June 21, 2016 - Christ Church, Episcopal


June 21, 2016 - Christ Church, Episcopal
The Newsletter of Christ Church Episcopal
Tyler, Texas
June 21, 2016
Vol. XVII, No.13
Inside this issue:
College Ministry
Music Ministry
Parish Administrator 3
Children’s Ministries
Student Ministries
Clergy / Staff /
The vision of Christ Church is
to be recognized as a joyful,
spirit-filled community of
apostles reaching out and
lives for Christ.
From the Rector:
He who dwells in the shelter of the
Most High will abide in the shadow
of the Almighty.
I will say to the Lord, “My refuge
and my fortress, my God, in whom I
“Because he holds fast to me in
love, I will deliver him; I will protect
him, because he knows my name.
When he calls to me, I will answer
him; I will be with him in trouble; I
will rescue him and honor him.
With long life I will satisfy him and
show him my salvation.”
Psalm 91.1-2, 14-16
In The Satan Syndrome, Nigel
Wright shares that “there is a fundamental sense in which evil is not
something that can be made sense
of. The essence of evil is that it is
something which is absurd, bizarre
and irrational. It is the nature of evil
to be inexplicable, an enigma and a
On Sunday, June 12, over a hundred people in Orlando experienced
an act of great evil.
This is not the first time in recent
years that a radical Islamist has deliberately murdered American civilians. Due to the nature of that ideology – absurd, irrational, illogical,
inexplicable – it is likely we will see
this again.
The existence of evil in the world
is undeniable. That is why Jesus
taught us to pray that God will
‘deliver us from evil.’ It is a constant
We can respond with resignation
Rector, continued on page 2
Page 2
The Crucifer
Vol. XVII, No.13
College Ministry
Eating alone is ok sometimes,
but not all the time. Five years
ago, I would walk onto the TJC or
UT Tyler campus to try to meet
students and would often end up
reading or drinking coffee with
one person or alone. I am thankful
for the chance it gave me to cultivate faithfulness for its own sake,
to persevere, to not give up.
These days, college ministry is
a lot more fun! Why? I am no
longer ‘dining alone!’ It is a joy to
see students not only meet each
other around a table, with food,
and God’s word, but to see them
wrestle with difficult questions,
and to learn from each other. It is
a joy to hear inside jokes developing, to overhear plans to get together outside of ‘official events.’
It is a joy to see ‘cradle Episcopali-
ans,’ and newly confirmed or
unconfirmed college students
get to know and love and like
each other!
During the spring and fall semester, most of the collegeaged students who grew up at
Christ Church are off to school in
other locations, so our group is
completely made up of students
who we have met and reached
out to here in Tyler. In the past,
we have previously taken the
summer off from college activities. This summer, we decided
we wanted to create an opportunity for our college community to get to know other college
students who grew up at Christ
Church. The result is our
‘College Summer Breakfast
Every Saturday at 10AM, we
meet at The Foundry Coffee
House on Broadway and Elm.
Three out of four Saturdays, we
eat breakfast together and the
other Saturday, we set aside for
some sort of adventure like rock
climbing, hiking, etc.
Perhaps you are or have or
know a college student at Christ
Church who has yet to join us.
This is your official invitation to
help remedy that! Keep up with
the schedule on our Facebook
page: http://bit.ly/1qa93L1 and
at epiphanytyler.org under the
‘college events and happenings’
Also, feel free to contact our
college minister (me), Robert
Finney, at 903-279-2509 or at
[email protected]
Rector, continued from page 1
and despair. Or with violence
and vengeance. Or with wisdom,
faith, and love.
The Jesus Way is the latter.
We live with our eyes wide
open and make wise choices to
protect others from the everpresent dangers of evil. As David
wrote in Psalm 91, we understand that we will face adversity,
but trust in the Lord to protect us
and shepherd us through times of
trial. And we cannot allow the inexplicable cruelty of others to destroy
our commitment to give and receive love.
Our prayers are with the family
and friends of those horribly killed
in Orlando.
Almighty God, Father of mercies
and giver of comfort: Deal graciously, we pray, with all who
mourn – in Florida and throughout
our nation; that, casting all their
care on you, they may know the
consolation of your love; through
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
(Book of Common Prayer)
Faithfully in Christ Jesus,
The Crucifer
Vol. XVII, No.13
Page 3
Music Ministry
Parish Administrator
What is the purpose of the Columbarium and Memorial Garden?
Christ Church provides a blessed space on the church grounds where the cremains of communicants can
be placed. It is managed and maintained under the auspices of a ten-member Columbarium Committee
which operates under established bylaws at the direction of the Rector and the Vestry.
