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Australia 2015
Regional Geology of the Browse Basin
The Browse Basin is a northeast-trending, Paleozoic to Cenozoic depocentre situated offshore on Australia’s
North West Shelf. The basin is being actively explored and at least three hydrocarbon families/petroleum systems
have been identified. Several large gas accumulations are currently under development for liquefied natural gas
(LNG) and condensate production.
Basin outline
The Browse Basin covers an area of approximately 140 000 km2 and comprises the Caswell, Barcoo and
Seringapatam sub-basins, the Scott Plateau, and the Yampi and Leveque shelves (Figure 1). The main
depocentre of the Caswell Sub-basin contains a Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary succession in
excess of 15 000 m, in which significant hydrocarbon discoveries and accumulations are hosted within Mesozoic
reservoirs (Figure 2 and Figure 3). The basin is mature in terms of exploration with the location of all petroleum
exploration wells being shown in Figure 4.
The Browse Basin contains several large gas accumulations which are either in the planning or development
phase for LNG and condensate production:
Ichthys LNG Project —the operator, INPEX Browse Ltd (INPEX), announced the final investment decision
(FID) in January 2012 for an offshore central processing facility (CFP) and a floating production, storage
and offloading (FPSO) facility, connected by an 889 km gas pipeline to an 8.4 million tonnes per annum
(mtpa) liquefaction plant and export terminal in Darwin. The project is expected to produce first gas by
2017 and will also produce condensate and LPG. Resource estimates indicate 12.8 trillion cubic feet (tcf)
of gas (362.5 billion cubic metres [Bcm]) and 527 million barrels (mmbl) of condensate (83.8 gigalitres
[Gl]), over 40 years. The project is currently in the construction phase (Inpex 2014).
Prelude FLNG —the operator, Shell Development Australia Pty Ltd (Shell), announced the FID for a
3.6 mtpa Floating LNG (FLNG) project in May 2011 for production from the Prelude and Concerto gas
accumulations. The FLNG vessel is currently in the construction phase with first gas due in 2016. The
Prelude accumulation is situated in the northeastern area of the Ichthys accumulation (Figure 1) and will
also produce condensate (Shell Australia Ltd, 2014).
Browse FLNG—the operator, Woodside Petroleum Limited (Woodside), announced the Browse Joint
Venture’s intention to commercialise the Torosa, Brecknock and Calliance gas accumulations via a FLNG
project in September 2013. Front End Engineering Design (FEED) was scheduled to commence in late
2014, with FID targeted for late 2015. Contingent resources are estimated at 14.9 tcf (421.9 Bcm), dry gas
and 441.2 mmbl (70.1 Gl) of condensate (Woodside, 2014a).
Crux—the operator, Shell, was issued with a five year retention lease for this gas and liquids accumulation
in February 2013. Technical studies, development and appraisal wells, including drilling of the Auriga
prospect, were planned for 2014 and 2015.
Other significant gas discoveries in the basin include: Abalone, Adele, Argus, Burnside, Columba, Echuca Shoals,
Kronos, Marabou, Mimia, Poseidon and, more recently, Bassett West, Boreas, Crown, Lasseter, Pharos, Proteus
and Zephyros in the Caswell Sub-basin, and Hippolyte, Libra and Octans in the Heywood Graben. Gas shows
have been discovered at Psepotus on the Leveque Shelf, and at Caspar, Cornea, Focus, Gwydion, Macula and
DISCLAIMER: This information has been provided as a guide only. Explorers should not rely solely on this information when making commercial decisions.
For more information see - Images courtesy of Woodside Energy Ltd and Geoscience Australia
Stirrup on the Yampi Shelf. Oil discoveries are focused on the Yampi Shelf (Cornea, Focus, Gwydion and
Sparkle), and oil and gas have also been discovered at Caswell 1 in the central Caswell Sub-basin.
The Browse Basin is contiguous with the Rowley Sub-basin of the Roebuck Basin and the Oobagooma Sub-basin
of the offshore Canning Basin to the southwest. To the northeast, the basin borders the Ashmore Platform, Vulcan
Sub-basin and Londonderry High structural elements of the Bonaparte Basin (Figure 1). The basin has been the
subject of various remote sensing surveys, including a recent aeromagnetic survey (Figure 5; Hackney and
Costelloe, 2014). The stratigraphy of the basin is shown in Figure 6. Figure 7 shows the locations of the regional
seismic lines presented in Figure 8, Figure 9 and Figure 10.
Tectonic development
The Browse Basin is one of a series of extensional basins that form the Westralian Superbasin underlying the
North West Shelf region (Bradshaw et al, 1988; Willis, 1988; Struckmeyer et al, 1998). Structural elements of the
Browse Basin illustrated in Figure 1 are based on the terminology used by Willis (1988), Elliot (1990), O’Brien et
al (1993), Hocking et al (1994), Symonds et al (1994) and Struckmeyer et al (1998). Two shallow basement
elements, the Yampi and Leveque shelves, define the eastern and southeastern boundary of the basin. The
central Browse Basin is divided into the Caswell and Barcoo sub-basins. The outboard deep-water part of the
basin comprises the Scott Plateau and Seringapatam Sub-basin (Figure 1).
