Gouraud Shading Gouraud Shading Normal Interpolation
Gouraud Shading Gouraud Shading Normal Interpolation
Surface Normal Interpolation Determining Vertex Normals • If a normal at each point on the surface is available then we can apply Lambertian shading as shown. • Often we are approximating curved/smooth surfaces with polygons ⇒ we get edge artifacts at polygon boundaries: • To combat this we determine average normals at the vertices of the polygons by averaging the normals of each polygon that shares a vertex and storing the result with that vertex. Gouraud Shading vertices shared between both polygons Nv = 1 1 (N1 + N 2 ) (N + N 2 ) 2 1 2 vertices not shared Gouraud Shading • For each interior point in the polygon being shaded we interpolate the intensity determined at the vertices. • We do this in exactly the same way that we interpolated colour across the surface of a polygon. • This is known as Gouraud shading. ⇒ we need to do lighting calculations at vertices only ⇒ lighting is correct at vertices only • This is OK if the polygons are small. As polygons increase the errors also increase leading to often unacceptable results: Normal Interpolation Interpolation errors with Gouraud shading: • To improve upon Gouraud shading we can interpolate the normals across the surface and apply the lighting model at each point in the interior. • This assumes we are working with polygonal models. • If an analytic normal exists then we should use it instead: – we do this in ray tracing, but for OpenGL® we are always working with polygons • Care must be taken to ensure that all interpolated normals are of unit length before employing the lighting model. • This is known as Phong shading (as opposed to the Phong illumination model). 1 Phong Shading Phong Shading • Phong shading is capable of reproducing highlights within the interior of a polygon that Gouraud shading will miss: Phong Phong Illumination Model • Specular surfaces exhibit a high degree of coherence in their reflectance, i.e. the reflected radiance depends very heavily on the outgoing direction. – An ideal specular surface is optically smooth (smooth even at resolutions comparable to the wavelength of light). – Most specular surfaces (rough specular) reflect energy in a tight distribution (or lobe) centered on the optical reflection direction: The Cosn Function Gouraud Phong Illumination Model • To simulate reflection we should examine surfaces in the reflected direction to determine incoming flux ⇒ global illumination • A local illumination approximation considers only reflections of light sources. • The Phong model is an empirical (based on observation) local model of shiny surfaces (tend to appear like plastic). • It is assumed that the BRDF of such surfaces may be approximated by a spherical cosine function raised to a power (known as the Phong exponent). The Phong Model The cosine function (defined on the sphere) gives us a lobe shape which approximates the distribution of energy about a reflected direction controlled by the shininess parameter n known as the Phong exponent. light source irradiance specular reflectivity θ r Lr , s ( x,V ) = r = cos θ n n+2 Φ ρ s cos n θ S 2 2π 4πd cosine lobe x In the limit (n → ∞) the function becomes a single spike (i.e. ideal specular). This is sometimes called the delta function. normalising term Radiance of reflected light given by cosine function 2 Pure Lambertian vs. Phong Ambient Illumination • Local illumination models account for light scattered from the light sources only. • Light may be scattered from all surfaces in the scene Lambertian Surface Phong Illuminated Specular Surface – we are missing some light; in fact we are missing a lot of light, typically over 50%. • Ambient term = a coarse approximation to this missing flux • Ambient term defined by the ambient coefficient ρa: I a = ρa I s • This is a constant everywhere in the scene. • The ambient term is sometimes estimated from the total powers and geometries of the light sources. Ambient Illumination Putting it all together... • The complete Phong Illumination Model includes ρa = 0 ρa > 0 – Lambertian model for diffuse reflection – Cosine lobe for specular reflection – Ambient term to approximate all other light • An object must therefore have material data associated with it to define how diffuse, specular (and shiny) or ambient it is: ρa = ambient reflectance ρ = diffuse reflectance Surface Data = d ρs = specular reflectance n = phong exponent Point Light Sources • The irradiance E of a surface due to a point source obeys the inverse square law: E = Φ S = I S 4πd 2 d 2 • However, this often makes it difficult to control the lighting in the scene, so we employ a less accurate but more flexible model of irradiance: IS E= a + bd + cd 2 – a = constant attenuation factor – b = linear attenuation factor – c = quadratic attenuation factor Phong Illumination Model Lr ( x, V ) = Lr ,a ( x ) + Lr ,d ( x ) + Lr , s ( x, V ) = (ambient + diffuse + specular) ρ n+2 n = Eρa + E d ( N ⋅ L ) + E ρ s (V ⋅ R ) π 2π = Φs 1 4π a + bd + cd 2 ρd n+2 n ρ a + π ( N ⋅ L ) + 2π ρ s (V ⋅ R ) For multiple light sources: N Φ ρ 1 n+2 n ρ + d ( N ⋅ Li ) + Lr ( x, V ) = ∑ i ρ s (V ⋅ Ri ) 2 a π 2π i =1 4 π a + bd i + cd i 3 Phong Illumination Examples Determination of the Reflected Vector N (− I ⋅ N ) N (− I ⋅ N ) I N (− I ⋅ N ) R = L + 2 N (− L ⋅ N ) = L − 2 N (L ⋅ N ) Implementation • It is important to check to see if the surface is facing the lightsource prior to employing the illumination model. • Otherwise we could get negative dot-products: if ( N ⋅ L ) > 0 then detemine Lr ,d if (R ⋅ V ) > 0 then detemine Lr ,s (N ⋅ L ) > 0 Half Vector Formulation • Because determination of the reflected vector R given V and N is time consuming, an alternative formulation employs the half vector H in place of R: H= (N ⋅ L ) < 0 Other Light Source Types • We can extend the functionality of the illumination model by admitting a number of other light source types: – directional: the source is assumed to be at infinity and therefore is represented by a direction rather than a position. – spot lights: we can admit illumination only within a restricted solid angle. V +L 2 • The Phong specular term is then reformulated in terms of H: Lr ,s ∝ cosn (N ⋅ H ) Spot Lights • Originally proposed by Warn (1983): a light source is defined by a position, a direction, a cutoff angle and an exponent. • The radiant intensity of the spot light in a given direction is defined by a model similar to Phong’s illumination model: P−x d if cos -1 (− I ⋅ L ) < θ then d = P−x Directional Source direction to light source is constant everywhere ⇒ don’t need to calculate I for each xi ⇒ light radiant intensity is constant (i.e. does not vary with distance) Es = I= Φs (− I ⋅ L ) 4π a + bd + cd 2 cos θ ( n ) spotlight attentuation 4 Spot Lights Incorporating Colour smaller cutoff angle n=0 • In fact, many of the systems that implement the Phong model differ only in the manner in which colour is handled. • Typically we handle diffuse and specular illumination separately: – diffusely reflected light results from the reflection via multiple scattering events in the micro-scale geometry ⇒ reflected light is coloured by selective absorption by the surface i.e. a green surface absorbs all wavelengths except green – specularly reflected light interacts once with the surface and is thus not coloured by the surface i.e. the reflection of a light source takes on the colour of the source low n n=1 Shading and OpenGL® Incorporating Colour • OpenGL supports 8 simultaneous light-sources, named GL_LIGHT0 to GL_LIGHT7 which must be enabled for use: • Therefore the Phong model becomes: Lr ( x, V ) = Lr ,a ( x ) + Lr ,d ( x ) + Lr ,s ( x, V ) = ECambient ρ a + ECsurface glEnable(GL_LIGHT1); ρd ( N ⋅ L ) + EClight n + 2 ρ s (V ⋅ R )n π 2π • Specification of light parameters using glLight*(): glLightf{iv}(GL_LIGHT0, param, value); • Usually however, for flexibility, the ambient, diffuse and specular reflections are scaled independently by colour vectors: Lr ( x, V ) = ECambρ a + ECdiff GL_AMBIENT GL_DIFFUSE Light source colour = intensity GL_SPECULAR GL_POSITION GL_SPOT_DIRECTION spotlight parameters GL_SPOT_EXPONENT GL_SPOT_CUTOFF GL_CONSTANT_ATTENTUATION GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION irradiance control GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION ρd (N ⋅ L ) + ECspecClight n + 2 ρ s (V ⋅ R )n π 2π • The model is applied using colour vectors yielding the final colour vector to assign to a pixel. • Note that only the specular term is scaled by the light’s colour. Shading and OpenGL® • Note that light source positions and directions (for spotlights) are affected as normal by OpenGL transformations. glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); • To enable lighting use: • OpenGL does not support true Phong shading; it interpolates the intensities across each polygon ⇒ Gouraud shading glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); • We then specify lighting model details: glLightModel{if}v(param, value); GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT GL_LIGHT_MODEL_LOCAL_VIEWER GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE specifies a global ambient term boolean specifying viewer at ∞ shade both sides of a polygon? • OpenGL® Material Properties Each polygon is assigned material properties to define how it reflects light from each light source. • We can assign different properties to each side of the polygon: glMaterial{if}v(face, param, value); GL_FRONT GL_BACK GL_FRONT_AND_BACK GL_AMBIENT GL_DIFFUSE GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE GL_SPECULAR GL_EMISSION GL_SHININESS RGB Values Phong Exponent 5 2-sided lighting Materials 1-sided lighting Look at Lightlab example on samples page. Coloured Spotlights 6
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