the last fi scal year,
the company reports.
The largest market currently for passenger rail equipment
is Europe, which generates more than 70 per cent of BT
rail revenues but the company says another very interesting
market is the Asia-Pacific region, powered by massive
government investments in infrastructure and transit now
going on in emerging economies such as China, India and in
other regions.
de services de maintenance du matériel roulant et entretient plus
de 8 000 véhicules pour des clients.
Le groupe ferroviaire de Bombardier fournit du travail
à 31 000 personnes dans le monde. Il compte 45 lieux de
production dans 22 pays, dont deux au Canada, deux aux
États-Unis et un au Mexique. Il a un carnet de commandes
supérieur à 31 milliards de dollars américains, un chiffre
record tant au pays que pour l’ensemble du secteur. Au
dernier exercice fi nancier, l’entreprise a déclaré des revenus
d’environ 7,8 milliards de dollars américains.
À l’heure actuelle, l’Europe est le plus vaste marché pour
le matériel ferroviaire voyageurs et procure à BT plus de
70 pour cent de ses revenus du rail, mais selon l’entreprise,
le marché Asie-Pacifique est aussi très prometteur et jouit
maintenant d’investissements massifs dans l’infrastructure et
les services de transport en commun par les gouvernements
d’économies émergentes comme celles de la Chine, de l’Inde
et d’autres régions.
continued on page 12
suite à la page 13
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11/6/08 8:47:17 AM
Winter 2009 11
Bombardier, continued from page 11
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12 Interchange
Winter 2009
11/3/08 11:29:55 AM
BT has three production facilities in China; two in
Australia; and a production facility and an engineering
centre in India. It will soon open a second production facility
for rail vehicles in Savli, India.
Products originally designed and built in Canada are now
being deployed around the world, the company says. It’s
ART (Advanced Rapid Transit) technology was developed for
use in the Skytrain system in Vancouver. The unique Linear
Induction Motor technology that propels it was developed in
British Columbia.
ART systems are now operating successfully in places
like New York City, Kuala Lumpur and a system newly
opened this year in time for the Beijing Olympics. The Beijing
Capital International Airport link now connects the airport
with the city’s downtown. A new ART system is under
construction in Yong-In, South Korea, outside of Seoul.
Bombardier’s trademark Bi-level coach, fi rst sketched
out on a napkin at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto, is now
the most popular vehicle of its type in North America, BT
says. More than 900 vehicles are in operation with 13 transit
authorities across Canada and the United States.
Transit is a critical area of impact for the world right now,
BT says. Rail is widely recognized as the most sustainable
form of transport but infrastructure investment over the
years has traditionally focused more on air and road. In
response to Canada’s growing environmental and economic
problems, there is a growing recognition that sustainable
mobility and mass transit must play a larger role.
Rising fuel prices, increasing awareness of environment,
and rapid urbanization are combining to highlight the
importance of mass transit, and rail in particular, as key
to the long-term prosperity of the world’s major cities.
Bombardier’s rail business is about more than products – it’s
about creating the transit systems that can help shift traffic
away from road and air to rail, and create better balance
across the modes. It is about helping growing regions and
urban centres achieve critical objectives related to sustainable
mobility and long-term sustainable development.
While Bombardier has supplied freight products in the
past, its rail operation is now primarily in the core businesses
of moving people. ●
suite de la page 11
Today every US and Canadian Class 1 Railroad
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railroads, transits and track contractors alike.
BT compte trois installations de production en Chine et
deux en Australie ainsi qu’une installation de production et
une d’ingénierie en Inde. Il s’apprête à ouvrir une deuxième
installation de production de véhicules ferroviaires à Savli,
en Inde.
Les produits conçus et produits au Canada sont
aujourd’hui utilisés partout dans le monde, affi rme la société.
La technologie ART (Advanced Rapid Transit) a été mise au
point pour le Skytrain de Vancouver. La technologie unique
du moteur à induction linéaire qui le propulse a été mise au
point en Colombie-Britannique.
Les systèmes ART sont aujourd’hui utilisés avec succès dans
des endroits comme New York et Kuala Lumpur, et un nouveau
a été inauguré cette année pour les Jeux olympiques de Beijing.
Une liaison est maintenant assurée entre l’aéroport international
Capital de Beijing et le centre-ville. Un système ART est aussi en
construction à Yong-In, en Corée du Sud, près de Séoul.
La voiture à deux niveaux, symbole de Bombardier, à
l’origine esquissée sur une serviette de table à l’hôtel Royal York
de Toronto, est aujourd’hui le véhicule le plus populaire de son
genre en Amérique du Nord. Plus de 900 véhicules sont en
service dans 13 réseaux de transport en commun au Canada et
aux États-Unis.
Le transport est un secteur crucial d’impact pour le monde à
l’heure actuelle. La réputation du rail comme mode de transport
le plus durable est largement reconnue, mais, au fil des ans, les
secteurs aérien et routier ont bénéficié de plus d’investissements
d’infrastructure. Étant donné les problèmes environnementaux
et économiques croissants au Canada, on reconnaît de plus en
plus que la mobilité durable et le transport en commun doivent
jouer un rôle plus grand.
Les prix du carburant en hausse, la conscience accrue des
enjeux environnementaux et l’urbanisation rapide sont autant
de facteurs qui font ressortir l’importance du transport en
commun, et du rail, comme élément clé de la prospérité à long
terme des grandes villes. Le secteur ferroviaire de Bombardier,
c’est bien plus que des produits; il s’agit de la création de
systèmes de transport favorisant le transfert du trafic routier
et aérien vers le mode ferroviaire et d’un meilleur équilibre
entre les secteurs. Il s’agit d’aider les régions et agglomérations
en croissance à atteindre des objectifs cruciaux en matière de
mobilité et de développement durables à long terme.
Si, par le passé, Bombardier a fourni des produits de
transport des marchandises, son secteur ferroviaire s’occupe
aujourd’hui avant tout du transport des personnes. ●
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Winter 2009 13
New Transport
Nomination des
nouveaux ministres
des Transports
AFTER TWO AND a half busy years as
APRÈS AVOIR VÉCU deux années et demie
Minister of Transportation, Infrastructure and
plutôt chargées à titre de ministre des Transports, de
Communities, Lawrence Cannon has moved
l’infrastructure et des collectivités, M. Lawrence Cannon a
on to the high-profile job as Foreign Affairs
été nommé à un poste de grande visibilité, celui de ministre
des Affaires étrangères.
In his place is John Baird, the
former Environment Minister, and
Alberta MP Rob Merrifi eld, the
Minister of State for Transport who
gained a lot of respect on Parliament
Hill for his work as chairman of the
health and fi nance committees.
It is expected that, under his new
mandate, Baird will be particularly
John Baird
concerned with infrastructure issues
– an important area for the railways
– while Merrifi eld will focus on the
other transportation fi les initiated by
Mr. Merrifi eld has been the
Conservative MP from Yellowhead
since 2000 and is a former chairman
of the Commons fi nance and health
Rob Merrifi eld
committees. He also co-chaired the
influential Canada-U.S. Interparliamentary Group.
He’s considered bright and affable and able to build
consensus among opposition MPs.
Harper says, “The central responsibility of our new
mandate will be to ensure that Canada’s businesses and
families have the security they need to weather any global
economic storm.”
Of obvious interest to the transport industry was
the appointment of Lisa Raitt, the former head of
the Toronto Port Authority, to Minister of Natural
Resources. Jim Prentice, one of the sparkplugs of the
Harper cabinet, moved to the Environment portfolio
to signal the government’s link between economic and
environmental health.
Tony Clement took over at Industry Canada, putting
an Ontario minister at the point of efforts to revive that
province’s stumbling manufacturing sector.
Other moves of note were Stockwell Day to
International Trade and the Asia Pacifi c Gateway and
Peter Van Loan to Public Safety where he’s responsible
for the border services agency. Peter MacKay remains
at Defense and as Minister Responsible for the Atlantic
Gateway as part of his responsibilities. ●
Il est remplacé par M. John Baird, ancien ministre
de l’Environnement, et par le député albertain Rob
Merrifi eld, qui devient ministre d’État (Transports).
Ce dernier a gagné beaucoup d’appuis sur la Colline du
Parlement pour son travail à titre de président des comités
de la santé et des fi nances.
On s’attend à ce que M. Baird, sous son nouveau
mandat, s’occupe principalement des problèmes
d’infrastructure, un volet important pour les compagnies
ferroviaires. De son côté, M. Merrifeld se concentrera sur
les autres dossiers de transport initiés par M. Cannon.
M. Merrifi eld est le député conservateur de
Yellowhead depuis 2000 et il est un ancien président
des comités de la santé et des fi nances à la Chambre des
communes. Il a aussi été coprésident de l’influent Groupe
interparlementaire Canada-États-Unis. Il a une réputation
d’homme brillant, affable et capable d’atteindre le
consensus avec les députés de l’opposition.