Who is eligible?
Space in the Columbarium and Memorial Garden is available to any communicant of Christ Church in good
standing or any member of that person’s immediate family.
How may the space be used?
Cremains may be interred in one of three ways: placed in an urn within a niche in the Columbarium vault,
buried in a biodegradable container in the interment area of the grounds, or scattered in an authorized
area within the garden.
How much does it cost?
Columbarium niches are $1500 and can accommodate two
urns. Ground burial or scattering of ashes in designated areas
is $750.
How is one memorialized?
Plaques of uniform size and shape are placed in designated
areas. Columbarium plaques are mounted on the vault. Other
plaques are mounted in the cloister located on the south side
of the Memorial Garden. There are currently 28 of the 72 columbarium niches available for purchase.
If you wish to learn more, feel free to contact the parish office at 903.597.9854.
Page 4
Upcoming Events
Monday, June 20Friday, June 24
Jr. High Mission Trip to
The Crucifer
Christian Formation
Christian Formation Classes
Sundays, 9:00 am
3rd fl. Grelling-Spence Bldg.
Thursday, June 23
Children’s Movie
9:00 am (OC)
Sunday, June 26
6:00 pm
5:30 pm service not held
Monday, June 27Friday, July 1
9:00 am (OC)
Wednesday, June 28
Prayer Shawl Ministry
11:00 pm
Sunday, July 3
Patriotic Eucharist
10:00 am
Family Picnic in Parish Hall
11:30 am
Monday, July 4
Independence Day
Church Offices Closed
Thursday, July 7
Children's Movie
9:00 am
Sunday, July 10-Thursday,
July 21 / Choir Tour in
England & Scotland
Vol. XVII, No.13
Moms Connect, Bible based
discussion group for moms to
connect with one another.
For moms of babies, elementary and middle school age
children. On the Lower Level.
Infants and children to age 3
meet in the Nursery, Lower
Shapers of Christian Orthodoxy. We say every Sunday
that we believe in a holy catholic and apostolic Church.
Join the clergy of Christ
Church to learn and understand what that is. The apostolic faith isn’t just in the laying on of hands by the faith
that has been commended to
you and me from the early
church fathers. Our catholic
heritage is found in our faith
in Jesus the Lord.
“Shapers of Christian Orthodoxy”, leads back to the apostolic period. Remembering
the Saints and Apostolic fathers of the church, stories of
faith in trial, how our Trinitarian faith was shaped, looking
at men who were called by
God to usher in the faith that
you and I are taught today. In
the Ascension Room.
Children in 4K, 5K, & 1st
grade, Godly Play in the
classroom in the Discovery
Kingdom Hallway.
Children in 2nd-4th grades,
Whirl, a Lectionary based
Sparkhouse. Lower Level.
5-8th Grade PRIME challenges our students to focus on
their personal relationship
with God through practical
applications and prepares
them for life after youth
group. 4th floor.
9-12th Grade meets on the
4th floor.
Weekly Calendar
7:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite I
8:30 am Epiphany Praise
Team Rehearsal
8:45 am Gift Shop Open
9:00 am Christian Formation
10:00 am Holy Eucharist Rite I
10:05 am Epiphany Eucharist
5:30 pm Holy Eucharist Rite I
8:30 am Morning Prayer
8:50 am Staff Meeting
11:30 am Praying the Rosary
7:15 am Men’s Bible Study
10:00 am Renovation Group
6:30 pm Chancel Choir
10:30 am Gift Shop Open
12:00 pm Holy Communion,
1928 Prayer Book
5:30 pm Men’s Summer
Depth Group (OC)
6:00 pm Loaves & Fishes
10:00 am College Summer
Breakfast Club (OC)
Men’s Summer Depth Group
every Thursday at 5:30 pm at
Brady’s Coffee.
College Summer Breakfast
Club every Saturday at 10 am
at the Foundry Coffee House.
The Crucifer Newsletter
Monday, July 11-Friday, July 15
Tyler Mission Week
Tuesday, July 5 for delivery
Tuesday, July 19
6/24 Max Vaughn, 6/25 Taylor Holliday, Ford Wooldridge,
6/30 Jackson Willis, 7/6 Chester Clayton, 7/10 Riordan O’Grady,
7/12 Zachary Reed, 7/13 Taylor Phillips, 7/16 Gabrielle Meyer.
Only one Crucifer will be
published in July.
