Issue 9 12th June, 2012 - Our Lady of the Way School


Issue 9 12th June, 2012 - Our Lady of the Way School
38 Armstrong Street Petrie Q 4502
Phone 07 3285 2977
07 3285 5333
[email protected]
Issue 9 12th June, 2012
Dear Parents,
National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) Week is a celebration of Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander cultures. The week is celebrated from 1-8 July. Our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
committee has planned for our students to celebrate our ATSI cultures on the last day of term.
I extend the congratulations of our school community to Mr David Hutton, the Executive Director of Brisbane
Catholic Education as he was awarded a Medal (OAM) of the Order of Australia in the General Division in the
Queen’s Birthday Honours list yesterday.
Further to the notice I put in the newsletter recently regarding students arriving early to school letters will be going
home to families with regard to this matter. It is very important that parents do everything possible to ensure the
safety of their children in the before and after school times. Children cannot be left unsupervised at school, please
consider carefully all safe options for your child in the before school hours including before school care.
A note for all of us on Parental Leadership:
‘If it is true that we are here to help others, what are the others here for?’ Author Unknown
It is quite possible that this very question, in times of desperation, might enter the heads of parents as they gaze
upon their children. It is likewise possible, that after years and years of repeating questions such as, ‘Are you out of
bed yet?’ ‘Have you started your homework yet?’ ‘Have you tidied your bedroom yet?’ you might decide to adopt the
motto, ‘Aim low. Reach your goals. Avoid disappointment.’ But no! You would never settle for mediocrity, for these
are our children, the nation’s next generation; we will do nothing short of nurturing them to be the best human
beings they can possibly be.
So how will we do this? By taking the lead and acting from strong positive convictions; leadership is a major
function of our parenting role. We can never provide leadership if we are always reactive and constantly responding
to crises. When we simply react, it indicates that our children have taken the lead and we are following; we are
following children who have little life experience, little wisdom and only a blurred vision of where they are going.
Whatever we want our children to be, we have to demonstrate it to them and be successful models for them, so
they can see the benefits of what it is we are leading them to be. If we abdicate leadership, we deprive our children
of guidance and created opportunities for perhaps less desirable influences to enter their lives; all the more reason
for us to be upfront leaders.
If we are parents who lead, we can create opportunities for our children to thrive. We should never be apologetic
about demanding high standards. Our children need us to set standards and clearly define boundaries within which
there is freedom for our children to make positive choices about their intended achievements and their social
responsibilities. We assume leadership in this area, because we are more experienced, knowledgeable and wise. To
be successful in this area, we need to be relaxed, warm and accepting whilst still being firm and insistent.
We parents can never expect to have total ‘guidance control’ of our children; however, we can ensure that they stay
well within our influence. Through our consistency they will have a conscience for life that will ensure that they
bring balanced considerations to important decision making. Like us, our children will be confronted with situations
where the outcome is difficult to decide; indecision should never lead to inaction. When we are faced with tough
choices, we need to brace ourselves, choose what we consider to be the best way forward and set about it in a
positive manner.
As Christian parents we lead our children to grow into confident, considerate, genuine adults who are committed to
live by Christian principles.
We pray:
‘God our Father, We thank you for the gift of life. Help us to be attentive to the needs of our children.
Help us to lead them to wise choices about their lives. We ask that the gifts of wisdom, right
judgement and courage be strong within us. Amen.’