Le premier ministre Harper a affi rmé que « Dans
le cadre de notre nouveau mandat, notre principale
responsabilité consiste à nous assurer que les entreprises
et les familles canadiennes disposent de la protection
nécessaire pour résister à toute tempête économique à
l’échelle mondiale. »
La nomination de M me Lisa Raitt, ancienne chef
de l’Administration portuaire de Toronto, au poste de
ministre des Ressources naturelles, revêtait bien sûr une
grande importance pour le secteur du transport. M. Jim
Prentice, l’un des hommes d’action du cabinet Harper, a
été nommé ministre de l’Environnement; il établira le lien
entre l’économie et la santé de l’environnement.
M. Tony Clement devient ministre de l’Industrie : un
député ontarien sera donc chargé de relancer le secteur
manufacturier chancelant de cette province.
Parmi d’autres changements importants, soulignons la
nomination de M. Stockwell Day au poste de ministre du
Commerce international et de la porte d’entrée de l’AsiePacifique, ainsi que celle de M. Peter Van Loan au poste
de ministre de la Sécurité publique, où il est responsable
de l’Agence des services frontaliers du Canada. M. Peter
MacKay demeure ministre de la Défense nationale et
devient ministre de la porte d’entrée de l’Atlantique. ●
Winter 2009 15
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16 Interchange
Winter 2009
VIA Improvements
on Track
VIA est sur la
bonne voie
LES PROGRAMMES DE remise en état du matériel roulant,
stock, track and stations are all moving ahead,
de la voie et des gares de VIA Rail vont de l’avant grâce, entre
assisted by a $692-million, five-year federal
autre, à l’investissement de 692 millions de dollars sur cinq
investment in the passenger train operator, announced
ans, consenti par le gouvernement fédéral au transporteur
in October 2007. These improvements are part of
inter-villes en octobre 2007. Ces projets font partie du nouveau
VIA’s new capital program, and will allow VIA to
programme d’immobilisations de VIA; ils permettront au
offer better comfort and reliable service, as well
transporteur d’offrir plus de confort et un service plus fiable, en
as increase the potential for enlarging capacity as
plus d’accroître sa capacité d’accueillir un nombre grandissant
ridership increases.
In 2008, VIA completed station upgrades in Ottawa
and Montreal, installed a new heating plant in Winnipeg,
and will soon be opening a new station in Oakville.
Improvements to the Alexandria Subdivision were also
carried out, and work to upgrade the Smith Falls Subdivision
was well under way by year end.
“The fi rst of our rebuilt F40 locomotives will be delivered
in the spring of 2009,” says Roger Hoather, VIA’s director
of Capital Programs. “And we’re planning to award a
contract shortly to rebuild 98 of VIA’s LRC (light, rapid and
comfortable) passenger coaches that are used throughout the
Ontario-Quebec corridor. We’re also looking into upgrades
to cars used on the western transcontinental service to make
them more suitable for tourist travel, and to the Renaissance
cars used primarily in Atlantic Canada.”
En 2008, VIA a terminé les travaux de réfection des gares
d’Ottawa et de Montréal, et installé une nouvelle centrale
de chauffage à Winnipeg. Elle ouvrira bientôt une nouvelle
gare à Oakville. Les travaux d’amélioration de la subdivision
d’Alexandria ont aussi été réalisés et ceux effectués dans
la subdivision de Smith Falls allaient bon train à la fi n de
« La première de nos locomotives F40 remises à neuf sera
prête au printemps 2009 », affi rme Roger Hoather, directeur
des Programmes d’immobilisations à VIA. « Nous prévoyons
aussi octroyer un contrat pour remettre en bon état
98 voitures-coachs LRC (léger, rapide et confortable) de VIA
utilisées dans le corridor Ontario-Québec. Nous envisageons
aussi de rendre les voitures utilisées pour le service
transcontinental de l’Ouest mieux adaptées au déplacement
de touristes et d’améliorer les voitures Renaissance utilisées
principalement dans les provinces atlantiques. »
“We rebuilt one of our 54 F40 locomotives, the mainstay
of the fleet, two years ago. . . as a prototype for the overhaul
program,” Hoather says. “It has performed incredibly
reliably. We ran it for two years and fi ne-tuned the changes.
Its fuel consumption is much improved with a corresponding
reduction in emissions. The overhaul is quite extensive and
nothing has failed. None of the new technology we put in it
had any problems. So we are proceeding with the overhaul of
other units with complete confidence.”
Rebuilding the 20-year-old locomotives gives VIA “an
end product that fits our service requirements,” Hoather
says. “If we had ordered new, we wouldn’t get quite what
we want; we would get what they make – at twice the cost.”
CAD Railway Industries Ltd. of Montreal won the
$100-million contract at the end of 2007 to rebuild the rest
of VIA’s F40 locomotive fleet. The contract will be complete
in 2012. It started with five units that were already out of
service for various reasons. “One of the biggest challenges
in the F40 rebuilding has been fitting a new diesel generator
to supply electrical power to the coaches,” Hoather says.
« Il y a deux ans, nous avons remis à neuf l’une de nos
54 locomotives F40 qui forment l’épine dorsale de notre
parc. Cette locomotive a donc servi de prototype pour notre
programme de remise à neuf, dit Roger Hoather. Elle a eu
un excellent rendement. Nous l’avons utilisée durant deux
ans et avons effectué les mises au point nécessaires. Sa
consommation de carburant s’est nettement améliorée et il y a
aussi une réduction correspondante en émissions. La révision
est considérable et rien n’a fait défaut. Il n’y a eu aucun
problème avec la nouvelle technologie que nous avons ajoutée.
Nous continuerons la révision des autres locomotives en toute
confiance. »
La remise à neuf des locomotives âgées de 20 ans procure
à VIA « un produit fi nal qui satisfait les exigences de notre
service, dit M. Hoather. Si nous avions acheté de nouvelles
locomotives, nous n’aurions pas eu exactement ce que nous
voulions, mais plutôt ce que le constructeur offre – à double
le prix. »
continued on page 18
suite à la page 18
Winter 2009 17
VIA Improvements continued from page 17
VIA est sur la
The 500-horsepower generator meets new air
pollution emission reduction standards and will
improve the fuel consumption of the locomotive.
The generator will supply all the electrical
power required to the coaches. As a result, the
locomotive’s main engine will be fully utilized in
moving the train so it will be able to accelerate
faster from stations and haul additional cars.
À la fin de 2007, CAD Railway Industries de Montréal a décroché le
contrat de 100 millions de dollars pour remettre à neuf le reste du parc
de locomotives F40 à VIA. L’entreprise a commencé le projet, qui se
terminera en 2012, en travaillant sur cinq locos qui n’étaient déjà plus en
service pour différentes causes. « Une des plus grandes difficultés dans
la remise à neuf d’une F40 est d’installer la nouvelle génératrice diesel
devant fournir du courant électrique aux voitures-coachs », affirme
Roger Hoather.
La génératrice de 500 HP satisfait les nouvelles normes de réduction
des émissions et réduira la consommation de carburant des locomotives.
Elle fournira tout le courant nécessaire au fonctionnement des
voitures-coachs. Ainsi, le moteur principal de la locomotive sera utilisé
uniquement pour remorquer le train. La locomotive pourra accélérer
plus rapidement au moment de quitter les gares et tirer plus de voitures.
Rolling Stock
VIA did a partial rebuild on one of its LRC
coaches at its maintenance facility in Montreal. “We
made a number of system changes taking advantage
of new technologies and addressing obsolescence,”
Hoather says.
“We didn’t make any changes to the body of the
coach. When they go for the overhaul, the cars will be
completely stripped, windows will be changed where
needed, the washrooms will be renewed and the cars
will be repainted, interiors upgraded along with all the
usual maintenance work.”
Hoather says VIA is also looking at upgrading the
cars used on the western transcontinental “because
they really aren’t up to the standards expected by
our tourist clientele.” The cars are more than 50
years old and were converted to electrical from
steam heating almost two decades ago.
Pending specific funding for this project,
VIA is planning to build a prototype Park car
(combination dome and sleeping car) with a fully
accessible bedroom, as a possible model for future
With the Renaissance cars, VIA is resolving
a complaint from groups representing people
with disabilities by installing a fully accessible
washroom and bedroom in one car per train,
as well as a number of other accessibility
improvements. Hoather says the plan has been
discussed with the groups and the Canadian
Transportation Agency, which ordered changes to
the cars. VIA has operated the British-built cars
suite de la page 17
Matériel roulant
VIA a partiellement remis à neuf une de ses voitures-coachs
LRC dans son centre d’entretien de Montréal. « Nous avons changé
un certain nombre de systèmes afi n de tirer parti des nouvelles
technologies et de remplacer l’équipement désuet », dit Roger
« Nous n’avons apporté aucune modification à la caisse de
la voiture. Au moment de la remise à neuf, les voitures seront
complètement démontées : on remplacera les fenêtres au besoin,
on remettra les toilettes à neuf, on repeindra les voitures et
on améliorera l’intérieur, sans oublier les travaux d’entretien
habituels. »
De plus, VIA a l’intention de moderniser les voitures utilisées
pour le service transcontinental de l’Ouest, « parce qu’elles ne
répondent pas aux attentes de notre clientèle de touristes », précise
M. Hoather. Les voitures ont plus de 50 ans et leur chauffage
électrique, qui a remplacé le chauffage à la vapeur, a près de 20 ans.