Yampi and Leveque shelves
The southeastern margin of the Browse Basin is underlain by shallow basement, which is typically highly eroded
with a distinct, rugose palaeotopographic relief, and is onlapped by Permian to Mesozoic sediments (Struckmeyer
et al, 1998). This area is termed the Yampi Shelf in the eastern part of the basin, and the Leveque Shelf in the
southeast (Figure 1; Hocking et al, 1994). The basinward boundary of the Leveque and Yampi shelves is defined
by a ‘hinge’ where the dip of the basement changes from relatively flat lying to gently basinward-dipping, beyond
this hinge is the Prudhoe Terrace, a fault-bounded terrace at intermediate depth along the southeastern flank of
the Caswell and Barcoo sub-basins (Hocking et al, 1994; Struckmeyer et al, 1998).
Caswell and Barcoo sub-basins
The Caswell and Barcoo sub-basins (Hocking et al, 1994) are the major depocentres of the Browse Basin. In the
Caswell Sub-basin, the Paleozoic to Cenozoic succession is over 15 000 m thick, whereas the maximum
sediment thickness in the Barcoo Sub-basin probably does not exceed 12 000 m (Struckmeyer et al, 1998). The
Caswell Sub-basin is significantly wider (200 km) than the Barcoo Sub-basin (100 km), from which it is separated
by a major north to north?northeast trending structural zone, the Brecknock-Scott Reef Trend (Figure 1;
Struckmeyer et al, 1998). The northern part of the Caswell Sub-basin is referred to as the Abalone Sub-basin by
Lawrence et al (2014) based on Proterozoic and Paleozoic structural trends identified in gravity and seismic data.
Scott Plateau and Seringapatam Sub-basin
The Scott Plateau is a deep water (approximately 1500–3000 m water depth) marginal plateau to the west and
northwest of the Barcoo and Caswell sub-basin depocentres where up to 3000 m of Mesozoic to Cenozoic
sedimentary rocks have accumulated over Paleozoic and older basement (Stagg and Exon, 1981). Hocking et al
(1994) divided this region into the Scott and Seringapatam sub-basins, but their boundaries are poorly defined
(Struckmeyer et al, 1998). Outboard of the Brecknock-Scott Reef Trend is the Seringapatam Sub-basin, which is
interpreted as a Callovian to Aptian graben overlain by an Aptian to Holocene prograding and aggrading
sedimentary wedge (Hoffman and Hill, 2004).
Basin evolution
The Browse Basin stratigraphy presented here is based largely upon the work of the AGSO Browse Basin Project
Team (1997). Formation boundaries and unconformity-bounded sequences defined by the authors have been
recalibrated to the timescale of Gradstein et al (2012; Figure 6).
The Browse Basin has undergone six major tectonic phases during its development (Struckmeyer et al, 1998):
1. Mississippian to Cisuralian (middle Carboniferous–early Permian) extension (Extension 1)
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For more information see - Images courtesy of Woodside Energy Ltd and Geoscience Australia
2. Cisuralian to Late Triassic thermal subsidence (Thermal Subsidence 1)
3. Late Triassic to Early Jurassic inversion (Inversion 1)
4. Early to Middle Jurassic extension (Extension 2)
5. Late Jurassic to Cenozoic thermal subsidence (Thermal Subsidence 2)
6. Middle Miocene to Holocene inversion (Inversion 2)
The basin was initiated as a series of intracratonic extensional half-graben during the Mississippian to Cisuralian
(Symonds et al, 1994). Upper crustal faulting resulted in characteristic half-graben geometry with large-scale
normal faults compartmentalising the basin into distinct sub-basins. Structures resulting from this late Paleozoic
extensional event controlled the location of subsequent reactivation events and the distribution and nature of the
sedimentary fill (Struckmeyer et al, 1998; Lawrence et al, 2014).
A few wells located on the Yampi Shelf and eastern Caswell Sub-basin have intersected the PermoCarboniferous succession. The Carboniferous succession is dominated by fluvio-deltaic sediments, while the
Cisuralian sediments (mainly limestones and shales) were deposited in a marine environment. The remainder of
the Permian succession consists of sandstones grading into shales and limestones. The oldest Triassic rocks
intersected in the Browse Basin are marine claystones, siltstones and volcaniclastic sediments (e.g. in Echuca
Shoals 1) that were deposited during a regional Early Triassic marine transgression. The overlying Triassic
succession includes fluvial and marginal- to shallow-marine sandstones, limestones and shales.
The Permo-Triassic thermal subsidence (sag) phase was terminated by compressional reactivation in the Late
Triassic to Early Jurassic, resulting in partial inversion of Paleozoic half-graben and the formation of large scale
anticlinal and synclinal features within their hanging walls. This event is marked by a regional unconformity that is
correlated with the Fitzroy Movement in the Canning and Bonaparte basins (Etheridge and O’Brien, 1994). The
arcuate Brecknock-Scott Reef Trend developed at this time.
The Early to Middle Jurassic extensional phase resulted in widespread small-scale faulting and the collapse of the
Triassic anticlines. Extensional faulting was concentrated in the northeastern part of the Caswell Sub-basin and
along the adjacent outer margin of the Prudhoe Terrace (Struckmeyer et al, 1998). The Heywood Graben
(Figure 1) also formed during this period. The Lower–Middle Jurassic syn-rift sediments (Plover Formation)
comprise sandstones, mudstones and coals that accumulated in deltaic and coastal plain settings, and contain
both reservoir and source rocks. Widespread erosion and peneplanation in the Callovian coincided with
continental breakup and the initiation of sea-floor spreading in the Argo Abyssal Plain.