Kindest regards,
Jo Scott-Pegum
Dear Parents and Carers,
Feast day of the Body and Blood of Christ:
Last Sunday was the feast day of the Body and Blood of Christ. WE are invited on this day to reflect on the enormous gift that is
the Eucharist. It is in the Eucharist that the effect of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are made present for us here
and now. Blessed John Paul II spoke about the Eucharist, in one of his many encyclicals, in the following terms. “The Eucharist
makes the Church and the Church makes the Eucharist.” It is through the Eucharist that we are made into who we are called to
be as Church and because we are Church that we are able to be Faithful to Christ’s command “Do this in Memory of Me”. In partaking in the Eucharist, we are uniting ourselves to Christ and to one another. Even the term that we oftern use to refer to the
celebration of the Eucharist, “Mass” comes to us from the Latin word “Missa”, which means being sent. This in turn being derives
from the last words of the Mass where the priest or deacon sends the congregation out to proclaim the good news. The Eucharist
then forms us for Mission as the Body of Christ. As part of the Body of Christ we are called to be Christ’s presence in our world
today. We need to bring the love of Christ to all we meet in our everyday lives. St Augustine in one his homilies on the Eucharist
had this to say;
“You, however, are the Body of Christ and His members.' If, therefore, you are the Body of Christ and His members, your mys-
tery is presented at the table of the Lord, you receive your mystery. To that which you are, you answer: `Amen'; and by answering, you subscribe to it. For you hear: `The Body of Christ!' and you answer: `Amen!' Be a member of Christ's Body, so that your
`Amen' may be the truth.” (Sermons)
Year of Grace
Some practical ways to observe the Year of Grace
• Recite the Year of Grace prayer daily
• Take 5 mins a day to read a Gospel story of Jesus
• Spend time gazing on a favourite image(s) of Jesus
• Name your daily graces during family prayer
• Read a book about Jesus
• Ask family and friends for forgiveness of past hurts
• Share with others signs of Christ’s presence in our world
(eg random acts of kindness, courage, love in the news)
• Set aside a morning or a day for a quiet retreat to reflect on your
relationship with Jesus
• Journal about your experiences of people who are the face
of Jesus in your life
• Try to become more aware of Jesus in the Eucharist
• Ask the Holy Spirit daily for wisdom to live justly
• Read the Sunday readings before coming to Mass
• Utilise an online prayer site for praying at the computer
• Join a Scripture course focused on Jesus in the Gospels
• Listen to Christian songs/ music about ‘grace’ on your ipod
• Share with a friend a graced moment in your life
• Get up early to sit and watch the sun rise over the beach and
take time to thank God for the beauty of creation
• Learn a new style of prayer this year (eg Ignatian examen or lectio divina)
• Create a list of the ‘graces’ in your life and place it on your fridge,
computer screen, desk or toilet wall to remind you to ‘give thanks
with a grateful heart for God’s abundant graces in your life.’
Friday Mass
The Year Prep - 3 School and Parish Liturgy, hosted by Year 1 will be held this Friday at 9am in the Church.
All are most welcome to attend.
Enjoy your week, Bill Bemelmans APRE
And as they were eating he took some bread, and
when he said the blessing he broke it and gave it
to them. ‘Take it,’ he said ‘this is my body.’ Then
he took a cup, and when he had returned thanks
he gave it to them, and all drank from it, and he
said to them, ‘This is my blood, the blood of the
covenant, which is to be poured out for many.
(Mark 14:22-26)
Prayer for the year of Grace
Gracious God,
You have blessed this ancient land
with many gifts, especially its people.
We thank you for the Year of Grace,
a time to start afresh from Christ.
You invite us to contemplate the face of Jesus your Son,
that we may experience a new wave of grace,
and that the light of Christ may burn more brightly in our lives.
Attune our hearts and minds
to the presence of your Holy Spirit,
that our Church may be transformed,
our relationships be healed,
and our nation grow in compassion and justice.
With the intercession of St Mary MacKillop,
who showed us new ways of living the Gospel,
we make our prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Mary, Help of Christians, pray for us.
Term 2 School fees are now well over due, please pay as a matter of urgency . Please contact Helen
Low on 3285 2977 option 3 for any questions about school fees.
2012 School Fee information can now be accessed from the school's website. Click on this link click on Parent info and then School fees.
Canberra Trip - Please Note Full payment is due by end of Term 2
There is a lot of sickness at the moment. If your child is unwell please make
alternative arrangements as we do not have the staff or facilities to look after them.
LATE SLIP - It is a legal requirement for parents/carers to complete a late slip for your child/ren if
they arrive late at school.
We have had a number of incidences regarding not being able to contact parents when
children have been hurt or unwell. Can you contact the office if you have changed any of
your details: mobile and home phone numbers, work numbers, home address, emergency
contacts (if not you) please let the office know ASAP.
We have had complaints from local residents in Armstrong Street of cars parking
on the yellow lines. It makes it very difficult for cars coming out of driveways to
see cars coming.
19th June 22nd June 9th July
13th August -
P&F meeting
Term 2 ends at 2.50pm
Term 3 commences 8.30am
Pine Rivers Show Holiday. No Wednesday holiday this year.