En attente de financement spécifique pour ce projet, VIA a
l’intention de construire un prototype d’une voiture Parc (qui est une
combinaison coupole et voiture-lit) avec une chambre à coucher d’accès
facile, comme modèle possible de changements à venir.
En ce qui a trait aux voitures Renaissance, VIA est en train
de résoudre les plaintes des groupes représentant les personnes
handicapées en aménageant des toilettes et des chambres adaptées et
en s’assurant que chaque train a une telle voiture ainsi que d’autres
améliorations de l’accessibilité. M. Hoather affi rme que le plan a
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18 Interchange
Winter 2009
5:19:11 PM
for several years now and “they have proved very
popular with our customers,” he says.
VIA has started a multimillion-dollar program to
modernize key parts of the track, including 40 miles
of welded rail and signal system between Ottawa
and Montreal, as well as a passing track east of
Ottawa. The switches in and out of the siding will
be controlled by train dispatchers and should help
speed up train operations. A major bridge over the
South Nation River has been rehabilitated.
In addition, VIA is planning to add signalling
to improve train operations and allow for possible
increased frequencies on the line between Ottawa,
Smith Falls and Brockville (VIA’s Ottawa-Toronto
The Ottawa Station underwent a major
transformation during 2008 with major changes
to the Panorama Lounge, the main station waiting
room, public washrooms, and the central rotunda,
including new ticket counters. The Panorama
Lounge at Central Station in Montreal has also been
upgraded to increase its capacity. Improvements
are also planned for a number of other stations in
VIA’s network over the coming years. ●
fait l’objet de discussions entre ces différents groupes et l’Office des
transports du Canada qui a exigé que les voitures soient modifiées.
VIA exploite ces voitures construites en Grande-Bretagne depuis bon
nombre d’années et « ils jouissent d’une grande popularité auprès des
clients », dit-il.
VIA a mis sur pied un programme de plusieurs millions de
dollars afin de moderniser des parties importantes de la voie, entre
autres 40 milles de voie en longs rails soudés et des dispositifs de
signalisation entre Ottawa et Montréal, ainsi que la signalisation
d’une voie d’évitement à l’est d’Ottawa. Les aiguillages équipant cette
voie d’évitement seront commandés par un contrôleur de la circulation
ferroviaire, ce qui devrait accélérer la circulation des trains. On a aussi
rénové un pont important traversant la rivière South Nation.
En plus, VIA projette d’ajouter des dispositifs de signalisation pour
améliorer la circulation et permettre une augmentation de fréquences
sur la ligne entre Ottawa, Smith Falls et Brockville (la route OttawaToronto de VIA).
En 2008, on a réalisé d’importantes modifications à la gare
d’Ottawa, entre autre au salon Panorama, à la salle d’attente
principale, aux toilettes, et à la rotonde centrale dont des comptoirs
de billeterie. On a aussi rénové le salon Panorama de la gare Centrale
de Montréal afin d’augmenter sa capacité. Des améliorations sont
planifiées pour un nombre d’autres gares du réseau VIA au cours des
prochaines années. ●
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406102_Falcon.indd 1
10/29/08 8:26:55
11:27:51 AM
Winter 2009 19
DME Takeover a Work in Progress
WHILE CP GAINED control over its new railway
properties in the United States at the end of October, getting
them up to the company’s maintenance and operational
standards will be a work in progress for several years, says
Vern Graham, the vice-president handling the acquisition.
Vern Graham
“Safe and fluid operations are our top priorities,” said
Vern Graham, vice-president of the DM&E transition for
Canadian Pacific. “To maintain our standing as North
America’s safest railway, and to realize the operational
efficiencies that will come from combining our networks,
there is some work that needs to be done to enhance the
DM&E and IC&E’s maintenance and operational standards.
This work will progress over the course of several years.”
CP is focusing on introducing its Information Technology
systems to the Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern Railroad Corp
and its subsidiaries, the Iowa, Chicago & Eastern Railroad
and Cedar American Rail Holdings, Graham said in an
It is also planning to spend $300 million during the next
three years to improve the condition of the track, bridges and
other infrastructure of its new properties.
20 Interchange
Winter 2009
CP is aiming to have its IT system fully introduced by Jan.
1, Graham says. “That way we can have a company balance
sheet for 2009 that fully reflects the value of the DM&E.” IT
changes are done to ensure regulatory compliance that comes
with being a publicly traded company.
CP gained operational control of DM&E on October 30.
“This is a significant day. . . as it marks our acquisition of the
largest and one of the most successful regional railroads in
North America,” CP President and CEO Fred Green said in
a statement. “We acquired the DM&E and IC&E railroads
because of the opportunity for sustained double-digit topline and EBITDA growth.
“The DM&E’s speed to market, operational efficiency
and organic growth reinforces our confidence in the strength
and potency of this acquisition,” Green continued. “The two
networks belong together, the union of which will open up
enhanced opportunities for shippers.”
Kathryn McQuade, CP executive vice-president and
CFO, said, “With the acquisition complete, we look to start
building on the improvements the DM&E has already made
in operating efficiency and safety. Our capital investment
reinforces our commitment to safe and fluid operations for
our shareholders, our employees, our customers and the
communities we serve.”
Graham says upgrading the DM&E network will achieve
CP’s goal of being the safest railway in North America.
“The DM&E has one of the lowest rates of personal
injury accidents. We want to bring it to the next level by
implementing CP’s standards for track maintenance as well
as its rule books for train operations.”
One of the attractions of the DME is that 90 per cent of
its traffic is generated locally, he says. “To date, there’s been
little interchange between it and CP. This is a real end-to-end
type merger.” Serving eight mid-west states, the 2,500 miles
of DM&E hauls a lot of agriculture-related products with
which CP is very familiar.
Graham says one booming commodity in the region
is ethanol. “It’s going to be front and centre in the energy
picture. There’re a lot of new ethanol facilities and more to
come on line. We’re pretty excited about the potential of this
CP plans to look at the DM&E’s contracts with customers
“to see if there are ways to expand the business through
further synergies,” he added. It is also looking at how the
DM&E could expand CP’s network into the United States.
The railway interchanges with all the major American
“This network extension provides our customers with
direct single-line access to the Midwest U.S. markets and the
Kansas City gateway, which will improve fluidity to and from
the Southwest U.S. and Mexico.” It may also be possible to
offer DM&E customers the ability to ship by rail into eastern
CP plans to operate the DM&E “as a stand-alone
operation,” Graham says. “We like their ability to bring
customers on line. Also they have highlighted the importance
of employees in improving the business on the property.
We want to respect the values and culture they’ve created.”
While CP is doing the takeover, Graham says there’s “always
things to be learned from an acquired railroad.”
CP emphasizes strong employee participation in the
company safety action plan, Graham says. “That way we
have a top-down, bottom-up approach. We will set up safety
In announcing in late September that the U.S. Surface
Transportation Board had approved the DM&E takeover,
Green noted the deal will give CP customers direct singleline access to the Midwest U.S. markets and the Kansas
City gateway, which will improve fluidity to and from the
Southwest U.S. and Mexico. DM&E and IC&E customers
will have access to single-line haul opportunities to new
markets and access to CP’s car fleets.
The DM&E is headquartered in Sioux Falls, S.D. and has
approximately 1,100 employees, 2,500 miles of track, including
approximately 500 miles of trackage rights, and rolling stock
that includes 7,200 rail cars and 150 locomotives. The DM&E
serves eight Midwest states – Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri,
Nebraska, South Dakota, Wisconsin and Wyoming – with access
to Chicago, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Kansas City and key ports.
CP’s direct connection to Mexico will enable it to offer full
NAFTA rail service. It also opens the door for CP to continue to
examine the option to build into Wyoming’s Powder River Basin
coal field.
“This decision is contingent on several conditions such as
access to a right-of-way land corridor, mine and utility contracts
and an economic and regulatory environment that would
support a long-term investment of this magnitude. As of today,
no decision has been made on whether or not we will build the
“The DM&E was pursuing a strategy to become the third rail
carrier in Wyoming’s Powder River Basin, which is the largest
and most rapidly growing source of low-cost, low-sulphur coal
in North America,” Green noted. “Eastern power utilities that
depend on its coal have been looking for a third carrier to force
lower freight rates and better service.”