From the Late Jurassic to the Cenozoic, accommodation space was controlled by the interplay of thermal
subsidence, minor reactivation events and eustasy. Upper Jurassic interbedded sandstones and shales (Vulcan
Formation) onlap and drape the pre-Middle Jurassic structures, providing a thin, regional seal, and potential
source rocks across the basin (Figure 8, Figure 9 and Figure 10). An overall transgressive cycle began in the
Early Cretaceous and peaked in the mid-Turonian, with open marine conditions established throughout the basin
by the Aptian. Thick marine claystones deposited during this period (Echuca Shoals and Jamieson formations)
provide a regional seal and contain potential source rocks, with particularly high total organic carbon (TOC) values
recorded at the maximum flooding surfaces of several Early Cretaceous transgressive cycles (Blevin et al,
The Turonian–Cenozoic succession represents a major progradational (regressive) cycle in which the shelf edge
migrated northwestward to the outer limits of the Brecknock-Scott Reef Trend. The development of submarine
canyons on the Yampi Shelf and deposition of turbidite mounds within the central Caswell Sub-basin occurred
during the middle to late Campanian (Benson et al, 2004). Inversion commenced in the middle to late Miocene as
a result of the convergence of the Australia-India and Eurasia plates (Shuster et al, 1998).
Regional petroleum systems
Geochemical analyses of oils, oil stains, fluid inclusion oils, condensates, gases and source rocks from the
Browse Basin have been undertaken by AGSO and Geotech (2000), Boreham et al (1997, 2001), Blevin et al
(1998a, 1998b), Edwards et al (2000, 2004, 2006), Edwards and Zumberge (2005), and Volk et al (2005). Stable
13C isotopic data of gases and oils have been used to determine the different sources of hydrocarbons in this
basin (Edwards et al, 2014). These isotopic datasets, together with molecular analyses, provide evidence that at
least three hydrocarbon families/petroleum systems are present predominantly within the Caswell Sub-basin
(Barrett, 2004; Kennard et al, 2004).
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For more information see - Images courtesy of Woodside Energy Ltd and Geoscience Australia
An outer sub-basin dry gas-prone system where the gas is reservoired within the Plover Formation and
sourced from mixed terrestrial and marine organic matter deposited in a fluvio-deltaic environment. The
driest accumulations are Torosa and Brecknock with condensate/gas ratios (CGR) of less than
20 bbl/MMscf (112 l/Mcm). The Brecknock South/Calliance accumulation has a slightly wetter CGR of
20–30 bbl/MMscf (112–168 l/Mcm). The Argus gas accumulation (CGR < 10 bbl/MMscf [56 l/Mcm]; Keall
and Smith, 2004) probably represents a northern extension of this system, as do the adjacent discoveries
at Kronos, Poseidon and Proteus. Similarly low CGR values are recorded in the Plover Formation of the
Ichthys and Prelude accumulations (<10 bbl/MMscf [56 l/Mcm]). Edwards et al (2004; 2014) proposed that
the Lower–Middle Jurassic Plover Formation was the most likely source for these gases, whereas a
Permo-Triassic source has been modelled by Belopolsky et al (2006);
A central sub-basin wet gas-prone system that is reservoired in the Brewster Member of the upper Vulcan
Formation and includes the Ichthys, Prelude/Concerto and Mimia accumulations (CGR = 60 bbl/MMscf
[337 l/Mcm]). The interpreted condensate-rich gas at Echuca Shoals (Nexus Energy Ltd, 2014), Adele and
probably Burnside, represent an extension of this system. These accumulations could have been charged
from either the underlying Jurassic (Plover or Vulcan formations) or overlying Lower Cretaceous (Echuca
Shoals Formation) source rocks, but the lack of an oil leg in these wells suggests that they did not receive
a significant charge from the oil-prone Lower Cretaceous petroleum system. Since the ?13C isotopic data
of the gas/condensates recovered from the Brewster reservoir in the Ichthys accumulation are similar to
those of Bayu-Undan in the northern Bonaparte Basin, a Jurassic source is implied, including a possible
contribution from the marine Upper Jurassic Vulcan Formation in addition to the Plover Formation
(Edwards et al, 2006); and
An inner sub-basin oil- and gas-prone petroleum system sourced from predominantly marine algal and
bacterial organic matter within the Lower Cretaceous sediments of the Echuca Shoals Formation. The
Cornea and Gwydion accumulations, the Caswell 2 oil accumulation and the Kalyptea 1 ST1 gas show
belong to this petroleum system, that Blevin et al (1998b) defined as the Westralian (W3) Petroleum
System. The Cornea and Gwydion oils and gases vary in their degree of biodegradation.
The Crux gas discovery in the far northeastern portion of the basin (Heywood Graben) is interpreted to be
sourced from mixed terrestrial and marine organic matter from Jurassic source rocks (Edwards et al, 2004) and
the gas is relatively dry (CGR = 22–37 bbl/MMscf [124–208 l/Mcm]; Nippon Oil Exploration (Vulcan) Pty Ltd, 2001;
Kaoru et al, 2004). Biomarker (George et al, 2000) and ?13C isotopic data (Edwards et al, 2006) derived from
samples of condensate and gas recovered from Crux 1 suggest a fourth hydrocarbon family/sub-family is present
in this northeastern portion of the Browse Basin, and the nearby Libra, Octans and Hippolyte discoveries may also
belong to this petroleum system.
