2013 - Lafayette County Health Department
2013 - Lafayette County Health Department
A community of safe and healthy people. 2013 CAPITOL DAY January 2013 Public Health Programs/Services Environmental Health Communicable Disease Immunizations/Education School & community health education programs Emergency Preparedness Vital Records—birth/death certificates Screenings Two Odessa High School students who are members of Students With a Goal (S.W.A.G.), attended Tobacco Free Missouri’s Capitol Day in Jefferson City in January 2013. The students were accompanied by Glenda Bertz, RN, LCHD. The students participated in a rally at the Rotunda of the Capitol that morning. One of the students spoke at the rally on behalf of the Tobacco Free Missouri Youth Advisory Board regarding the burden of tobacco on Missouri. The youth then met with Senator David Pearce, and Representative Glen Kolkmeyer. The students showed their legislators the posters they created, which were signed by students and community members from Lafayette County of why they “stand up against tobacco”. The students gave the legislators information about S.W.A.G., and tobacco prevention activities taking place in Lafayette County. (In picture L to R: Alana Dowell, Senator David Pearce, and Alex Higginbotham) (2 nd picture: Over 100 people attended Capitol Day, including youth from across the state. They created “walking billboards” to educate their legislators and visitors of the Capitol about why Missourians “stand up against tobacco”) POD VOLUNTEER TRAINING February 11, 2013 & March 11, 2013 Prevent. Promote. Protect. Contracts/ Grants Child Care Consult Live Healthy/Live Well Tobacco Prevention & Control Women’s Health Forum Car Seat Inspection Program WIC Crib Program Saving Smiles Oral Health 2 Prevent. Promote. Protect. KICK BUTTS DAY Odessa High School promoted Kick Butts Day, a national day sponsored by Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids for youth to stand up against big tobacco, by making a public service announcement at KMZU radio which was aired on their station during Kick Butts Day week. The OHS Students With a Goal (S.W.A.G.) group also had a display at school for students to sign notecards about why they stand up against tobacco. (Picture: L to R Alana Dowell and Alex Higginbotham make psa at KMZU radio station) (OHS S.W.A.G. display in cafeteria at OHS) HEALTH FORUM FOR WOMEN March 21, 2013 4-H Healthy Food Demo Blender Bike Screenings CAR SEATS YEAR END TOTALS 17 Distributed 24 Inspected Installed 1 Fashion Show Prevent. Promote. Protect. 3 BASIC AID TRAINING (B.A.T.) Trinity Lutheran - 9 Students St. Paul Elementary - 18 Students Immanuel Lutheran - 11 Students Wellington - Napoleon - 35 Students Grandview Elementary - 76 Students Odessa Upper Elementary - 145 Students Santa Fe Elementary - 25 Students Concordia Elementary - 34 Students WIC CONCORDIA’S YEARLY TOTALS 60 55 55 52 50 47 49 50 ALL CLINIC’S YEARLY TOTALS 18 0 52 47 16 0 46 44 40 40 43 148 146 157 128 128 14 0 137 137 134 136 140 130 150 12 0 10 0 30 80 20 60 40 10 20 0 Jan Mar May July Sept 0 Nov Jan Mar May July Sept Nov SAVING SMILES The Saving Smiles dental program started up again this September. Licensed dental professionals screen children’s teeth and trained volunteers apply a thin protective coating of fluoride varnish to their teeth as a preventive measure against tooth decay. SCHOOLS VARNISHED % REFERRED Concordia 126/220 57 28 Grandview Elementary 308/481 64 76 Higginsville Head Start 20/20 100 4 Immanuel Lutheran 20/47 43 0 325/364 89 50 Lexington Early Childhood Center 64/70 91 12 Lexington Head Start 22/22 100 6 139/175 79 27 St. Paul’s Lutheran School 71/96 74 4 Trinity Lutheran School 56/69 81 5 150/194 78 6 1301/1748 74 218 Leslie Bell School Santa Fe Elementary School Wellington-Napoleon Totals Prevent. Promote. Protect. 4 TAR WARS POSTER WINNERS CONCORDIA R-2 SANTA FE R-X LAFAYETTE C-1 TRINITY LUTHERAN ODESSA R-7 WELLINGTON-NAPOLEON NATIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH WEEK APRIL 1-7, 2013 TOPICS PER DAY Ensuring a Safe, Healthy Home for Your Family Providing a Safe Environment for Children at School Creating a Healthy Workplace Protecting You While You Are on the Move Empowering a Healthy Community Prevent. Promote. Protect. 