In addition to the $1.48-million price tag, CP will have to pay
an additional $350 million to DME shareholders if construction
starts on the Powder River Basin expansion project prior to
December 31, 2025. Further future contingent payments of up
to approximately US$700 million will become due upon the
movement of specified volumes of coal from the project prior to
December 31, 2025. ●
Winter 2009 21
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395229_Services.indd 1
22 Interchange
Winter 2009
8/21/08 2:36:08
2/28/08 3:22:35 PM
CN Buys Up
More Former
Short Lines
Le CN rachète
des anciens
chemins de fer
d’intérêt local
LE CN RACHÈTE actuellement
CN IS BUYING back three rail
lines owned by the Quebec Railway
CN acquisition of select assets from Quebec Railway Corporation (QRC)
Corporation in Ontario, Quebec and
trois lignes ferroviaires
appartenant à la Société des
Fort Nelson
Prince Rupert
Dawson Creek
New Brunswick that it spun off a
Baie Comeau
Thunder Bay
Saint John
et au Nouveau-Brunswick. La
Baie Comeau
Sioux City
(SCFQ) en Ontario, au Québec
Minneapolis/St. Paul
decade ago because they generated
little traffic at the time.
chemins de fer du Québec
Prince George
Compagnie les avait vendues il
Now, the lines are important to
CN, says President and CEO Hunter
Harrison, “because QRC is our
second-largest short-line partner,
serving important customers at origin
and directly feeding our main-line network. QRC has done
a great job with these rail properties, and we believe we
can improve on that in future. With CN’s industry-leading
operating model and track record of seamlessly integrating
acquisitions, we expect to realize meaningful operating
efficiencies from the addition of these properties to our
During the last couple of years, CN has bought back
several short lines in Western Canada. In 2007, it took
over the Athabaska Northern that provides access to the
Alberta oil sands.
The year before, it acquired the Mackenzie Northern
Railway and Lakeland & Waterways Railway in northern
Alberta and in December of that year it acquired the
Savage Alberta Railway, Inc. It has spent millions of dollars
upgrading the lines.
The latest deal will give CN control of the Ottawa Central
Railway (OCR), the Chemin de fer de la Matapédia et du
Golfe (CFMG) and the New Brunswick East Coast Railway
(BNEDC) as well as a rail-freight ferry operation across the
St. Lawrence River for $49.8 million. CN sold the rail lines
to QRC in the late 1990s and has held a minority equity
interest in the ferry operation since its start-up in 1975.
Pierre Martin, chairman of QRC, says, “We are pleased
to have reached agreement with CN on the sale of these
three rail subsidiaries and ferry operation. With our close
partnership over the years, CN was the logical purchaser of
these properties after QRC decided to dispose of key assets.
We believe CN will build on our sustained customer focus to
deliver even better service in future.”
À présent, ces lignes sont
importantes pour le CN, déclare le président-directeur général,
Hunter Harrison, « parce que la SCFQ, qui est notre deuxième
partenaire en importance parmi les chemins de fer d’intérêt
local (CFIL), dessert les clients du CN au point d’origine et
alimente directement notre ligne principale. La SCFQ a fait
un excellent travail avec ces propriétés ferroviaires et nous
croyons qu’il sera possible d’apporter d’autres améliorations
ultérieurement. En misant sur son modèle d’exploitation avantgardiste et son expérience antérieure en matière d’intégration
harmonieuse de sociétés acquises, le CN prévoit réaliser des
gains d’efficacité importants sur le plan de l’exploitation grâce
à l’ajout de ces propriétés à son réseau. »
Au cours des dernières années, le CN a racheté
plusieurs CFIL dans l’Ouest du Canada. En 2007, la
Compagnie a racheté l’Athabaska Northern, qui donne
accès aux sables bitumineux de l’Alberta.
L’année précédente, elle a acquis le Mackenzie Northern
Railway et le Lakeland and Waterways Railway, dans le nord
de l’Alberta et, en décembre de la même année, elle a acheté
le Savage Alberta Railway, Inc. La Compagnie a investi des
millions de dollars dans la mise à niveau de ces lignes.
La dernière transaction, d’une valeur de 49,8 millions de
dollars, permettra au CN de prendre le contrôle du Ottawa
Central Railway (OCR), du Chemin de fer de la Matapédia
et du Golfe (CFMG) et du Chemin de fer de la côte est du
Nouveau-Brunswick (NBEC), et d’exploiter un service
marchandises de traversier-rail sur le fleuve Saint-Laurent.
Le CN a vendu ces lignes à la SCFQ à la fin des années 1990,
et il détient une participation minoritaire dans le service de
traversier depuis la création de ce dernier en 1975.
continued on page 24
suite à la page 25
Saint John
Shortline partners
New Orleans
y a 10 ans car, à l’époque, elles
QRC assets acquired by CN
généraient peu de trafic.
Winter 2009 23
CN Buys Up continued from page 23
The CFMG has 221 miles of track, interchanging
with CN at Rivière-du-Loup, Que. It runs from Rivièredu-Loup to Campbellton, N.B., where it meets the New
Brunswick East Coast Railway. CFMG also has a line
between Mont-Joli and Matane, Que. And the rail ferry.
It serves major shippers of aluminum, paper and forest
products and VIA Rail uses the line between Rivière-duLoup and Campbellton for its Maritime service between
Montreal and Halifax.
The 196-mile NBEC runs between Campbellton
and Moncton where it interchanges with CN. It serves
major shippers mainly in the mining and pulp and paper
industries. VIA Rail uses its line for its Montreal-Halifax
passenger service.
OCR runs between Coteau, Que., where it interchanges
with CN, and Pembroke, Ont. It also serves Hawkesbury,
Ont. Between Coteau and Ottawa, it operates over VIA
Rail trackage. Major commodities carried by the OCR
include newsprint, salt, forest products, steel wire rod and
The ferry company known as COGEMA provides
shuttle boat-rail freight service on the St. Lawrence between
Matane and Baie-Comeau, Que., and other North Shore
ports. The ferry has a capacity of 25 rail cars.
Harrison said CN will invest capital during the next
three years to upgrade the rail lines of the acquired
properties, and will replace the existing locomotive fl eet
with more modern motive power.
382301_Railquip.indd 1
24 Interchange
Winter 2009
Post-transaction, it will be business as usual under CN
ownership, with no immediate changes in freight or VIA
Rail service or employment levels. The QRC lines being
acquired by CN employ approximately 214 persons.
As part of the deal with QRC, CN will assume the
operation and management contract for the Chemin de
fer de la Gaspésie, which runs from Matapédia to Gaspé,
Que. Excluded from the transaction are QRC’s Sydney Coal
Railway Inc. subsidiary in Sydney, N.S., and its Chemin de
fer de Charlevoix inc. (CFC) unit running east of Quebec
City to Clermont, Que.
Logistec Corp. of Montreal has purchased the Sydney
Coal Railway for about $11 million in cash for the
22.5-kilometre short-line railway, plus a further amount
to be determined once the annual fi nancial statements are
done next spring, said Jean-Claude Dugas, Logistec’s vicepresident of fi nance.
A subsidiary unloads coal from the pier in Sydney
harbour for transport by rail to Nova Scotia Power’s Lingan
Generating Station. “It’s complementary to our operations,”
said Dugas. He described the transaction as a turnkey
operation where “we can take the coal all the way from the
pier to the plant.”
Logistec bought the railway from Quebec Railway
Corp., a company in which Logistec owns about 16 per cent
of all shares. The Sydney Coal Railway had 22 employees
and five locomotives in 2006, moving in excess of 20,500
carloads of coal. ●
5/8/08 12:27:54 PM
Le CN rachète
suite de la page 23
Pierre Martin, président du conseil d’administration de la
SCFQ, a déclaré : « Nous sommes heureux d’être parvenus
à une entente avec le CN relativement à la vente de ces trois
fi liales ferroviaires et du service de traversier. Étant donné
notre étroit partenariat au fi l des ans, il était logique que le
CN fasse l’acquisition de ces fi liales après que la SCFQ ait
décidé de se départir de ses principales activités ferroviaires.
Nous croyons que le CN tirera parti de l’orientation client
soutenue que nous appliquions pour offrir un service encore
meilleur. »
Le CFMG compte 221 milles (354 kilomètres) de voies et a
un point d’échange avec le CN à Rivière-du-Loup, au Québec.
Son réseau s’étend de Rivière-du-Loup à Campbellton, au
Nouveau-Brunswick, où il rejoint celui de la Compagnie de
chemin de fer de la côte est du Nouveau-Brunswick. Le CFMG
exploite aussi une ligne entre Mont-Joli et Matane, au Québec,
ainsi qu’un traversier-rail. De plus, le CFMG dessert les
principaux expéditeurs d’aluminium, de papier et de produits
forestiers, et VIA Rail emprunte la ligne Rivière-du-Loup –
Campbellton pour ses trajets entre Montréal et Halifax.