Travis Graham
Elyssa James
Molly Rebb
Gwen Taylor
Jack Power
Justin Legge
Diamantina Brown-Ellacott
Ella Rogers
Tanya Henderson
Mackenzie Reynolds Savanah Gurski
Daniel James
Bradley Kuhn
Ella Gubesch
Harrison Hunter
Koala: Sam Boulton
Owl: Kate Bowhay, Holly Oates, Erin Bowhay, Stuart Boyce, Emily Robinson
Italian: Anthony Ward, Arial Warman and Tamika Mather
The Tuckshop operates with the support of volunteer parents.
Please phone Jacqui Cooper on 0488 020 292 or Trish Proctor on 0430 471 580
13th June
Mark Freeman, Angela Rigby (Morning)
15th June
Victoria Sutton, Jacinta Kerrigan
18th June
Sue Hyde
20th June
Angy Delaney, Gaye Thomas
22nd June
Esperlinda De Leon, HELP NEEDED 8:30-9:30am
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Convener - Jacqui Cooper
Convener – Trish Proctor
Hi all! Early June sees CyberSafety Awareness week and to celebrate we are giving you these 10 nifty tips on
staying safe online. As we live in such a technological driven age it is important for us to make sure we are always
safe online. These 10 easy tips can be a source of conversation next time you are online with you children.
Install and update your security software; set it to scan regularly.
Turn on automatic updates on all your software, particularly your operating system and applications
Use strong passwords and different passwords for different uses.
Stop and think before you click on links or attachments.
Take care when transacting online – check the supplier and use a safe payment method.
Only download “apps” from reputable publishers and read all permission requests.
Regularly check your privacy settings on social networking sites.
Stop and think before you post any photos or financial information online.
Talk with your child about staying safe online, including on their smartphone or mobile device.
Report or talk to someone if you feel uncomfortable or threatened online – download the Government’s
Cybersafety Help Button.
Shanyn Pfaffel
ICLT co-ordinator
The helmet is on
The head is on
The person is on
The saddle is on
The hair is on
The skin is on
The horse is on the
ground by Maddy
Here are 2 poems from 6F
The horse is in
The stable is in
The barn is in
The yard is in
The farm by Shania
All children have been asked to return their library books by Wednesday 13th June. Please help by
reminding your child/children to get their books back on time.
Happy Reading Sandra Driver
Don't forget the Dollarmize Yourself Competition as mentioned in this term's previous newsletters. You
have only one more week to get another token towards the five you need to enter this competition and
go on line to and write in 25 words or less your best savings
tips. Also, all entries need to be in by the 30th of June. It is important to note, you must have your parent or
guardian's approval to participate.
* Book-lights are available for order now.
* Wallets are now out of stock.
Happy banking and good luck!!
Jean Power - School Banking Co-ordinator
The next P&F meeting is 19th June, 2012 at 7pm in the staff room. Everyone is welcome. Come along and have
a say! If you have an topic for discussion, please send an email to [email protected] or send a note to the
office in an envelope clearly marked 'P&F Secretary'. These are to be sent through no later than Friday 15th June,
so that the items can be added to the agenda. We hope to see you there!
P&F Fundraising News
Entertainment Books
Just a reminder, the Entertainment books are now overdue. If you wish to purchase the book by credit card, you
are able to do so at or simply send your payment to the
office. If you would like extra copies of the book, please send your payment to the office and a book will be sent
home for you. The books cost $65 with $13 of this amount going towards the school.
Thank you to all those that have supported this fundraiser.
Have a great week.
Fundraising Team
Hours of Trade
Wednesday 2-30pm to 4pm Friday 8-00 to 9-30am
Other times by appointment
Email: [email protected] Phone 3285 2977 ext 7
After hours 0409 493 826 (Kim)
Enrichment Centre News
NAIDOC WEEK will be celebrated on Friday, 22nd June at Our Lady of the Way. On the day
we will be gathering for a whole school mass at 9am then students will be participating in a
number of cultural workshops throughout the day including art, music, cooking. We will also
be having a special visitor to help us to learn more about aboriginal culture through his
musical talents. If any parents would like to assist with an activity throughout the day, your help would be greatly
appreciated (email Paula Robinson: [email protected]).
Don’t forget to enter the poster competition which will be judged during Naidoc week as well.
Have a great week!
Creative students are invited to enter the Naidoc Week Poster Competition.