Source rocks
A comprehensive assessment of the source rock potential of the Browse Basin was undertaken by Boreham et al
(1997), and the results summarised by Blevin et al (1998a, 1998b). These studies recognised organic-rich rocks
with fair to moderate oil potential at numerous stratigraphic levels within the Permian to Lower Cretaceous
succession. Although many possible source units within this succession have liquid potential (Hydrogen Index
values >200 mg hydrocarbons/gTOC), they contain less than 2% total organic carbon (TOC). At these low-tomoderate TOC levels, any generated oil may not be expelled and could be subsequently cracked to gas at higher
Local, thin, high-quality coals and pro-delta shales with high source potential occur within the thick succession of
Lower–Middle Jurassic Plover Formation sediments that extend throughout the Caswell Sub-basin and reach a
maximum penetrated thickness within the Barcoo Sub-basin (920 m in Barcoo 1). This section is dominated by
fluvio-deltaic sediments, including pro-delta shales and coastal plain shaly coals that have significant source
potential (Blevin et al, 1998b). Hydrocarbons generated from this succession are likely to be dominated by gas
rather than oil.
The Upper Jurassic Vulcan Formation is generally thin throughout the Browse Basin, with major sediment
thickening occurring towards the Heywood Graben in the northeast, where restricted marine source facies are
likely to be best developed. Localised thickening of Upper Jurassic sediments also occurs on the Leveque Shelf
and Prudhoe Terrace, but here the section is dominated by deltaic facies with poorer quality terrigenous organic
Thick marine claystones within the Lower Cretaceous Echuca Shoals and Jamieson formations occur within both
the Caswell and Barcoo sub-basins and contain mixed marine and terrestrial organic matter with moderate to
DISCLAIMER: This information has been provided as a guide only. Explorers should not rely solely on this information when making commercial decisions.
For more information see - Images courtesy of Woodside Energy Ltd and Geoscience Australia
good source potential. However, available pyrolysis data suggest that these sediments have better liquid
hydrocarbon potential in the Caswell Sub-basin (HI=150–350 mg hydrocarbons/gTOC) than in the Barcoo Subbasin (HI=100–250 mg hydrocarbons/gTOC; Kennard et al, 2004).
Reservoirs and seals
Caswell Sub-basin
Exploration activity has focused on the Caswell Sub-basin, where the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous upper
Vulcan and Lower Cretaceous Echuca Shoals and Jamieson formations form the regional seal. The thick
(500–600 m) Callovian–Turonian claystone seal exceeds the throw of the faults within the underlying reservoirs,
ensuring an adequate lateral seal across much of the basin. Sections within the lower Vulcan Formation also form
adequate seals for Plover Formation reservoirs. Potential intraformational seals occur within the Plover Formation
(Blevin et al, 1998b), while marls and mudstones provide potential seals for Campanian–Maastrichtian turbidites
and unconfined fan sandstones in the Puffin Formation (Benson et al, 2004). The influence of basement
controlled drainage patterns on the Kimberley Block has had a profound effect on the distribution of shelfal
sedimentation of both reservoirs and seals (Tucker, 2009).
The Lower–Middle Jurassic Plover Formation and the Berriasian Brewster Member of the upper Vulcan Formation
are the most laterally extensive reservoirs across the Caswell Sub-basin. Oil and gas shows also occur in locally
developed sandstones of the Middle–Upper Jurassic Montara Formation (Ichthys Formation, after Ban and Pitt,
2006) and in submarine fans and turbidites of Barremian, Campanian and Maastrichtian age.
The Ichthys, Prelude, Concerto and Mimia gas accumulations are collectively reservoired within the Plover,
Montara (includes the Callovian Ichthys Formation and Oxfordian sandstones) and upper Vulcan (Brewster
Member) formations. The Plover Formation at these locations comprises a fluvial-deltaic sandstone and mudstone
succession with marine affinities towards the top. The main reservoir is characterised by a massive high-energy,
cross-bedded channel sandstone. The Montara Formation is a thinner, secondary reservoir of localised extent,
consisting of prograding fan-delta systems. The Brewster Member is a thick sequence of clean, relatively high
net/gross sands that often exhibits poor to moderate reservoir properties. It was deposited by poorly confined,
sand-rich, mid-slope grain flows or high-density turbidity currents on a deep-water ramp and hence also contains
The Crux structure within the Heywood Graben in the northeastern Caswell Sub-basin hosts gas within the Upper
Triassic Nome Formation and Lower–Middle Jurassic Plover Formation. The Nome Formation was deposited in a
relatively high-energy fluvial environment and comprises quartz rich, medium to very coarse grained sandstone
with interbedded siltstone, mudstone and minor coal. Unlike those of the Nome Formation, the Plover Formation
sandstones are fine to very fine grained and are interbedded with occasional medium to coarse grained
sandstones, siltstones, claystones and minor coals.
Brecknock-Scott Reef Trend
At the Brecknock and Calliance accumulations, the upper Plover Formation is the main reservoir, while the lower
Plover Formation acts as the main reservoir at Torosa. The older sandstones were deposited in a fluvialdominated upper delta plain with the younger sandstones reflecting deposition in a more tidally influenced lower
delta plain environment. Some tuffaceous volcanics are also present at some locations within the lower Plover
Formation (Tovaglieri et al, 2013).
Yampi Shelf
The Cornea oil and gas accumulation on the Yampi Shelf is reservoired within the Cretaceous Heywood
Formation, in which fine to very fine grained sandstones of Albian age were deposited in a lower to upper
shoreface environment. The primary seal is a marine Albian claystone; however, it shows elevated gas readings
at some locations and only provides a partial seal.
Timing of generation
Hydrocarbon expulsion modelling (Kennard et al, 2004) suggests multiple effective source units for gas expulsion
in the basin, whereas effective oil charge is largely restricted to the Heywood Graben in the northeast, the central
and southern Caswell Sub-basin, and possibly the rift section beneath the deep-water Scott Plateau and
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For more information see - Images courtesy of Woodside Energy Ltd and Geoscience Australia
Seringapatam Sub-basin.