Le réseau du NBEC compte 196 milles de voies
(314 kilomètres) et va de Campbellton à Moncton, où il
effectue des échanges avec le CN. Il dessert d’importants
expéditeurs qui œuvrent surtout dans les secteurs minier et
papetier. VIA Rail emprunte sa ligne pour assurer le service
voyageurs entre Montréal et Halifax.
L’OCR relie Pembroke, en Ontario, et Coteau, au
Québec, où il a un point d’échange avec le CN. Il dessert
High Security Padlocks
également Hawkesbury, en Ontario. Entre Coteau et
Ottawa, l’OCR emprunte les voies de VIA Rail. L’OCR
transporte divers produits, dont du papier journal, du sel,
des produits forestiers, des billettes et du fi l machine en
La société COGEMA offre un service marchandises de
traversier-rail qui effectue la navette sur le fleuve Saint-Laurent
entre Matane et Baie Comeau, au Québec, et d’autres ports de
la rive nord. Le traversier-rail a une capacité de 25 wagons.
M. Harrison a affi rmé qu’au cours des trois prochaines
années, le CN investira dans la modernisation des voies
ferrées des propriétés acquises et il remplacera les unités
du parc de traction actuel par des locomotives plus
Le CN, à titre de nouveau propriétaire, maintiendra le
statu quo une fois la transaction réalisée; il ne prévoit donc pas
modifier immédiatement le service marchandises, le service
voyageurs de VIA Rail ou les niveaux d’emploi. Les lignes de
la SCFQ dont le CN se porte acquéreur fournissent du travail
à environ 214 personnes.
Dans le cadre de la transaction avec la SCFQ, le CN sera
responsable de la gestion et de l’exploitation du Chemin de
fer de la Gaspésie, qui relie Matapédia à Gaspé, au Québec.
Sont exclus de la transaction le Sydney Coal Railway Inc.,
fi liale de la SCFQ à Sydney, en Nouvelle-Écosse, et le
Chemin de fer de Charlevoix inc. (CFC), fi liale qui offre des
services à l’est de Québec, entre cette ville et Clermont, au
Québec. ●
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8:54:07 AM
Winter 2009 25
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395137_Badger.indd 1
26 Interchange
Winter 2009
8/25/08 5:26:30
11/6/08 7:29:28 AM
CTA Opts for Talk on Railway Noise
municipalities and individuals with complaints about train
noise and vibration to try to resolve their differences with the
railways before launching an official action.
It has set out guidelines for consultation and
mediation that must be followed before the Agency
will conduct an investigation or a hearing into
a complaint. It also spells out the factors it will
consider in a complaint.
“The guidelines apply to all forms of
railway noise and vibration produced during the
construction and the operation of a railway,”
the Agency said in a statement. “For instance,
this can be noise from passing trains or idling
locomotives, shunting, whistling, or noise
from the compression or stretching
of trains.”
Jeff McConnell,
chairman of the
on Municipal
Infrastructure and Transportation Policy of the Federation of
Canadian Municipalities, said in an interview the guidelines
“are a great fi rst step and we’ll monitor them to see how they
work out in the real world during the next three years. The
CTA says it will consult with us as this goes along. We hope
in the process that it leads to even clearer guidelines.”
He likes the Agency’s intention of getting disputes
resolved without a hearing. “It wants the process to
produce a settlement that all parties are satisfied with,” says
McConnell, a councillor in the Manitoba community of
Virden that is bisected by CP’s transcontinental rail line.
Mike Lowenger, RAC’s vice-president of Operations &
Regulatory Affairs, also welcomed the CTA’s guidelines.
“They mesh with the proximity initiative that we and
FCM have had since 2003. The CTA adopted a lot of the
suggestions that we had.”
A requirement that an individual with a complaint against
a railway had to fi rst discuss it with the local municipality is
a good move, Lowenger notes. “That rules out complaints
that have more to do with local developments and bylaws.
It also means the railways fi nd out what the dispute is about
before it reaches the CTA. It’s defi nitely better than the old
days when individual complaints went to the CTA without
the railways knowing anything about it.”
The CTA also made it clear it won’t hear complaints
about railway noise and vibration “until it knows that
adequate efforts have been made to resolve the issue
through talks with the railways,” he says. A 60-day
deadline for getting the issue resolved is tight, Lowenger
says, “but the parties can extend that timeline if they agree
they need more time.”
Anyone needing more information should check out
the website on railway noise and complaints
at www.proximityissues.ca, which is
maintained by FCM and RAC. It
provides an information base of railway
and municipal contacts, and proximity
related reference information to enable
better communication between
all the parties involved in a noise
or vibration dispute.
McConnell says, “From
the FCM point of view, we are
pleased that a joint initiative
of FCM and the RAC is cited
as a resource for parties to use
in a dispute.” The relationship
between the two organizations has
gotten stronger over time.
“The railways know that it’s a joint
effort and getting recognition for it from
the Agency makes it all worthwhile.” He notes that the MOU
between the two organizations is up for renewal and he
hopes that it gets signed soon. “We’re certainly satisfied with
the relationship for handling noise issues.”
He also likes the 60-day deadlines the Agency has
included in the guidelines for getting action on complaints
so they aren’t just left to drift. Also welcome was the
requirement that municipalities must be informed whenever
an individual makes a complaint.
McConnell says the guidelines talk a lot about
reasonableness but it remains to be seen how that will
work out.
One common public complaint about railways is the
sound of train whistles at level crossings but McConnell
notes they are required under federal safety rules unless
there’s an agreement between a municipality and a railway
not to blow them within the community.
The CTA says that municipalities must be careful in any
development decision not to create situations that will lead
to noise and vibration complaints. “Careful consideration
should be given at the planning and approvals stages to
measures that will prevent or mitigate the impacts of
potentially incompatible land uses, as well as other issues.”
Meanwhile, the railways “should assess and mitigate their
impacts on neighbouring areas – even when the construction
and operations are not subject to an environmental
assessment and approval under the CTA.
continued on page 28
Winter 2009 27
CTA Opts for Talk
continued from page 27
The CTA also made it clear
it won’t hear complaints
about railway noise and
vibration “until it knows
that adequate efforts have
been made to resolve the
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“Ongoing communication among
all involved in railway noise and
vibration issues can help develop
awareness of the needs and realities
of other parties and may help
prevent future complaints,” the
Agency observed. “Whether it is a
railway company’s participation in
a municipal planning consultation
or a municipal government working
with a railway company to solve
problems, exploring solutions in a
proactive way can be productive for
neighbourhoods, municipalities, and
railway companies.”
Several sections of the Canada
Transportation Act give the Agency
authority to require railways to take
reasonable measures to limit the noise
from their operations. However, “it
must be satisfied that the collaborative
measures set out in these guidelines
have been exhausted” before it get
involved in hearing a complaint.
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complainants and railway companies
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28 Interchange
Winter 2009
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11/10/08 2:22:55
6/26/07 12:05:19 PM
to have a say in resolving an issue,”
the CTA added. “A solution in which
both parties have had input is more
likely to constitute a long-term
solution and is one that can often be
implemented more effectively and
efficiently than a decision rendered
through an adjudicative process.”
The parties in a railway noise
dispute should consider the use of
third-party facilitation or mediation
services if they cannot resolve the
issue between them, the Agency
suggests. CTA staff may be able
to help in the mediation process
especially as they have extensive
knowledge of the railway industry
and issues. “Parties may also, on
agreement, request the mediation
services of the Agency for issues under
its jurisdiction.”
As for what is reasonable, the CTA
says it takes into consideration all the
elements connected to the dispute as
well as jurisprudence regarding what
is reasonable. It “is determined on a
case-by-case basis and relates to an
objective sense of what is just and
proper in a given circumstance. What
is reasonable in some circumstances
may not be reasonable in other
“The challenge is to carefully
balance the concerns of communities
with the need for a railway
company to maintain efficient
and economically-viable railway
operations. Overall, this balance is
inherent in the statutory requirement
that the allowable noise or vibration
be only that which is reasonable,” the
CTA says. ●
403097_Bombardier.indd 1
10/18/08 12:36:45 PM
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9/11/08 9:00:24
10/9/08 4:55:53 PM
Winter 2009 29
CN Adds New Hi-tech Tool to
AT FIRST GLANCE, it looks like a reincarnated version
of the old self-propelled Budd passenger coaches CN used to
operate across the country. Maybe from the outside but not
on the inside.
CN has unveiled its new track geometry vehicle, the
latest word in keeping rail lines safe through the electronic
inspection of track curvature, alignment and cross-level
of rail lines. It was built into an old Budd car that was
completely revamped for CN by Gateway Rail Services
Inc. of Madison, Ill., with a geometry system produced by
ENSCO Inc. of Falls Church, Va.