The theme is RECONCILIATION and posters will be judged on how words,
symbols and colours are used to promote reconciliation and understanding
between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people, and white people of
Entries should be brought to school by Monday 18th June and have
student’s name and class on the back of the poster. They will be on
display in Dalapai and judged on Thursday, 21st June. The winning student
will receive a prize as well as having their poster on display in the School
Italian News – Prep to Year 4
During the previous two lessons with one of the Prep classes, Jackson asked if the Preps could learn to sing the
song: Ave Maria. When he was asked why, he replied: “Because I like it.”
The Prep children are continuing to learn lots of songs in Italian. Now they are able to recognise and name colours.
They are learning to recognise words, questions and answers: Ciao, Buongiorno, Come stai? Bene Grazie, Come ti
chiami? Mi chiamo. The Year One students have listened to a story about a little worm that made his home in an
apple. They recognised all the numbers to 10 and then learnt the numbers to 20. They are learning the names of
the rooms in a house. Year 2 students have completed a word puzzle using the vocab they have learnt. They are
learning the months of the year and reading sentences which give information about which characters have their
birthday in the respective months. The Year 3 students have been learning about how to write procedures in
English. As a cross-curricular activity, the children wrote a procedure in Italian about how to make a strawberry
milkshake. In the notes of this activity, they could see where some of the English words were derived: funzioni –
function; descrivere – describe; processo - process. The Year 4 students are continuing on the journey with the
Danieli family who are travelling to Australia. In the chapter – “La Carta Geografica”, Carlo and Luisa are looking at
the map to locate Australia and to calculate the distance that they would be travelling. Carlo thought that it would
be too long to be away from the TV, a whole day on the plane. Carlo confused Africa with Australia. His father
pointed out that there were many differences between the countries. The Year 4 students recognised some similar
words: differenza, enorme, abitanti (inhabitants). They then completed a mapping activity; labelling the continents,
countries, cities and oceans.
Ciao, Grace Bone.
Junior Choir News!
Thank you to all the parents who purchased pinwheels for their children to practise with at home,
assisting them with training their breath control for holding notes when singing. During each session
the children are engaged in singing exercises to encourage them: to listen to the pitch of the notes
in ascending and descending scales; to encourage them to enunciate their vowel sounds clearly and
also to encourage them to maintain voice control, singing on the same note but to different values
of the notes. As the children were singing the song: “I’ve got a car that’s made of tin”, they were asked to use their
inner hearing to continue singing the song when some sections of the song were deliberately left out.
Happy singing, Grace Bone.
Caboolture Early Years Centre
At the Caboolture Early Years Centre
Indigenous and Non Indigenous Families
July 12th
August 9th
September 13th
October 11th
November 8
Please call Delma Doorman, Indigenous Health worker on:
31 39 6772 to make an appointment.
Our school has once again registered for
the Sports for Schools program
To help earn our school new sports gear
every $10 spent at Coles supermarkets,
BI-LO, Pick’n Pay and Coles online from
June 13th—14th August you will receive 1
voucher. Vouchers can be brought into the
office and popped into the collection box.
Pauls Collect-A-Cap
Keep collecting your stickers. There are more
cards available from the office or at the
checkouts. You receive one sticker for every
$10 spent (excluding liquor, tobacco and gift
Once completed, you can place your full
sticker card in the collection box at the school
Collection will end 1st July.
Please keep sending in all your
CLEAN Pauls milk caps to the
office. We will be collecting the
caps for the rest of the year.
Pauls Collect-A-Cap has no end
date yet.
We have had cases of head lice in our school. Please
check your child’s hair and treat if needed.
Factor 10 Martial Arts.
Monday to Friday 25-29th June and Monday to Friday 2-6th July.
4-6 year olds 3.30-4.00pm 7-13 year olds 3.45-4.30pm.
Reservations can be made online at or by visiting 17/104 Gympie rd, Strathpine
or phone 32052167.
Book early limited places.
Monday 25th June to Friday 6th July Morteton Bay Regional Council will once again be hosting the FREE Active Kids
Park Sessions to run at Parks throughout the region.
For further information go to Active Kids Website
Also a FREE Ramp Up Skate, Scooter & BMX Sessions - June to November, 2012. For more information on dates
and location visit the Ramp Up website at
There is a flyer in the school notice board for more information.