Modelling suggests significant quantities of gas were expelled from the Plover Formation throughout the Browse
Basin, including the southern, outer and northeastern Caswell Sub-basin, Seringapatam Sub-basin and parts of
the Barcoo Sub-basin. This gas expulsion occurred during the late Early-Late Cretaceous and Neogene. Further
to the northeast, oil was expelled from Jurassic sediments in the Heywood Graben; from the Plover Formation
during the Paleogene and Neogene and the lower Vulcan Formation during the Neogene (Kennard et al, 2004).
Fluid inclusion analysis indicates that these Jurassic sediments are the likely source of the thick palaeo-oil
columns interpreted in Heywood 1 and Crux 1 (Eadington and Middleton, 2000; Brincat et al, 2004). Lesser
quantities of oil are modelled to have been expelled from the Vulcan Formation in the central and southern
Caswell Sub-basin. Indeed, an investigation of the fluid inclusions in the gas reservoirs of the Browse Basin has
shown that the hydrocarbon charge consisted of an early oil charge, filling only the crests of the structures before
being displaced or absorbed by gas (Brincat and Kennard, 2004). Only relatively minor gas expulsion, but no oil,
is predicted to have occurred in the Barcoo Sub-basin where source rocks are generally leaner (Kennard et al,
2004). If the Jurassic units of the Seringapatam Sub-basin contain good quality source rocks, then significant
quantities of oil and gas could have been expelled during the Paleogene (Kennard et al, 2004).
Hydrocarbon generation and expulsion studies of Lower Cretaceous (Echuca Shoals and Jamieson formations)
source rocks using Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS), confirms the existence of potential source rocks that
are sufficiently thermally mature to generate both oil and gas, but which show little or no evidence of expulsion or
effective regional charge (Radlinski et al, 2004). Similarly, fluid inclusion analysis provides no evidence of an
effective regional oil charge of Cretaceous reservoirs in the Caswell Sub-basin (Brincat and Kennard, 2004;
Brincat et al, 2004). However, because the organic-rich sediments within this succession occur as thin
transgressive sheets deposited on a gently inclined ramp margin in response to fluctuating sea level, detailed
understanding of the local expulsion-migration history may require higher resolution (systems tract level)
sequence stratigraphic models. Effective oil charge from parts of the Echuca Shoals Formation is confirmed by
geochemical analysis of the Cornea, Gwydion and Caswell accumulations, and is postulated as the probable
source of the inferred gas accumulation at Marabou 1 ST1 (Benson et al, 2004) and Adele 1.
Exploration history
The Browse Basin is one of the richest hydrocarbon-bearing basins in Australia. The Caswell Sub-basin and the
Leveque and Yampi shelves lie in shallow to intermediate water depths and are mature in exploration terms,
hosting significant gas accumulations and discoveries of gas and, to a lesser extent, oil. This contrasts with the
Barcoo Sub?basin and deep water Scott Plateau and Seringapatam Sub-basin, which are underexplored. Over
140 wells have been drilled in the basin and over 180 000 km of 2D and 46 000 km2 of 3D seismic data has been
acquired, some of which is now open file data (Department of Mines and Petroleum, 2014)
Exploration commenced in the Browse Basin in 1967, when the North West Shelf Joint Venture acquired 1600 km
of regional seismic data (Department of Mines and Petroleum, 2014). The first well drilled in the Browse Basin
was Leveque 1 (1970), a stratigraphic test of the sedimentary succession on the Leveque Shelf. This was
followed by the discovery of gas at Scott Reef 1 in 1971. This well intersected a thick sequence of gas-bearing
reservoirs within Lower–Middle Jurassic Plover Formation sandstones and Upper Triassic–Jurassic sandy
dolostones on the southern culmination of a faulted anticline (Willis, 1988). Two appraisal wells (Scott Reef 2A in
1977 and North Scott Reef 1 in 1982) were drilled to further delineate the extent of the accumulation (Bint, 1988).
No net hydrocarbon pay was assigned to the Scott Reef 2A well, but North Scott Reef 1 encountered a Jurassic
hydrocarbon reservoir with an inferred net thickness of 122.9 to 134.2 m. In 1979, Brecknock 1 tested a broad
anticlinal feature 40 km southwest of Scott Reef. The well penetrated 68.3 m of net gas sandstone in Lower to
Middle Jurassic sediments (Bint, 1988).
Significant discoveries during the early 1980s include Brewster 1A ST1 (1980), Caswell 2 ST2 (1983) and Echuca
Shoals 1 (1983). Between 1984 and 1994, exploration was focused largely on the northern Caswell Sub-basin
with the drilling of Gryphaea 1 (1987), Asterias 1 ST1 (1987), Discorbis 1 (1989) and Kalyptea 1 ST1 (1989), and
along the Leveque and Yampi shelves with the drilling of Trochus 1 ST1 (1991), Arquebus 1 ST1 (1991),
Sheherazade 1 (1993), Copernicus 1 ST1 (1993) and Yampi 2 (1994). Many of the wells reported minor
hydrocarbon shows from Upper Jurassic or Lower Cretaceous reservoirs (Maung et al, 1994).
