Spring 2011 - All God`s Children


Spring 2011 - All God`s Children
Board Bullets March 2011
The Board received reports from five Serve
teams that visited Hogar and Hogar Amor
in January and February. Work projects
included ongoing construction at Misericordia, painting, installation of ceiling fans
at the new dorm at the granja, and excursions to Copan, Pulhapanzak water falls
and shopping malls with the niños.
Board members Brent Brewster, Pam DeBoer, and Allen Heerema attended graduation ceremonies for Doris and Mario from
the National University. (see photo on page
1) Mario will begin teaching at Arvil and
Miriam’s Victory School where many of the
Hogar children attend.
Seven mothers and their children are now
living at Buen Pastor.
Celia, Ana Belinda, and Ana Veronica are
now working as teaching assistants at
AGC Board of Directors
Brent Brewster
Brian Kamstra, Secretary
Pamela De Boer
Paul Lagestee
John Hiskes, Editor
Robert Venhousen, Treasurer
Allen Heerema, President & Executive Director
All God’s Children
PO Box 5909 Villa Park, Il 60181
(630) 862-1728
e-mail: [email protected]
For sponsorship opportunities, the
history of Hogar de Niños and more
information about AGC visit our Web site:
Looking for a second home in a warm climate? Consider one of the lovely homes under construction by
Hogar alum Pedro and his partner Angel, a local
contractor who has been a longtime friend of Hogar.
Pictured below is one of 3 single family residences
nearing completion in a residential subdivision just
outside of Comayagua, east of the highway between
Hogar Nazareth and the Granja.
In the last year a group of Chicago businessmen
formed a Honduran entity called Nazareth Holding
Company, and funded it to acquire 10 residential lots.
The primary purpose of the venture was to hire Angel and Pedro’s company to construct the homes,
which in turn would employ the older boys from the
Granja and its recent grads. Construction of the first
three homes is well underway, with the first nearly
ready for marketing.
So far the project is proceeding well. The homes are
attractive, have some distinctive design features, and
are tastefully decorated. They will be reasonably
priced in the low 50’s and will hopefully sell quickly.
Most importantly, Pedro and his construction crew,
including many Hogar young men are gainfully employed, earning a living, and acquiring skills. Eventually the net profits from the venture will be donated
to Hogar Nazareth.
This endeavor has been thoughtfully planned, and
motivated by all the right reasons. Thanks to all who
have made it possible. We pray for its success and
that its noble objectives will be realized.
News of the Niños
Spri ng 20 11
Coma ya gua, Honduras
Dearest padrinos, friends and members of the board of directors.
Receive from all of us our love, respect and thanks. Our hope is that God will bless you abundantly.
We are very happy that our children studying in Maranatha school are in the highest level & did very well in this
class period; Yensy, Estafany, Sandra, Gabriela and Miguel are part of the honor roll for academic excellence. Thank
you very much to all friends who help with the education program.
In the next few days of March there will be an event of great joy for our
family: Two of our beneficiaries Mario and Doris will graduate from
the university with Bachelor degrees in Education and Social Work,
respectfully. This event is a blessing for us as these young people are
an example to other boys and girls who see the fruit of good effort.
Thank you very much to all the benefactors who have made this goal
and dream possible.
Two new girls, Jessica and Marleny are adapting very well in our
home. This has been possible thanks to the support from each of the
girls that are around here who have given the affection and love they
need. Both girls joined the school and look very happy.
We have had visits from several groups of friends and the children have
had the opportunity to share games, joys and unforgettable moments
with them.
Little Jafeth had his first birthday March 8. Esther shows him mischief every day. She and Jafeth are learning to be
friends even though Esther is very feisty with him.
Linda and Elin had operations on their knees. Thank God both are recovering well.
At the farm, we currently have three milk cows which gave birth to two males and one female, and are giving good
The young men are working on a new project in which eight hundred seedlings have been planted. These mahogany
and cedar are among the most beautifully colored woods of our country. This project will bring good results in the
future for the boys.
Thank you very much for all the effort that you in America make daily. This is how the divine providence of God
comes into our home.
May the Lord bless you.
With love, Carmen and Children.
“Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me.” Mark 9:37
Adoption Agents
Agents for
for God
Life changing
By Peter Bandstra
By Peter Bandstra
I have a friend who is a father of one adopted daughter.
I have a friend who is a father of one adopted daughter.
His daughter has had a lot of health problems, many
His daughter has had a lot of health problems, many
probably because she was born very premature and her
probably because she was born very premature and her
mother abused a variety of substances. The first months
mother abused a variety of substances. The first months
were very hard, she would need constant attention. My
were very hard, she would need constant attention. My
friend or his wife would take shifts staying up all night
friend or his wife would take shifts staying up all night
to monitor her. She wouldn’t sleep much and she would
to monitor her. She wouldn’t sleep much and she would
barely eat. She still doesn’t talk or function as the other
barely eat. She still doesn’t talk or function as the other
kids her age, but her parents absolutely love her the
kids her age, but her parents absolutely love her the
same way I love my children. Recently they have tried
same way I love my children. Recently they have tried
adopting again. They have been connected with an exadopting again. They have been connected with an expectant mother who wants to give up her baby. They
pectant mother who wants to give up her baby. They
made a lot of arrangements and plans. They started to
made a lot of arrangements and plans. They started to
love a child who wasn’t even born yet. They wanted to
love a child who wasn’t even born yet. They wanted to
give that baby everything they have: their time, their
give that baby everything they have: their time, their
love, their family, their money. After this baby was born
love, their family, their money. After this baby was born
her mother changed her mind and took her home inher mother changed her mind and took her home instead of placing her for adoption. My friend, this child’s
stead of placing her for adoption. My friend, this child’s
would-be father is heartbroken. They want so badly to
would-be father is heartbroken. They want so badly to
bring another child in their family.
bring another child in their family.