The car will travel CN’s tracks using its high-speed
cameras and optical recognition software to search for
possible flaws in the rails and the joint-bars that connect
them. The vehicle can run in either direction and doesn’t
require a locomotive to tow it as do other railway track
evaluation cars.
Paul Miller, CN’s chief safety and transportation officer,
says, “Maintaining proper track geometry is integral to
safe train operations. The acquisition of the new vehicle
will permit us to increase the amount of in-house main line
track-geometry testing across our network. We take quality
track seriously. Of CN’s $1.5-billion capital budget this year,
C$1.1 billion is focused on track infrastructure.”
During 2007, CN conducted geometric testing of
approximately 65,000 miles of track, a 35 per cent increase
over 2006. This year CN plans to boost its geometric testing
by a further 15 per cent to 75,000 track miles.
CN also employs contractors using vehicles with
sophisticated ultrasonic technology to discover internal rail
defects that normally cannot be detected visually during
routine track inspections. Ultrasonic rail flaw testing will
increase to about 145,000 miles this year, double what CN
did five years ago.
In addition, CN uses a wide range of other technologies to
monitor the condition of locomotives and freight cars moving
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30 Interchange
Winter 2009
5/23/08 10:26:24
6/4/07 1:08:13 PM
Track Inspection Force
“Our increased focus on track geometry and ultrasonic
rail inspections in recent years has contributed to CN’s
improved safety performance in 2008,” Miller added. “CN’s
total Transportation Safety Board of Canada-reportable
train accidents are down more than 30 per cent year-to-date
through Oct. 26, 2008, in comparison with the same 2007
period. Of particular note is the 26 per cent reduction in CN
main-track TSB-reportable accidents, as well as a 45 per cent
reduction in total accident severity.”
CN’s 2008 U.S. Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)
train accident rate through Oct. 26 of this year was 2.55 per
million train miles. The 2008 Class 1 railroad FRA industry
average train accident ratio in North America through the
end of July 2008 – the latest available data – was 2.95.
The new TEST car will provide continuous, real-time
printed reports on track condition, Miller explains. CN
engineering forces use the reports to address any track
irregularities and to plan long-term rail replacement
programs. ●
over its network. These include hot bearing detectors, hot
wheel detectors, dragging equipment detectors, wheel impact
load detectors and wheel profi le detectors. CN has one of
the highest applications of such detectors of any railroad in
North America.
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Winter 2009 31
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350775_Scotts.indd 1
32 Interchange
Winter 2009
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12/10/07 10:12:05
5/23/08 12:15:32 PM
Passenger Progress
GO Transit Faces
Major Growth
AS GARY MCNEIL, managing director and CEO of GO Transit, talks about the
continual capacity challenges facing the Toronto commuter rail network, it sounds
like an adaptation of the movie line, “Build it and they will come.”
“With our population and ridership,
we fi nd that as soon as we expand a
facility, it fi lls up almost instantly,” he
says. “There’s such a massive amount
of latent demand in the system. We
open up an expansion to a parking lot
and, it fi lls up almost instantly.”
It’s the same situation with the
trains, he says. “On the Milton
corridor, most of our trains are 125 to
140 per cent of capacity. We expanded
the trains there to 12 cars from 10.
That’s a 20 per cent increase in capacity
but more people came to the trains
and we’re still at 125 to 130 per cent
capacity. It’s a good news story but it’s a
bad news story at the same time.”
Another example of the demand
for GO service is the 22 per cent
increase in the number of riders on
the Barrie line since it opened in May
2007. “Ridership from the new Barrie
South GO Station is about 500 trips
each way, up from 350 trips when the
station opened in December 2007,”
GO says. “We added 200 more parking
spaces at the station in September,
bringing the total number to 680 (the
existing parking lot was full). We are
also erecting a station building that
will replace the existing ticket trailer.
It is expected to be completed before
continued on page 34
Winter 2009 33
continued from page 33
Passenger Progress
Running longer trains to increase
capacity doesn’t really solve the
demand for more capacity, he says.
They just mean more congestion
at stops as people get on and off.
“Longer trains are a stop-gap
measure. It’s clear from surveys
that commuters want more frequent
service, not longer trains.” More
frequent trains mean that if a traveller
misses a train because of problems
getting to the station, he or she
doesn’t have to wait another
20 minutes for a train because another
will arrive even sooner, McNeil points
out. “But to run more trains, we need
additional track capacity.”
As GO tries to wring more capacity
out of its system with new locomotives,
refurbished coaches and improvements
to the tracks at Union Station, the
province is taking a bigger role in
fi nding solutions to the commuter
capacity crunch in the TorontoHamilton area with the creation of
34 Interchange
Winter 2009
In September, Metrolinx released
a draft strategy called the Big Move
that maps out plans for spending
$50 billion on 100 new projects
and developments to improve public
transit that would be built during
the next 25 years. “This is big,” says
Metrolinx Chairman Rob MacIsaac.
“Transportation is the largest challenge
facing our region and this plan will
be a major step forward in addressing
that challenge. This plan will launch a
renaissance of transportation for the
Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area.”
Public consultations on the Big
Move proposals were held during the
fall and a fi nal plan for launching
the projects will be released before
the end of the year. “We want to
see shovels in the ground. These
infrastructure improvements,
particularly to public transit, are long
overdue,” MacIsaac says.
“It’s a plan of action, to get things
moving now,” he continues. “We are
fi nally playing catch-up, after decades
of neglecting major-league transit
improvements. Other jurisdictions in
North America and around the world
have gotten the competitive jump on
us. This plan can restore our cityregion as pre-eminent in transit.”
Among Big Move’s proposals are
1,150 km of new rapid-transit lines
and other measures to more than
double the number of commuter trips
taken every year. Money has already
been committed by governments to get
some of the projects moving. When
fully implemented, 75 per cent of
residents in the Greater Toronto and
Hamilton Area will live within two km
of rapid transit, compared to just
42 per cent currently, MacIsaac
A major goal of the Big Move
report is getting more capacity in the
existing rail corridor in the GTA,
McNeil explains. “It specifi es the
need for higher frequency service
going to a 10- or 5-minute headway
(train separations) along the main
east-west corridor. Metrolinx is
looking at the existing lines and
saying they’re no longer functioning
as a heavy rail corridor; they’re
Paint shop at Ontario Northland in North Bay
continued on page 36
Winter 2009 35
Passenger Progress
continued from page 35
functioning more as a major urban
mass transit corridor. I think this is
a refl ection of the growth in demand
even with the temporary downturn in
the economy.”
Paying for the infrastructure
expansion may take a combination
of tolls and gas tax revenues, he
continues. “We have to invest a lot
in the infrastructure to meet the
transportation demand. There’s also
a need outlined in the report for a
new east-west rail freight corridor for
the GTA. That way, commuter trains
wouldn’t be impacted by long, slowspeed freight trains.
McNeil says, “The Metrolinx
plan also recognizes there is a
demand from Kitchener-Waterloo,
the Niagara region and Peterborough
for a commuter service into the
GTA. We’re doing environmental
assessments on the Kitchener and
Niagara Falls corridors and a
feasibility study on a connection from
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327618_Howe.indd 1
36 Interchange
Winter 2009
“To improve service in downtown
Toronto, GO understands the need
for an eventual second station,”
he continued. “We’ve identified a
secondary hub at the Summerhill
location on CP’s North Toronto
subdivision. And we’re looking at
other operations to serve expanding
urban areas east of Toronto. We need
to serve the downtown from the north
as well as the south which is what
Union Station does. It’s a longer term
GO also has to wrestle with
expanding capacity at Union Station.
“In the next 25 years, we need to do
something about its track capacity.
Technically, Union Station is at
but every time I say that,
the staff fi nds ways to squeeze in
some more. It’s probably the most
important transportation hub in
Canada. It actually serves more people
than Pearson Airport does on a daily
basis. People forget how important
a train station can be. It’s a massive
transportation hub with subways and
buses buried amongst a sea of office
GO Transit has taken a number
of steps in recent years to improve
its operations. It has received most
of the fi rst order of 27 new MP40
locomotives it ordered in 2007 and
has taken an option for another 20
of the 4,000-horsepower units from
MotivePower Industries, a division of
Wabtec, McNeil says.
4/19/07 12:05:17 PM
Over 100 new jobs have been
created at Ontario Northland as a
result of this contract, for which the
company has invested in a new, stateof-the-art paint facility in North Bay.
“Our contract with GO Transit has
provided a significant opportunity
for our company to diversify and
we are now a major player in the
refurbishment industry in Ontario,”
Carmichael added.
GO opened its 59th station in
September. The $5.5-million facility,
called Lincolnville GO Station, is in
Stouffville northeast of the GTA and
offers five trains to Union Station each
weekday morning and five trains back
from Union each weekday evening,
in addition to regular bus service at
off-peak times and on weekends and
holidays. The fully accessible station
has 150 parking spaces, a bus loop and
kiss-and-ride, and shelters.