Evidence of the oil potential of the basin was demonstrated by the Gwydion 1 (1995) oil and gas discovery and
the Cornea 1 (1997) oil and gas discovery, both located on the Yampi Shelf. These discoveries challenged the
previous perception that the basin was gas-prone (Stein et al, 1998). Gwydion 1 intersected three gas-bearing
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For more information see - Images courtesy of Woodside Energy Ltd and Geoscience Australia
zones and one oil and gas-bearing zone in Barremian to Albian shallow marine sandstones draped over a
prominent basement high (Spry and Ward, 1997). The Cornea 1, 1B and 2 wells encountered a 25 m gas column
overlying an 18 m oil column in the Albian reservoir (Ingram et al, 2000), and were followed by nearby oil
occurrences at Cornea South, Focus and Sparkle, and gas at Stirrup and Macula throughout 1998. In the same
year, Psepotus 1 and Caspar 1A discovered small gas accumulations within Lower Cretaceous sandstones on the
Leveque Shelf and Yampi Shelf, respectively. In the Caswell Sub-basin, Adele 1 (1998) discovered gas in the
lower Jamieson and Echuca Shoals formation sandstones and Columba 1A ST1 (1999) discovered gas in the
upper Vulcan Formation.
Drilling in 2000 resulted in the discovery of several major gas accumulations, as well as the extension of
previously recognised gas provinces. These included Brecknock South 1, located on the Brecknock-Scott Reef
Trend 19 km south of Brecknock 1, and Argus 1 to the north of the same trend. The Ichthys accumulation was
another gas province which was extended following the drilling of Titanichthys 1, Gorgonichthys 1 and
Dinichthys 1 on the Brewster Trend. Crux 1, drilled in the Heywood Graben in the northeastern Caswell Subbasin, encountered a 280 m gross gas column in the Upper Triassic Nome Formation (Kaoru et al, 2004).
In 2001–2002, exploration targeting Lower Cretaceous lowstand fans and ponded turbidite oil targets within the
Caswell Sub?basin was unsuccessful (Carbine 1 and Firetail 1), apart from an interpreted possible gas pay zone
in Marabou 1 ST1 (Benson et al, 2004).
In 2003, BHP Billiton Petroleum drilled the Maginnis 1, 1A, 1A ST1, 1A ST2 well to test the potential of the outer
deep?water Caswell Sub-basin and eastern Seringapatam Sub-basin. Instead of the predicted Plover Formation
reservoir, a thick volcanic section was intersected and no hydrocarbon shows were encountered (BHP Billiton
Petroleum Pty Ltd, 2003). A second deep-water well, Warrabkook 1, was also drilled by BHP Billiton Petroleum
Pty Ltd in 2007 in the western Barcoo Sub-basin.
Appraisal drilling in the Ichthys gas accumulation was undertaken in 2003–2004 (Ichthys 1, 1A, Ichthys 2, 2A,
2A ST1, 2A ST2 and Ichthys Deep 1) by INPEX. Gas was primarily reservoired within the upper Vulcan Formation
(Brewster Member) and Plover Formation. Gas was also encountered within Callovian sandstones (reported as
the Ichthys Formation, but included within the Montara Formation on Figure 6), and in basal Oxfordian sandstones
of the lower Vulcan Formation (Ban and Pitt, 2006). Subsequent extensive drilling continued in the central Caswell
Sub-basin from 2007 to 2010 (Shell - 14 wells, INPEX - 3 wells and Santos - 2 wells), with gas discoveries at
Prelude (Shell Australia Ltd, 2014), Fortissimo 1 (Department of Industry and Resources, Petroleum and
Royalties Division, 2008), Mimia 1 (INPEX, 2008), Concerto (Shell Australia Ltd, 2014) and Burnside 1 ST1
(Santos Ltd, 2009).
Evaluation of the gas accumulations along the Brecknock-Scott Reef Trend also continued in 2005–2009 with
Woodside drilling the extension/appraisal wells Torosa 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Brecknock 2, 3 and 4, and
Calliance 1, 2 and 3, as well as the Snarf 1 exploration well on the edge of the Caswell Sub-basin close to the
Seringapatam Sub-basin.
Nexus Energy Ltd. continued the appraisal of the Crux gas accumulation in 2006–2008 with the drilling of the
Crux 2, 2 ST1, 3 and 4 wells, which encountered gas-bearing sands in the Montara, Plover and Nome formations
(Nexus Energy Ltd, 2007a, 2011). The Libra 1 (2008), Octans 1 (2009) and Hippolyte 1 (2010) exploration wells
tested the potential of the greater Crux area. Libra 1 and Octans 1 intersected gas-bearing sands in an
accumulation interpreted to be separate from the Crux accumulation (Nexus Energy Ltd, 2011), and Hippolyte 1
intersected a 55 m gas column in the Jurassic succession (Department of Resources, Minerals and Energy,
Petroleum Division, 2011). Fossetmaker 1 (2007) was drilled 7 km east-northeast of Echuca Shoals 1 and
intersected an approximate 10 m gas zone, but pressure communication with Echuca Shoals 1 was unable to be
determined due to tight reservoir characteristics (Nexus Energy Ltd, 2007b, 2014).
In 2009–2010, joint venture partners ConocoPhillips (Browse Basin) Pty Ltd and Karoon Gas Australia Ltd
embarked on a multi-well drilling program to the northeast of the Torosa accumulation. Poseidon 1 (2009)
intersected three gas-bearing sandstone packages of 10 m, 67 m and 140 m gross thickness, respectively, in the
Plover Formation. Poseidon 2 (2009) intersected the same three Plover Formation sandstone packages, as well
as new gas reservoir in the overlying Montara Formation (Karoon Gas Australia Ltd, 2010a). Kronos 1 (2010)
discovered gas in the Plover Formation, which flowed at an equipment-constrained 26 MMscf/d (0.7 MMcm/d;
Karoon Gas Australia Ltd, 2010b). Pressure data confirmed the Kronos area is a separate gas accumulation, with
a gas-water contact potentially over 200 m deeper than that at Poseidon 1 (Karoon Gas Australia Ltd, 2010b).