5 SPEAK HARD CONFERENCE March 27, 2013 Odessa High School student, Alex Higginbotham, who is a member of Students With a Goal (S.W.A.G.) received a Missouri Youth Adult Alliance Award (MYAA) on March 27, 2013 at the annual Speak Hard Conference held in Jefferson City, Missouri. MYAA sponsors the Speak Hard Conference for students to receive training on the issues of underage drinking, substance abuse, and bullying. Alex earned his award due to his tobacco prevention efforts in his community. LCHD is a co-sponsor of the S.W.A.G. program, and Alex was accompanied to the conference by Glenda Bertz, RN LCHD. ENVIRONMENTAL PUBLIC HEALTH ACTIVITIES FOOD WATER SEWAGE MOLD ED/EP/BT OTHER COMPLAINTS 5 ~ 1 1 ~ ~ INVESTIGATIONS 3 ~ ~ 2 ~ ~ 149 13 42 14 43 11 54 ~ 6 6 26 9 250 1 6 2 10 20 CALLS CORRESPONDENCE SITE VISITS IMMUNIZATIONS UNDER 2 YEARS OLD OFFICE IMMUNIZATIONS TOTAL DOSES 94 431 VITAL RECORDS ALL OTHER IMMUNIZATIONS OFFICE IMMUNIZATIONS 474 TOTAL DOSES 917 INFLUENZA BIRTH CERTIFICATES 783 DEATH CERTIFICATES 276 NOTARIZATIONS 1234 SCREENINGS OFFICE PROCEDURES LEAD 2 TB MEDICATIONS OTHER 4 INJECTIONS 134 DIABETES ~ FOOT CARE 13 BLOOD PRESSURE 122 VENIPUNCTURE 9 203 2 MEDICINE SET UP 1 CHOLESTEROL 20 LAB/FOLLOW UP 40 HIV 12 CD INVESTIGATION 81 352 PREGNANCY TESTS 79 LICE TB SKIN TEST SAVING SMILES 1224 TEMP MEDICAID APPS 2ND VARNISH 1477 OV STD F/U 4 REFERRALS WOMEN’S HEALTH 23 PHYSICIAN 15 DIVISION OF AGING DIV. OF FAMILY SERVICES SANITARIAN ORAL HEALTH 2 10 1 12 106 14 OTHER 336 6 Prevent. Promote. Protect. PRESENTATIONS AT DAYCARES/PRESCHOOLS The Lafayette County Health Department staff visits child care facilities in the county to present educational health programs to the children. The purpose of this program is to increase children’s awareness of health issues. Programs presented this year covered 13 facilities. There are 445 children in daycares throughout Lafayette County. CAMPAIGN FOR TOBACCO FREE KIDS (C.T.K.) Alex Higginbotham, senior at OHS, and president of the OHS S.W.A.G. (Students With a Goal) receives the Joining Forces Award for youth advocacy from Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (C.T.K). Alex also received a $2000.00 scholarship to be used for tobacco prevention this next year in Odessa. Alex is pictured with his father, Chris Higginbotham, CDR in U.S. Navy. COMMUNITY HEALTH FORUM May 7, 2013 The Community Health Forum was hosted by LCHD and presented by Nola Martz, Administrator in cooperation with the Missouri Institute for Community Health (MICH). The purpose of the Community Health Forum was to introduce the County Health Rankings (C.H.R.) to interested community members. C.H.R. is a collaborative project of Robert Woods Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute in which they ranked nearly every county in the nation with the intention of showing what influences people and how long they live. This would demonstrate how the rankings are used to inform program development to address health issues in the county. COMMUNITY VISITS Prevent. Promote. Protect. 7 HEALTH FAIRS AND RUNS Lexington Schools Health Fair Pathways 5K “Run for the Children” LCHD participated in the Lexington Schools Health Fair held at Lexington Middle School in April. LCHD had an informational booth on immunizations. LCHD had a tobacco education booth at the Pathways 5K “Run for the Children” on June 15, 2013. TOBACCO EDUCATION Tobacco education presented by Donna Oetting, Health Program Representative at the Concordia Middle School. Two classes were conducted in April 2013. 8 Prevent. Promote. Protect. OPERATION READINESS One of the responsibilities Lafayette County Health Department has to the citizens of this County is to have a plan on how the health department will administer and distribute medications to everyone during a medical emergency. We have to be ready to administer those medicines during events such as a pandemic or bioterrorism release of WMD such as anthrax. In order for us to be proficient in such as event, we need to practice. We need to have an exercise. So “OPERATION READINESS” was born. There are many components and different people involved in not only an exercise, but in an actual event as well. Some of those positions that need to be filled for such an event include the following: nurses, electricians, security, traffic control inside the building, traffic control in the parking area, bus companies and drivers to transport folks from various locations to the sight of the event, trainers for “spontaneous volunteers”, “patients” for the exercise, supply person, communications, food, ambulance service, registration, and vaccine storage/dispersal