GO has also continued with the
takeover of its train operations with
continued on page 38
The new locomotives are
“performing very well. We are
optimizing the length of our trains by
using the new locomotives so we can
run with the extra cars. We’re getting
the horsepower and acceleration
that we wanted to get compared
to the F59 locomotive. They’re 20
years old and in the passenger rail
environment, unlike in freight service,
this is considered pretty old because it
does a lot of stopping and going and
shutting down and starting up. The
new locomotives are a breath of fresh
air into our system and, hopefully,
over the next few years we will replace
all our locomotives and our reliability
will go up.”
GO Transit is also having 121 of
its double-deck commuter coaches
completely refurbished under an
$81-million project that’s to be
completed in July 2011. “We are very
pleased with Ontario Northland’s
quality of work in refurbishing our
bi-level cars,” McNeil says. “We
look forward to continuing our
“We are very proud of our
accomplishments on this project,”
said Steve Carmichael, president
and CEO of Ontario Northland.
“Our employees have been building
a product of exceptional quality and
have achieved a significant milestone
with the refurbishment and delivery
of the 50th car in the program in
405828_Blackmon.indd 1
11/13/08 8:44:04 AM
Winter 2009 37
Passenger Progress
continued from page 37
defibrillators will be available on the
accessible car of every GO train as well
as at GO stations along the Lakeshore
line, at the end stations on each of
GO’s other six lines, at Union Station,
and at all layover facilities.
A MIKEY is a public-access
defibrillator – an electronic device
that delivers an electronic shock to the
heart through the chest wall in order to
restore the heart to its normal rhythm.
The shock from a MIKEY can increase
a sudden cardiac arrest victim’s chance
crews provided by Bombardier. The
transition from CN crews began
in June and was expanded again in
September. The transition is expected
to be completed by February 2009.
The Milton line operates on CP tracks
and will continue to be operated by
CP crews.
GO has also added defibrillators to
its station and trains in cooperation
with The MIKEY Network and
the Toronto EMS Cardiac Safe
City program. About 100 MIKEY
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404810_BNAC.indd 1
of survival if it is used within the
fi rst critical moments following the
incident, even before paramedics and
emergency personnel arrive.
GO says its average weekday
ridership during the last few months
is up between seven and eight per
cent compared to the same period
last year. “We estimate this current
rate of growth to continue this year
and into 2009. Rising gas prices are
a contributing factor as people turn
to transit; GO has estimated that on
average, three per cent of the increase
in ridership since February 2008 could
be attributed to the recent higher fuel
“Normally in the summer months,
we experience lower ridership levels
compared with the rest of the year. We
have not seen this in 2008, and our
ridership continues to grow,” GO says.
Other factors contributing to increased
ridership include the expanding GTA
population, new services such as
the service to Barrie, availability of
parking, employment and travel time.
“Commuters are choosing GO for
many reasons including fast, good
point-to-point access. We do not plan
to increase our fares as a result of
higher fuel costs. GO will continue to
monitor ridership levels and look at
service adjustments as required.”
Proof More Government
Support of Public
3:46:03 PM
Transit Needed
The experience at GO shows the
need for more government support
for public transit, says the Federation
of Canadian Municipalities and the
Canadian Urban Transit Association.
“Canadians are at a tipping point,”
said FCM President Jean Perrault.
“They are feeling pain at the pump and
willing to consider switching to transit.
The problem is they´ll fi nd most transit
systems are already operating at or
beyond capacity.”
A survey conducted for the two
organizations by the Strategic Counsel
shows rising gas prices have more than
one in five Canadians considering
switching to public transit. More than
40 per cent say they will consider
transit if gas prices continue to rise and
404745_PowerLite.indd 1
38 Interchange
Winter 2009
10/23/08 8:46:43 PM
83 per cent believe high gas prices are
here to stay. Transit ridership could
triple as a result of higher gas prices.
“Transit providers welcome new
riders, but without new funding this
kind of increased demand would
overwhelm urban systems, many
of which are already at or beyond
capacity during peak hours,” said
CUTA Chair Steve New. “The ability
to respond to a surge in ridership
resulting from higher gas prices will
require major investments in additional
“The popularity of commuter
trains is such that over the past
10 years, we’ve seen our ridership
increase by 125 per cent,”
Metropolitan Transit Agency
chairperson Joel Gauthier says. “What
we can say today is that beginning
in January, we’ll be able to offer 80
extra departures on our lines, which
represents an additional 60,000 places
for commuters on our trains.” The
Mont St. Hilaire line will offer 30
extra departures, the Delson-Candiac
line will offer 20 more departures,
as will the Dorion-Rigaud line, while
the Two Mountains line will offer 10
additional departures.
The MTA is renting 35 commuter
rail cars and five locomotives from
the New Jersey Transit Authority
and has negotiated additional use
of CN and CP tracks. Commuters
will also benefi t from an additional
2,000 parking spots made available
at stations along MTA commuter
lines. ●
“There’s such a massive
amount of latent demand
in the system. We open up
an expansion to a parking
lot and it fills up almost
– Managing Director and CEO of GO
Transit, Gary McNeil
Perrault, the mayor of Sherbrooke,
Que., says, “We’re looking at an
unprecedented opportunity for
government to help Canadians deal
with high gas prices while jumpstarting
a shift from cars to transit. Ultimately,
the country needs a properly funded,
national transit strategy. But the
389276_NDT.indd 1
7/18/08 12:07:18 PM
federal government can get things
rolling right now by adding a dedicated
top-up to the existing federal gas tax
fund for transit. The fund is in place, it
works, and we all understand it.
“Either we take the opportunity
now to support a shift to transit by
getting more buses on the road and
better rail service,” he adds, “or we do
nothing and Canadians will continue
area for
to be hurt by high gas prices with no
111 years
Meanwhile, Quebec is beefi ng up
commuter rail service in the Montreal
region with a $155-million expansion
plan. Quebec Transportation Minister
Julie Boulet said the money will
Southern Railway of British Columbia Limited
augment commuter rail service into
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401516_southern.indd 1
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Winter 2009 39
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273222_UMAGroup.indd 1
40 Interchange
Winter 2009
2/27/06 10:45:51 AM
3:40:52 PM
Industry News and Developments
Electronic Train Brakes
Put to the Test on CP
CP HAS BEGUN operating two new trains equipped with electronically controlled pneumatic brakes in
West Coast coal service.
It’s CP’s first experiment with the new braking system that
is widely used in commuter rail operations and some heavyhaul trains such as the Labrador and Quebec iron ore lines.
Each train consists of 264 aluminum coal hoppers and
specially equipped locomotives that will operate between Oak
Valley and the Westshore Terminals in the Port of Vancouver,
said CP spokesman Mike Lovecchio.
ECP has been touted for years as a superior braking system
for longer and heavier freight trains than the current system
that is controlled by air pressure from the locomotive. When
the engineer puts on or releases the brakes in an ECP-equipped
train, an electronic signal travels instantly on a wire or by
radio signal to all the cars to increase or ease off the brakes.
In an air-controlled system, the change in pressure rolls
back through the train, activating or releasing the brakes one
car at a time. With more than 100 cars, that is a slow process
and it takes more than a mile to stop a train.
In a conventional train, the locomotives are linked by
couplers and an air hose for the brakes. An ECP train has a
cable as well to carry the signal. The brakes are still controlled
by air pressure.
The ECP system has a lot of benefits for crews because the
system keeps air reservoirs on each car fully charged. Brake
tests can be done in seconds rather than waiting for all the
cars to build up sufficient pressure. Having the brakes come on
in every car reduces the risk of derailments in emergency stops
and the train can stop within a third of the distance.
ECP greatly reduces the forces exerted on a train during
braking because the brakes on all the cars engage at the same
time and the front of the train isn’t being pushed by the cars
at the back. The ECP system also makes for superior train
One of the main drawbacks is the thousands of freight cars
in service in North America that would have to be converted.
Even operating trains with a mix of ECP and conventional
cars presents enormous headaches.
Recently, U.S. Transportation Secretary Mary Peters
announced that a final rule on advanced brake technology
is being developed. She said the ECP system will enable
locomotive engineers to have better train control, lower the
risk of derailment, and allow trains to safely travel longer
distances between required brake tests.
“The concept is simple, better brakes allow trains
to operate more safely,” she said. The Federal Railroad
Administration’s final rule on ECP brakes will facilitate the
widespread deployment of this technology by railroads and
railcar owners. There are numerous safety and business
benefits compared to conventional air brake systems that have
changed little since the 1870s.