The Crucifer
Vol. XVII, No.13
Page 5
Fellowship and Announcements
You are invited to join us for our annual
Church Offices will be closed Monday,
July 4 for the Independence Day Holiday.
Patriotic Eucharist in the Nave
Sunday, July 3
10:00 am
Afterwards, join us for a Family Picnic in the Parish Hall at 11:30 am.
Fried chicken dinner with all the fixings will be served.
MILITARY PRAYER LIST. To add a name of a service member in our armed forces to the Prayer List for Sunday, July 3, please contact The Rev. Stephen Stine
at 903-530-8168 or Lee Hensarling [email protected] by
Wednesday, June 29.
Lord God Almighty, in whose Name the founders of this country won liberty for
themselves and for us, and lit the torch of freedom for nations then unborn:
Grant, we beseech thee, that we and all the people of this land may have grace
to maintain these liberties in righteousness and peace; through Jesus Christ our
Lord who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
and ever. Amen.
Christ Church South Prayer Box
All are encouraged to complete
a prayer card
(found in various
locations around
Christ Church) and
put it in the Prayer Box located in the
reception area. The box will be built
into the new worship center wall behind the altar.
CONGRATULATIONS to parents Brent and
Kayla Ashley and grandparents, Susan and
Harold Doty, on the birth of Benjamin Scott
Ashley, born June 4, 2016.
Weekly email. If you would like to receive
the weekly email and news, please contact
Lee Hensarling to be added to the list.
In Our Prayers
In Memoriam
Our sympathies to
the family and friends of
Robert Dean Rice, Jr (Robin),
brother of Finley Rice Wood,
George Woodward Oge Jr., brother of DeeDee
Bufe, Carrie Wolf, and Nanette West,
Rienhard O. Schroeder, father of Rodney
Schroeder and
John Gabriel, husband of Barbara Gabriel.
May the souls of the departed, through the
mercy of God, rest in peace.
Please consider including the Prayer List in your daily devotions.
Meredith, Jennifer, Joshua, Lisa, Chesley, Cynthia, Hunter, Elizabeth,
Paul, Daniel, Dana, Pam, Patty, Sallie, Leslie, Jim, Lucy & Paul, Alan, Betty,
Anne, Joe, Lewis, Laura, Judy, Lynda, George, Ginny & Marie, Larry, Evan,
Gary, Linda, Amelia, Ken W., Vicky, Ester, Mary Dale, Drew, Patti & Doug,
Lisa, Ginny, Aimie, Danielle, Dustin, Ryan S, Dorothy, Shirley, Cornelia,
Kerry, Charlie, Lynda, Candy, Derek, Chesley B., Kendall.
The Anglican Communion, Dioceses of Derby and Derby-Repton
(Canterbury, England).
The Episcopal Church, Dioceses of Iowa and Idaho.
Diocese of Texas, St. Paul’s Waco, Holy Spirit Waco.
Prayer List. Please contact The Rev. Stephen Stine at 903-530-8168 or
Lee Hensarling at [email protected], if you would like to
add or take off a name from the prayer list.
Page 6
The Crucifer
Children’s Ministry
Vol. XVII, No.13
Space Still Available!
Register online before June 24!
Vacation Bible School 2016
June 27-July 1
9:00 am-12:00 pm
All Saints Episcopal School
Preschool (4K)-4th grade
E-Kids (3rd & 4th grade) & Jr. E-Kids (5K-2nd) MOVIE TIME!!!
Times Square Cinema — meet at 9:00 am in front of the theater. Tickets and Kid-pack
included, friends and siblings welcome as long as a parent stays.
June 23 - Babe 2 / July 7 - Rio / July 21 - Land Before Time / July 28 - Peanuts Movie
Student Ministries
Every year our youth spend a week working in our community for local organizations and parishioners. We begin the week
with a fundraiser to help offset the cost of supplies and materials we need to purchase and then donate the remaining funds to the
organizations we help during the week.
We will be serving PATH, North Tyler Day Nursery, St. Louis Therapeutic Riding School, and any of our own parishioners who
need assistance. The youth and adult volunteers of St. Mary Magdalene and The Cathedral will join our efforts this year too. Please
keep our workers and volunteers in your prayers. This has proven to be such a terrific week for our youth and we thank you in advance
for your prayerful and financial support!
If you are able to donate a day or two of your time, please let Denise know! We place over 75 youth each day at job sites; we
need adult volunteers to help guide our work and for this week to be successful.
Denise Jarrett, Director of Student Ministries
A Guide to the 1-100 Fundraiser!