to name only some of the positions needed. The above positions were made up of some staff members, but mostly by a pool of volunteers that have agreed to help the health department during an emergency. Several months of training and meetings resulted in a group of workers that made the entire operation run very smoothly. Besides the workers mentioned above, it takes many partners within the County to make this happen. Those partners included: Lafayette County Sheriff’s office, Lafayette County CERT Team, Lafayette County Health Department, Randy Small Transportation, John Knox Village, Lafayette County Board of Sheltered Services, Lafayette County C-1 School District, Lafayette County Health Department Volunteers, Higginsville Police Department, Alumbaugh’s Heating and Cooling, Carroll County Health Department, Saline County Health Department, and Mid America Regional Council. This POD (points of distribution) operation lasted about 4 hours from opening to closing. Besides all of the above mentioned partners and workers, we treated 176 “patients”. The average registration time took 2 minutes 32 seconds; average dispensing of medication time was 15 seconds; average wait time was 8 minutes and 51 seconds. “OPERATION READINESS” was a very successful exercise or drill. We had a few problems, but that is the reason we have these exercises. Prevent. Promote. Protect. OPERATION READINESS 9 10 Prevent. Promote. Protect. NEW EMPLOYEE Georgia Guthrie, LPN Hello everyone. My name is Georgia Guthrie and I am the newest member of the Lafayette County Health Department. I am a late in life LPN graduate (class of 2011) from Lex La-Ray Tech. school in Lexington Mo. I am married with 3 children and 3 grandchildren transplanting to Odessa from Linn Creek, Mo. since 1995. I have always had a desire to improve my life and the lives of others and I am proud to say I have been chosen to work beside the most experienced and positive group of co-workers as of July 2nd 2013. I am looking forward to meeting new mentors and friends. NEW ADMINISTRATOR NEW ASST. ADMINISTRATOR Tom Emerson Glenda Bertz WAL-MART FLU CLINICS The Lafayette County Health Department started administering flu shots at the Higginsville Wal-Mart in September. There were a total of 111 flu shots administered during September. Prevent. Promote. Protect. 11 TDAP SCHOOL BASED CLINICS WELLINGTON-NAPOLEON HEALTH FAIR The Lafayette County Health Department had a table about poison safety. HEALTH INSURANCE MARKETPLACE LCHD partnered with Health Care Collaborative of Rural Missouri (HCC), Missouri Valley Community Action Agency (MVCAA), and Grace Advertising to present public forums in Lafayette County communities regarding the Health Insurance Marketplace this fall. The public forums gave community members unbiased educational information on the Health Insurance Marketplace, how to enroll, and how to make informed decisions about health plans. LCHD has two staff members who are Certified Application Counselors and can assist customers with enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace. 12 Prevent. Promote. Protect. LIVE HEALTHY, LIVE WELL 2013 Star Partner Award Glenda Bertz received the Live Healthy, Live Well 2013 Star Partner Award. SWAG Students With A Goal 10/10/13 LCHD sponsored S.W.A.G. Training (Students With a Goal), Joyce Lara from University of Missouri Youth Coordinator also assisted. 15 students, and 2 sponsors attended. Schools participating were Odessa High School and Concordia High School. SWAG’s mission is to promote healthy lifestyles by advocating for tobacco-free Missouri, educating youth about the risks of tobacco use, and empowering future generations to be tobacco-free. The students learn how to advocate for tobacco free environments in their own communities. ODESSA SWAG Prevent. Promote. Protect. 13 WELLNESS CLINICS FLU CLINICS “BOO TO THE FLU” RED RIBBON WEEK SCARECROW CONTEST Lafayette County Health Department in collaboration with First Call Alcohol/Drug Prevention and Recovery, gave presentations on making good choices and saying no to drugs to grades K-5 at Wellington-Napoleon R-9 in honor of Red Ribbon Week on November 1, 2013. Red Ribbon Week is in its 28th year as the nation’s largest and oldest drug prevention campaign, and the theme this year is “A Healthy Me is Drug Free”. In picture, second and third grade students celebrate the theme of the day “Put a cap on drugs”.
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