ECP technology provides simultaneous and graduated
application and release of brakes on all rail cars within a
train, resulting in shorter stopping distances, longer trains
that can operate at faster speeds, improved fuel effi ciency,
and reduced emissions, she said. It also complements other
advanced rail safety technologies like Positive Train Control
“I believe that railroads and railcar owners will
increasingly realize the benefits of ECP brake systems and will
make the necessary investments,” added FRA Administrator
Joseph Boardman.
While ECP brakes are not mandated, the final rule
establishes the performance requirements for its use.
Boardman said the final rule permits trains to travel up to
3,500 miles without stopping periodically for certain routine
brake inspections – more than double the current limit –
because ECP brake systems contain continual electronic selfdiagnostic health check capabilities that inform train crews
when maintenance is required.
For example, an ECP-equipped intermodal container train
originating from the ports of Los Angeles-Long Beach may
safely travel all the way to Chicago without stopping for a
routine brake test. Similarly, ECP brake-equipped coal trains
will be able to make quicker deliveries from western coal fields
to power plants in the eastern and southern states.
The final rule will require that ECP brake systems fully
comply with existing industry standards and that certain
railroad operating rules and training programs be modified
to ensure workers have the knowledge and skills required to
properly utilize the systems, Boardman said.
Under FRA-approved waivers, Norfolk Southern and
BNSF are already operating several ECP-equipped coal trains,
and Union Pacific is expected to begin operating some ECPequipped intermodal container trains this fall.
Railway officials have said in the past that unit trains
would likely be converted to ECP systems first because these
cars tend to stay together. Then the railways would begin to
deal with merchandise cars that go to a variety of shippers.
New cars would likely come ECP-equipped and the railways
would likely develop procedures for operating trains with both
ECP and conventional cars. ●
Winter 2009 41
338523_Gross.indd 1
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314888_Gross.indd 1
42 Interchange
Winter 2009
1/12/07 3:23:57 AM
On the Move
PRESIDENT AND CEO of CP Fred Green said three senior officer appointments were recently approved by the
company’s Board of Directors.
Jane O’Hagan, currently vice-president Strategy
and External Affairs, was appointed senior vice-president
Strategy and Yield. This new role is intended to leverage the
Integrated Operating Plan to the next level by ensuring that
yield management and product design are in lock-step. The
details of this new organization is currently being fleshed out
and will be implemented early in the new year. Marcella Szel,
Jane O’Hagan, Brock Winter and Bob Milloy will be leading
this design process.
Vern Graham, currently vice-president DM&E
transition, will continue his focus on the DM&E as
President DM&E, with headquarters in Minneapolis,
Minn. and an office in Sioux Falls, S.D. With the change in
ownership of the DM&E now in effect, there is considerable
work ahead to ensure that we meet our commitments
to the Surface Transportation Board review process, to
DM&E’s customers and to the communities they serve. In
addition, there are significant opportunities to reinforce the
DM&E’s profitability by leveraging our information and
operating systems, our purchasing power and our safety
practices. The DM&E will continue to operate as a separate
entity within CP. Vern will continue to report to Kathryn
McQuade, executive vice-president and chief fi nancial
Gord Pozzobon, currently assistant vice-president
Engineering, is appointed vice-president Engineering. The
Integrated Operating Plan will increasingly rely upon the
effective allocation and execution of expense and the capital
required for infrastructure improvements. In addition,
there is a rapidly emerging need for the application of new
technologies, new infrastructure standards and for increased
compliance to both internal and regulated standards, both in
the U.S. and Canada.
To help meet these key objectives, Gord will retain his
current responsibilities, including Track Programs, and
assume direct accountability for day-to-day track, structures
and Signals and Communications maintenance. These
latter functions currently report to the AVPs of operations.
In this centralized engineering services model, the service
area engineering teams will maintain a close working
relationship with their field operations and mechanical
services counterparts and have a “dotted line” relationship to
the regional AVPs of operations to ensure strong day-to-day
alignment. Gord will continue to report to Brock Winter,
senior vice-president Operations. There will be future
announcements related to the leadership and structure of
engineering services.
Marc Laliberté has resigned as president and CEO
of Québec Railway Corporation on October 31, 2008
following its acquisition by CN. As a result, he also resigned
as a member of the Safety and Operations Management
Committee (SOMC), the Advisory Council on Railway
Safety (ACRS) of the RAC and as the railway representative
to the Forum de concertation de l’industrie maritime du
Québec (Quebec Marine Industry Forum). ●
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Winter 2009 43
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12/2/08 1:51:22 PM
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8/22/08 9:45:33 AM
Thank you to the
advertisers who
helped make this
publication possible.
44 Interchange
Winter 2009
Index to Advertisers
Blackmon Auctions, Inc................................37
RTC Rail Solutions Ltd..................................44
Kim Hotstart Manufacturing .........................14
Surrette Battery Company Limited ...............44
Whiting Equipment Canada Inc. ...................26
Global Railway Industries Ltd. ......................12
Kim Hotstart Manufacturing .........................14
Texas Railcar Leasing Company...................25
Mansour Group ............................................29
Amsted Canada Inc. .....................................19
Power-Lite Industries inc. ............................38
Power-Lite Industries inc. ............................38
Helm Financial Corporation ..........................30
Buck Company, Inc. .....................................22
Northern Plains Railroad ..............................42
Power-Lite Industries inc. ............................38
Northern Plains Railroad ..............................42
Knox Kershaw Inc ........................................31
Loram Maintenance of Way Inc. ...................28
Racine Railroad Products .............................43
Transtronic Inc.............................................44
ZTR Control Systems ...................................28
RTC Rail Solutions Ltd..................................44
Brookville Equipment Corp. ..........................26
H. Broer Equipment Sales & Service Inc. ......40
Trackmobile Inc. ..........................................18
BNAC Environmental Solutions Inc. ..............38
Kenwood Electronics Canada Inc. ................16
RTC Rail Solutions Ltd..................................44
HDR/HLB Decision Economics Inc. ...............32
MMM Group Ltd. ..........................................46
RTC Rail Solutions Ltd..................................44
UMA Group ..................................................40
RTC Rail Solutions Ltd..................................44
The Toronto Terminals Railway Company
Limited .....................................................45
Badger Equipment .......................................26
Railquip, Inc.................................................24
Summit Customs Brokers ............................10
Railquip, Inc.................................................24
Global Railway Industries Ltd. ......................12
Unit Rail Anchor Company, Inc. ....................13
Lat-Lon, LLC ................................................40
Falcon Shuttlewagon Railcar Movers Inc. .....19
Hi-Rail Leasing .................... Inside Back Cover
Industrial Screws & Forge ............................10
Certified Inspection Services Ltd ..................29
RTC Rail Solutions Ltd..................................44
284438_thetoronto.indd 1
6/2/06 4:33:57 PM
Winter 2009 45
Index to Advertisers
Sumitomo Canada Limited ...........................45
Unit Rail Anchor Company, Inc. ....................13
Diversified Metal Fabricators........................30
Falcon Shuttlewagon Railcar Movers Inc. .....19
H. Broer Equipment Sales & Service Inc. ......40
Trackmobile Inc. ..........................................18
International Track Systems Inc. ..................36
NDT Technologies, Inc. ................................39
Howe Gastmeier Chapnik Ltd. ......................36
Scotts Pressure Wash Services ....................32
RTC Rail Solutions Ltd..................................44
Gross & Janes Co. .......................................42
Railway Association of Canada.......................3
M.F. Wirth Rail Corporation ..........................40
Bombardier Inc. ...........................................29
Canadian Pacific Railway .....Inside Front Cover
CN-Canadian National ........Outside Back Cover
Southern Railway of British Columbia...........39
VIA Rail Canada .............................................8
Unit Rail Anchor Company, Inc. ....................13
Davanac Inc. ................................................31
Ronsco Inc. ..................................................46
Services Techniques DHG ............................22
International Track Systems Inc. ..................36
Power-Lite Industries inc. ............................38
Caltrax Inc. ..................................................32
Abloy Canada...............................................25
DEEM Controls Inc. ......................................28
Whiting Equipment Canada Inc. ...................26
R.P.M. Tech, Inc. .........................................11
Brookville Equipment Corp. ..........................26
Railpower Technologies Corp. ........................6
Badger Equipment .......................................26
Plasser American Corporation ........................4
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PNR Railworks Inc. ......................................32
Rail Construction Equipment Co. ..................22
Railwel Industries Inc. ..................................40
Global Railway Industries Ltd. ......................12
Railquip, Inc.................................................24
Unit Rail Anchor Company, Inc. ....................13
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Railquip, Inc.................................................24
Falcon Shuttlewagon Railcar Movers Inc. .....19
405475_MMM.indd 1
10/28/08 7:14:26 PM
Railquip, Inc.................................................24
Brent Harlton ...............................................31
Railquip, Inc.................................................24
Railwel Industries Inc. ..................................40
Gross & Janes Co. .......................................42
273859_Ronsco.indd 1
46 Interchange
Winter 2009
6/21/07 5:26:10 PM
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