Kontiki 1 (2009) intersected some gas saturation in poor reservoir quality sands (Karoon Gas Australia Ltd, 2009).
DISCLAIMER: This information has been provided as a guide only. Explorers should not rely solely on this information when making commercial decisions.
For more information see - Images courtesy of Woodside Energy Ltd and Geoscience Australia
Also in 2009–2010, Hawkestone Oil Pty Ltd drilled Braveheart 1 ST1 which had indications of residual
hydrocarbons in the lower M. australis Sandstone (Exoil Ltd, 2010).
In 2012, ConocoPhillips (Browse Basin) Pty Ltd and Karoon Gas Australia Ltd commenced phase 2 of their joint
venture in the Browse Basin, embarking on an exploration program to evaluate the gas resources of the Greater
Poseidon Trend (Karoon Gas Australia Ltd, 2012). The first well, Boreas 1 in permit WA-315-P, flowed gas from
the primary Plover Formation reservoir (Karoon Gas Australia Ltd, 2012). Their second well, Zephyros 1 drilled in
permit WA-398-P, was completed in March 2013. In this well, 108 m of core was cut through gas-bearing
sandstones that were interpreted to have high mobility values (Karoon Gas Australia Ltd, 2013a). This discovery
was followed by the drilling of Proteus 1 ST1 in the same permit. Wireline logging indicated multiple gas-charged
reservoirs within the Jurassic, with an 87 m gross reservoir with high net pay (Karoon Gas Australia Ltd, 2013b).
The sidetrack measured flow rates of up to 7.3 MMscf/d (0.207 MMcm/d) through a 16/64” choke at 4457 psi
(30 730 kPa) and condensate gas ratios of 19–22 bbls/MMscf. Production wells are predicted to flow at
commercial rates in excess of 100 MMscf/d (2.831 MMcm/d; Karoon Gas Australia Ltd, 2013c). The fourth well in
the phase 2 drilling campaign, Grace 1, in permit WA-314-P was plugged and abandoned in January 2014, with
no significant hydrocarbons encountered (Karoon Gas Australia Ltd, 2014a). The campaign continued in March
2014 with the drilling of Poseidon North 1 in WA-315-P, which encountered Jurassic gas-bearing sands across a
20 m gross, 12 m net reservoir interval, though pressure data was inconclusive. (Karoon Gas Australia Ltd,
2014b). The sixth and final well in the phase 2 drilling campaign was Pharos 1, spudded in WA-398-P in May
2014. The discovery of movable hydrocarbons in the gas-charged Montara Formation across a 53 m gross
interval with 34 m interpreted net pay was announced in July 2014 (Karoon Gas Australia Ltd, 2014c).
In 2012 Santos Ltd spudded Crown 1 in WA-274-P in the Caswell Sub-basin (Santos Ltd, 2012a), and announced
the discovery of a 61 m net gas pay in the Jurassic Montara and Plover reservoirs in November 2012 (Santos Ltd,
2012b). Bassett West 1, operated by joint venture partner Total E & P, was spudded on 17 December 2012 in
permit WA-408-P, followed by the announcement in June 2013 of a 7.5 m gas pay in Jurassic sandstones (Santos
Ltd, 2013a). Dufresne 1 was spudded in the same permit in June 2013, to target Jurassic gas (Santos Ltd, 2013b,
2013c) but the well was subsequently plugged and abandoned (Santos Ltd, 2013d). In August 2014 Santos made
a discovery in WA-274-P, with 78 m confirmed net gas/condensate pay in the Jurassic lower Vulcan and Plover
formations in the Lasseter 1 well (Santos Ltd, 2014)
Two other exploration wells were drilled in 2014; Hunt Oil spudded Schooner 1, its first Australian operated well,
in permit WA-425-P in March 2014 and Pryderi 1 was spudded by CalEnergy in WA-424-P on the Yampi Shelf in
October 2014. No results were available from these wells at the time of writing.
Three seismic surveys were planned for the Browse Basin during 2014. CGG proposed Phase II of the Schild
MC3D survey consisting of ~16 650 km2 to run throughout 2014 (CGG 2013), following on from the 1441 km2
from Phase I, conducted by Fugro in 2013 (Fugro, 2013). Woodside’s Lord 3D marine seismic survey, conducted
during April to June 2014, covered 3352 km2 of permit WA-495-P on the Scott Plateau and western Barcoo Subbasin, as well a small portion of the northern Roebuck Basin (Woodside, 2014b). Petroleum Geo-services (PGS)
commenced the ~15 000 km2 Caswell MC3D marine seismic survey in the Caswell Sub-basin in June 2013 with
acquisition continuing throughout 2014 (Petroleum GeoServices, 2013).
During October and November of 2014, Geoscience Australia conducted a marine survey in the Caswell Subbasin, including outer portions of the Yampi and Leveque shelves, to collect data to support a CO2 storage
assessment as part of the National CO2 Infrastructure Plan (NCIP). In addition to acquiring geological, water
column and seabed habitat data the survey aimed to identify and sample features indicative of active or extinct
natural fluid seepage Geoscience Australia, 2014). The results of the survey were not available at the time of
Development status
In the Browse Basin, commercialisation of four development projects are in various stages of implementation: the
Ichthys LNG Project, Prelude FLNG, Browse FLNG and Crux.