Honduran officials will generally not allow children to be
Honduran officials will generally not allow children to be
adopted from their country. However, they don’t have
adopted from their country. However, they don’t have
any control over what God will do. He has given new
any control over what God will do. He has given new
birth into a living hope. I believe our most important job
birth into a living hope. I believe our most important job
here is to act as adoption agents for God. He has alhere is to act as adoption agents for God. He has allowed us the privilege of helping Him, Mami Carmen,
lowed us the privilege of helping Him, Mami Carmen,
and the others to adopt children into His family; to share
and the others to adopt children into His family; to share
in the inheritance with Christ.
in the inheritance with Christ.
Their story made me think of our heavenly father. How
Their story made me think of our heavenly father. How
much more does God want to adopt us into his family?
much more does God want to adopt us into his family?
Ephesians 1:5 says, “In love he predestined us to be
Ephesians 1:5 says, “In love he predestined us to be
adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance
adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance
with his pleasure and will.” Adoption isn’t cheap. Ask
with his pleasure and will.” Adoption isn’t cheap. Ask
anyone who’s done it. It takes time, energy and money.
anyone who’s done it. It takes time, energy and money.
Our adoption wasn’t cheap either. Jesus had to suffer
Our adoption wasn’t cheap either. Jesus had to suffer
and die to pay for us. John 3:16 says: “For God so loved
and die to pay for us. John 3:16 says: “For God so loved
the world, that he gave his one and only son that whothe world, that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal
ever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal
life. I Peter 1:3 says: “Praise be to the God and father
life. I Peter 1:3 says: “Praise be to the God and father
of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has
of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has
given us new birth into a living hope through the resurgiven us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inherirection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade - kept in
tance that can never perish, spoil or fade - kept in
heaven for you…”
heaven for you…”
Our most important job is to
Our most important job is to
adults) to their heavenly Father.
adults) to their heavenly Father.
came? And what Jesus did?
came? And what Jesus did?
Who will receive your inheritance? Your children!
Who will receive your inheritance? Your children!
I John 3:1-2 says: How great is the love the Father has
I John 3:1-2 says: How great is the love the Father has
lavished on
on us,
us, that
that we
we should
should be
be called
called children
children of
of god!
And that is what we are! The reason the world does not
know us
us is
is that
that it
it did
did not
not know
know him.
him. Dear
Dear friends,
friends, now
we are
are children
children of
of God,
God, and
and what
what we
we will
will be
be has
has not
not yet
been made know. But we know when he appears, we
should be like him, for we should see him as he is.
News of the niños
News of the niños
Page 2
Page 2
Apparently God doesn’t want us to be their parents, but
Apparently God doesn’t want us to be their parents, but
he does want us be their brothers and sisters; to be felhe does want us be their brothers and sisters; to be fellow members of Christ’s family, co-heirs with Christ.
low members of Christ’s family, co-heirs with Christ.
We often times think that we need to adopt them into
We often times think that we need to adopt them into
our families because we are so much better. This isn’t
our families because we are so much better. This isn’t
necessarily true. We just have more stuff. How much
necessarily true. We just have more stuff. How much
more important is it that they are adopted into God’s
more important is it that they are adopted into God’s
family? And what about our children at home? They
family? And what about our children at home? They
also need to be adopted.
also need to be adopted.
connect children (and
connect children (and
Wasn’t this why Jesus
Wasn’t this why Jesus
For so long my wife Katia has spoken of going
on a mission trip for many reasons. To show
our family how fortunate we are that we live in
the place we live in and how we live our life, to
use the gifts that God has blessed us with to
help others, and to honor the memory of our
son Aaron who we tragically lost at the age of 3
back in 2007. She had looked into many missions but not until an early Sunday morning in
November while we were going through our
Elmhurst Christian Reformed church bulletin
did we find the mission that connected to our
hearts in all ways. “Mission to Honduras – All
God’s Children”. That was it. That is what
God wanted for us. That is what He wanted us
to see and experience. I remember her nudging
me while the service was going on and telling
me “We are going!” It was a matter of a day or
two before Edan (my son 9 year old), Katia (my
wife – really old), and me (Ed – handsome,
funny, athletic, but short) were signed up for a
mission trip that would change our lives.
We left for Honduras on January 22nd not
knowing really what we were getting ourselves
into. We were told to prepare for some physical
labor, spend time with the children and to be
flexible, flexible, flexible (right Allen?). The
plane arrived in San Pedro Sula without a
hitch and then we were taken through the
mountains by bus to Comayagua where the little girl’s orphanage Hogar is located. When we
got off that bus, it was as if God pulled back
the curtains on the most wonderful prize from
“The Price is Right”. But this wasn’t any type
of car, boat, or anything material it was the
love of many children. They came to all of us as
we got off that bus and gently grabbed our
hands and led us to the play ground, the drawing tables, the bakery, or any place just to be
with us and connect with us. I can personally
tell you that it melted my heart. I can also tell
News of the niños
page 3
By Ed Libby
you that I think I sprained my body when I
tried to do a cartwheel with the girls. To be
able to see my 9 year old son from Lombard, Il
interact with these orphan children from Honduras was eye opening. To see & feel the impact that these children had on my family was
life changing.
We went to Honduras prepared to give as much
as we could and do whatever we could to help
these children. We definitely touched the
hearts of many children and made special connections with Fany, Wendy, Gabriel, Jamie,
Dania, Victoria, Samantha and Gloria. What
we received in return can’t even be put into
words. We received so much more than we
gave. It wasn’t a check or a gift of some sort
that made the difference. It was the LOVE that
we gave and the LOVE that we got in return
that has changed our lives forever.