Board will be near the Parish Hall June 26, July 3 and July 10th
Step 1: Find the big board covered with envelopes near the Parish Hall.
Step 2: Choose the envelope with the amount you wish to donate to Tyler Mission
Step 3: Place that amount of money in the envelope, write your name on the envelope
and place the envelope in the box next to the board.
Step 4: Our youth will draw one envelope each work day from the donation box to win one
of the prizes below!
Raffle Prizes Include: (as of print date)
$50 Gift Certificate to Sweet Gourmet
10” Decorated cake from Nothing Bundt Cakes
Unique gifts from The Writing Horse
*All Proceeds will go to the efforts of Tyler Mission Week!
The Crucifer
Vol. XVII, No.13
Clergy and Staff
The Vestry
The Rt. Rev. Andrew Doyle
Bishop of the Diocese of Texas
The Rt. Rev. Jeff Fisher
Bishop Suffragan
The Rt. Rev. Dena Harrison
Bishop Suffragan
The Rev. David Luckenbach
[email protected]
The Rev. Matt Boulter
Asst. Rector For Evangelism
[email protected]
The Rev. Keith Pozzuto
Asst. Rector for Christian Formation
[email protected]
The Rev. Stephen Stine
Mrs. Diana Keesey
Mr. Jeffrey Ford
Mrs. Christina Harmon
[email protected]
Parish Administrator
[email protected]
[email protected]
Assistant Organist
[email protected]
Ms. Denise Jarrett
Director of Student Ministries
[email protected]
Ms. Tina Ridley
Director of Children’s Ministries
[email protected]
Ms. Melissa Phillips
Parish Secretary
[email protected]
Mrs. Lee Hensarling
[email protected]
Mr. Robert Finney
College Minister
[email protected]
Mr. Travis Albea
South Campus Missioner
[email protected]
Mr. Ledell Reed
Mr. Kendric Milton
Ms. Jennifer Ducote
Page 7
Assistant Sexton
Office Assistant & Housekeeper
Mary Manson, Emily Phelps, Yessenia Salas,
Yasmin Salas
Dr. Peyton Luckett, Sr. Warden, Class of 2018
Mr. Bryan Rossman, Jr. Warden Downtown, Class of 2016
Mr. John Owen, South Campus Liaison, Class of 2016
Mr. Tim Alexander
Mr. Bill Clawater
Mr. Tom Ridley
Dr. Ben Bridges
Mrs. Debby Hardin
Mrs. Elaine Phillips
Mrs. Alice Avery
Dr. Lou Ann Berman
Mr. Fred Khalaf
Mr. Hal Meyer
Mr. Hudson White
Mrs. Barbara Bain
Mr. David Buhrkuhl
Ms. Holly Marsh
Mr. Hunter Rush
Asst. Treasurer
Class of 2016
Class of 2016
Class of 2016
Class of 2017
Class of 2017
Class of 2017
Class of 2017
Class of 2017
Class of 2018
Class of 2018
Class of 2018
Class of 2018
Pastoral Emergency Contacts
In the event of a pastoral emergency, you may reach The Rev.
David Luckenbach, Rector, at 903-279-8777, The Rev. Matt
Boulter, at 903-944-8494, The Rev. Keith Pozzuto at 903-2833345, or The Rev. Stephen Stine at 903-530-8168. You may
also call the church office, 903-597-9854, during normal business hours.
Scripture Readings for Sunday ~ Year
Sunday, June 26, 6 Pentecost, Proper 8
First Reading: 1 Kings 19:15-16, 19-21
Psalm: 16 or 16:5-11
Second Reading: Galatians 5:1, 13-25
Gospel: Luke 9:51-62
Sunday, July 3, Independence Day
BCP, P. 923 or 930
First Reading: Isaiah 26:1-8 or Deuteronomy 10:17-21
Psalm: 47 or 145 or 145:1-9
Second Reading: Romans 13:1-10 or Hebrews 11:8-16
Gospel: Mark 12:13-17 or Matthew 5:43-48
Summer Worship Schedule
7:30 am
The Holy Eucharist, Rite I
9:00 am
Christian Formation
10:00 am
The Holy Eucharist Rite I
10:05 am
The Epiphany Eucharist, 4th floor
5:30 pm
The Holy Eucharist, Rite I
8:30 am
Morning Prayer, Rite II (in the Nave)
Thursday 12:00 pm
Holy Communion from BCP 1928
Please Note:
The Crucifer is published twice monthly
(except July and December).
If you have something you would like to see published in The Crucifer, please
contact Lee Hensarling at 903-597-9854, [email protected].