The Ichthys accumulation in Production Licences WA-50-L and WA-51-L contains reserves estimated at 12.8 Tcf
(362 Bcm) of gas and 527 MMbbl (83.8 Gl) of condensate and has an expected operational life of more than
40 years (INPEX, 2014). The Ichthys LNG Project is operated by INPEX (62.3%) with joint venture partners Total
E & P Australia (30%), Tokyo Gas (1.6%), Osaka Gas (1.2%), Chubu Electric (0.7%), Toho Gas (0.4%), CPC
Corporation (2.6%) and Kansai Electric Power Australia (1.2%). Gas from the accumulation will undergo
DISCLAIMER: This information has been provided as a guide only. Explorers should not rely solely on this information when making commercial decisions.
For more information see - Images courtesy of Woodside Energy Ltd and Geoscience Australia
preliminary processing at the offshore central processing facility (CPF) to remove water and raw liquids, including
a large proportion of condensate. This condensate will be pumped to an FPSO facility anchored nearby, from
which it will be transferred to tankers for delivery to markets. The gas will be transported from the CPF through the
Ichthys subsea pipeline over 885 km to the onshore LNG processing plant at Bladin Point on Middle Arm
Peninsula, Darwin. The two-train facility will have initial LNG production capacity of 8.4 mtpa. Following the FID in
January 2012, work on all of the project’s major offshore facilities has commenced, including the CPF, subsea
structures and the gas export pipeline (INPEX, 2013). Procurement and construction of the onshore facilities at
Bladin Point are also underway and the Ichthys LNG Project aims to deliver first gas by 2017 (O’Brien et al.
Shell (67.5%) is the operator of Production Licence WA-44-L with INPEX (17.5%), KOGAS Prelude Pty Ltd (10%)
and OPIC Australia Pty Ltd (5%) in which the Prelude and Concerto gas accumulations occur. These combined
accumulations contain estimated gas reserves of 3 Tcf (85 Bcm) (Offshore Technology, 2014) and 120 MMbbl
(19.08 Gl) of condensate. In May 2011, Shell announced the FID for the project based on a development concept
using what could be one of the world’s first operational FLNG facilities (Shell Australia Ltd, 2014). The floating
facility will be 488 m long and 74 m wide, and when fully loaded will displace about 600 000 tonnes. The Prelude
FLNG facility is expected to stay moored at location for 25 years, producing at least 3.6 mtpa of LNG as well as
LPG and condensate from both the Prelude and Concerto gas accumulations (Shell Australia Ltd, 2014).
Construction of the floating facility commenced in October 2012 (Shell Australia Ltd, 2012), with first gas expected
in 2016.
Browse FLNG is operated by Woodside with joint venture partners Shell, BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd,
Japan Australia LNG (MIMI Browse) Pty Ltd and PetroChina International Investment (Australia) Pty Ltd (joint
venture percentage holdings vary due to multi-permits). In September 2013, the Browse Joint Venture announced
selection of FLNG technology to commercialise the Torosa, Brecknock and Calliance accumulations in retention
leases WA-28-R, WA-29-R, WA-30-R, WA-31-R and WA-32-R (Woodside, 2014a). These accumulations contain
an estimated combined contingent resource of 14.9 Tcf (421.9 Bcm) of dry gas and 441.2 MMbbl (70.1 Gl) of
condensate (Woodside, 2014b). Meanwhile, work is in progress to place the Browse Venture participants in a
position to consider entering the FEED phase of development, targeting an FID for Browse FLNG in the second
half of 2015 (Woodside, 2014b).
The Retention Lease AC/RL9, containing the Crux accumulation, was granted in February 2013 to Shell (82%)
and its JV partners Nexus Energy Ltd (15%) and Osaka Gas (3%). The Crux accumulation contains resources of
2.2 Tcf (62 Bcm) gas and 74 MMbbl (11.8 Gl) liquids and a five year work program has been defined. In Year 1,
seismic processing, inversion and interpretations will be done. These geological studies will be followed by the
drilling of the Auriga prospect, and plugging and abandonment activities for the Crux 2, 3 and 4 wells. A report
outlining the final development concepts is due in Year 5 (Nexus Energy Ltd, 2013).
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DISCLAIMER: This information has been provided as a guide only. Explorers should not rely solely on this information when making commercial decisions.
For more information see - Images courtesy of Woodside Energy Ltd and Geoscience Australia
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For more information see - Images courtesy of Woodside Energy Ltd and Geoscience Australia
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DISCLAIMER: This information has been provided as a guide only. Explorers should not rely solely on this information when making commercial decisions.
For more information see - Images courtesy of Woodside Energy Ltd and Geoscience Australia
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DISCLAIMER: This information has been provided as a guide only. Explorers should not rely solely on this information when making commercial decisions.
For more information see - Images courtesy of Woodside Energy Ltd and Geoscience Australia
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DISCLAIMER: This information has been provided as a guide only. Explorers should not rely solely on this information when making commercial decisions.
For more information see - Images courtesy of Woodside Energy Ltd and Geoscience Australia
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DISCLAIMER: This information has been provided as a guide only. Explorers should not rely solely on this information when making commercial decisions.
For more information see - Images courtesy of Woodside Energy Ltd and Geoscience Australia
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For more information see - Images courtesy of Woodside Energy Ltd and Geoscience Australia
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